#Seeking medical attention
It's important not to ignore signs or symptoms in the hope that they will go away. Different people have varying attitudes towards seeking medical attention, with some seeking help at the first sign of a problem while others postpone it even when the symptoms could be linked to dangerous conditions. In the medical world, signs are observable by others, such as a rash or elevated blood sugar levels, while symptoms are experienced by the individual and cannot be seen or measured. Symptoms can indicate an underlying illness, injury, or medical condition and are categorized as remitting (improving or disappearing), relapsing (previously resolved symptoms returning), or chronic (long-lasting).
Certain symptoms require immediate medical attention. These include chest pain or pressure that radiates to the jaw or upper back, shortness of breath, intense headaches, severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), unexplained weight loss, unusual bleeding, sores or wounds that won't heal, intense flashes of light or increased floaters in the eyes, swelling of the legs without injury, sudden or severe abdominal pain, fever above 103 degrees Fahrenheit or a persistent lower grade fever, sudden confusion or change in mental status, severe dizziness, chronic fatigue accompanied by other concerning symptoms, changes in bowel movements or habits, weakness, numbness, tingling, or facial droop (symptoms of stroke), changes to the breast or nipples, and suicidal thoughts or feelings of worthlessness.
It's crucial to know your body and recognize when something feels different or wrong. Not all conditions have noticeable symptoms, and some may only manifest in later stages. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to changes, no matter how subtle, and communicate with your doctor about how you're feeling. Ignoring symptoms may delay diagnosis and treatment, so it's essential to listen to your body's signals and seek appropriate medical care.
It's important not to ignore signs or symptoms in the hope that they will go away. Different people have varying attitudes towards seeking medical attention, with some seeking help at the first sign of a problem while others postpone it even when the symptoms could be linked to dangerous conditions. In the medical world, signs are observable by others, such as a rash or elevated blood sugar levels, while symptoms are experienced by the individual and cannot be seen or measured. Symptoms can indicate an underlying illness, injury, or medical condition and are categorized as remitting (improving or disappearing), relapsing (previously resolved symptoms returning), or chronic (long-lasting).
Certain symptoms require immediate medical attention. These include chest pain or pressure that radiates to the jaw or upper back, shortness of breath, intense headaches, severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), unexplained weight loss, unusual bleeding, sores or wounds that won't heal, intense flashes of light or increased floaters in the eyes, swelling of the legs without injury, sudden or severe abdominal pain, fever above 103 degrees Fahrenheit or a persistent lower grade fever, sudden confusion or change in mental status, severe dizziness, chronic fatigue accompanied by other concerning symptoms, changes in bowel movements or habits, weakness, numbness, tingling, or facial droop (symptoms of stroke), changes to the breast or nipples, and suicidal thoughts or feelings of worthlessness.
It's crucial to know your body and recognize when something feels different or wrong. Not all conditions have noticeable symptoms, and some may only manifest in later stages. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to changes, no matter how subtle, and communicate with your doctor about how you're feeling. Ignoring symptoms may delay diagnosis and treatment, so it's essential to listen to your body's signals and seek appropriate medical care.
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violetsandshrikes · 11 months
actually all this talk of wellness trends and health has reminded me of something.
if you're AFAB, you may or may not known what a decidual cast is. this can be useful to know, for example - one of my friends called me crying/terrified because she thought that she had internal bleeding or something else critically wrong, and by chance i happened to actually be able to look at a photo and be like ah, i think i know what's happened here.
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aspenstarflare · 7 months
Anakin on a hologram meeting with the Jedi council while on route to Coruscant after a long campaign:
Anakin clearly exhausted but sitting through the meeting: Yes Masters.
Mace: Skywalker, where is your padawan? She needs to give her report.
Anakin: She’s currently at the medbay, she was injur-
Echo bursting into the room: General! The Commander! She-
Anakin: [Let’s out the most exhausted sigh he’s let out on this whole meeting] She escaped the Medbay?
Echo: Yes general. Kix is leading the torrent to catch her. We could really use your help.
Obi-Wan: Seriously Anakin-
Rex: With all due respect General, Commander Cody himself tells me that you are worse.
Council: . . .
[Loud fighting noises are heard from outside, the sound of things falling over and stun bolt shots and lightsabers are heard]
Ahsoka clearly drugged yelling so loudly they hear it in the hologram room: KIX HAS MORE IMPORTANT PATIENTS! ITS JUST A FEW BLASTER BOLT WOUNDS! YOU’RE NOT TAKING ME ALIVE!!!!
Echo: That’s my cue to go leave. [Runs out of the room setting his gun to stun]
Anakin and Rex: We’re coming with you. [Follows Echo]
Council: [Concerned glances to one other]
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heartvisor · 6 months
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ultraman blazar episode previews - december (episodes 20-23)
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skeelly · 7 days
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 6 months
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The Untamed ep. 32 & 50
Please don’t prioritize your sibling over me
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brbuttons · 4 days
it looks like sinclairs pussy is out in ur bioshock fanart bc of the way u did his pants
Trans Sinclair confirmed!! 🏳️‍⚧️💸🏳️‍🌈
Happy Pride Month! 🎉
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uranium · 5 days
having a really awesome time because my lung is doing weird things again but i have this insane combination of a super high pain tolerance + severe hypochondria that makes me completely incapable of being able to determine if something is actually going wrong or not. things feel Kind of Bad. is this a feeling that would be sending most people to the floor? do i only care about the feeling because im constantly hypervigilant to every sensation i feel and its something most people would totally ignore? who knows
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disengaged · 2 months
i have been diagnosed with “rather severe” fibromyalgia
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grab-the-bananaguns · 5 months
I have some advice that can be useful
remember to let your dishes dry before putting them into cupboards or drawers cause mould can grow on them if they are wet and it wouldn’t be cool if you were brought down by accidentally ingesting a random mould and not going down by super poisonous mushroom or fighting a mushroom themed supervillain
also if have housemates and you see that one of them didn’t dry a glass properly just dry it with a cloth or something. And if you see your dishes have mould in/on it thoroughly scrub it with baking soda, bleach or vinegar then rinse it out a couple times, and if you wanna be safe leave it for a while and wash it again with soap
and kids remember to look inside of cups and glasses before using them, I’ve nearly drunk out of a mug that had straight up algae growing in it cause it was wet when I put it away and I was storing it upside down and today I nearly drank water from a glass with mould growing in it cause it wasn’t dry
stay safe, don’t eat wild mushrooms and check your dishes for mould
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sangfielle · 5 months
getting yelled at by my roommate for calling - not even the cops - medical first responders. i did not bring fucking cops to the house. i just don't want my partner to die of rabies and i exhausted every other fucking option first. having so much fun.
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bunnihearted · 3 months
being in pain is so isolating nd alienating lol >.<
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baiyubai · 1 year
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another crazy BYZ1L48 derivative anyone? back on twitter I promised to object you all to my Hei Qi/Wu Xie agenda and then never did
my bad
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trans-xianxian · 4 months
I'm saying this bc you are, according to yourself, very dramatic about little things but will downplay actual problems.
and yeah, do take it as a compliment, wwx is the specialest guy of all time
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your-subby-creature · 11 months
Made a horrible mistake. Switched to images when I was doing research on penile fracture for my internship. Please don't break your dicks, besties <3
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vivid-vices · 5 months
ok but how do you tell your friends you're very seriously sick without feeling like you're just saying it for attention? like i'm fr gonna be on my deathbed like "i can't tell anyone because they might think i'm annoying 😔" i feel like i never shut up about my stupid health and i'm just getting on everyone's nerves
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