#after gemini metal snake and hard
leaffiii · 9 months
I like how the terrorism club is a team made up of actual threats that could probably obliterate you in seconds and then there's just Time Man who is somehow arguably the least threatening of the bunch even when put next to Plant Man purely on the basis of him being a scrawny gamer nerd. With this in mind, I'm curious now as to how and *why* Gemini thought it'd be a good idea to have Time on the team...?
- ⚙️💡
HEHEHE.... Besides the fact that Time Man has a very useful ability (Slowing and speeding up machinery, including other bots), it's more due to the unifying factor that brought most of the club together. The fact that nearly all of them have been screwed over in some way, by their creators or those who had power over them, whether intentional or not.
Time Man was an experiment, a prototype that took on his own identity before being thrown out and replaced. This shaped how he acts, his huge ego and pride developing as a way to convince himself he's still worth anyone's time. Despite the unity between humans and bots in Silicon City, it's not like that everywhere. There's a reason some sentient bots resemble tools or devices.
I don't know how coherent this is OOPS but TLDR they're similar to the OG Robot Masters in their desire for revenge against society, but came together in solidarity rather than being used as pawns under leader who didn't care about them. It doesn't really matter if they're useful combat-wise or not.
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sealrock · 10 months
14 Associations - Paris
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I was tagged by @allyennah and @shroudkeeper, ty both for the tag!
this is going under the cut but I'll be tagging @dragonsongmakhali @uldahstreetrat @the-unending-journey and @archaiclumina (no pressure in doing this, feel free to skip if you've already done it!)
cw: alcohol abuse mention
animal: snake; serpents have an overall negative reputation across the world, but they can symbolize good and positive things. snakes symbolize rebirth, transformation, and healing. this is a common motif for paris
color: green, in a positive and negative lens. obviously paris has green eyes, a symbol of their extended family, but green can symbolize youth and regeneration. paris is still growing, still learning new things, and each day is a challenge. but green can mean envy and poison. paris' surname is wormwood, which is believed to be derived from the artemisia plant for its dark green color and bitter taste
song: half asleep by low roar. despite paris having a metal/hard rock inspired aesthetic, this song perfectly captures their more melancholic side with its haunting first half but hopeful second half. the lyrics and melody reflect their more somber mood
number: 9. in numerology, 999 is an 'angel number' that symbolizes a cycle's end and beginning, a time for renewal, reconnection, forgiveness, and acceptance
day or night: night; when everyone is asleep, paris is most active at night due to insomnia and racing thoughts. their fears and inseucrities are laid out in the open for their eyes only
plant: the artemisia plant, once again pointing at their surname for symbolism. there are many species of artemisia; most are extremely bitter to eat, but it can be brewed as an alcoholic beverage. paris tends to drink in quiet moments to drown out the bitter feeling within them. the plant is believed to treat and cure many illnesses and ailments, which symbolizes paris' job as the warrior of light to solve everyone's problems, big or small
smell: petrichor, a sweet and earthy smell that symbolizes paris' early life. it symbolizes a child playing in mud puddles after a summer storm or bundled up inside a cozy cottage to escape a chilly autumn downpour. it used to be a positive, now it's always associated negatively with paris' depression
gemstone: alexandrite, one of june's birthstones. it's believed to have many spiritual properties, and it can bring balance and creativity to a person's life
season: fall/autumn, the start of the end. autumn is a time of reflection, maturity, and preservation. paris is not all the way dead metaphorically as with winter, they're still clinging to a sense of self like autumn leaves, and yet they still wilted
place: a home they could no longer see or go back to, their childhood home in the now decimated west shroud
food: anything savory. savory dishes and foods are what reminds paris of home; full meals with spices and flavors that were made with love for a growing child
astro sign: gemini (irl) / oschon (in-game). paris has two sides of themself, the one that's most prominent is their facade of the aloof and short-temepered adult. the other is one they never show, one that's a scared and lonely child that still cries for their parents. oschon symbolizes paris' need for travel, to run away from the memories that still haunt them
element: air, symbolizing intelligence and freedom for most. but air, under the four humors, is associated with the liver. further still people like plato and other languages believed that the liver holds man's strongest and darkest emotions, which paris expresses a lot of
drink: absinthe, the green fairy. it's paris' favored alcoholic beverage ever since they were a teen, but they don't drink just for fun. while many of the myths surrounding absinthe and its hallucinogenic properties have been debunked in real life, in a world of fantasy it's a popular spirit for those who wish to forget their woes and heartache via illusion. the bitter drink is doused in sugar to make it more appealing for the downtrodden. paris is not a heavy drinker, but at times they abuse and binge the beverage to cope
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shinygoku · 2 years
Ok, now I’ve played the Wily Wars versions of 2 and 3. My original notes on the port itself from the post I made after beating 1 still apply, the sound quality has taken a dive, some of the sprites miss that mark (Guts Tank is the ugliest, overshaded thing in the game, I reckon!), not enough Bug Fixes etc etc
Unfortunately, this game has really made me wonder why anyone would rank MM3 as the Best Mega Man Game. It’s frightful!
Like, 2 is a solid game UNTIL the Wily Stages, each of which having stupid fiddily stages and/or a big slog of a Boss fight, reaching its nadir on the Boombeam Trap. It doesn’t help that the stage 1 music is overplayed to hell and the Stage 3+ is a depressing dirge.
But my point is that 2 is a much more fun experience to play than 3, as the Robot Master levels are all pretty tight and the various Weapons are cool to use (even though everyone starts leaning mostly on the OP ass Metal Blades...)
But then, 3! It was rushed in development and BOY does it show! True to it’s number, it gave us 3 great new features, but then it basically feels like a watered down retread, especially when it comes to the Special Weapons, or the differences are way too drastic and were prompty phased out in 4 onwards.
The Good:
Slide, oh my dear sweet beloved Slide!!
Proto Man (not fighting him, but to embiggen the lore with him. And his theme music!)
Rush [Jet] (Fuck Rush Marine though, that’s worse than useless. What a waste on an idea!)
Built off 2 with E-Tanks, but carrying 9 >>>>> 4 lol
The Bad:
Again, most of the Special Weapons. Spark Shot is Ice Slasher, but worse! Shadow Blade is Metal Blade, but worse (though Metal Blade was too good to start with lmao)! Search Snake is Bubble Lead, but Worse!!! I actually find the Top Spin really useful, but you gotta know How to use it to benefit.
The Stages go on too long. Then half of them become EVEN LONGER and generally worse.
The Doc Robot levels in of themselves are a weird idea, they like they’re Wily Stage level Hard but on retreads of the Robot Master stages, then you’ve got to fight Larger Hitbox’d versions of the MM2 bots with no idea what they may be weak to. Awful, terrible, garbage levels.
Then the Wily Levels are overly easy in comparison!
The .....Other:
Wily Wars coulda used the port chance to actually go into the MM3 storyline. It doesn’t!
The RM Levels have odd themes, like what’s the deal with Snake Man’s ....Snake but also Sky Tower building? Why is Shadow Man a Lava Level? Is Top Man’s a Weed Greenhouse? The only one that does seem to fit the Plantary Explorers vibe is Gemini Man’s.
The Gemini Laser noticably unduces Slowdown, even though this is a more powerful port. woops.
Again, I know the game was a victim of Crunch, and that’s never gona bode well, but what about this port, why couldn’t they have used this as a chance to pave over some more cracks?
Basically, in my opinion; MM1 is the best game in the trilogy, with noticable flaws but the most consistant gameplay, plus it sets almost every standard in one go. 2 improves most aspects for an amazing first half, but then becomes tedious in the endgame. 3 had bright ideas that get lost in a quagmire of extremely annoying levels.
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potionsclasss · 3 years
CAN YOU BELIEVE I WROTE A FANFIC me neither ok so please let me know and reblog/like if you enjoy this! If you want more content, or a part two lmk. Feedback criticism etc. are always welcome too! Enjoy!!!
Summary: The tension between you and Draco has been palpable, and you wonder if the night of the moonlit ball will bring it out of the shadows ;)
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Warnings: Smut, possessive Draco, slight
Daddy kink.
Word Count: 2.9k
Star Gazing
The sky was like an abstract watercolor on the night of the Yule ball. It was a smattering of deep purple and pink smeared across the horizon, dotted with glittering stars. It reminded you of the glass of wine you knew you’d be having in some grimy dorm room at an after party, messy and warm in the pit of your stomach. Stepping out of the deep green accented dorm to get some air, you could make out the twins of Gemini up above. They reflected off your cold metal rings as you looked up, fingers curling around your champagne flute glass. Your heels clicked on the pavement as you withdrew from the railing and walked back inside, forest green dress trailing airily behind you. It wasn’t even cold out, but you felt a sudden shiver up your spine at one thought not even the stars could distract you from- him. Surely he would be at the ball. He seemed to be appearing more and more lately, it was almost a dance the two of you did.
First, it was the obscenely long held eye contact at dinner. His icy grey eyes stared into your honey brown ones with an emotion you couldn’t quite gauge. Even with Pansy giddily whispering in his ear, he kept his eyes trained on you, slowly pulling the vanilla ice cream clad spoon from his pink lips until you could feel the tiniest bit of blood rush into your cheeks. You would always look away first, but that didn’t stop the sensation of his stare lingering on you even as you stood up to leave with Daphne.
Then, it was him showing up in your potions class. You would watch his pale ring clad hands stir his Pepperup Potion. They moved in soft, confident, meticulous circles. The slytherin crest seemed even more prominent on his broad chest and your Amortentia potion turned sour as you imagined the milky white skin underneath. When he finally worked up the courage to ask you a question about the proper way to cut an Alihotsy, you thought you imagined the way his eyes glanced down to your pink puffy lips, if just for a moment, and how he leaned into you just a little closer to smell your sweet vanilla and lilac perfume he so often fantasized about behind closed doors.
In the common room, you always found an excuse to sit just a little too close to him on the couch. His warm minty breath would be near your neck and his thigh would bumped against yours while you and Theo giggled at him during his fights with Crab on which dark spells should actually be banned. He was intoxicating and you were starting to fall... hard. More and more he not only consumed so many of your waking thoughts, but your subconscious ones. You couldn’t shake last nights dream. His shirt was half unbuttoned and his hands were around your neck as he sloppily kissed you roughly and walked you backwards till you hit a wall and-
“You realize we’re going to be late if you don’t snap out of it, don’t you”
You turn your neck over your shoulder at the sound of a collected deep voice to see Blaise hanging onto the doorframe. He does look beautiful, positioned looming in the doorway. A half smile quirked on his face tells you he’s been watching you wonder around absentmindedly.
“Fresh air calms me down.” You admitted earnestly meeting his dark chocolate eyes. He strode forward and shut the outside door that you had left open during your pondering, and met you in the middle of the room, taking your arm delicately in his. “What’s there to be nervous about?” You could tell he was teasing you a little, in a sweet boyish way. You glanced up at him through your eyelashes to meet his gaze. Blaise was handsome and quiet, and you were relieved he’d asked you to go to the Ball - as friends. But you certainly weren’t about to tell him the root of your anxiety was surrounding seeing his best friend tonight.
“Oh shut up, come on let’s get going.” you giggled, watching his full lips curl upward at your response.
“You ready to see me make a fool of myself?” Blaise teased. You giggled drunkenly nodding, leaning on his broad shoulders for support. His suit was long gone leaving only a white undershirt stained with beer and sweat. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy drunk dancing and joking with Blaise at an after party, his intoxicating smell of green apple and whiskey intermingling with yours, but he wasn’t Draco and he never would be. Overwhelmed by the energy of the room and your date and the red wine in your brain, you stumbled backwards. “I need some air” you slurred. “Again??” He jeered, fingers reaching for the flask in his pocket. You stuck your tongue out playfully and used the wall as your guide to the hallway.
As you stepped into the crisp night air, goosebumps rose on your exposed legs thanks to the short black party dress you adorned. Looking up at the sky, you noticed Gemini was now partly covered by an airy grey cloud passing by in the violet streaked night sky.
“My, my, my Y/N, you know your missing an entire party inside, right?” a voice called out, not exactly cutting sharply through the quiet of the night, save for the distant sounds of partygoers, but more like gliding through the air in his lilting tone. You looked to your right to see pale hair glistening in the silver moonlight that could only belong to one person. “There you are Draco, I practically sent out a search party looking for you. Where have you been all night?“ You knew Draco didn’t like parties if he wasn’t drunk enough, just like you. He looked upwards at the stars, smirking just a little as you neared him. “You know, I’m hardly Yule ball material.” He pulled out a cigarette and offered one to you. You shook your head and watched as the lighter shadowed his lips and illuminated his hollow cheekbones, hanging from his pursed mouth. He looked over at you, drinking you in and admiring your hugging black dress. He took note of everything. From how it hugged your luscious chest to how it dipped below your defined collar bones that were practically begging for love bites. Your tongue swiped across your bottom lip and Draco could feel himself get dizzy. “Well.. this isn’t the Yule ball anymore is it. This is the after party.” You smirked, taking the cigarette from his mouth to place into yours for a moment. He watched intently as your cheeks hollowed out for a puff and the exhale of smoke reflected off your cherry lipgloss “Come on.” You said firmly, outstretching a hand for his. He looked down for a moment before ignoring your hand and taking you by the waist back inside. His hand was gripping you heavenly and you could feel the space he was touching practically catch fire as he stubbed out his cigarette on the railing before flicking it off to the side.
"Well.. if it isn’t the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on" Blaise joked as you returned with your partner. Rolling your eyes at his flattery, you felt Draco’s grip tighten significantly on your waist, moving down almost instinctively to rest on your hip.
“Blaise” Draco said, coldly acknowledging his friend and classmate. Draco leaned down to whisper on your ear, lips centimeters from you and his vodka laden breath running down your spine "I’m gunna get us something more to drink, you wait right here, yeah?" You nodded obediently and watched him walk away, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth, still warm and giddy from the feeling of his hand running down your torso. Suddenly, you felt like his presence was making it hard to stand. You couldn’t be sure if it was all the wine or his breath or imagining those cold rings on your thigh but you instantly felt dizzy and stumbled backwards. “Whoa whoa whoa I got you.” You felt an unfamiliar pair of hands catch you, looking up to see Blaise. “Thanks..” you said as a breathy laugh escaped you absently mindedly, not sure if it was the alcohol or Draco that was making you this way. You could feel Blaises hands snake around your lower back to steady you and you found yourself pressed against his tall strong body, head in the crook of his neck while you caught your breath.
Draco could feel himself seethe with frustration, the sight of you in the arms of his best friend. How dare he touch you as Draco had dreamed of so many nights. He hated the sight. The thought of a man not worthy of a witch like you touching you in ways only he should made him feel an anger he had never experienced. When you rested your head on his chest he pushed past the other part goers instinctively.
Suddenly, He was behind you, holding two glasses of beer in one hand and your wrist in the other. You quickly and embarrassedly released your grip on Blaise. He seemed to think nothing of it, falling quickly into another drunken conversation with a pretty Hufflepuff.
You looked up at Draco, trying to ignore the way your heart thudded in your chest. You’re supposed to be just friends, but friends don’t look at each other with the anger that seeps from Draco right now. Friends don’t make each other feel the things the two of you are feeling right now. His body is tense as he manhandles you outside, and you follow him back to the starlit porch to the best of your inebriated ability. When he knows the two of you are alone, he looks down, internalizing his emotions but letting them spill out of his piercing eyes as he glares at you. “Didn’t you ever learn to keep your hands to yourself?” He asks, most of the playfulness gone from his voice. “Draco!?” You exclaim, confused as how your actions were at all inappropriate. “I was stumbling around and dizzy, Blaise was just there to catch my fall.” Draco let out a quiet breath, shifting ever so slightly so he was standing just centimeters from you, fingers brushing a curl behind your ear. You could feel blood rush into your cheeks and eardrums, and the pounding was so loud you were unsure if you even heard his next words right, as he whispered brushing your bottom lip with his thumb;
“I’m the only man who can touch you like that.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the weight of his stare on you. He wasn’t quick and he didn’t rush it. You felt one strong hand on your hip and the other gently stroking your cheek as your noses brushed and he leaned in to close the last possible gap between the two of you.
It was far beyond what he’d ever imagined. It was better and softer and much more beautiful. It lit a fire in his skin just by the touch of your soft cherry lips that no one else would be able to. Just by kissing you, he felt more alive and drunk and dizzy than he ever had in his life. You pulled away breathlessly, a blush on your cheeks and pressure between your legs. A string of far off laughter pulled you out of the intimate moment. Your eyes darted around, checking for onlookers, or worse; Professor Snape. Draco’s gaze remained unwaveringly on you. “Draco, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this..here” your voice was barely above a whisper. “Doing what ...darling?” He responded with a half smirk quirked on his lips, leaning in to bite your earlobe gently. “Let’s go then” he mumbled, this time outstretching his hand to meet yours, guiding you through the dark, under the stars of Gemini, through the tumbling hallways and switching stars of Hogwarts, down to a chilly and dark room which he whispered spells and tongues to enter.
“Come here baby” he cooed, as soon as the door was locked behind you. Walking backwards with his motions you felt your back being pressed up against a cold wall as his lips met yours once again, this time in privacy. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as you felt yourself moan into the kiss, satisfied and sloppy and needing more. The feeling of his lips and little scratch of his stubble felt heavenly across your skin. The pendant of his cold silver necklace pressed against your chest and juxtaposed the heat that was radiating through you. His hands found your hips, tugging at the hem of your slutty black dress that had been making him struggle to think all night. You gripped his silvery white hair as he worked on your neck, moaning and urgently needing more. Every movement he made was filled with lust and longing and desperation. He paused before he did anything that could possibly make you regret tonight. In a low and earnest tone he spoke breathlessly against your neck. “Tell me to stop” his fingers were already inching up your dress and his knee knocking ur legs apart to spread them a little. He fought the animalistic urge to rip it off you and ravish you against the wall, knowing you’d make the prettiest noises for him, all alone in the confines of his room. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, not possibly moving fast enough for either of you. Just as raggedly you spoke your answer.
“Why in the world would I ever do that, daddy?” Draco melted at your words feeling his pants become impossibly confined against your stomach. He instantly pushed your dress around your hips to reveal a dark green velvet thong he hoped you wore just for him. You tried to be calm but your movement were frantic as you tugged them down around your ankles and whimpered at the sight of him getting on his knees, propping one of your legs around his shoulder. You steadied yourself on the wall hardly able to keep yourself up. As slowly as he could manage, his tongue worked over your folds, sucking and licking as it also paid special attention to your clit giving it immeasurably pleasurable kitten kicks every few seconds. As each moment passed by you tangled your fingers deeper in his hair and his name escaped your lips louder and louder. The noises in the room were delightful to Draco’s ears. You threw your head back at the pleasure of his fingers being added and working and curling inside you, eyes shut, lips parted in a lustful haze. You felt an orgasm quickly building and Draco stopped before you got too close. Whimpering at the lack of contact he smirked as he stood up to meet your mouth once again. “So needy,” he couldn’t help but remark against you, pushing his pants and boxers down quickly. His heart continued to pound greedily, and he practically threw you into the bed in one swift strong motion. As he looked down at you, pinning you onto his covers you noted much of the playfulness was gone from his eyes and replaced with an intense lust that almost scared you. He was obsessed with you.
You spread your legs and batted your eyelashes like you knew drove him crazy and watched as he pulled out his length and sheathed it inside your tight pussy. The sound of his gruff and euphoric moan mixed with your needy whimpers was almost too much for Draco to handle. He picked up the pace, from agonizingly slow to ruthlessly fast. So many nights he had dreamed about fucking you like this. Ravishing you like you were his and only his, as you should be. His head dropped to the crook of your neck as your back arched in both pain and pleasure. How perfectly, wonderfully, wholly he fit inside you. His eyes remained trained on your beautiful face, listening to the angelic noises that fell from you lips. “That’s Daddy’s good girl. Don’t hold back pretty girl, make your pretty noises for me baby.” At that your lips fell open and you screamed his name much to his satisfaction. Your walls tightened around his cock as he continued to rail you, and he began seeing stars from being inside of his girl. Draco’s teeth sank into your shoulder as he released into you, his cum heavy and warm and deep.
Your gaze was clouded and lips slightly parted, almost unable to speak or process your surroundings. You watched motionless as Draco breathed a sigh into your chest and kissed your cherry gloss smeared lips with the upmost affection. He stood, padding around the room to collect his clothing that had been fiercely flung around the room. He watched you, breathless and angelic, wrapped up in his white sheets with his bruises and marks so striking against your pale skin trailing down your body. He so desperately hoped you would fall into a deep euphoric sleep right then and there, next to him, enveloped in the scent of your vanilla and jasmine perfume, dreaming of the stars.
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megaman-fluffcanons · 3 years
Classic Mega Man master list
All robot masters and all characters from the classic mega man series will be found on this master list
fluffy Mega Man 9 robot masters headcanons
Shade Man and s/o general headcanons
Quick Man general headcanons
Blast Man, Fuse Man, and Tundra Man general headcanons
Rock, Blues and Bass (separate) reacting to hearing their s/o sing
Top Man general headcanons
Blues with an s/o that’s taller than him
fluffy platonic Shade Man, Top Man, and Rock headcanons
Dark Man 1, 2, 3 and 4 general headcanons
Light family general headcanons
tickle headcanons for MM3 robot masters
Flash Man general headcanons
Blues taking care of his sick s/o
soft Star Man headcanons
Blues who has an s/o that’s learning to build/repair robots, and he comes by asking for their help
Quint general headcanons
how the MM2 Robot Masters would treat their s/o
Hard Man with a soft and squishy s/o that tries to act tough
MM2 Robot Masters general headcanons
Fuse Man and Metal Man general headcanons
Cossack family general headcanons
MM1 robot masters tickle headcanons
Copy Robot general headcanons
Bubble Man general headcanons
Rock, Blues and Bass seeing their male s/o shirtless for the first time
Rock tickle headcanons
fluffy Hard Man headcanons
Snake Man and Toad Man (separate) seeking out their s/o for warmth on a particularly chilly day
Heat Man and s/o general headcanons
soft Snake Man headcanons
Where do Rock and Auto like being kissed
Tomahawk Man and s/o general headcanons
Quick Man with an s/o that convinces him to slow things down so they can cuddle
Blues and Bass tickle headcanons
fluffy bedtime headcanons for Rock, Blues and Bass (separately)
Heat Man with an s/o that’s a baker/cook
soft Skull Man headcanons
Bomb Man, Guts Man and Bubble Man (separate) and s/o headcanons
Quint being an older brother to Copy Rockman
Burner Man general headcanons
Duo and s/o general headcanons
Bubble Man, Snake Man and Hard Man (separate) date ideas
Ice Man, Elec Man, Quick Man and Gemini Man seeing their male s/o shirtless for the first time
Bright Man and s/o cute general headcanons
Crash Man and Dynamo Man general headcanons
Elec Man with an artist s/o
Rock with a strong, tall s/o that dotes on him and calls him a cinnamon roll
Cut Man with a gardener s/o
Auto dating headcanons
How Quick Man and Gemini Man would handle an s/o with anxiety
Rock and Roll (separate) with a gamer s/o
Duo and s/o on their first date
Burner Man and Ballade (separate) dating headcanons
Turbo Man and Junk Man (separate) and their s/o kiss for the first time
Crash Man and an s/o that likes baking/cooking
Crash Man and Blues (separate) with a non-binary s/o
Splash Woman with a fem s/o
shy s/o confessing their feelings to Oil Man and Bomb Man (separate)
platonic Roll and Quint headcanons
s/o giving Pharaoh Man a kiss on the forehead
Pharaoh Man, Splash Woman and Turbo Man general headcanons
Duo general headcanons
Duo comforting and taking care of his s/o
male s/o going on a bubble tea date with Plug Man
soft Skull Man and Time Man (separate) general headcanons
Rock, Roll, Blues and Bass (separate) with a tall s/o
Air Man general headcanons
Dynamo Man general headcanons
scenario in which Proto Man saves s/o from being kidnapped
Hard Man with a very anxious s/o
cute Rock general headcanons
platonic Time Man, Junk Man, Shade Man and Sheep Man headcanons
Dive Man general headcanons
Crash Man general headcanons
Rock general headcanons 2
Tengu Man, Astro Man, Search Man and Grenade Man (separate) and s/o general headcanons
Hornet Man and s/o on a date
Blues comforting his crying s/o
Heat Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man and Tundra Man (separate) with an s/o that’s new to relationships and gets flustered easily when it comes to affection
Ring Man, Skull Man, Dive Man, and Bright Man (separate) and s/o general headcanons
Rock, Roll and Blues reacting to Dr. Light building a younger sibling
Tundra Man, Fuse Man, Skull Man and Centaur Man falling for an s/o that was hired by their creator to keep up with their maintenance (separate)
Oil Man and s/o general headcanons
Mega Man/Rock helping his s/o who’s having a panic attack
Star Man with an s/o that always says sweet words to him without realizing it
s/o cheering up a sad Hard Man, Bomb Man, Shade Man and Bass (separate)
soft Top Man and human s/o headcanons
Quick Man with a human s/o
Centaur Man and s/o general headcanons
s/o cheering up a sad/angry Time Man
Rock and Blues (separate) dating headcanons
Bass, Metal Man and Shade Man (separate) playfully teasing their s/o about being nervous at the doctor’s (tw needle mention)
Bass with a soft human s/o
King and s/o general headcanons
Cut Man dating headcanons
chilly November headcanons with Time Man and s/o
Sheep Man cuddle headcanons
Wave Man comforting his s/o after a nightmare
Jupiter dating headcanons
Tundra Man general headcanons
Magnet Man with a touch-starved s/o
Bomb Man and Shade Man (separate) cuddle headcanons
Pluto cuddle headcanons
Shadow Man dating headcanons
How Tornado Man, Splash Woman and Jewel man would act if they had a crush
King general headcanons
Metal Man dating/relationship headcanons
Fire Man and s/o general headcanons
Shade Man dating headcanons
Ground Man and Pirate Man (separate) and s/o general headcanons
Slash Man general headcanons
Duo and s/o general headcanons 2
Plant Man general headcanons
Aqua Man general headcanons
Bass general headcanons
fluffy Galaxy Man headcanons
Yamato Man and Charge Man general headcanons
Fire Man with a chubby s/o
Flash Man general headcanons 2
Burner Man and Slash Man (separate) and s/o mistletoe kisses
Tundra Man teaching his s/o to ice skate
Mercury and s/o general headcanons
Tomahawk Man and s/o geneal headcanons 2
Centaur Man general headcanons
Shadow Man and Rock friendship headcanons
Uranus and s/o general headcanons
what kind of dates Duo would take s/o on
Blast Man and s/o general headcanons
cute and fluffy Bounce Man headcanons
Ballade with an s/o who just moved someplace new
Blues and Wood Man (separate) with a shy s/o
Enker, Torch Man and Splash Woman (separate) reacting to learning their s/o still sleeps with a plushie/stuffed animal
Enker general headcanons
Terra general headcanons
Blast Man convincing his s/o to ride a roller coaster with him
Mercury general headcanons
Dr. Cossack fluffy headcanons
Star Man and Fuse Man (separate) and s/o general headcanons
Wood Man general headcanons
soft Blues and s/o headcanons
Skull Man and Ring with an s/o that levitates due to an accident
Pharaoh Man and Gemini Man with a robot master s/o that has super strength
How Mercury would comfort his s/o
Blues being a good big brother to Rock and Roll
Duo snuggle/cuddle headcanons
Shade Man and s/o general headcanons
what it would be like going on a date with Blast Man
Quick Man and Elec Man friendship headcanons
Bass with an s/o that does makeup and wants to put eyeliner on him
Slash Man and s/o general headcanons
soft Blast Man and s/o general headcanons 2
Charge Man and s/o general headcanons
Heat Man with a human s/o
Mercury reacting to a human wanting to be his friend, no matter what
Terra general headcanons 2
Roll protects Rock
Hornet Man and Plant Man (separately) comforting Rock when sad/crying (PLATONIC)
Rock, Roll and Blues reactions to if networking infrastructure took off instead of robotics (like in the MM Battle Network games)
Snake Man with a dragon robot master s/o
Bass and arch enemy s/o who opens up to him while trapped together due to some kind of shenanigans
Ice Man, Ring Man, Oil Man and Needle Man (separate) reacting to their s/o getting injured
Crystal Man, Solar Man, Magnet Man and Aqua Man (separate) with an s/o that does game reviews on youtube
Enker dating headcanons
Impact Man, Crash Man, Plug Man, and Astro Man (separate) with a robot s/o that has floating swords controlled by wires as a weapon
Yamato Man, Drill Man, Blade Man and Concrete Man (separate) with an s/o that teaches them how to dance
Bomb Man, Freeze Man, Clown Man, and Acid Man (separate) with an s/o that’s a magical girls fan
Dive Man general headcanons 2
Solar Man, Wood Man, and Burst Man (separate) with an s/o that loves to sing
Ground Man general fluff headcanons
Splash Woman and Hornet Man (separate) reacting to their s/o coming out as trans
Guts Man with an s/o that’s short but strong
Slash Man sharing a wildlife protection park with his s/o
Slash Man jealousy headcanons
Rock with an s/o that likes tickles/being tickled
Charge Man with a chubby s/o
Quick Man with an s/o that’s a kid at heart
Pisces dating headcanons
Roll with a friend that somehow ends up getting hurt
Astro Man and Torch Man (separate) with an s/o that looks scary but is actually shy and friendly
Duo wedding headcanons
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model-a · 2 years
Miscellaneous classic series headcanons
This is assuming a post-wily battle, where the enemy rms have been rebuilt and are (sort of) living normal lives.
all robot masters (RMs) are programmed to know most major languages, including sign languages, to be able to communicate with any human they come across; this also applies to non-rm robots like mets: even though their AI isn’t as advanced, they can still call for assistance if a human says they need help
the suffix of an rm’s name is generally indicative of their pronouns and gender identity, though there are exceptions: (these only go up to the fifth game line sorry)
suffix ‘woman’ (she/her): ice, heat, magnet, spark, stone, crystal
no suffix (they/them or other/no pronouns): guts, bomb, crash, ring, gravity, gyro, charge
changing suffix: air, snake
the majority aren’t necessarily attached to the ‘man’ suffix, with most rms using it because that’s what they’re used to (fire, metal, gemini, top, most of the DCNs, napalm) or they just truly do not care what they are called (cut, bubble, quick, wood, hard, shadow, wave)
rm nicknames are never just the first word; ex: magnet woman gets nicknamed by her siblings as ‘mags’ or ‘maggie’ but never just ‘magnet’
the first two rms of each of wily’s lines tend to parallel each other; both are generally in charge of their younger siblings of that line. the oldest (metal man, needle man, gravity, etc) tend to be more responsible and keep track of their siblings but are also prone to anxiety and frustration over it; the second oldest (air man, magnet woman, wave man, etc) are more relaxed, but know when to take charge to get their older sibling to relax
most of the rms of the first three lines were built using the same base as regular humanoid robots (like sniper joes), since it was easier to get the same base as regular robots than to build entirely unique ones. once rms were more widespread, building unique bases became cheaper/easier, and rms became more diverse in shape and size
guts, air man, needle man, and hard man use entirely unique bases, with needle man and hard man being based on their respective predecessors
rock was the first one to use a slightly modified base to be shorter; roll, ice woman, heat woman, and snake man use the same smaller base
fire man was the first to use a slightly modified base to be taller; magnet woman and top man use that same base
shadow man is also an exception since he was built from a scavenged robot and not built from scratch by wily and light
quick man has a modified ai intended to help him process information at the same high speeds he moves at; while it works, he does have a shorter attention span and it requires a lot more effort to keep him focused on slower paced projects. gemini man, top man, and snake have an improved version of that processing ai; gemini man to help him utilize clones effectively, top man to process info while he’s moving at high speeds, and snake to direct his search snakes and process info from them
magnet woman, gemini man, top man, and snake man were made to be used for various space exploration projects; magnet woman and gemini man for general leadership and upkeep of existing structures built in space, and top man and snake for the actual exploration. shadow man wasn’t in the original plans, but was added on as a member as backup or just general assistance; star man also later joins the team.
ring is selectively mute and generally prefers using a sign language; they only communicate with dr cossack and skull man at first, but eventually are able to talk to the rest of the cossacks, including kalinka. they can communicate somewhat in an emergency, but otherwise generally rely on their family members for assistance
skull man and ring are the only CLNs without job assignments; they were built specifically to fight mega man, but, after wily’s defeat, now act as bodyguards/guardians for kalinka and dr cossack.
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askroahmmythril · 3 years
Thoughts on RM Weapons (3)
Onto group 3 we go!  One quick note of interest, an oddity in all the weapons of MM3 : they are functional weaknesses for the bosses they COME from.  For example, using Search Snake on Snake Man, Shadow Blade on Shadow Man, etc.  There will sometimes be weapons that do MORE damage, but across the board, all Robot Masters take 4 damage per hit from their own weapons.
1) Top Spin (Top Man) - Ah, the awkward Top Spin... which is actually really good if you know the caveats to it.  First off, rather than firing normally like most weapons, you have to be mid jump to use it.  Second, energy consumption.  Rules are a bit different for this one.  Upon use, Mega Man goes into a spin while in midair.  If he contacts an enemy, he’ll do damage.  When it comes to minor enemies, anything that CAN be hit with it will generally be one-shot by it, so you can gleefully just spin your way through the masses.  However if something is immune to it, you’ll take contact from the damage.  It’s also notable, as long as Top Spin is in contact with an enemy, energy will constantly drain.  So enemies that get one-shot by it will cause minimal energy consumption.  Enemies that are immune or have i-frames going?  Your energy will drain super fast.  This is the issue with using it against Shadow Man for example.  It is his weakness, but as a RM, he will have i-frames, so it’s easy to accidentally use up your entire energy supply if you don’t understand how it works.  This also applies to using it against Doc Heat.  Still if you know what you’re doing, Top Spin is more effective than you might give it credit for, even being the fastest weapon to use on Gamma.
2) Search Snake (Snake Man) - Somewhat situational, but fairly decent.  The Search Snake fires off a small snake that follows the terrain.  It can climb up and down walls, but it’s not great for aerial attacks, as when you fire it, it just falls more or less straight down to the ground.  You have a decent energy supply for this one, and it’s a pretty quick weapon when it gets to the ground level.  With its awkward firing nature, of course it’s one of the few things that can actually hit Gamma.  It’s the less face-tank option, but Top Spin goes much faster.  Mainly, it’s good as Gemini Man’s weakness.  It also works well against both Doc Wood and Doc Quick.
3) Magnet Missile (Magnet Man) - This is another of those weapons I just find super iconic to Mega Man’s arsenal somehow.  It’s a fairly simple weapon, firing out in a straight line, but once it’s vertically aligned with an enemy, it will make a 90 degree turn up or down to go after them.  Notably, this means if it’s a fast enough enemy, they may actually outpace it when it makes the turn, and thus you’ll just miss.  So more often than not, it’s best to just try to get a bead on your enemy in a straight horizontal line.  Still, the fact that it CAN correct at least gives it a second chance if you miss going that way.  Good against slower aerial enemies, Hard Man, Doc Air, and Doc Metal.
4) Shadow Blade (Shadow Man) - Basically my favorite weapon from the 3 set.  Shadow Blade is sort of a less broken Metal Blade in some ways, being able to be aimed in a few different directions, having less range, and less ammo, and not able to just murder half the bosses in the game.  A shuriken is thrown out, and can be aimed straight to the sides, straight up, or diagonally up left or up right.  It cannot be fired in downward directions.  The shuriken flies out on its trajectory a short way, then returns to the point it was fired from.  A fairly good weapon overall, it’s mainly Magnet Man’s weakness, though it’s also good against Spark Man.  As far as Doc Robot goes, it’s useful against both Doc Heat and Doc Bubble.  While Top Spin does more damage against Doc Heat, Shadow Blade is likely the safer option overall.
5) Gemini Laser (Gemini Man) - So generally, I love weapon types that bounce off walls and reflect all over the place, I find them quite fun.  The weapon fires a long laser beam that reflects in 45 degree angles off walls.  The problem is the NES hardware had major issues with Gemini Beam.  Hence it so often being called the Lag Beam.  Expect major slowdown any time you use it.  I forget if it was any better about this in either Wily Wars or Mega Man III.  Also due to the fact that you can’t pause and swap weapons in 3 as long as one is still on screen, if you miss with Gemini Laser?  You’re gonna be stuck there for awhile waiting for it to hit if your initial shot doesn’t make contact, and the beam itself is fairly slow.  It does however work well as a weakness for Needle Man, given how high he can jump, the reflective properties of the beam can be good for bouncing up into him.  It’s also a good weakness for Doc Flash as it’s pretty easy to just fire straight at him, but it’s also a weakness for Doc Quick, which... of course the slow laggy beam is intended for use against speedy boy...
6) Spark Shock (Spark Man) - Spark Shock is.... a weird one.  Essentially, it’s pretty comparable to Ice Slasher.  It fires a spark ball straight forward, paralyzing any enemy it hits.  Like Ice Slasher, it can thus be used to freeze enemies in the air so you can just pass under them, handy with Mega Man’s new ability to slide in this game.  Also like Ice Slasher, it does no damage to minor enemies.  The disadvantage is part of the whole “can’t swap weapons while one is still on screen,” because the flowing electricity effect that runs over paralyzed enemies counts as the weapon still being in use, so you can’t swap to a DAMAGING weapon to take advantage of the freeze time.  As for bosses, it’s... oddly often in competition with Shadow Blade.  Both weapons do the same level of damage to Magnet Man, and amusingly enough, Spark Man himself.  They also are both weaknesses for Doc Bubble.  Spark Shock is also an alternate weakness for Doc Air.
7) Hard Knuckle (Hard Man) - Ever wanted to punch stuff from a distance?  Well this is your weapon.  Mega Man fires off his own fist.  It takes a little start up time before rocketing forward.  You can actually aim it slightly up or down, giving it a little bit of range.  It does run through ammo fairly quickly though.  However, it does deliver the power and is satisfying to hit with.  It does heavy damage to Top Man (if you really need a weakness for him), Doc Crash, both phases of Wily Machine 3, and Yellow Devil Mk-II.  The main weakness points for it are just the overall ammo consumption, and the slow start it has, but hey, that gives you a little aiming time.
8) Needle Cannon (Needle Man) - In general, this one’s basically just a rapid fire weapon.  It has plenty of ammo and fires a volley of spikes forward as long as you hold down the firing button.  Sadly however, you can still only have up to three shots on screen at a time, limiting its usefulness as a rapid fire weapon.  It mostly comes in as a weakness for Snake Man, Doc Flash, and Doc Wood.  Other than that, I’m not sure of too many good uses for it that just normal shots won’t handle.  I don’t THINK it has any true piercing capabilities or such, like going through armor?
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foximator-blog · 4 years
Mega Man 3 Electric Heart Styled.
Now we're on to Mega Man 3, and this time we introduce a new possibility to redesigns: Gender swapping. There are just way too many guys, I don't think anyone would mind if I made a few girls here and there.
Proto Man
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Proto man, otherwise known as Blues, is Dr Light's first creation. He is the literal first robot master ever built, and his blueprints serve as the base for almost every robot master that followed him. When Dr. Light was revealing him to the public for the first time, Dr. Wily detonated an explosive at the convention, resulting in many injuries and the disappearance of Blues... While Light thought at first his son had died... the heavily damaged Blues was actually wandering around the outskirts of town, with no recollection of how he had gotten there or what had happened... and he was eventually discovered by Wily, who took advantage of the robot's amnesia. Proto man was then modified for combat, and his damaged core was replaced with an inefficient and possibly unstable nuclear core, resulting in buster shots somewhat similar to atomic fire, but not as strong. Under the guise of "Break man" Proto man willingly helped Wily, as he was led to believe he was protecting the world from Mega man. Luckily, Blues learned the truth and he slowly started to recover his memory... Though he does aid the right side now, he never stays at Light labs for too long. He loves his father and his new little siblings to death, but he fears Wily has rigged his power core to explode if Light were to replace it, which is why he avoids maintenance unless he really needs it. While wandering, he can often be heard whistling, or can be found spray painting one of Wily's abandoned fortresses. Oddly enough, he would become somewhat decent friends with Bass, despite the two having a fairly rocky start.
Needle Man
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Needle man sometimes seems very cold and sharp with his words, but really he's just an introvert who values his alone time, which he often spends by knitting or sewing. Built through the combined efforts of Light and Wily, he uses his sharp needles to whittle down tough metallic ores into manageable pieces, namely on one of the mining planets gathering materials for building Gamma. Though when Wily created a plan to steal Gamma, Needle man was brainwashed into fighting for Wily against his will. Needle man is weak to the Magnet missile, since his armor and needles are made of highly magnetic metals, and in a similar sense to Metal man, Needle man's Element is Undead. Not only are needles deadly and sharp, but they even have their own dedicated phobia.
Magnet Man
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Magnet man was built for sorting through scrap and recovering recyclable materials on the mining planets, to reduce waste and increase efficiency. His magnetic fields are very powerful, which is why Wily didn't hesitate to brainwash Magnet man on his quest to steal Gamma. Magnet man values his spiritual and physical health, despite being a robot, so he loves massages and Shaitsu therapy. He can also be found sticking to metallic ceilings taking naps. He dislikes Disk based media, because he is unable to touch it without accidentally damaging it. His Element is Tech, and his weakness is Spark shock, due to the electric charge disrupting the balance of his magnetism.
Gemini Woman
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Despite Wily's arguments, Gemini woman is the second female robot master every created. Named after the twins constellation, she is able to create holographic clones of herself with varying levels of detail, and she can use her Gemini laser to mine tough crystalline minerals on the mining planet she was stationed at. Though Wily didn't want her to be a girl, her abilities were still useful to him, so she was brainwashed. Gemini woman is friendly, but very vain, and is said to use her holograms to admire herself when she has no access to a mirror. She is deathly afraid of Snakes, but still gets along with her sister Snake woman. Search snake is able to tell the difference between her and her clones, which is why it's her weakness. Her element is Light, because of her abilities utilizing holograms and lasers.
Hard Man
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Big, buff, and made with thick ceratanium armor, Hard man uses his immense weight as a ground leveling robot, mak8ng mining and construction easier on the mining planets. He is able to shoot his heavy fists as projectiles, an attack called the Hard Knuckle, which Wily created after brainwashing him. Hard man is a fair minded and honest individual who loves good food, though he often finds himself disappointed in some of the decisions his little sister Snake woman makes. His Element is Earth, and his weakness is Gemini laser, as it's the only weapon capable of piercing through his thick paramagnetic armor.
Top Man
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Top man was built with experimental auto-balancing technology and wheels in his feet so he could explore new territories. He is able to spin at high speeds, but only for short times as he can sometimes feel motion sick. Wily definitely brainwashed Top man, though no one is sure why he had Top man take over a greenhouse. He loves to dance and rollerskate, and he absolutely loves new years, as his ability to produce you tops from his head makes him popular. After the events of 3, he even left exploration behind in favor of working at an amusement park. Due to his toy based theme, his Element is Magic, and his weakness is Hard Knuckle as it knocks him off balance.
Snake Woman
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Snake woman was also made for exploration, though she specializes in areas that are extremely steep or heavily forested due to her insane climbing ability, and her Search snakes, which slither across the ground and up walls as little surveillance drones. Again, Wily does not like that she was built as a girl, but he still found use in her abilities, especially when she showed interest in using her braid as a whip, and martial arts, primarily Viper style kungfu. Snake woman is very mischievous and flirtatious, she loves to tease and mess with others just for fun (Toad man being a favorite target bot necessarily because she's interested, but because she finds his reactions cute), which Hard man often gets disappointed in. She shows great interest in real snakes and would love a pet Boa, but she's terrified of Slugs. Being inspired by constricting snakes that are good at climbing and thrive in jungles, her Element is Life, though since the Needle cannon is good at pinning her down, it serves as her weakness.
Spark Man
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Spark man's job is to manage the electricity on the various mining planets and ensuring that no blackouts occur. Since he's the only robot master with this job out on the colonies, he is able to produce three times the amount of power as Elec man, which is why Wily didn't hesitate to brainwash him. Spark man loves electric eels and catfish, but even more than that he loves his brothers and sisters being able to keep him company. He can be a bit clingy, and he really hates being alone for too long. He's weak to the Shadow blade, in reference to cutting electric wires, and his Element is Tech. Electricity technically isn't tied to a single element in Skylanders logic, so his Tech typing comes from the fact his body is shaped like a Spark plug, a common component to machines.
Shadow Man
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No one knows exactly where Shadow man comes from, but he's possibly of extraterrestrial origin. Wily discovered this robot in ancient ruins, which would later be revealed to be where the Stardroids and Ra moon resided. Since this robot was in such a state of disrepair, Wily patched him up and added a ninja motif, though Shadow man requested not to be catalogued as a Wily robot when he was repaired. Shadow man is a fast learner, and he was able to learn ninja techniques from simulations alone because of this trait. He can seem cold and merciless at times, but he is loyal to the LWN robots, as they treat him as their brother despite his alien origins, and it would end up being him who helped Mega man craft a weapon that could damage the Stardroids.
Doc Robot
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While these robots have no advanced personality or thinking ability like Robot masters, they are able to copy the abilities and combat patterns of previous robot masters from data preinstalled by Wily. While Wily was getting Gamma ready for world domination, he sent the Doc robots out after Mega Man to stall for time.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Fear in Friendship (is an ugly trait)
Heehoo, this oneshot is short enough to crosspost on Tumblr instead of just linking to my AO3
Length: ~5k Premise: Percy Jackson AU/Fusion Characters: Roman, Remus, Janus ships: N/A Content Warnings: PJO-typical violence & injury, potential very very light ableism vibes (more info in the beginning notes on AO3)
Read on AO3
"Janice?" Roman asked, tilting his head at the new student Remus had brought to meet him. He was about to be late for after-school rehearsal, but Remus had come trotting up dragging the newcomer by the hand, and he'd looked so excited that Roman just couldn't bring himself to blow his brother off.
The new student glared. "Jan-US," he said, with an incredulous look at Remus, as if to say 'this idiot is your brother?' "Like the Roman god." He said it like it was obvious, like Roman was some kind of moron for not knowing. The sneering tone made Roman's blood run hot with anger and shame.
"I don't know all about that nerdy shit," Roman said, waving a hand dismissively.
Janus rolled his eyes. "Really? I would never have guessed; you seem so smart."
He was almost handsome, Roman thought, trying to study Janus' face without giving away that he was staring. He really might have been good-looking if it wasn't for the look of irritation that had been glued to his face ever since he'd entered Roman's field of vision.
A field of scarring spanned the left side of his face and traveled down his neck until the painful-looking swirl of pink and white disappeared under his high-collared shirt. The scarring itself was not necessarily unusual, just standard burn scars. What caught Roman's attention was how they just stopped, all in a straight, uniform line directly down the center of Janus' face. Almost like… Roman tried not to shudder as the thought came to him. Almost like someone had done it on purpose.
He swallowed hard and tried to get himself back on track. "Least I don't share a name with our librarian, Miss Janice."
"God, you're such a dick." Remus ran a hand through his unruly hair, shooting Roman a dark look. Roman stuck out his tongue. "Forget it." He took Janus by the wrist again and turned away. "Come on, let's go see if we can hack the vending machine."
"Oh, no you don't." Roman lunged forward, irritation coursing through him, and grabbed the top of Remus' backpack. "You're coming with me so I can keep an eye on you."
"No way!" Remus squirmed, but Roman kept his grip tight. "I don't wanna go to your stupid rehearsal."
To Roman's surprise, Janus chimed in with a keen and interested, "Rehearsal?"
"He thinks he's hot shit because he's playing Danny Zuko." Remus rolled his eyes, still trying to wiggle free of Roman's grip. "News flash, anyone can memorize lines and prance around in a leather jacket."
"So why don't you try out?" Roman asked rhetorically, starting to pull Remus down the hall.
Remus went along with it, though Roman knew full-well that he could have slipped out of his backpack and made a run for it at any time. "'Cause I'm too busy bangin'! Ba dum ch!"
As they made their way down the hall, Janus walked beside them in silence. Roman watched him out of the corner of his eye, frowning at the way he continually glanced over his shoulder like he was expecting to get in some sort of trouble. It was a look Roman was well familiar with. He had seen it on Remus and he had worn it himself far more times than he was comfortable with. Roman and his brother seemed to attract danger wherever they went, from stalkers to muggers to one stranger's memorable attempt at running them over in the crosswalk. It was never the same person twice, and each isolated incident could be chalked up to an accident. Roman didn't like to think about it for too long and worked hard to keep Remus from talking about it. After the first mugging, Remus had sworn for weeks that their assailant had had a tail. Roman had denied it out loud, but he couldn't lie to himself. Something wasn't right.
If Janus was equally as twitchy… Was he part of it? Did he know something?
"I understand the compulsion, since I am quite good-looking," Janus said, in a tone so dry it could have drained an Olympic swimming pool, "but you'd better quit staring at me before you walk into a door."
"I spaced out," Roman said, unable to think of a snappier retort. He couldn't help but shoot Janus suspicious looks out of the corner of his eye as they continued toward the Main building. "Where'd you transfer from, anyway? How old are you?"
Janus put his hands up like a cornered criminal. "You caught me," he said, affecting regret. "I'm a 43 year-old police officer trying to track down a drug ring. Promise me you won't tell?"
"Little does he know, I'm the distributor," Remus said, finally yanking free from Roman's hold. Roman let him go, knowing that if he had stayed this long, he probably wasn't going to run off.
Roman rolled his eyes. "Very funny, J Jonah Hill. But seriously."
"I'm 16," Janus said. "I transferred from a school in New York."
"All the way from New York? How'd you end up in Florida?" Roman yanked open the door to Main and held it for Remus and Janus. He was tempted to let it drop on Remus just to watch him stumble, but found himself distracted by a gold keychain on Janus' backpack. It was nothing special, just a shiny metal Gemini symbol, but the way it caught the light made Roman pause.
"Teleported," Janus said.
"Are you allergic to straight answers, or what?" Roman asked, unamused. Janus' mocking demeanor didn't sit well with him, and something about Janus' face didn't make sense. The scars seemed almost superficial, and didn't always move in conjunction with his mouth. Roman felt stupid just thinking it, but it was almost like they were masking something.
"What crawled up your ass?" Remus demanded. He turned to Janus. "Sorry, he's not usually such an asshole. He's probably just nervous about hitting all those high notes. I heard him practicing in the shower last night and it was like someone was skinning a cat."
"I sounded awesome," Roman said, blushing furiously. He paused before the theater doors, turning his back to them so he could directly address Remus. "Go find a seat. And I swear to God, if you cause any disruptions, I'll shave your drumsticks down into toothpicks."
"Not the Vic Firths!" Remus said, gasping in faux-horror. He dismissed Roman with a wave of his hand and motioned for Janus to follow him. "C'mon, let's go see if we can catch a cockroach."
Roman just shook his head and hurried backstage.
He had a hard time focusing during rehearsal, missing cues and tripping over himself on lines he had memorized days ago. But he was too distracted to even be bothered, subtly trying to keep an eye on Remus-- okay, on Janus from his vantage point on the stage.
Roman couldn't help it. He didn't trust Janus. The haunted look in his eyes, the way he was always looking over his shoulder… Something was off.
No matter how hard he tried, Roman couldn't force himself to focus. His thoughts kept whirling until they transformed into an overwhelming sense of dread that demanded all his attention. He barely even noticed when rehearsal ended, hurrying into the seating area to try to find Remus.
He wasn't there. Of course he wasn't there. Roman shouldered his backpack and strode off toward the bathrooms, trying hard not to panic. What if Janus was bad news? What if he had hurt Remus? What if Remus was lying bloody in a back corner somewhere because Roman wasn't there to protect him?
"Remus?" Roman called, checking both bathrooms. Nothing. "Shit." Where else did Remus like to go? Maybe the band room? Roman set off for it at a jog, his backpack bouncing against his back.
Nothing in the band room. Roman tried the handle anyway, just to confirm that it was locked.
"I'm going to kill him," Roman muttered, stalking off toward the football field. He swung by the vending machines on the way just in case, and came up empty. It had to be the football field, then. Remus had been talking about playing with the tackle dummies for weeks. That had to be it.
Roman forced himself to slow down as he approached the football field, not wanting Remus to know how badly he'd been freaking out. Of course Remus was there, doing cartwheels on the turf while Janus sat and watched.
"I told you not to leave!" Roman said, marching up to the pair of them.
"You didn't," Janus said, smirking. Roman glared at him. In the sun, his scars seemed to fade for a moment, revealing only the slightest hint of… green? Roman shook his head. It must have been the light reflecting off the turf. Janus continued, "You only said to find a seat and not cause any disruptions."
"I was gonna release a cockroach onto the stage and see if I could get it to go up your pants leg," Remus said, falling out of a cartwheel and landing on his back. "But Janus convinced me not to."
"You're welcome," Janus said.
Roman couldn't help but stare at him. His scars flickered in and out in the sunlight, the dark brown of his left eye flashing yellow. "Remus, get behind me," Roman said, deadly serious.
"What?" Remus lifted his head. "Why?"
Roman didn't answer, stepping between his brother and Janus. "What are you?" he demanded.
Janus' eyes widened before a look of realization crossed his face. "I'm a friend," he said in a silky, almost crooning tone. "You can trust me."
"He's a friend," Remus repeated. "Why are you being so weird?"
A sense of calm slid over Roman for half a second before he snapped out of it. "What are you?" he repeated, stepping forward into Janus' personal space. Now that he was looking for it, he could see it clear as day: Janus was half-snake. His entire left half was covered in dull green scales, and a slit pupil neatly bisected the sickly yellow of his left eye.
Janus put up his hands. "You're stronger than Remus," he said, almost to himself.
Roman grabbed him by the collar. "You have 30 seconds to explain what's going on."
"Look," Janus said. "You know you're not normal, right?"
"Bad start," Roman said, making a show of cocking his fist back. He'd never hit anyone in his life, save the occasional thrown elbow in wrestling matches with Remus. Should he go for the jaw? The eye?
"You have an absent parent, you get in trouble a lot, you've been in a lot of one-off dangerous situations that you can't really explain," Janus rattled off like he was reciting from a memorized list. "You're dyslexic, you make things happen like magic. Stop me when this sounds familiar."
"Some of those things, maybe," Roman said. Remus was dyslexic and they'd both had their fair share of dangerous run-ins. Distantly, he thought he heard the overlapping thumps of several car doors shutting. "What does that have to do with you?"
"You aren't human," Janus said.
"You aren't human," Roman shot back.
Janus rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Okay, look. You're the only one who can see my real face, right? Why do you think that is?"
"I don't know!" Roman said. Distracted, he let go of Janus' shirt. "What are you saying?"
"I'm trying to say that-- Okay, you know what? Let's just rip the blindfold off like a Band-Aid, sure!" Janus gave a hysterical-sounding laugh. "You're a demigod. You're both demigods."
Roman scoffed, unsure of exactly what else to say. A million questions raced through his mind, punctuated by that slamming car door sound again. What was that, anyway? He backed away from Janus and nearly stepped on Remus, who grabbed him by the ankle and bit. "You can stop harassing my friend now, you neurotic weirdo."
"Look at him!" Roman said. He bent down and hauled Remus to his feet, and was immediately distracted by a mechanical-sounding hissing and creaking. "I'm sorry, does anyone else hear a broken washing machine?"
"Whoa!" said Remus. "You're a snake!”
"I am not," Janus said.
Roman spun around, still searching for the source of the noise. It came into view a moment later and he froze for half a second, eyes widening. "Uhh, guys?" he said, backing up despite himself. He kept his gaze locked onto the massive copper bull that was striding directly at the fencing surrounding the football field, radiating heat that warped the air around it.
"What the heck is that?" Remus asked in obvious fascination.
"Listen," Janus said, his voice strangely calm. In the corner of his eye, Roman could just make out Janus as he removed his backpack and yanked the gold Gemini keychain off the zipper. "You need to get to my car. It's the blue Kia Soul parked by the main entrance."
In the distance, the bull backed up and smashed its way through the fence with a horrible clanging sound.
"Is that thing gonna try to kill us?" Remus asked.
The bull meandered closer, looking as nonchalant as a massive metal bull could. Roman fought the urge to back up, to grab Remus by the hand and get the hell out of dodge. "Why isn't it attacking?"
"It probably hasn't seen us yet," Janus said. He sounded as calm as ever, but Roman didn't miss the frantic rise and fall of his chest. "Walk off," he said. "Slowly."
"What about you?" Roman demanded.
Janus spun the keychain around his finger. The metal gleamed in the sun and lengthened into something Roman didn't recognize: a long metal pole with a half-moon blade at the end. "I'll hold it off."
"You can't seriously think--" Roman started, but the bull looked up and started to charge and the words died on his lip as raw panic choked out his rational thought
"Run!" Janus ordered. "Blue Kia Soul. Meet me there!"
Roman shrugged out of his backpack, grabbed Remus by the wrist and sprinted.
"Are you crazy?" Remus shouted. "We can't just leave him!"
"No shit!" Roman shouted back, still dragging Remus along. "We need weapons or something!"
"Hurdles," Remus said, veering off to the side.
Roman nearly tripped and was forced to let go of Remus’ hand. He wanted to argue, but there was very little of potential use on the field. The tackle dummies and tires left out by the football team were far too heavy for them to move. The track hurdles were the only things even remotely useful. Remus grabbed one and started hauling it back toward the fray, and Roman was quick to follow suit. He didn't want Remus going in first if he could help it.
The hurdle was unwieldy and made his hands ache, but he barely noticed, too wrapped in not tripping while he watched Janus in a state of adrenaline-riddled horror.
By some miracle, Janus wasn't dead. In fact, to Roman's puzzlement, he sort of looked like he knew what he was doing. More or less. He held his weapon with confidence and kept his center of gravity low. The bull seemed to have no other strategy than to aim itself at a target and charge, allowing Janus to dodge every time. Unfortunately, it seemed he could only dodge, as the long handle of his weapon, whatever it was, didn't allow for quick maneuvers.
They were locked in a stalemate, and it was pretty much a guarantee that Janus was going to tire out. He was already breathing heavily, keeping his moments sparing and conservative.
Then Remus came flying in and Roman could only watch as his brother flung the track hurdle with wild abandon. "Die!"
"I told you to run!" Janus shouted, barely audible over the clanging of the bull kicking furiously to try to dislodge its back legs from the hurdle
"We'll run after we finish saving your ass," Roman said. The bull's head swiveled between the two of them, as Remus was still behind it, and Roman swore he saw a spark of intelligence in its molten-metal eyes. Without any sort of warning, it kicked Remus in the chest and took off at a dead sprint for Janus again.
For a split second, Roman was paralyzed. Remus hit the ground hard and rolled and lay still; Janus stood frozen with guilt written all over his face.
"Move!" Roman shouted, already formulating a plan. If he could get the hurdle underfoot while the bull was charging, it might trip, allowing Janus enough time to… stab it or slash it or whatever his weapon was supposed to be good for.
Janas sidestepped again and dashed forward. He glared at Roman, too winded to speak.
"I need you to draw its attention again," Roman said, glancing at the bull. It left deep gouges in the artificial grass where it stopped, and the rubber smoked from the sheer heat it put out. It turned and pawed the ground. "And I swear to God, if you let it get to Remus again, I will end you."
"Like it was my fault," Janus panted, already in motion. He backed up, careful to step away from Remus. Lacking any spare fabric to wave, he threw his free arm out and shouted, "It's me that you want."
He used the same silken, commanding tone he'd tried on Roman earlier. Roman made a mental note to ask him about that when they weren't in the middle of a death match.
The bull charged. Roman threw the hurdle. Then everything went to Hell.
The bull did trip as Roman had intended, but it had so much momentum that it kept thundering toward Janus as it stumbled and scrabbled for balance on the melting rubber chips. A wayward hoof caught Janus in the ankle and knocked him flat, practically right underneath its massive chest. He gave a shout and dropped his weapon, and Roman realized with a feeling of sinking dread that it must have been too hot to touch.
Well, there went that.
He needed a new plan and he needed it now. Already the bull was finding its footing and turning its fiery glare on Roman.
Roman charged it, feeling more like Remus' brother than he had ever had before. "Die!" He rolled forward and grabbed Janus' weapon, barely noticing the heat that seared into his palms-- He didn't have time for pain or panic. Spotting a crack in the metal plating on the bull's back, Roman aimed the blade and shoved. The bull shuddered and Janus shouted something, but Roman had no room for thoughts more complex than kill, protect, kill, protect. He shoved and shoved until the bull gave a final hiss and went still, until sweat poured into his eyes and he could no longer keep them open, until the metal shaft of Janus' weapon snapped under his hand.
"Remus!" Janus shouted.
That got Roman's attention. He left Janus half-pinned under the steaming body of the bull and dashed for Remus' prone form.
He was already starting to sit up and self-assess, touching the back of his head and studying his bloodied fingers with an unsettling blank expression.
"Are you okay?" Roman asked.
Remus blinked hard, stared at him. "Is it dead?"
"Yeah, it's dead."
"Where's Janus?"
Roman frowned and looked behind him. Janus had extracted himself from the wreckage of the bull and was kneeling and wiping the sweat off his face. "Remus is asking for you," Roman said, trying not to let his bitterness show in his voice.
"You broke my scythe," Janus said, not moving.
"You could thank me for saving your life," Roman shot back, half-forgetting Remus.
"That was my best weapon! Now all I have is this stupid knife."
"Are you coming over or not?"
"I can't." Janus glared at Roman. "Somebody dropped a two-ton Colchis bull on me and shattered my ankle in the process."
"But did you die?"
"Can you stop yelling?" Remus murmured, burying his face in his hands.
Roman stared at him, heart hammering with renewed fear. "Are you okay?"
"I just want to go home."
"You can't," Janus said. Roman glared at him, but he continued without acknowledging it, "It's not safe. The monsters know about you now. You have to come with me."
"And why the Hell would we do that?" Roman demanded. "You almost got us killed!"
Remus peeked over the tops of his fingers. "I don't think it was his fault, Roman."
"Thanks for the backup, bro." Roman rolled his eyes and turned to address Janus again. "Why should we trust you?"
The look Janus gave him could have burned a hole in titanium. "Hm, let's see. Who has all the answers? Who just tried to save your ungrateful ass? Think hard now, Roman, don't be afraid to phone a friend."
"I get it, I get it." Roman got to his feet, surprised at how stiff and sore he already felt. He extended a hand to Remus only to yelp in sudden agony when Remus tried to grab on. He turned his hands over and found both palms bright red and shiny with small blisters on the centers. He offered Renus his forearm instead, and steadied him as he swayed. "You okay?"
"Super," Remus wheezed. "Fucking peachy. I got kicked right in the tit by a steampunk rodeo bull and busted my head open on the single rock in this entire field of soft-ass rubber chips. Can't wait to tell Mom."
"Shit!" Roman said. "Mom!" Realization hit a moment later-- she was out of town for a few days at some big-shot surfing exposition, no kids allowed.
"She's in for a nasty surprise."
"Very nasty," Janus said, "unless your godly parent warned her ahead of time. Is anyone going to help me up?" Roman forced himself to compartmentalize. One thing at a time. Remus seemed steady enough on his feet, so Roman stepped over to help Janus up. He couldn't seem to put any weight on his right ankle and clamped onto Roman's shoulder when he tried to step away. "You have two options," Janus said, "help me walk, or grab my keys and bring the car around-- Oh." He looked away, horror dawning in his face, and Roman followed his gaze to see what he was staring at.
"Let me guess," he said, examining the still-smoking remains of Janus' backpack. "They keys were in there?"
"The keys, my wallet, miscellaneous demigod survival crap. You know, nothing too important."
"I'll go see what I can find." Roman let Janus drop, privately amused by the undignified cry he gave out upon hitting the ground.
Janus' black Nike backpack had melted and fused with the rubber chips on the turf. Roman poked the mess with the tip of his toe and found it cool enough to touch for short periods, so he knelt and did his best to sort through what was left.
The Kia keys had miraculously survived, although the remote was unusable and the lanyard was nothing more than a pile of ash and melted orange polyester fibers. It sent flames of agony all across his palms, but Roman managed to extricate the car key and a few strange golden coins. He ignored the remains of a few Ziploc bags, but examined the orange Hydroflask with a critical eye. It had a hole in it, but whatever it had once held had a peculiar smell that cut through the stench of burning rubber and made Roman feel strangely at ease. It smelled like fresh-squeezed orange juice, and he could have sworn he caught a hint of guava and vanilla, like the nonalcoholic punch his mom made for the kids when she was hosting parties.
"Take your time," Janus called, pulling Roman back to reality.
Roman flipped him off, and it hurt like his hand was on fire, but it was worth it. Now that the adrenaline was well and truly gone, he just felt sick and wrung-out, and not at all in the mood to deal with Janus' ill temper.
"Got the keys," Roman said, turning around. "And these weird arcade tokens."
"Those are drachma."
"That's funny," Remus said, in a voice that was still much too quiet and calm for Roman's liking, "I thought they were ligma."
"Oh my God," Roman muttered.
"What?" said Janus, eyeing Remus with concern.
"Ligma nuts!" Remus said.
After a long silence, that Roman supposed was meant to restore some sense of dignity, Janus said, "Good to know you're not dying."
"So are we leaving or what?" Roman asked, jangling the keys.
Janus nodded, and gestured for Roman to help him up.
Roman was sure they looked ridiculous as they hobbled across the football field. Roman, who was the least injured, had to support half of Janus' weight as he limped along, and Remus kept getting lightheaded and grabbing Roman's other shoulder for balance. At least Remus was able to carry his and Roman's backpacks, though it slowed him down considerably.
Roman was winded when they finally reached the parking lot, his shoulders and obliques screaming in protest at the awkward position he'd held for so long.
"Can you drive?" Janus asked when they'd reached the Kia and he could finally let go of Roman.
"Uh, I have my learner's permit."
Janus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Let me rephrase that: You're going to have to drive."
"Where to?"
"New York."
"New York?" Roman repeated. "Are you crazy? Why New York?"
"I'll explain on the way," Janus said, "but we really need to get out of here."
"Fine." Roman helped Janus into the passenger seat and then lifted Remus into the back so he could sprawl across the seats. His head had stopped bleeding on its own, but since they hadn't paused to apply any pressure, blood had dripped down his neck and dried on the collar of his shirt. "I don't suppose you have any first aid stuff?"
Janus yanked open the glove compartment and rattled off the contents. "Manual, registration, Taco Bell napkins, tire pressure gauge, plastic baggie full of mystery pills, novelty Medusa PEZ dispenser, Mapquest directions to the Lotus Hotel, titanium spork."
"Those are Aleve," Remus said, poking his head between the seats. "Can I have about 20?"
"You can have two," Roman said, snatching the bag of Janus' hands. His own fingers were stiff and clumsy and flared up with pain every time he tried to use them, but he couldn't deny the increasing compulsion to be in charge. He had to fix it for Remus, he had to make it better, he had to keep them safe--
"Like, now, or…?" Remus said.
"Sorry." Roman distributed the pills, then passed around his water bottle. "Okay," he said, struggling with the cap while Janus watched with a cool eye. "So, uh. Now I just have to drive to New York. With messed up hands."
"It helps if you get in the car," Janus drawled.
Roman said nothing, but as he walked around to the driver's side, he made a silent vow to hit as many potholes as he could.
"Road trip!" Remus crowed once Roman was seated. "Hey, Roman, how much money do you have?"
"I dunno," Roman said, trying to focus on backing out while only holding the wheel with his fingertips. "Like 20 bucks. You're the one with the backpacks, why don't you count?"
"I get to go through your stuff?" Remus asked, clapping his hands in delight.
"Just don't steal my good pens or I'll kill you." Roman put the car in drive and lurched forward.
"Accelerate with your toes," Janus said.
"No backseat driving."
"I'm not in the backseat."
"Keep running your mouth and I'll strap you to the roof." Roman turned up the radio before Janus could reply. He'd had enough; his hands hurt, his body ached, he was terrified. He couldn't deal with any more snark and attitude.
He took the on-ramp for I-75 North and started to sing, first to himself and then louder as traffic increased and he got nervous. In the corner of his eye, he could see Janus double-checking all their blind spots, peering in the rear view mirror, fidgeting with his seat belt.
It didn't help Roman's nerves any. He kept singing with the radio, privately grateful that it was already set to a pop station. He noticed two things at once as he switched lanes to let a bright red Maserati blow past him: First, a bone-deep exhaustion that left him so dizzy he nearly swerved onto the shoulder. Second, his hands no longer hurt.
He took one off the wheel and glanced at it, shocked to find the skin as smooth as if it had never been damaged at all.
"Did you do that?" Roman demanded, sparing a glance at Janus.
"What, make you hit the rumble strip? No, that was all you."
"My hands," Roman said impatiently. "They're better. Look!" He showed his palm to Janus, then to Remus.
"Lucky," Remus said. "I feel like somebody pushed me off a 69-story building."
"Nice," said Roman, unable to help himself.
Janus just rolled his eyes and turned back to face the road.
"So how about those answers now?" Roman asked, stifling a yawn behind his hand.
Janus nodded. "But no interrupting. If you don't believe me after everything you've seen, that's on you for being an idiot."
"Who said I was going to interrupt?" Roman said.
Janus looked at him out of the corners of his eyes. "Oh, I just have a feeling."
"We can be quiet," Roman said. He turned the radio off and sat back as much as he could without losing his grip on the wheel.
"Super quiet," Remus agreed. "Silent but deadly."
"Alright," said Janus. "The Greek gods are real. You're the children of one of them."
Roman pressed his lips together, determined not to make a sound. He kept silent as they continued to crawl down I-75 in rush hour traffic and Janus elaborated about gods and monsters and mythology.
It wasn't until the sun was well and truly down, until Janus had gone silent, until it was too late for it to matter, that Roman even realized he had been the victim of reverse psychology.
He scowled and doubled down on his vow to hit as many potholes as possible. Whether Janus was telling the truth or not, Roman didn't like him.
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sortavibing · 3 years
Hello, I seen your Haikyuu matchups and I really like them, do you mind if I ask for a match up as well? :3
My name is Koe and I go by They/Them pronouns. I would like a male matchup please <3
My mbti is ISTP-T. I have been told that I am chill and laid back and can be borderline lazy at times... then I can do a complete 180 and be a crackhead that will not shut up and will laugh at anything that I see. I also like to scare people, like randomly jump at them from around a corner or behind them, I’ve also scared people unintentionally by just walking by them to see what they are doing :/. You’d think that my friends and families would get used to me by now but I still scare them almost every time🤠👍
This surprise most people for some reason, but I actually love to read and write🤭 for some reason people don’t believe me when I say I do🤧 I read manga a lot... and I love reading long novels that take forever to finish as well🤗 I like free writing stories, poems, random song lyrics that come to my head, and random comedy scripts that I thought up of! I like to sketch sometimes...but that’s pretty much it😐
What would I want in a partner? I never really thought of that🤔 I would like someone who I could joke around with and laugh with about the most stupidest of shit that shouldn’t even be funny😌 also maybe someone who is fine with just chilling while we vibe to some mother mother or AJR or twenty one pilots... or Jack Stauber....... Tally Hall is nice to vibe to as well.... and CaveTown.......... sorry I’m getting off track😆 OH and maybe someone who can deal with my scare attempts and my annoying ass when that 180 personality comes around 😗✌️*cough* totally didn’t say the things that my irl best friend has that I totally don’t have a crush on 🤐 *cough*
Another thing people are surprised about..... my star sign is Pisces. I have been told that I act more like a Gemini though but I can’t really change my birth date so yeah... I am Pisces🤠👍
I like horror and thriller movies, anime, and books of all kind😌 I also like psychological shows and stuff as well. I also like mashed potato’s for some reason.... and steamed carrots- like why the hell are steam carrots so good?!?! OH I also like being warm.... like really warm☺️
I dislike my sister jk I love her.... sometimes. In all seriousness though, I dislike bright lights, the teacher explaining something for the millionth time, when people drag me into their drama or shit when I very VERY clearly don’t want to be apart of it😤 being cold- like I swear to god that these last couple of months I’ve been nothing but an ICE CUBE... AND I HATE IT😢
Okie time for who I kin😋 I kin.... Iwaizumi and Tendou🥳 I told my friends this and they agreed with me almost instantly... is that something to be proud of? 😂
Some fun facts about me is that I can play the guitar, trumpet, and alto saxophone! I also need music to fall asleep to(I just listen to the radio at night 😆), sometimes I can be like completely deaf and other times I have like super human hearing and will pick up the tiniest of sounds😒
OKAY- I’m about 5’6 with short black somewhat wavy hair that actually covers my eyes if I don’t do something with it... aka I’m blind like 24/7🙂 I also neon yellow streaks in it which has earned me the nickname as pretty bee😋 I get called horny hornet too but we don’t talk about that😋✌️. I have dark brown eyes (it’s kinda hard to see my pupils if you don’t look for them😗) I also wear dark blue glasses but what’s the point of them since my hair already like blinds me jk I need them otherwise I’ll probably run into an open door😣 I also wear a toque with a grey Pom Pom thingy on it whenever I can which also helps keep my hair from my face😃, I also wear a hat in the summer but it’s not summer right now😙. As for clothing, I wear mostly baggy hoodies and pants because they are comfortable and WARM, that’s a big one for me😌 they also kinda match my style so there😋 LASTLY I have snake bite lip piercing that are balls and are a metallic blue colour 🙃 I also have a fair share of ear piercings but I don’t feel like writing them all down
Alright- I think that’s it!😋 sorry if I got off topic a bit... also sorry that it’s a big long... and a bit all over the place🤧
Anyways, I hope that you have a good day/night Hero! <333💕
hi koe! omg- you are the non-binary bitch i aspire to be ack-  i really want to get another piercing, i’m thinking septum or industrial bar. anyways, here’s your matchup!
i match you up with semi!
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what first drew semi to you was your passion for music and also your immaculate taste in bands. when he heard you humming something by cavetown, he immediately wanted to get to know you better, so he could actually talk to someone that shares the same taste as him (goshki probably listens to eye of the tiger, please save semi-), and you guys quickly became friends.
he really wanted to get a piercing, and you were the person who convinced him to do it, so you guys went to the place where you got your pierced, and he got a helix piercing that he connected to the basic frontal lobe piercing with a chain earring, and it looks so good. please convince him to get more because we stan alt semi :)
semi will always give you his hoodies, because he knows that you hate being cold, and love oversized things. you always say that you are going to give them back, but you never do, because they are really soft and they smell really good. he pretends that he’s mad at you for stealing them, but he actually finds it really cute.
he probably let you dye his hair one time, and it actually turned out pretty well, but tendou made fun of him, so semi doesn’t want to do it again. he does like to help you dye your hair though, so every few months he touches your hair up, and he is actually pretty good at it. 
you and semi like to just vibe with each other at someone’s house, and play whatever instrument you want. semi can play the guitar (electric or not), so you guys improv songs or learn to play something together. once semi wrote you a love song, and it was really sappy and cheesy, but it still was really cute.
i think semi is lowkey scared of horror movies, so if you ever want to watch one, he will agree, and while you are watching he will but his arm around your shoulder, but whenever there is a jump scare, he will unknowingly put you in a choke hold from the back because he got scared. if you ever ask if he is afraid, he will pretend not to be, but you know he is.
even though he is afraid of horror movie jump scares, he will never be scared if you do the same thing, because he knows it’s you, and to him, you could never be anything short of angelic. if you do one of those “jump scare” things, he will just laugh, or he already knew you were there because he has this scary accurate sense of where people are.
semi likes your 180 degree personality change, because he can never tell what he is going to get from you, and he likes the thrill of the surprise. for either one of your personalities, whether it is the chill side or the strung out on crack side, he likes them both equally, because one is spontaneous and crazy, while the other is sweet chill, and he likes the mix that he gets from you.
if you are talking with someone, semi likes to come behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and pick you up, because he likes to see the look of surprise on your face when you are lifted into the air. after he picks you up, he just puts you back down again and walks away like nothing happened, and you just have to get over your surprise and keep on talking.
overall, you guys are so aesthetic together, and you are always convincing semi to do more spontaneous things, while semi is just happy to be spending time with you. your jam sessions are really fun, and people are amazed that both of you are so good at playing music, especially when you guys are together.
i hope you enjoyed!
(also- imagine he/they semi😳 omg please i am passing away)
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Super Fighting Roll (2-3)
(Roll tracks down the last remaining Energy Element, but soon discovers that things are far from over.)
Roll spun around, buster armed, as the transport completed.  The only things that greeted her were another transporter unit and an endless expanse of dusty red plains.
“Mars?  I guess I should just be glad they didn’t go even farther out.  Dr. Light, can you read me?”
Static came in reply.  Giving a short hum, Roll set out, Rush on her heels, keeping her eyes open for any sign of movement.
“Never thought we’d get to see another planet up-close, huh boy?”
Rush barked.
“Hehe...though, a lot of things have taken an unexpected turn lately.”
She thought back to what Break Man had said. At first she had simply wanted to dismiss it as a misunderstanding—being weaponized had been her choice, and it was bizarre that he thought otherwise.  The more she thought on it, however, she became curious as to why he was so sure Dr. Light would do such a thing on his own.
The way he talked about Dr. Light…it almost made it sound like he knows him personally.  And now that I think about it, that would explain why Dr. Light wasn’t expecting Break Man to just talk things through.  But, if they do have some kind of history, why wouldn’t Dr. Light have said so?  No, more importantly…I’m positive Break Man is a Robot Master.  I was sure that Tempo, Rock, and I were the first, so when could he have met Dr. Light without us knowing?  Unless…
Glancing back, Roll suddenly realized that Rush had stopped following her.  She turned to look at the dog, standing a few paces away with ears perked up, and prepared to call him.  Before she could, he pounced on something.
“What’ve you got, boy?”
Rush pulled a small mechanical snake from the dirt. Roll tilted her head as she examined it, and then froze, spotting the dirt behind Rush shifting.  She fired a shot, blasting out another robot snake.
“What are these things?”
“Oh, you’re no fun…”
Whirling, Roll spotted a figure emerging from the surrounding dust cloud: a Robot Master with mostly green armor, his helmet styled to look like a large snake with its jaws around his head and tail hanging down his back.  Keeping her eyes peeled for more snakes, Roll said, “I just want the Energy Element.”
“So impatient.  May I at least introduce myself?”
“I’m going to guess ‘Snake Man’?”
The robot frowned.  “No fun at all...regardless.  If you are here, then I take it our comrades left on the moon have met their end?”
Roll didn’t answer.
“Ah, what a shame.  If you’re capable of defeating them, then the rest of us certainly don’t stand a chance.”  He began to walk back into the dust cloud.  “Yes, I think it’d be best to just hand the Element over.  Come, this way…”
Roll turned to Rush.  The dog looked up from gnawing on the snake he had caught, giving a low-pitched whine.
“Yeah, I’m not convinced either...but, we need that Element.”
The two of them proceeded with extreme caution, scanning the ground for signs of any more snakes while also keeping Snake Man’s silhouette in sight.  After a few minutes of walking, the dust began to thicken; wanting to keep the other robot in sight, Roll ran forward a few steps, and at that moment a pinpoint of light appeared.  Roll dove aside, the incoming laser beam grazing her shoulder.  Large metal spikes then began to rain down, so she stayed low, carefully crawling forward in search of her enemies.
I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
A gust of wind finally thinned the dust cloud. Roll found herself staring up at a small, two-story structure made of metal stained red by the planet’s dust, Snake Man standing in the doorway grinning at her.  “What ever is the matter, Roll?  The Element is right in here.  Come over and take it.”
He ducked aside to avoid a Hard Knuckle. From the upper floor, Needle Man fired a hail of spikes; Roll slid behind a boulder just in time, spotting another laser a second later.  “They’ve really got the advantage here...I’ll have to be smart about this.”
She peeked out and took aim at Needle Man. He ducked back inside immediately. A battalion of snakes were set in motion before she could switch targets, so she instead began clearing them out.  A figure appeared behind Snake Man then, shooting yet another laser, though it was aimed away from Roll for some reason.  She refocused on destroying the snakes.  The laser hit another rock, bouncing off of it at a new angle, and went straight for Roll, knocking her out of her hiding spot.
Needle Man was back.  Roll had no time to dodge, opting to blast the incoming spike out of the sky instead.  Several of the snakes were upon her now, biting into her armor all at once--leaping to her feet, she shook them off with Top Spin, ducked back behind cover, and prepared some new tactics.  She instructed Rush to shift the dirt on one side of the rock, hopefully making her enemies think she was about to emerge from there, and then darted in the opposite direction towards another adequately-sized boulder.  As she passed, she shot Snake Man with Spark Shock to prevent him from adding to the army of snakes.  Once safe, she unloaded a series of Magnet Missiles, the projectiles curving around her cover in search of proper targets.
“Admirable effort, Roll!” Snake Man called.  “But aren’t you forgetting something?”
Snakes began to crawl over the rock.  Roll leapt back and fired a Hard Knuckle, shattering the stone and disrupting the movement of the machines.  She tried to head back to her first hiding spot, but Needle Man was too quick: a barrage of spikes kept Roll in place, allowing the snakes to regroup and resume their march.  A bark caught Roll’s attention.  Rush, in his jet form, rocketed towards her; she grabbed the edge of the platform and was carried out of harm’s way, quickly pulling herself up to get better footing.
“Thanks, boy,” Roll said.
They turned hard to avoid a laser.  Circling around, Roll got a better idea of the landscape, seeing that the building was protected from the rear and sides by natural barriers.
“That still leaves one other way!”
After verifying that they were out of their enemies’ sight, Rush flew as low as he could without the roar of his jets giving them away, and Roll jumped onto the nearby rock wall.  She steadily climbed down and onto the roof of the building, then looked back to Rush and held up ten fingers.  Roll gripped the hatch on the roof, took a deep breath, and then ripped it off and jumped inside.  The inner walls looked identical to the outer walls, and the room was empty save for a few rusty crates and a very surprised Needle Man.
“Wha--where’d you come from?!” he shouted, hurrying to lift his cannon.
Roll threw a Shadow Blade before he could fire, knocking his arm aside.  She followed with a Spark Shock to stun Needle Man, and then blasted him into the wall with a Magnet Missile.  Snake Man leapt up to the window as quickly as he could, only to be met by a Hard Knuckle that sent him falling back to the ground.
“Gemini Man, get up here!” Needle Man shouted.
Roll ran at him, hoping to not give him enough space to use his cannon.  Suddenly, Needle Man bent forward, and the spikes atop his head extended out, stopping Roll short.  As she stumbled back, she saw one of the lasers from before shoot out of the stairwell: it ricocheted off the ceiling, floor, and walls, fencing her in. However, Needle Man did not attack.
“Jerk...at least get an idea of what you’re aiming at!”
Ten seconds had passed.  Rush came charging in through the opening in the roof, getting hit by the unexpected beam.  Roll stunned Needle Man again as she made sure he was alright.  Before she could follow up, snakes emerged from the stairwell and advanced towards her.
“Darn it!”  Needle Man stomped his foot and took aim with both cannons.  “Prepare to look like swiss cheese!”
He fired wildly, leaving no opening for Roll to counterattack.  The projectiles zipped past her, most of them burying themselves in the oncoming wall of snakes--they were easily pinned to the floor, and those in the rear were slowed by the need to crawl over their companions.  His assault only lessened when another Gemini Laser entered the room. Between the three incoming attacks, Roll was forced closer and closer to Needle Man, soon coming into range of his headbutt attack; as he moved to use it, Roll ducked and slid forward, colliding with Needle Man’s ankle and tripping him into the Gemini Laser.  The impact sent Needle Man rolling into the wall, where he sat dazed for a moment.
“Ugh...just great…”
Roll pointed her buster at him.  “Just give up.  I don’t want to have to hurt you.”
Needle Man stared at her.  “...Huh.  You really aren’t what the boss prepared us for.”
“Here we were expecting a terrifyingly powerful Robot Master ready to kill at a moment’s notice.  You’re tough for sure, but it doesn’t really seem like your heart’s in it.”
Roll clenched her teeth.  “Of course not!  Why would I want to kill any of you?  I’m only fighting because you’re forcing me to!”  She turned to blast some of the snakes before immediately putting her eyes back on Needle Man.
“Heh heh...guess someone’ll have to let the boss know he’s wrong.  I would love to see that.”
“I already tried, but Break Man won’t talk to me.”
Needle Man shook his head.  “I don’t mean him.  I mean--”
Another Gemini Laser shot into the room, reflecting off the wall once before striking Needle Man directly in the chest.  In his weakened state, that was more than enough to pierce his armor, searing a hole clean through his internal components.  Roll jumped back in shock.  A few seconds later, a scowl clouded her face; she grabbed Needle Man just long enough to copy his weapon, and then shot spikes through the floor in a circle.  When she stomped on the center of the circle, the floor broke away, giving her a path to leap directly down to the lower level.
“Ah, there she is,” Snake Man said.  On either side of him stood Gemini Man and his duplicate, though which was which was anyone’s guess.  “You’re quite determined to swoop down on us from above, aren’t you? Are we so beneath you?”
Ignoring him, Roll stared at one of the Gemini Men. “Why would you do that to Needle Man?”
Both Gemini shrugged in response, one saying, “Who knows?”
Roll opened fire.  “Is it really so easy for you to kill someone?  What’s wrong with you?!”
Her foes scattered.  Roll tracked one of the Gemini while the other and Snake Man flanked her.  Rush dropped on top of Snake Man just as he prepared to attack, and the closer Gemini charged at Roll, prompting her to turn her assault his way.  The spikes passed right through the projection, and the real Gemini Man used the opportunity to set a Gemini Laser bouncing around the room.
“What a peculiar thing to say!” he remarked as Roll focused on tracking the laser.  “Of course it’s easy.  As if it could be difficult for a technical marvel such as myself!”
Rush scurried back out of the laser’s path. Bounding back, Snake Man began calling up his army; Roll turned her fire upon them, impaling the troops before they could advance more than a few inches, and managed to land a direct hit on Snake Man’s shoulder.  He cried out, clutching the wound as he slumped against the wall.  Switching her focus again, Roll ducked just beneath the Gemini Laser and equipped Magnet Missile, hoping the homing projectile would be able to track Gemini Man.  The laser shot down her first attempt before she could find out.
“I can’t believe anyone would program robots to be so cruel,” Roll said.
“Are you saying all we know is wrong?” Snake Man asked, baring his fangs in a pained smirk.  “It isn’t our fault we are who we were programmed to be.  There’s no need to act all high and mighty.”
Gemini Man and his doppelganger charged before Roll could respond.  She leapt back, the laser striking her in the side and knocking her flat.  Snake Man capitalized on the situation with a small squadron of snakes, with the tiny machines charging straight through one of the Gemini.  Switching to Shadow Blade, Roll attacked the other, stopping his charge, before tumbling out of the snakes’ way.  Rush pounced on the real Gemini Man to keep him pinned, while Roll dealt with the snakes and turned to their master.
Raising his arms, Snake Man said, “My, this is unfortunate…”
“Where’s the Energy Element?”
“Right over there.”  He gestured slowly to a crate in the corner.  “By all means, help yourself.”
Keeping her eyes on Snake Man and her buster ready, Roll made her way over to the indicated crate.  She grabbed the lid, paused, and lifted it, spotting the Element at the bottom on a bed of something she guessed was packing material.  The instant she reached for it, Snake Man darted in Rush’s direction.  Roll was ready: she shot him with the Needle Cannon, the spike piercing straight through his chest, and with a drawn out cry Snake Man fell to the floor, his sparking body soon growing still.  This still distracted Rush, however, and Gemini Man was able to set another laser loose into the room.
“Get back boy!” Roll shouted as she ran forward, sliding just under the beam’s path.
Rush complied, and Gemini Man sprang to his feet. He leapt back, shimmered, and then jumped to one side, his doppelganger jumping in the opposite direction.  Roll hit Snake Man’s body as she passed, armor turning green and white.  Three Search Snakes leapt from her buster, zipping along the ground too low for the Gemini Laser to intercept them, all converging upon the real Gemini Man and bringing him down as they sank their fangs into his ankle.  Roll launched a Magnet Missile to cancel out the Gemini Laser, and then glared at Gemini Man.
“You...you just got lucky!” Gemini Man said.  “If it weren’t for the others holding me back, there’s no way you could have outperformed me!”
Roll shook her head.  “What’s the point of this?  Why--”
She stopped short as Gemini Man raised his hand to fire a laser.  Quickly, she fired a Hard Knuckle in return; the beam reflected off the rocket-propelled fist back into Gemini Man, finishing him off before Roll’s attack even landed.  With a harsh sigh, Roll knelt and copied his data, and then transferred the Element to Rush’s storage compartment.
“Let’s hurry home, boy,” she said.  “I’m worried about Dr. Light and the others.”
Rush transformed into his jet mode and carried her in the direction of the transporter.  Roll tapped her fingers against her leg, thoughts lingering on what Needle Man had said.
There’s someone other than Break Man behind all this.  I just hope it’s not who I think it is...
Light typed away at his console, eyes repeatedly flicking to the comm window in the corner to see if the connection had reestablished.  Wily set a hand on his shoulder, saying, “Thomas, I can handle this if you need some time.  I’ll let you know right away when Roll comes back into range.”
“Thank you Albert,” Light said, “but I think it’s best I stay busy.”
“If you insist.  The Energy Element is installed, so we’re ready to test as soon as you are.”
“I’m finished here as well.  Running test in 3...2...1…”
Light hit one final key and held his breath. Behind him, Gamma roared to life, light shining from the eyes on its half-completed skull.  Wily grinned.  “Excellent! Let me take a look at those readings!”
Not far away, Rock applauded alongside the construction crew, though he slowed to a halt when he spotted Elec Man in the crowd. He hesitated, but then approached, asking, “Elec Man?  Are you okay?”
The other robot shuffled away slightly. “Fine.”
“Okay...it’s just, you’ve been really quiet since the other Energy Elements were stolen.  Are you worried?”
He shifted his shoulders.  “It’s nothing, Rock.”
“...I don’t want to butt in, but...if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk, I’d be happy to help.  I mean, I’m your big brother after all!  Technically.”
Elec Man finally turned to look at him, expression blank at first.  Rock saw him crack a small smile as he turned away again.  Giving a sigh, Elec Man quietly said, “I guess I’m worrying you, aren’t I?”  He paused. “I’d never quite realized how powerful my abilities were.  I had some idea, of course, but now I have a much deeper understanding.  After seeing just what I was capable of under Wily’s reprogramming...I suppose I’m afraid.  If I were to lose control, even briefly, I could end up destroying someone else, maybe beyond all repair this time.  When I destroyed that Robot Master’s projection, I thought I had done just that.  That’s why I’m still shaken.”
“Oh.  I see…”
Elec Man shook his head.  “There isn’t really anything to be done about it.  I’ll just have to be as careful as I can.”
Rock waited a moment.  “...Have you talked about this with Roll?”
“Roll?  No, why?”
“It isn’t exactly the same, but...well, I shouldn’t say too much.  But, she’s been struggling a little after having to fight all of you, so she might have some advice that could help you out.”
Elec Man looked up, considering this silently.
Back at his console, Light nodded at the data he was seeing, and prepared to shut Gamma back down.  Something caught his eye, stopping him, but before he could look into the matter, the sound of the lift descending reached his ears.  He turned, expecting to see LaLinde or Tempo coming to join them.  His heart stopped when he laid eyes on Break Man.
Wily noticed him as well.  Throwing his hands up, he shouted, “Agh!  Break Man!  Oh no, this is terrible!”
The worker robots scattered in a panic.  As Break Man stepped off the lift, Guts Man came forward to meet him, saying, “Well well well!  Looks like you finally decided to stop hiding behind your minions and come face us head-on like a real robot!  Good--I was hoping I’d get the chance to deal with you personally!”
Break Man ignored him completely, gaze fixed solely upon Dr. Light.  Trembling, the scientist muttered, “Blues...it’s really you...you’re still alive…”
“Hey, tough guy!” Guts Man said.  “I’m talking to you.”
Break Man finally faced him.
“Yeah, y--”
Suddenly, Break Man’s armor changed color, becoming purple and white.  An instant later, he was behind Guts Man, slowly walking towards Gamma.
“Wh--hey!  Get back here!”
Guts Man lunged after Break Man, the other robot’s armor now turning green and white.  Four large leaves whipped around Break Man, deflecting Guts Man’s attack before flying out at him, slicing through the small gaps in his armor. Break Man then lifted his buster and activated its beam, knocking Guts Man flat on his back.
“Hold, villain!” Fire Man declared as he bounded forward.  “Whatever purpose brought you here, I will not allow you to succeed!”
Break Man’s armor turned white and gray.  He and Fire Man both attacked at the same time, Fire Man’s flaming shots soaring high while Break Man generated several bubbles which travelled along the ground.  Break Man pulled his shield around just in time, but Fire Man was taken by surprise, the water-based attack shocking him still.  Guts Man pushed himself to his feet, but now Break Man’s armor was brown and yellow--he generated a circular saw blade in each hand, and then hurled them straight into the chests of both his opponents, dropping them instantly.  After pausing to glare at Light once again, Break Man continued towards Gamma. Activating his laser, he swept it through the scaffolding, setting the gargantuan robot free with a thunderous rain of rubble.
“Is he trying to take Gamma?” Rock said.  “We have to stop him!”
Elec Man held him back, saying, “How exactly are you going to do that?  You’ll only get yourself killed!”
Break Man took a few steps towards the two doctors. Wily cowered, but Light just kept staring at him, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
“I thought you were lost forever,” Light said. “Blues...you’re still alive...I’m so glad…”
At this, Break Man froze.  Wily said, “Thomas, it’s Break Man!  He’s attacking!  What are we going to do?”
A smile came to Light’s face.  “Blues...I’m so happy you’re alright…”
Wily looked up at him.  With a sigh, he said, “Hrm...hardly the reaction I was hoping for.” Now perfectly calm, Wily came forward. “Nonetheless, excellent work, Break Man! Not that I expected anything less.”
Break Man nodded.  Rock said, “Wait...what?  Didn’t you say you were the one working for Break Man?”
“Neh heh heh, foolish little robot.  That was nothing but a genius ruse to gain Light’s trust!  I’m the true mastermind here!  Nehahahahaha!”
Finally emerging from his trance, Light furrowed his brow as he turned to face Wily.  “What?  Albert, is--”
He whirled in a fury.  “That’s Wily! You will refer to me with respect, Light--never again with familiarity!  It’s been agonizing playing along all this time!  I thought my skin would crawl right off my bones!”  Wily grunted, but then his mouth curled into a smirk.  “It was worth it, however.  Using your designs, your resources, your labor, I was able to construct this unstoppable war machine in record time!  My brilliant plan was a success!  And once I unleash Gamma upon the world, not even your precious little lab assistant will be able to stop me!  If she even survived her trip to Mars, that is!  Nehahahaha!”
“I’m just fine, Wily!”
He winced as Roll’s garbled voice sprang from Light’s terminal.  “Rrgh, of course.  I knew I should’ve sent the other batch…”
“Dr. Light, are you okay?” Roll asked.  “I made it back to the moon and I’m closing in on the transport coordinates!  I’ll be there in just a minute!”
“I think not!  I took the liberty of encrypting Light’s transporter program--it’ll take him quite a while to get things working again!”
“What’s wrong with you, Wily?!  We trusted you!”
Wily waved his hand, turning his back on the console.  “Bah, I don’t have to indulge this prattle!  All I need to know before I leave is whether or not you retrieved those Energy Elements for me, Roll.”
“There’s no way I’m turning them over to you!”
Wily’s smirk spread into a grin.  “Yes, I thought you might say that.  Break Man!”
Break Man was suddenly right in front of Rock. He grabbed the robot by the arm and yanked him in Wily’s direction, but then paused.  Turning his head, he saw Elec Man standing next to him, two electrified fingers pointed straight at him.
“...Let Rock go,” Elec Man said.  “I won’t ask again.”
Break Man let go.  Then he was behind Elec Man, stabbing a curved metal boomerang into his back.  Rock cried out as Elec Man dropped to his knees.  Fighting to stay online, Elec Man fired a bolt of electricity at his foe, only to have it blocked by another set of leaves.  Break Man’s armor then turned orange and white.  When he aimed his buster at Elec Man, it fired a projectile with a blinking orb on one end and a sharp point on the other, which buried itself in Elec Man’s back.  Break Man then kicked him aside, grabbed Rock once again, and dragged him over towards Wily.
“No...I won’t…!”  Elec Man struggled to lift his arm, preparing one more attack.  The item stuck to his back then detonated.
“Elec Man!” Rock shouted.  “No!  Let go of me, you…!”
“What’s happening?” Roll asked.  “What are you doing?”
“I was thinking a trade might appeal to your sense of fairness,” Wily said.  “You give me the Energy Elements, and I’ll return your brother Rock to you!”
“Roll, don’t worry about me!” Rock said.  Break Man clamped a hand over his mouth before he could say anything else.
“Oh, you really should.  If I don’t get my hands on those Elements, I’ll reduce him to scrap metal!”
“Wily,” Roll said, “you--”
The entire room went dead silent at Light’s sudden shout.  He leveled a stern gaze at Wily--the look that may not have been harsh in its own right, but out of place as it was on Light’s kind face, the jarring, eerie feeling it generated multiplied its weight exponentially.
“I won’t forgive you if you harm my children.”
“Ah, so that’s what it takes to get you mad,” Wily said.  “How interesting!  Don’t you think, Break Man?”
The red Robot Master said nothing, only tightening his grip on Rock.
“Blues,” Light said, “I--”
“Save it, Light!” Wily interrupted.  “You have my demands.  I’ll be waiting for my Elements!”
Wily pulled a small device from his pocket. At the press of a button, he, Break Man, Rock, and Gamma all disappeared into thin air.  Light’s fierce expression vanished as well, replaced by a look of absolute terror.
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fivzen · 4 years
May-Gaman - Mega Man 3: Fly On A Dog And Slide With The Punches
Welcome to the first review of May-gaman! (It’s like Mega Man May, but I like cruddy puns.) I’ll have various posts throughout the month, such as a couple reviews (which is code for me rambling about a game until I think I’m done), and other things. Alas, for now, let’s focus on my personal favorite of the NES Hexology: Mega Man 3!
Oh heck yeah, listen to that song and feel yourself get pumped.
Personal Background: I have been in love with everything Blue Bomber since about 2009 or so, but it wasn’t until 2013 that I would actually get to play the series with my first ever Mega Man game... Mega Man Star Force 2 Zerker X Ninja. Yeah, turns out I didn’t actually get to play a Classic Mega Man game until about, 2014, which is when I actually got Mega Man 3 on the 3DS e shop. 
Yet, my first non-playing experience with Mega Man 3 was actually a review of it from, I don’t even remember when. I just know that everything in the review was my kind of stuff at the time. Don’t even remember who the reviewer was... Moreover, MM3 was what stuck with me. The sliding, the jumping, the shooting, the dog, the fights, the MUSIC, oh my god the music, just so... SO GOOD. I digress, music stuff comes later. But not soon enough...
Premise: Dr. Wily, pretending to have made up for his past sins, helps Dr. Light in creating a giant peace keeping robot named: Gamma. However, upon primary completion of Gamma, surprise surprise, Dr. Wily betrays Light, and steal Gamma to make it into a weapon of mass destruction. Mega Man, with a new slide ability and new robot dog compatriot, Rush, head off to defeat the 8 mining(?) based Robot Masters and stop Wily. However, a mysterious red robot, going by the name of Breakman, is after you, repeatedly trying to stop you in your advancing of beating the mad scientist.
Gameplay: It... It’s Mega Man. Fun blue robot, jump over hazards and shoot lemons till you win. Well, that’s how it would be in the previous two entries (I’ll get to those some day don’t worry). See, in the third entry of the Blue Bomber’s journey, you get a new, amazing, revolutionary, groundbreaking mechanic, that will change the landscape of Videos Game... Forever.
You can slide under obstacles and some attacks. Okay, don’t roll your eyes, I’m being serious when I say this stuff was important for the day and age. When Mega Man 3 first came out in 1990, it would still be a long time until the advent of Parkour everywhere, and sliding would just be a mainstay in most action games. Sonic, in all his ball rolling glory wouldn’t show up to revolutionize it as an attack until the next. Sliding as a mechanic such as this, was pretty novel, and to this day, I’m still glad this is the game to introduce it.
Don’t forget about Rush! Such an upgrade compared to the Items from MM2. Such a good boy too.
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Good boy. Please make your function like it was in this game again. Please, your mobility was so good in Mega Man 3, please, please, I just want to be able to move through levels like I used to.
And you can’t forget about the special weapons! (I’m speedrunning these descriptions) Magnet Missile = Homing Shot. Hard Knuckle = POWER FIST. Search Snake = COLONEL I’M MOVING ON ALL THE WALLS. Shadow Blade = Eh, it’s not as good as the Metal Blade, but it’ll do. Spark Shock = Actually kinda good, it stuns enemies a bit. Gemini Laser = PLEASE HIT THE TARGET PLEASE JUST HIT THE F-. Needle Cannon = Oh sweet, rapid fire. Top Spin= DON’T SHOOT ME, I’M DANCING.
Presentation: Okay, looking at the game is always good, but you know what I’m about to focus on in here.
Yasuaki Fujita (the composer for Mega Man 3(exception of Needle Man, Gemini Man, and part of the Staff Roll), and also goes by the name Bun Bun?! What?! Yes, I love it!) decided to flex on all of us, with this killer soundtrack. I’m not joking when I say I can listen to this soundtrack at any time, and it will always fit the mood for me. Listening to the title theme alone, makes me want to go do something.
Shadow Man’s theme? I’m sneaking around this place, but now I’m spotted and I have to take the boss out, NOW. You put me in Magnet Man’s stage, and I end up just sitting there, listening to the music for like a good five minutes before I actually do anything.
Do I need to mention The Megas History Repeating? I feel like I should mention The Megas History Repeating... Listen to The Megas History Repeating.
Oh, but how I could forget... The Whistle Concert...
 End Of The Game: You storm Wily’s castle, having taken care of the worst bosses in the games (I hate you Doc Robots, just go away), and defeat the hijacked Gamma. The castle begins to break apart, and Wily escapes from the exploding palace. Breakman appears, searching for Wily, but sees he’s too late. Seeing the now covered in rubble form of Mega Man, he free’s the hero from the wreckage, and brings him back to Dr. Lights Lab.
Upon waking up, Mega Man confused as to how he arrived at the lab, he and Dr. Light hear Breakman’s familiar whistle, where upon, the good doctor reveals that this is Mega Man, Rock’s, older brother: Protoman/Blues.
Mega Man walks outside and looks upon the sky, thinking of where his brother might be.
Finishing Thoughts:
It should be no surprise when I say, that I love Mega Man 3. I honestly have no clue what to put here. It’s not the best Mega Man game, not in my opinion, but it is my favorite of the NES titles. I just think it’s neat. 
Okay, have a good May-gaman everyone. See you in the next one!
Fight on Mega Man! For everlasting peace!
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“Everything is fine! Just… go down the hall, my assistant will be waiting for you!”
Why were they all here?
Spark, Hard and Snake all stood around outside the building. What building? They had no idea. None of them had been here before. And why all of them?
“I’m here for information on a job. There’s a site that someone needs leveled… somewhere.” Hard finally spoke, breaking the silence.
“I’m with him.” Snake responded. “Though, why are you here?”
“Someone needs to help maintain power while they fix the backup generator, that’s what Dr. Light said! Or… at least I think it was him…” Spark replied. He was looking around the area, clearly confused and worried. The room grew quiet once again as each robot looked at each other.
“If they’re fixing the backup generator, why are you here? A voice sounded in the dark. The three bots looked over and saw none other than Shadow, leaning on the wall behind them. Spark eagerly responded. 
“Well, the first generator is running, so if the backup one accidentally turns on, it’ll cause both generators to overheat! Yeah! Even though they could just… disconnect the backup generator…” He grew quiet, seeing Shadow’s point. Why was he here? 
“Better question, why are you here, Shadow? What’s your reasoning?” Snake snidely asked. He didn’t seem to appreciate Shadow’s unnecessary commentary.  
Shadow stood silent for a moment. “This place is too suspicious. This is a factory in the middle of nowhere, a factory that Light has never mentioned. Why would you be brought here for orders?” he replied, before noting “The transmissions with your orders have been deleted as well.”
“Awww, you do care about us!” Snake interrupted, with a sly grin on his face.
“That has absolutely nothing to do with this! You’re in da-”
“Shadowman please! Everything is fine!” Dr. Light’s voice rang over the speakers. “Just... go down the hall, my assistant will be waiting for you!”
“See, everything is fine, Shadowman.” Snake hissed. He started down the hallway. After a few moments, Spark rushed after him. Hard followed the two, with Shadow close behind. The hallway was bright and clean, and the only thing that they could hear was their footsteps, and the fluorescent lights above them, with their near blinding light, faintly flickering.
“Oh! You must be the robots Light needs!-” A girl’s voice sounded from behind them, sharply cut off, “Umm, could you please take that blade away from my neck?” Because he’d been behind the others, Shadow was the first to notice her. However, he didn’t trust her at all. Unlike the others. 
“Shadow! Don’t hurt her! She’s Light’s assistant!” Hard retaliated, rushing between the two. “Sorry about that, Shadow’s been acting weird ever since we got here.”
“Oh it’s fine! Though, you guys are a little late. The information session is just down the hall, in the room with lights on the door; You can’t miss it!” The assistant cheerily responded, quickly changing the topic.
    “Can you take us there?” Spark asked.
    “Of course! Just follow me!” The girl responded with a beaming smile. She trotted down the hall, urging the bots to follow her. The four followed her down the rest of the hall. Though, it seemed a little… off; her mannerisms, the sanitary nature of this place, this was a factory, not a medical office! It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination. 
    “Just come in here and do what you have to!” The assistant’s voice rang. A door opened, revealing an eerily dim room. Snake eagerly entered. Shadow hesitantly followed, and the other two entered behind him. There wasn’t much inside. On the furthest wall was a screen, which was faintly glowing from a projectors light. Shadow noticed the ceiling, which seemed barely existent. Suddenly, a loud clanking sound alerted the bots to the door, which had slammed shut. They didn’t have time to investigate the door though, as the projector flickered on.
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    “Hello! Hello! Before everything happens, I just have to say thank you! Thank you for participating!” It was the assistant, ecstatically exclaiming her thanks in a song-like tone. However, the energy and joy in the assistant was not present in the bots. Behind the cheerful girl was a jumbled mess of mechanical parts. It wasn’t easy to see them with the assistant in the way, but it wasn’t hard to recognize what they were. Spark let out a small gasp, with clear fear in his eyes, as he saw the scrapped bodies of his deactivated brothers laying behind the assistant. The moment he looked at her, however, the projector dimmed and turned off.
    “What does she mean by… participation?” Hard asked, clearly afraid as well. The sound of grinding gears and motors startled the bots. Instinctually, they walked back, and ended up huddling in the middle of the room. But before any of the other bots could ask, or answer, a scraping sound echoed from above them. After that, all they heard was the sound of crushing metal before everything went black.
[Error. Multiple IC chips detected]
[Activation protocol initiated]
“Oooooooohoho, rise and shine sleepyhead! Well, sleepyheads…” Through the ringing in his ears someone spoke, saying something, he couldn’t tell, But at the same time, he… could? It was the assistant’s voice, that was certain. Slowly and, somewhat clumsily, the robot propped himself up. However, he wasn’t expecting to have a sharp electrode in place of his left hand. Or a hand in place of his weapon. Whichever it was, the bot quickly fell back down, unable to put his hands on the table. 
“Augh…” The robot groaned, “what ha-”. He stopped mid phrase, hearing a voice that, wasn’t really his. But it… was?
“I… I can’t believe it…! It worked! It actually worked! I did it! I did it!” The assistant shouted, near cackling, all while punching the air in triumph. The same feeling was not reciprocated with the bot, who wearily squinted at her. “Worked? What worked? What… what did you do?” A voice spoke from the robot, confused by her words. It wasn’t the same voice as before. It wasn’t his voice, but it was his voice, he didn’t understand it. He wasn’t talking, but… he was! 
    “You really can’t figure it out? Hah!” She mockingly said, only to begin mumbling, “Who would’ve thought more IC chips would make a robot dumber!” The robot didn’t hear what she mumbled, with his ears still ringing.
    “More IC chips…? You- put us… together?” A voice spoke, breaking the short lived silence. It was Magnet, without any doubt. “Together?” Top asked, before he too realized what the assistant meant. “Wait, Magnet?! Is… is that you?” In an instant, each member of the 3rd line tried to stammer out, well, anything really. Questions, answers or whatever they could say. But only one voice made itself clear. 
    “Why- why… why did you-”
     “Why’d I do this?
    The girl snickered, and her eyes locked on the 8 bots. “I was inspired by Wily… He has such great ideas, but the worst execution! I mean, what was he thinking? Using the 2nd line was bound to fail; they practically hate each other! But you? You’re different. You’re... like family… You aren’t doomed to failure.”
    “Failure? Like this is a success?!” Gemini remarked.
    “Aww, does Light’s little narcissist want a mirror? Will that make you feel better?” The assistant taunted. Before Gemini could even answer the question, she stepped over to the cabinet and pushed a mirror out from beside it. 
    An arm from Spark, an arm from Magnet, both of Top’s legs, Shadow’s body and Hard’s head, with a few scattered details from Gemini, Needle and Snake. It was an eyeful for them all, like someone had haphazardly torn them apart and carefully melded them together. In all honesty, that’s probably what happened. 
    “No… NO!” Needle screamed. He swung at the mirror in an attempt to break it. However, just before he hit it, the amalgamate’s whole body froze. “C’mon, I gotta run a few tests first. Then you can break stuff!” the assistant exclaimed, holding a remote. She ordered the robot to lay on the table. She checked every joint, wire and connected part she could, all the parts that she’d changed, that she’d put together. “Perfect! Just perfect! Now, for the important part...” Wires were plugged into the amalgam, hooking them up to the assistants computer. As she looked at the screen, the devious grin that seemed permanent, quickly fell. “No, no, it didn’t work! It was supposed to-!” She sounded devastated. 
    “Well, this was a good start! Yeah! There’s always a second chance— and the first attempt isn’t always gonna work! Yes!” The assistant assured herself, before rushing out of the room. The third line hadn’t been able to move during the entire checkup. But they wanted to. They needed to. To scream. To run. To get away from her, from this place, from each other.
    Yet, when she walked off, and her remote was out of range, they didn’t. They didn’t scream. They didn’t run.
They just cried.
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edvonstein · 4 years
The sun is shining, warmth is returning to the world, birds are chirping, the snow has melted, and it is just overall wonderful weather to be outside, enjoy the world, and thank whomsoever you please to be alive.
Anyways, this post is none of that, have a list of Precure/Glitter Force names based on the various bosses from Mega Man Classic, X, Zero, Battle Network, and Star Force. ZX and Legends don’t fit the naming convention enough. Duplicate names removed, unless the Glitter Force localization would be different. Names without a Glitter version just retain the same word.
Cure Rock/Glitter Mega
Cure Cut Cure Guts Cure Ice Cure Bomber/Glitter Bomb Cure Fire Cure Elec Cure Oil Cure Time
Cure Metal Cure Air Cure Bubble Cure Quick Cure Clash/Glitter Crash Cure Flash Cure Heat Cure Wood
Cure Needle Cure Magnet Cure Gemini Cure Hard Cure Top Cure Snake Cure Shadow
Cure Bright Cure Toad Cure Drill Cure Pharaoh Cure Ring Cure Dust Cure Dive Cure Skull
Cure Gravity Cure Wave Cure Stone Cure Gyro Cure Star Cure Charge Cure Napalm Cure Crystal
Cure Blizzard Cure Kentauros/Glitter Centaur Cure Flame Cure Knight Cure Plant Cure Tomahawk Cure Wind Cure Yamato
Cure Freeze Cure Junk Cure Burst Cure Cloud Cure Spring Cure Slash Cure Shade Cure Turbo
Cure Tengu Cure Astro Cure Sword Cure Clown Cure Search Cure Frost Cure Grenade Cure Aqua
Cure Concrete Cure Tornado Cure Splash Cure Plug Cure Jewel Cure Hornet Cure Magma Cure Galaxy Cure Fake
Cure Blade Cure Pump Cure Commando Cure Chilled/Glitter Chill Cure Sheep Cure Strike Cure Nitro Cure Solar Cure Enker Cure Punk Cure Ballade
Cure Block Cure Fuse Cure Blast Cure Acid Cure Tundra Cure Torch Cure Pile/Glitter Impact Cure Rubber/Glitter Bounce
Cure Icy/Glitter Chill Cure Armor/Glitter Armored Cure Launcher/Glitter Launch Cure Boomer Cure Sting Cure Storm Cure Burnin'/Glitter Flame
Cure Wheel Cure Bubbly/Glitter Bubble Cure Metamor/Glitter Morph Cure Magne/Glitter Magna Cure Crystar/Glitter Crystal Cure Sonic/Glitter Overdrive Cure Wire
Cure Explose/Glitter Blast Cure Frozen/Glitter Blizzard Cure Acid/Glitter Toxic Cure Screw/Glitter Tunnel Cure Electiker(or Cure Electro when written in Latin letters)/Glitter Volt Cure Scissors/Glitter Crush Cure Shining/Glitter Neon
Cure Web Cure Split Cure Cyber Cure Magmard/Glitter Magma Cure Jet
Cure Crescent/Glitter Crescent or Glitter Grizzly Cure Tidal/Glitter Tidal or Glitter Duff Cure Volt/Glitter Volt or Glitter Squid Cure Shining/Glitter Shining or Glitter Izzy Cure Dark Cure Spiral/Glitter Spiral or Glitter Skiver Cure Burn/Glitter Burn or Glitter Mattrex Cure Spike/Glitter Spike or Glitter Axle
Cure Commander Cure Ground Cure Blaze Cure Rainy Cure Metalshark/Glitter Metal Cure Shieldner/Glitter Shield Cure Infinity
Cure Soldier Cure Hellride/Glitter Ride Cure Snipe Cure Vanishing
Cure Bamboo Cure Optic Cure Darkneid/Glitter Dark Cure Gravitate/Glitter Gravity Cure Earthrock Cure Gigabolt/Glitter Gigabolt or Glitter Gigavolt Cure Ice-Snow/Glitter Avalanche Cure Burn
Cure Kenshou (Cure Wise General)/Glitter Sage Cure Youshou (Cure Siren General)/Glitter Fairy Cure Toushou (Cure Fighter General)/Glitter Fighting Cure Inshou (Cure Hidden General)/Glitter Hidden
Cure Aztefalcon/Glitter Aztec Cure Anubistep/Glitter Anubis Cure Blizzack Cure Maha Cure Hanumachine Cure Asura Cure Herculious
Cure Hyleg Cure Polar/Glitter Poler Cure Panter Cure Phoenik/Glitter Phoenix Cure Burble Cure Kuwagust
Cure Blazin' Cure Chilldre Cure Hellbat/Glitter Devilbat Cure Deathtanz Cure Cubit Cure Glacier Cure Volteel Cure Tretista
Cure Fenri Cure Mino Cure Noble Cure Pegasolta Cure Popla Cure Sol Cure Tech
Cure Number Cure Colored/Glitter Color    (Gods was the original name bad...) Cure Blues/Glitter Proto Cure Magic Cure Shark Cure Forte/Glitter Bass
Cure Gate Cure Thunder Cure Planet
Cure Beast Cure King Cure Desert Cure Mist Cure Bowl Cure Punk Cure Yamato/Glitter Japan Cure Serenade
Cure Aqua/Glitter Aqua or Glitter Spout Cure Burner Cure Video Cure Roll Cure Kendo Cure Cold Cure Laser
Cure Colonel Cure Cosmo Cure Meddy Cure Foot/Glitter Grid Cure Swallow/Glitter Lark
Cure Circus Cure Judge Cure Element Cure Killer/Glitter Erase
Cure Ox/Glitter Taurus Cure Cygnus Cure Harp Cure Pegasus Cure Leo Cure Dragon Cure Libra Cure Ophiuchus/Glitter Queen Cure Cancer Cure Wolf Cure Crown
Cure Phantom/Glitter Dark Cure Yeti Cure Brachio/Glitter Plesio Cure Burai/Glitter Rogue Cure Condor/Glitter Terra Cure Empty/Glitter Hollow Cure Goat/Glitter Kung-Foo Cure Auriga/Glitter Gneral Cure Apollon/Glitter Apollo
Cure Spade Cure Dia/Glitter Diamond Cure Club Cure Jack Cure Queen Cure Grave/Glitter Dread Cure Moon Cure Sirius
Personal favorites are Cure Boomer and Cure Metalshark. There is no point to this list, do with it as you please, or ignore it, or send hitman after me to silence me forever. I suggest the last one. Peace.
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stardust-revengers · 6 years
Tag game thing/ get to know the blogger.
Okay so Yee I was tagged by @dtftomholland , I don’t normally do tag games cuz I’m a lazy bitch, but I’m hella bored and don’t wanna write (lowkey thou I’ll still write cuz I’m dumb and I’ll be bored after this so to kill time why not ) okay Yee so
Rules: tag 10 mutuals you want to get to know better
Name: Mariam (but I highkey hate my name and on here I go by M cuz it’s easier and better ig??!!!, but irl and personally I go by my real name Yee)
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5’3
Put your music on shuffle what are the first four songs that come up? :
‘Love lies’ - Khalid and normani
‘If you were mine’ - ocean park standoff
‘Tie me down’ - gryiffn
‘Sweet but psycho’ - Ava max
Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yeah a poem/essay, it was from this guy I was talking to, but like I don’t like to think about it cuz he is trash to me now :)))))))
When was the last time you played the guitar?
Uhhhh never actually,,,,,
Who is your celebrity crush?
Tom fucking Hiddleston (are :)))we:)))surprised)
What’s a sound you love and a sound you hate?
I hate the sound of like metal scratching against anything it just ew sjsjsjsjjs but I love the sound of wind, when it’s heavy and fast or slow and whistles it just is so p r e t t y.
Do you believe in ghost?
It’s complicated.
How about aliens?
Also complicated.
Do you drive?
Yes, and I absolutely love to do it.
What was the last book you read?
‘The night she disappeared’ it was so good I’m such a slut for mystery/sc fi books I’m-jsjsjsjsj
What’s the worst injury you ever had?
Tbh,,, it’s too hard to choose between them all lmao, there’s too many to count.
Do you have any obsession right now?
Yes omg, definitely marvel like hello can you tell??? Other than tom Hiddleston/ loki duh jsjsjsjsjs, and Tom holland/his brothers/ haz I’m like deadass I would die for them, other that I’ve recently been obsessed with criminal minds, how to get away with murder I’m like a total thot for criminal shows like its right up my alley, but yeah as you can see I’m a nerd thanks for coming to my ted talk. Also I’m always obsessed with Shane Dawson but like Yee I love him.
Do you hold grudges against people?
I like to think I don’t but I really do because it sucks being hurt by someone I trusted and when they hurt me badly I don’t let it go, because it’s super hard for me to trust anyone in general so if I did trust you and you like screwed me over I will absolutely forgive but not forget and yeah I’m a bitch for that ig, but like sometimes you have to be a snake against the snakes that attacked/ used you ig that just how it be sometimes 👀
In a relationship?
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you’re funny to think anyone would date me :)
I’m tagging: @likechadwick @thatprofessionalfangirl @thatawkwardemma @marvel-lously @aw-hawkeye @hollandazing @marvelsmurphy @xoxojcanne @jacobsbatalon @valkyrie-and-lokis-daughter (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to :), don’t feel forced do it if you please love) ❤️
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asktherecutcast · 6 years
Hey Proto man, if you had to assemble a team to fight alien Invaders, who would you choose?
Tumblr media
Proto Man: Aliens? I don’t know anything about aliens.
Uhhh…Wily for sure, cause mad science (and pretty sure he’s the only one in the world who’d know how to deal with that kind of shit), then Elec Man to balance that out with sanity. Next, Metal Man if they’re mechanoid aliens; he’s not afraid to go apeshit berserker on anything mechanical, which is usually a liability on missions but in this case might be useful. After that, Bomb Man and Crash Man for similar fire power but more focused tactics. Finally, Magnet Man, Snake Man, Gyro Man, Gemini Man, Spark Man, Air Man, Hard Man, Stone Man, Drill Man, and Crystal Man for backup. Cut Man and Guts Man can come too, I guess. The rest I’d leave at Skull Fortress. 
A little overkill, I know. After all, how tough can alien invaders really be?
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