#Xanu and gothi
artemx746 · 7 months
can people start obsessing over queerplatontic ships the same way they obsess over romantic ships
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biffybot · 1 year
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When this happened I instantly thought "Did she just rizz up a god?
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year
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Here’s a collection of Fool’s Gold kitties that I’ve sent in the Fool’s Gold discord
Bonus: Jack on catnip
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squirrelcurlsredux · 1 year
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"Why should I be the only one to suffer? I WAS BUILT FOR THIS."
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bookishnewt · 7 months
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These would make good reactions
(I swear all these faces crack me up)
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sasstrash · 2 years
Hey @dingodoodles that was an incredible episode and I can’t believe it was only 13:03 long. It was so good (Also tell Felix that the geode magic vibe for the forest is an incredible aesthetic and those drawings nailed it so well)
As usual my only way to show my love is through memes, Enjoy!
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Thank you guys so damn much for working so hard on this amazing series. 🥰
Also I’m going to start working on a slideshow about fools gold, hope I’ll be done before the next episode!
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stellarstarryyy · 1 year
This scene made me cry so hard anyways go watch fools gold by dingo doodles it's really good
Song: I'm Not Human At All - Sleep Party People
Media: Fool's Gold
Program: Capcut
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saintbrown · 1 year
When Foreclaimers Deserve To Die
Chop Suey - Dingo Doodles [Fool's Gold] AMV
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bartholomew-junior · 1 year
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comic practice with a dumb lil plot. i like playing around with these characters, especially fucking with sips’ design lol. i’ll do something better to appeal to the masses later, feel free to leave a request or something cuz i’m out of ideas.
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tromkehra · 2 years
Made this a while ago, like several months ago. I have been trouble making animations as well. I got news that my dad’s cancer has returned. Like of course I know the chances of return is a matter of when and not if. Still it’s scary, and stressful. Still I wanted to post this up, fanart of @dingodoodles characters.
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artemx746 · 7 months
”you’re… warm.”
“yeah, you’re warm too.”
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misterpseudonym · 4 months
wsg tumblr. i just finished watching the entire fools gold campaign series. i’m going to die
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sunset-mp4 · 1 year
shut up lemmy analyze the falling poses real quick
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it's what you'd expect from him. this dude is like the living embodiment of the phrase "scaredy cat". so him not being prepared for the landing and his hat going in the air- tracks really well.
firstly, shes holding her hat down; unlike jack. and she's also more prepared to fall. her pose emmits her charisma as well as also being decently practical. her arm is out and her knees are tucked (which isn't a good choice for the landing but its eh when you're falling.), arm being useful for balance and knees.. i don't have any clue there's a lot here that i want to say but i cant put into words it looks erina, feels erina, and is erina is the base of that. her pose is just.. her. you can tell. which says a lot on its own honestly.
dog that- thats all i got. dog..
i mean.. hes ready.. ..dog...
she probably has the most practical pose, as her legs are out for the landing (toes pointed may i add, which is good because landing on your feet flat is going to be way worse so land on your toes kiddos), arms out for good balance, she's ready. she's prepared. which i think says a lot. Physically, she's prepared. ready, she's the leader, she's the fighter, she's got this.. but then you cut to later episodes and she's having to go through her friend trying to commit a genocide, her other friend losing control of himself and helping that genocide, meeting her people and learning they're trying to improve but that's not going to stop xanu, and meeting the emperor of the foreclaimers who turns out to be the grandson of the same person who yoinked her face way back when. all of this you can't be prepared for.. you can't anticipate and yet. she's trying.. Physically, she's got this. Mentally.... looking at her- i.. don't know dude that's a lot- everyone needs therapy here-
saved him for last because i knew i woudl talk about him the most- Sips has always had the same falling pose; weightless, compact, and facing upwards. Not at the fall itself. instead looking at where he fell from. Yes this is accidently turning into a personality analysis i cant help it- but firstly i just wanna say: THIS IS NOT PRACTICAL BRO YOU'RE GONNA BREAK SOMETHING! but that honestly tracks- as sips has never really cared much for physical health in that.. state- cough cough t-rex death cough- he falls as though he got pushed off the edge, as though thats the end and honestly it fits him like a glove. he's always been on the edge of danger- of loosing it all. of loosing his control- his life- those he cares about. everything.. so falling off the deep end is just a constant. something that happens frequently for him.. It also shows in his body language that as he's falling he's more in his head than in his body.. since his pose is definitely not practical for the impact of a physical fall. but a mental space. He's thinking or contemplating about something as he's falling instead of thinking about the fall. which. tracks
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estella-the-star · 1 month
Theory rambling
SO a fair warning before we start, this will include many spoilers related to the Fool's Gold series
Also a bit of blood
And a lot of yapping on my part
Going a bit back to episode 19 and episode 20, you all remember these scenes, right?
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Well, I'm 95% sure that these two scenes are related. The person that Sips hurt whom he cares about is most likely Sips' mother, considering Dingo gave us this lore in consecutive episodes.
For background information, the scenes I'm talking about went like so;
Episode 19,
Xanu; "Like the event with your mother. So sorry for the state that she is in."
Sips; "You don't GET. To talk about THAT."
Episode 20,
Vicky; "Have.. you ever hurt people you care about?"
Sips; "Yeah. I have."
Vicky; "What did you do?"
Sips; "I ran. Like a coward. Cause I didn't know what else to do."
Anyways, when Sips 'hurt' his mother, I have 2 theories as to how it happened;
Either A; Sips royally messed up, whether with controlling his actions and preventing the curse from forcing him to do brutal things (assuming that he was under extreme emotional pressure since he might have just found his mother after having escaped the circus as well as Quinn-Ora) OR from controlling his magic/wild magic, and in the process of royally messing up, Sips hurt himself and his mother.
Or B; Sips was in a situation where he brought another person or creature that was attempting to harm him to where his mother was after probably searching for her, and when this person/creature attacked, it not only hurt Sips but killed/horribly wounded his mother. Sips, being the sort of person who struggles when it comes to emotionally supporting others (as we saw when Gothi revealed her face to Sips and he didn't know how to help her and instead sent Jawbone to comfort her), ran away because he was extremely stressed and anxious. Sips now blames himself for his mother's wounding/death, because he probably thinks that she would've survived had he stayed to help her or knew what to do.
Let me know what you think in the comments 👍
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Oh and here's some fanart I made
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bookishnewt · 7 months
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Never thought I would just love this character so much.
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