#No Rest for The Wicked
buggerup-busters · 10 hours
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trickricksblog09 · 2 days
🤦😡😡😡🤦😡 😡😡 The DC “family-friendly” pride parade featured a tw*rk off in front of children. The police chief marched in this event. While this was going on, rioters were vandalizing statues nearby.
This is our Capital. We are a national embarrassment. 🇺🇸
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trickricksblog08 · 8 months
The 5th Circuit Court Has Ruled That The Biden Administration, The FBI & The CDC All Violated The First Amendment By Colluding With Big Tech To Censor Americans
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moon-suki · 4 months
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scar face
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ask-lu-wild · 8 days
Four Ref 2024
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Slightly redoing all the Links. Honestly I think Four's design is the most drastic. I can't stand seeing him in just the tabard, he needed some pumpkin pants. Also in the past I drew him with a chubbier body with a thin neck, which didn't look right. With the thin neck and double chin, I'm very happy with his body type.
Author Update: If you haven't heard, I graduated college! That gives me much more time to work on ALUW for now. But I also need to focus on other projects. For now, I hope you'll enjoy the coming reference pages of our favorite Links!
And if you're interested in supporting me, ko-fi here
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gleafer · 3 months
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My coworker is kind of an asshole.
Day 18 of worker straight through with no break makes Gleafer a tetchy girl.
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texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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A Long Unfortunate While - Ethel Cain / Saltburn / No Rest for the Wicked - Lykke Li
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muckyschmuck · 3 months
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google how to cook your wife?, i mean, how to cook with your wife? not like that wait I MEAN,
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trickricksblog09 · 2 days
Child Trafficking Network Exposed
Clayton Morris on Redacted explains how our government is in the trafficking business😡😡😡😡
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trickricksblog08 · 9 months
More of this!!!!!!!!!!! Stand up! Do Not Comply! Protect our children!!!!!!!
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Yeah. That ;)))
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shirtlesssammy · 2 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 60/326
Supernatural 3x16//No Rest for the Wicked
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myershorror · 1 year
My Little Abercrombie & Fitch Model 🙊
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aychama · 4 months
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Merciless Dagger.
Why was it so hard for me to replicate my own style I do not know ;-; but I finally managed to do it!
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zeivira · 2 months
How do you think Emilia and the others would react to the concept of dreaming in No Rest for the Wicked?
“If I’m honest— sleeping isn’t even that bad,” Subaru starts, rubbing his eyes. He woke up an hour ago, but he still feels pretty sleepy— and how could he not, when Otto decided that the first thing he needed to do in the morning was discuss taxes with him? “You get to dream every night, which is pretty cool if you ask me.”
Subaru lets himself sink deeper into Emilia’s office couch. He loves it when she lets him watch her work.
He doesn’t usually like talking about sleeping much, not after all the trouble it already gave him— but today he dreamed he had momentarily traveled back in time to when he was eight years old, and was able to hug his parents one more time. Waking up hadn’t left him fatigued, on the contrary, it left him much better rested than usual. At least until Otto decided to be a pest, of course.
“Dreams?” Emilia raises her gaze from the papers in her desk and tilts her head to the side. “What are dreams?”
“Dreams are, uh…” He blinks. How could one describe dreaming? “It’s like traveling to another world—” no, that doesn't sound right, “—except the world doesn’t really exist ‘cus it’s merely a product of your imagination.” He crosses his arms. Did that even make sense? “Do you not do something like that when you are unconscious?”
People from Lugunica can still faint from blood-loss or other wounds. They surely had to dream then, right?
“You travel to another world when you sleep?”
Ok, maybe that was too much. Subaru blushes at the wonder marrying her voice. “Well, not literally. They are just a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.”
“Natsuki-san, are you implying that when you sleep you… hallucinate?” The reason for his current nightmares —Otto— opens the door of Emilia’s office with a sack of papers in his hands and turns to stare at him.
Subaru pauses and rubs his chin, deep in thought. Can dreams be considered hallucinations?
“Hallucinations?” Emilia repeats, voice distant.
Otto sighs. “Indeed, when people are in agony, they sometimes see things that aren't there."
Subaru starts laughing, then stops when he realizes what Otto actually meant. “Wait— what?” Oh cmon, this can’t happen again.  “I already said I'm not in pain when I sleep.”
“You say many things,” Otto glares. “But Lady Beatrice said you often squirm or wake up crying.”
Emilia gasps.
“You know that?!” Subaru stands up, then raises his hand to hold his head at the whiplash from changing positions so quickly. His own words finally sink in as his eyes widen. “I mean— I absolutely do not do that.”
Otto squints at him. He hadn’t missed his slight headache. “You should have told the healer about the hallucinations when he visited last week, Natuki-san.”
“They aren’t hallucinations.” Subaru blinks.
“Your description sure matched them. What is the difference between hallucinations and dreams, then?”
Emilia interrupts. “Are dreams another symptom of Subaru’s Partial Sleeping Beauty, then? Should we make sure he doesn’t dream?”
Otto shakes his head. “The only way to make him stop dreaming would be to make him stop sleeping, and the doctor said we shouldn't.”
“But that’s…”
“Time out!” Subaru raises his arms, crosses them and forms a stop sign. “The squirming is completely unrelated to the dreaming. I like dreaming, It’s relaxing.” Unless he is having a nightmare, he knows better than to address that topic.
Emilia’s purple eyes fill with tears. “Is your condition so bad that you prefer spending so many hours in a fake world rather than real life?”
What the fuck.
“No, absolutely not! I love real life is just—” Subaru groans.
He should have learnt to shut up by now.
(Some hours later:
“I wonder if Heinkel-san’s wife dreams,” Emilia says during dinner, after calming down. “If she has to sleep for so many years, it would be nice if she were to hallucinate that she is in a world in which her family is safe and sound.”)
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delborovic · 10 days
What is the birthday of Del? And what happened to her after Annie and Ginger were the winners, what was the purpose of Rellik and Del They were in the tournament? (Sorry there are too many questions, I'm so excited heehe)
My birthday is December 16, '85! :)
And as for what happens after Law of Talos... that's totally up to you and your imagination! I bowed out after my loss in the competition, and thoroughly enjoyed everyone else's entries- but I didn't think ahead beyond what would have happened if I had managed to win my round. What there is beyond the end of the story.. that's up to whoever feels like pondering it!
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