#additional info:
astererer · 6 months
5, 9, 11, 28, 33, 34, 48, and 56 for Cleo and Kaz? (I love them i need more of them)
Ask meme here
under the cut for length!!
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Yes she can!! She only cries on command for two reasons:
She finds anyone that isn’t a very feminine and cute girl super unattractive from a dating standpoint, to the point that if someone she isn’t attracted to tries flirting with her she will intentionally make a scene to either make herself as unappealing as possible or make them look like they’ve done something wrong. Is this incredibly shallow and unpleasant of her? Yeah. Does she care? No. She knows exactly what she’s doing. it’s a defence mechanism for her.
On rare occasions if a customer is being particularly rude at her barista job and she can’t be bothered with being professional. If she’s tired and someone starts having a go at her for being “too slow” at making their order with like 5 alterations to it she will turn on the water works and pretend to be a new hire to make them feel bad. Does not do this with regulars for obvious reasons. Her manager doesn’t care and actively plays into it sometimes because she thinks it’s funny.
Doesn’t have one specific thought, instead pulls up various bad memories so she doesn’t get too used to the same thing being used too often. Was bullied a lot in elementary school, so has a lot of options to choose from.
No. Doesn’t like crying in general because to him it shows weakness. If he ever cries it is genuine but private.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Prefers to give and receive gentle love. She doesn’t like tough love because teasing and what others may consider playful insults among friends remind her too much of the bullying she’s experienced. Just wants to be cuddled and doted on and would like to do the same for her favourite people in turn.
Gives tough love to most people he cares for with a few exceptions and is used to receiving it in turn, but won’t turn down gentle love from the right person. Kind of craves the softness but at the same time it makes him sort of uncomfortable because he’s just not used to it. Gets kind of freaked out if anyone other than Aster, Cleo or @peachsodama ‘s Pecha are soft/gentle with him, and all three of them had to work over varying periods of time to get to where they are with him in their respective relationships.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Put a friendly and cute ghost type like a pumpkaboo next to her. If it’s the real Cleo she will probably have a panic attack before passing out from fright, due to having an extremely intense fear of ghost types. An impersonator would likely not react anywhere near Cleo’s level, or if they tried to it would be pretty obviously exaggerated.
Get the impersonator to play guitar. Kaz is a skilled guitarist and has his own unique playing style + alternative tuning preferences. If anyone else was just handed one of his guitars and expected to play something they would likely assume the instrument was out of tune and start messing with the strings, a dead giveaway for not being who they claim to be.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Tells people she just wants to have a good time. To have an easy and uncomplicated life with nothing to worry about and plenty of time to spend partying with her friends. A cute girlfriend would also be nice.
Deep down she wants her DJ side gig to take off and be taken seriously within the world of electronic music, but kind of knows she’s dug her own hole with her internet presence as pokétwitter’s most annoying Klara stan. She wants fame and success but the risk of being tarred by her own actions makes her hesitant to fully commit beyond playing sets at friends’ parties and local shows.
Tells people he wants the band to take off and to be able to make an actual living off it. He wants the fame and attention and the travel. He wants to perform to crowds of thousands. He likes to think he would give everything he has to achieve this.
What he really wants is truly unconditional love. The sort a parent is meant to give except his never did. Doesn’t know how to ask for it anyway and finds it kind of embarrassing.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Actively avoids people she dislikes if she can. If avoidance is impossible she’ll blank them or make it abundantly clear she finds the other person’s presence repulsive. Pulls a face like she’s smelt something rancid and says something along the lines of “oh….. it’s you” 😒 before walking off.
With a precision aimed insult designed specifically to provoke the other person into trying to hit him. Then he has an excuse to hit back. Actively looks for fights he can start with people he hates.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Hugs and kisses on the cheeks for her besties!! If she has a girlfriend they will be greeted with more kisses and getting spun around or picked up if Cleo is strong enough to lift them. Otherwise she will jump for them to catch her instead. Always very excited to see the people she likes spending time with. Will tone down on the kisses though if a friend finds that too much.
Playful insults (e.g. Romy frequently gets a “what’s up, cumslut?”) or just a casual wave of the hand with a lopsided grin. Plays it cool. Cleo gets scooped up in a hug though without any insults because she is Much More Sensitive than his other friends. Usually he wouldn’t make such an exception but she is like the little sister that he never had.
If he’s dating someone he will greet them by kissing them with tongue and maybe grabbing their ass.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
If she has a girlfriend she will say yes to anything she asks of her. Even if that meant going to an opera or through a haunted house or going/doing anything else she finds boring or scary. Cleo would watch paint dry if the girl she’s dating asked her to. A simp through and through.
Heidi can ask Kaz to go or do anything and he will likely say yes. He craves their validation and will put up with stuff he finds incredibly boring and tedious if it means they’ll approve.
Will also do things for Aster even if he’d probably hate it because he loves her. She doesn’t demand much and when she does invite or ask him to do/go somewhere she knows he wouldn’t like, she makes sure to make it up to him later.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Runs home crying to her parents every time. Still pretty attached to her parents and seeks them out for comfort 9 times out of 10. They kind of baby Cleo, to the exasperation of her sister. If they can’t tend to her she will go to her girlfriend (if she has one) or Kaz if he’s not busy. Otherwise she will just cuddle one of her pokemon until the fear passes.
Tries to deal with his fear on his own, and doesn’t like showing it to other people. If he can’t deal on he own, Kaz will go to Heidi, Aster or Romy but won’t outright look for comfort. Instead he will act antsier than usual and refuse to talk about whatever’s bothering him unless it’s painstakingly coaxed out. If they’re all busy he doesn’t really know where to go. Tries to distract himself by grooming his pokemon if that’s something he can do in the moment.
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zgnilabazylia · 1 year
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trans blok :)
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May 25 and 27-29, 2024 - the NDAs are no more.
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Purgatory 8 con took place this past weekend and words have been spoken [x].
Jensen Ackles trended briefly on May 25 and then several tags began trending again on May 27. It looks like a bunch of things about destiel were said, alongside the typical con chaos which resulted in the trend. Below are some highlights (though not all of them have video sources):
The confession scene played before the Jensen and Misha's panel: [video], [x], [x], [x]
Jensen said that Cas' confession was textual rather than subtext: [video], [x], [x]
DJ and Ty started their panel by thanking everyone for the congrats on their marriage: [x] + Ty mentioned he'd read some Dean/Benny fanfiction: [x]
In response to a question about what Kevin had seen when he was a ghost, Osric replied "destiel": [x]
Multiple people tweeted about various panels throughout the weekend and most tweets can be found under the #purcon8 tag.
It looks like spn was also trending on Twitter [x]:
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notmusa · 4 days
information 1: i carved a rotisserie chicken & froze it in a freezer bag & now i have a big chicken loaf thats too hard to cut into individual portions
information 2: i once got a national geographic geode kit & bought a chisel to properly break the rocks open (thats the only time the chisel has been used)
query: should i use the chisel & a hammer to break the chicken loaf into manageable pieces (while keeping the pieces frozen for maximum freshness, rather than thawing the entire loaf)
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certifiedlibraryposts · 6 months
Message from a librarian re: the going to the museum post. check if your library has museum passes. Ours (and all of the libraries around us, though I haven't checked every library in my state) offer museum passes to patrons. These passes are usually good for 2 adults and 2 children free entry, though sometimes it's more kids, or a larger total number, etc. people rarely use them!!! you'll get in to cool places on the library's dime!!
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grudgebird · 10 days
I've seen people say that Deku and Shigaraki teaming up to defeat afo allowed Shigaraki to die as a hero, therefore completing Tenko's dream before his end. But in my opinion:
Shigaraki being a hero because he gave social rejects a place of belonging >>>>>> Shigaraki being a hero because he punched afo.
Shigaraki did NOT die in an act that made Tenko's dream of becoming a hero come true. Tenko wanted to reach out his hand for the outcasts, not to punch evildoers.
This doesn't feel like a meaningful "coming full circle" for his character arc, at least not from that angle. Tenko was already living his dream by being a hero for the league!!! <3
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
Hello! I'm Julie from Cariona and I just want to ask if you're interested in doing ads/promotions here on Tumblr? If yes, how much do you charge per reblog?
For proof of legitimate promotions, you can check @catchymemes, @sulfatto, @isnt, and many others.
Website for reference: http://cariona.com Over 200 five star Facebook reviews: https://www.facebook.com/carionaproducts/reviews
Please feel free to respond here or reach out to us on [email protected] for more details! Thank you once again and have a great week!
absolutely fascinating that you decided to send this as an ask, when you also DM'd me. unfortunately, you may realize that this was a mistake - you see, asks can be responded to publicly.
so, allow me to respond:
hi, Julie! I'd never heard about Cariona before, so I decided to go poking around, and I learned something!
well, I learned a few things, actually. from your site, Cariona seems to be a small business that sells reusable menstrual products. and while I will never advertise a product that I haven't used, there's nothing wrong with wanting people to promote your company.
I have, however, found a few problems.
the first thing I found was this post by @crafiet from May 12th of last year, saying that shortly after making a purchase on your website, her debit card info was leaked, and used to make facebook ad purchases.
it seems that at least back then, your payment system was insecure. I'm really hoping you've fixed that, because. yikes.
and when I messaged crafiet to ask if it was okay if I linked to her post, she also mentioned that even though your website says you ship from Georgia, her package came shipped from China, and took a long time to arrive.
that's pretty sketchy.
the next thing I found was some folks talking about receiving cards with their orders that have a QR code on them with the words "Scan For God's Message To You", and that on the other side, have this bible verse:
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Psalm 63:1
fun fact! that's from the King James Version (which I have a lot of thoughts about, but I'm not going to get into that right now).
additional fun fact! that particular psalm is from that time David fled to the wilderness because Jonathan's dad was trying to kill him.
and that's why I have to talk about the verses that follow it:
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(ID in alt text; link to the NIV version if you want it)
so...are we like 100% sure it's god that David is thinking about here? because...I mean...that's pretty horny, right? and all of this while on the run from his boyfriend's dad?
I'm not saying anything, but like...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's a weird verse to choose for this, that's all.
anyway, back to you, Cariona: after seeing people talking about the bible verse cards, I decided to poke around your website more, and allll the way at the bottom of it, finally found your "About Us" page, which ends with this:
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...look. there's nothing inherently wrong with being christian. but to say "we do not wish to impose any beliefs on our customers", and to then put bible verse cards in people's orders? that's sneaky, and I don't like it.
I also think it's a bit sneaky that you've flagged your tumblr account as pro-trans on shinigami eyes. at least, I assume you flagged it yourselves, because I didn't find a single post on your blog that mentions trans issues.
(though you have, entertainingly, reblogged some stranger things fanart, and a castiel cat cosplay)
and while your website uses very gender-neutral language, your "About Us" page doesn't say anything about being inclusive of trans people, just that you don't "discriminate against anyone who has a different belief than ours."
unfortunately, that's not good enough for me. I have this sneaking suspicion that "trans people are the gender they say they are" counts as a "different belief".
lastly, since you say on your website that people can message you asking about your faith, I had a friend do that!
baptists. you're baptists, which is a pretty conservative denomination.
and according to you, part of that 10% you donate goes to your local churches, and some missionaries. who are also probably baptists.
in the end, I just...don't trust you? I don't trust that the 10% you're donating is going to organizations that aren't homophobic or transphobic. I don't believe that you're not trying to impose your beliefs on others, because that's what you're obviously doing. I mean, your "About Me" says that one of the reasons you built this company is to spread the gospel.
and I especially don't like it that you reached out to me (an openly queer person) for promotion without mentioning that you're an evangelical company.
so to answer your question, Julie: no. I am not interested in doing ads or promotions for you on tumblr. and honestly, you probably picked the wrong website for this kind of thing.
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luciuscodedswedeboy · 8 months
just spent the last 6 hours reading every OFMD S2 review I can find and distilling that info into plot/character/episode highlights. I’ll probably format it better after I get some sleep but enjoy!
& here are all the quotes that I pulled from:
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
when we wonder how political shows wíll get, folks tend to think along the lines of, like, are they gonna tackle freedom of the press? defamation laws? equal marriage? corruption? gender equality? and then here's only friends ep 1, and Cheuam comes in with this absolutely sick burn--
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pm 2.5? yeah, air pollution, it was really bad this year, people sued the then-PM over it.
covid? We know. We know. (killed ~35000 people in Thailand directly according to WHO stats and ruined millions of lives because of the economic dip due to the tourism slump, and fuck knows how many more severely impaired by long covid or other covid-related issues)
But radioactive cesium?? surely … oh.
have some international headlines:
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nyt - bloomberg - abc.net.au - cnn.com
and here's the whole sordid saga in Bangkok Post Headlines
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Radioactive caesium missing from power plant (2023-03-14) Missing radioactive tube sparks concern (2023-03-15) Search yields no sign of radioactive hazard tube (2023-03-16) No tube in truck, guard tells cops (2023-03-19) Steel melting plant closed, hazardous isotope detected (2023-03-20) Caesium-contaminated factory dust now safely contained (2023-03-20) Toxic dust contained at steel plant (2023-03-21) Caesium concerns remain, says Greenpeace (2023-03-21) Prayut says no risk from furnace dust (2023-03-22) Radiation 'poses no threat' to local food produce (2023-03-23) Prachin Buri people demand probe into caesium disappearance (2023-03-23) Sick kids prompt 'urgent' tube probe (2023-03-25) Locals urge action over caesium saga (2023-03-28) Lack of plan for radioactive dust worries experts (2023-04-05)
so I think if we want to speculate just how political Jojo's gonna get with this? the answer is "yes, and"
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zellk · 1 month
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I am finally done with this o|-< - "Blorbo thoughts through art memes : Lana edition"
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the way Watcher has ghosted the world for 2 days is pretty ironic given Shane doesn’t believe in them
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dwreader · 10 months
Claudia's Hair & Growing Up
I've written previously about how Claudia's wardrobe signals a shift from her childhood self to her adult self but the most clear and obvious marker of her self-perceived adulthood is her hair. In the early 1900s, a girl was allowed to have her hair down or in a half up do until about age 17-18 or when she made her debut into society. After that, when appearing in public spaces, she would be expected to have her done up (and also wearing a hat).
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As you can see in episode 4, she has her done in the typical style of a young girl in the 1910s, ornamented with a bow or some other decorative ribbon. In fact, this is one of the clearest indicators to people like Charlie and the guy at the university that she's really young even if she claims to be older. This is a childhood/early adolescent hairstyle and an adult woman would not have worn it out and about.
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In the first photo above are the Romanov children with the girls between childhood and early adolescence. Below that, you have adult women in the 1910s with their hair done up and on the right wearing a large hat when out of the house.
However, an interesting shift happens in the 1920s that coincides with Claudia's coming of age and while it's not explicitly explored in the show, it likely compounded Claudia's frustration at her inert physical state. The 1920s was the beginning of VERY short hair becoming popular with women, so instead of marking your adulthood by putting your hair up, many would simply chop off their hair into a flapper bob.
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But Claudia CAN'T cut her hair. It would just grow back so not only is her body in arrested development but she can't even style her hair to the adult woman trends of the era. She's not only stuck in a 14 year old's body but she's stuck with a 14 year old's hair length from the year 1917. So what does she do? After episode 5, she almost always wears her hair up especially when out in public and when she is trying to project maturity (anatonizing Lestat, buying things at the pharmacy, meeting with Tom Anderson). While she may not be able to cut her hair to match the trends of the 1930s woman, she CAN at least put her hair up like a 1917 woman. It's literally her one way of controlling her appearance beyond how she dresses.
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Final note: while the show in general has pretty accurate and well developed styling choices, the one glaring exception is Antoinette. She's really not styled properly for any era she appears in and I know her looking 35 years old for 30 years is a bit of a joke in fandom but truly her hair is just NOT it. It's way too short for 1917 (needs to be updo capable!!) and kinda too long for the 20s-30s. They really just did not care about styling her accurately at all and ykw that's okay cause she doesn't really matter lmao.
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Like look at these from the years 1917 and 1937 and then look at the styles I posted above of the 1910s vs. the 1930s and like????? what is going on here lady!!! You're just not trendy in any era hon.
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I really, really love that we know basically nothing about Dora Ingerlund.
We know a handful of basic facts about her life and her relationship with Harry, but we know nothing about who she is as a person. Our only Dora Primary Sources are a short 20-year-old letter and a phone call. We only see Dora filtered through Harry - and not even filtered through Harry's concrete memories, because he doesn't have those anymore. We only see her filtered through his emotional memories and his dreams. I think it's likely that Harry's dream conflation of Dora and Dolores Dei bears very little resemblance to the actual person Dora Ingerlund; she's become a symbol of his own self-loathing and regrets.
By doing this, the narrative avoids placing blame on either Dora or Harry for Dora leaving. Was Harry awful to her? Was she awful to him? Is Harry right that she didn't want to deal with his poverty? Was she driven away by his alcoholism? Was it just an inevitable clash of their personalities and/or external factors that made things fall apart? We have no real idea. And it doesn't matter! The problem isn't what happened, or who's at fault; the problem is that Harry can't let go. The amnesia can be a gift, if Harry lets it - it's much harder to self-flagellate about his mistakes and agonize about might-have-beens when he literally doesn't remember them. It's impossible for the audience or Harry to know the truth of what happened, now; and that was always true, because human memory is deeply subjective, but the amnesia made that much clearer.
Disco Elysium is about how people are shaped by their circumstances and their past choices, and it's also about how people always have the agency to make new choices. The narrative is deeply compassionate to people who make bad choices; it doesn't shy away from the negative impacts those choices have on others, but it's not about blame or fault. The substance of the past shapes you - your perception of the past shapes you - but moving forward is what matters.
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vickyvicarious · 17 days
Last night the Count asked me in the suavest tones to write three letters, one saying that my work here was nearly done, and that I should start for home within a few days, another that I was starting on the next morning from the time of the letter, and the third that I had left the castle and arrived at Bistritz. [...] He explained to me that posts were few and uncertain, and that my writing now would ensure ease of mind to my friends; and he assured me with so much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until due time in case chance would admit of my prolonging my stay, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion. I therefore pretended to fall in with his views, and asked him what dates I should put on the letters. He calculated a minute, and then said:— "The first should be June 12, the second June 19, and the third June 29."
Dracula's goal with these letters is multifaceted. Of course, they're being used again as a way to psychologically torment Jonathan. He's being made to feel complicit again, being forced to cover up what he's now certain will be his own eventual murder. The deadline also gives him something to dread, but at the same time suggests that if he plays along he might survive until then, adding incentive to obey longer.
This also is just a straightforward coverup. Jonathan's previous dictated letter suggested he would be leaving the castle around June 12. So the first one of these picks up the false narrative then, stretching out the time even a little longer. The second finally has him leaving. And the third, a few days later, places him in Bistritz. This trip took him only a day or two on his journey into the castle, but in this version it takes him about nine days. Still, it places him a decent distance away from the castle, and in what Jonathan earlier described as "a fairly well-known place," one that seems to mark a sort of border. Jonathan considers it "practically on the frontier", while this is where Dracula chose to welcome him "to the Carpathians." So, by placing his last letter there, Jonathan is shown to have left Dracula's territory. He's not too close to home, but he's back amongst other people, and presumably will leave from Bistritz to continue heading west very shortly. This makes his disappearance lose both geographic and causal links with Dracula, and in fact places the blame most likely on other people, who perhaps robbed and killed this traveler.
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starker-sorbet · 4 months
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Assassins Tony Stark and Peter Parker were the best in their field. Yet they were bitter rivals, each wanting to be the best yet the other was always in the way. And that's how it would have seemed to stay. That was until they were sent to kill each other. It should have been just a fight, difficult true, but just a fight. But soon fists and weapons turned to kisses and caresses. Soon the pair realised it's much more fun for the pair to work together than apart. And their first joint hit, those who sent them against the other.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 8 months
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Ukiyoe-inspired Kyuubi Ichiji, for this youkai AU I made a while back.
The fox magic works from beyond the screen, it would seem. This was not what I had intended to be drawing, but many hours later I somehow end up with this.
Now I feel very bad, because the Sanji one was just a sketch, and I overdid this one.
The labels says: "Vinsmoke family eldest son", "Sparking Red Ichiji", and "drawn by Crepes". Lengthy wordy explanation below.
The "Vinsmoke" kanji is basically a string of random words that makes the sounds most similar to "Vinsmoke". It's the method that Japanese people in older time periods do with foreign words and names, instead of using katakana like they do today. For example, this is "America": 亜米利加. If you translate that, it's gibberish and has no meaning. It's just the sound that matters.
"Sparking" (literally "fire flower") was from the manga, and everything else I just picked what makes sense and looks nice. 壱 is basically the same as 一, for example, read as "Ichi" and means "one". It's just the more complex version intended for legal documents back in the scrolls and ink era, because 一 is too easy to tamper and mess with on paper.
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