#Only thinking about this cause of how much I've been thinking about sharp sight x killbot 86
chewysgummies · 1 month
Okay, call me whatever names but-
Has anyone ever felt sad that their WOY OC isn't actually canon, but think to yourself that they would've had the chance to be one by the show producer at one point but like- you beat them to it and now you think you might've screwed them over cause they would've been real in like 6 years later?
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 10 ~ Darkness
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 3.3k
In this chapter ~ While searching endlessly for Sophia in the woods, all they could seem to hit were dead ends and nowhere closer to tracking her down. Although when the group splits up to cover more ground, everything seems to turn upside down at the sound of an unexpected fire of a gun.
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"Everyone pick a weapon." Rick announced as he laid multiple knives, machetes, and sharp blades down on the hood of an abandoned car we all surrounded.
It was the next morning and we all planned to go out again and look for Sophia, while Dale, T-Dog, and Carl were going to be the only ones staying behind here on the highway. Dale needed to work on the RV, T-Dog got hurt and needed to rest, and Carl was just a kid. We didn't want him out there with us in case something happened.
I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night and a part of me blamed it on because that little girl was still out there. But I also think it was because I had to sleep with someone's foot in my back on the RV floor. I could've easily yelled at Daryl this morning about him leaving the truck behind because at least in there I could get a decent amount of sleep.
Andrea narrowed her eyes at the blades, "These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" she practically whined.
I rolled my eyes let out a breath of air, attempting to just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business. Ever since the CDC, Dale had taken away her gun because she had become very suicidal after the loss of her sister, but he just wanted to protect her. Since then, she had been going on and on about wanting her gun back and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we were all growing tired of it. She sounded more like a broken record than a human being at this point.
"We've been over this, Daryl, Rick, Rose, and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane explained for what felt like the thirteenth time since we gathered around.
"It's not the trees I'm worried about," she responded before glaring at me "Why does she get a gun?"
"Because I know what I'm doing." I responded dryly.
"You know just about as much as the rest of us, we all started learning how to shoot at the same time." she said in a snappy tone, her hands placed firmly on her hips.
I smiled a little to myself, "Trust me, I've known how to shoot for quite some time now." I replied.
"Oh yeah how?" she asked as if she didn't believe me.
My eyes narrowed a bit towards her in annoyance, "I really don't think I owe you any explanations but...I was a cop." I stated simply.
She sent a glare my way, "Really?"
I nodded, "Undercover. Now, as much as I love to continue to go around in circles for two hours about how the princess doesn't have a gun, I'm already pretty tired of your bullshit and we haven't even started yet. And it seems to me you're focusing on the one thing you can't have rather than that little girl that needs to be found."
She looked a little taken back by my response and her eyes only widened, I don't think she really expected that from me. But it did cause her to stutter a little over her words, trying to come up with a good enough response but just ended up scoffing in annoyance with her arms crossed tightly over her chest.
Everyone was silent for a long moment, Daryl trying to suppress a laugh as best as he could before clearing his throat to speak, "So uh...the idea is to take the creek up bout five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark."
"Alright...stay quiet and stay sharp, keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other." Rick told us.
"I'm going with you." Carl said suddenly, "You need people right? To cover as much ground as possible."
Rick and Lori just glanced nervously at each other before having a little debate back and forth about what was the smartest play. Eventually, Carl had managed to convince them to let him come with considering the two of them would be there the whole time in case something went wrong.
I thought it would be good for the kid to try and help find his friend, he needed to learn how to shoot if necessary and possibly learn how to track. And I would obviously be more than happy to teach him a few things while we're out there.
But before any of us could move to start heading out, Andrea suddenly started to snap at Dale the second he walked up to tell her to be careful out there, bringing up the gun situation again. Everyone around them seemed to be watching uncomfortably, and I was just growing more annoyed that this was wasting so much time. Clearly the things I tried to point out to her didn't stick as well as I wanted them to.
"I'm just gonna..." I trailed off as I started to walk towards the trees, not wanting to hear any more of their conversation.
"Yeah." Daryl agreed suddenly from beside me, walking just as fast away from the confrontation.
We put a good distance away from us and the group, watching the highway from the brink of the forest in case they ever wanted to start moving their asses anytime soon. I leaned up against a nearby tree as we waited in comfortable silence, kicking some dirt beneath my feet absentmindedly.
"Ya really left her speechless back there." he suddenly spoke with a smug tone.
I scoffed, "Yeah, don't think I missed that laugh you were trying to hold back." I said with knowing eyes.
He chuckled quietly to himself, replaying the conversation in his head as he didn't do anything else but nod.
The group made their way towards us not long after that, heading into the endless forest to finally get a move on and search for Sophia. All I could do was hope and pray she was hiding somewhere safe, safe enough to make it through the night on her own.
I stuck towards the front as we moved, right next to Daryl while everyone else trailed behind us with their eyes glued to the ground. We tried to stick to the path that we managed to make out yesterday, having at least a little indication of which direction she went. Thought I couldn't help but overhear a conversation going down just behind me a few feet away.
I briefly heard Carl attempting to talk to Shane about something I couldn't quite make out. But instead of listening to him, the man just snapped at the poor kid and completely brushed off what he said as if it meant nothing to him.
I didn't know what his problem was lately but it was starting to get under my skin, probably more than it should've. I just didn't understand the constant stick he seemed to have up his ass ever since we've been on the road.
Carl then slowly made his way towards the front a few seconds after and began to fall in step right next to me. He didn't say anything, but I knew he was upset at what just happened, and I didn't need to turn around to know that Shane just bit his head off for no reason.
"Hey kid, you okay?" I asked him.
He sighed with a small shake of his head, "I think Shane's mad at me. I just don't know what I did wrong." he said.
I scoffed quietly to myself, "You didn't do anything wrong; I think he's just stressed and worried about Sophia." I lied, "But that doesn't make it okay for him to take that out on you."
The truth was I don't think Sophia was the thing fogging Shane's mind, I just didn't know what else to tell Carl. The truth was I think he was upset and frustrated that we had to stay on that highway longer than we all anticipated, and I wouldn't put it past him if he was considering leaving Sophia behind. He had it written all over his face for everyone else to see that he didn't care nearly as much as he should've.
But Carl didn't say anything else, he just nodded his head and continued to walk beside me, looking at our surroundings. It amused me seeing him trying to follow my movements and mimicking the same things I was doing to try and figure out how to track. It only brought my mind back to wanting to teach him someday when he was up for it.
My eyes glanced back up to watch ahead of us and my movements stilled, holding an arm out in front of Carl to get him to stop walking. We all seemed to freeze at the yellow tent parked just a few feet away from all of us, the endless possibilities flooding my mind.
"She could be in there." Shane stated the obvious.
"Yeah, no shit." I muttered.
"Could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl said, keeping his voice down.
His hand then went up into the air as he silently waved us on, keeping up with his strides as we approached the thing with caution. Our steps were slow and quiet, just in case there was someone else sleeping in there or easily a walker just waiting to be let out.
Daryl was the first one to make it close enough to hear anything inside, waiting only a few seconds before nodding back towards Rick.
"Carol," he whispered, "Call out softly, if she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear."
She nodded her head and spoke softly, "Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. We're all here baby. It's mommy."
We all waited in anticipation for a few moments but heard absolutely nothing in response to Carol's soft voice. Daryl took that as a sign to move in closer, unzipping the tent as slowly as he could with the new knife in his hand, slipping in through the flap. I subtly held my breath as he disappeared into the space, not making a single sound as he poked around inside. But after he was in there, he didn't move, he didn't call out for help, he was just silent as he examined the tent and took his sweet ass time doing so.
"Daryl?" I called after a few seconds of agonizing silence.
Nothing. Not a single sound or movement which made all of us begin to worry.
"Daryl?" I tried again.
This time he finally showed himself with a shake of his head, "It ain't her." he said simply as he zipped the tent back up behind him.
"What's in there?" Carol asked.
"Some guy, did what Jenner said. Opted out. Ain't that what he called it?" he asked.
Rick looked down at the ground with a sigh, and began to pinch the bridge of his nose from the growing headache he was probably receiving from all of this. I turned to see Carol trying to hold back tears at the fact that she wasn't anywhere near here, but that didn't mean we were just going to give up.
Suddenly, we all stood still once more at the sound that tore through the quiet air. Church bells began ringing, a little too loud for my liking, and we all didn't waste a single second after processing the noise, before we were sprinting towards it.
I was pushing myself to run as fast as I could trying to get there, but I didn't really know what to expect. Would it be Sophia? It could be a stranger. But after a few brief minutes of pushing our way through the trees and trying to figure out which way the sound was coming from, we finally spotted a little white church in the distance. There were no other buildings surrounding it as it stood tall in the middle of the forest, surrounded by a graveyard just off to the side.
"This can't be it. It's got no steeple, no bells." Shane said as we all stopped to look at it.
Regardless we continued to run towards it, ignoring Shane's protests in case she was in the small building anyways. It was always a possibility, and there was no harm in checking it out just in case Shane was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time anyway.
All of us quickly made it up to the front wooden doors in a flash, but paused momentarily to look at each other in question. Rick silently counted down from three as he looked to Daryl and I, then ripped the doors open to reveal three people sitting up straight in the pews.
But as soon as they heard us, they turned around to reveal their dead yellow eyes and their snarls only grew louder as they looked at us like giant pieces of meat. Rick didn't hesitate to move and take the one on the left, Daryl instantly moving to the right, while I was left with the one in the middle. I pulled out one of my knifes and twirled it around once, before throwing it directly at its head and watching it fall to the ground.
I looked back over just in time to see Daryl flinching back at the walker that nearly grabbed a hold of his shirt, before he finally took his weapon and sliced it through its head. He glanced back up once he felt my eyes on him, breathless from the attack he had just barely avoided.
"You got it?" I asked sarcastically.
He scoffed, "Shut up." he muttered as he cleaned the weapon on the walkers' worn clothes.
I smiled small, but felt a twinge of disappointment when she wasn't anywhere in here. Every single pew lined up was empty, and there were no other rooms off to the side we could search through.
But the bells only began ringing again from what sounded like right above our heads, causing the remainder of us to fly back out of the church to pinpoint the noise. I turned the corner just in time to see Glenn facing a loudspeaker attached to the building, quickly pulling the plug.
"Timer." he breathed, "It's on a timer."
The group easily began to hang their heads in disappointment as Carol wiped her remaining tears, "I'm going to go back in for a minute." she announced quietly as she ventured back into the church.
We all watched her go and sit up towards the front, where a statue of Jesus hung high in the middle. I could only assume she was going to pray, pray for her little girl and that we would find her soon enough, pray that she would remain safe.
But I couldn't bring myself to walk back in, so I headed the opposite way, walking through the small and rundown graveyard to place myself up against a tree to just breathe for a moment. My eyes closed as I tried to think about something else, something more positive that would cause me to keep going. But it always went back to the same thing, worrying about what I couldn't control.
I eventually reached down and took out one of my throwing knives, starting to play with it in my grasp to have some sort of a distraction. But it wasn't working out as well as I hoped. I just couldn't stop lingering over the fact that she was still somewhere out there, maybe hurt, and alone as she too was searching desperately for us.
My eyes glanced up only a few moments later, seeing Glenn making his way over to me with a small and sympathetic smile on his face. He found a space beside me and nudged my shoulder with his.
"Hey." he greeted.
I smiled, "Hey."
It grew silent for a second or two before he took in a breath like he was going to say something, but then stopped himself before anything could come out.
"Don't do that." I complained.
He grew confused, "Do what?"
"Don't open your mouth like you're going to say something and then just...don't." I said as I glanced down at the blade still in my hands.
He sighed, "Okay...can I ask you something?"
I nodded, "Yeah, sure."
"Do you...do you think she's still out there? I mean like...do you think she's still alive?" he asked quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was close by to hear the sudden assumption.
My face dropped in a matter of seconds, and he clearly noticed it too. I had hope that we would find her, hope that she would be fine. But some were being so negative about everything, starting to question the whole thing just as he was. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or Shane and Andrea getting on my nerves, or the fact that the guilt was slowly eating away at me. But I was pissed.
"Yes." I snapped, "Jesus Christ, it's only been one day Glenn."
"No, no-" he sighed, "You know I didn't mean to say it like that, I'm sure she's fine. I just can't help but think of other possibilities. Even if..." he trailed off quietly.
A scoff left my lips as I looked away from him. I knew he wasn't trying to do any of this on purpose, I was just really on edge. My mind was just racing about all the things that could've happened differently if I had just gone with Rick to help him. I felt responsible for protecting these kids and now one of them is lost somewhere in this godforsaken forest. Plus seeing Carol so worried after that poor woman had already been through so much, is just the icing on the cake. I didn't know what to say to her now, I didn't even really know how to be there for her. The only thing I felt I could do, was help her find her daughter.
I noticed then everyone was making their way back to the front of the church to talk about what to do next, gathering around in a small circle. Getting up wordlessly, I began to make the walk back over towards them with Glenn trailing silently behind me.
I stopped a little farther back from the group, listening to Rick as I felt someone stand next to me and I glanced over briefly to see it was Daryl. He looked down at me, noticing how serious my face had become and raised one eyebrow at me in questioning, but I didn't say anything as I continued to listen to the plan Rick was talking about.
"You guys follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl you're in charge. Me and Shane are going to hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." he announced.
"Splittin us up like that? Ya sure?" Daryl asked.
"Yeah, we'll catch up with you." Shane assured with a nod.
Rick then looked towards me, like he had an idea, "Rose, why don't you come with us too. We could use a tracker to see if we can find anything." he suggested.
I shrugged, "Sure." I agreed.
Carl then jumped up to ask if he could come along too seeing as I would also be staying behind, leaving his parents growing uneasy all over again as they debated. Though eventually they agreed, knowing they couldn't hold him back from everything. The kid grew very excited at the idea of staying behind with us, turning to urgently hug his mom goodbye before skipping back over towards us. She told him to be careful over and over again, but he hardly heard her it seemed like.
Daryl then nudged my side gently to grab my attention before I even had a chance to walk off, "Be safe." he said in a quiet voice.
"Why? You worried?" I asked, a smile returning to my face in amusement.
A scoff left his lips as he went to deny it, though the words never made it past his lips, "M' serious, be careful out there." he settled on saying instead.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I'll be careful. Watch out for yourself too, alright?"
He nodded like it was a promise and looked at me for a few more moments, almost as if trying to memorize my features as much as possible. I found myself not looking away either, my heartrate only increasing when he didn't break eye contact.
What the hell was wrong with me? Ever since we started to get even a little closer, I felt somewhat nervous around him especially when he looked at me like this. Not that I would ever let him see that though. I felt that if he did catch a glimpse of it, he wouldn't stop. But then again, I didn't know if I wanted him to.
I was the one who ended the staring contest this time, looking away from him and made my way over to Rick so we could head off to search in the opposite direction. Before I left however, I turned back to glance at him one more time to only find he still had his eyes on me, giving him a small wave before completely leaving the rest behind.
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We had been only wandering back through the trees for a few long minutes in complete silence before Carl suddenly stopped in front of me, almost causing me to run into him. I grew confused until I looked up and saw he was staring in astonishment at a deer just a few feet away from us, eating some grass and minding its own business. He stood watching it in awe before slowly walking up to it while Rick and Shane stayed in the same place behind us, smiling to themselves at the sight. I followed close behind him and lowered myself to whisper in his ear.
"Nice and slow, you might scare it off if you go too fast." I told him.
He nodded, never taking his eyes off the animal, "This is so awesome." he breathed.
I smiled at him as we continued to walk up to the deer who was now staring right back at us with big eyes. This was a very calm moment that I silently think we all needed. Today felt very hectic and stressful, and we all needed a break to think about something else. Even if it was just for a short moment, it was still very much needed in my mind.
However, the moment didn't last as long as I hoped. All I heard was the sound of a loud gunshot coming from right in front of us and before I knew what was happening, my body dropped to the ground with a sharp pain near my stomach.
My back hit the ground harshly, and I was now facing the sky with my vision was starting to blur as I gasped in agony. The last thing I could hear was Carl yelling before all I saw was darkness.
~ Thanks for reading!
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storyarcscribe · 2 years
Hi!! If you write for moon boys, would you please consider a prompt about f!reader x Steven stuck in an elevator? We all know that building is old enough :) strangers to friends/lovers, no ER. Smut or no smut - you decide :) if this prompt is not interesting for you, feel free to skip it! Have a good day :)
Oh I've been WAITING for this one, my beautiful anon....
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Stuck with a Stranger
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1K
Summary: On your first day for a new job, being trapped on an old lift with a neighbor doesn't seem all that bad.
A/N: First Moon Knight fic EVER. Did I get this right? Keep me honest as I love this show and would love to keep writing on it!
Warnings: Pure fluff, tired and beautiful Steven Grant, me trying to relive my days living in London for college, an American trying her damn best to write in a British voice
Masterlist & How to Send a Prompt | Read on AO3
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated, loves!
Moving from America on a work visa, you had no idea what a flat could be like before moving to London. You expected a chic, Victorian style building with beautiful ceiling and a park across the street. A fool’s fantasy, but it was one you dreamed of as a little girl. 
Your new building wasn’t Buckingham Palace.
You didn’t think it was even up to code.
The flat served its purpose though. It was spacious, albeit old and falling apart. You were pretty sure your landlord refused to update anything past 2002. However, your commute was short, and you were close to everything via tube. Your older neighbor brought a pound cake to your door last night, welcoming you to the building. Residents were quiet and relatively all older or of working age. 
Today was your first day of work. You landed your dream job in your dream city. Everything today had to be perfect. You dressed sharp. Pencil skirt. Blouse. Blazer. Not a crease or stain in sight. You brewed your favorite tea and managed to pull back your hair into a decent style.
Stepping into the lift, you sipped your tea and checked your watch. 8:15 a.m. Perfect. You would have plenty of time to set up your things and meet your new team before the work day started. 
“Hold the lift!” A voice shouted down the hallway. 
You looked up from your watch to see a struggling man with a stack of papers rush to lock his door. You held an arm against the door to keep it open—no good making an enemy of your neighbor. With a final tug, he closed the door and rushed to the lift. He only noticed you when the lift doors closed as he struggled for breath. He wore a dark button-down collared shirt and stained trousers. The stranger's curly hair was wild, like he didn’t even brush it through, the curls overlapping in every direction. The papers he clutched were a crumpled mess. 
“Cheers,” he breathed. 
His eyes connected with you like a deer in headlights. He was handsome, though, that much you could tell yourself. You couldn’t get past the the purple under his eyes. The curls fell over his forehead, framing his large, brown eyes that went so wide you could see your reflection in them. 
He cleared his throat, his apple’s adam bobbing under the tight collar of his shirt. “T-thank you.”
The doors shut, and the lift began to descend. You forgot how slow this damn thing was until you were in it. Then, finally, one floor passed after what seemed like an eternity. 
He shuffled around, trying to give you some room until some of the papers fell from his hand, scattering across the ground.
“Oh.. bloody hell,” he mumbled, attempting to pick up the paper. He looked like a baby bird trying to pick up a worm. 
“Here,” you placed your ceramic cup on the ground. “Let me.”
You squatted as gracefully as you could in a pencil skirt. Another floor went by. 
“Oh goodness,” he blushed. “Please, don’t. I’ve made a mess of myself…”
You lifted a paper to him that flew closer to your corner. “It’s okay-“
The lift jerked to a stop, causing you to lose your balance. He fell against the obsidian wall, arms falling out to catch himself as he balanced himself in the corner. The rest of the papers were scattered across the floor. Something metal-like screeched along the top of the lift. You struggled to regain your footing. 
He stepped forward, hitting the ground-level button. Nothing. He hit your floor’s number. Nothing. 
You pulled out your cell and tried looking up a phone line. No service. 
“Great,” you deadpanned. Fan-fucking-tastic. Your first day of work and a first impression was going straight to the gutter. 
“It’s fine,” he assured. “Someone will have to notice.”
A light bulb above you went out. 
“Eventually,” he murmured.
“Sure about that?” You breathed. 
Your very tried neighbor paled. “Donna’s gonna kill me.”
“Donna?” You repeated. 
He looked frazzled for a moment like he didn’t expect you to hear that. “My boss.”
You sighed, understanding. “At least you’re not starting a new job.”
“Oh goodness,” he lamented. “They’ll understand, yeah? Has to be on the list of excuses you can say on this first day.”
You attempted a smile. “And that won’t work with… Donna?”
“Oh, no,” He scoffed. “I’ll be in the manager’s office as soon as I walk in.”
You snorted, and he smiled like he didn’t even realize he made any joke.  
As you two sat on the lift floor, the conversation flowed easily. He had lived alone in this building for a few months, worked at the National Art Gallery, and had a goldfish. You shared your recent move for a new job, furniture hunting, and adjusting to the British lifestyle. He was easy to talk to, looking at you as he held to every word you said. You had never captured the attention of someone like this before. 
“What do you like about living here?” You asked candidly. 
His brows furrowed. “Honestly?”
Steven thought carefully, lost in thought. “London’s a city where you can be your own person, yeah? There are so many of us here, new and old. So much history, but it changes every minute of every day.”
Words failed you for a moment as he twiddled with his hands. 
“It’s a city for everyone,” he shrugged with a sheepish smile. 
There was such hope in his eyes like today wasn’t possibly the day this stranger you met would not get fired. In his tired eyes, you saw such wonder for life. 
“Corny?” He asked candidly.
“No,” you disagreed whole-heartedly. “It was perfect.”
The elevator groaned back to life. 
“Clearly,” you smiled. “The lift like that answer, too.”
As the doors opened, you introduced your name with a soft smile. 
“Steven Grant,” he answered back with a little wave. 
The action might have been amusing to any other human being, but he was so genuine with warmth in your eyes that you couldn’t help but embrace it. He was so much more relaxed even as he bounced on his toes. The tiredness in his eyes was replaced by something else. 
As you departed from the building together for the tube, you couldn’t help but be grateful for your old building allowing your kind neighbor who makes being in a new city easier to manage. 
On the following day for work, you waited an extra minute as Steven flung himself out of the door, late for work again. For some reason, you wished the old lift would stop again, giving you an extra moment with your neighbor.
A/N: awwwwww :) Ooof maybe I should do a Jake and Marc elevator meet q as well because this was FUN.
Thank you for reading and follow for more of our Moon Boys! 🌙
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fallen {Chapter Twenty Three}
Alastor x (Fem)Reader
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Warning: Torture, Blood, Knives, Violence (Pretty much, Alastor just doing his thing)
A pounding headache was the first thing I felt as I open my eyes. My vision was blurred, and it was like everything was in slow motion. I heard muffled voices, going back and forth before a scream brought me to my senses. I whimper, the red hue of everything was terribly bright and there was a sharp ringing in my ears. I barely noticed the footsteps that approached me before I heard a familiar voice speaking to me.
"Y/n?" It was Alastor's voice. He crouched down and gently placed a hand on my cheek, making me focus on him. "Are you alright?" He asked. I blinked slowly. Aside from the headache, I didn't feel as if I were seriously injured. "I think so. My head hurts though..." I say weakly. "What happened?"
Alastor lifts me up, everything was still so fuzzy. My mind was still trying to catch up. "Liam attacked you. Thankfully I arrived before he could do anything more." He teleports me to my room and sets me on the bed before looking me over. "You appear to be fine. You said your head hurts?"
I nod before he places his hand gently on my head. He began to heal it. "How did you know I was in trouble?" I ask Alastor, wincing slightly. "I'm afraid I couldn't keep away, when you said you wanted to speak to that lowly man alone. So I silently watched from a distance." He starts. "And I was right to do so, it seems."
"I'm glad you did. I'm sorry, that was dumb of me." I sigh. "I just...I thought I could finally say something. I've held my tongue for so long, I just had to say something...And I didn't want anyone to get involved I guess. What happened between the two of us, is no one else's problem."
Alastor hums. "There is no shame in asking for help. I understand it can be very difficult, but that is the first step in the right direction." He moves his hand away from my head. The ache was gone.
"I also understand, there are things that need to be kept private. But as I said, seeking help is never a bad thing." He tells me. I smile a bit. "I know...Thank you Alastor, for helping me." My smile fell slightly as I ask. "W-Where is Liam now?" Alastor smirks. "Awaiting his punishment."
"Punishment?" I repeat. "I was given permission, wasn't I?" Alastor asks. He was. I'm not complaining, and I'm not going to stop him either. But I prefer not to know about just what Alastor was planning to do. "Right. I think I'm still just shaken up from what happened. Seeing Liam again, speaking with him. It's just..." I hadn't noticed, but as I spoke, my hands began to shake.
"He even blamed me. Blamed me for my death that he caused, and for him dying and ending up in hell. Can you believe that?" I laugh, tears filling my eyes. "Nothing has changed. I'm not surprised but, it still hurts. Even in death, I can't escape him..."
"Y/n." Alastor gently takes my chin and makes me look at him. "He won't be hurting you again. I'll make sure of that." His voice dipped, static filling his tone. "He will regret the day he was born, once I get my hands on him."
 I know I should have been put off by his words, fearful even. But, for some reason I didn't. In fact, I'd go as far to say, I got some sense of comfort. "Do you promise?" I ask, barely above a whisper. Alastor's smile grows.
"You have my word."
Humming filled the hound's ears, causing him to slowly regain consciousness. A splitting headache greeted him before metallic scent inside the dark room he was in. Any movement he made was met with quick restraint.
His wrists throbbed at the tight squeeze of the ropes keeping him hovering off the ground. Suddenly a bright light filled the room, causing the hound to shut his eyes tightly and groan.
"Rise and shine, mutt!"
His eyes reopened and vision slowly adjusted. Only to shoot open wide at the sight of his surroundings. Blood stained walls and floors, chains and meat hooks having from the ceiling, the smell of death lingering in the air. And standing before him, was the radio demon himself. Panic finally began to set in.
"What the fuck!? Where am I!?"
"I don't think it would matter if I told you." Alastor began. "You won't ever be seeing the light of day again, after all." He says with a wicked grin. He then takes a stride to a small table, he removes the cloth covering the many sharp objects underneath. He picks up a hunting knife and looks it over. "You know, Liam, I've always loathed people like you. Taking advantage of others, lying to them..."
Alastor approached Liam, and held the tip of the knife up to his cheek. "Laying filthy hands, such are yours, on the ones who've done nothing but love and care. Just looking at you makes me sick." He says, slowly pushing the knife deeper into his flesh, causing Liam to groan in pain.
"But no matter, you'll be gone soon enough." Alastor draws the knife back swiftly, cutting Liam's cheek as he did.
"I never liked dogs. Such loud and filthy creatures, this hellish form really suits you." Alastor sneers. "And you, seem like the "all bark and no bite" kind. Sure, you'd strike someone you knew wouldn't fight back. But when honestly up against someone who is your match, or stronger...what would you do then?" Liam didn't have time to answer, as Alastor stabbed into his left thigh.
Liam wailed out in pain, much to Alastor's delight. "I'll tell you what you'd do. You'd go running for the hills, with your tail tucked between your legs. And I'd know...I've faced off with a demon of my past." Alastor pushes the knife in slow. "And he did the. Exact. Same. Thing." The knife pushed in deeper and deeper with every word.
"He saw me as the same little boy he knew from day one. But, when I showed him just how deadly I could be...Oh...Oh the look on his face, I'll forever savor that look. The fear he felt...The screams I ripped from him. All up until he finally croaked. And intend to do the exact same to you..." Alastor roughly removed the knife.
"P-Please...Please, just l-let me go!" Laim pitifully begged. Alastor scoffed. "And just allow you to continue your heinous acts? I don't think so."
"L-Look, if this is about Y/n...I-I'll leave her alone. I swear! I'll stay away from her! Please, I-" Again the knife found it's way onto Liam's body, this time slicing up through his arm, all the way to his shoulder. Liam screamed and thrashed around, though, the restrictive rope made it difficult to move much.
"It'll be someone else, if not Y/n." Alastor says simply. "People like you don't change. I don't know if you truly can't or simply don't want to. But I don't really care...You're going to die here. Alone. And the last thing you will see, will be me, as I tear your still beating heart from your chest." He says darkly before removing the knife, and walking back to the table. This time, he pulled out a sharp butcher knife.
"Let's get started, shall we?"
"Liam? Liam!" Charlie called as she searched around the hotel. "Where is he?" She mutters. "He's going to miss out on today's activity."
"Hello, Charlie!"
Charlie gasped sharply before turning around to be met with Alastor. "God, Alastor. I hate it when you do that." She sighs. "Apologies, but it's just too much fun to see your reaction!" Alastor says with a laugh. Charlie rolls her eyes. "Alastor, have you see Liam anywhere? No one can find him, and I'm getting worried." Alastor hums, placing his finger to his chin, as if in thought. "No, I'm afraid I haven't." He says after a few seconds. Again, Charlie sighs. "I wonder where he could be."
"He probably bailed."
Alastor and Charlie turned to see Angel approaching them. "Why would he do that?" Charlie asks the spider demon. "Probably cause he doesn't care, and was here just to start shit." Angel says, crossing his arms.
Charlie frowns. "Angel. That's not what he was doing." She says firmly. "Psh, yeah right. The dude was super fucking shady. I don't understand how none of you saw through his bullshit."
"Angel!" Charlie scolds. "I'm afraid I have to agree with him." Alastor chimes in. Charlie gave him a look. "What? Why?" She asks. "Well my dear, I'm a somewhat good judge of character. And in all honesty, it would be a bit too random for someone to suddenly want to come here. We haven't done much advertising since we threw that ball. It all seems too convenient." Alastor shrugs.
"I'm glad he got lost. I had a feeling I wouldn't get along to well with that prick." Said Angel. Charlie groans before starting to walk away. "Well I was looking forward to a new guest! I guess I'll just have to try harder to bring people in..."
Angel waits for Charlie to be far enough away before speaking to Alastor. "Is Y/n alright? Did she know that guy?" He asks. "That's not my business to tell, but yes, Y/n is fine." Alastor says before starting off as well.
"You got rid of him, didn't you?"
Alastor pauses, Angel continues. "Thanks for looking out for Y/n. You must really care about her, huh?" Alastor looks over his shoulder. "I don't know what you mean." He says before continuing on his way.
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stormyjisung · 10 months
August. (X.MH)
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So much for summer love, and saying us
Cause you weren't mine to lose.
Pairing. Xu minghao x reader
Genre. Angst
Word count. ~1.5k
Warnings. Not proof read
Synopsis. He was the one that got away, the love you were still thinking about well into your late twenties.
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The winds howled,
The trees swayed violently as a low whistle rang through the quiet suburbs, you liked to pretend that the winds were talking to you, made you feel less.. lonely.
Having grown up with siblings and cousins constantly surrounding you, the Sombre adult life felt suffocating.
Love and care was ever-present within those cheap plastered walls of your old childhood house, it shined through the fun banters you had with your brother, or the gossip you shared with your sister.
Despite living in a well furnished house and having achieved so much, you couldn't help but feel like you lacked something, the feeling started way back in the August of 2019 when you'd parted ways with him and it'd persisted till today.
You'd met xu minghao in the summer of 2018, when life was a montage, a black and white monologue.
He entered your life with a swirl of colors and a sharp take on almost everything. Never had you met a man as eccentric and captivating as minghao, and that intrigued you extremely.
You found yourself wanting his attention on you, his eyes to follow your movement and his lips to curl into a pretty smirk only because of you.
You knew yourself well, your wants and needs in a romantic partner and the minute he walked through the doors, you knew it was over for you.
Some would call it love at first sight, while you wouldn't go as far as to term it 'love' you would admit that you felt something deeply and strongly for him, unlike any man you've ever been involved with.
Spring turned into summer and just like the blooming lilies, a friendship had bloomed between you and minghao. No one could understand how you two ended up being friends despite being on different wavelengths.
He was calculated, you were straightforward.
He sat behind and observed, you dove in headfirst
He preferred to keep to himself and you never had problem extending a helping hand to anyone in need.
You couldn't pinpoint the exact moment you two became friends, it was more so a gradual, beautiful turn and twist of events that led from the both of sitting at two opposite corners of the lecture hall to saving seats for each other.
Minghao was a breath of fresh air in your otherwise hectic life. You ran, from place to place, person to person, never really settling anywhere because fear would not let you but with minghao it felt as if the world slowed down.
Gazing into his eyes lifted an unknown weight off of your shoulders, allowing them to rest easy.
You never knew just how calming his brown eyes were but an anxiety attack was all it took for you to find out.
Vision dancing and blending, hands shaking beyond control, teardrops painted your cheeks as you frantically tried to calm yourself down, it'd been a particularly rough day, and the teacher announcing that many kids had failed the accountancy exam was all it took for you to spiral. One thing led to another and you found yourself sitting head faced down on the table, begging for it to stop.
It was minghao who had found you, he approached you quite similar to how one would approach a rabid cat; gently and sincerely.
He sat on the seat beside you, placing a gentle hand on your head, "You're alright, I've got you" became his mantra for the next twenty minutes.
One hand gently caressing your hair and the other holding your hands steady, "breathe. One, two" He guided patiently.
And soon enough the fear subsided, but embarrassment took it's place.
You'd wept like a baby in front of him, snot and everything and although you knew he wouldn't judge, you couldn't help but feel self conscious.
"Hey, look at me" He whispered into your ears gently, you were going to initially deny but his lilt filled you with undescribable comfort.
He was smiling, the corners of his lips curled up as you lifted your head, "You're an ugly crier"
Little giggles left him as you hit his shoulder, blood rushing to your cheeks as you saw him throw his head back laughing. He looked beautiful in that moment. Not that he wasn't always beautiful, but something snapped within you, a moment of fluttering epiphany crossed you.
You'd fallen for him, entirely.
The bliss of falling for him hid the fact that he was out of reach, a forbidden fruit. And it wasn't months later that reality came crashing down on you.
He was moving back to China, to get his post graduate degree
And suddenly those fleeting moments you shared with him felt heavy, all you could offer were lingering glances and suppressed fondness in your gaze, innumerable were the times the words were on your lips threatening to leave,
Especially on occasions like these, where he looked frustratingly gorgeous.
Under the streetlight, walking beside each other with him forcing you to walk on the safer side of the sidewalk as you got ice cream together, felt oddly domestic.
A reminder of all that can be, if only you'd let go of the words.
"I'm grateful for you" He whispered, digging his hands in the pockets of his jacket, mindlessly kicking a pebble.
"I know hao"
"No." The abruptness of his answer caused to you turn towards him, "I'm-" he took a deep breath in, as if composing himself.
"You know what, never mind" He replied, speeding ahead
"Hey, no wait, come back!" You jogged upto him, "you what?" You inquired when you caught upto him,
He shook his head, "nothing, I'm just glad you're my... friend"
Had the shatter of your heart been a little less silent, you would've heard the heaviness in his words, but as they say when the heart breaks, it shatters.
"I'm glad you're my friend too.." you trailed off.
The rest of the walk was covered in silence. You knew you'd remember this scene even when you were old, the way he was so beautiful but cruel under those flickering yellow lights.
Those streetlights, clear night sky and the chilly month of August would always remind you of all that could've been.
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A/n. I miss minghao.
Reblog to show your appreciation!
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SYNOPSIS: Whenever school is in session, Eren will just keep finding new places to corner you.
DEDICATED TO: you guys, always you guys.
WARNINGS: unedited, slight dubcon, groping, degradation, bullying,
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Gooooood Morning Paradis Birds! Remember to give a big round of applause to the football team for clutching the victory against reigning champion Marley High! We stay undefeated thanks to our excellent and hardworking team. Special shoutout to Captain Eren Yeager for guiding the team to another flawless victory-
You're half-heartedly paying attention to class, sleepily listening to the school announcements over the speaker until the mention of his name douses you like a shock of ice-cold water.
You can't catch the rest of the announcement because your class erupts into cheer, enthusiastically clapping their hands for the boy of the hour.
The only one not joining is you.
Eren's smile is brighter than 100 kilowatts. In the back of your mind, you wonder where he learned to smile like that. When his emotions became so practiced.
Mr.Berner tries to calm the kids down, especially Sasha who bangs on her desks and howls, creating even more hype and ruckus. The class, now in a chattier mode, excitedly breaks into little conversations.
"Man, thank god. That school is so pretentious, I'm glad we finally have something over them."
"Jeez, I know our team was good, but it's this good-?"
"-Bro, year of XXXX is stacked as fuck. It's literally never been this stacked before. We have a whole team of prodigies, it's insane-especially Eren. "
"Yepp. My dad went to Paradis too and he said shit like this never happened during his time. The academic comps were one thing, but these footballs wins? We're being put on the fucking map."
The announcements are still going on, but it's hard to hear over the noise. You're only able to catch the tail end, a useless tidbit about the word of the day.
pre·mo·ni·tion a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. Here is an example: "She had a premonition of imminent disaster" Have a good day folks, hope it's free of any premonitions!
Overhearing the unceasing praise of the boy who pinched your thighs until they bruise blue and purple was a little painful-but you were used to it. After all, he's putting Paradis on the map. Whatever the fuck that means.
While you didn't love sharing this class with him, he was seated far across the room and surrounded by a gaggle of friends. You might as well have been invisible, the way he did not acknowledge you. Maybe you should treat it as a small mercy.
Unwittingly, your eyelids grow heavy. You're sitting in the back of the class, no one would notice if you took a little nap right? Assured by the fact no one will notice, you lower your head into your folded arms and let your thoughts float.
You dream of vaguely nothing but shadows of smiles, tufts of dark hair, and the smell of the wind at sea until a noise confined to the shape of your name breaks the harmony.
You startle awake with pairs of eyes piercing their gazes at you. Swallowing thickly, you apologize to Mr.Berner who looks worried. He's a good teacher, and one of your favorites.
"I'm sorry Mr.Berner. I had a migraine so I laid my head down." You lie smoothly, with more grace than you knew you were capable of. Course, you could have just said you were taking an unprompted nap, but that would disappoint your lovely teacher.
He sighs, "Guess that can't be helped then. Go to the nurse ok?"
Bingo. The nurse was an understanding lady, she'd let you sleep the rest of the period off. You nod, and start to gather your materials, relieved the class' attention on you was beginning to dwindle.
"Wait, Mr.Berner, let me take her. What if she gets disoriented and falls in the hall?"
Fuuuuck. You should have known. You should have expected this because attached to the request dripping with faux concern was none other than the precious jewel of the kingdom. Eren's intrusion makes your peers perk up again at the scene unfolding in front of them.
You smile, lips tightly pressed, "I'll be fine. I don't want to distract anyone from the lesson and it's a short walk-
"It's still potentially dangerous.", Your teacher interrupts, pinching the bridge of the nose, "And while I'm completely surprised by Eren's sudden streak of altruism, he's right. Something could happen. He'll take you there safely."
A very convenient streak of altruism, all right. You think it over in your head, yeah the nurses' office is right down the hall, and once you're there, he'll leave. Sure, he'll taunt you but you can handle a few minutes worth of cruelty.
It's awkward getting up, and walking in front of the class while Eren props the door open like a gentleman. You know what a sharp contrast it must look like, you and him, you cowering into yourself, not meeting any eyes while he stands tall and confident.
"Do you have everything?" His tone is one of reassurance, and for the barest of the moments, feels too familiar. You know he's not being genuine right now, and for the first time, you question if he was genuine back then.
"You can hold onto my arm if you're too dizzy to walk." He says as you guys slip out of the classroom, purposefully a little too loudly. You hear coos from girls and a stray "She's so lucky!"
He must have heard it too, because he lowers his head to whisper into your ear, "Yeah, very lucky, aren't you?" Wisps of dark hair tickle your cheeks. You see the glint of tiny silver hoops and wonder when he had gotten his ears pierced. The illusion breaks and the performative charming prince's reassuring smile is replaced by a sneer.
"Didn't know you could lie like that, by the way. Some good girl you are if you're trying to ditch class like this." Fingers dig deep into your waist as he drags you along the empty hallway that seems to stretch on for miles.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, "How did you know I was lying?"
Viridian eyes narrow, "I've seen you get migraines before." There's a knock on your heart. As if realizing he was talking about something far away ago, a vindictive edge laces into words pouring out of his mouth, "I bet you wanted this to happen, didn't you? Wanted to get us all alone."
He's trying to get a rise out of you, that much is obvious. So you ignore him to the best of your ability.
...which quickly proved to be futile, as you suddenly find your arm pinned to your back, and your front facing the nearest walls.
"I asked you a fucking question bitch." He's practically growling, "Fucking answer me."
If there was a world record for the shortest temper, best believe Eren Yeager will have collected that accolade too. He's getting too worked up, and you could definitely feel his harness poking the back on your ass, as he grinds into you.
You manage to crane your neck, wanting to have your face shoved into the wall, and then venomously spit out, "You're not looking for answers. You just want me to repeat whatever you think is true."
This position brings back flashbacks to the library when he caged you in against the bookshelves, and like then, he spins you around to face him quite abruptly.
His smile is full of sharp teeth, "No. I know I'm right."
You don't respond. He moves in closer, his breath fanning on your earlobes. Your body can't help but let an involuntary shudder, and you close your eyes, not wanting to see his pleased grin or the way the fluorescent light makes his hoops gleam like silver bullets.
One calloused finger flicks your nipple, "Do you want to know why I'm right?"
At your lack of response, the dark-haired boy rolls your nipple in between his fingers before pinching it painfully, eliciting a small whimper out of your fuckable lips. "N-no", you answer finally. You're wearing your thinnest bra because of the seasonal heat, and you can't help but regret that decision right now. The fact he's only paying attention to one of your nipples is driving you insane. Not that you want it, but you're so fucking sensitive right now. You struggle in his hold, causing him to hold you tighter, and by now his nails were probably embedded into your skin.
He chuckles at your honesty, rewarding you with a thick stripe of his tongue over the collared shirt of your uniform making you gasp. Did he just-, over your shirt too-, you look down and see a very visible wet spot.
Taking advantage of your distracted state, a eager hand snakes under your skirt until it settles in the middle of your panties. He licks your earlobe before speaking, his voice like ice under your heels.
"You were so fucking wet that day in the library while saying you hated me the entire time," he pauses as his fingers scissor you through your panties, as if to drive the message home, "About as wet as you are right now."
There's a wet spot there too, also caused by him. You crush your eyes shut, "Eren...please just take me to the nurse." You're not even struggling anymore, holding onto him out of your own accord, worried that if you don't hold onto anything-you'd fall on your knees.
The very headache you lied about having seemed not so non-existent after all.
Eren hooks his arms under the plush of your thighs, "Yeah. Of course, that's what I came to do, right?"
You had hoped you'd be granted a reprieve in the nurses' office but you'd forgotten that luck was never really in your favor. Because while you guys had entered the squeaky-clean office, the nurse was nowhere in sight.
Instead, a note sat on her desk in unassuming frilly cursive that Eren read with glee.
Sorry students! Minor emergency to take care of, and I'll be back by the middle of the next period. If you're badly hurt, see Mr.Ackerman in room 203. If not, just sit tight! Feel free to take up the beds.
Thank you,
Eren had turned to you with shining green eyes, "Since no one's here, I guess I'll have to keep you company. Don't want you to hurt yourself."
There was something claustrophobic about how Eren stood in front of the door as if to signify to get out of here, you had to get through him.
"Maybe I can get Mr.Ackerman..."
Eren's sudden bout of laughter makes you wince and retreat inside of yourself, "For what? A fake headache? You really wanna inconvenience him like that? Mr.Ackerman?"
You take slow steps backward until the back of your knees hit the school bed, making you stumble as you clumsily take a seat. Eren's been marching forward with every retreating step you took, and it's no surprise when he pushes you down the bed, strong hands on the side of your head, while his muscular legs force your thighs apart so he can settle himself in between.
"We have some time to kill, you know." Strands of dark hair fall into his eyes, and without thinking, you reach upwards to brush them aside.
He grips your wrist before you make it that far, nearly gritting out a "What are you doing?"
You just stare, not really knowing why that was your impulse either. Finally, you mouth out, "I want you to leave Eren."
The grip on your wrist is tighter than ever, and you very well know that you're going to have new finger-shaped bruises before the old ones even finish healing.
"And I want to stay." He punctuates each word slowly, and all you can think is how being pinned to a bed is much less painful than having the hard surface of wood digging onto your back.
You're fully aware of the heat in your core, and having Eren on top of you doesn't make this it any easier because fuck, he is attractive. Maddeningly so. And maybe you want him to go away so bad because you're afraid that if his fingers are caught inside of you, you'll thank him for it.
As if reading your mind, he lets go of your wrist (making a mental note of your sluggish movements and slipping resistance) and massages your warm hole from your panties.
"Eren please" You grit out. He merely chuckles, "What are you asking for, whore?"
You could feel tears threatening to fall. This was so embarrassing. Did you want this? Yes, yes. yes, yes. You were so wet right now and had enough of the teasing.
He alternated his kneading from slow and soft to fast and rough, and you couldn't help but let out the prettiest little moans Eren's ever heard. Since you lose all pretenses of resistance, his other hand roughly brushes against your hardened nipples, straining against the fabric of your shirt.
Okay, he decided. He's going to make you beg.
"Beg." It's announced like a command, and while you hear it, you don't really register it because your hips are busy chasing the heat, and it's all too much of an utter disappointment when his long thin fingers leave.
"I said beg slut."
"Eren, please, please. I need you so bad." You're blubbering and you don't care. You just want his pretty fingers to shove aside your panties and rub against your folds. You think back to the library, how wet you were, how the stupid fucking phone call from his coach interrupted him pumping his fingers inside of you. And you didn't know if you were happy or mad he left. But now, all you crave is the blissful wave of pleasure- the very pleasure he's been denying you.
Eren looks down at you, green eyes scrutinizing. After a long while of what it seems to be him just staring, he wipes his fingers on your skirt, brushes back his hair with a wayward hand.
"Looks like I should head back to class. See you later."
Too numb to say anything, you watch him leave with a smirk on his face. When you're sure he's walked away, you curl into yourself and cry.
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fadedncity · 3 years
fuck me like you're famous
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wc: 2.2k
pairing: yuta x fem!reader
cw: fwb!au, non idol au, rockstar!yuta, fingering, oral sex (giving/receiving), degradation (1), teasing, pet names, cum eating, a lil overstimulation, finger sucking, unprotected sex, fluff
You were worried the chauffeur wasn't gonna get you home in time before Yuta decided to take you in the back of the car.
But he managed to control himself enough until you got to his house. The afterparty already going on inside his home didn't matter to either of you. You just wanted to find a place where you could be alone.
"Fuck, you are so beautiful," and you can only respond with a moan since he slid his knee between your legs.
"I've missed you."
"I know. I've missed you too," Yuta kisses you, "and this," his hands squeezing your ass.
Yuta's hands slid under your dress, and it sounded as if he growled upon his discovery.
"You're not wearing anything?" his voice low, pants growing tight.
"Didn't think I'd need them. It would just get in the way anyways," you say.
Your feet are no longer on the ground as he had picked you up by your thighs and started carrying you to the bed. He stood between your legs, looking down at you, laying on his bed. The sight of him in front of you had you dripping. The way his black hair stuck to his forehead and neck, his lips swollen and pupils blown with lust.
You sat up on your elbows and watched as he pulled his shirt off.
It really feels like it hasn't been that long since you've seen each other, but you can tell he's been working out with the way his arms seem to have doubled in size.
It's like he's trying to kill you.
And let's not even get started on the piercings and tattoos.
Yuta grabs your ankles and pulls you towards him at the edge of the bed.
"Now tell me, pretty girl," he grabs your jaw and kisses you, "how badly have you really missed me?"
"I've been miserable without you. A vibrator can only do so much," you say
Yuta laughs dryly, "Interesting. Your new boy toy not good enough company?"
You know you should not even be surprised that he found out about that. 
"Oh my god," you roll your eyes, "He's not my boy toy. Jungwoo is just a friend."
"So you didn't sleep with him?"
"I did." you answer, knowing he wouldn't like it, "he was good," you shrug, "but he's not you."
"Damn right he's not." he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed, "but I think I've still got to give you a reminder." he runs his fingers over your bottom lip before shoving his fingers into your mouth
his two fingers slid onto your tongue, and you close your lips around his fingers. You feel Yuta start to pull away, but you grab his wrist before he can and suck on his fingers while maintaining eye contact.
A smile comes to his lips as he watches your cheeks hollow around his fingers as if you were sucking him off. His fingers push to the back of your throat, making you gag. The sound, pure bliss to yuta.
Yuta's tongue replaces his fingers in your mouth as the same hand finds its way between your legs.
"you're dripping, sweetheart." he mumbles against your lips as you lay back on the bed, "little slut always making messes I have to clean up." he pulls your legs apart.
He removes his lips from yours so he can settle between your thighs. Yuta's teeth nip at the skin of your inner thigh, causing you to get even wetter. His eyes meet yours as he sticks his tongue out and licks between your folds. You let out a sharp gasp feeling his mouth on your pussy. A smirk on Yuta's face as he watches the way you react to him sucking your clit.
The rush Yuta gets from performing on stage and having thousands and thousands of fans sing along to his songs and scream his name almost can't compare to the feeling he gets when he hears your whimpers and whines.
Vibrations shoot up your spine when yuta moans into your pussy before the same fingers yuta had in your mouth were back between your legs, teasing your hole. Your thighs twitch from Yuta being so close but not giving you what you want.
"What is it, angel?" he asks when you start squirming.
"your fingers."
"you want them inside your pretty little pussy, love?" and you nod, "What's the magic word?"
"Please, yuta," you whine.
Your attitude made him laugh as his fingers slipped inside of you.
"fuck, baby, you're so tight. Gonna have to really stretch you out for my cock, huh."
The way Yuta's lips wrapped around your clit and curled his fingers in a come hither motion had your back arching off the bed.
"Right there-shit r-right there." your hands groped your breasts.
You feel a third finger slip into you, and if it wasn't for the loud music playing outside of the bedroom, everyone would be able to hear what Yuta's doing to you.
"Yuta-a, 'm gonna cum."
"I can tell with the way you're pathetically grinding against my face." the smile on his face not faltering as he watched your face twist up in pleasure, "come for me, beautiful."
You came all over his face, and Yuta didn't remove himself from between your thighs until he heard you cry out from the overstimulation.
There was hunger in Yuta's eyes once he came up from between your legs, and even in the dimly lit room, you could still see his face glistening with your juices.
Both of you reach for the clothes you still have on. Your fingers fumble with Yuta's jeans as he grew too frustrated with your dress and broke the zipper, ripping it.
"What the fuck am I gonna wear now?"
"Nothing. You know I like it better that way."
You scoff, rolling your eyes as he finally let the last of his clothing hit the floor. Only his jeans since he was wearing nothing else.
"Dangerous walking around like that. You could take someone's eye out." you joke.
"Not like they're necessary. You always said you liked the easy access," Yuta says.
Your hand slipped between your bodies, and you grasped his dick in your hand. he lightly bit your tongue when your thumb teased the slit.
You kneeled at the edge of the bed, so you were now, face to face with his cock. You locked eyes with him as you pressed a kiss to the tip. He softly pets your head and looks down at you adoringly as you take his cock into your mouth.
Yuta let out a throaty groan while throwing his head back when you took more of him into your mouth. You ran your tongue over the underside of his shaft, knowing exactly where he's the most sensitive. 
"Ah, fuck, baby." his hand still caressing your hair
in a particularly bold move, you took him in your mouth entirely, your nose against his pelvis while your air supply was running short.
You felt Yuta's finger grab your hair and pull you off of him.
"As much as I'd hate to turn down a blowjob, especially from you, I need to fuck you." he pushed you onto your back.
He parted your wet lips with his thick cock before teasing your clit.
Your hips bucked against his, and he pinned your body down to the bed as he slid inside of you. Yuta's head fell to your shoulder as you whimpered out at the feeling of his cock stretching you so much.
"Yes, baby?" he pressed kisses to the side of your face
"Please, move already."
You moaned into his mouth when his hips met yours. He bit and licked your sweaty skin as your moans filled the room.
"Yuta- oh god." you drop your head to the pillows.
"What, babe?"
"Go faster, please."
"You want it, pretty girl?"
"I want it."
"beg for it."
"Fuck-Yuta, please, fuck me harder-shit," you pant, "Please go faster."
Yuta grabs one of your legs and brings your knee to your chest, the new angle allowing the tip of his cock to reach your sweet spot.
"Yuta, right there. Don't stop." Yuta's fingers find their way into your mouth again, muffling your moans briefly until he's satisfied. He brings his wet fingers to your clit, making your eyes roll back.
Yuta's teeth graze your nipple, causing you to let out the hottest noise he's ever heard. He started fucking you so hard he held your head so you wouldn't hit the headboard.
The obscene noises heard from where your bodies met mixed with your moans, and his pants drowned out everything else.
"Please- I need to cum." your words were barely coherent, but Yuta got the message.
"Cum for me, baby. I've missed seeing how pretty you look creaming my cock."
"Please come with me."
"I'm right behind you, sweetheart. Cum."
Yuta kissed your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck, grounding yourself as you came. Yuta's movements didn't stop until he pumped the last of his come into your cunt.
Yuta barely even gave you time before he delved between your thighs again.
"Wait-" you're cut off when his tongue meets your cum covered folds licking up both of your releases.
"Yuta-" his black-painted nails, digging into the flesh of your thighs to prevent them from closing around his head.
Tears fell from the corners of your eyes from the overstimulation, and when he moved from between your legs, he kissed your tears away.
"I hate you." you huff.
"You know the safe word. you like it as much as I do."
"I still hate you."
"Well, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. We taste amazing, by the way."
"You're so gross."
"But you love it." he sticks his tongue out at you before kissing you. The taste of both you and him on his lips, making you hum into his mouth.
"Told you we taste good-"
"Shut up, Nakamoto." you silence him with your lips.
"Yuta- oops, my bad, man. Oh hey y/n!" Johnny, clearly very drunk, swings the door open.
Yuta shields your naked body from his six-foot-something bandmate, and Johnny can only see your face peeking out from behind Yuta's shoulder.
"Hi Johnny." you wave at him.
"You come for a show or something?" Yuta asks Johnny.
"You're inviting me to watch?"
"Get out!" Yuta is about to reach for a pillow to throw. 
"Okay! I'm going! Bye y/n!" Johnny closes the door behind him.
"Sorry bout that."
"Not the first time one of them caught us like this. Mark still looks at me as if the image of your head under my dress is etched into his brain," you say, making the man above you laugh as he kissed you again.
Now Yuta's just looking at you. Admiring your beauty as you lay beneath him in his arms. 
"I should probably get going."
"Why?" he pouts.
You find yourself asking the same question.
"Stay with me, please." he kissed you.
"Why?" you ask him. 
"Because I love you." he doesn't hesitate to say.
"No, you don't, Yuta-"
"Yes, I do. I know we said this would only work out because you don't want a relationship, and I didn't want something serious, but I want you."
You almost forgot that that is why you started sleeping together. You never meant to fall in love with him.
"I want you to come home to, after a long day, I want to be able to go places with you as my girlfriend and not have to sneak away into some closet like we're teenagers. I want all of you."
"What happens when you go on tour again?"
"What about it?"
"Yuta, I know you. You can't go that long without fucking."
"Okay, first, ouch. Second, how do you think I managed these past few months?"
"I don't have groupies."
"You have groupies."
"Even if I do, the last person I fucked was you. six months ago, the night before we left."
"Yeah, so while I while you were out with your little boy toy, I was getting by just alright from phone sex and pictures of you."
"We didn't have phone sex." you would very clearly remember if you did.
"You remember when you facetimed me before you went to that gala two months ago?"
"Are you serious, Yuta!" you hit his shoulder, making him laugh, "No wonder you weren't talking, and you sounded all out of breath. Pervert." you narrow your eyes.
"I can't help it when you're this sexy. You have no idea how much I thought about fucking you, then letting you walk around with my come dripping down your legs under that pretty dress."
"I hate you," the slight whine in your voice gave you away. 
"I love you." he nudges your nose with his, "Tell me you love me. I know you do."
"You've mistaken it for disgust." you joke. 
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." he smiles at you. 
You don't dare look him in the eye but just play with the necklace around his neck you gave him years ago. A smile slowly crept its way onto your face.
you kiss him, "I love you."
a/n: i know we’ve all seen yuta’s recent posts on ig...yeah that man is a menace to society and needs to be stopped lmao
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iovelore · 3 years
summary and word count: a certain fae can’t help but find amusement in the youngest elfhame’s prince‘s frustration. wc — 1493
pairings: the cruel prince!cardan greenbriar x fem!reader
contents and warnings: jealousy, hinting of threesome, mentions of knife (nothing extreme), suggestive content, mutual pining-ish, fluffy?
a/n: i used tcp cardan because i couldn’t see any context of y/n being used in a fic in the other books (i also need it for the next part </3). i tried my best to include the tail bit since it didn‘t come out right, ill add it in either part 2/3. cardan is a bit ooc (i made him a bit idk how to put it besides: sub?man whore. because i believe that’s what he is 😁). and y/n resembles jude just a little bit with the blade thing, but only a little because jude is neither very flirty or open up about her sexuality (more so in the first book) and that’s what i made y/n like.
also, since this was more in y/n’s perspective, next part will be more so cardans <3
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Y/N's legs crossed as she leaned her head on locke's shoulder, while Poppy, a half-faerie: who Locke has shown great interest in— for all the wrong reasons — sat before them and told them of the mortal tales her father would recite to her every night or the ones she gathered on her own from her adventures back where the humans lived.
Y/N found them odd: how they all were almost nothing compared to the people here; they were fragile, but she found similar enjoyment in them all nonetheless — and perhaps she had the eldest duarte to blame for her obsession with all things mortal, and Poppy's tales weren't helping either — which has unfortunately gained her the harsh scowls from the youngest prince of Elfhame.
Though that was no surprise. The boy had never been kind enough for her to realise that his treatment towards her was almost cruel — not that it had mattered, because to Y/N it was a show; she knew where his feelings lay, and it was nothing but amusing. To everyone with eye sight as clear as day, he'd never liked her, but when in class, when he believes her to be ignorant of his stare or his wagging tail; she has a classmate whisper every move his body makes, and it fuelled her heart all too much.
"It's not quite normal there, unlike here, if anyone decided to walk around with it they'd get humiliated till they're six feet under," Poppy snorted, covering her mouth with the back of her palms.
Locke turned to stare behind him, catching sight of the prince and Nicasia — both pouting miserably (one much too obvious than the other), and at that, he smiled. "Oh you’re right, tails are quite odd aren’t they? More so on a prince,"
Y/N shrugged at that, "It's alright, I do think Cardan makes it quite, charming? He’s always wagging it around like some...was it a cat you called it?"
"Yes a cat," Poppy shook her head positively, "though don't say that out loud, I doubt he's as clueless on mortal knowledge as we think he is."
Locke hummed, a smirk growing on his lips as he kept his eyes trained on his friend, Y/N following suite of his gaze and sultry grinning at the boy from afar, ignoring Nicasia — causing his eyes to widen momentarily, before the scowl found home on his face once more.
"He's never quite liked you has he?" His words were soft against her ear, his lips landing gently beneath her ear-lobes, kissing it tenderly as he kept his eyes trained on his flaring friend — who if one squinted, could perhaps see smoke escape his ears, if they ignored the immense swinging of his tail.
Y/N smiled, a small amount of malice lacing her intentions, "hatred I'd say, though he doesn't think I'm that foolish does he?"
Poppy, who now stared at her feet, hands tugging the grass with a blush coating her tanned features, "he's looked like he wanted to murder Locke."
Y/N snickered, a sickeningly sweet one at that, as she lowly muttered, "it’s all working then, sweetness."
Later on, when Y/N was left with no one to keep her company — as Locke found himself adorning Poppy and Nicasia's presence, alone — she took notice of the emptiness of Locke's home. It was beautiful, nothing as extravagant as Hollow Hall, yet she found herself admiring the interior all the same.
And as her hands traced the designs etched on the walls, as if it were a reminiscence of her first time staring upon them, a deep, and rather annoyed cough fleed her from her thoughts.
she stayed in position, her back facing Cardan and only gripping the knife resting on her waist, "now what would the prince need at a time like this? Should he not be in his humble abode by now?"
"Should you not be with your lover boy? Or is it that you enjoy using people like he does?" His tone was hostile as he spat his words, however the light softness that rippled around it was evident and Y/N couldn't help her lips tugging upwards.
She turned around, staring at him — where he leaned cooly against one of the walls — with squinted eyes, faux contempt present in her stare, and he shifted in his spot at her gaze.
She swiftly walked, her steps careful as to not trip on her dress. And when she reached him, she, boldly, placed her hands on his chest, dragging it downwards firmly — and his thumping heart beneath his rib cage could be faintly heard from the short proximity between them.
Y/N titled her head when he clenched his fists, but found a smile etching on her lips when his eyes were lightly fluttering. "Do I really threaten you that much that your hatred towards me is the only thing that keeps you going? It's pathetic truly, especially for a prince."
Cardan gulped, mind hazy at the contact and his body was supported by his tail, that was wrapped roughly around one of his legs. He could not utter the next words without stroking her ego, and it was then he'd wished — though he'd never admit out loud — that he were mortal, because he needed to lie if not keep his mouth shut.
More so with her trapping him, her knees coming forward and slightly spreading his legs, so that the entirety of his body leaned upon the wall. And despite him towering over her due to one of her legs bending in-front of the other, he could not move, catching sight of the shiny blade securely placed on her hips and her rigid grasp on them.
She had been around a certain mortal for too long, he thought, and at that his sneer was present again.
Y/N gently bit her tongue to stifle the giggle from escaping her, "what, cat's got your tongue?"
His lips were tightly sealed, and though he already knew the effects she displayed were affecting him, greatly, he refused to acknowledge her — especially that any movement could cause his legs to move slightly forward and brush . . .
She shook her head with a light hearted laugh that had his heart beating just a little bit faster, just a little bit. Her hands releasing the grip she had on her blade, before placing it on his cheek and patting him smoothly.
"You're quite humorous you know, would be a shame if you wasted all that energy on 'hating' me when it could be used for something else, you decide, my prince." she said, her tone sensual and low, before gradually stepping away allowing room (only a small amount at that) for the boy before her to breathe, she let one of her fingers crawl delicately on his hollow cheek bones, that though looked sharp, were as soft as anything could be.
Cardan's eyes widened ever so slightly, now registering her words, "are you flirting with me?" He asked. The space between them now slightly obvious, and he hated it — almost as much as he pretends to loathe her.
Y/N raised her brows, crossing her arms in an unlikely childish manner before nodding, "you're quite oblivious you know? Yes."
"Well," the confirmation enabled a smirk to appear on his face, only to be dismissed by her voice, again.
"Well? Is that all? Because I have things to do, and if my offer does not interest you then I'll gladly leave and find another willing volunteer," she purred, ignoring the way his brows harshly and quickly furrowed, creating a crease, "how about Locke? We are reasonably close, and he does not have a tail — which looks a bit foolish, don't you think?"
He was blushing crimson now, red sparklings littering his pale cheeks, but then his lips curled up — however, he does not look as frighting as he's expecting to be, he knew that, especially with her knees still resting between his thighs (which is all he's trying to drift his mind from at the moment).
"I don't see anything off with it, I've been told it makes one interesting. You've spent too much time with mortals and those alike." Cardan's jaw clenched and his chest was rising a lot more than it was a few minutes before.
Y/N pursed her lips, "Well then, show me how interesting one can get." She leaned forward, her breath fanning atop his lips and he found his own hitching.
His eyes were wandering from her eyes, which he secretly adored, to her lips, and he subconsciously nodded, leaning forward.
Only then, her hands rested on his chest, pushing him away slightly and his head came in contact with the wall yet again, and he had to bite his bottom lips in hopes that she had no idea how much he’d needed her, all of her.
Y/N stepped backwards, finally standing straight. Her hands on her side once more and she gave the prince an alluring smile, "I'll see you later, cardan."
He glared at the spot she had been standing in once she’d left, and he knew that it was a silly game she’s playing.
And what is a game if it involves one player?
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
part 6 jotaro x reader imagine
another dilf imagine bc i can't help myself
(an au where jolyne actually has a good relationship with her dad)
synopsis: jolyne invites you over for dinner, her dad is sinfully hot, and you catch him in his time of need.
tw/tags: gn reader, age gap, dubcon, horny joot, stand used for sexual purposes, mentioned sexual content.
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‹hey wanna come over for dinner? we're having pizza
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The question seemed virtuous enough; eating dinner at your friend's house, not having to worry about what to make that night, and also taking the time to get to know her better. Jolyne was your fellow classmate in biology. She earned her acquaintance title by coming over to your desk and asking 'what's the scientific name for a dog'. You couldn't deny answering her, her face was scrunched up in genuine confusion as she looked at the possible answer choices for the mutiple-choice question. After aiding her in the midst her perplexity you both have been together ever since.
So when she texted you this afternoon, you beamed when reading the words in the text bubble. Why not take this oppurtunity to spend time learning more about Jolyne? When you rang the doorbell to her luxurious house, you expected to see a girl with half dyed hair frantically opening the door with a giddy smile adoring her face - definitely not a colossal figure wearing a seaweed green crewneck sweatshirt staring you down with an foreboding look. This must be her dad.
You took note of his eyes, a sharp turquoise color bordering his pupil - it made you think of a secluded island surrounded by calm, crystal, waters. You were astonished by his facial features - face defined and chiseled like a Greek god. He was breathtaking. And it wasn't until that moment you thought to yourself: Jolyne's dad is hot. You come back to reality when you hear his deep grunt, trying to reclaim your attention.
"You must be Jolyne's friend. Come in, she's upstairs in her room. The pizza will be here soon." He plainly states. When he sees you nod in response, he steps to the side to let you in and gives you the directions to Jolyne's room. You'd be lying if you said you weren't sad to have him out your line of sight but your problem was compensated with your time spent with Jolyne - giggling and laughing at anecdotes that the both of you experienced.
Your conversation was put to a pause when you had to use the bathroom.
"Oh! The toilet in my bathroom is acting up for some reason. You can go ahead and use the one downstairs. Besides, it's much cleaner in there." She gave you a grin and you playfully scoffed, happy that you didn't have to see what mess lingers in her bathroom. Jolyne didn't specify exactly where the bathroom was which had you wondering around the house goalessly. You searched left and right and found numerous doors scattered in the hallway. 'Why the hell is this house so big for just two people?' Your question may never be answered but it wasn't a necessity. You just need to find out where-
"What are you looking for?" The stoic tone pierced the atmosphere and you looked behind you to see Jolyne's dad's hulking body override yours. You gulp.
"Oh um...I was just looking for the bathroom." His stare had you nervous. He was a hard character to read.
His back faced you and you couldn't help but notice how massive he looked in this angle. "Follow me." You heed his word and trailed closely behind him, arriving at the bathroom that was only a couple steps away from the stairs. You felt a little silly from its proximity.
"Thank you, Mr.Kujo."
Another grunt came from the impasive man - at this point, you would think Jolyne's dad was a caveman. You finally relieved yourself and was planning to head back upstairs if it wasn't for Jolyne's dad blocking you from doing so. His eyes once again looked down to yours. It was hard to pinpoint what he wanted.
"How old are you?" He inquired. A tint of confusion filled you. Why was he asking you this all of a sudden? A question so blunt-
"Eighteen," You replied. "Um, Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why are you-"
"Are you seeing anyone?" Your eyebrow was now raised. You felt uncomfortable by him prying into your personal life like it was some public library book.
"Sir why - ack! - hey, what are you-!" He picked up a habit of cutting you off. This time instead of interrupting you verbally, he tugged you closer to his frame, heavy cologne rubbing on you. His hand covered your mouth to stop you from getting any louder.
"Quiet. I don't want Jolyne to hear. That'll only cause more of a problem." You felt hands glide up your inner thigh and you look down only to not find any hands at all. While one of his hands covered your mouth, the other found a spot tight around your waist...so what was touching you near your lower regions?
"I need to use you for a minute. I'm sure you don't mind."
A strange entity pulled down your pants and freed you from your undergarments, the cool air hits you strikingly. You felt finger trace along your privates and you whimper underneath Jotaro, said man was pleased to hear them. It stroked, flicked, and circled over your sensitive spots - the remarkable feeling of pleasure whorled inside you. This wasn't what you had in mind.
"I've been a bit needy lately. I apologize for my lack of resistance, but I need to ease myself. So sit there be good for me."
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sour--disposition · 3 years
Lover of Mine
jj olatunji x fem!reader
a/n: i started listening to 5sos again after like 3 years (thanks amy xx) and lover of mine makes me sob, so here we go
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(gif from the lovely @sdmngifs​)
“Hope and I pray - Darling, that you will stay - Butterfly lies - Chase them away”
Of course you knew who JJ was when you’d first met him; despite what your friends thought, you didn’t actually live under a rock. You’d had no choice but to get to know him when two of your closest friends had attracted the attention of Ethan and Harry on a night out and spent the rest of the evening in the club with them.
You watched from the other side of the table as your friends flirted shamelessly. Hair twirling around fingers, teeth gliding over glossed lips… it was shambolic. “Let’s go for a girls night, they said. It will be so fun, they said”, you deadpan.
“Oh so this is a girls night”, JJ exclaimed, bursting out into laughter. “That’s cold, man”, he chuckled. “Come on, drinks on me”, he winked, taking your hand and leading you to the bar to pick up the next round for the table.
You’d spent the night chatting with JJ, occasionally dipping in and out of conversation with his friends and their girlfriends. It wasn’t until you’d turned to tell your friends that the next round was on you that you realised they’d left.
“The girls with Behz and Bog?”, Simon asked you. JJ nodded for you, knowing you didn’t know their names. “They all left about a half hour ago I think”, he told you sympathetically.
“Charming”, you scoffed, starting to gather your things, ready to call it a night. JJ took your hand before you could stand, though, leaning in close to speak to you.
“Fancy a nightcap?”, he asked.
Your immediate reaction was to say no. This famous youtube star come rapper come boxer would probably only want one thing from you, and you weren’t after that. But, how could you judge him, you’d only known him 3 hours. So, against what might have been your better judgement, you found yourself nodding and agreeing.
“Bailey’s?”, he asked once you’d entered his apartment, leading you over to the kitchen. You nodded, following him and watching as he poured out the two drinks. JJ knocked your glasses together gently before taking a sip.
You’d gone home that night with a big smile on your face and a new number nestled into your contacts, under JJ’s name. You still had your reservations about JJ, you’d only known him a few hours, after all. But deep down, you hoped that whatever you had could grow into something beautiful.
Being with JJ was daunting. He had a massive, devoted fan base, a successful career not in one, but three different industries… And you were you. The niggling, self-sabotaging voice in your head always reminded you that JJ could do better, that no matter how good of a person he was, he would get bored of you. It took a lot to ignore the thoughts, the feelings that haunted you in the dark nights on your own.
JJ would remind you until he was blue in the face, if he had to, that he wouldn’t stay just to humour you. He’d often joke that he was too busy to waste his time on someone that he didn’t think was worth it in the long run, but by the way he held you in the dark nights that you shared, you knew that there was at least some truth to that.
“I'll never give you away - 'Cause I've already made - Already made that mistake” 
The honeymoon phase with JJ was a whirlwind. Fancy dinner dates sat across from JJ, tight white shirt pulled across his biceps; nights out with his friends, tucked under his arm so he could proudly show you off; dancing around the living room on JJ’s toes at all hours of the night.
And then JJ had music deadlines coming up, music videos to film, Sidemen videos to film… It wasn’t strange to not hear from JJ for days at a time. You tried not to worry, JJ had never given you reason to worry in the past. But there were only so many rain-checks you could take without starting to doubt your relationship. You felt guilty, how could you not. JJ was working, doing his job… You knew all of this when you entered a relationship with him.
Things were starting to look up, though. You were in an Uber on the way to JJ’s, meeting him there for your first evening out together in well over a month. You were dressed reasonably for the occasion, jeans, nice top and some heeled boots. You were excited for a few hours of JJ’s undivided attention, time for you and him to just catch up and be a normal couple again.
You knocked on the door of the apartment, surprised when Simon opened the door to you. “Y/N?”, he asked, confused.
“I’m meeting JJ here before we go out”, you told him. Simon’s face twisted into a look of guilt and remorse. “He isn’t here, is he?”, you asked, eyes dropping to the floor.
“Come wait inside, yeah? He’s probably stuck in traffic”, Simon offered, moving back to let you step into the apartment. You thanked him, following him in, pulling your shoes off before walking over to the sofa. “You good?”, Simon asked, not walking back down to his office until you’d given him a nod.
You sent JJ a text, letting him know that you were probably early, but you were at the apartment. You pulled your feet up onto the sofa, getting yourself comfortable. You let yourself get lost in a cocktail of Youtube, Twitter and TikTok. You didn’t realise how long you’d been sat there until the low battery notification popped up on your phone. Your eyes flicked to the clock on your screen. 10pm. You’d been sitting there for 4 hours.
You rolled your neck before standing up, grimacing at the pops and cracks of your stiff joints. You walk down to Simon’s office, knocking on the door. “I’m off home”, you told him, popping your head around the door. Simon turned to you, seeming shocked that you were still there.
“It’s late. Just stay, I’m not letting you go home through the middle of London on your own”, he told you. You hesitated before nodding, wishing Simon goodnight and taking yourself off to JJ’s room. You grabbed a t-shirt out of one of JJ’s drawers, heading to the bathroom to get changed and take your make-up off.
It wasn’t until you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, fully made up and ready for your date, that you started to cry. You sat on the side of the bath, head hung in your hands, as you let out full bodied sobs. This is what you were worried about, this is what JJ told you wouldn’t happen. Cancelling and rescheduling dates was one thing, but completely ignoring you and standing you up… You were heartbroken. 
You scrubbed your make up off, throwing your hair into a bun on your head and changing into JJ’s shirt. You padded out to the kitchen, on a mission to make yourself a cup of tea. “You want a tea?”, Simon called when he heard you walking over.
“Please”, you said, voice small and watery. He smiled sympathetically at you. You must have made quite the sight, messy hair, tear tracks running down your face and an oversized t-shirt skirting around your thighs. You leant against the wall, staying out of the way as Simon moved around the kitchen. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”, he asked you worriedly as he handed you your mug. 
“I will be. I just need some sleep, I think”, you told him, like your heart wasn’t tearing its way out of your chest as you spoke. You slumped off back to JJ’s room, crawling into bed and wrapping yourself in the duvet. You finished your tea, staring blankly at the wall opposite you, discarding the mug on the side table as soon as you were done.
 A fresh wave of tears started when you reached over to plug your phone in. You stayed at JJ’s that often that he’d bought you a charger so you didn’t have to worry about forgetting it. It seemed like something so trivial to cry over, but you couldn’t help it. That was the JJ you knew, JJ who bought you a phone charger so you had even less of an excuse not to stay over, JJ who bought your favourite brand of tea bags even though he knew you’d drink anything. Not this JJ, JJ who blew you off and stood you up.
 You hadn’t even bothered to shut the blinds, so you fell asleep staring out of the window, watching the lights of London’s skyline flicker and dance along the night sky.
You awoke to a sharp hiss and the other side of the bed dipping down. You looked over your shoulder, seeing JJ fumbling around in the dark. He looked over to you, face dropping with guilt. He opened his mouth to say something, but you simply turned over, tucking the duvet tighter under your chin.
 “I’m sorry”, JJ said behind you. “I know it’s not a good excuse, but time got away from me. We were writing and recording and next thing I know the producers started packing up, saying it was too late to do anything else”.
 He sounded genuinely apologetic and part of you wanted to roll over and let him take you into his arms and hold you until you forgave him. But a bigger part of you, an arguably pettier part of you, wanted him to suffer. You’d had to sit with no answer for hours, it was his turn now.
 JJ seemed to understand what your lack of answer meant. He quickly got changed and got ready for bed, sliding in next to you wordlessly. It took effort not to turn and wrap an arm or a leg around him like you usually would. “Night, Y/N”, JJ whispered into the dark of the room before shutting his eyes and willing himself to sleep.
 You awoke the next morning to JJ trying to bring a tray into the bedroom. You couldn’t help but giggle at the look of concentration cemented onto his face, tongue poking over his lip as his eyes stayed trained on the contents of the tray. “Good, you’re up”, he smiled once he’d rested the tray on the bed.
 “What’s this?”, you asked, shuffling yourself so you were sitting upright against the headboard.
 “An apology. I was a cunt last night. You don’t deserve that”, JJ started, perching himself next to you. “I fucked up. I’ve been fucking up. I’m so, so sorry”, he stressed, reaching over to take your hand in his. “I got tunnel vision with work. I shouldn’t have cancelled so much shit. Fuck”, he sighed.
 “Just promise you’ll try and make sure it doesn’t happen again?”, you asked, rubbing your thumb over the veins in JJ’s hand.
 “I promise. And if it does, just tell me. Tell me I’m being a cunt until I listen to you, okay?”, he said, smiling when you laughed and nodded. “Good”, he whispered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you in and press a kiss to your temple.
“When I take a look at my life - And all of my crimes - You're the only thing that I think I got I right”
 Your arm was looped with Talia’s as you walked into the club where JJ’s release party was being held. Banners decorated in album art were draped around the top of the club, lights of all different colours bouncing off of the pictures of JJ’s face. Talia led you over to the cordoned off VIP area of the club.
 “Restricted access”, the man said, voice low and gruff. 
 “We should be on the list. Talia and Y/N”, Talia told him politely. He checked his list against your IDs before lifting the rope and letting you through. “Drinks. C’mon”, she urged, pulling your arm and dragging you over to the bar.
 Once you’d both got a drink in hand, you walked over to find JJ. “Hello, Mister”, you smiled, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Congratulations”, you whispered. JJ just rolled his eyes lovingly before introducing you to Randolph and S-X. “It’s great to finally meet you both, JJ’s said great things”, you beamed, reaching out to shake both of their hands.
JJ excused himself to go and talk to some official people regarding the party and the album itself, leaving you with a soft press of a kiss to your forehead. “Love you”, he murmured quietly, before walking off into the swarm of people.
 You spoke to Randolph and S-X for a few minutes before excusing yourself to go and find Talia, Freya and the boys. “Y/N!”, Freya called when she saw you. “You look amazing!”, she gushed, reaching out to pull you into a hug. 
“So do you, Frey”, you told her, holding her tight. You’d only just sat down next to her when JJ came up beside you, resting his arm on your shoulder. 
“Are you wanting to sit down?”, you asked him, smiling up at him.
“Just wondered if you want another drink before I do, me and Simon are going for another round”, he told you. You nodded, squeezing his fingers quickly before he left. You jumped straight back into your conversation with Freya, Talia joining soon after, followed by Josh. 
At the bar, as they waited for the drinks to be prepared, Simon caught JJ staring at you. “You did good”, he told JJ, leaning in so the younger man could hear him over the music.
“She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me”, JJ said simply, turning to Simon. “This is great, YouTube is great… I love it all”, he started, “But I’d give it all up in an instant for her. She’s put up with so much shit for me to get this album out and to keep a consistent video schedule and stuff with the boxing and everything. She doesn’t complain, just tells me when I’m being a cunt and to sort my shit out”.
Simon looked at JJ, convinced he’d never seen his best friend as love as he was in that moment. “I’m happy for you, bro”, Simon told him honestly, slapping his chest supportively before turning around to grab one of the trays of drinks that had been left on the bar.
 Back at the apartment, once your slinky dress was discarded on the bathroom floor and JJ’s Versace jacket had been hung haphazardly on the back of his chair, you waited for JJ to get out of the shower and join you in bed. You flicked through the photos that you’d taken or been sent of the night, landing on your favourite of you and JJ that Talia had sent you once you’d piled into the Uber.
You’d been forcing JJ to cycle through a whole album of poses, making sure you got at least one decent one from the night as you and JJ were renowned for taking the blurriest of pictures. Simon had made a quip about how JJ was whipped and JJ had sniped back. You’d burst out into laughter, head tilted back, as JJ stared at you lovingly. The picture captured it perfectly; JJ’s arm tucked around your waist, your hand hooked over his shoulder, the look in JJ’s eyes that you knew was reserved for only you…
 “Whaddya lookin at?”, JJ asked, jumping onto the bed next to you and yanking you into his arms. You showed him the photo over your shoulder. “It’s cute. Send me it”, he told you. Once JJ had removed himself from your back, you rolled over so you could face him. You watched as he received the picture and immediately went to set it as his lock screen. “What?”, he asked defensively when you fixed him with a soft look.
“It’s just cute”, you told him, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips. JJ’s hands came to your hips, guiding you over to sit on his lap. “I love you”, you whispered, resting your forehead against his. JJ nudged his head forward, dropping another kiss onto the corner of your mouth before looking up and meeting your eyes.
“I love you too, more than you’ll ever know”.
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jeojahari · 3 years
02 | kiss it better | myg
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🠒 summary: you're one of the lucky ones, everyone else tells you. finding your soulmate the day you turn 18 isn't something that happens to a lot of people... but you and your other half are going to have to make a lot of progress to be able to tolerate each other.
or, you and yoongi can feel everything the other feels, and you're hell bent on causing each other pain.
🠒 pairing: yoongi x reader
🠒 genre: angst, fluff, e2l!au, soulmates!au, college au, crack?
🠒 warnings: profanity, implied smut
🠒 word count: 2.6K
🠒 notes: omg tysm for all the love im literally about to start happy sobbing rn TT i hope you enjoy this chapter!! <3
btw if my writing is not up to par at any time pls let me know, i'd hate to give you low effort writing TT
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part 02: two band-aids
(series m. list)
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"I am so fucking stupid."
"I know."
"I can't believe I just ran out of there without saying anything!"
"Ah. I can."
"How is it Yoongi, though? I don't understand! How can two people who are so obviously different and have zero chance at getting along be paired like this?!"
"Hey," Jimin places a comforting hand on your shoulder, "maybe this is the universe trying to prove that you can find love where you least expect it!"
You shoot him the nastiest glare you can conjure up in the moment. "You sound like a children's fairy tale synopsis. Please shut up."
"No, but think about it!" Jimin sits upright, pulling the nearest pillow into his lap. "You don't like him, and he probably doesn't like you. You hate coffee, and he's practically in love with it. The only reason you guys ever interact is Taehyung, who you happen to be in love with."
"I'm not in love with him!"
"Sure," Jimin rolls his eyes. "Anyways, this is literally the perfect recipe for romance. I feel like I have front-row seats to the best enemies to lovers story ever."
"Don't make me hit you."
"It's true, though," Namjoon pipes up from beside you. You're sandwiched between both of them in an attempt to extinguish the growing dread in the pit of your stomach. "You don't really know what he's like, Y/N. People aren't always what they seem at first glance."
"I had more than just a glance," you snap. "And I know him for exactly what he is. A fucking sociopath."
"I mean, he's nice enough," Jimin explains. "I've spoken to him a few times in passing. Maybe he just wasn't having a good day when you talked to him?"
You pause and think, because your friends are right. It's plausible, isn't it? Not every grumpy person you meet goes out of their way to be antisocial... but you can't shake off that feeling you've harbored ever since you first met him.
"I don't like this," you whine, hiding your face under the blanket. "I don't like him. I don't want to be his soulmate."
Namjoon chuckles. "Soulmates aren't always lovers, Y/N. If he's actually a sociopath, or you genuinely despise him after giving him a chance, you're not obligated to love him."
"True," Jimin nods. "My parents were never soulmates, but you know how well they get along. They had me, after all," he adds as an afterthought. "They couldn't have done that without loving each other."
Namjoon winces. "Okay, no. Didn't need to hear that."
You let out a frustrated groan, kicking your legs under the sheets. "I hate this," you grumble. "And I can't even do anything ab — oh!" You sit up, suddenly enlightened and an imaginary lightbulb over your head. "I can!"
"You can what?" Jimin asks, clearly confused. In response, you simply beam at him before doing an impromptu somersault over his legs and tumbling right off the bed, landing on the ground with a loud thump.
"She's insane!"
"She's gone mental!"
"Is she having a seizure?"
"Do we need an ambulance?!"
"Is she okay?"
"Joon, I'm too broke to pay for the ambulance!"
You throw them both off of you. "I'm right here, very much alive, and very sane, thanks."
"Well, what was that, then?" Jimin demands. "If you were trying to show off your gymnastics skills, it didn't work. You look like a clumsy baby koala."
You point at Namjoon. "He's the clumsy one. And no, I wasn't trying to show you my nonexistent gymnastics skills." A huge smile spreads across your face. "I just discovered a great way to release all my frustration."
"By falling off the bed?"
"No, but yes." You lean in like you're about to tell them a secret. "You know... I bet Min Yoongi is cursing the heavens right now, isn't he? For pairing him with someone like me."
Namjoon stares at you incredulously. "Don't tell me..."
"She's going to do it anyway," Jimin tells him, before turning to you. "You're just going to hurt yourself to hurt him, Y/N? Are you for real?"
"It's perfect!"
"It's stupid, and usually I would tell you to go for it if you were planning to kick some dumbass's butt, but not if you're getting hurt in the process."
"Well, I'm doing it anyway," you say. You're 100% decided; you've just found the one part of your bond with Yoongi that delights you the most, and with that comes your singular goal: irritating him to no end. "And this isn't even that bad, Jimin. Wait until I'm on my period. Then he's really going to wish he never knew me."
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Actually, you're screwed.
"Ouch!" you hiss, your body jerking at the pain that courses through your arm. You're forced to stop writing mid-word, the dark blue ink a mess on your paper due to these constant interruptions of your sudden movements. "What the fuck?!"
The girl sitting across from you raises her eyebrows at you, half concerned for your sanity.
"Sorry," you whisper apologetically. "My soulmate's a jerk. Honestly, I probably caused this, but I don't regret it at all."
She laughs, eyes turning into small crescents. "Hate at first sight?"
"More like at first conversation." You sigh, letting the pen fall from your fingers. "I don't know how I'm supposed to get along with him, let alone love him. We have absolutely nothing in common, and I'm pretty sure this dislike is mutual. Which reminds me—"
You bang your knee against the table in retribution for Yoongi's attack on his own arm, a satisfied smile on your face.
"Wow." The girl stares at you, rather taken aback. "That's some serious beef you two have got."
"Yep. Can't stand him," you confirm. "What about you? Have you found yours yet?"
"Not yet," she says, trying to look indifferent — but you catch that wistful look in her eyes. "Someday soon, hopefully."
"You'll find them," you say, the exact words you've repeated to Jimin multiple times over the years. "Time is all it takes. I hope yours is less of a jerk than mine... and if they are, I'm more than happy to instruct you in the ways of torturing them."
"Noted," she smiles, before returning to her book.
You, though, can't focus. Actually, you haven't been able to concentrate on anything lately — ever since this trivial back and forth between you and Yoongi turned into something more desperate and warlike, it's all that's ever on your mind.
Sighing, you stand up, leaving your place at the table to go fetch a book from one of the many shelves lining the opposite wall of the library. It doesn't take you long to find what you're looking for, but you immediately stumble over and hit the ground, nearly knocking your head against the wood of the shelf.
"Fuck," you hear someone curse in the next aisle. You know that voice, you realize after a few seconds, immediately ducking your head around the corner in amused curiosity.
"What'd you do to yourself this time?"
Yoongi scowls at you from the ground, as irked as always. "None of your business."
"It kind of is, actually, now that I feel it too."
"Oh, really? Where was that concern when you were hurting yourself just to get back at me for doing absolutely nothing?"
"You did it back! You have no right to be telling me what I did was wrong if you decided to do it too!"
"Why the hell did you do it in the first place?"
"Shh!" The librarian walks past the two of you, giving you a sharp glare as she replaces a few books with the ones in her hands. You nod apologetically to her, head bowed.
"You're so loud," you whisper a few seconds later, just as Yoongi gets himself off the ground and has managed to gather the books he'd dropped.
"You literally started yelling first, Y/N."
A deep frown makes its way onto your face. "You know what? I still don't understand why you're like this. Can we not have a civil conversation for once? Every time I talk to you it turns into a goddamn argument!"
"Yeah, well, maybe if you'd just minded your own business, we wouldn't be having this argument!" Yoongi pauses for a breath. "You always make it an argument, Y/N, I don't go out of my way to pick a fight with you!"
"Isn't that what you're doing right now?"
"No! I just don't understand your problem with me! Look," he says, a little calmer, "I know you don't want to be my soulmate. And I'm not particularly in love with you either. But you can at least act like I'm human too, right? Or is that too much for your inflated pride?"
"Did you just call me arrogant?" you ask incredulously, trailing after him as he walks back to where he was sitting. "You think I'm doing this because I'm conceited?"
"Well, for your information, I'm not. I just really dislike you."
Yoongi tongues his cheek in frustration, slamming his book down onto the table. "And for what?" he demands. "I like to know it if and when I fuck up, Y/N. Stop repeating the fact that you hate me and just tell me why."
You flinch at his harsh tone and the sensation that sends a painful twinge through your palm. "You're just... you're so hard to talk to," you accuse. "Like, really? How am I supposed to wrap my head around this whole thing when I can't have a conversation with you without feeling like shit?"
He's gaping at you now. "I'm making you feel like shit? And you're not doing the same by basically trash talking me to my face?"
"I'm not! I'm just telling the truth; and besides, you asked!"
"Who are you to go around judging the way people are? Not everyone is bubbly and cheery, you know? Being grumpy for a second doesn't mean being grumpy for a lifetime!"
"Well, I can't tell, can I? Not when you always act like you hate the rest of the human race!"
Yoongi doesn't reply to you, just staring back at you for a few moments. Instead, his jaw clenches as he turns away without any kind of rebuttal.
"Alright," he says gruffly. "I'll go first."
Your eyes widen slightly as your frustration dissipates. You'd only meant to check on him out of curiosity after his fall, you hadn't intended for it to escalate to this scale at all... "Wait—"
"Don't bother to talk to me next time," he interrupts you, a hint of bitterness to his voice. "Since I always make you feel like shit, anyways."
"No, I didn't m—"
Yoongi's gone before you can give him any miserable excuse from your side, bag slung over his shoulder and that cup of coffee in his right hand. You catch a glimpse of his fingers wrapped around the cup, two band-aids covering the knuckles of his smallest digits, and you can't help but wonder... did you do that to him? All those days you spent wrapping bandages around your legs and arms, was he doing the same?
But you hate him, right? No matter how closely bound you two are, you're allowed to do this, aren't you?
You don't know.
You recall the sight of his worn out expression and sigh, shaking your head. Whatever it is about Min Yoongi that draws the worst out of you, you'll never know. All you're sure of is that apparently you're supposed to love him, apparently you're supposed to be his and vice versa. But you just can't.
As you trudge back to your seat, you notice that the girl from earlier is still there, still taking diligent notes — except her eyes now follow you, a mixture of concern and curiosity.
"I'm fine," you state. The words come out far harsher than intended, but she doesn't seem to take offense.
"Really?" she asks instead. "S'great if you are, but if you're not then you're just lying to yourself, Y/N."
You blink at her, surprised. "Huh? How'd you know my name?"
"You guys were yelling," she explains. "I could hear him from over here."
"Aish. Sorry."
"Don't worry about it." She chews on her pencil for a second, seemingly contemplating something. "Mind if I give you my two cents?"
The girl's awfully blunt and gets right to the point, and it reminds you of your friends for a moment. Something about her just makes you want to trust her, to let her in.
So you shrug your shoulders and say, "Sure."
"Second chances only come once."
She nods, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You don't really know anything about him," she says. "You don't know what's happened to him before. You could be his second chance, and he probably just took a blow after that whole debacle you two had over there."
She chuckles softly, and you find yourself rethinking your stance on the situation. She's right, she's right, your heart tells you, but your brain is saying something else entirely, and it's maddening.
"Give him a chance, Y/N. Everyone deserves one."
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Hours later, you're still thinking about what a random stranger said to you at the library earlier.
Yoongi? A chance? No, thank you. You don't need to waste any more of your time on guys that aren't going to give you the time of day once they're not interested.
And yet, a small part of your conscience says otherwise. He's not just any guy, it reminds you. You're soulmates for a reason.
You're so frustrated you want to tear your hair out. "Soulmates are stupid!"
Jimin walks into your room with two cans of soda, an eyebrow raised as he tosses one to you. "Yikes, Y/N. What's gotten into you today?"
"Min Yoongi," you grumble.
Your best friend gapes at you, nearly spilling his soda all over himself. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Already, Y/N?!"
You're confused as you take a sip of the sweet drink. "Already what, Jimin?"
He's opening and closing his mouth, eyes so wide he looks like a clown out of those children's cartoons. "You and Yoongi — you guys — I can't believe you finally got laid!"
This prompts you to spit out the liquid in your mouth, dissolving into a coughing fit as you try and regain your breath.
"There, there," Jimin says, stroking your back gently. "I won't mention it again if you don't want me to, I'm sorry. Was he a bad lay?"
"A bad what? Jimin, I don't know what you think I'm doing, but having sex with him is most certainly not on my list," you frown.
Your best friend, on the other hand, looks totally dumbfounded.
"Huh? But you answered with his name!"
You smack the side of his head gently. "That's not how idioms work, dumbass."
"Okay, sheesh, sorry," he apologizes, rubbing his temple. "But really, though. Everything okay with Yoongi?"
"Not really," you say truthfully, "but it's fine. Neither of us are expecting anything from the other."
Jimin looks skeptical as he eyes you carefully. "You sure?"
He tilts his head back, draining the can of soda as he swallows. "You know, Y/N, maybe you should give the guy a chance."
There it is again, that word. The one thing everyone tells you that you need to give.
But is it worth your time? Is he worth your time? Or is he just going to walk away and leave you broken again? Maybe you're being selfish, but you'd rather spare yourself the heartbreak process than willingly go into something you know won't be good for you.
"Yeah, okay," you lie through your teeth, soda can still nearly full in your hand. "Maybe I will."
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taglist: @meiadore @kimnamjoonluvbot @im-gay-no-matter-who-i-date @fangirl125reader @helenazbmrskai @min-yus @janeelizabeth1216 @chimchiekookie @chimchoom @igotnotype @beach-bitch-bitch-beach
taglist is still open! send an ask if you'd like me to add you <3
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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Home: Where She Belongs
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
Pairing: Levi Schuler x Laura Day [F!MC] with Lily (daughter) Book: Mother of the Year (chapter 16) Word Count: <1,600 (sorry it's a big long!) Rating: General
Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge relaxation; @choicesbookclub : MOTY Replay Chapter 16 ; @wackydrabbles #108 (prompt in bold)
A/N: As a whole MOTY is a solid book, but one thing that I hated was the fact that instead of going home with her daughter after winning the court case MC sneaks off with her LI for a 30 diamond scene. I love those scenes, but that wasn't the time.
Synopsis: Following the celebration with their friends over the court case win, Laura and Lily head home for a private celebration, knowing they had won and no one would keep them apart. [Fluff with some comfort/care]
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Bliss. Laura thought after some consideration. That's what this is—bliss.
Her body fluttered with a pleasant warmth that enveloped her in its comfort and relaxation. She breathed easily for the first time in weeks, the weight of the world no longer on her shoulders. She could simply enjoy the moment without worry of tomorrow.
She knew better than to expect the future to be sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns, but for the moment, this was enough—actually, it was more than enough—it was perfect. The outcome might not have been everything she wanted, but it was better than what she feared. Lily was hers, and she always would be.
The voices of her friends surrounded her. They had all been eager to join in for a celebratory dinner. She had never needed to ask them to be there; they just were. She wondered how she and Lily would have survived in Goldcliffe without them; thankfully, they'd never need to figure it out.
Laura leaned forward, resting her chin on the back of her hand as she watched Levi play a game with Lily and Luz across the table. Their laughter was a melody in the night air, one that filled her heart with joy. Her eyes glistened in the dimming light. She wondered if the smile etched on her face would ever fade.
Lily's mouth opened, a silent yawn slipping out between excited explanations of her science fair project and how her newly rebuilt rocket was better than the previous one.
"It's late," Laura finally said, interrupting their game. "You've had a big day, my Stargirl. We both have. How about we head home?" Home—Laura couldn't help but smile at the word. Lily was going home with her, where she belonged.
"Okay," Lily agreed, without any complaining, knowing they had already planned their own little private celebration.
Laura said her goodbyes, thanking her friends once more for all they had done. Lily made her rounds, giving hugs and reminding everyone of the upcoming science fair.
"Thank you," Laura whispered as Levi drew her into his arms, holding her safely. "I couldn't have survived this without you."
"As much as my ego thanks you for that, you're the strongest person I know. You can survive anything." He brushed a kiss on her forehead as he leaned back, his attention turning to Lily. He pulled her into a bear hug that lifted her off the ground, causing her to giggle into his shoulder. "Goodnight, Rocket. I'm glad we'll still get to be neighbors. I'd hate to lose my partner in crime."
"I'm glad I get to stay too!" Lily beamed. "Do you want to come have celebration hot chocolate with us?"
"Celebration hot chocolate?" Levi set her back on the ground and bent down to her level. "I don't want to mess up whatever you and your mom have planned. You two have fun."
"But, there's extra marshmallows!!!" Her eyes widened, pleading with him.
"Extra marshmallows, huh?"
Lily nodded enthusiastically. "And whipped cream. And cinnamon! And chocolate syrup!"
"Wow. That is tempting." His gaze shifted to Laura, who was attempting to hide her smile behind her hands. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! You have to come!" She insisted, slipping her hand into his. "Right, mom?"
"I think she's right. I mean, how can you argue against celebration hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, AND cinnamon?" Laura shrugged in defeat as if though there were no other options than to accept.
"Then, there's nowhere else I'd rather be," Levi decided.
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It didn't take long for the water to heat once they returned home. They worked together, moving through the kitchen as if it had always been like this—the three of them. Levi got the mugs ready with the powdered chocolate mix. Laura carefully poured water into each, leaving plenty of room for Lily to add all the toppings.
Marshmallows rained down over the three cups as she scooped large handfuls onto each mug. Lily grinned excitedly as she tipped the can of whipped cream, creating white, fluffy mountains, with one peak noticeably higher than the others.
"Do you think you need that much sugar before bed?" Laura questioned with a raise of her brow.
Lily's eyes widened, and she nodded enthusiastically. "It's a celebration!"
"Just this once!" Laura kissed the top of her daughter's head, her fingers trailing through her silky, black hair. Every day had always been a treasure with Lily, but now more so than ever. She would never take a second of their time together for granted.
Lily sprinkled cinnamon on hers and her mom's cups. "Do you want some, Levi?"
"Hmm‚" he pondered. He dipped his fingers through her cinnamon-dusted, whipped cream ridge, sampling it. "Mmm, that is good!"
"Hey!" Lily pouted. "No fair."
Levi laughed, a playful smirk pulling at his lips. He scooped up some of the fluffy topping off of his cup and dotted it on her nose. "Better?"
Lily's mouth fell open in surprise. Her hand was on the can of whipped cream again. The nozzle pointing at Levi, her finger hovering dangerously on the trigger, ready to set it off with the slightest change in pressure.
Their gaze narrowed at one another, the corners of their lips pulling up as silence fell in the kitchen.
"If it's war you want—" Lily began, breaking the quiet. "Then you shall have it."
Levi grabbed the plastic container of chocolate syrup, holding it up. "Two can play at that game, Rocket."
Lily stood in her chair, keeping her finger carefully on the nozzle. "I have the high ground."
Before he could respond, Laura stepped in, snatching both containers from them.
"Laura," Levi moaned, matching Lily's tone but adding a teasing wink.
"You two are trouble!"
"Only the best kind of trouble, right?" Levi took his mug and lifted it up. "What do you say, rocket—partners in crime still?"
Lily lifted her mug, clinking it against his. "Space partners in crime," she added.
"How could I forget?" He took a sip of his cocoa as Lily did the same. Both of them ended up with whipped cream on their noses.
Laura sighed happily, watching the two most important people in her world laugh effortlessly together.
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After about an hour of Lily vibrating from her sugar high and rattling off the names of all the stars in the night sky above them, she finally crashed on the couch. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth still attempted to finish the list.
"I think it's time for bed, my little astronomer." Laura helped her sleepy daughter to her room to get ready for bed. She tucked her carefully under the covers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Good night, my beautiful girl. I love you to Andromeda and back."
She paused at the door, taking another look back. A part of her worried she'd never have this moment again. The sight of Lily safely asleep in her bed, the glow-in-the-dark stars above her keeping watch as her daughter dreamt dreams bigger than she could ever imagine.
When she returned, she found Levi where she left him on the couch. She curled into his arms.
He brushed her hair back, kissing the crown of her head. "What do you need? What can I do for you? Lily wasn't the only one with a big day."
"This," she whispered, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent. "Just hold me."
"Done." He hugged her closer, wrapping her in his warmth. His fingers caressed her back, massaging her tenderly. "I won't let go. I love you, Laura—you 'n Lily, more than I could've thought possible."
Her body trembled, and she let out a sharp cry. The tears she had pushed down all day erupted at the sound of his confession.
"Shh, it's okay. I've got you."
She buried her face in his chest, hoping to quell the tears that kept coming, not wanting to wake Lily.
"It's okay. You did good. Lily is safe. You're safe. It's going to be okay." He continued whispering tender encouragement in her ear as he kept her close, allowing the weeks of frustration and heartbreak to pour out.
Slowly, her breathing steadied, and her sobs subsided.
"That's it. You need sleep. Come on." He lifted her into his arms, much to her surprise. His brow arched as he caught her eye. "What? I said I wouldn't let go."
She nuzzled back into his neck. "Thank you...for everything."
"Shh, just rest." He carried her to her room at the end of the short hall, placing her down on the edge of the bed. He ran his thumb over her cheek, wiping away the last of her tears.
Her eyes were red and swollen. "Stay?"
"Are you sure?"
She stood to meet him, wobbling a little, not realizing how tired she was, but he was there to support her. She cupped his face. "I've never been more sure. I love you, Levi."
He kissed her softly. "Okay. Who am I to disagree with what the lady wants."
"Good. I'm not ready for you to let go yet." Laura slipped out of her clothes, grabbing a baggy t-shirt to put on.
"Great band!" Levi noted as he took off his pants and shirt and slid into bed. "I have the same shirt at home."
"No, you don't—" Laura climbed in, nestling into him once more. "—because this one's yours."
He breathed out a laugh as he rested his head on hers. He held her close, humming softly until she finally fell asleep in his arms.
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Thank you for reading! I appreciate your support. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always amazing and make my day!
I hope you enjoyed this story. (Don't worry, Laura and Levi will still get their 30 diamond scene... that night just didn't feel appropriate for it).
Tags in a reblog, please let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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bakugohoex · 3 years
This may be a bit of a different request, and you may have already done this, but could I ask for Levi comforting a reader after a panic attack...I've had a rough few days and I always seem to have a worse panic attack after the first one... I adore your writing, and it always makes me feel a bit better! 💗
“look at me y/n, you’re with me, you’ll be okay”
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pairing: levi ackerman x female reader
cw: mentions of violence, panic attack, language, fluff and comfort 
word count: 2100+
a/n: hi im so sorry this is coming out really late but thank you for the support and i hope you’re doing better, if you ever want to talk to my messages are always open for anything 
summary:  in which you have a panic attack after a long scouting mission and levi comes and comforts you
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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Your hands trembled under the dim light that you carried, you could almost see the light shake but didn’t dare surpress the movement. You were an apart of the front line when on expeditions and had gone on your own squad mission, you were only the second in command. But then it had taken a lot more of a toll on you, outside the walls for longer than the normal one-day expeditions. The three days outside with those who had been in your squad.
But here you were on your single horse, the only light from you, your came up high. The only benefit of nightfall was how easily it was to get past unnoticed. You had seen titans around you fast asleep, being as quiet as you could.
Inside though, your heart raced, a shortness of breath came from you. You tried to steady it, you did, but you were alone ten minutes away from the walls. Ten minutes away from humanity, you wouldn’t be alone, you’d be protected. You’d be safe.
The flashes of blood scattered across the trees; you had been laughing with the squad a mere day ago. Now you had left there bodies, left them alone, your breathing hitched, hearing the light dim even more. The coldness swept past you, the faces of half-eaten comrades through your vision before the supressed tears fell down your face.
Your own left arm had been bandaged up; you remember the captain having bandaged you up. His grin wide at the sight of you both joking along beside a campfire. Then his face, the half-eaten face in front of you, there screams tormented your ears.
It filled your insides, screaming and shouts for help. They say that to die a scout was honourable, but you watched them die, watched them plea and bargain, it wasn’t honourable, it wasn’t dignified. It was torturous and pitiful. You tried to wipe your eyes but couldn’t, letting it seep down your face.
Seeing the wall rose, you dropped the waved the light with your last strength. Seeing the doors open, your horse trotted through, seeing men come up to you. “They’re inside.” Trost had housed the scouts for a while now and the men helping you down.
You had no words to them; you didn’t speak only taking your bandaged arm and going to where Erwin and the other captains were. The men who had helped asked where everybody else was, but you were silent, feeling nausea and the tears dripping into your sweat.
All the scouts were together all eating the same gruel it was every other day. The captains and commander sitting on their own table. You saw them, your face flushed and your breathing heavy, you had still been carrying the light, but at the sound of dropping it. The shattering caused the dead silence all eyes turning to you at the door.
Your blood covered fingers, the cut on your cheek, the tears and sweat dripping from your face. Your bandaged arm, your heavy breathing and trembling, it had become too much for you. You only joined to be with your friend, to make sure they would always be safe. But you watched them die, watched them scream and shout as the Titan bit into them, savouring them, you had broken the promise.
“Y/n.” Erwin spoke standing up, he began to walk past everybody, Hanje and Levi following.
You choked on your words but still spoke, “we…we got a…attacked and…and I was the only one who’s…survived.” On your final words the tears welled from your face, you breath quickening, you fell to the ground, your bloody hands up to your face. You sobbed out loud, breaking the silence, Levi came up to you walking past Erwin who was about to talk himself, he bent down to reach your fragile body.
You rocked back and forth, the screams filling your ears, all you could feel, could see was them being eaten. See how your captain had pushed you away from being eaten, you should’ve died, not him. Levi grabbed your shoulder bringing your body into his own, “look at me Y/n, you’re with me, you’ll be okay.”
“L…Levi.” You stuttered but didn’t meet his gaze.
His arms felt soft against your rough shell, going around your bloodied body, you felt sick to the stomach, continuing to rock back and forth with all the memories coming through you. He touched your face softly, a movement that you didn’t expect. He could almost feel your shaky breath hit his skin, he didn’t speak moving his thumb back and forth across your cheek.
He held you close, you could hear him whisper comforts into your ear, staying in his arms. It was comfort he had never given to you, the relationship with him being professional and even with your love for the man. He didn’t love you; this was friendship, this was his comforting a friend and you realised the only person you had left was Levi, the only person who you could call family was Levi.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” It was a question, it wasn’t a command it wasn’t an order, he wanted you to feel safe.
You nodded still trembling, your limbs trembled as you stood up, Levi grabbing your waist to let you lean against him. “Hanje go help.” Erwin ordered not knowing how to react, of course he knew death was always going to happen.
He knew you had experience with death before, but you’d be alone for who knows how long, you’d watched people who you called family die in front of you and worst of all. Worst of fucking all was the strongest soldier he had met became vulnerable in a matter of minutes.
“Commander Erwin we want to go help Y/n.” Eren and his group came up to the man, Erwin didn’t know what to say instead looking at the kids.
“She needs some time.” He spoke before following Hanje and Levi who kept you upright in their arms.
Levi ran a bath for you, you shivered under the coldness. Having only felt it as you stripped the clock off and were left in your bloody clothes, “I’ll go get you some new clothes.” Hanje spoke and you tried to thank her, but you couldn’t speak.
Memories filled through you, smiling at Levi and Hanje a couple days ago, how they gave the same don’t die comment. Your friends did, you had nobody, Levi turned around, an indication for you to strip, you did so and head the water splash as your body was in it. You didn’t care if he saw, nothing mattered anymore, if you let yourself go under the water, who cared.
The panic that had set in and you had stopped trembling as much, but still Levi saw you look outside. Look outside the walls, he knew you were thinking of the corpses that you had left alone. “Y/n.”
You turned to see him, he sat on the stool beside the bath. Grabbing your arm, he rubbed the dirt away, rubbed any blood that had situated on your body. “Levi, I couldn’t save them.” Your voice had become normal, but he could see the tears, see how you breath was still heavy and the faint look that captured your eyes.
“Don’t do this.” He moved to your face, your hair tied, his fingers moved to the cut, it wasn’t deep and would scar over but it was filled with mud and soot. He rubbed it gently, your eyes on his, watching every single thing he did.
“It should’ve been me.” Levi let go of your face glaring at you.
He wasn’t calm anymore, he felt for you of course he did but the words that would come out of his mouth would be a reality check, “no, I’m grateful that you survived because if you died, if you fucking died Y/n, I don’t know what I’d do.”
It was selfish, but since you had spoken the words of being the only survivor, he had been grateful, grateful you had survived. “Levi, don’t say…”
He interrupted you, “don’t what? If you died Y/n…”
He stopped have spoken too much, he regained his normal dull composure, grabbing your other arm and scrubbing the dirt away. “I’m sorry.”
Ignoring the apology, Hanje came back with the clothes, allowing you to get out and change into the fresh survey corps uniform. You smelled fresh and anew, your arm being re wrapped by Hanje as you waited for Erwin.
Even after your panic attack when riding outside the walls and in front of Levi, the thoughts still filled you and your legs shook underneath. “Y/n.” Erwin’s voice fell through the door, his gentle knock making you nod to Hanje to speak.
“Come in.” She spoke standing up for Erwin to take her spot in front of you.
Levi stood beside the window, looking outside, he admired the stars and sky. He hadn’t been there to protect, he hadn’t saved you, he had let you suffer all alone, in the cold and dark. It was a pit of regret and guilt to now have been there for you.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Erwin asked softly.
There voices had become a lot softer trying to be tentative of your fragility, you took in a sharp breathe, fingers trembling, “I…it was two days ago.” You paused looking at your fingers, Levi noticed and came up to you. He grabbed your hands and held them between his fingers, rubbing back and forth across the back of your hand. He nodded for you to continue, it brought some relief and you looked directly into Erwin’s eyes.
You spoke the events that occurred, how you had been camping outside and before you knew it a hoard of titans had come. How there was too many and by the end of the say half of your squad had gotten murdered. It was how you had gotten injured, the squad members left had decided to head back and whilst going back by horse, you encountered another hoard of titans in the morning. The graphic detail of how your friend had gotten eaten and how your captain had pushed you aside to not get killed had created silence in the room.
“I’d been riding since the afternoon, it was…was hard to make sure Titans didn’t see me.” It was your final words, and Levi moved to wipe the stray tear from your eye. He understood more after hearing the story, why you had said it should’ve been you. But mostly he knew he’d have to protect you; he didn’t care you were his only priority and responsibility now.
“We’ll send some men to find their bodies.” Erwin softly brushed your shoulder with his palm, you nodded at him. “Get some rest Y/n.”
You watched him leave but just as him and Hanje were about to leave you spoke, “Erwin.”
He stopped looking at you, you could see the sympathy he had in his eyes, but you needed to say this before anything else, “I’m going on the next expedition.”
Levi was about to speak to stop you, but Erwin spoke up, “if that’s what you want.”
You nodded and he left swiftly, Hanje following. It was dead silent Levi having removed his hands from yours and pacing back and forth. “You can’t go on the expedition.”
“I don’t care Levi, I’m going, who the hell cares if I die? I have nobody, me dying won…” You had clearly disregarded his previous words, when listening you had assumed it all too be friendly and that he was just saying it to be nice.
His interruption made his emotionless face look sterner and angrier, “it’ll affect me, I’d rather die then let you die for your stupid suicide mission.”
It stung but you didn’t speak, only looking down, “I’m not speaking about this, leave.” You moved towards the bed, about to lie down to think and maybe get some rest.
“Y/n, if you die then I’ll have nobody.” It was a whisper, but you heard it, meeting his gaze.
You sat on the bed, he moved closer to you, his hands moving to cup your face, “I need to go.”
“I know, I want to protect you.” You didn’t speak leaning against his shoulder, his arm around your waist bringing you warmth.
You looked out the window, you understood him, you couldn’t protect your friend but maybe you and Levi could protect each other. You understood that the comfort he had brought through your panic attack was a lot more than any friend would do. Staying in his arms, the way his hands moved up and down your sides. In a soft whisper he heard the four words he had dreamt of hearing, “I love you, Levi.”
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heavyns · 4 years
smut ; kuroo x f!reader
warnings: yandere tones and behaviour, dubcon/noncon, size kink kinda, aphrodisiac, overstimulation, corruption kink, a mix of praise kink and degradation kink, lots of vulgar language, whatever the fuck horny 2 am me thought was dirty talk
important note : okay this is nasty and in no way should be condoned in real life. THIS IS NOT LOVE. consent is important and even if someone does consent, if theyre under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc. that still does not count as consent.
anyways again, this is super self indulgent but some of you all might enjoy it so i'll leave this here. i might write a part 2 wherein the s/o is actually not under the influence of anything and kuroo's manipulative and possessive self really jumps out but idk
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kuroo was someone who didn't get drunk easily, didn't get hooked on things easily. but when it came to you, he was addicted. obsessed. he knows its not healthy and his actions would be deemed disgusting but he couldn't help it. not when his sweet little kitten was always so much more compliant this way. you had enjoyed it anyways.
he remembers the first time he's done this. you were so eager to please him. even when it was your first time, you took his cock so so well. and he remembers the time after that, and then the next and the next. it's been a few months since he started doing this but each time he does, you still think it's your first.
well he was partly to blame for it of course. you'd already be drinking yourself into a blackout drunk stupor at a party and he'd add a drug to the last drink he'd let you take, causing your hormones to act up and make you feel like a bitch in heat. it also makes you conveniently forget everything when you wake up.
you both had gone out to get some air, the red cup you were holding already empty of its spiked contents. a small smirk plays on his face seeing you fidget with the outfit you donned for the party.
"kitten are you feeling alright?" you turn to him and start giggling.
"never better!" you singsonged as you step closer to him and flashed him the same dazzling smile he's hooked on.
with the close proximity you had put yourself in, he can already see your half-lidded eyes blown out and your chest heaving labored breaths. your gaze flashes down to his lips and in a second, you gave him a peck. and then another. and another. until it melted into something more heated.
you didn't even try to fight for dominance as you submitted yourself to him. god, how can someone taste just so addicting? he's already feeling a semi grow the moment small mewls and moans come spilling out of your lips. the kiss breaks off as soon as he starts feeling your nails dig into his arm, signaling that you need to breathe.
"you've had too much to drink, how about we head home already?" he whispered to your ear, sending chills down. you only absentmindedly nodded at kuroo and proceeded to let him lead you. it was so endearing how much you trusted him. you didn't even question why he was bringing you over to his place instead of yours, already used to waking up on his bed with legs slightly sore but a smile and thanks as kuroo supposedly kept you safe.
you really had trusted him too much. it makes him want to just lock you up, keep you hidden from the rest of the world. it's so so tempting in all honesty, especially as he could be the only one to taint you. no, he should be the only one who can corrupt you. he is and will be the only one who stains your purity.
and he'll make sure of that.
who else can make your body elicit such reactions from just foreplay, if not him? who else can make your mind blank with thoughts of only him and pleasure? who else can make pure, delicate and oh-so-innocent you moan and say such sinful words?
it was addicting. being able to taint you over and over again. it's so cute how each time he does this, the look you give when you first see his cock is always the same, a mix of awe, anticipation and maybe even horror. he knows you were wondering if he can even fit but he already knew the answer.
a small plea leaves your mouth as he rubs his tip against your heat, collecting slick as he goes back and forth from your entrance. he chuckles as he can already see your mind go into overdrive from the teasing.
"please what kitten? i can't hear you."
"put... put it in, please, tetsuro."
"it? be more specific. and besides isn't this your first time, we should take it slow." he whispers to your ear in response. you let out a small hitch as at this point, he had aligned his cock right at your entrance already. he gave your thigh a squeeze as he watches your body squirm, eyes saying he won't let up until you say what he wants you to say.
"your cock! please! i'm begging you i'm ready just pleasepleaseplease-" you trail off as he lets the tip in, your body already welcoming it greedily. he watches your expression twist into that of pain, pleasure, confusion, and lust.
"your wish is my command, my love."
kuroo lets out a hiss as he pushes more of his length in, your walls already squeezing against him. it amazes him, how tight you still are. his hands grip your hips, keeping you in place as the sensation of him filling you to the brim was too much.
"t-tetsu- oh my god. pull.. pull out please you can't-" tears start forming as your former thoughts of you being able to take all of him dissipated. he quickly starts kissing you with fervor, swallowing your cries as he continues his actions, stretching you out entirely.
this was definitely one of his favorite parts from this regimen. the sight of you under him looking so small, tears streaming down your pretty face with his cock balls deep in you. if he could snap a photo to preserve this moment, he would. but he settles to commiting it to memory instead. its not like he needs a photo when he's seen you make this same face each time he makes love to you.
but soon enough, he can feel you tightening around him, confusion further settling in your face even more as the pain slowly fades into something else.
"see kitten, it's fine. you can take me. your body is all ready, adjusted to my cock so quick. like it was made to be fucked by me." his hips start thrusting into you, setting a slow and dragging pace at first. making sure you feel every vein, every inch of his cock.
"look at you, already making such a slutty face just from this pace? first time taking a dick but your pussy is so fucking eager, sucking me right back in." you could only moan from the dirty words that come tumbling from your boyfriend's mouth, hips starting to buck up into him, wanting to feel more.
he tutted and pulled out, a whine escaping you instantaneously. with little to no effort, he flipped your body over on your knees, his hand grabbing your hair and pulling your back to an arc. his length already probing back at your entrance and without warning, slamming back inside you with full force. a rough pace replacing the sensual one from before.
"i was taking it slow since this is your supposed first time, but you're such a whore aren't you? you really want to get fucked that badly? you really want to feel just how ruined you can get?" he asked but your mind couldn't form anything comprehensive from the way he was treating you. only your moans, his low groans and grunts and the lewd sound of skin slapping can be heard.
ah, how much he had loved this part as well. every single time he starts out slow, fully knowing just how needy you'd be from the aphrodisiac and foreplay, you'd always start begging to be fucked into oblivion. and who was he to deny the desires of his goddess?
he starts leaving open-mouth kisses to your body, careful not to leave any marks because as much as he wants to, he didn't want you to find out what happened the next morning. one hand trails up to play with your breasts and give your neglected nipple the much needed attention it wants. the other hand slithers down from your hips to your clit, causing a sharp inhale from you.
"fuck, you take me so well. even on your actual first time with me back then, you've done such a good job too. and still so tight- ah- i can't count how many times i've fucked you raw like this." his words were barely registering in your head as you start to feel lightheaded from the overdrive of pleasure and lust he's put you in.
"you forgot, but your body clearly didn't. you're so fucking wet, you're dripping onto my bedsheets. did you really miss my cock that much? you missed it didn't you? tell me how much you missed it." he prods as his hand comes back to your hips and helps you meet him halfway into the thrusts.
"i- ah fuck- missed you and your cock so so so much tetsu it feels so- oh! - good to have it in me again!"
"tell me how much you want it- no- need it, kitten."
"you t-taste so good- oh god! - i don't know how i lived without your cock before. it's so- ah! - thankyouthankyouthankyou!" you exclaimed as he pressed his chest flush against your back and brings his lips close to your ear.
"such a whore i've turned you into. you were such a good girl too, pure like white, just waiting for me to taint and stain. and now you're a cock-loving slut. all for me. my cock-loving slut. my perfect little kitten. my goddess to corrupt."
he starts leaving kisses all over your cheek until you turn your head and meet his lips with heat, saliva dribbling down the corner of your mouth as your hands travels up. one to entangle in his hai and the other to start playing with your nipple. you can feel it, the twisting and tightening of something like a knot in you.
then you start seeing stars, as kuroo hits a certain spot in you. a whole new wave of pleasure crashing into you as he keeps hitting the same spot repeatedly. and soon enough, his name starts tumbling out of your mouth like a mantra, a prayer. and the knot snapped.
he lets out a curse as you trap him in a vice-like grip, stars dancing your vision as you moan out his name. your body goes limp and leans onto kuroo's for support as he holds you up, hips still bucking into you.
"tetsuro- a-ah! - it hurts! fuck p-please no more i'm-" you protest as the overstimulation kicks in.
"it's okay kitten. you'll be okay. just one more, you can take one more. you'll be a good girl right? for me?"
he chooses to ignore your pleas and opted to leave kisses on your neck as tears start to wellin your eyes from the pain, mind screaming that enough. but he knows you'll be enjoying yourself soon, you always did.
and soon enough, you feel yourself melt back into his ministrations and submit into the lust, a high derived from the pain and pleasure nearing. he can feel himself reaching his high as well, the pace becoming erratic. then it became too much, your back arcing and your vision nearly going white as you drawl out his name, your walls clenching around him, and he couldn't pull out in time.
"ah! ah shit- fuck kitten! shitshitshit-" he cursed as his hips sputter into you, hands gripping hard on your hips, pulling your body closer into him. you were too good to him, milking his cock dry streak after streak. he hasn't cummed this hard for a long time, and he was sure every inch of your womb was painted with his seed. but as much as he loves the feeling of filling you up, he doesn't know if you're on the pill.
once the orgasms died down, he pulled out, a thick, heavy flow of his cum leaking out. and fuck, kuroo would be lying if the sight of your fucked out body under him bathing in the afterglow as his seed pours out of you didn't make his dick twitch.
rolling your body over right side up, he bends down and starts leaving a trail of kisses from your lips down to your abdominal area, eliciting small whines and mewls from you.
giving one last kiss atop your womb, he meets your eyes with a loving gaze. well, he supposes you getting pregnant from this isn't so bad.
he just has to make sure you remember your next time.
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kyunisixx · 3 years
a little death
a/n: first of all, omg. I wrote this in maybr, 3 hours in total? Second, I wanted to experiment so I switched from the usual third person to first person just to try things out. I was also listening to A Little Death by The Neighbourhood while writing this to get me on the right mood and it might help if you listen to the song while reading this. So, Bonzo smut y'all I never thought I'd see the day, this is definitely a catharsis for I cannot stop thinking about Bonzo in 1977 onwards specifically (ugh dad 🤤). But anyway, here goes porn with barely any plot lolololol.
theme(s): very very nsfw (fingering, soft dom-ing if you'd call it) 😋
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pairing: john bonham x fem!reader
I gasped as he softly bit down on my bottom lip, I gingerly pulled at his hair, nudging him back so I could pull away. “John, wait.”
He huffed in slight exasperation, “What is it?”
I bit the inside of my cheek as I stared at him, a small crease forming between his bushy brows. His mouth was swollen, the red lipstick I wore earlier that night smudged all over his mouth like an abstract art from a careless passionate artist. His usual, soft and neat hair now unkempt from my fingers running through it for the past couple of minutes. There was a taint of pink in his cheeks and his irises had become fully dark in the dim light of the room.
“I'll be right back. Wait here, alright?” I stood up from his lap, pulling down my skirt from where it was pulled up and caught his parted mouth one last time before I strode out of the room to the guest bedroom where I had sneakily hid my surprise. Today was our third year anniversary, which we had celebrated with a simple dinner at a fancy restaurant. The ride home was silent and innocent until it was not when I cheekily placed my hand on his inner thigh which ended with my back colliding on the wooden door of our home the moment it was closed shut. As I gently pulled the stockings up and stepped into my stilettos with my lipstick redone, he called out, “How long is it going to take?”
I smiled and shook my head, “Don't be so impatient.”
I walked out, taking careful steps to not cause too much noise from my heels. “My love, how could I not be? If I didn't know better, you've been there for more than an hour!”
“Always so dramatic, are you not?” I stood in the doorway, my lips curled into a playful smile. His face was unreadable except his eyes, it shamelessly slid down to my form with intensity that had me fiddle at the ribbon attached to the lingerie top. My foot crossed the other as I tightened my thighs hotly. Then rumbling softly in the dark was his voice, “Come here.”
My heels echoed as I strode over to where he was and stopped in front of him. Then he pulled me closer towards him between his parted thighs. His hand found their way from my outer thighs, to my hips, waist, to my ribs before they slid back down to the crease of my waist, marveling at the indents and lines of imperfection littered all over my skin. He leaned down and sealed a lingering kiss right below my belly button and I placed my hand on his head, running my finger on his hair as I sighed.
“Do you like it?” John stared right up at me. The gentleness of his touch contrasted with his eyes. He said nothing and pulled at the back of my thighs, finding my place once again on his lap with a squeal. His hand glided across the bare skin of my back, leaving goosebumps in its wake and it stopped at the back of my neck which he pushed forward with a slight roughness. He met my mouth with a searing kiss, each second robbing me of the ability to catch breath. 
He tasted of wine we both shared earlier that night with a strong addition of nicotine. Then after a while, it only tasted purely of him. 
I undid the rest of his shirt, my hand slipping inside and found the skin of his warm skin. I moaned inwardly as I dug my nails on his side, my hands greedily gripping on every soft flab of skin I could reach. 
A man.
He pulled away, panting softly and kissed my cheek before he whispered, “Stand up.”
I almost wobbled as I got up to my feet, he took a grip of my hips and none-too-gently turned me around, facing the full length mirror placed on the side of the bed. I took in the sight of my heaving chest and flushed cheeks, then his head appeared on my side, meeting my eyes on the mirror. 
John's finger hooked on the side of my bottoms, his gaze never leaving mine as he purposely dragged the clothing down until they pooled at my feet. I stepped out of it with a pat of his hand on my leg, then his head disappeared behind me before I felt his lips on the top of my behind.
I obliged, no other words or protest left for me to say. My body was on flames and right at the moment, I needed nothing more but his unrelenting attention and the promise of what's to come. The top came off soon after, his hands now on their journey all over to where they could reach, making sure not one area was left untouched. They landed on the side of my breasts and cupped both flesh, each one heavy with need on his palm.
I jolted as he pinched, his eyes gauging my every reaction on his touch. He licked a bold stripe from the base of my neck, ending it on the tip of his tongue at my earlobe and I shuddered as he whispered, “Open them for me.”
His sharp intake of breath hissed in the dark at the sight, my legs pulled up, baring me open. The hungry look on his face sent a wanton quiver in my center. 
“You're drenched and I've barely even started.” he almost seethed, a hand now making its way to my inner thigh and stopped. A desperate whine resonated from my throat and he laughs, “What do you want me to do?”
“Please, baby.”
“Tell me or I'll leave you like this.” I flinched as his hand raised in the air and smacked the soft skin of my thigh.
“I wan- I need you to touch me, John. Please,” my voice cracked at the end, my eyes now filling with tears from my utmost frustration.
His other hand wrapped around my throat and placed his cheek against mine, “Good girl. That wasn't too hard, was it?”
A long moan of relief was the only thing I could muster as his rough palm met the delicate warmness of my center. My eyes rolled at the back of my eyes and I leaned back on his shoulder until he clutched my jaw and forced my face to the mirror again. “Do not close your eyes. Watch yourself.”
I nodded and watched as his index finger disappeared inside of me, a second finger following right after. His other hand still wrapped around my neck and gave a soft squeeze.
“Bloody hell, you look beautiful like this,” he murmured, three fingers now in as he found a steady rhythm. My own hand gripped on his wrist tightly as my body moved to its own accord to meet his hand. “John. John, please.”
I didn't know what I was begging for, his name was the only thing I could utter along with other strings of curses. Then the hand on my throat slid down, stopping at my quivering center and pinched my aching nub.
My thighs clamped shut as I convulsed in his hold, bolts of pleasure spreading all over my body up to the tips of my toes and I collapsed on top of him, gasping for air.
“I hope you're not too tired. I am far from finished with you.”
taglist: @jonesyjonesyjonesy , @princesspagey , @ritacaroline , @jimmys-zeppelin , @rebel-without-a-zeppelin , @reincarnated70sbaby , @timetraveller4 , @dreamersdrowse , @jimmylovescheese (let me know if you want to be added!!!) 💕
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valberryy · 3 years
oh, eurydice (it's an awful sound). — venti
de l'autre côté de l'eau, comme un écho. / tu dis que c'est la fin du monde, c'est ton silence mon eau profonde.
um,, idk what to say cause i dont want this to b my venti summoning post but. anyways. also tagging @starfell-traveler look i finished it!!!! b proud of me /hj
pairing: venti x gn!reader
content warnings: mentions/descriptions of alcohol & blood/injuries, major character death, it's just heavy angst i'm sorry
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Venti still remembers the first time he heard you laugh, warm and clear and bright, like the chiming of cathedral-bells.
In those golden days when he was getting used to his new face, he often found himself wandering—much to the chagrin of his friends. If he wasn't in one of the many taverns of the newly-built Mondstadt, he was wandering these new, free lands.
And that was how he met you, the spritely scion of house Gunnhildr, who had strayed away from your envoy with a bottle of wine and leaves in your hair. He noted the mischief dancing in your eyes, the sunlight dappling on your skin, the way your mouth formed a small "o" when you saw you were not alone.
Your eyes had lit up when you caught sight of him. "Oh, my lord!" you called, "Fancy a cup and a chat, perhaps?"
Venti stood still for a moment to ponder your request, but at the sound of you popping the cork off the bottle and pouring it into a cup you had brought, he found his resolve weakening. He took a seat next to you as you pulled a stray leaf from your hair, taking a sip from your cup before passing it to him.
How brazen of you, he mused.
While cherry wine, in his opinion, could never hold a candle to the dandelion wine he had grown fond of, it tasted all the sweeter coming from you.
You had laughed at this sentiment of his, clear as the water from the lake nearby. "Is that so?" you asked. "Perhaps I'll bring some more of this kind especially for you, dearest bard."
Venti responded with a playful pluck at his lyre-strings. "I'd prefer if you called me by my name, young master Gunnhildr."
"And what would that be?"
Just as he was about to respond, the two of you caught wind of voices yelling out your name, and you flinched. "That must be for me," you said. "I shouldn't have expected to be able to hide forever."
He helped you stand, stretching out his arm to pull you up—your hand was soft and warm against his own, and the "thank you," that rolled from your lips made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to.
"I'd love to see you again," you said, and he smiled.
"You talk as if this is goodbye forever!" Venti joked. "We can meet here again, if you so wish."
"Then it is done," you said, and squeezed his hand as if in confirmation of your new arrangement.
And with the lightest press of your wine-stained lips to his cheek, you had run off without another word—only the sound of your distant laughter and, "Sorry, sorry! I'm back now, mother!" left in your wake.
That promise had soon become habit, and habit a new way of life—one wherein you would sneak away from the rest of your family to rendezvous with Venti in the forest, to share wine and song and sweet, honeyed words alike.
(And as time wore on, you pressed your wine-stained lips to more places than just his cheek, and the cheeky bastard would have you do it again, and again, and again.)
"What d'you reckon your family would say if they figured out you were sneaking away for this?" Venti mused, "Like a hero in a romance novel."
With a laugh, you lay your head over his lap and smiled when his hand came to rest in your hair, his fingers gently playing with the strands. "Scold me, I suppose," you said. "There are worse fates than not being allowed outside for a month, my love." 
You plucked a stray dandelion out of his hair, blowing the seeds to the wind. 
"Hmm? And what would those be, I wonder?"
"...You're so infuriating, Venti," you grumbled, and he simply laughed and took another sip of wine—elderflower this time, tasting like spring upon his tongue. "I can't even dare imply that I want to be with you forever without you teasing me for it—what kind of lover are you? Hmph."
He paused, a teasing grin growing on his lips despite your previous words. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
An odd noise left your throat. "I mean," you said, "unless you want me to take your surname instead? ...Now that I think about it, Venti Gunnhildr doesn't quite sound the best."
A laugh, first from him, soon followed by one of your own. "Your family won't allow it, would they? But if the fates allow…there's nothing I'd love more than to be with you," he said. Gently he untangled his fingers from your hair, weaving his fingers between your own instead. "That is, if you want it too?"
A world of just you and him, a life where he would never have to stray far from your side—perhaps this was what Amos so desperately craved for, in those days. Venti watched as you removed the signet ring from your pointer finger and fit it snugly on his own, admiring your handiwork and smiling up at him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Somehow it felt odd to see you in clothes other than the casual attire he had always seen you in. When you were seated upon your horse like this, dressed in richly-dyed leathers and embroidered silks with your family crest hanging proudly from your breast pocket, you seemed much less like the cheeky [Name] that would pluck his lyre from his hands to play your own tune, and more like the young scion of house Gunnhildr that the rest of the world saw you as.
"I'm sorry, dearest," you said, your voice thick with regret. "They only told me about this last night, so I've had no time to tell you… And father wouldn't let me refuse, so—"
Venti laughed, "When did you become such a worrywart? It's only one round of hunting, right? I'll be waiting for you back here."
You huffed, leaning down to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. "Then I'll be sure to hurry on back to you."
He pulled you back down for another kiss, square on the lips this time, before letting you go. "Don't miss!" he said, calling after your horse, to which you turned and yelled back at him,
"If I do, it's your fault!"
He laughed, settling down beneath a tree and closing his eyes. You'd be there to wake him when you returned.
When Venti awoke, it was not to your hand shaking his shoulder but to a thud and the worried whinnying of a horse. His eyes snapped open as you groaned, one hand clutching your stomach and the other propping you up. When you caught his gaze you smiled weakly, too much blood in your teeth and not enough light in your eyes.
"I'm back, dearest," you said, and he had stumbled over to catch you before your arm gave out.
He pressed down on your torso, where three large gashes ran down from your chest down to your stomach, large and jagged as if from the claws of a bear. You groaned in pain and he pressed a kiss to your hand in apology, your skin pale and clammy in a way that reminded him too much of harsh, cold winds and a boy with his lyre. 
"You should've seen me, Venti," you breathed, "I shot it right in the throat…are you proud of me?"
"Very," he said. "I'll always be proud of you."
You laughed, broken and pained and sad. "Good," you said, "good." Then you looked up at him, the tears welling in his eyes, the reality of his fate—your fate—finally looming upon him. "Don't look at me like that, love," you cooed. "Please, smile for me, okay? Sing for me…can you spare me at least that much?"
His grip on your hand tightened. "All of that and so much more, dandelion," he said. "Please…"
"So much more, huh…" you mused. "Then, how about one last kiss before I go?"
"...You talk as if this is goodbye," he says, but doesn't protest when you pull him down by the collar, your red-stained lips pressing weakly against his—
—But instead of the sweetness of wine, there was only the sharp bitterness of your blood in his mouth.
"How far would you go for me?" was something Venti had thrown around a lot, never expecting you to give him a straight answer—not with how you shoved his shoulder and said, "Just because there wasn't a ceremony doesn't mean I'm not your spouse, Venti. Wouldn't the answer be obvious?"
But he still recalled the first time he had asked you and the first time you answered, your fingers tangled with his and your head buried in the crook of his neck. Your voice had been softer, gentler, lacking the playful edge but just as genuine as always, "From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest to the highest peaks in the sky," you said, "Until my hands wither away into dust."
"Maybe you're the bard instead of me, love," he had said, then.
In this new world without you he found himself clinging to whatever remnants of you he could—the dappled sunlight in the forest, the slightest sting of alcohol going down, the glint of your family crest on the ring that adorned his finger.
One of his many laments was how he could never mourn you in the way he felt you deserved—he had not the power to turn back time, lacked the dominion over anything static and permanent to immortalise you with. He only had his lyre and his voice and his winds, and all he could do was paint the skies grey in his grief, have the gales sing requiems that you would never hear.
From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest peaks in the sky he would go for you and back—and if the darkest depths of this world contained the secret to getting you back, perhaps even a mere spirit on the wind could bear the trek through the dark. 
(After all, Venti knew in his heart of hearts that you would have done the same for him.)
The heart of the Abyss wasn't a land of mindless bloodshed and fire—it was cold and calculating, like a predator lying in wait. It was this place, in the depths of Teyvat and in the winding depths of their palace, that he knew could somehow bring you back to him. 
"Are you the one for whom the skies wept, bard?"
Venti swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I am," he said. "I want a deal."
The person before him raised an eyebrow, canting their head to the side. 
"One life," they said, "and no second chances."
Cold, and calculating, and inevitable—but still he would try. Venti owed you at least that much, no?
He squeezed your hand as you trailed behind him, muttering to himself: don't look back, don't look back, don't look back. No matter how much he longed to hold you, to see your face and feel your skin beneath his, he kept his gaze to his feet as you both moved onwards into the dark.
(When he saw you again, just as beautiful as the day he lost you, he dropped his lyre to run into your arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck and surrounding himself with only you, you, you. 
"Venti," you said, and he nearly wept at the way his name rolled from your tongue. "Let's go home.")
You squeezed his hand back, so gently that he almost couldn't believe you were really there. "Why don't you sing me a song, dearest?" you quipped. "Anything you like."
In spite of himself, in spite of the cold around him and behind him and in his own hand, he smiled. "Have I ever sung you the one with the mist flower and the sparrow?"
He heard you huff behind him. "That one again? You know how bad I am at hitting the notes in that!"
"Hmm, sure, sounds like an excuse to me…"
He laughed and squeezed your hand again, as if to remind himself—you were here, and he was taking you home, and you would be able to feel the sun on your skin and taste wine from his cup in the way you had always loved. He would be able to write you songs and guide your hands across his lyre, and he need never stray far from your side.
You need never go somewhere where he couldn't follow.
"We're almost there," he said, resisting the urge to turn around to smile at you. "There's a bottle of wine waiting for us. It wouldn't do us any good to leave it for too long, you know?"
He squeezed your hand again, but you didn't respond.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat. His footsteps hastened, quicker and quicker until he was near-running towards where he knew the surface lay. Had he been tricked? Were you never there all along? Had you gotten lost, or fallen, or left, and left some other person in your stead?
Anxiety clutched at his heart like brambles, and Venti found his mind wandering back to those days with the wintery winds and the friends he had lost to the storms. Not again, he prayed, please, never again.
He ran until his legs ached, ran until the first drop of sunlight finally kissed his skin, and he let go of your hand to turn around—
—to see your face still shrouded in darkness, your eyes wide, your hand still reaching out for him.
"What?" he breathed, "No, please, I can't lose you again—"
You smiled, and though your teeth weren't coated in blood and your body was free from any wounds, Venti's heart had sunk even further than when he had caught you that day. 
"No, love, please, I'm sorry—"
"Venti," you said, "I'll see you again soon, okay?"
"I love you." 
With whatever time you had left, you reached out further to brush the tips of your fingers against his cheek. "Smile for me, okay? Sing me one last song…" 
And before he could reach out to you again, you had once again gone somewhere he couldn't reach. 
(Yours was a song he sang without end, even when all of Mondstadt had forgotten your name—and even when he felt like he didn't deserve to bear your memory. 
On days when he uncorked a bottle of cherry wine or caught the Acting Grandmaster's eye, Venti found himself staring down at the ring you had placed on his finger in those golden days—and if he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to it the way you had done to him, he swears he can still hear your laugh, warm and clear and bright.)
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