#Swedish tv series
ghoulfool · 2 months
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Mannen under trappan - Gustav III: äktenskap parallels
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cursedwanderer · 10 months
Ylvas theme Jordskott Soundtrack from Jordskott
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femmeetart · 14 hours
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choose your Rex
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adaptations-polls · 2 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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lovebooksforeversblog · 3 months
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Only a day to go - YOUNG ROYALS 3.
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Anonymous asked: I know you’re steeped in the Tolkien lore and as a college professor teaching English Lit at an Ivy League I respect that and your Oxbridge credentials, if not your problematic politics (of which I am very much to the left of). I suspect you and I will disagree but I didn’t think Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power series wasn’t the complete failure the hysterical fandom made it out to be. It was faithful to Tolkien who was, in his own way, woke. 
Calling Rings of Power a 'failure' is like calling the Titanic a 'small boating accident'.
Jesus wept.
I keep hearing the word ‘problematic’ freely thrown around like confetti, primarily from the American cultural left and increasingly used in Britain too. This or that is ‘problematic’. It could be anything from a piece of art, or a character in a story, or a sincere belief held, or most commonly when judging the past, not on its own terms, but through the lens of the present. It’s essentially a passive aggressive term to show off a smug superiority that they, and only they, know better. It’s patronising too of course.
So let me point out why I find your thoughts - should I say ‘problematic’? - illuminating.  
I respect your intelligence but isn’t a university education more than just having credentials?
In my corporate work place I manage and work alongside people with the shiniest elite education credentials imaginable. They are all highly motivated individuals representing the cream of the cream of their countries. Yet as smart and clever as they are, they - like me, but not you of course - are prone to doing pretty silly things because they over-think or their cleverness trips them up. Intelligence is not the same as wisdom. This is another way of saying that having university credentials is like having your head as empty as a eunuch’s underpants.
Please, let’s agree to disagree on the politics because I suspect you haven’t really understood what I believe - if you did you might understand on many things we are not that far apart, even though we may very well differ on the premise of a problem. Contrary to what you might presume not everything in life has to be refracted through the lens of your American politics and culture for those of us who live outside of America ie the rest of the world.
Tolkien woke? Oh come now, you’re just teasing. No one versed in Tolkien’s literary works or his life really believes that. You should know better. No, wait. You’re an English Lit prof at an ivy league. That explains everything.
Remember what Tolkien wrote in one of his letters, “Affixing ‘labels’ to writers, living or dead, is an inept procedure, in any circumstances: a childish amusement of small minds: and very ‘deadening’, since at best it over emphasises what is common to a selected group of writers, and distracts attention from what is individual (and not classifiable) in each of them, and is the element that gives them life (if they have any).” We should respect the writer’s own words rather than twist them to fit into any literary fad of the day.
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Hallowe’en is almost upon us but JRR Tolkien has already been turning in his grave at the abomination of this continued leftist American cultural colonisation of our English cultural and literary heritage.
Perhaps at a later time I shall address how problematic mistaken you are ideas are. Right now I don’t have the energy as I’m neck high in work. I will get back to you (DM me if I am a little tardy on this).
But in the mean time, may I recommend an excellent tumblr blog @middle-earth-mythopoeia for an indepth discussion of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings lore - and even be open to real fan views on Rings of Power. It’s one of the best blogs I’ve come across on the lore of Tolkien’s Middle Earth. You should reach out to the fans there and have an honest exchange.
And more than that...
Odúlen gi nathad.**
I faer nîn *nínia *aden a-govedinc. Posto vae. Na lû e-govaded 'wîn.**
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Thanks for your question.***
**Tolkien of course was inspired by Finnish to invent his Elvish language for LOTR. But Elvish is real. Yes, it’s real. They speak real Elvish in Elfdalian, Sweden. It’s originates from Old Norse. With the assistance of dedicated linguaphiles, the language has been kept alive for centuries in one of the most homogenous linguistic and cultural countries in the world. Elfdalian speaking communities have miraculously avoided assimilation into the wider Swedish culture, until recently, when mass media and migration have pushed the language to near extinction. Today, just under half the residents of Alvdalen - roughly 4000 people - speak Elfdalian, including a Norwegian cousin of mine married into that community.
***Because I’m British I suffer from the disease to apologise...for anything. But I apologise sincerely if my tone is a tad uncivil. It’s been a long week at work here in Dubai. I should edit my remarks but I’m just too tired, so instead may I appreciate your understanding.
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rickchung · 5 months
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Börje: The Journey of a Legend (prod. Martin Bengtsson).
Crave's six-episode biographical miniseries about the life of Swedish ice hockey player and Toronto Maple Leafs legend Börje Salming (played by Valter Skarsgård) tells his remarkable journey humble beginnings all the way to the NHL.
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ghoulfool · 2 months
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The lovers
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klaudioeromy · 10 months
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61st Primetime Emmy Awards held at the Nokia Theatre - Los Angeles, California, USA - Sunday 20th September 2009
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cursedwanderer · 10 months
Josefins visa - Sung by Moa Gammel Soundtrack from Jordskott Here is the song lyrics, I also made an attempt to translate it. Some words were hard to translate as they are older words not common today. Hopefully I catched the spirit of the song.
Lyrics: Gnistor som yr skogsliv som flyr Eldarnas vrede stiger upp mot skyn Vindspelens fång ljuder sin sång Vind klippta älvor o askans vita gång Stråkarnas klagan bortom all ro Sänkt i förtvivlan dränkes utav mo My translation into english: Forest dwellers flee as sparks spreads Wrath of fire to the sky rise Songs of windshimes go Wing clipped elves and the road of white ashes The wailing of strings beyond all comfort Sunk in despair, drowned by mo (if I got it right "mo" is the name of a brook or river) Lyssna o hör vildmarkens kör Snövita stammar faller ner o dör Bäckarnas brus långt från vart hus Slumrar i dammar bryter månens ljus Självande kroppar knyter för und Skugorna bleknar gäldar nu sin skuld My own translation: Listen and hear the choir of the wild lands Snow white trees falling down to die Roar of the brooks far from every house Slumbering in dams breaking the light of the moon Shivering bodies are knots for wonder Bleaking shadows are now paying their debt Sov bara sov, vinter blir vår Galdrarnas krafter läker markens sår Träd kronans svall, gran fur o tall Stelnande kåda vakraste kristall Åter i stillhet skrivet i blod Allt får en mening, långt inunder jord Allt får en mening, långt inunder jord My english translation: Rest only rest, winter become spring Power of Galdr heal wounds of the ground The tree crown's blood, spruce Scots pine and pine Resin stiffen the most finest chrystal Once again in silence written with blood All will have a meaning, far below the ground All will have a meaning, far below the ground
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shiroselia · 2 years
One of these days I will literally strangle a Crookst Chatter in real life behind my local Lidl why are you people so fucking weird jesus christ
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alixandrajekyllhyde · 4 months
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Ilkka Villi & Lena Philipsson in the Swedish TV Series På gatan där jag bor ("The Street Where I Live"), 2023.
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misshoneyimhome · 7 months
Hello lovely!! Hope you had a fab time at the game🥰
I have been thinking a lot about our lil slutty Willy interview and have some thoughts swirling…I love a good oblivious Will and that’s why it cracks me up that he said he’ll know when he finds someone worth spending time on! My thought is you and Will have decided not to label anything, started as friends then FWB, but now you’re towing the line of needing to have that what do we want conversion. Then Will does that interview in Sweden and with all the media you start believing that it is in fact a one sided thing plus he’s obviously coming back even more famous, the thought of him wanting you is laughable so you distance yourself - as he said himself, if he found someone he wanted to be with he would know. So Will gets back from the long roadie to your belongings removed from his apartment and it kills him to know you’re hurt by him and your presence in the flat gone, at the next game some of the other WAGs give it to him and it sparks some realization about his words and there’s some feelings he that need to be expressed so he doesn’t lose you so he immediately sets off to your place post game…
Oh bb, thank you, it was so amazing! I absolutely love it 🥰 omg, oblivious!Willy is one of my favourites - and your idea… absolutely mad for it! Let’s face it, Willy’s the most adorable manly man, but he might not always be the sharpest when it comes to feelings - especially his own (I of course have no idea, I don't know him, and this is obv all in my head) 😉 So, of course I had to write a piece, and I really hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it ❤️
I Needed To Lose You To Love Me
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William Andrew Michael Junior Nylander Altelius - the handsome Swedish lad with multiple names and an incredible talent for hockey.
There he was, flashing a massive grin on his stunning face while casually appearing on a Swedish talk show during the Global Series tour, where the team had been fortunate to play two NHL games in William's hometown: Stockholm.
You couldn't help but smile to yourself, hearing his laughter and noticing his effortlessly cool choice of attire: a white tank top that accentuated his toned torso and showcased his sculpted arms, almost resembling an ideal Ken doll. Oh, the audacity he had to look like that, you thought. If you hadn't had the privilege of touching and feeling his skin and physique, you'd think he was photoshopped.
Yet, despite the pleasant sight of the Swedish hockey star on TV, a tight knot formed in your stomach.
Several months back, you and William had transitioned your cherished friendship into something more.
It wasn't initially the plan, but amid the laughter, playful teasing, and banter that sometimes pushed boundaries, it was impossible to ignore the subtle flirtation and electric chemistry between you.
You both had a deep understanding of each other, and with your bond quickly evolving into a close relationship, it came as no shock when you eventually gave in to the enticing temptations and ended up spending a night together. One of many to follow.
And without a doubt, there were no regrets about it.
William wasn't just the most stunning and attractive man with his Greek god-like physique that you'd ever been intimate with; he was also the most attentive and considerate person during sex.
His primary goal was always to ensure your pleasure came first before his own – a non-negotiable rule. Rule number two: if he had the chance to make you reach several orgasms, he'd eagerly pursue it. And as for rule number three, no surface was off-limits for a passionate session. Though it all began in the bedroom, after a couple of months, nearly every available flat surface in both your homes had felt the touch of your skin. And the back seats of his car. Even one time, you almost did it at the rink, but strange noises had interrupted, and you’d decided it was too risky. And lastly, rule number four, arguably the most crucial – there was no room for shame.
Never once did William make you feel self-conscious about your body or anything else. He consistently praised your curvy figure, mentioning the elegance and strength of your legs, complimenting your soft skin, and offering sweet words about your captivating eyes and inviting lips. Even on your most challenging days, William had the knack for making you feel like the goddess he truly believed you were.
God, that Swede sure had a way with words.
But as much as you loved him for it, there was an equal measure of frustration building up within you.
What had started as a close-knit friendship with mind-blowing, no-strings-attached sex was beginning to stir up other emotions. Despite the mutual understanding that both of you had repeatedly mentioned – how comfortable it was to have a close relationship without defining it – you couldn't shake off what it had become.
You spent so much time together that your connection almost naturally transformed into something akin to a relationship. Yet, it never quite crossed that line.
Despite your unwavering support for him after every game, win or lose, staying over at his place several days a week, talking on the phone while he was on the road, the relationship between you seemed to stall, never progressing beyond its current state.
And one day, you realised you had to address the issue head-on.
Though you understood the risk involved – what if William didn't share the same thoughts? Yet, you also acknowledged that avoiding the topic wasn't the solution. You needed clarity about what this was between you and what aspirations, if any, you shared for its future.
You tried once to bring it up.
Softly and tentatively, you had asked, "Hey Willy, do you think maybe we should have a talk about this?"
"What talk?" he replied, clearly unaware of what you meant.
"You know, about where we're at and what we mean to each other?"
"I thought we agreed not to label anything?"
He gave you a puzzled look. There was no anger, annoyance, nor rejection in his expression. The thought just merely hadn't occurred to him.
Feeling disheartened, you withdrew your intentions.
"Oh... yeah, right. Forget I said anything."
And so, once again, you found yourself in emotional turmoil.
So tonight, watching the TV show was definitely emotionally draining.
Throughout this tour, you couldn't help but notice the immense attention William was receiving, and it became increasingly evident how much more famous he would become upon the team's return to Toronto.
Though, you'd always admired how effortlessly grounded and laid-back William remained, the nagging thought persisted that this newfound attention might alter things for him, and perhaps between the two of you.
The mere idea of confessing your deep feelings for him felt almost comical. How could he ever feel the same for you when he was who he was? With everyone competing for his attention, why would he choose you?
And as your mind grappled with its own conclusions, William's words tipped you over the edge when he was questioned about seeking a relationship.
"I'm not actively seeking one at the moment. I'm fully focused on the season ahead. It's a big year, and my attention is solely on that part. When the right person comes, it just happens and I’ll know; it's not something I'm stressing about."
‘When the right person comes.’
Right person.
Those words hit you hard, sinking your heart deep into your chest. You felt a sharp pang, your veins constricted, and your throat tightened.
In that very moment, it became painfully clear – you weren't the right person for him.
The Leafs had a fantastic run in Sweden during their Global tour, and naturally, you were ecstatic on their behalf.
However, after hearing William's remarks during the talk show, you made a decision to take a step back and give the both of you some space.
Besides, if he wanted more from your relationship, he would have shown it by now – right?
So, while the team was away on a roadie, you took the opportunity to gather all the items you'd left at his place over the time you spent together. Your clothes in the drawer, bathroom essentials, the line-up of shoes in the hallway – all your belongings.
You chose to create some distance, minimising contact to nearly nothing, allowing him to focus on hockey and whatever else he needed. Simultaneously, it gave you the opportunity to take care of your feelings and your own well-being.
However, your sudden lack of communication didn't escape notice, especially not when William walked into his condo and immediately sensed something was missing.
His bathroom now appeared empty without your items occupying space on the counter. The absence of laundry piled next to the bed, a discussion you'd previously had about who would take care of it, was noticeable. His fridge and snack cupboard stood empty since you hadn't restocked them.
In essence, every little hint of your presence was gone.
William immediately sensed that you were hurt. He knew you well enough to recognise that whenever you felt hurt, you tended to withdraw and focus on sorting through your thoughts.
However, he wasn't entirely certain what had caused it.
Suddenly, all your regular interactions – snapping, texting, sharing Instagram reels, and worst of all, the phone calls – were missing. He hadn't heard from you in almost a week, and he started to worry.
Moreover, he deeply missed you.
It wasn't just the fun you shared; he missed his dear friend and the person he looked forward to seeing at his home. The one he always yearned for after every road trip, the person he longed to touch, kiss, and hold in his arms. You were the one he could open up to about anything, from the highs and lows of hockey to personal talks about his family.
However, you weren’t there.
Understanding your need to seek space when something troubled you, William also maintained his distance. He didn't want to disrupt your need for peace and solitude, yet his thoughts were consumed by the question; what had happened during the tour to prompt your current behaviour?
In fact, he thought about it for the following days, until the next home game against the Panthers.
The game itself ended on a high note with a 2-1 victory, and William had a stellar performance, scoring a goal and adding an assist.
However, despite the positive outcome, his thoughts were elsewhere. You were still absent, not there to cheer alongside the wives and girlfriends as you typically would.
After the game, he still found himself unable to comprehend your behaviour, and as the players exited the locker room to meet their partners just outside, Stephanie couldn't help but notice the distant look in William's gaze.
However, when she asked him about the situation, he was utterly clueless, prompting her to let out a light chuckle.
"You really don't know, do you?” Stephanie offered him a friendly smile.
"What do you mean?" William remained completely unaware.
"She likes you, you dumbass,” Tessa chimed in with a laugh.
"Yeah, she's totally into you... can't you see that?" Stephanie explained.
"No... I mean, maybe - I don't know..." William was bewildered.
Sure, you had mentioned something about discussing your relationship, but hadn't you both agreed a long time ago not to label anything? Or had things evolved without either of you realising it?
"Come on, man, she's crazy about you - and let's be real, you're head over heels for her too," Mitch chuckled in agreement.
"But then why distance hersself like this? She's been avoiding me for days…" William questioned, genuinely puzzled.
"Well, maybe it has something to do with what you said on that Swedish talk show - that you weren't seeking a relationship and that if you had met the right person, you'd already know," Stephanie explained, her tone hinting at the underlying issue.
The gears in William's mind were spinning rapidly.
"So, what she heard was…" Tessa tried to drop yet another hint.
"…that I wasn't interested in her because… I would already know," William breathed out heavily.
How could he have been so oblivious?
All this time, you had had feelings for him, wanting more from your relationship, and he hadn't picked up on it.
Moreover, by saying those things, he had inadvertently pushed you away, which explained your recent distance.
It all started to make sense.
William could feel his heart pounding as he dwelled on thoughts of you. He realised just how much he missed you and how deeply he longed to have you close to him. No, he simply couldn't afford to lose you like this. And he knew he had to do something.
"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath before hastily gathering his belongings and practically storming out of the arena.
Across the city, you had watched the game alone at home, still grappling with your heartache. And to lift your spirits, you pampered yourself with an indulgent at-home spa and self-care day.
While relaxing on your sofa with your favourite snacks and drinks, you attempted to distract yourself by watching your favourite comedy TV show. However, just as the episode was hitting its peak, it was abruptly interrupted by insistent knocking at your front door.
Despite not feeling up to seeing anyone at that moment, curiosity got the better of you, and with each successive knock, you reluctantly dragged yourself up from the sofa and walked steadily towards the door.
Swinging it open, your eyes widened in surprise as you found William standing there, slightly leaning against the door frame with one arm.
There was a moment of pausing between you, with you being taken aback by his unexpected appearance and William grappling to find the right words.
This was his moment to express his true feelings, to keep you from slipping away. However, before he could gather his thoughts, you broke the silence.
"Willy, what are you doing here?" Your voice quivered slightly, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, as you struggled to contain your emotions.
William's expression portrayed nothing but sincerity and concern, his eyes showing genuine worry as he gently parted his lips to respond.
"I... I can't lose you," he whispered almost inaudibly.
Interrupting you, he took a step closer, gently cupping your cheeks with his large hands as he drew nearer, your breaths mingling despite the difference in height.
He stood there, pulling you close, your gazes locking in a deep blue ocean.
"I'm sorry, I fucked up – I... I want you. I want us to be more than just friends."
"But you said –"
"I know what I said – but I was an idiot... I was too blind to see that you were right here, in front of me... y/n, you're everything I've ever wanted."
Initially hesitant to trust his words, as he continued to hold you tightly, showing no indication to let go, you began to believe in the sincerity behind his words.
Your eyes darted around, seeking any signs of dishonesty, but as they remained locked onto his, you found no trace of falsehood.
William was speaking the truth from his heart, and you wholeheartedly believed him.
In that moment, the only thing left to do was to lean up, meeting him halfway. Closing the distance between you, you connected your lips in a heartfelt moment filled with love.
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fangirlblogger · 19 days
Fangirl Analysis Four: Bill Skarsgard's forehead wrinkles.
Girlies, the concept of this analysis is something that has been on mind since I've started evolving into a woman. I have developed this attraction of men's forehead wrinkles since last year and it's not because of my daddy issues (that's another conversation for another time), it's because of aging unfortunately. But I'm glad I'm aging because then I would not be here analyzing this beautiful and masterful craft on Daddy Bill Skarsgard's forehead. The man's got a heavenly forehead and girrrl, the things I want to do to that forehead are endless. With that being said, let's get into the analysis.
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Listen girlies, if Bill looked at me the way he did in this image, I would instantly melt, evaporate and vanish. Girl, I don't know whether I want him to look at me that way forever or eat me and look at me like that till I pass out. I'm swooning over this look right now and the thing that makes this image more desirable and religiously worthy to be worshiped is his forehead wrinkles.
This image is from the Clark TV mini series and Bill played Clark Olofsson - a Swedish criminal in the 70s that prompted society to coined the term Stockholm Syndrome based on his relationships with his hostages or victims. Spoiler for those who did not watch the mini series yet, that's basically what the series is about. If you're a Bill Skarsgard fangirl like myself who has not watched this mini series yet, GIRL YOU HAVE TO (it's on Netflix if you're wondering). You will enjoy and devour every moment of it. Every sound of his voice, all of his body movements, all his angry, lustful, joyful, sad and confused glances and looks, his thick and rough Swedish accent, his manipulative smiles, his boisterous laughter and most importantly the way he devoured that oyster in Episode one, good Lord I came so hard, I almost thought I was giving birth to Bill's kid.
Now girlies, I am aware that there a numerous images of Bill displaying his godly forehead wrinkles. Some of them are so good, I don't know if it's my pussy that's wetter or it's my mouth.
Case study question: Why did I specifically select this image?
It's a no brainer really, my pussy gets wet instantly and I know this is the real deal, the masterpiece, my Salvatore Mundi.
Let's take a look at his hair. His hair looks so effortlessly perfect. The way the strand of hair draws down his forehead, just above his eye-brow is so immaculate. You can tell that he puts so much effort into taking care of his hair because of how effortlessly perfect it looks.
Now onto his jawline, cheeks and chin. He has the most flawless cheeks ever. When he doesn't smile, they lay back so perfectly and that brings out his perfect jawline, making it sharp enough to crack me open like a coconut. But when he does smile, they rise up so well and display his impeccable double chin. His chin is so well shaped that it smoothly keeps his immaculate facial structures intact and glorious.
His lips, they are a world of its own. I wouldn't mind being his lips, getting moistened and licked by his tongue every day. I will not delve into this anymore further because there will be an analysis on his lips soon. So I'll save all the goodness for later.
Let's look at his eyes. His eyes have the most unerring eye bags under them and in this image you can clearly see how perfect they are. We all know Bill has the world's most soulful eyes, so big and doe, they just make you want to cry in a sexual way. By the look in his eyes, and the lines on his face from his eyes to his forward, it clearly indicate that he is concerned but not in a good way. He is concerned about how he is going to manipulate his girlfriend. Also, you can see a little bit of impatience on his face in this image. If you watch the Clark film, you'll understand what I mean.
Now, finally to his wrinkles. They are so important in this image especially in this episode of the Clark mini series. Significance of it to this image is that it makes Bill look real. I've stated this before and I am saying it again, nothing is more attractive than a man with a natural face. His forehead wrinkles indicates to us that he is aging and that is the most beautiful thing in the world. Girl, his forehead wrinkles can wrinkle me up all the way to heaven.
The significance of this look in the image to the Clark mini series is that he perfectly displayed the look of a manipulative man. As already stated, his facial expressions displayed impatience, concern and irritability. My guy just came to see the girl and manipulate her to still love him. He did not come to see her and listen to what she has to say. And, Bill perfectly executes that in that scene.
Moreover, this image showed him in his natural state, meaning if he was not acting, this is what he would like on a daily basis, and that is super-hot! He looks scruffy, organic and humanly.
To conclude, wrinkles are beautiful and when they're on Bill Skarsgard's forehead, I go feral and insane. Those wrinkles makes him even more attractive. The Starry Night by Van Gogh might have you tripping but Bill's forehead wrinkles will have your pussy singing. So to the men that thinks women are rizzed by their overly masculine features, we're not. We like our men simple and comfortable like Bill Skarsgard.
Also, I would like to clarify that if you read this analysis as a body-shaming post, it is entirely the opposite. I love Bill Skarsgard and I find every bit of his body attractive, alluring and godly. I am aware of the social obsession with ageism but I actually prefer my man a bit older with a bit of grey hair, wrinkles, and 10 times more trauma from life than me.
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