#a kiss and a white lily
yuripoll · 3 months
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NOTE: Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl contains suggestive scenes, as well as sibling(?) incest in a very minor side couple.
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rosenmelodie · 9 months
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this is an awfully cute moment
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sleepymall0w · 4 months
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hello-its-em · 2 months
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arataka-reigen · 7 months
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Horny and insane displays of lesbianism
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kogglyuffs · 4 months
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"Pure Vanilla, I'm sorry for troubling you until the end..."
"White Lily! You never troubled us at all!"
bonus sillies:
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sillyvanillycheos · 2 months
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pinkvaquita · 3 months
concept that we should adopt more AND I WILL: shadow milk having the power to break the forth wall and make references to pop culture
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satureja13 · 1 month
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Saiwa was just about to get Ji Ho ready for his first Therapy Game session, when Noxee called!
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Noxee: "BABIES!" Saiwa: "Noxee?!" Noxee: "Have you forgotten what day it is? We have a surprise! Send Ji Ho home, the others are waiting!" Saiwa: "Eh - ok? ö.Ö' " Noxee: "Oh! Greg is awake, see you!" Saiwa: "Noxee?" Jack: "Omg these two! I'm so going to marry her ingame and make her forget that this Greg ever existed!"
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And so Ji Ho went home to meet the others. He really misses Jeb.
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Noxee ordered Ji Ho and Vlad to port her and Greg over to the Otherworld. Rubyn built something new to try out! Last time they used Rubyn's OTDs (Otherworld Transport Devices) was in January. And only to transport the Boys to the Otherworld. Not to bring someone else here. Lets hope it works!
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Of course it worked, since Noxee and Greg helped a bit. They are able to travel to the Otherworld under special circumstances. For example when they helped Jack and Saiwa to find their horses. Here they are! Haha and Kiyoshi is still so excited when Noxee and Greg kiss. Just the opposite of Jack ^^'
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They still have no clue what their visit is all about. Noxee: "Boys - seriously? It's Beltane!"
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Vlad checks the calendar on his phone. She's right. They totally forgot it over all the crazy stuff that happened lately...
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Noxee told them Rubyn invented something new for them so they can travel around in the Otherworld! That was about time! They are stuck here in Otherworld's Tomarang for a few months now since the Council is still after them... They went over to the garage.
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Noxee: "Greg and Jeb are going to connect Rubyn's device with the vehicle and then you should be able to travel to other destinations in the Otherworld!" Ji Ho: "That would be awesome! What kind of device is it? And which vehicle?" Noxee: "It's right before your eyes!" Vlad: "The ancient, broken TukTuk?" Jeb: "And an old telephone?" Noxee: "Sure, why not? Why build something new when we can repurpose perfectly fine stuff we already have?" Jeb: "And what's in the bread box?" Greg: "That's for the crystals and the meteorites of course." Jeb: "Of course."
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After Greg and Jeb put the crystals and the meteorites in the box and installed the device, they moved the Tuk Tuk out of the garage and Jeb, Kiyoshi, Vlad and Greg climbed inside.
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That's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Poor Vlad in the middle of the two tallest and broadest ^^' Reminds me when Saiwa was cramped up in the middle between Jeb and Barfolomew in Rita's truck when they drove to San Myshuno :3
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Noxee: "See you soon! We'll call Sai and Jack and meet you there!" And then they vanished.
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To be continued...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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animefeminist · 1 year
She Has Two Hands! Room For non-monogamous love in yuri
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Romantic love can be an amazing and wonderful thing, but for many a “one true love” is simply not what they want or will have in their lives. Some may choose not to have a romantic partner, while others may have multiple. Non-monogamy is an umbrella term for relationship formats that do not involve all parties being exclusively with one partner, and it takes many forms. This article’s main focus is polyamory, a practice of dating multiple people ethically with all parties’ consent and knowledge, and the way it plays out in yuri stories. 
As many circles within many marginalized groups have talked about, representation matters. Yuri and the wider GL community has an increasing reach that seems to be growing each year, and it’s worth examining the ways in which the increased variety of yuri stories are representing different kinds of love and relationships. Love can be so many different things, after all, and it’s gratifying when fiction reflects that—not to mention how it opens new possibilities for storytelling and discussions of relationship dynamics.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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destinymydarling · 1 month
Calloway Sisters girls as Disney Princess🎀
Lily Calloway as Snow White
Rose Calloway as Elsa
Daisy Calloway as Rapunzel
Willow Hale as Bella
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yuripoll · 3 months
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hxneylavendxr · 6 months
hey love live im so happy youre doing covers now really brave of you uhm can we let the older girls in on this yet or..?
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spectralid · 8 months
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Had a little fun and made Love Live!! subunit blinkies. Free to use, credit not necessary.
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vanillaverses · 1 year
soooo I've never talked about any of my cr aus on here before... but today that changes! finally sharing my horrors with the world in a very long tumblr post that probably nobody will read! yay!
tw for a lot of murder crimes and also a mention or two of self harm. also just a lot of generally Mentally unwell behaviour that I'm not going to fully list here but. if you think there's a chance u might not be okay with stuff falling under the category of 'mentally unwell behaviour' then u should probably leave because. this au contains many horrors. you have been warned!
soooo the au is actually the one my blogs named after! I think before I get into explaining all the lore I should explain the name first, since it doesn't really relate to anything in the au specifically so I wanna explain why it's named. that. me n my friend beep (who also is the one who made this au with me! yay!) made an au of a similar name for another fandom like wayyy before either of us got into cookie run, and the name actually fit that one! we named this au the vanillaverse au as like a kindof homage to the other older au since the vanillaverse au was out first cookierun au and the other one is just like. extremely iconic to us and Only us so it felt right to name it after that. so the vanillaverse was born! and with it the pv in that au and his many diseases! hooray!
so the actual plot of the au goes like this. In the final final battle with everyone vs dark enchantress, pv gives the finishing blow to her and kills her, along with lily. you just have to trust me that in this act of de murder exploding it like reverts her body back to lily so that's what they're left with. lily corpse. which isn't fun especially pv because to me purelily is REAL and that's the dead body of his wife he's currently looking at. not a fun time for old peepaw...
both lily's burial and the victory celebrations for winning the war against de are held in the vanilla kingdom, and it probably gives pv so much whiplash to have to go between mourning his dead wifey and like. celebrating happily woo hooray victory party!! and he just really misses lily. like a lot. an overwhelming an amount. and so he comes to the conclusion that with magic as strong as his, just as he was the one tasked with dealing the final blow to and killing de/lily... he's also the only one who can bring her back. so in the dead of the night, he sneaks out of his castle, shovel in hand, and goes to lily's grave to steal her body away for his lily reviving scheme.
because of how recently the grave was actually dug, I doubt that anyone would notice the fact that the soil had been freshly tampered with, assuming pv did a good enough job at putting everything back in place. so he now had lily's corpse, the rest of the kingdom none the wiser to it's disappearance. which he kept in a secret room I've decided is accessible through somewhere in like. his study or something. someplace he would normally be a lot but also not be disturbed so he can sneak away and do various. things.
you see, the way I imagine it, healing magic of all forms generally speaking is something that needs to be actually practiced. and through pv's many years of helping and healing others whenever someone gets hurt, he's gotten extremely good at it. but it still stands that he's never revived someone before, and would need some way to practice in order to obtain the skills needed to revive lily. and as much as he can do various things to preserve lily's body as long as possible, he's still on a timer, having only a relatively short window of time before lily's body starts to rot (or mold?). and he can't practice on lily's body itself, since if he messed up in any way (which is bound to happen on first attempt), then lily's body would be ruined and he wouldn't be able to revive her! so he needs other avenues to practice his magic. and he doesn't have very many options with the time constraints considered.
at first, he tries to hurt himself in order to heal his own wounds as a form of practice. but it becomes clear very very fast that he'd need to do more than just healing his own wounds to gain the skills needed to achieve his goal. he can only hurt himself so much, even with the power of his soul jam, there's a limit still to how much he can hurt himself before it ends up being fatal. and it's just so incredibly draining, and well, painful to have to continuously receive and heal all of these wounds... so he concludes there's only one other option. if hurting himself isn't an option... maybe... just maaaaybe... a few other people hurt wouldn't be such a terrible cost. as long as in the end he has the love of his life back, it's worth it, right? he'd do anything for her, which also extends to... this. and since there's so many people in the vanilla kingdom right now, both citizens and people visiting just for the celebrations... it wouldn't be too hard to just pin it on someone else if the situation requires it!
so, he kidnaps his first victim, feeling extremely guilty, but still carrying out the act out of pure desperation for any chance to see lily again. he brings them to his secret room I mentioned earlier, and carries out his plan. hurting them, healing them, hurting them, healing them... until their body can't take the torture anymore, and the cookie passes away. pv tries, and fails to revive them until their body breaks and crumbles beyond any sense of repair, making the revival impossible. it seems like his plan has failed... but as they say, if you fail the first time, try, try again.
as pv continues to downwards spiral into complete madness, he starts loosing track of how many peoples lives he's ended, how many peoples lives he's unrightfully spent for nothing more than the chance to see lily again. he's already gone this far, he'll see it out until the very end. if he can't revive lily, then what were all these deaths even for? he needs to get his lily back. not only to see her again, to feel her loving embrace... but to give all the lives he's stolen in his massacre some sense of meaning, to give all these deaths a reason for happening. despite pv trying to target the cookies that the least number of people would notice missing, after a while people start to take note of the disappearances. soon the kingdom goes into lockdown, not letting anyone, including the visitors leave until this kidnapper and potential serial killer is caught. what this means for pv is more people to use for his lily reviving schemes. what this means for the rest of the kingdom though is what soon starts to spiral into what could soon surely be a mass panic.
pv has no choice but to go out and comment on the ordeal publicly, in an attempt to calm the kingdom down. with his status as a beloved figure of peace, love and hope, and his just generally calming nature, he manages to calm the kingdom down to an extent, though people are still uneasy. an unknown killer on the loose... people needed someone to blame, and because of... well, almost everything about pv and how people perceive him really, he wasn't going to be the person taking the blame. on the other hand, there's a cookie a lot of vanillians know to be dangerous and willing to hurt people, with an entire warehouse/hangar/lab almost entirely to themselves that they know the ins and outs of more than any other cookie...
strawberry crepe. even with espresso there to testify for their innocence, it wasn't enough to stop people from suspecting them. even with no evidence and therefore no justifiable reason to act on these suspicions in any reasonable way, it still stand that they are one of the main suspects. and it does change how people treat them, especially the raisin villagers. just as them and black raisin was starting to get on friendly terms, this happens, and now she's back to feeling uneasy being even around them. this angers crepe, so they decided they now only have only one choice: to find the real kidnapper/killer and prove their innocence one and for all. it is at this point I should note that in this au, pv is crepe's adoptive father, which makes things all the more all the more terrible for crepe as they start to realize that their dad is in fact! the person behind all of this. betrayed by now both people they've chosen put their trust in to... oh god.
I haven't really decided on how things play out after crepe decides to go detective mode and try to solve the case, but that's basically the au concept as it is right now. im sorry for this being so long but!! if you got here I just wanna say: thank you for reading!! I would draw art of this au but it's hard because pv just looks like. normal pv here. and so does anyone else. the au doesn't call for funky cool au designs so there's just none to be found. but I really hope people enjoy hearing about this au :] also I might've forgotten some things but I'm not reading through this all again to check so um. sorryyy about that also sorry about any typos I'm not going back to fix them sorry not sorry!
but yeah. pv accidentally cancels purelily and then spams the undo button so much and so hard that everything explodes and the horrors take over/JOKE
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flanchanof2002 · 1 year
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