#a fucking ton of unknowns
*growls at the R for Epidemiology textbook author*
You may say that someone checking “refused to answer” on the questionnaire may be useless in your analysis (i.e., useless to figuring out “what age someone is”) and thus can be, without consequence, grouped together with legitimately missing data...
Depending on the question (c.f., “Does your gender align with the gender you were assigned at birth?”), you may find that “refused to answer” is heavily biased toward one subgroup or another (c.f., many trans people in a given jurisdiction might be rightfully reluctant to out themselves on a govt-issued health questionnaire), and furthermore, “refused to answer” might not only be heavily biased toward that group, but the “refused to answer” respondents might furthermore be a demographically coherent subgroup (c.f., trans people who cannot afford to tell the government that they are trans), IN WHICH CASE, depending on the goals of the analysis (c.f., identifying underserved demographics and determining the extent of how underserved they are), it might make PERFECT SENSE to analyze “refused to answer” respondents as a coherent and meaningful group, distinct from respondents for whom the data is simply missing (i.e., were never asked, that page of the questionnaire got lost, etc.)
I’m not saying this will definitely happen! And it would be a mistake to say in your analysis that you definitely know the reasons behind someone’s refusal to answer! But they may yet turn out to be a significant, coherent, or interesting subgroup, and you will never know unless you analyze them as such!
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 3 months
It continues to trip me up how much human brains are just weird organic computers
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#additionally wild that the easiest ways for me to explain brain stuff are generally in computer or video game terms despite the fact I’m#notoriously awful with computers (and to a lesser extent video games) although I won’t if my natural inclination would be different if I#didn’t have trauma related to computers/if maybe it’s the classic adhd interest based learning difference? unknown tbh#I still really wanna go to school to study people but academics is fucked as hell so making that work will be a personal hell for me#but also I have so many theories and data I can’t do anything super tangible with coz I’m not in an academic setting so even if i wanted to#talk about stuff and work on it no one would take me seriously w/o that academic background no matter how much effort I’d put in learning it#on my own for my entire life at this point it won’t matter if it’s not on some level acknowledged by an academic system I despise tbh#it’s one of those things that makes me miss my dad coz we used to commiserate together about these sorts of things tho he made it work far#better than I have been able to. i wish i could ask him science questions again.#anyway human brains are so fascinating but also I really wish I was better at explaining myself analysis of people I feel like I’m good#enough at this point to be like partway understood coz I’ve done so much practice on my own coz I tend to rehearse explanations ahead of tim#but its still often misunderstood or misconstrued & it’s understandable a lot of the time coz like most other people aren’t spending a ton#of their free time thinking about and researching how people work/analyzing those around them+themselves vs me whose been doing since like#I dont remember the exact time but I do remember being really young & making the conscious decision to study & analyze my family for example#so that I could be helpful & translate their words to each other better + ppl often don’t see things about themselves that others do#also forever thinking about the human brain/experience in relation to the sims & video game commands lmao#currently trying to explain save states in the human brain to ppl but no one knows wtf I’m talking about#& researching academic terms that are close to what I want doesn’t necessarily work if there’s no academic term for what I’m talking about#hence wanting to do the research myself coz sometimes it feels like there’s all this stuff that’s obvious to me but no one else?? from what#I’ve seen in recent studies they are only starting to scratch the surface of stuff I’ve already known sometimes? other stuff is older & it’s#VERY gratifying when it’s stuff I’ve known but not been listened to about & it actually gets the proper recognition#though getting ppl to actually listen/take what I say seriously is its own journey & I have to be careful myself bc I’m human so my own#understanding/data is constantly updating + I have storage issues so finding the data I have in my brain is its own struggle sometimes#every version of me is interested in people & I think that’s neat even if other people don’t understand that concept#sometimes I feel like an alien/robot whose sole task is just to study & support humanity & it’s very weird tbh
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phantomrose96 · 8 months
Thinking about Edward Elric as the Amestrian Military's specialest little unfireable boy
State alchemists can be fired for underperforming. We know this up front from the likes of Shou Tucker. And this makes a ton of sense from the homunculi's standpoint since the state alchemists are sacrifice candidates, and the homunculi would want to cull the weakest candidates and focus only on cultivating the strongest ones who stand the best chance of opening the portal.
........Then there's Edward. Who's already opened the portal.
There's no need to cultivate him. No gamble taken on whether he's good enough to open the portal. He passed the final test already. Graduated 4 semesters early.
And as such, has a free pass to do Absolute Fuck All.
And I'm imagining how funny this is from like an outside perspective.
Some newish state alchemist who'd only ever read up on the stories of Edward Elric, ready and excited to start their career of being paid handsomely with endless freedom to research and travel and do anything they want in the pursuit of science... surprised and confused to find themselves put on probation their first month for things like "ignoring orders." Which is, as best they had thought, a famous Edward Elric pastime.
Roy showing a slight bit of stress about his yearly state alchemist report, and Ed just snorting and rolling his eyes at Roy because every year HE just hastily does his on the train ride over (canon in the manga, a travesty it was left out of the anime) and it gets rubber stamped. Ed not realizing that other alchemists' reports get genuinely scrutinized and torn apart while Ed is free to turn in whatever absolute bullshit he thinks of 36 hours ahead of time. One year his report was about whether alchemy could be done via dance (conclusion: no it can't) and no one cared. Roy WANTS to tell Ed there's some kind of unknown favoritism around Ed making him literally bullet-proof but Roy has no way to phrase this that doesn't sound like he's just in denial and mad at how good Ed's train-reports are.
Guy from the Internal Amestrian Affairs sector who's responsible for auditing other internal military personel for any suspicious activity hitting about 1 million red flags for Edward Elric, issuing a STRONG and URGENT recommendation to suspend the alchemist pending further investigation into things like "literal bunk-buddies with two members of the Xingese royalty (enemy nation)" and "spent $10,000,000 of his stipend on a librarian to make her re-copy (what he seemed to interpret as?) military records in some extremely transparent effort to unearth state secrets (it was a recipe book but he was literally asking her about state secrets)" and "literally has never once obeyed an order, ever, not even once in his career, and is on public record having said 'I do not care about the goals and protections of the Amestrian Military. I am in fact only pursuing my own interests several of which are diametrically opposed to the safety and well-being of the governing body of Amestris'"
The issued recommendation is intercepted before it even reaches its intended desk. President Bradley himself has taken issue with it and denies it before a single set of eyes has seen it. The President's veto stamp is a terrifying hammer, used rarely, and it is now sitting on the auditor's desk.
The auditor sleeps with one eye open from then on out.
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dollypopup · 15 days
People don't give Penelope enough props for the absolute BRAVERY it took in asking Colin for a kiss!!! I am tired of the rancid takes of 'oh, it makes her look pathetic-' no. Penelope asking for that kiss is VITAL in her growth, and pivotal to Polin's love story. Some flowers for Colin, first, for having put in years of work into their relationship so that Penelope trusts Colin to the point where she would even dare to ask it of him, but flowers to Penelope for asking. She trusts him and she's familiar with him and she KNOWS she's safe with him, and she took a leap of faith. So much of Penelope's arc is hiding what she wants and who she is, melding into the shadows, putting on a front. She doesn't confide in much of ANYONE. Not even Eloise knew about her love for Colin, or her existence as Lady Whistledown. Penelope keeps so much close to the chest.
Which makes it such an amazing moment when she opens up with Colin. When she reveals what she desires, and when he responds with 'If you want this, I'll give it to you'. So in that scene, when she's heartbroken and sad, after she has written of her own humiliation in Lady Whistledown to circulate amongst the ton, adding her own name to her list of bullies, when she thinks she is well and firmly on the shelf, and Colin comes to check on her, and he won't allow her to think badly of herself, and he even goes so far as to bribe her maid to have a moment with her, she opens her heart up enough to ask him for what she wants.
And that is beautiful. It deserves props and recognition. To ask for what we want as women is radical, and I'm frankly sick and tired of people thinking she's 'pathetic' for it. Penelope is brave in this scene. She is brave and vulnerable and Colin is there to tell her that is okay. That it should be rewarded. That he will catch her and he is there and she is right to trust him. He is the safety net as she tumbles and steps into the unknown.
Penelope Featherington looked the man that she loves in the eye, and she asked him to kiss her. How many of us would have the iron spine necessary for that? Sure, maybe she thinks she's hit rock bottom, but she could have swallowed her truth as she so often did. She chose not to. Penelope Featherington, who only ever voiced her opinions on a page, anonymously, stood before him with nothing to protect her heart, bare-faced, and told Colin Bridgerton she wanted him to kiss her. That she wanted to be loved.
And he did. He did and it was lovely. It was a fantastic kiss, and in that moment, you can tell that she *was* loved. Is loved. He held her like she was starlight, precious, delicately grasping her chin, brushing her cheek; he pecked her once and then went in for more. That kiss had desire and longing and tenderness in it. It was gentle and wholehearted. It was them learning each other, the both of them flaying away another layer for the other to keep. Penelope asked him for what she wanted and she got it. And it was ultimately the catalyst for all her desires to come to fruition.
I feel like we as women are told we must be passive so often: don't be too loud, don't ask them out, don't look 'desperate'. But fuck that: Penelope is an active participant in her love story. She asks Colin for what she wants and he provides it for her eagerly. That kiss made him realize that what he felt for her was far more than just friendship, and it started with 'Would you kiss me, Colin?' and ended with him outrunning HORSES to catch up with Penelope so he could, on his knees, profess how much he wants her and how he can't stop dreaming of their kiss. She toppled that first domino. May we all be so courageous. May we all be so bold. May we all be so loved.
Penelope put her own love story into motion with that kiss. We should fucking applaud her.
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schwarz-san · 9 months
A Revenant for The Red Knight
Your typical Dp x Dc Summoning AU, but with a twist.
Jason is having a bad time.
The most of the family to be honest.
Why? Cultist. In Gotham.
One that worship some kind of All Powerful Eldritch Death Outer God from Beyond and plans to summon the Thing to this plane of existence.
The worst part? Most of the bats are being use as sacrifice. Wait no, the worst part is that Jason is the main sacrifice.
They did contemplate whether to use Jason or the Demon child, but end up deciding to use Jason instead. Something about being having essence of Death and the Multiverse in his veins and you know what? He's not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole. Nope.
The demon child is lashing out like the unvaccinated feral racoon that he is, Dick is trying to escape and so does Bruce as well as trying to make sense of the Summoning circle that the cultist were using. The replacement is snoring, the asshole.
Hah. Thats what he get for drinking five mugs of expresso instead of sleeping then gatting tranq.
Also, fuck Bruce for not calling Constantine or Zattana the moment they smelled something supernatural.
God, he hates magic.
The cultist started chanting by then, speaking in a language that no one understood—huh? Well look at that. He could apparently. He could hear them chanting in that unknown language and english at the same time, its over lapping. Weird, its like it was being translated especially for him since the others didnt seems to show any recognition with the words the cultist was using.
Except maybe the demon child, but the others? Nada.
"—Ruler of the inbetween, Heed our call. Defeater of the Dark Tyrant. Master of Space, The bridge between Every Realms, The Great One, The Balance—"
Thats a fuck ton of titles.
The circle began glowing green and fucking Lazarus waters began to pour out and thats not fucking good.
Pillar of unnaturally Neon Red Fire emerge from the Circle and destroyed the ceiling and shook the entire ware house.
A tall armoured figure emerge as the pillar of fire began to settle out. It was floating above the circle, looming over everything in a terryfing manner. Temperature began to rise as the being's Unnayurally white gaze fell upon them.
It was… a knight? A knight cross over a biker??? It also had guns which is weird and is that a fucking Bat Insignia on its chest?
Pressure from all side crash over them as the beings gaze intensified before vanishing all together the moment its gaze fell on jason.
After what seems to be eternity, the being finally spoke.
"Huh. His majesty was right, I really was that stinky and fuck up before he find me."
The knight biker then remove his helmet to reveal his own face with a domino mask with his color pallete just inverted.
The doppelganger then pull out his gun and began shooting down the cultist all against the other bats protest. One by one the cultist vanished in to tin air as if they didn't exist all together.
He snapped his fingers and the rope that tying the burst in the same crimson flames and vanished all together.
"What the absolute fuck is going on here?!"
Or cultist used kidnap batfam and use jason as a sacrifice to the ghost king to summon him.
They summon Alternate version of jason who is a halfa and work as one of Danny's Fright knight: Red Knight.
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sunflowersteves · 1 year
only for you || j.m.
pairing || joel miller x fem!reader
summary || there was one routine that you and Joel never broke, not even when the world goes up in flames.
author's note || a part two to singing in the shower! but also can be read as a stand alone. this was supposed to be posted two sunday’s ago but um procrastination kicked in. hope you enjoy <3
warnings || angst, some fluff, mentions of death, canon typical violence mentions, reader is five years younger, soft!joel, hurt/comfort, joel with wet hair, SMUT, vaginal sex, praise kink, soft sex, creampie, soft dom!joel, [18+ only]
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Joel wasn’t as soft as he used to be. 
His calm, gentle smile that shined when you and Sarah danced around in the kitchen, listening to Johnny Cash, had faded into hard lines and gray stubble. His movements were brash and jarring, almost threatening with his hard-set glare that bore into everyone around him. 
He never smiled anymore, not really. 
His lips would quirk slightly upwards in amusement from your insults to other people in the QZ that deserved it, or his lips would curl in delight from the safe haven of his apartment, but that was all you really got. You didn’t complain much, though. It wasn't like you smiled that often either. 
Only with him. Only with each other.
Instead, Joel tended to show his affection toward you in ways of touch.
He was protective—that much is true. Any time you had to leave the albeit protection of Boston for whatever reason, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. He would have his hand guiding you by the small of your back. His arm would reach out to stop you from walking any further to the dangerous depths of the unknown.
He always squeezed your wrist in anticipation of what was to come. He never lets you walk behind him, ever. You are always first. He would make hard-set rules with you on outing trips, despite the grit of your teeth from irritation. 
It wasn’t that he thought you couldn’t handle yourself. No, he knew that. He has watched you decapitate a shambler or two over the years. He has seen you take on about five men at a time and make it out with only a couple of stab wounds. He knows you can handle yourself just fine. 
He just couldn't bear to lose you. Not on his watch. He has lost a fuck ton in his life, and the thought of losing something that is keeping him on his last thread and something so pure and good to him—well, it terrifies him. 
You are the only thing that matters to him.
So, his only way of truly showing affection, to know nothing has changed with how he truly feels about you, was through his feather-light touches and protective manner. 
It was endearing, really. You knew he still loves, and fuck, did you still love too. 
There was one guarantee, though, through all of his overbearing protectiveness and crinkled wrinkles of menacingly deadly eyes that you knew Joel was still enamored by you. There was one constant—a routine that never changed. If there was one thing he could look forward to, it was that constant. It was you that he could rely on.
It was simple, really. It almost seemed stupid that there was one moment in time every single day that the two of you could count on one another. 
You both always showered together. Always.
It didn’t matter if the water was cold or if there was barely even any water, to begin with. It didn’t even matter if you weren’t in the QZ. Overgrown hot springs and vastly green rivers still counted as getting clean. The shower walls of your shared apartment weren't the biggest, either, but the two of you made it work. 
But that one constant that he could always look forward to was holding you in the shower and pressing gentle kisses against the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
He craved it.
Joel would always walk through the front door with a grunt after getting home from smuggling Oxy to some FEDRA soldier with Tess. He was tired, absolutely exhausted. He was like that pretty much every day, and he could feel his age catching up with him. 
You were sitting criss crossed on the beat-up couch, reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. He could feel something beat and sprout across his chest at the sight. You have read that book probably about ten times by now, and yet you read it all the same with an immersed furrowed brow.
He had gotten the book for your birthday a couple of years ago. He watched you unwrap the shitty old newspaper with animated eyes as you stared at the cover.
He could’ve sworn he saw tears on your lash line. You enveloped him into a hug—hands pressing tightly against his back to keep him close and you kept him there. You both sat like that for a long time. 
He always loved watching you read. He didn’t pay that much attention before everything went to shit, but now, it was his favorite pastime.
Your lips would lick the corner of your mouth in concentration, and your eyes rapidly scanned each individual page as if you were hanging on the edge of your seat. It was always a heartfelt reminder for him of you—of how much he truly cherishes you.
Before the outbreak, you had been a philosophy professor at UT Austin. It’s how you met, actually. You were grading papers in a coffee shop when you saw the two of them walk in. Sarah had begged him for a chocolate chip muffin, and since it was a special occasion to be in the heart of the city, he couldn’t resist saying yes. He had accidentally bumped into your table, causing the three of you to have a lengthy conversation as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
“Long day, handsome?”
His eyes focus back on you. It was like his thoughts had put him in a trance until your soft voice punctured the air. 
You were peering through the dusty book, and a ghost of a smile wrapped around your lips. He nodded, stretching out his hand for you to take it. You dog-eared the book and placed it face down on the couch. You took his hand—feeling the dry calluses and rough skin.
“Long fuckin’ day.”
He guided you to the cramped bathroom, and you squeezed his hand. He turned on the shower head while you took off your shirt and pants. A shiver ran through your body from the lack of isolated heat. He did the same, unbuttoning his plaid shirt and tossing it carelessly onto the floor. 
He stepped into the shower to place his hand under the water to test it as if he didn’t know that the water was barely even warm. He did it every single time you two bathed. Every time. It was all routine. 
You let him guide you into the shower, eyes noticing his own trailing down your figure. Every single day, he couldn’t help but look at your beautiful curves and supple skin.
He wanted to admire you for the rest of his days. He wanted the scene of you washing your body of dirt and grime to be seared into his brain like a farmer branding some cattle. You close the curtain behind you and watch as his eyes never leave you. 
“Pretty girl.” He whispered into your ear. You felt yourself softly smile—something you hadn’t done in hours, not since Joel woke you up with a kiss on your cheek. 
You let the feeling of him wash over your body and soul, his arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you close. He smelled earthy and bold, with a hint of cedar from his own musk. You could feel his chest fall and rise against your shoulder blades, and his chin dug into your shoulder—endearingly.
You let out a hum before untangling his arms. As much as you love these moments, you know you shouldn't waste too much water. You rubbed a shampoo bar into your hands and lathered them together to create a sudsy mess. Joel felt his eyes flutter close in anticipation for your hands to dig into his hair.
He lets out a soft moan when your hands finally grab hold of his hair. His jaw slacks open, and you try to suppress a smile from his relaxed state. Your hands scratched against his scalp to clean all of the dirt and oil off of him. Joel’s eyes were practically rolling into the back of his head from the euphoric emotions that sunk deep within his chest. 
His eyes snap open in disbelief when he feels your hands leave his hair, and you almost laughed aloud. He could see the amused expression radiate off of you, and he felt himself heat up—you never failed to make him feel a certain way.
You gasped as you felt his hand harshly grip your hips, but you saw a bright smile wrapping around his face that almost made you freeze. His smile. It punctured the air and made your head feel dizzy with delight. Your eyes rake over his pearly teeth and deep wrinkled lines on his cheeks. It was ethereal. He was ethereal. 
“What you starin’ at, pretty girl?”
You pressed your thumb into the crevasse of his dimple, and his eyes fluttered back closed. “I think you’re the pretty one.”
He lets out a small snort. “Not a day in hell.” His Texas accent was gruff against the planes of your ear. His hand trailed itself up to rest on your cheek, thumb swiping so soft and caring that it brought a bigger smile to your lips. “Ain’t pretty at all.” 
“I beg to differ, Miller.” His eyes crinkled in a smile at the use of his last name—knowing you were super serious now. But the teasing gleam of your eyes told him otherwise. “You’re too pretty.”
He clicks his tongue. “Too pretty, huh? Think I’m takin’ a run for your money?”
You shake your head in bubbled-up laughter—adoration spreading from your shoulders to your toes. Throughout all of the tragedy and suffering this world has put the two of you through, you are so elated to have each other. 
“Oh, handsome, you took it and buried it deep.” He rolled his eyes and gently pinched your cheek to get you to stop teasing. Although, if there’s one dynamic that never changed, it was giving each other shit. 
He lets out a huff. “Whatever you say.”
You gently guided him under the stream of water and rinsed out all of the shampoo. You cupped a hand over his eyes to avoid any product from stinging his eyes. You turn to pump some expired conditioner in your hands, but his rough fingertips halt you to a stop.
“Your turn, darlin’.”
═ ∘◦❦◦∘ ═
After Joel relaxed in the lukewarm shower with you, he always got a little soft. Even if the shower was no less than five minutes, you could always tell how much he enjoyed it.
It reminded him of home. It reminded him a little bit of what once was or what could be. 
He always stares—lovingly—at your newly clean body. He watched your chest rise and fall so gently from the calm atmosphere of your apartment.
His soft brown eyes skated across your figure with such love—such hope and elation. He felt like he was in pure bliss just from the exhilarated feeling of the thrill of your gentle touches caressing his skin. 
He felt whole in these moments with you. 
He watched you gently rub expired lotion onto your skin. Boston was always humid and lacked the airy feel of dry Texas winters, but the frigid cold of light snowfall always broke out your skin. Joel loved to feel your soft curves, and his hands would spread across your legs to relish in the feeling. He was obsessed with your thighs, too, gripping and nipping at them until you had to tug his hands away. 
You stood near the bed to find that his eyes were already on you—his naked form sitting on the uncomfortable mattress. His wet hair glistened underneath the yellow glow of the overhead light. He looked so handsome like that. The gray hairs poked loudly against his soft brown ones, and you watched as the water dripped down his neck. 
“C’mere.” You didn’t need to be told twice before taking your seat onto his legs—straddling his waist and your hands gripping his shoulder. His thighs were tense and hard, muscles flexing underneath your own.
“Y’smell so sweet—” He whispered into the frizz of your hair. His hands rested on your hips, while his fingertips squeezed around your love handles. “Could eat you right up.”
You looked into those grumpy brown eyes, and pure adoration sprouted from your chest and into your lungs. He was intoxicating in each and every way, from his rough exterior to his soft lingering touches that send love aches into your bones. 
“Joel.” You whispered.
You pressed your lips against him, tasting burnt coffee and of him, that lingered in your mouth. Your lips were molding together with each open-mouthed kiss and teeth clashing to be closer and closer. You could feel yourself start to squirm in his lap, and he had to have a tight grip just to keep you somewhat still. 
Your hands pushed themselves into his damp hair, spreading your fingers across each strand. You pulled gently at the base of his neck, and a moan vibrated against your lips.
He pulled away from you—much to your dismay—to reach and pull down your underwear. The material pooled around your ankles, and you anticipatingly shrugged them off. 
“Gonna take care of you, sweet girl.” 
You shivered from the suspense of what was to come, but you wanted to stop him from taking control. He deserved to be loved on too. He deserved to feel the euphoric dance that pooled in his stomach just like you did. 
You shook your head. “W-Wanna ride you, Joel. Please.” He let out a shaky breath because god, he could never say no to you. You could ask for all the stars in the sky, and he would give them to you in a heartbeat. 
He finally nodded after gaining composure and re-adjusted his hands to rest more gently on your torso. You could tell your wetness dripped from your lips and spread to your hood. Your walls ache and plead for the sweet stretch of his cock. 
You watched his cock twitch from your glistening cunt. He knew you were wet. He always knew. He could practically taste it on his tongue if he thought hard enough, but his brain couldn’t catch up. Not when you take your hand to position his length and slowly sink down onto him. 
He let out a groan as he listened to your sweet whimpers. “S-Shit.” 
You both stayed still for a moment while you caught your breath from the long stretch of his cock. No matter the twenty or so years you have been together, you could never get used to his thick cock filling you up to the brim. 
“Fuck, baby, feel so fuckin’ tight.” And you always did. You always hugged him completely and squeezed until your juices ran down his thighs. You were always fucking heaven. 
The gentlest of moans left your throat, and as if he wanted to capture them, Joel started pressing kisses up and down your neck. “Y’take me so well, darlin’.”
You grind up and sink your way back down, a whine escaping you. His eyes are glued to watching himself disappear inside of you—hands tightening once again around your love handles. “Goddamn, baby—”
“Fuck, Joel. Yes—”
Your thighs spread even wider as you snapped back down his length—the soft cushion of the bedspread flushed against your knees. “You like this hmm? Like bein’ in control?” His words slurred together, and he took in every snap and roll of your hips.
You nodded. “Love when you’re a mess for me, Joel.” Your head lulled back, and he groaned—sultry and deep as it hit your ears. “Yeah, Joel, Yes—”
Your hand moved to cup his cheek in the softest of ways and it made Joel’s brain short-circuit. He whimpered at the contact of your skin and the simultaneous rock of your hips. You could barely make out the next sentence he says because you squeezed his cock, and Joel became too drunk off of you.
“Fuck, d-darlin’, baby—shit—” He gasped and puffed—chest heaving from the pure sensation of your spongey walls. You started to feel that familiar coil wrap against your stomach, pushing yourself to find that angle. 
You started to lean more toward the side to grind and swirl your hips as fast as you could. You could tell the angle wasn’t quite right, so you tried again—gasping and moaning in the process. You almost wanted to groan in frustration alone when you still couldn’t find it. 
Joel just watched in amusement as you tried to find the spot he was always able to find. He almost didn’t say anything from your adorable expression until he saw the frown across your face. 
“You want me to help, darlin’?” You looked down to see a small smirk in the corner of his mouth. You almost wanted to say no, but you ground your hips again, causing the two of you to moan, and you gave in.
You mewled out. “Please, Joel. I-I need you.”
In one swift movement, Joel flipped you over so that your back was pressed up against the mattress. He presses a kiss to your calf as if it gave you any warning. He swung your leg right over his shoulder and thrust so deep inside you; you had to hold onto the bedroom wall behind you. “Fuck! Joel!”
“Fuck, you’re squeezin’ me so good.” His cock pounded into you, and he hit that spot over and over and over. You screamed into the night air and chanted his name as if it was the only thing on your mind—and it was. All you could think about was Joel.
“Joel! P-Please! Oh, Fuck—”
“Yeah? Gonna cum, sweet girl?” You couldn't even respond back to him because his thumb presses up against your clit, and your jaw slacks in a silent scream. “Cum for me. Please, pretty girl. Cum.” 
With a “JoelJoelJoel” and a clench of your walls, your juices flood around yours and his own thighs. Your eyes rolled back into your head as he thrusts through your climax. “Yeah. That’s it, darlin’. Look at you. Pretty thing.” He almost coos. He could watch you cum around his cock until it was the only thing he thought about. 
One, two, three thrusts into your sweet ecstasy, and Joel sighs out your name as he spills inside of you. Thick ropes of his cum filled your walls, and it caused you to clench once more. He pumped his cock to feel the sticky mess of his cum and yours as they swirled together inside of you. 
“So good for takin’ care of me, huh?” He joked, breathless. He pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
You fought the urge to punch his arm. Instead, you rolled over so your back was facing him. 
“Shut the fuck up, Miller.” 
He pulled you close and wrapped his arm around your torso. You reach around to squeeze his hand, causing a shadow of a smile to stretch his cheeks. You both always cuddled silently before having to take another, very cold, shower.
“Yes, ma’am.”
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Where the fuck did Pentious’ Eggs come from??
(A list by Angel Dust at 2 am at the bar.)
1. He laid them then did some fucked up shit to them.
2. Laid them and they came out fully formed???
3. Ate a ton of eggs, got sick and then shat them out??
4. Boiled them in some fucked up chemical.
5. Was trying to make hard boiled eggs but was just REALLY bad at cooking.
6. Some eternal punishment because he was a dick to chickens when he was alive.
7. He has a chicken trapped in the basement (do we have a basement?) that he forced to lay eggs for him.
8. Bought them at the store.
9. He died by drowning in eggs and now has the power to make sentient eggs.
10. He just really likes eating eggs and wants easy access to food.
11. Made a deal with the Easter Bunny.
12. They’re ancient beings that already existed and decided to follow Pentious of their own free will (which WHY?!?!)
13. They’re GODS.
14. Pentious turns his enemies into eggs, taking their intelligence (what he does with it is unknown, cause he clearly ain’t using it)
15. They’re robots!!
16. They’re orphans that Pentious found and adopted.
17. He stole them from some chicken themed overlord.
18. Really REALLY bad sinners (like Nazis?) become eggs as punishment.
19. It’s what happens when you give eggs crack.
20. They’re his imaginary friends (wait then how can I see them?!)
21. They’re high and none of this is real. (FUCK! You don’t have to throw something at me Husk!)
22. I’m not high but I AM mentally ill.
23. They’re what happens to bad kitties who say that “OF COURSE” I’m mentally ill.
24. Maybe they’re NISS’ kids. Cause he’s a spider. So he can lay eggs??
25. Wait. IM a spider. I could lay eggs! What if they’re MY kids?! FUCK I DONT WANNA BE A DAD!!!
26. Does this mean I have to pay child support?? Cause I’m broke.
27. Have I killed my own kids??
28. Do I need a lawyer?
29. How does Husk feel about being a step father?
30. Fuck I really need to go to bed. Or do crack.
31. Kid, what the FUCK is this list??
525 notes · View notes
nouvellevqgue · 6 months
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
summary: sometimes, hidden love without sign is just unknown
req: Maybe a smau for Charles Leclerc x Reader but he’s with Alexandra and everyone wants them to like get tgt and she like posts stuff that’s like telling him to break up with her and at the end he breaks up with Alex and they end up tgt
face claim: olivia rodrigo
warning: complicated relationship, complicated storyline, charles being nonchalant abt his feelings, slipping out on ig story as usual (not him), cliffhanger ending
a/n: it's been going on for a way too complicated, and actually i'm not too satisfied with this. but i will make a part two of it.
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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liked by charles_leclerc, lailahasanovic, and 520,143 others
yourusername 🥦🌱⛳🍵☘️
👤: nbcsnl
view comments...
username damn green looks good on you
astonmartinf1 😌☘️
username oh no aston martin commented, does this mean...
⤷ username nah don't
username your performance was good omg wish i was there😭😭
tatemcrae wish you were here
tatemcrae miss you real bad
⤷ yourusername miss you too baby<3☹️☹️
username okay laila i can tell, but charles i don't know
⤷ username laila and mick are her friends, she definitely know charles and vice versa 🤷🏼‍♀️
⤷ username but still bcs it's quite sus
lailahasanovic that fur coat is top tier i want it
⤷ yourusername same honestly😭
username poor alex she deserves better☹️
username he should've be with her fr i mean HIS INTERVIEW???
⤷ username he's a fan alright, and so do we
⤷ username y/n belong to charles. period
username i'm hoping that she's aware with these comments and ended up making a crazy songs about alex and building a tons of gossips around the paddock. it's gonna be so much fun oml
louispartridge grinch
⤷ yourusername elf
scuderiaferrari 🥴❤️
⤷ username ok fuck now ferrari commented i know it's complicated
yourusername added to their story!
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caption: he ain't wrong, this kinda looks like a grinch. thanks louispartridge for the reminder.
replying to: yourusername 's story
still with louis?
replying to: charles_leclerc
you know there's nothing between us
and how about you and alex? are you still with her or something?
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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liked by charles_leclerc and 781,290 others
yourusername i only speak truth 🗣️
view comments...
bradmondo slaying natural look as usual
⤷ username i thought it was brad pitt for a sec💀💀
username new album when?
username new song when
username she's so stunning
username mother slayed as always
florencepugh i miss our kitchen fight😔
⤷ yourusername sameeee😭😭
louispartridge you forgot your sunny
⤷ yourusername i already edit it on photoshop
⤷ username omg louisy/n interaction is real😍
⤷ username say that to yourself shipping y/n and charles
⤷ username you see how charles is here now huh
⤷ username what she just a random selebgram
⤷ username WDYM RANDOM SELEBGRAM??????????
lancestroll hey come get your man he won't answer my call after last night
⤷ username what last night
⤷ carlossainz55 lancestroll you know she has a private account right?
⤷ landonorris nothing happened last night, everyone goodbye
⤷ username that's not a proper goodbye and you know it lando
⤷ username something happened and twitter are still cold...
⤷ yourusername 😐
⤷ landonorris how about we set up a barbeque party?
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt and 470,511 others
yourusername babysitter for hire
view comments...
username i know but we need a break up song rn
username tell me she's in love and hiding it (she's bad at hiding her feelings)
liked by charles_leclerc
username but tbh i don't believe if her album is about love. and if it is, some songs are definitely about her prev break up
username can y'all just enjoy her content?
username petition for taylorswift to invite her to be in eras tour
isahernaez mi linda hermanita😍🥰
sabrinacarpenter can't believe you bought the american girl
⤷ yourusername should've bought the british girl then
⤷ sabrinacarpenter monaco girl
comment has been deleted
⤷ username what the fuck i'm heading to twitter rn
username what is this sabrina and y/n???????? having a conv without starting a war??
irisapatow the bff cupcake is true but there's no me, so i claim it as a false
⤷ yourusername no u no probs 😎
⤷ irisapatow 🖕🏻
username after she release sour, i think it's time to do sweet yourusername?
⤷ yourusername i'll do bitter instead.
username charles with alex, there ain't no way
⤷ rachelzegler please take the truth
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
yourusername and vogue
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vogue aspiring singer y/n l/n is sharing her thoughts about her newest single, ‘all-american bitch’ and about her rumoured love triangle between the formula one driver, charles leclerc, and enola holmes actor, louis partridge.
view comments...
iamrebeccad pretty baby 🤩
⤷ username now rebecca's here, is this not enough for yall to think that charles is with her rn
⤷ username c'mon that is innocent, she just supporting her💀
username mother is back photoshooting y'all
username charles break up with alex challenge
username pls just be with charles
username wdym she's great with louis
username she's literally so stunning omg
charlottesiine 👑
⤷ yourusername no u 👸🏻
⤷ username mothers interacting
⤷ username green light from cha everybody
⤷ username she literally said like, "just get him girl"
sabrinacarpenter added to their story!
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caption: what a (real) american bitch should look like:
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
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₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
charles_leclerc and meta
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liked by charles_leclerc, zuck, and 148,790 others
meta charles_leclerc and our camera glasses is going out karting in los angeles🥳🏁
view comments...
username literally 🤓
username akshually ☝️🤓
username he is not maxplaining so relax
carlossainz55 you see the early comments? AJAJAJAJAJAJA
⤷ charles_leclerc i tried my best and you just be like this? what is this kind of teammate
yourusername hello you standard office worker
meta pretty nerdy✨
username but he looks so good in it tho
username y/n 🤝 carlos = saying he looks nerdy without saying he looks like it
username girl wym is that🫵🏻😭
username who's p1?
⤷ landonorris a W meta worker
⤷ charles_leclerc lie
⤷ landonorris no no don't try, because i'm there too
⤷ yourusername beaten by a morker
⤷ charles_leclerc it's not him, and what is a morker
⤷ yourusername meta worker🤓
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f1wagsupdate charles rumoured (second) girlfriend, y/n, is seen leaving a local cafe in los angeles yesterday with a mysterious man with a tan hoodie and a sunglasses. sources said that she is keeping her relationship strict with privacy.
view comments...
username she's off with louis and now she's with another man?? why is she so childish?
username how old is she why is she looks so damn short?
username bet it's louis they're reconciling
⤷ username keep dreaming girly i'll wake u up
username nonono it's charles i know
username for the love of god she hasn't breaking up with louis yet pls stop
username god forbid her to have a male friend
username they WERE friend PLEASEEEE😭😭
username literally manifesting that it'll be charles
username but if it's charles, what abt louis? will he get his own sad album?
⤷ username i think it's charles who will get the song/album
username get over it guys she's literally a child
username she's mature enough to stay with one especially when it's THE louis partridge
username idc with the rumours but she looks good with her fits
⤷ yncloset slayed as always
username no but shush do you realize charles' partnership with meta is also in la
⤷ username wait yeah but idc i don't want to trace the line
joris__trouche added to their story!
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₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
yourusername is added to their story!
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caption: what the fucks happening
924 notes · View notes
lotomber · 5 months
Hear me owwwwt pm! Dazai with a teen mom reader (17 or 18?) and he became a an AMAZING stepfather but when bio dad comes demanding custody he insults dazai for only being the stepdad and not the bio dad….(I think dazai would beat the shit out of him lmaooo) BUT ALSO he decides to put a baby in YOU just to show everyone his sperm is better.
Dazai with a teen single mom!
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T/W: Nsfw, explicit content, Teen mom Reader!(18y/o), Pm! Dazai, Shitty ex!, teenage pregnancy, rough sex, piv, semi public sex, voyeurism, breeding kink, creampie, mentions of murder, not proof read!
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It was hard being a single mother moreover when you were a teenager. Your boyfriend went MIA when you told him you were pregnant. You met Dazai when you were working part time and he was instantly drawn to you, something about you mesmerized him. It didn't took him long to befriend you and how could he leave you alone when you told him about how you work alone to take care of your toddler? He instantly offered to help you, you hesitated at first but contrary to your worries he was a loving partner and an amazing father to your daughter 'Hana'. He spoils her rotten, buys her tons of clothes and toys (afterall mafia pays him well), makes sure to pick her up from playschool when you are busy, and he just loves to play with her. One thing he really loved about Hana was the fact that she absolutely resembled you not her shitty father. At first it just started with his simple interest in you but as he spend more time with you and Hana he would desperately wish that you three could be a family forever, something he never thought he could have. And how could you not fall for him when he always did more than you could have ever asked for?
But all shit fell down when your ex came back crawling demanding custody of your daughter. You told him that your daughter only has one father and that is Dazai. But he just scornfully told Dazai that he was just being a stupid cuckold cause he's not even biologically her father and no matter what he will just remain a stranger. You were distraught by his shamelessness but you trusted Dazai when he told you he would handle this.
"Aah Sa-Samu slow down" But you didn't knew it would involve you bending over table in his office while his cock mercilessly pumps in and out of your tight cunt. How did you even get in this situation?
After dropping off Hana at playschool you got a call from Dazai asking you to come at his office. You thought it was weird cause he never really called you to his office. But as soon as you reached there he just bended you over his table, lifting your skirt to your waist while sliding your panties down to your knees. He pushes his whole length with one thrust filling you to the brink. You moan sharply and gasp for breathe as his pace does not falter.
"F-fuck donna you're so tight, so pretty f'me, just f'me." he grunts. You scratch the mahogany trying to gain some stability as the pleasure was overwhelming you. You try to muffle your voice but of course Dazai's didn't liked it so gave he gave a particular hard thrust making you scream.
"S-shit bella, so warm and tight, you want my seed right? I'm gonna knock you up full of my seeds!" you couldn't even comprehend what he was saying at this point anymore as you feel the familiar knot in your stomach and with a few more rough thrusts you came all over him.
"You like it bella don't you? I'm sure hana would also like a little sibling hmm right?." He grunts as there was a weird thumping noise from the back closet in the office. He increased his pace ramming more harshly than before as room is filled with the Squelching noises of your pussy and his wet balls. You feel him twitching as he shoot thick ropes of cum inside you. You gasp from the overstimulation as he keeps pumping his cock making sure you take his load well and it doesn't spill out.
All while you were unknown to the fact that your ex was stuffed in the back closet of Dazai's office. Before calling you over to his office he tied and gagged him, stuffing him in the closet. Why? Of course because dazai had to show your ex who you belonged to and that you will bear his children for him. He made him listen all this on purpose to remind him of his place before disposing him from this world.
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Tags: @mberxo, @xxcandlelightxx
A/n: anyone who wants to join my taglist can send in an ask!
This supposed to be a drabble but it came out longer than expected anyways hope you enjoy it nonie! <;3
549 notes · View notes
I Guess So
summary: butcher is furious when he learns you’re a supe.
pairing: billy butcher x female supe!reader
rating: R for language
word count: 4.3k
warnings: language, butcher being a complete asshole, cancer
timeline: set in an au after season 3 — in a world where becca doesn’t exist and butcher got into supe-hunting when his sister went missing.
author’s note: when i reference the flash/barry allen i’m picturing grant gustin, not ezra miller lol
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It was a quiet day in the office. Everyone was going through the several boxes of information on Vought that they had gathered at the last hospital they investigated.
“Jack pot!” Hughie exclaimed.
“What’d you find?” MM asked from across the room, head still down as he stayed focused on the box he was working on.
“There’s tons of names here of babies Vought dosed,” Hughie said. “And pictures of them now, looks like they were keeping tabs on the ones that didn’t go great.”
“Makes sense,” MM replied. “If one went off the rails they’d wanna know.”
“But why risk it?” Annie wondered out loud. “Why would Vought want these Compound V babies out there if they didn’t respond well to the serum?”
“Yeah, knowing Vought it’d make more sense to round ‘em up and put ‘em down,” Frenchie said.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Hughie’s eyes widened a little as his brows furrowed. “Uh, Y/n? Do you have a twin?”
“No, why?” you asked half-heartedly, buried deep in the box you were looking through. You had found some info on Temp-V and were hoping there was something in there that could help Butcher.
You were confused as to why Hughie hadn’t answered you so you looked up from your desk. Hughie was now standing at Annie’s desk as she read over the papers he’d just handed her. Frenchie and Kimiko looked up from their desks but didn’t bother going to see what all the fuss was about.
“Uh, MM,” Annie called him over. When he saw what Annie and Hughie were so freaked out over, his eyes widened.
“Holy fucking shit,” MM mumbled before he glanced at you. Annie tapped his arm a little and pointed at something written near the bottom of the page.
“What’s wrong you guys?” you asked, even though you had an idea about what they could be looking at.
You thanked your lucky stars Butcher had left to get lunch for the team, even though you knew you’d have to confront him about it at some point. It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t mean to keep it from him! But you were putty in his fucking hands and when he said he didn’t like Supe’s you weren’t gonna tell him what you had coursing though your veins. And after the ‘I love you’s had been said it seemed too late.
“Anything you wanna tell us, Y/n?” MM asked.
“Please don’t tell Butcher,” you said.
“‘Don’t tell Butcher’? Seriously, Y/n? You’re sure that’s what you wanna say?” Annie asked, silently begging you to just come clean.
“Don’t tell me what?” Butcher stepped into the office and you stood up quickly. “What’re you guys all looking at?”
He put down the food and took a few steps closer to where MM, Hughie, and Annie were. Before MM could move the papers around and help you keep your secret a little longer, Butcher grabbed what he was holding and started reading. By the time he finished, angered tears were forming in his eyes before he looked at you.
“You’re a fucking Supe?” Butcher asked you through gritted teeth. You stayed silent, completely frozen as he stormed over to you, papers still in his hand. “Fucking answer me!”
“Y-Yes,” you said quietly, unable to look him in the eyes as he towered over you. (He wasn’t that much taller than you, but right now you felt about two feet tall and didn’t dare look up at him.)
“What’s this mean?” He pointed to a note at the bottom of the pages. “‘Full power unknown’? ‘Extremely dangerous’?” he read. “What the fuck are your powers, Y/n?”
“Billy, please-”
“Oh, no, no, no! Don’t fucking dare Billy me! Answer the goddamn question!”
“I can sometimes run really fast,” you mumbled
“The fuck you mean, ‘sometimes’?”
“The Compound V in my system randomly acts up and I can run like the Flash. It’s always temporary, never lasts longer than a day or two.” (You could’ve used A-Train as an example instead of Barry Allen, but given your audience you made the right call.)
Butcher looked at you and for a second you thought he might just pull you into a hug as tears slipped down your cheeks as well as his.
“Fuck you,” he spat. “How dare you fucking lie to me, about this of all fucking things!”
“I-I’m sorry-”
“Sorry don’t fuckin’ cut it, love,” he said, teeth clenching again.
“Please, Billy I love you so fucking much!” You tried taking his hand in yours.
“No!” He pulled his hand back. “You fucking lied to me.”
“I had to! You said you hated Supe’s and I didn’t want you hating me!”
“Good job with that,” he scoffed, hurt flashing over your features. “Fuck you.”
He turned away from you before leaving the office, ignoring the others as they asked him where he was going.
MM was the first to talk to you about the whole ordeal; he went to your apartment that night to see how you were doing.
“Hey,” you said as you opened the door. He pulled you into a quick but tight hug.
“You could’ve told me, you know,” he whispered before pulling back to look you in the eyes. “I’m sorry about Butcher, has he talked to you since?”
“No,” you shook your head, “but he, uh, I think he’s done with me.”
“I’m sure he just needs time,” he tried to assure you as you both walked to the couch before sitting down.
“He came by and got all his stuff, MM,” you said. “It must’ve been right after he stormed out of the office because when I got home all his shit was gone and the key I gave him was on the nightstand.”
“Fuck,” MM mumbled. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“It’s my own fault, I should’ve fuckin’ told him.”
“Yeah, but he’s always saying shit about Supe’s,” he countered. “He has to understand why you wouldn’t tell him.”
“But I’m not even technically a real Supe! When I’m not fast all I get is the bad side effects of Compound V—headaches, nausea, blurred vision—it fucking sucks!”
“I gotta ask, did Butcher really never notice?”
“He did, I just never told him the real reason. He was worried about my headaches and even asked me to see a doctor. I told him I did and they said it was nothing serious. I think that’s why he’s so mad at me; it’s not the Compound V, it’s the fact I’ve lied to him so fucking much.”
“I think he’s gonna get over it,” MM said. “I think he’s gonna realize how fucking miserable he is without you and just how happy you make him.”
You scoffed a little, “Don’t give me false hope.”
“I’m serious! You didn’t know pre-you Butcher! He was a complete asshole! Now? He’s… Well, he’s still an asshole but he’s not as annoying as he used to be.”
“Oh yeah.” He nodded. “I remember when I first caught on that he liked you; he’d try not to raise his voice, he’d make room for you to sit next to him on the couch, so many little things about him changed whenever you walked into the motherfuckin’ room.”
“He wasn’t like that before?” You smiled, feeling those familiar butterflies over the thought of Billy fucking Butcher having a crush on you.
“Never!” MM assured you. “You need to give him time and space right now, but I know he still loves you.”
The next morning you went to work, not knowing what else to really do. If Butcher didn’t want to see you, he didn’t have to come in.
When you got there and saw him at his desk (which was now moved a few feet further from your own) you knew you made a mistake.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Butcher asked.
“She’s part of the team,” Hughie said.
“Come off it! She fucking lied to all of us! She’s a fucking Supe!”
“And we get why she lied!” Annie came to your defense.
“A Supe defending another Supe, what else is new?” he grumbled.
“Butcher,” Hughie warned.
“Alright, let’s take a fuckin’ vote, how about?” Butcher suggested.
“Sure,” MM said. “All those in favor of Y/n staying on the team?” He raised his hand as Hughie, Annie, Frenchie, and Kimiko did the same.
“Five against one,” Frenchie commented.
“Supe’s don’t get a fucking vote,” Butcher said.
“Still three against one,” MM replied. “She’s staying on the team.”
“Butcher-” you started but he cut you off.
“Stay the hell away from me,” Butcher told you. “Don’t you fucking talk to me or touch me or even fucking look at me!”
It was a couple days later and you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee when Butcher walked up beside you, clearly wanting coffee as well. You decided you weren’t gonna move from where you stood in front of the little coffee station MM had set up a few months ago. If you stood your ground, Butcher would either have to ask you to move or push you out of the way.
He was getting impatient as you stayed and took a sip of your fresh cup of coffee. You let out a content sigh hoping it would further aggravate him and cause him to say something, anything to you—he’d managed to successfully give you the silent treatment since his angry voting speech.
“Get the fuck outta the way,” he said and you took a step to the side before he instantly went to pour himself a cup.
You were about to gloat a little but when you looked at his face you could tell he hadn’t slept the night before.
“How’d you sleep last night?” you asked, genuinely concerned as you furrowed your brows and turned to look at him more intently.
“Fuckin’ great, I didn’t have a Supe sleepin’ next to me,” he countered. “And don’t fuckin’ talk to me, if it was up to me you woudln’t still fuckin’ be here.”
“So you’d really be okay with me just getting the hell outta here? Never seeing me again?” you asked.
“Drop fuckin’ dead for all I care!” He shrugged a little and took a sip of his coffee before he finally turned to look at you.
“Huh.” You nodded, tears quickly flooding your eyes. “You know what,” you shook your head a little, “fuck you, Butcher.”
“What, now you bruise easy?”
“I have put up with so much shit from you. I have stayed with you through it all and I have proved to you time and fucking time again that I genuinely love and care about you. But this one thing you can’t let go? This one, stupid thing that was given to me without my fucking consent?”
“You lied to me, Y/n!”
“You’ve lied to me, too! You looked me in the eyes and said you weren’t gonna take Temp V then you fucking took it! And what did I do? I stayed up with you all fucking night as you hurled green shit into the toilet! Then you promised you wouldn’t take it again, but you did. And I was angry, but I loved you and I realized you were just doing what you thought was right so again I stayed with you as you puked. I even fucking kissed you after you barely rinsed your mouth out because I just wanted you to know I loved you!” You continued looking at him as his angered expression slowly softened. “And after you learned about the cancer?
“After you made me swear to just ignore it and act like you didn’t have a year to live? I stopped worrying about it in front of you. Instead I lost countless nights of sleep because I’ve been pouring through every bit of research Vought has on Temp V. I even managed to get files that only existed in physical copies kept at Vought Tower. I would’ve done anything for you Butcher because I thought you loved me too.
“The fact you can’t see why I felt I had to lie to you about the shit I’ve got pumping through my veins is ridiculous. And just so we’re clear—you can hate me all you want, but you better start acting fucking professional when we’re on the clock because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Did you have that whole speech planned just to try and get me to fold?” he asked, scoffing a little.
“Fuck you,” you said before brushing past him.
It had been nearly two weeks since Butcher and the others found out you were (kind of) a Supe. Everyone except Butcher had gotten over it by now and had even been asking you questions about your “powers”.
Hughie had asked you; “Can you tell when you’re able to run fast? Or is it you’ll be jogging and suddenly you’re miles away from where you meant to be?”
To which you had replied; “No, I can tell when I’m able to run fast; but I can’t predict when it’s gonna happen, you know? Like I have no control over it, I just sometimes know that if I were to try, I’d be able to go super fast.”
Kimko had asked you; “On the days you don’t have your powers, do you ever wish you did? Or are you relieved when you wake up and realize you don’t have them for right now?” (She had texted you while you were seated across from her.)
You had said aloud; “It tends to hurt on the days my powers don’t work. I get really bad headaches and sometimes they’re so bad that I actually puke. I’m happier on the days I can run, not because I’m fast, but simply because I don't have all the bad side effects.”
Butcher managed to ignore you since the coffee incident. He only ever spoke to you about work and never saw you outside the office. Not that you’d admit it, but you missed him like crazy. You hated sleeping without him, you hated waking up and only cooking breakfast for yourself, and you absolutely hated not being able to talk to him about all the random shit you two used to talk about.
He missed you too, though he never showed it. He was losing sleep over how he was treating you, but he figured you wouldn’t want him now. You both knew he only had a little over six months left (nine at most) and he wasn’t gonna go crawling back to you just to die. If he did, you would’ve welcomed him with open arms; wanting nothing more than to hold him while he ignored the inevitable.
“Everyone knows the plan?” Butcher asked the group, looking into the back of the truck from the passenger seat. “In and out, no fucking around and finding out what happens when we mess with this guy?”
You and the others beside you (Annie, Kimiko, Frenchie, and MM) nodded.
“I’ll keep the engine running,” Hughie said. “Once we see this guy leave you’ve all got twenty minutes until he’s back—but leave time for getting in and out, so safeside ten minutes.”
“Any questions? We all know what we’re looking for?” Butcher asked, earning nothing but nods. You raised your hand a little and he sighed with (what seemed like) annoyance; “What?” he asked.
“Uhm, not a question, more like a comment, my uhm, my powers just…turned on?” you told Butcher, and therefore the others in the car. “So just…”
“That’s actually great,” Hughie said. “Thank you for sharing, Y/n.”
“Whatever,” Butcher mumbled.
Another few minutes went by before the Supe left his house and you all broke in.
As everyone looked for what they came for (a file stolen from the office that detailed all the crimes this particular Supe had done with proof that would land him in prison) you noticed something strange in the corner of the living room.
“Is that a camera?” you exclaimed.
Before anyone could answer several shots rang loud through the house. Using your powers, you looked and quickly realized three bullets were headed directly for the back of Butcher’s head. He was looking under a desk on the other side of the room and if you didn’t hurry, he’d be dead in less than a second.
You ran and got between the bullets and Butcher; crouching down and letting them hit you square in the back.
“What the fuck!” the man holding the gun exclaimed. Before he could take another shot, Kimko tackled him and held him down.
Butcher looked at you, his eyes wide as you both realized what you’d just done. You looked down at your chest, fully expecting to be gushing blood.
“You’re fucking bulletproof?” Butcher asked, a sense of awe in his tone.
“I guess so.” You furrowed your brows a little, still looking down and not really believing you weren’t dying. As you stood up, the bullets fell off your back and onto the floor. “Wow,” you muttered, “I’m fuckin’ bulletproof.”
“You…” Butcher looked at you as he stood up as well. He put a hand on your shoulder, turning you so he could look at your back—three small holes in your jacket and shirt, but your skin unfazed. “You just…You were ready to die for me?” He turned you back and looked down into your eyes, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
“Well, I wasn’t about to let you die,” you mumbled, looking up at him. You then looked at his hand and smiled a little before looking back at him. You were prepared to make a snide remark about how he was suddenly willing to touch you, but you kept your mouth shut when you saw his eyes brimming with tears.
He wrapped one arm around your shoulders while the other went around your torso. It actually took you a moment to realize he was in fact hugging you but when you did, you put your arms around him too; one going around his shoulders, the other around his torso.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, closing his eyes to keep the tears from falling. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you mumbled, reveling in the feeling of him holding you. You sensed he was about to pull away so you tightened your grip, not ready to let him go just yet, which caused him to do the same.
“I hate to break up this long-overdue hug,” MM said, “but I found the folder, we should take this guy in.”
“We’ll meet you in the truck,” Butcher replied, not opening his eyes or moving a muscle. “Cuff him.”
When everyone was out of the room, you whispered; “I really do forgive you, Butcher.”
“Thank you,” he replied, matching your tone. “Still can’t fuckin’ believe you risked your life for a guy who’s got about six months to live.”
That night you went to Butcher’s apartment and when he opened the door, he seemed surprised; “What’re you doing here?” he asked, letting you walk in.
“A couple months ago, I broke into the labs at Vought Tower and stole a shit ton of files they had on Temp V. I got the name of one of the doctors that helped make it, and I found his address. I was ready to threaten him to get him to find a cure for the Temp V side effects but when I explained my situation he said he’d help me willingly. He said he was actually already working on a cure without Vought knowing, because he felt insanely guilty about the fact Temp V kills people. He succeeded. He found a cure and he’s used it to make a new form of Temp V that gives you powers for a day while healing you and at the end of it, you should be back to your old self.”
“Wait, what?” Butcher furrowed his brows. “Why didn’t you tell me weeks ago you’ve been working with this guy?’
“One, I didn’t want to get your hopes up. Two, you told me to pretend you weren’t sick so we could enjoy the time we had left together. And three, he needed my blood for the new Temp V. Turns out I’m like the Ultimate Temp V Supe, and with my blood he was able to make the new serum. Also, I just came from his house, he perfected the new serum last night and texted me this morning. I was gonna come here tonight whether or not you wanted me near you, and I told the doctor if I didn’t meet up with him by the end of the week he should contact Hughie Campbell at Supe Affairs. I figured if something happened to me, Hughie would make sure you got the cure.”
“So…there really is a cure?”
You reached into your jacket pocket and took out the small bag containing a couple vials of the new Temp V and two empty syringes.
“It’ll either kill you quicker or you’ll be cancer free tomorrow,” you told him, handing over the bag before he looked inside. “You don’t have to risk it, but I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I didn’t one-hundred-percent believe it’s safe. If you don’t trust me, I understand and we can pretend-”
“Of course I trust you,” he cut you off. “And of course I wanna be fuckin’ cured, but this seems almost too good to be true?”
“I know.” You smiled. “The doctor tested it on himself and showed me the proof—he’s taken five doses over the last two weeks and he’s healthier than ever.”
“How long did he have powers?”
“Twenty-four-hours,” you said. “But he had the same side effects as the first Temp V; puking, headaches, all that shit. But, after everything, he was fine—no long term or deadly side effects.”
“If I take this…will you please stay with me while it lasts?” he asked quietly, not wanting to go through it all alone.
“I was planning to, whether you wanted me here or not,” you admitted.
“Thank you.”
You both sat down on the couch and you watched as Butcher took the serum, his eyes lighting up the same way they did before. He tossed the used syringe on the end table next to the couch and leaned back, allowing the serum to do its job and he could almost feel his strength come back.
“How’s it feel?” you asked.
“Fuckin’ hurts,” he said, “but I’m okay. It’s better than wastin’ away.”
“You can say that again,” you mumbled. “Can I scoot closer to you?” you asked, not wanting to be close unless he wanted you to be.
“Please,” he said and moved his arm to the back of the couch as you moved to sit right beside him.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered, not really enjoying how quiet things had gotten.
“I’ve missed you, too,” he admitted. “I’m a fuckin’ idiot for how I acted, and you have every right to hate me, but thank you for not leaving when I told you to. Thank you for not walking out of my life for good.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“The only reason I didn’t leave was because I needed to know where you were when I got my hands on the cure. Once I knew you were healthy, I had planned to leave like you asked.”
He moved his arm from the couch and instead rested it on your shoulders; “Are you still planning to leave?”
“Only if you don’t ask me to stay,” you said honestly. “If you want to go back to the way things were a month ago, I’ll happily stay. But if you’re still freaked out about the fact I’m a Supe, I won’t bother you again once I know you’re okay.”
“Please stay,��� he said. “I’m sorry about the shit I’ve said and done the past three weeks, but please stay.”
“Stay working at the bureau? Or stay…with you?”
“You can’t quit the bureau, you’re the smartest fuckin’ person there,” he said, making you laugh a little.
“I dunno, Hughie’s pretty smart too,” you teased.
There was another silent pause as Butcher thought of what to say. He couldn’t just ask you to take him back, that didn’t seem fair. He couldn’t just say he’d take you back, because that was even worse. He knew he fucked up big time, and any future the two of you had was entirely up to you at this point.
“Do you want to go back to the way things were?” you asked him quietly.
“I really, really do,” he whispered. “But I was too much of an asshole to deserve another chance with you.”
“After everything we’ve been through together, I’d rather just let all the shit we’ve done be water under the bridge, if that’s okay with you. Just let the lies we’ve both told slide and try to be more honest with each other from now on. Personally, I’ve got nothing else to hide and I know there’s nothing you could say or do that would make me stop loving you.”
“You still love me?”
“Of course,” you said. “Do you…love me?”
“Never stopped,” he mumbled. “And I’d really like all the shit to be water under the bridge too if you’re really willing to forgive me for everything.”
“So it’s settled then; all the stupid, fucked up things we’ve both done up until this point are forgiven and we can go back to normal?”
“I love you so much,” he said, smiling a little as he turned and kissed your temple.
“I love you too,” you replied.
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sunlightmurdock · 9 months
My Future in You | 2.5 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
warnings: accidental pregnancy, references to abortion in a few chapters, angst, will be fluff eventually, will be smut so 18+, enemies to lovers kinda thing, extreme inaccuracies on hospitals and the entire birthing process but this is fiction so we move. WC: 4.7k
Bradley spins the padlock, humming as he does, twisting the lock and pulling open his locker. That run was awful, his instructor has been breathing down his back and Bradley had fucked up two consecutive manoeuvres. He’s sweaty, and tired.
It’s nice out, though, and you’ve been so couped up recently that it’s driving you crazy. If he’s done early enough he could take you out. It’s the middle of summer, there are tons of properties not far that host drive-ins.
You’d probably like that.
He reaches for his bag first. Towel, clothes, soap — the necessities. Under that, is his phone, which he picks up absentmindedly, without checking. Immediately, it starts to buzz in his hand. He turns it over as he walks towards the showers, seeing an unknown number flash up on the screen.
Instinct tells him to answer. He taps the button and cautiously brings the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“There you are, you son of a bitch!”
Bradley blinks, frowning slightly. His stomach drops.
“No, no! Don’t you dare fucking speak, where the hell are you?” Jake rants on the other end of the line. Bradley’s brows furrow as he plugs a finger into his ear to try to hear. He knows for a fact that Jake gets one call a week, and he hasn’t ever wasted that call on speaking to Bradley.
“What? — I’m at work, what’s going on?” About fifteen other pilots just piled into this room behind him, it’s hard to hear, even with the way your brother is screaming.
“My baby sister’s about to have your kid in your dumbass uncle’s car is what’s going on! — I’m so serious about this, Bradley, if you fucking let her down today, I will kill you — I promise you that I will actually—“
“Uncle? Jake, slow down, I’m grabbing my keys. Where the fuck is she?” Bradley turns on his heel and shoves his way back through the steam-filled locker room, pressing the phone closer to try to hear. It has been hours since he was able to check his phone and the thought makes his throat tight. He can’t think of how many times you would have tried to reach him, how scared you must be.
It’s the entire reason you’re here, away from everything you have ever known; so that he could be there for you. And he isn’t. He might have missed it. He could have let you down all over again.
“She’s on her way to Sacred Heart Hospital! Do you know how many fucking times she tried to call you?” Before Jake even gets to finish his second sentence, Bradley has started running, hoping that he doesn’t turn a corner and knock hot coffee into someone important.
Jake continues to rant on the other end of the line but Bradley’s far from even listening. All he can think of now is when he woke up the night after halloween and saw you laying in his bed, wrapped in his jersey. You had looked so comfortable that he hadn’t wanted to wake you.
On his run that morning, he had thought about it. If he had woken you. Asked you for your number, asked you on a date. He had thought about the way you had joked the night before and the instant connection. But then he came home and realized who you were. It was all downhill from there with the way he had treated you.
He should have just woken you that morning, asked you if you would go to dinner with him. There are so many things he would do differently now. He swallows as he climbs into the driver’s side of his truck and wraps a hand around the wheel just to notice how much he’s trembling now.
“Are you fucking listening to me?”
Bradley swallows, fumbling to get the key into the ignition and balance his phone between his ear and his cheek. “Look, Jake… I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you when I can.”
Jake starts to protest, but Bradley hangs up anyway. His heartbeat thuds in his ears as he backs out of the parking spot. August third. It hasn’t ever been important before, it will be every day for the rest of his life. It’s his son’s birthday.
Maverick winces at your bedside. He has been told by nurses six times now to just sit, that it could be a while before a doctor can see you. But, he won’t. He has been standing to the right side of your bed for over an hour now. He has been acting on autopilot, he barely even knows how he got you here. It’s the one thing that has kept him alive in his career so far, probably. Instinct.
He watches as you double forwards, gritting your teeth, whimpering in pain.
Bradley doesn’t have anybody, Maverick never had anybody. You’ve got two parents out there somewhere who are willing to let you go through this alone. He swallows softly at the thought and lifts his hand, brushing it tenderly over your head as he leans closer.
“It’s alright, you’re going to be just fine.” He says quietly. Your hand darts out and your fingers link between his, squeezing hard at his shaking hand. As much as he’s certain that your grip is going to bruise, he just exhales slowly and smooths his thumb over the back of your hand.
He didn’t even know your name this morning.
“Alright, Miss Seresin,” The snap of a surgical glove alerts the both of you, looking up quickly to see the smiling woman in the colourful scrubs entering the room. “My name is Lucy, I’m just here to do a quick check on how things are progressing. How does that sound?”
Still gritting your teeth, you’re too busy holding your breath and waiting for the pain to subside to answer her. Maverick makes a pained sound at your side, exhaling deeply as you finally let go of his hand.
“Mhm.” You manage out.
Lucy offers you a sympathetic smile as she pulls up a stool at the end of the bed. Maverick turns his attention towards the ceiling as she settles between your legs. You make a soft sound, closing your eyes. You wish that your mom was here holding your hand, rather than Bradley’s last standing family member.
“Okay, you’re still at six centimeters,” Lucy hums. You drop your head back against the pillow and groan in frustration. You’ve been at six centimeters for an hour and a half. Maverick squeezes your hand softly as Lucy grabs your chart from the end of the bed. “How would you rate your pain at the moment?”
“I don’t know. Does it get worse than this?” Your voice trembles as you speak. After sobbing hysterically into both Bradley’s voicemail and to Jake’s commander, begging him to put Jake on the phone, you’ve been doing your best not to cry again. It seems to make Maverick uncomfortable.
“Can you give her anything? — An epidural, or whatever?” Maverick presses.
Lucy presses her lips into a line as she pushes herself to her feet and sets the chart back into its place. She gives a small shake of her head. If she knew anything about Pete Mitchell, she would know that ‘no’ isn’t a word he often agrees with.
“Why not?” He urges, brows knitting together as he drops your hand and straightens up. You glance between him and her.
She sighs softly. “With pregnancies that have complications, we tend to advise against epidural. It could put more strain on his heart, we would have to monitor very closely.”
“So monitor it closely. If you’re so worried, why has she been sitting here for an hour on her own?” Maverick challenges her. Lucy looks towards you and wrings her hands together.
“Pete, stop.” You breathe out.
“I can get the doctor to discuss it with you. It’s still an option at this point, but—“
“I don’t want it.” Your answer is instant. It’s the most confident you’ve sounded all day. Maverick’s head whips around and for the first time, you catch sight of Bradley in his eyes. It’s not a genetic thing, just more of a temperament. All of those hours spent together, Bradley’s quizzical, developing mind. He’s been copying those mannerisms subconsciously since he was in the first grade.
“I don’t want it. We’ll be just fine without it.” You decide calmly, smoothing your palms over your swollen stomach for one of the last times. Pete opens his mouth at your side, he almost argues with you, but he stops himself. This isn’t his kid, or even his family — Bradley has made that clear. So, pressing his lips together, he just nods.
Bradley can feel all of the eyes on him. Maybe it’s because he’s in uniform, maybe it’s because he is walking so fast that when he collided with a doctor two minutes ago, he knocked the poor guy straight on his ass and just kept walking. His eyes widen as he spots the reception desk finally.
“Seresin. My, uh — my girlfriend is having a baby. Her last name is Seresin, she should be here.” Bradley breathes out. The nurse looks up at him and smiles. She sees a lot of stressed out, first time dads. This isn’t unusual.
“Alright. What’s your name, honey?” She smiles.
“Bradley Bradshaw.”
“I’ll tell her you’re here, I’ll come get you as soon as she says it’s okay. Why don’t you get some water, just take a breath?” She reaches out and pats the hand that he has resting on top of the counter. Bradley swallows, managing to give her a stiff nod.
She’s gone for less than two minutes, but Bradley’s pounding heart just makes it feel like it’s an eternity. She can see it on his face when she walks back towards him that he’s terrified. So, she just offers him a smile and nods for him to follow her.
At first, Bradley doesn’t even notice that there’s anyone else in the room. All he sees is you, sitting up in the bed, your hair pulled back and tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He rushes towards you. You whimper as he wraps you in his arms, grabbing onto him tightly. He leans down and kisses the top of your head. “Jake got through to me, I got here as soon as I could.”
“I was scared you wouldn’t make it in time.” You whisper into his chest. Bradley turns his head and kisses your temple, nodding. He opens his mouth to agree, and then takes notice of who is standing at the other side of your bed. His uncle. He hadn’t taken much notice of what Jake had said on the phone.
He stands up straight and stares, silent for a second. Maverick has learned by now to just keep his mouth shut.
“I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from my family.”
“Bradley, don’t. He got me here, he stayed with me.” You frown up at him. Bradley just stares over you, looking at the man who has let him down again and again for as long as they have known each other.
Maverick takes a slow step back, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I’ll go. I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”
“No, Mav—“
“I don’t want him here. He doesn’t need to be anywhere near—“
“I want him here.” You answer back, scowling up at your boyfriend. Of all the stupid arguments that the two of you have had, Bradley knows better than to pick a fight with someone who is in active labour.
Even so, Maverick has spent more than two decades going against Bradley’s wishes. Making him eat his vegetables, refusing to let him drop out of little league, almost ruining his career. He needs to give his nephew some leeway here, if this is going to work.
“I could go to your place. Get you some things, give you two a minute. I’ll come back, sit in the waiting room. If you want me, I’ll be right outside.”
“No.” Bradley deadpans. You shoot him a look, then turn to offer Pete a small smile.
“Can I text you a list? I have it all written on my phone.”
Maverick nods. He still has your keys from earlier, and honestly, he’s grateful to be out from Bradley’s glare once he leaves the room. You’re grateful that you aren’t going to have the two of them fighting while you’re trying to do this.
Bradley’s scowl fades once he’s certain that Maverick is far enough away. He turns around and perches on the side of your bed, draping his arm around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head.
“How are you feeling? — Did they give you anything for the pain, yet?” He asks softly, smoothing his free hand tenderly over your stomach. You scrunch your nose slightly and turn to frown at him.
“No — Bradley, you smell disgusting.”
He stares back at you, blinking slowly. “Honey, I ran a red light to get here. Showering wasn’t my top priority.”
“No, I know, but — could you maybe put your arm down?”
His mouth twitches, giving an amused shake of his head as he unwraps his arm from around you. He entwines his fingers with yours instead, giving your hand a soft squeeze. “What do you mean they haven’t given you anything? — Do you want me to talk to someone?”
“No, no. I can’t have an epidural, it would put him at risk. I’m going to do it without.” You’re quiet as you explain it, just waiting for Bradley to freak out like Maverick had wanted to. He’s quiet for a minute. You brace yourself.
He strokes his thumb softly along the fabric of the hospital gown. It takes him a minute to finally lift his head and look you in the eye. He exhales slowly.
“You’re sure?”
“You couldn’t change my mind if you tr— ah.” You wince, sitting bolt upright and holding your breath. Bradley barely even notices you squeezing his hand. He feels sick, watching the way your entire body goes rigid with the pain. He has read that this can take like eight hours the first time, and he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to sit through eight hours of watching you suffer like this.
That being said, there’s nothing he can do but be here. An hour later, he’s already on the verge of tearing his hair out as silent tears roll down your cheeks while you sip on water. He has suggested the epidural twice more since your first conversation, you’ve refused it twice.
The contractions are more regular now. You’re trying to keep him calm, knowing that he’s freaking out even more than you are, but they’re close enough together now that you haven’t spoken in a while. You knew this was going to hurt, but the last ten minutes have been agony.
“Okay, Miss Seresin, just here for another quick check.” Lucy strolls back into the room smiling again, shooting a quick look to the new man standing at your bedside. Bradley glances between you and her, fighting to ask her where the hell she has been. She sits between your legs once more. You sigh in discomfort. The thing about not having an epidural — you can feel everything. “Oh.”
Bradley looks at her. “Oh?”
“She, uh — We’re just about there. That was fast, you’re sure this is your first?” Her smile has faded for the first time. You stare at her face. She looks scared. You feel like you’re going to throw up.
“She’d notice if it wasn’t, wouldn’t she?” Bradley bites. You swing your arm out and smack him in the stomach. Lucy stands up quickly.
“I’m going to grab the doctor.”
You’re quiet as she hurries off, turning your head and looking up at Bradley. He watches your lip tremble and reaches out instinctively, stroking gently at your cheek. He wipes a salty tear from your skin.
“She looked worried.” You whisper to him.
He leans down, pressing a slow, soft kiss to your mouth as he squeezes your hand. “You’ve got this. You’re going to be just fine. This whole time, you’ve been so strong. Just a little longer.”
Squeezing his hand, you lean closer and rest your face against his arm.
“I’m so fucking scared.”
“Nothing’s going to happen, to either one of you.” Bradley kisses the top of your head, his eyes sting. He closes them and inhales the familiar scent of your hair. There’s no way in hell he’s going to cry in front of you. “Just a little longer and he’s going to be here, this is all going to be worth it.”
He doesn’t know that for sure, there’s no way that he can, but it’s enough for you to believe it. Besides, there isn’t a lot of time to be caught up in the fear. Once pushing starts, there’s only one thing on your mind and that’s getting this over and done with.
Bradley isn’t sure what he was expecting labour to be like, but he wasn’t expecting so many people. There are six people in this room and Bradley isn’t sure exactly what any of them are here for specifically. His main focus is you.
Each time you push, your body goes tense, you grit your teeth and you hold your breath. He’s sure that you’re going to pass out any minute now.
“Okay, another big one. You’re doing great.” The doctor instructs. Bradley shoots him a furious look. A nurse at your side is quick to rub your shoulder and tell you to breathe. He leans in close and kisses the top of your head. Once again, you grit your teeth and push hard. Bradley feels like he can’t breathe himself.
This time, you don’t hold your breath. Instead, it’s all forced out of your lungs at once as you scream out, digging your nails into Bradley’s palm, hot tears spilling onto your cheeks. The second that you’re done screaming, there’s no getting your breath back. You inhale too fast and sob back out an exhale. Again and again as the nurse at your side tells you to slow down.
“Alright, and again.” The doctor sighs.
Your eyes flicker to him, and Bradley snaps. He can’t stand the pain in your expression, and he can’t stand that doctor’s fucking tone. “Again? — She needs a break. She can’t go again.”
The abundantly calm older lady between your legs simply lifts her head and looks up at him through her glasses. She has been delivering babies longer than either one of you has been alive. “Son, there’s no time for a break right now. This baby’s coming. Rather than yelling at me, focus on her.”
Bradley’s jaw ticks as he settles in closer and brings your knuckles up to rest against his lips. He winces, blinking back tears as you have to go through another tough push. Your head falls back against the pillows in a moment of brief respite.
He studies your face for a second. Up until this exact moment in time, as he’s wiping tears from your cheeks with his free hand, Bradley had seen the two of you maybe having another kid. Right now, he’s certain that he’ll never put you through any of this again.
“You must hate me right now.” He whispers, giving a soft shake of his head. Honestly, he doesn’t really expect you to answer. He barely expects you to hear him. He definitely doesn’t expect you to laugh.
Your face is hot, and blotchy with tears. Your entire body is exhausted and trembling, and you’re laughing at him. Sniffling, you blink through the tears, “I’ve hated you more than I do right now, it’s okay.”
He can’t help but smile, brushing a few strands of hair back off of your face, then leaning in to kiss your forehead. “I’ve been thinking a lot, about the future, and about our family—“
“Don’t you dare fucking propose to me right now, Bradley. Don’t.” You growl. The nurse at your side just can’t hold it in. Bradley frowns at her as she giggles and rubs soothingly at your back. He kisses your knuckles and closes his mouth.
You’re right. He’ll finish that speech another time.
“Here’s his head.”
Bradley looks swiftly away and stares at the ceiling. The death-grip that you’ve got on his hand is the least of his worries. The thought alone is enough to make him dizzy. Jake’s going to kill him if he passes out. He inhales slowly through his nose and leans in again, resting his forehead against your temple as you cry out.
“There we go, that’s perfect. Keep going, he’s almost here.” The doctor’s tone never lifts above a breezy cadence. She’s beyond cool, finally glancing up to offer you a small smile.
He sticks to your side, kissing your temple. Your chest heaves. There’s not long to go, you’re almost done. But, the end is the worst. It really does feel like you’re going to black out. You don’t know how people have been doing this for so long, or why some of them choose to have so many kids after this pain.
You half expect to give up, to break down crying and begging for your mother before it’s all done. You’re right on the verge, whimpering into the sleeve of Bradley’s flight suit. And then, it’s over. The doctor exhales deeply and hums.
He takes his first big inhale and promptly wails into the air.
The doctor has him in her hands when she looks up and catches sight of the two of you before her. You’re clinging onto his hand and he’s pressing as close to you as he can without crawling into the bed. There’s a fearful, awestruck look plastered across both of your faces as you stare in the direction of the scream.
She smiles at the two of you. You’re going to be just fine.
“Would you like to cut the cord?” The doctor asks Bradley calmly. He regrets yelling at her now, but she doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge.
Bradley blinks, then shakes his head. “No, I don’t want to hurt him.
She chuckles, then shakes her head. “You won’t.”
He does as instructed, rolling his sleeves up, and quickly cleaning his hands and arms. He’s the first one that gets a look. As he sets the scissors back down, he turns his head towards you with a look on his face that you haven’t seen before.
Blinking back tears, Bradley smiles softly at you. And then he’s all yours. They set the baby down on your chest, starting to clean and dry him off right away. Bradley moves to your side once again, brushing your hair back off of your forehead.
Still wailing, you whimper quietly as you stare down at the infant. Ten fingers, ten toes, a good set of lungs on him. Bradley’s lips press softly to your forehead as you reach out, hands trembling, and trail your fingers featherlight along the length of his spine.
His plush, pink lips tremble as the wailing starts to subside. Bradley strokes tenderly at the nape of your neck with his thumb, rendered silent as he watches you with him.
“Hi,” You breathe out, hugging the towel closer to him. You inhale deeply, then exhale through your nose. A nurse smiles as she reaches around you to place the soft knit hat on top of his head. He’s warm enough now, you want to keep it that way. “Hi, baby boy.”
Bradley swallows the lump in his throat. Four and a half hours of labour without any tears. Twelve seconds of watching you with your baby and hot tears are stinging his eyes.
You get five minutes with him before they have to check his vitals, his weight, his height. As much as your arms feel empty without him there, you want those results. You want him to be fine. You want to see him in that bassinet beside your bed tomorrow night.
Blinking, you look up at Bradley. He scoffs as your mouth falls open.
“Allergies.” He mumbles, crouching down to kiss your mouth as tears dampen his cheeks. You reach up and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, turning your face into his neck. You feel him relax into your touch. He kisses your shoulder, sniffling.
Both of you let it be quiet for a moment. You won’t be getting a lot of that once you’re at home, not with that boy’s vocal chords.
“Thank you,” Bradley mumbles into the crook of your neck. He pulls back from the hug just slightly, brushing the backs of his fingers along your cheek. He sighs, then nods seriously. “Thank you.”
“Just don’t ask me to do it again.” You joke, watching his tearful face shift into a grin. He sits forwards and kisses you. You close your eyes as he trails his fingertips along your arms.
“I’m serious,” He tells you softly, watching you blink tiredly. “I’d have nothing if it wasn’t for you. I was bitter and mean, and you were way too nice to me. It’s because of you that we have him. I’m so, so grateful.”
Your lips quirk up into a soft smile. If Jake could hear some of this, he would probably start to like Bradley again.
Exhaustion starts to set in, but there’s no time to sleep when there are doctors and nurses fussing over you, and then he’s being bundled back into you again.
Your eyelids are heavy as you turn your head and look over at Bradley, sitting in the chair beside your bed. His flight suit is tied around his waist and his t-shirt is draped over the back of the chair. Your baby looks tiny nestled into his arms.
You fight to keep awake as your always calm doctor walks into the room once again and sits down between the two of you.
“Seventeen inches, four pounds and ten ounces. Congratulations.” She tells the two of you with a small smile. Bradley doesn’t look up at her, smoothing his fingertips through the soft, dark hair on your son’s head. She looks at you, then at Bradley. “He’s strong. He’s doing well. We’re going to move you to the neonatal intensive care unit so that we can keep an eye on his feedings. We need to get that weight up, keep him warm. But, I’m not concerned.”
You swallow softly. “The tests and everything… he looked okay?”
She stands up and takes two small steps towards you. She rests her hand softly on your forearm, giving you a sincere nod. “Aside from his weight, he’s perfect. Does he have a name?”
Bradley finally lifts his head and looks, offering you a small smile. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and nod at her. “His name’s Thomas.”
It breaks your heart when it’s time for him to go. The thought of him being without you on that ward. Bradley holds you while you cry, and truthfully, he feels like crying too. It’s been a long day. You’re all emotional.
He stays with you until you fall asleep. Then, half-awake himself, he heads off to see your son. It’s the first night that he gets to say goodnight to the both of you.
Bradley stops as he closes the door to your room behind him. He stares at the man asleep in the waiting area, drooling on his hand as it props his chin up. He knew Mav had gotten here a while ago, someone had brought the bag in. Bradley just figured he would have gone home by now. Exhaling slowly, he clenches and unclenches his fists at his sides.
The older pilot startles awake, blue eyes wide and blinking quickly as he tries to figure out where he is. It takes him a moment to figure out who is in front of him. Tall, flight-suit, mustache. Maverick feels the lump in his throat grow as he realises that it isn’t his best friend.
He looks Bradley up and down. He looks older now than he did a few hours ago, not just because he’s tired. Because Maverick isn’t looking at a little boy anymore.
“There’s someone you probably want to meet, huh?”
tags: @chaoticweirdogeek @alanadetigy @itsmytimetoodream @oldnatgwenaccount @khaylin27 @bioodforbiood @luckyladycreator2 @mizzzpink @cherrycola27 @unordinare @shanimallina87 @heli991113 @ghxst-heart @momc95 @asteria33 @lilyevanswhore @diamond-3 @galaxy-moon @jostyriggslover96 @forgiveliv @shawnsblue @little-wiseone @lovemesomevesey @alm33 @averyhotchner @diorrfairy @thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @slutford
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thisismeracing · 8 days
Not quite love | CL16
read the full piece here
― Pairing: charles leclerc x friend!reader (she/her) ― Warning: mentions of alcohol and food; friends to lovers; angst; unrequited love; not been proofread yet; 2k words. ― Summary: When you get romantically involved with your best friend you were not expecting a marriage proposal, but simply a commitment. You were sure that what you had wasn’t quite love, though it could be and maybe that’s what hurt the most. The fact that you had everything to be each other’s end game, but turned out to be strangers. 
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You and Charles had everything to be the perfect couple.
To have the perfect story.
A book-worthy one.
You were long-time friends.
Though your family wasn’t very fond of him, his family loved you, and that was enough. Over half of your friends in common hinted about you guys getting together. The dynamic was this good from the outside, and so was the tension whenever you were together. 
You would share desserts, dance with each other, sleep in the same bed after friends get together –nothing sexual ever happened, and maybe that’s the reason why it was so intimate and ground to tension flourish. It was beyond the physical. At least for you. 
It all took a turn when you finally moved to Monaco to study and work.
“Don’t cry, chérrie,” he cooed, lips finding a few droplets of tears and cutting short their path on your cheeks. You turned your head in his direction, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of his warm skin against yours, seeking the solace of it. 
The Monegasque read the way your body leaned in, the way your face felt hotter against his lips, and he lined his breathing with yours giving you enough time to pull back, but you didn’t. In fact, you broke the barrier of space between you two, pressing your lips in a feverish kiss. Charles answered in a second, gripping your waist and bringing you impossibly closer. His tongue was demanding, and his body against yours felt different than the other times. More intimate. 
“Fucking finally,” you could almost hear your friends with their hands up to the heavens, so you chuckled, ultimately breaking the kiss. Charles grinned.
“If I knew this is all it would take for you to smile I would have greeted you with a kiss,” his teasing earned a giggle from you.
[...] At the end of the day Charles would sleep at your place –or you at his– at least once a week. You would still share movie nights like when you were just friends. He would still send you funny TikTok he watched, and you were still telling him about all the books you read. 
Those were things boyfriends and girlfriends did, you knew that, nevertheless, you wanted to believe that he was planning something. Or that maybe he already saw you that way. Maybe he was afraid of the constant travel and the pressure of his career and media. Maybe he was trying to protect you from the fans. 
Charles never voiced any of this. Never sat down to talk about it, and you didn’t ask. Not until you graduated and got a job proposal in America. It wasn’t France, Germany, or Sweden, places you knew would be easier to gravitate to Monaco when the schedule let you. It was oceans apart, but it also felt like an opportunity to compromise, to keep your –hopefully official- relationship going. 
The thing is, life is unpredictable. You can’t guess what someone is feeling or how they will react. Your mom would always tell you that the heart is unknown ground – a place nobody will ever explore in its plenitude. You only get in the rooms the other allows, and even then inside there are tons of places that not even the owners visited. 
To know yourself is hard, and to know the other is even harder.
You didn’t know Charles.
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi! I hope you guys liked this lil sneak peek! I'm sorry I'm a day late with this piece, but I am happy to be publishing it the day our Monegasque won his home race (though it's a sad piece, it's still with him so :D hehe). Make sure to like and reblog to help your fellow writer *mwah*
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
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ghostlywhiskey · 9 months
Simon Riley (Priest AU) - Forgive me, Father.
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,203
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ☆ Sacrilege, priest, mentions of prayer and common language used in confessionals - overall religious content that may upset some. Abuse of power. Mentions of being used and somnophilia. Cussing. Masturbation (Simon & reader).
Summary: After having improper thoughts weighing guilt on your mind, you decide to resort to confession. Simon has methods of how you can be forgiven.
Notes: Um, well, yeah. I’m not sure what to say. Writing this whole thing was a 'damn, Catholicism ingrained in me fr' moment from how I literally closed my eyes to remember how I would walk into church & what would be said in confession. Ha. Anyway. Minimal proofreading, I felt too dirty to re-read.
find my masterlist here
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You weren't a frequent churchgoer. After years of Catholic school, it all became tiring and felt almost forced at this rate, but you went for the holidays like Easter & Christmas - at your grandparents request to be fair.
But, old habits die hard and one day you find yourself pulling into the parking lot of the church. Maybe it was the Catholic guilt ingrained in you that drew you to go today. 
The large wood doors creaked as you opened them and walked into the church. Every Catholic church looked the same to you - the stained glass, the architecture, the same old wooden pews either their original wood or coated in layers of white paint refreshed over the years. And every church you had ever been to was always so cold - why?
Every single move was like muscle memory. Your fingers dipped into the font that contained the holy water, quietly whispering as you did the sign of the cross and genuflected. 
Your eyes scanned the church, noting the layout as you located the confessional. Once you entered and sat down, you rang the tiny bell to indicate your presence. Heavy footsteps outside getting closer as you heard the priest enter the other side of the confessional, the divider sliding open so you can only make out the figure through the tiny holes.
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." The words are spoken in unison. His voice is clearer to you now as he only speaks now, "May God who has enlightened every heart, help you to know your sins and trust in His mercy." In response, you quietly whisper 'amen' in return.
Clearing your throat and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you prepare to speak. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was 5 years ago. These are my sins.." The list of sins are far more minimal in nature such as disrespecting your parents, gossiping, lying and so forth.
Then, you finally get to what has been weighing on your mind like a ton of bricks. "And impure thoughts.." Your words trailing off, the sound of the priest shifting on the other side noticeable from the close proximity despite the divider separating you both. "In order to truly know the severity, what do these impure thoughts include, my child?" He asks, your body tensing as the question catches you off guard. "Ah, regarding premarital sex acts, Father."  You respond, fingers fidgeting with the rings on your hands. "Explain." This is all he says before the silence lingers in the small space before you speak again. "This is only to help your absolution." His voice urges you to continue, the words trying to ease you to come clean. “Well," Swallowing the lump in your throat, your cheeks burning from embarrassment despite your identity being unknown to him. "The thoughts consist of being used at will by a man. To be degraded and fucked until I'm begging for him to stop, but my whines only encourage him to continue. I don't want him to stop.” Your voice is strained, as if you're scared to admit it out loud. And truthfully, this was the first time you had admitted the thoughts out loud.  Your thighs squeeze together as your brain digs deeper into the thoughts you’ve been suppressing for a few months now. 
The sound of the priest clearing his throat pulls your attention back. “Surely that isn’t all, my child.” He says, and you shake your head in response even if he can’t see. “N-No. That isn’t all.” Rings spinning around your fingers as you continue to fidget from nerves. “Please remember, I need to know everything to offer you absolution.” Nodding, you swish spit in your mouth to coat the dryness to some extent and swallow. 
“I-I think about being woken up in the night, the man already buried deep in me. My body  doesn’t resist the feeling and clenching around him as my consciousness regains from sleep.” The heat between your thighs grows as you now shift in the seat, one leg moves to cross over the other in an effort to control the sensation.
The sound of a zipper coming undone is undeniable as your ears pick up on it, your lips parting slightly from shock as you process what’s happening on the other side of the confessional. “Father?” Your voice barely whispers, wondering if you acknowledge it, then he would stop. “Are these thoughts about anyone specific?” He mutters, his hand palming himself through his boxers. “No, just general desires, Father.” 
He inhales a breath and exhales before he speaks. “Have you acted on these thoughts?” No, but you fucking wish. “No, Father.” And maybe it was your own thoughts warping, but you could have sworn you heard him mumble the words, ‘Forgive me, Father’. 
On the other side of the confessional, unbeknown to you, the priest had now pulled his cock free from the constraints of his briefs. Biting back a groan, his hand comes up to his mouth as he quietly spits into his palm before he wraps it around himself. “For your penance, you must do exactly as I say, understood?” He speaks, his voice sounds low, demanding in a way. 
“Understood, Father.” You reply, your chest rising and falling slowly as you anticipate what he is going to say next. “We must rid you of these thoughts. You need to release them.” He murmurs, his hand slowly pumping up and then down. “Be a good girl and spread your legs.” 
Oh my God. Like actually, oh my God. Your brain rings in your head, doing as you're told and spreading your legs. Hearing the movement, he continues to speak. “My child, what are you wearing?” The question is simple, your hand already sliding down to the exposed panties your dress reveals once your legs are spread. “Knee length sundress.” You respond, your head leaning back against the wood of the confessional as your fingers rub the fabric covering your already wet cunt. “Hmm, and I suppose that length is useless as your legs are spread. Exposing yourself like a good girl, but such a slut.” The word slut drips from his mouth like venom, the tone of his voice sending excitement through your body. “Slide the panties off.” He orders, and you obey as you reach for the waistband and slide them down to your ankles, shaking them off to the floor of the confessional. “They’re off, Father.” You whisper, glancing at the divider. Never in your life did you want to be seen more than in this moment. “Father Simon.” He corrects. “Call me Father Simon.” 
“Father Simon.” You repeat the name he asked you to call him. A quiet groan travels to your side of the confessional and you can’t help but move your fingers to rub between your folds. The fact he was groaning to you just saying his title was causing your stomach to tie into knots. “What do I need to do, Father Simon?” You beg, wanting him to continue directing you. “Such an eager girl to be forgiven. You wouldn’t need forgiveness if you weren’t such a slut.” He hissed. “But you come into this confessional and speak of how you wish to be used. To be degraded. Do you think you can be forgiven?” 
“I-I want to be forgiven.” Your fingers build up your excitement, teasing your folds as your fingers move to give your clit some attention as you rub it gently. “I’m sorry, Father Simon. I’m sorry.” You choke out, almost forgetting to breathe amidst the pleasure. “Just because you’re sorry does not guarantee forgiveness.” Simon’s own hand continues to pump his cock, his thumb brushes over the head as some pre-cum oozes out. “You sound stupid saying sorry. Saying sorry while I can hear your hand moving as you touch yourself. Take those fingers and fuck yourself with three of them.” The order coming out of his mouth leaves you breathing shakily.
“F-Father, three?” You ask in order to clarify his demand. “R-Right away?” You needed time to adjust, even with your own slender fingers it took time before you could even have two. “You heard me.” He responds, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t disappoint me, sweetheart.” Simon’s hand starts to pump his cock faster, his free hand moves to massage his balls. 
While you’re already wet, just to be sure you take your index, middle and ring finger to your lips. Your mouth wrapping around the fingers, sucking and swirling your tongue to coat them in saliva. Pulling them away, you carefully position them, teasing your entrance before you push into yourself. Your free hand covers your mouth as you feel them stretching you slightly. A moan muffled by your hand is the additional sound mixed with your fingers starting to pump in and out of you, the wet stickiness filling the confessional. “Oh, sweetheart. You must look so beautiful spread out fucking yourself with your fingers.” Simon coos through the divider, his breaths shallow. “I wish I could bury my cock into that wet, tight cunt. Let me hear you pray to God for that.” 
Closing your eyes as he speaks, you imagine the priest grabbing your hips and forcing himself into you, despite having no idea of his appearance. Your head against the wood of the confessional again as you try to hold your moans in even with your hand over your mouth, scared if anyone else were to enter the church they would hear you both behind these curtains. “I don’t hear you.” Simon growls, glancing at the divider to barely see the movements of your hand as your body moves in response. “G-God, please. I want Father Simon’s cock.” He hears you whimper quietly, a grin forming on his face. “Oh..such a good, good girl.” Simon’s voice acknowledging your compliance. Your fingers curl inside as he praises you, allowing yourself the small reward. “Father Simon, I-I’m so wet.” 
“Mmph..those pretty little fingers must be slick with your juices.” Simon’s own head leaning against the wood of the confessional now, eyes closed as he pumps his cock faster and pushes down hard. The image of his cock disappearing in between your folds making his thoughts spin. “Keep pumping those fingers. We need to make you cum. Release the thoughts that are rotting your brain.” Simon’s teeth grit together, a soft hissing sound coming out as his pump down puts pressure on him.
Not trusting yourself, your hand is back on your mouth. The sound of your wet cunt getting pumped with your fingers fills both your ears and Simon’s, the squishing sounds push him closer to his own release. And for you, the thought of his cock instead of your fingers pulling you closer to the edge before you jump off and release. Whimpering into your palm, you clench around your fingers and pump a few more times before releasing around them. Your thighs immediately squeezing shut as you try to control your shaking. “S-Simon.” You cry softly, lips parted as you pant softly. “F-Fuck.” He groans, the hand not pumping his now cum covered cock fists and hits the confessional wall. The release that had been building up in him for months now. 
“In addition, you leave your panties behind. Along with that, I expect you to recite twenty Hail Mary’s and twenty Our Father’s after your release. Make an act of contrition.” His voice strained from his recent climax. Dazed from your own climax as well, the words come out of your mouth without hesitation, “My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good…” Pausing for a brief moment, you swallow a lump in your throat. “I have sinned against You, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His Name, my God, have mercy. Amen.” After the words leave your lips, you catch your breath again.
The sound of Simon readjusting and zipping himself up is the only sound you hear in response. “F-Father?” You say softly, awaiting for him to absolve you. “My child…” Simon’s voice sounds like it did when you first sat in the confessional. “God cannot give you pardon and peace as of today. Therefore, I cannot absolve you of your sins. Come back in five days after I’ve had some time to rest and ask God for a final answer.” 
And with that, the sound of footsteps fill the church once more, followed by the door to the sacristy opening and closing indicating he would not be seen by you when you left. The response leaves you stunned for a few moments, before your legs get the strength to stand up and exit the confessional. The hand you didn’t use to finger yourself gently dips into the font as you leave, the sign of the cross spoken softly as you walk out.
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str4wb3rr1e · 11 months
Tom Kaulitz x fem!reader
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Synopsis: He knew how one night stands worked, he’d had tons, but what was it that made him so god damn attracted to her?
Warnings: meantions of smut, overall fluff.
You woke up covered in your duvets as your phone chimed a couple times making you groan and rub your eyes, sitting up you picked up your phone and tried your best to read whatever message you got.
Unknown number? You opened your inbox and slowly started to read the texts your blurry vision making it harder to focus
“Hey, this is Tom.” Read the first text, Tom? You thought to yourself.
Tom! It clicked in your head, the guitarist you had slept with a few nights ago.
“You forgot your glasses, figured you’d want them back.”
Your glasses? What glasses?
You reached out for your night table, shuffling around the stuff as you noticed something was missing, your glasses.
Your dior glasses.
“Fuck…” you mumbled as you dialed the number in desperation of getting your expensive accessory back.
“Hello?” You called, “Hey, is this (Y/N)?” Said the voice on the other line.
“Yeah, yeah… umm, I kinda forgot my-“, “Glasses? Yeah I know they’re here right now.” Tom finished your sentence for you with a chuckle.
“Yeah, yeah” you chuckled back, “So, if you could just drop it in the lobby of the hotel or you know whatever-“, “Why don’t you come pick it up? Does 8 sound good?” Again Tom cut you off.
You weren’t bothered by it though.
“Yeah, alright, 8 sound fine.” You replied, “Perfect, see you tonight.” He said before hanging up.
You stood there for a second, your brain trying to process what the fuck just happened.
“Just gonna get my glasses back.” You mumbled to yourself trying your best to hide your excitement.
It wasn’t long until the time you’ve been waiting all day had come, at 7:43 you called a cab and drove to the hotel.
Currently it was 8:01, standing at the gates of the hotel under the big gray clouds above you.
“Alright, just go get your glasses back.” You huffed as you stepped inside the gigantic building.
It wasn’t everyday you’ve had to meet up with your one night stands.
“Hi, umm, room 834?” You asked at the receptionist who gave you a dirty look before navigating to the room.
“Thanks, bitch.” You’ve mumbled that last part of course.
The elevator dings as the door opened to your destination, floor 8.
You slowly walked around the hall, your heels clicking with every step you took against the carpet floor.
Room 834… Room 834… And there it was.
Instead of standing awkwardly in front of the door you decided to knock.
A couple of seconds later the boy opened the door from the other side.
“(Y/N), hold on for a moment…” he said before disappearing back into the room.
He came back with your glasses and leaned against the doorway.
“Here,” he handed you your expensive glasses carefully, “Thanks” you smiled as you caressed your glasses.
Even though this was exactly why you got here his looks and the way he gazed into your eyes made it seem like he wanted more than that.
And not going to lie, you also wanted that, that thing that makes your mind go fuzzy and make you forget about all the things you should worry about.
So without further ado you collided your lips together, his hands traveling to your waist squeezing the parts that your jeans highlighted.
You don’t quite remember how you ended up here, laying flat on Tom’s bed as his head on you bare chest, your hand massaging his scalp every now and then.
“You do this with every girl?” You asked breaking the silence,
“Do what?” He turned his head to look at you.
“Call them to your room, have sex, send them away right after?”
He chuckled at your obvious detailed question, “Not like this…” he replied lifting his head from your chest.
“Right, the girls you’ve fucked right in this room would disagree.” You chuckled.
“Yeah but, never called any of them back…” he gazed into your eyes as his index finger brushed across your cheek.
“You’re saying I’m special?” You smiled sheepishly, “You sure do feel special.” He smiled back.
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hayakawalove · 1 month
Test of Love (Chapter Three)
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Chapter Three
All Chapters
Summary: After finding out about the connection between the two boys, you find yourself in a world of confusion. At least Gojo is there to help you through it.
A/N: Just to remind everyone, if you like this fic I have tons of other poly satosugu fics too, although they aren't long fics.
CW: Smut, cunnilingus, angst, nipple play, dirty talk, Female Reader, AFAB Reader W/C: 7,062
Credit to @benkeibear for the banner
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“Satoru, you said you wouldn’t be back until 11.” Suguru chides, throwing over his shoulder. 
Satoru. Satoru as in… 
You peek your head around the tall man in front of you, catching sight of Gojo lounging on his couch, long arms spread behind him. A low ringing kicks up in your ears as you tear your eyes away from him, bringing them to look up at Suguru. They must be talking, but you don’t hear it. Your mind is on repeat as you force yourself to connect the dots. 
“You’re asshole?” You feel your lips move. 
Gojo narrows his eyes at you like he isn’t sure what you’re talking about before he glares at Suguru. 
“You haven’t changed my name yet?” He pouts. 
“I think it’s quite fitting, don’t you?” Suguru answers back. 
“And you’re Geto?” You glance up at Suguru. 
He’s wearing a soft smile, eyes pinched up as you work through the moment. 
“That would be me, yeah.” 
However intoxicated you felt earlier in the night was suddenly gone. The reality of the situation seeps in your bones. 
“Oh, you must be the unknown number in her phone.” Gojo looks up towards the ceiling, recalling your earlier conversation. 
“You don’t know what my number is? We’ve been together for years.” 
“There’s never been a need to memorize it!”
“And this is why your name is asshole in my phone.” Suguru shakes his head, ushering you inside before closing the door. 
The two are arguing but it’s hard to hear them over the pounding in your head. They were dating? They seemed so different, but when you were looking at them now you were starting to realize all the similarities. It was in the little things, like how they spoke and how they held themselves. 
Even if the evidence was laid out in front of you, it was still hard to believe it. 
Not only were they dating, but Suguru was a sorcerer. An amazing one. 
“Hold on, you were seeing two guys who were in open relationships, and you didn’t think they were the same?” Gojo asks, his eyes looking over his sunglasses, staring through you. “That’s kind of on you.” 
He wasn’t completely wrong. 
“Shut up Satoru, you didn’t know either.” Suguru says. 
Gojo clicks his tongue, dragging his eyes from you to Suguru. 
“And you did?” 
“I did, but nice try.” 
You furrow your brows and gawk at Suguru. He knew and didn’t tell you? A strike of betrayal shoots through you. You looked like an idiot now, and Suguru knew? 
“For how long?” You find yourself asking. 
“I was never positive. I could sense your cursed energy. Satoru told me about a teacher from school he’s been seeing. Not many teachers our age who are Jujutsu sorcerers.” 
You drag your eyes to the ground, listening to his explanation. There was a chance he could have been wrong, but he had a point, the odds of that were low. 
“How come I can’t see your cursed energy?” You question. 
“Masking it. I usually do when meeting new people. You don’t know what people’s intentions are.” 
There’s a pit in your stomach, and you can’t force yourself to look at either of them. Did you even really know Suguru if he was keeping this from you? 
You felt like a fucking idiot. 
“Here, why don’t I get you some water. Sit down.” Suguru guides you towards the couch, next to Gojo whose eyes follow your every movement. 
Suguru’s palm on your back feels like an iron weight as he moves you. Minutes ago his tongue was down your throat and now you didn’t want him touching you. 
Suguru takes his leave to grab you water, leaving you to sit alone with Gojo. The silence is deafening as you sit next to each other, his eyes on you. You think he must be using his technique to see if he could find any answers in you. He comes up dry. You weren’t sure what you felt. 
“Here.” Suguru’s voice is soft as he stands in front of you, a cool water bottle resting in his hand. 
You reach out for it and crack it open, allowing the cold liquid to flow down your throat. 
“Were you bringing her here to have sex?” Gojo asks. 
You try not to choke on the water but you’re left sputtering. Suguru’s brows are furrowed as he looks at Gojo. 
“Yes, why?” 
“Our bed? I mean, now that I know who it is I don’t care but like really?” 
“We agreed on-“ 
You tighten the cap back on the bottle and look up, forcing your eyes to drag between the two. They were fighting like an old married couple. That sounded about right, considering they’ve been together for a long time. 
“Guys.” You break your silence. 
Both of their eyes fall to you, a mixture of concern on Suguru’s face while Gojo’s shows expectant eyes. 
What do you even say? 
“I’m sorry. Sometimes Satoru and I argue.” Suguru admits, his face pointing downward to look at you. 
You felt so small between their gazes. 
“And I’m sorry for not telling you. I should have. I just didn’t know when to bring it up.” 
The apology does little to quell your anger, but you don’t say anything. 
“Actually, this makes sense. Us seeing the same girl. I mean doesn’t it? Now that we all know, we could just be together.” Gojo says. 
“Or you could be with us separately, I mean that’s more boring I think-“ he continues. 
The way he says Gojo’s name causes a chill to run up your spine. Gojo immediately closes his mouth. You’ve never seen that happen before. Suguru sighs and slides a hand down his face. He sits next to you, caging you in between the two of them. You really felt small. Their broad frames lock you in, leaving you feeling jittery. Silence overtakes the room. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Suguru asks, checking his watch. “You can crash here if you want or I can take you back home. We can figure this all out another time when it’s not so late.” 
You play with the hem of your dress, the same hem Suguru ran his fingers along, while thinking. You didn’t really want to be here any longer, but you also didn’t wanna be home. It was hard to decide which was worse. 
“Take me home.” You notice as the two of them visibly deflate at your words. 
“Okay.” Suguru stands up again, offering you his hand which you don’t take. 
“I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” Gojo says. 
You mumble an agreement before keeping your eyes down as you follow Suguru to the door. He says goodbye to Gojo before opening the door, letting you walk out first.
The apartment building looks much different than it did initially, as you no longer had a heavy cloud of lust over your head. The halls still made you dizzy, but for an entirely different reason. When you get to the bottom floor, you see one of the attendants raise a brow at you, no doubt wondering what had occurred. 
You follow Suguru to his car without speaking, only murmuring a thanks when he opens your car door for you. He did that earlier in the night too, and you found it so sweet. Yet his actions felt somehow disingenuous now that you learned he was hiding a major part about himself. 
You were hiding something as well, but that was because you had no idea who he was. Suguru had no excuse. 
Suguru slides in his seat before starting the car. The air between you is awkward now, with both of your minds racing. He navigates his way easily to your house, as there weren’t as many cars on the street. You don’t speak, but neither does he. What would either of you even say? ‘I'm sorry that I didn’t tell you my boyfriend was the other man you’re seeing. Also I’m a Jujutsu sorcerer.’ ‘It’s okay, it’s fine that you didn’t tell me those things even if they are big parts about who you are.’ It was a strange situation to put it mildly. You rest your head against the window and keep your eyes squeezed shut, hoping this was all a dream. 
The car stops and when your eyes flutter open you see your apartment in front of the car. Suguru makes no move, so you lean forward to get out. 
“Look, I-“ he says, his hand reaching forward to grab your bare leg. He stops short, clenching his fist before flexing his fingers. 
You wished the warmth of his hand would comfort you right now. 
“I really am sorry. I should have told you. I just didn’t know when to bring it up. That’s not an excuse. I’m sorry.” He has the nerve to sound genuine. 
You turn to look up at him and see the worry sketching his face. You hadn’t known him for a long time, but you wanted to believe in his honesty. Suguru waits for you to say something, but you can’t find any words to fix the situation.
“Thank you for taking me home.” You say, opening your car door and slipping out. 
Suguru’s car remains parked until you reach your apartment, only driving away once you’re inside. You knew it was sick, but you wanted them to beg you to stay. You weren’t even sure why. 
When you get inside, you immediately start to strip. Maybe a shower would make you feel better. You stand in front of your bathroom mirror, dragging your eyes across your body. You were right, a bruise was beginning to form on your thigh from where Suguru gripped you. Your eyes glide down to your throat where you see multiple marks caused by his mouth. 
They’re tender to the touch as you slide your hand down your body, reminiscing about the night. You were having so much fun, why did the night have to end like this? 
The water burns your skin as you step inside, but you make no move to adjust the temperature. You were hoping the heat would snap you out, waking you from this dream. It didn’t, making you come to terms that this was really happening. 
When you’re finished with the shower you jump out and throw old pajamas on, before sliding under the covers. 
You dream about tufts of white hair and fox eyes. 
You don’t talk to Suguru when you wake up in the morning. He doesn’t text you either. You’re sure it’s under the guise of giving you space, but you’re not sure that’s what you want. 
You were conflicted, wanting to pretend like nothing happened while simultaneously also being mad. 
It’s your class’s rotation on standing guard outside to ensure no attacks are made, and so far nothing has happened. You sit next to them, only turning around when it becomes quiet. Yuuta’s leaned against a tree, drool pooling at the corner of his lips while he slept. Maki wasn’t far off either, her head bobbing as she tried to stay awake. They had been out here for the past several hours, so you couldn’t blame them. Even you were beginning to feel tired. You check your phone, noting the time. There were two hours left of the shift, but you couldn’t force yourself to wake them up. They were only kids, even though they had seen more than most adults, and they worked hard. You figured you might as well complete the shift, it wasn’t like you had anything better to do. 
You nudge them awake and tell them to go back to their dorms. Maki tries to argue, but relents after you give her a deadpan stare. You watch as their silhouettes disappear, immediately feeling a sense of loneliness crawl over you. You stretch your arms and legs, and sit against the ground. Looking up you notice it was a clear night, the moon bright as stars filled the sky.
You aren’t sure how much time passes, only the sounds of crickets and wind keeping you company. Your lids are heavy as you try to make yourself stay awake, the slow humming of night life lulling you to sleep. 
“Hey, what’re you doing out here alone?” 
“Jesus- fuck!” You jump and look beside you, seeing Gojo standing next to you. 
You will your heart to calm down before you respond to him. 
“Yaga should put a bell on you.” You flick your eyes back up to him. 
“He tried, I said it was kinky then he promptly took it off.” 
You snort and look back up at the moon. 
“My students were starting to fall asleep so I let them go early.” 
“You look seconds from passing out yourself.” 
He got you there. 
“Are you mad at Suguru?” He questions. 
You sigh and lean back against your hands. It was comforting to have someone else here. Gojo was always a nice person to have around, and it wasn’t just because of his strength. You genuinely liked his presence. 
“He just- wait, how did you know?” 
“I didn’t but you just confirmed it. Although you weren’t really being subtle yesterday.” 
You glance back at Gojo, noting how he appeared under the moonlight. Ethereal wasn’t enough to describe him. The light bounced off his hair, reflecting a white shine that almost hurt to look at. He was in his normal outfit, including the blindfold. You were a bit disappointed, you wanted to see what his eyes looked like under the stars. 
“He just… why didn't he tell us?” Your voice sounds pathetic as you speak, but you aren’t ashamed. 
Gojo sighs and runs a hand through his hair. You watch the strands part for his fingers, and you can’t help but wish it was your palm. 
“I think he just didn’t know when to bring it up. It doesn’t really change anything, does it?” 
When he worded it like that, no, it didn’t. You still couldn’t shake the feeling of betrayal though. 
“I guess not, I just don’t understand.” 
“Suguru’s a good guy. He doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body. He never would have done it to hurt you.” 
The Suguru you knew didn’t seem like the type of person to go out of his way to hurt you. But after the events of yesterday, you weren’t even really sure you knew Suguru. Several days ago you thought he was just a normal guy, only to find out he was not only a sorcerer, but one of the strongest to have ever existed. 
Crickets chirp behind you, and you watch the city lights in front of you. You were at the bottom of the hill of the school, but it was still elevated enough where you could see most of Tokyo, the city lights shimmering beneath you. 
It really didn’t change anything, did it? Knowing the two of them were together didn’t affect how you felt about either of them. If anything, it did make things easier like Gojo said. They probably didn’t think you were stupid either, even though Gojo taunted you. As you think about it, your anger starts to dissipate. You aren’t even sure why you were so mad. Suguru definitely should have said something, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. And you definitely should’ve figured it out yourself. 
“You guys met a while ago, huh?” 
A soft grin breaks across Gojo’s face and you can feel the love radiating off of him. 
“We met in highschool. I was a dick back then. No one understood me. It was kind of hard, I wasn’t used to my curse technique yet so it was lonely.” Gojo takes a moment to think. “It was like I was the only one who could see color, and everyone around me couldn’t.”
You feel your chest tighten at his words. You had never seen him be so open before. 
Gojo lets out a quiet chuckle. 
“But here Suguru comes. And he can see. He can see all the red, blues, and yellows of the world. I didn’t think anyone else would be able to, but he proved that wrong.” 
You can see the affection pouring from his body. 
“And that’s how it was. It was just us two for awhile. The whole world was blind, but that didn’t matter because we could see.”
Gojo looks down at you and you feel exposed. You often felt that way whenever he looked at you. You weren’t sure if it was because of his technique or because he was Gojo, but whenever he looked at you you felt like he could see every secret, every emotion, and every thought you had. 
“Why don’t we get out of here? It’s late.” Gojo shuts the conversation down, but you’re positive he could keep talking about Suguru if you gave him the chance. 
“There’s still time left on my shift.” You look at your phone and see that there’s 15 minutes left. 
As it was so late, other students wouldn’t be replacing you. It was just going to be a handful of other sorcerers who had nothing better to do in the middle of the night.
“They don’t need to know.” Gojo offers a hand to you, and you take it. “Let’s go to my house. Suguru won’t be home and I can get us something to eat.” 
You think about it for a moment. It would be nice to have more alone time with Gojo. When you accept, you see a goofy grin on his face. 
When the two of you get to his apartment the lights are off. The atmosphere was different compared to yesterday when the three of you occupied the space. You follow behind Gojo and listen as he talks about his day, your eyes lingering around the space. 
It was neat, neater than you would have given him credit for. The inside wasn’t that colorful, but you noticed pops of reds and blues on the couch and on the artwork. It was weird to be inside Gojo’s house, it made him seem more normal. People treat him as if he’s a god, but seeing a glimpse into his life proved to you he wasn’t that much different compared to other people. He still had a living room with shitty decorations, just like everyone else. 
Gojo excuses himself to get changed into more comfortable clothes and you’re left sitting on the couch, the same one you sat on yesterday. Memories flood your mind from the previous night. The way they looked and how you felt next to them. It was stifling, and that wasn’t just because of the tension in the air. Being with the two of them made you nervous. You understood why people were afraid of them, not that you were. They were strong, dignified, and seeing them next to each other only made you realize how hot they truly were. Their differences complimented each other, lights and darks mixing into something tempting. 
Your eyes trail along the couch. It was comfortable and there was no doubt in your mind that Gojo spent a small fortune on it. This whole house probably cost more than you would see in your lifetime. 
“What do you want to drink?” Gojo calls, entering the kitchen. 
“Just water is fine.” 
“Boring.” You hear a crack of a soda can opening. 
Gojo comes back to you with a water bottle in his hand, and a can of soda in his other as he takes a sip from it. He’s wearing a loose shirt with old shorts, the fabric drowning out his normally mouth watering frame. He sits next to you, his knees knocking against yours. The situation feels entirely domestic, as if you always come home at night to sit with him.
“So, have you decided what you want to do yet?” 
You knew what he was talking about. Not much time had passed, but you were thinking about it. You did want to keep seeing them, Suguru included. You just needed to fix things with him first. 
“I want to keep seeing you guys, but I’m not sure if I can at the same time yet. You’re kind of overwhelming.” 
Gojo lets out a good natured laugh and agrees.
“We don’t all have to go out on dates together or have sex together until you’re ready.” 
Now why did he have to put that image in your brain? Thoughts of Gojo and Suguru above you started to cloud your mind, making your throat tighten. 
“I just need to get Suguru in my good graces again.” You murmur. 
“What, and I’m in your good graces?” Gojo asks incredulously. 
“For now. Who knows what you’ll get up to to piss me off.” You crack a smile. 
As you talk with him, you can’t help but think, why did they even want you in the first place? Gojo knew you from school, sure, but that didn’t mean you were special. And you were a complete stranger to Suguru. 
“Hey Gojo?” 
Gojo hums and turns his focus to you. 
“Earlier you said everyone else was blind compared to you and Suguru,” you take a deep breath “what if I’m blind too?” 
Gojo waits until you stop talking before he speaks. 
“I was a kid when I felt that way and an asshole. Although I’m not sure that part has changed. Suguru’s never felt like that. He’s always been good with people, well, he's usually good with people. You must make him nervous.” 
You feel your face heat up and you dart your eyes to the ground, wondering how you could make someone like Suguru nervous. 
“And I haven’t been flirting with you for this long without having my reasons. I like you. Suguru does too.” The revelation makes your chest tighten. It wasn’t a secret, but hearing it out loud made your heart race. 
The way he was talking was almost too sweet. 
When you turn your head to look at him again, you notice he’s more closer than before. His eyes are drawn to you, flicking over your face, and you can see that he’s thinking. Of what, you wonder. Gojo reaches out and plays with a piece of your hair and grins to himself. 
“Plus you’re hot too so that wins you brownie points.” 
You click your tongue and reach out to nudge his chest. He grabs your hand before you can make contact, and laces his fingers through yours. His hand is cold, his long fingers intertwining with yours. His infinity was off. You drag your eyes back up to his, neither of you looking away. The mood of the room shifts as you feel things start to fall into place. 
The two of you had been playing this game for a long time, and it was finally starting to catch up to you. Years of playful banter and stolen glances all leading up to this. 
His eyes drag to your lips where he notices you’re biting the bottom one, a look of desperation beginning to show in your eyes. 
“Suguru left you hanging yesterday, didn’t he?” 
“Mhm.” Your breathing starts to get heavy. 
Technically, he was the one who left you hanging. But you knew that he knew that. In Gojo’s defense, Suguru and you could have continued once you got home. You just didn’t. 
Gojo brings a thumb up to rest on your bottom lip, gently pulling down until your teeth pop off it, the saliva inside your mouth gleaming in the low light. You clench your other hand at your side, close to flying it up to grip him. You can smell the sickly sweet scent coming from his breath, the orange soda lingering on his tastebuds. 
“How mean of him.” Gojo coos at you before leaning in closer to you. 
He replaces his thumb with his lips, pressing his mouth against yours. Your brows furrow as you grip his shirt, holding him close to you as you kiss. This kiss felt so much better than the one at school. Gojo wraps a hand around your waist and lifts you up on his lap. Your hands comb through his white hair, enjoying the way the white strands feel in your fingers. You finally had Gojo all to yourself. There was no school, no curses, no Suguru. 
Just him, and you. 
Gojo nips your bottom lip before gliding his tongue along it, grinning at the noise you let out. Your lips part and his tongue instantly slides inside, tangling with yours. His hands grip your waist, pressing you tight against him. Your hips rock back and forth as you kiss him, a soft panting noise escaping from your throat. The room was burning up, but that doesn’t bother you. 
You can feel his cock start to harden beneath you as you grind against him. It catches on your core and you gasp, pulling your lips back. If Suguru was big, just how big would Gojo be? Gojo looks at you through heavy lids, grinding you against his cock. Your lips are slightly parted as you moan, pressing down harder. If only you could make Gojo as desperate as you were. 
You angle your hips slightly, winning a groan from him. It sounded good, once you heard it you decided you would do anything to hear him make that noise again. 
Gojo stands up and holds you in his arms, walking while he kisses you. He must know the layout of his house extremely well, because he doesn’t open his eyes once. When you do you notice you’re in a bedroom. 
The bed behind you is large but you don’t have time to appreciate it before Gojo is setting you down and hovering over you. There’s a cocky grin on his face and instead of annoying you, it sends a shiver down your spine. 
He looked like he was going to ruin you. 
You reach a hand up and cup his cheek, running your thumb along the smooth skin of his face. He looks startled for a moment before his expression relaxes again, letting you continue to touch him. 
You were touching Gojo. It was a luxury many couldn’t say they had experienced, and most that had touched him, didn’t live to tell the tale. 
Pushing his hair back, you pull him down and press your lips against his. His body grinds against yours as your tongues collide, a symphony built on your moans filling the room. 
Gojo pulls away to start kissing down your neck, his long fingers sliding up your shirt to roam against the skin of your stomach. You arch up into him, holding his shirt tightly, as if that will bring you down to earth. 
He sits up to pull your shirt over the top of your head, throwing it to the side. His eyes rake down your figure and you’ve suddenly never felt so bare before. 
Somehow it felt like you were going too fast, but not fast enough. You had been waiting to do this ever since you locked eyes with him all those years ago. 
Gojo hums and drags his finger along your neck, tracing the sensitive marks that marred your flesh. 
“Wow, Suguru really did a number on you, didn’t he?” He mumbles under his breath before leaning down again, kissing the same spots that Suguru bit into. 
It steals your breath away, the ceiling above you spinning as you feel yourself leak between your legs. Gojo brings his lips down slowly, pressing kisses down your skin as he reaches your chest. His hands roam your body, your skin tingling with each centimeter he covers. 
You’ve noticed two things about Gojo tonight. One, he was sexy. You always knew he was attractive, but he used to just be something that was beautiful and unattainable, like a wild animal. But he was yours tonight, and he was so fucking sexy. Two, being with him felt like you were at the beach. 
No, that wasn’t right. 
Being with him felt like you were wading through the waves of the ocean, the unruly water flicking against your skin. It felt good, but in the blink of an eye it was all consuming, pulling you under only to give you more, more, more. It was getting harder to breathe around Gojo, he was all consuming, his presence demanded your attention. Even though it felt like you were drowning, you decided to let yourself sink. 
Gojo’s large hands slide beneath your body, unclasping your bra before pulling it off. There’s fire under your skin as you watch his eyes trail over your figure. Your nipples are hard under his gaze, the pressure of the situation catching up to you. Gojo brings a thumb up and glides it against one nipple, grinning once you shiver. 
“Sensitive, are we?” 
Your face fills with heat at the taunt. Gojo lowers himself to your breasts, his face even with one of them. His mouth opens as his tongue flicks out, dragging across your nipple. You groan and throw your head back, letting the sensation over take you. His lips wrap around you, the warmth of his mouth making your skin break out in goosebumps. He gently sucks, his tongue rubbing back and forth. Gojo lightly bites your nipple, a dull sensation flooding through your body before he lets go to lick the area again. 
If you had any sense of self preservation, you would be mortified at the noises you were letting out. 
But you didn’t. 
Instead, your body twists and turns underneath him, moans floating from your lips. Gojo brings up his thumb to your face, sliding along your bottom lip before slipping inside your mouth. You graciously accept it, using one hand to hold him steady. You suck his thumb, your tongue running along the side of it. You’re grateful to have something else to focus on besides the near painful throbbing that was happening between your legs. You let him rest the pad on your tongue, sucking it into your mouth. 
Gojo pulls his thumb from your lips and brings it to your chest, letting the saliva coat your other nipple. Your face pinches up at the sensation, his thumb smoothing back and forth over you. 
Gojo leans up again, his face ever so slightly tinted with need. He moves down to press kisses to your stomach before he reaches your pants. There was only two more pieces of clothing protecting you, the realization that you would soon be completely bare makes your throat tighten. His fingers linger on your waist to give you an opportunity to stop, before he finally tugs both garments down. A rush of cold air brushes against you. You felt helpless under his gaze, completely at his disposal. 
You wanted this, god you wanted this. 
His fingers glide down your thighs, pulling your legs open with a strength that borderlined on elegance. Bright blue eyes look at your core, the way he looked at you was ravenous. Just like a wild animal. Gojo slides down until his head is between your thighs, and you realize just how good he looks there. Almost as if he was meant to be there. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming about this.” His voice is low and raspy, and he darts his eyes up to your face and then back down. 
Years, maybe. You had known him for quite some time, and the two of you had teased each other for most of it. You always erred on the side of respect while he constantly pushed the line, seeing what he could get away with. And just like how he admitted he was dreaming of it, you were too. Knowing Suguru didn’t care set your mind at ease. It felt surreal. 
Gojo sticks his tongue out and lines it up with your pussy, sliding through your folds slowly. A moan escapes your throat. 
“G-gojo-“ you groan. 
He stops to speak. 
“Call me Satoru.” 
You whimper below him as he drags his tongue through you again, flicking against your clit. 
When you say his name it’s as if you’re letting him loose. His face dives in, his lips wrapping around your clit. Your fists grip the sheets below you, your legs shaking around his head. The change in pace was making your head spin. He keeps his lips wrapped around you while his tongue massages your clit. You can feel your pussy drool, already responsive to the way Satoru touched your body. 
You wanted to tell him how good it felt, how you felt insane as he pleasured you, how you’ve needed him for all this time and more. 
But you can’t. 
You groan as he glides his tongue around. You were certain that anything you could bring yourself to say would be intelligible. Satoru pulls away to seemingly give you a moment of reprieve. Just as you’re catching your breath, he’s pursing his lips and blowing on your core. Your legs try to close but he keeps them open, a smile showing on his face. 
“So fucking cute,” he coos at you. 
Satoru slides down, sticking his tongue out again. 
“Can’t believe you made me wait all this time to taste you- fuck, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.” He speaks before he presses his tongue against your hole.
The warmth of it spreads across you from the inside out. He presses inside you before sliding out, tongue fucking you. You’re moaning as you look down to watch him, to watch the strongest sorcerer metaphorically on his knees for you. 
Your clit feels neglected as he moves his tongue around. 
“P-please Satoru.” You beg, your voice wavering. 
He pulls away to wait for you to speak. 
“What is it baby? What do you need?” 
Fuck him. He knows what you need. Satoru’s always been a tease, it only made sense for him to be the same in bed. 
You aren’t quite sure how Suguru does it. 
“Make me feel good.” Your mind is melted as you ask him. 
“Am I not already making you feel good? Because I would beg to differ.”
“Satoru m-make me cum.” You plead. 
Something flashes in his eyes before he’s covering you with his mouth again. His tongue goes straight for your clit, circling it as you thrash below him. His strong arms hold you down as he licks you. With the noises he was making below you, you would think he was the one getting touched. 
Your moans increase in volume as he refuses to relent, again going back to sucking your clit. You could hardly focus with the way he touched you. Satoru continues until you’re moaning his name. You know you’re close, he must know it too. His eyes flutter closed as he continues. Your body jerks underneath him, and your hands fly up to clutch his hair. 
“Satoru- I’m gonna,” you moan. 
Seconds later you burst on his tongue, cumming as he refuses to stop. He licks up everything you give him until you’re squirming away, pushing his head. 
When you look down, you see that he looks crazed as he pulls away. His lips are covered in your release, his cheeks tinted a dark pink as he drags his tongue on his lips. 
Your body is still settling down as he leans over, pressing a kiss against you again. It’s softer this time, and when he pulls away he looks much more composed. 
His eyes flick up towards the clock on his bedside table before he brings them back down to look at you. 
“Satoru, aren’t we going to,” you aren’t sure how to finish that sentence. You were embarrassed to ask if you were going to have sex even though his tongue was on you moments ago. 
“I’d love to, you know I would. But it’s late. If we start now, I don’t plan on stopping for a very long time. Either we start now and we both call out of work tomorrow, or we stop for now.” 
You really didn’t want to stop. But you also didn’t want to miss work tomorrow. There would always be more chances to have sex with him, but you wanted to do it now. 
“And you?” You ask, dragging your eyes to the bulge in his pants. 
Satoru waves, unbothered by the implication. 
“Suguru gets me riled up all the time and stops to piss me off, I’ll be fine.” 
You feel as the room starts to cool down again. 
That was probably the best orgasm of your life. 
“However,” Satoru leans down close to your face, “just remember next time we start, I’m not going to stop.” 
Lead is in your stomach as you nod. He smiles and pulls away again, walking over towards his drawers. He’s digging around before he comes back holding one of his shirts and pants. 
“Wear these for the night. It’s too late and I get needy after sex.” You chuckle at the admission and take the clothes, sliding them over your form. 
You drown in them, but it’s nice. It smells like a mixture between the two men. You could smell it forever. 
Satoru flops on the bed and wraps his arms around you, bringing you in close. He was needy, and you didn’t even really have sex. 
Sleeping with Satoru was easy. The lack of personal space was just what you needed to get a good nights rest. Your eyes flutter open once you see the sun start to peak through his blinds. The previous night felt like a dream, but you were positive it wasn’t. You were still wearing his clothes and he was still wrapped around your body. Satoru’s eyes are closed but you have a sneaking suspicion he’s awake. You pinch his shoulder and laugh at the face he makes. 
“Can’t sleep forever.” You tease. 
“Why not?” 
You turn to look at the clock. You had a bit of time before you would have to go to school, but you didn’t want to allow yourself to break under the temptation of getting comfortable again. 
Satoru sits up first and it seems as though he’s been awake for sometime now, the lack of sleepiness evident on his features. He must be an early bird. He stands up and you follow after him. 
You skimp around and find your discarded clothes from the previous night. They were slightly crumpled, not anything extremely noticeable. If you were lucky, no one would notice they were the clothes from yesterday. You shake your shoulders before shedding the man’s clothes, switching them with yours. Satoru’s waiting outside the bedroom with breakfast. It was cereal and toast, simple but it suited him. 
“Sorry if it’s a shitty breakfast, Suguru’s always the one to cook. Whenever he leaves I basically wither away and starve.” He says as he bites into a piece of toast. 
“Aw, you poor baby.” You respond and sit next to him, pouring a bowl of the sugary cereal. 
“I’m glad you noticed.” 
You open your mouth to speak before you snap it closed. You wanted to ask where Suguru was. You didn’t want to seem needy, he still wasn’t in the clear yet. Even if you were mad, you missed him. 
“He’s gonna be back later today.” Satoru answers you before you even ask. 
You talk over your poor man’s breakfast before you head off to the school, the full day ahead of you. 
When your feet hit the school grounds, something feels different. You aren’t sure what it is. Satoru seems to notice too. There isn’t anything wrong per se, but it doesn’t feel like it normally does. When you find the principle, part of you feels relieved. Maybe he could tell you what was going on. 
“Oh, there you two are. You’re late.” He says. 
Satoru usually was late. You, however, weren’t. 
“What can I say, I’m a bad influence.” 
Yaga ignores him before he speaks. 
“There was another attack close to the school last night.” 
Your eyes flick to Satoru but it’s impossible to tell if he’s looking at you, he put his blindfold on once you entered the room. 
“It was a little after 1 A.M around the shift change, and it was seemingly closer than it’s been before.” 
After 1, what were you doing after 1? 
You knew exactly what you were doing after 1. It involved a certain someone in the same room as you. 
“W-what happened?” You prod. 
“Not much, at least nothing big compared to previous attacks. They just burned down a couple of trees. It’s a bit weird.” 
“It’s like they’re taunting us.” Satoru says. 
The realization curdles in your stomach. They were getting closer and they could have done something drastic, but they didn’t. Why didn’t they? 
Your body shifts as Yaga talks. You feel a wave of guilt crash over you. It happened last night, when you were responsible, when you left early. There was a chance you could have stopped it. 
“I think I’m going to employ a little more help. It’s not realistic to have sorcerers there 24/7, so I’m going to use some of my cursed corpses to guard it. They aren’t enough to stop the group, probably, but they’ll be enough to at the very least alert someone who can stop it.” 
Not a bad idea. 
Your teeth dig in your cheek as Yaga excuses himself. Satoru steps in front of you and grabs your arm. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks. 
“I could have stopped it. I left early.” 
“It probably happened right after your shift was going to end anyway. The other group taking over after you probably just arrived late. The attacks have never happened this late before so you had no reason to believe anything was going to happen.” 
His words make you feel a little better, but you still find yourself deflating at the realization. 
No matter how bad you were feeling, you knew you would have to get over it, at least for the day. You had things to do, and your students needed you. 
“You good?” 
“Yeah, I’m good, let’s go.” 
The both of you depart, going to your classrooms. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @constawrites, @spookysoowpprince, @reosnagi, @faerie-soirxx, @platrom, @oownowonwoo, @megumisdivinedogs
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Can you do a Clarisse x reader fic where reader snaps at Luke after he calls Clarisse the lightning thief pls? 😇 Fem reader also.
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Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Reader
A/N:Hii!Ty for requesting,lovely!I tried but it turned out rather short.But still I hope you like it!Also sorry for beint inactive I had a ton of tests.Probs gonna post more this weekend then be ia for weeks again(hopefully not)
You snap at Luke after he accuses Clarisse of being the thief,and he reveals his true nature.But unknown to you-Clarisse saw it all.
Among campers,accusations of the lightning thief circulated,asting suspicion on Clarisse La Rue-the one who 'had a motive to do it' as luke claimed.Anger swelled within you as Luke pointed fingers at her.It ended with you and him arguing in his cabin "You've got to be bullshitting!You think Clarisse is the lightning thief?" you snapped, eyes burning with frustration. "You're out of your goddamned mind,Castellan!"
Luke's eyes narrowed, his gaze gleaming with a sinister edge. "Watch your tongue.You might not want to make enemies with the wrong people," he warned, a dark undercurrent in his voice.
But you weren't one to back down. "I don't give a single fuck who believes you! Clarisse is not the thief, and you know it,you fucking liar!" The words flew from your mouth like arrows, fueled by a mix of anger and frustration.
But unbeknownst to you, Clarisse observed the heated exchange from the shadows. She saw you defending her honor, even when she wasn't present. Something stirred within her, a warmth that surpassed camaraderie.
As the argument escalated in Luke's empty cabin, his true nature unveiled itself. The revelation sent a shiver down your spine. "You're working with Kronos, aren't you?" you accused, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.
Luke's malevolence was palpable as he threatened you, his true colors unfurling like a dark banner. Refusing to be intimidated, you clenched your fists and, without a second thought, delivered a resounding punch to his face.
In the aftermath, as the echo of your punch lingered, Luke's cruel grip on your chin startled you. "Keep your mouth shut," he hissed, leaving you with a sense of vulnerability and shock.
Leaving Luke's cabin, you sought solace by the lake. The water's gentle ripples mirrored the storm within you as the storm outside continued to brew.Unbeknownst to you, Clarisse had followed,silently watching as you grappled with the turmoil of emotions.Sensing your frustration, she approached and sat next to you.
The clouds overhead darkened, and a distant rumble of thunder echoed through the air. Raindrops started to fall, gradually turning into a torrential downpour. With the rain cascading around you, you and Clarisse found yourselves drenched in water.
"Hey," she said gruffly,not even paying attention to the rain,but earning your attention,a flicker of surprise crossing your features as you looked at her. "Thanks for standing up for me back there.Means more than you know."
You managed a small smile,still surprised but as you were about to speak,but before you could utter a word, Clarisse pulled you in,by your shirt as she silenced you with a sudden but equally passionate kiss. It caught you off guard, but the intensity of the moment overwhelmed any protest that might have crossed your mind.
Clarisse released you, her gaze locking onto yours. "Don't need your words right now,just your presence,pretty girl." she asserted.Though,seemingly aware of your shock-and enjoying it,she gave a smirk and spoke again, "Don't ruin the moment with words.Just enjoy it."
As the rain intensified,the world around you blurred into a watery haze.The raindrops, echoing the heartbeat of the moment. In the midst of the storm, your lips met again, a mix of passion and a tinge of vulnerability.
A/N:I'd punch and kiss Luke at the same time but how dare u accuse my girl like that 😭
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