#The eyes on this version are fun but idk about everything else…
fablefaye · 3 months
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G doesn’t understand the watcher’s sense of humor
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m1ssunderstanding · 1 month
Let it Be Close-watch
Paul, sweety, it's beautiful, but it's killing the vibe.
Ringo looks like a very old, very tired lab rat whose been put through the maze a few too many times
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Somehow the air-brown mostly eaten apple is very appropriate.
She looks far too sweet here to ever let John down. Yoko has very kind eyes.
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I love how it makes it seem like Paul and John are calling Maxwell “the corny one” but really we know from Get Back that they're talking about a particular arrangement they were trying out for Don't Let me Down.
I swear he's saying “John” there, not “Joan” and also he said “came down upon His head” so… Oh! And Max died in the end in this version? “Sure that Max was dead” Okay. So Paul kills John and then himself. Murder suicide story. Yeah, Paul, you're doing great mentally, we can all tell.
I love how George getting electrocuted was important enough to make the cut for both films. Poor baby. “If this boy dies you're gonna cop it” from the guy who was just singing about a serial killer.
They're so silly
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Yoko does not agree with me
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Paul: stealing your man, sweetheart. John: oh no I'm being stolen teehee!
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They're so silly
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Oh wait, were those bitchy looks at George??? Because there he is. Idk could easily be him or Yoko.
this poor autistic baby trying to use words (not his language) to explain music (his language)
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“Good MoOornin! Wooah!” I think I just … You know how Mike said people were booing Paul in the theater watching this? Yeah it's because they were pissed he didn't step out of the screen and onto their necks.
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Oh Michael put himself in his own movie too? Huh, cool.
They are always in my heart
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The way Paul says “get on the mic” to John??? I would've thrown something, that was so fucking bossy! Just his tone and his face and his angry pointing fingers. So mean. And John just goes “okaaay”. Oof.
Ringo covering his eyes like a little kid watching a scary movie during the orange sweater fight. Same, babe.
Sounds like the original lyric John's going for is something long “All I want is you. Nothing else is gonna do.” But that obviously didn't fit with the tune. I wonder if there was a particular conversation with Paul being controlling that made the “everything has got to be the way you want it to” line click in.
Oh my gosh! So George is showing I Me Mine to Ringo and Paul and he says the “I don't give a fuck it can go in musical” line before he even plays it. Not after John's making fun of him like he does in Get Back. Nagra reels experts: which one is correct??
George: it's a heavy waltz. Ringo:*claps hands angrily and punches the air to a ¾ beat. I love him, he's like the core of “Beatle humor” to me.
Woah there! Okay this is the John/Yoko pda Peter Jackson cut, I see. I wonder if there's a lot more footage of them swapping spit that might make the “oh John was just so in love” theory more reasonable.
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It's extremely impressive that George just wrote this whole thing last night. You know? John and Paul have brought in all fragments from what I can tell. He's the only one to come in with a basically finished product.
LMAO and we're just going to Apple now. No reason. Nothing happened. Nothing to see. Moving on.
Ringo is so so cute pretending to hide from the cameras. Really he should've been the cute one.
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Is it just me or does Paul drop the sillies and get sad when he sings “always be mine” at John? It's his regular voice, too, for a minute, if I'm not mistaken.
Silly cuties. But John's grin and little sexy tongue action happens the second time Paul sings always be mine, so…
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What friendly artistic collaboration looks like when it's not psychosexual
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Paul: have you played the dubs? George: yeah. Terrible. Paul: Great! Ringo: terrible. John: laughs Paul: (sarcastic) oh, so dreadful. …. John: where's my guitar? Paul: (still sarcastic) well we're just the greatest band ever. Idk I just like this dialogue. It's very them, you know?
This is adorable.
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But I also love how they're already communicating with eyebrows, you know? They just bonded so fast and I find that beautiful.
And then Heather ups their game from taking turns going “chchchchch” into the mic to meowing into the mic. She looks at Paul like “okay your turn” and he sets her down lol he's thinking ‘if I meow into the mic right now after John already had a sex dream last night about me, he might actually cream his pants and we can't have that on camera’
Lol Billy just magically appeared!
Paul you're literally so annoying. You started the goofing off and now you're like “alright lads, that's enough.” Mkay.
He is unbelievably sexy and talented though so you know he does have those little things going for him. Someone write me a Paul/Billy fic please!!
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Kinda crazy how they all four just slide straight from “Kansas City” to “Miss Ann” to “Lawdy Miss Claudy”. Makes me think of something they might've done in Hamburg.
I'm sorry but Paul finishes “please don't excite me baby. I'm down in misery.” And John's immediate answer is, “well you can get it if you want it, and if you want it you can get it!” And Paul ends up singing “I want it I want it I want it I want it”. Nice. Very subtle, boys. And that's before John gets kinky.
I love how Heather just forces a hug from George and then immediately runs away. What a cutie.
But really. How did anyone watching this get the idea that John hated Paul? Just confirmation bias I guess?
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All the cut off conversations kill me but especially the one where John's working though Paul's anxieties. They're just in the middle of it and then cut. “two of us Sunday driving…”
Someone should do a study of whistling in their songs. I feel like it's another one of their tip offs that “hey this one is about us” Anyway I love John's whistling here. He's so good at it. I can just imagine him as some farm boy picking apples, you know?
Imagine booing this poor stay puppy though, like. What? I mean, what if Johann Weiner was wrong and John wasn't crying at the sight of him and Paul playing triumphant together on the rooftop, but at Paul playing his little heart out about their doomed love. Idk it's probably both. Let's be real, John was bawling through the whole thing.
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What is George laughing at? Picture quality is garbage because evil corporations don't let you take screenshots of their content, but he looks like that one kid in your elementary school class that just dumped Cheetos all over his crushes desk and thinks he's a criminal mastermind.
Also I do appreciate all the attention given in the chosen shots to the musicianship. I bet they liked that at least if they had the heart to like anything about the movie at the time.
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I'm sorry but I love how in sync Mo and Paul are. With this ducking and later the shimmying. I know it's wrong to ship Ringo’s wife with one of the Beatles she didn't sleep with, but… idk I really want her to have bedded all four at one point, you know? She deserves it, being an og.
Okay but yeah I'd be having a public meltdown if I fumbled that too holy fucking shit
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Ringo feeling himself as he should
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George just looks like he smells nice. Unlike the others. You know?
John has such a beautiful smile. If somebody looked at me like that I'd put him up on a giant screen behind me on my world tour after he'd been dead for forty years too.
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That pleeeaaaheeeaaase though. Looking at Paul. How did he survive I'll never know.
The cut from screaming Paul to grouchy nap lady is extremely painful.
John was so cool in this concert. Like the epitome of cool.
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Kevin, my love, thank you for your service
I love Yoko leaning so far and craning her neck. She's like a mom at a school talent show. Like “I only came to see my baby.” Type vibe. Which is exactly what she's doing, unlike Mo, and honestly I find both of them extremely valid
You know in movies where the romantic leads are never looking at each other at the same time?
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I think I watched George and John switching back on their amps like fifty times because I just love it so much. And from this angle, you can see John's saying something to Paul about it. He looks serious and he's shaking his head. I wonder what he's saying.
Mal Evans I love you forever for this. Look at his hand on the rail, just blocking them off completely, so protective.
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Them turning to each other at the end always gets me. It's automatic, like second nature, and it's the last time ever. They deserved better.
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Oh Darling duet in the credits are you fucking kidding me??? Was that in the original? “Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh I do.” That's the second time that they gave away in this footage that they know they're talking to each other in their music.
Alright, that's it, I guess. And then MLH is haunted by this experience for forty years until he makes Two of Us to purge the demons.
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wonuwrites · 1 month
Seventeen In The Beginning Stages Of A New Relationship x
saw someone do an ask in someone elses inbox and thought this would be fun to write about. Especially since I've been writing SO much angst lately. It would be nice to have some teeth rotting fluff :)
Prompt: How would Seventeen Members be in the beginning stages of a new relationship?
Warnings: really fluffy, sfw version so sorry no horny time, minors still don't interact tho~, pet names, potentially cussing because that's the person I am. idk if you like cute shit you might not like this.
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ღ S Coups: super soft, complete opposite of how he usually is.
Almost all of them are the type to be "down bad" but holy shit Seungcheol is on another level.
Thinks that you are royalty and treats you that way.
He holds the door for you.
Opens the car door for you and puts his hand above your head so you wont bang your head.
He will be the best bag and umbrella holder.
He always walks to your front door with fresh flowers before each date.
Has a million compliments running through his mind but too shy to admit them all because he's afraid you will run away.
The first time you interlocked your fingers with his, he almost died.
Like his heart almost backflipped out of his chest and he just felt electrified.
He has a list of things you like saved to his phone so he can 'surprise' you out of the blue.
I can see him thinking long term pretty early on in your relationship.
You just are so important to him as he is to you.
ღ Jeonghan: super shy but can't help but tease still.
Jeonghan would act like it was the other way around but he was SO wrapped around your finger.
When you weren't looking he would be sending you the biggest heart eyes.
He'd constantly wonder how the hell he got so lucky to have someone like you.
He would want to be next to you all the time.
Sometimes he'd forget time was a thing and would send "goodnight" texts after practice or schedules.
Sometimes that would be like 3 in the morning and then he'd triple text an apology.
Luckily you would find it precious.
But not as precious as he thought YOU were.
He would always have a smile plastered on his face when he was around you.
He just thought you were so neat.
ღ Joshua: insane yet a gentleman
Listen, Joshua is insane but he's a gentleman. Especially to his baby.
When you agreed to be his, he felt like he won the lotto.
He would so mindful of you.
He would want to know everything about you.
As long as you were comfortable with it though.
TBH he would either do big gestures or little ones. No in between.
He would make you a bracelet with both of your favorite colors.
He would love to talk on the phone with you.
Especially at night after a long day of practices.
Even though he MUCH rather be with you in person, your voice is music to him.
You are his peace.
Overtime, you become apart of the 'evil twin' chaos with him and Jeonghan.
Seventeen would call you three the 'evil triplets'
If you are crazy as well, you get bonus points.
ღ Jun: shy giggly mess but would do anything for you.
If you were to tell Jun to jump, he'd ask how high.
Similarly to Seungcheol, he'd be extremely down bad.
He would constantly smile at you no matter what.
Like, you could sneeze and he would find it adorable.
At the beginning before he was 1000% comfortable, he would giggle a lot and overthink everything.
Hell, he over thought whether or not it was too soon to hold your hand.
YOU had to be the one to grab his hand and swing it back and forth.
(That action alone gave him butterflies for 7 business days btw.)
The more comfortable he got, the more silly he got which made you giggle and become the shy giggly mess.
He would send you random pictures throughout the day of things that made him think of you.
TBH I can see him bringing you random things that made him think of you.
like a cool ass rock? Totally would bring it to you because the color of the rock reminded him of your eye color or whatever LOL.
He just wanted to show you how much he liked you.
ღ Hoshi: pretty much what you would expect
Soonyoung wore a smile whenever you were around and even strangers could see how whipped he was.
Do you rememember Loco and Hwasa's interaction on "Hyena's on The Keyboard?" Yeah basically, Soonyoung would be like Loco toward you. Especially the car scene when he bought Hwasa a lipstick LMFAO
You would make him so flustered most days and it was honestly so cute.
The days he was a bit more confident would make you so flustered but unlike you where it was unintentional his was intentional.
Cuddly lil tiger... rawr (I'm so sorry)
Honestly, just being near you was all he needed for a good day.
When you both were busy with various schedules, he would send you texts throughout the day and send you pictures and videos of things that made him think of you.
Which would honestly be basically everything because you were ALWAYS on his mind.
Basically just a cuddly lil simp that was so happy to be yours.
ღ Wonwoo: the biggest cheerleader tbh
All members would be hella supportive of their significant others but I feel like Wonwoo would be the most supportive.
Not in a way that would be overly shown but would bring you flower after big projects and things like that.
Loves to listen to you talk about projects, aspirations, and all at.
He is all smiles whenever you talk about things you are SUPER passionate about.
His love language would be acts of service so he would do his best to do things that would make your life a bit more easier.
Also would be a subtle romantic. He would take you on casual but meaningful dates.
If you went to an arcade he would make sure he won you a plushie.
Also, if you thought you were paying for anything, that would be cute.
Also, if you were also a gamer and wanted to play minecraft, he would put your beds next to each other in your shared house.
Just the best cheerleader <3
ღ Woozi: feels like he won the lottery
Jihoon feels like he won the lottery when it comes to you.
He found someone that liked him for Jihoon and not just because he was Woozi?!
He would constantly be shocked that you were so supportive of him and vice versa.
After like the second date, he already felt like you were going to be a muse for him.
Writes the cutest love songs for your ears only.
They would be some of the most vulnerable lyrics that would make you just cry because they were so beautiful.
He isn't a very touchy guy but he would hold your hands often.
Is a homebody mostly but would step out of his comfort zone to go on an adventure with you.
You both have 'secret gestures' when out in public. If you are nervous or want him to know you are thinking of him, you tug at your left ear twice. For him, he will rub the top of his nose bridge twice.
It gives him butterflies if you do it in front of y'all's friends.
He's honestly so down bad for you and just constantly grateful for you.
ღ DK: down bad, comfortable, your new best friend.
Seokmin had the biggest crush on you before you started dating. When you both got together he felt like the luckiest son of a bitch ever.
The other members would tease him constantly because he was so down bad and such a simp for you.
But hey, you weren't complaining because you also were down bad and a simp for him lol.
You both skipped the "awkward" parts of the beginning of a relationship and it just always felt so comfortable.
Even when it was learning about what you both liked and disliked.
You both just fit together like a puzzle piece.
You both were head over heels for each other super quick.
He just was your best friend and vise versa.
ღ Mingyu: 25/8 heart eyes and so thankful for you.
Mingyu was super emotional when it came to you.
He was a mix of Seungcheol and Seokmin where he was just so down bad for you and just so comfortable around you.
Similarly to Seungcheol, he would also think long term.
He just loved and craved doing domestic things with you.
He loved cooking, he loved movie nights, he loved late night drives where you were the best passenger princess.
Shit, he even loved folding laundry with you which he helped you do when it was pouring rain and y'all had to cancel reservations because the rain was so bad.
He just was so enchanted to be with you and love you.
Oh also, he is such a clingy man and would always want to hold your hand or be touching you in some way.
ღ Minghao: the moment when the anti-delulu becomes delulu for his baby
Minghao would find you to be the most precious person in the world.
He would want to do everything and anything for you.
He would constantly look at you with heart eyes.
He would be constantly flustered because of your antics.
He would think you were the most precious-est person to ever ever exist.
You would be a muse for him and his paintings.
Omg, if you both did paint dates, his heart would explode because you were both doing something he loved together.
If you were someone that likes to read, you both would cuddle and get lost in your books while near each other.
To him, you are perfect.
And to you, he is perfect.
ღ Seungkwan: he would want to be perfect because you deserve it
Seungkwan is very cautious about his image with him being an idol and doing variety shows often.
For first bit of the relationship, I can see him trying to prove something to you.
He would try his best to be perfect for you that you would have to sit him down and tell him that you like him for him. That him being an idol is just a lil bonus.
This would hard rewire his brain and he would learn how to be himself with you.
He is very vulnerable with you.
A lot of the members love that you bring a more casual side to him.
However, he would love if you were sassy and would be side eyeing people with him.
Imagine a lot of self care days with him. Like face masks while eating take out.
He just loves being around you because he feels safe.
You become his safe place <33333
ღ Vernon: partners in crime and just so thankful for you.
Hansol finding you was a dream come true and he often thanked the stars for finding you.
You both spoke in movie, vine, and tiktok quotes.
Most of your text convos are of random memes.
Some of the older members look at your relationship and just think "?????"
However, Hansol and you don't give a rats ass because you both understand and that is what matters.
He would match clothes with you.
He would often let you borrow his clothes because he thinks they looked way better on you then him.
He would show you his solo stuff before he showed anyone else.
He is just so in love with you awww.
ღ Dino: Down bad doesn't even cover it
I know I said Seungcheol was the ultimate when it came to being "down bad" but holy shit Lee Chan.
He would be a mix of all of his hyungs tbh
However, he would be so down bad that his hyungs would tease him.
He would bring you up ALL the time.
He had you as his wallpaper and even had a polaroid picture of you both in his wallet.
He would be your biggest fan and he just loved you so much.
He would do tiktok dance challenges with you all the time.
He also would try to find things cool things to do on dates with you.
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b1rds3ye · 8 months
AASAABSJS I'm so glad your requests are openn!!!! I seriously love the way you write for the characters! I think your writing is so in character an ARHBAHHA 😍😍🤩🤩🥰🥰SO may i request how the 141 boys react when the see their s/o has made them in the sims? Like they see him and his s/o in their little sims family. Idk I thought it would be cute.
Love you! Don't rush and take care of yourself 💗💗💖💖💋
Look, It’s Us!
How the 141 boys react to you making you, them and a potential family in the Sims (+ other little gaming shenanigans)
Characters: Captain John Price, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Genre: Pure Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k (~400 words each)
A/N: Gotta confess, I’ve never actually played the Sims before ACK-
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Captain John Price
It’s not often, but Price will occasionally play the Sims when he truly has nothing else to do. He’s not particularly creative with it though, just lets the game randomly generate a character and then lives their life with the quirks they have. Still, good fun!
John figured you’d play the opposite to him, testing the limits of the game and torturing your Sims with that simultaneously wonderful and terrifying mind of yours - beyond the army John doesn’t have the creativity to turn Sims into experiments that violate human rights. So imagine his pleasant surprise when he notices you playing relaxedly with a whole family that looked like you and him, taking the greatest care in making sure everything goes well
“Having fun there, love?” he smiles, looking over your shoulder. When you zoom in on the little Price you made in the Sims and then comment how it’s not nearly as handsome as the real thing, he swears you’re single-handedly warming up this jaded heart of his
He could watch you all day as you tinker on the game, but he naturally acts as your anchor. He doesn’t care if this is just a Sims version of you, you are not hijacking that spaceship and blasting off to god knows where! Ultimately he can’t stop you but the conversations that have come out of your antics are very entertaining
John nods along as you animatedly talk about the little virtual family you made. Whether it’s the family itself or your choices in customising the home, he’s listening and he’s remembering. He might not have infinite money like when you’re playing with cheats but it’s in his nature to give you his all, and he won’t stop giving until he’s made an imitation of your dream on the screen
Simon “Ghost” Riley
He hasn’t touched the game, he’s not particularly interested but he’ll definitely be around you when you play. Simon will be doing his own thing, but upon hearing the signature background music of the Sims you’ll see the slightest bop of his head
It was one day, he walked past you, his eyes flickering on the screen while you zoomed up on a character with features suspiciously like his. He watches silently as you zoom out, and there’s a character that looks like you as well and- is that a kid?
“Looks nothin’ like us,” he says simply at the family. “Not my fault you don’t have an imagination,” you stick out your tongue. “I’ll install some mods for more customisation.” He was just cracking a joke but it’s endearing how seriously you take your virtual counterparts
Simon doesn’t just observe the family, he also observes the rest of what you’ve customised. Is that your dream house? Ah, it seems you like that style of furniture. Simon will keep that in mind the next time you have to go shopping, or will find small gifts for you with the same general aesthetic
Has the uncanny ability to speak simlish - or at least replicate the sounds. It sounds straight from the game, you have no idea how he picked it up or why. If you ask he says it’s because “you’re bloody addicted to playin’ that thing”. All you know is that if one of the Sims shouts out something Simon will actually grumble out a response under his breath
Your Sims family has become a little mental vision board for Simon. To keep fighting to return home, to slowly but surely clean up the mess that is his broken mind until he can guarantee a future with you that is equally as tranquil and colourful as the little pixels on your screen
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny loves his action and exhilarating games, shooters, horror, you name it. As such, he doesn’t play Sims much but if he does, he’s treating his randomly generated sims as human lab rats
Roasts your character customisation to hell and back. Johnny’s gripping onto you, shaking you back and forth, dramatically whining about how his eyes aren’t that specific shade of blue, his mohawk isn’t that big and you’ve got his nose all wrong- what are you doing?!
He’ll complain but if you actually give him controls he’ll customise his own character to look noticeably worse. Just don’t ever give him access to this game because he’ll also make your character look nothing like you
That being said, Johnny gets really into the little family you’ve made. He’s actively discussing with you the furnishings that should be used in the house, if your virtual child should be a ghost hunter or a fortune teller, and if you need a bathroom break he’s ensuring no one sets the virtual house on fire
You better not tell Johnny that you’ve added pets into the virtual family because Johnny is already out the door to the nearest animal shelter. If there are things that these stupid little Sims have that is easy to get or Johnny already wanted, he will get
At the odd moment, you’ll catch Johnny getting quite sentimental over the game. Working in the army is chaotic, never mind his actual role as demolitions expert, it’s hard for him to ever imagine a day where he settles down. But watching you fret over whether this virtual couch should be placed on the left or right side of the living room has him looking forward to that day (by the way you should put the couch towards the back)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle has honestly tried every game under the sun if it’s casual and entertaining enough, from PVP shooters to laid-back simulators. If you’re not playing Sims, then he will be. But if you’ve beaten him to the punch he doesn’t make you stop, only sitting back and watching you keenly, commentating and giving you suggestions
He’s actually been part of the creative process since Day 1, when you made Sims versions of you and him, he tried to find the character customisation features that best resembles yours, but could only lament that he couldn’t make your Sim look as good looking as you
He loves starting off the game where your respective Sims are strangers, going through all the motions of wooing you all over again, proving to you that no matter the context Kyle will win your heart. You may have to comfort him with cuddles if your Sim version rejects his Sim’s advances though
Once your Sims are together, this little flirt will tell you that your Sims need more kids knowing full well what that implies
Kyle likes provoking you a little, discreetly suggesting using the ugliest pieces of furniture available in making your house. When you bite back that you’re going to make sure this house looks perfect, he’ll eventually relent after begging with his signature puppy-dog eyes
He’s memorised some of the Sim’s spoken dialogue, particularly the romance lines spoken in that exaggerated flirty tone. He’ll say it to you out of the blue sometimes, causing you to burst out into giggles
The game is all fun and, well, games, but it doesn’t stop Kyle from looking forward to the future. You might not have access to the grim reaper, you may never be able to build a pool surrounded with toilets in real life, but he’s excited to create his own little home and family with you, whatever it may look like
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hey there! Idk if you write stuff like this, but what about an Evan Buckley coma fic? When he’s trying to come back he finds out reader is pregnant, while in the coma, and then when he wakes up he tells her he knows. If not that’s totally okay! 💛
put a little love on me - e.b
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summary: request:)
evan buckley x reader
a/n: this was so fun to write, i loved how creative this is!
sitting in the hospital room with maddie and the buckley parents, y/n’s red eyes had cried more tears than ever. watching buck swing between life and death had been one of the lowest points in her life. she’s faced bad things before, but this was hell. she had a strong hold on his hand, praying that he would breathe on his own.
she thinks back to a few nights before, casually sitting at home after days of feeling ill. her husband had been at work, and she had called out from constant headaches. her curiosity had gotten the best of her.
pulling out a box from the back of the cabinets, she took the test out and placed it on the counter. she waited for what felt like hours for the damn test to say a word or two. the flashing was intolerable on the small screen.
she was sitting on the cold tile of their bathroom, running her hand through her hair. she swears she’s a patient person, but this was completely different. she stared at the test before the one word had been displayed across the test. pregnant.
meanwhile, bucks head had been mixed with his imagined life. a confused mix of the life he always wished for as a boy, and the one now that he wouldn’t change for anything. everything he had known had changed, for worse and for better. he felt loved by his parents, but y/n was gone.
the ghost of himself had his eyes painted on his still body. he was ready to climb back into himself, wanting to be with his wife until the end. everything else wasn’t important in this version of his life. he looked over at his brother, who he had no clue of before the last few years. he was tired, he wanted to stop fighting but seeing y/n’s heartbroken self on the chair, how could he stop?
“you have everything you could imagine here,” his brother says.
“no i don’t, i have to go back,” buck tells him. “i need my wife, i need y/n.”
he turns around and spots her behind him. she had a bright smile on his face, and was holding a little boy in her arms. she had been laughing with this child, and her eyes were shining. buck stared at them, looking at the boy with the same light blue eyes and full, pink lips. he had a small grin grow on his face, as the boy looked at him and smiled. the second he blinked, they faded away.
buck didn’t even feel the need to look at his brother again. he knew that was his life that he just saw, his future. the feeling he felt in his heart was something that had never happened before.
without second guessing himself. buck smashed through the glass window of the false reality he had snuck into. on the other side, y/n watched as his chest abruptly rose and fell again, the monitor beeping steadily. a light sob of relief left her lips, her head falling down with the tears on her cheeks. the same with maddie, who had come over and gave her a massive hug. suddenly, the lump in her throat and the boulder in her chest had vanished. he was going to be ok. she lifted his hand with her own, kissing the matching rings.
after an agonizing wait, buck had opened his eyes and softly spoken back. his monotone expression had finally disappeared at the sight of the love of his life sitting next to him. he forced out a toothy grin at her. “welcome back, baby.”
buck didn’t know what to say, something felt different. he looked her up and down, and felt a rising anxiety in his chest. he knew that the lightning has changed him, and he’d never be the same, but there was still a gift hiding under all this. “i know,” he says with a raspy voice.
“baby, i know,” he says, smiling once more. “i’m gonna be a dad, and you’re a mom. and we’re going to be perfectly ok.”
it was y/n’s turn to be speechless. she was still calculating how he would know in his head. she hasn’t told a soul, but the ecstasy of the moment had overwhelmed her. her eyes had become glossy for the millionth time, and she passionately kissed him. she nods before she speaks again.
“yeah, yeah we are, buck.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Along the way
Pt. 1
Fantasy!HXH AU
A/N: wanted to have some fun with a fantasy version of Hunter x Hunter involving the main four and the reader :3 this is purely for fun and idk how often I’ll update it, depends on my mood. Also this will have some inspiration from Yona of the Dawn and Frieren!
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(Name) couldn’t remember the last time she had ever been hungry. Every day she woke up to breakfast in bed, and was quickly guided to the dining hall for lunch. Dinner was never late, considering she ate with her father, the King.
But right now, her stomach growled painfully as she was led by the hand by the only person that she had left from her life as a princess.
“Kurapika… I’m hungry.”
The blonde’s elf ears twitched, telling her that he definitely heard her. His grip tightening on her hand was enough for her to understand that he was upset he couldn’t do anything about it. “I know, princess.”
“I’m tired, too.”
He sighed softly, but didn’t slow down. “I’m well aware. We have to keep going, you’ll get a break when the sun rises. By then we should be far enough from the castle to avoid detection.”
She huffed, her eyelids dropping slightly as they continued to walk. “I just hope Papa will meet us soon… he’s always taking his time.”
Kurapika stayed silent at that, simply continuing to guide her through the dense forest. Instead of replying to her, his thumb rubbed the back of her hand gently, as if he was attempting some form of comfort.
He hadn’t been lying, the elf did not let her rest until the sun came out. Even then, she was upset to know they would be sleeping in a dark and smelly cave. “The scent will help mask ours, princess,” Kurapika said after she pouted at him.
“I’d rather be eaten by demons than smell like moldy cheese,” she mumbled as he prepared a spot for her to sleep on.
“Don’t pout, it’s unbecoming of a princess. You should rest while you can, we’ll be leaving at nightfall.”
He sat in the corner, a hand on his sword as she settled down on the makeshift bed of his tabard and moss. Kurapika covered her in his cloak once she was settled, his brown eyes soft with concern.
“You’re not going to sleep?”
(Name) looked up at him, her eyes half lidded as she fought her sleep. He managed a small smile, reaching out to gently pet her head. “Elves don’t need as much sleep as humans do. I’ll be fine, just go to bed.”
She didn’t argue, simply laying her head back down and drifting off to sleep. As she did, Kurapika’s smile faded, and a look of absolute fury crossed his face at the sight of his exhausted princess.
Just a few hours ago, she had been getting ready for bed, and he had been guarding her room. Everything was peaceful, as it always was.
“Kurapika, can you come sit with me until I fall asleep?” she asked, peeking her head out of the door. He smiled, sheathing his sword before slipping through the crack in her door.
“Yes, of course princess. You always have trouble sleeping on your own…” Kurapika said, sitting in a chair next to her bed after tucking her in. “Do you require anything else?”
She looked away shyly, offering her hand. “Can you hold my hand too?”
Without a word he took her hand in his, gently caressing the back of it with his thumb. (Name) smiled, her eyelids drooping. “Thank you…”
With that, she was fast asleep. Times like this almost made Kurapika forget about his troubled past. Getting to see his princess live a good and happy life was all he could want.
He had achieved his goals in avenging his clan, she was all he had now. And that’s why what happened just an hour later angered him so.
His kind, sensitive princess was woken with a start as the sounds of explosives shook the castle. Kurapika was quick to comfort her, holding the princess in his arms and lifting her up.
“W-what was that?”
Another explosion rocked the building, causing him to tighten his grip on her. “I’m not sure, but we need to go.”
He held onto her with one arm as he left her room, drawing his sword with the other. The feeling of her trembling hands gripping his shirt grounded the elf, and his ears twitched. There was the faint sound of someone screaming, and thundering footsteps.
Kurapika never swore in front of (Name), trying his best to stay levelheaded in her presence, but the aura he was picking up was making him boil with rage.
“Demons.” he spat out, darting down a corridor and hiding in an empty room. He covered her mouth as the sound of skittering and footsteps echoed down the halls. The smell of sulfur and fire wafted through the crack in the door, making his sensitive princess gag.
“I’m not sure what’s going on, but demons are supposed to be forbidden from entering the palace walls. And for this many to be here…”
Before she could even register it, Kurapika was carrying her out of the room and sprinting down the halls. She was still only half awake, glancing around to try and get her bearings.
That was a mistake.
As they passed by the throne room, (Name) watched as her father was cornered by a pack of demons. They were tall and intimidating, wearing black cloaks to hide their appearances.
“Where is the girl? The one you have passed your knowledge to?”
Kurapika flattened against the wall, shielding her with his body. He felt like if he moved in that moment, the monsters inside would sense their presence.
“I didn’t… pass it on yet. She hasn’t yet reached her 20th birthday..!”
‘He’s talking about the princess!’ Kurapika thought, his grip tightening on her. He held her close to him, urging her with his scarlet eyes to keep quiet as a mouse.
“Could be all lies. Tell the lower rank soldiers to search for her. She’ll most likely be alone or guarded by a human knight, which is no match for even the lowest ranked demon.”
The sound of flesh being sliced made Kurapika wince, and he covered (Name)’s ears just in time. Kurapika used the noises of her father’s final cries to hurry her out of the castle and into the surrounding woods.
“W-what about papa?” she asked, frantically looking around. “H-he was in the thrown room, w-“
Kurapika covered her mouth and raised his hand, castings a quick spell to hide their presence before a pack of demons came bounding down the forest path. He did his best to comfort her, shielding her eyes so she couldn’t see that the awful things sniffing around for them.
The lower ranked soldiers were barely sentient, more like mindless hellhounds than actually people. Their gray, decaying flesh rotted off of their bodies as they sniffed the ground. Thankfully, the spell Kurapika cast hid both their appearance and scent.
One of the beasts stopped near the two, its ears pricked up as it listened closely. Kurapika held his breath, ready to draw his weapon at any moment…
But a bush a few yards away shook, causing the beats to start growling and barking, immediately running off to see what was there. Kurapika used this chance to get pick up (Name) and run.
That’s how they ended up in the cave. The smell of the musty air would mask their scents long enough for them both to get some rest.
Kurapika watched the sleeping princess, sighing softly as he caressed her cheek. She was such a sweet, innocent girl. She didn’t deserve to be hunted down like a dog.
Despite Kurapika’s hatred for humankind for their slaughter of his kin, he held (Name) in high regards. The only reason he drew breath was because of her kindness, so he had dedicated the rest of his long life to protecting that kindness.
So the fact someone had taken her throne when she was so close to becoming queen angered him beyond belief. Kurapika had seen the way she cared for her subjects, and the demons taking over would only mean the suffering of all the humans living in her kingdom. It would break her heart, being helpless to do anything.
But Kurapika would let endless men and women die if it meant keeping her safe. He already had plans to take her somewhere remote where she could live out her life in peace and safety.
Though, it seemed she had a different idea.
When (Name) woke up, she ate the pheasant he hunted while looking at the cave wall in though. “Those demons… they took over the palace.”
Kurapika nodded, washing her nightgown as she sat, covered by his cloak. “Yes, princess. It is much too dangerous for us to try and go b-“
“Just the two of us? Yes, it would be too dangerous. But…”
She picked up a stick and started drawing in the dirt. “You said the nearest town is only a few miles away by foot, right? Well, maybe we can find a guild and hire a party to slay the demons!”
“With what money, princess? And the demons will be searching for you in every town near the castle. It will be dangerous to-“
“That’s why I’m gonna wear a disguise!”
She stood, walking over to some moss. “I’ll make a beard and-“
“My princess…” Kurapika interrupted. “I could just use a spell to change your appearance.”
She blushed, sitting back down. “We’ll do that then.”
Kurapika didn’t exactly love the idea, so he spoke up again. “But we still don’t have the money for such a thing. Hiring a party is already costs a hefty sum, and the type of people we’ll need to drive out demons, especially the kind that have invaded the palace would be hard to find, let alone pay.”
He sighed, rubbing his temple. Kurapika loved her dearly, but his princess was extremely sheltered. She didn’t understand the concept of how much things cost. “Listen my princess, I can take you somewhere safe, where you can live a comfortable life. It might not be the luxurious life you’re used to, but you’ll still be happy.”
Kurapika looked back to her, freezing when he saw tears trailing down her cheeks. “I don’t… want my people to suffer when I could be doing something… why do I get to be safe and happy while they’re under the reign of demons?”
She did have a point, and her kindness is what made Kurapika adore her in the first place. His elf ears twitched and he rubbed the back of his neck.
To be honest, Kurapika cared not for other humans… but he would to next to anything to make her happy.
“… alright.”
(Name) blinked, looking to him. “Really?”
“Yes… but promise me, if we can’t find a party that will take on our request within a month, you will give up on this.”
She squealed in delight, jumping into his arms. “I promise! Ahh, thank you Kurapika!”
The slightest shade of pink took over his cheeks, and he cleared his throat. “Princess, you still only have my cloak to keep you covered.”
She blinked, looking down at herself before jumping back and checking herself over to make sure she was still completely covered. “A-ah, sorry I forgot…”
‘She’s going to be the death of me…’ Kurapika thought, ringing out her night gown before setting it out to dry.
As he planned out what they would do, he could have sworn he heard something skittering from tree to tree outside… but when he looked, there was nothing…
But a pair of cat-like eyes were staring in at them, wondering when he should strike.
Kurapika held her close to him as they walked towards town. Just an hour before, an entire pack of demon hounds passed by their hiding place.
Thankfully, he had placed a magical sensor about 100 feet away that alerted him just in time for him to pull (Name) into the depths of the cave. He covered her mouth, the potent smell of the cave hiding their scent.
The beasts passed by without any trouble, but Kurapika knew it was time to go. More competent soldiers would be there soon to check every nook and cranny of the forest for any signs of life, and Kurapika couldn’t hide her forever.
So they walked down the path, her hand in his. She was still tired, now wearing her freshly cleaned nightgown and his cloak. Her feet were still bare, so he would carry her until his arms ached. Kurapika couldn’t stand the way she winced when she stepped on a pointy rock or on poky leaves.
He wished he could do more, he more useful to her…
‘I’ll buy her a more suitable outfit once we get into town.’ he thought, patting his coin pouch with his free hand. ‘I doubt we’ll be able to find someone willing to take on the demons anyways, no need to save my coin when my princess is in need of new clothing.’
It wouldn’t be the soft silks and fancy patterns she was used to, but it would keep her warm and covered.
“My princess, we’re nearing town.”
She stopped, glancing back at him. Kurapika tied his cloak tighter around her, making sure her stained nightgown couldn’t be seen. “Try not to let your bare feet be noticed. Take small steps, and don’t take off your hood.”
“Anything else?” she asked sarcastically. Kurapika thought for a second, then looped her arm with his.
“Yes. Don’t leave my side, even for a second. I can’t guarantee that the town is safe. There could already be demons hiding amongst the citizens, wearing human disguises.”
She huffed, but listened. For the past 5 years, Kurapika had been her loyal knight, keeping her safe from all harm. (Name) trusted him more than she trusted herself, so of course she would do whatever he said.
“Come, we can only stay in town for so long. We don’t want to draw any attention to ourselves.”
He guided her into the small town, which looked more like a village the more Kurapika thought of it.
There were only a handful of shops that he could see, he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to find her clothes, much less a party that would be willing to take on demons.
He grimaced when a toddler ran by, wearing only wearing a cloth diaper as they were chased by what seemed to be an older sibling. Kurapika disliked humans, finding them to be filthy, nasty things.
“Aww… so cute!”
Kurapika glanced to see (Name) helping the little one up after they tripped, gently dabbing away at a little scrape in their knee with her handkerchief. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s only a little scrape.”
The older sibling blushed as (Name) smiled and helped their younger sibling stand. “Be careful, you’re a big brother, aren’t you? You need to keep better watch of your baby sister. And you…”
She gave the child a headpat. “You need to listen to your big brother. Don’t run away from him, what if a big scary monster snatched you up?”
The two thanked her before walking away hand in hand, waving. She waved back, and Kurapika was quick to grab her hand and pull her towards a quiet place. “Princess, didn’t I say we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves!? You-“
She pouted at him. “Kurapika, it was just a child. I-“
“Well now those children have seen your face. It not only puts you in danger, but them as well.”
(Name) paused, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked down at the ground. Kurapika sighed, cursing himself for upsetting her.
“Just… try not to talk to anyone or show your face, alright? Come on, we have to hurry.”
She was now quiet as they walked through the small village, her hand in his. Though Kurapika knew her silence was better in the long run, he also felt an ache in his heart when she was quiet.
(Name) sat in a small wooden chair inside a dusty clothing shop. Kurapika was speaking to the owner quietly, occasionally glancing back at her.
While they talked, (Name) took the time to look out the window and really take in the village while it was busy.
The unevenly paved road caused the rickety old carriages drawn by horses to wobble a bit, but the riders seemed used to it. Children ran down the road, spooking the horses a bit and getting yelled at by said riders until they scurried away.
Across from them was a bakery, where she could see a woman rolling out a ball of dough. On the counter were various baked good that reminded (Name) of just how hungry she was.
But… something seemed out of place. Every once in a while as she watched the villagers go about their daily lives, she swore she could see a blur of someone in the trees that surrounded the village. Occasionally, a pair of blue, glowing eyes peered through the leafy canopy, staring right at her.
“U-Um… Kurapika?”
He held up a hand and continued to speak with the shopkeep. ‘Is he… haggling him?’ (Name) sighed softly, turning back to the window.
The thing she saw made her blood ran cold.
On the edge of the tree line was a small figure, looking right at her. She couldn’t make out much besides a head of white hair and piercing blue eyes. (Name) got ready to tell Kurapika, but by the time she blinked… it was gone.
Kurapika approached her, a few items of clothing slung over his shoulder. “What did you need, my p- I mean, miss?”
She didn’t answer for a moment, continuing to stare out of the window. When she did finally speak, he could tell something was wrong. “… nothing. Just thought I saw something.”
The elf was intelligent, he knew that anything out of the ordinary could mean their enemies may be near. So he nodded and escorted her to the dressing room. “Get dressed, we’re leaving now.”
She did as told, glancing through the crack in the door as he kept watch. When she was around, Kurapika kept up a calm and confident facade… but when he thought she couldn’t see him, his face fell slightly with worry.
The princess didn’t truly know what demons were or the history they had with humans or elves, not many humans did. The stories had simply been lost to time, something only an elf who had lived many human lifetimes could remember.
Kurapika was terrified, knowing that these demons would stop at nothing to kill the last person that may know how to truly defeat them.
Demons were incredibly hard to kill, it was easier to just wound them and banish them with a teleportation spell back to hell… but there was one method that could permanently end a demon’s life.
But no, the princess wasn’t aware of how to do that. Why would she be, she was sheltered and had never even held a wand, much less casted a spell.
Instead, the king had passed on this information to Kurapika, not wanting his beloved daughter to be in danger. Kurapika didn’t want her at risk either, so he took on the heavy burden.
The spell called for various magical items to be gathered from across the continent and brought together. It would take ages, and with just the two of them, it wasn’t just dangerous, it was impossible.
Even more troubling, to preform the spell that would banish demons, the caster would have to be a person whose heart was pure and without hate. Kurapika held onto so much hatred and anger, he would never be able to perform such a thing.
Kurapika glanced at the princess as she stepped out of the dressing room, her smile as warm as the afternoon sun. She reached for his hand, giving it a soft squeeze. “It’ll be okay, we’ll get through this together.”
‘Maybe she, the only human I have ever cared for could do it.’
From the branches of a tree, a figure watched as the two walked through the forest. One was some kind of an elf, which the spying figure had been told went extinct years ago.
The other was a young woman, her face hidden by an olive green cloak. She held onto the elf’s hand, and the figure could tell that if she wasn’t with him, the elf would be moving at a much faster pace.
‘Huh, just a single guard? You’d think that at least twenty knights would have escorted her out of the palace.’
The figure jumped silently to another tree once the two started to gain a bit too much distance from him for his liking.
‘She’s rather slow and weak, I can take her out easily. But the elf has been able to successfully evade our soldiers for nearly two days and nights now… oh well, I only need to kill the girl. No need to fight someone I’m not sure I could beat.’
The figure’s tail curled around the branch of the tree, keeping him upright as he leaned forward to get a better look at them.
But unfortunately, he misjudged the strength of the branch and was sent tumbling out of the tree, landing in a bush nearby.
Kurapika pulled his sword out, stepping in front of (Name). “Who goes there? Come out and state your reasons for following us.”
‘Ah, so he knew I was following them.’
The white haired boy quickly hid his tail, retracted his claws, and ruffled his hair to hide his small horns. Once done, he carefully stepped out of the bushes, making sure to make himself look small and scared.
“Oh, it’s just a little boy.”
The boy waved timidly, trying to act like a lost child. “H-hello…”
(Name) peeked out from behind Kurapika, smiling. “Hello there, I-“
Kurapika stepped forward, his sword pointed at the boy’s throat. “I said state your reason for following us.”
(Name)’s eyes widen, and she reached out to gently move Kurapika’s arm so he was pointing his sword at the ground instead. “Kurapika, he’s just a little boy, there’s no need-“
“Just a little boy? My princess, if he was a normal little boy I would be able to hear his footsteps when he walked. This is no ordinary child, he’s trained in the ways of darkness and evil.”
The boy scoffed, crossing his arms. “Huh, you’re good. Wasn’t expecting that. I’ve never had someone realize they couldn’t hear my footsteps before.”
In the blink of an eye, the boy’s claws were sharpened into points, his sharp teeth glistening in the low light. Kurapika’s eyes widened, and he started getting ready to create a barrier around the princess if need be.
“You seem like a smart man. Hand over the girl, and I’ll let you free. You’re an elf, I hear that race and humans have a pretty bad history. Let me guess, you were forced into serving her or execution. Well it’s your lucky day, I’m here to take her out. Then, you’ll be a free elf and-“
The boy’s eyes narrowed as Kurapika’s sword began to glow a deep scarlet, his eyes shining the same color. “You understand nothing, demon. My people hated your kind much more than we hated humans, and this girl means everything to me. I would die before I handed her over to the likes of you.”
‘That sword… I heard stories of elves that could banish demons but…’
“K-Kurapika, wait!”
But it was no use, the two had begun their battle. (Name) was pushed back unceremoniously, falling onto her but a few feet away from the two.
The boy brandished his claws, leaping from the ground and slashing at Kurapika’s throat. He was able to block the attack with his sword just before the boy’s nails sunk into his skin.
Kurapika took advantage of the boy being so close, and used a teleporting spell, sending them 30 yards away. “Hide yourself, (Name)! This boy is an assassin, he’ll take any opportunity to come your way and kill you!”
She gulped, crawling through the gaps of large tree roots and hiding herself under a tree. (Name) couldn’t see what was going on now, but she could hear the sounds of Kurapika swinging his blade and grunting.
It took her back to the days when she would watch him train between lessons. He always took time to send her a soft smile, even walking her to her next destination despite being exhausted and sweaty.
One day, another knight was sparring with him, and when Kurapika got hurt, she started to cry. She rushed over, clingy to him and sobbing as she rubbed her face against his chest.
“Y-you got hurt! You’re bleeding, someone call the-“
Kurapika gently ran his hand over her hair, smiling. “Shh, princess, I’m fine. This is nothing.”
His eyes softened as he gently caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Any injury I get while protecting you is just proof of my unconditional devotion. You are my everything, princess. I will shield you with my very body if it means keeping you safe.”
And as she heard the fight get more and more intense, she felt an uneasy feeling settle in her belly.
‘I don’t want Kurapika to die.’
That’s the very thought she had that day, watching as he was bandaged up by a palace doctor. So behind his back, she had begun to learn basic magic, wanting to be somewhat to him in the future.
Although she had never been able to actually cast a spell due to how she was watched like a hawk, she still managed to sneak some of Kurapika’s books into her room to study while he was busy.
When she heard Kurapika gasp in pain, (Name)’s mind raced with what to do. He told her to hide, and Kurapika was usually right, but she would rather die than let him die for her.
So (Name) crawled out of her hiding space, sniffling softly as she began to run towards the two.
The boy had him pinned to the ground, his nails at Kurapika’s throat. The sight was enough to freeze her in her tracks, her heart thumping wildly against her chest.
“L-let him go!”
Despite her legs shaking, and her lip wobbling, she was still able to yell out to the boy. “It’s me you want, don’t hurt him!”
Kurapika turned his head, his nose bleeding. “Princess, what do you think you’re doing, he’s going to-“
The boy let Kurapika go, walking towards her slowly. “Sacrificing yourself to save a measly knight? You’re braver than I thought, princess. I’ll spare the elf, as long as you go down without a fight.”
“Yes… but please, before you kill me, let me know your name.”
Seeing no point in hiding his identity now that his prey was right in front of him, the boy relented. “If that’s your final wish… my name is Killua. Killua of the Zoldyck Royal Family, one of the seven princes of hell.”
“I see… Killua, then. I need you to get down.”
This made the boy pause. Although her body shook and her lip wobbled, her eyes were far from scared. They were determined, steady as they focused on him.
Before he could retreat, a ring formed around the boys wrists, causing him to be pinned to the ground. He yelped, struggling frantically against the glowing rings, but they stayed firm on his wrists.
“W-what the hell did you just do to me!?”
(Name) smiled, her knees giving way as she fell to the ground. She held held up her own wrist, a small ring of light was there, the same as the boy’s.
“I cast a spell to have complete control over your actions. It only works on… demons… and… if I have your name…”
Killua growled, baring his teeth and struggling against his bounds with no luck. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t even lift his head. “You witch! Let me go right now, before I-“
(Name) laughs, reaching out to ruffle his hair. “Before you what? Squirm some more? Kick up some dirt? Face it kid, you’re not doing anything until I give you an order.”
He continued to growl and snap his teeth at her, trying to attack, to do anything. As Killua struggled, Kurapika made his way back over, holding his injured arm.
‘That spell… it’s too high level, even for me. How was she able to-‘
He barely caught (Name) in time as she fell forward. Her mana was next to non existent at the moment, leaving her exhausted and barely conscious.
“My princess…”
He cursed himself for not being able to stop her from using such a spell. If he had been a bit stronger, the boy would be dead, and he would be carrying her to bed at this very moment.
But now, he had to deal with the demon growling and snarling at their feet.
“I hope you’ve prepared yourself for death, demon. I can’t have you going back to your horde and informing them of our location.”
Killua let out a laugh, looking up at him. “As if either of you could kill me. Sure, try it out. Injure me, teleport me away to the far ends of the earth, I’ll just keep coming back, and with reinforcements next time.”
“He has a point…”
Kurapika helped (Name) sit up, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as her head leaned on his chest. She was so weak, she was shaking.
“Princess, you should rest.”
She shook her head, raising her hand. “Stand, Killua.”
The boy immediately sprung up from the ground, standing stiffly in front of them. “(Name)… is the spell still intact?”
She nodded, leaving Kurapika in awe. A spell like that cast by an amateur like her should have fell apart within seconds!
“So we can’t just let him go and I don’t want to kill him…”
“We couldn’t kill him even if we tried, princess.”
She pouted slightly, staring at the boy whose cheek were red with humiliation. He was at the beck and call of a human, he’d be teased by his brothers for weeks!
“… I think I have a solution! Killua, stay still.”
The boy scolded himself for being so cocky. ‘I knew names held power, and yet I freely gave her mine…’
He clenched his fists, growling lowly. ‘As soon as I’m free, I’ll kill that princess, if it’s the last thing I do!’
Killua stiffened up even more if possible as Kurapika and (Name) stepped a few feet away to talk.
The elf grimaced as (Name) seemed to be proposing an idea, disagreeing with her immediately. She then put her hands on her hips… which caused Kurapika to relent.
“Alright, I’ll let you handle this then, princess.”
(Name) smiled, stepping forward. “Alright! Killua, once this order is given, you’ll be able to move freely.”
Killua perked up a little. ‘This is my chance!’
“I’ll be giving you the orders,” she said, holding up two fingers. Kurapika glanced her way, nervous. He didn’t like allowing his princess to handle things in the slightest… but it was their only option. “One, you will not share any information on me, Kurapika, or anyone connected to us.”
He frowned deeply, that would get in the way of his plans… but…
‘Once she’s dead, the spell should dissipate. I’ll just-‘
“The second order is you are no longer allowed to harm, kill, or maim any innocent beings, or any of my loved ones.”
Killua’s jaw dropped. While he didn’t necessarily make a habit out of killing when he didn’t have to, it was still his job. “You can’t be serious, I-“
That’s when he realized… (Name) was but an innocent human… he wouldn’t be kill her. And Kurapika was definitely someone she cared for…
“Those are your orders. You can now move freely.”
Killua’s body relaxed, and he moved forward, launching himself at (Name). Although Kurapika was quick to pull her behind himself, it wasn’t necessary.
Killua froze midair, ancient symbols appearing all over his body. When he dropped to the ground, he seized.
(Name) was quick to kneel down next to him, despite Kurapika’s complaints. “Hey, you’re going to be okay. The effects shouldn’t last that long…”
She lifted his head into her lap, wiping away the drool from the boy’s mouth with her sleeve. “This is what happens when you disobey an order… I’m sorry, from what I read I heard it’s incredibly painful.”
Incredibly painful? It was the worst thing Killua had ever experienced, and he had undergone the harsh training and torture of the Zoldyck family.
But the demon was confused… why was this princess gently wiping his face with a handkerchief, and why was she getting her knight to prop him up against a tree. He couldn’t comprehend why she left a canteen full of water and an apple for him before she left… it didn’t make sense.
“You’re free to do whatever you want, as long as you follow those two orders,” she said, yawning as Kurapika helped her walk. “Goodbye, Killua.”
As they walked away, Killua felt… strange. He had tried to kill her more than once. It would be easy enough to make him take his own life… yet she was letting him go.
Killua sat there under the moonlight, thinking of what his next step should be. He couldn’t return home, that would be a humiliation he would never live down. Him, the heir of the throne, defeated by a mere mortal? That was unheard of.
So Killua hatched a new plan, one that would take advantage of the princess’ kindness…
Dark fog fell over the palace, toxic vapor that would kill any human unfortunate enough to still be hiding within its walls.
“Has Killua returned with the princess yet?”
Illumi looked up from his work, tilting his head. His tail swayed silently as he set those dark, cold eyes on his mother. “No, mother. And from what I’m able to sense… he’s not coming back home for a while yet.”
She frowned, Kalluto standing quietly at her side. “Kalluto, go check with your older brother and see if he’s finished that resurrection spell yet.”
“Yes, mother.”
Once Kalluto left, the woman’s eyes narrowed. “We must hurry and get these matters dealt with before the other demon lords are able to make it to the surface. Those other princes… they’ll spell nothing but trouble for our-“
“Yes, mother. I understand.”
Illumi looked into his crystal ball, one that one worked on Killua. With it, he could see through the boy’s eyes… and even give him orders.
“Killua is currently following the princess, mother.”
She smiled, clapping her hands together. “Oh, that is wonderful news! Give him the command, and then I’ll have my little prince back!”
Illumi nodded, the focused on the crystal ball, peering into it.
Usually, simply saying his name was enough to have the boy tensing up… but he did nothing. Could he not… hear him?
Illumi shook his head. ‘No matter, I’ll just take control of him.’
When Illumi attempted to reach into the crystal ball, his hand was repelled by white magic, burning his fingers and palm.
His mother rushed over to see what had happened. Illumi stared blankly at his hand, sighing.
“It seems someone is interfering with my connection… until we figure out what this is…”
His mother paled, raising a hand to her mouth.
“Killua… is lost to us.”
Illumi looked through the crystal ball, his frown deepening. ‘At least I can still see through his eyes. That will be of some benefit to us… as long as Killua keeps following them, we should be able to find them eventually.’
Kalluto walked back into the room, Boeing politely. “Mother, big brother has found a resurrection spell that will work on more than ten people at once without killing the caster. Now all we have to do is find their remains.”
His mother grinned, fanning herself. “Inform your father of this discovery, and make sure he knows…”
She looked outside, smiling as the fog slowly spread down the mountain. “We have some spiders to find.”
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mtkay13 · 10 months
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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luveline · 2 years
idk if you've done anything like this but maybe a rockstar!james where he introduces his relationship to the world/his fans ?
this was SO FUN tysm for your request! ♥ fem!reader | 1.1k words
James had asked specifically before he did what he did if it was okay. You love him and think it's sweet that he wants to, so you tell him to make sure he uses a good picture. 
Some huge magazine had asked him to do a video for their website. You know vaguely when it gets uploaded because suddenly friends and even acquaintances are texting you repetitively. It's not long after that when The Marauders superfans start requesting to follow your twitter account. You'd set it to private beforehand, though there was nothing of interest there anyways, only retweets and Spotify links. You're glad you did when the notifications start and don't stop. 
You turn off your phone and open up your laptop, navigating to the magazine's website, where the front page boasts your pretty boyfriend's face right at the top. You click the video link and wait for it to load, heartbeat as quick as a mouse's.
The introduction is quick. James sits behind a white table wearing a black, nondescript short-sleeved t-shirt. His fancy watch catches the light as he leans forward. "Hey, I'm James Potter from the rock band The Marauders, and today I'll be showing you guys what's in my bag." 
He picks up a much cleaner version of his rucksack, new for the shoot. His actual rucksack sits at the bottom of your bed. You move your socked feet out of the way so you can compare it to the fraud on screen. It'll be fun to poke fun at him tonight over his lies. 
There's not a lot of guidance to the video. He takes things out one at a time and gives some story behind them. There's a battered pair of drumsticks and a cleaner pair swiftly follows. James goes through them quickly, so a spare is always a good idea. The drumsticks are followed by a piece of drum gum in a plastic case, and a wrist brace for his dicky left arm. 
He pulls out his chapstick with a subtle smirk. 
"And my book," he says, pulling out a messed up paperback. You roll your eyes when you see it because it's not his book at all, it's yours, and he's wrecked it completely. 
A bookmark sticks out about halfway through. "I got this recommended to me by a very pretty girl. Beautiful women seem to always have the best taste in books. I don't have to tell you guys," he says with a wink. He puts the book with everything else he's unveiled so far. "And it's a damn good book." 
You flush warm with pleasure.  
He pulls out some amazingly expensive headphones, an adapter for his electric drum kit, a different pair of noise cancelling headphones, his custom earplugs, his phone charger – again, new for the shoot – and a familiar notebook. 
"This is for everything." He pulls it open to a random page and broadcasts what's clearly not his own handwriting. "I hate transcribing. Remus has done it for me here," he confides. "You have to love him." 
You can imagine the twitter uproar as fans sing the band's bassist's praises. You do have to love Remus, he's an angel, and you'll have to have a word with James about taking advantage of his friend's kindness. 
He turns it to another page. There's a sketch there of a tree you don't really recognise. James draws a lot, more than you could ever keep track of. He's even painted you a landscape or two in heavy gauche before, gifts with awfully sweet dedications on the back. 
He's very good. "For sketching and things. This was a sycamore outside of the Point House arena. It had those helicopter seeds falling from it. You remember when you'd pick those up as a kid and throw them back up into the air?"
The camera person says something and James nods passionately. "Right, we'd have races too! Simpler times." 
It cuts to James pulling out his wallet and his phone. They ask to see his phone wallpaper and he obliges. It's a photo of him and Sirius as kids. They could only be thirteen or fourteen in the photograph, but already Sirius holds his wicked charm like a knife, a sharp smile and a sharper gaze, though his arm around James shoulder is languidly placed. 
"Yep, he's always been like that." 
And finally, his wallet. It's nothing fancy. You can't afford anything as quality as he could himself but he hasn't tried to replace it since you bought it. He peels it open and makes a joke about nobody stealing his identity. 
He smiles wide. "Here's the most important thing in my bag. No, not my card." 
He pulls a piece of white paper from the fold between deft fingers and then turns it to reveal you, a photo of you.
You'll admit you look pretty. There's nothing fanciful to it, just you giving him a soft smile with your hair done up, your head tilting ever so slightly toward your lifted shoulder. 
"This is my girl." He pulls your photo toward him and looks down over the top, no bravado, no charming comment. He smiles at you. "Doesn't she look nice here?" 
The camera person says something again. James looks up, waiting for them to finish before he grins. 
"Yeah, this is my girlfriend. Y/N." 
There's subtitles for the camera person's next question. "This is the first time you've talked about having a partner publicly. Why now?" 
The truth is just the unfortunate consequence of fame. Smear campaigns, hatemail, paparazzi, invasions of privacy. But you can't hide forever. And it feels nice – feels incredible, like your cheeks might bruise from the ache of your smile – to be shown off. 
"'Cos I wanna take her on vacation for our six months, and I want the first photo people see of her to be this one, rather than her drooling on my arm in the airport." 
You laugh. 
"Six months, you've been together?" the camera person asks. 
"And counting. Best six months of my life." 
The interview moves on. There's a few layover shots of the bag's contents. You can't help but feel embarrassed at your face on a clear display next to his wallet, though a binging notification catches your attention before you can pick it apart. 
You click on the notification, an email. It opens, James' voice in the background talking about the new album. 
It's unsurprisingly from loverboy himself. 
Answer your phone!!!!! sent from my iPhone.
You email him back. I've had to turn it off. 
Oh fuck. Are you okay?
You pull the email tab to the side and watch James smile and say goodbye to everyone watching. 
Yeah, I'm perfect. Facetime me?
On you like a rash. 
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galaxyseclipse · 5 months
alright, gonna try to be slightly more organized than last time about my thoughts/theories/observations about Side Order also this might be a shorter post than last time because there isn't a whole ton of trailer, it'll mostly be about the artwork tbh
so I'm just gonna start this by saying I really dislike the "it's all New 3's dream" theory, it feels like a cop-out. I'm not saying it is 110% untrue, just that I don't like it and hope it isn't
how do I explain the transition from the train to Inkopolis Square? New 3's on the train to Inkopolis Square(which is fully unlocked after beating Side Order; the option just takes you to SO until then) and falls asleep, one matrix-y transition later and we're in Eight's pov inside of whatever simulation they got dragged into. it's purely to transition the player from New 3 to Eight, and the events are completely unrelated
or I'm utterly, wholly wrong! who knows!
another thing I noticed on my millionth trailer rewatch was this
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it's just to the right of the tower in the shot where everything materializes. it looks like a filling cabinet? it's in the last trailer we got too, I checked, but not the first teaser(granted, a lot of stuff wasn't)
I dunno, probably not anything super important, but it's not there in the Square in 2, so I thought I'd point it out
edit: look at reblogs, it's probably actually a set of lockers
I've seen a shockingly small number of people bring up this guy
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so far(maybe there's more talk of them on twitter or something idk)
they're clearly pretty prominent, they're next to Acht, Pearldrone, and Eight, so they have to be important, right?
my first guess is that they're something a la CQ Cumber or ORCA, just the one who explains the rules of each level and splats you if you fail. but it feels redundant to have both them and Acht, who already knows a good amount about this place, explaining stuff to you
I dunno I also see twist villain potential from them, just because we haven't seen them before now. like, "hahaha! It was I who fucked up this place, and now that you've helped me hack the mainframe, I can take full control!" or something idk lol
I'm not even gonna try to guess what kind of sea critter they are lmao
now onto the real stars of the show
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these fuckers
hopefully y'all already know that I am a firm believer that the one in the center is Agent 4, seeing as they're the only one of the group with ears and tentacles, and those two features bear resemblance to "canon" Agent 4. the rest don't have those, so that one is clearly important, right? am I being delusional? probably
setting that aside, what are these things in the first place? they're most likely related to the fish guys in some way, both being covered in black goo with glowing red eyes
I personally think that they're either mobile versions of the copy machine from the lobby, or some weird, goopy creation of the simulation used to replace enemy Octolings in gameplay(which is a fun twist, haven't had enemy Inklings before) otherwise I have no idea lol. they're enemy units and that's all I've got
there's also this thing
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featuring a lot of Acht's head
kinda looks like the Octowhirl to me, but like, less octoweapon-y and more coral-ish, with the same red eyes as the fish; probably a boss of some stripe, or tougher enemy
something else that's probably inconsequential I noticed in the artwork
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the different colored color chips have different text on them, probably stating what kind each one is?
notably, the blue one(the one used in the trailer) doesn't have the same text on it, that moved to the red one
I think that's it for now; I have picked apart the artwork as much as I can/want
I'll bet if we get a direct before the 22nd, we'll get one more small trailer or maybe just a repeat of this one. though judging by the trailers Nintendo's been releasing lately, that feels oddly unlikely to me
but idk I'm just a weirdo who likes staring at fictional cephalopods
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columbiastapshoes · 10 months
more general headcanons. take them in addition to my other ones.
my last headcanon post got a decent amount of attention so i thought i’d do it again :3 my brain is like. a factory that is constantly producing headcanons from machines it’s how i function
anyways most of these r about magenta because i’ve just been in a very magenta mood recently she’s so silly (i’m going feral why is she so PRETTY)
- brad played with dolls as a kid but his parents took them away when he got “too old” for it to be some cute quirk because a Man has to play with Trucks like a Man anyways he did play with Trucks like a Man but he never forgot how to do their hair so even now he can french braid the shit out of people’s hair, especially magentas hair because the dolls he had also had big poofy hair like hers so he’s used to that. however columbia is typically magentas french braiding person so when she saw her gf getting her hair braided by another man she was like “HOW DARE YOU WE ARE OVER” (as a joke obviously don’t fret)
- magenta can do the splits. idk. i just get that vibe and i’m right about everything soooooo /j
- columbia cannot maintain eye contact and magenta STARES and forgets to blink or look away so every time they talk it’s just
- this is such a specific scenario but if they are shopping and come across a pillow they want to buy they give it the columbia test. what is the columbia test you might ask? they just get columbia to scream all of her pain and trauma into the pillow, and if the sound is muffled enough it is deemed worthy to purchase
- magenta just. brings random animals into the castle. and i’m not talking about “aww she like adopts cats a lot :3” no this bitch has brought in Raccoons from the Backyard and riff raff who is a paranoid ass mf is like “THAT THING HAS RABIES” and magentas like “LISTEN. HER NAME IS BEELZEBUB AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”
- why are all of these about magenta help
- speaking of magenta :3 she is a huge wes anderson fan and she and columbia watched isle of dogs together for a lil movie date and columbia sobbed during most of it 👍 she liked it though
-can we all agree that frank just. knows how to vogue. like bro came out of the womb knowing how to do that shit and it stuck with him for the rest of his life
-so i spent a really long time being stumped on how i think columbia would dress. like i have everyone else’s style figured out but i just couldn’t figure out hers for some reason,,,,, until i went down a rabbit hole and discovered cyndi lauper. i mean obviously i had listened to girls just wanna have fun and time after time but i has never actually seen this absolute icon. anyways i discovered her and her style during theater class one day and from then on i knew that columbia dresses like cyndi lauper, columbia listens to cyndi lauper, COLUMBIA IS CYNDI LAUPER
-ok so canonically i dont think this would happen but in my own version of rocky horror that exists in my brain magenta and brad are bffs. like yk those videos u see of “unlikely animal friendships” that is literally just them. it’s like goth gf x Some Guy™️ (x used platonically)
-brad is a die hard swiftie. i won’t elaborate.
-magenta loves loves LOVES abba
-sometimes i forget columbia isn’t canonically a theater kid. cuz like. she just Is a theater kid yk that’s who she is
- she would love grease
i will probably make another one of these posts when my list becomes longer again ‼️‼️
p.s i have. two rocky horror aus. would anyone like me to post about them. because i can. i am so normal about . aus
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meetmyothersouls · 2 years
so hi! in Celtic Mythology, there is a belief that by leaving a graveyard in a different way than you've entered, a spirit can exit with you. idk but I think you can write an incredible timotay fanfic based on this myth. Maybe Timothee sprints through the graveyard and the reader exit with him or it can be the other way around. Anyway, you can do whatever you like and you can put anything you want, and if you decided to write about this, please have fun and know that I am already excited about it ♡☆♡☆♡☆
Oh my good god I love this!!!! Hope you enjoy and sorry it’s taken so long ❤️
Cemetery Gates
Warnings: dead reader, graveyard, Halloween/Halloween themes, not proof read
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You’d seen a lot since Death appeared and led your soul out of your body. You thought Death would lead you to a stairway to heaven, or a hallway filled with doors. And maybe he would have, but you ran before he had the chance to. You were already dead, so he didn’t come after you. He let you run. He watched and he probably laughed, because as it turns out, running was a mistake.
Since you didn’t follow Death to your next chapter, you remained bound to your body. It lays in a coffin in an old cemetery in New York City. And if you thought a mortal existence sucked ass, imagine having to spend every day existing (but not really) in a graveyard. Nothing pleasant ever happens in a grave yard, that is until he walked in.
You weren’t sure when you died. I mean, your gravestone has a date on it, but you weren’t sure how long ago that was. All sense of time was gone. It was just one long on going monotonous series of events. So when he made his way into the cemetery, everything stopped for you.
You don’t normally see too many single visitors. That’s the thing about the dead. Eventually you forget them. Visits become less frequent, flowers left on headstones wither away and we’re just…left here. The sound of the dead floats through the wind, like a faint harmony of many cries. You’re not sure if anyone else can hear it, but this man who walked in seemed keenly aware of his surroundings. He walked eyes full of curiosity as he looked around and just as you decided him seeing you was a ludicrous though, his eyes seemed to land in the spot your spirit hovered. If you could, you’d gasp. But no, he can’t see you. You followed him, wondering who he was here to see. He carried a pail and various cleaning supplies, which you found odd, but still you followed.
He walked, peering over at various graves, but ultimately walking over them until he landed on yours. Again, if you could gasp you would. He kneeled down in front of it, setting his supplies down. Your spirit saunter over to the other side of his grave. You crossed your ghostly arms over the top do your headstone and rested your cheek on your arm. What was he doing? 
He took a small broom lien contraption and swept off the bottom most piece of your grave and revealed your name.
“Y/n” he said out loud.
Again your world, or your spirits version of the world, stopped. No one’s visited your grave in a long, long time.
He sprayed down your headstone, and it was then you realized that he was cleaning it. If you had a heart, the action would have warmed it.
“What’s you’re name?” You asked, knowing he couldn’t hear you.
“I’m, Timothee, and I’m going to clean you up today.”
Wait. Can he hear you?
You made your way over to the other side, watching him as he worked. He scraped years worth of moss and dirt off of your stone. The sprayed a soapy concentration over it, revealing words that were chosen that didn’t really matter any more.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked.
Timothee stopped, turning his head quickly and you instantly felt bad for scaring him.
“I feel bad for those of you forgotten. Makes my heart hurt.”
Your essence travels over to the other side of him and you saw the chills pepper the back of his neck.
“Someone here with me?” Timothee asked, rubbing the back of his neck to warm it. “Y/n, is it you?”
He’s talking to me you think to yourself.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said, standing up. “I chose your grave to clean. You seem so lonely over here.”
Your grave is separate from a lot of the others, which has always made you think that you’d been here a lot longer than they have.
“I don’t mind, thank you.”
You watched as his eyes moved, as if he was listening for a response on the wind. Breezes carry spirits cries, after all.
He smiled, nodding his head, until a loud yell makes him jump.
“Hey! What are you doing!? You can’t be in here with that!”
Timothee grabbed his supplies, tripping a little before he ran. You follow him, one good part about being a spirit is that you can keep up with jusy about anything. One time, you followed a cat through the entire cemetery as she ran after several mice.
The man called out after Timothee, shaking his fist in the air angrily and instead of turning around the leave the way he came, he took the back entrance, few people knew about this one. Timothee flung open the gate and you stopped, knowing you wouldn’t be able to go any further. You tried many times, the farthest you were able to make it was the stop sign, about 5 steps away from your cemetery, this time would be no different.
“You might be able to follow him,” you heard another spirits voice, belonging to Gerard. Gerard was one of the oldest spirits in the cemetery.
“I’m not sure, I’ve tried to leave many times. It never works.”
“Ah yes, but did you notice he left differently than he came?”
“Yeah, he left the back way.”
“And you’re unaware of what that means?”
You shrugged, earning a sigh from Gerard. “There’s an old belief, that if one of the living exists a graveyard differently than how he entered, a spirit may exit with him.”
You’d never heard of this. “Is it true?”
Gerard shrugged this time. “We can test it out, can we not?”
You peered over the cemetery gates, you could see Timothee, bent over with his hands on his knees as he worked on catching his breath. You nodded, making your way through the gate. Your spirit arrived to the stop sign it always arrived at, but this time it felt different. There was no pull in the opposite direction. Timothee was a few steps ahead of you and you pushed in his direction and latched onto him as he made his way into a cab.
“31st street,” you heard him say as the cab lurched forward.
You weren’t sure what your plan was, where you were headed or what the fuck you were going to do when you got there, but you were out of the cemetery. And you were riding in cab with a man you didn’t know, and you were dead.
What the fuck?
“It’s so cold in here,” Timothee said, his teeth chattering hard.
“That’s my fault, sorry,” you say, unsure why. It just felt weird to…not talk.
He looked in your direction, as if he heard you and it made you shiver. This was weird.
The cab stopped in a busy street and you made your way out with Timothee, almost losing him in the process. You were in awe, having not seen the city in a long, long time. You latched back onto him, making him colder than he was before. You felt bad.
You watched as he jogged across the street and made his way into a tall building with lots of windows. You let go of him when he walked through the threshold of an elevator and again his eyes seemed to land on you. It was silent as he pressed the number ten button. Silent as a few other people entered. A little girl holding her mothers hand hopped on and she made eye contact with you. You smiled at her. Little kids could always see you. She smiled back and waved before her mom jerked her hand back.
“Who are you waving at?” She sounded annoyed.
You rolled your eyes, and the little girl laughed. You looked back at Timothee, his eyes again seeming to be pointed at you. The elevator stopped on the tenth floor and Timothee made his way out, you followed close behind. He walked down the hall, turning once before he slid a card into his apartment door, unlocking it.
You sauntered in before he had the chance to lock you out. He shut the door and locked it from the inside. He turned around and let out a deep sigh before speaking.
“I’m not sure if you’re here with me, y/n. I hope you are.”
“I’m here,” you said.
“It feels about fifteen degrees colder in here so…I hope that’s a good sign. I didn’t want to overwhelm you in the cemetery.”
Overwhelm you?
“I miss you so much, and you probably don’t even remember me. But I’m going to bring you back.”
He set his phone down on the counter, revealing a photo of you and Timothee. He was holding your hand, gazing lovingly down at you in your white dress.
You were…married to him?
Your attention was back at him as he started talking.
“And if I can’t bring you back, I’ll join you.”
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @gatoenlaciudad @patronsaintofthetwinks
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Just A Child
Darkiplier x teenage!gn!reader (PLATONIC)
Requested by 🖌 Anon:
“Bro (/gn), Would you be willing to write something about this idea? So, in the Markiplier universe- under the assumption that Actor has been Mark in each project- he kinda drags Viewer (Ima call them V) along with him, right? So, imagine if instead V was actually just a nervous teen. (Obviously the people in each universe would just be complimenting V, not flirting) So, they're sticking with Mark since they don't really have anyone else to rely on or anything. But what if they don't really like Mark, and see Dark as a more stable... well... everything. An you know how Dark seems kinda hooked on getting V "out of Mark's grasp" basically? So, what if V takes him up on that, and Dark DOES manage to get V away from Mark, and like, takes them back to the Ego mansion or smth and kinda just helps them adjust and interact with everyone and more-or-less becomes their caretaker/guardian? If not, that's fine! Either way, have a great day/night/etc. :)”
I highkey had a hard time writing this one and I'm not, like, 100% happy with it but idk maybe it's just bc I've been working on it for a while lol
Warnings: Actor is a creep in this (mostly implied), hurt/comfort-ish?
Word Count: 1563
  You fidgeted as you walked through the theater again. The incessant “Bonjour”s were giving you a headache at this point. And the most you’d had to eat was a sandwich. Though, it was a while ago since that happened…
“The romance?... Or the horror?”
The last time you came through here, you’d “watched” the romance. It was… something.
You pointed at the horror door.
“Good idea! I’ve actually never seen this play before. I don’t even know who made it, so…” Mark shrugged, smiling that fake, plastered-on grin as always. “Could be a fun adventure.”
“Good luck!” One of the waiters… employees… One of the men that seemed to work everywhere you went stared dead at Mark. It was the first time you saw him so serious.
Mark also seemed unsettled. “Oh, okay. Alright.” He did a little salute as he said, “Bonjour!” to the employee.
As you followed Mark to your seats (him going on a one-sided dialogue about how he was a “patron of the arts” and so on), you couldn’t help but feel… unsettled. You looked around. Nothing was out of place since the last time you came through here. And yet, a chill still ran up your spine as you sat in the front row seat, directly in front of the lone table on stage.
“You want some popcorn?” It was futile to reach for a piece, but you tried anyway, before the carton of kernels was pulled away. “OH! It’s starting!”
Was it?
When you turned back to Mark to ask him just that, you found his chair empty. The cold feeling of dread covered your shoulders like a blanket. Your gaze found itself once again fixated on the table on the stage. Creaking sounded from every corner of the room. A high pitched whine rang out, coming from within you just as much as it was coming from around you. The room began to distort. Change. Shift.
And then it was dark.
“You’re… different.”
You would have screamed, but you couldn’t feel yourself anymore. It felt like your body had been swept away, like all that was left in this void was your conscience. Instead, you stared.
The man before you looked like Mark. But he felt… wrong. Looking at him gave you a headache. His skin was pale, lacking any color at all. In fact, the only color you could see anymore were glitches of red and blue that clung to his suit and formed distorted versions of the man standing behind himself.
The man tilted his head. His neck cracked sickeningly. “So,” he mused, though his voice lacked any mirth, “he’s dragging along helpless teenagers now… How pitiful.”
Who are you? echoed around in your mind. He didn’t answer your question, if he even heard it at all.
“I know this must seem confusing, like a bad dream you can’t wake up from… But believe me when I tell you that it is all his doing.”
In a blink of an eye, you found yourself sitting at the table from the restaurant. The only difference, aside from the nothingness that surrounded you, was the man in Mark’s place. He had his fingers interlaced, hands resting on the edge of the table.
“Endless choices, all leading you back here.”
A voice whispered from the darkness. Trapped. A moment later, the man was saying the same thing.
“You’re trapped in his little game.”
Your voice came as little more than a whisper. It faded into the darkness surrounding you.
“How do you get out?” He tilted his head at you. Curious, studying. As if he didn’t expect you to ask such an odd question. “I can help you.”
In another flash, you were back outside. You weren’t sure where, but it felt less suffocating than the endlessness from before.
“Enough of the choices. Enough of this endless cycle of meaningless.” He straightened up, brushing his hair back from his face before holding out his hand. “I can get you out of here. You just need to let me i-”
“Oops.” The world was dark again. You didn’t look up from your chocolate ice cream. “Looks like you made the wrong choice.”
“I-I shot someone.”
Even after all of this fake Mark’s reassurances that it would be okay, your hands were still shaking. The heavy weight of the gun still sat in your palms. But every time you looked, it wasn’t there.
The man, entity, whatever he was, watched as you picked up your spoon. It trembled and shook in your grasp. He worried for a brief moment that you would drop it before it even reached the bowl.
“I’m sorry.”
You looked up. The blue and red that surrounded him seemed dimmer than earlier, softer. You couldn’t hear the ringing that pressed against your skull. He thought you looked like an infant - too young and small to be dragged into Mark’s mess.
“What I promised you still stands.” He reached his hand across once more. His hand was ice cold as it grabbed yours, stilling your tremors. “I can get you out of here.”
You should have been terrified. First Mark, with his uncomfortable flirting, as if this was all just some role that needed to be played. Then the endless loops. And now…
“Wh-What.” You cleared your throat, trying to steel the dread in your soul. “What’s your name?”
He tilted his head, brow furrowing. He seemed to ponder this for a moment.
“Do you have a name…?”
“I used to,” he admitted. A flash of… something in his eyes. “I suppose, for simplicity’s sake, you may call me Dark.”
You whispered his name with a mixture of awe and curiosity. “M-My name is-” The world fell away before your eyes.
You blinked up at the building before you. A… museum? Paintings hung on walls peeked out of the large glass windows. You could just barely see a sculpture inside. You looked down at your clothes and found you were wearing all black. A grapple gun rested on your hip.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Turning on a dime, you were face to face once again with Mark. His lips curled into a cheshire grin. There was too much knowing in his eyes.
“You’re not backing out now, are ya?”
Your phone buzzed. You pulled it from your pocket with trembling fingers.
Don’t you feel like you’re running in circles?
You didn’t recognize any of the portraits on the walls. All of them had their eyes crossed out. And it felt like they were… whispering to you. The only one that looked even remotely familiar sat at the end of the hallway. It looked like-
“Same snake, different skin.”
You wheeled around, heart racing in your chest. Dark stood there, hands behind his back, in a white suit this time. He looked just as malcontented with your presence in this “game” as he had the last time you saw him.
“Always spinning his yarns, his webs, his lies.” He sighed, tilting his head. He seemed almost like a disappointed parent, scolding you for staying out too late. “I always thought that you were trapped in his games. Perpetually plunging down the rabbit holes of his stories. Helpless. Lost.”
You looked over your shoulder at the last portrait. The paint had flaked away and fallen off, but you remember the smiling face that was there before. The disgusting, plastered-on smile that was always there. “Was that Mark?”
The entity hummed. In a flash of red and blue, he was standing in front of the painting, scowling at the gilded frame. “He is behind all of this. Pulling the strings like a puppeteer controlling a marionette.” His gaze flicked over his shoulder. You swallowed at the implication.
“Last time…” Your brow furrowed. How long ago had that been? How long ago was it that you sat at the ice cream parlor, being comforted after shooting Mark? You swallowed, and pushed back the thought. Dark’s face softened, as if he knew what had crossed your mind. “Last time you said you could get me out of here.”
He turned his body to face you. Haloed by the light above the picture, he nodded. “I can.”
Unbidden, tears welled in your eyes. “Please.” You bit your lip, fighting the shake in your voice. “Please get me out of here.”
He stepped forward, stopping a few feet in front of you. His face was somber, gentle. He seemed to look you over for a minute. Perhaps he was seeing what you’d gone through - the prison, the forest, the pirate ship, the cave. Every now and again, an image of himself would turn to the side and scream.
You swallowed hard. Would he turn you away now? He so openly gave you his hand before, offered a way out. Would he abandon you in this loop now? A warm tear fell down your cheek.
Cold arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a broad chest. A hand carefully cupped the back of your head. “I will get you out.” He held you as you clung to him and cried into his suit. He could only hope they were tears of joy and relief, and not for the choices you’d been forced to make. You were just a child, after all. And he would make sure Mark knew, too, when his time came.
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myoddessy · 2 years
hey! Hope this isn’t annoying or to much but I would love it if you wrote a hcs for the jackass cast dating a female cast member, who is the craziest one, she’s done for anything and everything no matter how weird, dangerous, or insane it is. i guess pretty much a girl who is like johnny and steve o combined. I see to many ones with girls who are shy or scared, and they are so boring. can’t wait to see what you write, even if it’s not this!
YES OHMYGOSH whenever i imagine a female jackass member, she's always batshit insane and i love it so much- for these hcs, i did johnny, bam, and steve-o but if you want to see some others then i'll do them asap
you guys are fucking terrifying oh my god-
okay but let's start with the fact that nobody was surprised when you ended up together. like, you both do so many stunts together because you're both up for anything that it was only a matter of time before you started dating.
whether it's the classic johnny knoxville or the gorgeous silver foxville, this man has no shame and with loudly say the most inappropriate shit when you do a dangerous stunt.
"my ding ding's harder than a turnbuckle" is automatically associated with you bleeding in some way atp.
that being said, he gets really worried about you when you do some of the crazier stunts .
you'd 100% be jeff's fav because you're down for anything, but he could honestly go without johnny clinging to his arm like a worried mother when you're in the bull ring.
overall, 10/10 power couple ( unhinged version )
he thinks you're crazy hot but, like, in a psychopathic way
like, he knows your batshit insane and that's one of the main reasons he finds you so hot if that makes sense
pls make fun of him for throwing up easily, idc if you aren't much better, he gets so pissy and it makes for great content
another one who's scared for you but will also be the one suggesting you for death-defying stunts most of the time
97% of the time, if someone other than jeff volunteers you for a stunt, it's bam
the other three percent is probably johnny because nobody else wanted to do the stunt and he played it off as if you were the first choice
bam doesn't volunteer you out of spite or a want to see you nearly snap your neck, he just does it because he knows you can handle it and knows you'll love the footage that comes out of the stunt — regardless as to whether or not you get fucking ragdolled
i can see you and jeff rubbing your hands together like scheming flies when you plan a but where you're working with snakes that are kind of wrapped around your arms and you're totally chill about it, but bam gets called in and loses his shit
overall, 9/10 he's heart eyes 24/7 but an instigating little shit
oh he gets so happy when he finds out your down to do any stunt
will definitely bring you along for wildboyz and will refuse to comment on you showing him up on stunts and shit
yk that one scene in 3.5 (i think??) where he says that when filming wildboyz, he refused to do a bungee jump? you definitely did that instead of him just for funsies
i mentioned it in the bam segment, but you'd both do so many wildboyz bits with animals and you'd both eat shit nearly every time but you don't care because it's funny
i can see you both getting really competitive over who can do the most disgusting thing and not hurl when everyone's drunk at someone's house...
spike probably intervened after you snorted a line of salt and pepper off of ryan's ass
overall, 9 and a half/10 purely because you'd both be incredibly scary to be around and idk if that's a good thing or not
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greta-flanveet · 1 year
Everything Has Changed
summary: Penny gets moved into her college dorm and starts her new adventure. As she starts to settle into her new life, she’s paired up with her classmate, Danny, for a group project.
warnings: fluff, light cursing, college freshman stuff
word Count: 2229
A/N: This is the first installment of the Taylor's Version series! Thank you so much to @way-to-go-lad for helping to edit this and make it readable! Enjoy! Follow the link below if you'd like to be on the taglist!
tagged: @idk-maddie @weightofdreams-gvf @greta-van-weed @way-to-go-lad
masterlist // taglist // series
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The humid August air wafts through your window as you put the last box of trinkets on the floor below your desk. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you turn to your parents and pump a fist in the air. Classes haven’t even started yet and college is already a demanding experience. Your mom tosses her head back and laughs while your dad starts opening boxes. 
“Dad, just relax a minute.” You offer. 
“Oh yes, sweetheart.” He stands to meet you. “You’re right, the boxes will unpack themselves if we leave them long enough.” Your mom bites back a laugh and you roll your eyes.
“Whatever Dad.” 
You drop yourself onto the stiff dorm room mattress and examine the yellow brick walls. This is home for the next five months. You take a deep breath and sit up, smiling at your parents. 
“So, who’s gonna miss me the most when you get back home?” You tease. 
Your parents stay silent, exchanging a glance before your dad chimes in.
“Well, I’m going to miss the silence.” You and your mom laugh as she shushes him and slaps his arm.
“What?” He shrugs, shooting you a wink.
You bend over and start unpacking your bedding, clothes, and pictures from home. The hour and a half of work seems to fly as your parents joke and reminisce with you about childhood stories and their college experiences. They give you the “No drinking, no drugs, no sex” talk while you fold your clothes. They remind you to call home and ask for anything you might need while you walk to the bookshelf. Your dad pats you on the back and tells you he’s proud of you while you put the finishing touches on your desk. It’s starting to become real.
“Penn?” Your mom says as she’s getting ready to go. 
“Mom?” You say, nudging her arm.
“Just,” she looks like she’s going to cry. “Have fun, study hard, and I’ll see you at Christmas. We love you so much.” Suddenly there’s a lump in your throat.
“Did she start crying yet?” Your dad, ever the jokester, puts a tight arm around your mom, kissing her forehead. “She’s right. Don’t do anything stupid and don’t be afraid to call us. We love you, okay?” 
You’re at a shortage of words as you croak out a “Love you, too.” and squeeze your parents. They say their final goodbyes and you watch them leave through your dorm window. 
This morning you were nothing but a ball of excitement. Now you’re still excited, but more anxious than anything. College is a big step for anyone, but being the oldest sibling and the first kid to leave the house makes it an even bigger deal for you. You look out across the hall, waiting to see who your neighbor might be, hoping they’re not weird. You open up your class schedule about a million times before realizing you're hungry and it's time to get food. Maybe you’ll meet someone in the cafeteria. 
You walk in and realize it’s empty save for two people. Quietly, you sit down and listen to your music and eat your meal alone. The walk back to your dorm is quiet as the summer air warms your skin. You slip into your building and into your newly decorated dorm room and leave the door open, hoping to see somebody, anybody else besides your reflection. After a few minutes, your ears perk up and the sound of voices and laughter. A rush of excitement and nerves rushes through you as you debate poking your head into the hallway. When you do, you don’t regret it.
“Hey, are you new here?” A blonde girl turns to you and waves.
“Yeah! I just moved in today.” You say. She smiles and walks toward your door.
“Thank god! I thought it was just us up here.” She laughs and gestures to the girl hiding behind her. “I’m Felicity, this is my roommate Celeste!”
“Hi.” Celeste waves.
“I’m Penny, nice to meet you.” 
“If you want to come, we’re doing face masks in our room in like 20 minutes. Come in your jammies if you want to join!” Felicity offers.
“Yeah! I’d like that. What number are you?” 
“Room 314!” She smiles, turning around with Celeste and walking back to their room.
In 20 minutes sharp, you’re down the hall. You barely have to knock once when the door opens. It’s Celeste, her face covered in blue goop. She gestures to her drying mask and silently waves you in. When she shuts the door behind you, you’re welcomed by Felicity, who’s wearing a sheet mask.
“Penny! Come in. I don’t know what sorts of masks you like but there’s a ton of choices.” She says, gesturing to the wide selection of bottles and foil on the ground. 
“Holy shit.” You breathe, giggling slightly. “You guys are prepared for the apocalypse!” 
The music pairs perfectly with Celeste’s laughter as she struggles to keep her face still. You land on an eucalyptus sheet mask, supposedly for rejuvenation, and join the other two girls on the floor.
“So, Penny,” Celeste mumbles. “What brings you here?” 
Both girls eagerly await your response as you take a large sip of water.
“The English program here is amazing. I’d love to be a writer of some sort one day.” 
“Wow.” They say in unison.
“My mother used to write,” Felicity starts. “I’ve never been good at it, but she loves it. She swears it helped her through a lot when she was younger. I’d love to see what she’s hiding one day.” 
“That’s really cool!” You say. “What are you guys studying?”
“Um.” They both start at the same time.
“Biology. Hopefully that’ll land me somewhere medical-ish one day.” Says Felicity.
“Art. Why not?” Celeste shrugs. 
“Aw, man.” You sigh. “I guess we won’t have too many classes together then?” 
“Oh. Probably not.” Felicity furrows her brows and pauses the music. “But, on a different note, do you guys want to help me swipe on Tinder?” She wiggles her eyebrows mischievously. 
“Definitely.” You turn to see Celeste giving an enthusiastic thumbs up. 
The next hour and a half is spent talking, swiping through the app, comparing class schedules, and planning first day outfits. You feel your nerves melt away like the mask residue on your cheeks. Making friends should always be this easy, you decide. The three of you talk about boys, your hometowns, favorite movies, favorite books and more as the time rolls by. Suddenly, it’s midnight. 
“Oh shit.” you curse. “I have to go guys.” Celeste quirks a brow.
“Why?” She asks.
“I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow, I’ve got some scheduling things to sort out.” They nod in understanding. “But, what if we grab lunch tomorrow? We can debrief on your Tinder dates, Felicity.” The three of you exchange a look and giggle. 
The next few weeks fly by quicker than you thought. You get lunch with Celeste and Felicity almost every day and work on homework together after classes. You call home to your parents as many times as you think about it, filling them in on the important things. Your mom picked up a knitting habit in lieu of you being home and your dad is suddenly a master chef. You tell them that you don’t have any professors you don’t like. It’s a lie. Your history professor is old and unbearable, but they don’t need to know that. 
Your daily routine is the same thing all the time. You wake up and get to your morning classes, eat, maybe squeeze in a nap, and work. While your friends and lessons brighten your day, you’re starting to get bored. This is certainly not the college experience you saw in films growing up. You refuse to party despite the invitations and you don’t have time for any clubs this semester. Your socialization consists of your classes, your parents, and your two friends. No boys, no parties, and no clubs.
Week 5 of English 101 comes as an answer to your prayers. You walk across campus to class and take your spot. As you begin pulling out materials for the period, you watch as everybody else files in. It usually seems like you’re the most enthusiastic person in the room, but especially today. The other kids migrate in like zombies and if it hadn’t been for your dose of coffee and love of writing, you might have done the same. The chatter of the room fills your ears as you watch the clock, waiting for your professor. When he walks in, the room fills with quiet and half-assed attention. The change in misery makes you wonder if you're attending a funeral instead of a lecture.
“Alright, this week is your partnered report project. Here is a rubric.” He says, handing out papers to each row on seats. “As you can see, I will pick your partners for you. The prompt will be assigned to you as well and at random. The easiest way to go about this project is to decide with your partner who will research and who will type. Trust me, I’ve seen things blow up without that guidance.” 
The class laughs a little at the thought and murmurs about who they might be paired with and what their topic might be. After a moment of discussion, your professor begins to dole out partners. He reads through the list of names and as he calls out to people you watch your peers sit beside their assigned partner. About halfway through, your ears perk up at the sound of your name. 
“Penelope and Daniel are my next pair. Get working.” You scan the room for who he might be, but he’s already walking towards you. 
He’s tall, with a yellow t-shirt and black jeans. His hair is curly and beautiful, you almost want to reach out and see if it’s as soft as it looks. He’s built like an athlete, but maybe he’s just fit. His nose is gorgeous, too. It’s unique with a hooked end. How have you not seen him before?
When he clears his throat, you feel silly for staring. Scooting in your chair, you make room for him to get into the open seat next to you. He’s even prettier at eye level.
“Hi, I’m Danny!” He extends his hand to you for a shake.
“Penny.” You respond. “We didn’t get our prompt yet, did we?”
Danny shakes his head. “No. If I’m honest, this guy seems like he's a couple beakers short of a lab set.” You laugh at the comment and Danny smiles.
“I think he’s just old.” You offer, trying to be nice.
“Whatever you say.” He shoots back. “So, what’s your year and major?” 
“Freshman and English, actually. What about you?” 
“Sophomore and Education. I’ve gotta follow in the old man’s footsteps somehow, right?” He breathes a laugh.
“Oh! Does he teach?” You ask, tilting your head.
“He does. He’s damn good at it too. I always had a built-in tutor at home.”  
“Wow, that’s really special, Danny. I bet he’s happy to know that you’re keeping up the legacy.” Danny smiles and you wonder if he’s blushing for a split second.
“I hope so. I really want to golf, though. That’s where my heart is.” 
“My dad loves golf, but I’ve never understood it. I can keep up with everything else except golf.” You laugh. 
“Oh, well, the scoring is in reverse sort of, that’s the easiest way to think about it.” 
Just like that, Danny opens up to you. He tells you all about the rules and clubs and terminology. He tells you about why he loves golfing so much and why he’d do it for the rest of his life if he could. He rambles on for a few minutes and you try hanging onto every word. Your eyes flicker between his bright eyes and his smile and you find yourself getting lost in his passion for the sport. You notice how he uses his hands to speak and fixes his hair and scrunches his eyebrows and- 
“Alright, now that you’ve divided your duties, here are your prompts. They will all be based on The Great Gatsby, as that’s the only thing we’ve completed so far.” 
Just like that, it’s back to business. When the class is dismissed and after you and Danny have had time to discuss, he turns to you.
“Can I have your number?” He asks. Your heart skips a beat.
“Sure!” You respond, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
“Great! I’m free tomorrow if you want to work on the project?” He offers.
“Perfect!” You smile. That damned project. “Text me the details, I’ll let you plan since you’ve been here longer.”
“Cool.” He stands up, smiling down at you. “It was really great to meet you.” He says, meeting your eyes.
“You too! Maybe I’ll see you around later.” You say.
You slip your backpack over your shoulders and push your chair in. When you walk out, Danny follows you to the end of the hallway and rounds a different corner, but not before calling out to you.
“See you later, Penny!”
“Bye Danny!” 
Maybe this year wasn’t going to be so boring after all, you think, walking back to your dorm.
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talentless-witch · 10 months
Ever thought about my persona on the pfp??
Her name is Alice and she's supposed to be a puella madoka magica inspired witch, I've slightly dug some of the context to make sure its slightly accurate and see what's up just to end up making more versions of alice.
The simple explanation is that when this magical girl turned into a witch and realized so, she refused to go full on it, therefore she's just a blob at first, running away from being fused with other witches and being awkwardly anti-social, until later on as she starts to forget what she is and why she's there for, yknow the witch stuff.
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So she turns into this big bad ball witch, eating people alive, the add up is that she just happens to appear when people imagine anything, even fake scenarios, numbers and others so this thing eats their imagination and soul unsuspecting of it.
But literally centuries later she just turns back into Alice over some sad kid story thingy I will not explain cuz of post length.
Try translating the witch language here ,each one is their actual names.
Also then there's this.
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Idk what this is/J
When the witch turned to Alice, by this point she was powerful, so she pulled a 100IQ move to prevent herself from dying by magical girls with the complexity of their persona made solely from their genie wishes granted by some funny looking bilingual bunny cat interspecies that should probably be burned to death.
She separated her own persona and with it created two witches, (like if witches are so good what about witches 2???) Both managing the same exact labyrinth, so even if a magical girl yeeted alice from existence, they'd still have to find this other one and destroy it so its fully defeated.
There's a lot going on behind this ,so you might as well ask me about the lore through private messages ,which will probably change overtime because I haven't structured the lore quite well yet. Here's everything else.
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Here are the sketches.
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Fun fact: I didn't personally color jack stuff except for the eyes on the floating girl, the backgrounds and dandelions, everything else is literally stock images of fabric placed upon the witch so it gives the actual witch vibe. Have fun with that thought.
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kolchecks · 6 days
NAME.  soren anders kolcheck. DATE OF BIRTH. march 19th ( pisces, if u even care ) . AGE. forty - three. GENDER / PRONOUNS. cis man , he / him. CURRENT RESIDENCY. marshall island, south carolina. LOCATION OF BIRTH. new york city , new york.
EDUCATION. masters in education. OCCUPATION. high school english teacher.
EYE COLOR. blue. HAIR COLOR. dirty blonde. HEIGHT. 6’0. BUILD. muscular, he works out and stuff. y'all know what he looks like idk. TATTOOS. none. PIERCINGS. none. SCARS. one on his forehead , one on his left cheek, various on both knees from childhood.
MOTHER. solange byrne --— stay at home mom. FATHER. tobias kolcheck --—  new york stock broker. SIBLINGS. 1 older , 2 younger for more information, please refer to wanted connections. CHILDREN. various previous foster children, currently housing 4 teenagers they’d adopted. OTHER IMPORTANT PLAYERS. high school sweetheart / partner – avery kolcheck.
triggers: mentions of adoption.
born into a family that was crammed into a too-small two-bedroom new york city apartment, the family was definitely not without one thing—love. with a social worker mom and a dad who’s a businessman, it’s easy for things to get lost in the fray—they know that it’s hard, it’s busy, but their priorities are straight. mom around every day and packing what she could into her kids’ lunch boxes, dad always home by 6 pm on the dot. a family in routine and who actively liked each other. yes. the constant living quarters and getting on each other’s nerves didn’t help much, but it was fine. siblings got along as siblings do, parents loved each other, and that’s all it took. things were relatively simple, for the most part—family grows and so does soren. eventually, they moved into a more suitable apartment for them, on the outskirts of the city. his dad gets a promotion and suddenly he’s getting luxury things and being pushed from public to private school—the issues all the same, just covered up in more glitter. the experience didn’t exactly change much, but soren found himself in with the wrong crowd as he approached high school—sneaking out, smoking pot in the bathroom, the like. it felt like they were invincible—families are donors to their programs, never caught or too caught up in their own ego to think about the repercussions of their actions.
spending his high school years partying, not caring about grades, doing whatever he wanted. it was fun. it was easy. until it wasn’t. barely sliding by and graduating by the skin of his teeth ( frankly, his parents were only a little disappointed… ) , it leaves the big question as soon as the caps fly in the air: what’s next? his siblings had gone off to large, great schools — it was assumed that thanks to the new school they’d been brought to all those years ago, soren doesn’t know, couldn’t answer that. he and his high school sweetheart were too in love—or the high school version of in love—and when they moved to marshall island, he followed. what else was he supposed to do?
his partners days are spent with taking classes and learning the wings of the family business they’ll soon take over in due time, meanwhile soren is .. bored. he’s really bored. the idea is that he goes to school while there, and things work out from there. and they do! kind of. he tries his hand at everything: culinary, to programming, to psychology, anything that would spark joy. that he could be good at ---- his older siblings were already off doing god knows what ( but their parents were proud nonetheless, of course ) while soren was just there. yes, he had his partner – but he yearned for more. the idea of being a teacher kind of fell into his lap. taking one psychology class lead to taking a class about child psychology, which lead him down the rabbit hole of becoming a teacher’s aid — though that’s not where he landed, it’s where he started.
his first year as an actual teacher was .. a disaster. a elementary school teacher who didn’t know what he was doing, really, and janine teagues would have a run for her money. eventually, however, he got his footing — but decided maybe elementary school was not his match. soon to middle, then finally landing on high school. the teenagers tend to like when their energy is matched, and soren’s snarky attitude and laid back demeanor makes him one of the most beloved in the local district. it’s easy enough to keep an eye on his students ( and his own kids, in the halls — more on that in a second ) and to maintain a level of sanity when dealing with the youngins. it’s fun, honestly, and soren thinks he does his job rather well – he even has time to bother other teachers, much to their dismay.
rounding it back to the family, soren and his partner were married by 22 – and have remained rock solid ever since. they became licensed foster parents at 28, and have hosted a gaggle of kids and teenagers through their home during that time, including four they’ve adopted. there is something akin to jealousy at their kids knowing his partners family, who lives on the island, more than his own — he’s too prideful to admin that he hasn’t kept in better contact, and his own jealously rivals that of a forest fire when he remembers that they’re doing great things: owning companies, marketing firms, what have you. it’s hard to compare a mountain to a molehill, and soren knows this. and yet.
life is good for the most part: the kids are giving him grey hairs far sooner than he’d like, and the dogs ( three! goldens: delilah, daisy and duke ) are his “favorite” kids. goes out with friends every week for a round of beers and wings, catching up and making sure each other is good. soren is a father first – a big brother to most, really, and he can’t stop the constant need to check in and ensure everyone is alright. tries to keep his sarcasm and wit to himself… most of the time. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. overall, he’s sort of settled into his life. it’s easy, it’s fun ( sometimes ) and he’s happy. though there’s always that lingering in the back of his mind, that he couldn’t compare to his siblings … tries his best to shake it off, but it’s always a burdening echo.
first and foremost a very unserious man.
has a soft spot for a certain amount of people — he constantly is in dad mode and isn't entirely sure how to turn it off. gives advice even when not asked, and likes to tell people his 2 cents anyway. calls people kid and son and sport unironically. he can't and wont stop so don't fight it.
insecure to his bones, but tries not to let it effect him as much as he feels like it does. constantly trying to physically shake it out of his head, always looking for distractions. luckily, doesn’t have to go to far. i’m sure having a teenagers at home and teenagers at work to handle does the trick most of the time.
swears like a sailor, and doesn’t necessarily watch his mouth around kids. including his own, except on the clock.
wears graphic tshirts, but the fucked up kind — like the smoking animals tshirt and stuff. i'll find examples later, but not a king of fashion. probably does not dress very well and had to plan his outfits for the office, some three suits on rotation. in addition, i think he also collects random tour tshirts, especially from people he's never even heard of. and when people ask what his favorite song is by them, he makes up something totally nonsensical.
very indifferent about things. worries if he gets attached to so much, it'll all come crumbling down. keeps his cards close. 
dad rock fan. purely listens to dad rock actually. and the beastie boys when he’s in a really good mood bc brass monkey FUCKS. also unfortunately his means his kids are also like a miniature ad - rocks and his teachers HATE him for it.
chronically offline so bad it hurts. the kids comes home saying slang or something and he can feel the greys growing out of his scalp these days. not that his students are any better but at least they are semi - coherent and make sense when they use it.
SIBLINGS: or maybe just one. at least 30 + , i’d imagine them and soren are rather close, or could be the one who got the company and it all went to shit and they haven’t spoken really in years and it’s messy.
FRIENDS(?) : sibling figures? haters and lovers? him rolling his eyes so far back in his head they get stuck? exasperated big brother , annoying little sibling vibe. despite it all, he considers them friends. or something like that. 
ENEMIES: he has a big mouth and an even worse temper so this is bound to happen. he said something he shouldn't, maybe they did the same, perhaps a tussle over something stupid and trivial? maybe they caught a type of betrayal kind of vibe and now hate each other for eternity. 
more tbd.
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