#admittedly i had to google it
theparadoxmachine · 2 years
So you're telling me that Hutch calls Starsky Gordo all of once and it shows up in every other fanfic but twice calls him the name of a dashing hero from a romantic Scottish ballad who crashes his beloved's wedding to a terrible fiance and steals her away so they can ride off into the sunset on his noble steed and no one's doing anything with that? Do I have to do everything myself?
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
The thought that goes into the fake science in dungeon meshi can be something so special actually. Using golems to explain crop rotation and how removing predators from an ecosystem can have knock-on effects. Talking about symbiotic relationships and parasites too! And characters are actually interested in the science so they keep explaining about it. Finally, some exposition I can get behind.
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months
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The other night, for some incomprehensible reason, I dreamed Bakugou and Shigaraki’s moms started dating while their kids were little
I haven’t watched or read MHA in years and only occasionally browse the tags out of curiosity, but I get the vague impression that certain events from the last couple chapters would make this scenario a bit awkward
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084392 · 10 months
Perhaps I'm being overdramatic but it honestly kind of annoys me a little?? that in a lot of "kids" media the shorthand for making dragons or other big creatures(especially non mammalian ones) "cute" and or "likable" is by just making them act like a big cat and or dog😔
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
i’m not even into miraculous but i’m losing it at the fact that most of (if not all) of season 5’s storyboards and scripts got leaked because ALLEGEDLY the password to get into all the assets was “miraculous123#”. honestly you deserve to get your shit leaked if that’s the password you’re using for a show estimated to make over 20 million dollars in revenue
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fortune-maiden · 1 year
Does anyone know a good LP of the FFXIII series?
Preferably one that includes the gameplay/field chatter but cuts out the extraneous battles, and preferably by someone who actually likes the game
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regallibellbright · 1 year
WIP Wednesday, I guess (hey, I haven’t gone to sleep yet)
This bit, springing off of my tags from this post, shout outs to @purplelea, punched me in the face while I was trying to take a nap or at least think about the two fics I’m actually seriously working on, so I guess you’re going in the rotation.
“Besides, he’s already rejected me,” Joshua says.
Shiki and Beat turn toward him. “What, for real, yo?” Beat asks. Joshua nods.
“He never mentioned it to us,” Shiki says, frowning. “Just that you offered him your job again. Without the guns this time.”
Joshua frowns. “Yeah, and? He turned me down.” When this only makes them look more confused, he goes on. “Clearly if he were interested, he’d have said yes. I’d name him my eventual successor, we stay in the UG together and visit you guys, and then eventually when he was ready to be Composer I’d take over the Producer role, and we'd rule the city together. Obviously.”
“Or maybe he just ain’t interested in the job,” Beat says. Joshua looks at him like he just suggested the moon doesn’t exist. “What? Jus’ sayin’, he didn’t say anything 'bout that, yo.”
“It was implied.”
“In other words, you didn’t confess, and Cowards Club continues,” Shiki says. Beat nods. Joshua groans.
“Like it matters? Even if he didn’t turn me down,” Joshua says, clearly humoring them, “he’s obviously way more into you two than me. One of you should go for it.”
“Uh, no? How’s it obvious?” Beat asks. “‘Cuz I heard ‘im when you showed up, Priss. He wasn't that happy to see me, yo.”
Joshua looks at Shiki. “Neku broke back through a hole in reality to save Beat and punched the power overload right out of Minamimoto. There was glowing. Sparkles. I have seen every ill-conceived dramatic romantic gesture anyone’s ever committed in this city, and it topped all of them.”
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carrionsong · 1 year
rambling b4 bed bc its 3:30am now. i need to remember to take more pics of my horny matsu doujins i know people would lose their shit if they saw my ridiculously expensive porn collection (too bad most of it is admittedly kinda lame yume/self insert doujins where they top you, theyre good at sex, And make you cum. unrealistic. fake and gay GXHNCHDCS I STILL LIKE EM)
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
i meant to start writing so much earlier tonight but my friend made a crossword for me and i had to solve it and make him one back and he's now stuck trying to remember where bones are buried under a church and i'm finally sitting down to focus on the orchid!
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jupitercl0uds · 2 months
the thing about using duckduckgo is 1) image search is kinda balls 2) you have to explain to everyone why youre using duckduckgo and 3) instead of like idk sonic - Google Search or something like that its sonic at DuckDuckGo which doesnt feel right
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
Indigo straight faced bullshits everyone about what happened to their eye but I kinda feel like maybe I should at least know the truth 🤔
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Breathe With Me | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: With you and Daryl being in a good place, kissing coming naturally to you both and cuddling no longer awkward, it was inevitable that your make out sessions would start to heat up into something else. However, in the heat of what should've been a hot moment, Daryl's mind started to wander to it's usual self deprecating depths. Luckily, you were there to help him through it.
Genre: Kinda angsty but mainly fluff
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes, self deprecating thoughts, hyperventilation/panic attack.
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: Another young!Daryl fic in a span of not even two days? Who would've thought it was possible? It's mainly because I've been enjoying writing for young!Daryl recently, and I'd be happy to get any requests for this au. Also, I've never personally experienced a panic attack myself and this is all based off of what Google told me, so if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Shit, girl. Yer gon' be the death of me.”
You giggled against his lips, allowing him to push you down onto the bed. He followed soon after, moving to hover over you before reattaching his lips to yours hungrily. He used one of his hands to hold his weight up, the other one wandering over your exposed stomach. Your shirt was already disposed of and long forgotten, leaving you clad in only your shorts and bra.
To your surprise, when your hands wandered under Daryl's shirt, he only hesitated for a quick moment before withdrawing from the kiss and tugging his shirt over his head. Old and new scars were on display for you, leaving Daryl completely vulnerable under your gaze.
You smiled at him and pulled him down for another kiss, a silent way of thanking him for trusting you. It wasn't the first time that you had seen his scars—you had helped him with his wounds too many times too count, leaving you familiar with all of his scars—but you always tried to make sure that he knew you didn't judge him. You loved every part of him, scars and all.
You gasped against his lips when he let his hand trail down, his fingers lightly tracing over your clothed cunt. His tongue entered your mouth and he groaned at the taste. He pulled back momentarily to look at you, his pupils blown with lust.
“Fuck, yer so perfect,” he whispered, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses from your jaw to your neck.
You moaned when he kissed a particularly sensitive spot, leaning your head back to grant him better access. Your mind was starting to get cloudy, the only thought on your mind being how good Daryl was making you feel. Admittedly, you were also nervous, since this would be your first time doing something like this, but you trusted Daryl. He wouldn't ever hurt you.
In an unexpected move, you managed to roll you both over. Daryl's eyes slightly widened in wonder, before smiling and leaning up for another kiss. His hands settled on your waist, allowing you to take the reigns for the moment.
Daryl was thoroughly enjoying himself. However, when he felt you subconsciously grind your hips against his, his mind zoomed in and focused on one thing—you would regret this. You would regret giving your first time to someone like him. He would be terrible at this and you'd finally kick him to the curb after figuring it out. He didn't deserve to have you in this way, in your most vulnerable state.
You would regret him.
Daryl's breathing started becoming erratic. Although you could've easily misinterpreted it as him simply getting more turned on, something told you it wasn't that. You pulled back from the kiss and looked at him, noticing the slightly pained expression on his face. His breathing was quick and choked off, and he seemed to be in some sort of daze. You instantly knew something was wrong.
“Daryl, hey, look at me,” you whispered, cupping his cheek and gently urging him to look at you. When his blue eyes met yours, you could very clearly see the panic in them.
Instantly, all previous lustful thoughts left your mind, concern for your boyfriend taking root in their place. You knew exactly what was happening; Daryl was busy having a panic attack. You helped him into a sitting position, still straddling his lap. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest right above your heart, hoping to divert his attention away from whatever negative thoughts were plaguing his mind.
Still looking deeply into his eyes, you gently caressed his cheek with the hand that wasn't holding his over your heart. “Try to breathe with me, okay?” you whispered, starting to breathe in a controlled rhythm.
Daryl nodded and began to copy your breathing, his sounding more choked up than yours. He tightened his grip on your waist with his hand that was still resting there, desperately trying to ground himself back to reality. It took a while, with you soothingly rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone and breathing with him in a controlled rhythm, but soon he was calming down.
Daryl felt ashamed of himself. There the two of you were, half naked and sharing what should've been a blissful, enjoyable experience, and he let himself get into his own head. He let his own insecurities get in the way. He should've just sucked it up, but instead he just had to ruin the moment.
“M'sorry,” he muttered, looking down to avoid what he thought would've been a disappointed stare.
You frowned slightly and gently grabbed his face with both hands, urging him to look at you. “Hey, it's okay,” you assured him. When he shook his head in denial, your grip became more firm. “It is okay. Don't blame yourself for something that was out of your control, alright? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Daryl hesitated for a moment, but nodded slowly. “I jus' got into my own head. I was nervous and convinced myself ya would regret givin' yer virginity to me. Started feelin' overwhelmed. M'sorry.”
You pressed a kiss against his forehead, giving him a reassuring smile. “Don't be sorry. I get it. I was nervous too, you know? But I wouldn't have regretted anything. I trust you. There's no one I'd rather do this with. But it's okay if that doesn't happen right now. I'm ready whenever you are.”
Daryl gave you a small smile before leaning forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder. “M'still sorry. I was lookin' forward to this.”
“Me too, but it can wait. Let's get you taken care of, okay? And I don't wanna hear any buts, mister.”
Daryl nodded. “Alrigh',” he agreed, but made no effort to lift you off his lap. Instead, he pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly. “Thank you fer understandin'.”
“Of course.”
There was a lot of things going through Daryl's mind at that moment. Despite your reassuring words, he still felt awful for what happened, his mind continuing to shame him. However, with your hands now gently threading through his hair to bring him some comfort, not giving a damn that you were still half naked and straddling him, he forced his mind to shut up.
And in that moment, it was confirmed in his mind—Daryl Dixon knew that he was never letting you go.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@mischiefmuses​ said : can I please go on hiatus from the 23rd - 27th of June please on all characters? It's my friends Hen Do all weekend and we are trekking to bristol for it.
sure thing! hiatus granted, and we’ll look forward to seeing you back on the 27th. safe travels, and have fun at the hen do!
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
Back again with a second thought on Single mom reader and Pathetic!Simon.
He's probably the closest thing single mom has to something constant. She just moved, just had a baby, and left her boyfriend.
Now she has this man, who admittedly creeps her out, is always there when she needs him. A constant in her new life. Car broken? He's under it in the parking lot. Something in the apartment not working? He's standing at the door with a toolbox. You need help carrying groceries? Yes ma'am, I'm happy to help out.
So when she gets a clogged nip, she's awkwardly shuffling in front of his door, trying to figure out if this is an appropriate favor. But it hurts :((. And nothing else has worked.
He'd be thrilled.
ok so the baby's full and she can't use her hands to unclog because knowing that the pain is coming makes her weak.
she's also seen how simon always stares at the milk stains on her shirt, or when she's pumping.
also thrilled is an utter understatement.
for once, he's using his hand until he's like, google said that usually babies suck on the side of the clogged duct to help.
let down begins, her milk spurting into his mouth, coating his tongue and he's finished. whatever restraint he had are now long gone.
he'd beg her, on his rough, scarred knees to let him do what he's about to do.
don't hate him. please god no, he'd never be able to handle it.
he needs to do this, please don't look at him differently and then he shoves his hand in his pants 🤷🏻‍♀️
gulps down mouthfuls of milk, flicks her hardened nipples with his tongue and touches himself until he's slightly biting down on her tender flesh as he finishes, coating his jeans in his spend.
he's disgusting, as someone on my blog said i need him BIBLICALLY
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dduane · 3 months
it may interest you to know that because I continually forget on my SYWTBAW rereads and have to look up what, exactly, a Lotus Esprit looks like so many times, my Google homepage now always includes at least one article and/or sale of some kind of Lotus. It's been months. (And some of the offers have wormed their way into my very long term 'for future consideration' bucket...)
It's interesting to note that the classic 1983 model has routinely had a pretty good rep as an admittedly high-performance used car. Prices naturally vary, depending on where you're sourcing one and what kind of shape it's in. But you can plainly get pretty nice ones without breaking the bank (in sports car-money terms anyway).
The thought "Wouldn't it be cool to have one of those?" has crossed my mind more than once. But this far along in my life, I very much doubt just getting/having one could match the sheer open-mouthed rush of falling-in-love-with-hardware I first experienced on passing the Lotus showroom in Manhattan, seeing the Esprit in the window there, and realizing exactly what the sentient, predatory sports car in So You Want To Be A Wizard needed to look like.
It was a just-in-time addition, as the book was in copyedit at that point. I'd been groping around for something to fill in for the visual experience of falling down in front of a sports car that, when you sit up, appears to be smiiiiiiling at you. This happened to me with David Gerrold's Corvette, one time. But I knew that for SYW... I really needed something less, well, commonplace. And then the Lotus turned up right under my nose (around 5th and 30th or thereabouts, IIRC), and that was that.
Every now and then, one crosses my path in London, or here. Never fails to make me smile.
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littlejuicebox · 6 months
LittleJuicebox Masterlist
Click here for my AO3 account. (Converting is a WiP).
If you’d like to be added to a tag list, please DM me and I can send you the google doc link. I have decided to keep tag lists for each individual series so you only get tagged in the ones you want.
My personal favorites are denoted by a +.
GN reader is denoted by a * otherwise assume Fem reader/OC.
Titles colored red are smut or other mature themes, 18+ only.
AstarionxWren Series:
This is a canon-adjacent passion project which focuses on Astarion and Wren, a ranger half-elf with her own backstory. She is based off my first Tav. Do you like angsty slow burns where two broken people find one another and learn to love again? Then this one is for you.
Chapter 1 / Chasing birds to get high (PG) + Chapter 2 / Between comfort and chaos (PG) Chapter 3 / Sunshine and midnight rain (PG13) + Chapter 4 / Protect the flames (M/Gore) Chapter 5 / Blue and silver bonded (PG13) Chapter 6 / Remember how it feels to have a heartbeat (PG13) Chapter 7 / Give peace a chance (M/Smut) + Chapter 8 / Dancing in a burning room (M/Gore) Chapter 9 / Lavender haze (PG-PG13?) Chapter 10 / I want to hold your hand (PG13)
Midnight Chimes Series:
Your parents own a tavern in Baldur’s Gate, and Astarion was somewhat of a regular when you worked at the bar in your younger years. You don’t exactly trust him. Now you’re an apothecary owner based in Waterdeep, and when the two of you crash on the beach, you aren’t exactly thrilled to see him there, too. But things aren’t always what they seem.
1 / The Prologue +
2 / Three years
3 / Luck +
4/ Ringleader
Midwinter Carol Series:
Eirianwen and Astarion were in love before the Ascension ritual changed his behavior toward her. She refused to become a spawn, and they went their separate ways. The story starts when they run into one another fifteen years later; Eirianwen returned to the city to deliver some news to the pale elf. Meanwhile, the Ascendant had a night time visitor that convinced him to change his ways, and he believes his ex-lover might be the key. Will he be able to change after fifteen years of living life as a debauched degenerate?
1 / The Prologue +
2 / The Barrier
3 / The Carriage
4 / The Auction +
5/ The Repeat
6/ The Affliction
7/ The Interrogation
8/ The Scheme
9/ The Snake
AstarionxReader One Shots and Mini-Stories:
Mini-Stories are grouped together in order and denoted by a “Part X” in sequential order after the title. These are in general "timeline" order and follow my (admittedly self-indulgent) headcanon for Spawn Astarion x Tav but can definitely be read as OneShots. All stories are AstarionxReader, some allusions to reader having spellcaster ability but otherwise no real description apart from being female in about 3/4 of the fics.
Act 1-2:
The little things.
Before someone steals your queen
Act 3:
Drunken nights*+
The nail salon
You'll stay still, won't you, little love? +
Mermaid whiskey+
Baking Cookies*
Astarion talks in his sleep Part 1*+
My Sun, My Moon Part 2+
Glowing in the Underdark+
Reflections on one year of marriage
Highharvestide Part 1
Highharvestide Part 2
The wish spell worked.+
Little bump.
Labor and joy
Skin to skin.
Little lockpick.
Beach babies.+
A growing brood.
Puppy love.
Pre-BG3 / Random / Ascended Astarion OneShots
Midnight chimes / The Original One Shot
Pre-BG3. You’ve known Astarion for years… or at least, you’ve known of him. You think he’s a rake, but one night he changes your mind. The series "Midnight Chimes" started based off this "prologue."
A Midwinter Carol / The Original One Shot
“A Christmas Carol” but Ascended Astarion is Scrooge. He sees you after your break up 15 years ago, and then has an unexpected nighttime visitor showing him past, present, and future. Will he be convinced to change his ways? The series "Midwinter Carol" started based off this "prologue."
Naughty or Nice?
You’re Ascended Astarion’s little toy in the middle of a party. TLDR; he’s tease and a BDSM dom.
Dancing on my own
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