#This is from Mathilda
degab · 2 months
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ostick · 7 months
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Clint and Mathilda from MOBA Mobile Legends Bang Bang
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justmwahstruly · 8 months
so maybe i made mathilda into a painting (thingy)
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the p a i n
oh my dear mathilda… such a sad summer girl fr…
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hishima · 8 days
they call it animal crossing because these animals are. crossing me
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alintheshitposter · 1 year
Justus Jonas ist ein sehr guter Standardtänzer.
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murderballadeer · 8 months
i love naming inanimate objects... my banjo irene my dulcimer barbara and my sewing machine edith are all lovely ladies for whom i have the utmost repsect
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starwarmth · 2 years
put in the tags your favorite baby names
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aerial-jace · 1 year
I love it when fictional or fictionalized women abuse their absolute political power. I'm always on the sidelines cheering like: "Go girl! Crush the pathetic bugs with the full weight of tyranny!"
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marklikely · 5 months
i feel like its a rite of passage to see léon being hyped up as this amazing movie so you watch it and then go hmm. not sure about the portrayal of preteen girls in this one. and then you look into it and find out all the awful shit that got cut AND what luc besson's inspiration for making it was and you want to chew glass
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deepseamuse · 1 year
I was going to ask you about your characters, but instead I accidentally unfollowed you... *presses follow again* There!
For your characters of choice, I say motion, stillness, and roots.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m familiar enough with Alexander and Matthias to answer these for them.
Hana is almost constantly moving. She cannot sit still, but unfortunately she’s also a bit clumsy. That’s what she gets for wearing things with such long sleeves, and then not even wearing them properly. Still, she walks with an immense amount of confidence and energy.
Mathilda is elegant and graceful, but you can tell that a part of her is always anticipating a fight. At times, it looks more like she’s dancing than anything else.
Takeo is very coordinated. Too coordinated, actually. He moves with a sort of smoothness that seems downright eerie, with no wasted movements.
As mentioned before, Hana can’t sit still. She’s constantly fidgeting, usually messing with her sleeves or hair. There’s almost always a song of some kind in her head, and you can see her tapping her feet to the beat of it.
Mathilda is also fidgety, but not nearly as much. She has the tendency to look around the room, keeping an eye on everyone around her. Also, sometimes she taps her leg like she’s playing the piano.
When Takeo is actually still, he really doesn’t move at all. This is not an exaggeration. It’s probably when it’s most obvious that he isn’t human, because if you pay close attention he isn’t even breathing. He just sits there, perfectly still until he has something to do.
Hana, Mathilda and Takeo are all intended to evoke a particular archetype, so this one’s actually pretty easy to describe.
Hana sort of blends together traditional Japanese clothing and a bit of a punk or delinquent sort of style. Think a sarashi worn underneath a haori that hasn’t been tied properly, plus some (intentionally) ripped pants and boots. It’s not a traditional way to wear it, but she’s not the kind of person who likes conforming to a norm. These are also a pretty good example of the kinds of things she’d wear:
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Mathilda, perhaps unsurprisingly, is intended to evoke the typical image of a knight in shining armor. If you know the Fate series, she sort of resembles Artoria, though with more proper armor on her lower body instead of a dress. I do like to draw her with elegant, flowy dresses too, as well as outfits based on these:
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There isn’t really anything too special about Takeo’s look, aside from him being rather unnerving. Ignoring clothing (because he kind of just wears suits), he’s meant to look beautiful in a way that just seems off when you pay attention. Skin (well not really) that’s far too pale, eyes that don’t quite look right… that sort of thing.
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zahra-hydris · 1 year
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good-beanswrites · 2 years
Headcanon time 
Echoes betrayal aus anyone? I usually love the trope of characters gradually turned dark out of desperation or disillusionment, but I challenged myself to write some that were specifically a flavor of "this was all a lie from the very beginning; I genuinely never liked any of you" because those hurt me even more lmao 
This train of thought stemmed from a fic from that horror zine about Duma Faithful! Lukas who was a traitor from the start. I believe it was called Smoke and Mirrors? But I'll double check if anyone wants it 
Clive -- There was only one witness to pass on the tale of Desaix's murder of the King. Of course Mathilda believed her lover, and Clair believed her brother. No one could have guessed that Clive was the one to actually do the deed, or that he and Desaix had been in on it from the start. They both could gain power from Rigel, and what better way to eliminate any opposition by posing to be their own enemy? Clive was terrified that the famed Sir Mycen could rally a force to stop them, so he'd hoped to get him close enough to kill him early on. Realizing that the villagers were a force to be reckoned with all on their own, he had to bide his time for the chance to take them all out at once. 
Mathilda -- ^^ It was actually Mathilda who killed Lima and set up the plot to fake a resistance with her husband. She had wanted to keep climbing the ranks: nobility, the general's wife, the Zofian queen, and as opportunities opened up, the Rigelian empress as well. She was never actually kidnapped by the enemy, but she had to meet with them to discuss the Deliverance’s intel/planning somehow. Extra angst if she's only using Clive for her goals, and all his love has been unrequited from the start…
Silque -- She was raised at a priority as a healer, but lost her faith in the goddess early on as she witnessed so much suffering and famine. She found Duma, and vowed to use whatever schemes necessary to help his victory over Mila. She was actually the leader of the group of brigands who "kidnapped" her. She set the whole thing up, which is why she was completely unharmed/unfazed after the rescue, and the bandits were so awkwardly obvious about mentioning they had a prisoner. Gradually, patients under her care seem to get worse instead of better.
Python/Forsyth -- The Deliverance realizes there's a traitor within their ranks. After a few information leaks/sabotages, Alm is stumped that everyone had an alibi at one point or another. The suspense grows to a final attack that makes less and less sense until that gut-wrenching moment everything clicks into place: there's two of them. They would just laugh that every single one of them fell for the stupidly cheesy poor-village-boy-dreaming-to-be-a-knight story. The pair were poor, and Duma promised them status and glory if they could infiltrate the Deliverance and bring them down.
Conrad -- He's not necessarily sided with Rigel, since he knows everything they've done, but he knows Celica is his enemy. She left him in that fire and promptly forgot about him. He needs to gain the throne to Zofia, to fix his father's mistakes and have the whole kingdom to himself. Celica is so focused on anything and everything else that she's willing to run to Rigel and abandon her people. "But I would never leave them. I would never go marching across Rigel chasing Mila, chasing some boy from childhood, chasing anything. I would make a much better ruler than father, or she ever could be." It would be awfully convenient if some accident happened to befall her before she could return to Zofia... 
Genny -- Her shy behavior is just a front for the anger that's slowly bubbling up within her. Still dealing with her mother's abandonment, Mila’s disappearance makes her lose complete faith in the Mother. Duma finds a way to reach her, though, providing the illusion of love and reliability. She's still meek around people, but one doesn't need a big personality to slowly sabotage her healing/caretaking of the group.
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good-beans · 1 year
(actually I would love to see your clive/fernand theory post if you do ever feel like finding it!)
Ah, I see you've found it already -- sorry if it was disappointing, I definitely remembered there being more theory to it 😅 I had this line addition too, but maybe it was in my mind like that because someone read the post then felt the need to tell me it was just brotherly love, and from then on I kept an extra eye out for evidence that proved then wrong lol...
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anothersmalllife · 2 months
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hexjulia · 1 year
lmao god, english upper class people... I was reading Mathilda, and there's all these monologues about the protagonist going insane from loneliness and not knowing how to act when she finally strikes up a friendship again; she has retired to a cottage in the woods and is essentially in hiding. All this time we're given the impression that she is utterly alone in that cottage. Much woe about the completeness of her loneliness. and then.
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what do you mean your servant ...? in your cottage in the woods where you were so utterly alone? that one?
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the-roo-too · 11 months
Hm????? What does that mean 🥺🥺🥺
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