#Nightwing (101)
renta-bat · 13 days
Nightwing #101
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Unicorn BB goes hard and Starfire slays ALWAYS
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Sooner or later it’s gonna start being weird that time is passing but Haley is still a puppy lol
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dispatchdcu · 1 year
Nightwing #101 Preview
Nightwing #101 Preview #nightwing #dickgrayson #bludhaven #tonyzucco #blockbuster #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcu #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #amazon
  Nightwing #101 Preview: After the events of Dark Crisis, Superman has a talk with Nightwing, letting him know that now is Dick’s time to lead…so Nightwing gathers a group of friends to be the premier league in the DC Universe and moves their base of operations to Blüdhaven. Meet the new Titans! Then, following the events of the Nightwing 2022 Annual and the Superman and Nightwing crossover,…
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otiksimr · 7 months
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lygma-nygma · 29 days
Knowing the original reason(s) that Dick became Nightwing and then reading comics like Nightwing: Year One is just so annoying. Like what is the deal with more modern rewrites making everything surrounding Dick and Bruce super edgy and angsty when the original version of the story was perfectly fine?? It’s like DC Comics is on a mission to assassinate both of their characters to make Dick into a ‘sad boy’, it’s infuriating.
Original Pre-Crisis Nightwing Lore: Yeah I'm just kind of getting too old to be Robin. Like it or not Robin is forever and always going to be known as Batman's sidekick and I just don't feel like that fits me anymore. I'm the leader of the Teen Titans and I spend most of my time doing that and solo missions now anyway. I think I'm going to drop the mantle, take a step back, and find a new identity. Original Post-Crisis Nightwing Lore: I got shot and fell off a building during a mission and almost died right in front of Bruce. It shook him up and made him super afraid of me dying so he told me he wasn't going to run with a Robin anymore because he didn't want my death to be his fault. I was annoyed about him treating me like a kid and that he was throwing all the years we worked together away over one incident but he said it wasn't like that, he just hoped I was old enough to understand where he was coming from. I told him that there was no way I wasn't going to continue being a hero and he fully supported me saying that he would always be there to help if I needed it. I was still hurt by it all, especially when Jason showed up, but ultimately I came to understand why it happened and got over it. Edgy Retcon Nightwing Lore: I went out of my way to SAVE him and then I got PUNISHED because I didn't do it right and wasn't prioritizing Gotham enough despite my THIRTEEN THOUSAND JOBS but I'm not surprised because he's always been unreasonable and HATES ME so now I'm not Robin anymore because Batman is an awful person and emotionally abuses me. And just to be clear it's not like Dick and Bruce didn't fight before the retcon, frequently being at each other's throats is literally a core aspect of their relationship, but I'm just so tired of them retconning every interaction they have into some overdramatic spat. Way to completely strip Dick of all his agency as a character and turn Bruce into an empty cardboard cut out of himself. Hope the angst points are worth it.
EDIT: I also want to add that fights between Bruce and Dick used to have a lot more nuance than they do now. The B&D fights used to be caused by a breakdown in communication on BOTH sides, not just Bruce's. The 'Jason becoming Robin' fight comes to mind. In Batman #416 neither Dick's complaints nor Bruce's excuses made complete sense but that was the point. Bruce should have been better at reaching out but Dick was also expecting Bruce to be a mind reader and know how he was feeling without telling him. Dick left home without saying goodbye well Bruce was on a mission, Bruce assumed that meant Dick didn't want to see him and so avoided reaching out leading to the two of them not talking for a long time. Dick accepts that Bruce doesn't want him as Robin anymore in stride (he even smiles and shit about it) so Bruce doesn't realize that losing Robin actually hurt him, ex. It's that kind of fighting, the "I want to slam both your heads together" fighting, that I miss so much.
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batfammeetsspidergang · 9 months
Gwen: Congratulations. You’ve just won gold, silver, and bronze in the Morons' Olympics!
Dick: …Who won the gold?
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comixnmoviefan17 · 1 year
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jennguyen-draws · 1 year
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Baby Robin instructions 101 (based on the meme and also one of the many hilarious moments in the Survivor episode of Game Changer).
[Image description: A fake illustrated guide to talking to people shorter than you based on the “Baby instruction 101” meme but it’s with Nightwing and Robin.
Text box (black background, white font): “INSTRUCTIONS:”
Text below (black font): “TALKING TO A SHORTER PERSON”
On the left, there is a sketch of a smiling Nightwing standing in front of a smiling Robin! Damian, who has his hand on his hips. The text next to the drawing says “DO.”
On the bottom right, there is a sketch of a grinning Nightwing. His legs are stretched out so that height wise he is eye level with Robin. Robin is standing there scowling. The text above the drawing is in red and says “DON’T”. Next to the drawing is a warning symbol (red triangle with a white exclamation mark). End ID]
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thottybrucewayne · 6 months
How come it took Nighrwing being disrespected for yall to realize that lil Harley Quinn show is ass?
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Ah yes Dick’s one weakness: being hit in the head
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wormsin · 1 year
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i had to do this after reading Night at the Circus 1 in Nightwing #101... m gonna cry.
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cuzmbatmn · 10 months
it seems like ppl liked my collection of proud dad bruce moments so here is my collection of alfred and bruce being so father and son for your viewing pleasure. they make me fucking insane
batman and son
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batman (2011) #23
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all star batman #5
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nightwing (1996) #101
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's finally here!!!
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Graphic design is my passion LMFAO but as i said i would do a while back,i've created a masterpost of all the Jason Todd content that's worth your time!This is rather long but he's existed since 1983 so!!
Base edit is my little sister @mayameanderings and tagging @coffeemilkcatz and @nanaonmars since they said yes when i asked if they wanted me to!Let's dive in then!
Batman 408-426,Detective comics 568-582,Superman annual 11,New Teen Titans 18-31,Blue Devil 19,Action comics 556 and 594,Batman Annuals 10-12 and Batman(The cult)for pre-reboot Robin!Jason my beloved
Nightwing Year One 101-106,New Teen Titans 55,Nightwing 10(1997)and Legends of the Dark Knight 100 for Dick and Jason siblinghood,Gotham Knights 34 for the short story of him and Alfred and Detective comics 790 for Bruce telling Cass about him as it takes place on Jason's birthday
Lost Days aka the Red Hood prologue
Under The Red Hood(2010)-The original comic is good in it's own right but the movie is leagues better written(Rare comic book adaption exception lmao)
Robin 177 and 182-183 for tha actual Tim and Jason beef instead of 'replacement' and 'enemy to caretaker' bs
Azreal:Death's Dark Knight 3(Can't give commentary on this one since i don't know Azreal like that,sorry)
Red Hood and The Outlaws(2016).Unlike the Utrh comic vs the Utrh movie,the original Rhato has nothing positive like the reboot
Not TECHNICALLY Jason BUT Duke is his favorite brother and Stephanie's the only Batfam girl he's truly close to so you should also stan them since he'd want you to /lh
Red Hood:Outlaw for the confirmation that Red Hood loves black women from infinity to infinityyyyy(meaning his love interest Dana Harlowe is introduced and featured as an mc in this run)
Urban Legends 1-6 for his return to the Batfam-Messy tbh but i do enjoy parts of it!
Task Force Z for him and Stephanie being a vigilante team and it has a prelude,that being Detective comics 1041-1043
Unkillables and Joker:The Man Who Stopped Laughing for Jayrose goodies and more of the above
Gotham War if you feel like turning off your brain to look at good art and laugh at dogshit writing
Red Hood:The Hill is his current run and when our queen Dana comes home from comics limbo!!!
The following is a misc list that's not required to include in your Jason knowledge but HIGHLY recommended you do just for fun!
Tiny Titans 23,29,33,39,45 and 47,Bombshells 46,60 and 62,Bombshells United 18-24,Lego Batman:Family Matters,A Death In The Family 2020,Batman:The Adventures Continue,Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5-6,The Doom That Came to Gotham 2023 and The Teen Titans Go episode 'The Best Robin'(Pre-Reboot Robin Jason rights!!!).Also look up 'Nobody cares about Tim Drake' if you don't know what that is,you'll love it
Jason also appears in the Lego DC Super Villains games that i highly recommend as well especially because my girlfriend is a mega fan of it and i don't know much about Lego Batman 3:Beyond Gotham but please avoid the aformentioned original Rhato,Red Hood:Outlaws and the Gotham Knights game as they feature extremely problematic writing not limited to but including racialized misogyny and ableism and do disservice to Jason himself anyway so you wouldn't want to consume them to begin with if you want to like him.I have mixed feelings on the Arkham Knight and Injustice games series' but they are objectively fairly good so i wouldn't say no to giving them a shot to see if you like them
And for the finale we have Wayne Family Adventures-Definitely a good read but to be totally honest it does Duke DIRTY and it sucks so much of DC to have marketed as his series to not only not follow through at all and make it an ensemble cast instead but ALSO deprive him of his actual characterization and story to make him a demure weak black boy stereotype.I won't judge you at all for liking it if you decided to read it or have already but kindly keep this in mind and consider joining me and my mutuals in our rewrite of it to give our Signal of Hope and Chaos the writing he deserves or at least support us through likes and reblogs!Happy Jason readings and have a good day💕
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hood-ex · 1 year
dick has foster kid?????
Mhmm. Olivia Desmond. AKA Blockbuster's daughter. She's super strong and cheerful and uhhh we don't know much else about her. I mean, other than the fact that Blockbuster sold her soul to the king of hell.
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Nightwing #101
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Nightwing #103
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Nightwing #103
Dick: She has me.
Neron: What is this?
Dick: A temporary foster form. Issued by social services of Bludhaven. I am Olivia's legal guardian, and I have not signed your contract.
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
I see so much fanon around how Dick left home in his teens — fired as Robin, possibly kicked out, etc. I’d like to learn more about what happened in canon. You seem super knowledgeable about comic canon. Can you give me some pointers about which series/issues of the comic cover that?
Okay so there's three different origin stories about Dick leaving behind Robin to become Nightwing.
Batman (1940) Issue #408
Teen Titans: Judas Contract
Nightwing (1996) Issue #105: Nightwing Year One
In most issues, Dick's departure as Robin was actually pretty tame.
Batman (1940) Issue #408
In Batman (1940) Issue #408, Dick gets shot by the Joker and Bruce is actually really remorseful the whole incident happened. He gets upset because he views Dick as a child and he's worried and sad that Dick got hurt. The possibility that he could've lost him is the reason why Bruce pushes him to leave behind Robin.
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Batman (1940) Issue #408
Bruce is okay with Dick leaving at first but later grows angrier without him there. It doesn't help that the media and the entire country was so absolutely furious with Batman due to the absence of Dick, Robin, by his side.
The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
In this version, Dick voluntarily leaves the suit because he sees it as the childish version of Batman's partner rather than an adult
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The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
This is an interesting take on things because in Issue #408, Dick doesn't see the Robin costume as being part of a childish persona, he sees at as being Batman's equivalent. He's more upset that Bruce looks at him and sees a kid. So in that comic, the Robin costume wasn't something Dick can outgrow whereas in this issue, it's considered that way.
Nightwing Year One
Nightwing (1996) Issue #101 is a very different story and personally the one that makes the most sense to me.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #101
In this story, this is the one where Bruce actually fires Dick. He fires Dick for his commitment to the Titans and other responsibilities and feels furious that Dick has other things that take priorities over him.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #101
Not to mention that Bruce actually locks Alfred out of the batcave, knowing that he would never be okay with or accept Bruce's decision.
But the reason I like this is because it ties both the previous comics and what Dick told Roy about Bruce firing him from the action comics.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #613
By that time, Dick was on the verge of leaving because he wanted to become an adult and be seen as an equal to Bruce rather than a child. However Bruce being the actual man-child that he is, decided that it was better to leave before being left behind. And then he got really mad that Dick left which tracks with every version of him.
I know this is confusing as to why Bruce and Dick end up fighting over this given how relatively peaceful him leaving Robin actually was, but it wasn't the fact that Dick was leaving, it was the consequence of him leaving and how Bruce felt after Dick left which caused issues between them.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #7
Bruce didn't realize how much he needed Dick until he left and in his hurt blamed Dick for leaving him which is why the Dick leaving Robin to become Nightwing incident is so heavy and dark and still stains their relationship today.
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Nightwing #101
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