#Pursuit of Liberty
✨🧢💋👊🏻B I Z K E T T E S👊🏻💋🧢✨
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eveisegg · 11 months
My city had 4th of July early. And with everything that's happened in my state of Florida, I sit here and watch fireworks and feel left out.
These pretty colors do not celebrate me, they celebrate something I was removed from.
Happy 4th!
Let me know when I can have it too. 🏳️‍⚧️
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ok i have an idea for something and i've started writing it but i want to hear from you guys before i really get sucked in
what if negan was the one that found omega and not aaron and eric? now this would be non-canon considering that impeachment has already been written
here's the masterlist for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if you want to catch up, also asks are open for any blurbs or drabbles for this series!
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pagetreader · 11 months
@annastrxng asked: 📜
Incorrect Quotes
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env0writes · 9 months
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A Gust of Wind Vol.3, 8.27.23 “So Few Good Capitalized -Ism's"
Common sense is out of vogue Pilfered by the corporate rogue Mums the word, yet we’ve none to name Pulled and peeled like candied fame Unchanging world, digital currency Not one cent to share, let alone two to see Rub a penny for luck, well found, now rare All hail Emperor Caveat, buyer beware Towers keep on rising, black booked Logged and flogged, suit and tie crook’d Need some sort of sensibility Not a crown and acsceptered nobility Breadwinner at the end of the line Broken tooth and nail, neck held by twine Popular thought and science and music Find me a muse and again I’ll be love sick No new frequencies on the radio wave to frequent Same old highs and lows sequent Repent, oh, winner, warlord, wearied watcher of the world Tides will pitch and retch, not a fiefdom to be Earl’d Steal a glance, a chance, a moment unlabored Watch the sun rise and set, kingdoms too, be neighbored Resistance is the only stance Worth giving a chance to advance Better than tuppence is two cents But who’s counting if that's a sixth sense
@env0writes C.Buck Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist! Photo by @mynamemeanscloud
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lunozapp · 4 months
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#wile e coyote#splatoon 3#In Congress#July 4#1776#The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America#When in the Course of human events#it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another#and to assume among the powers of the earth#the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them#a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.#We hold these truths to be self-evident#that all men are created equal#that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights#that among these are Life#Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights#Governments are instituted among Men#deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed#--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends#it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it#and to institute new Government#laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form#as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence#indeed#will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath sh#that mankind are more disposed to suffer#while evils are sufferable#than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations#pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism#it is their right
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evilmark999 · 3 months
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This. Is NOT. Changing!
The spin machines for the FILTHY rich elite continue to propagate lies that loud, hateful, non-intellectual, name-calling MTG-types keep repeating. All AGAINST their own best interests:
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Remember those Trump-era conservative tax cuts from that better-quality first image? THAT was only the beginning...
Trillion-dollar Apple - as an example - was able to dodge approximately $40 BILLION in taxes by using a relatively paltry amount of its offshore $252 BILLION untaxed cash-on-hand (that's literally CASH, not asset equity) to "reinvest" in US ventures thanks to further sweetheart legislation that they, with Microsoft, Facebook and Alphabet, combined to spend more than $16 million JUST IN THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2017 to get passed through Congress! For reference:
Still reading? All-told, as of 2017, the FORTUNE 500 had approximately $2.6 TRILLION in untaxed offshore funds (CASH, not asset equity)! What was in YOUR wallet in 2017? And how about now?
If you're working class, the FILTHY RICH and YOUR GOVERNMENT owe you! They've been cheating YOU for a VERY long time!
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creationfathers · 8 months
A little bit of Jefferson
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That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
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flowersandspacestuff · 9 months
My dad makes his living picking seasonal berries and mushrooms. He travels around and knows what time of year and which areas to find specific sought after berries like huckleberries, where and when to find mushrooms that are considered delicacies like morels, chanterelles, and others. He lives in one area for some of the time, but travels across the whole northwest.
My dad has never really fit with society, partly due to his connection with nature, and partly due to mental illness and trauma. But this is something he can do, and something he loves, and humans will always want wild berries and mushrooms, and need food. So many people today do not know how to find these things, though they used to provide for our whole way of life.
A lot of people feel trapped in the framework our species and cultures have built, and see that the way the job market works is to suck the life out of you, but to keep you working while it does. Yeah you'll always have to work for your living, that's just how life is. You gotta put something in to get anything out. But, we have to consider, what do we want to get out of it? My country has written in it's constitution that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This is a little bit vague, so vague, that we haven't recognized this right being slowly eroded away. Now we find ourselves pushed to the edge, we're told how lucky we are, while we scramble to find something, something we can do that our society deems worthwhile, and worth money, just so we can live to work the next week, month, year, and afford to pay for our media subscriptions, car, mortgage, rent, gas, food. We'll always have to work for our food, our home, our family, and our health. That's not the problem. The problem is, we aren't working for this. Because most of us, can put as much energy and work as we can into doing something we're not completely suited for, just to live, but still have trouble achieving the basics for life, let alone liberty and happiness. The work that so many are doing, doesn't return to them. We aren't working for our life, liberty, and happiness. Sure, it's why we're working, but the work we are doing doesn't fulfill that pursuit. We should expect that if we do good work, we will see the returns. If you farm your land, and care for the plants and the soil and the animals, you will see the return in abundance. If you build for your communities, your communities will flourish, and you will too. Some of us have found ways to work within this parasitic market system that allow us to still do this, but the power of monopolistic global industry is still felt, and this power strangles the life and liberty of the people, to squeeze out a hoarded profit. People are not machines though, we feel the pain. Our world feels the pain. The ecosystems that have provided all of our bounty, and sustained life on this planet, are suffering from neglect and abuse, just as people suffer from indenture and alienation.
Some of us have been led to believe that there is no way out. This is a lie. Some of us have been led to believe our connection to nature is severed. This is a lie. Some of us have been led to believe that we cannot continue forward and advance humanity while keeping our ties to nature. This is a lie.
What is truth then?
We live, and have always lived, through nature. Earth is a part of us, as we are a part of Earth, and we thrive and fall in the same measure. There is still time for us. Everything will change, as everything always changes. We will change too. We can change, it is how we have come to be here, and how we will continue on. Harmony with Earth is not only possible, but is also the requisite for humanity's own flourishing, and the source of our natural way of being.
But what does this mean for us now? What does this mean for me, who knows how to do only the things society has taught are important? What do I do, who know how to obey, to follow direction, to communicate and to sell things, to write and to read and to drive, but know not how to create tools, to cultivate food, to search for and identify the bounties of nature, to live from what the Earth gives us, and to do so in a way that gives back to that source? Wbat do we do? We learn!
The sources of our life, our liberty, and our happiness are not as far from us as we would be made to think. It may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. You can start with one thing. Learn about a native edible plant or berry or mushroom near you, learn its season and what habitat it grows in, and learn where you might find it. It is August. In the Northwestern United States there are many berries in season right now. In the coastal areas are blackberries and huckleberries and salal, inland there are huckleberries, grapes in some places, and elderberries, (which must be cooked to be edible but are high in vitamins A and C, and are used for a cold remedy as syrup). You can pick what you need for yourself and freeze it for winter, saving you money on frozen fruit in the dark months, and you can also pick more than you need and give some to friends or family, or sell it for a little supplemental income if you pick enough. Remember though to do your harvesting with respect for the environment, for this is the environment that is sustaining you. Protect it, give back to it, pick up your trash, and learn to be firesafe.
There are other options too, if you have the access, you can create a garden to support your food access. The recent pandemic has reminded many of us that we can't always rely on grocery stores and changing prices and the changing value of our money to get what we need, but there are other ways, and these other methods of sustaining ourselves can free us. Learn how to preserve fresh food when it is affordable and save it for when it is scarce. Tomatoes and zucchini may be overabundant in the summer, but they are scarcer in the winter. You can freeze tomatoes whole, and you can shred zucchini and freeze it for winter use in pasta, breads, and stir fries. There also inedible but very useful plants and sources within the forest, which you can use to make things you need or that are useful. Baskets can be so expensive, but weaving only requires a few supplies, an understanding, and your own work. This is just the beginning.
While we ask what we can do to live better on what nature gives us, we also ask what we can do to give back to nature, to keep nature thriving so that we may thank it for its sustenance and also partake in its abundance. Some plants are invasive and harm native plants, and can be removed to make way for plants more in harmony with the ecosystem. When many people travel a natural area, erosion can begin to threaten hillsides and habitats. This can be mitigated by creating better paths and reinforcing eroded areas near them with nature's materials, like fallen logs, branches, and plants like moss, grasses and shrubs which will make the way for trees to take root and further secure the hillside. Sometimes we don't know where our help would be most useful, or how to help, but there are good organizations that dedicate themselves to doing exactly these kinds of things. Mossy Earth is one that provides lovely videos and updates and abundant information on their efforts at habitat restoration and species reintroduction efforts. They're on youtube, and watching their videos is so hope renewing. They also have a subscription service that people may support them through.
You don't have to give up your apartment and live in a tent to renew your connection with nature. You don't have to do all of these things for it to be worthwhile. And you aren't alone in the big projects that seem a little daunting. We're in this together, and there are plenty of little ways we can start to work on our connection with nature, and work on our connection with ourselves, that will immediately benefit our health and happiness, and will further the happiness of our families and communities and home. Because Earth is home. We have to work for home, but if we do good work, we will have everything we need, and be happy with our efforts and their results.
So go pick some berries! Freeze them, eat them, share them! And at the end of it, you will have spent that time in nature, using your body for what it has developed for, and building your strength and your understanding for the future.
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Mama’s in a walking dead mood my lovelies and guess what she’s working on
I’ll give you a hint-
“She gasped involuntarily and the omega’s yellow eyes snapped to Carol and a growl echoed through her chest. It was so deep and so unnatural that it legitimately frightened the unshakeable woman. A warning. ‘Stay away, I will kill you to protect my pup’.”
So get ready my loves, she’s coming soon
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pagetreader · 11 months
@retrograderesemblance {X}
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“I just assumed having managed a tavern, you were always inclined to carry goods on your person,” he shrugged, “If that’s not the case, then we’re in danger of my succumbing to starvation.”
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asteraegis · 2 years
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i designed a dungeon based off my viera's lore this week!
the gear is inspired by inuit coats/furs, as well as the paglth'an and qitana ravel gear sets. my inspiration comes from how i always assumed the ffxiv viera were based on indigenous people, but the starter clothes don't fit, especially for veena. my fictional snowy mountain forest, Frer, is located east of Garlemald so it's quite cold there and the lingerie viera start with 🙄 would not cut it.
Labrys is modeling the gear (since she's big), with head pieces separated so Howlen can model them (originally they were all going to be bones/warpaint for Frer's lore reasons, but my samurai friend wanted a hood).
as far as the enemies go, 'geotek' is the term used for the repurposed magitek scraps the veena here use to make turrets that enhance their spells. Isiq and Makpiq are inuktitut words (not names) i thought fit the bosses. according to the dictionary i sourced, Isiq means "smoke from fire" and Makpiq is "turn back/away." hopefully thats correct and i read the dictionary right (was very cluttered and i am so dyslexic).
anyway, i still have a lot more cultural lore to design for Frer but designing a dungeon to show off their traditional clothes and creations was really fun in general. theres more details on this dungeon like why i did what i did, fight layouts, and clothing concept art i referenced but since this is tumblr im not posting that essay here.
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Why Anti-Trans Feminism is Stupid
Note: I'm about to make a generalization about trans women and toughness. So let me answer the accusations up front. It ain't about chromosomes. It's about life experience.
I just don't get it. I am of the generation and demographic that puts out a lot of this TERF nonsense and I don't understand it even a little bit.
I'm a Unitarian Universalist. My whole religion is about trying to understand other points of view. It isn't like I'm not trying. And I still have no idea what the problem is.
I mean, it's like that goddess all us crunchy feminist types have little overpriced statues of has seen our struggle and said, "Know what? Now's the time. I'm going to send in that freaking battalion of tough-ass broads I've been keeping in reserve for emergencies.
And here they are. In all their glory.
Welcome! Welcome, welcome, and welcome my trans sisters! Come on over. Have a seat on the sofa. I'll get the drinks and heat up the casserole and let's smash that patriarchy under your size 12 heels.
Which look great, by the way.
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amerasdreams · 1 year
I really hope our nation survives this stupidity. We have survived things before. Even being broken up. If we collapsed, a lot of horrible things would happen, lots of suffering. Best is not to collapse but reform. We are still a democracy and have a LOT of freedoms we take for granted. We still have a lot going for us. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Let's not get too polarized so we can't reconcile. In fact, most of us are not on one extreme side or the other. As long as we all believe in America and democracy. And we don't believe all conspiracy theories and think everything is worse than it really is. We have a chance. But if we keep going crazy (maybe noy as bad as the media portrays....) we won't survive. This is a diverse country, which is good. We forget the things we have in common. When divisiveness and conflict build to a fever pitch. We forget compassion and civility. Necessary for any society.
Don't let covid or social media tear us apart. Our enemies would be happy and a beacon of freedom in the world would collapse. (No it's not perfect but at least we used to know how to live together, used to believe in the ability to BECOME a more perfect union. No one is born perfect. Always strive toward ideals. We should at least all agree in our Declaration and Constitution! Yes there are different interpretations but there should be common ground. There is, if we don't panic and think the "other side" is monster bent on destroying us)
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if our enemies had engineered at least part of this polarization and manufactured/amplified some of this conflict. They know very well our divisions and would want to exaggerate and aggravate them. They are on social media, after all. And the people simmering in social media, only consuming very partisan news (thinking their side is right 100% of the time lol) are ripe for this kind of exploitation. It is of course vague how much russia has influenced us, but we know they have tried. Trolls who spread panic and disinfo on both sides. It would be ridiculous to think they had NO influence. They are experts in propaganda ans pay ops after all. This did not change much after the Soviet Union-- the current government is the inheritor of the same mindset and tactics.
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tinygenderfluid · 2 years
A fool. A charlatan. A republican.
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