kermitspussy · 6 months
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me too bestie me too
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sexywolfpaws · 2 months
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creepycrawliess · 4 months
i just know this mf takes wellbutrin
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minniiaa · 5 months
I saw a tiktok and this girl was measuring her law figure by how many wellbutrins tall it was and I feel like that just describes how mentally ill both law and his simps are
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fullslack · 1 year
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hate me on Twitter
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oldshowbiz · 4 months
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catchy slogan
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jellypawss · 4 months
I'm finally coming off of my heart medication that prevented me from taking SSRI's so I was wondering what y'all take and if it works for you! Also interested in if you combine it with any anti-anxiety meds as well, thank you!!!
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atomic--peach · 11 months
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When people wanna shame you for being cringe, but you're on the Happy, Horny, Skinny pill and have forgotten what it's like to be self conscious
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thepatronsaintoffilth · 2 months
going to the psychiatrist tomorrow to get my meds approved and i'm terrified they're going to jerk me around like last time and leave me high and dry and i cannot stress enough how USELESS and SUICIDAL i am without this medication and i just really need tomorrow to work out and there's a basket of laundry sitting next to me i have to fold and i have to get my workout done and i'm just so scared
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actuallyadhd · 7 days
Please answer my ask if your feeling up to it. I suspect I had adhd so my doctor after a comprehensive review waned t to prescribe me Wellbutrin XR. I���m not sure if it would help or hinder me with side effects. I am also schizo effective with depression. I like the fact that it’s not the controlled substance type. Could you please share your thoughts on some personal experiences.
Thank you
Sent March 11, 2024
My personal experience with Wellbutrin was not great; I took it for one week and felt like I was About to Die for the entire time. Now, 20 years later, I suspect the starting dose was too high for me (this is based on my more recent experience with too high a dose of my antidepressant, and I tend to respond to very small doses of psych meds and feel effects from antidepressants right away, which is not normal). However, I know that other people do great with it.
Followers, what is your experience with Wellbutrin and its side effects?
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witchygaymer · 1 year
Me before the Wellbutrin kicks in:
Man my life is fucking worthless and we’re all just floating around on a big rock in space. Why did I have to do that thing 7 years ago?? Everybody I’ll ever know hates me. The only think keeping me from killing myself is that my cat would be sad and lonely and I would be immortalized as a failure to my parents.
After the Wellbutrin kicks in:
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monkeymeghan · 28 days
Yesterday Luna had her vet appointment. It went well! Everyone in the office loved her. Yeah, I know they probably love every pet, but it makes me feel good when they love mine! She got her booster shots, goes back in three weeks for a final one, and will be good for a year. I did confirm that I need to get kitten dry food, in addition to the kitten wet food I’ve been giving her. It’s ok that Luna is eating some of the adult food, but it’s not as jam-packed with the calories and nutrients she needs. The problem is that Oscar wants to eat whatever I give her because it is new and different for him. The doctor suggested getting a microchip feeder. Holy crap they’re expensive! But I found a site that was cheaper than Amazon and ordered one. The kitten dry food I ordered yesterday came today, so now we’re just waiting on the feeder so she can graze. In the meantime I’ll give her some periodically throughout the day.
Today I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. He’s really proud of me, says I’m “doing the work”. When I updated him on my trip to Baltimore, the job hunt, getting a job, etc, he was like “you have severe depression, you have severe anxiety, and look at what you’re doing!” (I’m paraphrasing that last part, it was that sentiment, I just don’t remember the wording.) That made me feel good. He thinks I’m doing so well, in fact, that he lowered my Wellbutrin (one of four meds I’m on). I go back in six weeks to see how the med change is going and to see how I’m doing with the big change of starting a job.
After my appointment I went shopping for work shoes and clothes. Tomorrow I’m going to email the store manager to find out my start date. I officially accepted the position on Monday, I’m just waiting to hear from her about my schedule.
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Oh I don't think I've mentioned here that I started on Bupropion (Wellbutrin) a little over a week ago for adhd symptoms. I still need to go through neuropsych testing but between my therapist and my doc and the fact I had been on bupropion years ago briefly in college and it had been the literal best year of my life, everyone felt pretty comfortable with the high likelyhood.
It's going pretty well so far. By like the third or fourth day I noticed some small things and noticing a few more as the days go on. No bad side effects yet. The first several days I had this weird sensation in my head, it's hard to explain but I'm now hearing that's not uncommon with adhd meds. It's a little less intense now but those first few days was really annoying.
Things that are different:
Definitely quieter in my head
I don't feel the need to snack for pleasure
I remember tasks a bit better
I can switch tasks a little easier
I get distracted a little less and can remember what I'm supposed to be doing easier. Kinda feels like my brain is using bookmarks or something lol
I can see how to break up a task easier. It feels like I don't see everything all at once to the point it's too overwhelming
Hard tasks are still hard but I seem less likely to spend all day on it and "scary" tasks get done a little quicker
Decision making I think is a little easier (again I think I don't run through/see everything all at once to the point of being overwhelmed)
Tend to notice a bit more when I'm tired
Doing routine mundane tasks without really thinking about them (see toothbrush - brush teeth, see dish - take to kitchen) Update: Why I had to stop taking Wellbutrin/bupropion
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violentpretty777 · 8 months
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renearatman · 4 months
oughhh they didnt tell me the meds would make me THIS tired
ive been drowsy all day and i woke up at 10, took a 3 hour nap and im still feeling tired
crazy how my psychiatrist told me like nothing about how the medication worked and just said "hmm it might make your blood pressure a teensy bit higher teehee" and also doesnt tell me it has. withdrawal symptoms. besides just making me depressed again.
are they allowed to do that? i feel like theyre not supposed to do that. and now my hands are shaking what the fuck did they give me
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queerpossums · 1 year
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image ID: a title reading “hot enby shit starter pack” with images below it. the images include a cute little possum, a dbt therapy workbook, an ed recovery worksheet, wellbutrin xl, a gc2b binder with a ripped seam, a can of original flavor monster, and the cover of the single “defend seltzer” by apes of the state and local news legend
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