kokelek · 7 months
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depressocafe · 2 months
Galra Genetics
Basically just a list of unique Galra only genetics I've seen within the show.
1. Hair line/Markings:
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The Galra seem to have a very specific hair line within the show that can be seen even on scalier Galra, such as Zarkon. This Hair line isn't as straight as others we've seen in the show and appears to point down closer to the Galrans' face in comparison to other races. Galra with markings instead of large quantities of fur tend to also have this as their markings end up pointing towards their face as seen with Ezor, Narti, and Ranveig. This is seen in only Galra and Galra half breeds, such as Lotor's generals.
2. Mohawk/head point:
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Mammalian Galra typically have a Mohawk on the top of their heads and reptilian Galra tend to have the scales end at a point as seen above. Though there are some Galra that don't quite have this such as ranveig, I haven't seen the specific type of hair growth on any other races. And while one could dress their hair up like a Mohawk, the Galrans tend to be more naturally occurring. Possibly due to skull shape? Or maybe some genetic evolution not told to us in show.
3. Detached ears/predators ears:
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This refers to the loose skin and tissue at the bottom of the ear. This is the area where you'd typically attach earrings to. Detached ears are when that skin and tissue is not attached to the side of the head where the jawbone meets the skull. Having detached or attached ears will not affect your hearing in any way. Galra tend to have detached ears or Animal ears genetically closer to that of predators. I tried to see if there were any types of classifications to animal ears and couldn't find squat.
4. Elongated arms:
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While human arms are typically long enough to be a hip length or a tad lower the Galran arms are a tad closer to the knee than other limbs shown in show. This also indicates that unlike humans, when Galrans' stretch their arms away from their bodies, the length from one arm to the other may not match the length of the individual's body like it does for Humans.
5: Sharp pupils/overall eyes:
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Just as said, the Galra typically have sharper more predatory like pupils compared to other races. Though some Galra seem to lack any distinct factors to their eyes compared to other Galra, my personal theory is that when a Galran undergoes large amounts of quintessence treatment, the quintessence in the body begins to take over and seemingly hide the pupil, iris, or other parts of the eye. We can see this happen first hand with Haggar/Honerva and Zarkon. As well as Sendak when we see an alternate version of him in season 8. Other factors of the Galran eye, the Sclera is yellow in color instead of white and the iris is usually red in coloration. I've also noticed that in terms of eye shape, eyes lacking in an iris or pupil, tend to have a more exhausted expression to them (dipping downwards and having eye bags). This could also be attributed to larger amounts of quintessence within the body.
Like I've said in previous posts, I'm not an expert in any of this stuff regarding, psychology, genetics, ect. While I have studied with ambition into these topics I'm not a viable source for information regarding anything in relation to science and at most may know more than the average individual but that's about it.
Post Made: 3/12/24
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victorianitt · 2 months
Jakiś czas temu znalazłam na ao3 wspaniałą autorkę fanfiction — @isshi69nikkei. Przeczytałam od niej kilka fanfików z Sherlocka i Harry'ego Pottera, które baardzo mi się spodobały.
Wielokrotnie do nich wracałam, ale ile razy można robić reready? Wiedziałam, że Isshi ma jeszcze kilka fanfików z fandomów których nie znałam, w tym z Voltrona (o którym słyszałam już wcześniej i wisiał na liście do obejrzenia od bardzo dawna). Postanowiłam obejrzeć Voltrona i baaardzo mi się spodobał :3.
Potem zaczęłam czytać ów Voltronowego fanfika Isshi „Tsevu-22” i... Cóż, wystarczy powiedzieć, że nie śpię po nocach, bo go czytam.
(Isshi, obiecuję napisać Ci komentarz, jak tylko nadrobię do końca 😇).
Głównym shipem jest Prorok/Thace, co swoją drogą bardzo mnie ucieszyło i rozbawiło, bo podczas oglądania Voltrona zwróciłam uwagę na te dwójkę i oczywiście, z moim szczęściem do zakochiwania się w niepopularnych paringach, zaczęli mi do siebie pasować.
Przełożony i podwładny, do tego szpieg? To jest to, co tygryski lubią najbardziej.
Ale już nie przedłużając, wczoraj, rozmawiając z przyjaciółką przez telefon, zaczęłam rysować. Kogo? Thace'a i Proroka 🥰. Co prawda osobno, ale mam wrażenie, że wspólny obrazek jeszcze powstanie...
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Fanfiction Isshi:
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galraluver · 1 year
Prorok lines, English dub
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lale-i-knjige · 2 years
I prihvatit ćete doba svojega srca, kao što
uvijek prihvaćate godišnja doba što prolaze nad vašim
poljima. I gledat ćete spokojno kroza zime svojega bola.
Mnogo ste svoga bola sami odabrali.
Halil Džubran, Prorok
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milantarot · 1 year
UŽIVO: Milan Tarot je tarolog koji ne maši!
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gtaradi · 1 year
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ckknirsch · 1 year
Socha Budhu Dordenma
Táto obrovská socha Budhu má v sebe ukrytých 125 000 menších Budhov.
Na vrchole kopca v Thimphu, hlavnom a najväčšom meste Bhutánu, sa nachádza masívny zlatý Budha, ktorý sedí na vrchole pozlátenej meditačnej sály. Tento monument však skrýva neviditeľné tajomstvo: mnohí ľudia, ktorí sa na sochu pozerajú, nevedia, že sa v skutočnosti nepozerajú na jedného Budhu, ale na 125 000 Budhov. (more…)
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fuerstinlya · 10 months
Royal greetings!
There's an endless number of other realities and s/o had the brilliant question if there's a reality where I end up together with Sendak/Prorok/Kolivan!
-> the referring post
-> the question
And today I'm showing you:
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her teeth are showing
Is a strong hearted warrior and would do everything to rescue her family
She loves her mother more than everyone else and wants to learn more about veluryan traditions
Prorok is her father
She's actually really nice and sweet but has a grumpy face
She's training a lot and fights almost better than any other soldier
Lya gives her the opportunity to explore the universe like she and her father once did
Lyrok starts to travel and learns more about nature and understands now that it was destiny's plan
She fell in love with a planet named Xhaeco
On Xhaeco, people who somehow know who Lyrok is explain to her that she's their savior, a goddess who will save them from the end of their world
Lyrok accepted her faith and built up an entire empire
Later, she finds herself a half galran, half altean man, and marries him
Prorok was surprisingly happy that his little baby daughter found someone she loved. Even though he was a little bit sad when he realized that she's not so little anymore and now a grown-up proud young lady. he and Lya saw her man as a part of the family
Lyrok settled down and lived a life full of responsibilities. As a goddess, a warlord, a wife. A life, she always wanted to have
She did her best to continue the veluryan bloodline and ended up having a LOT of children. They were all ½ galra ¼ veluryan ¼ altean
Thank you and stay tuned darlings!
- Fürstin Lya
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adamostrogoth · 3 months
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ziobrowski · 4 months
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famousharmonyluminary · 7 months
Szczęśliwy człowiek który ufa Panu…bo oto nadchodzi dzień palący jak piec…
Szczęśliwy człowiek który ufa Panu…bo oto nadchodzi dzień palący jak piec… Szczęśliwy człowiek, który nie idzie za radą występnych,nie wchodzi na drogę grzeszników i nie zasiada w gronie szyderców, lecz w Prawie Pańskim upodobał sobie i rozmyśla nad nim dniem i nocą. Szczęśliwy człowiek, który ufa Panu, bo On jest jak drzewo zasadzone nad płynącą wodą, które wydaje owoc w swoim czasie. Liście…
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galraluver · 2 years
Zarkon: I've spent over a millenia gathering power; biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control over the entire universe
Zarkon: *stands up from his throne* And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats of five puny Paladins
Zarkon: And you know why they've always bested you?
Trugg: Because they cheat!
Prorok: *crosses arms and sulks* Because they're annoyingly lucky
Random kid whose parent is a Commander: I'm just a kid, so….
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lale-i-knjige · 2 years
I neka vaše najbolje bude za prijatelja.
I ako mora upoznati vašu oseku, neka upozna
i vašu plimu.
Jer, što vam je prijatelj da biste ga tražili da s
vama ubija vrijeme?
Potražite ga uvijek da oţivite vrijeme.
Jer, njegovo je da vam ispuni potrebu, a ne
I neka u slatkoći prijateljstva bude smijeha, i
diobe radosti.
Jer, u svježini sitnica srce nalazi svoje jutro i
okrepljuje se.
Halil Džubran, Prorok
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vera-simik · 1 month
Dle deuterokánonických textů prorok Daniel zabil draka nějakým vařeným sajrajtem.
Vede mne to tudíž k tezi, že Daniel byl z Brna:
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cryptid-quest · 10 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Ethiopian Deathbird
Description: Despite the name, the Ethiopian Deathbird is a bat, and compared to other cryptid bats, not the impressive, with a wingspan of only 12-18 inches. It was reported by Byron de Prorok in the 1930s while he was exploring a cave in Welega, Ethiopia. 
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