#a mystery wrapped in an enigma
m0ose-idiot · 7 months
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S2E6 Perfect Day / S4E1 Happy Holiday
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shegoesbyjoy · 10 months
🚨 Link Click spoilers (up to S2 E3) below!! 🚨
I wanted to collect in one place all the evidence we're seeing for the theory that there are two different people with red eyes, so here we go.
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First up is their hair, specifically where their bangs are. One is a straight blunt cut, while the other is more of a fringe situation.
A slightly more subtle difference can also be seen in their eyes...
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As this great analysis video explains (sorry non-speakers it is all in Chinese but I'll note the relevant points below), Link Click stylizes men's eyes differently from women's—where the latter tends to have more well-defined lashes compared to the former.
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There's also the clothing differences, a pink hoodie versus a yellow one. This COULD just be a lighting thing, since the patterning is exactly the same on both outfits, but hard to say!
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(The thing that's throwing me off is that the Red Eyes at LG's door has different bangs from one shot to the next...animation error perhaps?)
In the following screenshots from S2's OP you can see one hooded figure with short hair (and a yellow jacket) and one with long hair...wearing a different outfit! This long-haired person is wearing a hooded jacket with a shirt underneath, rather than a hoodie underneath a jacket. Deeper down the rabbit hole we go...
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In any case, the conclusion that the analysis video comes to is that there are two different people with red eyes, one male one female, and they are likely siblings. But what's really fun is that this video was made before E3's release, so they didn't have this very interesting tidbit to work off of yet:
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The text translates to, "do not/cannot die, good (older) brother". It's vague enough to be interpreted in a number of ways—is she referring to Lu Guang as her brother? Is she referring to a person we haven't seen yet who's at risk of death, who happens to be her brother? If we follow the theory that the two Red Eyes are actually siblings, could she be talking about her red-eyed brother? Is this a taunt, a warning, a plea for LG to survive, or a request for his help???
We know basically nothing about Lu Guang's life before he met Cheng Xiaoshi. Since the end of S1 I've been hoping and wishing for the show to dive into LG's backstory, and this could be a really really good opportunity to transition into that, if this note actually has some sort of personal significance to him 👀
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wallacepolsom · 1 year
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Wallace Polsom, A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma or Something (2023), paper collage, 21.3 x 29.5 cm.
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caught the thinking about jack shephard disease again
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amplifyme · 1 year
Saw your tags-- I wonder if Mulder's expression is absolute loathing and fierce anger at himself, drawn to Scully's frank and gentle understanding but reeling his head back because he knows he WILL fall apart if he looks her in the eyes. That's my guess!
I love checking your timeline because you find so many amazing small moments that I've missed w/ DD's performances... it's the mature deliberation of someone with multiple tree stump rings that mark their fandom age. LOVE those insights. :DDDD
That's definitely a plausible conjecture! Logically, it's likely that he's angry and disgusted with himself in these moments. I think he's also dreading having to explain to his father what's happened and the impact it will have on his mother. Because it's deja vu all over again. Fox Mulder will once again prove to his parents what a failure he is.
But I think he's also trying to process what it means that he so deliberately and willingly exchanged his sister for Scully. Does he understand yet that his trust in and admiration for his partner has become an inextricable component of his deepening feelings of un-partnerly love for her? I think he's just a big ol' bundle of conflicted emotions in these moments.
I love your description of my maturity (old age) as being rings on a tree! 😆I'll accept that! As far as DD's performances go, yep, I'm an expert. Been studying those tiny little acting decisions and micro-expressions of his from the very beginning. He's a pro at expressing so much using so little. But it's all in his face and body language. You just have to know where to look.
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i literally keep a regularly updated document of questions i have for LDPDL both big and small and i'm sure not even 1/4th of them will be addressed canonically. a random small potatoes one is: what was the emotional timeline between enraged Louis beating the shit out of Lestat and babygirl Louis taking him home later that night? did beating him up and fucking him calm Louis down enough to invite him back home or did it require words from Lestat to bring Louis back to earth? Did they hash it all out right there in Antoinette's bed? how long did it take? Was Antoinette sitting outside the window the whole time? When they did reach an understanding, what could possibly have been Lestat's sign off with Antoinette? 'well imma head out' or did he just completely forget about her and leave with Louis without even the vaguest hint of 'I feel like I'm forgetting something...?' did the apology (?) in which Lestat admitted he had 'disappeared out of a profound sense of shame' happen at this time? what did Lestat say and do beforehand to get Louis to regard him like (*_*) 'oh my poor man you're so traumatized let me hold you baby rest your angelic head on my chest baby!!' during the rule-setting scene?
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outofcontextdiscord · 2 years
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Taken from their Homes and Raised...
Jane Fairfax (Emma) and Fanny Price (Mansfield Park) have a ton in common:They are both taken from their poverty-stricken childhood home at a young age (8 and 9/10) and are raised in a much wealthier home to share in the education of the daughters living there.They both return home after a long time away and have difficulty when they do.
Notably, both of them can't eat the food. Miss Bates talks about how Jane never eats except for a special food, baked apples, not made in the house. Fanny also cannot eat the food cooked in the house and sends her brothers out for buns and biscuits.
Fanny, we know, is oppressed by the noise at her home in Portsmouth and there are hints from Mrs. Weston and Mr. Knightley that Jane goes to see Mrs. Elton to get away from the constant talking of Miss Bates. So they are probably both hurt by how loud their homes are.They are also both very reserved and except for Jane's forced friendship with Mrs. Elton and Fanny's friendship with her sister Susan, neither attempts to reconnect with the people who live in their childhood home. Fanny, we know, finds everyone vulgar. It's never completely clear why Jane acts the way she does. Jane is hiding a secret, but it sounds like her and Emma have never clicked in the past either.
The big difference between them being how the Campbells actually love and support Jane. Jane ends up being highly accomplished and Fanny gains very little from her haphazard education. It makes me wonder what Fanny could have been if the Bertrams actually took care of her properly. Or maybe Jane was just more driven.
Importantly, even though Jane was raised with love, she knows her station and doesn’t expect the Campbells to do anything more for her. Almost like all of Sir Thomas’s distinction of rank and Mrs. Norris’s cruelty wasn’t required. They could have just treated Fanny well? Maybe? Please!
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varlaisvea · 11 months
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bastian is my favorite accessory in the game. we do not start our quests until we look sooo good.
(image id: seven screenshots of my elder scrolls online character with the npc companion bastian hallix. each image is a different set of coordinating outfits.)
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yes7erdays-a1 · 6 months
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⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ endless edits of clara oswald ( bg3 verse )
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there is truly no greater mystery than the upstairs neighbour(s)
always home, even during hours when people are normally at work
never home, especially when the mail comes
spends all evening stomping around
only gets home after 11pm
walks marathons at least five times a day around their living room
home improvement projects apparently cannot start when it's still light out or before 8pm
has guests at least twice a week
routinely receives visitors between 11pm and 2am (on weekdays!)
wearing shoes inside (minimum of 5 inch heels)
weak bladder
entire apartment must be fully rearranged at least every other week
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amiracleilluminated · 5 months
i straight up don't remember anything that's happened in twin peaks time for a rewatch mayhaps? 🤔
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pyebald · 10 months
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this is so sniperspy rambling in the tags
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kingofthewilderwest · 11 months
okokokokok last character bingo from me i swear but: Bill Monroe
Bruh, I love your prompts. XD Thanks for spamming!
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I like doing Bill dirty. ;) that's what she said Bill Monroe is too easy to speak irreverently on! It's just because I love him! One of THE most characters of all time. Like how is that man even real?
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mostlyinthemorning · 2 years
The only discussion I want to have is what the HELL did Noah mean by "us Chrises gotta stick together?!" It's been two? three? years and this still bothers me.
Truly a burning question. I'm going to confess, I had to do some crowdsourcing on this one because it had fallen completely out of my mind. For anyone else who has a memory that needs a boost, it's from this:
I have to assume there's some interaction we haven't seen. Maybe someone else also played the game and got Chris? Or Noah is making a joke about MCU actors? We'll never know.
Thanks to @weathereyehorizon for the video hook-up.
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yallwildinrn · 8 months
When you wanna write but you also don’t wanna write
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