dvmbgvtz · 8 months
guys please. look at him im SOBBING
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 years
hate to be that guy again (im always That Guy at this point) but hell’s coming with me by poor man’s poison. is a galloper thompson song
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Coming to conclusions and realizations
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rinravenkeep · 5 months
The Trees are part of the Squid's Plan! (major main quest spoilers)
After spending way too long playing through the new quests in SSO, I've come up with a theory. A real long theory. That the Life Wardens are siding with both Dark Riders and Soul Riders in order to repair the Wild Weave and reconnect with one another, inadvertently helping the Dark Riders to free Garnok.
Lemme explain.
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This is the map in the Fort Maria portal room. It shows the seven major Life Wardens that we know of, but it also gives us some clues about the story going forwards.
First, the obvious.
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Yeah, there's no way that little illustration in the corner is anything but Ol' Squiddy's Tentacles. But we knew he was imprisoned between worlds, in neither Pandoria nor Jorvik - so finding out he's been chilling in the Wild Weave, or a location only accessible by it, makes sense.
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Next, when it comes to putting a name to each of these trees I think most are fairly self explanatory. We've known about most of these trees for years, even if they've never been a part of the story, such as with the Ice Tree by the Stonecutter's Vault in Dino Valley, and the Unnamed Tree way up near where you finish the Red String Trail in the Firgrove Mountains.
Where it gets interesting is with the two trees I couldn't place; such as the one between the Sentinel Tree in Mistfall and the Ice Tree in Dino Valley; and the one on the far left, signified by floating islands.
In my mind it makes sense to have a couple of the trees sprouting in Pandoria, since the two worlds are connected by the tree roots - and the only floating rocks I know about are in Pandoria - but who knows.
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Overlaying the normal map on top of these locations makes it pretty clear that they're supposed to correspond to real map locations. The only anomaly is the Ice Tree and Sentinel Tree, whose positions are reversed on the portal map.
What's interesting is that Garnok, if I'm following the map's logic correctly, would hold exactly the same positioning as the Dark Core Oil Rig.
(For context, we know the Rig's position from old skybox errors that used to show it when stood in the right spots, some maps from the books (which I know aren't always canon anymore, but hey it's the best we've got) and, most recently, if the player looks South when entering Devil's Gap, thanks to that little black hole we helped Sunshine open up recently.)
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Where am I going with all this? Okay!
Firstly, we know that the trees have helped the Dark Riders in the past. The Life Wardens have repeatedly said the only loyalty they have is to each other, and quite frankly after what the Jarl did, who can blame them. (Thanks Jon).
This is going into massive spoiler territory for the most recent quest as of 17/1/24 so if you haven't completed it yet, flee.
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The Sentinel Tree in the Wildwoods has been corrupted by Pandorian magic for a while now. But in the newest quest, we saw Sabine using the Runesmasher to break into it and create a portal to free Erissa.
Side tangent about the hammer:
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For those who didn't play the Halloween quests, basically one of the Jarl's servants got the ice valley smith to make a hammer that could destroy runestones, broke one open, and a Vala witch gave him immortality. Aka. Sive (or an identical Vala witch), who is deeply connected with the Life Wardens and who probably gave Sabine the hammer when we saw her in Devil's Gap, has no problem with this action.
The Life Wardens, or at the very least Sive, their ally, wanted the portal opened and Erissa freed.
To re-grow the Wild Weave.
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Assuming Garnok's position on my map was correct, the only way the Dark Riders now have to free him is to go directly through the Wild Weave.
And since we're good people who like nature... yeahhh the Soul Riders are totally going to end up healing some trees and inadvertently opening the path to Garnok wide open.
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Oh yeah. We're going to mess up royally.
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echantedtoon · 17 days
Ocean Deep Ch8 An Unexpected Chain Of Events
(Warnings: Rengoku is in REALLY BAD shape with wounds, blood/possible blood loss, and a few giant fish hooks embedded in him. Mentioning of blood. Mentioning of attempted kidnapping. Mentions of Rengokus poisonous barbs. yn has to do CPR on Rengoku.
If you need a refresher on the mer cast-
Suma: (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish mer
Hinatsuru: Strawberry Peacock Cichlid mer
Makio: Golden Dragon Koi mer
Kyojuro Rengoku: Lionfish mer(you can follow the link below and see what he looks like there.)
If I don't describe CPR accurately I apologize. I looked instructions up on YouTube to get as accurate of a scene as I could.)
Tags: @shadyd3ar @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan
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The day was beautiful this morning.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature.
That was what your normal morning would've been on your day off. When you woke up at a reasonable time and woke up at a normal time. However this wasn't your normal morning. Now was it?
The wind felt nice against your skin as you walked along the dirt road and towards the pathway where the river lied. It was pretty early in the morning too. Two maybe three o'clock. A yawn bubbled up the woman's throat and made it out as a hand instinctively went to cover her mouth. Usually you would fear going outside anytime during the night but desperate times called for desperate measures. You were running out of food. All these scraps would only go so far before someone got the idea to start charging you money for that too or by the ways things were going, soon there wouldn't even be any scraps left for you to be handed. Your only hope right now was to rely on old scraps and providing the food yourself. Under the covers of darkness to avoid any suspicion.
Your door had opened quietly and you stepped out of your house and into the quiet, barren streets. The moonlight shining down and kissing your form. A shiver running down your spine from a warm breeze ghosting over your form. It would be a good night to fish. The door closed softly as you started walking towards the woods outside the town, fishing line curled up within your right hand. The moon shown down upon the forests illuminating the night bright enough for you to see and watch as the trees swayed im the warm breezes and hear the peaceful rustling of their leaves and lullabies of the crickets. It was just so beautiful and lively. You always loved doing this. Not when it was dark and scary however. It was more beautiful in the daytime. 
The sweet smells of flowers and grass were encouraging your lungs. Combined with the warmth of the summer air warming your muscles and urging them on. Both made you feel as light as a feather on your mere feet and the ground felt soft under you. It would've been nice if you weren't constantly looking side to side at every shadow that danced in the limited moonlight thanks to the grey clouds looming overhead. Step after step. Faster and faster. You fearfully started to speed walk through the pathways and around a corner of a house as soft dirt pathways turned into grassy floors of forests as you excitedly entered the beckoning woods. The moonlight being blocked out a bit because of the swaying trees and branches and clouds but you could still see perfectly fine. The river sso many people liked to fish at during summer wasn't too far from where you entered. It was just nearly a quarter of a mile into the woods. You loved coming out during these warm months and enjoying the view but ever since the disappearances -...You kept your distance. The way you found the river was walking through a bush and having to blink when a flurry of sparkling lights glared your eyes for a second.
Blinking your eyes adjusted to the beautiful and wonderful sight of a dark beautiful river reflecting the moon on its surface and sparkling as if the reflection had its own stars and consolations within its ripples. Completely untouched and waiting for you to touch its soft silence. Soft footsteps approached the gleaming water and a carbon copy of a woman appeared in the gleaming reflections. She stared up at the original mirroring the actions of the woman above. The woman's fiddled with her line and the small contacts she brought along with her. A hook with a big, juicy worm stabbed on the end of it dangled over the woman in the dark reflection before dropping into the water and rippling the reflection woman away back into the darkness of the waters.
Shaking hands fed the line lower and lower into the blackened waters. F/c eyes darting around the area. Every creaking branch. Every swaying bush. Every tall blade of grass. They all could hide a monster ready to carry you off to be their next meal. Next Bride. Next victim. The fast paced breathing was only matched by the beating of your heart in your chest. 
This was where those three girls disappeared last year, and near where the fourth girl disappeared. 
It was a stupid, STUPID idea!! ...But were you really just going to let your friends go hungry? No. No you weren't going to let that happen. The responsibility of their survival was solely on you for the moment. With a shaky inhale the woman returned to her work. Feeding the line into the wide river's darkened waters before kneeling down to sit upon the side of the water. Trembling. Nothing but the wind and cold for company. 
Rippling, rippling water. Sparkling mirrorer of the stars and moon. Swaying lazily with the flowing currents and keeping in time with the bobbing line of life keeping it tethered to the above world. With a lazed fortune in mind for the woman, a pull tugged onto the line and it was enough for her to pull up a feast big enough for a small person for a day.
You frowned as you gazed at the small catfish wriggling on the end of the line. This wasn't as big as you hoped. It was enough for a small human like you to have for lunch but that's about it. It wouldn't fill up a mermaid for an entire day! But..you couldn't afford to throw it back. A fish was a fish. And you'd have to get more. The line was thrown back in once again sinking back into the only black abyss of the waters. You sat there gazing at the blackness around you with nothing but the flopping fish for company. Every sound was amplified as in the silence made them louder. You shouldn't be here in the woods. You should be at home in your comfy bed asleep and waking up to a good morning where you'd make yourself breakfast before cleaning a little bit and then relaxing on your day off. But no. Here you were in the same forest where four girls disappeared just last summer fishing in the middle of the night just to feed three mermaids that you never really asked for with your poor town suffering the consequences. 
You should've headed the old tales-
The sweet sunlight kisses the world good bye as the sun set on the world. Wishing it good bye to make way for the cruel night that way ahead. Bathing the world in darkness tinted in white by his sister the moon as she dawned her best war paint and climbed higher into the darkened sky to claim her rightful place as Queen of the dark realm. That readd a sign to all her dark children that tonight would be the night for mischief and mayhem. Danger and chaos.
Death and undead.
Beware the full moon that comes to rise in the sky.
Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world.
Beware of those who seek out their own entertainment.
So lock your doors up tight when the full moon appears. Barricade all your windows. Block up any chimneys. Hide away in your deepest closest. Arm yourself with your finest weapons. Speak not a word and be silent. Sleep not a wink and keep alert for they will all spirit you away.
Mischievous fae. Blood thirsty vampires. Carnivorous werewolves. Fire breathing dragons. Scheming demons. And so many more.
Those who refuse to heed the warnings are fated to die to be spirited away never to be seen again. So hide away and don't make a sound. Never answer the door no matter what. And above all else be weary.
You jumped as a thunderclap in the distance overhead echoed throughout the sky. Your head looked up instinctively and stared at the still lit up sky and the dark grey storm clouds that scattered across it like some shattered jigsaw puzzle. The sight of it worried you making a frown appear on your perfectly spooked face. The chilly wind blowing over your body once again as you shivered. 
You were tired. Exhausted even as the night went on. Darkened shadows filled the skies with darkness blocking out the light as your catch slowly grew. One by one. Until you jumped as a giant crash of thunder rolled along the sky making you jump and look towards the sky of darkness. You deemed it time to go then. Quickly pulling in your line up and gathering your fish, another clash of thunder made you jump. The wind picked up hammering branches against each other. Yep. Time to go! You just threw the string of fish over your shoulder when- 
You froze when you heard it. A distant cry of the Water's surface breaking just a few feet away from you to the right as you turned your head. The sounds of something coming from the other sides of the bushes. You couldn't move. Couldn't speak. As fear gripped your neck tightly and your eyes stared at the cold wind blowing the bushes around. The mud squelches and splashing sounded..BIG. POWERFUL...But also-
T H U D- ! ! !
You jumped as SOMETHING BIG. Collapsed.
You still didn't move. Panicking internally. What were you supposed to do?! Get your neighbors?! You wanted to go back...but what if it was someone who did need help? Or what if it was a wild animal? WHAT IF IT WAS A CREATURE GETTING READY TO CARRY YOU AWAY NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN?!...Ok. maybe not. Calm down. It was just.. probably just a wild animal! Yeah! It was probably injured or something! In which case you better leave anyways. ...Buuuut if it WAS an injured animal like a deer then maybe you could just use it for food! You guessed it didn't hurt to just take a quick look. Right? Slowly you stopped and looked back towards the bush. Your bare feet touching the ground gently and quietly enough to not make yourself known.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly stopping right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air.
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise.
Right there lying right in front of your face. How-...How did this happen?! Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on the riverbank! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murder-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood with a gash on his back. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still alive..you had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head. It was then that you again stopped dead in your tracks both shocked and horrified as the clouds overhead parted enough to allow more moonlight to light up the area truly revealing who or more accurately WHAT was laid in front of you 
A pale torso of blood covered skin sank down into the mud. Skin slowly melted away into fiery orange and red scales smooth and polished like that of a snake..Or fish. A giant tail full of fins sank deeply into the muddy bank before disappearing under the waves of the water that lazily hugged his body. F/c eyes widened to the size of plates.
..No. wait-
Your eyes narrowed more in the darkness. A mer-..Man???
It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long blonde hair that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself instead of being washed ashore by the river currents. But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long strands covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you. You nearly jumped back at what you saw.
"Oh my gods."
A fish hook was just mere inches from his face. One of those thick metal ones that they used to catch tuna, small sharks, and other large fish. You immediately grabbed it pulling it safely away from him. What was this doing here?! A few more centimeters and it could've handed his face if he chose to move, splayed out on the cold unforgivable ground unmoving. His right eye exposed from pulling his hair back was closed obviously either unconscious or dead, and read streaks ran down his face in water dripping patterns from a cut on his forehead. However...that wasn't the strangest bit. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warmth across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping. His body was still warm!!
The hook was thrown aside along with the line of fish you caught thudding into the wet ground. Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. Definitely bigger than the gash along his back. And there was a third smaller gash along his right collar bone ending near his bicep. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? Wha-..What happened to him?! What caused him to get like this?! Thick broken strands of what looked like broken strands of rope was laid out all over his body, curiously you grabbed a piece and pulled it off him. What used to be a net maybe? You continued pulling it all off of him the hardest part having to walk into the river a bit and slide it down his tail in order to slip it off his tail. So much for a dry dress. The ropes were thrown aside and wet squelch sounded as you pulled up the hem of your now soaked dress to go kneel by his head.
It provided you a better look despite the limited moon light. You could get a better look at his injuries noting there was more than you expected. More BLOOD than you expected. It seemed most on his head came from either his mouth or from the cut on his forehead. There was also more cuts on his tail, but thankfully none of them looked very deep or if they were they weren't bleeding which was also good. But you also noticed something else. Something else very important about him. 
He was also wearing jewelry.
A thick gold chain was around his waist like a belt almost. His ears were pierced with a few small gold earrings that you only noticed thanks to the moonlight making them shine. Some kind of golden bands were wrapped around his left forearm, and finally a few rings were on his fingers. OOOH boy. Your eyes widened when you saw them. They were studded with big diamonds and other precious jewels. Whoever this man-..merman was, it was obvious he had access to some kind of wealth. Taking a closer look..He also was very handsome under all of the dread. Briefly your panicked mind wondered if all mermaids were like this or if it was just the ones you came across.
You reached out to touch it his neck for a pulse. F/c eyes smoothed over the body still wet and warm from the turbulent journey down the river. However the water droplets dripping down the body was expected, as was the smears of crimson blood from the injuries. What was not expected was the lack of movement coming from his chest. The woman froze again upon blankly staring down at the unmoving chest as a horrible reality was finalized right then and there. 
The horrible realization struck her as hard and quick as lightning made out of bricks. Her breathing hit he'd as her knees dropped next to his chest. Hands raised shaking and panicked as she stared panicked at the bloody body..Quickly the woman's hands reached out to shakingly pat at his cheeks.
"Please wake up. Pl-Please wake up!"
Unresponsive. Eyes remained closed silently drifting away from the world as peacefully and slowly as a leaf flowing down the pond. The woman above only being a distant audience- Until she refused the reaper his claim that day. 
Hands pushed themselves onto the unmoving chest. Hands interlocking. Arms stiff. And then the first of many pushes down. 
"Wake up!"
Sweat beaded from your forehead as you rapidly delivered a series of pushes down until you reached to the count of thirty in your mind. Stopping abruptly and grabbing his head. Nose pinched, head tilted back slightly, and not hesitating to place your mouth on his to deliver breaths. Sweat coated your face as you continued the cycle. 
Rapid pushes.
"Come on. Come on."
More breaths.
"Fight it!"
Rapid pushes.
Tears helped up in your eyes. A sob nearly escaping. The darkness and distant thunder overhead mocking your attempts at what seemed to be a lost cause. Gleeful in your failing. A shaking added to the woman as she went to quickly place her mouth back onto his- and then he choked.
The movement of him against you caught you so off guard that you actually tumbled backwards out of fright, the mud making a loud splat sound as you fell into it. If the dress wasn't ruined before it certainly was now. However that was the farthest thing from your mind as the body convulsed with coughs escaping the mouth- Two hands grabbed him by the shoulder as you heaved with a loud grunt to pull him onto his side. 
"That's it. Good. Good." A hand gently rubbed his back as you held him there. A gasping choking sound like a drowning man finally getting to land. "You're doing great. Keep breathing."
HE WAS ALIVE. HE WAS BREATHING!! He was still not in good shape but he wasn't dead! Thank the gods! The gasping choking sounds continued for a little bit making you wince as you watched him. His mouth hung wide open exposing a few fangs you wearily eyed. The girls had fangs too but his were much more sharp and pointy. His eyes squeezed shut and his brows tightly furrowed as he gasped and every so while spat. Until eventually his head laid upon the ground exhausted. Chest rising and falling deeply. 
For a moment there was nothing.
The sounds of creaking branches, wind, and heavy breathing were the only things heard besides the distant sounds of thunder in the ever darkening skies. Nothing but you staring at him in this point frozen in time as a hand encouraging rubbed at his back.
Then ever so slowly his eyes opened.
You froze when you first saw the whites of those eyes. At first they were confused blinking the blurry vision away only to be greeted by the darkness. A moment of longingly staring ensued, until the eye turned to stare up at you. You froze at the unusual eyeball staring at you. It was unlike anything you've ever seen. His pupil instead of the usual black was a pure white surrounded by a ring of red that was in turn surrounded by a secondary ring of orange. It made contact with your f/c irises and stopped there before widening in surprise. Your face stained in crimson red and mud brown. There was nothing but the tense breathing for ten seconds before the entire face slowly turned to you. The wet hair cling to his face, semi stained by the blood, and mud smeared on other parts of his body that wasn't already caked in water and/or blood. He just ..Laid there. Staring up at you. Right in the eyes. As if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His fire like eyes stared at your eyes then looked down at the lower half of your face and the crimson smear. It looked like he's seen a ghost. 
You jumped back as his arm moved, pulling your hands away from his body and leaning back. Eyes wide as the limb shook enough to be mistaken for a frightened worm. You flinched. Was he going to attack you?! Drag you down into the water?! Drown you?! You were going to die and for what?! Helping him?! Your eyes clenched shut awaiting your fate!
A shaking hand reached up and-!!! Gently touched his mouth in bewilderment. 
"....Did you ju-just k-k-kiss me?"
You lowered your arms slowly. Even more slowly as the most hoarse man's voice you ever heard came from the merman. You stared at him wide eyed as he stared up at you. "....W-What?"
"Ma'am, I am hu-humb-b-bly flattered-" He was BARELY able to hold up a badly shaking hand. "-bu-but I am a h-..*cough cough* ha-happly mmmarried man."
You stared at him blankly for the longest time just staring. His voice sounded like he desperately needed a glass of water for a dry throat. ".......SAY WHAT?!"
"I u-understand that I happen to b-be a- about b-but I as-sure you that I am l-like..Super married. *Cough cough cough*" He coughed a few times covering his mouth as you still stared shocked.
"I-I didn't kiss you!!," you squealed out horrified. "I was admitted CPR!!"
"I-Is that W-What humans do to court?"
"Wha- NO!! YOU WEREN'T BREATHING!!", You shouted at him red creeping up onto your face. "IT'S A MEDICAL TECHNIQUE!!"
He slowly blinked at you.. before speaking. "Oh. Well t-that is more sense. *Cough cough*"
You ignored the red in your face. "Just..Who are you?"
"I-I could be ask-asking you the same thing. W-What is a hu-human girl *cough* d-doing here?"
"Night fishing. Are you feeling ok?" You hesitantly raised your hands towards his body but stopped shortly of touching him.
"Not at all! I'm in incredible pain!," he shouted in a raspy voice making you wince at the volume.
"SSSHHH!! Keep your voice down!," you whisper shouted at him looking around the darkness. Who knows who..or WHAT could hear him?! "Is there anyone nearby who can help you? O-Or maybe family?"
"Nope! But i-if you help pu-push me back into t-t-the river then I might be *cough* a-able to get back!"
"... Can't you not move with your injuries?"
You again just stared at his face..then at his body..then back to his face. Oh no. NO! Nonononono!! This could NOT be happening to you! Not now! Not again! You couldn't get further involved into this! 
"Is there anywhere you can go for help?"
"N-Not around here."
You should walk away now. You had already did your good deed. He was alive and he could take care of himself! You shouldn't be getting anymore involved. In fact you even stood up and turned making him blink from where he laid in the mud-..Mud. You turned back around. He was weakly and pathetically staring at you from the mud like a piece of junk to be discarded. Helpless. Unable to find for himself. If a wild animal like a bear or wolf didn't get to him first then someone else could find him and..Who knew what could happen to him? And that's only considering if he didn't die from his injuries first. ..He breathed heavy and turned his head upwards as two feet stopped in front of his head. You looked back down at him. A crash of thunder illuminated each other's faces.
"Just out of curiosity, do you know what a piggy back ride is?"
The house was silent. Nothing but the thunder overhead and the wind scratching against the window and the raindrops beating against the rooftop as the sun still stayed hidden for another hour or so. 
T H U D-!!
The door flew open, hitting the fair wall behind it causing a loud thud to ring out throughout the otherwise silent house. 
You pulled yourself into the house slowly step after slow step. Into your home until you collapsed onto the floor. A series of thumps and thuds rang out as bodies and objects fell. You fell exhausted onto your side breathing in and out gasping for air like a drowning man. Her body felt somewhere between numb and in pain, especially her back. Her entire body soaked to the bone because of the pouring rain and she was still covered in mud and blood. Only now she was soaked too. Only good thing about this was that no one would be outside to see her. Seriously. Why did mermaids have to be so darn HEAVIER than they look?! A large hand reached out to gently grab your shoulder. Still gasping for air, you opened your eyes to stare at the merman collapsed onto the floor next to you. Despite his condition being much worse than yours, he still looked concerned for you.
"Ma'am, are you alright?"
A crack of lightning rang out allowing you to briefly see his face better in the dark. You waved him off way plopping with a wet smack sound onto your stomach and weakly rising up to your hands and knees. You had to close the door. The rain still poured outside in the dark hours of the morning as you weakly crawled to the doorway, giving a weak but worried look around, and then closed the door before collapsing onto the wooden frame. The mermaid watched you carefully with a worried but curious.look on his face. 
"My apologies!"
You weakly waved him off again just catching your breath. Man. Your back was killing you. Even the other three weren't this heavy. Speaking of which ..How the hell were they going to react when they saw you bring a complete stranger back with you? You really were insane for doing all of this.
The merman gave a look around from where he awkwardly lay down. "..Your abode looks highly warm. But how are you supposed to raise guppies here?"
Suma's voice echoed throughout the home only drowned out by the storm and you tiredly lifted your head up. However you weren't the only one that froze when hearing the voice. The merman had frozen stone cold at the voice.
"Y/N?! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!! YYYYYYY/NNNNN!!!", Suma continued calling when you didn't answer her right away. 
He. FLIPPED. Literally. He flipped around landing on his stomach startling you by his sudden action. Hissing, pushing himself up onto weakened shaky arms as he stared down the way towards your bathhouse. 
Silence rang out other than the rain and a crash of thunder shaking the windows once more.
"... Kyojuro?!," one of the girls called back however you were so shocked by what was happening you didn't register who it was.
Recognition flashes across the man's face. Shaking breath rattling his chest mouth agape in those breaths. 
Fwap- "Gah!?" 
You toppled over as the end of his burly tail slapped into your. Desperation. Hesitation. Adrenaline. All pumped through the veins. Come here. Go. His mind told him. Claw after desperate claw again perfectly clean wooden floors as he raced . Mind reeling with the knowing NEED to be closer to the warmth his heart was attracted to. 
"Hey! Come back! Your wounds will get worse!," you called out to him as he desperately clawed away at a pace faster than you thought possible.
Despite your screaming muscles, you forced yourself to stand up and quickly walk after him as his form disappeared down the hallway. You turned the corner and looked down said hallway just as the man was clawing the bottom of your door with hissing desperation like a wolf frustratedly digging after a rabbit hole. Eventually he got it open pushing the door aside with a grunt and just-..Stopping. staring wide eyed into the bathroom. After about five minutes you slowly began walking down the hallway while keeping close to the wall just in case. The silence continued until the man's head raised higher. Tears starting to whelp up in them- Before without even a warning he just as quickly clawed his way into the room making you again pause.. Before quickly approaching. What was going on?! What if he hurt them?!
However when you hit to the doorway, you paused. In shock of what you saw on the other side. 
"Kyo!! Kyo!!" Suma called out for him crying historically as she held out her arms to him.
It's ok! He was here! He was coming!
Desperately and desired needs to be close. The desperation was met with open arms as you watched the three desperately crying mermaids clawing desperately at him. At first you were scared that they were attacking him by the way Hinatsuru just wrapped herself around his neck and the other two grabbed his sides and PULLED. Making them all tumble back and into the water, a giant splash noise resonating throughout the room as water sloshed over the sides and droplets rained everywhere.
Footsteps approached the tub as you leaned over the side. She might've been crushed under his weight..You stopped. You blinked. You stared down at the scene before your eyes. Two emotions hit you. Absolute confusion and fluster as your face went red seeing Hinatsuru and the merman in the middle of.. Passionately kissing.
The kiss was deep but passionate, like lovers who've been apart for years. He held her so close to him as she gripped his cheeks. Both had tears streaming down their faces before a long held back sob escaped the pink mermaids throat and made them break a kiss only for Makio to take her place latching onto him to kiss him over and over and over for what seemed like eternity. Suma cried loudly as she desperately cling to his back, curled up and tears smearing the mud stain on his shoulder.
"NEVER!!" He shouted. Hugging two crying warmth givers to himself. "Never, never, never again." He repeated that mantra. Their warmth satisfying a deep hole made in his chest finally being filled again. "It's been so long..I'm never  letting you go again."
A shadow fell over them all as you stared bewildered. "..Just who are you?"
"... Apologies." He didn't look up. Didn't care. "I am called Kyojuro. You may back away now."
There wasn't really an answer until Suma looked at you, blinked, and then shrieked. "Y/N'S BLEEDING!!"
Uh oh.
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22degreehalo · 2 months
The more I think about it the more I'm just. obsessed with aroace Yuno!!!!
Like c'mon... 'The wanted wanting the wanter /isn't that just too perfect?' She's not doing this compensated dating because she needs the money or has any huge past trauma, there's something else attracting her: it's that normal relationships feel so fake and dishonest (meanwhile even if her clients get feelings for her, it's not her fault because she was upfront that this is a transactional thing) and with these types she can have full control of what goes on and when and where and why!!!
Which is Also making me think of. Complicated slightly fucked up Yuno+Kazui friendship.
And FIRST OF ALL I'm. very new to this fandom and haven't read Most of the drama CDs hahahaha so this is just my first impression BUT
so she approaches him early (i have no idea if any of this is canon im sso sorry this is just what I want. right now.) because guys like him are common clients (either bc they're divorced and lonely or want to feel young again or whatever) but he's just easygoing abt it but Firm No. ('I'm old enough to be your father.' 'Haha, yeah? Isn't that the point?') And genuinely doesn't seem interested which is kinda annoying but whatever.
So she kinda tries or or two approaches with him, like playing the more sexy role of her second MV, but still he's not giving Anything back At All, and honestly it's weird that she's even trying this hard? Normally it's the other way around??? Like it's not like he can even pay her in here so.
She stews a bit and wonders if she does genuinely have feelings for him finally which'd be both annoying and a relief, and honestly it just Fits that that'd be how these things go lmao that she finally has real legit feelings for a guy with no interest in her. (And Mahiru is probably super excited about it bc this is early when she's still perky and happy and wanting to push them together.)
Maybe at some point Kazui does admit that he feels lonely without someone physically there with him to touch and be close to. So Yuno finally gets him to lie in her lap or vice versa or whatever. But it feels sorta weird. And he gets a bit somber. And wonders aloud if this is what it would've been like to have a daughter.
And she just. Gets up and leaves.
She's had guys say stuff like that before. Sometimes cause they pitied her and wanted to 'save her', which was frustrating, and she'd cut them off immediately. Usually because it was some kinda fucked-up incest roleplay, which she enjoyed; more than most roleplays, actually. The sweet lovey-dovey rps are okay but kinda false and make her feel weirdly guilty; the more messed up ones, she can relax in. Fucked up familial relationships, fucked up romantic relationships: what's the difference?
But Kazui actually meant it. No ulterior sexual or compassionate motives.
She apologises later saying that it's because they never hashed out their red flags or what the scene would be about, but she's the professional here and she didn't make sure that happened so it's her bad. And he just seems to accept that, and says he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries. And seems to mean it.
There's some commonality between them. A willingness to hold themselves back. To not talk about things that people don't want to talk about. This dance of fake affection, until it's impossible to tell what one's true feelings are anymore.
She likes having her relationships set out in clear words, without the actual emotional honesty of having to delve into her own psyche. But now she sort of wants to share things with him, and she has no idea what to do with that. And on his side, he senses some similar circumstances between them, but he still isn't yet able to be honest about what he knows about himself deep down. But maybe if he was, he could talk to her.
There's some talk abt sex among the prisoners. These two are expected to have the most experience, but she's kinda like 'sex is okay. It feels good and it's a means to an end.' And he's weirdly mysterious about it all but claims that his perspective is closest to hers, which confuses everyone else.
And............somehow from that they end up being able to have a conversation about Not Wanting What Society Wants You To Want and the weird relationships you have with all that and the ways you do or don't get what you Actually want, an d it's all very good and meaningful but idk I haven't thought that far yet hahahaha that's as far as I got before I had to type it all up :')))
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 10 months
IM THINKING ABT UR 100 YEARS AU SO MUCH idk if this is how u meant it exactly but the idea of zane realizing he’s going to be overcome by his element (again), fearing the ice emperor even if the fear is unfounded, and isolating himself at the center of a labyrinth. losing his motivations as to why as he’s absorbed and forgets who he was. and in 100 years the others needing to find him, and so needing to solve it,.,,.. imm sso normal about thjs (<—lying)
oh my god anon your BRAIN!!! that is vaguely what i had in mind, granted in a more. subconscious way. I like the idea that he did it before he ever lost himself more though. your so big brained. IT'S OKAY!!! IM NOT NORMAL EITHER!!! Zane just makes you Feel A Type Of Way, crunches him like a soda can.
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cameragore · 18 days
What is rotting rabbits…
hello nonnie ...ERM!!!!! I'm assuming yr someone who I reblogged with my blorbos sso I apologize for the autism I'm about 2 spew at you. and I hope that this iss something u think is cool ❤️.... Ok. so first u need to know everymanhybrid which is a cool slenderverse series and I think if you like horror or general cool films go watch emh explained by night mind. Ok.
rotting rabbits - the pairing name for EVERY omen & habit pairing, IT IS ALSO the singular name for rr!omen and rr!habit also known as the canon emh roleplay. omen is my self insert oc for emh because I'm a system and my bff is a habit fixtive and so I do what I do w everything I like (roleeplay w it)...... every rotting rabbits is habit and omen HOWEVER. rr!omen and rr!habit aren't anything else, it's a square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square. habit in every rp has rabbit motifs and omen has dog ones . This is also the reason for most of the pairing names .... rotting rabbits is also our big special interest currently. everyy rotting rabbits in every form is some sort of yuri... Btw
THERE'S ACTUALLY!!! multiple omens annd mutliple habits and their own aus, all of these r roleplays and if u look at my pinned most of my posts r tagged in some way. ( 📷 - rotting rabbits / emh au omen . 🔦 - haunted hares / ghost hunter au . 📹 - cursed canines / swap au !! hollowed hybrids omen still doesn't have a erm emoji but that's. Pretty ok)
haunted hares - the ghost hunter + ghost au!!! omen is a famous ghost hunter who takes fame and ego in return for feeding habit who is a whole ass house people!!!! yep!!!! habit is literally aa house that's starved for human flesh and hes managed to live on through folktales of the house on the hill that he lives in / lives as . omen is a ghost hunter that """gets rid of habit""" and is made. Extremelyyyy famous for it ,,, this ends really dependent but they're buddy buddy . surprisingly the most normal feeling au of every one of these.
cursed canines - swap au it's. A dog based one bc omens taking the place of habit I felt extremely smart when thinking of this and honestly it is onee of my prouder moments. this is also our current system wide hyperfixtion lol ..... it was originally made out of spite because people were arguing about shipping habit being proship and I was annoyed with it so I made OMEEN worse than habit and me and my bff play with them like barbie dolls. omen kills people on stream, her and habit mutually stalk each other, omen actually kidnaps him.......... YEAHH. this is mentally ill and it's very awesome and it's what most of my posting has been recently
hollow hybrids - our animal HYRBID au!!!!! habit is a parasitic bug that crawls over and infects the hosts body + only goal is to create a hivemind, Evan and tehcinlally habit by default are a spider . Omen is a English lop, who is extremely paranoid and is forced to help habit after habit took over her house LOL!!! this is da newest one and so I don't got a lot to say with it, but I really like it.
erm.... For asking about it even if it wasn't in an "infodump pls" ask and more like "what da fuck are u saying" ask...... have some doodles of the guys.
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in order... cursed canines omen, haunted hares one and two, and a hollow hybrids omen. my pfp has rotting rabbits omen.
tl;Dr ; rotting rabbits is my everymanhybrid self ship pairing with roleplays that I do with my best friend .
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batmanego · 9 months
https://www.tumblr.com/janemorris/729013196299567104 can we go full supermarket sweep on jailbird im sso hungry
Yes. We can. but im putting it under a cut because its going to be so long + im taking out the questions i already did
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
THE HAIR. jailbird's hair is a defining feature. i actually made a little list of jailbird's most prominent features recently.
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i still think the hair is probably his most defining feature, though it's pretty similar to glory's. i still think their silhouettes are distinct, though -- glory's hair is more coily, jb's is a little looser.
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
still got baby fat. when he grows up, it's a little more angular, especially in the chin area, but he's always kind of got soft cheeks. he's got kind of a perma-scowl going on most of the time. when he does smile it's usually kind of malicious in nature. he has braces.
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
skinny. skiiiiiiinny. jailbird isn't really malnourished, though he could probably stand to eat a little better, but he is scrawny. very gangly. every time i draw him i think his proportions lead people to believe he's much taller than he actually is: at the start of the story, he's about 5'1, and by the end he's about 5'4. in the epilogue, his adult height is roughly 5'7. his civvy clothing is intentionally pretty baggy and layered to give the impression of more meat on his bones.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
jailbird is extremely flexible. think somewhere between a contortionist and a gymnast. he tends to move very quickly and always seems like he's in a hurry.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
jailbird is actually very good at sitting still. he has no problems with it. he can sit unmoving for as long as it takes, but only if he's doing it of his own volition. if you ask him to sit still, he gets huffy about it.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
jailbird has his ears pierced. i'm struggling to think of any tattoos he might want as an adult. he gets a WHOLE LOT OF SCARS during his time as a supervillain, the most notable of which is A MASSIVE SCAR ON HIS ABDOMENT from when he gets impaled on his own harpoon. Best birthday ever!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
silk pajama set. monogrammed. Actually im laughing really hard at the image of him getting them monogrammed with "JV" because thats probably not what his "actual" initials are
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
i've noted this in his character sheet:
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generally, any t-shirt over any turtleneck, bonus points if red yellow black and white. this is really consistent in most if not all art of him.
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you can even see it in haircut! red outline is apron, blue is shirt, green is turtleneck.
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as a fun design note, the school colors were intentionally chosen to oppose he and eugene's natural red motifs. something about institutional repression of individualism... i can't remember my exact justification for it, but i know it was something like that.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
jailbird's not a huge fan of fancy events. he gets dragged to them sometimes but otherwise wants to avoid the public eye. i'd say the most you'll get him in aside from his school uniform is a t-shirt, slacks, and a blazer.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
he's wearing it in haircut:
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bunny socks are a feature that i outlined kind of as a joke while drafting haircut, but i liked the idea so much that they stuck around. anyway, it's his usual upper half with a pair of sweatpants or just loose cotton pants.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
depends on the season. most of the time he'll forgo it. in the winter he gets what he's wearing in this picture:
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(he's the one in the middle complaining.) he gets cold easily.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
combat boots or converse sneakers. when in costume he has those big knee high platforms. scary!
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
jailbird doesn't really travel that much! if he did, he'd way overpack and use the most expensive equipment known to man. it would piss everyone off.
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
jailbird has padding under his suit. it's supposed to be at least somewhat bulletproof, though that's only on the chest and head. he learns after the "harpoon to the gut" incident why full body armor is likely a good idea. he also has elbow pads and the mask functions as a helmet.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
oh yes. Ohhh yes. one of my favorite jailbird gimmicks is his bottomless pouches -- he can store almost anything that will fit through the opening in them. however, he has only a rudimentary ability to control what he pulls out. the more he uses an item, the easier it is to find which is why his harpoon gun is easy and why it fits -- it's huge, but it's relatively narrow and can fit into the biggest pouch on his side, and it's his favorite weapon, so it's no problem.
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roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
not really? he's sort of loosely inspired by mall goth fashion, but that's more to do with color schemes than anything else. if i had to assign an actual aesthetic to specifically his way of dress, i guess it would be skater culture. which is funny, because he's not the skater of the team! eugene is! and eugene's aesthetics are based more on grunge and punk!
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texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
jailbird prefers his clothing to be baggier and looser. his costume is built for agility and speed, so he's willing to sacrifice comfort for function. his mental state is also in a pretty different place when it comes to civs vs costume.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
pretty big. i don't think jailbird buys new clothes very often, and he's really good at sewing and repairs. i think the only thing he probably has to get taken in or buy replacements of are his shoes. everything else he can usually fix on his own.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
yes, all the time. jailbird always has some level of black eyeliner and eyeshadow on. it's heavier in costume, blacking out the space around his eyes, but he wears it all the time. he just likes the way it looks.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
the magen david eugene gives him quickly becomes very important to him. aside from that, it's his fingerless gloves. never seen without them.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
nope. not really, at least. in the epilogue, he's old enough to grow facial hair, and he starts wearing short sleeves. and grows his hair out some. but he's still the same old jailbird. he feels neutrally about it.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
i've mentioned before the concept of the vey in tremont, which are a type of superhero predestined to die a violent, brutal death usually as a result of their own powers or hubris. when initially writing the basic concepts of new blood, especially for the characters, i considered making jailbird vey, and then decided against it for a number of reasons (mostly because i felt that in jailbird's case, it would lean too heavily into capital punishment), but it's sort of stuck with me ever since. i think it would be a lot of the same, except as soon as jailbird realized he was vey, he would construct and detonate a nuclear bomb.
if i had to put him in any other genre, i think he'd be funny in high fantasy. specifically in any kind of dnd setting. oh man. he'd be the world's most annoying warlock.
while i was typing this, you sent me this message:
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and i need it to be known that he would absolutely be like that chris fleming bit about how the stranger things cast are going to convince jimmy fallon to deface an orphanage.
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conron · 2 years
warning: unifinished and not proofread!
what is up! i come with a senku x reader because i love dr. stone 😍 haven’t read the manga tho so no spoilers pls anyway here’s are the tags. and i’ll add a keep reading thing later swear
tags; senku x reader, character death, angst, light angst, pre-petrification, i get the dialogue wrong a lot, sorry, i’m lazy,
she jumped in her skin as she turned forward the sliding door. there stood taiju in all of his might. she grinned as the boy next to her grimaced as he flinched.
she smiled at taiju and senku dulled his neck to behind him. the rest of the club members either plugging their ears or flinching away at the boy’s loud voice.
“is that right? i’ll be cheering you on at the top of my vocal chords.”
she frowned as she flicked his arm from her seat. he seethed from his teeth as he dismissively wave his hand at her.
this went unnoticed to the loud boy in the club room as he happily yelled louder.
she sighed good naturedly as she looked up at the ceiling.
“no i won’t be raising my voice more than 3 decibels.”
she clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes at the boy next to her. she shot him a look to which he only shrugged. she smiles back at taiju’s pouty face.
“well it’s okay taiju, i’ll be cheering you on!”
taiju yelled out of happiness, furthering making the club members roll on their heels and cover their ears. he ran over as he gave her the most bone crushing hug she’s ever experienced.
senku stuck his pinky in his ear as he rummaged on the desk behind him.
“yes yes i’m sure youll definitely hear her…”
he murmured.
taiju pointed at his long time friend as he hugged the girl once again. she grinned with a sharp edge as she gave the boy an unkind eye.
but he turned around with a bottle in his hand and grinned at the bigger boy. the aura around him becoming increasingly evil.
“well your confession should be accepted with this blah blah love potion or something LOL”
taiju, realeasing from her hug, stared at the test tube. she crossed her legs as she watched him. raising an eyebrow, she grinned as he poured it down the drain.
“sorry senku, but i’ll be doing this on my own.”
the boy in question only shrugging and waving him off. the rest of the members looking at the sink where it was poured down. with far too much curiosity, she noted, if it was a real love potion.
the boy next to her scoffed as he lit a match and carelessly threw it in the sink. to where it bursted you into flames.
“obviously not, like those exist.”
“oh but if.. taiju drank that…”
he evilly grinned as he screwed something into his project.
“i was 10 billion percent sure he wouldn’t. not that straight laced idiot.”
he felt a smack to his head as he yelled in pain.
“you IDIOT! and what if he did?!”
he gritted his teeth as he turned back to her and point at her with a test tube.
“well OBVIOUSLY i knew that he wouldn’t!”
“10 billion percent isn’t a fucking real thing senku!”
the rest of the members looked at them with fond familiarity. it was something they saw often, their bickering. she wasn’t in the science club but came often enough for her to become a staple in the room.
it was strange, as they all knew senku-kun was a cold and rash person. he was bold and lacked tact in just about everything.
to where yuzuriha and taiju simply looked past his hard exterior, she took all of his words and fought against them. taiju went along with it and laughed off just about everything. yuzuriha normally smiled and could look between the lines of his words.
she.. never did. she berated him constantly. always looking to fight him on something.
she’d do it with a smile and looked at him in a way that none of them knew why. senku-kun was smart, he obviously knew what he was talking about. but she still did it.
and he’d, surprisingly, just go along with it. he’d yell at her back and tug on her hair. to which she would hit him again until a club member would just to say, “umm club leader?”
and their hands would immediately drop as he turned his attention to the member and she turned back to the homework she had.
and when the room seemed a bit too quiet, you could look at senku’s table. and she’d be quietly doing her homework next to his comically complex project.
if you asked, one of the members would say that he saw senku knock his shoulder against hers.
‘you’re not yelling. it’s unnatural.’
and that’s what he whispered under his breath. and when they quietly conversed under the conversations floating around the room and the tinkering, slowly the room was louder.
it was always… strangely lively with her in it.
one could tell that senku didn’t care for many things. he cared about logic and science. cared about numbers and exact measurements.
if you looked hard enough, he cared for taiju and yuzuriha to the depths of his heart.
if you looked even harder, he cared for her far more than he let on.
as everyone went back to their own devices, she leaned back in her chair. it’d be a little bit for taiju to get down to the stairs to yuzuriha.
“aah love is in the air…”
“urgh don’t remind me.”
senku rolled his eyes, obviously over the dancing around each other yuzuriha and taiju always did.
she punched his shoulder lightly, not enough to make him drop the glass container he was holding.
“c’mon, your kids are getting together, isn’t it exciting?”
“should’ve happened when they first met, love at first sight and all that.”
“you know you don’t believe in that shit, senku.”
she says in a light hearted tone as she pouts. until she can hear taiju’s loud yell come from below. she squeals as she jumps out of her chair and runs out of the room.
senku only sighs as he stretched his arms over his head.
‘guess i should follow and see my theory out.’
he sees her next to the vending machine, her body already leaning out of the open window.
“aaaah! it’s happening it’s really happening oh my god!”
“what’s making you so excited? we both knew it was gonna happen.”
his mutter of ‘should’ve happened a long time ago’ went unheard. as he’s getting his soda from the vending machine, he sees her giddiness is getting the best of her.
her feet lift off the ground as she leans her way out of the window. he spits out some of the soda he was drinking as he hurriedly reached a hand over to the other side of her body to assure that she won’t fall.
“oi! remember what gravity is idiot! you’re basically a damn scale right now! too much weight over the window and you’ll fall!”
he scolds her to the point where she pouts and her body relaxes over the window.
“can you not hear me or something? you’re gonna-“
“well it’s okay, because you’re here if i do fall!”
she happily states to him, as if it was obvious. she springs her head back up to watch taiju in front of yuzuriha. it’s only then he processes how close he is to her.
his hand is on the other side of her, holding the cool metal of the window. his thumb is pressed up against the felt of her school skirt. his the right side of his body is pressed up against her lefts.
he feels his face heat up as the realization dawns on him. he doesn’t know why his emotions are flaring up really. it’s doesn’t really make any logical sense.
so he takes a sip of his soda and tries to control his body heat. all the whike, she’s still watching with utmost interest. it’s then he realizes that passerbys could probably look up her skirt.
he groans and retracts his hand to pull a side of his lab coat to cover her behind. he tucks the lab coat under his fingers as he still acts as a safety net in case she falls.
she doesn’t seem to notice or mind.
from across of them, they hear members of his club place bets on taiju’s rejection. he rolls his eyes as he knows that yuzuriha would definitely reciprocate.
“i bet 10 thousand on her saying she likes him back”
the girl next to him giggles as points a finger up.
“i’m with senku! go taiju!”
he scoffs as he takes another sip of his drink. they heard taiju say the first few words of his confession and before he can say more, she uncharacteristically stops her squealing.
“what…. is that?”
she mumbles as his eyes adjust to the green running through the sky. millions of equation flow through his head of what to do. what is this? what could this possibly be?
he drops his soda can as her arm finds his as she pushes herself back in the window.
“what’s going on?!”
he can’t reply as he doesn’t know. he realizes that she’s struggling getting back inside. he acts on instinct, his hands wrap around her to pull her back on her feet as the he sees from the corner of his eyes that taiju and yuzuriha are stone.
it’s going fast. she’s back inside and she’s her hand is clutching his arm for dear life. it’s going to take a few seconds.
he hears her scream.
what’s going on?
he start counting immediately.
“hey senku.”
the boy in question turns around to one of his best friends. they’ve now reunited after a year and he still can’t get used to the sight of him. it makes him inexplicably happy.
“yeah, big oaf?”
the boy is silent for a moment, trying to collect us words. something that he’s never done before, just spitting whatever comes to mind.
they were currently working on his new invention but not doing anything extremely giving. chrome and everyone else is around them but paying attention to their own devices.
as her name slips from taiju’s mouth, he freezes.
“where is she?”
yuzuriha is next to him, sewing clothes as she looks up also.
“yeah, i thought you would have revived her even before this mess.”
gen’s interest is piqued as he looks up and examines the boy’s face. he’s looking up at the bright blue sky. a look in his eye.
“i couldnt.”
“what do you mean you couldn’t?!”
taiju sprang up, making a commotion.
“she meant a lot to you right?!”
kohaku turned slowly. yuzuriha gets up also nervously smiling.
“we can revive her right, senku?”
senku doesn’t move as taiju’s hand is gripping his collar. he smiles, kohaku notices. it’s a sad little thing.
usually when he smiled, he was completely confident. boastful even. but she recognized this smile. it’s a smile she wore as she ran every day to the springs. as she disobeyed her father so her sister can keep living.
a smile of a desperate attempt at keeping one’s composure.
“she was far too deteriorated.”
taiju falters as yells back in full force.
“how do you know that?! did you even try to find her?!”
“of course i tried!”
the boy bites back.
“i was with her when it all turned to stone.”
“and she was…”
when he had turned back, he opened his eyes. he knew that she was latched into him. he was half expecting to see her.
to hear her voice as she asked him what was going on. as she hit him for looking at her naked. her cries as she realized they were alone.
see her smile when he said they’d revive everyone.
he expected for her to be by his side when they found taiju. helping him out with everything.
but when he looked at his arm, he only saw a rock hand latched onto him. it was a rude slap in the face. of reality.
she was gone before he even knew it. his mind involuntarily came up with the possibilities on why she broke. maybe something fell over and it hit her. maybe his statue fell and she’s the one who took the impact.
instead of him.
he didn’t have time to mourn. he wiggled the hand off and carried it with him. sometimes, he’d catch himself staring at it. sometimes, he’d feel kohaku’s smacks on his head and felt her name start to roll off his tongue instead of “lioness”.
sometimes, he’d turn to chrome who’s next to him and call for a different name to give him a material.
as he presented the hand, he could see yuzuriha and taiju’s eyes grow wide with tears. he felt his own water as they took it from him.
“this is….. all there is..?”
yuzuriha asked as she struggled getting the words out. he looked away, crossing his arms.
“i tried to find more pieces…”
“i couldnt.”
taiju caressed her hand softly before handing it to yuzuriha.
“well we can still find all her pieces right?”
“who was she?”
suika asks one day. he picks his ears and blow it away.
“who exactly?”
when she says her name, he freezes for only a second before continuing.
“what do you want to now about her?”
he mumbles. suika taps her chin before spit balling everything.
“like um! what her favorite color was! and uh and what she looked like!”
she snickered under his breath at her nervous voice. as she rambled on, picking questions that didn’t require much thinking, he grinned down.
“her favorite color was white. she liked nothing else.”
suika nodded, but tilted her head.
“but white is so boring. she couldn’t have like anything else? are you sure, senku?”
he thought back to when it snowed. taiju dragged him outside with yuzuriha and they were fighting a very intense war of snowballs.
suddenly, he felt a snowball hit in a direction that couldn’t have come from yuzuriha or taiju. he turned around to see her form falling into the snow.
he looked back at his two friends to discover they giggling and chasing each other around with snow balls. he grinned as he turned around.
picking up a snow ball, he rolled it around in his hands. smirking at the imprint of the snow she left, he held out the snowball in his hand.
when he got close enough, he saw that her eyes were closed.
“oi, you’re gonna get sick if you stay there.”
he decides to say, putting the snowball hand on his hip and hiding it behind his back. she hums and it lingers for a second. before he examined her form and could see one of her hands buried in the snow.
his eyes widened as he pulled out his behind his back. her eyes snapped open as she pulled the snow out of the ground.
as he blinked away the snowflakes, she burst out laughing. wiping away the snow dripping into his eyes, he looked down at her. her face drizzled with snow as she laughed her heart away.
he let a smile slip before grimacing and kicking her leg.
“well obviously we both had the same idea. we are surrounded by snow after all.”
she lifted a gloved hand over her eyes, shielding them from the low sun that did nothing for how freezing it was. she’s full of giggles as he crosses his arms.
he never understood why she laughed so often. it sort of reminded him of his dad. but where his dad was snarky, she was mean. it was a strange balance.
suddenly, he feels something around his ankle. before he can even react, he’s pulled down to her level. tumbling on the snow next to her, he doesn’t waste time to yell at her.
“what the hell’s wrong with you?! you want me to get sick or something?!”
“just deal with it, science man. you’ll be okay.”
“you know my immune system can’t handle this…”
he grumbled under his breath. he saw her turn her head towards him. her eyes facing him. he blinked, processing how close their faces were.
“i think
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idrille · 1 year
Anne von Blyssen, and her immunity to high school crushes
to be honest I never thought to look for an sso fandom but I’m so glad I finally did! here is a little anne/derek normal high school au fic, only about 800 or so words. enjoy :)
The odd thing is that she barely knows him—Derek. She doesn’t have a reason to know him, for god’s sake. He has his circle and she has hers and that’s the way it is, simple as that. Every so often their shoulders will brush in the hallway; his hand will come instinctively to keep his camera strap from falling, and she’ll toss back her hair, and they’ll go their respective ways.
(Maybe she catches him smiling at her sometimes, his dark eyes sparkling with laughter before darting away. Freshman year he used to try to talk to her all the time. He was a noisy nuisance hovering around her lunch table. She didn’t dislike him, but it was her nature to dole out glares and hisses. Then they were sophomores and she’d started modeling and had become Jorvik High’s resident ice queen and his cheery waves in the hallway, the first smiles she saw in the mornings, became gradually less consistent.
Now they’re juniors and she has her reputation for being a bitch and he has a camera slung over his shoulder, he has a warm, bright laugh, and he’s tall, and he’s got such nice hair, and clearly puberty hit him like a truck but left him for the better because now, at seventeen—
Well. That’s beside the point, anyway. The point is that she suspects he’s still got a thing for her. Most people do in this school so it’s not a surprise, per se, but she did think that her fifteen year old self had turned him away for good.
That’s a good thing.)
That’s the way it is.
Her body jolts as someone’s foot hits the leg of her chair. Anne scowls, twisting a piece of buttery blonde hair between her fingers. Behind her, Lisa Peterson and her spiky red hair must be the culprit, and Anne gravely resists the urge to whip around and glare.
But honestly, what’s the deal with him? She rests her chin in her hand, only half-listening to the calculus lecture—there’s a little note etched in her desk that’s been there as long as anyone can remember. A + D. How fitting. She huffs. How un-fitting! What’s his deal? What’s her deal? All there is between the two of them is the occasional shoulder brush, a murmured excuse me, and that’s all. That’s it.
(Maybe there’s been a few stolen glances on her part. Glimpses over her shoulder. He has so many friends. They always sit together at lunch and smile at each other and laugh at things she can’t see from where she stands frozen across the courtyard. Part of her is relieved he’s never caught her; another part is enraged—why won’t he ever look away from those stupid friends of his when she, Anne von Blyssen, is right there?
It’s all very ridiculous and she’d rather not discuss this now, thank you.)
“Anne,” whispers Lisa.
She heaves a sigh, rolling her eyes up. “What,” she hisses, looking back.
“Alex and Linda and I are going to the stables after school.” She grins. Nods encouragingly.
Anne raises a brow. “And?”
“Want to come with us? You still board Concorde there, right?”
She blinks. “Yeah, I—he’s still there.”
“Okay, that’s perfect then!” she says, a little louder, earning the two of them a few glances from the class and a stern look from Mr. Glowburn. “Sorry,” Lisa murmurs. Anne turns back around in her seat, crossing her arms.
Lisa taps her shoulder twice. Anne turns her head a little bit to acknowledge her.
“We’re gonna meet at the stables at four and go for a trail ride,” she says under her breath. “You should definitely come.”
Anne freezes.
Here are some plans extended to her. An arm to link hers through. It’s silly, but she’s always wanted to be like every other high school girl, giggling and happy. Life is a conglomerate of everyday ups and downs, camera flashes, body contortions, a rolled ankle, a cold house; the only softness being her best friend, his gray fur and twitching ears.
What would it be like, to have three girls to go riding with after school? What would it be like to go hang out at the stable at four?
She doesn’t nod, or shake her head either. She just slowly moves her gaze back forward, but not before catching those dark eyes, the way they always are these days—bright, sparkling, laughing. He sits near the window, in the sun. His hair’s all ruffled. He must have just run his hand through it.
The corner of his mouth tips up in a smile and she looks abruptly away, reassuming a stony focus on the board. There he goes again. What’s his deal?
She pulls her hair forward—it looks better that way, really—but also because it would be mortifying if Derek, of all people, ever saw her blush.
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courtsnort-sso · 1 year
tell me about ur pathetic purple man!!! 19, 22, 24, 28, 36 (apples-stables)
I will absolutely tell you about him asfhjshf
SSO-OC Ask Game
19. Introvert or Extrovert? VERY much so an extrovert. He isn't really shy at all. He may have days where he would prefer to keep to himself, but Altair will absolutely die without attention.
22. Do they have any hobbies or talents? He's extremely talented with magic for sure! I also imagine he would be decent at combat, considering he would be trained to do so. As for hobbies, he enjoys reading
24. If they were granted one wish right now, what would they wish for? He would wish for his father's tyrannical rule to end, more than likely. He wants to be able to go home without all of... That stuff happening.
28. What’s some stereotypical popular things that they like/secretly like? (i.e. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scrunchies, etc) Stablebucks coffee for sure. Overpriced, but he got turned onto it shortly after landing in Jorvik. It doesn't beat Ydris' fresh-brewed tea, but it is pretty close!
36. What do they daydream about? Ooh, probably about what a truly normal life would be like. Where he can do what he wants and live for himself, where he doesn't have as many responsibilities. Being a prince isn't always what it's made out to be.
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
I read some of mobox's they shouldn't know fnaf comic and man it has the same or even more levels of shit than a CW show. I always wonder something in my mind, who is this comic made for? It's a fucking fnaf comic and fnaf has a child audience but it can't be for child audiences thanks to the abusive relationship shit that it has. I don't think it's for adults either, hell if mobox is making these type of comics and try to make some soft of awareness with abusive relationships then fuck man if I was raped and saw this comic then I wouldn't be so happy with that. Also when the fuck did springtrap ever had sympathy with the animatronics or should I say lefty, is it he suppose to be some fucking psychopath murder or something? Don't know the fnaf affinity au lore Sso can someone explain that to me?
The Affinity AU comics are the Riverdale of the Fnaf fandom 🤣
Honestly, I don't know who it's made for other than people with the same mindset as Mobox, who romanticize abuse and think that Mobox's way is the "right way to interpret it" when it's not, and people who make ab*sers in media look like "a little skrimply blorbo! UwU" (Gee, wonder where we've seen that before), when they're literally not.
Keep in mind that Mobox's audience is (again) dominated by children and they get this behavior normalized to them thanks to these comics and the content that Mobox makes (we've seen it in the comments of Mobox's n*zi art to prove it)
Like dang, it's not that hard to do some research and ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT PORTRAYING THESE ISSUES IN A RESPECTFUL AND INOFFENSIVE WAY instead of making all the characters have an BDSM party with one another where they forget everything the abuser did wrong!
Stolen Innocence for example? Despite the warnings it had, if I was a r*pe victim, that would just retraumatize me and a bunch of others because of the blatant CP and ab*se in it! And I'm sure They Shouldn't Know would too!
And yeah, you're right! Scraptrap (William) literally killed Charlie (the soul inside the puppet who's inside Lefty), why are the two friends and why is Scraptrap of all people giving advice to Lefty??? Like sir, that's your murderer hello??? You shouldn't be listening to him when he literally killed you??? WHAT???
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livio-the-doublefang · 10 months
Nicholas would grab for his shaking hand and he would squeeze it firmly. "Hey... Hey, eyes on me, Liv." They're in the middle of a crowded marketplace, surrounded by a barrage of noise, sights, sounds, and smells. There were children playing and running around, shoppers haggling and milling about and vendors shouting their wears. A kaleidoscope of human activity. They've only just arrived in this bustling town.
Wolfwood had been hyperaware of his partner's unease and slowly building anxiety right by his side. Tsk. He'd seen it before. Seen how Livio's lips would worry and his hands would tremble. They've only been on the run for only a day. "Don't let go of my hand, ok? C'mon," He would then weave their way through the throng, leading them to a more secluded place, an small dim alleyway, away from the crowd and prying eyes. He'd lean the Punisher against the wall before taking Livio's face into both his hands. "Shh... I've got you. Focus on the sound of my voice. Just focus on me and count to three..."
Livio thought he was ready for this by now. He thought he'd be fine. Thought he'd be okay. After all if he could manage to mow down armies of men, going into a town of normal people should have been the easiest thing in the world....and yet he found out quite fast that no. No he couldn't. Livio stood in the middle of the market place they had strode into for supplies and he knew almost the moment he walked in that he wasn't actually ready to mingle with normal society yet. From the noises all around them, to the way Nico's words as he spoke over his shoulder to him sounded suddenly distant and under water. like an echo, all he could do was stand stiffly still and ball his fists at his sides as people carried on all around him, shouts and yelling, soft conversations between couples and the laughter of children. So much noise, too much noise. All louder than a hailstorm of bullets'. It was just too much. SSo much. The flashes of his past would only make things worse. He could see himself and Nico running through a market just like this, then it would flash to himself older, shooting down a target in a similar location, laughter turning into screams of terror, the sounds of passerby's becoming pleads of begs for their lives, giggling becoming crying. Too much. So much.... Nico calling out to him at first sounding as he use to as a child, running up to him as he was crying and gently shaking his shoulder but when he opened his eyes again he was in there here and now, Nico actually was shaking him, older now and with a worried expression. All this coming to an end the moment Wolfwood took the younger by the hand to calm him. As he was ushered away he kept an iron grip on Nico's hand as ordered and finally when they were away from it all he could shakily grip to his big brother's suit jacket and try to breathes. "S-Sorry, sorry....M'so....." Livio whimpered out as he held onto him, shaking and quaking and leaning into the elders sturdy grip. Slowly but surely, with his lovers quiet cooing and assurance he'd calm down, taking deep breaths in and out and counting down as told to do so. Within minutes his death grip on the brunette lessoned and he'd lean back against the wall. running a trembling hand through messy silver stands. "....I'm okay, m'okay I just...I wasn't as prepared for this as I thought. I'm sorry..."
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Woooo!!!!! I bring 😈😈😈 silly Kara and…. Silly new horse!?!? What!!! Click here to see!?!? 🤨🤨🤨!!! Also spoilers for a new horse coming to sso!!!
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Meet ForestFire!!! Named after what he caused ForestFire is a jorvikwild/shire cross! 🐴❤️ Found by Kara and the Jorvik rangers in wildwoods! He’s a crazy mean horse who is intimidating but he’s not all bad! Sometimes He’s sweet! he loves fun (aka spooking people and making them drop whatever treats they have on hand😈), he loves Kara, loves her other horses and he loves racing !!! 🐎‼️ Kara’s other horses don’t know how to feel about him though… spooky…. 😰He’s a magic horse too! His power is fire his magic coat is grullo and when he’s not on fire his normal coat is red dun! 🔥🔥🔥
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Here is the inspo for ForestFire!!! As soon as I saw this spoiler ik…ik I had to make summ.. 😈cant wait for this horse to come out so I can make ForestFire in game!!! :D (image from Sso.updates_ on insta!)
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SSo I made a South Park Au for the millionth time...
its a lab experiment au where all the kids, minus stan are brought to a lab to be tested/experimented on. The main goal for all the kids, minus stan is to escape. Why minus stan? I hear you all asking
Cuz he was made in the lab and doesn't exactly have a place to go. Oh and the kids, minus kenny had there memories whiped. Its funny cuz Kennys the reasons that rules in place.
Btw, putting this into 3 separate posts because my dumb ass self FORGOT TO DRAW ONE and im MAD ABOUT IT
Now with that, here we go
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Number 219, Kyle Broflovski- Flight/Wings. Nothing muvh has changed except the fact he just has wings now. He can fly but hes so bad at it
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Number 119, Stan Marsh- Toxic Tears. He cries acid, alchohol makes the tears worse. Hes also radoactive, touch him without protection you will get radiation poisoning. Its why his skins grey oucofgci
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Number 188, Eric Cartman- Slime. Hes jusr slime now, he can engulf things (put them in his slime body), detach and reattach himself. Make slime clones, all that stuff!
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Number 699, Kenneth McCormick- Immortality. He looks normal but put him in a life or death test and he'll just regenerate and get up like nothing happened
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Number 313, Leopold "Butters" Stotch- Time. He can control time, freeze it, reverse it, etc. Freezing time is effected by emotional distress and he can age people up or down or just freeze them. Hes hard to play freeze tag with LOL
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