#One piece Luffy
merialiez · 2 days
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they go out in their matching jammies
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bridgekc · 2 days
luffy paying the revolutionary army a visit
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ford-owner · 3 days
Can u draw them as fish 🎣 🐟 🏊‍♂️
spent WAY too much time on this
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doodle-list · 11 hours
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Happy aromantic visibility day!! Love this aroace king
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willowbelle · 2 days
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luffy & bathing together
per this request ! ◡̈
❤︎ luffy x fem reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (fluff) ༉‧₊˚✧
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cw: fluff, kissing, undressing.
summary: you finally convince luffy to take a bath by promising to get in with him ♡︎ (as long as he doesn't splash you ˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
word count: ~1,800
tagging: @luckycheesecakeangel @missmugiwara @bby-deerling @3v37773 @laylaloves-ed @shamblespirate @lowkeycasanova @maddddstuff
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You've got Luffy in a bind. 
He knows he needs to bathe, shed the layers of the week's grime. He’s utterly filthy, but his stubborn nature keeps him from stepping into the water.
The two of you sit hand in hand atop the Sunny's crow's nest, the sun casting a warm glow over the sea. Your head rests against his scarred chest, his heart beating steadily under your ear. 
"Luffy," you say gently, looking up at him as determination nips at your tongue. "It'll feel so nice to wash away the salt and sweat. You can't keep putting it off forever."
He chuckles, the mischief clear in his eyes. "I don't need a bath! I'm a pirate! A little dirt never hurt anyone."
You laugh at his playful defiance, knowing he's just trying to avoid it. "Come on, you'll be a lot more comfortable after a soak. And maybe…”  you tease, a sly smile playing on your lips,  “I'll join you."
Luffy's eyes light up at your words, his curiosity piqued. "You'll join me?" he asks, a hint of excitement in his voice.
"Only if you promise to behave," you chuckle, “No splashing me."
"Deal!" Luffy agrees with a wide grin.
With a gentle squeeze of Luffy's hand, you pull him along, your smiles matching as you descend the crow’s nest with your captain in tow. The sun's golden rays bathe the ship's deck in light, casting a radiant glow around you. As you walk, your fingers remain intertwined with his, a familiar and comforting touch.
You lead him toward the bathroom, passing by the others on the crew who wave and nod as you go. Luffy's easygoing demeanor brightens the mood, his laughter carrying on the breeze as you tease him about how nice it will be to finally get clean.
Luffy chuckles, but you can tell he's warming up to the idea, especially when you lean into him, whispering promises of relaxation and the pleasant warmth of the bath. His grip tightens around your hand in response, his excitement growing.
As you approach the bathroom door, Luffy grins at you, a mix of anticipation and affection in his eyes. "Alright, alright, I'm going!" he says with a playful laugh.
You nudge open the door, and Luffy lets you step inside first, the warm scent of candles and bath salts guiding your way. 
“I’ll get the bath ready,” you tell Luffy with a smile, giving him a playful nudge. “You go ahead and get undressed.”
Luffy grins at you, giving a mock salute. “Aye, aye, captain!”
As he begins to undress, you turn your attention to the bath. The water pours from the faucet, quickly filling the tub. You adjust the temperature, making sure it’s just right—not too hot, not too cool—for a comfortable soak.
While you focus on preparing the bath, you can hear the soft rustling of Luffy’s clothes as he removes them. He lets out a quiet, satisfied sigh as he frees himself from the layers of fabric. 
Once the bath is ready, you turn off the faucet and glance over at Luffy, who stands bare and carefree. He gives you a playful grin, his eyes full of affection.
“All set!” he declares.
His confident stance, hands on his hips, and the playful grin he offers you make your cheeks flush with a sudden warmth. Your legs feel wobbly, and your heart races at the sight of him.
Luffy’s easy confidence and affection draw you in, making you smile despite your blush. He notices the pink hue on your cheeks and chuckles gently. “What’s wrong?” he teases, stepping closer to you.
You clear your throat, trying to regain your composure as you meet his gaze. “Nothing, just… you’re so ready to go,” you say, pathetically attempting to match his confident tone.
Luffy’s grin widens at your words, and he reaches out towards you, his fingers meeting the hem of your dress with a questioning tug. 
“C’mon,” he grins, slyly tugging at the fabric, “Join me.” 
Beckoned by his eagerness, you follow your captain’s nude lead, slowly pulling your dress up and over your head.
You feel a rush of warmth flood your cheeks as Luffy's gaze remains fixed on you, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and affection. His playful grin widens as he watches you, his excitement palpable.
With your dress discarded, you stand before him in nothing but your bra and panties, feeling vulnerable yet strangely exhilarated by his gaze. Luffy's expression softens, a tender warmth filling his eyes as he takes in the sight of you.
"You look beautiful," he whispers, his voice uncharacteristically soft and genuine.
Your heart skips a beat at his words, a blush spreading across your cheeks at his unexpected compliment. You smile shyly, feeling a flutter of excitement in the pit of your stomach.
"Thank you, Luffy."
Without another word, Luffy steps closer to you, his bare chest inches away from yours. The warmth of his skin against yours sends a shiver down your spine, igniting a spark of desire within you.
His fingers brush against your cheek, his touch gentle and tender. You lean into his touch, your breath catching in your throat as you feel his breath on your face.
Without warning, Luffy leans in, his lips capturing yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
The kiss is passionate, a bit messy, so Luffy.
Lost in the sweetness of the kiss, you and Luffy linger for a moment longer, savoring the warmth of each other's lips.
As you finally pull back, a soft smile lingers on your lips, your eyes meeting Luffy's with blushing fondness, "Alright, Luffy," you murmur, "We need to get in the bath before it gets too cold."
Luffy's grin widens at your words, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Right!" he agrees, his eagerness returning as he takes your hand in his. "No more delays, let's go!"
With a shared chuckle, you remove the last of your undergarments and step into the warm water of the bath, the comforting embrace of the steam enveloping you.
The warmth of the water encapsulates you both as you settle into the bath, a sigh of contentment escaping your lips. Luffy leans back against the edge of the tub, his eyes closed in bliss as he savors the soothing heat.
You sit beside him, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. The sound of the water lapping gently against the sides of the tub fills the air, creating a tranquil ambiance that lulls you into relaxation.
Luffy opens his eyes, his gaze finding yours with a soft smile. "This feels amazing," he murmurs, his voice low and content.
You nod in agreement, leaning closer to him as you soak in the warmth together, "I told you," you chuckle softly. The tension of the day melts away, leaving only the quiet comfort of each other's company.
"Alright, now let me help clean you up," you smile warmly at him, and he nods, leaning forwards to allow you to wash his back.
As you reach for the soap, you can't help but admire the intricate network of scars that crisscross Luffy's skin, a testament to the countless battles he's fought. With gentle hands, you lather up the soap, being careful to avoid aggravating any tender areas.
Luffy watches you with a playful glint in his eyes, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. "It's okay," he teases, his voice filled with warmth. "I'm made of rubber, not glass, you know."
You chuckle at his playful demeanor, continuing to wash him with care. "I know, but I want to make sure I don't hurt you," you reply softly, your touch gentle and soothing.
Luffy laughs, the sound echoing through the bathroom. "Don't worry about me," he reassures you, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "I've been through worse than a little soap and water."
You smile at his resilience, feeling a swell of affection for the man before you.
As you finish washing him, Luffy leans back with a satisfied sigh, his skin glowing in the soft light of the bathroom. "Thanks!" he exclaims, his voice filled with gratitude. "That felt amazing."
You smile back at him, feeling a sense of closeness that warms your heart. "Anytime, Luffy," you reply softly. "I'm always here for you."
As the water begins to cool, you glance at Luffy with a playful grin. "Although, I think it's time to get out before we turn into prunes."
Luffy merely grins at your suggestion, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
But before you can react to his sly face, he splashes you with a quick flick of his hand, the water droplets landing on your skin with a playful splash.
You roll your eyes at his antics, but a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. With a smirk, you lean closer to him, closing the distance between you. Luffy's eyes widen in surprise as you press your lips to his.
For a moment, the only thing that matters is the sweetness of his kiss, but you can't help but give in to the game your captain started.
When you finally pull back, you're met with Luffy's wide-eyed gaze, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
Even as you feel the warmth of the kiss linger on your lips, you can't resist the urge to quickly gather some water in your hand and splash it back at Luffy with a playful flick of your wrist.
The water splashes across his chest, eliciting a surprised yelp from Luffy as he blinks in astonishment. His wide-eyed gaze shifts from the water droplets to you, his lips curling into a playful grin.
"Hey!" he protests, his laughter bubbling up as he reaches for more water.
"Gotcha," you say with a grin.
You laugh along with him, feeling the joy of the moment wash over you. The sound of his laughter fills the air, mingling with yours as you engage in a playful water fight.
As you grow tired and the water stills, Luffy's first to stand up, water cascading down his glistening skin before he offers you a hand and a grin. You follow suit, rising to your feet with your captain's help, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after your soak.
Together, you dry off and dress, the memory of the bath lingering in your minds as you return to the deck of The Sunny. As you watch the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you reach for Luffy's hand.
And although you don't look up at his face, far too captivated by the sunset, you know he's grinning as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
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lifeline-zone · 2 days
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wherever our journey will take us
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alynomali · 2 days
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Luffy and nami highschool ver!
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yew-yew · 3 days
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ahhhh look so microwaveable
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lowkeycasanova · 2 days
not sure why I thought of this, but luffy definitely daps you up after sex. that’s it. that’s all I wanted to say haha
He most certainly would! And I know you said "that's it" but I just have to expand on this a little more.
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You've both finally caught your breath, basking in the afterglow of your shared experience. Even in intimate moments, there will never be a moment where Luffy's personality doesn't come through in the most luffy-like way possible.
With an affectionate, yet playful manner, he sits up with his weight resting on his flexed elbow and turns to you with a big ass grin on his face.
"That was awesome!" he exclaims, and his eyes sparkle with joy and sincerity.
You love his unfiltered enthusiasm and can't help but chuckle softly.
He raises his hand, and your hand meets his in a satisfying clap. Both your fingers interlocking briefly as they slide past each other.
It's such a casual gesture, but now it's more celebratory of the bond your shared along with mutual respect and playfulness. It encapsulates the essence of your relationship: equal parts of romance with deep friendship.
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peace0of0art · 2 days
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Nami and Franky being the zolu shippers ever Based off of this alt version with their toei skintones below:
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rocketsockit · 2 days
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This is disjointed as hell but take it, Monkey D. "of course Ace is hot r u dumb" and "my grandpa doesn't like blondes" Luffy offshoot of this post
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ford-owner · 14 hours
Do you fw lusan/zolu and can you draw them?
personally im of the opinion that luffys more interested in friends than romantic relationships but i 💜 monster trio
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scribbyizback · 3 days
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I think I hauve an illness
I don't remember how I managed to render like that but it happened so we deal w it.
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they will forever hate/love each other
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merbear25 · 3 days
Could you do one piece x a cute fem reader who is really good at making desserts and owns a cute bakery!?!?
Hello, hello! This is a super cute request, so I'm happy to write it for you. Since you didn't specify which 3 characters, I chose the ones I had some ideas for. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
CW: SFW, fluff, fem!reader, headcanons
With a fem!reader who bakes and has a bakery (Sanji, Luffy, Koby)
Sanji: Was there anything you couldn’t do? You were already precious to him in every way, but seeing as you not only had a passion for baking, but you also had the drive to open your own business was truly inspiring. He adored watching you express your creativity and adored it even more when others appreciated your hard work. Plus, seeing you in your cute apron and uniform was an added bonus. Being the supportive man that he was, he’d help out around the bakery in any way you needed. Someone called in sick? He’d be there to fill in. The dishwasher broke? He’d wash the dishes himself. Since he was quite the creative one in the kitchen as well, it’d be a lovely bonding moment to bake together, share recipes, and get a little side tracked here and there, his sincerity never leaving him.
“I’m so proud of you.”
Luffy: Admittedly, he wasn’t the best when it came to distinguishing good quality food from bad. That being said, he enjoyed your sweet treats more than anyone else’s. His eyes would sparkle whenever you made something. You learned quickly that if you ever had to bake something for work at home, you had to prepare triple the amount to accommodate Luffy’s constant hunger and lack of self-control. That didn’t mean he’d carelessly eat anything that wasn’t for him, though; he’d just whine a bit about how tasty it looked and how badly he wanted to eat it. When he visited you at the bakery, he’d talk to some of the customers, telling them about which of your baked goods were his favorites. You couldn’t help but feel a warmth in your chest whenever you heard him gushing about how talented he thought you were.
“Everything you make is amazing!”
Koby: You were outstanding in every sense of the word. He was always the kind of person to believe in fighting for what you want, pushing yourself to make it a reality. That's why when you opened your bakery to live part of your dream, he couldn’t help himself: he fell for you all over again. On top of the devotion you had to your business, you were exceptionally talented at what you baked too. Truth be told, you helped keep that fire under him lit. He admired you so much, and you inspired him to keep pushing for his own dreams and wants. Never faltering from the supportive role, he was your biggest cheerleader, offering to help when and how you needed him to—no questions asked. Whenever you were excited about how well something turned out, he was there to listen and encourage you.
“You can do anything. I know you can!”
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