kkoffin · 3 days
yall my “feminist” (female) uni lecturer used the word “hysteria” TWICE to refer to women being afraid of being raped or assaulted by men in women’s bathrooms and prisons are we cooked?
at this point liberal feminism is anti-feminist
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radfemtiktok · 2 days
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redditreceipts · 16 hours
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revengebian · 3 days
i feel like, ultimately, the trans movement will destroy itself. it will make the parameters of transgenderism vaguer and vaguer until a smart person can't possibly call it a real state of being. remember when saying that you need dysphoria to be trans was a normal stance? now transmeds are hated. they supported neurosexism, now gender is just a magical fake thing that somehow can also impact every facet of your life if you don't live by its fake rules. also, not all trans people condone therians and transracials, but they probably will have to soon. after all race is another construct, and it isn't binary. what about the white passing mixed people?? and humans share a bunch of dna with rats, so being a rat kin is TOTALLY valid! the movement is like a time bomb to me.
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jellyfishfem · 1 day
”girls dont have hobbies” they do and yall call em cringe, annoying, wannabe quirky manic pixie dream girls who are trying too hard
girls and women have the best and most interesting hobbies, all boys and men do is watch rape on tape and play COD and bully gay ppl online
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Boys as young as 14 have been asking their teachers how to choke girls during sex, a teacher has told the BBC.
Dr Tamasine Preece, who teaches at Bryntirion Comprehensive in Bridgend, said some children now felt it was a normal part of sex and asked if "a soft squeeze on the neck is OK".
Health experts said pornography was a key contributor and that there was no safe way to strangle someone.
One woman, Sophie Henson, who was strangled until she passed out, said choking should not be normalised as part of sex.
It comes after warnings following the death of 26-year-old dancer Georgia Brooke, who was choked to death during sex with her boyfriend.
Dr Preece, the school's curriculum lead for health and wellbeing, said there had been questions "creeping in, such as 'How can I choke someone safely?'".
She added: "I’ve certainly been told by some children that they think that girls really want to be choked - with one saying girls are mad for it."
Johanna Robinson, Wales’ national adviser on violence against women and girls, has heard similar examples.
"I’ve spoken to sexual health nurses who told me men in college were asking questions like 'How do I safely strangle my partner?' One young person was quoted to me asking 'What do I do if I need to resuscitate my partner?'.'"
Last year, Sophie Henson was strangled by her ex partner as part of an aggressive situation.
"He gripped me by the throat so tight, I thought I was going to die," said the 24-year-old from Bridgend.
"I felt like a dead fish, my mouth was open, my body was so limp."
Sophie said she felt carrying out the act previously in the bedroom had blurred the lines, making it more acceptable.
"He'd say, 'You liked it 10 minutes ago during sex, why don't you like it now?'"
She's now warning other women to seek out and assess the risks before consenting to it as part of sex.
She said stories of it being normalised among young people were "worrying".
"Everyone is entitled to their bedroom manners, but there's no way it is safe," she added.
"There is a risk factor and it shouldn't be experimented with lightly - do your research and ask questions."
Her ex-partner Zach Pennell was convicted of coercive control and intentional strangulation in January this year.
Dr Preece said conversations needed to include consent and how that must continue throughout sex.
She encourages conversation in her classroom, so teenagers understand consent is needed rather than "just blindly accepting it" and encourages children to talk to their parents as well.
She added: "Rather than just choking specifically we talk about the fact there should be no abuse of any kind in sexual relationships.
"We can shy away from these issues or we can be realistic that they’re happening and making sure that we’re the ones having conversations with our children rather than leaving it to tech companies."
Ms Robinson echoed this message, saying: "How much harm do we need to see happen before we’re brave enough to have these conversations?
"I don’t think young people realise the potential harm - it can take little pressure to cause damage or cause someone to be unconscious.
"Helping young people to understand that is a first step."
Dr Kate Howells, an associate specialist in sexual health, believes more people think strangulation is expected, with "a lot" of young women telling her it had happened to them.
She believes instant access to porn for anyone with a phone is a key factor for it.
"People are watching it from a very young age and, for a lot of young people, it is their first sexual experience and therefore they’re almost looking to porn to learn about sex and what to do to be good at sex.
"If young people are seeing that kind of messaging from pornography rather than loving or caring, respectful messages then they'll think that's what they need to do - whether they feel comfortable with it or not."
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ayaahh00 · 2 days
When will Trans identifying males stop stealing everything from women. First you take over women’s safe space then you took over our sports categories, groups, movements, achievements, awards and rewrote history to give credit to a man over women’s rights. Calling themselves“tirfs” because how dare radical feminism exist for women only and exclude males. They took lesbians dating apps, groups, bars and they just want to take over lesbianism as a whole and force it to include males. And disregard the best selling author of our time who’s a woman that broke world records and inspired women all over the world because she spoke about women’s safe space being disregarded. Do they not get enough?
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kanelia · 3 days
I used to follow a Finnish libfem who fell hard into the 'sex work is empowering for women' rabbit hole. Her posts pretty quickly changed from defending women into complaining about 'swerfs'. The only subject she complained more about than swerfs was her clients. Not a week went by without her telling how little respect men had for her. If they did not stand her up, they tried to haggle, ignored her terms of service, or attempted to pressure her into sex acts she had already told she would not provide. Quite often, men attempted to talk her into giving up safe sex or tried to remove the condom without her consent (rape). Once, a client removed the condom and rubbed his sperm on her genitals before she could intervene (rape again). She had to go to a preventative HIV medication and said she is relieved sex work makes enough money so that she does not need to take more than one client a week.
Through all this, she still complained about swerfs. She said it was the fault of the Nordic model that she could not go to work in a brothel where 'she would have been safer'. It was the fault of our anti-pimp laws that she could not get herself a bodyguard to keep her safe from her clients. She even went as far as to give interviews to media where she bashed the Nordic model and told (aka lied considering her experiences) how great sex work was. She said sex work was no worse than working as a barista, waiter, or massage therapist, but in her private posts, she constantly lamented the abuse she received. Not at any point did she consider that maybe sex work was not good for women after all. Maybe sex work was just an extension of patriarchy. No. It had to be the fault of those prudish swerfs that were anti-prostitution.
After the HIV scare, she pretty much quit sex work and instead started to make lesbian porn (she was straight) with her libfem friends. She said that they did not want any men around when making porn. Once again, she failed to consider the power stuctures that might have explained why making porn with men was so much more uncomfortable and unsafe than making porn with women.
I don't know what she does nowadays. She was also a tra, and after I peaked, she blocked me everywhere. I assume she still sells porn to men while thinking herself detached from patriarchy.
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insectfem · 3 days
ive started researching transgender dementia/alzheimers patients, and uh, it's scary! they're forgetting they transistioned... and reminding them of it makes them upset. this is awful. and it will only get worse
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radfemtiktok · 3 days
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jeunefillerangee · 3 days
Men demanding anal sex from their female partners is a great example of their "sex as dominance" mentality. It's a type of sex that the vast majority of women hate, that can be excruciating painful and that anatomically cannot be pleasurable at all for them. And men know all that, and that's why they want it. That's their way of saying "sex is about me, pleasure is only for me." The state of heterosexual relationships is so depressing.
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revengebian · 1 day
as fed up as i am and ever will be with men's actions, i refuse to go down the rabbit hole that they are biologically evil. like, come on. you know that cant be true. we're the same species; all humans are capable of "evil" but it's men who are allowed to externalize it because they hold power in sexist systems ("power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"). i hate people getting worked up over misandry and "man hating" because women have the right to get angry + critical, and saying men are being "evil by choice" sucks, but i also think it's important to point out.
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jellyfishfem · 2 days
grooming is when *checks notes* we talk about the dangers of the sex industry
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womenaremypriority · 3 days
Misogynists when women aren’t superhuman: I thought women could do anything?? You’re saying women can’t have a career and be a mother, you sexist! I thought you were an independent women 🤣🤣
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f1ghtsoftly · 1 day
I would like us all to collectively chill out about rooting out fake lesbians. Many lesbians have sexual or personal trauma/addictions that led them to sleeping with men or were simply put in a position, by force or otherwise, that they could not refuse a man.
I do believe women misidentify as lesbians and sometimes, you can catch a vibe about someone, but I really want to caution women to weigh the risk of regarding another sister with suspicion or wasting too much energy on rooting out “fakes”. When we do that, we risk attacking or isolating lesbians who’ve already been through an ordeal, whether it’s time in the sex industry, sexual assault or religious trauma etc…they’re probably the ones who need our community and support the most.
So just make sure you’re sure in your suspicion and you’ve already explored other alternative explanations for why someone would be acting funny or have a history with men before you suggest they’re a fake.
I feel like I write this on all my posts but, if you aren’t someone who’s dealt with sexual, religious, physical abuse, homelessness, drug addiction etc…I can’t encourage you enough to read up on how situations like that effect people because sometimes surviving those situations turns you into a person you thought you could never be and you would do anything to survive it and not lose your mind. So please, have some compassion, be a little skeptical and be grateful if you’ve never been in a situation like that! But also keep your mind open that you can be a lesbian and have slept with men, sometimes not even through direct physical coercion but because you need money or you believe you’re going to hell or a million other completely valid, horrific things society does to try to convince women they’re better of being raped and hating themselves then being who they are.
And if you see this post and say wow! No one in my circle is like this please send me some of your favorite blogs ahaha because this post is inspired by someone who acted like this and they’re not necessarily representative of the lesbian community writ large, but they’re enough of an irritating minority that I’ve encountered them before and wanted to write this post.
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hadesoftheladies · 22 hours
the assumption that women have no desire for or awareness of dignity underscores nearly every conversation men have about women
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