#Trench Warfare
rednblacksalamander · 20 hours
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Living in the future kinda sucks sometimes.
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inkary · 7 months
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Commissioned be @ remnants_and_renegades on IG
A "Sniper of the Arcadian Mudmen slowly peaking through a the parapet of the trench to prepare to eliminate a careless enemy trooper across no man's land. The Arcadian Mudmen are dedicated trench warfare specialists and pride themselves in their skill without needless slaughter like their Krieger counterparts."
i realize she's more like taking a moment to breathe here on the picture, but this is what the commissioner wrote when i requested a blurb of text for the caption :3
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scrapironflotilla · 3 months
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Many men stick in the mud from sheer exhaustion toiling up and down and then just fall down and die where they get stuck and they told me one story of a staff officer riding who fell into a shell hole and when he got out he found he had lost hit watch and notebook, so he had the shell hole dragged and they dragged out six bodies of men who had fallen in and been drowned on their way to the trenches. Lieutenant-General Alexander Godley, 26/11/16.
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sonohtigris · 5 months
Me to my wife: Hey let's try bedroom role play!
Her: Ooooh what kind.
Me: well I was thinking the inherit eroticism of two soldiers in a trench the night before a push into no man's land.
Her: Omg, yes! You and me are just two soldiers on the front line away from our family. Most of our squad is young men and women barely adults who probably won't live to see 22. We take comfort in each other's presence as the oldest in the squad.
Me: I don't wana die alone and unloved, what are we fighting for are we machines. *slumps into her shoulders*
Her: *gently caresses my face* You're not a machine, not to me.
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mikufunfacts · 15 days
miku fun fact #8
miku is good for morale. if troops in world war 2 listened to miku, they might have done a better job at trench warfare.
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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French trench-raider in a gas mask (ammonia soaked rag) posing for a photograph with a revolver and a knife, 1915.
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cha-mij · 6 months
Imagine a third Plague Tale where the plot is forward in time and instead of the black death it's trench rats during the First World War.
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mock-arts · 9 months
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Cover for “The Other Kingdom” by @banhus for the @endlessbigbang
Fic and Art on ao3
In 1916, Roderick Burgess successfully summons Death, and Hob Gadling wakes up in the trenches alongside three dead soldiers.
Bonus custom divider
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blackboxfaxes · 9 months
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Assault my base I dare you
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scrapironflotilla · 5 months
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No one who has not seen and struggled through it can, I am sure, realise a bit what that mud was like.  It was a horror quite apart, quite unlike anything else in this war! Imagine a man, wounded on patrol in front of our lines, or during an attack, struggling a few yards towards his people, overcome by the sucking ooze, sinking, sinking inch by inch, in full view of hundreds of willing friends, not one of whom can do a thing to him; sinking and sinking, until, though he calls and calls for help, he realises no help can come - and he begs for his own people to end his horror with a bullet! Many a time stout hearted ones went out to help, got within a yard or two only to join in the other's horror, and a bullet is much more merciful, even if fired by a comrade. I know it is horrible of me to describe all this, but it is all part, or was all part of the war.
Lt-Col Arthur Floyer-Acland on trench warfare over the winter of 1916-17.
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A soldier wading through the mud in Gird Trench, near Gueudecourt, in December 1916..
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petterwass · 2 months
"Please come into my parlor", said the Funny Trench Warfare Jerboa, kindly overlooking her minefields and sighting along her prepared machine gun nest
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"Thank you", said the Funny War Crimes Jerboa, "It was very nice of you."
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dead-philosophy · 8 months
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support the cryptid.
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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Hans Larwin - Death Directs the Bullet, 1918
"Franz, for ze last time, lead your shots a little. Like this. Zhen fire."
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Concept art of WW1 trench warfare from the game Battlefield 1 (2016)
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wastehound-voof · 10 months
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weirdstrangeandawful · 10 months
They were on autopilot basically. Muscles tensing and relaxing in choreographed rhythm. As long as nothing fell out of rhythm they could keep going.
Except something did fall out of rhythm. Hand slipped off the handle, foot missed the spade, compacted mud turned briefly to rock… it could be any number of things. Honestly, they don’t know what it was. Just that the exhaustion had hit them hard enough to knock them down to the ground, like a discarded piece of… something tossed into the trench.
They can hear voices yelling. Yelling at them to get up. To keep going. But they’re too tired to turn and look. To tired to understand. Too tired to hear.
Too tired to breathe.
To survive.
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