enluv · 6 months
who told jay he needed to whiten his skin.
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clementine-kesh · 9 months
like literally if i didn’t want to see some weird nonsense i wouldn’t be consuming scifi
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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queer-lovebot · 7 months
Neil as a Raven is the most unsettling thing you could ever think of. He’s a guy who would stare a Lot. A silent stare. That butcher look that he wears? Yeah, that constantly. Some guy who plays with knives for fun and likes mind games.
And then you get him outside the Nest and he’s not only unsettling but super annoying and childish. He knows how to dress but purposely dresses terribly as a resistence against the Nest. Andrew would fall for him easily.
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
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inverness here they come!!!!
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bigshotautos · 10 months
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XxXEMO_LUV_4EVERXxX (for a collaboration with @jumblejunction!!!!!!!!!!!! )
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vongulli · 9 months
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easyaesthetics · 1 year
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Sometimes a family is you, your rival/gay lover, an unethical doctor, the girl he gaslit and a cat :)
(Credit to @sad-thief-noises for the Metaverse Joker sprites!)
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yuwuta · 2 months
Nanami ver of bsf upstaging bf?? ❤️
listen… i meant what i said when nanami is just as bad, if not worse when it comes to driving your boyfriend away/upstaging him... maybe his tact makes him a better man than satoru, but you could also argue that it doesn’t; you could argue that kento is is only as respectful as necessary and consciously pushes boundaries, whereas satoru just does!! he just IS!! satoru IS overbearing and knows no consequence, but kento is not and he is very aware that evert action has a consequence, but he weighs it, determines it’s worth it, or—arguably worse—determines that the threat of your boyfriend getting mad or figuring him out isn’t high enough. kento is premeditated murder, he is going to drive your boyfriend so insane, to a place where he fully believes he cannot compete where he cannot compares, and kento will not feel bad about it. so, i rest my case, vice president of the not shit club, and their children are NO better!! 
also, having been friends with kento sets a bar that your past and/or current boyfriend must quickly learn to meet, and more often than not, they don’t even come close. why go on random dating-app dates when kento sends food to your house just because he had an inkling you were sad (you texted him in a certain way that tipped him off). dates meeting you halfway at a restaurant/bar isn’t nearly as flattering when kento drives an hour in heavy rain and traffic after work to pick you up, just to make good on seeing a movie you told him you were excited about. expensive dinner dates and bar hopping becomes mundane when that’s the normal for you and kento, when he regularly takes you out to dinner, if not weekly, then at least bi-weekly, because he’s intentional about your friendship and having time to spend and catch-up with each other in between busy work days. it’s hard to be impressed with a boyfriend when your best-friend takes you on his twice-yearly vacations and pays for everything, citing that even though getting a proper vacation is hard, he loves the time spent with you, so it’s all worth it. kento doesn’t even have to wait for some guy to become your boyfriend, he puts any potential partners out of the running by the standards he’s already set for you. 
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hallaburger · 2 months
i'm actually really upset at the watcher "fandom"
y'all seem like a lot of fair-weather fans to a group of guys who have consistently put out shows that you love, you've gone to their live shows, you've bought their merch, you've followed them over the years as they've grown and built their own brand
and then when they come out to say "hey, we're proud to announce the next big step for us as creators, producers, talent, and directors," you fucking scream and rail and throw a fit because they are launching a paid service that allows them MUCH more creative control and freedom while also supporting their staff in a more sustainable way???
that's sick and pathological, and i wonder how many of y'all were blogging in support of the wga/sag-aftra strike, because if you were and you're pitching a fit now? check yourself. not fucking cute to say you support those folks and then bitch and moan when your so-called favorite creators take the initiative to support themselves in a way that they feel more confident in.
"but we liked the old content that looked like it was made in a basement and the blue and yellow text and--" okay, did you ever think that maybe?? MAYBE???? the guys wanted to do something better??? if you really supported them, you'd be in support of their creative ambitions, too.
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
hey readers! ever find yourself without something to fulfill you? maybe you’re tired of all the soul crushing, degrading smut that circulates this app on the daily with THOUSANDS of notes because no one could possibly like such treacherous filth, could they? I mean, what type of slutty, self hating jezebel would even think of such things? Perhaps you’d like a sweet, powder puff fluff that you just can’t be vexed to reblog from other writers because let’s be honest, it takes too much work, doesn’t it? 🥰 I mean, who wants to waste time supporting ACTUAL writers when it’s much easier to twiddle those dirt stained thumbs together and construct useless, harmful critiques that really aren’t worth two farts in the wind. But boy, do I have a solution for you all! This new, innovative technology will help you create the fic of your dreams! Follow these steps below:
1. go to your browser of your choice (Google, IE, Edge, Opera for all my gaming nerds)
2. search ‘Google Docs’ and from there, you’ll get a screen. Perhaps it’ll look like this or maybe this:
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3. Click that pretty little plus sign and you’re on your way to achieving fictional bliss.
and remember kids, the next time you feel the strong urge to post another meaningless, recycled bait post because no one in real life loves you and attention is scarce so you seek it the only way you know how…your old buddy Google Docs will be right there to fill that void. Let’s hope you can make it past the spelling of the name stage ❤️ have a good day everyone!
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lilacevans · 2 years
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↬ 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒓 (39/??)
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divinebunnii · 28 days
just a reminder that it’s okay if it takes the love and admiration of someone else before you can fully see it yourself, it’s okay if you need and depend on the love and affection of someone else until you can say them about yourself, it’s okay and VALID if you cannot love yourself until someone loves you first
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tradingjack · 4 months
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cringefail late valentine's day posting some rushed kiss studies bc I worked like 36 of the past 72 hours yippee
and I STILL can't draw kissimg this shit haaard how yall do it 😭😭
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deoidesign · 2 days
I literally just had the thought "I'm sorry I draw so much sexy art" and then I was like what the fuck? No I'm not. You all followed me you know what you're getting into.. you can unfollow me any time you want... What do I have to be sorry about. In fact. You're welcome for all the sexy art. Congratulations you've won by being here and getting to see it.
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musashi · 6 months
Hi Tumblr I need to win an argument
EDIT: stop oversharing about your mental illness on my silly lighthearted poll i made to dunk on my girlfriend. you are not cute or charming and you make people uncomfortable. therapy
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