#Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: Black Dream Hole
sailorsenshigifs · 4 months
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katlimeart · 9 months
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Made in 2022
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Peach cosplaying as Usagi Tsukino in her casual clothes (Sailor Moon 90s anime)
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bens-things · 1 year
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Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: Black Dream Hole (1995) dir. Hiroki Shibata
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
Sorry if this isn't what you meant, but if you are wanting doodle suggestions, what about doodling one of the Sailor Scouts 🌙, like Sailor Moon or Sailor Jupiter? You could even draw your own version of them
so this is a blog dedicated to my original magical girl story, Affinity, and its a place where i can gain an audience for it while i work on it. and a place to gush haha
however! why not also make this blog a little tribute to magical girls in general? ^^ and sailor moon is a huge inspiration for affinity, so i did decide to draw jupiter!
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i rewatched my favorite sailor moon movie last night, Sailor Moon Super S movie with the black dream hole plot. i used to own that movie on VHS as a kid and i watched it over and over and over again and its probably how i was introduced to sailor moon, but i cant say for sure since sailor moon has kinda always been apart of my life haha so i took a screenshot from the movie and redrew the panel! this was so fun i love mako she's one of my fav senshi 🥺🥺🥺
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astrxthesiai · 27 days
it’s harder than you think. NO using google. every answer must start with the first letter of your muse’s name. / PLEASE REPOST. DON’T REBLOG.
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Name: Sarina Guerriera
Animal: Snake
Boys Name: Steven
Girls Name: Stephanie
Colour: Slate blue
Movie: Sailor Moon Super S: Black Dream Hole
Something you wear: Shoes
Drink: Slushie
Food: Salad
Something Found in a bathroom: Soap
Place: Serbia
Reason for being late: Slept in
tagged by/stolen from: @viciousbite
tagging: all of you.
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girl-of-ink · 1 year
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onetiredwitch · 3 months
7 Comfort Films & Pinterest Game Tag
tagged by @minilev (thank you!)
The first character, real person, outfit, and quote when you open Pinterest is your vibe: (although i don't have a Pinterest, so I'm using my aesthetic tag on Tumblr ;w;)
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My comfort movies:
House of Wax (2005)
Halloween (1978)
Howl's Moving Castle
Sailor Moon Super S Black Dream Hole
The Cat Returns
Pooh's Grand Adventure
Type O Negative After Dark DVD(with commentary)
I tag: @losttodreams, @metaphoricalmelodies, @blankmuse, @miscelliteeous, AND @off-to-rivendell<3333
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crownedcaps · 2 years
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★ Sailor Moon R: The Movie // Movie
Download Batches Here. (now in .zip format!)
Please consider liking/reblogging if you download!
★ Sailor Moon S: The Movie // Movie
Download Batches Here. (now in .zip format!)
Please consider liking/reblogging if you download!
★ Sailor Moon SuperS: The Nine Sailor Soldiers Unite! Miracle of the Black Dream Hole // Movie
Download Batches Here. (now in .zip format!)
Please consider liking/reblogging if you download!
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izimbracreenshots · 1 year
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Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie: Black Dream Hole by Hiroki Shibata, 1995
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sailorsenshigifs · 4 months
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nekky-nek · 1 year
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darkcrowprincess · 7 months
Fandoms I have been in(I only count the ones where I watched or read all the media for it, looked at fanfiction/fanart for it, and or go back to it because my adhd hyper fixations on things):
*warning this is going to be a big super essay to read. I apologize 😔 😅*
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Harry Potter: I loved the books, loved the movies. Saw the last movie with my ex boyfriend when it first came out. It was the Fandom that opened my eyes to fanfiction. Yes I read fics on muggle net.com. I was a big Harmony shipper till I had a big brain moment were I realized I could ship Harry with guys! 😈 And yeah I went down a deep hole of Drarry or Tomarry fics. Luna Lovegood was my favorite female character(she was my spirit animal). I also had an obsession with Snape and reading fics where him and Harry became a found family. Right now I have a tiny obsession with Jegulus. God do I love Regulus Black and the drama of him and James Potter's doomed relationship.
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Sailor Moon: One of my first animes before I fully realized what anime was. Had the white sailor moon vhs tapes that I would watch all the time. Watch it on toonami whenever it was on. Had a huge crush on Tuxedo Mask. My big day dreams were of me imagining I was like Usagi and I got to be a moon/outer space princess. The fanart for this Fandom was beautiful. Love the cosplay for this fandom. Reason I remember the planets so easily was because of the English Dub theme song.
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Fullmetal Alchemist: What made me really love anime. And shipping. Just over all this whole Fandom is everything for me. Edward was my favorite character. Love him so much and related to a lot of his issues. Especially his Daddy and abandonment issues. Royed was my ship, my otp for this Fandom. I remember getting into this because of a friend of mines in my group thearpy gave me the full series of brotherhood on DVD. The rest is history.
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Avatar the last Airbender: Saw this show on Nicktoons growing up. Why did I love it? Honestly because of Zuko. I love Zuko. He's my favorite thing about avatar. And I was so hell of excited when saw the episodes of where he finally joins the gaang! I love season 3! I love the aesthic of the fire nation. Beaches, firebending, political drama!! Learning that not all of the fire nation was evil. The show was so gray and I love that. Ships, any ships with Zuko was the pull(except Mai. Sorry she was my least favorite character. I really didn't like her very much). Honestly I'll read any fic with Zuko as the main character. Just he's my special boy and I love him.
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The Owl House: Like Harry Potter, I at first I didn't know if I'd like this show when I gave it a chance. Fortunately I did and God do I love this cartoon! Yes it has tons of problems(mainly the Fandom when it comes to shipping and being toxic when you don't share the same headcanons about ships or found family) but over all I love the characters Luz, King, Eda, Hunter, and Belos. Especially Luz Noceda( she was basically me as as kid so I feel so protective of her. Honestly I do not trust anyone who does not like her). I love the hidden dark family drama between the Wittebanes and Clawthornes. I love Belos as a villian. I love the glyph magic and the idea of Palismans. I love Bad girl rebel Mom Eda and King the titan prince. I love the dark reveal about the golden guards and Hunter. I love the animation. Everything else about the show, including its other forms of magic, other characters(Amity mainly) the romance. Are honestly a big let down compared to everything else. But at least baby gays/younger lgbtq kids can have this show. They can grow up with this representation(even though I personally don't like lumity). I over all have a love hate relationship with this show. I love Luz and ship her with Hunter(my bi otp couple 😍) but over all the show had so much potential that I feel like it kept wasting over stupid ship.
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Shera the princes of power: This cartoon is just my happy place. I love Catradora. I love all the girl power, feminism, magic, girly girlness. The silly names. The princesses. Entrapta!!!(my spirit animal and having a cute beauty and the beast type romance!) The angst, the drama, the trauma! The romance!!! The animation! It's just this cartoon is everything to me. I love the fanart for this Fandom and if i had to pick a favorite character it be tied between Catra and Entrapta. My favorite Episode is ' Save the Cat'.
TV Shows:
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Criminal Minds: I love this show. This show is what got me into horror movies and true crime. This show was like everything to me as a kid. I've seen all the seasons. This show spiked my interest and fears about the human mind. This show made me seriously wish a male character was actually physically real so I could marry him! Love you Spencer Reid my bisexual nerd you. But in great contrast to the horror of the show, I love how much of a found family the bau team is. I love their banter. It it's just these guys just bring me soo much comfort. Ships I love Emily x any female character because my woman deserves a girlfriend. Spencer x Happiness(or me I'd gladly take him) Morgan x Garcia(they soooo should have been canon). Sometimes I ship Hotch x Rossi, or Hotch and Reid. But over all Hotch deserves some happiness too. Fanfiction for this Fandom I just like reading a few here or there with the bau team being friends in other settings. Mostly college. I'll read any ship as long as it stays in character. Though id read anything with Spencer as the main focus.
(that's it for now. Didn't put Movies because the list for that is complicated. Considering a lot of the Movies I watch are connected to books and or other movies/comics that I haven't all read)
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thehumanarkle · 11 months
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And now we are at 20 movies watched for the first time in 2023. The first ten of the year can be found on the ten things tag on my page.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Black Arrow
It's All True
Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse
Rogues of Sherwood Forest
The Blackening
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: Black Dream Hole
Sword of Sherwood Forest
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Comfort Movie Tag
Got tagged by @namelessdrool
Let's see if I can think of 10 of these. In no particular order:
Legally Blonde
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Practical Magic
Ghostbusters 2
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Babe (the one about the pig)
Any Columbo movie/long episode
The Producers (the one with Nathan Lane & Matthew Broderick)
Sailor Moon SuperS: Black Dream Hole
I'm too anxious & socially awkward to tag anybody, so if you see this (and you haven't done it yet), consider yourself tagged!
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animemiscellany · 2 years
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
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