#Return to Sender
prettyboykatsuki · 2 days
literally BEGGING you to elaborate on oliver and his doggirl... trying to be nonchalant and aloof but your tail won't stop fucking wagging and him mocking you for it... HIM GRIPPING IT AND TUGGING A LITTLE IN PRONE BONE...
✮ tags ; hybrid stuff, self indulgent nonsense, hybrid heat, petnames (pup, mutt, girl etc.), petting and praise etc, reader has a sad backstory lol and this became??? crazy soft?? free me from this, mentions of dog fighting and hybrid mills. its v brief
✮ a/n ; this is a little pathetic for me but whatever. also
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You're not a stray.
Not exactly.
Oliver isn't exactly looking for a hybrid when he comes to the pound. He's trying to pick up the girl who works there, more specifically. Really you're getting in the way of that - which is why he even meets you in the first place. His failed attempts at picking her up have him following her all around the facility.
You're a recent find - an abandoned and highly intelligent hybrid. You're capable of non-verbal communication and generally speaking independent. But it's rare that people come to look after you since you're well past being cute and cuddly on first glance. You've got visible scars and everything.
You're more mangy, more mutt than puppy and you've got a nasty glare until she comes to greet you. Oliver isn't exactly trying to adopt a hybrid when he meets you, but you lock eyes and he gets the strangest feeling.
You're definitely uncute.
Oliver tries to stay away from all the hybrid stuff. He doesn't even really like pets. But he knows enough about them to know that most people look to take a hybrid home want them to be cute, obedient, and clueless.
From the scars on your face and the general disdain you show him, a warning growl in the low of your throat - he can tell you're none of these things. Fuck you too, really. If Oliver brought a doggirl home, it wouldn't be you anyway.
The girl he's trying to sleep with has nothing but adoring things to say about you. At one point, she's petting you and you're licking against her hand with something he's damn sure is smugness. It's personal after that - driven by petty annoyance Oliver agrees to bring you home.
You definitely understand given the way you protest. You're cagey when he tries to get near you - bitey and difficult. Mean.
The weight of his choice doesn't really hit him until he's home with a doggirl and none of the things necessary to care for you.
Though Oliver is a lot of things, he's not a complete piece of shit. It was mostly a choice made on a whim, but it'd be a lie to say he wasn't drawn to you in some unknowable and nonsensical away from before.
So, Oliver becomes a hybrid owner to a very mean doggirl in the span of a few days.
For the first few months you live together, you do nothing by fight with him. You tear up his furniture, ruin his clothes, growl loudly when he tries to bring girls over and suck up to long-time hook-ups so he can't get rid of you. You spend a lot of time making his life difficult and his life alone. When he's busy from work, all the sitters only have nice things to say about you. Well-behaved, quiet, easy to handle.
It's just him you seem to drive crazy.
You understand every word out of his mouth but pretend otherwise. He spends a lot of time threatening to toss you out onto the street. Worse though, you get a real kick out of pissing him off.
He ends up calling the shelter again after a while goes by with no improvement. He calls with full resolve to send you back to that damn place, but the cute girl picks up the phone.
He doesn't even ask to hear about you. She just starts talking as soon as she hears him.
They ran background through some tags and found you prior in the system. It's a chilling feeling hearing where you used to come from - a fucking hybrid mill to a rich family with no morals - something to do with dog fights. Oliver watches you sleep in the corner of the living room, curled up on the dog bed he bought you that you've always been territorial over.
You've never been able to sleep without fits, but he didn't put together that their may be any reason for it.
He hangs up the phone in the dark that night, too prideful to say sorry - but decides to try and get along with you the best he can afterwards.
There's a weird period of adjustment where Oliver gives up on trying to get you to behave around him. He deals with your messes and growling in nonplussed silence and sometimes amusement, and occasionally feels so guilty about all of it he pets your head when you're asleep. All soft fur and pointed ears and fitful rests.
He feels kind of ridiculous about all of it - but the change in behavior on your end is incredibly noticeable. Eventually you also seem to give up on trying to fight him.
It's tense and not much more than camaraderie at first.
Once you get comfortable, you act like a lot more like a dog than he was expecting. You move your things to sleep by the foot of the bed and greet him when he comes home despite not having any prior interest. You don't get on the couch unless he invites you up, and you wake him up properly to take you on walks and run together. You're an athletic breed and keep-up with him fine.
It's weird, but Oliver finds you to be pleasant company when you're not trying to piss him off. You're intelligent, clever and curious. He starts to find you cute when he starts petting you as soon as he's home from practice. Try as you might to keep up the nonchalant act, you perk up adorably every time. Your tail wags and you you get just a little impatient and Oliver can't help but find it sweet after all you've been through.
He teases you about it every time, and you growl and hiss but still preen under the praise anyways. Times like that you feel more puppy than mutt.
He doesn't know when exactly the lines blur, or when he it becomes so normal to make you curl into bed next to him. When the affection makes him bleed to into a proud enough puppy owner to praise and sometimes spoil you between teases.
He's grown quite fond of you over the last few months.
So, when you spend all night in distress, he find himself honestly worried.
You spend an entire night whimpering before he decides to call in sick for practice and stay with you. But you're avoiding him like the plague, in an entirely different way than you were before. It's a hassle to get you to let him onto the bed without growling. He spent all morning googling symptoms before a forum from years back asks the exact same questions as him.
dude she's probably just in heat. chill out.
The realization dawns on him a little too later as he manages to pull you away from the pillows you're buried in as he sits next to you.
Your face is flush when he finally gets a good look at you. It's clear all at once that you are going through heat. Your gaze is lust addled and embarrassed - when he lays you flat on your stomach, you rut against the air in ashamed groan. You've always been so smart for a hybrid, maybe smart enough to know shame and humiliation better than most.
Most hybrid owners have this taken care of already. Sometimes bringing another hybrid home to take care of it. Oliver though, feels responsible for you - so he decides to be the kind of owner to take care of it himself.
You must know that, just like you know that it'll be painful unless you get some relief.
You look so embarrassed when Oliver glances at you. He doesn't know what it is exactly. "Were you planning on whining like that for your entire heat?"
You make a soft noise in the back of your throat and try to roll away from him in bed. Oliver is quick to catch you though as he lays down beside you. His hands planes around your stomach, laughing against the back your neck as your tail brushes against his shirt. You're squirming. He's never heard you hiccup so much.
"Did you suddenly get shy about needing my help?" He asks, affirmed by the desperate shake in your throat when you whimper. "Take what you need puppy. Go on."
Your eyes go wide. You understand him clear as day. He thinks normally you would nip at him for the smugness in his voice, but you don't. You're docile and uncertain, and your hands shake so terribly that you can barely turn around.
But Oliver is a responsible hybrid owner, no matter how petty. Turns to help you face him while he drags his thumb across your lip - your canines nearly cutting his thumb as he pulls your lips back to the examine them. He takes a long look at you - the ears on your head twitching and your tail wagging with such desperation he can't help but laugh.
"'s good I know something about this, huh girl? C'mere."
He thought he'd feel more put off by all of it - but he doesn't. The difference in how you act is stark and Oliver can't help but find it endearing. You whine and whimper when he kisses you and puts a hand in your shorts. You don't really know how to kiss proper, but Oliver doesn't mind.
You kiss like a puppy, he figures. You lap at the scruff of his cheek and nudge him, your hands settled on his shoulders gripping at him when he plays with your tender clit. You bury your face in his neck and inhale slow.
"You're latched onto me," He hums. You growl without any real threat. "D'ya always get this sweet when you're all wet or is it just the heat talking?"
A soft sound emits when he rubs you nice and slow. There's desperation to your voice, huffing and panting as whine again. "You want my dick, pup? Is that why you keeping whimpering?"
When you pull away to look at Oliver, your eyes are shiny. It's not a face he's seen you make. Your pupils are dilated, drool at the corners of your taut lips - sliding down your feisty canines. He can't help but be surprised. He watches you as you wiggle out of your shorts before turning towards him again, inviting him towards with pure lust and need.
He feels his throat dry up at the gesture. He kind of feels like a freak but it's outweighed by his desire. His voice is weak. "It might hurt if we're not careful."
You huff against his neck and it sounds like saying please. He's more quick to cave to you than he thought.
"Alright, alright - stop growling at me, jeez," He reprimands, though he isn't mad at you. He pulls your leg up, eyes settling between your bodies admiring your cunt in the soft lights. All the hairs shiny and slick from arousal.
He's careful as he's pushing into you. You're right that it was fine - there's less resistance than he's used to. Must be something to do with heats. You mewl against his neck and chest as the tip stretches you, gripping his shoulder as you huff him with need. You like licking him - though you rarely do outside of this. He can't hold back his amusement when your tongue laves over his jaw and all the pointed scruff. Your cheek presses to his as he starts to bottom out.
He pulls back to kiss you as he buries the length of his cock into your tight, wet pussy. You can't help but slobber into his mouth, all messy and dirty. It's so fucking cute. Makes him so hard he's almost ashamed. Almost.
Clinging aside, there's real desperation in the way you seem to need him. When he thinks of how deep you ask for him, he pulls out again much to your dismay - before turning you onto your stomach so you can bury yourself comfortable in the scent of his sheets.
He slips his cock into you against just like that, all the down to the base of his shaft and groans as you clench around him. He can see the drool dampen his pillowcases. The right choice.
He doesn't have much control of his hips after that. Can barely contain himself as your pussy grips onto him for dear life. He's not trying to be mean, really - but for all the shit you like to give him, you're so pliable with his cock in you. Your tail wags and shakes each time he slams his hips and he can't help but tug it. Just to hear you whine some more like a sweet little doggirl ought to.
"Should've done this from the start, huh girl?" He hums it as he bends over you, face close to your pointed ears. "Needy fucking puppycunt needed some attention from it's owner, I get it now. Let's stay on good terms, okay?"
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aesethewitch · 6 months
Personal Protection: Surviving the Holidays
I'm of the opinion that far too many people around this time of year are fucking around, and it's high time they get to the finding out part. With major holidays right around the corner, many of us will be facing relatives we'd rather not see, parties we'd rather not go to, and conversations we'd rather avoid or exit as soon as possible. Political spats, unwanted opinions, snide remarks -- I believe that what you give out, you ought to receive back.
So, obviously, let's do some magic about it.
There are three main components to my method:
The Bubble;
The Quills; and
The Shake
The Bubble
Exactly what it sounds like, "the bubble" is the outermost layer of protection around you. It's the barrier between you and the unpleasantness you're trying to keep out.
The bubble can be one item carried or worn (such as a hat, crystal, or charm), or it can be multiple. I usually spring for two items, one to absorb/recycle and one to bounce/return to sender.
I've got a relative who is, at their essence, a fucking downer. That would be fine if not for the fact that if they're having a bad time or are mildly uncomfortable, it's about to be everyone's problem. This kind of negativity is something to absorb, not bounce. Sending it back would only double their misery, and that's no good for anyone.
So, instead, I have a special charm that I make for occasions when I know they're going to be around. It consists of a little piece of sponge that's sat in salt for a while atop a transformative sigil. The sponge, once fully charged and ready, will absorb the negative energy and recycle it into more positive feelings.
This means that their negativity won't impact me at all, and I actively improve the atmosphere. Their bad attitude can't do anything if everyone around us is only getting good vibes. The charm is powered by the exchange of negative to positive energy, so it requires no charging. However, it's smart to discard the sponge once it's done its job.
But sometimes, somebody's got to face real consequences. There are some things I don't want to deal with at all. Like gross political opinions from my conservative, religious family members. Or questions about having children.
The idea of the bounce is to reflect things before they reach me. It's a sort of glamor spell that projects an aura of "don't bother." It essentially lets me be passed over for conversations I want to leave or avoid entirely by bouncing attention away from me.
Negative energy, bad vibes, whatever you want to call it -- the goal is to return it to where it's coming from. Someone who's being an asshole will feel like an asshole. If it works right, they'll stop talking altogether because they're so irritated with what they're saying. I've had aggressive, vocal relatives go completely silent because they were receiving their own rancid energy back to themselves instead of the attention they were hoping for.
For me, this spell takes the form of a charm on my keys. It's a form of an evil eye charm -- not the blue-eyed stare you most likely think of, but another symbol meant to distract attention from me to it. It's a little pewter casting of the fig sign, an old and obscene gesture. It works on malevolent spirits best, but it does a great job of repelling unfortunate people, too. It bounces their nonsense back to themselves, often causing confusion, which forces them to reconsider what they're saying.
Again, this lives on my keys, which live in a key bowl when they're not clipped to my pocket or belt loop. The key bowl has a multi-purpose charging setup for the keys, my wallet, and other assorted charms I might wear when I go out.
The Quills
Sometimes, things get past our main line of defenses. That's fine, it happens. But under these circumstances, it happens because someone has deliberately crossed a line. So now, they get the quills.
When I say "the quills," you should be picturing something like a porcupine. Adorable, yes, but fuck with it at your own risk. Those quills aren't just for show, and neither should yours be. This is your second line of defense, and it's where we turn to offense.
Accordingly, the quills aren't passive spells like the bubble. These require conscious activation and direction to give you maximum control over their output. You can make your quills passive, but I often find that baneful workings work best when you're specifically choosing to use them.
Yes, baneful, and let me be perfectly clear: The goal is to harm whoever's crossed the line. You're not just returning to sender. You're catching what they've thrown at you, lighting it on fire, and pitching it back at full force.
To that end, there are two approaches I typically take (and are you sensing a pattern? I like to do things in twos). One spell to sharpen the tongue and give as good as I've gotten, and one to induce the smallest of lingering curses on the target.
The whole point of the quills is to make yourself an inconvenient, difficult target. Part of being difficult to swallow is not going down easily. Often, the answer is to avoid the conversation or problem altogether, but it isn't always possible. Or satisfying.
Sometimes, you gotta take a bitch down.
For me, this charm needs to do two things. It should boost my confidence in standing my ground and add some oomph to my argument. I have a pin with a particular design on it charmed for this purpose. The needle operates as the quill for stabbing (the oomph), and the design provides the confidence. Anointed with my Fuck Off Oil and laid in a dish of salt, garlic, and red chili flakes, the pin becomes extra spicy and effective.
This one has to be recharged each time it's used. It always lives on the same jacket, but I'll anoint it regularly to keep it fresh. If I use the charm on someone, I'll take the pin off at the end of the night and set it in the spicy salt mixture.
By far one of the most effective methods for reducing nonsense from unpleasant people I interact with regularly is lingering consequences. When someone associates bad luck with interacting with you, even on a subconscious level, they tend to avoid you.
Consider this the "slow poison" on the quills. The goal isn't to ruin their life by any means (although, I suppose you could...). It's just to make yourself unpalatable on an instinctive level. Think of how poisonous frogs are brightly colored to display that they're, you know, deadly. That's what we're doing here.
I prefer to use something kind of dangerous. Something you can hold onto and point with is best, in my experience. I've used a broken piece of glass, a rusty nail or screw, and various thorns. Right now, I'm using one half of a rusty pair of old cooking shears. The handle broke, but the blades are still sharp as hell. Waste not, and all that.
Anoint whatever the sharp, dangerous thing is in an oil infused with herbs and spices of your choice (again, the Fuck Off Oil is a good example). Or, if you prefer, coat it in something like hot sauce, urine, rust, or other corrosive and unpleasant things. Once prepared, stow it in your bag. Or your glove box, if you drive, since this makes a nice on-the-go curse to cast at shitty drivers.
You don't need to pull it out for it to work, but if you can get to a safe, secluded space (like a bathroom), it can help you focus. When you're creating it, you should set up an activation word, phrase, or motion. I prefer a motion -- something like tapping wherever the object is, a swirling movement with my hand, and then pointing at the target.
The curse you place is up to you. I tend to go for something like feeling nauseous or getting a headache. The spell should draw a connection between them being nasty to you and the unpleasant feeling, whether overt or subconscious. They'll be more cautious and reluctant to be a dick to you afterwards.
The Shake
Like a dog. Get that shit off of yourself.
No matter how thorough you are, there are always gaps and particularly stubborn people getting into them. Something they say just sticks to you like a burr, sharp and irritating. Or depressing, maybe.
The idea behind the shake is literal. You're forcibly removing the heavy weight or annoying itch someone else has placed on you. The shake isn't necessarily an item like with the bubble and quills. It can be, but it doesn't have to be.
Essentially, the steps to the shake are:
Identify what feels bad
Shake that shit
Resume normal activities
Maybe it's the neurodivergent in me, but physical movement is incredibly soothing. Self-regulation tactics are essential for survival. Transforming that into a little spell ritual at the same time is just two birds with one stone.
When things get overwhelming or I can feel my bubble failing to keep everything out at once (such as if a fight breaks out or someone decides to go in depth about one of my triggers), I remove myself from the situation. That's the first step. Retreat to a safe place, whether that's outside, in my car, in the bathroom, or elsewhere that's quiet. The second step is to figure out where in my body the anxiety or bad feeling is sitting. Often, it's in my shoulders and hands, but sometimes it's elsewhere.
Step three is to fucking shake. Shake those hands, roll my shoulders, jump up and down. Whatever it takes. As I do, I'm forcibly dislodging everything unpleasant out of myself and into the open air. And because I've got the negativity-absorbing bubble, it'll take the bad feeling and repurpose it into something more positive. Then, once I'm better, I can go back.
Again, you don't need an object for this, but you can certainly create one. Options would be comforting items, fidget toys, or even something like a joint. Sometimes, you just gotta blow smoke about it. You know?
Fun fact, though: You could also carry a vessel to contain the Bad Feelings for later use instead of letting your bubble absorb them. This comes in handy for people who are particularly abusive... as an example of what you want them to experience under the force of a more involved cursing.
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beescake · 5 months
i forgot what i was going to say oops.
-random dirk fictive in your askbox
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wooeo · 3 months
omg i can’t get over the thought of niki basically following you like a baby duck (like a duck imprinting LMFAOOO) and its so cute 😭😭 like maybe it started in i-land, and (name) doesn’t realize it at first because niki doesn’t make it obvious. but the moment you guys debut, you see him trailing more and more after you. wherever you are, theres a 95% chance niki is already in the vicinity or going to pop up. and the other guys can’t even get mad because!!! the two of you are so cute! even when niki becomes a giant, the sight of him practically tripping over his feet to go after (name) makes everyone melt like and u know there is always edits on how cute the two are 🙏🏻
i got inspired by a show i watch and how the side character died (oops lmfao) but everyone talked about how he basically imprinted on the main characters like a duck and idk 😭😭 it was the duck thing that got to me fr
it did start during iland!! back when his korean wasn't great and you spoke japanese! he (and taki) quickly got attached to you 😭 niki following you around during iland is def something you only pick up on if you rewatch and look for it 🤧 he was 14 and sneaky as hell. he still does it to this day and the boys tease him so bad but they also fawn and coo because it! is! cute! hes like a cat in that sense, following you from room to room but walking away when you actually give him your attention 😭😭 😭 oh the edits !! all of them are so cute! with cute audios and cute clips of niki clinging to you
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i will never get over will's stance here🧍🏻waiting for hannibal to come back home and standing before his dramatic display of a dead randall tier. for a dog man, this is some extreme cat behavior????
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hannibal walking in like oh, a gift for me? did we learn our lesson, will? 😌 did you kill him with your hands? good, did you fantasize it was me the whole time? excellent. now lemme clean you up, dear 😚
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i do wish they would've left the note on randall though!!! it was peak bitchy will behavior and we deserved to see it!!!
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redlegumes · 6 months
Dec 2nd: Came Back Wrong
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles
prompt: Came Back Wrong | AO3: link | wc: 750 | rating: T | cw: none | tags: Steve Harrington has bad parents, found family, Christmas cards, holiday cards, return to sender
Summary: A holiday card marked 'return to sender' and Eddie remind Steve who his family is.
“Looks like one of the cards came back to us babe,” Eddie said, flipping through bills. He handed Steve the battered blue envelope that Steve instantly recognized from their Christmas cards that year.
Steve looked at the neat block lettering the recipient had used to print the words ‘return to sender' above the address, and quickly noticed that the envelope was… altered. It was obvious to Steve that it'd gone through more wear than regular transport could have created.
“Stevie?” Eddie stopped looking through their other mail and set it on the kitchen counter before walking up to Steve. He ran his hands up and down Steve's arms, and began to stare daggers at the offending piece of mail in Steve's hand. “You're a little frozen there. What's wrong?”
Steve cleared his throat to speak, but his own voice still felt a little far away. “It's ‘return to sender,’ but it came back wrong.” 
cont. after the cut
“Uh, looks like a letter sweetheart,” Eddie said. His brow furrowed and Steve caught sight of one eyebrow raising slowly. “Which address was it?”
“Yeah, it- it's just a card,” Steve mumbled, his hands clenched the envelope a little tighter. “It was addressed to my parents.”
Eddie softly asked, “can I see?” Steve didn't respond, or fight when Eddie gently tugged it free from his grip. Instead Steve pictured exactly what was in the envelope. A secular, ‘happy holidays’ card with a blanket sort of sentiment on the front. He and Eddie weren't particularly religious, but they enjoyed the holiday season all the same. The cards they’d chosen that year were blank inside and Steve had spent a long time, not just building a list of recipients but on the letters he wrote out in each one.
The best part of the cards that year were the mall portraits Steve and Eddie ordered. They were in matching red long johns with a Christmas themed background. They even managed to get Lucifer (their three year old tortoise shell cat) and Bird (their mystery mutt) posed with them. Wearing bows. Wrangling the pets into the J.C. Penny photo studio alone had been a feat. Steve normally still chuckled even thinking about it, and Eddie's embellished tale of the event had already come up at multiple holiday parties.
He wondered if the photo would still be inside.
“Ah, I see what you mean now.” Eddie had a grimace on his face as his dexterous fingers turned the envelope over and ran along the top edge. 
Someone had opened the card, and not in an unintentional way. There was no evidence that someone ripped it open, assuming it was a card for them before realizing the mistake and sending it back through the post. No, the envelope had been carefully slit across the top, something one might be able to do with a very sharp letter opener. Steve pictured such a letter opener in detail: being lifted from a wooden, velvet lined box on a desk, the blade sharp, handle heavy, real silver throughout kept free of tarnish.
Eddie practically growled as his nail picked at the single piece of scotch tape that had re-sealed the top edge. “Assholes.” He pulled it off and took out the card, glancing briefly at the careful script Steve had written inside before plucking out their photo. Eddie marched to the fridge where he moved a large souvenir magnet from their California trip to secure it to the front door, centered over the other holiday cards already collaged over the appliance. He hooked Steve’s fingers when he walked back, heading directly to their small home’s fireplace. “We can always use more kindling,” he said, kneeling to nestle the card and envelope between the logs already placed there to light later that day.
Steve nodded, and Eddie took his face in his hands. His calloused grasp was steady, and Steve let himself become absorbed in the hot chocolate brown gaze holding his own. “You made lovely cards this year and our family photo is in the hands of everyone we care about this year. Everyone who loves us sent us cards too.” He kissed Steve’s nose, and sighed. "Are you going to be okay, knowing there was one that came back wrong?”
“I will be,” Steve replied, kissing Eddie on the lips. The kiss was sweet, but Steve also basked in the knowledge he’d built a loving family. One that chose him in return. One that proved, time and time again, what right looked like.
2023 RedLegumes Steddiemas 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 SteddieHolidayDrabbles 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10
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hedge-witchcraft · 9 months
Was thinking back on the best protection/return to sender spell my friend introduced me to and I want to share it with yall.
So this is called a Thunder Stone. No not like the Pokémon thunder stone you can't evolve Eevee's with this shit.
You'll need a couple of things for this.
- a mirror or reflective surface you don't mind destroying
- a big ol' brick or rock
- some strong ass glue
- probably scissors or a hammer too
So! First things first! Smash that mirror into bits. Please for the love of all the Gods don't hurt yourself doing this. If you are a minor and can get supervision for this project great. If you are an adult that needs supervision with sharp things, do that too!
So now that your mirror is in bits you're going to take the big ol' brick or rock you have acquired and you're going to use that strong glue and glue the shards to the brick. Please do not glue your figures together! It is not fun! I've done it with gorilla glue. Mistakes were made.
Remember! Focus on the intent of protection and returning bad energy and ill intent back to sender while you glue shards to your brick.
Once done and dry place your Thunderstone near your front door or in your front garden.
Thank you Terri for being an unhinged southern swamp hag you are bc I will forever remember this.
Have fun and be safe, friends!
- Admin Wicca-wicca-slimshady
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vanilla-cigarillos · 8 months
Return To Sender Spell
This is a spell meant to return baneful magic to its caster, and prevent any future attempt.
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Black candle to represent the original caster
1(+) white candles to represent yourself, or anyone else who has been hit
Coarse salt
Black pepper
Sand (or dirt, or eggshell powder)
Ritual knife, or something to carve the candles
3 bay leaves
Charged water
Cleanse your working space, then cast a circle
Carve on the white candle your name/the names of all impacted. On the black candle, carve the name of the target (ONLY do so if you are 100% sure who sent it back, otherwise leave blank)
Place candles so that the names face themselves
Light the black candle, then the white(s)
Mix in a bowl, your salt, pepper, a pinch of ash, and three pinches of your sand/dirt/eggshell powder
Place the bay leaves between the candles, then add the bowl mix to form a circle around the leaves and candles
Speak aloud "Everything you wished for me will come back to you, may sand burn your eyes at every thought of me, may ash scar your throat at every mention of my name, so be it."
In another bowl, mix ashes with a few drops of charged water and draw your chosen protection sigil on your forehead with it
Let the candles burn, and discard the remnants the next day
Stay safe, lovely witches
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buggtbytez · 22 days
Return to sender by Luluyam is Jason Todd’s theme songs and he listens to it everytime he’s around Bruce
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 days
Yuuta pouts when you don’t call him big brother (especially around your boy friends)
you’re a little old you know? you’re eighteen, a real woman and its embarrassing to call him with the same cutesy honorfics especially not in front of boys you like
but hes so doting, your brother - so gentle it just kind of slips. and he gets a little too excited every time it does
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that-hyperfixation-gal · 11 months
hey my lovelies! how is everyone doing?
well i’ve been doing another rewatch lately (shocker), and came across something i didn’t notice the FIRST TWELVE TIMES. maybe its because i have a degree in media now, who knows.
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so. this shot. from the end of 602. has become my mortal enemy.
whoever the cinematographer was for this episode, boy do i have a bone to pick with you. because while neal and peter are toasting ‘to the future’ the reflection of the inside of peters house is focused on neal ONLY. giving him a translucent and ghost-like appearance. while peters figure is rock solid. foreshadowing much?
god i hate them (affectionate)
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wooeo · 2 months
soooo you remember that ask you got about enha getting jealous with girlie's fanboys/other idols?? yeah *cough* bring out your thoughts *cough*
you're very pretty and everybody knows it. the boys are always running after you when you're out and about, knowing there's always someone right around the corner waiting to talk to you. they're not possessive just protective (and slightly jealous but they're not gonna admit that), especially knowing how shy you can be. they already have to deal with female idols stealing you away during random times but watching male idols make heart eyes at you is another thing entirely. they did once make a circle around you to keep people from looking at you but that made you ignore them for 2 days they groveled. it feels like you always have people cooing at you and making heart eyes, it drives the boys crazy. sometimes they hear about another idol talking about you and pinch your cheeks more than usual to remind themselves you're with them. jake has barked at someone before
also male idols with the biggest crushes on enha girlie : txt beomgyu, skz i.n, cravity minhee + seongmin, e'last yejun, nct jisung, all of riize and you've never given any of them a lick of attention
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freyjapearl · 1 month
I heard someone say, “the more I heal, the more I hate her,” and that really spoke to me.
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myimaginaryradio · 17 days
Return To Sender - Elvis Presley
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seredelgi · 2 years
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Requested: Elvis performing “Return to Sender” in “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962)
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