#Overlord Priere
lucdrawsthings · 1 year
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maidens of light and shadow
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drpg-global-archive · 6 months
Do you have any archive files from the La Pucelle collab event in disgaea rpg?
Event 21: Burn! Straw Doll Festival with the Saintess
And then I'll put the raid intro/outro under the cut~ keep in mind it's a Boltrend translation for everything so a few things are off (mainly, they refer to the title Maiden as Saint)
Raid Opening: A New Overlord
Mao: We're here. This is where the massive magic signal was coming from. Laharl: Impressive. Must be quite the opponent considering how many Prinnies they managed to take out. Adell: But there's no one here. Valvatorez: How about we lure them with sardines? I doubt anyone could resist a batch of freshly caught sardines! Killia: Much as I'd like to cook it up now, it seems we have other matters to deal with. Female Demon (?): So, it's you people. You're the ones rumored to wield immense power in this world. Adell: Don't tell me she's the one who did all this. Laharl: Hey, you! Who the hell do you think you are rampaging around without my permission! Overlord Priere: My name is Priere. Overlord Priere. [Overlord Priere] A powerful Overlord who is the spitting image of Prier. She can be differentiated by the fact she shows more skin than Prier. They both share similar personalities, but Overlord Priere hides an immense dark power. Laharl: Prier? Hey Mao, wasn't Prier that human who was with you and the others? Mao: Heheheh… She may look the same, but this individual posses magic powers worthy of an Overlord. Overlord Priere: Hmm… Guess there's some truth to the rumors. Overlord Priere: Far from being afraid of me, you chatter on without a care in the world. How interesting. Overlord Priere: I came here because that Nether Gate was emitting powerful dark magnetic waves. Looks like my hunch was correct. Mao: A gate? But it shouldn't be connected to Prier's world yet. Mao: Unless… Perhaps the remaining effects of the straw doll have connected it to another gate. Overlord Priere: Quit yapping on. What I want is to fight people that are strong. That way, I can become even stronger. Overlord Priere: Which one of you is the strongest? I'll fight you first. Laharl: I'm the strongest, of course. I'm the most badass freakin' Overlord in the entire cosmos! Mao: That's not necessarily true. No one can match my brains. Adell: I may not be an Overlord, but I train every day! Valvatorez: Thanks to power of sardines, I feel capable of beating anyone! Killia: … Overlord Priere: Jeez, you sound like children with all your bragging. Overlord Priere: You. Why haven't you said anything all this time? Are you that confident in your abilities? Killia: Me? Not necessarily— Overlord Priere: I like your confidence! Fine! I'll start by kicking your butt! Laharl: Hey! No way you chose Killia over me! Croix: Jeez, what's with all the commotion? Wait, is that Prier? Eclair: Big Sister, why are you dressed like that? You look just like a demon! Culotte: No way, Sis! Have the effects of the Netherworld transformed you into an Overlord? Alouette: Wait, this feels familiar… Haven't we experienced a similar phenomenon before? Alouette: It reminds me of what happened that time when Eclair couldn't contain her negative emotions. Eclair: Sister Alouette. Are you saying that this is the personification of the darkness in Prier's soul? Croix: We can talk about it later. Right now we need to act. Culotte: Right. We can't let this happen to her, even if being an Overlord somehow suits her better. Eclair: Agreed. We've got to stop her!
Raid Close: You'll Get Your Chance...
Overlord Priere: Ahahahah! Not bad at all. I haven't been this excited in a while. Mao: Glad to hear that. Now it's my turn to have some fun. Mao: Listen up, all of you! I claim her as my test subject. Capture her alive at all costs! Mao: A former human turned Overlord… Nothing could make for a more fascinating test subject. (huff huff) (slurp) Croix: Looks like Mao can't wait to dissect her. Eclair: Dissect Prier? Absolutely not! I won't allow it! Culotte: What should we do, Alouette? He's going to kill her! Alouette: Leave it to me, Culotte. Alouette: I'll rely on the teachings of the scriptures to appeal to Prier's soul. Laharl: Lame! I'll keep fighting instead! Killia: But, Laharl, our casualties will only increase if we continue to fight. Let me finish her off with one final blow. Eclair: Please, wait! If she really is Prier, you can't kill her! Killia: Don't worry. It may be the darkness in her soul that's the cause of all this. Killia: If so, I may be able to use my Ultimate Demon Technique to purify the darkness. Leave it to me. Overlord Priere: You're up to something, aren't you? Interesting. Come on then, I've still got… Huh? Eclair: Big Sister? What's the matter? Overlord Priere: Looks like I'm out of time. Don't think I can fight anymore. Overlord Priere: Oh well. I got to fight a strong opponent, so I'm pretty sure I'm even stronger now. Mao: Hold on, wait! I still need to examine you up close… Overlord Priere: Shame we couldn't settle this, but I've got things I need to do. Overlord Priere: Next time I run into you, you're going down. Remember that, as you quake in your boots, waiting for that day to come. See you then! Culotte: Sis, wait! Sis! Alouette: N-No… Prier… What will I do without you? Croix: …Don't worry, Alouette. I'll go find that idiot and bring her back. Prier: Jeez, pipe down, will you? People are trying to sleep over here. Eclair: B-Big Sister? What're you doing over there? You just vanished! Culotte: Yeah! What've you been up to all this time? Prier: What're you talking about? Eating all that dinner made me sleepy, so I've been asleep until now. Alouette: You're quite the troublemaker, Prier. In the name of the Saint of Light, you'll be hearing it from me later! Croix: Can't believe I was even worried about you. Now that I think about it, there's no way Prier would turn into a demon. Eclair: Thanks goodness… I'm so relieved. Mao: Prier, sit still for a second. Prier: Wh-What's the matter, Mao? Do I have something on my face? Mao: …Nothing. I detect no trace of that Overlord-like power that was present in the other one. Prier: Huh? What the heck is an Overlord? Mao: Listen up, Prier! I'm going to dissect you this minute and uncover your secrets. (huff huff) (slurp) Prier: No way! Mao: Damn it! When will I get my hands on that ultimate test subject!
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smash-bros-endia · 1 year
Palutena Guidance: Overlord Priere
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Priere: "So this is Smash Bros. huh? I heard all the strongest fighters constantly duke it out here. I can't wait to join in the fun!"
Pit: "Hey, another demon just showed up! Wait a second, why am I sensing holy power from her?"
Palutena: "That is Priere, a former demon hunter from the Church of the Holy Maiden."
Pit: "Oh, so she's a nun like Artina?"
Viridi: "More like Ciel actually."
Palutena: "She traveled with other demon hunters known as "La Pucelle" in order to save the world and achieve her dream of becoming the Maiden of Light. However, she gave into her thirst for power during her journey as she frequently visited her planet's Dark World to train until she defeated so many of their residents, she became a demon herself."
Pit: "Wow, guess I should keep track of how many I fight from now on. Wait, if that's true, then how come Adell's still a human?"
Viridi: "That's something you're going to have to figure out for yourself."
Priere: "Hey, you there!" Walks up to Pit.
Pit: "H-Huh?"
Priere: "You just mentioned Adell, just now right? You a friend of his?"
Pit: "Yeah, he and Rozalin are pretty good friends."
Priere: "Awesome! You must be pretty strong if you got his attention."
Pit: "I don't mean to brag, but I AM the Captain of Lady Palutena's army of angels."
Palutena: "Uh...Pit, I wouldn't..."
Viridi: "Let him dig his own grave."
Priere: "No way! You're a chosen angel?!"
Pit: "You bet! Pretty cool right?"
Priere: "It's perfect! You'll make a great first match for me here in Smash!"
Pit: "I kno- wait what?"
Priere: Gets ready to fight. "Alright Pit, show me what you're made of!"
Pit: "H-Hold on a second!"
Viridi: "That's what you get for bragging, Pit."
Palutena: "It seems another lesson in humbleness and humility is in order."
Pit: "Wait, you're seriously making me fight her on my own?!"
Palutena: "You reap what you grow, Pit."
Viridi: "This isn't your first rodeo so quit complaining. That's the whole point of these segments anyway."
Pit: "In that case, can I at least know what I'm dealing with, please?"
Palutena: "Well, since you asked so nicely... Priere is a midweight fighter, who prefers going up close and personal. As you found out earlier, despite her being an overlord, her specials are light based. She's among the heaviest hitters in her weight class and if you're not careful, one fully charged swing of her baton will send you flying almost like getting hit with the baseball bat. Your best option is to keep your distance by relying on your bow and strike when you see an opening."
Pit: "Something tells me that's easier said than done... Oh well, it's not like I can back out now. I'll show her what a true hero of light can do!"
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linkapics · 2 years
Hey so in like, less than half an hour, La Pucelle Ragnarok will finally be releasing on Steam. Some people already have the game on Switch (I hope and pray this version is good), but I wanted to make a post as someone who imported and played Ragnarok on PSP. So here's the List of Differences between La Pucelle Tactics (PS2) and La Pucelle Ragnarok (PSP/PC/Switch) Aka: 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy La Pucelle Ragnarok
Scene skip! The original PS2 release of La Pucelle did not have the ability to skip cutscenes. You had to live with the sequences as they went, adding in a lot of time to the game. Now you can skip past things when you need to, which is great for replays!
Battle scene skip! You had to watch every battle play out, whether you liked it or not. This also helps speed up the game massively, leading into the next feature.
Re-Action through Purification! A major feature added to La Pucelle Ragnarok, this meant that anyone who successfully did a purification (in which a chain started) and anyone in that chain's path would get another action that turn, allowing you to take multiple actions per turn!
New dialogue! Some enemies will trigger off dialogue from the characters (Namely Prier, Culotte, and Alouette), talking about the monsters and what impressions they leave. These lines are all voiced!
DLC characters! You can get Rosenqueen Branch Shop Owner Ellie, Hero Prinny, Rozalin, and Cornet as playable characters! They're even included without paying or downloading anything on the PC and Switch versions!
Legacy characters! You can also unlock Laharl, Etna, and Flonne much later in the game! They have their own little cutscenes related to them, as well.
A new story mode! In classic tradition of NIS strategy game rereleases, La Pucelle Ragnarok includes the Overlord Prier Mode storyline, positing the question: "What if Prier became a Demon Lord?" The result may surprise you!
New Game Plus! Shockingly, the original release of La Pucelle Tactics on the PS2 (in America) did not include a New Game Plus option to carry over your levels. You had to make sure you had a save squared away if you wanted to dig into the Dark World part of the game, which was much more high-level content that one might find familiar from other NIS titles. The European release (and later releases of La Pucelle on PS2 in Japan) had New Game Plus included in order to help build up levels.
You Can Use All Characters! After finishing both the main storyline and Overlord Prier Mode, you can use all story characters permanently in future playthroughs without losing anyone due to story constraints! Go wild, dood!
New Combo Attacks! Characters in La Pucelle Ragnarok can team up and do special combo skills to devastating effect! They all have their own animations that play out, so check them all out!
La Pucelle Ragnarok is a title I've been extremely excited to see get localized. I think it's maybe the number one title I've always been a little miffed never got over to here, despite being 80% in English already! So getting to have this chance now, I hope everyone plays it.
Please consider buying this really soon!
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
Adell Relationships: Healthy to Toxic.
On from one Disgaea main character to another, now we look at how characters have impacted Adell throughout the series. In fact, I might do one of each Disgaea main character considering the upcoming release of Disgaea 7 depending how I feel about it. Same rules as before, only characters that left at least a noticeable enough impact on Adell will be mentioned, but alternate endings might be taken into consideration. With that said, let’s begin.
Gold Medal of Healthy: His foster family. Anyone who has played Disgaea 2 should not be surprised about this as Adell values his family more than anything. After all they were the ones who looked after him ever since his blood parents, Shura and Selion, left him behind to fight the false Zenon. And despite Zenon’s curse draining them off their morality, they still treat Adell as one of their own. Though if I say which member is the best and worst for him, then top would be Hanako as she adores him as an older brother and how supportive he is of her training to become a demon lord, despite being originally against it and the bottom would have to be Taro, as he shows him the least respect.
Silver Medal of Healthy: Rozalin. You could argue that these two are the iconic couple in the series, but they clearly had a rocky start. With their clashing mindsets and the fact that she’s the daughter of the guy responsible for turning his planet into a Netherworld, as well as Adell’s uneasiness toward women due to his mental scars, it is quite the wonder how far they have gotten together. Heck, despite their kiss at the end of the game, they never became openly official until Disgaea D2. Still, they have earned each other’s trust and are quite happy together, despite the occasional fighting. They even try to get each other gifts behind their backs at every opportunity. And while Rozalin is preparing herself for a more stay at home motherly role in the future with her tending to Adell’s wounds and learning how to cook from Mr. Champloo of all people, she still goes out of her way to do some hard labor like fighting to also help provide for the family, and considering Rozalin’s dislike for fighting due to her own mental scars, that should say a lot about her dedication.
Bronze Medal of Healthy: Yukimaru. The two of them met during Zenon’s tournament in the Colosseum and face each other as opponents, where Yukimaru promptly lost. When she was about to take her own life for her failure, Adell instead convinced her to join his party to face Zenon together, which resulted in her swearing loyalty to him. During their time spent together, Adell helped Yukimaru mature and gain a new strong will and determination, something she is more than thankful for.
4. Killia. Despite being polar opposites in both elements and personality, Killia is easily the main character Adell gets along the best with. We’ve seen in Axel’s tournament that the two are more than capable of working together even though they prefer solo fights. Even when they first met each other in the tournament as opponents, they had nothing but respect for each other. They just managed to click as good friends and rivals. Here’s hoping we get more interactions between them in the future.
5. Valvatorez. Even though Adell has a better kinship with Killia, Valvatorez is definitely a close second, which isn’t surprising given both of their obsessions of keeping promises no matter the cost. There should be no surprise that Valvatorez would be more than willing to accept him as a member of the Hades party, despite failing the combat exam, stating that he passed the interview before the test even started. I had to rank him below Killia though because they have more of a healthy boss and employee relationship rather than friend and rival, which isn’t bad in the slightest, but it does seem less personal than what he has with Killia.
6. Rounding out the healthy section is Overlord Priere. Normally I wouldn’t do characters from other titles, but I felt that this deserves special attention. The two first met after Adell spent hours training in the Dark World and they fought and while Adell won, she was holding back. Still, it was enough to get Overlord Priere’s attention and she started accompanying him as a friend and rival. This is important considering that this Priere is more interested in the smoke than making friends. Just ask Valvatorez. This means that Adell is one of the few characters she doesn’t mind hanging out with. Not only that, but she’s also supportive of his relationship with Rozalin, reminding him that it’s good that he has someone important to protect.
8. Starting off the neutral area is Tink. There’s not really a whole lot to say here as Tink has more history with Rozalin than Adell, but these two at least get along fine well enough as allies, despite how annoying Tink’s red personality can get for Adell.
9. Kurtis. While Adell has technically talked with all the Defenders of Earth, Kurtis is the one he talks with the most as he’s the one usually summoned via a phone during emergencies. Naturally, Adell was more than willing to return the favor when Kurtis was attacked by robotic duplicates made by the EDF. Adell has nothing but respect and some admiration for the prinny defender and Kurtis recognizes Adell’s righteous spirit, considering him a potential for a Defender of Earth himself (or rather Defender of Veldime in this case). Although unlike Killia, Kurtis is more of a lone wolf type of hero and prefers to handle things on his own and doesn’t join the party officially until unlocking the Land of Carnage.
10. Old Man Geo. Like Yukimaru, these two met during the tournament held by the false Zenon and Old Man Geo was nothing but impressed with Adell’s talent for puzzle solving, stating he was on par with Yukimaru’s older bother, Fubuki. He has nothing but respect for the warrior, especially after helping him out when the Shinra Tower was invaded, and properly thanked him for giving him some inspiration for new puzzles. Hopefully a proper Disgaea 2 sequel comes along for us to see what he has in store.
11. Shura and Selion. Their relationship is rather...complicated as these two are Adell’s blood related parents. Adell looked down on them as cowards thinking they abandoned him as a baby when they promised to come back for him one day, never realizing that this was because the two were being forced to serve under the fake Zenon after losing to him in battle. In the manga, he does find out the truth about them, but that’s not the case just yet in the video games. And yet when he met them again as strangers, he couldn’t help but sympathize with their situation and when they asked him to kill them, Adell was hesitant. Once again, let’s hope we get a Disgaea 2 sequel where Adell finds out the truth and determines whether or not he can make peace with what happened.
12. Fubuki. Yukimaru’s older brother started things off as a foe trying to kill Rozalin so he can get revenge for the death of his clan, but he later turned into a friend and ally toward the end of the game, showing his appreciation for Adell and others for looking after his little sister. The two families even give each other gifts from time to time as stated by Hanako.
13. Zed. While Adell is fond of Zed, pointing out that he’s not that bad of a guy, Zed is unfortunately less enthusiastic about being around the demon hunter. While he does enjoy training together to get stronger and have a bond over protecting someone important to them, Zed tends to find him weird and annoying overall.
14. Prism Rangers. Since Adell is part of the group as Prism Black, I felt this deserves a mention. Adell ended up joining them after defeating the rangers twice and was tasked with taking down Zenon in their stead. Unfortunately, Adell doesn’t exactly respect this hero group as much as he does toward the Defenders of Earth. Their adventures together might be another thing to look forward to in a future installment hopefully.
15. Axel. The Dark Hero is also Adell’s self-proclaimed eternal rival. The two met when Rozalin tricked Adell into fighting him, making him think it was Zenon and Axel was beaten so badly, he was announced dead. Since then, Axel was doing everything he can to show that he was alive, going so far as to kidnap Taro and Hanako...by bribing them with candy. Yeah, that’ll look great in court. Overtime, Axel has grown to earn Adell’s respect, especially after his tournament in Disgaea 5. Adell even shared some of his food with Axel when he was struggling as he pointed out in Disgaea 4, showing that he doesn’t hold much of an ill will toward the guy.
16. Rounding out the neutral area is a tie between Laharl and Mao. Yup, these two ended up together as the most toxic main characters Adell has dealt with. I’ve already explained Laharl’s case in the post I made about his relationships, but to sum up, Adell got caught in a crossfire between a feud and their relationship hasn’t improved much since then. As for Mao, he has considered Adell to be the ideal candidate to create the ultimate life form. The problem is, there’s no way Adell’s willing to experiment on him, even after when he applied for a position at Evil Academy to help provide for the family. And considering how stubborn Mao is, it’s unlikely he’ll give up on his plans any time soon.
Starting off the toxic area, the bronze medal goes to none other than Etna. You might be curious as to why I placed her below Laharl. This is because Adell hasn’t really interacted with Laharl all that much and overall, to Adell, Laharl’s more of an annoying rival. Etna on the other hand, is a stalker. I’m not even joking at this. When she lost her levels due to giving Adell a fake nail instead of a real one for her summon, she pinned the blame on Adell and shoved responsibility on him instead of acknowledging her own fuck up and declared that she’s going to follow him wherever he goes until she gets her power back. Let’s also not forget on how she tried to make them take a dive in Zenon’s tournament and got upset when they didn’t despite him clearly not agreeing to it. As well as making him help her track down the prinnies after they all quit their jobs. Even at the end of the game, Adell is hesitant to even refer to Etna as a friend. The only positive this relationship has is the fact that Etna is training Hanako to become stronger as her apprentice.
The silver medal goes to Eleanor. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the last character, Eleanor would have easily taken the gold medal without question. After all, she is the one responsible for Adell’s mental scars, causing him to be more hesitant around women. While their history was never fully stated, the game gives us enough hints as to what happened between them. During Adell’s travels one day, Eleanor convinced Adell to give him information about Shura and Selion in exchange for a price. Adell agreed, until he found out what the price was. Not taking no for an answer, Eleanor lashed out at him and Adell barely managed to escape with his life. He returned home completely covered in blood, and the scars she left on his face and in his mind remain to this day. Thankfully, characters like Rozalin, Priere, and Yukimaru are helping to make things easier for him.
The gold medal of toxicity obviously goes to fake Zenon. Does this really need any explanation? Ever since Adell became old enough to fight and began his demon hunting career, he made it his personal mission to find and defeat as he’s the one responsible for turning his home world into a Netherworld, changing all the humans, including his foster family, into monsters, stealing both their memories and their morals. Not to mention, he’s also the reason Shura and Selion left him behind in the first place and technically forced him to kill them to end their suffering. Even the Disgaea 2 manga has shown Adell having nightmares about being alone in a world where everyone is a heartless monster out to get him as a result of the curse, showing that the fake Zenon has also left him with scars. You know, all of a sudden, I’m starting to think that Adell might need some therapy.
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teefa85 · 2 years
The latest Nippon Ichi Classics is La Pucelle and Rhapsody!  The former is also the updated Ragnarok version!  There aren’t enough screens on Steam to check much, but it does seem that A) we might be using the original translation just like with the DS version of Rhapsody since I saw Prier’s name being written like that, not Priere like in Disgaea, B) the DLC might be already on it (if not, at least it’s on since they showed the DLC characters), and C) Croix’s gun is uncensored!
Not the money/time for this now but I have a feeling it might be my holiday purchase.  Or I’ll just shrug and get the Switch version.  It’s La Pucelle!  I have such a soft spot for this game and while Overlord Mode wasn’t something I needed to have I do know this version had a lot of QoL updates.
And to think I saw this watching a YT video from a content creator I follow.
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darksideofthelewd · 2 years
4B for Chloe from Priere, time for a little more sinful action for the Overlord's favorite angel~
There wasn't much Chloe could do against Priere as she had her basically against the wall, already thrusting away inside her without a care in the world. The pinkette wasn't happy, of course, but she'd gotten used to this...though she was still whining in between the moans she was trying to hold back. "Nnnh...p-please...s-someone could...hah....s-see us...!"
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vgyume · 3 years
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I saw the future characters to be released into the EN server and my god I want
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kara-knuckles · 5 years
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For the longest time I wanted to make some custom stands for my figurines. This Disgaea crew was the one that inspired me in the first place, so of course I made theirs first!
I knew that I wanted it to look like a map: have some elevation and geo panels on the ground. I went through a lot of ideas about what to use as a base, until I found the perfect one - a cheap, transparent plastic organizer for cosmetics of just the right size! Since Archer's stand depicts the change from sand to grass, I tried to make it look like it goes from a sandy beach to a grassy hill without adding too much detail, both so it doesn’t distract from the figurines, and to keep things flat so I can freely change their positions if I wish to.
Materials used: plastic organizer for cosmetics as a base, coloured sand and rocks for filling, acrylic paint to prepare "the ground" and sand and seashells for decorating it, cardboard for the ground and geo panels/symbols (the one I used for the ground is fine, but the coloured one is too thin and easily deforms), aspidistra tape for seaweed and leaves, and different types of glue to put it all together.
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disgaeaconfessions · 5 years
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@missblurose confessed: I prefer human Priere to demon Priere--mostly because of the design and not having her personality change every other game. I hope she comes back as DLC someday!
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Here’s another of the bookmarks. This one is Overlord Priere.
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prieretheoverlord · 6 years
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I... AM... Disgaea after all!
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smash-bros-endia · 1 year
Smashverse main story will continue tomorrow, but first...
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darksaiint · 2 years
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nero-draco · 3 years
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wwyptt · 4 years
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Nippon Ichi’s Priere, as she appears in the Disgaea series. 3h (traditional ink), 12~16h (digital paint), all painted on one layer.
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