min1nova · 3 months
I got a random comment on one of my fics today that was - aside from being wildly reprimanding - most definitely a reply to a different comment, only there was no previous comment. I looked in my mail history, there has never been a previous comment there that it could have been a reply to. Has ao3 finally lost it?? Maybe. Cryptid atmosphere. Contact my family and tell them the ao3 creature got me in case of sudden disappearance.
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[re; hatemail]
here are some songs that i think you may not especially enjoy
These fucking rule. That last one though. It Frightens Me.
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goodaysimymind · 1 year
I've decided to stop giving a fuck.(unless it's harming someone else)
If I someone tells you they can hear u sing defying gravity in the shower, own it. Fuck it. Live life completely unapologetically. If u wanna be cringy, please be cringy and own it. It's very brave of u
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aforgottenballad · 1 year
Before I go to sleep does anyone have the chapter covers of Yoite in different outfits than he usually wears. The "grandmama. it's me anastasia" one and the "staring wistfully at a globe" one. Thank you
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
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ah time for fraction aja hawkeye shrimp emotions again i see
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morn1e · 1 year
really fluctuating between killing every1 in sight who have hcs 4 my ocs that i have not talked abt&supporting them&going “omg thats so cool that u care enough abt my ocs 2 have hcs 4 them:)” bcuz ppl have no concept of being idfk normal enoygh 2 have boundaries or smth
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rain-bowxx · 27 days
Sometimes i feel like im.not human just a bunch of meat with conscience
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
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renemesis · 2 years
In the old people store having to hold myself back from buying old people sweaters
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 7 months
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💖As a hot girl , I'm selflessly selfish & always put myself first . I'm always mentally stable .I always know what to say & how to deal with bullies and toxic people . I know how to build boundaries and be firm with them I don't overshare with people if they are fake or toxic . I can easily judge people , whether they are a red flag or green flag . I'm bound to be good at everything . I don't settle for less and don't allow others to mistreat me .Its privilege to be my friend or boyfriend. its privilege to be in my life . If you mistreat or take me for granted , I won't take a second to kick you out of my life and make you regret it .I always take care of myself mentally , spiritually, emotionally and physically and I always believe in myself no matter what.I have so much confidence, self love and a great self concept and no one or no circumstance can take that away from me. I don't allow others to let me question my self worth . I always practice self control and discipline .I always surround myself with people who have winner mentality and people who respect & cherish me . I receive princess treatment 24/7 , not just by my adorable SP but by everyone. It's considered a crime to mistreat me. Everyone knows how I deserve to get treated like a princess 👸 As a hot girl , I have healed from all bad past experiences. I always make that are best for me and will benefit me .I always keep myself clean and well groomed .
🌷As a hot girl , I'm the main character of my life . THE REAL Y/N .I know that I create my own reality and I'm a true blessing to this world .I'm aware of the fact that it's my world and everyone else is just living in it . I have immense amount of self respect , self love which makes others love & respect me as well. I'm an ICON & I set the standards as hight as Mount Everest . I am suffering from Princess sickness where I feel happy & proud of myself & always get princess treatment 24/7, 365 days . I never chase anyone coz other are always chasing me LOL. I thrive in every aspect of my life & I have a perfect concept of myself & everything ( life , love , relationships, academic & prodigy ). I really love myself. My standards are as high as Mount Everest . My life revolves around me and me only . I always accept help & help myself & don't block my own opportunities & blessings . All eyes are always on me even if I'm in my pajamas& my confidence and energy is immaculate. People can't do anything but be near me . I don't attach myself to any thing , people or places. I define me , I don't want others to decide who I am , I decide that for myself.
👛As a hot girl , I'm AUTHENTIC, I say what I mean & I mean what I say . I have the APHRODITE energy . Me > Everything . I don't need others to validate my self worth. I am in my feminine energy ( less chasing, more attracting ) . I don't seek others validation or permission , I do what I want . I'm valuable to myself. Anyone who doesn't find me hot gets cancelled. I'm God's favourite & blessed. My charm is out of this word .
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imhotasfworld · 2 years
(Scorpio edition since all of this is about scorpio placements)
I think it’s definitely because of the Plutonian influence, but Scorpio women suit the long hair with straight bangs look😩‼️like that one girl nano from “girl grom nowhere”. Idk it literally makes them look mysterious and hot and very femme fatale-y. I must say Scorpio moons are hot,figuratively and literally.
Another thing with Scorpio moons, esp women for some reason too, get SO LOUD AND VOCAL when they are mad, they will go up all in your face and make sure their point is Across or else they will cross YOU☠️😭
Venus in Scorpio people are actually so hot like wtf, it has such a profound effect on their appearance, it doesn’t even have to be dark or anything Plutonian, they just look plain hot whether they realize or not, just this placement alone in a chart can give u some good amount of sex appeal♏️🎁
Honestly, scorpio placements, ESP SCORPIO SUNS, always stand out in a way, whether their personality, appearance, mannerisms,vibe, like idk they just stand out for some reason and like…. Yeah🙀‼️
This isn’t really an observation but ig it is for me… but I realize how much I’m surrounded by scorpios like… ik sm Scorpios like what.I heart Scorpios.
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4st7lbsremastered · 6 days
what.is metal face kash what dose it mean is it corpse paint?!
metal face as in i want a buttload of facial piercings & she aint happy w that
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alright real shit though, I wanted to try doing an art challenge, and I wondered what.i should do. I'm currently very motivated by @waveglox's Aoi series, BUT IDK WHAT TO DRAW?!?!? MONTH IS ALMOST OVER,,,TIMES TICKING YALL
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mako-neexu · 2 months
So the deaths of Guda's "Mom", "Little Sister", and "Childhood Friend" in OC2... are they all part of the illusory force trying to tempt Guda into becoming an Avenger, or is there subtext to infer that it may have actually happened prior to Part 1 of F/GO?
How many angsty AU fanfics do you think are gonna pop up because of what happened in OC2???
more like, they are all there for guda to get severely attached to and once they were killed by "that person", would start/make guda go through these trials.. i dont have enough information yet as i go but im already spoiled enough about the reason for why they were killed haha so i wont mention it for now, but i think there no subtext? from what.i have. heard, guda really did/do have in fact a mom, dad, little sister and childhood friend. they're all just replaced by more familiar faces of existing people we, the players know. as for fanfics... maybe the doujinshi section of fgo would be immense in the next comiket? www as for me, i already have some ideas haha
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cowboyslikeme · 4 months
Guys... Good morning.... What.is. going on....
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I think a lot of us are here to see how this pans out, engagement or split I think a lot will leave. He's done to a lot of us now. We just need closure 😂😁// this is the part I am worried about for him, the longer it goes at certain point ppl will break no matter the result, everyone is tired and exhausted, there is no coming back and like many says gp doesn't know so won't matter but its fans who promoted his work, biggest fan account deleted, many blogs and accounts left this will affect no matter what.i got into tumblr in November and I am already beyond tired,so I can't imagine for ppl who has been into fandom for years
Ngl, I'm worrying about that too. Especially if this shitshow doesn't end soon.
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