#Ollie Wilson
thelostgirl21 · 1 year
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bibuckdiaz · 16 days
i wrote a little thing about eddie and hen and here it is. be warned, i am:
still on season six and only know about eddie’s current ~situation~ from twitter and tumblr
extremely unconcerned about canon compliance especially after tonight’s ep
a gay eddie truther
anyways. viola. eddie and hen get drunk and talk about the kim/marisol/buck situation.
Eddie already regrets going to Hen’s place.
On one hand, he knew she’d understand, at least to a degree. He didn’t know her when Eva was still around, but Buck had told him quietly one night when Eddie was lamenting how perfect her marriage seemed to be. It didn’t change how he saw her, and it honestly never really felt relevant, until now.
On the other hand, he knew she was going to slap sense into him when she found out what he did.
At least that part only took the first ten minutes, and then she got out a bottle of vodka and two glasses. The first shot burned, but it soothes some of the rattling, violent anxiety in his chest.
“I just don’t know what to do,” he says for the umpteenth time, at least most of the way to properly drunk at Hen’s kitchen table.
“Well, here,” Hen says and holds her hands out like she’s pitching an invention on Shark Tank. “Do you love them?”
Eddie leans forward until his forehead thunks into the wooden table. “I don’t know,” he whispers.
“You’ve been in love before,” Hen says, like it’s fact, but when Eddie doesn’t respond, she leans in to peer at his side profile. “Right?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats, not making eye contact. “Hen, I don’t know.”
Hen lets out a long breath and pours two more glasses— fuller than the rest have been, easily two shots worth. Eddie sits up and downs his in two swigs even though he knows he should probably cut himself off.
“Hen,” he says. His tongue feels slow and heavy in his mouth. “What does it feel like? Being in love?”
Hen is quiet for a long moment, blinking at the table. “Trust,” she says after a moment. “There’s nobody in the world I trust more than Karen.” The words hit Eddie’s ear with something like nostalgia. “I trust her with— With Denny.” She interrupts herself with a hiccup and a slurred giggle before twisting her face back into something resembling seriousness. “I trust her with my life. She makes me laugh, she makes me smile. She makes my insides feel… Like this.” She rests her hand on her stomach. “Bubbly.”
“Trust,” Eddie echoes, and thinks it over. Marisol, Kim— He doesn’t know if he trusts them, not with Chris. Not with the most perfect, important thing in his entire life. He probably doesn’t. He probably never will. “I…”
“Spit it out, Diaz.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” he starts, and Hen waves him off, waiting expectantly. “There’s really only one person in the world that I trust like that. I don’t know… Is that love?”
Hen leans forward and rests her chin on her crossed arms. “You tell me,” she says and blinks lazily. “Tell me how it feels.”
Eddie thinks for a long moment. His mind conjures images— Chris, nestled into a nook in the roof of a ladder truck, waves rushing around him; Chris, eating home cooked breakfast every single morning while Eddie was in the hospital after the shooting; Chris, staring down at a hospital bed, crying like he hasn’t since Shannon.
“Like home,” he says finally. “Like they fill a hole I didn’t know I had.”
Hen snorts and Eddie reaches over and shoves her.
“What does that mean?” Eddie asks a moment later. His head is swimming from the vodka, but his heart keeps beating the same rhythm, over, and over, and over. He thinks maybe it has been for the past five years.
“Only you can figure that out, Eddie,” Hen says softly and reaches out to grab his shoulder. “But if it helps, I think he loves you too.”
Eddie whips his head up, startled, but Hen has nothing but drunken compassion on her face.
“Tell me if I’m overstepping, but the things you’ve said about dating? How it feels like a performance, how you don’t mind being alone— The jumping around, the lack of commitment. It’s all the same stuff I thought was normal when I was still dating men,” Hen says.
Eddie’s head spins. “But I’m not— You didn’t like men. I’m not— Like you,” he says. His tongue feels heavy in his mouth.
Hen rubs her cheeks with her palms and then lets out a long breath. “Karen’s gonna be so mad at me,” she mutters, and then meets Eddie’s eyes, determination in her gaze. “Have you ever actually sat down and thought about being attracted to men? Have you tested it, experimented at all? What makes you so sure?”
Eddie feels his face go red almost immediately, and he knows Hen notices because she leans in and pokes him square in the cheek.
“In the army,” Eddie relents and looks away, staring out the window at the blustery trees outside so he doesn’t have to look at Hen. “It was easy. He was there, I was there, it was just— Just letting off steam.”
“But,” Eddie echoes and glances back at Hen. It’s clear in her expression— honest from the vodka— that she just wants to listen, and to help. She doesn’t hold pity, she doesn’t see him as a clueless child. She knows how difficult this is. “He was hot, and kind. He made me laugh. I… I never considered it cheating, because it— It was normal, I thought.”
“So men don’t count, and neither do clones of your ex-wife?” Hen asks gently. “Where’s the line, Eddie?”
It feels like an accusation, even though he’s the one who drove here and bore his heart to Hen, every part of the last miserable few months pouring out of his mouth and onto her living room floor.
Her face softens. “Listen,” she says and reaches over, taking his hand in hers. “You don’t love them, and you do love someone else. Doesn’t that make it simple?”
Eddie fucking wishes it could be that easy.
“I can’t,” he whispers. “Chris deserves a family, a mother. I can’t— I can’t be selfish, not with this.”
Hen’s expression darkens. “Does Denny need a father?”
“Was I selfish in choosing Karen, choosing my career, choosing to take in Denny, rather than live a traditional, white picket fence life?”
“Hen, no—“
“Are my wife and I not enough of a family for him?”
“Stop, stop,” Eddie says and clutches at her forearm so tight he sees her dark skin paling under his grip. “Stop. I get it.” He looks out the window again. A bird lands on the fence.
“Christopher already loves Buck.”
Eddie flinches when she says his name. It was this unspoken, nebulous thing hanging in the room between them up until now, but Hen saying his name makes it feel real. Panic starts to make a home in his chest.
“I need to go,” he says and tries to pull away, but Hen grabs him and gives him a stern look.
“You’re not driving anywhere, not for at least the next eight hours. I hope you thought this through and got someone to watch Christopher, because calling your abuela drunk might be a little humiliating.”
“He’s with Pepa,” Eddie whispers.
“Good. You’re staying here, and we’re talking this out. Don’t run, Eddie. Answer me. What do you want? No second thoughts, no overthinking, no holdbacks. First instinct. What do you want?” Hen asks.
“Buck,” Eddie breathes.
Hen stands, walks around the table, and pulls Eddie into a hard, warm hug. “I know, baby.”
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sepia-stained-sunset · 6 months
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Either all of them shop from the same place, or everyone who sleeps with Bruce is borrowing the robe or something
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roseworth · 6 months
vote in my poll boy but also im gonna skew my own results by giving my opinion. here’s my personal ranking of rose writers
sean mckeever: FRESH HELL <3 literally THE rose book. also tt03 #57 slayed. he ALMOST gets knocked down on the list because a) the fucking shitshow that was terror titans and b) he backtracked on like 3 different character arcs as soon as he started writing tt and it pisses me off. but he redeemed himself with fresh hell
geoff johns: i hate johns so much. but he solidified sooo much about rose as a character that he has pretty much the definitive rose. what he did completely defined rose's relationship with her father and her attitude towards the titans/being a hero in general. whether they realize it or not, every rose writer after johns is writing his version of her. as much as i hate him he is one of the best rose writers and i will stand by that
christopher priest: i have not made it a secret that i love ds16. there are some aspects of his characterization that i dont agree with but for the most part he killed it tbh. hating her dad but still coming back to him, loving her brother but still keeping him at arms length, HOSUN!!! HER HMONG FAMILY!!!!!!! ily priest
ed brisson: SLAY. the only reason he's not higher is because i dont like the fact in general that she chose to be on stormwatch (she would not do that), and he used baby rose in ktr and didnt even mention lili (and DID mention that foster family. im still mad). other than that!!! everything about her struggle to be a good person in batb was soooo good, and so much about ktr was so good for her <3 thank u mr brisson
marv wolfman: i feel a little bad not ranking him higher given that. he created rose. but she doesnt really do much in the issues he writes. which is fair given that she was a new character that was just made to hang around on the sidelines at the time, so theres not a lot to judge in his writing. but he definitely laid the foundation that johns expanded on, and he was the one that made her so uh thnx marv
jt krul: i wish he had gotten more time :( i wish he had gotten to do whatever he was planning with lili, i wish we could've gotten to see more of his rose. his rose was def a different take than before given that she was more... mellowed out ig? it was a lot more lighthearted, just her hanging out with the team, being an older sister to damian (<3), and looking for her mom. hes not my fav just because i like it when shes a crazy bitch instead of a normal girl, but i completely understand why people like his rose. not to mention tt03 #77-78 slays so unbelievably hard
jay faerber: NANNY ROSE <33333 i love love love rose in titans 99 <3 this version of rose is DRASTICALLY different than any other rose, which is the reason hes in the bottom half, but i like it in the sense that its nice to know that she was just hanging out in between the two worst things to ever happen to her (her mom dying & slade drugging her). rose with roy and lian lives rent free in my head every single day of my life i love it so much, also that issue with rose & toni was so fun. titans 99 rose you will always be famous
adam beechen: he is going to hell for what he did to cass but for rose? he was fine. he helped with that one really good wilson family arc (tt03 #43-46), and wrote the only pre-52 rose & jason interaction (#47) so he gets points for that. and batgirl 2008 was pretty good for rose. but unfortunately he just didnt make enough of an impact on me to be ranked any higher
matthew rosenberg: unfortunately im mentally ill so i have a detailed explanation of what i think of rosenberg's rose but the short version is: i like him, he writes a good rose. its fun, shes well-written for the most part, but there are some :/ parts about it to me. i think if he continues writing her he'd be ranked higher but for now hes sitting pretty near the bottom of the list
devin grayson: i used to really like devin grayson's rose but. i have since changed my mind. it doesnt feel like rose. this is NOT the rose that stabbed her eye out because she thought slade was disappointed in her! shes too Quirky Girl here even though this is theoretically during the period where shes being drugged (honestly. i dont think grayson actually knew about the super soldier serum. and if she did it does not show) and we've seen rose in this era in tt03 and bg00, and this arc does not read as the same character at all. it was a good arc for her, and she had a lot of good moments here! but the characterization overall wasnt great
joshua williamson: i won't go on a whole tangent about the way williamson writes but. he has no sense of character voice, his characters all feel like blank slates to get the plot across, there are no character decisions being made besides what's needed for the plot. theres not a lot that i can put my finger on and say that its bad, but there are so few choices being made that its hard to say anything about his rose. to put a completely different character in rose's place in robin 2021, all you'd have to do is switch a few words around. williamson uses a vague idea of who a character is to guide what he wants them to do, and all his characters come out shallow. his rose wasnt BAD but it wasnt good at all
scott lobdell: every day i blow on a dandelion and wish for scott lobdell to kill himself
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gretahayes · 10 months
the funniest part about all of this is doubtlessly the fact that i know while slade is doing all of this, he’s neglecting his daughter (which, honestly better than him being anywhere near her). like is the deadbeat, awful father pissy because ollie’s teenage daughter doesn’t hate him? suck it the fuck up.
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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This is self-made. Date: 14.03.2024
Please note that the numbers for Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El might not be entirely correct.
The reason for that is that I made the chart before noticing that Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers and Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El were made synonyms within the Arrow (TV 2012) and Supergirl (TV 2015) fandom but not in all other fandoms (comics, The Flash (TV)). Instead Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El and Oliver Queen/Kara Starikova were made synonyms for the comic fandoms, Superman - All Media Types and (again?) the TV Show Arrow (2012).... I found it quite confusing because I don't know much about the Arrowverse in general (clearly). Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the excel table the charts were based on (haaaaah...) and I cannot be bothered to do it all over again.
In short: The hits you see for Oliver Queen/Kara Zoe-El/Kara Danvers are most likely related to the Arrow TV show (2012) and the TV show Supergirl (2015) only (if I understood the way the tagging for this ship is done on Ao3 correctly).
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Oliver Queen from DCU.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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likeateacup · 2 years
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production photos and a few bonus pictures of the new cast have been shared to celebrate one year in London’s West End!
📸 Photo credits: Sean Ebsworth Barnes & Matt Crockett
Totally stole the text and photos from Facebook
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lovecatnip · 3 months
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jonmyblaze · 9 months
Uncle Wilson theTerminator.
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Slade Wilson wasn't even looking for the girl, he was just on a kill mission but NoOoo...
apparently this little teenage blue haired twerp just TELEPORTED right in front of him after he sliced up another one of his targets.
Crap and now she's crying to.
And Christ the lungs on her. Not even Joey had that's strong of a lung
Oh look a whole minute. And now she's taking a breath.
Lian Harper remembered the Pain, she hated the teleportation, the heartache of being ripped away from her family
oh she fucking hated it it took her years but she hated it. She had finally gotten a chance to hug her father(see Green arrow 2023 #1)
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But now she was ripped away again. Fuck.
Not even 10 minutes not even 10 fucking minutes that she could have with her own fucking dad without disappearing to God knows where, with blood and death and it looks like a meat grinder went off and killed everything in its path.
Her life was hell.
She just wanted to be with her family dad Uncle dick Donna! Ollie Wally conner. Anybody
Even mom. Fuck she forgot to tell Mom. Shit she dropped the mask.
She was alone. And Mom couldn't even find her. all because she wanted to hug her father.
It took the girl 10 minutes to finally calm down from crying. But still she knew how to wipe off the blood in less than a minute. That was strange. She even made sure to have none of the blood on her clothing.
"Who are you kid"
Slade wanted to know, no normal teenager would just teleport directly in front of his Carnage without some reason of being here.
"My name is l-Lian. " The girl with blue hair answered, almost unsure that was her own name.
"Well Where the hell did you come from Lian." That ignited something defensive in her it seemed.
"what's it to you? What, are you a cop? "
"So that I could send you back. To wherever the fuck you came from"
"Why the hell would you do that? Are you Fed? Black ops? cop? "
Because I don't want to deal with extra terrestrial bullshit. "
slade Wilson knew that if some random teenager teleported in front of you it's better to deal with their issues and then forget about that entire adventure it was best for his own sanity.
" Ha! Good luck with that." She smiled a bitter smile." I'm cursed"
Cursed kid? Sheesh
Kid I deal with the supernatural and mortal realm, I think you're exaggerating things
No! I'm not ! every time I'm with in my family I just get teleported to another part of the fucking Earth. I can't even hug my own damn father without being violently thrown across the planet."she was breaking again, she was going to cry slade did not want that.
He already had dealt with her for 10 fucking minutes of crying, pathetic ugly subs.
he did not want to be in that position again.
""I I just wanted to be with my family. Just want my dad. I'll take Mom even."
It was said on that day, The mercenary's heart grew three sizes that day. Or shrunk six sizes and just wanted to deal with the child and get her out of his hair. Depends on how you look at it.
Deathstroke removed his mask
Lian looked at the man, he was grizzled old and with gray hair, wearing an eye patch.
A grizzled old pirate assassin? Just her fucking luckz, can't get a good education because teleporting can't be with Dad because teleporting, can't be with Grandpa Ollie because he's fucking dead, can't go to Dinah can't go to Connor Lian was fucked and all she has was this damn fucking old assumingly assassin.
Why in all that is holy was she cursed to have such a life of pain and misery what did she do?, At least she could fucking remember what her dad looks like. At least he remembered her name now.
Something's going on with the timelines she did not know but this was her fucking life, and if she has to use some grizzled asshole to get uncursed or find Mom she would use them.
Turning Real tears and fake tears into bargaining power against mercenaries was one of Lian's top skills. Even if that was only against mother.
"I'll make you a deal child,
You give me information on your family names, addresses and stuff like that that I could use to hunt them down and then once we get this whole teleporter situation under wraps then you could be with your family happily ever after..
You'll be safe alive with your family in no time."
Lian was desperate where was she to go, this wasn't Gotham this wasn't any other cities she was used to,
It was some kind of bunker in the middle of nowhere, she already looked around the premises and everything like Mom would have wanted her to. Like Dad would have wanted her to. And there was nothing.
If this will get her home this would be the only chance she has
*"You mean it?"she asked with a false innocence. She had to get home she couldn't take it anymore. No more teleporting no more bullshit.
"I promise I'll do everything in my power to ensure that you return home to your family"
Slade Wilson thought this would be easy.
Oh how he wished it was easy
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
For anyone who loves horror and wonderful animation, this episode of Ollie & Scoops features the voice talents of Mara Wilson (Matilda) and Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs (Re-Animator)! It's full of lots of classic horror movie references and is delightfully funny, so please check it out!
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Most of the tags I have followed
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marsh-potatoes · 1 year
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i love my girlfriend so much but i could not for the LIFE of me finish this on time so they and u all can have it now!!!
GOSH frallie my loves it has been far too long since we have reunited oh how ive missed u my blorbitos :((( <3
((francis (right) is @youdothetalking’s while ollie (left) is mine))
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altfire · 10 months
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at my dad's so i get to see his dogs :3 wilson (white pit), ollie (dogo argentino), and gigi (gray pit) are all deaf, and jethro (beagle basset) is a very old man
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a-sour-nectarine · 2 years
I don't know how to emphasize this enough, but Slade Wilson is not a character you should idolize.
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roseworth · 2 years
the main reason i love rose and damians friendship is that damian is literally the ONLY person in teen titans (besides eddie) that got along with rose and never acted like she was a scourge upon the titans. she had very few positive interactions with the team and her most positive one on one interactions were with damian
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stoportotouch · 1 year
coming up with a new interpretation, which is that 1776 is being told from adams’ perspective to, idk, john quincy adams several years after the fact when the details are Foggy. and his perception is also kind of clouded by how badly his own presidency went, meaning that he’s like “and of course, everybody hated my guts back then”.
it also kind of explains what wilson’s Deal in the show is. because adams’ memory of him would be kind of supplanted by what HAPPENED to the poor man after the revolution, rather than the actual wilson. because wilson was actually intelligent, driven, shrewd, very well-respected, and a generally very competent lawyer.
but then wilson ended up losing all his money twice. and in 1798, when visiting a fellow lawyer in philadelphia, he had a breakdown and ended up dying in a debtors’ prison later that year. which... would probably have overwritten my memory of the actual guy.
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