#Plain Truth
dailyquotes6563 · 2 months
I wasn't going to wait around for some prince, when I could very well save myself.
Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth
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idealog · 6 months
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Remember how Funny you Were?
So Do I.
You got high eating while the innocent starved.
Keep my name off your foul whorin' tongue,
O 'Israel',
Banquet of vile Depravity,
Defiling guests.
Jesus The Christ
Heironymus Rex
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Everyone's such a Special Ho. 🙄
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The Lamb
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metawriter · 7 months
The Plain Truth
The truth of life is simple. God who is love, God created, His creation fell and was dying, so God came to die in place of His creation, so we could live. The love, generosity, power, and grace of God is beyond anything we can understand. What He gives us to eat is the simplest of the meat first, displaying His full wisdom and compassion. There is no need to guess, only believe. When asked why I…
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luffysfakebeard · 7 months
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ouch 😬
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proceduralbob · 1 year
In your world, people can reach each other in an instant. There's the telephone, and the fax -- and on the computer you can talk to someone all the way around the world. You've got people telling their secrets on TV talk shows, and magazines that publish pictures of movie stars trying to hide in their homes. All those connections, but everyone there seems so lonely.
Plain Truth, Jodi Picoult
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beauty-4-thebeast · 3 days
You can dismiss Norm's words about Lucy’s cannibal husband as merely a joke on the writers' part, but I dare you, tell me about one single time Norm was ever shown to be wrong about anything.
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asavt · 1 month
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Into the confessionary a little spider walked
Mind not quite there
Quite lost
Memories scrambled around, confused
Pain flaring up, things that shouldn't have been said out
Siblings falling apart
Guilt over forgotten acts
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backpackingspace · 3 months
Anyway will never not be over shi qingxuan going from strip each other naked to tell everyone here your worst experiences like my guy pick an extreme
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I ❤️ Inaba Day
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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my og podcast men !!
[ID: Night Vale fanart of Carlos and Cecil. Cecil is a tall white man with four eyes posing with a grin, wearing a crop top that says “I can see you,” a neon green puffy jacket, and floral pants. Carlos a long-haired brown man wearing  a lab coat splattered in colorful stains  over a purple outfit, and he’s holding Cecil’s arm with a smile. End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose thank you for the ID!!!
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sskk-manifesto · 11 months
I can't wait to see Akutagawa be silly. He never got the chance to let go of his serious / scary apparence in the anime so far. I can't wait to see him be silly with Atsushi while trying to come up with ways to defeat Fukuchi I can't wait to see him in the funny thick-lineart Bones chibi artstyle that is specific to comic scenes I can't wait to see him being made fun of. I can't wait to see Akutagawa get silly I can't wait to be proven he's human too.
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trans-xianxian · 4 months
one thing about the core reveal scene is that it's one of the only times someone defends wei wuxian just out of like. anger and contempt. there's the desperate way that jiang cheng protects wei wuxian from his mother and the wens, and the gentle quiet way that lan wangji stands up for wei wuxian against the world, but it is So endlessly refreshing to see someone just be fucking mad that wei wuxian is being mistreated. wen nings fearsome, righteous anger is so good especially considering that wen ning is a character who so rarely ever let's himself show any anger at all, even when he has so much to be angry about
and he doesn't even get angry in a reserved, polite way either he literally tells jiang cheng to his face that he will never be as good as wei wuxian. saying that serves absolutely no purpose other than to hurt him. it doesn't reveal anything more about the core, its not a cold truth that jiang cheng needs to learn, it's not even really something that strictly Defends wei wuxian against anything. he literally just says it because he Knows it's exactly the thing that will hurt the most, and in that moment what wen ning wants to do is to hurt jiang cheng. and it's delicious
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secattention · 2 months
If this is a Dead Tree, then have a look at these.
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demonforthesemen · 22 days
Was thinking of how I've seen Lucifer called the Prince of Lies and have now become obsessed with the idea of Lucifer never technically lying. He'll tell half truths, he'll omit, he'll misdirect, he'll avoid, and he'll distract, but he won't ever outright lie. Of course, this doesn't mean he's telling the truth either.
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anyataylorjoys · 3 months
“Poor Things was gross and exploiting and had misogynistic themes and therefore was not femininely empowering.”
Sometimes themes of misogyny have to exist in media for a female character to rise above them. Although the film can be viewed as raunchy, the sex scenes were actually meaningful to the plot as this story was about her journey of self-exploration, a large part of that being her sexuality and unabashedly fulfilling her desires, as she dismissed and argued against male expectations when they did not suit her. In addition, this film perfectly depicted the way men will attempt to groom innocence and shame girls and women who do not conform to their standards. If you were unable to digest this film for what it truly was, you likely have a very shallow level of media comprehension in this essay I will
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blood-orange-juice · 4 months
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@yokelish reminded me and I can't stop thinking about it again
The Snow Queen's most loyal knight, a boy with a shard of troll's mirror in his eye.
Except that there's no Gerda. There never was a Gerda and there never will be a Gerda. No one will come. And also the troll's mirror might be showing the truth this time.
Or maybe all the Harbingers are like that.
"Perhaps it is fair to say that only those who possess an obsession close to or even exceeding the level of delusion might be willing to join this group."
(from the Funerary Mask description. I do think the mirror stands for something Khaenri'ahn though)
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