#Pet Shop
kallenchi · 5 months
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Behold! An homage to Stardust Crusaders based on my travel photos taken at Haw Par Villa. Sadly the Tiger Balm Garden that the SDC cast visits in Hong Kong was demolished in 2004, but I got to visit its sibling in Singapore. It was honestly a super charming destination even with my geeky intentions aside, but it felt in the spirit of the series to take the Jojos with me while I toured Asia this winter. Image descriptions in alt text.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
Pet Shop from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure turned my dog into a shower cabin.
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goatpaste · 2 months
please draw more of human Iggy!! Something about his design is just so pretty
yayy! my human iggy design fun lil guy i do like to draw him :3
including a lil doggy jot and Pet shop to go with for the fun of it
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 17-Bodyguard
Damian had heard the whispers and rumors when he first moved to Paris. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the baker's daughter and fashion designer had been head over heels for Adrien Agreste, the model. That had been years ago. Some of their friends refused to believe she moved on from her gigantic crush. He had heard the whispers of how she babbled and froze with just a glance. How she had memorized his schedule and planned their future together. He had heard how she had fallen for him with a simple gesture of giving her his umbrella in the rain. The only thing that had ever stopped them from getting together was how blind Adrien was. He never saw Marinette was anything more than a friend and everyone knew it. That might have been true; all of it. Damian knew that Marinette no longer felt like that, if it had ever been true.
From what he observed, Adrien was the one now persuing the baker's daughter. If any of it had been true, Marinette had long moved on. Adrien was constantly trying to get her attention and would search the halls for her. If anything, the roles had reversed. Adrien Agreste now stalked Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien Agreste was still 'blind' in his book. The model took zero notice how Marinette reacted to being around him. He noticed the subtle flinches when Adrien called her name from down the hall. He noticed the terror in her eyes, before putting a smile on her face to greet a friend.
Damian froze the moment he saw her.
'Marinette? What is she doing here? I thought she couldn't have a pet in the bakery. Why is she in the pet store?'
His eyes followed her as she moved away from the front and towards the middle. She was almost hidden by the shelves.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Do you like hamsters, too?"
"Uh, sort of." she answered, weakly.
"They're amazing!" he cried back, getting closer to her and the hamsters.
Even from where Damian stood, he could see Marinette's eyes were searching for a way out; an exit. He quickly put down the giant bag of dog food and rushed over.
"There you are Marinette." he spoke, pulling her towards him.
"Damian!" Mari exclaimed, surprised.
"Did you get lost?" he asked, "I apologize for getting so busy."
"You work here?" Adrien asked, "Why?"
"I volunteer." Damian answered, "I donate to several animal charities nd I like to make sure all the equipment is up to date."
"We can go see the puppies on files now." The Wayne heir suggested, "You said you were looking for a guard dog?"
Marinette lit up quickly, realizing Damian was giving her a way out.
"I'm so glad you remembered." she smiled.
"A dog?" Adrien asked, confused, "What about the hamster?"
"Oh." Mari spoke, "Well, I do think hamsters are cute, but with how scattered brain I get, I might forget instantly. I could forget to feed it or accidentally kill it with a giant roll of fabric." causing the model to wince.
"A dog is better." Marinette stated, "Their routine would be my routine."
"But why a guard dog?" he questioned.
"Why do you have a bodyguard?" Damian asked.
"Huh?" confusing the model.
"Guard dogs keep their owners safe." the Wayne heir answered, "They are loyal to a fault and will attack, if necessary." pulling Marinette closer to him.
Marinette blushed at the closeness. She quickly placed a hand on his chest to get his attention.
"We should go look at those files." She suggested, "You mentioned....training and I wan to make sure they are trained before university."
"Of course." Damian replied, leading Marinette to the back room and away from Adrien's prying eyes.
Damian picked up a radio to give the other workers a warning about Agreste. On the security cameras, he watched as the blonde model turned away and walk out the store.
'Seemed Marinette was his only goal here.'
Marinette sighed in relief as Damian placed the radio down.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette spoke.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"But how did you know?" Mari asked.
"You are uncomfortable with him." Damian stated.
Marinette nodded her head.
"You look scared when you hear him call out your name in school." Damian spoke, "Sometimes, you turn pale. Doesn't seem like he notices."
"I thought no one noticed." Marinette answered, with a smile, "Thank you so much."
Damian chuckled, "Now, would you actually like a guard dog?"
"I would love one," Mari sighed, "but since I still live with my parents-"
"The bakery." The Wayne heir concluded.
She nodded her head and gave a shrug. Damian went over to a drawer and pulled out some files for an adoption event taking place soon. Marinette looked at him confused.
"It would not matter if I brought another dog home. At this point, it's expected. You would just have to wait." Damian stated.
Marinette smiled happily, "Really?"
"Only if you do not mind coing over to bond with your dog." he declared.
Marinette hugged him and quickly felt him flinch.
"Sorry!" she cried, pulling away from him, "Um, I'll just look at these."
Marinette browsed over the files he had handed her. Damian could tell she was seriously considering the guard dog idea. She started by ruling out the smaller dogs, he expected someone like her to own. By the end of her selection, she had five folders left.
"What do you think, Damian?" Mari asked, "Is there any of them I should rule out?"
Damian looked over the folders. There was a Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Doberman, and an Akita.
"Two of these would make great pets, but not guard dogs." He spoke, "I believe you should look online and learn more about them before deciding. You need to make sure you can take care of them. I don't just mean their diet and health. There are many people who return animals because they have gotten bored or because they didn't expect how much time they would have to use to train it."
Marinette smiled, "Thank you. I can tell you really care about these animals. I can let you know by the end of the week."
Mari stood up, ready to leave. She bit her lip in hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"Um." She began, "Nevermind. It's stupid."
"What is it?" Damian asked, "You clearly think it is important. Why do you hesitate?"
Marinette blushed, "Do you think, until I get a guard dog- Can you be my guard dog? Bodyguard! I meant bodyguard; not guard dog! At school! Keep Adrien away from me?"
Damian chuckled, "I wouldn't mind at all."
Mari lit up at his response, "Oh! I can bring you breakfast! Are there any pastries you prefer?"
"I prefer savory over sweets." he answered.
"I can make savory tarts for you." She replied.
With a nod, Marinette left the back room and quickly left the store.
'Guard dog, huh?'
Adrien looked around and spotted Marinette already at school. He couldn't wait to see her and talk to her more about hamsters. As he made his way towards her, he watched as she made her way over to Damian. To his surprise, and likely everyone's surprise, Marinette latched onto his arm. Damian didn't seem to mind and led her away.
Damian smirked as Marinette latched onto his arm. He had seen Adrien arrive and watched as Marinette quickly made her way over to him. He hadn't expected the physical contact, but after he initiated it yesterday, she likely expected it. Damian quickly led her away from prying eyes and hushed whispers. As they walked away, he leaned down to her ear.
"Woof." he barked.
He hadn't expected her to squeak, let alone blush. He chuckled as Marinette puffed up her cheeks and let go of his arm. Cheeks still flushed, she hurried into the school. Damian turned back and caught Adrien staring at them in shock. Damian sent a glare his way before following after Marinette.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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diosrodeo · 2 years
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i am here to spread more giorno & pet shop propaganda
he was raised in cairo by his morally dubious dad and his best friend is his emotional support falcon
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quintushazard · 3 months
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Rewatched Iggy vs Pet Shop, one of my favourite SDC fights. I fucking love these stupid animals :) They could've worked out their differences in JoJo heaven or something.
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diesaur · 1 year
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Misc. JJBA doodle requests for people on IG
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webdiggerxxx · 2 months
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mittens-02 · 4 months
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I love animal Stand Users
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Little boys examining the merchandise at a pet shop in Brooklyn Heights, 1958.
Photo: David Attie via Gothamist
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artistibatt · 10 days
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I deliver y’all some more jjba sketches
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monietea · 1 year
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You know,, that one Battle Cat 🔥
Unlocking your memories of both lps and a kitty that started it all
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shiranome · 1 year
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smirkingcat · 11 months
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Pet Shop
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haihaihaitani · 10 months
He's Mine Now ~ *Kazutora Hanemiya*
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Summary: You finally decided on what kind of pet you want. Unfortunately, Kazutora wants the same one. Can a compromise be reached before all hell breaks loose?
Pairing: Kazutora Hanemiya X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Word Count: 487
Warning: Swearing, Kazutora’s kind of an ass
Taglist: @soulangel​
“Alright, I’ve made my decision.”
Kazutora’s eyebrow perked up. “Oh? After all these month’s, you’ve finally made your choice?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “I finally know what kind of pet I’m going to get.”
“And that would be?”
“I’m getting a cat.”
“Ah.” He went back to organizing the inventory.
You frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? Besides, I thought you would be more excited for me. You love cats.”
He stared at you. “It took you four months to decide on a cat?”
Leaning over the counter you tried to smack him, but he just scooted away. “Hey!  There are a lot of different kinds of cats out there. I have it narrowed down to one specific type.”
Kazutora didn’t answer you, causing you to pout. He groaned. “Fine. What type?”
“A black cat!”
“Wow. So original.”
He held up his hands to keep you from trying to hit him again. “Alright! I’m sorry! So where are you going to get this black cat?”
“Well this is a pet store, isn’t it?” You giggled. “Besides, Chifuyu was telling me all about this cute black cat here-”
“Wait, are you talking about Inky?”
You frowned. “Well, I was going to call him Midnight.”
Kazutora rolled his eyes. “That’s such a stereotypical name for a black cat.”
“And Inky is any better?”
He paused before folding his arms over his chest. “Either way, you can’t adopt him.”
Your jaw dropped again. “And why not?!”
“Because he’s mine!”
“Did you adopt him?”
“I don’t have the money for that!”
“So he’s not yours!”
Kazutora’s glare turned deadly, but you were one to back down. “He’s mine.”
“No, he is not!”
“They’re right, he’s not. He’s theirs.” Chifuyu stated, a cat  carrier and manilla envelope in his hand. He smiled at you. “All the paperwork is in order and the microchip is activated. Midnight is all yours.”
As soon as you placed your hand on the handle, Kazutora slapped your hand away. However, his glare was fixated on Chifuyu. “How could you do this to Inky? To me!”
He frowned, unimpressed by his tantrum. “You don’t have the money to buy him and they did. They used that money to buy Midnight, and now he’s theirs. That’s how business works.”
“But he’s mine!”
Chifuyu groaned. “Oh my God, you’re so annoying. Besides, aren’t the two of you friends? It’s not like you’re never going to see him again.”
Within an instant, Kazutora’s attention was back on you, but he was no longer glaring. He grabbed your hand and exclaimed, “I need to be there for everything! Every milestone, every step, every cute thing that kitten does! I have to be there!”
“I don’t know-”
“Just say yes.” Chifuyu butted in. “He’s going to be insufferable otherwise.”
You sighed. “Fine. We can co-parent as long as you admit he’s 75% mine.”
“Fine! Whatever you  say! Now let me see the baby!”
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porunareff · 2 years
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babe wake up new pet shop reaction pic just dropped
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