#again i hope you enjoy the gift and thank you for the opportunity to draw my faves !
canibeanythingelse · 1 year
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here's my miraculous ladybug 2022 secret santa piece for @rosie-b ! this was so so so fun to draw so i hope you enjoy it!! happy holidays ❤️💚
(and thanks @mlsecretsanta for hosting this event!!!!)
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basset-babe · 9 days
five times: the one point five.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
warnings: none but gossip yet again
word count: 2.9k+
a/n: please do send me a message or comment down if you would like to be added on the succeeding taglists for the five times series! here is 1.5 times with ben. enjoy! thanks loves <3! (also, pls do imagine ben holding a graft rose for this one heh)
five times series: the first. the one point five. the second. the third. the fourth. at last. text divider from @heavenlayt and pattern banner from @cafekitsune thank you!
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the one point five time.
In the hours of sunlight, callers have flooded the Y/L/N drawing room. All bringing gifts and performances in hopes to win the favourable yes of the season's paragon, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. The grand parlor, adorned with exquisite tapestries and sparkling chandeliers, buzzed with the lively hum of conversations and the tinkling laughter of society’s elite. Lavish bouquets of rare, fragrant flowers filled the room, their heady scent mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed tea and delectable pastries arrayed on silver platters.
Gentlemen, dressed in their finest attire, lined up to present their offerings to Miss Y/L/N, each one more extravagant than the last. Some brought intricate jewelry, glittering with precious stones, while others offered rare books, hoping to appeal to her reputed love of literature. Musicians performed virtuoso pieces on the grand piano, their fingers dancing over the keys in a bid to capture her attention through the power of melody. Poets recited verses composed in her honor, their words dripping with adoration and longing.
Miss Y/L/N, the epitome of grace and poise, received each suitor with a warm smile and a gracious word. Her eyes, sparkling with intelligence and kindness, moved across the room, acknowledging the efforts and intentions of each visitor. Her charm was such that even a simple nod or a softly spoken thank you felt like a cherished treasure to the eager suitors.
The hour had struck past 1 in the afternoon when, hopefully, the last caller of the day had bid his farewells. The Y/L/N drawing room, which had been a whirlwind of activity, now began to settle into a quieter, more contemplative atmosphere. The sunlight streaming through the large windows cast a bright hue over the room, highlighting the opulent furnishings and the array of gifts that had been presented to Miss Y/N Y/L/N throughout the morning.
Servants moved gracefully, clearing away the remnants of the lavish spread of refreshments while ensuring that every detail of the room remained immaculate. The air was still fragrant with the scent of roses, lilies, and other exotic flowers that had been brought by admirers, creating a heady, almost intoxicating environment.
"As much as I do love botanicals, all these flowers have turned obnoxious to my senses, Grandmama," Y/N sighed, feeling the urge to slouch on the couch. Her frame was poised elegantly despite her weariness, a testament to her upbringing and the endless etiquette lessons she had endured.
Her grandmother, the Viscountess Y/L/N, reentered the room with a look of satisfaction mixed with maternal concern. "My dear," she said softly, "you have conducted yourself admirably. The attention you have garnered is truly remarkable, but alas, this be the trials of being the season's paragon," she said with jest. "A small price to pay for such adoration and the opportunities it presents."
Y/N allowed herself a small, rueful smile. "It has been a most eventful day. I do hope I have shown the proper appreciation to each caller." She gently plucked a stray petal from her gown, its soft texture a stark contrast to her current mood.
"Rest assured, my dear, that this too shall pass," her grandmother replied soothingly. "Soon, you will look back on these days with fondness, perhaps even in laughter."
Y/N nodded, though she wasn't entirely convinced. She admired her grandmother's ability to see the positive in any situation. Lady Y/L/N had once been the toast of her own social season, and her wisdom was hard-earned through years of navigating similar waters.
"Would it be terribly improper to open a window, Grandmama?" Y/N asked, her eyes drifting towards the heavy drapes that concealed the afternoon breeze. "I believe a bit of fresh air might revive my spirits."
The Viscountess chuckled softly. "Not at all, my dear. In fact, I think it would do us both good." She motioned to a nearby maid, who quickly moved to pull back the drapes and open the window, allowing a refreshing breeze to sweep into the room. The cool air carried with it the scents of the garden outside, a welcome contrast to the overwhelming floral arrangements within.
Y/N took a deep breath, feeling instantly more at ease. "Thank you, Grandmama. That is much better."
"Now, my dear," Mrs. Y/L/N said, her tone becoming more serious, "while you have a moment of peace, tell me—was there any caller today who truly caught your eye?"
Y/N considered the question carefully. There had been many suitors, each with their own merits. Some had been charming, others earnest, and a few rather boastful. But it was not that she minded all these suitors; it was who she looked forward to that truly occupied her thoughts. It had been this Bridgerton man she'd hoped would be calling on her the entire morning. Unfortunately, he had not been seen yet in this drawing room.
"Y/N, my dear, are you still with us?" Lady Y/L/N's gentle voice broke through her reverie.
"Yes, Grandmama," Y/N replied, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "I was merely thinking."
"About anyone in particular?" her grandmother inquired with a knowing smile.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then decided there was no point in hiding her thoughts from her perceptive grandmother. "To be quite honest, I was hoping to see Mr. Bridgerton today.. well as of this morn," she admitted. "I fear he may have been otherwise engaged."
"Ah, Mr. Bridgerton," Lady Y/L/N said thoughtfully. "A fine young man, from a respected family. It is no wonder you look forward to his call. Perhaps he will still make an appearance."
Y/N nodded, though she knew the likelihood was slim as the noon wore on. She took another deep breath of the fresh air now circulating through the room, trying to shake off her disappointment. The season was long, and there would be other opportunities to see him again.
"There was Sir Nicholas Deveraeux. He was quite charming," Y/N remarked.
"He comes from a good family as well, but I've heard his uncle," Her grandmother leaned in conspiratorially, "envies the crown."
Y/N laughed at the Viscountess' antics. "Grandmama, that's quite scandalous. Wherever did you hear such a thing?" Y/N laughed.
"Deborah told me," her grandmother said, motioning to her maid. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the notion of her grandmama indulging in gossip. "But I must tell you, I keep my options open still," she stated matter-of-factly, regaining my composure.
"Even though you are clearly captivated by Mr. Bridgerton's smile," Her grandmother teased. "It is wise to keep your options open, my dear, so as not to appear too eager for any one gentleman's attentions."
"Indeed," Y/N thought to herself, "it is prudent not to seem desperate and helpless this early in the season. After all, the season is just beginning, and there will be many more opportunities for maybe much more meaningful encounters."
The older woman patted the young lady's hand reassuringly. "You are a clever girl, my Y/N. Your charm and grace will surely attract many suitors. Just remember to enjoy the process and not to place all your hopes on one gentleman, no matter how enchanting his smile may be."
Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. The season was an adventure, and she was ready to embrace it with an open heart and mind. As her grandmama said, there would be many chances to find the right match, and she intends to savor every moment.
Just as she was about to resign herself to the wait, a soft knock sounded at the drawing room door. Both Y/N and her grandmother turned their heads in surprise as the butler entered.
"Forgive the interruption, ma'am," he said with a slight bow. "But there is one more caller who has just arrived."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as the butler stepped aside, revealing none other than Mr. Bridgerton himself. He stood at the threshold, his confident demeanor softened by a warm, sincere smile.
"Good afternoon, Lady Y/L/N, Miss Y/L/N," he greeted them, bowing respectfully. "I apologize for my tardiness. I hope I am not intruding."
Lady Y/L/N's eyes twinkled with amusement as she replied, "Not at all, Mr. Bridgerton. We are delighted to see you."
Y/N felt her spirits lift instantly, her earlier fatigue forgotten. "Indeed, Mr. Bridgerton," she said, her smile reflecting the genuine pleasure she felt. "Your timing is impeccable."
Mr. Bridgerton's eyes met hers, and for a moment, it felt as though they were the only two people in the room. "I am glad to hear that, Miss Y/L/N," he said. "I have been looking forward to our meeting."
As he stepped further into the room, bringing with him an air of warmth and possibility, Y/N knew that this visit was just the beginning. The season held many uncertainties, but in that moment, with Mr. Bridgerton's presence brightening the drawing room, she felt a renewed sense of hope and excitement for what was to come.
He walked closer, offering his wrapped gift with a warm smile. "I know of your love of botanicals. Although, I wasn't sure what to get, but I opted for a grafted Rosa Falstaff from our estate's own gardens."
Y/N's eyes widened with surprise and delight as she reached out to accept the potted rose. "A Rosa Falstaff? From your family's gardens?" she exclaimed, her fingers gently tracing the leaves and delicate blooms.
"Yes," Benedict nodded, his gaze softening as he watched her reaction. "I thought it would be a fitting addition to your collection, considering your fondness for floriculture."
"Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton. This is truly truly thoughtful of you." Y/N's eyes lit up as she accepted the graft, appreciating the gesture.
Mr. Bridgerton smiled, a hint of relief and pleasure in his eyes. "I'm glad you like them, Miss Y/L/N. I thought something from home might be more personal and meaningful than the usual offerings."
Mrs. Y/L/N, observing the interaction with a pleased expression, decided to give the young couple some space. "If you'll excuse me, I have some correspondence to attend to," she said, rising gracefully. "Please, Mr. Bridgerton, make yourself comfortable."
As her grandmother left the room, Y/N gestured for Mr. Bridgerton to sit beside her on the elegant settee. "It's so refreshing to receive something so genuine," she said, placing the graft gently on the table beside them. "Tell me more about your estate's gardens. They must be quite beautiful."
Mr. Bridgerton settled into the seat, his expression brightening as he began to speak. "Our gardens are indeed a sight to behold, especially in the spring. We have a variety of flowers, from different roses to lavender, and even some more exotic species like that which my mother is particularly fond of. Each section of the garden has its own unique charm and character."
Y/N listened intently, her interest piqued not just by the subject but by the way he spoke with such genuine affection for his home. "It sounds enchanting," she said. "I would love to see it someday."
He smiled, clearly pleased by her response. "I would be honored to show you around Aubrey Hall, Miss Y/L/N. Perhaps you could offer some advice on expanding our collection of botanicals."
"I would be delighted," Y/N replied, her smile matching his. "There are always new species to discover and cultivate. It would be a pleasure to share that with someone who appreciates it as much as I do."
As they continued to talk, the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on various topics of mutual interest. The room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them engrossed in their exchange. The connection they felt was palpable, a promising hint of what could be a deep and meaningful relationship.
The noon sun cast a golden glow through the open window, bathing them in warm light. It was as if the world outside had conspired to create the perfect moment, one that Y/N would cherish as the beginning of something truly special.
"Why not a change of scenery, Miss Y/N? May I enchant you to a walk with me this afternoon?" Mr. Bridgerton asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Y/N felt a flutter of excitement at his proposal, though very different from norm indeed. The thought of a leisurely walk, away from the confines of the drawing room and amidst the fresh air and beauty of the outdoors, was undeniably appealing. She glanced at her grandmother, who had discreetly lingered near the doorway.
Mrs. Y/L/N, catching her granddaughter's hopeful expression, gave a subtle nod of approval. "I think that sounds like a splendid idea, Mr. Bridgerton," she said. "A bit of fresh air through my garden will do you both good."
"Thank you, Grandmama," Y/N replied, her smile widening. She turned back to Mr. Bridgerton, her eyes meeting his with a mix of excitement and gratitude. "I would be delighted to join you for a walk."
Mr. Bridgerton offered his arm, which Y/N took with a graceful nod. Together, they made their way out of the drawing room and through the grand halls of the Y/L/N residence. The household staff, now accustomed to the comings and goings of numerous callers, discreetly stepped aside, offering polite smiles as the pair passed.
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As they stepped out into the sunlight, the warmth of the afternoon embraced them. The gardens of the Y/L/N estate stretched out before them, a riot of color and fragrance that promised a delightful stroll. Birds chirped melodiously, adding a charming soundtrack to their walk.
"Your gardens are truly beautiful, Miss Y/L/N," Mr. Bridgerton remarked as they began their promenade. "It's easy to see where your love for botanicals comes from."
"Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton," Y/N replied, her gaze sweeping over the well-tended flower beds and neatly trimmed hedges. "I find great joy in spending time here. There's something so peaceful about being surrounded by nature."
They walked in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking in the beauty around them. Y/N's lady's maid chaperoning behind. The gravel path crunched softly underfoot, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead.
"I must admit," Mr. Bridgerton said, breaking the silence, "I was quite nervous about coming here today. I wasn't sure if my gift would be well-received."
Y/N looked up at him, surprised. "You needn't have worried," she assured him. "Your gift was one of the most endearing ones I have received. It speaks volumes about your character and your genuine interest. Quite a change in the morn's most fragrant bouquets. All exquisite but a tad bit too much on my senses." I gestured towards my nose.
He smiled, clearly relieved. "I'm glad to hear that, Miss Y/L/N. I hoped to make a meaningful impression."
"You certainly have," she replied warmly. "And now, here we are, enjoying a lovely walk together. It seems your efforts have been rewarded."
As they continued their walk, their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on topics both serious and lighthearted. They shared stories, laughed together, and discovered common interests. The connection between them grew stronger with each passing moment, the bond of friendship and potential courtship becoming more tangible.
"So, do tell me more about you, Mr. Bridgerton."
"Do call me Benedict, if you please. Provided, of course, that you feel comfortable and we are beyond the earshot of your lady's maid." his eyebrows raise in suggestive jest.
Y/N chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "Very well, Benedict. You may address me by Y/N as well."
Benedict smiled, clearly pleased by her informal, now more familiar, address. "My days are usually spent at home, but sometimes, I spend my time in my art studio at the academy."
"Yes, you've mentioned of yourself an artist, I remember." Y/N remarked, intrigued. "That is fascinating. What sort of art do you create?"
Benedict's face lit up with enthusiasm as he began to describe his passion. "I work primarily with oils on canvas, though I do enjoy sketching as well. There's something incredibly satisfying about capturing a moment or a feeling in a piece of art. It’s a way to express myself that words sometimes fail to achieve."
Y/N listened intently, her admiration growing. "I would love to see your work someday. It must be wonderful to have such a creative outlet."
"It is," Benedict agreed, a note of pride in his voice. "And I would be honored to show you my studio and some of my pieces. Perhaps I could even paint your portrait, if you would allow me."
Y/N blushed at the thought, a mixture of shyness and excitement. "I would be delighted, Benedict. Though I must warn you, I may not be the most patient of sitters."
Benedict laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I’m sure we would manage just fine. And who knows, you might find the experience enjoyable."
"I look forward to it," Y/N said, her smile reflecting her genuine interest. "But tell me more about your family. I have heard much about the Bridgertons, but I would love to hear it from your perspective."
Benedict's expression softened as he spoke of his family. "We are a large, close-knit group. There are eight of us siblings, and we were all raised with a strong sense of duty and love seeing my late father and mother attend to our household. My mother, Violet, is the heart of our family. She has always encouraged us to pursue our passions and support each other."
"That sounds wonderful," Y/N said, touched by his words. "Family is so important. I imagine it must be lively with so many siblings."
"It certainly is," Benedict replied with a grin. "There is never a dull moment at Bridgerton House. We have our share of disagreements, of course, but we always come together in the end. All the laughter and camaraderie make it worthwhile."
Y/N felt a warm connection forming between them, their shared values and interests creating a bond that felt both natural and exciting. "I would love to meet them all someday, even so now that your brother has found himself a wife. Such exciting things!" she said.
"And they would be delighted to meet you," Benedict assured her. "I can already tell that you would fit right in."
"He thinks of me as someone who would fit with his family? I could feel my heart flutter," Y/N thought, the realization sending a warm, thrilling sensation through her.
As they continued their conversation, the afternoon sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the garden. The hours had slipped away unnoticed, a testament to the ease and enjoyment they found in each other's company.
Eventually the day had struck shy of 3 at afternoon and they made their way back to the main house, the promise of future meetings and shared experiences hanging in the air. As they reached the steps, Benedict turned to Y/N, his expression earnest and hopeful.
"Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, Y/N," he said. "I look forward to our next meeting."
"As do I, Benedict," Y/N replied, her heart full of anticipation. "Until then."
With a final, warm smile, Benedict took his leave, leaving Y/N with a sense of happiness and a fluttering hope for the future. The day had been more than she could have imagined, and she felt a deep sense of gratitude for the connection they had begun to forge.
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taglist: @novausstuff @pussyslayerhd @amoosarte
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dancingbirdie · 6 months
Idk if you’re taking requests but if so could you do bottom Astarion with an afab Tav?
Hi hi! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write more plotless smut! Hope you enjoy xoxoxo.
Like my smut writing? Find more here.
Take What You Need
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Astarion x fem!Reader
Words: 1K
Warnings/Tags: top!fem!Reader, bottom!Astarion, penetrative sex, penis-in-vagina sex, soft fluffy lovemaking, plotless smut, sweet domestic bliss
Summary: You and Astarion share an uninterrupted bath time, complete with fluff, smut and domestic bliss.
The bath water had grown tepid, not that either of you noticed. You were too lost in the moment, too love drunk within this brief escape to heaven. How the two of you had managed to carve out such sacred time alone was a true stroke of luck. There weren’t many opportunities these days to spend time like this. 
Neither of you were about to waste this gift. 
Straddling Astarion between your thighs, you had an incomparable view of his delicate, pointed features. His lean, muscled chest. The sharpness of his jawline. His beautiful carmine eyes, how they darted about, taking in every inch of you poised above him. You marveled at how the water drops, peppered throughout his dampened curls, glistened in the dancing candlelight. He was stunning, in a tragically gorgeous sort of way. 
“A copper for your thoughts,” he murmured, lifting your hand from the water and drawing your wrist to his lips. His nostrils flared slightly as he breathed in your scent, felt the thrumming of your pulse beneath the thin skin. 
“Are you sure you want to know?” you smirked, watching him lavish open-mouthed kisses against your wrist. “They’re rather lascivious.” 
You felt him twitch and begin to harden beneath you once more. That burning desire deep within you didn’t need rekindling, but his subtle movements caused the blood in your veins to quicken nevertheless. Your hips answered him with a gesture of their own, canting down to rut against him. 
“Again already, darling? Greed is a deadly sin, you know,” he crooned, dipping his other hand beneath the water to touch you where you so desperately craved. His thumb easily found that sensitive spot at the apex of your thighs and caressed it with a deft stroke. 
“And I’m your supplicant, begging for absolution,” you breathed, rocking yourself into his hand. 
His throaty chuckle at your retort had goosebumps skittering across your exposed chest. You let loose an unabashedly loud moan as he leaned forward to capture your breast in his mouth. He sucked, hard, as his other hand released your wrist to capture your other nipple between his thumb and finger. Between that and his continued ministrations beneath the water, you couldn’t help as your head lolled back, mind inundated with the luxury of Astarion touching you everywhere, everywhere that mattered. 
He released your breast with a soft pop, lifting his head to take in your now fully-bared neck. 
“I adore when you get this worked up. You look delicious enough to eat,” he breathed against your chest. 
You knew what he was asking without really asking. You were all too happy to comply. 
“Use me,” you whispered, eyes clenched shut as his thumb continued to flick against you, maddeningly slow. You could feel the blunt tip of him poised at your entrance, just barely parting your folds. “Take what you need.”
Astarion laughed darkly at your wanton reply. “So charitable. I could say the very same to you.”
You lifted your head up to stare at him, confused. 
Giving you a devious little grin, he guided one of the hands you had braced on the side of the tub down beneath the water, to where his length stood at attention. 
“Take what you need,” he parroted your words, although they sounded so much sweeter coming from his silken voice. 
Needing no further encouragement, you repositioned him beneath you and speared yourself atop him. Both of you groaned at the sensation of him stretching you once more, that delicious tightness giving way to the even headier sense of absolute fullness. 
Your hands came to rest flat against his chest as you began to move, rocking up and down atop him. Your thighs burned after a few moments, exhausted from your earlier travels, but the dull ache only encouraged you to piston your hips harder. 
The rhythm you had found almost toppled as Astarion pulled you in closer, mouth descending upon your neck as his fangs broke the delicate skin there. That familiar icy feeling flooded your head and upper torso, the perfect contrast to the growing heat pooling in your stomach. You lifted a hand to cup the back of his head, keeping him close as he fed from you. 
In your lust-dulled gaze, you registered the ripples your movements were creating in the water. It was a marvelous sight. An echo of your lovers’ embrace. A dance made possible only through the two you, joining and parting, joining and parting, over and over. 
“I want to taste you as you come, darling,” Astarion murmured against your neck, breaking your focus on the rippling water. He paused his feasting long enough to slip a hand between you and resumed playing with your clit. 
The added sensation all but overloaded your mind. You whined out a garbled reply, your hips bucking with even more fervor. He met you swipe for swipe, matching pace easily as he bit down once more on your neck. 
You knew you wouldn’t last long. It was futile to resist that call to unravel, to explode, to freefall. With a final, frenzied jerk of your hips, you stuttered to a halt as your release barreled through you, taking with it any sense of time and spatial awareness. 
You barely registered Astarion’s euphoric groan as he took in the taste of your blood, as his hands clutched at your hips, hard enough to bruise. Pumping into you once, twice more, he found release of his own and clutched you tightly against him. You were a boneless thing, slouching atop him, fingertips grazing the surface of the water. 
After a few moments of blissful silence, Astarion began to stir beneath you. Gathering you in his arms, you could feel his preparation to stand. 
“Going somewhere?” you murmured sleepily. 
“Taking you to bed, darling, before you fall ill in this cold bathwater,” he returned, kissing your temple and rising from the water with ease. 
“After all that transpired here, it would be a heavenly way to die I think,” you yawned, wrapping your arms and legs more tightly around him. 
His laugh, true and full and delightedly boyish, was the last thing you remembered before falling into a peaceful sleep.  
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lostmyremembrall · 11 months
🐍Happy birthday to you! We share the date it seems ^^. May I ask a 🐍date with Tom Riddle? Some informations for you to write : I am a girl small and a bit chubby. I like mythology, learning about culture, asian food. A bit shy but have character when you reach my limits. I like play on words and loves to read. If I was in the magical world my best abilities would be potions runes and metamorphosis Hope it's enough for you to write something with this?
Many thanks Enjoy your day!
🐍 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐂: 𝐓𝐨𝐦
A/N: Happy birthday to you too, then! I hope this serves as a belated birthday gift to you✨ Note: I interpreted metamorphosis as transfiguration. Hopefully, I included some HC that you enjoyed!
- You first met him on your usual visit to the library
- You were trying to reach a book above you
- You could have reached it,
- But a hand swooped into your view and snatched it away
- You turned around to acknowledge the person behind you,
- But when you saw the smug smirk playing on Tom Riddle’s lips, you instantly knew his action didn’t come from the place of chivalry.
- it took some time for you to get comfortable speaking with him,
- But once you did, he found you to be a fascinating person.
- You’re witty and naturally curious, with myriads of interesting facts
- Able to return his banter with a play on words, so a conversation with you is never boring.
- He wouldn’t burst into a fit of laughter per se, but you typically manage to draw out a suppressed smirk.
- Tom adores you and the height difference.
- He does tease you about your height.
- He likes to come up behind you and surprise you with an embrace.
- He would typically squeeze you hard against him because he finds you soft and extremely comfortable to hold
-He considers you to be a great study partner, and would prefer to be your project partner (including potions, runes, metamorphosis, and many other classes).
-It could be that you two are the golden team with guaranteed excellent grades, but it's likely that he just doesn't want to share you with anyone else.
-Who's to say it can't be both?
-Your excellent ability to read runes is especially cherished, since it means you can translate older Medieval texts with ease.
-Tom holds great respect for you, and would often come to you if his rune translation seemed a bit wrong.
-Tom finds your shy personality to be endearing.
-He would try to get you to react in all sorts of situations.
-During meals, he would wink at you from across the Great Hall.
-In class, he would blatantly stare at you and only when you start blushing, would look away with a smug smirk.
-You're an anthropologist, with a unique, open-minded perspective based on cultural relativism.
-You usually enjoy learning about cultures from the comfort of the library, but there are moments when you venture to the lake and the forbidden forest to speak directly with centaurs, merpeople, etc.
-In those cases, Tom gets somewhat anxious and tags along to offer some protection.
-"Not that I distrust other creatures," he says, "but what will I ever do if you get hurt?"
-Needless to say, you are blessed with friends inside and outside of Hogwarts, human and non-human.
-Centaurs, particularly, enjoy your company as they tell you about their traditions and mythologies based on stars and constellations. With or without Tom, your safety is guaranteed when you're meeting them.
-Unfortunately, Asian food is difficult to come by in 1940s rural Scotland. But, the talented house elves are fortunately here for you.
-They had Asian ingredients specifically imported from all sorts of Asian countries.
-Tom was certainly new to Asian cuisine, not having had the opportunity to eat much food outside Hogwarts or his orphanage.
-But, upon discovering that Asian food is important to you, he decided that he would try all your favourite dishes.
-Your typical date would include visiting the Hogwarts kitchen.
-Tom struggled with chopsticks at first.
-A heavy sigh as he, once again, picks up one of the sticks that somehow ended up on the floor.
-At one point, you decided it would just be simpler if you fed him.
-He would mumble a word of thanks, unable to look you straight in the eyes.
-His furious blush as he leans forward to take a bite.
-Before his eyes usually widen in surprise at the scrumptious food that he's tasted.
-It's not long before he learns to use the chopsticks himself so that you two can eat simultaneously.
-The date usually ends with you two, full, content, and drowsy, gazing at the warm fireplace with his possessive arm wrapped around you.
-There's nothing more blissful than listening to his steady heartbeat against your right ear, and the fire warming your cheeks.
-In rare moments when you end up falling asleep, he would try to rouse you before curfew. Head Boy duty, after all.
-In those cases, you are often too tired to walk back to your dorm, to which Tom responds by carrying you in his arms.
-His firm hands wrap around you, and you get to listen to his heartbeat for just a few more extra minutes before you reach your dorm.
A/N: I am sorry it took so long to get to it. Life's been super busy recently. But, I really hope I captured your personality! Again, happy birthday!!
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Wednesday prompt. So I love the idea of Alec using his hands to create something for Magnus, like a weapon, jewellery, figurines (wood, glass, metal). Just Alec fysicly making something meaning full for Magnus. Bonus if it contains some of himself like soul, blood, energi ... Btw I really love all your writing and I read all the new stuff everytime you post it
ah thank you so much! this belongs to this eldritch delight vs, because i've been neglecting it a bit lately and i miss it. i hope you enjoy this!
uhm... warnings. alec lets his pinky be cut off *it regrows* so he can make a charm for magnus. it's normally cut off yourself in nephilim traditions but alec didn't want to upset magnus.
Magnus hating losing parts of him is the only reason Alec’s postponed making Magnus this particular present.
It’s an intimate shadowhunter gift and while Alec wants to give it to Magnus mere days before meeting him, he also learns that Magnus isn’t going to appreciate the method behind the gift.
He fights with his desire to make it and his concern of upsetting Magnus for weeks before he finally gives in. It’s incredibly easy to slip while fighting and ‘accidentally’ let down his guard enough for a demon tail to take his pinky. The demon is dead a moment later and while his team is giving him wary looks, Alec merely smirks as he reaches down and collects the digit.
“Sir?” Mirai asks him warily, her gaze careful as she watches him.
“A present, for Magnus.” He tells her casually and then, because he knows his hunters will only be more curious, he adds. “Magnus doesn’t like it when I purposefully maim myself. It seems liked a good opportunity to avoid that.”
“Makes sense.” Mirai agrees and she sighs as she looks over the mess, “makes more sense then why these demons nested here.”
Alec nods in agreement and then leaves, since his presence had never been necessary, and he’d only gone as an excuse to get the materials he needed.
He draws the necessary runes and leaves his finger to his beetles to eat the flesh until the bone is clean and polished and then shows himself to the infirmary.
The medical team is pleased with how clean the cut is and he’ll have a new pinky by nightfall, even if the itch and burn of regrowth is distracting.
The bones are clean before his pinky is regrown, but Alec sets up his tools carefully and lays everything out. He won’t sleep until this is finished, because there is no where he wants to lay his head besides next to Magnus’ own. Which means he needs to finish this quickly.
The bones are tiny and delicate, and Alec has very limited room for mistakes, especially because he doesn’t think Magnus is going to let him get away with the same excuse twice.  So, it takes him twice as long as it should, but it’s worth it for the tiny bone’s runes in nephil and Edomeic both. It ends up being no bigger than the tip of his stele and he sets it with a platinum thread on a thin loop that can be hung on a necklace or an earring.
When he’s healed and there’s no evidence of the injury, he goes to Magnus’ with a velvet bag that holds the charm. He presents it with a soft smile, because while Magnus is always delighted by the gifts, he always acts surprised as well. Alec’s going to lure that surprise away eventually, but for now he enjoys it as an aspect of Magnus that needs to be adored.
“Darling, for me?” Magnus asks in delight and then his face pulls into a grimace that Alec wants to kiss away. “Alexander, did you cut off a piece of yourself?” Magnus accuses and Alec is relieved that he can shake his head and promise sincerely that he did not.
“A mishap in the field.” He assures him, “already healed.” And he wiggled his fingers for good measure and Magnus kisses each of them, laving them all with love.
“Unacceptable, I can’t bear to part with a single atom of you ever again.” Magnus swears and he clings to Alexander’s hand, unwilling to let go of it when his lips are forced to part from Alexander’s knuckles so he can speak. “You must be more careful, darling. As ghastly as the charm is, it can’t possibly compare to what you meant to me.”
Alexander’s lashes flutter and he ducks his head, letting Magnus sigh in delight and press kisses to Alexander’s jaw and the hollow of his ear.
Magnus fixes the tiny charms of bones lined with demonic runes to dangle from his ear. A piercing everyone can see and admire and know that he carries a devoted piece of Alexander with him always.
“Good fortune and protection for the one I love.” Alexander whispers to him something so sweet and devoted in his voice and Alexander nuzzles into Magnus’ palms, the depth of the stars in his eyes.
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hexfloog · 5 months
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2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Can you believe there's barely 10 days left to the year?? Because I can't! Time to lay my feelings bare again!!!
So I definitely slowed down quite a bit compared to 2022, but I still made enough to fill the template and, in spite of everything else, lots of life development things happened these last 365 days that I think makes 2023 one of my best years in recent memory :)
I have less to say about the art this time. The drop in quantity checks out when I stop to reflect on just how much time I spent on each one. I definitely don't have as many sketchy works to show off this time either (probably in no small part due to the fact that I've also slowed down on Detco) - and that's probably owed to having spent most of my art effort this year drawing for other people, be it commissions or fan projects, and I already know that I'm more inclined to take risks when I have just myself to please. It's not a bad thing, that's just how it is.
I suppose my one observation of this year's body of work is that the vast majority of it is quite ambitious. Real pushing-my-comfort-zone stuff, but it's more of a polished brand of risk rather than the kind you get sketching ideas on the spot. Some examples:
February - both a collab and a thing that became a fan cel intended as an autograph piece at a con
April - simultaneously a gift and a very personal piece
June - silly comic (anything humorous is automatically out of my comfort zone)
August - community project + comic page redraw that really tested my ability to find a new style to play with
September - made to become tangible merch (it did)
October - redraw of my very first digital piece
November* - character design from text description only and formal reference sheet commission (my first ever)
December* - digital watercolor + fake children's paperback cover
*active WIP, not yet complete
It's not that much (really, it's average output for me) but I will take my wins where I can get them, especially since this is pretty much the scope of my art projects this year. Didn't really have much time or energy to write, or make more models, or scan more cards, because... ya girl was too busy getting a promotion/raise, moving out, enjoying the best con experience of her life (so far), volunteering, meeting lots of new people, dating again, having general fun, eating good food, trying new things, finishing a monthly art challenge for once, playing creative romhacks, waking up to new career opportunities, etc. etc. etc! It feels like so much happened this year!!
I tend to be harsh on myself and often feel like my life is not going anywhere, but this year really made me feel like I'm finally gaining some momentum again. And like... I don't expect (or want) to live life in the fast lane or anything, but stagnating isn't good, either, and with every passing year I have to ask myself with a little more sincerity what my future looks like.
So all that said, thanks very much for sticking around and suffering me another year <333 Who knows what 2024 will bring!! But for the first time in a while, I think I am looking to it with more than just a resigned "meh" and I hope the same for anyone reading this, too.
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Your headcanon on SVE bachelors and bachelorettes’ (bonus SVE NPCs if possible) reaction where they happened to be the farmer’s muse. Like the farmer would paint artistic portrait of them or just simply find inspiration just from hangingout with them.
I remember writing a headcanon on a similar topic (but about SDV bachelors/ettes), you can find it here 👈 Enjoy, and thanks for asking! 🫰
*Chuckle* Who knew Farmer is so talented - growing crops, adventurer skills, magic. And now drawing as well. Truly, a talented person is talented in everything. It was also a bit surprising to Lance that he had become a frequent inspiration to the Farmer while drawing. Didn't they harbour something more than friendship for him, hmm? *Chuckle* Oh, he's just kidding, no need to worry. But Lance admits he's very happy to have Farmer's company in his lonely post at Crimson Baldlans. And he hopes the heat of the cursed desert will hide his slight blush when the Farmer presents him with his beautifully painted portrait.
Magnus Rasmodius:
Not that Magnus is against the Farmer's company, but the wizard has no way of knowing why he was the muse for their new novel (he didn't even know they were even writing in their spare time from farming). A story about magic, wizards and forest spirits? Hmm, interesting. Well, since that was the case, Magnus wouldn't mind even sharing a couple of stories about his youth and the various wonders he'd encountered. Provided, of course, that the Farmer comes up with a pseudonym for the hero and gives Magnus the opportunity to read the novel first. Now, he need to make tea for himself and his guest - and let the story begins.
Victor had been fond of reading books since he was a kid, and one of his favourite genres was chivalric romance. Noble knights and minstrels dedicated their vows and serenades to beautiful ladies, who stood on the balcony and listened to every word. And Victor would never have thought that he would have to feel himself that noble lady, and from the window on the first floor of his house listen to the beautiful melody that came from the Farmer's mini harp. The farmer once said that Victor was their muse in writing new musical works, and the young man thanked them shyly. Well, now Victor will blush even more (it doesn't mean he doesn't like music... and Farmer 🌝).
Oh, drawings? Yay, Sophia loves drawings, well let Farmer show her what they drew there. *Gasp* It's her! And it's so beautiful and detailed and cute. The farmer drew her in various costumes from her favourite manga, how cool! Muse? Hee hee, thanks! She didn't know her friend was so talented. Oh! Maybe if they wanted to, Sophia could make a new cosplay costume and they could draw her in costume again? Really? Yay! She will not forget their kindness and gift.
Oh, honestly... Claire hadn't expected to see her beautiful portrait in Farmer's sketchbook, and their words that she had become their muse came as a shock to her. If Claire doesn't know Farmer well enough, it's going to be a little weird for her... Don't get her wrong. However, if Claire is friends with Farmer, she is very intrigued by their talent, but still she doesn't understand why exactly she became their inspiration. The Jojamart cashier isn't used to this kind of attention, so it's new to her, and... Is that a portrait of her dressed as the heroine from her favourite thriller? So beautiful... Thank you kindly, Farmer.
Live music, how beautiful... Olivia has always been a connoisseur of live music, because she thinks the radio or television cannot convey the emotional power of music, which sometimes literally takes us by the soul. And the way the Farmer skilfully performed a serenade for Olivia, dedicated to her, was truly mesmerising. Love, longing, joy, memories.... By touching the strings of the harp, Farmer was able to make their muse listen rapturously, forgetting everything. Olivia cannot express in words how much this means to her.
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greensagephase · 6 months
I saw on one of your recent posts that you mentioned your birthday is on Wednesday so I wanted to take the time and wish you a very happy birthday!! 🥳✨ (but if I'm early then happy early birthday!!) You are absolutely the sweetest and nicest person I've ever talked to and the first moot I've ever just interacted with this much on here!! and I truly enjoy every one of our conversations and of course, your amazing stories!! Reading your stories and taking the time to talk with you on here has made the rest of my year so much better, really!🥹 Especially with school and everything, and you’ve also given me so much inspiration to draw after not doing so after some time. I’ll try not to make this too long but Alondra, you’re an amazing and wonderful person (and writer!!), and I wish you all the best, always!!! ❤️✨
Also wanted to make you a little drawing/card for your birthday!! ✨ I wanted to include the color “Rosa Mexicano” with some of the flowers as you mentioned wanting to include it with your spidersona to honor your Mexican Heritage and it's such a beautiful color. Also wanted to include the color sage green (or at least a version of it) because I’m guessing you also like that color too from your username! (and it's also just a great color!) I hope you have an amazing birthday Alondra, you deserve the best!! 🥳🥳
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There's about ten minutes left before the 6th is over for me and THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO END MY BIRTHDAY ❤️😭 @sunsetdoodler I started to freak out as soon as I scrolled down a bit to keep reading and saw there was an image attached and then I saw it and STARTED TO SCREAM - I LOVE IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S PERFECT AND SO SO SWEET THANK YOU😭😭😭 I'm literally crying as I type this because it's one of the best gifts I've ever received, THANK YOU !!! I'm just going to keep saying it, I'm sorry !! But oh my god!! Yes, I love the color sage green!! I like green overall but sage green is one of my favorite shades of it!! I've had this username for about two years since I started liking the color and I thought it was just going to be a phase, so that's where my username came from lol but I'm still in love with it two years later! THE FACT YOU INCLUDED ROSA MEXICANO, NO, I LOVE YOU FR!!! THANK YOU for including it ❤️❤️ also the decorations on the cake!!! They look like poinsettias to me and I absolutely love them!! My mom gets me an arrangement every year for my birthday, so I'm just delighted by that detail, I'm seriously crying right now but they're happy tears!!! 🥹 I'm really sorry for screaming but THEN THERE'S MIGUEL - STOP IT, I'M CRYING EVEN MORE NOW!!! HE LOOKS SO SWEET AND SOFT AND HIS SMILE????!!! SCREAMING AND CRYING!!! AND THE LITTLE BLUSH??? I'M LITERALLY GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET WHILE CRYING !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT - YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!! ❤️😭
Thank you so much for the sweet words and birthday wishes @sunsetdoodler😭You're one of the few moots I interact with and it has also made my last half of the year so much better!!! I genuinely didn't think that I'd be on here interacting much since I had no plans to write this much, which is really funny to think about now, haha! But I'm so thankful I'm on here and that you went off anon because we're moots ❤️I really enjoy talking with you when possible (which by the way, I meant to reply today to part 8's drawing but today just kind of went by, I'm sorry!!) and just getting to interact with you and hear about your schooling, which I hope everything is going well with, and life overall!!! You've given me so much inspiration for Miguel, too and your drawings, as always, make my days!!!! Please know that I truly cherish everything and us being moots makes me so happy I decided to start writing on here!!!!!❤️
@sunsetdoodler my birthday was a great one this year!! I had the amazing opportunity to spend it with my loved ones again and I had some bomb food as well (barbacoa and rice with homemade tortillas and some agua de Jamaica to drink!). It was already an amazing day and your drawing/card and sweet words and wishes were just the best way to end my 25th birthday!! THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH!!!! It means so much to me, seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart @sunsetdoodler❤️❤️❤️ I hope everything is going well with school and life in general, as always!!! And I'm sending you a warm virtual hug!!! THANK YOU ( I said it so much but seriously, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!)!!!✨❤️✨
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writing-the-stars · 2 years
I forgot to add to my last request
About dark klaus
With his love interest, making it about her trying to leave him, be uninterested
Please enjoy!
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WARNING: This does get kinda dark. Toxic/Abusive Behavior, Mass Murder (mentioned), Torture (mentioned), Kidnapping, and Psychological Trauma. Please read at your own risk
Masterlist | TVDU Masterlist
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Falling in love with Klaus Mikaelson was the easiest thing you ever did
He was so gentle and kind at first, sending you jewelry, drawings, and an overflow of praises. As far as the hybrid was concerned, you walked on water and he made you feel like you put the stars in the sky
By the time you realized that was all smoke and mirrors, it was too late. He had isolated you from your friends and family, moved you into his home, and forced you to rely solely on him
He loved knowing that you quite literally needed him in order to live-- it helped combat his fear of being alone. Plus, he adored taking care of you, dressing you to his liking, feeding you and feeding off of you, showering you in luxury for being "such a good girl"
You had been so blinded by love and gifts that you didn't even realize he completely immobilized you
However, after a long conversation with Camille, you realized just how toxic your relationship with the hybrid was
Enlisting the help of Davina and Marcel, the four of you made plans to help you escape the Original Hybrid and help you gain back your independence
Unfortunately for you, there's not a thing that happens in Klaus's home that he doesn't know about-- especially when it comes to you
He knew the minute Cami stepped foot inside the Compound and snuck her way into your room. He heard the entire conversation and was hurt betrayed by how easily you dismissed his love for you
He listened as the four of you "sneakily" planned out your escape, keeping tabs on the three accomplices to your treachery
He couldn't believe how disloyal you truly were, smiling in his face during the night when he was home and plotting your escape during the day when he was away
He began to question how real any of your love for him had been
On the day of your escape, he gives you an opportunity to be honest with him and re-earn his trust and forgiveness. However, you lie to his face and shatter any form of mercy he was willing to give you
He allows you to carry on with your plan, giving you the hope that you will soon be free
However, when you arrive on the ferry that is supposed to take you out of the city, you are horrified to see the mass of human bodies surrounded in pools of their own blood-- not a single living soul in sight
Your blood runs cold as you realize he knew, he knew all along
Just as soon as you come to this conclusion, his ghastly figure appears before you-- the blood of the passengers falling from his lips. It makes you sick
He takes you back to the Compound where you are sickened to see your three friends bound and gagged awaiting Klaus's torture
It is part of your punishment for trying to leave him. To watch as the three people you cared for are brutalized for helping you
It also serves as punishment and a reminder to them, that NO ONE takes what belongs to him
After that, you are too demoralized and traumatized to even think about trying to leave the hybrid again
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A/N: Hi Anon! I apologize for the wait, but I hope it was worth it! Not going to lie this was kind of fun to write. I liked seeing how dark I could go (in a totally non-psychopathic/sadistic way). I hope this was as enjoyable to read as it was to write. Thank you all for reading and for your patience with me! I hope have a wonderful day.
Taglist: @catmikaelson20
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prevalent-masters · 6 months
Hi all,
I’m having a bit of a hard time again. Work and money have been a struggle for the last year or so as I left an old position, moved, and started a new job. This job was mostly seasonal but was meant to have some winter hours and the opportunity to draw unemployment as a job attached worker over the winter.
The hours I was supposed to have have been cut due to budget reasons and I have been unable to draw unemployment because I’ve had to get two other jobs to make ends meet, which means I’m working over twenty hours a week, which is the cutoff for drawing unemployment in my state. However, both of these jobs are low paying and one hasn’t paid me at all for the last month of work—which I’m currently fighting my boss over. Supposedly I’ll be paid after the new year. It’s frustrating and I want to quit entirely, but I feel trapped in it because I don’t currently have a backup. I live in a very very small town without a lot of employment options and am feeling pretty stuck in a multitude of ways.
Despite working full time, the ends are not meeting. The holidays are always a rough time—the expectation to be around family, the pressures of gift giving, higher utility costs because of the cold—and that combined with some outstanding doctors bills from my bout with Covid this summer and it’s lingering effects means I’m dead broke right now.
So, as I’ve asked before—if you’ve enjoyed my writing or work in the past, consider donating to my Ko-fi. Every little bit makes a big difference to me. A donation gets you access to a few bits and pieces I have posted there, including some sneak peaks of a new Old Guard fic and a chapter of a follow-up to my VLD fic The Open Space of Desire that I might be trying to finish before Christmas. I can’t promise regular updates or any exclusive content right now—my creative juices are dried up and I’ve been too busy with work and some lingering long Covid effects to write much lately. But I hope you can enjoy what’s there.
I’m also willing to do writing commissions starting in the new year. If you really want that old VLD fic, or the sequel to my Old Guard assassin series, or a steamy follow up to my wtFock WWI fic, message me here or on Ko-fi and we can talk!
Thanks to everyone who sees this or donates. It’s hard asking for help like this and I appreciate that so many people are in a hard place right now. I don’t have a huge following so reblogs help too.
Thanks everyone.
My Ko-fi.
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streaminn · 1 year
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My gosh @bonf thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to draw batman 😭 this is my very first time doing this so I'm so sorry if I did him wrong
Ty again!! And I hope your birthday friend has a good day and enjoys the gift!
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
Hi, I saw matchups were open, so I’d like to submit a romantic matchup request for twisted wonderland?
I’m 5’8, asexual biromantic Capricorn, and an INFP. I plan to be a forensic pathologist once I finish all the required schooling for it. I’ve got a huge interest in corpses, which is why I’m going for forensics.
I’ve got a bunch of interests, like Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, and the Zelda franchise in terms of gaming. I also like doll making, writing, and singing. I’ve been doing choral singing for 8 years, and I was taking vocal lessons since I was a child. I love musical theatre, but I’ve got two left feet and social anxiety so I don’t really like to actually perform in front of people. I tend to also be a bit of a homebody, because cities are a little overwhelming overall.
I’m fairly snarky with people I’m close to, but polite to like, everyone else. I like to lay against people, but my love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving (when giving, I’ll receive any love language). I’m not a night owl or a morning person, I just enjoy getting my sleep. My favourite animals are cats and crows, and I’ve got a crow tattoo that’s just healed that I plan to draw tiny hats on.
Take your time when answering this, and have a wonderful week!
Hello and thank you so much for your request! I hope that this finds you well and that everything is going good for you! Thank you for being patient with me and I hope that you enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Idia Shroud
If there is anyone who will join you for your love of games, it's this shut-in introvert. I mean, the man talks in gamer lingo roughly 70% of the time and the rest is just him speed running his talking, but don't worry. After so much time around him, it's a lot easier for you to understand what he's saying.
Giving gifts. Yes. This man has no issues when it comes to financial issues. He has money, lots of it, and now he is able to splurge on someone that he really does love. In this case, you. Nearly every time you meet up with him, he's gotten something new for you. At the moment, his personal favorite is the 'Player Two' necklace. He, of course, has the 'Player One' side of it, no questions about it and he wears it often, and smiles (even his hair turns a lighter shade of pink) when he sees you wearing yours.
It took some time to warm him up to actual physical contact. This man is so touch starved, it's not even funny. And by time, I mean it took several long months before he finally eased into it all and now he can't get enough. You created the monster now you get to deal with it. But when you wake up in the dead of night during a sleep over and you have his arms around you and Idia is straight passed out behind you, that's just fine with you.
Cats. Not much elaboration needs to be placed upon this. They are his absolute favorite animal. He will be watching cat videos with you all of the time. Now, if you actually bring a cat to him, he may just cry. Followed by him being all cuddly with the little animal and taking countless pictures with them.
Idia will 100% draw little hats on your crow tattoo. He honestly thinks it's really cool. There is no way he could sit in a chair for who knows how long as needles stab into his skin over and over again. But if he gets to keep drawing little hats on the crow, he's happy.
Overall, while this relationship took a lot of time to fully flourish, and a lot of trial and error, when this man is devoted to something, he is DEVOTED. This relationship he has with you is a once in a lifetime opportunity and he does not plan on messing this up.
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💘💖~Happy Valentine’s Day 2023!~💖💘
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It's that special time once again, to show your heart and spread the love to all you care for~💕💝💕=n.n= And this year, I would like to take opportunity to dedicate my annual Valentine to my Toy Story OTP, Slinky Dog and my OC, Opal Springs of The Pastel Pals a.k.a Slopal~🐶💘🦌I haven't drawn any Pastel Pals content in like...forever! 😱 Since 2020, if I recall!😲So I decided to fix that and draw Opal with her faithful springy love, specially for Valentine's Day this year~💗✍️ I was inspired by Lee Ryan's song, 'Real Love' and music video for Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, especially the part where Manny and Ellie are together and in love...just like Slink and Opal are, here and I wanted to portray that same tender moment between them~💓🥰 And what makes this piece even more special is that it's the very first pic to be drawn on my new laptop...in SAI V2!!✨Yes, I have upgraded!✊😄I will miss my SAI V1, but with V2, I have more options and tools to explore!🤩 I would also like to gratefully thank my dear friend, @toystoryfangirl793​ a.k.a MagicalHyena-FanArt for hugely supporting Slopal too with two wonderful gifts she's given me -> Slinky and Opal Springs In Love With Each Other 💞 Nice Collar! 😍Thank-you so much in a million, my dear~!🤗Much appreciated!💝 ‘Sigh...~’💕😊I am ever so pleased of how this precious piece turned out, just the way I imagined it to be and I really enjoyed working on it too~💖🥰 And a very💗💘💝~Happy Valentine’s Day 2023~💝💘💗to you too, my lovelies~! =^o^=🫂Hope you all like as well, have a lovely day and spread the love~!💞💕😍💕💞  
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Opal Springs (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!)
Slinky Dog (c) Toy Story/Disney/Pixar
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mamelukeraza · 1 year
My relations with the Duke of Reichstadt (2/?)
Hi guys! Here is the second part for this series! Thanks for anyone who supported the first post! Making content about the King of Rome/Napoleon II always makes me happy and fills my heart with joy. I hope you enjoy it!
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The next day, that is to say, June 24, I addressed the following lines to Count Dietrichstein: "I have been pleasantly impressed by the spirit, knowledge and judgment that your august pupil displayed in yesterday's interview; therefore I deeply regret to have neglected in the past the opportunity of an interview that honored and delighted me as much as yesterday's. When we bear such a great name and know from childhood that we are called to such high destinies; when, moreover, we are so well gifted like Your Highness and we live in times similar to our own, it is because Providence has appointed us for great things. Ordinary men, regardless of the rank in which they have been placed by birth, aspire and achieve only ordinary things. But men out of line, and among these I dare to count the eminent student of Your Excellency, they have duties towards society and history, from which they are not allowed to evade. I look forward to the time when I am granted to renew my visit of yesterday, and I desire nothing more ardently than to maintain His Highness in the opinion that he has formed of me and to which our interview the day before, as well as the favorable idea that he was able to conceive the content of some of my military writings, will certainly contribute. only to a small extent. Please accept with my best wishes, etc."
In response to this letter, I received a very friendly invitation for the next morning. This one came across the kindest orders of His Excellency the Emperor, who called me to met him that same morning. On my arrival, I saw so many people waiting in the antechambers that I thought I had the patience to see the duke. We talked to each other with all the grace of people who understand each other. I again expressed my wish to see him claim the throne of Greece, free to set whatever conditions he saw fit. This idea made him smile; but I clearly noticed that his desires and hopes were tending higher, moreover, he was trying to abuse of himself, pretending that he was too young by a few years to wear the Hellenic crown, and seeming to fear that we would not let him rule alone. Then, abruptly, he returned with marked interest to the duties and qualities of the commander-in-chief. His eyes sparkled, his cheeks burned. Count Dietrichstein left us alone for a few moments, and the young prince held me tightly with both hands:
"Speak to me frankly," he exclaimed, "do I have some merit, and am I called to a great future, or is there nothing in me that is worthy of ending up like this? What do you think, what do you hope for my future? What will happen to the son of the great emperor? Will Europe support him in taking some kind of independent position? How do I balance my French duty with my Austrian duty? Yes, if France called me, not the France of anarchy, but the one that has faith in the Imperial principle, I would run to her, and if Europe tried to expel me from my father's throne, I would draw the sword against all Europe. But is there an imperial France today? I don't know! A few isolated voices, a few voices without influence, they cannot carry any weight. Such serious resolutions deserve and require more solid foundations. If my destiny is never to return to France, I seriously wish to become another Prince Eugene for Austria. I love my grandfather; I feel that I am a member of his family, and for Austria I would gladly draw my sword against the whole world, except France."
He spoke to me as one speaks to a confessor, and I received his confidences in the same way. These were projects, of course, very legitimate in themselves and that could only become dangerous in a single hypothesis, the realization of which, in truth, was not at all impossible, but seemed at least very distant. Once again he gave vent to the feelings of filial affection. He said that no one had understood his father; that it was pitiful, that it was slanderous not to give his actions any motive other than ambition; that all his life and all his conduct had been consumed by the great and salutary projects which he had conceived for the happiness of Europe; that Austria, in particular, had ignored him and his own interests; that he had played into the hands of the Russians. The duke added that he wanted nothing more than to earn his spurs by fighting them. He spoke with warmth, but also with that frank and intimate conviction of youth. Then, hearing Count Dietrichstein's voice in the next room, he abruptly changed the subject to address this question to me:
— What memory do you have of my father in Egypt? — The memory of a great figure — I answered. — I understand, if you are talking about Ibrahim, the viceroy; but the populations? They have not yet returned from their surprise; this astonishment, however, has not been followed by any irritation, for the Arabs and the Turks, though they have the same faith, do not get along with each other, and one heavy yoke succeeded another still heavier. — Yes, this is an explanation; but the masses see in a great man only a freak of nature, a meteor that shines for a moment and immediately disappears.
At that moment he exclaimed again: — Oh! If only you stayed with me; but before you, opens a path full of smiling perspectives capable of tempting you. I shook his hand and said; "We'll talk about this later."
And we separated after kissing.
Only three days after this interview, and since in the meantime I had only been able to meet the Duke under unfavorable circumstances, I had a special interview with him that lasted for more than two hours. On the morning of that day, Count Dietrichstein had come to visit me and had complained, with the bad temper of a mother, about the duke's stubbornness and his aversion to any study except military art and mathematics; there wasn't even a german spelling that he didn't want to treat his way.
The count recognized that his student had a good nature, which, however, was hardened by indocility and pride. The duke, to whom I shared, insofar as I thought useful, these reproaches, did full justice to the count, especially to his excellent heart, but in short he praised nothing else in him. He had a definite opinion of his entourage, and he spoke to me frankly and forthrightly about the Emperor and the court, with the accent of an upright heart, but also of self-assured intelligence. He loved his grandfather with a filial love; for from the day he was brought to Vienna as a child, he had found in him the tenderness of a father. He had his ittle corner to play in the Emperor's room, spent half the days by his side, ate with him when the Emperor dined alone, shared with him the pleasures of the resort, finally grew close to him, like a branch grafted onto a foreign stump. He told me all this; but he added that he had not forgotten for a moment whose day he kept and in what place his father's ashes lay. He painted the court for me in colors that were often not very favorable, revealing, being honest, only the nature, the judgment, the heart, the garb of Archduke John. It was impossible for me to dispute the accuracy of his assessments. In many people he thought precisely like me, and, inside him, he did not compromise more than I did.
Like the agitated traveler who sighs after a fountain of living water, he thirsted for information about the situation in Europe. I told him everything I knew and thought. Although in my opinion the fall of Charles X was inevitable, I was far from expecting that it would be soon; as for Louis Philippe and the younger branch, I didn't even think about it.
Rather, I believed in a period of anarchy, out of which the new government would emerge. To whom would this government fall divided? Could it be the Napoleonic party? This point was beyond my judgment. I could give the duke no other advice than to strengthen his judgment by reading the history of past times, in order to appreciate contemporary events; thus learning to distinguish reality and truth from appearances and illusions, above all, meditating on his father's story, realizing the current situation of the world, which contains in germ the near future that will be the result by virtue of the irresistible logic of things; furthermore, to affirm his person in the army and in the diplomatic spheres, to attract to him capable men of great experience, of whom I named several, finally, to enlighten himself by all possible means on the internal situation of France. With a wave of his hand, he indicated his book collection, which contained several hundred volumes. They were historical works and memoirs, all related to the war and his father.
This precious treasure was increasing day by day, to which no obstacle was placed. I promised him that I would choose the best among these works, that I would be a very devoted friend of his and that I would complement with my reflections the observations that the general state of politics would suggest to him; finally I begged him not to confuse legitimate desires with achievable desires, but to never lose sight of them. He was so well trained by his young enthusiasm that he called me his Posa(1). I replied to him: — That's the language of a twenty-year-old. Is there any consistency in this will? That is what, at the moment, it is difficult for me to know.” My defiance seemed to sadden him. He kissed me, telling me: — You're right, I don't deserve you to see in me the son of Napoleon. I comforted him with these words: — Your Posa, yes, but on the condition that you do not imitate don Carlos; I will be for your whole life, and I hope, that it will be a glorious life. He reviewed the entire series of steps to be taken so that, once his military house was established, it could be linked to his person. We had time ahead of us in this regard. He thought he would achieve his ends through his grandfather, the Emperor. I authorized him to do everything he could for this purpose. As for him, he no longer doubted success. (1) Allusion to the tragedy of Schiller Don Carlos.
Source: Mes relations avec le duc de Reichstadt : mémoire posthume / par le comte de Prokesch-Osten,. . . ; traduit de l’allemand [par A. de Prokesch-Osten fils]. (s. f.). Gallica. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6536278r/f39.item.zoom
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clairelsonao3 · 9 months
Happy STS, Claire! I’m thinking about our guy today, and how he is a man of many, many talents. Are there any other skills/talents that have remained hidden from the plot so far, or that you just haven’t had a chance to work into the story? Or is there (gasp) a limit to how damn awesome he can be?
Same q for Louisa! Anything she’s great at we just haven’t seen her do yet? (Other than improv, of course 😉)
Happy STS and thanks so much for the ask, Kate!
Yes, he certainly is, isn't he? I'd like to think we've seen most of his talents, but he still surprises even me sometimes. 😂
Also, I will take this opportunity to note that, gifted as he is, many of the skills he's cultivated -- science, engineering/mechanics, music, chess, computer hacking, even psychological manipulation -- come just as much from hard work as natural talent. Hard work he put in, initially, simply to fight for whatever basic crumbs of respect it could get him. I think back to this line from Ch. 24:
[Free people] didn’t have to spend every spare moment racking their brains to exhaustion, figuring out ways to be smarter and better than everybody around them, for the mere privilege of not being kicked in the teeth.
So what else? (I’ll try to speak as hypothetically as possible and NOT turn any of these into spoilers!) It's been stated that he never bothered to put much effort into learning about finance or economics. But besides unabashedly loving money as only someone could who's never had any, he actually has some business acumen and could be capable of being a good entrepreneur, business leader, and investor, were he ever to get the opportunity. Particularly because he has a unique understanding of the dangers of unchecked capitalism and thus understands how it can and must be used as a force for good instead of evil.
He has good hand-eye coordination, and with his appreciation for the fine arts, he's decent at drawing and even painting, although I suspect his skills would fall more along the lines of art forgery than creating anything of his own. 😂 And although he doesn't have much experience, I feel like he would be good at handling weapons and have good aim with a gun (though I haven't decided whether we'll get a chance to find out before all is said and done...) And there are a couple of other less-deadly pastimes involving similar skills which he may eventually prove surprisingly decent at. I can't say much more than that, so feel free to speculate!
That said, he will NEVER be good at cooking, ever. And though Louisa may well improve her skills in that area someday with practice (she might even yet learn how to work an espresso machine 😂), I’m afraid there's no hope for him.
She, meanwhile, was okay at sports and physical stuff growing up; she just didn't really enjoy competition that much. She's totally untrained in self-defense, but we've seen that she is surprisingly bold when it comes to defending herself. She might eventually take up some type of martial art, simply to improve her confidence levels and to make sure she won't ever feel helpless again. (Neither one of them like that feeling very much). Also, she can write! She's definitely written poetry in the past (which of course she would die before showing to anyone), and although it was typical angsty teen girl material, I can say it was at least slightly above average.🤣 But I think her main writing talents lie in nonfiction, and I could see her turn to conducting research and writing and publishing persuasive essays or op-eds to advocate for the causes and principles she believes in.
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rriavian · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 (i don't know if you do these sorts of chain-letter things, or if you'd prefer not to, but for my part i do like to know which of their works a given author is especially hype on, so consider this an opportunity to gush!)
Thank you for the ask! Ooh I'm happy to be tagged/sent chain-letter things, though sometimes I might I miss one or take a while to answer. Ok so I’ve been going back and forth over this for a few weeks, because I’ve written far more than I ever thought I would and it’s really, really hard to pick favourites!
I’m really sorry for the delay, but here are 5 of my Sandman fic self recs:
Baiting the Trap – Corintheus oneshot. I feel like this one was almost a given, it’s the fic that started it all, and as much as I remember spending weeks and weeks agonising over whether to post it I had a lot of fun writing it. Still the fic I’m most known for I think! I feel a little self-conscious recommending my own work (and to be honest I spent far too long trying to word a description of this fic!) but this is essentially Dream choosing not to destroy the Corinthian after the Convention. Think Dream deigning to play a game of 3D chess with his nightmare for the very first time, but in a sexy way, and the Corinthian thinking he’s winning right up to the final move…also in a sexy way.
Deliverance – Corintheus again, currently 5/6 chapters. Season one AU where the Corinthian’s curiosity gets the better of him and he visits Dream while he’s trapped by Burgess and ends up breaking him out. He’s quite pissed off about it too. We get a love confession, a trip to the Dreaming, and then a Corintheus version of Dream’s quest to retrieve his tools. A little bit soft, a little bit angsty, with the Corinthian’s unique mix of love, rage and possessiveness shining through in varying degrees. I almost didn’t rec this as it’s incomplete but I am very very fond of it! The last chapter is very nearly finished, I just need to sit down and really work through it.
Astronomers – Lucienne/Dream oneshot. A ficlet based on a prompt from @bobbole. Soft and sweet, filled with mutual devotion. I adore the relationship between these two and there are some fascinating parallels I’d been itching to explore. I think they are the same flavour of workaholic just in different species—both proud characters with incredible dedication to the Dreaming, and to each other, and I wanted to capture the intimacy of their relationship. The sheer depth to it is portrayed so well in the show. Ahh I need to write more for them!
Lead the Way – Orpheus & Dream, one of two one shots I’ve written for them and it was very hard to choose! This was another fantastic prompt from bobbole. It’s a human AU where Dream is teaching Orpheus how to cross the road, which can be very daunting to a child. Sweet family fluff, Dream’s meticulous approach to even the simplest of things. This one is very special to me because it’s inspired by a real memory from my childhood, so I hope you enjoy it if you do give it a read! I really wish I could draw because the image of little Orpheus holding Dream’s hand as they wait to cross the road is adorable.
A slow advancing tide – let’s end on more Corintheus shall we! 4/4 chapters, a gift for @aisalynn. 5+1 fic where either the Corinthian or Dream end up nearly unconscious while in the others company. It definitely has some of my favourite prose, as well as exploring one of my favourite tropes. The Corinthian all relaxed and dazed flirting with Dream after a punishment? Dream high af for (spoilery) reasons and refusing to keep his hands to himself? So much fun to write! I always love scenarios where I can explore how powerful characters act in moments of vulnerability, though anyone whose read my work probably knows my approach to it tends to be unexpected.
Again, thank you for the ask!! This has definitely reminded me how lucky I am to have such incredible friends who've sent me such amazing prompts (though I’ve also got a fair few still unfinished, which I feel really bad about because I love writing for prompts and you’ve all been so kind to indulge me!). It’s been a bit of a slow year, but hopefully picking up a bit now.
If you’ve read these already then I hope you enjoyed them <3 and if you haven’t then I hope you enjoy any that interest you :)
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