#Symphonies Fanfic
jjgrace42 · 13 days
Chapter 33: Bold-Faced Cry
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miserycanary · 1 month
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & reader 
synopsis: you've left and what was left of Ghost (pt.2)
tags: I really don't know whether to tag this as fluff or angst 
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The clock hanging by the wall ticks persistently like a bomb waiting to break Ghost’s delusion that you’ll come back. Ever since that night, he has spent his time like a literal ghost. Barely eating, barely moving, barely living without you. 
With each heavy step that he takes toward your shared bedroom—now bare—the pain in his chest drags him. “I’m home, baby..” he gruffs at the presence he tricked himself to think was still there. Dropping his things by the door, he moves so slowly and plops himself at the mattress that is now cold.. Like how it always was before you came into his life and warmed his whole body and soul. 
Ghost isn’t a crier. Never was. He took all the beatings from his father without letting a single tear fall. He didn’t shed shit when he had to force himself out of the grave he was put in alive. Not even when he left with no family and had to witness that moment with his own eyes. Ever since then, he has swore to heaven and earth that they will never take anything from him again. Depriving himself of anything that could tie him down emotionally.
Then suddenly there was you in all your glory.
Face painted similarly to his as you hand the kids celebrating Día de Muertos candies. Ghost never thought he’d take a step back in this country but as if tugged by fate, he found himself surrounded with the similar decorations that started his nightmare. Yet all he could zero out on was you. And that moment, Ghost knew that heaven and earth were snickering at him, mocking him for what he swore long before was now forgotten. 
As the crown dissipates, he takes all the scuffed pieces of his heart. “That’s a pretty flower,” he grumbles. He sees the way you flinch at the sudden person, turning around to see his towering self. Simon wasn’t stupid and he knew how intimidating he looked and expected you to be scared. His apology is already at the tip of his tongue. 
“Thank you! Do you want it?” He stills, blinking at the unexpected reaction. “O-oh, yeah, thank you.” You, on the other hand, expected the giant of a man to take the delicate flower with roughness, even expecting some petals to fall yet he took it so gently. Simon plucked the stem from your hand, placing it on the wide expanse of his palm and leaning lower to expect it. “Pretty..” he mutters, and you almost agreed if not for the way he said it with his eyes on you. 
Time passed and you guys were intertwined, lives and love exchanged throughout the two years he was with you. 
Ghost fully expected you to run when he first told you about himself, but you stayed. You tore down his walls with patience and care, showing empathy for what he has gone through but never pity and that made him fall deeper. Now Ghost would be lying if he said he has relationship experiences but he knew that if he doesn’t take this opportunity, then he’d lose you before he even had you (he lost you either way). 
But what could he do now? What’s done has been done. He could learn about a relationship all he wants but who matters the most to him is gone. With a new profound energy, he pulled himself up, opening the drawer beside him. He shuffles through the pile of things before pulling out what he was looking for. Sighing, he opens the box and stares at the engagement ring. 
Taking you for granted was not his intention. When you started to cook him meals, take care of the dishes, and everything else, he thought this was the norm. His duty was just to spoil his pretty girl. He never found anything wrong with the dread and exhaust that paints your face everyday because he was used to the heavy weight and assumed everyone was like that. You never complained, so he thought everything was fine. 
And he never wanted to snap back at you. He knew all about the sacrifice you did and gave for him, and how much you went through just to stay with him. He watches your eyes dim each time he tells you that you guys have to move once again or how broken you were when he found you at the hands of someone who wanted him dead. Loving him and being loved wasn’t easy but you did it with no complaints. 
Now he had to go out and be stupid, letting you slip from his fingers just because he couldn’t carry his weight for some measly housework. The very next day that you left the house, staying somewhere who knows where, he bought a dishwasher and hired a cleaner. Try as he might to do the housework just to please you, he knows that his time won’t allow it. So, he tried his best to work around it with the hopes that you’ll come back, but where were you? 
He has called your number multiple times after giving you enough space but no calls were returned. You were coming back to him, right? You won’t leave him, right?
You’ll still love him, right? You will. Ghost smiles softly to himself, kissing the ring while a shy tear slips. “You’ll look so pretty with this ring, darling…” he whispers to the presence that he tricked himself was still there.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: this is so long overdue. Sorry for the person who requested this because it took me this long!! 📩
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open! 
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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2kmps · 8 months
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A Simple Nocturne
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alucard|adrian tepès x reader | 3.3k
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synopsis; following the defeat of his father by his hand, you notice alucard becomes withdrawn amid an uncertain future. you take his hand, unable to bear the suffering he endures in silence.
story warnings; mentions of patricide, alucard in mourning, erotic content that isn't really explicit, written in 2018, sotn-coded alucard mostly, mdni!
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At his insistence, he was often in your company for a few sparse moments while the moon was at its highest beyond the spires of the castle and coverture by clouds. You couldn’t say you were a fool to the layout of the castle any longer, and even once telling him so, he still offered to walk with you through the dismal corridors, guided by the dull flicker of candlelight from the candelabra in his grasp.
These were the moments with him that you cherished the most, the only ones he seemed willful to indulge you in. Following the defeat of Dracula by his own hand, you thought his eyes had grown colder than any hellish winter, reflecting the nebulous traces of his thoughts. He stood within your grasp these times almost always, and yet he was so far away from you.
Even as he walked alongside you, the halls comfortless and abysmal aside from the synchronic tap of your footfalls across cold stone that reverberated endlessly off the walls and carried on as though a voice growing more distant, you felt alone.
You could feel his presence beside you, his languid strides easy enough to keep in pace with, the tail of his coat nearly dragged the floor and wound his legs, and if you were to sidle just slightly nearer, you would be touching him.
He seemed a ghost; residual and purposeless, a man with nothing else he could possibly lose and yet for some reason even unknown to him, he continued living on.
The sweet glow emanating from candlelight cast across his face and showed to you a haunted man, an otherworldly beauty that captured the pallor and translucency in his skin, the glimmer of hair like tinsel, and a gaze with faint shine that swayed towards you.
You quickly looked away towards the worn tapestries adorning the walls and the many doors mirroring one another as you passed. However, after a moment, the discomforting echoes in the hall tapered into nothing as you both stopped before one door in particular.
“I feel like it looks different every night.” You said, fingertips curling away from the brass handle wrapped in the night chill. “I sort of feel like switching up rooms again. That alright with you?”
“You’re free to do as you wish, that has not changed.” Alucard gave his brisk reply. Perhaps if this had been your first encounter with him, you would had thought him rude, but there was no ill-intent behind his words.
And by the dimming glow from the flames, you could feel his gaze waver at the slightest, lips twitching at the corners as though trying to search for something more to say. You wondered if he thought he presented an unperturbed, impenetrable, always stoic demeanor that you couldn’t see through. It was likely of little comfort to him when your eyes pierced straight through him; those feelings, those things he perceived as his own weaknesses wore on his sleeve and made your heart tremble as well.
“Tomorrow, then.” He spoke at last, taking one step away for you as he turned. There was a reluctance in his movements, a lethargy as though realizing once he left, he would be alone again.
You couldn’t bear his suffering any longer.
“Adrian, enough of this.” You caught his wrist, jarring him to a halt while his eyes shone in surprise. “Enough. Please just talk to me about how you’re feeling. Whatever you’re going through. You’re not well, you haven’t been in sometime.”
The walls were crashing down around him, the facade was quick to melt away as his face began to twist as though anguished. “I’ve nothing left to say that’s worth taking your time.”
“That doesn’t matter to me, you damn fool.” You searched for his fingers, twining them together as the large door gave a suffering wail. Your first steps backwards into the room were met with resistance, the full length of his arm outstretched, lingering at your doorway with the candelabra leveled at his waist. “You can come inside. Please, just talk to me. If not for yourself, then just don’t let me be alone.”
And so, led by the warmth of your hand, he ventured in the darkness of your room. The brass handle gave a rattle as he closed the door behind him, freeing his fingers from your own to set the candelabra aside on the first table that caught his eye. Despite the black air that encompassed you, you navigated the room easily enough, feeling for the candles and dainty lanterns you kept at your bedside for convenience.
You turned your head towards the sound of scuffing fabric, managing just then to coax a lantern alight, basking the spacious room warm, dancing hues that didn’t quite reach your doorway. It pleased you, however, when Alucard emerged from that nothingness without his coat, shadows seemingly dissolving from his shoulders as he fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt.
The bed barely emitted a creak as you flopped atop of it, legs crossed under you, giving the spot before you a eager pat. “Sit right here and tell me what’s on your mind. I’m all ears.”
His fingers froze at the buttons on his sleeves, eyes swimming across the room as though cautious there might be others listening, observing you both. That feeling stayed with him even once he joined you on the bed, his presence little more than a slight dip in the mattress.
You scooted closer to him. “There’s something I’ve been curious about, Adrian. With, you know, everything that has happened. Are we—Are you going to stay here indefinitely?”
“Even I cannot foretell the future.” He hunched forward, arms draped across his thighs. “What it is I should do against what I feel I should, I think of them often. My bloodline is cursed, what good to the world has come about it?”
He said this one other instance, though your memories of that day were vague, dreamlike even. You only recalled roaming Dracula’s castle with him, and then the next awakening in his arms to a brilliant sunrise and a sprawling, glittering sea. That beauty was marred by his overwhelming grief, though his tears only glistened at the corners of his eyes, never falling.
“I don’t think you’re cursed, Adrian.” You said, reaching forward to give light strokes his arm. Through the thin fabric, you felt his muscles tense against your touch, his eyes fixated on yours. “You’re a good man who wants peace, who sacrificed so much, who loves his family more than anything else… even after everything.”
Those words seemed to soften him as his shoulders lowered, tresses of gold falling across his chest.  The shadows deepened in the creases of his brow, and even though it pained him for you to see his composure chip away, he could not will his gaze away from you. Not now, and not when the tears seared his eyes, clouding his vision until the your face was no longer discernible to him.
“Oh, Adrian.” You found your voice cracking, his despair so palpable that it made your bones ache. It wasn’t any thought in your mind to wrap your arms around him, nestling your face against his chest to smother your own tears. “None of this was your fault. Not what happened to your mother, nor your father. This isn’t something you have to deal with on your own.”
You had never felt so much rigidity in his body more than you did in that moment. Clearly, your response was unexpected, your touch even less so. Despite this, he let his vulnerability show, body trembling as you smoothed your hands across his back.
His fragility was heartbreaking, and thought it was not so, he felt so much smaller than yourself.
“I... I am tormented by it every night. By my mother’s death, seeing it again.” He whispered shakily, taking a moment to ease his breaths. “And by taking my father’s life by my own hand. I remember so vividly still, at the end before his death, he had a moment of clarity. He wanted forgiveness that I could not be the one to grant.”
When you felt his arms surround you, holding you flush to him as his chin rested atop your shoulder, you thought the air had been knocked from your lungs. How long had it been since he held you like this?
“Is this the fate I’m meant to endure? The knowledge that I was useless to save my mother, and my father was slain by my hand? Isn’t a fate where I seal myself away from the world something to rejoice?”
You couldn’t listen to this anymore.
“Adrian, my love, that’s not the answer!” you snapped, that outburst startling him long enough for you to slip your arms between your bodies to take the sides of his face in your hands. “Please, don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re still grieving, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, you need to accept that you’ve always done everything you could.”
His arms loosened from your waist, yet he still would not let you go. A smile tilted the corners of your lips as you traced your thumbs under his eyes, swiping away his tears. You were doubtless that you could offer him little comfort in alleviating all of his agony. 
The only one who could bring that war in his heart to a standstill was himself, you could only do this and hold his hand when he needed it.
Aside from the drum of your heartbeat in ears, the room was void of noise. You indulged in that silence, mesmerized by the softness of his skin that still held traces of warmth, and glisten in his eye that you wanted to believe stemmed from something other than tears.
He was entranced just as much by you, leaning his face more to one side against your palm, though you noticed the way his eyes drifted down your face.
It was an invitation that you eagerly took.
The feeling of his lips against yours was something you had craved for a time, foreign for you both, though his reaction was much more genuine. He was unsure, startled even that you had decided to kiss him. His face remained still in your hands as you moved your lips to the corner of his mouth, feathering upwards towards his cheeks, to the tip of his nose, and then once again to the origin.
This time he held no reservations to your affection, one of his hands carefully caressed your nape while your arms rose to hook around his neck. His lips were as soft as you had imagined they were while fervor grew from the caress, rousing something in you that you had been forced to the furthest parts of your mind for a while.
You felt his hand sweep lower to your back, gliding between your shoulder blades until he held you at your waist and eased you down on the mattress. His loose curls were much like spun gold, tempting you to twist them like tight ringlets around your fingers as his hair spilled over his shoulders like silk.
It wasn’t until you felt the tickle of the crisp night air against your flesh that you realized his easy work on your blouse, unfastening the last of the buttons before reaching past the fabric to feel your skin. You were growing unfathomably hot just by this, keenly aware your chest burned where he touched you, and it crept higher and higher as his hands did.
“Mmmn, this isn’t how I want it to go, Adrian.” You managed between kisses, tilting your face away where he then found fascination in your neck. His warm breath fanning across your flesh, trailing the length of your neck and behind your ear was rewarded with a quivering, longing sigh. “Adrian—”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Yeah, I do.” You murmured, luring his face over yours again where you yanked him by the shirt into yet another ardent kiss. Without releasing his shirt, you ventured lower to fumble through undoing the buttons and peeled the thin fabric from his body.
Even though he was a lean man, there was still definition in his fame, muscle in his arms and chest. You memorized the divots and curves in his skin with your fingertips, unlikely to forget how he twitched when you touched him and his trembling breaths.
His pants and undergarments came off much faster, a reflection of your ardor and perhaps even his own as he swayed against you to slide them off his hips, cock hard against your thigh. The last of your garments was shucked from your body to join the heap on the floor, prompting you push yourself on your elbows as you kissed beneath his jaw.
“Lie on your back, Adrian.” You smiled against him, running your hands across his chest as persuasion. “Tonight is for you. I want you to know how much I love you.”
“As you wish.”
There was a flicker in his eye, a liveliness and searing want. His hands seized your own, pulling you up to straddle his waist when he laid back on the bed. There he explored more of you, stroking circles on your thighs and hips, eyes traveling across your body in a way you expected someone would look at exquisite art. “You are divine. This moment is ours, though I still do not understand what I have done to earn your love.”
“I don’t think any of us really do. We just love authentically and truly.” You answered, casting your eyes low to his erection and rubbed yourself against him. “I love you because you’re a good, kind man, even if you don’t want to see it.”
His breath snagged in his throat as you wrapped your hand around him, stroking his length and circling your palm around the head. You felt his hips lift under your, yet continued with fluid, rhythmic pumps. “I love you because you always try your best, you always do what you can with whatever circumstances are given to you.”
Even when in the clutches of pleasure, he was absolutely beautiful. His teeth caught the dim light when his mouth fell ajar, and his hair was a luscious bed of curls around him. You found it a bit humorous that you could elicit such a reaction from him, being what he was. But, you always believed him to more human than vampire.
It was after giving his cock a few harder strokes that he gripped your wrists, halting you. “Enough of this. I want to feel you, give yourself to me.”
You held no qualms to what he wanted.
Convinced by your nod, he released your wrists to grip at your thighs instead, massaging the back of them and then your ass when you rose to your knees to guide him inside you. His expression twisted deliciously the lower you went on his shaft, his fingers pushed deep divots into your skin when you acclimated to his girth and began rocking on him.
He didn’t let you go, not once.
Hot air hissed through your nostrils, lips taut and brow furrowing in your concentration to angle him just right as you rolled forward and then back. More than your own pleasure, you were careful to watch for his; the subtle twitch of his lips, the tension between his eyes, and the unyielding stare he fixed you with.
This moment was solely for him, yet you could say you were surprised when he began stroking your sides, raising his hips in unison with your thrusts, sending quakes of pleasure racing through your limbs and core.
There was a new glimmer in his eyes now, a coddled flicker that had grown in such enormity that even you felt embarrassed to be on the receiving end of it. He helped you in your motions, lifting you high enough for the tip of his cock to just nestle in you, bucking his hips to plow deep inside, luring a rather harsh gush of air from your lips.
At that point, you loomed over him, fingers splayed across his chest to keep yourself from completely collapsing on him. Your breaths quivered as you touched your lips against him, setting is flesh ablaze as your pants left hot, moist trails on him that then caressed his ear.
“There’s so much more I want to experience with you, Adrian. This—" you stifled a moan, body jarring as you rammed back down onto him, striking a spot in your that made your toes curl inward and abdomen clench tighter and tighter. “This—this is nothing.”
A sting of cold air touched your sides as you threaded your fingers with his, pinning the back of his hands on the bed next to his head. His knuckles bled of color as he clenched your hand tighter, pants seeming nothing more than dainty puffs of air, but your body knew otherwise.
Your sides were going to bruise, fully expecting the same of your hands. His thrusts were hard, belonging to a man creeping closer to his end. And yet, even midst all of this, you had never seen his eyes so dazzling, smoldering, encompassing you in such warmth and passion.
“A lifetime with you,” he fussed with your fingers, the back of his head digging deeper into the sheets as he writhed below you. “I—I could ask for nothing else. There is none other that I would rather have.”
As tender and genuine as his words were, you could only focus on the tension burying deeper in your gut, but spreading like a growing ember, a heat pulsing through your veins. Your walls tightened around him, the friction roused something of a harsher noise from the back of his throat, whereas you met your end.
You shook as you came, the strength in your thighs weakening and warmth in your body flourished, climbing to from your toes to your fingertips, and filled your vision with a glare of white. While the tension flowed from your body, your motions atop of him lethargic and fingers loosening from his, he thrust up into you a number of times; each reaching deeper than the last, fierce and quick.
The feeling was almost indescribable. He held your hands tightly, body halting and rigid beneath yours, cock throbbing against your walls and growing slick with cum that sent a shudder rattling down your spine. It was then that you noticed his chest relax when he released his breath, hips flattening against the mattress.
“Your love…” he rasped, tipping your balance as he lifted the back of your hand to his lips, fingers still tangled with his. “I will never understand what I have done to be worthy of it. And yet, I cannot find it in myself to refuse it.”
You couldn’t call the sensation pleasant as you removed him from your body, joining his side on the bed, and inviting the night air to dance across your skin. All but one lantern had dimmed in the room, his expression difficult to determine, though you didn’t think you would be wrong in your assumption.
“Truly, who knows why anyone falls in love. But, I’m sure of my feelings.” You burrowed your face against his neck, relishing his touch as it ghosted across your shoulder. “We’ll face tomorrow, the following day, and every day thereafter together.”
“I have no doubt of that.” There was a faint rumble of laughter in his throat. He coaxed your face higher with his fingers so as to easily reach your ear. “To begin this lifetime together, allow me to repay you the words that you’ve spoken to me so much already."
"I love you.”
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reposted from my deleted blog, cardeneiv
please interact and reblog if you enjoyed reading! 💜
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confessedlyfannish · 7 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #8
The day Bruce Wayne knocks on her apartment door Sam knows it's going to be a doozy.
"Mr. Wayne, I really do hope no one saw you," she says, ushering him in. "And for the record, a text ahead of time would be appreciated."
"I parked the car a few streets away," Bruce says, sticking a finger in his heel to peel his polished leather shoes off. Sam raises an eyebrow. "It's a sedan, not a Lamborghini."
"You own a sedan?"
"Taught Dick to drive in it...after he crashed the Lamborghini."
Sam snorts despite herself. The charm Bruce Wayne exhibits would usually rub her the wrong way, too reminiscent of wealthy men that feel comfortable placing a hand on the small of your back at a crowded gala, but Bruce is honest enough about his playacting that she has come to find its insincerity comforting. She's actually sought him out more than once, leading to several annoying headlines that can't seem to decide if she's aiming to date him or one of his eligible sons. None of whom are eligible by the way, as they are a) taken, b) legally dead, c) practically a minor, and d) an actual minor.
Sam's generational wealth is peanuts compared to Wayne Industries, so naturally her parents have been thrilled and rooting for option c.
"I also didn't want Danny to see I'd texted you. Or force you to lie to him."
Sam doesn't quite tense, but it's a near thing. She does slide to the other side of her kitchen island, under the context of finishing prepping her feta fried eggs, laid on a bed of smashed avocado and warm tortilla. She pulls a bottle of crunchy garlic oil out of the fridge and drizzles hot red crisps across the runny yolk. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, not so much as offering him a glass of water.
"You realize, Mr. Wayne, I have no intention of lying to Danny now?"
Bruce sits at the stool on the opposite side of the island. "I understand. And if you want to ask Danny to return home before we continue, I'd understand that as well. I didn't mean to discomfit you--"
"Please do not lie to me now, Mr. Wayne," Sam says, rolling her eyes. "By your own admission you showed up at noon without warning knowing my superhero boyfriend wouldn't be present. If I am discomfited, all the more likely you get your information, right?" Golden yolk runs down her fingers, and she sacrifices it to the napkin rather than lick up her arm in front of her boss, with no small amount of resentment. The yolk is the best part.
"Get to it then," she demands.
Bruce straightens in his stool, chin raising and firming in a jawline she most often sees under a cowl. His eyes attempt to pin her in place, but Sam has stared the Master of Time in the face and demand he reschedule so she is built. different. She takes another bite of egg taco.
"I was not aiming for you to feel threatened, and moreover, I doubt you could be."
Except a smart person should always feel threatened by a threat, no matter their capability of handling one. It keeps them alive.
"Can you tell me how I'm not like all the other girls after lunch? You'll spoil my appetite."
Bruce clears his throat. "I'll get to the point--"
"Thank you."
"--Danny has been exhibiting paranormal behaviors beyond his baseline. We welcome all biologies; human, alien, and paranormal alike, but I have observed actions unlike what he had previously established as his, for lack of a better word, 'normal'
"I want to make sure he is not experiencing any unwelcome outside influence. Or, if this is merely a facet of his evolution, I'd like to know if this is something we or his family should be monitoring."
Sam has been an eco-consultant with Wayne Industries and unofficially, the Batfamily, for half a year now and this is the most she's ever heard the man speak in one sitting.
"Wow," she says. "How long have you been rehearsing that one?"
"A while." Bruce grunts, voice finally taking that final drop into Batman's gravelly rasp. "I see you're not surprised by any of this."
"No, not really," Sam says. She pours him a tall glass of lemon water from the pitcher, freshly sliced that morning, and he takes a polite sip.
"So what can you tell me?"
"Probably a lot. And Danny would probably prefer that I do, knowing him, the big baby," Sam sighs. "Listen Mr. Wayne, I can appreciate that you came here from a place of caution rather than intrusion. And if Danny was undergoing something negative or from an 'unwelcome outside influence' that would be the right call, and I, albeit begrudgingly, encourage you to do so in the future."
"But he's not."
"He's not," Sam confirms. "And in fact, I think he could really use someone to talk to about it. Outside of his family."
"I see..." Bruce says, shifting.
"If you want to tag team this one with one of the higher EQ players, such as Superman, I give you permission." Sam does not think she's imagining that slight sag of relief.
"Thank you," Bruce says, sliding off the stool. "I don't suppose you have material we could consult...?"
"Actually yes, I happen to have a pamphlet right here. 'So your ghostly body is changing, and how.'"
"You're being more sarcastic than usual."
"You interrupted my lunch, Mr. Wayne."
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thatonevamp · 1 year
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Trevor Belmont, my sassy Beloved
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melanirana · 4 months
Hey guess what.
Chapter three baby!
enjoy some quality time with Sun.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Time and Tines (1/3)
Plans (see series)
Steve Rogers x Villain!Reader for @sweeterthanthis's Bittersweet Symphony Writing Challenge
Can’t change the way we are, One kiss away from killing. —Bishop Briggs, River
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Summary: Steve meets the mysterious woman staring at him from across the room.
Warnings for vague injuries, mention of needles, manipulation/brainwashing, SEMI-DARK fic (like I've read worse but it ain't sunny, folks). MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. This work has heavy themes unsuitable for minors. There is plenty else to read on my Light Masterlist if this is not your cup of tea! WC 3.6k
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The event isn’t overly loud, but the lights are lower and he is surrounded by people. Steve isn’t fond of crowds, not when he’s not working, not when the event is actually meant to be fun for him. He isn’t Captain America right now. He isn’t the center of attention. He isn’t bothering to mingle. Instead, he’s chosen to humor a long-winded medical rant from the Avenger’s resident doctor of the past half-year.
Salvatore Avani enlightens Steve on several ways he can assess and replicate Erskine’s serum without taking a drop of any super soldier’s blood. It would be an interesting project if Steve hadn’t heard it all before, over and over, from every hopeful doctor and scientist to cross his path. At least Steve gets to be out of his suit for a while and…in another suit, though this one is significantly more forgiving to his stance and skin.
“You see, Captain, your strength can be wielded for so much more than fighting. It could give safety and security to people working unmechanizable jobs,” Dr. Avani points out.
“Not sure that’s a word, sir, but I understand.” Steve swirls whisky around in his tumbler, ice long melted, and wishes—not for the first time—that alcohol still had an effect on him. “A certain amount of modernization does protect those same workers from danger…and no one had to be dosed with anything,” he concludes before emptying the glass in hand.
As Avani opens his mouth to retort, a weight lands on Steve’s shoulder.
“Sorry, Doc,” Bucky interrupts, “just a quick word.”
“Of course, gentlemen.” The doctor turns back around to the bar to order himself another cocktail.
Bucky leans to whisper in Steve’s ear.
“So, punk, we got a situation at three o’clock.”
His whole body tenses, which doesn’t look all that different because Steve has excellent posture, but he deposits the finished glass on the counter and looks over his right shoulder past his friend.
Eyes. Intense and focused eyes meet his before darting down. A few people meander in the space between but you’re all Steve can see for a long moment.
“There it is,” Bucky mutters in recognition.
“Did you just make me look at a dame across the room?” Steve runs a hand over his freshly shaven law and hisses. “Jerk.”
“Uh, that dame’s been staring at you for a solid twenty minutes, but you weren’t noticing. You’re welcome.”
Steve lowers his head, suppressing a grin as best he can and glancing again to his right.
You’ve turned away. You’re fiddling with a glass of clear, bubbly liquid. Vodka soda? Gin and tonic? Those are Steve’s first guesses, but he can’t tell which since both lemon and lime wedges float above the ice.
“Two of whatever she is having,” Bucky asks the bartender helpfully, clapping a pat of encouragement on Steve’s back.
The man behind the bar gives a quizzical look and then shrugs.
Buck winks at him as Steve heads for your high-top table. No one else stands around you. No rings on the hand beside your drink. No way you don’t know he’s coming over even with your eyes down.
“Hi, mind if I join you?”
You smile without looking up. “Only if you brought gifts.” Your voice is small, a little shyer than Steve would expect from someone brazen enough to watch him that long from afar, but he sets his offering on the table anyway.
“I do,” he replies softly, matching your tone, “although what it is is a mystery to me.”
Still smiling, you drain your original glass quickly and confess, “Sierra Mist.”
Steve sucks air through pearly white teeth. “Yikes. More of a 7-Up man myself.”
“Go figure. Captain America has brand loyalty.”
He fails to stop the burst of laughter punched from his chest. It doesn’t scare you though. He’s actually pleased it seems to relax you. He sets his own hand on the table approximately an inch from yours. 
A faint tremor rolls through that hand but stops after you make a fist and release it.
Steve just starts saying random things that come to mind, and shockingly, it works.
Conversation flows for while as he notices that your dress straps don’t stay put very well and there is a barely visible seam at your hairline. Why you would need to wear a wig, he has no idea. He finds himself almost compelled to say your natural hair is perfect, just like you.
And this is why Steve doesn’t let himself out much.
During one comment regarding the other guests, he sneaks a peek over at Bucky—still beside Avani—and is flashed a thumbs up which he immediately hopes you did not see.
Chatting continues.
Steve isn’t a good flirt, but it seems he’s getting lucky with little lines tonight. He’s willing to push his luck.
“Well, after all this sweetness, maybe we should dance off some energy.” Yet sugar, like alcohol, has no discernible effect on Steve Rogers.
“Oh, no. That’s not necessary. I’m a miserable dancer.” You lift your bejeweled clutch up alongside your lemon-lime soda. “Besides how would I carry it all?”
“Well, if they’d make dresses with fuller skirts like they used to,” Steve teases, pushing his half-full glass aside, “you wouldn’t have that problem. The world regressed that way. Real shame.”
“Not a fan of form-fitting gowns?” you cock your head with wide eyes.
Steve’s gaze snaps to his shoes, hoping to choke off the heat rising in his cheeks. It only chokes his words. “Oh, oh god, no. They’re lovely. I meant, ya know, pockets and…I just—I didn’t want anything to stop you.“
“Me neither.”
You take him in with warm assessment and one last evaluation of the room, tucking your lip between your teeth briefly. “You’re in luck,” you add with a laugh. “I’m about to blow your mind, Captain.”
He watches you open the clasp, fish around inside the tiny bag—barely an envelope, really, but Steve learned from Natasha that ladies can hold a scary amount in those things,— and pull out a silvery length like a party trick from the minuscule confines. The new strap allows you to toss the purse over your shoulder.
You present the transformation like it’s a superpower.
“Nifty,” Steve coos.
You nod an acceptance of his awe. “I am nothing if not prepared.”
“And now—“ he offers his hand again “—out of excuses. Bucky tells me I am ‘a sight to behold’ and not in a good way. Shall we prove him right in solidarity?”
You head to the open floor, guided by Steve’s lead. “Not gonna try to prove him wrong?”
He swings you around to face him. “How would I always win as Cap if I bet like that?”
You hum while Steve settles a hand over the satin at your waist. “Picking your battles, huh?” Free and delicate hands land at his shoulders before one smooths down his sleeve, your eyes never leaving his. “And I’m a fight waiting to happen?”
He gets lost for a few bars until he shows his true colors and winces.
“Well, my toes are fighting with yours, clearly.” 
But you simply laugh.
Steve’s brain turns over the steps and his apologies and then finally lands on a good line way after the fact. “Or, no, wait, I’ve got it now.” He squares his shoulders a little more and deepens his voice, comically.
“You’re worth fighting for.”
The snort huffed in his face is perfect, the grin that splits your painted lips over shiny white teeth blinding and well worth his efforts.
“Oh wow. See!” He earns a featherlight slap to the chest. “You do have your charming moments, Captain Rogers.”
“Steve, please—“ he fakes leading you off the floor “—and could we go repeat that in front of—“
“—the extremely grumpy man gripping a beer bottle?” Your sights land across the room toward the bar. “I don’t know, Steve. Your critic looks pretty…something.”
Steve frowns when he sees Bucky. As his friend speaks with Dr. Avani, Bucky’s face pinches solid as stone, overly serious beside the doctor’s casual body language. Buck indeed looks pissed for no reason. 
Steve squints in apology. “He’s not—that’s just—I promise he’s not like that—“
Where’s that teasing joy from a minute ago?
He contemplates that still when your hands release him, and his focus snaps back.
“I need to use the ladies’ room anyway,” you shrug, rubbing a palm up and down your bare arm.
“And then fireworks?” Steve inserts hopefully, almost removing his suit jacket right then to drape over your shoulders. He sounds like an excited schoolboy, and he’s again glad that Bucky is far enough away not to know how obvious he’s being.
You smile, a graceful tug at the dark, matte lipstick sculpted over your full—Rogers. Then a little nod is all you offer before turning to the hall, bag bouncing at your hip on its magic chain.
Steve watches you go, meandering over to Bucky while glancing in your last known direction, until his friend grunts to get his attention.
Avani is gone, but Buck’s face remains sour.
“What on earth did Doc say? Some intel for a mission?” Steve’s only half-curious and fully-distracted though.
His friend just waves off the mood. “Where’s your girl?”
“She’s not…” Steve shakes his head.
“Fine. Where’s your girl for the night?” Bucky raises one eyebrow.
“You know that sounds even worse now than it did back then, right?”
“Well?” Bucky looks around inquisitively.
“Powder her nose—” Steve smirks with rosy cheeks “—then watching the light show.”
He gets a solid smack between his shoulders and a proud nod.
Steve tries to remain patient, he really does, but after a few minutes and nearly every guest settled into their own viewing spot across the long balcony, he checks back over his shoulder.
He excuses himself from Bucky’s side and wanders toward the hallway.
Yes, he knows he’ll look too interested and a bit stalker-esque, but he doesn’t want to miss the show—he doesn’t want you to miss the show with him. There’s gonna be this beautiful display in the sky and you’ll be engrossed enough that he can just look at the changing colors glow across your…
Around one corner of the wall, Steve sees a foot, one shiny, brown men’s dress shoe, and then another. Someone’s kneeling—shaking if rolling toes are any indication—and then there you are standing over him.
“Doctor Avani?” Steve croaks, watching you raise a syringe and needle high over the man’s head.
You ignore Steve’s arrival.
The doctor’s eyes don’t break from you as he shrieks, “Captain, she’s mad. She—“
“How dare you? Bastard,” you bite out, heaving your weapon at the doctor’s exposed throat as Steve lunges forward.
It punctures the thick, luxurious navy fabric of Steve’s suit, and he feels the slight swelling pressure of liquid entering his forearm.
You release your grip, eyes wild and teeth bared. Gone is the sweet and serene woman with whom he shared a drink and danced.
The syringe stays lodged in Steve’s flesh as he pushes the doctor aside to shield him, but it’s too late for you.
Bucky followed behind him and now wraps your arms behind your back while you struggle to inch toward Avani, spitting insults.
“What was it?” Bucky demands. “What’s in there? What poison?”
Steve rips the needle out, checking it for any clues.
With a scowl, your fierce gaze stays on the doctor.
“Ask him. It’s his brand of suffering.”
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Steve watches behind the two-way mirror for a while, deciding how to approach you. After chatting with you for the better part of an hour at the event, he still knows absolutely nothing about you. Every single piece of your preliminary file is news to him. He has to start from scratch, which is, ironically, what you are trying to do to the seam of your wig when he finally enters the interrogation room.
“Tea or water?” Steve sets down the cups.
You stop fidgeting for a beat. “Water is fine. Thank you.”
Polite. You stabbed him with a needle, injected him with an unknown substance, and you’re polite about it? He doesn’t understand the nonchalance. If you meant to kill Dr. Avani, then why aren’t you upset that you failed?
With your hands cuffed and the chain laced through a handlebar built into the table, it’s an awkward strain on your neck. You shove your shoulder high and pulse your head back and forth. Your wrists are thin, thin enough that one good, hard pull might actually snap one.
Polite and uncomfortable. Steve figures showing some courtesy might loosen your tongue.
He unlocks the cuffs and places the water in easy reach, keeping the tea for himself.
He sits and you sip. It’s peaceful when it shouldn’t be.
Avani has no clue who you are or what you want, but Steve couldn’t get many answers during the chaos that ensued after your attack. His own heart rate skyrocketed for a few minutes before normalizing. Otherwise, he’s fine.
He tilts the tea in your direction.
“Here’s hoping you didn’t waste truth serum on me,” he cheers. “Might be the only drug completely useless both after and before Erskine’s formula.”
You’re amused, a smirk lifting fading, dark lips. “Ah yes. Good, honest Captain America.”
“To a fault.”
“No.” Your seriousness stops him cold, and Steve’s smile fades. “It’s not a fault. You’re just rare.”
You value honesty. He can work with that.
“Is that why you chose a drug specifically for the doctor? You didn’t want to harm anyone else, even by accident?”
That shuts you down instead. Steve’s jumped too far, too fast. He’s not allowed to use the same easy tone as before this mess. Maybe he should have found some 7Up…
Silence descends until broken by your heavy swallows of water.
You’re staring down at your reflection in the table’s surface.
“I love stainless steel,” you mutter to no one in particular. “It’s like diffusion. I almost look normal.”
“You mean because you look different?” Steve pulls out your ID found in that small purse. “Why don’t you look ‘normal?’”
You shrug, finally dislodging the precarious strap and it dangles down your arm. “Lost weight.”
“And the hair?”
He was right. Your natural hair in the photo is beautiful. Why the hell are you wearing a wig? If it were obscuring your identity, he imagines you would know not to carry around a real ID.
“Time” is your only answer.
You’re skirting around the truth, lying by omission, waiting for the exact right questions which Steve doesn’t know yet, so he asks something for peace of mind, something that will tell him how long to play this game. “Are you gonna be honest with me?”
Your answer comes easily enough. “Are you gonna be helpful to me?”
Simple. Straightforward. Cutting. It’s said with sorrowful eyes.
He can’t promise anything when he doesn’t know why. “If your purpose is to kill a man then, no, I can’t help you with that.”
Your empty cup lands on the table with a light tonk.
“Maybe I’ll wait until someone who can help walks through that door.”
“In this situation, I believe I’m what’s known as the ‘good cop,’” Steve sighs. “Don’t think you want to dance with the ‘bad cop.’ He’s pretty annoyed he didn’t peg you for an assailant first.”
Nothing about your demeanor changes, not a flinch, not a blink. “Good thing I don’t want to dance with him.”
“He’s not much of a talker either. I’d be a better—“
“I didn’t say I’d talk to him either.”
Steve leans on his elbows, splaying wide across the table. “Just tell me your story. I am here to listen.”
“That makes this sound like a first date.”
“Bucky would likely agree—“ he snorts “—and he’d make a point to say this is going about as well as any date I’ve been on this century. Please,” Steve tries again, “ talk to me.”
There’s a long pause. Your intense gaze remains steady. Whatever your reasons, they don’t strain your moral fortitude. You are a believer, faithful to this unknown cause.
Carefully, quietly, you respond. “It’s not my story to tell. Ask your doctor.”
“If it’s not your story, where are the others? Can they tell it? Are they alive?”
Steve is more perceptive than you counted on judging by your slight head shake.
You flop yourself backward in the seat.
Steve was right. It’s not a what you act for, it’s a who. And they are dead.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he says earnestly.
This—that simple sentiment—gets the greatest reaction so far. Your lip twitches, and you shimmy against the hard chair. You scratch at your wig again, before your focus returns to the table. There are tears welling in your eyes.
No one has said that before now, he realizes. How long has it been since they passed? Why are you the only mourner? Why aren’t you moving on?
Suddenly, irritation stirs in Steve, and he can’t believe how stubborn you’re being when he is your best option. He is the only one that will have this soft spot for you, the only one who truly wants to help because he truly wants to know why.
“So you’re avenging,” he bursts, tossing his arms out, dramatically looking around the bland room. 
Protocol dictated they take you to the nearest precinct for questioning. Only if you were enhanced, only if you had special abilities would you be transported all the way to the compound. So on his night off, while attending a party that actually entertained him for once, you’ve shown up with a syringe that doesn’t do anything and made him miss the fireworks. You’ve made him lose time being content, a rare gift in his line of work.
Steve is frustrated, to say the least. He stands to pace his side of the table.
“Avenging, huh? Gosh, I wish I knew anything about that… anyone in this building even… wherever will we find someone who understands?”
“You don’t do sarcasm very much, do you?” you snip, energy level remaining low compared to his spiked bluster. “I’d like to tell ‘bad cop’ what a terrible dancer you are now. He’s not going to be surprised you made me cry, is he? That’s probably normal, too.”
���Surprised? No.” Steve knocks on the mirror, sick of playing, sick of being wrong, sick of choosing unwisely. “How could he be when he’s been listening this whole time?” 
You’re trapped, but you aren’t acting like a caged animal. Something is…off, and Steve realizes he’s too close to the situation—ridiculous as that may be—after just two hours of knowing you. His best friend will have better luck.
Bucky opens the door a few seconds later, armed to the teeth as an intimidation tactic.
It’s disconcerting that your expression brightens once a man sporting three guns and—counting the hidden few—eight knives enters the room. That’s got Steve’s attention.
“So she’s giving you trouble?” Bucky mutters.
He’s grateful Buck doesn’t go the ‘you sure can pick ‘em, Rogers’ or ‘better luck next millennium’ route. Steve shakes his head.
You itch at your wig, face twisted, and glance up at Steve.
“May I take this off?”
Still polite. The niceties are actually making his blood boil at this point because he does not get it yet.
“Fine,” he snaps, rolling his eyes when Bucky purses his lips at Steve’s tone.
“Listen, doll, I think the best course of action is to let you stew in here for a while. When you’re ready to tell us what you know, then—“
“Oh, I can tell you what I know now,” you say casually, pulling out bobby pin after bobby pin to tuck between your teeth. “I know the protocol for a low-level threat like myself is the nearest local law enforcement facility, I know that—due to an unfortunate instance of food poisoning from a birthday cake earlier today—most of this precinct is empty. I know that all three of you would prefer to incapacitate your targets rather than kill them.”
You set the little pile of pins down on the table by your undone chain, pulling a hair comb from the back of your wig to finally release it.
“There’s only two of us here,” Steve says in confusion.
“No.” You point the forked hair comb at Bucky and push yourself out of the chair. “Winter’s in there.”
Before the words can even register, you slam the tines of the tuning fork against the edge of the steel table. The noise is piercing and specific.
Steve covers his ears, but Bucky doesn’t move. He can’t turn away from you.
“Restrain him,” you order, “and get me out of here.”
“Buck, wait—“
The vibranium arm threatens to crush Steve’s windpipe as the force slides him up the mirrored wall.
The Winter Soldier’s cold, vacant grey eyes watch as Steve’s vision fades to black, and Steve wonders how the hell he could be so wrong.
Then it’s quiet and he wonders no more.
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A/N: This story is a doozy, gang, but I promise, explanations are ahead!
[Next Part]
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[Main Masterlist]
287 notes · View notes
bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
My heart Beats for no one but you
Jay White X fem reader Word Count 5K
Main Masterlist Jay White Masterlist
Summary: Everyone wanted to know the real reason Jay White left NJPW to come to AEW when he had contracts around the world. The truth is he came to AEW because of Y/n, the love of his life. He was going insane without her by his side and he knew he would die if they coudn't be together.
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Everyone wants to know why I became All Elite. Why I decided to come to AEW when I had offers all around the world. I was the hottest free agent and of all the places to pick I decided to join All Elite Wrestling. Even though I might not be getting booked the way I wanted to I don’t regret signing with AEW, not in the slightest. Why? Well, it’s because of Y/n. 
Y/n and I met years ago in Japan. She was in Bullet Club and I was just starting out in New Japan Pro Wrestling. I remember when I met her for the first time. She was everything. She was gorgeous, everything about her was perfect. In a way, I looked up to Y/n. We were the same age but she had the experience over me, she had accomplished so much for her age. She truly was one of the best pro wrestlers out there. Due to that, I would often ask her for advice just as an excuse to talk to her. Two years after my debut in New Japan I realized I was in love with Y/n. I found the courage to ask her out and we began going out in 2017. She even helped me get into Bullet Club, which I am forever grateful for. The two of us were perfect for each other, we fit each other perfectly. I knew she was my soulmate, I knew I would marry her. We spent all of our time together, we were joined at the hip. People claimed it was too much, we were obsessed with each other but the truth was I just found my other half. 
Y/n knew that some of the other boys wanted to leave New Japan. She knew they wanted her to go with them but she never told me about the secret plans. Instead, she acted like nothing happened and encouraged me to betray Kenny Omega. “You should turn on Kenny and take over Bullet Club. I’ll help you!” I remember looking at her like she was crazy. “Now why would I do that? Don’t get me wrong I like the idea but why would you encourage me to turn on some of your best friends?” Later I found out that Y/n put in a good word and wanted me to become the new leader of Bullet Club once the Elite left. 
A year after Y/n and I made it official, in late 2018 she helped me to take over Bullet Club. Many members such as Kenny, Matt, Nick, Cody and Hangman left the club soon after and ended up leaving New Japan as a whole. I knew Y/n was hiding something from me for months leading up to the betrayal but every time I tried to bring it up I was shut down. “You won’t understand. I’m just under a lot of stress” It was true, she was under a lot of stress. I felt like our relationship was forming cracks due to it. The sneaky phone calls, how she would come home late at night and leave in the morning before I got up. Anyone else would think she was cheating on me but in my gut, I knew it was something different. I knew that whatever it was that was bugging Y/n she would tell me when she was ready. 
The night I took over Bullet Club we went out to celebrate. All of my friends such as Juice, Finlay and the remaining members of Bullet Club went out and partied all night. I was sad Y/n didn’t join us. She said she needed to have some meetings with New Japan and I believed her. Once I returned to our shared flat I found Y/n a mess. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was smudged, various empty bottles and half-lit cigarettes were scattered on the floor. I was drunk but the moment I saw Y/n I was instantly sober. I carefully sat down next to Y/n on the floor and carefully asked her what’s wrong? That’s when she broke. Everything she was hiding for months came flooding out. She cried and cried, all I could do was hold her and tell her I was there for her. When she was able to calm down enough to speak she told me everything. 
“I’m sorry Jay. I’m sorry I’ve been hiding everything from you. The truth is everyone is leaving New Japan. Kenny, Matt, Nick and Cody want to start their own wrestling promotion and they want me to go with them. They want me to move to America” I didn’t know what to say. I was in shock. This explains why she suggested the betrayal. Everything was slowly starting to make sense. I didn’t want to know the answer to this question but I had to ask. “Are you going to go with them?” “I don’t know. It’s complicated. As much as I love them I don’t know if I can move back to the States on a flip of a dime when there is still so much uncertainty” The truth was I didn’t want Y/n to leave but I knew this could be a big opportunity. 
Fast forward a few months and All Elite Wrestling was formed. Y/n had declined the offer to join everyone in America. The Bucks understood her reasoning, the unknown was scary. She liked the stability she had in Japan. They said they would always have a contract with her name on it if she ever changed her mind. I also knew they wouldn’t give up that easily on her. Y/n’s contract with New Japan was up and although she was offered a new one she had a bigger contract waiting for her in America. I’ll never forget the day when I saw that letter arrive in the mail. I felt my stomach drop when I saw it. The difference between this official contract and The Elite asking Y/n to come to America was that this letter was from Tony Khan. The billionaire that invested in AEW. We opened the letter together and discussed the pros and cons of the offer. 
Pros: Making way more money, more vacation time, closer to family, better benefits, reuniting with old friends, new opponents, more opportunities, and a guaranteed championship
If I was Y/n I would have taken the contract. Despite whether AEW would succeed or not she would still be making good money. AEW offered her a million-dollar contract, something neither of us expected. The con list was small but for some reason, they were controlling Y/n’s decision. 
Cons: No Jay White, move across the world, 14hr time difference, no Jay 
“Y/n, I think you should really consider this contract. It’s amazing! You deserve it. I don’t want to be rude or anything but you have done everything in Japan. There is nothing else left for you to do. Just think about it. I’ll be fine here, I can take care of myself.” I didn’t know why Y/n insisted on staying here in Japan with me when I knew she was frustrated and bored. 
“I can’t go, Jay!” She told me “Why not? I’d take that contract in a heartbeat!-” “Because I need you. I think I would go insane if I moved to the other side of the world and couldn't see you. I’m completely in love with you Jay. Long distance never works out and there is no way I’m going to let you slip through my fingers” I knew her words were genuine. She wanted to go but was she really willing to sacrifice her dreams to be with me? It took a lot of convincing but Y/n agreed to at least try going to try AEW. We packed the essentials in suitcases and this was the end. I knew how much it would hurt but I couldn't let Y/n throw this away for me. Our drive to the airport was silent. We couldn't say a word without bursting into tears. I was never an emotional person but I now understood how Y/n felt. We said our goodbyes at the gate but neither of us could hold it together. “I can’t do this, Jay. I need to stay here with you” Y/n told me as neither of us dared to break the hug we were currently in. “Then stay. We can figure something out. As selfish as it sounds I need you here with me too” In the end Y/n declined yet another offer from All Elite Wrestling and took the same old New Japan contract she had been in forever. At least this time they offered her more money. Was it anything close to what she could be making in America? No, but it was a job, right?
With Y/n staying in Japan it led us to take over New Japan. The two of us were quickly the faces of the company and were able to solidify ourselves as two of the biggest stars in the history of New Japan Pro Wrestling. This was a big accomplishment for anyone, an even bigger one for two foreigners. I became the first-ever grand slam champion and Y/n made history by being the first woman to win a men’s championship in NJPW. It truly was us against the world, no one could beat us, no one was on our level. We were able to bring back the spotlight to NJPW. In a way we saved wrestling. Even though we were on the highest of highs it didn’t mean we didn’t experience the lows. Social media and pro wrestling never got along. Wrestlers never truly got the appreciation they deserved. Everyone called our sport fake but there is nothing fake about it. Sure some things are predetermined but the injuries, the risk, it was no joke. I could tell you stories about some scary moments in wrestling, this shit is not fake, the people who claim it to be are full of shit. When you are on that mountain people fight for your spot, they envy you, it can get messy at times.
 Once I was in a storyline with Will Ospeary and it got way out of hand. It was just supposed to be Will Osepeary Vs Jay White but those freaks in the United Empire couldn't help themselves. They started going after Y/n, they would make inappropriate comments at her, interfere with her matches and on more than one occasion try to snatch her from me. A war had broken out between Bullet Club and the United Empire and unfortunately, Y/n was caught in the middle of it.
I didn’t understand the hyperfixation they had on her. Sure she was stunning but she was taken, she was mine, and everyone knew that. That didn’t stop them from trying to get into her pants. When I first found out about the situation I was furious. I was going to murder the United Empire. The fight was set, this was going to end everything but it was only the beginning. 
The ring was chaotic, bodies were everywhere. It was WWIII, Bullet Club Vs The United Empire. During the match, Will and his goons had managed to get to Y/n, who was a special guest commentator. I tried everything in my power to get to her but I was handcuffed and duct-taped to the ring. I was forced to watch their attack on the love of my life. She was defenceless, she couldn't do anything. I was a five-on-one attack. The sound of kendo sticks to the back, snapping in half was sicking but not as bad as the chair shot to the head which busted her open. The worst was the tacks, why on earth would they use thumbtacks? By the time I got free, it was too late. The match was called off, no winner no loser, not even a draw, it went too far. I spent that evening screaming at the entire Bullet Club, why did no one do anything? I fired half of them on the spot. I couldn't even get myself to look Y/n in the eye, I was ashamed of myself. I couldn't protect my woman, I was a coward. “Look at me Jay” I couldn't “Look me in the eye” I turned to see my love’s once-green eyes all red and dark. I held her face in my hands delicately and looked at every mark that was left. I cringed at the 15 stitches and 3 staples in the side of her head. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry honey bee. I should have never let this happen” I told her. “I’m okay, this is not your fault,” she told me reassuringly. “But it is my fault, I did nothing. I watched that whole attack play out and I did nothing. And you’re not okay, you’re concussed, you have stitches and staples in your skull, and you’re covered in welts and bruises. This is not okay, you’re not okay” I was grateful we were alone, I didn’t understand why I had become so emotional. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, I felt weak. 
Times like that were hard, shit goes south, and you find yourself being stocked by fans. Not to mention that many of our friends moved on from New Japan. Despite all of that Y/n and I remained loyal to the company. During all of this, AEW just got more and more popular. She would never admit it but I knew a part of Y/n regretted not signing with AEW when she got the chance. I could see it in her eyes. In the few years of the company’s existence, they managed to change the world. I knew deep down that I should have pushed harder for Y/n to go but I was too selfish, I’ll never forget that and promised myself I would repay the favour one day. 
That day came sooner than I thought. One day Y/n and I got called into NJPW headquarters to discuss some classified information. I was skeptical and honoured that they wanted us to be a part of such a secret meeting. I was shocked to see that one of the many important faces in the room was none other than Tony Khan himself. He explained that he’s a huge fan of ours and that he would like to have a joint PPV with AEW and NJPW called Forbidden Door. He explained the concept and I was interested. This was a great way to show the American crowd Japanese wrestling and vice versa. I knew this would break the wrestling world, this had never been done before. Dream matches would be made, people all over the world would be talking about this. Best of all Y/n and I were going to be promoting the event. They wanted us to go scout out AEW for who we thought would work best with our talent along with building stories for who we would want to face. Of course, we agreed and soon enough we raided All Elite Wrestling.
During the main event on an episode of Dynamite Y/n and I emerged from the crowd and attacked the people in the ring. By this point, people knew of the joint PPV but didn’t know who would be in it or who would be the first to make a move. Y/n grabbed a mike and introduced us to the crowd, but to our surprise, no introduction was needed. They knew who tf we were. “In case you dumb Americans don’t know who we are, let us introduce ourselves. That right there is Jay Mother Fucken White, The catalyst of professional wrestling and your current IWGP world heavyweight champion. The first and only Grand Slam Champion in New Japan Pro Wrestling and the very best wrestler in Japan. You must live under a rock if you don’t know who I am. In case you don’t recognize me, my name is Y/n Y/l/n or as they call me in Japan ‘The Goddess of Love’. Jay and I lead Bullet Club and have taken over wrestling in Japan.  We’re simply the best that Japan has to offer so of course we had to come check out All Elite Wrestling. I’ll admit it’s cute here, different but cute. Boo us all you want but whether you like it or not you will be seeing a lot more of us. We will take over All Elite Wrestling and you all will have no choice but to breathe with the Switchblade!” Just like I thought, they ate it up. Y/n and I made history yet again. 
In the weeks leading up to Forbidden Door, many talent from Japan started appearing. The card was booked and everything was going perfectly. I was booked to face Okada, Adam Cole and Hangman Page in a four-way for my title and Y/n would get to wrestle AEW women’s champion Thunder Rosa in a non-title match. I had a good feeling about this show. I knew our matches would go well, one might say they went too well. 
Just like I said we would Y/n and I both won our matches. Y/n’s match was so good that after the show Tony Khan proposed Y/n a contract. I felt as if I had gone back in time, we were here before, this was her second chance. “I’ll let you think about it, I don’t need an answer right away,” Tony told her. “So, what do you want to do?” I asked Y/n. “I want to take it, this one is even better than the one they offered me three years ago. I really like it here. There is more opportunity, new opponents, and fuck, that paycheck.” I was so proud of Y/n, I wanted her to take that contract and run as far as she could with it. Sure being far away would be hard but this was my turn to take a step back and let Y/n follow her dreams. 
Y/n accepted the contract and made her surprise debut a few months later in October. This time when we sat together in our flat packing everything there were no sad tears. Instead, we savoured the time we had. We were moving on, we were opening a new door, experiencing a new chapter in life and in my gut I knew this would be the best one yet. “I’m going to miss you, Jamie” “I’m going to miss you too Y/n. I’m only one call and one plane trip away” I told her reassuringly. “Yeah except that flight is 14hrs and I’ll be lucky if I can get a direct flight” 
Once Y/n left, truthfully I was a mess. I didn’t know what to do with myself, we spent every second of every day together. I would come home and expect Y/n waiting for me with open arms but she never was. Our once-shared flat that used to be filled with colour and life was now cold, dark and dead. All of her things were gone, it felt so empty without her. I didn’t realize it at the time but I had fallen into a deep depression. Every night I lay in bed alone, unable to sleep. I would spend the night staring at the empty space next to me, trying to picture Y/n there but I was unable to do so. We called twice a day but it wasn’t the same, I needed her next to me. Along with being unable to sleep I also couldn't find myself able to eat. I had lost all appetite. Y/n would spend hours making the most delicious foods you could imagine even with being a full-time wrestler. Every weekend we would have people over, but now I had no one. I knew how to cook but all I could get myself to make was toast while I sat in the dark. 
I hated that I felt this way. Y/n was finally getting her break, she was making millions and doing all of these amazing things while I was over here feeling bad for myself. I was still the IWGP champion but I had no motivation to get out of my bed, let alone wrestle. Cowardly I called NJPW headquarters and put in my sick days. I couldn't let anyone see me in such a state. Y/n had been gone for a month but it felt like she had been gone forever, I felt like I had lost her for good. 
One night I was drinking away my sorrows when I heard a loud knock on my door. I couldn't get myself to move off the floor, even if I could I didn’t want to open the door anyways. I wanted to be alone. The knocking wouldn’t stop. Whoever it was wouldn’t leave me alone. “Go away!” I yelled through the door. “It’s me, Riley, come on Jay open up” I wasn’t expecting my best friend El Phantasmo or ‘Riley’ to be on the other side. “Leave me alone Riley” “Don’t make me come in there” I didn’t move. Y/n must have given Riley her keys because he let himself inside, once he spotted me he stopped in his tracks, he looked like he saw a ghost. 
Before I could even say anything Riley cut me off. “Y/n gave me her keys once she left. She wanted me to keep an eye on you. I came over because she said you had been ignoring her calls for days. Not to mention everyone at the Dojo is worried about you, we haven’t seen you in weeks” What was he talking about? Y/n hadn’t been calling me. I checked my phone and did indeed find 30 missed calls and about fifty texts over the past four days. “What’s going on man, you look like shit” “I’m fine, I don’t know what you are talking about” Riley gave me a disapproving look before his phone rang. “Yeah, I’m with him right now. Yes, Y/n he’s alive. No, you don’t need to come over here. I’ll look after him. Okay, yes, I will. I’ll tell him. Now get some rest, it’s late over there. Bye Y/n” I felt ashamed of myself. 
Riley sat down on the ground next to me and asked “What’s going on? Whatever it is you’re going through you can tell me.” “I don’t know Riley. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. I can’t do anything, I feel useless. I know this is pathetic of me to say and I will sound selfish but I need Y/n. I’m going crazy without her. I don’t know what’s wrong with me” Riley said nothing, he just let me get everything out. “It’s okay to miss her, Jay. We all miss her but you need to stop relying on her for everything. She’s not always going to be there and hold your hand. You almost made her fly out here Jay.” “Why am I feeling this way?” I asked Riley “Because you love her. I know you know that but you love, love her. I know you have that ring, we picked it out ages ago. If you’re so worried about losing her I think you should think about popping the question. I mean you have been together for the past five years” He was right 
That night I left my flat for the first time in weeks, I forgot what the outside world was like. Riley and I walked around the streets of Tokyo and just talked. It was therapeutic, we went out to eat at Y/n’s favourite sushi place and I knew I couldn't keep living like this. I needed to be a supportive partner, I needed to finish what we started together in Japan. Instead of doing everything with Y/n, I needed to be doing everything for her. I had to be a defending champion for her, I needed to main-event Wrestle-kingdom to prove I could take care of myself. 
I needed to get my life back on track. I didn’t even realize how much I was impacted by Y/n’s departure. I looked sickly, I wasn’t eating or working out. I had lost a decent amount of muscle and looked pale as a ghost. I wasn’t lying when I said I was sick, this was just a different kind of sick. 
Instead of sulking, when I missed Y/n the most I would either watch our old matches together or give her a call. I felt bad calling her when I couldn't sleep at 3 am but she reminded me of the time difference. 3 am for me was 5 pm for her but she insisted I call whenever I please even if it’s the middle of the night, so I did just that. This particular evening I was missing her the most, the holidays were soon approaching and I was sad we coudn’t spend them together. “How’s everything going in Japan?” Y/n asked me “It’s alright, I miss you. It’s not the same here without you” I told her honestly. “I know, I’m sorry I can’t be there for Christmas but I have some good news that will make up for it” “What’s that?” I asked curiously “Well, I talked with TK and since I’m working all the holiday shows I can come back to Japan for Wrestle Kingdom!” She said excitedly through the phone. I coudn’t believe what I was hearing. “What’s the catch? There’s always s catch, is it a 24-hour trip?” “Nope, no catch. I asked to do all the Christmas shows so I can come out to see you. I have almost two weeks with you. 13 days, I’ll only miss one week of TV!” “That’s great honeybee, I can’t wait to see you!” “Your main eventing the Tokyo Dome, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” “I love you, Y/n” “I love you too Jay”
Those few weeks leading up to the Tokyo Dome went by fast and before I knew it I was reunited with the love of my life. It was weird not having Y/n by my side when I took on Okada in the main event of that year’s Wrestle Kingdom but having her front row cheering me on was just as good. Even though I lost I was grateful that I had Y/n there with me. She was always there when I needed her the most and boy did I need her. We spent the remained of Y/n’s trip to Japan spending quality time together. We made the most passionate love to make up for the time spent away and explored the city we became one with. 
In the back of my mind, I knew my contract was expiring. Y/n knew of this and I know she wanted me to come to AEW but the truth was they didn’t offer me anything yet. I had many offers from other promotions but the one I wanted most simply didn’t exist yet. For the first time in my career, I was scared, scared of what the future held. I never told Y/n my troubles, instead I faced them alone. I agreed to a loser leaves NJPW match with Eddie Kingston and hoped for the best. I lost that match and felt like a failure, Y/n was front row for that match and I’ll never forget the look on her face when I lost. She comforted me after the match and tried to convince me to join her in AEW. I lied and told her they never offered me a contract when in reality they did and I accepted it. “What do you mean? They love you! I’m sure they will offer you a contract, Jay!” I felt bad for lying but I wanted all of this to be a surprise. 
I made my surprise debut in April and although Y/n was mad I didn’t tell her she was happy we were together again. I could have gone anywhere in the world but I needed Y/n by my side. 
I took Riley’s advice and proposed to Y/n. “My heart beats for no one but you. Every day I spent without you killed me. I love you so much Y/n. I would do anything and everything for you. Us being apart for those six months made me realize I coudn’t spend another day without you. Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, would you marry me?” 
So yeah the real reason I joined AEW was to be with the love of my life, my wife. I’d die without her, my heart beats for no one but her. 
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nipotazzi · 29 days
Simphony in Fortissimo Agitando - Chapter 1
And all at once, Marina effortlessly and slowly raised herself, or rather, lifted herself, without any help from her hands, or legs, or anything at all. She was floating, higher than the Pearl drone, with her limbs dropping like a dead weight, mimicking the ones of a doll.
Before they could say anything, her suit turned on like it had been filled with LEDs: a shiny and bright neon color covered the octoling’s body. With a smooth synchronized motion, Marina placed her hands in the air, open palms upwards, and fixed her position in space to face them. She looked like an ascended being, almost religious figure; a familiar pose that all of them recognized from the battle.
The drone started losing height, until its propellers were stuck on the sand, but Pearl did not care in the slightest about it. 
Eight couldn’t say anything, thinking in despair that her entry for this day in the memory book was going to be longer than she had previously imagined.
Acht thought that her “friend” was seriously getting on her nerves now, with every single thing happening inside of this place being her fault, and now even this to grind on her gears?! Gimme a break…
Marina wasn’t either thinking, or feeling, or willing to speak (unless prompted to do so) anymore. There was no longer any need to, for her mind already knew what to say, as it was programmed to perfection.
“Agitando unit… online."
Fandom: Splatoon
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Marina/Pearl (Splatoon), Agent 3/Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Characters: Pearl (Splatoon), Marina (Splatoon), Dedf1sh | Acht (Splatoon), Agent 8 (Splatoon), Order | Smollusk (Splatoon)
Additional Tags: Splatoon 3: Side Order, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, References to Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Tumblr, I think that they had it too nice in canon, Nightmare Fuel, Female Agent 8 (Splatoon), Traumatized Agent 8 (Splatoon), Marina and Pearl Adopt Agent 8 (Splatoon), Smollusk has been adopted
Marina has been rescued from the top of the tower, everyone is "fine", and even if this new AI seems threatening, it's not their problem to deal with. Eight and Pearl have just saved the day... right?
Sorry, but the Agitando begs to differ.
Reblogs are always appreciated, and feedback is too.
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lespetitesmortsde · 1 month
I know it's been a minute, but for anyone following the symphony/orchestra Imodna AU - chapter three's been posted. Please enjoy, lovelies.
And if you're new here... can I interest you in Conductor Laudna and First Chair Cellist Imogen Temult?
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idontknowreallywhy · 10 months
A little WIP piece for our favourite Musician’s birthday.
I really really really meant to have completed the ceiling paint mystery one for today but it’s messing with me and I can’t get the ending right, so I’m compensating by starting yet another fic (with my usual music-nerd theme) promoted by my chats with the well of inspiration that is @astranite - thanks for letting me mess around with this one.
Blitzed out in my lunch break and entirely unproof-read… but if I don’t post now I’ll keep prodding it instead of actually doing my job so…
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“I know what the post-flight readouts say, Brains!”
He breathed in for an adagio 4 then out for the same, allowing the white hot knot of tension between his brows to ease a little. The gap it left behind it was immediately filled with the hollowness of guilt that he’d let himself snap at his old friend. He dug his fingernails into his palms and summoned the overly-calm baritone that was most effective when cajoling his elder brother into something resembling a reasonable response to whatever the latest apparently world-ending catastrophe was.
“I trust your creations and your protocols, I do, but I need you to trust me too. I know her and I know she sounded… off.”
“Off” was an understatement. Two had been shrieking at him all the way home. Oh, her habitual E-pitch purr was there, and the usual harmonics from ploughing through pockets of turbulence. Even the faint echo that told him her fuel tank was nearing empty… that was all a familiar part of the symphony. It was the extra note that made his teeth sting. That sharp wavering whine which defied his attempts to fix a pitch and filled his vision with flashing daggers of sickly neon green instead of his girl’s usual rich rainforest blanket.
Scott’s eyes flicked over to Gordon with an unspoken question. His wingman’s shoulders were a picture of awkwardness and he appeared to be trying to dig through the floor of the hangar with the toe of his boot.
“I couldn’t hear it guys… but you know me, I’ve got the musical subtlety of a rock. I shouldn’t get a say. Maybe we shouldn’t take her up again until Virg has had a look?”
Virgil caught his eye and focussed so hard on trying to convey his overwhelming gratitude that he moo-ed slightly. Coughing loudly to cover his own throat’s betrayal, he straightened and turned to his Commander whose exasperation was already tangible:
“I recommend that Two be grounded until Brains and I can complete a full systems check.”
Scott raised an eyebrow then his expression softened and he delivered a #7 variant of the Scott Tracy “Fine”. Virgil knew from the mid-range pitch combined with the slight increase in airflow towards the end of the word that this specific “Fine” meant “I should really be grumpier about this but I’m too tired and I know you’ll win me over anyway because you’re adorable”.
His long-suffering elder brother spun on his heel and tapped his comm as he walked away:
“John, Two is offline for 24 hours, please reroute anything One and Shadow can’t handle to the GDF.”
Virgil’s gaze had already narrowed on his beloved green behemoth as he pondered the most likely source of the disturbance when he sensed movement on the ground behind him. Gordon was knelt down on one knee, head bowed and the largest wrench in the workshop balanced on his upturned palms.
“Your battle sword, my liege.”
[Nerd note: Adagio is generally accepted to be between 55-65 beats per minute. So it’s a 4 second breath in.]
[Lore note: there are actually 16 Scott Tracy “Fines” and only Virgil can distinguish them all]
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missmaywemeetagain · 11 months
Sweet Symphony 🎻❤️‍🔥🎹 is out NOW on Patreon for early access Patrons! 🎉
Click HERE to join and read now!
Why support me on Patreon? 💗 You'll get awesome benefits, like early access, exclusive stories (Scarf Universe, anyone?), my upcoming blog, and news/snippets of my novels AND you get to support your one of your favorite authors for the price of a coffee or ebook a month! Please consider joining our community! 💫
Patrons are seriously a huge help towards reaching my dreams to be a successful, professional writer while still being able to get content like this out to you on a regular basis! 💗
Sweet Symphony- A professional violinist Reader gets a little more than she bargains for after rehearsal for Elvis Presley's '68 Special...
Mature 18+ || Word count: 9.2k
TW: Sexxx in various forms, fluff, cussing, dubious use of a piano...😏
(It will be posted here this weekend! 💋)
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
May 6 prompt music.
Thanks for the tag @calaisreno
A symphony of love
Sherlock had warned him about it the very first day they met, but it’s been weeks now, and John’s never heard any violin playing. John’s had an exhausting day at the clinic, and Sherlock’s not there when John comes home. There’s a note on the kitchen table, though.
Out. SH
John showers, eats some toast and goes to bed. Hours later he’s back in Afghanistan. There’s shooting, cries and blood everywhere. John’s tangled into a camouflage net and a sniper on the roof opposite is aiming his rifle at John. He struggles to get free, crying out when he hears the shot.
John wakes panting and whimpering. Then he hears it. Music coming from downstairs. Sherlock’s playing. It’s a soothing and soft melody John’s never heard before. His breath hitches and slowly his heartbeat settles.
John wants to go down to thank Sherlock, but he’s to sleepy. Nevertheless, he has to adress this. A text, then.
Thank you, Sherlock. That was beautiful.
You’re welcome, John. SH
Do you really think so? SH
Of course, I do. It was just what I needed.
Good. Sleep well, John. SH
A few weeks later it happens again, and this time John can’t resist his urge to be close to Sherlock. He pads down the stairs and sees Sherlock standing by the window, still playing.
He wonders if he shall dare doing what he’s wanted to do for so long.
The last weeks something has changed between them. Subtle and lingering touches happens on a regular basis, and John thinks that he sometimes can see a longing in Sherlock’s eyes, when he thinks John isn’t looking.
John approaches Sherlock who’s finished playing, and is lowering his bow and violin. He puts a hand carefully between Sherlock’s shoulder blades. To John’s surprise, Sherlock sighs contended and leans into the touch.
«John,» he breathes.
With a heart beating hard in his chest, John moves closer. He wraps his arms around Sherlock’s waist and presses his cheek against Sherlock’s back.
«Your music is really magical, you know,» John murmurs, and tightens his grip around Sherlock when he places a hand over John’s.
Sherlock lifts John’s left hand to his lips and kisses it reverently.
«Sherlock,» he whispers.
There are no more music to be heard from 221B that night, only murmured confessions, the sound of lips meeting lips and shaky breaths. If you ask John about it later, he will call it a symphony of love.
@notjustamumj @totallysilvergirl @raina-at @topsyturvy-turtely @meetinginsamarra
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korokeea · 19 days
brooklyn x risa.
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nyoomkitty · 3 months
The Sixth String: A Symphony - 3 new chapters!
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The story is progressing, slowly but surely! One new Interlude and two new Movements are now on AO3. Thanks for your patience! There’s still a lot more story to tell but these two chapters include some hugely important lore to the overall story…
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melanirana · 1 year
the first chapter of Ocean Symphony Fiasco
Enjoy! :}
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