#Steve Harrington is a confident bisexual man
derangedhermit · 1 year
Steve Harrington is Hannah Montana coded. You can’t change my mind. Eddie pops by the Harrington household to pick up some D&D junk he left the night before. He lets himself in, they’re good enough friends for that by now. They could be more than friends if Eddie would just be honest with himself. That’s neither here nor there because Steve Harrington is dancing around his kitchen singing Hannah Montana’s finest offering into a wooden spoon. “If we were a movie you’d be the right guy, and I’d be the best friend you’d fall in love with.”
Eddie is finally ready to make his move.
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Eddie revels in the fact that he can flirt with Steve as much as he wants to and get away with it. Steve is absolutely clueless to the flirtations. Sometimes his face will scrunch up in confusion, but he never says anything.
So Eddie calls him “sweetheart” and “big boy” and, his favorite, “pretty boy,” and Steve just goes with it. He allows Eddie to get into his personal space and sometimes get touchy and cuddly with him. He lets him over all the time because Steve is oblivious.
Then the most mundane thing happens - Steve gets a paper cut. And for some reason this is a huge deal to him (although he’s been tortured by Russians and had a plate smashed over his head). He cursing and blowing on it, waving his hand around frantically to make the pain stop.
He turns to Eddie and says, “Eddie, baby, can you kiss it better?”
And Eddie fucking malfunctions. Full on stop of all systems in his brain. He’s struggling to buffer. He can’t process what just happened.
With a sudden, newly found confidence, Steve sidles up close to Eddie and asks, “What, are you all talk no action?” He smirks at Eddie who remains frozen in place, all the blood drained from his face.
Steve’s face twists in concern, and he grabs Eddie by the shoulders and asks, “Hey, Eds, what’s wrong? You okay?”
And Eddie’s full on panicking because Steve fucking Harrington is NOT supposed to flirt back. He isn’t supposed to KNOW that Eddie is flirting at him. Christ, he’s making fun of him. There’s no way in hell that Steve is okay with him being gay. There’s no way. Especially since Eddie made him the target of all his affection.
“Eddie, Eddie, hey. Talk to me. What’s going?”
Eddie finally unfreezes and truly looks at Steve. He’s so genuinely concerned and so so close. There’s no trace of disgust on his face. He doesn’t look like he’s about to punch him.
“You weren’t supposed to know,” Eddie chokes out.
“Weren’t supposed to know what? That we’re dating?”
Eddie panics even more because, “We’re what?!”
Steve turns bright red and says, “Oh shit, you didn’t know it either. Uh… look. So I was- I was talking to Robin last night and we came to the conclusion that I’m bise- bisedu- bi-”
“Bisexual,” Eddie supplies. And Steve quickly nods.
“Yes. That one. Because you were dropping all these lines and stuff. And honestly I was so confused at first because it’s me, and why would you be flirting with me?” That’s what confused him???
Steve continues, “And then I thought maybe you just do that with everyone. Which honesty made me a bit jealous which was definitely confusing because why would I be jealous about who you flirt with? And I realized I only wanted you to flirt with me. And Robin said that you don’t flirt with anyone else, and from the sounds of it, we’re already dating.”
Eddie is once again frozen, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever step out of this trance.
“Oh shit. You don’t feel the same way, do you? Fuck man, just, forget I said anything,” Steve says looking equally as panicked as Eddie’s sure he looks.
And honestly this is what gets Eddie out of his state. He hates seeing Steve like this. He grabs his hand and easily finds the paper cut and kisses the skin gently.
“Did I kiss it better, sweetheart?”
Steve melts and looks absolutely relieved. “My boyfriend sure did.”
And Eddie’s brain malfunctions again, but he’s frozen in a completely maniacal smile.
When Steve kisses him, he’s sure that he will never function again.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
I was hallucinating a few hours ago due to lack of sleep bUT-
Thinking about Steve who's confident in his bisexuality, told the kids that he likes both and that's okay because he knows they need, trying to flirt with Eddie who is in denial bc it has to be a joke, right? Harrington, the straightest man alive? Steve lady's man Harrington? Nah, it's only on his mind. Meanwhile Steve is getting more and more sad thinking he's being rejected.
Now, think about the Hellfire members knowing that Eddie's a crush on Steve because he talks about it CONSTANTLY and be sad because "he doesn't have a fat chance in hell". They're also very protective of him so if anyone new in the club is being homophobic, they just throw them out.
So one day Steve is in the Hellfire to wait for the kids and flirt a little, telling himself that "this is the last time, you'll get a GRIP and MOVE THE FUCK ON!" is what he tells to himself. He tries a little and drops after a while, so in the break time the old members tell him that he needs to leave, because they won't allow anyone doing that to Eddie, as in: they think Steve knows that Eddie's gay and likes him so he's flirting with him in a mocking way.
So he leaves.
And when everyone (Eddie + the kids) is asking where is Steve, they say that he was being homophobic, an automat answer and they quickly try to cover up because they don't want to do that to Eddie, but Dustin immediately response was:
"how can Steve be homophobic if he's bi?"
And the world freaking EXPLOSES!
not the steddie hallucinations LMAO
Thank you for sending me this ask because I'm president of "Steve is a confident disaster Bisexual" and I'm making t-shirts for club members as we speak.
Anyways, I think Steve would be extremely confident in his sexuality to the point where he just likes whoever and goes for it (with the right precautions of course). When Eddie comes out to him and the rest of their group, Steve doesn't even think about coming out to him as well because he's been out to the group for so long he just assumes that everyone close to him knows.
So when he realizes he likes Eddie and flirts with him, he doesn't know what to take from his reactions: he doesn't look annoyed or uninterested (think about the girls he would flirt with at Scoops) but he doesn't respond either, which is weird for someone like Eddie, who engages flirty banters even with plants.
Let's add to the mix that Steve's love life has been a mess recently, how many times can you be rejected before you think there's something wrong with you?
That's why he decides to go all in one last time and then leave Eddie alone, but even the worst scenarios in his head did not prepare him for Eddie's friends telling him off on his behalf.
Steve's head is a mess but most of it all, he's ashamed. He thinks he must've been so annoying and oblivious to Eddie's disinterest that the guy had to ask his friends to put Steve in his place for him.
So he finds himself in the school's parking lot, sitting on the hood of his car and mentally counting how much money he and Robin will need to move to another country (because not even the most embarrassing moment of his life will make him go anywhere without her), completely unaware of the chaos inside the Hellfire room.
Eddie isn't in a better mental state than Steve, so he's letting the kids and the band do the talk for him.
"What do you mean he's bisexual? of course he isn't, he's Steve Harrington!" Gareth exclaims, voicing out one of Eddie's many thoughts.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? do you need a special license for that?" Mike huffs, crossing his arms.
Jeff steps in to defend his friend "Of course not! But he's king Steve! And he's constantly picking on Eddie, you heard him!"
"Picking on him? Even a child could see that he has been throwing hints at Eddie for weeks now! What are you, five?"
Erica's words put an end to the discussion, silence falls down abruptly.
Eddie jumps up off his throne and follows wherever Steve had disappeared before, distantly hearing his friends muttered apologies.
He sighs in relief when he sees Steve hasn't left yet.
The car is parked the opposite way of the entrance, so Eddie can only see Steve's back, but he can tell he's gesturing and, when he's close enough, he can hear him talk.
"You can never take a hint, can you? This is so stupid, how can you go around saying you got game when you can't even tell if someone's interested in you? Harrington charm my ass" Steve's hands are all up in the air and Eddie realizes he's gesturing similar to how Eddie does on a daily basis.
It's cute.
"Please leave the Harrington charm out of this" Eddie interjects, making Steve jump in surprise.
He looks like a deer caught by car lights, but he hides it quickly behind a smirk that Eddie refers to - at least in his head - as bitchy Steve "so, no more sending your gang after me? are you worried they didn't do a good job? or am I forbidden to stay even in the parking lot? I'll let you know that I-"
Eddie loves mean girl Steve, but he has no time for him now, so he interrupts "Go on a date with me."
Steve's raised eyebrow and incredulous look tell him that he doesn't take him seriously in the slightest.
"I said, go on a date with me" he repeats.
"I heard you the first time" Steve's voice is close to a whisper "I just think you must've hit your head on your way here."
"You're the one always taking hits on the head, not me" Eddie takes a step closer to him.
Steve steps back "well, there's a first time for everyone" he says, looking away.
Eddie moves close again, his face only a few inches from Steve's "I don't hear an answer."
Steve's eyes flicker on Eddie's lips for half a second, "I didn't hear a question" he bites back.
Eddie smirks and, under Steve's shocked look, jumps on his car.
"Eddie, what the fuck? get down of my car!" he's trying to maintain a firm tone but Eddie can tell he's amused by his antics. Eddie couldn't ask for anything better.
He looks around the parking lot to make sure they're alone, then loudly enounces "Steve Fucking Harrington-"
"Don't say it like it's my middle name!"
Eddie ignores him "- king of the school grounds, best Scoops Ahoy model-"
"what does that even mean-"
"Worst employee that family video has ever had, Faberge Organics favorite costumer-"
"I told you that in confidence."
"Would you do this humble commoner kneeling at your presence" he kneels down theatrically as he says so "the honor of accompanying him for an evening of frivolous romantic shit that society expects you to do when you find a respectable partner?"
“If I say yes will you get down?”
Eddie moves his weight from one foot to the other, making the car under him bounce “I might consider it.”
Steve lifts his arms, apprehensively “Okay, yes fine! Now please get down-”
Eddie jumps down, right into Steve’s arms.
All the hellfire club members decide to stop spying on them and get back inside when Eddie’s highly entertaining antics turn into a gross make out session.
“So” Dustin elbows Gareth’s side “does that look homophobic to you?”
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hey! I love your writing so much so I figured I’d send a little request!
Could you doing something like Steve hase always noticed Eddie but Eddie is completely oblivious? With some first kiss/love confession?
OH ANYTIME!!! Thank you :) I am always here for pining and love confessions. The sappier, the better. The more nauseating, the better. The more I want to punch a wall, the better. I hope that happens here for you with this one! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington’s bisexual awakening was Eddie Munson.
He was 14 years old at summer camp for the last time because “teenagers just don’t go to summer camp, Steven.” Which was ridiculous because it was a summer camp for teenagers, but whatever, not worth arguing with his father about.
Eddie was there, hair longer than most of the other boys, floppy and curly like he was trying to grow it out but didn’t know how to manage it.
If there was anything Steve could do, it was manage hair.
So he walked up to him and offered to show him his routine.
Eddie laughed, honest to god tears falling from his eyes as he slapped his leg.
Steve just stared at him, not used to being laughed at, only with.
But Eddie seemed to sense that he was serious, so he calmed down, but kept a small smile on his face.
“Thanks man, but I can’t afford the shit you do. I just gotta deal with it.”
“I mean, you can have mine at the end of camp if you want. I’ll just buy more.”
Which felt like the right thing to say, but Eddie just looked down at the ground and shook his head.
“Nah. Don’t really need your charity, dude.”
He walked away before Steve could explain it wasn’t charity, he just really like his curls and wanted him to take care of them.
It was hard not to notice Eddie at school. He made sure he was noticed.
Everyone said it was because he was a “fairy” and thrived off the attention, even when he was getting beat up.
One particularly nasty rumor said he liked being beat up.
So when 15 year old Steve heard all this, he obviously knew he couldn’t ever say a damn thing about himself or any interaction he’d had with Eddie.
Which was really just the one time he’d accidentally insulted him.
His hair was longer now, just past his chin. The curls looked a bit better, though Steve could tell he didn’t use any type of conditioner, and he tried not to let that bother him.
He watched him though, secretly, when he could get away with it. In the halls or the cafeteria was easiest since he could always say he was staring at a girl if someone asked.
The way he just always walked with his head high, his confidence unlike anything Steve had seen from anyone that wasn’t a jock, made Steve’s stomach flutter.
He heard Carol say “confidence is sexy” enough times to start believing it was true, and that was before he watched Eddie strut around the school like he wasn’t constantly being thrown insults.
He watched as Eddie formed his own little ragtag group of friends, all outcasts because of one thing or another, only building his confidence more.
He watched as Eddie started driving a beat up van to school, making a name for himself as the guy who would sell liquor out of the back on Fridays.
People still teased him, still beat him up, but they were giving him money for liquor for their house parties left and right.
Steve watched.
Nancy was amazing, everything Steve wanted and everything his parents wanted.
She was going to have an incredible future, and encouraged Steve to work hard to have one too.
He loved her. He did.
But he still watched Eddie.
Eddie who was standing on tables in the cafeteria, giving speeches that honestly, weren’t that dramatic. Maybe if he was anyone else, people would actually listen.
Eddie who started dealing weed in the woods behind school a few days a week, admitting the liquor thing wasn’t for him when he saw how many idiot kids still got behind the wheel to drive home after the parties he supplied.
Eddie who was unapologetically himself in all the ways Steve wished he could be.
Nancy was beautiful, she was smart, she was determined.
But Eddie was like a forest fire, a small spark that ignited with just a small fan of the flame, his best qualities hidden behind the smoke.
And Steve wanted to burn.
Steve graduated. Eddie didn’t.
He didn’t get into college, so his dad made him get a summer job.
Eddie didn’t really hang out at the mall, wasn’t really his scene, but he did come into Scoops occasionally, and apparently only when Steve worked.
His coworker, Robin, rolled her eyes when Steve insisted on scooping his ice cream into the cone, ringing him out at the register, and watching him walk out.
“Are you poisoning him slowly or something? Are you planning on doing something stupid? What’s happening?”
He never told her anything, just shrugged in response.
Until the Russians. Until their stupid truth serum made him spill his guts literally and figuratively in the mall bathroom.
Robin listened as he talked about every moment, every look, every doubt he ever had about his feelings. About how he loved Nancy, he did, but she would never be the one he thought of first when someone talked about a future, about love, about a life.
Robin listened as he cried, sobbed really, explained how he knew it would never happen, but it didn’t stop him from wanting.
She listened until she couldn’t anymore.
“Steve, you’re not alone in this okay? I’m…You know Tammy?”
“Thompson?” He sniffled, finally looking up at Robin.
“Yeah. I’ve had a crush on her for like, two years.”
“What? Really?”
“But why her? She’s kind of awful.”
Robin laughed, a real laugh, not a drug-induced one.
“Yeah, but she’s also kind of not.”
Steve nodded.
“I know what you mean.”
They were trauma bonded, sure, but they were also just bonded through life’s fucked up ways of bringing people with similar qualities and interests together.
If Steve knew the next time he saw Eddie Munson would be when he was wanted for murder, a small part of him actually may have believed you.
Not because he thought Eddie was actually a murderer, but more because he knew what the town thought of him, and would have expected nothing less in the face of the unexplainable.
The three-time senior was kind of fucked if they didn’t figure this out, looking at a lifetime in prison for a murder he didn’t commit.
Steve focused on thinking about that anytime his mind wandered to how Eddie held a broken bottle to his neck, his other hand pushing him back, his leg between Steve’s to keep him there.
Robin pinched him when she could see his mind starting to drift. She was the best.
And as they worked to figure things out, and fight their way through Vecna’s curse, Steve managed to have actual conversations with Eddie.
They weren’t really ever completely alone, no one was while they were figuring things out and making a plan, but they still managed to talk.
It was enough for Steve. Enough to know he could maybe be friends with him when this was over and done. Maybe go to his graduation, maybe help him leave the town that was ready to burn him at the stake.
He didn’t expect it to be it. To be all he got.
So when he saw Dustin sobbing over a bloody body, he didn’t waste time. He had Nancy put pressure on the worst of the wounds, made Robin get Dustin out, he needs to go, started begging, pleading quietly with Eddie to just survive.
“You can’t let the fire burn out yet, idiot. Not now, not like this.”
Nancy didn’t acknowledge what he was saying, but he knew she knew.
He was tearing his shirt into pieces, makeshift bandages the only option for holding him together as Steve found a way to carry him to the trailer and through the gate.
It wasn’t easy, but nothing about any of their Upside Down trauma had been, and Eddie was worth it.
Steve waited hours.
Then he waited days.
When a week had gone by, Wayne pulled him into a hug and practically begged him to go home and get some rest.
“Our boy will wake up and we wanna look our best when he does, right?”
He couldn’t really argue with Wayne, not when he’d let him sit by Eddie’s bed with him for days.
He didn’t tell Wayne about his feelings, didn’t really know if Wayne was a safe person to tell, but he figured Wayne knew anyway.
When he managed to sleep for a few hours in his own bed, shower in his own bathroom, and eat an actual cooked meal, he found his way back to Eddie’s room. The nurses no longer paid any attention once Owens and his government buddies cleared Eddie’s name.
He walked into the same scene he’d watched for a week now; Eddie asleep, hooked up to more machines that any human should have to, chest rising and falling slowly.
But Wayne hadn’t made it back yet, hopefully getting more sleep than Steve had been able to.
So he took the chair closest to Eddie’s head, gently brushing some of his hair from his face and reaching down to hold his hand.
Even like this, bruises and scars littering his body and face, he was beautiful.
His fire was still burning, Steve could see it.
He managed to fall asleep like that, holding Eddie’s less injured hand in his, head on the bed against his leg.
A hand in his hair woke him up.
Expecting it to be Wayne or Robin, he blinked his eyes open and slowly sat up, ready for another long day of waiting.
But it wasn’t Wayne or Robin.
Steve resisted throwing himself at him, knowing he would be in pain, but he let his hands hover over him to show he wanted to.
“Hey Stevie.”
God, his voice was so nice. It was like actual music to his ears. He never wanted to go so long without hearing it again.
“How long have you been awake? Do you need the nurse? Pain meds? Where is the pain?”
Eddie chuckled quietly, small smile visible under his oxygen mask.
“I don’t really know but the pain is everywhere.”
“Shit, okay. Let me go get someone. I don’t even know who’s on shift right now. I don’t know how long I slept.”
“Calm down.”
Steve let out a disbelieving laugh, barely more than a huff of air.
“You almost died, Eddie! And you’re hurting. I almost-” Steve choked on a wet sob, his throat closing up as tears flooded his eyes.
“You didn’t though. You saved me. I’m here right?”
Eddie’s voice was barely above a whisper, and it clearly pained him to even talk, but he was doing it for Steve.
Steve suddenly realized there was far too much space between them, that if he wasn’t feeling the heat of Eddie’s flames against his skin, he couldn’t convince himself he was still alight.
He gently sat on the edge of the bed, taking Eddie’s hand back in his own.
“I almost didn’t make it in time. You were so pale, Eds. So bloody.”
“But you did. You made it.”
Steve took a shaky breath.
He knew he needed to say it. He needed to tell Eddie why he did everything he could to save him, why he hasn’t left his side except at Wayne’s insistence, why he was panicking so much now.
Eddie squeezed his hand.
“Stevie, you think I didn’t see you watching me? I started to think you were gonna kill me sometimes with how often you just stared at me.” Eddie took a few breaths, closing his eyes as he focused on what he wanted to say and not the pain. “I figured it out there. After Nancy. That’s why I came to Scoops so much. Loved that little outfit.”
Eddie was smirking at him and Steve let out a snort.
“I hated that thing. Robin did too.”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that Robin never helped me when I came in either. It was always you.”
Steve couldn’t look at him, not while he was being seen so clearly.
“And all this? With the monsters and crazy people in this town trying to kill me? But you were the quickest to believe me. The one making sure I wasn’t going crazy. And then the one who got me out of there alive, even though I didn’t think there was any way I would.”
“Why didn’t you stick to the plan? You could’ve escaped with Dustin, been safe.”
“Because the world couldn’t lose Steve Harrington.”
“It couldn’t lose Eddie Munson, either.”
Eddie shook his head.
“I think you’re the only one who feels that way.”
“Really? You think Dustin could have handled losing you? Or Mike? He’s a shit, but he cares. And me? How was I supposed to?”
“No! You don’t get to decide that you don’t matter to people. Everyone loves you and everyone would have been devastated to lose you. Wayne’s been sitting in this stupid plastic chair for a week waiting for you to wake up. You think he would have been okay with losing you?”
“Eventually, yeah.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I’ve heard.”
Steve shook his head.
“How do you not see how much people love you?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
Steve didn’t quite know what to say to that. It’s not that he believed he was expendable, it’s just that if it came down to someone having to die, he’d rather it be him. Not to play hero, but because picturing anyone else dying was too much to bear.
“You’re loved, too. Every single one of those kids love you like a brother. Robin would probably marry you if you had boobs. I was willing to die to keep you safe, Steve. How can you not see it?”
“It wasn’t just me.”
“No. I wanted all of you to be safe. But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the thought of you dying that made me cut the rope.”
“Because I watched you, too. All the time. I did things for your attention. I thought that was obvious.”
Steve shook his head. No way he was telling the truth. He constantly ranted about the popular kids, about how much he hated them and everything they represented. The hierarchy of high school continued into life and he wanted no part of it.
Eddie groaned as he adjusted a bit in the bed.
“I may need to continue this later, Stevie.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. Let me get the nurse,” Steve muttered as he got up.
The nurse bustled in only a minute later, followed by Steve, who thought through the entire conversation he just had with Eddie.
Did Eddie…like him?
No way. He couldn’t possibly like Steve. He hated the whole King Steve thing. He’d said so multiple times over the years.
But so did Steve.
He zoned out while the nurse asked Eddie questions and checked his vitals, thinking back to all the times he’d been watching Eddie in school.
How almost every time, Eddie had already been watching him.
How Eddie’s theatrics always waited until Steve was in the same room.
How Eddie glared at Nancy, even when she was helping him.
Steve watched as the nurse put a new bag on his IV pole, explaining to him that this would be a morphine drip that would probably knock him out for another 12-24 hours.
He watched Eddie nod along, past the point of caring what was happening and just wanting the pain to stop.
The nurse finally left, and Steve didn’t wait.
He walked over to the bed, leaning over Eddie.
“You are an idiot,” Steve said, leaning in closer to his lips, grateful that the nurse had removed the oxygen mask and replaced it with a small nasal cannula.
“Am I?’ Eddie asked with a smirk, the lids of his eyes slowly getting heavier.
“Yeah. And I can’t believe I love an idiot so much.”
Eddie’s eyes widened for a second before they started to close again.
“You gonna kiss the idiot or make him fall asleep without one?”
Steve rolled his eyes, but leaned in to place a soft kiss on Eddie’s dry and cracked lips.
Eddie smiled into it, but didn’t seem to have the energy to kiss back right now.
Steve pulled away and rested his forehead against Eddie’s, gently, like he would break if he put too much of himself against him.
“You owe me a good one when you’re not high on morphine, deal?”
“Mhm. Deal, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed at the name, but Eddie’s eyes were closed.
Wayne walked in only a few minutes later, eyes wide.
“The nurse said he was awake?”
Steve nodded from his spot in the chair, Eddie’s hand in his, fond smile on his face.
“Yeah, she gave him morphine so he can rest some more.”
“Good,” Wayne visibly relaxed. “He tell you he’s in love with you yet or do I have to keep waitin’?”
“Well, not in so many words, but, kinda.”
“And you? You told him?”
“I called him an idiot.”
“Close enough.”
Steve laughed. It felt so good to laugh.
Eddie’s fire had spread quickly, the smoke clearing away just enough to let Steve be engulfed in his flames.
Steve was burning, and it was everything he hoped it would be.
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corrodedbisexual · 10 months
Work your magic
Steddie | E | ~5.1k | Ch. 1/2 | AO3 link
Featuring: AU - Modern Setting, AU - Neighbors, Porn With Plot, Confident/Experienced/Gay/Slut Eddie Munson, Confident Bisexual Steve Harrington, Service Top Eddie Munson, Horny Steve Harrington, Pet Names, Flirting, Public Blow Job, Cock Tease, Cock Worship, POV Steve Harrington, Smut, Humor, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers
“Here we go again,” Robin states matter-of-factly, turning her head to glance at the wall they share with their neighbor’s apartment. A very much non-soundproof wall. It keeps happening, like clockwork, every Saturday night, sometime between 10pm and midnight. It’s a different voice every time. They only have two things in common: one, they are always guys, and two… they are loud. “Okay, there’s just no way this guy’s that good,” Steve comments with a wince. (Narrator voice) This guy is, in fact, that good.
Happy birthday @legitcookie!!! 🥰😏 Hope you enjoy.
~~~ SNIPPET ~~~
“So what, is it like a… porn thing?” Steve asks, trying to keep his voice casual, adding a smirk for good measure. “Are you streaming or something?”
Eddie bursts out laughing, full body, bending in half and slapping a palm repeatedly against his thigh. He’s constantly moving, Steve has already noticed. Like he’d explode if he stood still for more than a few seconds. 
“The fuck, dude? What makes you think that?!”
“I mean, come on! All the groaning and screaming? Nobody fucks like that, other than in porn!”
It only makes Eddie laugh harder. His eyes are actually shining with unshed tears by the time he stands up straight again. And then, he steps closer, takes a drag from his cigarette and slowly exhales the smoke, not right in Steve’s face, a little to the side. 
He smells like weed, cheap cologne, and sex. Steve’s mouth waters, and that’s even before the man speaks, tilting his head, eyes roaming across Steve’s face. 
“You mean, nobody fucks you like that, princess?”
Full work on AO3
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat) by sleepingoffyourdemons
Rating: Mature
18,004 words, 5/5 chapters
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Aware of Own Bisexuality Steve Harrington, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Sexuality Crisis, Shotgunning, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Smut, POV Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington, POV Alternating, Character Study, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Recreational Drug Use, Handkerchief Code, Eddie Munson Has a Bisexual Awakening
It was girls, it had always been girls. But then there was Steve. Steve, who stared at his lips while he spoke, who flinched like he'd been burnt when Eddie leaned into his space and whose heroism put him to shame again and again. Who made him want to be a better man. To stop running. To be worthy. To fight. Steve was something else. -------- Eddie isn’t gay but lots of people make that assumption. Maybe they know something that he doesn't, because he's damned if he doesn't enjoy flirting with Steve Harrington. Steve was pretty confident in his sexuality. He liked women. A lot. And sometimes, on the odd occasion, he liked men too. He'd decided that didn't have to mean anything though. Then he met Eddie Munson. OR Eddie can have a little sexuality crisis too, as a treat.
Thanks for the rec! This recommendation is apart of our Writer's Wednesday! All of the recs today are written by @punkslovepoints. Want to nominate an author? Fill out this form!
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Okay, all these options about how Steve comes out as bisexual and most of its like Steve figures it out or he knew all along or if Robin figured it out but like what if (Eddie's alive!) Eddie figures it out first.
"Man, I think you're in love with me," Eddie said confidently.
"What?!" Steve exclaimed, shaking himself out of staring at Eddie's lips. "But I'm not gay. I like girls."
"You can like both. It's called bisexuality like David Bowie," Eddie explained.
"Oh. OH. Wait. . . How did you . . .what made you think. . .?" Steve asked, his cheeks red.
"No straight guy has ever stared at my lips the way that you stared at my lips," Eddie said. "Well, that one guy did, but he was hard of hearing and had to read my lips."
"Uh, I'm also hard of hearing," Steve admitted.
"Oh shit! Oh God, shit. Man, I'm sorry. I completely messed this up, haven't I?" Eddie asked and went to stand up, but Steve pushed him back down.
"I mean, you're also not wrong about me. I like guys. I think I've always liked. . .both, and I think I like you. No, I am completely and utterly in love with you, Eddie Munson," Steve said.
"I am completely and utterly in love with you too, Steve Harrington."
Eddie cupped the back of Steve’s neck and pulled him into a kiss, kissing Steve Steve in a way that he had never been kissed before. Yeah, he was never kissing anyone else ever again. Steve pulled away suddenly.
"Wait a minute! I was staring at your lips when you were trying to push me towards Nancy! Did you know then?" Steve asked.
"No, man, I thought maybe I had something on my face," Eddie replied.
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pepethehobbit · 1 year
Also on AO3.
Steve Harrington has exactly three problems. Well, he definitely has more than three, but they don’t seem as relevant as those three problems currently sitting in front of him. They are less individual ones and more of a culmination of all his problems embedded into one person. The list goes as follows:
Steve gets repeatedly lost in big brown eyes full of wonder.
When he can tear his gaze away from those eyes, it wanders down to a set of pink lips talking excitedly about something Steve lost track of ages ago.
Steve gets lost staring at those lips as well.
Realising these three problems, leads Steve down a dangerous path where three equally dangerous revelations await him. Revelations Steve was able to successfully repress every time they have come too close to the surface of reality. Until today, apparently.
Eddie Munson has the prettiest eyes Steve has ever seen.
Steve may be, definitely is bisexual.
Steve wants to kiss Eddie.
Who knew that all it took for Steve to realise this were the loosening effects of the joint they smoked earlier and Eddie talking passionately about something he cares so deeply about.
“Hello, earth to Harrington? You there?” Eddie asks in kind of a frantic voice, waving his arm wildly in front of Steve’s face. Right. Shit. Steve winces and shakes himself out of his I-have-a-crush-on-Eddie-Munson-stupor to concentrate on the man in front of him. It’s easier not to get lost in those eyes when they are currently so full of worry.
“Sorry, I was just lost in thought. No need to worry,” Steve says, but Eddie remains worried, eyebrows drawn together in concern.
“You okay there, big boy?”
Big boy. Steve would never admit it, but that’s probably where all of these problems began. Eddie doesn’t say it often, but when he does some of the weight on Steve’s chest vanishes as if Eddie has personally taken it off of him.
“I’m fine. Just tired from work, you know? You were telling me about your upcoming DnD campaign?”
There’s a small smile tugging at Eddie’s lips. It’s more of a smirk really and Steve knows he has to be very careful now.
“Yeah, like ten minutes ago, Stevie. What’s got you so distracted?”
You, he almost blurts out, still kind of lost in his recent revelations. Get a grip, Harrington.
“I wasn’t distracted,” Steve lies, trying to save at least some of his façade. “You were saying that Henderson has got you all figured out and that you have to think of a new strategy.”
Steve looks up from where he was meticulously studying the pattern of Eddie’s couch to find his smirk changing into something soft, almost fond. Uh oh. Perfect conditions to get lost in his eyes again. Steve tries not to, but his gaze snaps up to Eddie’s eyes on its own accord and Steve knows he’s doomed the second their eyes meet. How is he supposed to look away from someone who looks at him like that. No one has ever looked at him like that. So full of wonder, curiosity, fondness and … hope?
“Steve,” Eddie says in a voice so soft, Steve nearly melts right then and there. “You gotta stop looking at me like that. One of these days I’m gonna do something very stupid.”
And Steve wants to laugh, because he’s been thinking the same thing about Eddie. He just hopes the stupid thing Eddie is talking about involves his lips on him and not kicking Steve out of his trailer. But Eddie is still looking at him like that. Steve jumps headfirst into the water, hoping that Eddie follows him again.
“Do it.”
“What?” Eddie asks confused, his eyes darting down to Steve’s lips for a millisecond. He would’ve missed it under normal circumstances, but Steve’s gaze has never strayed from Eddie’s eyes.
“Do the stupid thing, because I’m not gonna stop looking at you,” Steve says, suddenly feeling more confident and scooting over the couch, closer to Eddie. His tugged in leg now lies on Eddie’s lap and he settles his arm on the backrest around his shoulders.
Eddie’s eyes grow impossibly bigger but he doesn’t look away. Steve begins to play with soft curly brown hair and lets his fingers wander to caress the side of Eddie’s neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He lets his eyes drop down to those soft lips in time to see them drawing in a shuddering breath, leaving them open for Steve to admire.
“Steve.” Eddie’s voice is barely above a whisper as his nose bumps into Steve’s, his breath ghosting over his lips.
“Eddie,” Steve sighs, closing his eyes as he tilts his head, their lips only millimetres away from finally touching. Eddie doesn’t close the distance.
“Please,” Steve breathes out shakingly and then there’s a hand on the side of his neck pulling him in and deleting the space between their lips. The rings on Eddie’s fingers are cold against his skin but he barely notices when the heat of his lips warms Steve’s body from the inside out. He feels his heart pounding wildly in his chest as Eddie pulls him even closer and coaxes his mouth to part with a tentative lick across Steve’s bottom lip. Steve’s body moves on his own accord and he settles himself fully on Eddie’s lap, his hands clutching the side of his face desperately before he buries them in those impossibly soft curls.
Eddie lets out a dizzying sound at that and Steve reluctantly breaks away to look at him again. Eddie’s eyes open slowly and he finds Steve’s with worrying accuracy. But then again, they seem to have had more practice of looking at each other than Steve had realised. He leans his forehead against Eddie’s and lets his eyes fall shut again, basking in the comfort of having Eddie so close.  
It’s Eddie who pulls back a moment later. With his hands he’s holding Steve’s face, his thumbs caressing his cheekbones, slowly, delicately, perfectly.
“I wanted to do that since you found me at Rick’s,” Eddie admits, his lips tugging up in a small smile.
Steve lets out a huff of laughter. “You mean when you held a broken glass bottle to my neck?” he asks disbelieving. Eddie chuckles at that, his smile turning wicked and a whole new kind of heat spreads through Steve.  
“Yeah. Something about the way you begged.”
A little laugh escapes Steve, if only to cover up how flustered Eddie makes him feel. “You are so weird, Ed’s.”
Eddie laughs. His right hand moves towards Steve’s hair, tugging a few strands behind his ear before settling at the back of his neck, caressing his scalp. Steve’s eyes flutter shut and he lets out a content little sigh.
“You like it, don’t you big boy?” Eddie asks impossibly smug and Steve positively melts against him. He can barely hold back the embarrassing sound threatening to escape his lips but the way Eddie is laughing softly tells Steve that he wasn’t that successful.
“I like you,” Steve says simply, a smile spreading on his face that his mirrored on Eddie’s.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
"I like you, too, Stevie," is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
“I like you,” Steve says simply, a smile spreading on his face that his mirrored on Eddie’s.
“I like you, too, Stevie,” is all that Eddie says before he pulls Steve in to kiss him.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Ser Stephan of Harring’s Town Part 7
This is the last part but I have an extra I’ll be posting tonight that I’ll tag everyone in. It’s set right after Steve asks Eddie to hold on to his guitar for him.
Also Steve turns on and up the Harrington charm in this one!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve being more confident in their campaign was going to be a problem, Eddie realized all too late.
“I roll to seduce the innkeeper for a cheaper rate,” Steve said. “Especially since the party spent most of our gold on potions.”
Eddie wanted to stuff his hair in his mouth and scream. But that would have tipped the party off on how awkward this was about to become.
“You can’t seduce the innkeeper,” Mike snapped.
“Why not?” Steve asked, looking over at Eddie in confusion.
“It’s a male elf,” Mike said slowly as if Steve was being particularly dense.
Eddie frowned. “What’s that got to with anything?”
Mike rolled his eyes. “Steve is a male human. He can’t seduce another male.”
“He can try,” Will said. “And what is seducing but charming someone.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows. “There are gay people in fantasy, Mike.”
“No there aren’t,” Mike argued.
“Wait,” Erica said. “You’re okay with dragons, magic, and actual fucking elves? But not gay people?”
“Language,” Steve said automatically. “Besides, Ser Stephan of Harring’s Town is bisexual and totally down for hitting on the hot elven innkeeper. Maybe I can convince him we only need three rooms.”
“You’re character isn’t bunking with Erica’s character,” Lucas said.
Steve waggled his eyebrows. “I didn’t say I would staying with Lady Applejack.”
Will was the first one to get it. He sighed deeply. “Eddie I don’t want to explain it to them. Please help me out.”
Eddie who was trying to pick his jaw up off the floor, gulped. “Sure thing man.” He turned to the remaining four teenagers. “Ser Stephan is suggesting he warm the innkeeper’s bed.”
Erica still didn’t understand, but three boys most certainly did. And there was a general outcry of disgust. And Lucas bit the bullet and explained it to her.
“Ooh...” she said. “I gotcha. Ser Stephan is slut.”
Steve laughed and Eddie hung his head, hoping that his hair hid the deep blush that darkened his cheeks.
Eddie cleared his throat. “It doesn’t matter, because Ser Stephan has to roll high enough to succeed.”
Steve rolled his dice and the party started screaming.
“What did you get?” Eddie asked, not daring to look. Please be a one, please be a one, he chanted in his head.
“Natural twenty.”
Eddie’s eyes snapped to Steve in shock. Steve sat back and grinned. And then it happened. He leaned forward.
“My dearest innkeep,” Steve purred. “We have been traveling so long and so far, our feet are wary, our stomachs are empty and our throats are dry. We have just come from a house filled with horrors beyond imagining, fleeing for our very lives. Is there no way that you could give us three room for merest price of five gold?”
Eddie’s throat had gone as dry as Steve claimed the party’s throats were. He took a sip of his soda, trying to free his vocal cords so that he could reply.
“Only three rooms, sweet knight,” Eddie purred back, “where will you sleep?”
Steve got closer to Eddie. “I was hoping that I may warm your bed tonight. Keep you comforted on this cold night.” Steve played with one of Eddie’s curls. “I would woo you, murmur sweet nothings in your ear all night as our bodies moved as one.”
Eddie wanted to push Steve away. To tell him this wasn’t funny. But there was something in the way the other man looked at him that told him; this was pretty serious for Steve, too.
“I am but a lowly innkeeper,” Eddie murmured back. “Why would one such as yourself seek my bed?”
Steve smiled. “Humble though you may be, sweet innkeep, you are as beautiful and fair as a summer’s breeze, it would be an honor to spend this night with you.”
Eddie blushed. He lifted his head a little and his nose brushed Steve’s. He hadn’t realized that Steve had gotten so close.
“If you would grant us this boon,” Steve continued, their breath mingling together, “I would pay you back in a thousand kisses, my fair one.”
“Yes,” is all Eddie could say at that point. Steve had rolled a natural twenty. He had to give in, but he also wanted to. Steve had role played that perfectly.
Steve leaned the rest of the way and kissed Eddie on the lips. Eddie closed his eyes. It was perfect. If only it was real.
The party erupted in cheers and screaming.
Steve broke the kiss. “Well, Eddie, what do you say? Be mine, my fair one?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide and his jaw went slack. He gulped. “That was–was for me?”
“I’m not role playing this time round,” Steve said softly, “remember?” He winked and sat back.
Eddie practically launched himself from his chair into Steve’s arms. “Yes!”
Steve laughed struggling to keep them both from falling to the floor in a heap.
“Does that mean that Steve is dating our DM?” Erica asked.
“Wait!” Mike yelled. “That means he’ll get special treatment!”
Eddie looked at him over his shoulder and glared. “You say that as if he wasn’t already.”
Mike and Dustin started yelling but Will and Lucas shared a glance over their heads.
They knew. Eddie was always going to give Steve preferential treatment when this thing first started. Because unlike with Erica, Eddie wanted Steve to like the game so that he would stay. Can’t do that if you kill off your crush’s character, especially if that character is based off said crush.
“Can we get back to the game, please?” Erica said rolling her eyes.
“Well,” Eddie said, “since everyone is bedding down for the night, why don’t we call a break and come back in fifteen minutes.”
That got everyone to calm down as they all realized they needed to pee. And suddenly there was a mad scramble to the three bathroom Steve’s house had.
Eddie straddled Steve’s lap and sat down more comfortably. “So big boy, how long had you been holding on to that little display?”
Steve grabbed Eddie’s thighs to keep him from falling and looked up at him, smiling softly. “Since the wolves to be honest.”
Eddie frowned. That was ages ago. But then again, there hadn’t been an opening before now.
“I hope you weren’t waiting on the game to seduce me,” he groused.
Steve leaned up and kissed his lips in a quick peck. “No, I was going to seduce after the brats had gone home, but couldn’t resist with an opening like that.”
“It was hot,” Eddie admitted.
“Good,” Steve murmured. “Because I learned that kind of talk from you.”
Eddie blinked. “You think it’s hot when I use flowery language?”
Steve ran his hands up Eddie’s thighs to cup his ass. “Oh yeah.”
“That is some pretty powerful information you’ve given me, pretty boy,” Eddie growled. “I could use it against you.”
Steve answering grin was positively feral. “God, I hope so.”
Eddie dived in and kissed Steve senseless. “I love you.”
Steve’s grin gentled to a soft, fond smile. “I love you, too, babe.”
After a few moments of sweet and soft kissing, Eddie whispered. “I’m glad you started playing D&D, sweetheart. You have such depths.”
“And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life learning yours, babe.”
Eddie blushed.
Unfortunately for everyone that was when the goblins decided to return. There were gagging and protests until Eddie reluctantly got off of Steve’s lap.
The game resumed and the night continued on, but if anyone noticed that their hardass DM was kinder that night, everyone wisely kept it themselves.
Even Mike.
Extra with Wayne and Eddie with the guitar here.
Tag List: @chaossmiles @bejeweledbaby @shrimply-a-menace @mightbeasleep @goblin-eddie @gregre369 @idea-less-author  @xtkxkrzrizir @azure-and-gold @flanbott @garden-of-gay @tauntedperfume @marvelousforlife @itsfreakingbats
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sarahmadisonxoxo · 2 years
I don’t think it’s far off to assume that Eddie Munson was definitely in theatre. Due to Hellfire being held in the Hawkins Drama departments room, whether it was a storage room or performance space, you could imagine he might have had a good relationship with the Theatre Director. With the way Eddie is so talented at storytelling his eye might have been valued in some way. Shadowing the director as a sort of aid. Someone to bounce ideas off of.  When the plays are stories, Eddie is fascinated in, he might even lend hands to anyone as someone to run lines with.  Robin being casted as the understudy to the lead role after auditioning for the part on a whim. Volunteers for the plays weren’t aways easy to find, so skill levels definitely varied throughout. Robin knowing, she wasn’t going to get the lead, and feeling confident the girl she was understudying for would make the show.  In a last-minute moment, Robin’s being asked to step up. Eddie’s running in to help her prepare. Spending hours running through lines, shooting for acceptability.  They are some of the last people there, besides backstage crew that is setting up. Steve Harrington being dragged in to help, working to earn some extra credit for one of his classes. It’s a little bit of light construction. Nailing boards together to hold up background pieces. It helps his grade. Gets him out of his house on a socially dead night and saves him a trip to the gym. Wins all around.  “Kiss” Robin squeaks. Eyes going wide, searching Eddie’s face for something that told her they’d skip it. “No one said anything about a kissing scene”  The reaction Robin was looking for never came.  “Oh, don’t worry about its Robin. It’s a stage kiss. Real simple you don’t even get that close. Purely illusion... here I will show you” Eddie hopped off of the stool he’d perched himself on, walking toward the end of the stage. “Harrington... I need you for a minute. Robin here’s freaking out about a little kiss.”  The jock paused... setting down the tools he’d been working with off on a table.Walking out onto the stage to join the pair.  “I just want to show her how to do a stage kiss man... It will be really quick. Just so she can see it. “  “But I am a guy? “Steve questioned.  “You are also the only other person in the room right now. It’s quick, and I am not actually going to kiss you big boy. It’s all fake.”  “Okay. just make it quick” Steve hesitated.  True to his word. Eddie barely brushed his thumb against Steve’s upper lip to keep them separated. One time at a normal speed to show what it is supposed to look like and then one halved attempt at a slower speed. To show what's actually happening.  The kissing scene gets scrapped. Robin does great.  Steve Harrington leaves to slowly begin his bisexual panic over just being in relatively close proximity to Eddie for a minute.  When Robin eventually comes out to Steve in the bathroom at Starcourt.. and their friendship begins. it isn’t long before Steve comes out as bisexual. (Not at the same time of course to be respectful, but a few weeks later. )
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Could you write hc for coming out as bisexual to the older kids of stranger things? (Steve, robin, eddie, nancy, jonathan) If that’s too many people that’s okay!
note: i fixed robin’s so it’s a little more neutral as to what you’re coming out as !! just so everyone can read :))
Coming Out To The Older Stranger Things Kids
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Steve Harrington:
Absolutely the best person to come out to !! He’s a little confused at first and you would probably have to explain some things to him, but overall he’s totally considerate and supportive.
He has experience with having LGBTQIA+ friends so it’s not really a new thing to him.
If you’re trying to keep your sexuality a secret, he’d be totally understanding. He’d never put you to anyone !! He knows the dangers of doing so and he would never want to put you in a bad situation.
He’s very excited for you !! Now he gets to judge your taste in guys and girls.
He’s the most supportive and loving person in the world, making him one of the best people to come out to. He would never judge you and always takes your feelings into consideration.
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Robin Buckley:
Literally she’s so fucking excited !! She wants to talk to you about girls all the time.
She would probably come out to you at the same time, making it a really nice bonding situation.
She’s so appreciative !! She knows how much trust and courage it takes to come out so it makes her really happy that you trust her enough to tell her something so private.
She’d definitely make you guys matching (discreetly gay) bracelets, yours with the flag colors of your choice and hers with the lesbian flag colors !! solidarity !!
She wants to have a “coming out anniversary” sleepover every year and no, you cannot get out of it no matter how much you may want to.
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Eddie Munson:
You cannot convince me this man is straight. He’s definitely secretly questioning his sexuality, so he’ll ask you some questions in an effort to try to understand a little better.
He’s very supportive !! If you feel anxious or awkward about coming out to him, he’ll make some jokes to try to help you feel more comfortable.
He’s very open minded. He knows how judgmental people can be, especially when you don’t exactly fit in, so he always takes time to consider how you may be feeling or how he can make things a little easier for you.
Eddie is literally so kind hearted. If anyone was ever giving you shit or asking too many questions for your liking, he would not hesitate to put them in their place.
He would definitely confide in you about how he feels regarding his sexuality as well and it would be a very nice experience for the both of you.
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Nancy Wheeler:
Nancy would take a little time to process before she really said anything, which could be extremely nerve-racking. However, she’s not judging you !! She just wants to think about how to respond so she doesn’t say anything wrong or upset you at all.
She’s actually also very supportive !! She thinks that it was incredibly brave of you to come out to her and she’s very, very proud of you. She would probably make you cupcakes or something to celebrate.
Nancy would also be totally open to exploring her sexuality so she really doesn’t have any negative feelings about your coming out to her. She would probably ask a couple questions but she wouldn’t pry or anything.
She’s such a good friend to have !! Her first response would be to hug you and thank you for trusting her.
Makes a point to ask if you’re “seeing anyone” instead of “do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend”
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Jonathan Byers:
Also such an amazing friend to have during this kind of situation !!
He knows how hard it is to not fit in with others or have other people look down on you, so he’s very proud of you for being able to embrace your sexuality and he’s so glad you trust him with it.
He would definitely remind you that it’s boring to be like everyone else.
He would be so accepting and loving !! He would never want you to feel like you aren’t accepted.
He’s honestly one of the best people to come out to because he’s just so understanding and open.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 5 months
swing for the fences
by occasional_loverboy
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers Additional Tags: Inevitable Softball AU, Alternate Universe - 1990s, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Radio Personality Eddie Munson, Confident Steve Harrington, Happy Ending, Sports, Drinking, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Platonic Soulmates Chrissy Cunningham & Eddie Munson, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Jock Steve Harrington, Cynical Eddie Munson, POV Eddie Munson, Getting Together, Explicit Sexual Content, First Time, the inherent romanticism of teaching someone how to swing a bat, Falling In Love Words: 61,494 Chapters: 8/8
Some shitty, green, early 90s Ford Festiva takes the corner objectively too fast, its windows rolled all the way down. It rolls right up onto the grass behind the fence and comes to a halt. Eddie stifles a snort of derision. What kind of jackass - The rest of the thought careens off course when the door swings open and the prettiest man Eddie's ever seen in his life climbs out. Time seems to go all syrupy as the guy runs a hand through his perfect hair and folds his perfect arms over the door of his car, sunglasses dangling from one hand. "You guys ready to kick some ass?" He calls, grinning hugely. OR It's 1996, and against all better judgement and base instinct, Eddie Munson joins a softball team.
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pez-and-quiet · 1 year
Was inspired by this post
Steve pov
Steve looked around at everyone, he pinched at his skin and pulled at his hair. He wasn’t dreaming, Eddie was alive and he had kissed him.
Steve swore he heard A quiet “Woah” slipped from Eddie. He looked at the metal head, he looked like a deer in headlights.
“The fuck?” Dustin and Mike chimed in. It was them that reminded him there were children in the room.
“Alright everyone out” He turned his back to Eddie, “Eddie and I need to talk”
There were protests from the kids, especially Dustin.
“Hey if you don’t all leave right now I’ll make Hellfire living well Hell for all of you next session@ Eddie’s voice was loud and commanding. It was his Dungeon Master voice. Not surprisingly all the kids shuffled out of the Harrington house.
Steve made eye contact with Will as the young brunette was leaving, there was a look in his eyes, Steve couldn’t quite place it but it looked something like hope.
Nancy, Jonathan and Robin were all still standing in the door way.
“But what about them??? Also we need rides, we can’t really bike from here” Mike exclaimed as he walked though the door.
“Don’t worry Wheeler they’ll be right behind you” Steve told the curly haired teen.
Robin started protesting that but gave up after Steve gave her one of their platonic soulmate looks.
It took a bit but eventually it was just Steve and Eddie sitting on the floor of Steve’s giant den in his basement. They both just sat there for a bit, Steve don’t mind it though it gave him some time to think.
Surprisingly Steve was realitivly calm, he’d been 100% sure about his sexuality for a while now. Honestly it took Robin coming out to him while they were high for him to actually owlage how he felt. She was the only one to know that he was bisexual, he laughed to himself guess he was out to everyone.
“You know I’ve never heard you laugh, what’s the occasion” Eddie’s question had snapped him out of his thoughts
“Ah just never thought that’s how I’d come out to the kids, or Nance and Jonathan” Steve leaned back on his hands looking at Eddie. “Sorry about that by the way”
Steve watched Eddie’s head tilt to the side a confused look covering his face. “For what?”
“For kissing you” Steve paused, “I had a lot of time to think while you were in the hospital, most of my thinking was about you. You and your cocky smile when your fucking around with the kids, your long hair and how pissed I was they cut it for the surgeries. The way you’d carry yourself in school, you were always so confident but not in the way Jason or billy were. You embraced your peculiarities and showed them off. and fuck man your gutair playing is indescribable, it save the world. I think after thinking about you for so long I realized…” he trailed off, Eddie wasn’t listening “never mind I crossed a line and fucked up and now I’m going to lose one of the best people I’ve met”
“What did you realize?” Eddie asked quietly
“That I loved yo-” Steve didn’t get to finish because Eddie has pressed his lips to Steve’s. The kids was sweet and soft and perfect just like Steve had pictured.
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Day 3 of @steddie-week
Prompt: Discover, First Kiss, Kiss on my List - Hall & Oates
"So, quite the banger, Harrington," Eddie pointed out, which only had Steve chuckle. They were standing in the kitchen of the Harrington's house, both a bottle of beer in their hand. The party was more located in the living room with music and outside on the patio by the pool, they could still hear the going-ons, but it was much calmer in here.
"It's nothing compared to what I used to throw," Steve responded with a shrug. He didn't really know why he'd mentioned that, since the crowd was much more after his own taste these days. Even with the kids running around. "This is better, though," he therefore added and raised his bottle to toast Eddie. "To new friendships." He smiled when the other man clinked their bottles together.
"You know, I never expected us two to get along," Eddie said after their had a few sips of beer. "But I'm glad we are. You're much sweeter than I imagined." Steve blushed, at least he was pretty sure he did. He liked it when Eddie said nice things about him between their usual banter. "So are you," he replied softly and moved to lean against the counter right beside Eddie. Their shoulders were touching, something that happened a lot these days. Soon enough, no more words spoken, their eyes met and he noticed that Eddie was blushing, too.
Although Steve knew that Eddie was into guys, he highly doubted that he actually liked him. There was just no way. Sure, he'd wished for that since the metal head made him realize he was bisexual, but he also knew that there would just be no way. Why would an amazing guy like Eddie want to date anyone like him? Still, Steve couldn't help but glance at his lips, absentmindedly liking his own as he imagined what it would be like to kiss them. Probably breathtaking.
Eddie seemed to realize what was going on in Steve's mind or at least he moved even further into his space. "What are you doing?" he murmered, watching every small move Eddie made. Then it happened. He was kissed. By Eddie Munson. In his parents' kitchen. This couldn't be real, he had to be dreaming. "Dude," he exclaimed, gently pushing Eddie away by his shoulders, but not removing his hands after. "What're you doing?" he asked again.
Eddie's eyes widened and he quickly set his bottle on the counter, moving to leave. "Sorry, guess I got that wrong. I'm so sorry, I'll get out of your hair. Jesus H. Christ, I'm so sorry," he babbled anxiously as he looked around for his stuff and walked to the kitchen's doorway.
"Eddie, wait! It's... it's not... don't leave, okay?" Steve hurriedly pressed out, hoping it would stop Eddie from rushing out of the room. When he did stop but didn't turn around to face him again he added, "You- you didn't get it wrong, okay. I'm just surprised. I've liked you for months now, Robin is pretty sick of hearing about it. Didn't think you'd ever like me back."
Eddie turned around again eventually. "Don't fuck with me, Harrington. If you're pissed that's justified, but don't go on and be mean about it. It was an honest mistake," he begged, his eyes actually a bit watery. Now Steve's eyes widened. He didn't hesitate as he moved closer to Eddie again, the urge to console him unbearable. "I'm not fucking with you," he promised sincerely, cupping his cheek softly. "It's new for me. Liking guys, I mean. You made me realize that."
Eddie's blush deepened and Steve really enjoyed seeing that. "I don't know how this will turn out in the end, but if you do like me back for some god forsaken reason I wanna see where this goes. You wanna do that?" Eddie nodded enthusiastically. It was funny to have him speechless when Steve felt so confident in this just now. He'd always figured it would be the other way around, Eddie alwayd seemed so sure about everything. He supposed, he was wrong about that, too, then. "I'm gonna kiss you again, if you don't mind," Steve whispered with a smile and then leaned in, humming softly as their lips touched again. God, they were ever softer than they looked and kissing Eddie felt so much more real and mind-blowing than anything he could've imagined.
"Never thought I could cross kissing you off my bucket list," Eddie joked quietly after they separated and they both chuckled at that, only to kiss again seconds later.
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remnostrum · 1 year
some of my favorite things to see in steddie fics (or headcanons i personally have):
note: they don't all exist in the same universe
Steve being really good at one thing that nobody expects him to be good at.
Hard of hearing Steve
Eddie delving deeper into his artsy side, may it be drawing more specific portraits, doodling, painting D&D minis, or even tattooing.
Eddie having a hate boner for Steve Harrington pre-season 4, and proceeding to have a hate crush on him for the duration of Steve's time in high school.
Steve being close to Holly Wheeler because he's probably the most affectionate person in the Wheeler household every time he visits besides Karen.
In relation to the previous bullet, Steve generally being more affectionate (read: touch starved) with others because he grew up with barely any affection at all.
(not popular but something i want to see:) Eddie probably entertains some of the kids in the trailer park with stories because it's something he would've wanted as a kid.
Confident Steve flirting with Eddie, post-bisexual awakening. Additionally, Eddie being a flustered mess and not knowing what to do. Also known as, Eddie flirting up a storm and when Steve flirts back, he proceeds to stutter and trip over himself.
Eddie making time to learn about Steve's interests because Steve tries hard to learn his.
Hairdresser or Baker/Cook Steve! I think it's just neat to see him be good at something.
Eddie not being a music snob. Like, yes, he's a huge metalhead and he will always have strong opinions about what he thinks is the best, but he doesn't shun any other opinions because why should he? To each their own.
Eddie realizing that what he did to Lucas was a shitty thing when his basketball game and Hellfire Night landed on the same day and making it up to him.
Anytime Steve tries to play Dungeons & Dragons is my favorite.
Steve knowing he's bisexual long ago but never telling anyone until they find out on their own.
FAKE DATING AUs !! Also anything tagged with Idiots to Lovers.
Domestic steddie slow dancing in the kitchen, listening to love songs on the radio. Existing and not thinking too much.
Steve and Eddie getting high
Steve helping Eddie study for his finals. No, he's not as smart as Nancy Wheeler, but he tries to learn other ways for Eddie to remember what he needs to study.
Teacher Steve x Rockstar Eddie AUs are amazing. But besides the usual "I didn't know you were married to a rockstar, Mr. Harrington!" trope, I like the idea of the entire world finding out famous musician Eddie Munson bends to the will of a man who wears sweater vests to work unironically.
The fics where Steve is either a professor/teacher, a guidance counselor, or a child psychologist are all what I want in life.
Steve hanging out with Max and Dustin (specifically, but not limited to). The Party becoming overprotective of him because he's sacrificed too much for them.
STEVE AND JONATHAN FRIENDSHIP. I always see people talk about Jonathan and Eddie being weed buddies, but you guys need to see the purity of Steve and Jonathan finally being friends. I'd like to see them get over their differences and hang out unironically.
If it isn't obvious yet, I'm a sucker for any tropes that means everyone will be freaked out by Steve in any shape or form (his hobbies, his friends, etc.)
Eddie "dating" someone to make Steve jealous. (It is up to you whether or not Steve does something about it. For whump material, I like torturing myself by thinking that Steve would get jealous but doesn't do anything about it because he thinks he's not the better choice.)
FOR ANGST: any fic where Steve sacrificed too much of himself and Eddie being angry at the world yet waiting on Steve. Whether it be a coma fic or some other one where he gets a major injury, it's all good.
Time loop fics where Steve falls in love little by little but Eddie has been in love with him all throughout. Those moments where he shouldn't know that Steve is reliving the same day over and over, but with one look, Eddie can notice how different he still is despite wearing the same clothes as before.
And lastly, Steve obsessing over one specific detail about Eddie. (His lips, how he plays with his hair, his rings, maybe even something nsfw lmao, etc.) With how affectionate and clingy he really is as a boyfriend, I can only imagine he's the type of guy who latches onto one specific thing that he thinks is extremely cute (or a turn on) and can't get it out of his mind. Whenever he does something about it, Eddie is confused but lets him. It's like they have their own telepathic communication that understands what the other wants.
I'll probably add more to this list to keep track. But here's some of the things I absolutely love to see in steddie fics. Some of them are personal ideas and headcanons. I'm a sucker for self-sacrifice.
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xenon-demon · 11 months
For the Steddie Ask Game: 5 & 11!
WOOOO OKAY I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD ASK #11 :D Thank you so much for the ask!
5. If they had pets what would they be?
So I don't think either of them had a pet growing up - Steve because his parents didn't want an animal shedding fur all over the house or causing a ruckus, and Eddie because by the time he wanted a pet he was already living with Wayne and the trailer's way too small for most pets. Eddie does, however, go out of his way to befriend the stray cats of the trailer park and leave food out for them; he's named them all and says they all have very distinct personalities.
Once they're living together and have their own place, however, they definitely get a dog. Steve has always dreamed about having a dog, something on the bigger side, that he can play with and take with him when he goes jogging at the local park. Eddie is fine with getting a bigger dog - he might be more partial to cats thanks to his devoted following of stray cats back in the trailer park, but he's one of those people who's partial to both - but they do have some arguments about what specific breed to get. It's settled when Steve says that Eddie's welcome to get a cat of his choice if he lets Steve choose what breed of dog they get - and that's how they end up with Maverick the labrador retriever (he's one of the chocolate-coloured ones) and Elvira the incredibly spoiled housecat (who's black with some white patches).
(Also, after a while, Eddie finally twists Steve's arm into letting him realize some of his more exotic pet dreams. Eddie absolutely gets a pet snake and he's in love with her.)
11. Which one would confess their attraction/love first? Why?
(Okay this post got super long because of my chronic case of can't shut the fuck up, so I'm putting my answer to this one under a cut lmao)
OOOOOOH BOY OKAY *rubs hands together gleefully* In terms of fic, I can read/write it going either way (depending on the AU/interpretation of the characters/events leading up to the confession) but assuming we're going with a classic post-canon "vecna's dead but everyone else is fine actually" type of setting...
I think Eddie is the one who confesses first, but he's not planning for it to be a confession. See, I'm a die-hard truther of Confident Bisexual Steve Harrington™, and let me tell you, the moment that man realises he likes Eddie he is laying it on thick. Sure, not as thick as he would with girls (because homophobia is a thing, and also he's not as sure-footed with seducing another guy as he is a girl) but he is absolutely hitting Eddie with the full power of the Harrington Charm. Eddie, who is really not used to being pursued by other men (especially not like this; usually if someone's pursuing him, it's in a gay club with the intention being a bathroom quickie) absolutely does not know how to handle this. Doesn't help that Eddie's got a tiiiiiiny little complex about being inherently unlovable/"too much" for other people and commitment issues as a result of that, so he's terrified of letting anyone get too close for fear they'll realise Eddie actually is too much and leave him.
So Eddie is being driven slowly insane by Steve's relentless charisma until one day he snaps and asks Steve what the actual fuck is going on here. Because he's so frazzled (and a little insane because of the Steve of it all), he accidentally exposes himself as being very into Steve in return. Steve is thrilled, tells Eddie that what's going on here is that he really likes Eddie, and how about they kiss about it and maybe go on a date sometime? (Plus or minus the miscommunication spice of Mr Commitment Issues Munson saying "oh but this is just a fuckbuddies thing right" and Steve going "oh god oh fuck- I mean haha yeah sure" and them having 20k words of angst about it before Sorting Their Shit Out™.)
I don't think Steve would take the plunge of actually confessing because he, too, has a complex about being inherently unlovable and not being good enough for just about anyone he cares about, really, but especially Eddie. Plus, he has a lingering fear that he bullied Eddie directly in high school and forgot about it, or that Eddie might have forgiven Steve for his asshole jock days enough to be his friend but not enough to be his boyfriend. He's confident enough in himself to flirt with Eddie, especially after the first few tentative tries get what look like positive responses, but he's absolutely not going to put himself out there without some plausible deniability. If Eddie wants him, Steve reasons, then all he has to do is make it obvious that he likes Eddie back and then Eddie will make a move, right?
These boys are So Clueless and have So Many Issues and I need them to kiss on the mouth about it.
Ask me about my Steddie opinions! (steddie-pinions?)
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