#The Barren Lands
villainsimpqueen · 5 months
The Barren Lands: New Horizons
Recom Miles Quaritch x Na'vi reader
A special following the events after my fanfic "The Barren Lands" Which is available on A03 and Wattpad as its it birthday!
With this i wakt to say thank you to everyone who had supported the Barrens land's fanfic and a specail thank you to @choclodox and @nin3kyuu for blessing the Barrens lands with fanart that ultimately brought more fans to read it and genuinely being amazing people i got to become friends with and grow with in the avatar community.
For those who dont know @nin3kyuu has their own Na'vi clan species known as Moutain Na'vi with amazing lore and gorgeous art and i highly recomend you all go and explore her pages of moutain Na'vi.
And @choclodox has gorgeous art and a fanfic of their own Na'vi species clan known as night Na'vi with amazing lore and You should also go to her pages and explore the world of night Na'vi!
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Now onto the ✨️ Special ✨️
--- The Barren Lands: New Horizons-----
A choir of small snores, soft sighs and tired groans rang into his cropped ears. His tail twitching slightly as he felt drowsiness hold him tight to keep him asleep for just a little longer. He could hear the sandstorm had left long ago in the night leaving him and his family alone once more. Though sleep would not take hold and his emerald green eyes fluttered open to the soft breathing of his sleeping mate. Even after so many years the mere sight of her makes his heart slam against his ribcage and chest. He traced her arm as he held her close, each one of her breaths pushing her back against his chest as he traced his hand from her arm down to her where his bright blue thumb contrasted harshly against her gray hued skin. Her tail slightly tapping his leg as she shifted more into him, nuzzling her face into his other arm, ears twitching. Miles stilled, not wanting to wake y/n up, watching her settle back in place and slumber causing him to smile slightly and press his lips against her shoulder. His eyes soon moved away from her and to their young sleeping in a pile not too far from them. His eyes moved from the youngest to the not so youngest and his tail twitched with the sinking feeling of his chest as he was reminded how soon the oldests ones would challenge him and their mother to prove to them and themselves that they are adults and ready to leave the safety of Y/n and His arms and trek through the Barren lands alone. Old enough to search for mates of their own and start families just like his oldest son had done a few years back.
His eyes shifted over all of them memories of how they all were once so little in his arms, some not even hatched from their chrysalis.
Kalanchoe, his second oldest son who once was a tiny tike in his arms, has now grown into a young man. While his oldest could have left shortly after his eighteenth year, he had stayed with them not het challenging Miles to show he was ready to leave the family.
The reason was simply sleeping not too far from him, His sister Neoma who softly snored and kicked her leg out so often that it would slam against Kalanchoe knee making him groan and twitch away. The two had always been close and though Kalanchoe could have left he stayed two years longer so that he could leave the family with Neoma and explore the world with her. As the two were very adventurous out of all their siblings it wasn't long before talks of exploring the mountain ranges had been exchanged between them for nearly two years and then to explore the cast forest.
While He knew that both of them were strong and that they handled themselves very well as they had learned from the best who slept in his arms peacefully, he didn't want to say goodbye to his children. He did not know how long it would be until they crossed paths against the golden sands of their home, for it had been mere consequences when his family passed his oldest son and mates' family.
Spider was not like his other children, he was still just a human, and now a man in his early thirties and while he is still very much in his prime years, his golden ones were already starting to take effect in his oldest son's aging. Something that hadn't dawned on him until he saw his son in that mere passing. While eight years hasn't barely changed himself, Change upon the years took hold of his oldest son.Spider had already started showing signs of gray hair coming in root with his blond ones. Wrinkles started to dent into his face and while his skin had tanned by the barren land's strong sun,it had only made him look more older. While Miles himself still looked young as the day he woke up for the second time as recombinant. Seeing the aging differences between himself and his oldest son brought a strong sense of mourning to settle deep into his chest, as the aging was a painful reminder of how much longer lifespans Na'vi live. His son's mates Haimona, Apera still looked as young as they did when they all left the pack though there were the familiar signs of exhaustion that came from being parents to their rambunctious and wild daughter. Plans had been made for the families to meet every three months at the oasis where He had first met his mate Y/n for a great family hunt and meal. It was those times everyone was able to catch up and from the last gathering Apera came bearing news that she would be baring another grandchild to Y/n and Him. That night was filled with celebration.
Miles took in a deep breath as his younger three children slept in the temporary den he had made for them. The twins Altan, Dagian and his youngest son Kayin. They all laid on top of each other in the small pile they made and the sight warmed his sudden heart only slightly until the thoughts of how fast the years would speed by before all three of them would too challenge him and fight to prove themselves as adults and ready to leave Him and His mate behind to start big lives of their own.
He felt movement against his chest and then a warm hand cupping the side of his face moving his green eyes to leave his children and into the silvered and amber ones of his love.
‘“My Miles.”’ She whispered to him not wanting to disturbed their children's sleep, her eyes never moving from his.
‘“Are you lost my Miles?”’
She referred to him losing himself in his thoughts, He did that sometimes, now more than often as he took in how their little ones were no longer as little. How so much has changed for him, How he ended up with a family he still strongly believed he never deserved but was so grateful he got to have and as he stared into Her gorgeous eyes he was so grateful that Ewya had her be the one to find him in that oasis so many years ago.
He moved his hand from her hip covering her hand with his own holding her soft warm palm closer to his cheek.
“‘No Darlin, I'm right here.”’ He whispered softly to her watching how her lips tugged to a soft smile as she traced her thumb against his cheek bone.
“‘You mustn't worry about them love, we raised them to be mighty.”’ She had reassured him by building up worries, making him squeeze her hand ever so slightly.
“‘I am their father, It's my job to worry for them.”’
Her smile only grew as she moved to face him, their chests against each other as she looked into his eyes and soul.
“‘You are their father, So have faith in them.”’ She softly whispered before she settled against his chest once more.
“‘Come, sleep, it is not time for us to be worrying.”’
And He chuckled holding her close once more, he watched as she drifted off back to unconscious dreams but his mind could not find its peace as he stayed awake watching over the family they had.
He knew deep down she was right, all their youngins would leave them and all will survive and make families of their own and with the oldest leaving, Y/n body will naturally change to the shift and with blessings of the great mother, They both will have more children to look after and teach the ways of the desert sands and have the honor of raising.
The family was up and moving before the sun rose over the golden sands, With Y/n leading and at the head of the family He stayed to the back of it watching all of them and the surroundings. Neoma and Kalanchoe were at the sides forming the protective Diamond as the Twins and his youngest son stayed in the middle. Years ago the two eldests themselves were in the safety of being surrounded by the adults when Lyle and Zdog were still traveling and their family was of a greater pack. But His two friends had discovered their own paths and left to walk it under the great mothers eyes. Something Miles could never hold against them as he too found the Path the great mother wished for him to follow instead of the path forced on him by his past.
Emerald eyes clashing over golden sands onto his family on a pathway they take every three months. Memories fade in and out of his sight as they move through the slightly chilled morning into the high heat of the day, only stopping for a hunt only leads to an argument.
The Argument started fast, Kalanchoe and Neoma now being adults in their minds refusing to stay behind Him and Y/n to watch their younger siblings, the start of what was to come soon coming so quickly, He wasn't ready to see his second oldest and third leave.
“‘You both need to keep an eye on things here.”’
“‘We can not stay behind your shadows because they are not ready to hunt for themselves! Father, Mother, we are not children anymore!” His daughter snarled, the little girl he once held no longer so small.
‘“You are still part of this family, And we look out for each other-.”’ He never got the chance to lecture, to try to guide them, to comfort his already knowing mind that they both were still mere children.
“‘We will not always be here to watch them.”’ Kalanchoe interjected, moving to stand against him.
‘“You refuse to see us! You see what you wish to see, but that is not us anymore! Neoma and I can Hunt, We can survive without worrying mothers mind, but you still refuse to see us!.”’
‘“You both aren't ready!”’ Miles snarled, ears slicking back and his tail moved agitatedly as he saw his own son's ears slicked back, teeth being barred.
“‘I'll force you to see me.”’ Kalanchoe countered a snarl.
‘“You don't know what your doing boy.”’ A warning, perhaps hoping that his son would in fact stand down, but his son geared up towards him.
‘“Ahh.”’ Y/n moved a knowing hand onto her daughter's shoulder and she watched the males get into each other's face.
She knew for a while now that it was only a matter of time before nature took its course, one she has seen in her own childhood watching older brothers challenge their father, some winning and leaving their marks of passage on her fathers skin ones her father would wear proudly after he mourned the chasing off of his sons, and others put in their place by her father not yet ready to leave her parents arms and travel the golden sands on their own. Not quite yet Men in their own right to be guided by the great mother to find a wise female to guide them like She has done to her miles, and like her mother and mothers before her had done with their mates.
These instincts were not something her dear mate could push away and hide from, Not when their sons and future sons need this vital moment to be deemed ready to follow the path the great mother sees for them, a path that she could not dare stop.
All she could do was guide her soon to be adult daughter and her younger sons out of the way and observe the challenge that was being played out.
One Her dear mate did not have to go through with their oldest son Spider.
The sun beat down upon them all, sweat sticking on their skin was not something that deterred the Older and Younger men, not even when the little protective garments they wore stuck like wet clay against their skin.
Both baring teeth at each other's ears slicked back. One thin tail slapping against sand and his legs the other thicker tail tip shaking like an extinct earthly snake's tail.
Both silently glaring at each other to stand down and yet at the same daring the other to make a move.
Growls of different octaves rising from their throats at each other being carried away in the little wind from the past sandstorm.
Two mindsets now setting into place, one of a past colonel and one of a young naive warrior.
It was Kalanchoe who moved first, slashing at his father with a blade Miles had sat beside him in his younger tweens and taught how to carve from the deserts limestone.
Once an innocent memory being tainted in his sheer determination to slash this very blade across his fathers chest to draw blood and rip flesh apart.
Miles moved out of the way with his hand wrapping around his son's wrist and within the first seconds of the attack it was like he was no longer seeing the small boy he took in but another enemy on ghostly battlefields.
But this enemy was not one taught by any military but a blend of himself and the love of his life.
Kalanchoe had no true military fighting style but one of the savage nature that his mother taught him and that style was to go for the throat no matter what. The sand kicked up between them as Miles focused on blocking his son's attempts while Kalanchoe would come at him at angles that gave away to one's lack of experience and yet each blow came with a promise of a fatal wound if it had landed.
Bare teeth and spit flying from snarls as both tumbled after another, one delivering blows to tire and the other blows that were meant to kill in front of a audience of a obversant mother and mate and the frightful eyes of younger sons who didn't quite understand that in time they two would be in this deadly dance of dominance against their father.
Eyes of a worried sister who would not have to face such passage of right into adulthood and while her passage would not be one of ease but one of testing wisdom to prove she would be able to guide her future family shall the great mother guide her to one.
Kalanchoe found himself rolling into the sands, his attempt to prove himself to his father falling in vain as he heard his father snarl grow louder above him. The roughness of his fathers hands shoving his shoulders and back into the sand.His blade long gone hidden in the sand they both kicked up lashing and blocking at each other. His attempt to prove himself was futile and while he still felt this instinct needed to still bare teeth and rip into his fathers flesh, the feeling of submission and failure started to take root into his chest.
His ears starting to droop back and his head starting to turn to the side, to accept his failure and his Fathers experience victory soon fell short as his arm glided across loose stone that thinly sliced his arm.
Memories of His father telling him how to hold it long taking root in his head.
‘“Even in its raw form son, it is sharp, so you must hold it carefully so you don't lose a finger.”’
His father had no knowledge of what he had bestowed to him so many years prior but it was knowledge that later in life Kalanchoe will bestow to his own sons and daughters, but in this moment, it was the knowledge that cut through his palm. Knowledge that glided across his fathers left shoulder and across his chest causing droplets of Kalanchoe victory to smear over his face and chest as he pushed against his father throwing him off balance and into the sands that now had bits of it stained with red.
His passage was seen by the observant eyes of his mother, the fearful gazes of his younger brothers that did not understand his savage fight with their beloved father and the sadden gaze of younger sister who knew what was to come next.
Kalanchoe glared down at his father snarling moving the raw rock from his fathers bleeding chest and in his bleeding hand moving it to strike him once again, only to be met with a blow from his side knocking him away from his winded father and into the sand he rolled until he could regain his balance and be met with sight of his once loving and warm mother now changed with her ears slicked back teeth bared a blade in her own hand as she hissed at him, now protecting his father and his siblings far behind her.
No longer seeing him as a harmless son but now a possible threat of his family, a need to banish him away, though this banishment was not one of hatred but knowing if he stayed only more challenges that would end in blood would happen between him and his father, and keep happening until there was no memories to keep their battles bittersweet to stop each other from digging a blade into the others neck.
As this was the passage of adulthood for young sons who were no longer to be seen as boys but men in these harsh sandy lands.
His mother would protect her family, as she would acknowledge him victor of this challenge and will no longer provide him guidance or protection.
But as Kalanchoe shrunk back from his mothers rejection, he still stood up proudly only sparing his sister a gaze of goodbye and once he knew she understand where to find him as he turned his back to his Mother, his younger brothers he would one day meet again in the barren lands, his father who was trying to move from under his mothers protection to stop him from leaving and he fled, and while his mind had no guidance for what steps his feet would take. his heart however was guided by the true mother leading him to his just beginning life.
Y/n coated his wound with a salvage preventing sand from getting into the wound and making the exposed flesh fester and rot.
Their younger sons played amongst each other rough housing as the scene that had been taken before then not nearly an hour ago was forgotten to them as they played. Playing that to them would be an instinctual drive to fight, yet they allowed them to be peacefully in play.
Their daughter sent on a hunt on herself to prove herself ready to leave their arms of safety as well, as Neoma was always attached to her older brother's hip and plans and promises of adventure had been made far before any plans of finding one's mate and starting families.
“‘He is not ready.”’ Miles spoke softly, wincing as his woman cleaned his wound and protected from the harsh climate elements.
“‘My Miles,”’ She spoke to him softly, patiently as always as she made his gaze meet her own.
“‘He is a man now, He has beaten you strongly, if he wasn't meant to be a man he would have failed.”’
“‘He is only a boy, not even in his full twenties yet.”’ he tried to reason with her but she gave him a knowing look as she cupped the side of his face.
“‘ My Miles, as i told you before, We age and grow differently from your ghosts past, this mark may sting and you shall mourn as long as it stings but in time as it heals you will wear this scar with pride, knowing that your son is a man who will not be taken down so easily by rivaling men and a Man who can keep his mate and our future grandchildren safe. and shall our paths cross amongst these sands again with our sons you will see the man you raised.”’ She spoke softly to him as she moved her hand across his chest, softly taking in the mark across the chest already with so much pride. Pride in the boy her and Miles adopted, proud of Miles for being their son's first true enemy, first true battle to push their son to be a strong warrior of these lands.
“‘in time you will grow to want to have these marks, To know that each one of our sons grew into strong men like their father.”’ She said softly kissing his temple as she moved to settle beside him watching their three younger sons rough housing in the sand. Though she could see in time her mate standing proudly like her father once had each time one of her many brothers prived them.as able and strong men.
She felt Miles sigh and leaned into her one of his strong arms wrapping around her as he watched their sons play.
“‘You sound so sure.”’ He nutters, causing her lips to quirk. “I just don't want them having a hard time.”’
She turned to look at him with a small smirk on her face as she stared at the man she so deeply loved, the one who was so stubborn and wondered how he had even survived so long before the great mother led him to her to teach and guide.
“‘A Quaritch looking for an easy way? I would go blind before seeing such a sight.”’ She quipped at him causing him to chuckle his green eyes rolling but she felt his tail swaying against hers.
“‘You know what I mean.”’ He breathy pushed out trying to hide how his lips pulled into a smirk causing her to chuckle.
Bright amber eyes scammed the golden sands as she ducked down, staying low to the sands like how her mother and father had taught her. She moved slowly but with efficacy as she approached the herd she caught sight of their tracks.
She had to force her mind to stay sharp and focus and not be clouded by the events that took place before her and her family. Her heart ached and she already missed her older brother teasing comments of how bad of a hunter she was. She missed having Kalanchoe here to hold the heads towards her.
Hunting alone was something new and foreign to her as she had always wanted with her older brother or with her parents. But she was given this choice..
To stay and learn more from.her mother even though her mother deemed her ready to take this step of her life or take on her mothers challenges to prove herself as a woman ready to leave her family's guidance and protection. Free to travel the lands by herself and to find her brother and join him in exploring the lands beyond the Barren lands. As Neoma took a deep settling breath closing her eyes as she breathed in, her ears perking up as she listened closely to movements she reminded herself who she was,
She was a Quaritch but most importantly she was the daughter of Y/n Te a te toto. The perfect mix of fuck around and find out as her father put it and she would concour this hunt and prove to her mother she was ready.
She opened her eyes ounces that her mother once head before the great battle, and she pushed from the sand attacking the side of heard watching as the animals panicked and moved sound of panic amongst the heard started and she like she was taught mimicked their noises to confuse them as she moved through the panicking heard eyes swept through the kicked up dust to spit the weak among them.
Undeterred, the young Na'vi locks onto her chosen prey, a young and inexperienced member of the herd. Closing in with a burst of speed, she unleashes into a sudden sprint, unsheathing her blade as she moves through the panicking animals. Her breathing seemed to slow as her body moved exactly how it was supposed to, no second thoughts needed to have it springing into action.
driven by her instincts alone, ones honed through generations, swiftly closes the distance. The young prey darts left and right, attempting the desperation to flee the young huntresses. Though the animal attempts would fall useless as the young huntress anticipates each move, displaying her teaching taught well to her from her mother.
Time seemed to pause as she lunged to its side, her blade finding its mark into the animal's hindquarters, the blade ripping through raw muscle and tendons causing the animal to lose its footing in the sands and slide into a crashing fall. Neoma wasted not a second more before she was on top of the beast, her teeth bared as her hand slid quickly against the thick veins and tendons of its neck, staining the sand red below the creature's neck. Neoma panted as she stared at the creature she had hunted alone by herself and she moved her head to the fallen animals.
“‘May your gentle soul return to the great mother safely as your body will provide my family energy to see another dawn.”’ She prayed for the animals' peace before she forced herself to carry it back to her parents.
Her younger siblings eagerly greeted her as they excitedly knew there would be a great meal for them to enjoy tonight. Neoma faced the prideful look of her mother and while her father seemed proud she could see a great sadness in his eyes.
Not much was spoken between her and her parents as she prepared the last meal she would have with her family.
Her.mother working on carving the very last bead she would have by her hand and her father watched at a distance as she was soon mixing chopped meat into a carved bowl of ground spices and allowing her siblings to eat as she licked her hands and moved to her father joining him as he watched the sun slowly fall.
“‘I will find him Dad.”’
She watched her father turn his head to him, his ears back but he gave her a soft smile.
“‘ I know, you both were always so close.”’ Miles told her softly, causing her to smile and lean against him. She enjoyed her fathers warmth one last time.
“‘You and other will be blessed with more soon, I expect to play with my new younger siblings one day.”’ She told him feeling her father wrap an arm around him and he chuckled.
“Don't know what will be ahead for us.”’ He softly told her and Neoma smiled.
“‘The great mother will bless you both again, She knows how much you both love each other.”’
“‘Ah well i think we will have our hands full with your younger brothers.”’ He said as he watched his younger sons messily eat their meal.
The twins seemly daring each other in some kind of race to eat more than the other while Kayin watched his older brothers Altan and Dagian stuff their mouths with as many meat chunks they could fit in them as he slowly chewed on his meat. Their mother scolds them to eat slowly before they choke on their food.
“‘Yea, Altan and Dagian are gonna make you old.”’
A silence took over them and she felt her father squeeze her slightly to him.
“‘You don't take shit from anyone ya hear me hun? Nothing will be easy for you now on.”’ He softly whispered to her and she smiled looking up at her dad.
“‘I am Neoma the daughter of Y/n, The granddaughter of the blood moon and I am the daughter of my father, a mighty warrior, a Quaritch.” She grinned at her father proudly.
‘“And we say Outstanding when told of the hard way.”’
Her siblings were put to bed long before her mother had sat down with her, Her father watching them in the den he dug into the dune they chose to stay by for the night. Her mothers hands braided the carved bead into the strand of hair that was her song chord. She enjoyed her mothers gentle hands before they moved away from her head for the last time.
‘“You are ready.”’ Y/n had told her confidently, making her smile.
“‘May Eywa guide you and the Guardians protect you daughter.”’
Neoma felt her mother's embrace one last time before she was left alone by the smoke of the fire as her mother joined her father and siblings in the den. Their first daughter stood greeted by the night sky light up with Ewyas stars and moved her palm up against the stars navigating the sky like she was taught by her mother who was taught by so many mothers before her and she silently thanked her mother and ancestors for such knowledges before she left the dying fire using the stars to guide her towards the mountains, to the path her brother Kalanchoe would have taken hours prior to her, and it did not take her long to find him through the nights hours passing.
Both siblings greeted each other in a tight embrace before they both moved through the sandy lands together with the excitement of adventure as they headed towards the mountain range they always were so curious about.
“‘The mountains first and then the forest yea?”’ Kalanchoe asked his younger sister as they followed the map burning into the sky their palms as their compasses.
“‘And from the forest we shall explore the skys!”’ Neoma told her brother excitedly as they went over the plans they made for nearly two years.
“‘Then we come back home to meet everyone at the oasis.”’ Kalanchoe reminded his sister as they kept moving.
‘“And we keep exploring until we find our own families…That is if you aint eaten by something before then.”’
“‘ Yes that is corr- Hey!”’
Sleeping snores moved through the den once more, like they had earlier this morning. Miles held Y/n to his chest as both watched their three younger sons sleep in a pile together mere feet away from them.
“‘Your awfully silent.”’ He softly spoke to his mate, feeling her shift against his chest, careful of his wound.
“‘I am praying to the mother to watch over them.”’ She said softly, feeling him hold her tightly and look at her with a soft smile.
“‘They'll be fine.”’ He assured her, this time making Y/n smile at him.
“‘there as remarkable as you sunshine, anyone who stands in their way will have a hell of a time.”’
Y/n chuckled softly and moved to kiss her mate feeling his lips against hers brought a peace in her as she pulled away.
“My Miles, You've came so far.”’ She softly whispered to him as she moved her forehead against his.
‘“I have you to guide me y/n.”’ He softly whispered to her staring into silver eyes that shone brightly as the moon.
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choclodox · 10 months
Not to bother you but do you know what happened to @villainsimpqueen? It says her account doesn't exist?
Huh, that’s weird, I guess I can put a link because I searched her up and I found her:
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firstfullmoon · 7 months
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Mahmoud Darwish, “On Hope,” trans. Naseer Aruri and Edmund Ghareeb, in Enemy of the Sun: Poetry of Palestinian Resistance
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
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his waters of mars moment, foreshadowed by a million preceding events, but this time he's not doing it out of hubris or to prove some kind of point, alone and unhinged: he's doing it for love.
all the way back in before the flood ... i'm changing history to save clara.
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chipsncookies · 1 year
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A hisuian zoroark and a frosslass disguising as a normal human couple and lures/eats humans who fell for their tricks (they can swap between any of these designs)
Almost forgot to post these haha i got this idea randomly and i love it so much.
Frosslass eats human souls while zoroark eats their flesh i guess (do zoroark eat people??🤔) on a lighter note when they're not luring/tricking humans they're just chilling in their makeshift house.
Frosslass' hands are always cold(duh) while zoroark is warmer because he has really thick fluffy fur! Similarly zoroark is more friendly and while frosslass is more cold and reserved.
Zoroark gains ur trust with being warm and inviting while froslass pretend to be helpless maiden ,classic yuki onna stuff. Zoroarks weakness is his eyes, he can't disguise them well, so he avoids eye contact while froslass' is heat, she avoids fire/human touch esp on her head. Their inhuman features like their eyes and teeth show up when their illusions swayed, particularly if they're too excited/ feeling feral.
I've always loved froslass and zoroark, im fascinated that they trick humans so i thought what if they worked together. Evil couple lol 🤣 im also partially inspired by this song, i love it so much
This is all obviously v edgy and they're very evil but i also love the idea of them genuinely caring for each other? What if they cooperated purely for food etc but really get along afterwards xD
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tare-otome · 1 month
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Aloy and Varl, after the carnage at the Embassy...
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disparate-traveller · 6 months
guys i think i'm haunted.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Scoured Barrens
Artist: Eytan Zana TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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aueua · 1 year
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intermission doodle of my buster [:
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theladyofbloodshed · 7 months
can't wait for amren to suggest that rhys should also include hybern as part of his lands as high king
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villainsimpqueen · 5 months
Yall my fanfic
"The Barren Lands" Birthday is in three days!
Ive been cooking up something special
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barren-lands-trainer · 6 months
Apparently this is a communication device?
Hello? Anybody out there? Can anyone read me?
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fandom-trash-goblin · 2 months
its makes me angry how people trust me more than I trust myself
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1-800-pogosticks · 1 year
So I’ve been doing a compare/contrast after each episode and I just want to say, conclusively, And I could be biased. We are funnier here
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anyway here’s the chart for reactions to The Finale from what I’ve seen so far
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I realized that of the afterlives in Warriors, only two have official names. So I’m gonna make the names for the rest
Loners --> Sun-Bound Place
Loners travel a lot, so it would be logical to assume that where the sun is is an important, or at least daily, aspect of their life so that they do not get lost. When they die, they go here, named such because being ‘bound’ to the sun means they can never get lost from home again--they are where they should be, in a paradise.
Some may also believe that they have become part of the sun (this is up to you) and that they are now what guides their loner kin. 
Rogues --> Sunless Sky
I believe that rogues are the more violent versions of loners, and so they would basically go to the “Dark Forest” equivalent. They go where they cannot even tell where they are. 
They are the colourless night that kits get lost in. Mothers often warn their kits not to leave while she is sleeping, otherwise the nasty rogues who died long ago will capture them and take the kits with them into the black sky, where they’ll be lost forever.
Unlike with the Dark Forest however, because there is no code to guide behaviour, cats from the Sunless Sky can join the Sun-Bound Place if proven trustworthy enough.
Kittypets --> Neverending Twolegplace
For kittypets, much different to warriors, the Twolegplace is their home and, to them, a great place. They imagine it as a Twolegplace that never ends, each home filled with all the toys they could want, large gardens with plenty of trees and perhaps real prey, and each of the homes have a friendly fellow housecat. It is a perfect community.
If they believe the Twolegs come with them depends on the cat, some believe it is only for cats, others believe that the Twolegs come too, but only those who have cats.
Others as well believe that no dogs or other nuisances are present.
Kittypets Who Are Dicks --> Barren Land
The opposite of the Neverending Twolegplace, it is a place that has nothing from a household. No toys, no catfood or nip, no large gardens--no grass at all--no houses. It is a barren desert, basically.
Much like rogues, these cats do not follow a code and are thereby not ‘breaking the law,’ they are only condemned because they can be dangerous and disrupt the peaceful afterlife of others. They may also be able to join the Neverending Twolegplace if proven trustworthy.
Because kittypets, loners, and rogues are way more widespread than Clan cats, it stands to reason that names of their afterlives may be different as well. These names are the most commonly used among the cats in range of the Clans.
Taglist: @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555 @frightnightindustries @elementaldeityoffood @wills-woodland-warriors @liberhoe
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tare-otome · 21 days
Sights Around No Man's Land/Plainsong 4/?
Reverse View of Barren Light / The Daunt
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Talanah! She is so smol 😆
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