#Victor Miller
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Friday the 13th bloody vinyl
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80smovies · 2 months
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stormiebreaks · 8 months
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Continuing the Friday the 13th goodies, I decided to try my hand at recreating one of my favorite indy comics, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. The official sequel to Freddy vs. Jason sees the slashers going up against the wiseass from the Evil Dead series and doing an amazing job of it.
Using another of the Jason Voorhees minis from the Freddy vs. Jason Horrorclix set along with one of the Freddy Krueger figures and my custom Ash Williams, I managed to take what might be one of my best shots to date.
Someday soon, I’m going to have to start making more dioramas to shoot my minis of because this? This shot really made me happy!
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mariocki · 1 year
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Jason X (2001)
"What the hell is going on?"
"Jason fuckin' Voorhees, that's what's going on!"
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roskirambles · 8 months
(Archive) Horror movie of the Day: Friday the 13th (1980)
Originally posted: 13th May 2022 As you may recall Halloween(1978) is a milestone of horror cinema. While it wasn't the first movie that fits in the slasher genre it certainly was the first massively popular hit, and it was done on the cheap. So it should surprise absolutely nobody that imitators started spawning left and right. Among them of course was Friday the 13th, a movie so brazenly put together that it was advertised when there was no production ongoing yet or funding to do so.
Telling the story of a group of teenagers that go to take care of a formerly abandoned summer camp near Crystal Lake, the film is the standard of what slasher films became: impudent teenagers having sex without care, and getting brutally killed by someone in the shadows in creative ways, but not before being warned by a mysteriously creepy guy that the place is cursed. It's a formula as old as the 80's and it got beaten to death in the following years, but there's a reason for that: it's very entertaining to watch. There's one ingredient missing though.
If you think of this series in the terms of a tall, muscular man with a hockey mask chasing people with a machete…that started in Part III. The original film? It has something more mundane, and it's either cleverly subversive or corny depending on the viewer. If you don't know WHY Jason kills teenagers in the first place across the series? He was left to die by careless camp personnel who where busy making out. As such his mother is who is going on a rampage here, driven to madness by grief. So…yeah. The obvious sexual politics of the film get even another layer
That's the thing with the original Friday 13th. It's rough around the edges and almost shockingly mundane after literally hundreds of imitators, let alone it's increasingly outrageous sequels. But you know what? It's still quite fun to watch, with decent acting and even some iconic kills this early on. And that's the charm of it.
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Miller left the Morris girl’s cell, leaving her sobbing and shaking as he pulled the door closed behind him, sliding the lock into place, and standing for a moment, a smirk across his face. A quick sigh, and he reached into his pocket to take out a handkerchief to wipe the red from his knife and hands. Snyder was convinced that the girl knew something, and so Miller kept on, trying to pry anything he could from her. No matter what it took. He folded up the knife and stowed it in his pocket and started back to his office.
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darkmovies · 1 year
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pedroam-bang · 1 month
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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
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hnn3ydew · 1 month
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Assortment of fallout drawings cause guess what I started getting into 🧐
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taylorswiftt1 · 29 days
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idontca3e · 1 year
Meeting you for the first time
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The moment he saw you his long time crush on Petra was gone.
If you're a rat:
It was your first day and it wasn't going well. People were giving you looks and you didn't fit in anywhere. You wanted to make some friends, since you're kinda friendly person despite your great fighting skills, but you were too scared to approach anyone. Didn't help the fact that you didn't have intimidating looks.
That changed when you met Billly. He was the first who offered you a warm smile and the only one who came up to you.
If you're a legacy:
Definitely admires you from afar while others rats tease him bout it.
100% wouldn't come up to you, in fear that you're as mean as your group/gang (what they called? I forgot)
That's why he's in shock, staring at you with wide eyes and open mouth, thinking your joking, when you come up to him and want to be friends
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Marcus was new to kd
If you're a rat:
He met you on the rooftop when Billly brought him there.
His first thought was that you are beautiful and he hoped that you could be friends
Well since you liked him tho, you decided to get to know him better, not caring what others would think
You liked to hangout with him. Both of you felt comfortable with each other
If you're a legacy:
He saw you in cafeteria, while Billy was explaining him about school
Billy noticed him staring at you and warned him to stay away from you since you were know as very cold and powerful. On top of that you were in a soto vatos group/gang?
Not gonna lie, Marcus was scared of you
So he was very surprised when you stood up for him when Chico was bullying him. Before he could thank you, you were already gone
You only stared talking in karate class, were you two were put together
After that you started to become friends, and he got to see your other side, turns out you're not as scary as people make you, you're a great person, and Marcus was the first person to discover it
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You're one of the deadliest student no matter If your a rat or legacie
If you're a rat:
I think that he usually doesn't even notice new people, but you catched his eyes when you got in fight on your first day
What surprised him was that, that being a rat you were brave enough to stand up for yourself, win a fight and put others in their place
Not to mention Lex definitely thought you are very hot
He wanted to introduce himself, but while he was thinking of a cool way to do it, you beat him to it, by coming straight up to him
That's when you two become friends. Your brutal but funny personality was something he liked very much about you
If you're a legacy:
No one dares to mess with you
You are a part of kuroki legacy and even better than Saya at fighting
Lex met you while you were setting up prank. Of course he knew who you are, but he never talked, let alone been alone in one room with you
He was amazed when he found out you one of the most powerful person In school were the one who set up all the pranks and never got caught (well till the moment Lex caught you)
From that day you became friends with Lex and others rats, not caring that your reputation might be ruined, since you could protect yourself perfectly fine, plus you got friends that actually care about you
Okay, so it's quite messy I'm not sure if I like it. Also my English is not very good, I noticed I use the same words a lot.
It my not be very accurate but that's what I imagine
Also can request something if you want to
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80smovies · 3 months
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ofsapphicambers · 3 months
does it bother anybody else that when nina is trying to break into victor’s safe she LITERALLY HAS THE COMBINATION IN HER FUCKING HAND BECAUSE FABIAN WROTE IT DOWN FOR HER AND SHE STILL GETS IT WRONG??
or is it just me.
because it drives me fucking insane - girlie pop!!! read the numbers right in front of your goddamn face??
“oh i hope you got this right fabian” HE DID BUT YOU CANT READ APPARENTLY.
rant over lol
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stormiebreaks · 8 months
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It’s Friday the 13th and October! Do you know how rare that is?! And to celebrate, you just knew I had to break out some minis to get a couple of shots.
A little over 10 years ago, @wizkids released a Freddy vs. Jason expansion to their Horrorclix set, crafting some truly impressive minis of this hulking slasher. It was hard to decide which Jason to use, but this one helps to recreate some of his most iconic poses.
I had a bit of a challenge figuring out the lights and getting them just right, but this shot just works so well.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Friday the 13th (1980)
"Oh, I couldn't let them open this place again. Could I? Not after what happened. Oh, my sweet, innocent Jason."
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lisamarie-vee · 5 months
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