#Sprite work
arcadebroke · 19 days
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glitch-the-artist · 5 months
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Funny sprites for my deltarune take.
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fault-classic · 1 month
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Here's some stuff from a "Screenshot Saturday" post I made over on twitter. A few highlights from recent development!
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Isaac has a revamped battle sprite. I wanted to better emphasize that he's left-handed, so I have him positioned with his dominant hand toward the enemy.
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Here's the party screen - the thing I made those fancy status portraits for. It's a pretty standard "character sheet" for whatever party members currently accompanying Ashley, with all of their mechanical information and a few personal details at the bottom. It's also where you'd change their equipment or have them cast spells.
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The status portraits were also the basis for the party member's dialogue portraits. At some point I'll share the placeholder dialogue portraits used in older builds!
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While I'm at it, I made the save screen look a little nicer.
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Oh, and when you load a file from the main menu, it drops the party at the top of the camp site like so. Things could get messy and complicated if I didn't put in a little fix like that.
But here's the big one...
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Fishing is in the game now.
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I'm still touching up the aesthetics, some of these gifs are from before I added all the fancy effects.
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You can fish anywhere there's a water tile! (As long as you have a fishing rod and bait.) Fishing synergized well with the planned resource management systems, and I'm always eager to give the player more "verbs" they can do within gameplay. I also learned a lot about moveroutes when I was setting up the system to find valid tiles and animate the bobber...
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sketchycrowz · 5 months
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Nobody ask how many layers it's been this is rumi fit post part 1 of 2
It's still not done either
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custom-emojis · 10 months
Hey !
If you are an artist or know an artist who is confident in pixel art, please read this!
I am looking for an artist (or multiple artists) who are proficient in pixel art to help me make tile sets for an RPG game Ive been working on. I am specifically looking for people who think they can do RPG maker MV tilesets but people with experience in pixel art outside of tile sets can definitely help if you’re willing to learn! I am obviously Willing to compensate, either in the form of money or art in return and your name and username will be featured in the games credits. I also will, obviously, also need you to be willing to try and conform to the art style I am going for in the game
If you’re Interested in working together or know someone who may, contact me on discord @ hereticsys so I can give you more information on the project !!
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mrchaosman · 24 days
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Wow, I haven't made sprites for him for like long time, anyway, some random sprites for Hatner because i was board + a Sprite for Iris (by my friend @glitch-the-artist )
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pilichainartandmemes · 11 months
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Happy 10th Birthday to Kingdom Hearts X [chi] !
Ten years of cryptic mysteries, ten years of beautiful sprite work, ten years of fun with other players across the world and I’m so grateful to have been a part of it. The choice of the character’s gears lies in my desire for a keykid version of Sephiroth’s KH outfit and thus I picked Cloud to match.
Kingdom Hearts X Worlds Revamp, my true anniversary project, remains in progress. As of the Player slots raffle in the story previews fake screenshots, it will take place by late September at most. More details on the submission rules about this will be told around that time.
Cloud’s outfit parts aside from the chest  piece, the Chirithy plush and Sephiroth’s wing can be found on the Roboloid KHUX assets website. I’m eternally grateful for its existence.
I do not own any of the characters presented here. Please do not repost on other websites.
[ID : sprite edit of Ephemer and Skuld from Kingdom Hearts X chi hold a sign with text that reads happy ten year anniversary. Ephemer on the left wears his red scarf over Sephiroth’s KH1 outfit including the blue wing, he wears a dark blue pullover under the coat. On the right Skuld wears KH1 Cloud’s outfit, the bat-like wing as well, except for the cape. Chirithy and Nightmare Chirithy hang onto the sign’s silver borders, the former on the top left and the latter on the bottom right both facing the viewer. The sign is colored with a light turquoise green to dark green gradient with very light green text in the KH2 Gummi font. The background is a lighter variant of the same gradient. In the four corners of the sign the silver border features Lux-shaped ornaments of the same color. The watermark rests in the bottom left corner, the twitter logo is in front the first row and the tumblr one in front of the second and third rows. The text reads Pilichain23 and keykidpilipili and pilichainartandmemes. END ID]
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alexissara · 2 months
Why You Should Try Gales Of Nayeli
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With Gales Of Nayeli putting out an updated demo I wanted to take some time to be this games hype woman. I have no personal profit to gain from this game's success, I became friends with the games dev after becoming a backer and eventually over chatting on discord it became more than like interview questions where I tried to learn more about the game for my own piece of mind or to see if it's worth hyping to girlfriends. I want this game to do well because it seems like most of what I've ever wanted in my favorite kind of video games. So much so it's inspiring me to want to make a video game myself. Blindcoco is great and I am thrilled about this game so allow me to gush to you a bit on all the parts of this game that make it really exciting and special to me.
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Queerness in focus
I highlight this first cuz it's what sold me and it's also something people who follow me care a lot about. The games Creator didn't flinch when I asked on the kickstarter about Sapphic rep and since then we've talked a lot on discord about the game in general so I have a wide but not complete idea of how big queerness is in GoN. 
The main character is a bi woman with 4 romance options 2 men 2 women and like most romance in this game the romances go beyond the start of relationships in their support conversations or an end card but actually have at least One conversation in a relationship.  For Nayeli Our main character it elevates the character she romanced even further, making them a must deploy and adding even more time for their romance to shine in the plot and not just in the supports.  
Of course a bi MC is amazing but it goes beyond this with many bisexual characters and a few Lesbains and Gay men too. The lesbians and Gay men aren't Heathered or Leoned and left to be forever alone and are allowed to thrive while being gay and also allowed to have friendships with people on top of romance. Same goes for most bi characters. These romances and friendships the characters have also provide some mechanical advantage from unlocking classes to weapons and more really making these relationships feel like they have weight instead of being some flavor that mostly doesn’t matter. 
The game even features 2 trans men and a trans woman in its cast. The developer has put a lot of work into making his game feel like a world that in some ways Is better than our own without just the hand waving touch of saying the world's accepting without ever showing queer people. 
I have to reserve final judgment for how the game handles queerness when I actually play the game and review it but at this phase of in depth conversation and being shown information I can say with confidence that we're at least seeing someone try and honestly that's a lot more than most SRPGs. It really seems like this could dwarf the next best offerings by a bit
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A wildly fun roster of characters 
This roster is diverse but not just in skin tone but in the fantastical ways too. You can find Snake girls, Harpies, Demons, Squirrel Girls, wolf girls, shark boys, and even a chicken among your party. The roster really ranges with ethnicity, cultures, personalities and even species. 
I do think it’s most important to talk about the diversity that matters most and is here in the real world and that is this game's dedication to trying to literally make own voices, hiring voice actors and doing it’s best to get people from similar backgrounds to play characters. The cast has a really wide range of real world cultures that are being pulled from and used as inspiration in the fantasy world and to that end there is a level of making sure the people from these cultures are getting some money in the process even if it is the smaller funds an indie game budget can afford to give. 
WIth a roster of over 30 characters there is likely a character who you relate to, who you might feel some kind of kinship with or want to look like especially when you throw promotions and the like in the mix. You want a showy performer she's here, want a smooth dancer you got it, want a fierce warrior they got plenty. 
I think the “monster” people add a lot to the game in concept too where in so many games you will just murder harpies or snakes or demons because the game simply says their evil or animals this game provides a challenge to this existing framework with even early party subverting standard tropes by giving you access to a dark elf Keri who is not just a big deal but a main love interest for the main character. This can really challenge the fantasy racism that so casually shows up in so many games and get you to think of every enemy human or not as another soldier in this conflict, not something evil that must be rooted out. 
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Amazing Artwork
The game has stunning sprites and a true depth of art put into it. Every character has multiple promoted classes each of which has its own sprite and it's own art work meaning In and out of battle you'll see the advancement of the character. The creator of the game is the artist who is drawing all the core art for characters and has put a lot of work into the roster including revamping most of the art he had previously done to make the promoted art work for all the story scenes with expressions and everything. There is a lot of love and care into all the sprites and a lot of intentionality into making sure the art and sprites feel like the same character. 
The art goes beyond the visual too with way more voice work then one would expect from an indie game with this kind of budget including special lines for when characters who are important to each other interact in particular ways, several lines for hitting critical hits, even lines for abilities they can rarely access. While the game sadly didn’t reach the stretch goal for full voice acting it’s clear that the voice acting they could afford was all put to great use with a ton of wonderful little bits of flavor brought to life by amazing voice talent. 
If your as dorky as me hearing a game was made in SRPG Studio might automatically give you a mental image of how the UI elements will look and everything but the art direction in this game extends beyond all the elements previously mentioned and into the UI design with constant tweaks and changes to make sure the game feels like Gales Of Nayeli and not SRPG Studios presents another indie SRPG. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it gives GoN a very nice feel even just in the basic parts of presentation going that extra inch to not just feel like a copy and paste job. 
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So many ways to play
The game offers a lot of modes and ways to modify gameplay. It knows a lot of what those deep into SRPGs already like to do but Also has features for people who want to go wild like a mode that makes your leveling utterly ridiculously strong. Beyond the amount of shifts with difficulty modes you have this huge roster with so many different classes  including the monsters and such mentioned earlier but also a wide range of classes performed by more standard humans too allowing for every kind of play style. Then if that wasn't enough there are ways with items both equipment and enchantment Items to further shape your roster for you. 
Every character has multiple classes they can promote to baring the games select characters who area already in a promoted class with each character's class list being uniquely made for them. This means even if  you want to play with the same characters you have at least 2 different ways to play the characters with the cap being 5 different classes for Nayeli and some characters having 3. Even the chicken gets to have multiple promoted class options.
The game has ways for you to see RNs, it has ways to play where you never gain stats and where you always gain stats, it can even turn on a fan of SRPG favorite the weapon triangle where weapons function similarly to Fire Emblem games where particular weapons have advantage over others. 
The game is also designed for replay with lots of secrets in the games from items to recruitable characters to secret chapters to the previously announced benefits that are unlocked with relationships. You can enjoy multiple playthroughs mixing up party members, relationships, items, classes, and builds to play.  It's even got you covered if you don't want to replay but want a little more after the story with post game maps for just enjoying your party and taking on challenges if your not ready to say bye to the characters yet.
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tgtncomic · 6 months
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Pokemon Sprite Trainer from Baldur's Gate 3.
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asteroidaskthepals · 3 months
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These funny people are the one who's gonna be asked
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arcadebroke · 2 years
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glitch-the-artist · 25 days
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fault-classic · 3 months
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I haven't posted a game dev update since July!
Up top, you can see the fancy new transition from the field screen to the battle screen. It's all synched up with music and sound effects too, but the .gif doesn't really show those! In time I might add more flashy graphics to it, maybe something more complicated than just the cinematic bars and the colour overlay. But the framework is perfectly serviceable!
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You might have also noticed the fancy new HP and Mana bars. They update dynamically when you take a hit! The attack animation on these skeletons is also new.
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HP and MP used to look like this. This gif is from August, some other things have changed since then, but the bone toss animation is still pretty solid.
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I also did some work with Animation Z-layering. Ashley is dizzy here. See how the stars are in front of his head, but the potion he's using is BEHIND his hand? This was a little tricky to configure.
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Big quality of life feature! I coded an "auto battle" function. If used at the start of battle, it orders every party member to attack a random target.
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But, if used at any point after, the auto command will REPEAT the inputs from the previous round, including spell and item use!
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In between working on Skeletons, I also added the graphics for a wild dog enemy. I spent more time animating that tail swish than any of the other graphics...
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I ran some other tests to make sure certain things were working correctly. Undead enemies are supposed to take damage from healing spells, so I had to make sure that was all displaying right!
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I was also testing a zombie status, where healing spells hurt the party members. When it's applied, the party member's sprite hue shifts so they look all sickly. Getting this hue shift to occur in the middle of the animation like that, and not before or after or something, was complicated.
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sketchycrowz · 5 months
Rumi outfits Part 2 of 2
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pikafleetsyolo · 1 year
look at my sprite animation video boy (gender neutral)
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pinoberry · 3 months
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Pixel Artworks Compilation!
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