murallamuerta · 1 year
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Quiero dinero.
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caostalgia · 21 days
En la quietud del cosmos, mi alma flotaba,entre estrellas difusas y nebulosas de plata. Hallé consuelo en la oscuridad, un refugio en la nada, mientras la Tierra a lo lejos, solo un punto se tornaba. Y en ese vasto silencio, mi corazón susurraba.
Julsen Bastian
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A Fabergé silver-gilt and enamel vase, workmaster Alexander Petrov, circa 1895, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA
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someday-dreamlands · 3 months
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Tetradracma con la figura de Alejandro Magno y Zeus en el reverso (188-170 a. C.)
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lemisil · 1 year
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vamosgk · 1 month
💧Gipsy Kings
Silver Bling
Clash Black
#hanem #vamos
#bamos #graffiti
#plata #silver
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faycb · 1 year
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arte-inmortal · 8 months
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Me da gracia porque me imaginó que Salem dice eso. 🤣
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l4-r4t4 · 14 days
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la publicacion con mas etiquetas que he publicado xd
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whencyclopedes · 3 months
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Comercio en el antiguo Egipto
El comercio ha sido siempre un aspecto fundamental de cualquier civilización ya sea a nivel local o internacional. A pesar de los muchos productos que pueda tener uno, ya sea como individuo, como comunidad o como nación, siempre habrá algo que falte y que habrá que adquirir mediante el comercio. El antiguo Egipto era un país rico con muchos recursos naturales, pero aun así no era autosuficiente y dependía del comercio para procurarse bienes necesarios y productos de lujo.
Sigue leyendo...
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Truqui para adelantar la herencia 🤏🏻
Aporte enviado por @clocasduende [IG]
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bocio · 2 years
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Fachada norte de San Ignacio #buenosaires #plata #miedo #arquitectura #architecture #baires #bairesgrams #patrimonio #monserrat #bsas #argentina #graffiti #urban #urbex (en Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8d8uZOohu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mono-lore · 1 year
The Story So Far
Luke Campbell wakes up one morning to find he has turned into a dogboy. Rather than being alarmed by this, he actually thinks it's pretty cool.
He goes to show his neighbor and best friend, Sam Ward, but discovers they have disappeared.
Luke must seek out the reclusive and mysterious James Redawić in order to solve the mysteries of his transformation and Sam's disappearance. James lives in a secluded town high in the mountains called Plata.
James reluctantly agrees to help Luke. Sam and the others are being lured to their doom by a being known only as CURSED AL (his true name has been lost to time). Luke is the only one who can defeat CURSED AL, so James has no choice but to train him. (Aside: Really wish I could use custom colors here, because that deserves to be a darker red.)
Luke's skills gradually surpass even James's. As a final challenge, James demands a fight to the death, which Luke wins despite his best efforts not to. (This isn't a case of Luke being an idiot, even though he is. He's just understandably hesitant to kill his mentor.) With his dying words, James instructs Luke to retrieve a legendary artifact from the city of Rhapsody, and to deliver a message to CURSED AL: James still remembers him.
That's right, James and CURSED AL were lovers once upon a time. In fact, everyone in this story is some flavor of queer (except for one token cishet who gets his skeleton exploded by CURSED AL). They're also all furries to varying extents. "But they raise livestock and ride horses. Isn't that kinda weird?" No, because they started out as "regular" people and turned into furries. They don't turn back into regular people at the end of the story, either. You know why? Because they like it.
What does this legendary artifact look like? James says Luke will know it when he sees it. *Ron Howard voice* He did not know it when he saw it. What Luke thought was the legendary artifact turned out to be an ordinary (if somewhat oversized) chocolate orange. But it certainly behaves like a legendary artifact. It constantly takes all of Luke's willpower to not eat it. Someone should really tell him the truth.
Unfortunately, even though it's not the legendary artifact, he still can't eat it. It's a chocolate orange. He's a dogboy. Chocolate and oranges are both bad for him. (True ending: he can eat it. He's not just a dog, but a dogboy. The rules are different.)
And that's all I have for right now, but at least I finally came up with some names.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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Statuette of St. George ( gold, enamel, silver, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, opals, agate, chalcedony, rock crystal and pearls) Munich, 1586 - 1597, GERMANY
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888-blogss · 8 months
Que traumático es ir al dentista 🫥
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“el último pétalo me dijo que aún hay chance. no sé si es verdad, pero si va a volver, avance.”— un coco, bad bunny
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