#Speaker Design
simple-seranade · 1 year
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we know nothing about the speakers other than the fact that they exist but that doesn’t mean i can’t headcanon to the moon and back. anyways the Speakers seek out players with silver tongues, quick wit and the ability to talk however the situation demands. You know how people are like “i know i’m getting scammed but i want to accept anyways” when it comes to Scar? yeah the Speakers love him.
Speakers don’t have a mask, like how watchers or listeners are sometimes depicted, as that can make them seem closed off. they operate by seeming approachable, inviting… harmless. By the time you realize it could not be the case, it’s likely too late for you. This is also why their color is green, indicating friendliness… especially to players of a certain set of games. They also have brown thrasher wings because those birds mimic sounds :D
i am going to be brainrotting over this concept so i hope you all bear with me lol
gotta love how i made a Speaker design knowing next to nothing about them while i have no confirmed Watcher or Listener designs lol. anygays if any of y’all have any questions about my Speaker interpretation or Speaker Scar hc feel free to ask as i will happily divulge
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seshaudio · 3 months
Omnidirectional build Mk0
I got hold of a cheap little driver in London for £15. It's rated for 200W peak power, 40Hz-10kHz (so sadly not much high frequency once the lamellae are attached!) I removed the rubber sleever and the dust-cap
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Next I used some grocery-store plastic sheeting (what they put up promotion signs/prices with) that can be moulded using hot water. I used a metal grille bent into a curve to make curves out of the plastic, then cut them into roughly the right shape. I made the paper shape guide by just rotation a ruler held at one end - this was totally eyeballed and could've been done much better, more precisely etc.
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Then I attached some sticky-backed weather stripping to each of the lamellae (aka petals), and used double-sided tape to stick them onto the speaker cone. I used a log with a notch cut into it, attached through the speaker magnet's central hole with a long screw, to hold the tops of the lamellae.
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Then with a bit of wiggling and more double-sidede tape I attached all the lamellae together at the top. I used some washing up gloves cut into strips as (very makeshift) gaskets to mostly seal the gaps between the lamellae. Again, I used double sided tape to do this. To be honest that was the most fiddly part. Washing up gloves cut with scissors are not an ideal Radialstrahler gasket material!
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And there it is! It doesn't sound terrible on its own, but as the driver is only rated up to 10kHz (and who knows what impact the radialstrahler build has on the theoretical frequency response!) I had to wire it in to an old bookshelf speaker's tweeter to get a bit more high-end.
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I'll make another post with a few more videos of it playing, along with some discussion of what I've learned so far to take forward to the next prototype!
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serendipityclubny · 1 month
Unleash Sound And Style With Aesthetic Speakers
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speakersdaily · 1 year
The Importance of Paradigm Speakers in Shaping Future Narratives.
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Paradigm speakers are individuals who challenge the status quo and present innovative ideas that can shape future narratives. They are thought leaders who use public speaking as a tool to communicate their ideologies to a wider audience. Their ideas have the power to change society's perceptions and inspire action toward positive change. As we navigate through complex challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and political instability, paradigm speakers play a crucial role in providing new perspectives and solutions. They are the driving force behind innovation and progress, and their voices must be heard to create a better future for all.
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mothcpu · 3 months
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rehash of my SAYER AI construct designs from a couple years back
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heartkade · 1 year
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Welcome to the QSMP, IV DRIP!
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linterteatime · 2 months
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Obligatory birthday art that has nothing to do with birthdays but whatever 🎉
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burning-sol · 2 months
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chip art??? from me???? no freaking way!!!
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11oh1 · 1 month
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cheesyz · 3 months
book!!! ft. pbsp
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separated versions :3
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nooomagnus · 9 months
the smut-writing struggle is 20% repeated pronouns, 30% choreography, and 50% needing more words to describe a human body but then you try to look up synonyms and this happens:
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“she let her kisses grow openmouthed across the gloopy planes of her abdomen”
“the quagginess of her breasts”
"her neck was terribly boggy"
(supple. supple get in the car we are LEAVING)
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seshaudio · 3 months
A little kitchen session with the speaker. YouTube Preamp extension to control the frequency bands/delay/dub siren. To be honest the speaker actually sounds best with dub played through the youtube pre - some other styles of music just don't suit it at all. Convenient!!
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npcproject · 11 months
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NPC 022 Speaker Travis
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
Do all of the knights have names in your au? And how did you decide on them?
hello there, thank you so much for the message! correct me if I misunderstand, but I think this is about a panel from my galacta knight vs meta knight comic:
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where Galacta Knight uses the word Vaýtita. it's not a name, it's a... actually you know what, it's so much more embarrassing! it's a term of endearment/a relationship designator from my unnecessarily complex whole entire sci-fi language i built for them, lmao 💦
here's the note at the beginning of my personal dictionary as a quick crash course:
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Ei Vaýtita in particular means "my gravity". it's akin to words like beloved, my heart, or soulmate- an irresistible force in one's own life. it's usually used romantically, but it doesn't have to be. Galacta Knight says it here to be cruel, though i do think he means it quite wholly
when I go in for making languages, especially sci-fi or high-fantasy ones, i like to consider the alien culture that the language is formed in. for these guys, everything was star and space coded; they had no reason to care about "hearts" or "souls". they considered themselves star-like, and so gravity as a term was most important; it's the only thing that can really move them.
praise is about being bright or shiny or having strong gravitational pull; and insults, accordingly, tend to revolve around being dim/lightless or stuck in orbit around someone greater
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(translation under the cut because this is already getting long, sorry... i love to talk about this... thank you for asking 😭💝)
phrase // literal translation (from starspeak) // english localisation or meaning
kalimépos // welcome first light // good morning astéskotei // dim star // derogatory but not blindingly so; you could use it pityingly or fondly in a pinch ei épios // me see // wake up ei Vaýtita // my gravity // term of endearment and a relationship designator used within a star-system, usually for equal partners eu desai Ílioz ai ei // you (are not) the Sun of me // this is basically just a rejection from Meta Knight. the Sun serves an important role in star-systems, and he's simply telling Galacta Knight to shove it. he doesn't say it very well, but he refuses to say Ílioz-ei and so turns to a slightly clunky workaround.
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pencilbrony · 9 months
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Headphone to speaker adapter
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clownswithshoes · 3 months
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Doodles of the musical family :333
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