#ach 😔😔💖
wave2tyun · 3 months
eyes locked, hands locked | ☆
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pairing: prince!soobin x reader
genre: royal!au, fluff<3
prompts: - “was that your first kiss?”
- “stop looking at me like that”
warnings: none!
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i apologise for the long wait my lovely anon!!😔😔💞 have fun reading hehe!! :DD<3💞💓💖💘💞 honestly, going through this one again really makes me want to have another go at royal aus, perhaps something longer?? but at the same time i have too many wips going on and AHHHHHHHH i wish the fics would write themselves as fast as my thoughts go through my brain<//3
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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there was nothing more besides the cheery, tiny crickets in the grass that kept you company in the coldness of the night.
while everybody else was busy running around the castle, setting food down on the tables or balancing the champagne-filled glasses on silver trays, your one and only job was to watch over the garden’s flower section, careful so as not to let any curious kids wander off around the perimeter and trample all over them in the darkness.
that was how you were supposed to spend your evening: pacing around the cobblestone pathway, watching the moon and stars, feeling your heart ache as the grand classical music pierced the silence at midnight, wondering if soobin had found himself a partner to dance with, to hold close, to court.
you could tell that the chore had been specially tailored for you by the queen: it kept you away from the ballroom, the guests, and most importantly, from her son. she wasn’t exactly fond of the way the relationship between the two of you had been evolving- your presence left a bitter taste in her mouth, she couldn’t risk having you, a maid, impede the royal family from continuing their pure, blue blood heritage.
you were way too absorbed by the dancing silhouettes you could see from the windows -wishing that you, too, could slip inside- that you didn’t hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
soobin was right behind your back, out of breath, hands slightly sweating while he looked at your figure. he wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you in tightly as he tenderly embraced you “i missed you” you heard him whisper, his breath tickling the back of your neck.
you couldn’t fight back the smile taking over your face, feeling relief that he was alongside you, and not with some stranger, holding them close to his chest, swaying them across the dance floor “how did you sneak out?”
“beomgyu helped me- he made a mess at the dining table while attempting to pull a magic trick” soobin chuckled, remembering the way all the plates and glasses flew in the air as his friend pulled at the table cloth “needless to say, my parents were too astounded to keep their eyes on me”
you laughed at his explanation, knowing beomgyu, the incident must have been much more ridiculous than anything you could ever imagine. he sacrificed himself just so that the two of you could meet. however, the royal family adored him too much to ever throw him out, not matter how chaotic his endeavours were.
“i missed this” soobin placed a kiss on your right shoulder “-and this” he sweetly pecked your cheek, then spun your body around so that you could fully face him. the dim light shining from the lamp poles illuminated your features, giving them a gentle, mellow glow, and, perhaps without even realising it, soobin was leaning closer towards your lips. your breath hitched in your throat as you noticed how short the distance between you was getting, and yet, you allowed him to do it- to close the remaining gap.
you were stiff, anxious, forgetting to close your eyes or at least kiss him back, your mind could only focus on the softness of his lips and how his hand began to trail further down your waist. soobin separated himself from you hesitantly, not too much, only to the point where you could still feel his breath fanning on your face “i apologise, did i go too far-“
“no- that’s not the case” you cut him off. there was a tremble in your voice and it was impossible for him to tell whether it was from anger, sadness, or perhaps nervousness. you tapped your lips with your fingers, struggling the words that wouldn’t make this more embarrassing for you than it already was.
soobin’s head tilted to the side, expecting you to go on further. he couldn’t quite understand why you just stood there when he kissed you, like a statue devoid of emotion. you had always been cold on the surface, mostly unaccepting of any external forces. that didn’t stop soobin from delving deeper inside your heart, he knew that, in reality, behind all your pretending, you were warm, a certain kind of warmth that he’d crave more and more as time went on.
which is why, despite all the distance you had desperately tried to place between the two of you over the years, he still found himself calling out for you. it was inevitable- you were pulling him in like a magnet.
the flowers seemed to pick at his interest only when he walked around the garden with you. maybe because he was all too immersed by your gaze, wanting to find out which plant had your wholehearted attention. maybe it was because he wanted you to look at him that way too- or, maybe he just dreamed of gifting you a bouquet of all your favorite flowers, all handpicked by him from the garden.
the pastries tasted better whenever you were the one who made them, not mr. hughes, the main chef, or any of the other maids. so, each time he spotted a fresh batch made by you in the castle’s kitchen, he’d place one in his mouth stuffing his pockets with at least four more pieces. the butter from the sweets turned the fabric into a dirty, buttery mess, which the maids on cleaning duty loved to complain about. they couldn’t get how, at some point during the week, the pants in his laundry basket managed to reach this state.
he couldn’t deny it, he was completely, thoroughly infatuated by you.
“it’s all new to me” you attempted to reveal the truth, unaware of how vague your statement must have sounded.
soobin continued to look at you with a purely clueless look “what is?” the tone of his voice was a mixture of confusion and concern.
“this” your thumb reached out to graze his lower lip, eyes following the motion. soobin took your hand, holding it against his cheek while smiling.
“was that your first kiss?” his voice quivered as he asked, hiding a laugh. the situation, albeit embarrassing for you, was foolishly endearing for him.
“stop looking at me like that” you dodged his question, returning to your usual, rash behaviour, but soobin knew that you were only doing it out of nervousness.
“why? am i making your heart thump faster?” he whispered, placing a kiss on the inside of your palm “or-“ he leaned down, continuing to speak in a low tone as he reached your ear “perhaps you already want more?”
you gave his shoulder a slight push. where was the flustered boy from a few seconds ago, the one whose eyes widened at the thought of having stolen your first kiss?
“i think you’re getting way too ahead of yourself-”
“i’m not, you’re just afraid” he provoked you, now that it was clear in his mind that you did want the kiss, you just didn’t know how to return it. knowing your ego and short temper, how else could he ensure himself another taste, if not by teasing you?
“afraid of what?” you scoffed.
“of being a bad kisser”
“i’m not-“ your tone sharpened as you looked at him.
“well, how would you know?” he snickered “wasn’t this your first kiss, or am i mistaken?”
by the way he spoke, you could tell that he was enjoying this more and more by the second. catching on to the trap he was leading you to, you grabbed a fistful of his shirt, a tangled mixture of his collar and necklace in your hand as you pulled him closer, pressing your lips to his. you didn’t know exactly what to do, you only puckered your lips, hoping that it was enough to make a difference from your earlier kiss. soobin pulled away with a chuckle, tilting your chin up with one finger “i believe you need more practice, sweetheart”
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taglist: @huekalover3000
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rachalixie · 2 years
Hello💕 I'm absolutely in love with your writing :'> could you please write an "after-concert" changbin version? That would just make my day😔💖
you ask and you shall receive.
changbin treats you like royalty, always.
you wake up to the sound of the shower in your hotel room running and soft humming echoing off the walls. you’re snuggled into the bed, blankets almost covering your entire body in a poor imitation of changbin’s arms around you. you remember falling asleep missing his presence, always so proud of him but not being able to stop the ache of him not being there. despite that, waking up to his voice in your ears settled any grief your heart was feeling.
when he emerges from the bathroom he’s wearing a dark sleeveless shirt, muscular arms on full display, and loose workout shorts. his hair is damp, soft and bouncy and curly, just the way you like it. he looks like every one of college fantasies and you still can’t believe you get to keep him. he patters around the room, nerves still on high from his earlier performance. he’s putting little things away in his bag and throwing bits of trash away just so his hands have something to do. you can tell that he doesn’t realize you’re awake because he’s being endearingly quiet, walking on his tip toes and placing things down so gently.
the second his tired eyes meet yours he instantly glows, a blinding smile is gracing his face and his shoulders perk up from their slumped position. you think you must look ridiculous, swaddled in the blanket like a baby, but if he’s looking at you like that? like you’re some kind of treasure? your questionable self-esteem doesn’t really matter.
“thought you were asleep,” he says softly as he pads over to you, bare feet quiet, and sits in the open space you’ve left for him on the bed. he smells like his shower gel, spicy and sweet, and you want to reach out to pull him into you but you’re too comfortable where you are. he pulls the blanket away from your face a little and massages the area where your neck meets your shoulder, leaning in to press a soft kiss against your forehead. you can’t help but close your eyes and sigh in bliss, he knows exactly where to touch to make you fall apart like putty in his hands. you turn over a little so he has better access, practically moaning into the pillow from how good his hands feel. his touch after an entire night spent without him feels heavenly.
to this day you’re still shocked at how well he takes care of you; he just spent an entire night performing for his adoring fans, jumping and dancing on stage, and yet still he spends his energy at the end of the day making you feel good. no one has ever treated you as well as this man, you just hope he knows how much you appreciate him.
once you’re completely boneless against the sheets, he shuts off the lights and crawls slowly into bed with you. the second he nestles into your space, it’s like a a piece of the universe is finally jostled into its correct place. like the universe knows that he belongs by your side. he reaches over to pull you on top of him, and you fall against his chest with a breathless laugh. he wastes no time pulling your waist as close as he can to his body, and you fidget until you’re practically blanketing him against the bed. you might be worried that it was too much if you didn’t know that he always craves your weight on top of him, calming and steady. you whisper thank you’s and i love you’s into his skin until you fall asleep again.
post concert series masterlist
soft hours
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Electric Mayhem fanart?! OMG YAYYYY!!!! :DD
holy shit ya’ll this almost 3 days to finish, my ipad glitched and i almost lost my progress. my body is aching and i’m literally dying almost burnt out ASF! 😭 so please give this support cuz i worked my ass off on this drawing. pleaseeee!! 😭🙏🙏 i can’t let it go to waste, i overworked myself a bit unfortunatley. 😔☹️
either way i love how it turned out! my discord friends love it too!<33 anywaysss,,, i love the electric mayhem, that’s my favorite band! fer sure! 🤭💖
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sweetperversiongirl · 5 months
I meant to post/reblog this yesterday, but life 😔. So, I'm sending it to you in an ask, just for fun, because I loved your drawing of Mickey sleeping. I hope you enjoy and thank for all your beautiful art that just moves us.
Ian walks into the living room and he can’t help but think, not for the first time, that Mickey sleeps like a Victorian child suffering from Scarlet Fever. He’d seen that line on a TikTok once, and it immediately made him think of Mickey in this exact pose - on his back and delicately vulnerable, as if begging for protection. 
He melts at the sight. It’s precious.
Mickey’s deceptively scary fingers, the very same fingers capable of caresses and gentle squeezes, extend and retract in his sleep, as if looking for something. He slides a hand up Mickey’s chest where it’s captured and cradled. 
Had he been melting before? Absolutely not. But God, he was now. Pure, liquid affection pools in his middle, forcing out a sigh that’s worthy of a lovesick teen. Mickey stirs at the sound, blinking at him. Smiling. Happy. 
“You’re home,” Mickey whispers. 
“Mmmhmm.” He runs a soft thumb between Mickey’s clavicles. “Want to go to bed?”
Mickey nods sleepily, pulling him down so his head rests on his chest. 
“In a minute.” 
Mickey nuzzles into his hair, pressing warm kisses into his scalp that soundlessly bloom downward, enrobing his thoughts with words like ‘loved,’ ‘needed’ and ‘joy.’
He can push Mickey about going to bed, but the soft thump of Mickey’s heart under his ear is a call that’s too hard to resist. Like always.
He stays, cradled on all sides by Mickey’s sleep-soft breath in his hair, those not so scary fingers holding his hand and the melody of his heart in his ear. If morning finds them still here with aching necks, he doubts they will care.
This moment, with its quiet, velveteen embrace, is worth it.
OMG! This is so good and cute 💖💖💖💖 Ian really doesn't stand a chance against a sleeping Mickey, I'm sure of it :) You did such a great job describing the feelings overwhelming Ian. That's exactly how I envisioned it all when I drew this art, thank you dear. This sweet little story made my day better 😇😍
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myreia · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @lilas, thank you! 💖 tagging @galadae @bearlytolerant @allaganexarch @a-shakespearean-in-paris @impossible-rat-babies @hylfystt @birues @roguelioness and anyone else who would like to share what they're working on! I started another multi-chaptered thing, idk how to function anymore. 😔 Thank you to @thevikingwoman for being on speed-dial when I need DOH (specifically Culinarian) info. 🤣 I'm currently rotating thoughts about what family traditions mean to Aureia, who does not have those things and is making her own. She's learning. Slowly.
Aureia smiles gently. The affection between these two is heartwarming. She doesn’t know the couple well yet, though she is becoming better acquainted on account of her time spent in Rowena’s café. The last she saw them prior to this week, she was at her wits end, aching from the loss of her friends and her defeat on the Garlean front, and preparing to enter the Syrcus Trench. She remembers hearing about Raulf and Anzu from Mor Dhona gossip, something about their wedding being stalled due to a disapproving father.
So much has happened since then. More than she can vocalize. A year later, Raulf and Anzu are married and making a life for themselves. Somehow, after everything she has seen, there is comfort in knowing that life moves on. There is joy in the ordinary, relief in the mundane. Love blossoming in the smallest, unlikeliest of places.  
She thumbs her own wedding band, the engraved silver familiar beneath her fingertip.
“Thank you,” she says. “Both of you.”
Anzu sidles up beside her husband, wrapping an arm around him. “Of course!” she says. “The broth is good for all manner of aches and pains. And if not, well—who can say no to warm soup on a rainy day?”
Bidding farewell to the couple, Aureia extricates herself and begins the journey back, taking care not to spill the soup. Her step is light, her pace buoyant. The friendly hustle and bustle of the kitchen lingers, its delightful scents wafting about her. It’s strange to think how the café was once the one place in all Mor Dhona she avoided like the plague, its vibrant chaos painfully overwhelming.
She didn’t understand the allure of a place like that. Years in the Garlean military had drilled it into her that cooking was a utilitarian skill, food little more than an annoying necessity. Something for sustenance, not enjoyment. Even long after her defection she was content to live on rations, not paying attention to what she ate. She was being practical, she determined. Pragmatic. Why spend time on the trivial things when she could put her focus elsewhere?
At the time, she thought she was so clever. Looking back, she can only shake her head at what a belligerent fool she was being.
It was easier to think that then accept the obvious. The more she travelled, the more she understood the ways of the world. Culture, connection, family, unconditional love. The intense disappointment she felt at having none of those things, her envy at those who did. No place to call home, no family to remember, no traditions to pass on.
There was only herself.
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imhereforscm · 5 months
There are times in my life where i feel like my dad is right about me being immature. That i can't do anything right. There are times where he has said horrible things in front of other people.
You have written many comfort stories for many people but my request a slightly different and similar at the same time.
This might sound stupid. I am apologizing in advance.😔😔😔 What if reader doubts her relationship with Tauxolouve because she think he probably finds hre immature like her dad? She distances herself from him.
The ending is upto you.
Thank you for reading my rant.
"The riches of your soul"
Genre: comfort
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello, sugar cube!!🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Reminder that no matter what anyone else says, you're wonderful!!💖💖💖💖 Just because someone says a certain things doesn't mean said thing is a fact. You're the only one that gets to decide your worth and NO ONE can cheapen it. I LOVE YOU!!
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You held your breath, as you stepped out into the gardens, where Vega told you Tauxolouve was. Your feet moved along the flinty road between the bushes with the roses, though your mind didn't notice their colors, or their scents, or even the fact that new ones had bloomed.
You heard distant humming and your eyes rose from the ground, landing on the figure of your darling, that wandered around the grass, the smile on his face emanating an otherworldly serenity. His silky hair danced a little in the gentle warm breeze and staring at this beautiful man, your heart clenched.
Looking down at you hands, you were once more reminded of who you are, once appearances fade, falling away like a mask that's going to decay in the corner of an attic. You swallowed thickly, your desire to be near him and speak to him nothing but the ambition of a fool. You turned your back to Tauxolouve, the garden all around you turning grey, as your heart bit on your ribcage, crashing it bone by bone.
"(Name)!" Your name startled you a little, but the voice was familiar. A voice that sounded like home and the evening of a spring.
You faced him, your face stiff and your jaw tight.
"My little lady," He stepped back into the crafted path, abandoning the grass that surely craved for his presence once more. "did you not see me?"
You shook your head. "No, I thought you were inside." You said, your tongue coated in lies Tauxolouve's sweet ears believed. "I was coming to find you."
"Looks like there's no need." He said, his hands cupping your face, bringing his soft velvet lips to your forehead. "I found you first." He smiled at you and your heart tightened.
You loved him so much that, at times, you thought your heart would stop and the only worry in your mind, was if he'd be offered the heartbeats you'd never use.
And yet... A corner in your heart ached, a thin yet ruthless needle piercing you there as you stared within Tauxolouve's dark eyes. Were you really in the same space of mind? Did you really deserve such a kind, gentlemanly and mature man...? You doubted that more and more as they days were born and died again, your thoughts siding with your father, the one who forced those ideas into your head.
"Would you like some tea?" He asked, bringing you back to reality, your body becoming aware of the sensation of his hands once more. "I'm dying to know how your day has been. I remember you telling me about a movie you were excited to watch, have you watched it yet?"
You followed your boyfriend to one of the tables of the garden, sheltered beneath a pavilion, the sunrays reaching you soothingly, in thin gentle portions, shade and light colliding into comfort.
Tauxolouve materialized the pitcher and the cups, adding some small pastries to the side. From the ones he knew you adored and would always make your jaw shiver and your lips to curled upwards in a happy, bright movement. "So? How was your day?"
Your lips parted and you sucked in a breath, but it died young, never reaching anyone's ears. You simply smiled and responded, peering up at him over your teacup. "Good. Excellent. How about you?"
Tauxolouve's eyes remained on you curiously, your lack of enthusiasm unsettling him.
The honest truth was that you wanted to tell him of everything that happened. Of all the movies you'd watched, the coffees you had and the suggestions you had for future dates. But...
You swallowed the tea, barely acknowledging its taste and aroma as it streamed down your throat.
Reminiscing of all the times you let your vocal cords explode with words and your lungs to feel with passions made you wince, wondering what Tauxolouve was truly, genuinely thinking.
You drank your tea in silence, feeling out of touch and loathing for your own soul. Your father was right, that's the conclusion you reached. That you were immature, an oxymoron for you to be standing by Tauxolouve's side so carefreely.
"Is everything alright, my little lady?" He asked, setting his cup down on the delicate little plate. "You don't seem too energetic today."
Your gaze fell and your fingers tightened around the handle of the cup. "Everything's fine." You said, trying to hide how small you felt, compared to Tauxolouve. You believed you didn't fulfil him, how could you...? You were immature, a child in a grown up's body and Tauxolouve had to deal with it. He was way too sweet to decline someone and you swore deep down, beneath that porcelain, flawless skin of his, exasperation boiled.
So you pursed your lips, refusing to open your heart, considering it the root of the problem.
Tauxolouve reached out a hand from across the table and placed it upon your own, the sunlight washing over your complexions. "I know something's on your mind. I know every inch of you, inside and out."
You looked up at him and sensed your courage leaving your body. "Louie..." You breathed, your father's words repeating inside your head over and over again, untill they became the poem of doom and sorrow. "I don't... I want you to be honest with me."
Tauxolouve stared at you silently, waiting patiently for you to continue.
"Do you... Feel fulfilled in this relationship?" You finally admitted to the demons that lived inside your head for days. "Do you think I'm perhaps... Lacking something important...?"
Tauxolouve eyed you in disbelief, your words sounding like a blade grazing a glass in his ears. "Lacking... You?"
You nodded, staring down at his twitching fingers. "Yes. Like..." Your voice fell significantly and he almost missed your words. "Maturity could be what I'm lacking..."
Tauxolouve sighed at your words and rose from his seat, the sound of the chair's legs grazing the floor making your heart jolt, along with your shoulders. He walked around the table and only when he kneeled in front of you, did your eyes meet his. His fingers reached out for your face, caressing your jaw up to your cheek softly. "My little lady, who caused you to think that way?"
You swallowed thickly, wishing you could swallow the words as well, but they lingered still on your tongue. "My father..." You spoke, your voice coming out in a whispery tone.
Tauxolouve's hands fell on your lap, gripping your own, that rested there already. "Will you listen to me?"
You nodded.
"Thank you." He smiled softly, looking deeply into your eyes. "Ever since the day I met you, my life has been beautiful... Who am I kidding!" He shook his head, his eyebrows lowering. "I didn't even have a life before I met you. It began now. After I met you..." He paused, bringing your hands to his lips and pressed several affectionate kisses there, all over your knuckles and the back of your hands. "So tell me... Do you think someone immature could have had such a meaningful influence on someone's life? Such a positive influence, I mean."
You swallowed thickly, eyes casted away from him and upon your teacup.
"Answer me, please." He pleaded, voice gentle and patient.
You hesitantly shook your head, your lips parting shakily, as a warm breeze blew, some hairs tickling your cheekbones. "No... I guess they wouldn't."
"That's right." He continued, tucking your dancing hair behind your ear and inspecting every part of your face with love and affection in his gaze. "You're not immature. I can't believe your father called you such a thing, it just goes to show how little he knows about you." With your hands still within his and him still on his knees, he leaned in, pressing your hand to his cheek, longing to feel your skin against his own. "If you truly were immature, I highly doubt anyone would stick around for so long. They—we all stay around, for the riches of your soul. You have an ethereal inner beauty that pulls people to you. And your mind..." He paused, kind wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes as he smiled at you. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
You bent over, touching your forehead to his. You breathed into his caramel scent, eyes closed, when you felt a soft sensation on your lips, as if made of velvet and the finest of silk. You kissed him back and the sun stood as the only witness to that wordless promise of love you two shared.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
i was brainrotting about this just the other day actually,, there’s just SOMETHING about the love and adoration and devotion that a devotee!whumpee would give to a god!whumper, the desire to please, the worship, and the special attention that a god would give to this favorite whumpee that makes a man go AA💕AAAA💞💖💞💓💞
it’s about the power dynamic. it’s all about the power dynamic. also the common theme of kneeling/praying and penance that’s also fun
sorry if this ended up kinda long, i don’t find a lot of god!whumper x devotee!whumpee writing on here for some reason 😔
- 🎉
tw religious whump
whumper could literally do anything. not just because theyre a god but because whumpee would just let them
whumper giving and withholding affection and miracles and help and guidance based on their whims and mood
meanwhile whumpee is putting their last scraps of food on the altar
begging for forgiveness >>>
losing themself in worship because their god literally appearing for them and talking to them and commanding them directly is such a drug
whumpee continuously putting their own needs aside for whumper
whumpee having to inflict pain upon themself to atone
fevers, hives, random aches, burns, burning without actual physical burns, CURSES i dont know man WHUMPER COULD DO ANYTHING
impossible tasks to prove devotion and the terror of failing because they "didnt have enough faith"
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colors-of-joy · 10 months
Things/words that won't be the same for me after Banana Fish*sighs*
- Dawn ( my mornings would never be the same 😔, and for God's sake did I mention that my heart ached when I read the title of a movie called "saving Dawn"?🥹
 - Sayonara!!
 - Cape Code 🙏🏽
- New York (as if I've never known it before BF! , it's now associated to it so much)
- Hot dogs & Nattō 🥺
- Avocado shrimp salad ( I literally teared up when I saw it in a menu!🙈 )
 - Ash (whether the name or the meaning *sigh*)
- Aslan (say what you want about the true lingual origins of the name, be it lion or dawn or anything else, my heart skips a beat always when I read/hear it! ,it belongs to Ash💜
 - Jade (I've fallen in love more with that precious Stone and its breathtaking color!🥰🥹 )
- Shorter (do I need to say more?😭🧡)
- Akira (knowing that it actually means "Dawn" as well, oh my poor heart!)
- Garden of Lights (or any part of these words in anything! Instant tears!)
- Kilimanjaro mountain (oh dear that episode!, and of course the novel with the same title!)
- Sing 💗 (as a name holds so much *sighs*)
- Lynx & leopard are never the same as before! 🥹
 - Forever 💖😔 
- Eiji (oh boy my obsession of this name during those past yrs and till this day! It's now a banana fish's private property in my mind & heart *sighs*
- “My soul will always be with you” 🙏🏽
- public libraries (specially the one in new York!😭)
and of course the obvious ones ; the Bananas and the fishes (although it was a metaphor the whole time but it's now associated with it!😖)
Lovely BF Fandom, share with me any other things that had never been the same for you post Banana Fish! 😅🙏🏽
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eksvaized · 3 months
The fact that Don't Get In The Car is a somewhat sequel to Poisonous Obsession fucking aches my heart. Unfortunately I'm reading DGITC first, and idk if I can read PO without constantly being sad knowing the ending 😔
PO does have a sad ending 🥺, but I feel like once you read it, Simon's character and behaviour start to make much more sense because whenever I'm stuck with DGITC's chapter, I literally start re-reading PO and pulling out ideas from there.
Anyway, thank you for reading DGITC!! 💖🫶
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ellecdc · 3 months
I loved this chapter so so much!! (Honestly who’s surprised). Seeing Remus get jealous was everything and honestly well deserved after his little stunt with Amelia.. like ik it’s not the same but let’s be real a tiny taste of his own medicine would be fine and reader isn’t even doing it intentionally LOL (also thoughts and prayers for Amelia that was a tough loss 🙏)
Also!! The stone scene with Remus and reader 🥹 it was so cute I was giggling and kicking my feet a bit. But also I love how it can also be read like reader handed Remus those stones and was lowkey like “please get your crap together ❤️" even tho I know she probably wouldn’t be passive aggressive like that intentionally 😭 still funny to me tho! And very cute :)
And ugh friend I’m so sorry that your computer deleted your writing!!! That’s happened to me with a paper the day before it was due and I literally just gave up and went to bed (after sobbing for half an hour) so I don’t blame you for being upset AT ALL. I hope a miracle comes your way to fix it, but if not just know that no one here is mad or anything if the chapters take longer than usual (and if they are send them my way 🤺) You’re a brilliant writer and if you DO have to re-write the chapters just know no one here is rushing you and I hope you can have fun writing them :) But for now I hope you got some rest and maybe a comfort snack and are doing well!! 💛
(Pardon the ridiculously long ask mwah)
Ugh I’m obsessed with you, really and truly. I’m so glad you loved the latest AMWAP! I think they all deserved their little funny moments and peaceful (mostly?) coexistence.
I LOVEd jealous Remus like that’s right bitch you just sit there and think about all you’ve done 🤨 but our whimsical reader is so funny and absolutely puts him in his place (many times) in the sweetest most caring and innocent ways hahaha
Oh the crystals were DEFINITELY not a coincidence - everything our whimsical reader does is with intention - nothing is ever accidental 😉 I also love that she got kind of excited when Sirius encouraged her to do it like “oh! I was hoping to get the chance to do this but didn’t want to come across as pushy” she already knew what she wanted to give him 😭😭
That is SO devastating about your paper and WAY more upsetting than my measly 2000 words about dead gay wizards so I’m sorry you can identify with that heart ache 😭😭😭
I’ve sort of covered all my bases re: the newest chapter so I’m going to have to start over 😔 I’m going to open a new doc tho because I no longer trust that other one.
Thanks so much for your sweet words and your care!!! I’m so glad to have you here with me 🫶🫶🫶💖💖💖💖
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
hi i’m about to risk it all (as in getting tumblr cancelled) by doing this tag game i was so kindly tagged by @ericbogosbian to do (thank you kaaayyy 💖💖💖). so it was nice knowing you all 🫡
first line tag game
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted on a03
-> since i am not nearly as prolific as so many fic writers, i’m just going to full on reveal the 5 fics i have actually “published” (this feels like doxxing myself and honestly i’m ready for it 😔)
1. It’s Not Paradise, But I’ll Call it Home -> aka the accursed naruto fanfic:
Lee was desperate.
Okay, so maybe desperate was too kind a word; despairing, or even completely and utterly hopeless, was much more fitting.
He needed rent money and he needed it…oh, about three weeks ago. That's how totally beyond desperate his situation was.
2. A Resolute Mind -> aka the mcml fic:
Java was to be my reckoning. The shame of my failure, burning hot and furious, would finally be absolved. I craved redemption more then I had ever ached for anything in my short, naive life.
3. Something Happens and I’m Head Over Heels -> aka the IT/Reddie fic:
Richie thinks this is probably one of the most pathetic moments of his adult life. Okay so, maybe that’s a jump, but he definitely feels extra pathetic.
He’s not sure how long he’s been standing here, but at this point the cuts of steak are definitely judging him. Hell, if he were a steak looking up at a forty something year old man staring vacantly at hunks of meat, he’d be judging him too.
4. To Everything There is a Season -> aka the midnight mass fic:
There is a dream I have quite often. No matter how many times I have it, it always remains the same.
5. Wax Minute -> aka the fic that is going to fucking have me ripped to shreds, the one i made a whole ass separate ao3 account for :)
Mike isn’t overly fond of the long shooting hours being part of a television series requires, and most especially when he’s asked to stay afterwards. Hard work he likes -the rewards of honest grit never cease to thrill him- but show business is a whole other animal he still isn’t quite prepared to handle. Sure the work is rewarding in its own way, although he often can’t recognize that worth in the minute to minute minutia of the media beast, but if he’d known the kind of schedule he’d be signing up for he might have thought twice about answering that ad.
i’m going to tag the only people i’m aware of that have written multiple fics (but as always no pressure at all guys!!) so i tag @jathis, and @squeesbysophie
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Es geht mir zurzeit wieder schlechter, ich weis nich wie es weitergehen soll .Mein leben an sich ist ja schon besser geworden ich bin umgezogen und habe an sich schon viel geschafft was ich schaffen wollte. ABER!!! Ja es gibt wie immer bei mir ein aber, mein Körper macht mir nach wie vor zu schaffen. Ich fühle mich nicht wohl in meinen dicken Körper und meine Einsamkeit die ist auch sehr present. An sich ist es einfach eine scheiß Situation oder besser gesagt Lebenslage in der ich mich befinde! Und ich habe das Gefühl ich werde nie ernstgenommen oder sogar so akzeptiert wie ich bin. Das Mädchen in meinen alter sagen,, oh hey die ist ja mega hübsch, die nehme ich mir als Vorbild) es ist eher so das ich auf Mädchen in meinen alter schaue und denke boar die ist so schön schlank, gepflegt und einfach sexy. und ich naja, eben ich das 0 8 15 Mädchen das keine Freunde hat ein mega durchschnittliches leben führt und auch viel zu dick ist bei einer körpergröße von 1.60 und 150kg. Warum konnte mir gott kein schöneres aussehen schenken oder sogar ein besseres leben ohne borderline ohne Einsamkeit ohne fressanfälle und vorallem. Ohne diesen hässlichen fetten Körper der nach jeden Tag wo ich mich vollstopfe immer dicker wird. Und ich mich dadurch Tag für Tag hässlicher, fetter, unattraktiv , nicht ernstgenommen fühle. Ich meine das so, wer nimmt schon ein kleines mopelchen ernst das nicht mall ihre eigene Meinung gegenüber anderen sagen kann. Selbst meine Mutter sagt sowas wie,,ach, mein kleines mopelchen du hast doch schon wieder zugenommen oder iss doch mall weniger. Ich würde echt viel dafür geben ein leben zu führen wie die beliebten schönen Mädchen in meinen alter. Die mit den schönen körpern, mit denn bezaubernten lächeln, makelos beinah. Und denn spannenden leben und tollen Partys..... 😔🙇
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Ps; Eure Linamaus.... In der hoffnung ihr werdet nie in so eine lage wie ich kommen. ❤💖
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imhereforscm · 10 months
Can i get a hug from you and Lou? Please. My dad scolded me and said he would have been happy if i wasn't born. He says i am a disgrace. I am not very good at maths and i want to study arts which made him angry. I am sorry if you find this triggring. 😔 I just want some words of encouragement, forehead kisses and cuddles please 😔 Thank you
"I believe in you"
Genre: comfort
Warnings: thoughts of you not existing
A/N: *TACKLES YOU IN A BIG HUG* I love you so much, sweetie!!! Idk what kind of shit your dad has in his head, but know that they're not true!! You're wonderful, brilliant and this world would never be the same without you!!🎀🎀💖🎀💖🎀💖🎀💖🎀💖🎀🎀🎀💖💖💖💖💖💖 And I believe art is a beautiful career and you can do it!!❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖❣️💖 SENDING YOU LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS, BABY!!! *HUGS YOU AND PLACES A KISS TO YOUR FOREHEAD*❣️❣️❣️❣️
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Your heart was squeezed tightly by a vine covered in thorns and your throat was hurting, your vision blurry.
Your brain remembered and your eardrums still ached from the insults thrown your way by someone who apparently had no heart, because he didn't hesitate to pick these unforgivable words.
The first tear fell from your eye and more followed. You folded your forearms onto your desk and buried your face in them, your tears wetting them.
After a few moments though, you raised your head back up for air and from the corner of your eye a figure caught your attention.
The spiky vine loosened up around your heart a little and your tears fell free, so relieved to see Tauxolouve in your bedroom, it matched the feeling of a shipwrecked witnessing the shore in the far off horizon after days.
"What's wro-"
You threw yourself into his arms before he could finish. You sobbed and wailed into his caramel scent, as he softly wrapped his warm arms around you, rubbing your back soothingly. "I'm so... So glad—glad you're here...!" You managed to utter between sobs and hiccups, your shoulders jerking.
"I'm not leaving. Take your time and tell me when you feel ready. Alright?"
You nodded and your hold around him tightened, his hold on you mimicking yours.
His hands readjusted their position against your trembling body and picked you up, so you could wrap your legs around his waist and he brought you to the bed. He placed you down on it and sat beside you, without separating from you even for a second. He rocked you gently in his arm, his big and warm palm stroking your hair, as he pressed heartfelt kisses against your forehead.
You cried and cried until you had no more tears left and your chest was rising and falling rapidly, begging for more oxygen.
Tauxolouve noticed your frantic panting and worried for your wellbeing. "Angel, I know it's difficult, but you gotta tame your breathing." He spoke in a low voice so he wouldn't intimidate you. He wasn't mad, just worried and he wanted to show that to you in any way he could. "Follow my breaths. Please..." He took in a deep breath and you followed.
And then he let it go. Slowly.
He then breathed in again.
And exhaled. Slowly...
You two repeated the same pattern for some time and he smiled loving down at you, when your breathing returned to normal. "That's it. You're doing wonderful. You're wonderful."
Hearing him say that striked a cord in you and your eyes watered once more. "Tauxolouve... Something really bad happened..."
"I'm here to listen if you want me to." He said and fell quiet afterwards, leaving room big enough for your wounds to cry out.
"My dad scolded me and said he would have been happy if I wasn't born. He says I am a disgrace. I am not very good at maths and I want to study arts which made him angry." You said and finished just in time, before your voice started to crack really badly and you started crying again.
Tauxolouve's heart ached for you and anger boiled in him at your dad. You didn't deserve such words.
He pulled your head closer, having it rest on his chest and opened his mouth to speak. "Listen... First of all, being or not being good at math won't determine your future. And arts is a beautiful career path. Unfortunately your father can't see that, but remember one thing. No one can strip you off the future you desire. So even if he yells and gets angry about it, you know better than him what will make you happy and he can't take that away from you."
Throughout his whole speech, the vibrations emanating from his sternum helped to calm you down at least a little. "And as for that horrible comment he made about your birth... I really don't know how one can be such a terrible human. You're not a disgrace, he is. A father should encourage his child to be happy no matter what. But please... Please! Know that what he said is not true! I am happy you exist and many other people are happy as well. And in the future, many people will be happy too. Your birth is a blessing to this world and I wouldn't exchange it for anything in this world!"
He spoke with passion and his heart wrote the words. He meant every single one of them. "At the mere thought of a life without you... It's so scary, so depressing... So empty... This man is so ridiculous and horrible, that his opinions don't matter, he doesn't have anything worthwhile to him, while you're such a wonderful person. His words don't define you!" He squeezed you even tighter in his arms and you felt your broken pieces sticking back together. "You're wonderful, you're talented, you're smart, your heart is beautiful and your soul the kindest in this world. And I'm sorry he can't see it. But I can. And I believe in you, because you're strong and amazing and you will achieve your dreams. Sometimes people don't believe in us, but that doesn't change our powers. Your father's words are just words on sand. If waves wash over them, they're gone. That's how meaningless they are."
The sounds of his heartbeat mixing with the vibrations of his voice and his heartfelt love did wonders to your tired heart and your eyelids closed, but you didn't sleep. You rested your eyes and basket in the intoxicating scent surrounding you.
"You can sleep. I'll be here when you wake up and I won't stop holding you." He whispered.
"Promise?" You whispered back.
"Yes, my angel. And I'll give you the best dreams."
A faint smile formed on your lips and you nuzzled closer against him. After some time, your exhaustion pulled you down into depths of sleepiness and just as your senses began to fade away, you could hear Tauxolouve's sweet voice.
"Thank you for existing. I'm thankful every day and not just me. There are people who love you a lot. I love you so much, my little lady."
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leejungchans · 2 years
hi this is basically a fic JSMDNSM
thinking of starring with actor!lee chan in a drama (remember when people were saying the guy from business proposal looked like chan in that one scene <3) 🤔🤔🤔 he was pretty easy to get along with and he always tries to make sure you're not uncomfortable in any situation or scene you're filming, whether he's in it with you or not 💖💖💖
eventually your relationship with him gets an upgrade from just co-workers to very close friends who start goofing around on set together and it suddenly gets hard to stay serious in serious scenes when you're facing this dork 😔 but simultaneously you find your acting has become more natural now that you've grown comfortable with your lead partner!! and somehow everyone else among the cast and staff never fail to mention how good the chemistry between you two is, both on-screen and off and it's become a hot topic among the viewers 🤗 but at some point you start noticing how the feelings you're "acting" for a romantic scene with chan starts lingering even after the director yells "cut!" and as it progressively intensifies you still find your heart aching for someonething even after you've arrived back home,,,
it drags on until the day comes when you have to film an emotional scene with him: standing outside, getting soaked in the rain, screaming at each other, you're both crying but you're so sure yours are real as you your character confesses their love to him his,, the silence that comes after is part of the script but it only hurts you more knowing that the "i love you too" from him is too 😞💔 you hear him say it, you're supposed to stop sobbing and look him in the eye before running into his arms to kiss him but for some reason you can't stop crying ☹️ you hear the "cut!" and someone call for a break in the distance but you don't move from your spot, even as you feel a hand rest on your head and you know exactly who it is from how many times he's messed with and ruffled your hair, both as his character and himself
he's smoothing your hair down, patting your arms and shoulders, whispering how good of a job you just did,,,, he even took a towel from one of the staff to wrap it around you (not that it would do anything considering how drenched you are but he's trying okay—) and bc i am horrible at writing kiss scenes i will speedrun this part JDKSJSJS after you calm down, he asks you to look up at him before he cups your face in both of his hands and tells you again that you did amazing and you're speechless bc holy shit he looks so good up close like this staring at you like THAT and oh my god is he moving closer why is your face also moving oh and you've both closed your eyes and 😚
me, actually the director: [whooping in the distance]
will end this here bc i also hurt myself with this 😇🙏 i think i also made the bf cry ?? 😭😭😭
- 🌼
HI BESTIE IM ACTUALLY KICKING CRYING SCREAMING BC I LOVED BUSINESS PROPOSAL SO MUCH SO THIS WAS A TARGETED ATTACK 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ I AM GATEKEEPING LEE CHAN FROM ALL OF U HES MINE </3 i’m literally this close 🤏🤏 to crawling in a feral position on the ground and crying i wish i was kidding </3
omgomgomg and he’d kiss you so tenderly while you’re both still drenched from the (fake) rain, his hands soft against your cheeks while he pulls you impossibly close until there’s no space between you two at all. when you finally separate he uses his thumbs to gently wipe away your tears, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart at the partly-hopeful, partly-pained look in your eyes as you whisper “is this real?”, preparing yourself for heartbreak in case the kiss was him acting on impulse while still in character. except he rests his forehead on yours, his thumbs still brushing against your cheeks comfortingly as he whispers back, “it’s real, this is real.” (bonus if the cameras start rolling again at this point and a cut eventually makes it into the episode, bc even the best acting couldn’t replicate the genuine affection that was in both your eyes.)
also hi 🌼’s bf waves allow me to cry with you
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tsufantasy · 1 month
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Tea and Forbidden Wishes 💔✨ In the golden hues of the afternoon sun, filtering through the grand windows of the royal chamber, sat Tsu, the princess of the realm, her crimson eyes a mysterious dance of elegance and secrets. Her heart, as delicate as the china she sipped from, was untouched by love's folly, for she knew the burdens of royal duty all too well. 😌🌹
Beside her, James, the butler, with his silver hair shimmering like moonlight and eyes as green as the ancient forests, served tea with a grace only matched by his hidden despair. Every pour of tea was a whisper of his heart's desires, every glance stolen when he thought the princess wouldn't notice. 💔👀
But Tsu, oh clever Tsu, saw everything. With a playful yet poignant smile, she sipped her tea, feeling the weight of James's love like a heavy yet tragic tapestry. She knew his love was as forbidden as a star touching the sea, for she was a royal, destined to marry for alliance, not affection. And James? Just a humble servant in her grand tapestry of duties. 🌟🌊
One afternoon, as the sun painted the sky with the colors of their hidden feelings, Tsu decided to address the silent sonnet of their unspoken truths.
"James, do you know why the roses in our garden are so vibrant?" she asked, her voice a melody of kindness and tease.
"No, my lady, why do they bloom so passionately?" James replied, his voice trembling like a leaf in the wind.
"Because they don't try to reach for the stars. They flourish where they're planted, content in their place in the world," Tsu explained, her eyes locked onto his, a gentle firmness in her gaze. 🌹✨
James's heart sank, understanding her words were not just about flowers but about them—a butler and his princess. As much as his heart ached to step beyond his bounds, he knew she was right. Their love could only ever be a dream, fluttering against the harsh winds of reality. 😢🍂
From that day on, James served his princess with a loyal but heavy heart, pouring tea as if each cup were an apology for his unsuitable love. And Tsu, ever so understanding yet untouchable, cherished his devotion in silence, their story a bittersweet symphony played in the quiet corners of the royal palace. 💖🏰
They both knew some stars were meant to be admired from afar, never to be touched, forever in the sky of what could never be. 🌌💔
Such is the tale of tea and forbidden wishes, a story of love that blooms in the shadows, beautiful yet destined to fade... 😔✨
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🌟 Ambulatory Phlebectomy: Minimally Invasive Vein Treatment 🌟
Say goodbye to varicose veins with ambulatory phlebectomy! 💫✨ This state-of-the-art procedure, performed by Dr. Sergei Sobolevsky at Downtown Vein & Vascular Center, is your ticket to beautiful, healthy legs. 🦵💖
✨ What is Ambulatory Phlebectomy? Ambulatory phlebectomy is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. Our top NYC vein doctor skillfully removes diseased veins through tiny incisions, allowing the blood to find a new, healthier pathway. 🩸🔬
💥 The Impact of Varicose Veins Varicose veins are those twisted, discolored veins that can make your legs lose their glow. When the valves in your blood vessels malfunction, blood flows back and causes pooling, resulting in bulging veins. 😔 But fear not, we're here to help! 💪
🔍 Signs and Symptoms Wondering if ambulatory phlebectomy is right for you? Check out these common symptoms we treat:
✅ Unsightly twisted and bulging veins on your legs or arms ✅ Skin discoloration ✅ Aching and heaviness in your legs ✅ Itching, burning, or throbbing around the varicose veins ✅ Muscle cramping caused by blood clots ✅ Swelling and tenderness in your lower legs ✅ Pain worsened by inactivity, like sitting or standing for a long period
💫 Experience the Difference Don't let varicose veins hold you back! Book an appointment with Dr. Sobolevsky today and unlock the beauty of healthy, vein-free legs. 🌟💃
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