#TY Missy
piers-official · 2 months
Intro Post
Alright Team Yell, Make some noise and introduce yourselves!
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Hullo everyone! Name's Joshua (Please jus' call me Tank though) He/Him. I've been a gym trainer since Piers first started his career! I also helped organize Team Yell in it's beginnin's. I got me a drapion who's been my partner since he was jus' a lil' skorupi. Le's make some noise for the others! [Center]
OI! Name's Missy, an' don't you forget it! My trusty weavile an' I practice in gymnastics, We specialize in backflips and somersaults! Oh, and I use she/they pronouns [Right]
'Ello luvs, The name's Rosie (She/Her) an' my main partner is a lovely theivul named Diamond. M'family's been in the toxel breedin' business long since Galar first became an official region. In fact, Piers got his mad lad, Strummer from us! [Left]
Team Yell may have disbanded but we sure didn't!
Ask us some questions and say 'Cheerio', but don't be callin' us, Yell-a! Got it?
'Ow was that, Ms. Marnie?
You all did great! Good job everyone~
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Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and other faves (even outside of this list) in the tags I would love to hear it 😊😊
Check out my masterpost for the other open artist polls thank you and have fun 😊😊
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planetbeanie · 1 year
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Todays beanie of the day is Missy the Monkey
Birthday- 3/12/2010
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cooliostarstache · 1 year
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just saw honor among thieves and it’s SO GOOD !!!!!!
I’m excited to see fanfic and fanart based on these characters because I love them smmm
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camellcat · 4 months
hmm. I gotta say, excitedly exclaiming "master!" whenever he pops up in my media is. uh. I don't think I quite like saying that. and especially not like that LOL
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skwistokgetalongshirt · 6 months
8, 9, and 25 for Missy for the Personal OC Asks mem!
[ Personal OC Asks ]
8. What caused their trauma if they have any?
The generational trauma with her parents fr... I mean, I guess the short version is that she has daddy issues, but she's got mommy issues too. This woman has got a bad case of 'inferiority complex' and 'abandonment issues' due to her parents.
9. Are they a top or bottom?
I feel like this is situational, but basically Missy has the 'top attitude' but when it comes down to it she's a bottom.
25.Have they ever acted on their intrusive thoughts before? What was the outcome?
Oh yeah absolutely. Her intrusive thoughts usually end up in a mess that she's got to end up fixing. A common intrusive though acts upon is the fact she ends up hooking up with her band manager more often than she'd like to admit. She knows it's wrong, she knows it shouldn't happen, but it's a cycle that she can't seem to break (well until she ends up with Skwisgaar and Toki, BUT EVEN THEN - it takes her a long time to break that habit).
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texas-hates-taxes-too · 7 months
Who were the characters in your rvb x doctor who post? I've seen the occasional episode of doctor who but i don't think I know those ones
That was the 12th doctor and Clara! I used them bc theyre sort of my faves :)
Plus when i was writing the post I was mainly thinking about Clara bc she does literally wear heels and a skirt most episodes. There are other characters who wear normal clothes, Clara is just like that
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pissenchanted · 2 years
we, as a fandom, don't talk enough about fall out boy and missy elliott collabing on ghostbusters
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dragonbleps · 2 years
Time to do chores and stuff i guess while i wait
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naturesvice · 1 year
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What Type of Female Character are You?
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Strong Female Character.
just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you’re not also a man. you are strong. you can do anything and kick butt. you don’t need a character arc because you are strong. you embody a man but you aren’t a man and that is very obvious.
tagged by: @toxicmalicex. tagging: steal it if you want to & tag me so i can see. ♡︎
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months
7, 28, and 33 for Devon please <3
from this ask game
7. Do they believe in soulmates?
yes. yes yes yes absolutely. oh my god absolutely yes. FUCK yes.
28. What makes them feel vulnerable?
just intimacy. not even sexual intimacy, it can be platonic or whatever. but just sitting or lying there with someone he cares about, not really doing anything, maybe (definitely) there's a mixtape playing (that he made himself just for the occasion). just sharing himself and his passions with another person for the sake of sharing and being.
bonus: take his gloves off and kiss every single one of his bruised, swollen fingers—vulnerability to the FUCKING max.
33. What words do they desperately need to hear, even if they don't realize it?
"You're more than your mistakes. You're stronger than you let yourself believe. You don't need to hide yourself, you don't need to put up a mask. There are people who love you and miss you. Be yourself, be proud of yourself, for them."
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piers-official · 2 months
Are you guys an evil team or what?
I don't get it...
T: Oi, we ain't evil! We jus' made a few mistakes here an' there...
M: We were only framed as "evil" cuz we scared a few gym challengers or whatever! Maybe they shoulda had more of a backbone-
R: MISSY. Look, we were jus' tryin' t'help Ms. marnie and it got out f hand. We ain' evil, I promise.
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romanticintheory · 1 month
Can you do something fluffy and domestic with Price. Like maybe him trying to ask civilian reader out on a date, and everything is just going against him. (He eventually does get to ask her whether or not it was how he planned it.)
john wants to ask his favorite waiter/waitress out on a date, but the universe seems to have other plans for him.
john price x gn!reader
part 2
fluff, john trying his best, domesticity
a/n: ty for the request!! you’re my first one so i hope you like it <3 also, let’s just pretend like the timeline of this fic makes sense :)
Oh, this poor man was hopeless from the start. He had been interested in you for a while and was finding the courage within himself to finally ask you out. He felt silly about the ache in his chest whenever he thought about what your response might be. He just wanted to do right by you was all. So, when he was finally out of his latest mission and allowed to take a break, he was determined to pop the question to you.
The plan was to stop by the flower shop and buy a simple bouquet for you, but when he found himself in front of the store it had been closed. “Family Emergency. Will be back next week.” He didn’t have a week.
Okay, so, no flowers. It was disappointing, to say the least, but he could make do. 
You were nearing the end of your shift when your coworker, Missy, tapped you on the shoulder. As you turned away from the table you were cleaning, she leaned down and whispered in your ear, “There’s that hot man here, again. He’s asking for you, dear.”
She ended her news with a knowing wink. Looking past her shoulder, you could clearly see John sitting at a table with a menu in his hands. Your cheeks flushed at Missy’s insinuation.
“Thanks,” you managed to choke out, hoping she didn’t notice how flustered you were.
“Of course. That’s the second time, just so you know,” she reminded teasingly, nudging you with her elbow encouragingly before leaving to go attend to her own tables.
Out of the three times John had been to your restaurant (including this one), he spent the last two specifically requesting your presence. Though you tried not to think much of it, you couldn’t ignore the way it made your heart flutter.
Straightening your uniform, you made your way to his table with a genuine smile—a stark contrast to the fake one you give to other customers just for the sake of work. John pretended like he wasn’t secretly watching you in the periphery of his vision and looked up at you once you found your way to him.
“It’s nice to see you again,” you beamed.
“‘S nice to see you too,” he replied, unable to keep that lovestruck smile off his face. “How have you been, sweetheart?”
You laughed softly, “I’ve been alright. You know, just the same old. How about you, John?”
“I’m afraid it’s been the same for me. Just got off a mission.” Not once did his eyes leave yours. It was almost intimidating, the way he was so dedicated to giving you his full attention.
“Really? You’ll have to tell me about it sometime,” you said hopefully.
It was the perfect opportunity for him. All he had to say was, ”Actually, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime,” and he almost pulled it off.
“Actually, I—”
Ring, ring, ring, ring.
Internally cursing himself, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw the contact Laswell flashing on his screen. Usually, when she called, it was something worth hearing. He looked up at you apologetically, but you just smiled and waved your hand at him to let him know it was okay.
Standing up, he answered Kate’s call and pressed his phone between his ear and his shoulder. You couldn’t hear much of what the other person was saying. It was mostly just John nodding his head, saying a quick “yes” or “no,” or mentioning what you assumed were his colleagues' names.
Gathering his things, he turned to you and gave an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, but I have to leave, right now. I apologize for wasting your time like this.”
“Oh, no, don’t worry! It’s nice to have seen you anyway, and I’m glad you’re doing well. I don’t mind, honestly,” you reassured him, secretly disappointed at the fact that his visit was so short-lived.
Clearing his throat, he asked, “If it's not too out of line, may I ask when you get off work?”
Throwing all caution to the wind, you quickly answered, “At about ten thirty.”
“Ten thirty, all right,” he said (more so to himself than you). “Have a good rest of your shift, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, I hope all is well at work,” you nodded, watching as his eyes lingered on your for a moment before he left for the door.
The entire time he was back at work the thought of you sat in the back of his mind. Honestly, he couldn’t even remember why he was there. Something about an important lead? Or maybe a new contact? Honestly, his head was in the clouds.
Even though you didn’t know he was going to ask you out, he still felt guilty for not being able to pop the question to you. As soon as he left the meeting, he was out the door. It was already ten, and it took about twenty-five minutes to get to the restaurant. He silently cursed himself for the second time that day, still determined to get in his car and see if, by some miracle, he could catch you.
He had imagined himself in the exact opposite situation he was currently in. He had wanted to be out of uniform in something more presentable and approachable, being able to spend his time with you without any interruptions. Now, he was having to rush his pace with his uniform on as he attempted to make up for his first failed attempt at asking you out. He didn’t want to be the captain with you, just John Price. 
Peeking into the front door of the now-closed restaurant, he scanned the few workers left inside to see if any of them were you only to be met with disappointment. His frustrated grew ten-fold as he turned away from the door, making his way back to his car.
Just as he was about to hop in, you were exiting the side door with your uniform in hand.
“John?” you called out, stopping just a few feet away from him. You almost didn’t recognize him with the way he was dressed (not that you were complaining).
He whirled around instantly at the sound of your voice. “(Y/n),” he started. “I almost thought I missed you.” You smiled. “No, one of my coworkers needed help with something so I stayed behind just a little bit.” “How kind of you. Most would leave as soon as they were able,” he praised, shutting his car door behind him.
“She’s always been kind to me. I figured the least I could do is repay her.” You paused. “So, uh, what brings you back here so late?”
“Well, I was just…” Why was he nervous? He had asked out plenty of people before (though none quite like you). For Christ’s sake, he was a disciplined soldier capable of incredible feats without breaking a single sweat. He’s faced dangerous criminals with a calm face and a stable mind, but with you, oh, it was like everything he ever learned went out the window.
You waited expectantly with bated breath.
“Well, I was actually wondering if you would want to go out with me sometime. Anywhere you like,” he finally managed. “‘Course, feel free to say no. I promise I won’t be hurt.”
He’s lying, of course, but you didn’t need to know that.
Your face lit up at his question, answering with an immediate, “Yes, I’d love to!”
Finally, finally, he could release the breath he was holding. His shoulders visibly relaxed, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he grinned at your response.
“How do you feel about movie and a dinner?”
Maybe it didn't go exactly as he'd planned, but at least you said yes, right?
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scarletwinterxx · 2 months
fool for you - mark lee dad scenario
a bit late to this but OH MY GOD MARK LEE GIRL DAD😭🥺😭🥺 we already know he's going to be the best dad to his kids in the future🤍🤍
you already know my feels went through the roof after seeing that cli[ so here's another mark dad scenario and can you believe this is the 10th one OMGGGGGG anyways i hope you like it!
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
"in my next life, I think I'll become a fool for my daughter"
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"Lovie, can you stay with Minjee? I'm just going to the mall with Minjung to get new shoes and a few other stuff for the baby" you tell your husband who is currently on the sofa resting.
It's around that time again when you're counting down the days until the new baby comes, this time the two of you choose to keep the gender a surprise. You won't find out until you give birth. There's an on going bet in your household whether it'll be a girl or a boy.
"Why don't I come with him? You sure you okay to go out?" he asks, watching you struggle putting on your shoes. He chuckles before walking toward you, kneeling down to put it on for you even double tying the shoelaces just to be sure.
"It's okay, besides the doctor said it's healthy to walk around. And we both know it'll be easier to look after Minjung then Jee" you laugh, your husband agreeing with you
"She's the main character, we're all just living in her world" he says
You smile at Mark, giving him a kiss before getting your purse and keys.
"Call me if you need anything" he tells you
"Minjung, let's go" you shout, your son appears from the staircase ready to go
"You already know, buddy. Take care of mom, okay? Call me if something happens" he gives his son a quick hug before watching the two of you drive away
The two of you finished the errands and is now getting a quick snack before heading home. You like having one on one time with your kids. It helps you keep a closer relationship with them. And even though you know the two siblings get along very well, you still make it a point to spend time with them one by one. And so does Mark.
"Is there anything else you need, buddy?" you ask your son
He shakes his head, taking a bite of his sandwich. You smile watching him, it feels just like yesterday you were sitting in the backseat with newborn Minjung in the baby car seat on your way home from the hospital and now he's 13.
"How do you feel about getting another sibling?"
He looks at you, it's like looking at Mark's eyes. They same round, adorable chocolate eyes you love so much.
"Excited. It'll be cool if it's a boy. I'll teach him to play basketball and bike. It's okay too if it's a girl" he shrugs
"You know mommy and daddy loves you very very much"
"I know, I love you too" he smiles back at you
When you get home, Minjee welcomes you excitedly asking if you got her a cakepop which Minjung hands over to his sister
"Wah thank you, oppa! Dad look oppa got me a pink cakepop!" she screams excitedly, running to wherever Mark is. You and Minjung follow her, Mark in the kitchen getting dinner ready
"Cool, but you can have that after dinner okay? Na uh don't give me that look, missy. I ordered chicken just like you asked" the father-daughter banter continues
The two siblings help set up the table while you stay in the kitchen with Mark, "How did it go?" Mark asks you
"Good, we had fun. You sound like you had fun too" you joked
"I swear she knows how to make me says yes" he mumbles, you walk towards him, giving him a side hug
"You love her" you tell him with a chuckle and a kiss on the jaw
"That I do. I'd do anything for our kids" he says, looking down at you. He kisses you on the nose, eliciting giggles from you before breaking away
"Okay, dinner time!"
After dinner and everyone finished with their night time routines, it's finally time to call it a night.
You lay on your side of the bed, getting the pregnancy pillow ready
"Can I keep that after?" Mark asks, you watch him step out of the shower. Towel hanging on his hips while he dries his hair with another
"No" you tell him with a tight smile, Mark laughs before walking towards the dresser to get clothes
"Oh come on, let me enjoy the view some more"
"Woman, you are already pregnant" he tells you, playfully throwing the towel he was drying his hair with towards you. He puts on his sleeping shorts, leaving the shirt behind. He goes out the room to check all doors before going to bed
He turns towards you, the two of you face to face.
"Just a few more days and it'll be five of us" he whispers. His hand resting on your belly
"I'm calling it, this one will look like you again" you tell him
"You love us"
"That I do, I love you and all versions of you. Especially the little humans we made" you smile at him. He scoots closer to kiss you. Kissing you on the lips then on your cheeks a few time until you were laughing.
"Okay, time to rest. Goodnight, baby. I love you" he tells you
"Love you"
Minjung woke up to something poking his back, groggily looking to see Minjee
"Jee? What?"
The girl hiccups, still crying. This woke Minjung up more, sitting up on his bed and turning the bedside light on,
"Why are you crying? Did you have a bad dream?" he asks
"Will mom and dad not let me live here when the baby comes?" she asks, her tiny voice breaking
"What? of course not" her brother immediately answers. He gets out from under the blanket to hug his sister, wiping a few tears running down her face
"When you were born, I was so excited. Dad took me to the hospital to meet you. You had this big bow on, you were crying a lot too" he tells her
"You were there?" she asks
Minjung smiles "Yea, dad even helped me to carry you. You were really tiny. When the new baby comes, we'll go together to meet them"
"Will you still play with me when they come?"
"Of course I will, we're bestfriends right? You gave me this" he says, showing the beaded bracelet Minjee made for him. Similar to what she's wearing.
"You promise? You'll still get me cakepops?"
"Of course, pinkypromise"
The two siblings lock pinky fingers, the younger one finally smiling.
"Wait here okay?" Minjung says before going out of his room and carefull walking towards his parents bedroom. Knocking lightly before going in.
He walks towards Mark's sleeping figure, tapping him awake
"Huh what wha huh?? Minjung? Are you okay? What's happening?" Mark asks, sitting up immediately
"What time is it?" he asks, looking for his phone to see it's 2am
"Minjee woke up crying, she's in my room now"
Mark stands up carefully, looking over at your sleeping figure before quickly putting on a shirt and walking out with Minjung
"She okay? bad dream?"
"No uh it's about the new baby"
His son didn't need to elaborate anymore, already getting a hint why his babygirl was crying.
When the two walks back to Minjung's room, Jee still sitting there.
"Hey, Jee. Come on, dad will come with you. Goodnight buddy, thank you for being a good brother" Mark tells his eldest, kissing him on the head before stepping out of the room with the younger one
"Do you want warm milk before going back to bed?" Mark asks the 6 year old girl, getting a no from her
When they get to Minjee's room, the two sat on the bed
"Are you sad right now?" Mark asks his daughter
"Will you still love Jee when the baby comes?" Jee asks and Mark crumbles
"Oh my girl, of course I will. I'll love you longer than forever and that's a long long long time. You'll always be my princess. Even after the new baby comes, mom and dad might need to spend more time with them but that doesn't mean we love you and your brother any less" he tucks her hair behind her ear, pinching her cute round cheeks she definitely got from you.
"Can dad have a hug?" he opens his arms, Minjee scooting in her father's embrace
"Always remember, dad loves you so so much. I'd give you the moon and all the stars if you want. If you ever feel sad you can come and talk to me okay?"
He feels the younger one nod. Tucking her in bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead before calling it a night (again)
When he gets back to your room, he slides under the sheets then he feels you search for him
"Min?" you mumble
"Here, baby. Go to sleep" he leans over to give your temple a kiss. He sees a sleepy smile on your lips before your heads goes down on the pillow again.
Just like that everyone was asleep again, but before he fades into dreamland he says a silently thank you to heaven for this life. Ready and excited to face tomorrow with his family.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
the way i just know robb is a giant gentleman. sigh thinking about him tying your dress for u before he escorts you to the feast
he’s the firstborn of the most honorable man in the seven kingdoms, heir to winterfell, the man was raised solid.
he doesn’t have to know the girl to be respectful towards her, but it only increases tenfold when it comes to you. you’ve grown up alongside the starks, and robb’s been smitten with you ever since he could read. robb quite literally gives you princess treatment—he thinks you deserve nothing less, and if he was giving you anything less, he’d rather feed himself to greywind.
theres a feast tonight, celebrating robert baratheons arrival to winterfell. catelyn insists everyone must look their best, having the three men shave (much to robb’s dismay), you & sansa’s hair braided, and even arya was not exempt from dressing appropriately. robb was buttoning his shirt up when you knocked at his door.
you stepped in after knocking, both of you having abandoned curtesy with each other long ago. his expression softens at seeing you, your presence quickly doing wonders to lift his sour mood. you’re beautiful (as always), long hair fastened into a braid that falls behind your back, dress hugging your curves—extenuating all the right parts of you. his heart skips a beat at the sight of you. his brows furrow, taking note of how one of your hands is behind your dress.
“what’s all that?” he says, nodding his head towards you. “theon tie your hands behind your back, again?”
“robb stark, everybody. the most hilarious man in the seven kingdoms.” you say, pushing the door closed behind you, making your way to him.
“handsome. you forgot handsome.”
you roll your eyes, suppressing your smile.
“i can’t reach, tie me?” you say, referring to your dress. robb nods, hands moving to your waist, turning you around in front of him. he moves your braid to fall in front of your shoulder, the brush of his hand against the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine. he swallows thickly, seeing the exposed skin of your back. he does it without thinking, knuckles running across the indent of your defined shoulder blades. your eyes flutter shut at his touch, hating how he can pull you apart so easy.
your voice is quiet, barely audible as you whisper his name. he knows what you’re saying, truly. you won’t be able to function properly at the feast if he keeps touching you like that. he chuckles, voice crawling up your spine as he stops his wandering hands, moving to tie your dress. he goes from lace to lace, having figured out young how to tie a ladies dress—from you asking his help when you couldn’t figure it out yourself. goosebumps trail along your skin from the ghost of his hands against your back, not fully touching, but only lightly brushing along as he moves the strings along one another.
the dress grows tighter as he finishes, tying the last one. his hands settle on your waist, pulling you closer, as he leans his head onto your shoulder. one of your hands lay over his, the other resting on the back of his neck. your sigh is a shaky exhale, content to stay in his arms for the rest of the night. they wouldn’t notice, right?
“don’t want to go.”
your voice is quiet, trying not to complain about things that were expected of you.
“i know. have some fun, yeah?”
you swallow, nodding. robb senses your hesitance, removing his head from your shoulder.
“hey. you’re goin’ with me, are you trying to say i’m not fun?” he says, turning you to face him. your brows furrow, smile going upside down at his accusation. your lack of response only makes him playfully roll his eyes, tsk’ing you as he shakes his head. he places a hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you towards the door.
“hurtin’ my feelings, missy.” you both walk down the hallway, your hand on his bicep as he escorts you to the feast.
“it’s a gift.”
“right you are.”
shoutout to the seamstress for making this dress 4 me to wear.. and shoutout to robb stark cause he’s gonna be takin it owaff of me later tonight! winks
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dearharriet · 3 months
hi lovely ! it's milunalupin :)
could i please request remus + "i waited for you" ? 🫶🏼✨
hello my friend, ty for the request!! im working on my big boy fic for james rn but i wanted a little bit of remus as a break <3 (wc: 691)
“You smell good.”
Remus looks at the man taking a seat across from him, appalled by such a comment. Sirius looks equally stunned saying it, wrinkled nose a mirror of Remus’.
“Thank you?”
Sirius shakes his head like this is the wrong response.
“Why do you smell good?”
Remus rolls his eyes, keeping his posture aloof. “Took my annual bath last night.”
Sirius scoffs. “‘Bout time. Your stench was getting harsh on my delicate canine senses.”
That pulls a laugh from Remus, however small.
By the door, he sees you squeezing into the packed pub, side-stepping between rowdy groups of people and looking around. You’re wearing a mid-length skirt, and when you spot the two boys in their booth it swishes around each hasty step.
“Hi,” you breathe, “I’m sorry. They made me start inventory and then I just had to shower and—” Remus stands to offer you some seclusion via the walled side of the bench seat. You wave your rambling apologies away, winded from running around all day. “Nevermind. I need a drink, Remus. Come with?”
“Sit,” he demands softly, “I’ll fetch it.”
You do as you’re told, hanging onto Remus’ words like a takeout fortune, foolishly hopeful that they mean something. If Sirius didn’t demand so much attention, you’d probably turn them over in your head a lot longer, but he really, really does.
“Think you can show us lads up, eh missy?”
Smothering a smile, you stare Sirius down with false bluntness.
“Yep. You’re lucky I even came at all, honestly.”
Sirius laughs, spinning his glass, half empty and through sweating. You realize his drink is the only one on the table.
“I’m surprised you did. You’re so popular, but you stay humble for us.”
“I have to,” you agree, “I could’ve been with people a lot cooler than you guys, but I just felt so bad. You and Remus don’t have anyone else to hang out with now that James is married.”
“Moony, we’re being bullied,” says Sirius, raising his voice a touch to reach the boy in question. Remus places two new drinks on the maple tabletop, sliding in close to you.
“I’m sure we deserve it,” he says, passing one of the fresh glasses off to you. “We’re turning into losers.”
You bring the cool glass to your lips, relaxing further into the familiar booth cushion and eyeing Remus’ new drink.
“Is that your second?”
Remus shakes his head. “My first.”
He tracks your brows as they pull together. They’d been here almost a half hour already.
“I waited for you,” he explains, smiling gently. Your stomach leaps.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
Sirius jumps in, stepping on Remus’ toes.
“That’s what I told him,” he says, “I said you’re too sweet to mind.”
“Don’t listen to him,” Remus says, following up Sirius’ heel. His voice is still wearing the crooning silk he tends to direct towards you. “It’s the polite thing to do. Sirius just has poor manners.”
Across the way, the man in question sputters objections while you try not to laugh.
“I—I’m impolite? I’m impolite! Please. She’s the only one at this table who was late to a hangout one block away from her apartment. I had every right to drink my sorrows away.”
Remus ducks his head and shoots you a cat-like grin, but Sirius isn’t done.
“And it’s not being polite if you’re motivated by a massive crush, Moony, by the way. D’you know he’s wearing cologne?”
You stare at Sirius, because the alternative of looking at Remus (who is flushed beyond measure) is akin to a death sentence.
“Yes,” you admit. You’d smelled it on him when he stood up earlier, a fresh earthy scent that was too sharp to be soap. Sirius points at your face like he’s caught you.
“See? The only people who notice a guy wearing cologne are his miserable best mates, and girls who want to be waited on.” Remus shoots him a glare and he throws his hands up as if to say, sue me. “I’m just helping.”
Remus curses through an exhale and drops his head into his hands.
thank you for reading! xx
join the celebration! 🩷
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