aviationgeek2024 · 2 months
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matteolosa · 2 years
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Teo amava le favole. Ora ve ne racconto una. Un giorno scoppiò un grande incendio nella foresta. Tutti gli animali abbandonarono le loro tane e scapparono spaventati. Mentre se la dava letteralmente a gambe, il leone vide un colibrì che stava volando nella direzione sbagliata. “Dove credi di andare?” – chiese il Re della Foresta – “C’è un incendio, dobbiamo scappare!”. Il colibrì rispose: “Vado al lago, per raccogliere acqua nel becco da buttare sull’incendio”. Il leone sbottò: “Sei impazzito? Non crederai di poter spegnere un incendio gigantesco con quattro gocce d’acqua!?”. Al che, il colibrì concluse: “Io faccio la mia parte”. C’è chi ha donato 50 euro, chi 100 e chi 5 centesimi. Ma non importa: salveremo una o più vite. Tutti insieme. Il mondo che desideriamo è lì a un passo: basta cominciare con un piccolo passo a camminarci incontro, senza fregarcene. Grazie a chi crede in Teo, a chi crede nella Ricerca, a chi crede nell’amore, a chi crede nel bene, a chi crede nel prossimo. E a chi crede in se stesso. Perché il cambiamento parte da noi. Sempre. [Grazie anche a @laura.testa.967 per il mercatino dei libri, a @druantia_green_is_cool e a @la_libreria_controvento per il contributo durante l’ultima presentazione, e a tutti voi, che avete il cuore generoso e pieno di speranza] . . . #matteolosa #insiemesipuó #fairitales #airc #ricerca #unaltrogiornoinsieme #librimondadori #grazie #eternamentegrata #gratitudine #failatuaparte #faredelbenefabene #fuckcancer #cancro #donaallaricerca #solocosebelle (presso AIRC - Fondazione AIRC per la Ricerca sul Cancro) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChCe5QYrzNL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fmarkets · 3 months
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Apartment Income Reit Corp Reports Downturn in Revenue, Ending 2023 on a Struggling Note https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=AIRC&date=2024-02-16215343&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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kettykika78 · 6 months
If you can spare a second for a good wish, a pray, anything, can you please give that to my niece's daughter -a lovely sunny intelligent beautiful immense 4yo girl- yesterday diagnosed with leukemia. Thank you ♡♡♡
And if you have money, you can donate to reserch, in your own country or otherwise. Here you can donate to Italian cancer researc association AIRC .
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A Laigueglia si scia per sostenere l’Airc
E’ questa l’essenza della dodicesima edizione di «Sci on the beach», in programma domani,  sabato 29 aprile, sul litorale di Laigueglia.
Manca la neve ? Nessun problema si scia sulla spiaggia. E’ questa l’essenza della dodicesima edizione di «Sci on the beach», in programma domani,  sabato 29 aprile, sul litorale di Laigueglia. Uno dei «Borghi più belli d’Italia» sarà, infatti, il palcoscenico per un evento sportivo in cui i partecipanti si sfideranno con tanto di sci  e bastoncini per dar vita and un’intensa quanto divertente…
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#studyinUSA #StudyAbroad #AmericanUniversities #AmericanColleges #UniversitiesinUSA #CollegesinUSA #USAEducation #AmericanEducationWebinar #Covid19 #Education #Study #University #College #Students #AIRCconsultants #i20 #F1visa#IndianStudents #AIRC #americaninternationalrecruitmentcouncil https://www.instagram.com/p/Cni87H4Idag/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jmwilson1 · 1 year
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Last Days of AIRC. Outstanding sessions. Great networking opportunities. Well-done AIRC staff. Thanks to all the visionary participants and my wonderful colleagues and friends. #AIRC (at Hilton Los Angeles / Universal City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmAHf7oyUw8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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casaservice · 2 years
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Per tutto il mese, nei nostri punti vendita di Modena, ci saranno ad aspettarvi le spille AIRC a sostegno della lotta contro il cancro al seno. Dona 2€ per la ricerca, a fine campagna Casa Service finanzierà lo stesso importo raccolto. #airc #lottaalcancroalseno @airc.it #casaservicesrl https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci2gQDnNPiO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ennovance · 22 days
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Apartment Income REIT, L.P. $AIR ratings were placed under review for downgrade, then “….”
Who else is trying to offload rentals/fixer-upper in #Philadelphia to $BX?
#realtor #reit #philly #multifamily #
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jlmichigan · 1 year
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Warning: My first fanfic attempt, please be gentle. Soft smut read at your own risk, episode 8 ending left me with a question I had to answer...
~set just after Willow episode 1x08~
The city gates behind them, they paused for a moment, looking to the horizon. Only way out was back to the water, back the way they came. They would have to figure the rest out from there.
Hearing a soft metal clanking beside her, Jade glanced over to see Kit self consciously smoothing her new chain/plate armor down her trim waist. She let her eyes travel down past Kit's hands, to where the armor hugged her deliciously curved bottom in a way Kit's leather trousers never had. "Mmmh". The sound escaped her lips before she could stop it.
"What?" Kit glanced back at her. Jade could only smile helplessly. A warm tingle lit in her belly at the way the Cuirass outlined every curve and valley of Kit's athletic frame. As many times as she had admired her friend's body, mostly in stolen glances while Kit rambled on about the next adventure she wanted to take, Kit had never looked like THIS. The tight fitting armor left little to the imagination. Her eyes started to slip back down across the suit...
"I'm gonna take it off," Kit asserted, looking back towards the horizon again. Jade's smile widened, a sudden thought of the soft skin underneath causing her cheeks to flush. "When?"
"As soon as I figure out how," Kit tugged a finger at the collar of the mail shirt.
Kit really had no idea how beautiful she was. She was fidgeting wth the armor the same way she always tugged at her gowns, as though she felt exposed in anything other than the loose manly shirts and leathers she normally chose to wear.
As the group started walking across the sand, Jade leaned in to murmur in Kit's ear, "I'm sure we can figure something out."
"Yeah? Well we better, because this thing is giving me a wedgie like you wouldn't believe". Kit hopped slightly, trying to shake the chain mail more loosely around her legs.
A sudden laugh bubbled out of Jade's mouth. She felt almost lightheaded, the loss of adrenaline leaving her shaky. How long since they'd had a good rest? Gods, and a bath. She still felt crusty from all the "camouflage" and rock dust.
"What's the plan?" she called up to where Boorman and Willow were leading the group, followed by Airc and Elora, who were talking earnestly.
"You're lucky a sorcerer plans ahead" Willow called back. "Everyone was so quick to run off the edge of the world, no one thought to bring supplies."
"Just so happens, I tied our things together with some inflated pig bladders, and sent them off the edge ahead of me. They should still be tucked safely by that big rock where I climbed up out of the water. We can rest there while we plan how to get back"
True to his word, Willow had managed to salvage most of their meager belongings. A worn tarp they could use to get some relief from the unsetting sun. The bits of fishing tackle and catch nets they had used to procure food on the long trek across the Shattered Sea. Two cracked leather bladders for carrying water. Flint and stone, a battered tin pot. And a pouch of tough as leather eel jerky. Ugh. If they ever got back home, Jade would happily forswear any food that came from the sea, especially eel.
"Ladies, who's up for a skinny dip?" Boorman boomed, already stripping his shirt off.
"Ugh," Kit exclaimed, while Elora flushed furiously. "Uh, I don't think so."
"No one? Your loss!" Boorman shed the rest of his clothing unashamedly, then climbed the rock to dive headfirst into the swirling waters.
"Ladies, if you want to clean up, I think there are some tidal pools around that hillock" Willow stated. "Prince Airc, if you'll come with me. I want to see what you remember of the Crone. Maybe we can gain insight to plan our next encounter with the Order of the Wyrm."
True to Willow's word, there were several shallow rock pools on the other side of the ridge. They could almost not hear Boorman's whooping and splashing.
Elora stripped down to her shift and entered the closest of the pools, sighing with satisfaction as the water pulled the sand and ash from her skin.
Jade took Kit's elbow and walked them a bit further, settling on a deeper blue pool with a flat outcropping on one side. "This look alright, princess?"
"Gods yes." Kit dunked her face and hands into the water, then shook her hair out like a dog drying off.
Jade sat on the outcropping and pulled her boots off, setting them carefully aside, then reached up to start unbuckling her leather tunic.
"Here, let me." Kit plopped down next to Jade and reached for the buckles of Jade's shoulder pauldrons. As she deftly pulled the straps from their buckles, her wet hair tickled against Jade's neck. Jade shivered. They had helped each other into and out of their fighting gear countless times, but there had always been an understood distance between them. The knight-to-be and the princess. Now she wasn't sure what they were. Kit's hands gently pulled the leathers off and set them aside, leaving Jade in just a thin shirt and breeches. One of Kit's hands softly brushed the base of Jade's throat.
"What about the Cuirass, your highness?" Jade croaked, then cleared her throat.
"Um, yeah. This should be easy to figure out." Kit started patting her armor down, looking for straps and edges to pull it apart. "Hunh. Where's the... I can't find the edge of this."
Jade twisted and started running her hands over the armor as well, looking for loose pieces. Despite the combination of plate and chain mail, there seemed to be no beginning or end to the garment, it all seemed made of one piece. Jade blushed as she realized where her hands had come to rest, on the rounded front of the breast plate. Uh, literally. She pulled her hands back as if burned. Self consciously, she looked back down the coast, and saw that Elora had her back to them and was singing to herself.
"No, hey..." Kit grabbed her hands. Looking directly into Jade's eyes, she put her hands back where they ached to be, on the swell of Kit's breasts. Jade's breath caught. "That's nice." Kit's breath sounded a bit ragged too.
"Your highness..."
"Don't. I'm not anymore. Or, I won't be after we bring Elora home. She'll be the royal and I'll just be the knight protecting her. Don't you get it, you and I, we don't have to play those parts anymore. We can just be... us."
Jade stared wonderingly into Kit's eyes, starting to see the possibilities. Could that even be true? Her hands trembled.
Something moved under her right hand as a finger twitched. Suddenly, with a series of metallic clicks, the Cuirass started folding in upon itself, returning to the smaller form it had been before it was activated.
Kit's eyes got wide. "You found it!"
"Unnhh," Kit's eyes suddenly rolled back in their sockets and the life went out of her.
"KIT!!!" Jade screamed.
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
"What's wrong with her?" Jade was frantic, patting at Kit's cheeks as she crouched on her knees beside her.
"Back up, I can't see." Willow lifted Kit's wrist in one hand, flattening his other across her forehead. Elora peered over as well, her red locks dripping onto Jade's shoulder and Kit's neck as she pressed in tightly against Jade. In the blur of moments after Kit fell over, Elora had fetched the sorcerer and alerted the party to Kit's distress. Jade sensed the others around them, but she only had eyes for Kit.
"You say this happened right after you deactivated the Cuirass?"
"Yeah. We didn't know how to get it off. I found the switch by accident, it's the Lux that does it."
"Elora, I don't know if you can see anything I cannot, but there doesn't seem to be any evil magic about her. I think she's just unconscious."
"I'm not sure how I would..." Elora sucked in a breath and blew it out slowly, closing her eyes and stretching both hands towards her friend and protector. "Ohhhh, there's this... Green glow thingie. It's like it's pulling some kind of energy out of Kit and drawing it into that, the flox capacitor..."
"Lux arcana" Jade supplied.
"Right. That."
"You mean it's draining her? We've got to get it off of her right now!" Jade fumbled at the straps on Kit's shoulders. The others lifted Kit's torso so Jade could slide the Cuirass off. She tossed the cursed thing to the side and gently lowered Kit back down, but the princess did not stir.
"I don't think that helped," Elora stated. "It still seems connected to her."
"I think I know what's happening," Willow interjected. "In magic, there is always a cost. Mystic artifacts, even and especially ones of great power, demand a price. In our world there must always be a balance. When that balance is upset, nature corrects."
"So you're saying she took out a power loan, and now the Cuirass has come to collect with interest?" Boorman puzzled. "Bummer."
"Eh. Something like that," Willow answered. "What powers did the Cuirass give her? From what you've all said, she had blinding fast speed, super strength, invulnerability... All while resisting the forces of darkness. That energy has to come from somewhere."
"Is she going to be all right?" Jade was desperate to know how to help her friend.
"I think so. Suffice to say, she won't be using that armor again anytime soon. A point we should consider when we plan our next encounter with the forces of darkness. I think she just needs rest, and some restorative nutrition. Elora, let's see what we can find for dinner."
"I can fish," Airk spoke up. "I'm the best at hunting and fishing. If there's something out there to catch I can find it. Here. Let's get sis back to camp, we already set up the shelter."
Jade grabbed one arm while Airk got the other, and they supported Kit's limp form between them, one arm over each of their shoulders.
"Here, I'll get your..." Elora quickly collected Jade's boots and leathers, while Boorman snagged the Cuirass with one hand and trailed behind them.
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
Jade twitched as a finger started tracing her eyebrow. Her eyes cracked open to see Kit's brilliant hazel eyes mere inches from her own green ones.
She had settled Kit's unconscious form against hers with Kit's head on her shoulder as they reclined on a cloak, Jade's own head cushioned by her boots, providing what little comfort she could to her friend in this harsh terrain. The flapping tarp over their heads provided the only shade from the ever present sun. The others didn't seem to be nearby, though she could hear the crackle of a fire somewhere outside.
"How you feeling?"
"Good. I think. Thirsty."
"Hang on." Jade's free hand patted behind her until it found the bladder of water she had left there. "Here."
"Mmm." Kit half rose to a sitting position and accepted the drink, wetting her lips and then drinking deeper.
Jade let her eyes rest on the movements in Kit's neck. Thought about how it would feel to place a kiss right there, at the base of Kit's throat.
"So what happened?" Kit's voice still had a slight rasp to it.
"That damn Cuirass. Pardon my speech, your highness. Apparently it gives you all this power while you're wearing it, then sucks it all right back out of you when you turn it off."
"Hunh. Well. It was too tight anyway."
"It looked just right on you."
"Is that so?" Kit settled back against Jade, one arm draped across her chest, her eyes catching Jade's again. A roguish grin pulled at the side of her mouth. "You think I'm sexy," she teased, her eyes sparkling. One of her legs tangled in between Jade's.
"I..." Jade started to protest.
"Don't think I didn't catch you staring, madame knight. You looked like you wanted to undress me."
"Uh!" Jade tried to look indignant, then sighed and gave it up, her head knocking back against her boots, her eyes helplessly roaming across Kit's oh-so-beautiful face, the pulse at the side of her neck.
"Gods, Kit. What'm I going to do with you?"
"Well I dunno," Kit laughed, her head dipping down until her nose brushed against Jade's and her sweet warm breath puffed against Jade's lips. She half rolled onto Jade, her knee pressing up between Jade's thighs. A groan escaped her, which only made Kit laugh harder.
Her mouth lowered to brush Jade's as she whispered. "I hope... everything."
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sadgirlindiemusic · 1 year
What I wouldn't give for Jade to get a full-season character development arc the way Kit did in season 1. Because out of the whole party Jade went through the most life-altering events during the quest. She had to kill her father figure, she found out the personal history she'd been told was invented to make her hate and fear her family, she found long-lost relatives but was almost immediately separated from them... and almost no narrative space was used to let her process any of this. Part of it is that Jade is SO good at bottling up emotions and compartmentalizing that she was too focused (forcing herself to be too focused) on the quest and on Kit to deal with her personal trauma. But I want her to get the character development she deserves and to do that I think the story needs to delve into how she moves forward knowing what she knows now, and having done what she's done.
Also, Jade has been Kit's safe place to fall apart for most of their lives - when her dad disappeared, when she was forced to give up her dreams, her queerness, and her personhood for a political marriage and a kingdom she didn't want, when Airc was taken. And she needed that from Jade, and she probably wouldn't have survived if she hadn't had it. But I want my fave disaster princess to use that newfound inner strength and emotional intelligence to support Jade now, because I feel like she's gonna need it.
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matteolosa · 2 years
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Il libro arancione di Matteo #unaltrogiornoinsieme uscì postumo in piena pandemia nel 2020, un mese prima del secondo lockdown totale. Riuscimmo a fare solo pochissime presentazioni. Ma... quando un progetto merita, quando le parole diventano azioni e restano, non c’è nulla che possa fermarlo. E allora eccomi a proporvi una serata insieme, fatta di pensieri, parole ed emozioni. Ci troviamo sabato 23 luglio alle 19 dagli amici di @druantia_green_is_cool per presentare “Un altro giorno insieme”. A seguire, picnic sul prato. Parte del ricavato sarà devoluto come sempre agli amici di @airc.it, per aiutare la ricerca contro il cancro in memoria del nostro Teo. Sarà una serata emozionante, l’occasione per stare insieme, per ricordare Matteo. Per capire che in realtà non se ne è mai andato. 🧡 Posti limitati | Prenotazione obbligatoria al numero: 📲 +39 391 3398887 #matteolosa #insiemesipuò #fairitales #bomba #librimondadori #airc #cancro #libridaleggere #libri #libroarancione #picnic #druantia #faredelbenefabene #grazie #eternamentegrata #gratitudine #leggere (presso Druantia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf55V8EgG_x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dollance · 3 months
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— “ Found across Ireland, the Alp Luachra is certainly not a benevolent member of the fairy host. Meaning “ferocious little creature”, this small animal is a fairy parasite, causing illness and withering in humans. Regional dialects give him different names; Art-luachra, Airc-luachra, Arc-luachra, “Dark-looker”, or even Ail-cuac. Should a man be stricken with a thinning sickness, it is usually the Alp Luachra to blame, starving the man of his nourishment, no matter what he eats. “
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— pink rocky exoplanet filled with nitrous oxide, or more known as laughing gas
because of the laughing gas, he is almost always constantly loopy, out of it, and doing things that someone WITHOUT laughing gas wouldn’t do
— alp LOVES tormenting his planet-mates
if you have moons, you better hide them😭 he is quite literally crazy and will torture them with strange cryptic ass messages. but! he enjoys torturing his fellow planets too. somnus and pre-dosore specifically (<— my buddies’ planet ocs)
— while humanoid, he is about 7’0 feet tall, doesn’t wear clothes, and has light pink fairy wings and antennae. despite his cutesy appearance, he is fully grown, and would be considered an adult
though, in his regular planet form, he is about the size of mars (tiny guy!)
— patterns always change on his surface, due to the rapid shifting of his tectonic plates constantly. he is also incapable of harboring life
— he has strange cartoon logic, being able to bend, twist, express comical emotions, summon strange weapons (that he’d have no idea even existed), and more. he is fr an ai bot 🗣️🗣️🗣️
yaaaaay das it for nowwww!!!
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special mention: their star def makes him wear a monkey children’s leash
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spanishroyals · 8 months
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September 21, 2023. London, United Kingdom.
Her Majesty Queen Letizia of Spain, honorary president of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and it’s scientific foundation, visited Cancer Research UK today to commemorate the upcoming World Cancer Research Day. 
World Cancer Research Day is an initiative of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and promotes the importance of cancer research and highlights how integral continued investment in research is to achieve the scientific advances we need to beat cancer.  
Her Majesty joined senior leaders from Cancer Research UK, the AECC, the Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (AIRC), and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) to recognise and celebrate international relationships in cancer research. 
Her Majesty’s visit included a meeting focussed on international researchers collaborating on co-funded research programmes and a panel discussion dedicated to the three key themes of this year’s World Cancer Research Day: integrating diversity, advancing research, and achieving equity. 
“Thank you so much for allowing me to be here today to see the successful teamwork between these organisations in this hard and complex journey of advancing in cancer research,” Her Majesty said.
Cancer Research UK’s partnership with AECC and AIRC began in 2016.  
Since then, they have worked together to co-fund the Accelerator Awards, which have helped to forge some strong relationships between leading institutions in the UK, Spain and Italy. 
Read more: https://news.cancerresearchuk.org/2023/09/21/queen-of-spain-visits-cancer-research-uk/
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siecmigration · 24 days
SIEC is a premier Overseas Education, Migration Services, and Recruitment Consulting Agency, a Gold member of the British Council India, and is certified by AAERI, AIRC, and ICEF. Established in 1995, our vast branch network spans across 3 continents, including 27 offices across India and 11 overseas branches in Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan.
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jmwilson1 · 1 year
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First days at AIRC. Great seeing my visionary friends and international education colleagues from around the world. Honored to present with ICEF. #AIRC #ICEF (at Hilton Los Angeles / Universal City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8FkkIOO2w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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