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novankenn · 13 days
Getting Back into the Swing...
So as some of you may have noticed I've started posting again. My plan is to write during my down time from my business, and hopefully post on here, AO3 or FF.net at least once a week. With that said... I just posted Chapter 8 of Volume 2 of my Secrets Series. Give it a look if you like my femjaune! stuff.
Thanks to everyone liking, sharing and just enjoying the products of my demented little mind. 🥰🥰🥰
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olboypacman · 1 year
Dragon Falls to Spider’s Venom
Ryu bumps into Juri while contemplating his life choices. He soon finds himself tangled in her web, but maybe that's exactly where he needs to be.
Chapter 1: Trapped in a Web/1st Date!?
A/N: I’d like to thank everybody that still likes, favorites and follows my work. I really do apricate it. This idea’s been kicking around my head for a while, but I don’t really have any expectations for this story, so if there’s a theme or plot you notice it may be entirely by accident.
Also, I claim no ownership of Street Fighter or any referenced copyrighted material.
A man dressed simply in a white t-shirt tucked into blue jeans makes his way down the street, his white sneakers beating down the path of well looked after sidewalks; the young man passing homes and businesses in his wake.
A pleasant breeze drifts in, mussing his naturally spiky brown hair.
He stops, correcting his hair to his liking.
Ryu wished he could clear the weight off his mind as easy as he could fix his slightly tussled hair.
He’d been wandering the world to test himself, improve his strength as a martial artist and prove himself among the best since his early 20s and had recently been struggling to find any further motivation in his journey.
Through countless street fights, more than a handful of fighting tournaments, playing the hero a few times (and not to mention the friendships forged and strengthened by those experiences) it simply can’t be argued that he hasn’t attained what he set for.
Has he been tested? No doubt.
Has he improved? Most certainly.
Has he proven himself the best? There are less than a handful of people on the planet who can compete with him hand-to-hand.
He had expressed this feeling of emptiness to his longtime friend Ken.
“Well, why don’t you come out to San Fran while you decide your next move? Maybe not think of it as your journey coming to an end, huh? Maybe you should think of it being pulled into another direction. Eliza and Mel complain about not seeing you. Your family, you know? Plus, Chun-Li’s latest assignment has her out here. It’ll be like the World Warrior tournament with the ol’ crew together! Ah, good times buddy,” Ryu remembered the-kind-of-mild-but-not-really-arm-twisting pitch of his longtime friend to come stay in San Francisco.
Additionally seeing and spending time with those that mean the most to him doesn’t seem like a bad plan while he tries to get himself together.
Perhaps he can find fulfillment in building memories in those closest to him?
But then, both Ken and Chun-Li juggle major responsibilities in their personal and professional lives; Ken’s father has been aggressively grooming him to take the reigns of their family’s hotel/resort company and he’s got Eliza and Mel at home. Interpol has recently Chun-Li promoted to Chief-Inspector working out of the area while she liaisons for major cases for the San Francisco Police Department’s Investigation Division and a young girl by the name of Li-Fen has been taken into Chun-Li’s care.
He’ll need to squeeze himself in the between times, but he’ll still need his own life outside of that.
He releases a sigh in defeat. A pit grows in his stomach the more he thinks about it.
Journeying to grow my own pawer, and what to show for it? He thinks.
He then stops in front of a restaurant, his gazing meeting his reflection in the glass of the entry door, his expression low-spirited.
I barely recognize myself without my karate gi and red headband, he thought as flexed his hands open and closed missing the feel of his gloves and wiggling his toes inside his shoes and socks, now former vagabond way too used to beating the concrete on bare feet.
His reflection flickers, as he considers the possible consequence of abandoning his pursuit of strength. His image in the glass changes into a twisted visage of a shirtless man with a glowing hole where his heart would be. Glowing eyes reminiscent of hellfire and a sadistic smile showing sharpened, inhuman teeth on a face he recognizes all too well.
His face.
Four quick, successive knocks on the glass abruptly removed Ryu from his trance, the dark replication changing into a patron of the restaurant Ryu’s standing in front of.
“Hey buddy,” yelled the man behind the glass, gesturing impatiently to the door and the martial artist.
“Oh, uh,” stammered a mortified Ryu. “Sorry,” stated lowly as stepped back allowing the man to leave as the glass entry door swung to the outside.
“Get it together, man,” said the patron as he left with his wife/girlfriend in tow.
“Yo! Over here!” Called a familiar husky voice from patio of the restaurant.
He turned to the direction of the voice and saw Juri Han.
She was sitting at a small dark brown oak table fit for two, an empty chair across from her matching the finish of the table. In front of her was what Ryu presumed was her meal for this early evening on top of it, shrimp, dipping sauces, two sides he couldn’t identify and glass of wine and a glass of water flanking the plate. Her hair was done up in her usual fang-like tails toward the top-rear part of her head with two purple bands on each holding them in place, her bangs covering most of her forehead and ends of her bob cut stopping just below her jaw line. The taekwondo specialist was waiving at him excitedly, her purple eyes trained on him, and her smile was missing its usual ferocity, more bright and inviting than he remembered. She was dressed in a short sleeved, purple romper with a black disjointed spider design on the front, the garment meeting its end just above her knees. While her attire was a bit baggy, it was far from uncomplimentary to her figure, Ryu had noticed. On her feet were purple flat shoes, with black soles and she wore no socks.
She stopped her waiving, placing both hands on the table, pushing herself from her seat.
She sauntered up to him, hair bouncing in conjunction and hips slightly swaying in line with her steps.
Ryu tears his eyes from her lower body to her eyes immediately before Juri can realize it.
He walks away from the front door, meeting her at the black railing/gate separating the patio area from the sidewalk.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Said Juri, placing her hands on the rail, balancing herself as she leaned into his personal space, a slight tilt to her head as she looked up at him.
She continued, eyeing him up down as he just had her, no shame evident anywhere on her features, “You look good without the gi.”
Seeing the Taekwondo specialist now threw Ryu for a loop. Whenever he met with her during a tournament or a fight away from an organized event, she always was a great challenge, but no amount of training could ever prepare Ryu for her aggressive form of flirting.
Hearing from Chun-Li and the others, it was how she treated everyone.
Or at least everyone she found attractive.
“I questioned your fashion sense since you wore you that gi everywhere. Now I see you’re sporting the 80s gym teacher look,” she said as she smiled brightly at him. “But you’re pulling it off though. The shirt is kinda tight, isn’t it? Can you breathe in that thing or are you showing off the goods?”
The goods? Thought Ryu.
As if picking up on the question, Juri then brought both hands to her chest, lightly adjusting her own…
Ahem… goods.
“Juri, hey, Yeah, um,” stammered Ryu, verbally powering past Juri’s coyness as he unconsciously brought his hand to his face to hide his blush, “I’m thinking about staying around here for bit,” he finished lamely.
The brightness faded from her face slightly as her eyes met his, taking in his somber expression and tone of voice, despite him still blushing at her teasing.
He observed her pausing as if contemplating something, maybe even contemplating him.
He’d never had a chance to see her in a light like this, noticing the slight lighter shade of purple in her artificial eye when compared to her natural one.
She turned around and beckoned him to follow with her hand. “You look like you can use a drink and an ear to vent to. Garçon!” She called as she approached a nearby waiter, abandoning Ryu at the barrier, slipping some bills into restaurant worker’s shirt pocket. “Can you prep my table for one more. My friend over there’s joining me,” she stated, craning her head in Ryu’s direction.
“You got it miss,” responded the waiter.
“And yeah, don’t jump the railing, they hate it when you do that,” she called as she returned to her table, sitting down, picking up her glass of wine as she did so, “Don’t keep me waiting, tough guy,” said Juri looking at him over her glass as she drunk from it, brightness returning to her eyes.
Ryu isn’t sure what to think as he walks back to the front door.
He shrugs resigning himself to joining the taekwondo practitioner for a meal, though he’s not without his nerves.
He crossed the threshold of door.
“Good afternoon, sir,” intoned a long dark brown haired, green-eyed hostess in a high-pitched voice. She was dressed in a black short sleeved dress, smiling in welcome as she stood behind a dark oak brown host/hostess station, “I’m Rachel! Will you be looking to take a seat at the bar, or are you looking for a table?”
“Actually,” Ryu responded somewhat apprehensively, wiping his hands on his shirt to get rid of his nervous energy, “I’ll be joining someone who’s already seated, she’s outside on the patio.”
The hostess grabs a menu, stepping from behind the station. She steps down from something behind the stand, accentuating the height difference between the two.
“On the patio…” the hostess trailed off. Her smile broadens, her face then lighting up and eyes twinkling like Christmas lights. “You’ll be joining Juri I presume? You guys are friends? What’s your relationship with her? Are you meeting her for a date? I’ve been trying to set her up for the longest time,” The hostess rapidly shot off, as she stepped into Ryu’s personal space.
Ryu took a step back, taken off guard at hostess sudden burst of energy.
She frowns slightly, blushing in embarrassment as she looks away from Ryu.
“Sorry,” said the hostess, “Juri’s a regular customer. One of my favorites. We talk from time to time in and out of the restaurant. I see us as friends, but we’ve never really clarified the relationship. Sometimes I feel like she just tolerates me. She almost always eats here alone. She puts on a brave front, but I see these solemn looks on face sometimes when she thinks no one’s looking. It’s nice to see her spend time with someone other than cops.” The hostess then sighs.
She brings a smile back up to her face, seemingly falling back into the server’s façade, but still lacking its previous brightness. “How’s about we start over and just get you to your table.” She finished as she gestured them to move forward.
Ryu decides to throw the hostess a bone as they start to walk. “We’re acquaintances, I guess you can say.”
The hostess turns her head slightly back, brightness returning to her face, paying attention as the Ansatsuken fighter speaks as she led him on to Juri’s table.
“From our days as fighters. Though I really didn’t start to run into her until the later days of my time as fighter.” Said Ryu.
“Did you fight her a lot during your career?” The hostess said.
“We fought a few times. She was always a very challenging opponent. Her stance would make an inexperienced or unknowledgeable fighter think she was easy pickings, but that might be the entire point of her fighting stance.” Said Ryu. “Wait did you call it a career?”
“It wasn’t?” Responded the hostess, as they continued walking.
“I guess it was when I think about it. I just never thought of it as a career. I feel I got so much more out of it, despite it coming to an end, to just call it career. I always thought of it as more of a journey.”
“Hm,” responds the hostess as they stopped, having reached Juri’s table on the patio.
“Journey implies that you’re searching for something,” said the hostess. She places the menu down, “Well I hope you find what you’re looking in the future.”
Ryu always wore a serious, determined expression most of the time and if Juri’s memory served her correctly, he’d occasionally show a very slight, subdued smile if he was in a good fight.
Seeing him with that forlorn expression she observed when she first spotted him, tugged at something inside of her. Maybe with the way her life is going now she can help him by at least being an eat to vent to.
Plus, Chun-Li’s always mentioning how she needs something outside of their meetings and her odd jobs.
Juri eyes the hostess and Ryu warily as they approached her table.
The hostess asks something of him.
Probably fair to say Rachel’s talking his ear off, thought Juri.
Whatever discomfort Ryu showed, he seems to be over it as they continue their way towards Juri.
Juri hears the tail end of the conversation as they reach her table.
She hears Rachel saying something about a search on a journey and hoping Ryu finds whatever he’s looking for.
“The waiter will be with you shortly,” stated the hostess as Ryu sat, picking up the menu, reading it over.
The hostess then sets her eyes to Juri, the hostess giving her a mischievous smile, as she waggled her eyebrows at Juri.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be, kid?” Juri said, returning her own smile but narrowing her eyes at the hostess.
“Sorry!” Squeaked Rachel as she scampered off.
Rachel got a good distance away before she mouthed to Juri, “He’s cute.”
Juri picks up a piece of silverware, a fork, motioning as if she’s going to throw it at the hostess.
Ryu up looks from the menu to Juri curiously, then to turning around to see what activity is causing the Korean to be menacing with silverware.
He turns back to Juri, raising his eyebrow at her.
“What?” Juri playfully demanded, as she returned Ryu’s stare.
“I guess you two are friends,” said Ryu as he quietly laughed, getting back to browsing the menu rubbing at his neck as he did so.
Maybe I can have a little fun with this, thought Juri.
Her face scrunches up, eyes narrowing, showing some agitation.
“Oh,” she said, as she stabbed a piece of shrimp on her plate.
She carelessly twirled her fork, a bit of ki crackling from her left eye as she looked at Ryu, “What did Rachel say?”
As she narrowed her eyes, she could see Ryu, almost recoil as if stepped over some line or boundary. He nervously fiddled with the menu, going from rubbing his neck to scratching his face. “I’m sorry Juri, if I…”
She giggled, smiling at Ryu, “Don’t worry. I know you meant no offense. The kid means no harm, plus I like her energy.” She shrugging she continued, “So I guess you can say yes, I do consider her a friend.”
“Hm, I think she’d be happy to hear that,” replied Ryu as an easiness returned to his face, but she still observes the forlornness he showed on the street before she invited him to dine with her.
At that moment, the waiter approached, “Hey! I’m John, I’ll be your waiter today. Have you had a chance look at the menu, sir.”
Ryu looked to him, simply replying, “I’ll have the sirloin and a side of potatoes. I’d like that medium well.”
“And a drink, sir?” Replied the waiter.
“Let me get an ice water and warm tea if you have it.”
“Got it,” said the waiter writing Ryu’s order, he them looked to Juri, “and I can get you anything else, Miss Han?”
“I’m good, J. And for the millionth time you don’t need to call me Miss. You make feel like an old crone when you all say that! Do I need to make a sign and post it in the break room?” Juri finished playfully as finally stuck the piece of shrimp she’s been playing with into cup a of sauce.
“Uh,” said the waiter, “you don’t need to do that. Management is still on Rachel from that time you barged into the kitchen to complement our chefs.”
“I though your bosses would want some positive feedback!”
Juri’s smile broadened.
“Leave a review!” Demanded the waiter. He continued, “that stunt disrupted the line setting us back maybe an hour for orders. You,” the waiter stopped short, recognizing she’s deliberately antagonizing him and starting to see this exchange is attracting the attention of the other dinners. ”Nevermind, I’ll go put this order in. Jeez.” He took the menu from Ryu, looking back to the man, “Good luck,” he said lowly to Ryu as he took his leave.
“I heard that!” Said Juri, “Love ya anyway Johnny Boy!”
“So, I see you’re on good terms with a lot of the staff hear,” asked Ryu, “enough so that the management is aware of you.”
“Yeah, I like it here. They make the cocktail sauce here in house, a lot of horseradish,” as she stuck the piece of shrimp she’d been toying with between her lips.
She shakes her head, wiping a few tears from eye as she chewed and swallowed the morsel. She then grabbed her glass of water, taking a sip and saying, “burns so good. But anyway, what are doing in San Fran? You said you were staying around her for a bit. Here for vacation? Visiting your boy?”
The waiter returns with the water and tea in tow. “I’m not sure if wanted that tea sweet. Can get you some sugar? Honey? Artificial sweetener?” John the waiter asked as placed both glasses on the table.
Ryu smiles dejected at her, his shoulders slumping as he sat his elbows on the table. “I wish things were that simple,” he said as he rested his chin on his hands. He then shot his gaze to the waiter, “Honey, please.”
She takes her wine glass, taking a sip. She then points to her ear, “remember what I said.”
“Right,” he said as Juri saw his brow crease in contemplation.
“I’ve been traveling around the world for a long time, with the intent of testing my abilities and becoming more powerful,” he said.
He went to speak further but stopped himself short, looking away from Juri. She recognized he was leaving something out but wouldn’t pry further. He cut his eyes back to her as he continued, “I can’t help but feel that I’ve hit a wall. Like I’m not finding as much satisfaction or progress in what I do and that I need find some way else to spend my time, you know?”
“Don’t I know it?” Said Juri, “Maybe more than you think.”
Ryu shrugs. The waiter returns to the martial artists once more, dropping a small cup of honey and handing a cocktail stirring stick to Ryu. “We got your steak and potatoes coming soon, sir.”
Ryu nodded his thanks.
“So maybe I take a month or two to get my head on straight,” said Ryu, as he poured the honey into his glass of tea. He began to stir it as he continued, “Take that time think about what I want to do.”
“I’m curious though,” stated Juri, “why Cali? You could’ve been anywhere else?”
“Oh, that. It was Ken’s idea. He and I are like brothers, and it’s been a good while since he and I have been in the same place. Plus, he gave me a job, so I can have some walk-around money. But I think he’s being too generous with what he’s paying me. I need to talk to him about that,” Ryu finished quietly.
“What are you doing, he’s got you working in accounting or HR?” Juri joked, as she dug into her meal.
“No, personal security guard,” answered Ryu.
Juri gave Ryu a look of bewilderment, her eyebrows shooting up as she swallowed a mouthful of food. “He’s too much of a corporate big-shot these days to be bothered with his own protection?”
“I know, I know,” said Ryu, with his face lighting up. She noticed she’s been able to drag a smile out of him a few times, “I had the same thought when he offered me the job. It’s like I said, just for me to have cash. I haven’t even been called for shift and I’ve been on the payroll for a few weeks now.”
“I guess it pays to have friends in high places. Only high-up people in my life are expecting me to slip up.”
She gives a quick, subtle tilt of her head calling attention to a man a few tables behind where they’re seated. He was dressed in a navy-blue suit coat, matching pants, black shoes and a collared white shirt with no tie, the top button undone.
“Guy in the sunglasses?” Said Juri, “looks like he’s paying a little too much attention to us? He’s FBI.”
“Wait, really?” Injured Ryu, eyeballing the agent freely.
Juri replied with an exaggerated “Yup.”
She turned around and shouted, “Hey, you can tell the special agent in charge I don’t plan on snatching any wallets or jaywalking today! Feel free to call it a day! I know you’ve been on me since I left my apartment this afternoon!”
The agent muttered, “Shit, I’ve been made,” to himself, but it’s probably more for his comrades as there’s no way he doesn’t have wire or microphone on him.
He hurriedly pulled a few bills from his pocket, dropping them on his table as hastily left the patio.
“Don’t take it personal rookie,” She waived after the agent, as she turned back to face Ryu.
She noticed Ryu was trying to hide his smile behind his glass of tea, as his shoulders shook with laughter.
She returned a smile as she took another sip of her wine.
Placing her glass back down, “Don’t feel too bad that guy. It used to be they had whole surveillance teams dedicated to keeping tabs on me. I noticed them and made sure they knew I noticed them every single time. Taxpayer dollars at work. It took Chun-Li raising some hell at the local branch to get them to back off this much, but someone still thinks Chun-Li isn’t an effective deterrent for my persisting career as criminal.” Juri sighed.
Then came the waiter, placing Ryu’s meal carefully on the table, “Is there anything else I can get you,” asked John.
“That will be fine, thank you,” replied Ryu.
He started to cut into his steak as said, “Yeah, I heard about that from Chun-Li.”
She continued, “they still keep tabs on me as you can see, but now I think they just use me as a training exercise for their less experienced agents. Hopefully is comes to an end soon.”
“No not just that, I’m talking about why you’re here to being with. I’m kind of interested to hear your side of things. I’ve seen the newspapers and TV reports; I think I’d rather get the full story from you.”
“You’re supposed to be venting to me tough guy, but I can see I lifted your mood a bit. I guess I’ll enlighten you.” Replied Juri, finishing off her meal.
She smiles at Ryu one more time before stating, “So the wandering warrior wonders no more. I finished my own journey about seven or eight months ago. I had a bit of a crisis, like what you’re having. And trust me when I say that power isn’t everything, kiddo. There was a time where I was the most powerful woman in the underworld. A grand total of 3 days, maybe even less.”
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years
a remake of "you've got mail" called "you've got kudos" about two fic writers who make flirty comments on each other's fics, only to realize that they already know each other because they used to be on opposite sides of a fandom war when they were teenagers under different usernames
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shoshiwrites · 6 months
Do it for her (the 13-year-old writing her first fic in a password-protected Word document on the family desktop)
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
Some non-ao3 Wolfstar Fic Recs for while ao3 is down
Hi so this is just a quick impromptu fic rec list, because ao3 has been down, so I thought a short rec list with fics that are hosted on other sites might come in handy while we all patiently wait for the amazing volunteers at ao3 to defend the site against the hackers. Also, I've seen several posts saying this and just want to add my voice, I think if you have the money to do so, giving a bit of it to ao3 would be a great thing to do, when the site is back up and running.
Okay enough of that, let's get into the list, in no particular order, these are just some of my older wolfstar faves off the top of my head, probably most of them are going to be fics I have recced on this blog before but I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much enthusiasm, especially when it comes to fandom.
The Shoebox Project
If you ever thought about wanting to read the Shoebox Project but were intimidated by its length (or by all the separate pdf files), maybe now it is time to reconsider? It's an absolute wolfstar classic, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will give you all the marauders and wolfstar feels you could ever want! For me, when asked for just one wolfstar/marauders fic rec this is always the one I would give.
The Door through the World
Okay you didn't expect me to write a fic rec list of older wolfstar fics and not mention this one, did you? This is the 2nd fic I will always and forever rec, a magical realism AU (kind of), the story is pure magic. I found that it is still accessible via webarchive, even though it is hosted on ao3.
remuslives23 Masterlist
Here is remuslives23's masterlist, on livejournal. They've written so many great fics, Muse in particular is one of my favorites (a muggle, artist AU), but the whole list is worth checking out!
picascribit on ff.net
Picascribit also posts all of their fics on ff.net, and I think I've recced most of their longer wolfstar fics on this blog over the years already anyways but two of my personal favorites are Highland Fling (a muggle AU set in Scotland) and Discards (a muggle AU set in Seattle with trans!Sirius), but I love all of their fics!
wolfstarwarehouse's ff.net rec list
wolfstarwarehouse posted a ff.net rec list in 2016, I remember reading All Kidding Aside and To Kiss a Bloke off that list back then, I don't think I've read the other fics but maybe now is the time for me to check them out!
Beekeeping in the Daylight podfic
Beekeeping in the Daylight is a wonderful muggle AU by halictus-writer and there is now a podfic by itsaash with a non-ao3 download link.
Alright I think I'll post this now and if I think of any more I'll just add them or make a part 2. If you have any faves you'd add to this list or if you're a writer who also posts somewhere else except ao3 feel free to add yours as a reblog or comment, so the list gets longer! <3
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ageless-soul-au · 10 months
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Just a bunch of Kio's recent doodles :3 ft Fae's redesign and Time's whole outfit??? Omg?????
Everyone belongs to ASAU, pls don't tag any other AUs!
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
me looking up the weather forecast for London on June 21st 1905 just in case an 117 year old englishman is reading my fanfiction:
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daistea · 3 days
I’m actually not used to writing short fics, I prefer long and drawn out slow burns (looks at my 300k genshin fic) so I have the deep urge to write that for Mithrun, but… I hesitate because it would be a reader insert, obv. I’d have to take away some of the insert/rp elements of the reader, and where would I even post that genre of fic?? Wattpad?????? Who do you think I am???????
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stellaluna33 · 2 months
A Season 3 "What if Jess found out he was skipping too much before it was too late?" AU, or the "Lane and Jess slacking off in Gym Class" Friendship Fic!
"I wonder how much Rory would pay me for a photo of you in gym shorts…” she teased.
“If Rory ever finds out, Dave is getting a photo of you in gym shorts for free,” Jess calmly threatened.
Lane shuddered in horror.
“Ugh, fine.  Still, that's more effort than I thought you'd put in.”
“Well, our draconian institution has attendance stipulations for buying prom tickets, so…”
“Awww!” Lane squealed and flailed her hands.  She ignored the death glare Jess was aiming at her and kept gushing.  “That's so sweet!  I wasn't always sure about you, but now that I know you'll expose your scrawny legs to the world just to make my best friend happy-”
“You know, I've often wondered how well drumsticks burn…”
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i’m bored put the first fanfic that you read in the tags + the site you read it on and the fandom
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collectiveclams · 3 months
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Trying my best to figure out what these guys look like in my head before I go look at the fandom’s generalized designs for the characters.
A friend of my twin got us into the show and a week later we’re at season 8!
I definitely need to tweak Cole’s design a lot- I want him to have a more strongman build & revamp his entire face design. But at the very least I’m happy with getting his hair the way I want!
Kinda hard to see, but Zane’s got little screws for earrings! I honestly didn’t account for how much older the faceplate would make him look, I intended him to look way more boyish.
Rambling about my current HCs of the Ninja’s appearances below:
I’ve been having a bit of an trouble deciding what various flavor of Chinese & Japanese these dudes should be based on. Considering the show is based on a 2010s vague idea of “Asia” and carries traits of both Japanese & Chinese influence, I’m just going to use both. I don’t know what sorta general consensus the fandom has of their appearances bc I have barely interacted with the fandom, so if this violently contrasts with that then yippee I have original thoughts, I guess.
-Kai is Japanese. Kai, being vain and caring more about training than Jay for example, has a more aesthetic build that’s definitely form more than function. Like a natty powerlifter who’s not competing. I’m not sure what height he should be, but if he’s taller his muscle definition would appear smaller so I’ll have to keep that in mind.
- Nya has initially a more functional build- far less muscle definition than her brother. Not outwardly buff and doesn’t have pronounced muscles, but can fairly easily haul a 100lb hunk of metal from a scrap pile to her workbench. But after becoming the water ninja, her new training gives her more pronounced muscle definition. Initially shorter than Kai but grows taller as the show goes on.
- Cole is southern Chinese. He’s got a strongman heavy set build. I envision him as fairly short so his muscles can be a little more pronounced. If you stripped his muscle definition from his ninja training away, I still want him to look like one of assholes who haven’t worked out a day in their lives but still somehow looks jacked.
- Zane is what pops up when you look up “Chinese teen male stock photo” because he needs to look like The Most Generic person ever. No muscle definition at all on this dude. He’s a nindroid & so there’s no need to include muscle decision to show that he’s strong. He’s either average height or slightly on the shorter side bc gravity is a bitch and the taller make a humanoid robot, the more balance becomes a bitch to deal with. So average height or short Zane it is.
- Jay is Uyghur so I can get this dude his reddish-brown hair. Minor muscle definition. His isn’t for aesthetics like Kai, he’d rather do ninja training than do the types of sets & pushing to failure needed to achieve more pronounced muscle definition for aesthetic lifting. Jay needs to be shorter than Nya. He’s definitely taller than Cole but I need him to be just an inch shorter than Nya because that’s funny to me personally.
- Lloyd is Japanese. Solely because Oni come from Japan & I got spoilered that Gargamon is an Oni later. Lloyd is a stringy ass kid at first & has no muscle definition at all. During his Green Ninja training before the Travelers Tea, he’d be trained for efficiency & not for aesthetics with the deadline of him fighting his father possibly being around any corner. After Travelers Tea he likely kept his training to function over aesthetics and would share similar muscular definition to Jay & Nya. And he’s tall. His dad is tall as shit with 4 arms. I want this kid to go through the Worst gangly teen era anyones ever seen and only barely fit his form once he finishes growing.
Additional thoughts:
And as a big comic nerd who owns around 800+ comics (might be more around 1000 now?), hoo boy I have so many thoughts on Lloyd and Jay liking Starfarer. I cannot wait to make a fic that’s just Lloyd and Jay ganging up against Kai over some incredibly wrong take of the comic he absentmindedly said and trapping him in a 3 hour long conversation about frequent mischaracterization and mishandling of the characters in Starfarer & how what Kai said was wrong. I just need a fic of Jay and Lloyd talking to each other about their favorite runs of Starfarer and complaining about a tie-in/crossover comic that’s written particularly bad, or complaining how an author completely misunderstood Fitz Donnegan or complaining over an author change & etc. I just need to make a fic of these boys talking about average comic book fan things.
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novankenn · 11 months
Excerpts from "Monster"
This will most likely be the last of these "excerpts". See my post "ANNOYED" for a sort of reason why I'm doing this... besides that fact I wanted to show how EPIC the battle for Atlas could have been.
The Battle for Atlas...
(Chapter 16) “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. Nevermore engine strike!”
“Jackal Three, break off! Limp back to base!”
“Lost starboard engine, going down. Repeat going down.”
“Jackal three pull up! Pull up!”
“See you on the other side, guys.”
“Give 'em hell, Jackal three.”
The CDS bit her lip as she listened to the chaotic radio chatter and watched the perimeter wall camera feeds. She watched as a crippled A-10 nosedived into the closing mass of grimm, its hydraulic Gatling continuously firing. The high calibre rounds tore through the grimm followed by the body of the aircraft slicing into the horde before bursting into a ball of fire. It wasn't the first time they had witnessed such an act. The video recordings would be full of such repeated sacrifices, not counting the guaranteed countless times similar actions unfolded out of the range of cameras. 
“Horde is with in four thousand metres of the wall, sir.”
Everyone in the command centre has been watching a listening for several hours now, as the entire weight of the Atlas armed forces dropped literal tonnes of varied ordnance on the encroaching mass of darkness. As the grimm wave approached, the air above was a war-zone. Air burst rounds tore through aerial grimm, as a veritable current of lead scythed through the air. The smaller forms of grimm were shredded, while some of the larger species resisted, and unleashed their own weapons upon the beleaguered defenders.
She continued to watch and listen as the men and women of the Atlas military threw themselves into the defence of their home. 
“Close In Weapon Systems are running dry, sir.”
“Command, this is Angel One.”
“Copy Angel One.”
“Commencing drop in three... two... one. Drop!”
“All air forces, FAEs inbound. Withdraw to the wall and take a holding pattern. Repeat FAEs inbound. Withdraw to wall.”
The CDS leaned forward, her knuckle going white with her grip on the railing before her. She watched the feeds with bated breath. Over the multiple feeds she watched as the parachute slowed drum like weapons closed on the closing tide of beasts. Each container burst just above the grimm filling the air white clouds of dust particles. A couple of seconds later, a flash. The ensuing fireballs vaporized the grimm at the epicentre of each denotation, as the shock wave tore those just outside the blast radius into shreds. 
“Estimated casualties, thirteen percent of current calculated mass. Horde undeterred, and still closing, sir.”
“Get the air strips cleared for the bomber's turn and rearm. Sorties will continue. Target the mid and rear of the horde. Recommence A10 runs and authorize Aerial bombardment from all available units.”
“To all on station Wyverns... Bring the Rain. Repeat... Bring the Rain.”
“The AAS Momentous is on station, sir.”
“Good, let's see how these fuckers handle a salvo of sixteen inchers.” the CDS snarled as she watched the closing grimm getting railed by air based artillery. “Issue the order. Might Mo fire for effect.”
“Momentous, this is command. Fire for effect. Repeat... Fire for effect.”
“Captain, fire for effect order from command, sir.”
“It's showtime, Mighty Mo! Traverse all turrets to starboard. Adjust roll to twenty degrees starboard down.”
“Aye, sir.”
Holding a position well above the frantic dogfight between masses of aerial grimm and Atlean fighter-craft. The gigantic, and majestic icon of the Atlean air-naval forces moved. Three topside mounted turrets, each fitted with three sixteen-inch guns, pivoted into firing position. As the various underside mounted emplacements continued to rain flack and air bursts into the grimm swarm below.
“All turrets reporting ready, sir.”
“Distance from wall.”
“Command is reporting thirty-five hundred metres, sir.”
“Adjust angle. Target mass at forty-five hundred metres from the wall.” he drummed his fingers on his console. His eyes studying the video feeds, and tactical data playing across the main screens. “Fire.”
The ship superstructure shook and creaked as nine massive artillery guns discharged at once. The captain and his bridge staff watched and waited as the massive one thousand two hundred kilo shells cut across the distance between the Momentous and the targets far below.
“All turrets reporting ready, sir.”
For a second time, in the span of a minute, the recoil from the nine massive guns shook the ship. Below in the middle of the grimm host, multiple explosive impacts disintegrated the gimm with in the blast radius, with a secondary effect of shrapnel and debris tearing chunks through the surrounding horde, causing some of the smaller species to literally burst in a shower of ink black fragments.
“All turrets reporting ready, sir”
“Three thousand metres! Okay, you bastards, lock and load!”
All along the top of the wall, sniper teams pulled back bolts and slapped in magazines, while heavy, medium and light machine-gunners cocked their weapons. 
“Ready!” shouts rippled along the firing line.
“Anti-material, what is our code?” the commanding officer screamed through the comm system.
“One shot, one kill, send the fuckers to hell!”
“Fire! Fire! Fire!”
All around him, muzzle flashes burst to life, as triggers were squeezed. 50 BMG rounds ripped through the air at hypersonic speeds. The shooters and spotters watched through scopes as the armour piercing rounds struck home. Neat, one-inch diameter holes surrounded by cracks appeared in the armoured heads of the Megoliaths. Each one struck convulsed for a second before dropping dead to the ground, the insides of their massive heads liquefied. 
“Fast movers incoming!” came multiple feeds.
The commander watched as a staggered line of small grimm burst past the lumbering lines of the larger Megoliaths.  He kept his hand on the touchpads on his throat, waiting to bark the command for the machine gunners to open up.
“Twenty-five hundred!” came multiple spotter calls.
“Chew them up! Suppressing fire!” he barked through the comm system.
Along the top of the wall, various calibres of automatic fire filled the air. Lines of snaking tracers gouged the group and riddled the charging lines of sabyr. Spurts of dirt and grimm flesh popped into the air as brass casings rained upon the hardened cement. Behind the onrushing grimm more Megoliaths dropped as the anti-material teams kept up the pressure.
“Horde is closing. Main mass with in three thousand metres. Supplementary mass of fast movers with in twenty-five hundred metres. Suppressing fire initiated. Closing on minefield, sir.”
“Order all on ground troops to prepare for breech. Activate knight units, and warn all still active aircraft to prep for danger close operations.”
“Fielding reports of anti-air faltering. Causality of fighter forces at forty-five percent. On the ground, air defence causality rates at thirty-six percent. Multiple structure fires, and possible collateral causalities, sir.”
“All active air fields are reporting as compromised, sir.”
“Order withdraw. All combat capable units to dig in. Defend emergency shelters and vital infrastructure.”
"CIWS defences are down. No ammo alerts across the board, sir.”
“Ignore them. All units to dig in and defend.”
Her eyes never left the video feeds as she uttered her commands. The advance line of grimm had rapidly closed and were now crossing the two hundred metre wide perimeter minefield. The beasts were close enough that the camera could clearly see the after effects of the Bouncing Bettys, and Telermines activating. Pieces of grimm flew into the air with the bursts of dirt and rock. The waist high detonations of the Bettys throwing flesh shredding ball bearings and metal shards into the flanks of the passing sabyrs. It was a massacre, yet the mindless hatred driven beasts continued forward.
“Air defence is failing. Mayday calls escalating. All tankers declaring empty, sir.”
“All air-carriers at capacity, AAS Enterprise declaring her own fuel emergency, sir.”
“Knights now engaging hostiles. Currently, at ninety percent combat capacity, sir.”
“All on ground forces, and hunters not actively defending civilian shelters to redeploy to nearest air fields. Eliminate all hostiles and get those fields open!”
“Hostile fast movers closing on wire defences. Hostile heavies crossing minefield, sir.”
“Status, knight units.”
“Combat capacity, eighty-five percent, sir.”
“Order wall units to mask up.” she waited until she received confirmations that the order had been passed and received. “Deploy the gas.”
The camera feeds showed only the closing grimm horde, when suddenly tendrils of yellow-brown vapours drifted towards the closing lines of grimm. Everyone watched as the sinister looking tendrils coiled about the air and slowly started to weave about the grimm. Everyone in the command and control centre knew they had just poisoned the lands surrounding Mantel's walls. Shoulders started to slump as it appeared the chemical attack had turned from something of possible hope, in to an in vain desperate ploy.
“Nerve agents ineffective, sir.”
“Fuck.” the CDS swore. The gamble had been a failure, but then the grimm line began to falter. The massive megoliaths stopping and starting to twist and shake their bodies violently, as if trying to dislodge something clinging to their bodies. Below them the charging saybres writhed. Rolling around on the ground.
“HD agents are effective. Grimm horde has stalled its approach, sir.”
“Mortars, and Short range missile batteries. Target main line. Danger close.”
She watched the feeds, suppressing the shiver as she watched the obviously suffering creatures. The Vytal Treaty had outlawed the use of chemical weapons. All signatories had been instructed to dismantle and dispose of all stockpiles. Yet here she was putting it out for the world to discover that Atlas had ignored those clauses. Shortly after the order multiple explosions erupted through the horde, as an uncountable number of surface to surface missiles and mortar shells crashed into the ground. Slightly above came multiple bursts. A heavy white powder falling onto the suffering beasts, instantly causing them to violently convulse, many dropping to the ground. Flames licked the ground, and suddenly an massive blast ripped through the lines, the shock-wave knocking several of the wall cameras feeds out.
“We have combustive denotation of the HD gas, sir.”
“Keep up bombardment, and suppressing fire. Alert all Mantel based squads of eminent breach.”
“Keep it up. Melt the fucking tubes boys!” order the commander as she relayed the orders from command. “Give the soulless bastards a taste of Willy Pete!”
All around her multiple mortar squads pushed themselves and their equipment. Normally they did thirty rounds per minute, but spurred on by their commander's orders, and the pressing threat from the mass of darkness closing on their homes and families; they pushed. Dropping rounds down tubes as soon as the previous round left.
Not far behind them, the M270s lowered their launch platforms as crews raced to reload. All the teams were on edge. Willing to push themselves to exhaustion and beyond. The more ordnance they dropped onto the grimm mass, the fewer that could reach the walls and if they were lucky. If they pushed their bodies to the full extent of training; maybe, just maybe, they could break the threat before that could happen.
“We have a feed and an all clear from strip foxtrot-tree, sir.”
“What?” Put it up on the main feed now.”
The main screen shifted, to a shaking gun feed. Everyone in the command centre watched, eyes wide, as a single figure stood exposed on the tarmac. Shredded grimm fragments, disintegrating as they rained from the sky. The figure didn't move and inch. He didn't flinch, just stood there, his head moving slightly every so often, as wave upon wave of grimm met gruesome ends. Bodies bisected, headless and ripped apart vanished into the air. The larger corpses crashing into the ground. The combined smoky evaporation starting to form a smoke screen, obscuring the end of the runway.
“Coordinate with Foxtrot-tree. I want every flight capable fighter down, refuelled, rearmed and back in the air. Draw ground crews and supplies from any nearby ammo dumps, or compromised air strips, AND I want more strips cleared! Once the fighters have rotated out, focus on getting the tankers down and restocked. Holding patterns for all aircraft with sufficient fuel.”
“Those that unable to?”
“Bail over Mantel, and ditch into the grimm. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, and it's not a fucking train.”
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olboypacman · 6 months
Dragon Falls to Spider's Venom, Chapter 7. Making a Move
A/N: I know it’s been a while, but still kicking and I’m still pushing this thing out.
Also, I claim no ownership of Street Fighter or any associated trademarks.
Ken’s stamping his way down the halls of the head offices of Master’s Hotel.
His brow creased in annoyance by the news he just received.
He doesn’t break stride as he feels his phone vibrate.
Ken grabs it from one of the inner pockets of his Ferragamo suit.
It’s a call from the front desk.
Hitting receive, “Yes,” he answered in a short tone.
“Um,” the attendant responded. Ken could feel them recoil through the phone, “Sorry Mr. Masters, but Mr. Hoshi is here. I directed him toward your office.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said slightly more coolly, “sorry about snapping like that.”
The front desk agent hung up without saying anything before Ken could even apologize.
Fuck, Ken thought to himself, that is not going to help my rep around here.
Ken had been anxious for days regarding his interview for Operations Director.
By all reports he had made a great account for himself in the interview and was more than qualified.
He did his best not to get his hopes up, but the more he thought about it the more liked the idea of moving up.
Which made it more disappointing when he was called among the tops executives this morning.
His father was among them and eyed Ken warily as it was said.
And it didn’t help that most of the assembled executives seemed too gleeful with the news.
“It is with great regret we inform you Ken,” the youngest executive said, who seemed to be remorseful, “that we’ve decided to purse other candidates. It is the opinion of this committee that your abilities are best utilized as Food and Beverage Manager.”
Ken kept a good poker face as he was among them, but he left the board room with his fists clenched and a snarl on his lips.
He continued toward his office when his phone went off once more.
A text from a number not listed in his contacts but one that he recognized.
‘I’ve been on her for this whole week. And she’s done nothing to suggest she’s into any dirt. She’s gone by your officer friend’s condo, a restaurant on 5th street, the gym and another apartment belonging to her younger friend that works at the previously mentioned restaurant. You said your friend is INTERPOL and she’s saying Juri Han’s clean as well. I can stay on her if you want, but whatever you think she’s into she’s not showing it. That tells me either she’s really good at hiding it or she’s clean. I’m leaning more towards her being clean.’
Great, more good news, Ken thought to himself.
‘Keep on her’, Ken messaged in response, ‘I’m sure she’s into something.’
Ken makes it back to his office but not before the phone goes off again.
The P.I had responded, ‘It’s your money.’
He puts his phone away as he enters his office.
His office was noticeable smaller than his father’s but larger than most. It had the same-colored plush carpet, a large desk that had a phone and computer on top and filing cabinets on the far side wall.
There were two black chairs in front of his desk, one of them was occupied by his best friend and rival Ryu Hoshi.
Ryu was relaxed, leaning back in the chair. He was dressed in a plain black T-shirt tucked into light blue jeans with white walking shoes on his feet and his hands folded on his chest.
We need to take him shopping again.
His eyes were closed with a blissful smile and small dusting of red on his cheeks.
Whatever Ryu’s thinking about has got him has him very inattentive as the brown-haired martial artist hasn’t even noticed Ken entering the room.
He walks around to the black leather chair behind his desk and a mischievous smile makes its way across his lips.
He opens a desk drawer a decent amount then slams it shut abruptly, the action making an audible sound.
Ryu unloads a surprised yelp, practically jumping out of the chair.
Wide and panicked eyed, he bored his gaze on to Ken, whose has now gone from just smiling into full on laughing.
Ryu’s features then morph into a look that says, ‘what the hell’, his eyebrows creasing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” said Ken as he wiped tears from his eyes, an easy smile coming back to his face.
“Right,” said Ryu, as he placed his hands in his lap, his face changing into his usual yet neutral expression. “I guess I should be more attentive if I’m to continue to be your personal security. Which is why I’m here. I’d like to discuss the terms of this position with you, Ken.”
Ken’s eyebrow shot up in curiosity, “You’re not trying to juice me for a better salary, are you?” Ken asked jokingly.
“No, no of course not,” Ryu responded as he shook his head, “the salary’s more than generous Ken, it just doesn’t feel like I’m earning my keep.”
Ken leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. “Ok, bud,” Ken spoke, “what can we do to fix this?”
“I can report for more shifts,” said Ryu, “five days a week.”
Ken nods, smiling at his friend, “A negotiation, huh? Three days.”
“Four,” shot back Ryu.
“Three,” responded Ken, “and you come visit us for Sunday dinner,” he looks up as if contemplating something. Having completed his thought his eyes go back to Ryu, “Let’s say twice a month.”
Ryu lets out a sigh, “That as good as I’m going to get?”
“Not a bad deal if I say so myself,” Ken said with a smile, as he opened his arms, shrugging.
Ryu nods at his long-time friend and rival. He then extends his arm out, offering a closed fist to Ken.
“More official than a handshake,” said Ken, as he bumped Ryu’s offered fist. “Moving on to other business, what had you so distracted when I walked in? That’s so unlike you.”
Ryu’s cheeks start to flush once more, as he looks away from Ken. “I was thinking about the other night. I spent it with someone.”
“Oh,” said Ken in faux surprise.
But before Ken can flex his acting chops, Ryu responds “And before we go any further, I know that you know who I’m talking about.”
“Juri Han,” said Ken, trying not to let judgement seep into his tone.
It doesn’t seem as if his attempt is barring any fruit as Ryu’s eyebrow shoots up as if he’s picking up on something.
It relaxes as he speaks once more “Chun-li told me you found out about us through a newspaper, that big tabloid you concern yourself with.”
Ken knows that Ryu means no judgment or offense when he refers to the San Fransico Inquirer as a tabloid, (and on a lot of levels Ryu isn’t wrong). Ryu spoke it as a matter of fact, like he’s calling the sky blue or stating that fire burns.
It’s pure vanity that Ken even pays attention to it.
He’s even caught a few of their photographers’ taking pictures of him and his family when he’s out and about.
That doesn’t stop a guilty feeling from creeping up his back.
Putting a private eye on Juri makes him feel as sleezy as the rag he spends too much time paying attention too.
He knows he can likely place trust in Juri. And who wouldn’t keep things on the straight if they were facing what she was facing should she not.
But what if that trust is misplaced?
What if this is some kind of end game? What if there’s something up her sleeve that can leaves those who’ve decided to trust her, namely Ryu and Chun-li, worse off?
Her being a former Shadaloo, and the suffering the people associated with that outfit have wrought just doesn’t sit right with him.
But what does it say about him?
That he would use his resources at his disposal like this.
“I always told you underestimate how famous you are, Ryu,” Ken said. “Anyway, are you going to share any of the details? Clearly it was a good night,” he finished, clearly implicating more than what Ryu was saying.
Ryu’s blushed once more, “It’s not like that, Ken,” he said hurriedly, “We didn’t…” Ryu trailed off.
“Then what is it like,” Ken asked, more than happy to let the conversation take his mind off things.
“I can’t quite find words to describe it,” Ryu began as a smile returned to his face.
Oh crap, Ken thought to himself, our boy’s got it bad.
That doesn’t help his guilt.
“She keeps me on my toes,” Ryu continued, “she’s got a very healthy sense of humor, she’s uniquely beautiful in her own right but she’s particularly alluring when she’s smiling at me,” he finished as his blush deepened.
“You think for sure she’s changed,” Ken asked, “I mean, you haven’t known her long.”
“It’s true. We’ve only fought previously, but I do feel she’s put a serious effort into reforming,” Ryu responded, a pointed look coming on to his face at the question.
Damnit, Ken, he thought to himself, you’re giving away the plot, letting this get to you.
“Is something on your mind, Ken,” Ryu asked, his brown eyes boring directly into Ken’s blues, “your ki is fluctuating like crazy.”
Ken’s heart rate picks up, he needs to think of something quick.
“I received some bad news regarding a possible promotion,” said Ken.
Half truth’s better than nothing, he thought.
“I was passed over and it’s kind of eating at me to be honest,” went Ken.
Ryu continues to size up his long-time friend, Ken beginning to feel smaller by the second under his gaze.
They’re interrupted by Dalton Masters knocking on the door as he barged in, “Checking in on ya, kiddo,” he went as he poked his head through the door. “Oh, Ryu,” he then went recognizing the martial artist.
Ryu gets up from the seat, breaking eye contact with Ken.
“Mr. Masters,” went Ryu, bowing slightly and reaching out his hand in greeting.
Dalton takes it, “Jesus Christ, Ryu,” the C.E.O lightly chided with a smile on his face, “you’re free and clear to call me Dalton.”
Ken is very happy to have his father’s interruption at this time.
He wasn’t sure how much longer he would last under Ryu’s withering stare.
“Sorry Dalton,” said Ryu. “It’s just a thing of respect.”
“Still though, you’re making me feel like an old man,” said Dalton. He then looks to Ken,” You holding up OK, Ken? I came to check up on because of what happen this morning, and one the front-end staff complained to his manager you snapped on him.”
“Yeah,” went Ken, “I’m fine.”
“You are sure,” Dalton added as he leaned back on the closed door, “looks like you and Ryu were having a serious discussion before I walked in.”
I don’t need two people on me like this, thought Ken as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I was just giving Ken a hard time about the security job he fixed me up with. I wanted to earn my way forward, you know,” interjected Ryu.
Ryu shot him a look that said, ‘we’ll talk about this later.’
Ken was grateful for that, despite the situation.
Taking the bone he was thrown, Ken said, as he smiled weakly, “Yeah, see you tomorrow for your shift, three days a week going forward, right?”
“And two Sundays a month for dinner,” Ryu reminded as he returned the smile.
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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cherrynojutsu · 5 months
Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Sai (Naruto) Additional Tags: Uchiha Sasuke Returns to Konoha, Romance, Friendship, Fluff, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Dreams and Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Introspection, Slice of Life, Masturbation, Anxiety, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Uchiha Sasuke Needs a Hug, Sakura is a Sweetie, Sasuke is an emotionally stunted potato whose thoughts are a jumbled mess of poetic run-on sentences, Also yes he does think 'she is so pretty' all the time, it's canon I don't make the rules, Canon is Newspaper And I'm Making A Paper-Mache Pinata, Uchiha Sasuke is in Love with Haruno Sakura Summary:
Sasuke grapples with love and intimacy regarding his developing relationship with Sakura after returning to the village from his journey of redemption. Kind of a character study on Sasuke handling an intimate relationship after dealing with PTSD and survivor’s guilt in solitude for so long. Blank period, canon-compliant, Sasuke-centric, lots of fluff and pining, slowly becomes a smut fest with feelings.
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quaranmine · 6 months
before secret life today, i'd like to acknowledge something--it's my 10 year anniversary of publishing fanfic! :D
I posted my first ever story on ff.net on Dec 15, 2013. Later today I'd like to repost it on this blog for y'all to read and laugh with me. I have certainly come a long way, haha.
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