imwaaal-cyberpunk · 1 year
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Source here
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quasieli · 7 months
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[ID copied from alt text: A digitally drawn GIF of a dark purple hand set against a yellow background, flipping a silver coin quickly between its fingers. The coin has a spoked wagon wheel with a spiraled eye at its center. End description.]
Just another fun lil animation, this time of our good rogue friend Z'ress flipping a coin!
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Sanjulian - Der Sichelmörder von Cottbus (The Sickle Murderer from Cottbus)
cover art for Mark Hellmann Dämonenjäger #18, 1998
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icarrymany · 2 months
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u know who hes looking at in this picture right?????
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chimaerakitten · 6 months
Temeraire body horror magic AU you say? 👀👀👀
oooh that one's fun 😆 it sort of grew out of the whole thing where the corps keeps a lot of secrets, some of them more guarded than others. I was wanting to do some magic stuff anyway and was like, what if there was something else thats both extra secret and another reason that aviators don't mix with polite society.
this is also one of the ideas on the list that I actually managed to write a tiny bit for:
"Pray," Laurence said, faltering. He mastered himself and finished in a sharper tone than was appropriate, "explain your meaning." Harcourt and Berkley both blinked at him in silence a moment before Harcourt exclaimed, "Oh, I knew we'd forgotten something!" Having posed the question once, Laurence couldn't very well demand answers again, but luckily Berkley had mercy. Sounding a little strange, he said, "See, having a beast...it rather changes a fellow. More than ah, having a boat in the navy might." Seeing the look on Laurence's face at his calling ships of the line boats and misreading its cause, Berkley rushed on to say. "Not that promotion in other services don't bring changes, mind, only—" Harcourt came to his rescue. "Only, it's rather more literal, with a dragon." And so saying, she loosened her neckcloth, and entirely insensible to Laurence's startled protest tugged her collar open to show him a neat line of bright orange scales running along her collarbone.
the fridge body horror part is that it's a somewhat unpredictable and progressive condition. Aviators tend to die young so for most captains it's not really a problem to have a patch of scales here and there or a sharp tooth or two. Kind of a badge of honor actually. But ah, aviators who live long enough to retire tend to gain reputations as recluses for...reasons.
there's not a lot going on thats overtly magical outside of that but I've got another idea for an AU thats like, "magic is a Known Thing thats illegal for most people but the corps has a dispensation since dragons won't hatch without a sufficient quantity of magic around and the options are either let a bunch of other dragons take the eggs to magical locations (not so great for being able to harness the hatchling) or let the potential captains dabble in magic." That AU may fizzle out or combine with this one or split off into its own thing, I haven't decided yet.
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hanjoj · 1 year
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 8 months
Me in the mirror looking at my beautiful self knowing I'm the most ugliest mf known to man (people tell me I'm pretty out of pity)
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charamuscadmango · 3 months
What kind of abilities do you think the jashlings would have as DST characters?
 So about individual abilities:
Heart would have a big advantage at night, because he’s already mostly blind and wears the blindfold most of the time he’s already used to the dark, so he would lose sanity a bit slower than others and also would have no problem picking up things in the dark. He would have higher health than most characters but it’s compensated by lower sanity. 
Mind,since she has mechanical hands, wouldn't take damage if she picks up a burning/smoldering object. She would have higher sanity than most characters but it’s compensated by lower health.
Soul  has average stats (loser), he's a bit faster than others but only at dusk, there’s also their trident (I’ll get to that in a bit).
I also thought about each of them having their own individual items they can craft 
So Mind’s would be her crown, which would be crafted with rocks, boulders and gold (I was thinking marble too but it’s a bit harder to obtain that the other minerals I mentioned so idk.) It would essentially have as much durability (8 days) and sanity boost as a top hat (so +3.33/min), it would also give her a speed boost during the day but would make her attacks weaker, at dusk and night she would just walk normally. The crown only gives said benefits to Mind, if any other character wears it their sanity would decrease.
Heart would have his blindfold which would be crafted with silk, petals and grass (or reeds) and like Mind’s crown it will increase his sanity (about +2/min)  and have as much durability as the garland (6 days), the difference is he will lose sanity if it’s not being worn during the day, he’s fine without it at night and dusk, he would only lose a bit less sanity than other characters like I mentioned,regardless if he’s wearing the blindfold or not. His blindfold would also make his attacks stronger at night. It only works on Heart too, if any other character wore it they would decrease their sanity.
Soul would have his trident which would be the hardest item to craft out of the 3 since they would need boulders, marble and gold (not super hard to find materials but would probably take a while to obtain enough of all of them), it would be used as a weapon and it would would deal about as much damage as a tentacle spike (so 51 damage per hit.) The advantage of it is that at dusk whatever he attacks with their trident will get Soul’s sanity to increase, if they attack anything with it at night or during the day it will decrease  their sanity. If he manages to get a red gem he can put it in the trident and the attacks would be even stronger, but so would be the sanity aura of it. And like the other two only they (Soul) can use the trident, if any other character tries to pick up the trident it would decrease their sanity significantly (even more than the blindfold or crown). In addition Heart's and Mind’s sanity will decrease if they’re near Soul while he's using the trident.
I also think it would be cool if each of their items could only be crafted at specific times, Heart’s blindfold at night, Mind’s crown during the day and Soul’s trident at dusk.
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airlockfailure · 2 days
Last Line Challenge
The rules are post the last line you have written (or drawn) and then tag the same number of people as there are words.
I was tagged by @marbled-polecat and @cacodaemonia!! Thank you n-n Line is from chapter 23 of Sanguis Et Passio, which should post tomorrow. It's a shorter chapter.
Toast could easily snap the cuffs trapping his hands behind his back.  If he wanted.
I recently did one of these, so no tags today. n-n
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pissbuddys · 3 months
thinking abt m4tthias cz3rnin again and like, how his parents probably hardcore stopped paying attention to his needs when they started caring about l0uis instead. and how his bathroom needs were probably ignored which caused frequent accidents where hed just get yelled at and forced to deal with on his own
and maybe when he arrives at the manor he acquires friends and maybe even a partner and hes surprised cause for the first time in ever he has people who care about him and help show him to the toilet or help comfort him and clean him when he has accidents and hes just so moved and slightly overwhelmed cause he forgot what it is like to be cared for
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squoobest · 1 month
there's an ice cream truck outside. i can hear its siren song
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quasieli · 1 year
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[ID copied from alt text: A full body digital drawing of Vere (she/her), a NPC from my D&D campaign, set against a start blue and purple background. Vere is a young, thin, red tiefling with vitiligo-like patches of peach. She has long curly dark pink hair in two low buns. She is wearing a pink harness with chains going across the chest over a black t-shirt, full length black gloves that cover her middle and ring fingers, a long patterned pink skirt, a pink bow tied to her tail and black shoes with hot pink soles. She is posed as if jumping in the air, one knee held high, mid-stride. Her left hand is held up in a peace sign, showing that her pointer finger is partially bone. In front of her, she is holding up her giant scythe with a purple-pink sheen on the blade and a large pink and black human skull on the top of the shaft. End description.]
I'm calling this
✨️✨️✨️Magical Girl Grim Reaper✨️✨️✨️
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skoulsons · 1 year
He knew she’d take him back. He knew she would. “So don’t tell me that I would be safer with someone else, because the truth is I would just be more scared.” He knew she’d choose him. “I wanted to give you a choice” but there was no choice. It was set in stone. She’d choose him, every time. And he knows that. And he wanted her to. He got up dawn, maybe even before. Maybe he didn’t sleep at all. And he went there on purpose to be there before them so they’d see each other. So he could get her back. So she could get him back.
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harmonyverendez · 4 months
Ugh, Stomach Virus isn't a joke. I hate this. :(
No updates until I feel better.
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rummageraccoon · 2 months
My boyfriend came up with an alternative to girly-pop…
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
Me knowing FULL WELL I don’t have $1000 for a cello: but what if 👀
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