zurko48 · 3 months
extremely selfish of you to be born needing help, maybe try killing yourself instead?
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cryptcatz · 2 years
physically disabled ppl and mentally ill ppl and neurodivergent ppl STOP fighting amongst each other we should be making out
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learntolive-again · 2 years
I get a strange sense of pleasure from making nosy able- bodied people uncomfortable.
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vela-aureum · 2 years
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[ID: Scrennshot of a tweet by PotatoMasherAnnie.
The text reads: People with ME can be by necessity antisocial. The energy you may want to use on a conversation often is needed to shower, to digest food, to breathe. #MEAwarenesssHour End ID]
Twitter link:
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sunkern-plus · 6 months
Me: nah I'm not physically disabled I mean I have multiple deformities in my lumbar spine, severe progressive nearsightedness, and epilepsy but all of those are pretty much treated
Me suffering severe pain from the lipoma that grew rapidly back on the back of my neck from simply sitting on the computer for longer than an hour: oh. That counts as a disability
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Chronically ill Collei with Eleazar + Chronically ill Traveler with both a neurological disease (autism/brain fog) AND a chronic bowel/stool disease due to biology via being the offspring of the Primordial One (self-projection, alien species being bird/lepidopteran/avian themed)? 
Heck. Yes. Imagine Aether being EXTREMELY excited inside hearing about Collei’s disability because he has both chronic low-level fatigue, chronic low-level abdominal/anal pain AND gastrointestinal problems that cause frequent pooping, near-constant hunger and blood in stool among a PLETHORA of many other things. Imagine his flareups due to eating too-oily foods. Too-oily combined with too-spicy is just a combination that literally KO's him.
And he tells nobody because “oh he’s so good at sworsdmanship he’s perfectly a healthy human lol”. Of course, he feels kinda bad as he should, because disabilities and ableism turn your life into shit, but hey- he’s destroying himself by masking his disabilities/illnesses so he doesn’t receive ableist/xenophobic-as-fuck interactions and responses, might as well tell someone with a disability when they’re comfortable.
Only Paimon ever knowing about how both he and his sister are ‘wired differently’/disabled due to their fundamentally different biology from regular humans (bird inspired). Imagine Aether having an abdominal/intestinal flare-up and being bedridden because of it, and Collei finding out and feeling SUCH a kinship~
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poetfish · 2 years
I want to talk for a second about something that really gets under my skin:
Performative readership. People that constantly talk about how much they love to read, how many books they go through in a week, how books are objectively better than film, how they want a Beauty & the Beast library. On and on and on.
There's a whole culture that revolves around talking about how much you love books as much as or more than the content of the books you've read. It's everywhere, and absolutely rampant on this site. And I was part of that culture for a while.
It wasn't until I was diagnosed with ME--commonly called Chronic Fatigue--and lost the capacity to read as much as I used to that it started getting to me. People take it for granted, but your eyes have muscles, and reading is actually a fine motor skill. And fine motor skills wear you out when you have this illness. I can still read (obviously), but after like 90 minutes I start to go a little cross-eyed and eventually those muscles wear out and I can't focus them enough to keep going. Half the time it gives me a massive headache.
I watch more than I read now because of this. That doesn't mean I don't like books, don't value reading, don't enjoy what I read when I can, don't benefit from what I've read, or am any less cultured than I was when I could still go for hours and hours with no problem. And being constantly bombarded with "Omg you guys I love books sooo much! I love reading! I read so many books all the time, isn't it great? I'm such a book nerd! I look at people who don't read and I'm like lol why? Unlike some people, I actually value reading! Lol I feel bad for people who don't read allllllll the time, they're so missing out!" just... makes me feel like shit.
If you wouldn't talk like that about walking or having all 4 limbs or eating peanuts, maybe take it easy with this book culture stuff. If you want to impress the world with your passion for reading, talk about what you read, not just that you read.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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thesoulsitsalone · 2 years
One thing that always hurts my heart is that once you are chronically ill, people stop feeling sympathetic. If I had a broken leg, my colleagues would fall over themselves to help me out, but because it’s rheumatoid it’s old news, so they just watch me struggle =/
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Are you really a spoonie unless you’re pushing yourself to keep going through negative spoons and your support network (mostly abled) doesn’t realize you’re barely able to feed yourself and they needed to have come home from their outing…hours ago?
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whumpfish · 6 months
Preach it! I wish people would realize how significant the overlap between the whump and the disability community is, and that we're not intruding or taking over spaces
Yeah. This wasn't a thing until recently, hence my additional annoyance with it. Like I said in the larger post, whump is a way for us to find common ground with each other and other people. I've learned a lot about the mechanics of pain disorders that aren't ME/CFS, and phenomena that are similar to what I experience but not exact, and not just on my own posts. I reblogged a reference post a while back from someone who has fainting spells, and I was fascinated to learn how much longer I'm typically unconscious for (30-90 seconds vs 2-15 wholeass minutes!). Previously I'd just thought unconsciousness was unconsciousness. It's been a good tool for me for talking to my doctors, even. One of the first things I'm asked when I mention my pain knocking me out is if I've ever fallen, to which I've always responded "??? By the time it's bad enough for me to pass out I've already had to sit/lie down??" Now I know why they're always asking what I thought prior to this was a weird and counterintuitive question, and I can say "I don't mean fainting, I mean passing out, this and that are different"... which is really going to help me in disability evaluations, because I've met a lot of lay people who are convinced that if you don't drop from a standing position it's not "real." All because somebody made a whump reference post for writers, and tagged it what it was so I could find it. And the thing is, there's already a dedicated "space for community things," it's called the actually tags, and it's why they exist. #actuallydisabled #actuallychronicallyill I use these all the time, and you know what? No fandom content. This is a total and complete non-issue. When this shit takes over your life, in my experience, you've got two options for what to do with the spoons you're left with. You can reach out, connect with people, find something you can do to counteract how the world treats you and feel human again... or you can sit around trying to make everyone else as miserable as you are. I choose Door #1.
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zurko48 · 9 months
I am trying (honest) I am doing better than I was before (possibly) I will be okay in the end (unsure)
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cryptcatz · 2 years
frustrating that when i talk abt my disability and accessibility issues holding me back i get generic “you can overcome it all with hard work!!! life isn’t easy for anyone!!!” type responses. actually when im venting abt careers im interested in not being wheelchair/disability accessible i, in fact, cannot overcome something out of my fuckin control (: pls tell me how i can magically make the world more accessible to me with pure hard work.
and if i can simply “be creative” and “make a job accessible” to me do you have any ideas cuz i sure don’t!
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vela-aureum · 2 years
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[image ID: a tweet from
@ReaStrawhill / Twitter
Chronic illness means constantly having to prioritize. Constantly having to sacrifice things that I love, just to make it through the week. Constantly having to be responsible, and having to say "No" when all I want is to say "Yes!". And it is exhausting.
Followed by a reply tweet from @albatrocities to @ReaStrawhill
And then having to continuously explain to people why you're saying no, and, regardless of having explained many times before, having them guilt you because they believe you're avoiding them.
This is the song that never ends
End image ID]
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wonder-cripple · 3 years
Stop trying to make disabled people feel bad for being loud and assertive about their needs.
We do not owe you simpering kindness or meek pleading in exchange for access, and you have no right to deny us just because you think we’re “rude”.
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jennifersbod · 2 years
✨hey y’all it’s my birthday tomorrow (november 27th) and i’ve had an especially bad week. this isn’t at all how i ever would’ve expected to spend my 25th birthday and it’s soul crushing that this is happening and i have to do this again.✨
EDIT/UPDATE (Nov, 27 2021 aka my birthday): my father died the day this post was made. still obviously in need of funds for those expenses.
tw: abuse, addiction
you may or may not know i’m stuck in an extremely (emotionally, financially, and occasionally physically) abusive and toxic living situation with my father. he’s currently convinced one of his doctors to give him a drug that he abuses every time he’s prescribed- this leads to aggression, and eventually very troubling symptoms like not knowing where or when he is. yesterday he was a terror to me and my mom for 20 hours straight and at one point couldn’t get off the floor for 5 hours but was still yelling at everyone with gibberish. he should be in a hospital but let’s face it we don’t have money, so i’m currently stuck in our 2 bedroom apartment with him alone while my mom and fiancé work retail on black friday. literally all i want right now is to have enough money to move back to my hometown where i at least know more people and can live in a less stressful environment for my health (i have chronic health conditions that are worsened with high stress). i’d really appreciate any help i can get and i can try to do graphics commissions once my new glasses come in and i can see well again.
feel free to ask for more info or anything and thank you so much for reading this far. i have so much love for the community on here, you’ve helped me so much in the past and i appreciate any help or reblogs more than you know. 💖
tl;dr: i’m chronically ill (endometriosis, pcos, suspected POTS, c-ptsd, migraines) and living with an abusive family member in active addiction and need escape funds.
ways to help:
p@ypal: lydsiargent
k0fi: x
link to my shop: x
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givemebishies · 3 years
*gets “OUT OF ORDER” tattooed on my stomach*
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