#Ninjago deleted concepts
iloveacronix · 5 months
Of course, there's more deleted concepts, but these are some that I often think about, especially Echo Zane(my precious baby) turning out to be Mr. E(would've been so cool), Lloyd killing the Overlord by himself after Garmadon's death, and Nadakhan coming back. Imagine Jay seeing Nadakhan again? Him having flashbacks would've been lit. I also think about Ronin's daughter- actually, I think I made her design like last year in my mind(since she was never introduced). I'll see if I can re-design her if im in the mood, all I remember is that I made her red head. Red heads are rad. Dunno if I should consider her as an oc, even if Ronin DID mention his family in Way of the Departed, im still not sure if its canon or not.
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
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northmarch · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time a popular, story driven LEGO theme introduced a new continuity, met with mixed to mediocre reception. Only to later share a radically different, earlier iteration of the story which involves TIME TRAVEL and sticks closer to the lore of the original series. Immediately hailed as a far superior concept which should have been moved forward with. Ignoring the fact that most of the criticisms levelled toward the final product were more a consequence of the new stories execution than its concept.
I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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kydv404 · 2 years
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Okay, I deleted the other roundup since I did not anticipate Tumblr to update and just let us upload 30 pics in one post now, rendering it pointless to break these up lol.
Back to Ninjago now, damn. I remember being how important it was to me to see the s2 finale premiere way back when. Now here we are, at the end again. (I drafted this last night but posting right after seeing the finale- it got me misty eyed tbh. It wasn't perfect, but it gave me the right vibes.) Glad to be back in the fandom at this moment. Something something ninja never quit. This is my love letter to the franchise. I'll still probably do more, maybe try to get a new pic like this out once a month, but yup. Been a blast, can't wait for what's next from the franchise. Now from me, who do you all want to see next? Lesser villains, like generals and such? Side characters like Dareth and Skylor? Other Lego properties?
Redbubble Shop |Speedpaint | Concept art 1 and 2| Ninja comp
Individual posts for each pic: Garmadon | Pythor | Chen | Morro |  Nadakhan | Time Twins |  Harumi |  Iron Baron |  Omega |  Aspheera |  Ice Emperor  |  Unagami | Skull Sorcerer | Kalmaar | Overlord
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splinnters · 1 year
ooh what about omnigender zane! i've been 'rewatching' ninjago (well as much as one can when the last time you saw the show was nine years ago and you don't remember shit) and i just feel like zane has all the genders ever, idk, i just think he's neat!
I thought I deleted this ask for a sec— anyway! omnigender Zane! this is so good actually I love it so much :,) all pronouns for Zane they deserve it
omnigender zane pride month headcanons!
Zane didn’t really understand the concept of gender, mostly because his father never brought it up and it isn’t the most common conversation to have with your friends. all he knew was that his pronouns were he/him, because that’s what everybody called him by
she started using other pronouns for herself when she met Nya, because she was the first person Zane had become friends with that used she/her pronouns. Zane found she liked the sound of she/her and started using them, but never told anybody else
then he meets PIXAL, and that’s when things really change. PIXAL is wonderful, and Zane ends up shyly asking her if she can also use she/her pronouns for him. she obliged immediately, and slowly but surely the rest of the ninja also interchanged pronouns for Zane
some of them have a harder time with it, Jay especially because of his awful memory, but Zane doesn’t mind. she understands, and she finds that she doesn’t have much of a preference anyway
it’s Lloyd who finally asks what Zane’s gender is. Zane is cooking and Lloyd is watching, then asks, “Zane, are you a girl?” and Zane is taken aback, saying something like, “I suppose I’m not… my body is supposed to be male” to which Lloyd points out your gender doesn’t have to match your body. Zane tells him that she’ll have to think about it
that’s when he really starts researching it, and finds all sorts of pronouns that he didn't know existed. he tries to decide on just one, but finds that he can’t. he finds the words “transgender” and “non-binary”, but none of them feel right
eventually they go to PIXAL. PIXAL, who always has an answer for everything, PIXAL, who will help without question. and all she says is, “what do YOU feel like?”
Zane thinks about it. she feels like a girl, she feels like a boy, she feels like neither, she feels like both at the same time. it’s all so fluid and overlapping. it doesn’t quite match her usual yes-or-no idea of things. PIXAL, to her credit, lets him freak out a little before explaining that he doesn’t have to decide anything, in fact, he might never find a label for how he feels. after all, PIXAL never did. the two of them talk about it for a while after, but eventually Zane settles on not knowing, at least for a while
months later, Zane overhears Lloyd talking to one of his old Darnley’s friends, saying, “yeah, Zane uses all pronouns. we just switch off whenever. she’s, like, omnigender”
they research the term with PIXAL, and the flag is very pretty, and Zane feels so excited and so relieved at the same time. they don’t ever tell the other ninja. they don’t really need to, the real challenge had been figuring it out for themself
the other ninja still switch off with pronouns, and once and awhile Lloyd comes to him with new pronouns he thinks Zane will like. Zane accepts all of them
(PIXAL orders him an omnigender flag and he hangs it above his bed. Cole tells him it’s pretty)
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tofuless · 1 year
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Take some old character concepts I found while going through my art folder to delete old wips
I'm sad to say at least two of these are of Ninjago ocs UoU
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
A crossover AU based on the concept of ‘What if MK was Kai and Skylor’s son.
Long before Time had a name the First Spinjitsu Master created Ninjago, however, unbeknownst to his awareness, the gods of the Celestial Realm have been eyeing this realm for a long time, seeking a place to populate, thus, creating a deal between Ninjago and the Gods of the Celestial Realm. 1000 years after the events of Ninjago, the seal around the isolated nation of Ninjago was removed, and thus paved the way for newer generations.
MK, a young boy, from China, discovers the secrets of this tale while discovering himself and his parents.
Ask box is open, I’m just placing this in A03 because…Timelines…
No homophobia or Anti LGBTQ
Toxic shit
Bullying or anything
Spam…I will delete any spam
Main Crossover:
Ninjago x LMK
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spinjitzuhottakes · 2 years
Lloyd Garmadon - A brief look at Shipping and Discourse
Right, figure I'd start off with a bang and light myself up like a firework on new years cause what better way to make my first discussion on this blog than be about Lloyd, one of the most discoursed characters to ship in this dang fandom.
Let me just say this.
I don't actively ship Lloyd with anyone. A lot of the opinions surrounding Lloyd in a romance makes it difficult for me to do so, its even more difficult when Lloyd is the character who gets shipped 90% of the time with a fan oc character. (No shame there if you do that, its just something I've very much noticed.)
However. HOWEVER.
I still have in fact, read and viewed fancontent which contains Lloyd in a romantic or sexual relationship. Some of that content does in fact include ships with the main cast, particularly the main 4.
And yes, some of this content is in fact in the universe of the show, not the movie (which tbh is a whole other topic that I probably will touch at a later point cause I have noticed things about the fandom and the show that were caused by the movie releasing)
Why is that?
Cause the art is really cute and the fanfic premise is really interesting or honestly really sweet.
My point is, is that while I don't actively ship Lloyd with anyone, I still have chosen to read and look at things that depict that sort of thing.
And some of those things? They were pretty explicit and sometimes I did feel the need to scroll and fastforward through the scene.
However I still chose to look at those of my own volition and not just because of the...well content. (not usually)
For fanfics, it was how the story was laid out to me, I was usually drawn to those things due to the premise, sometimes they were pretty grim and tragic in a way.
Why is that?
Something I will honestly admit is that when it comes to fandom fanfic as a whole, Ninjago is a fandom I don't really read E rate smut fics for, it's never been that sort of fandom for me. If I do read something mature or explicit here, it really is honest to god not for the pure 18+ content in there.
Cause good lord, some of those explicit fics honestly need a revision or three.
The fics and content I have viewed and found interesting, usually has to do in some regards to how Lloyd in a relationship (explicit or otherwise) would work and honest to god conflict.
Especially given how much we as the fandom remember the situation regarding the tomorrow tea.
Lloyd's situation with the tomorrow tea actually reminds me of a character in my favourite anime. But i'll get into that in a later topic that talks more about Lloyd's age.
Point is, Lloyd's situation is not really the first time I've seen this happen in media and is one of the reasons why shipping Lloyd is actually quite fascinating even if it gets seriously fucking annoying when I have to deal with fandom.
Now, heres the first hurdle, what about Lloyd's age. He's practically eight/twelve and morally its wrong to ship him.
So...i'm just gonna say this. I actually think to suggest something like that really does a disservice to Lloyd as a whole.
Something that has been stated as canon and what I feel was meant to always be implied by the creators is that when Lloyd used the Tomorrow Tea, He was infact permenantly aged up to be the roughly same age as the rest of the cast. He needed to become their equal storywise. It was basically their way of getting around the fact that they had no idea how to make Lloyd as a 8-12 year old reasonably fight his dad/the dark one and have it not seem seriously messed up compared to what would essentially be a teenager fighting him.
Which even though its less messed up, it still is messed up. Wtf destiny.
For reasons I may or may not also further address at a later date in the same talk about Lloyds age, I also honestly believe that Lloyd needing to age up to be same age as the cast was needed for his development and any concept that deletes or reverses that fact has to have a very good reason to do so, otherwise it just seems like they're reversing an essential part of Lloyds story.
And I enjoy exploring content that touches upon the result of that, because the conflict that can be drawn from that is really interesting! Especially if it has to do with romance!
However this honestly leads into the other elephant in the room. And something that gets reasonably talked about and I understand where the thought comes from.
The power dynamics between age and experiance can seem off and at times uncomfortable when it comes to Lloyd being shipped with any of the Ninja. I understand where people are coming from with that, particularly when it comes to pre season 8 to 10 interpretations of the team and Lloyd. Lloyd is very much still seen by a lot of people (and the fandom) during this time as the youngest in the group even though he is roughly the same age as everyone. (Like truthfully, if anything the youngest he'd be is Nya's age.)
Heck they even joke about it multiple times hilariously enough. s5 and s8 with the voice jokes?
Post s10 though? Its a lot more less of a thing. Aside from the occasional joke about Lloyd not knowing what a VCR is (cause he's the kid in the group you guys remember?.) The would be power dynamic and age imbalance between him and the others is less apparent and I'm pretty sure if someone came into the series post s10, they would only know Lloyd as being the leader of the ninja and the same age as the others and not as that gremlin kid from s1.
That's because that's how Lloyd has been developed into, He's in full context basically just like the others now, like what his movie form is (which is also another topic I'd like to talk about at a later point about how the movie changed the show in a few ways)
The only reason a lot of people think otherwise is due to the fact we have context of previous seasons that truthfully does affect us. A lot of people still see and H/C Lloyd as being a lot younger than the other characters and therefore its morally wrong to ship him with the other Ninja and if you do, you should burn at the stake.
But, that's dumb. Like really dumb.
Exploration of these topics is risky yeah and it can lead to some questionable things. But honestly it shouldn't be completely demonized. These sorts of things can act as a sort coping material for folks struggling on those issues.
It really isn't hurting anyone and if you say its harming you, than maybe you should ask yourself why you chose to read/look at the thing in the first place instead of blaming the person who made it.
Why would you eat the food if you know you hate the taste? Thats like asking for olives when you detest olives
Listen I'm not gonna lie...I've seen some questionable stuff tagged in the Ninjago tag and the fanfic section of ao3. But I knew not to touch it.
Cause I knew I wasn't for me.
This is a mindset I honestly wish a lot of people in this fandom could pick up. If someone is being a genuine threat to the fanbase then yeah, maybe there's a reason for concern.
However, someone shipping two characters together is NOT that reason. No matter how much you try to tell yourself.
- H.T
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xherry7816 · 1 year
on a note of fanfictipns i actually had a rlly mid one and it was a NINJAGO MIRACULOUS crossover and i had gotten 2 abt 11 chapters before deleting my account and the fic with it. if i kinda talk abt it maybe itll exspire me to do a reboot but im so mid at writing so ill have 2 think about it.
but anyways all the ninja at some point weregoing 2 receive miraculouses but this was like b4 the release of uhh the season where MARINETTE becomes the guardian sp a lot of things have changed now but i rlly hate MLB but i like the concept but i refuse to finish whats out so yeah anyways i had thought about the other canon miraculous but decided 2 make my own with different powers but the only one i had written into the fic was NYA with the axolotl miraculous that have him the power 2 control water (shh abt the dragon miraculous) and her hero name was AQOURS like from the anime LOVE LIVE. erm idk if i made that sound interesting enough. i dunno if anyone else has made a crossover like this, if yhey have and its well written someone share it pls id happily read it but if not someone write one bc im horrible at writing anf dont want 2 do it myself :((((
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bluethude · 2 years
Hi !
I'm The Blue Thude and I want to contribute to my various fandoms in some way. That's why I'm happy to say I'm open to requests, in French or in English !
- First and before anything. Respect is a primordial rule of mine. Respect me and I’ll respect you, it’s a two way street.
- Do not spam. While it's okay to ask where I am on your request or question if the ask wasn't drowned with the other asks, do not spam. Any spam will result in a cancellation of your ask.
- Do not ask anything discriminatory toward any community. Those requests will be ignored or deleted without a question.
- I won't write NSFW content. I don't want to trigger myself nor those who'll read.
- I won't write anything related or about toxic relationships/characters (it can be lightly mentioned but for yandere!characters, I will kindly ask you to go to someone else).
- I won't write anything romantic with kids too young (in case of love between two kids/teens) or a kid with an adult (the age ref is 18 years old)
- While I like angst, I have troubles writing it so please, do not ask for something too angsty as I want to enjoy my time here and not add more stuff to be depressed about
- To not overwhelm me, I'll take a maximum of 20 writing requests, as for random questions, there's no limit, but try to not ask too much. My inbox will be always open, but not the writing requests.
- Do not degrade my work in any way, shape or form. Even if you don’t like what I’m writing, just calmly and politely say what you dislike about it and maybe it’ll be a fun and constructive conversation to have ! But of course, if you don’t like my work, don’t read it.
- Be patient with me, as English is my third language and I often make mistakes with orthograph or grammar when writing. If so, just tell me, I’ll correct it and do better next time !
I don't have anything else in my mind to add, but otherwise, feel free to write/ask me about anything, requests or questions ! Please remember that’s my first blog and while I got help to do it, it’s normal if there’s some strange things or mistakes in its conception. Like everything, it’ll get better overtime !
Anyway, here are the works I can write on :
ANIME/MANGA : Assassination Classroom Blue Exorcist Blue Period Dead Mount Death Play deep sea aquarium MagMell Edens Zero Heart Gear I am Sherlock Im : Great Priest Imhotep Kemono Incidents Lonely World Mashle Rising of the Shield Hero Shy Skull Dragon’s precious daughter Spy x Family Terrarium That Time I got reincarnated as a slime/Tensura (+ The Ways of the Monster Nation) The Apothecary Diaries The Cave King The Elf and the Hunter Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Why nobody remembers my world
BOOK SERIES : Harry Potter Keepers of Lost Cities
GAMES : Animal Crossing (New Leaf + Horizon) Child of Light Cookie Run : Kingdom Genshin impact Hades Monster Hunter 2 : Wings of Ruins Pokémon (Sword and Shield + Arceus Legends (with their corresponding anime + Scarlet/Violet)) Röki The Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild + Skyward Sword + A Link Between Worlds)
CARTOONS/SHOW : Aggretsuko Avatar : The Last Air Bender Avatar : The Legend of Korra Castlevania Code Lyoko Hilda Inside Job Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts Lego : Monkie Kid Lolirock MarbleGen Miraculous : Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Ninjago Steven Universe Tales of Arcadia : Trollhunters Wakfu Zak Storm
WEBTOON : Note : Some of those webtoons are exclusively in French or I didn’t find an english translation)
Binary Star CandleKeeper Change-moi​ Clinics of Horror High School Mercenary Homesick L'Empereur qui remonta le temps Porte-Bonheur The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower​ The Remarried Empress
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mouschiwrites · 9 months
Can you please do a Lloyd X reader Lloyd has full control over his Oni form and he gives the reader big cuddles in private so no other ninja knows about the big cuddling because Lloyd lock his door so no one interworks the cuddling jay manage to take a photo of Lloyd and the reader cuddling and jay send the photo to garmadon and Lloyd ended up chasing jay till the reader calm him down (in this au not only does Garamond not sacrifice him self but he still has his Oni form and the other ninjas know about his Oni form and this take place a month after crystallized and when Lloyd chase jay Lloyd turns back into his human form this is just pure fluff)
This is such a cute concept!! Sorry this is pretty short, hopefully I did your idea justice ^^"
Word count: 470
Ninjago - Cuddling With Oni Lloyd
You sighed, melting like putty into Lloyd’s touch. You leaned back against his chest and let his arms encircle you. You felt so small and safe whenever he cuddled you in his Oni form. The way he could encapsulate you made you feel protected. You weren’t afraid; you had no reason to be. He was in full control, and his gentle caresses were more than proof. He pressed a kiss on the top of your head, earning a small giggle from you. You placed your hands on his arms and brushed your thumb over his skin, humming a soft tune.
This was becoming a ritual of sorts for the two of you; at the end of a long day, you would curl up together and cuddle for a while. Lloyd insisted the door remained locked while you did this, which you didn’t mind. It just meant you had more privacy.
But today felt a little off. You couldn’t help but feel that something wasn’t right. You tried to forget it, nuzzling against Lloyd’s chest to chase the feeling away. Several minutes into your cuddling session, you heard someone approaching the door.
With a sinking sensation, you realized why you had felt something was off. You had forgotten to lock the door! And now Jay stood in the doorway, gaping at the sight before him.
“Aw~!” He teased, clasping his hands together and cocking his head. Before either of you could even react, he had whipped out his phone and snatched a picture.
The next thing you knew, you were tumbling over the side of the mattress, and Jay’s shrieks filled your ears. 
You bolted up, chasing after your boyfriend, doing all you could not to burst out laughing at the same time.
“Jay! Delete that!” He boomed, quickly gaining on his target. Even though he had reverted back to his human form, he was still quite fast. You were about to grab his hand from behind when he suddenly pounced, tackling Jay to the ground.
“Too late, I already sent it to Garmadon!” Jay snickered, holding his phone up to Lloyd’s face.
Lloyd clapped his hands over his face in embarrassment, letting out a long groan. You had to bite your tongue to keep from laughing. Putting a gentle hand on his arm, you pulled Lloyd up off of Jay, who sent you a grateful look. You were too amused to glare, so you just shook your head disapprovingly at him.
Already, Lloyd’s phone was buzzing in his pocket. He didn’t need to look to know who it was, but he pulled it out nonetheless. Sure enough, there were already two messages from his father:
World’s second best couple
When’s the wedding?
“I swear I’ve got to block him…” Lloyd moped as you led him back to your room by the hand, trying harder than ever to withhold your giggles.
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Thank you for requesting, hope this turned out okay! And thank you for reading!!
(divider by saradika)
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owlhana · 3 years
I have an idea for a fan season of ninjago but idk if I wanna use it for a fan season or a personal story
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thatssoninja · 4 years
Thinkin of how bad TLNM was and gettin angy
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
This is going to be a son of a bitch😨
Part 1
Part 2 & Deleted/extended scene
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 Preview and Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14/Epilogue
Tagatha Touchup:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Awwp Touchup:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Outsiders/Karate Kid AU
Johnny's walk with Miyagi
Darry's talk with Miyagi
Red School AU/UA:
Arc 1
Arc 2 Part 1
Arc 2 Part 2
Arc 2 Part 3
Arc 3(finale)
If Cal Married Iris:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 3.5
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6(finale) (Not the happiest ending)
Happy Ending/Pets AU
Cal with his pets
Maven with his pets
Newblood/Ardent! Thomas:
A simple concept without consequence😁😈
What would LITERALLY be Maven's redemption
OTP Headcanons:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 & Part 4 revision
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15(end)
Ninjago PG-13 AU/UA:
Kai and Nya
Anti-angst info
General info
Pilot Season Episode 1
Pilot Season Episode 2
Pilot Season Episode 3
Season 1 episodes 1 and 2
Season 1 Episode 1 REWRITE
Season 1 episode 5
Season 1 episode 7
Season 1 episode 10
Season 2 episodes 18-20
Season 2 episode 21
Season 2 episode 23
Season 2 episode 24
Season 2 episode 25
Cast and Characters
Chapter/Episode/Scene 1
Chapter/Episode/Scene 2
Chapter/Episode/Scene 3
Chapter/Episode/Scene 4
Nightmare Before Christmas 2: Next Holiday
Part 1
Part 2
Red Queen Swap AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
True Triple Threat
Part 1
Part 2
Kingdom Hearts REWRITE
(I hate myslef sometimes😅😂)
Birth By Sleep+0.2
Kingdom Hearts 1
Chain of Memories
358/2 Days: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Kingdom Hearts 2
Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts 3(ENDING) (Sorry)
The Cruel Prince: [Part 1] [Part 2]
Red Queen
School for Good and Evil
Dorothy Must Die
Good Omens: Clipped Wings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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serpentfever · 3 years
Welcome to Serpent Fever
About Me!
Howdy everyone! The name’s Serpent Fever, but you can call me Serpent. I’m an artist and an avid enjoyer of all things reptilian, especially snakes. Your show got snakes? I’ll probably root for them regardless of if they’re villains or not. I also have a soft spot for monsters and horror aesthetics.
What you can expect from this blog is a whole lot of talk about snakes, as well as miscellaneous thoughts I have about whatever fandom I happen to be thinking about. 
These fandoms include but are not limited to:
Soul Eater
Elder Scrolls
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fullmetal Alchemist
My Art and AUs
I love creating fanart for the many pieces of media I decide to consume and will frequently post my art here. The easiest way to find anything is to go to my art blog, Serpent’s Feverish Art, where I reblog each and every art piece I make. You can find the link to that blog right here:
Serpent’s Feverish Art Blog
Commissions and Art Requests
Currently, my commissions are closed. You are still free to send me art requests if you want, I just can’t guarantee that I’ll get to them all.
I do have some rules you should be aware of when asking for any art, or sending asks in general:
Under no circumstance will I draw or talk about anything NSFW/suggestive. Any asks or requests that feature such content will be deleted.
I usually don’t draw any shipping art if it isn’t canon, or canon/oc. Similarly, I may not respond to asks about shipping. This is not because of any hate towards your ship, it’s simply because I myself have no real interest in shipping, so any questions about most ships will probably be answered with “I’m neutral about it.”
Graphic violence and body horror is usually okay, but it may depend on what exactly you want and how much detail you go into. If you aren’t sure how much is too much, you can just ask me. Anything too gore-y will likely be spoiler’d and given appropriate tags to ensure no one sees something that they might view as disturbing. 
Can I tag you in this cool thing I found/made?
Sure, especially anything snake/serpentine related!
May I use your art as a pfp?
I don’t mind. Go crazy my dude, just credit me somewhere if you can. :)
Can I turn your art into my own OCs?
Sometimes I post concept art. Usually these will be serpentine, or some other race from whatever fandom I’m thinking about.  I just like drawing snakes and monsters, and not everything I draw is necessarily a character I plan to use. Sometimes it’s just practice getting color palettes and patterns down. If the characters aren’t named, you’re free to take the art I make and turn them into your own characters. :)
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nyaskitten · 3 years
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(note* had to delete some images to share)
I posted 2,197 times in 2021
49 posts created (2%)
2148 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 43.8 posts.
I added 75 tags in 2021
#ninjago - 35 posts
#ninjago 2022 - 6 posts
#ninjago art - 5 posts
#kai ninjago - 5 posts
#lord garmadon - 4 posts
#cole ninjago - 4 posts
#lloyd ninjago - 4 posts
#ninjago rewrite - 4 posts
#lego ninjago - 4 posts
#ninjago serpentine - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#doomed for all eternity to cripple like our innermost demons whenst encountering the smallest outlet of serotonin
My Top Posts in 2021
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82 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 01:52:11 GMT
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*inhales* *screams*
111 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 19:40:05 GMT
New Ninjago 2022 Set Revealed (Jay and Nya’s Race Car EVO)
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New images for a new 2022 Ninjago set have been revealed.In it we have two snakes, the Race Car EVO, a helicopter, Jay, Nya, and two snake minifigures. It seems as though Nya will be returning (although this may be similar to the Scuba Cole and Scuba Kai incident where they had physical minifigures yet never utilized those suits). 
129 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 03:22:49 GMT
New Ninjago 2022 Sets Revealed
Note* I shall only be using the main images featured for each set as to not have to make any extended thread
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THIS JUST IN, A FEW HOURS AGO, THE FOLKS AS JB SPIELWAREN (https://www.jb-spielwaren.de/lego-ninjago/) RELEASED EVERY SET IMAGE FOR 2022 (sans Jay and Nya’s EVO Racing Car, but I posted that last night). It seems like we have a plethora of Dragons, mechs, and cars, a large dojo (AND a New Pixal + Wu), it seems like, so far, there is a lack of a “major villain” type character (unless the snake with shoulder armor IS the main villain). 
(Ignore, just tagging people I feel like would like this -  @senseiwu​ 
@wojira​ @serpentfever​  @jaymi-and-their-shit​  @nonbinarykai​ )
(Also, it seems like this may not be a Jay season after all, so, pog ig)
132 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 18:01:15 GMT
Oh my god the concept art for Harumi is just- like- see for yourself
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226 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 15:15:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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