brookriver-mudlark · 1 year
Part 1 here.
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farblechar · 10 months
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"At last, the Allspark is finally mine!"
Not quite, Megatron.
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Every girl needs a special, life-giving cube in her grasp 😚
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thicctails · 2 months
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Oh god oh fuck he's been turned into a cursed marketable 90's toy
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cozzzynook · 9 months
Bumblebee just casually admitting the life he lived before becoming an autobot. It’s admittedly terrifying how calm and detached he sounds as he reveals he wasn’t a regular citizen bot like the others believed him to be. They each had their fair share of trauma but they never imagined Bumblebee to have the most horrifying past between them.
And the most terrifying thing about the little mech was how indifferent he seemed as he talked about it. He gave little detail but it was enough to shake them at their core. His usual childish and bright optics looked far too aged and dim to belong to someone so young and typically full of life. The way he carried himself when he spoke of life on the streets as a sparkling forced to result to being a pleasurebot at such a young build made their sparks turn and their tanks rock solid with despair and unease.
Bumblebee did not meet optic to optic with them when it slipped the first time nor did he look their direction the second time. His teammates made sure he was out of earshot when they purged their tanks at such revelations no matter how short, clipped and brief.
Bumblebee always kept a slight distance once it was brought up and made sure the others were at arms reach for days on end, unable to take how their optics looked at him.
Telling it casually to Blitzwing one night during their secret meetings was honestly a slip up he hadn’t meant to let happen. He had no intentions of telling the con anything vital of himself nor had he any want of the con laughing at his hidden past that he preferred be kept a secret.
He remembers staring with empty optics at the cons chassis before lifting himself expertly off the overly thick and painfully large spike as he stood on shaking stabilizers. Letting the excess energon and transfluids slip from his throbbing and stretched out valve as he closed his port and began the slow shaky trek back to base.
He waved a servo over his helm in parting making it a few steps away before being gripped around his waist and pulled flush against Blitzwings burning chassis armor.
“Vhat did jou just say?”
The deadly calm tone coming Hothead of all mechs was enough to ruffle Bumblebee’s empty optics and void spark.
“Put me down please.”
His request was not granted and the flashes of his teammates haunting optics crowded his processor keeping him from looking at Blitzwing’s face plates.
The triple changer didn’t bother with demanding his bug look at him, he didn’t bother to force him into conversation nor did he do anything more than heave tornado vent after vent in an attempt to cool himself internally.
Blitzwing simply held him close chassis to chassis, spark to spark, trembling frame that quaked in barely contained rage to a frozen shut frame that barely held life as Bumblebee leaked steady coolant.
There was nothing more than a shell that carved his face plates as he was held against Blitzwing. The bot gripped him tight in an effort to keep both himself and the other afloat. It was as if the con feared letting the bug go meant letting the last of his sanity go and he just couldn’t.
Blitzwing didn’t bother trying to ask what those words meant, he wasn’t sure he could handle hearing such a broken vox and see a broken bot he grew to deeply care for more than he ever let on.
Blitzwing may have a fractured mind from undergoing the triple changer procedure but he was by no means a bucket bolt dolt. He knew there was something that haunted every bot in the ongoing war. In some way everyone was affected by something and he knew Bumblebee was no exception no matter how bright and cheery the little yellow bug was.
But this. This?
He was never expecting this of all things.
A bot like Bumblebee didn’t deserve to have suffered a fate such as this. He knew something was up when from the very beginning the bot was far too experienced for someone so young. At first he chalked it up to the mini bot having been in boot camp with other mechs. But when his bug revealed he didn’t interface with anyone besides one bot in particular during boot camp he was highly suspicious and wildly jealous at the idea of it being one of two suspected teammates.
But when his bug said the green one was only a close friend and he had no romantic or physical interest in the black and gold mech he was hostile at it being the Prime. Bumblebee outright rejected the idea of even being with Prime and the old medic was never an option and so Blitzwing grew nervous, deep in his spark he knew something was wrong but he didn’t want to believe anything but his bug being ashamed at having berthed so many partner bots.
He never hinted nor openly pried simply enjoyed holding his bug close and being sure to interface as intimately as his bug allowed.
Could he hold his bug by the faceplates as he kissed along his dermas? Letting his servos clasp curved slim hips with an affection he found within he never knew could exist. He wanted his bug gripping his hip struts tight with shaking stabilizers. He wanted to hear those delicious moans surround his audios as yellow servos scraped the paint from his shoulders. His processor dreamed of the day he could fill his bugs tight vavle with his own transfluid, safe in a berth from any war that rages as he envisions the family he once longed for eons ago. Before the war erupted, before factions existed, before he tasted the energon of his fallen comrades and the metals of his enemies.
He wanted so many things before war took hold and grabbed him. Things he’d abandoned in the face of an endless war and cruel existence forced upon him by unyielding bots who pushed them to the brink of collapse in a war they never let physically touch their servos.
Oh how he longed for such an existence with his bug who never spoke of sparklings nor family besides his small faction on Earth. To Blitzwing they were more comrades to his bug besides the big green one and the little human he’s seen his bug look at fondly. It pulled something in his spark to see his bug give a carriers affection to the little creature regardless of how much he hates most of human kind.
But now as his split processor flickers between the memories of his bug so tenderly holding the human as he moved about in front of his base to the sight of him cradling something a bit bigger. Something that beeped and squirmed, happy to be his bugs arms, close to the familiar beat of his spark, little fuzzy optics recognizing him and giggling something pure as they try to reach out to him.
To the empty blue he risks his spark for by meeting with him, separating him on the battlefield to hold him in desperate servos, thinking of fleeing his faction all for the sake of living eternity with the one bot whose mere presence granted his haunted and screaming processor and battle hardened and broken spark peace.
“mien hummel…”
Its wispy and aching, pained by a life Blitzwing himself has never been forced to imagine. It breaks his spark and his digestion tanks churn painfully until he feels his sunrise of rations will come back up his throat past his glossa.
“I still,” it’s interrupted yet again by his bug who lashes out with anger, a pede hitting against his insignia and a servo pushing against his face plate. But Blitzwing is just as stubborn as his hummel if not more stubborn in such a crucial moment.
“I von’t let you go,” he whispers in his hummels audial, dermas ghosting over a faded scar, “mein hummel, no matter what jour mein hummel.”
Blitzwing did not ever lie and say he was good with comforting or words for that matter but it seems the few words he did speak from the spark and the spark driven back strut crushing hug he had on the little yellow scout spoke more than he physically could.
He hated the feeling of Bumblebee’s coolant dripping down into his neck cables, the painful grip that chipped paint along his neck guards from tiny servos that were shaking. The deafening silence of Bumblebee’s leaking accompanied with a painful quiver of his mini frame that seemed so much smaller as the little scout curled into him.
Blitzwing didn’t see his day taking a turn in this direction but he would gladly deal with the emotional strain if it meant helping his hummel.
Be it tracking down each and every bot that dared touch his precious bug or the people who cruelly left Bumblebee to fend for himself as a mere spark and youngling on the cold dirty streets of their home planet. He would find and hunt them down making them wish their spark had never been forged.
But if his bug wanted nothing more, could handle nothing more, than having him curled above his very spark. Audio pressed to hear every pump of life sustaining energon work through his frame under the protection of the night. Whispering promises his spark long shed darkness over in fear of his previous wants and desires coming to light among comrades and his leader.
He would do it.
His bug, his hummel, his Bumblebee— was more than worth it.
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lyricabelachium · 8 months
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I don't understand how nobody's done this before. So I did XD
I'm rewatching the show with a friend, this is from the first episode.
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askvectorprime · 5 months
Dear Vector Prime,
I was wondering if a life of a Cybertronian can be given back, quite literally can they come back as who they were before becoming one with the All Spark? Would they be suffering because of feeling like they don’t belong anymore, keep the memories they made during their lifetime?
Dear Restless Resuscitated,
It is said that when one returns to the Allspark, the “self” ceases to be, as one merges into the gestalt. I personally have never experienced this, as Primus saw fit to give we Thirteen our own kind of afterdeath—but I believe that it is a state of pure consciousness, of perfect understanding, free from the progression of linear time. The becoming-one is not instant, however, and if a spark burns with sufficient force of will, it can retain its individual form for some time… and may, through extant means, be retrieved. To answer your question, it is impossible to join the Allspark without feeling the weight of all that experience, and being changed by it. And no bot has faced death so repeatedly as Optimus Prime.
Though he rarely speaks on the subject, Optimus has given our kind a much more “scientific” understanding of resurrection. A rare medical condition, Scintilla oblivio—roughly meaning “spark amnesia”—was first diagnosed in Prime, and has since informed the psychological aftercare of many Cybertronians following resuscitation. Upon returning to mortal consciousness, Prime appears more distant, and struggles to uphold the same moral convictions he felt so strongly in earlier life. He is unhappy with the decisions made by his past self, who he views almost as a separate person, whose acts of heroism he can no longer take responsibility for, and whose image he can longer measure up against. It’s a tremendous burden that he carries—but Prime has always kept his doubts mostly to himself. Indeed, many have observed a new kind of tranquility in the Autobot leader, which they attribute to his firsthand knowledge of the oneness that awaits us all, friend and enemy alike.
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murahel · 10 months
Transformers Cyberverse Fanfics Ideas:
Soundwave survives the end of the show (even if only to not leave Shadow Striker alone to command Decepticons, come on we've got Hot Rod, Bumblebee and Windblade at the very least to replace Optimus but Shadow Striker has to deal with everything alone? Nah.): Hand Over The Relationship, Offish Decepticon!
"Wherever Bumblebee goes on Cybertron, Cheetor, be with him." If Cyberverse doesn't give me Cheetor remembrance, then I will.
Bumblebee & Windblade friendship post-war (with sprinkles of Windblade's cityspeaker ability and her time in the Matrix of Leadership of the Other One). Maybe even Cheetor communicating with them from Primus' AllSpark.
Optimus' nightmare after using the Matrix against Starscream is a bit more than just a nightmare. Set with the idea of Optimus being (a reincarnation of) the Thirteenth, therefor a sibling of the Thirteen First Primes: Standing Among The Blue
Transformers EarthSpark Fanfics Ideas:
Brave Educational Experience: or when the Terrans shatter Bumblebee's worldview through a single question.
Shockwave & Wheeljack relationship, but still with their dynamic from in Cyberverse (dancing robots, Shockwave's invention liking Wheeljack (s2 ep10, Secret Science)). Also Wheeljack calls Shockwave out on his racism towards the Terrans/Twitch his daughter.
The ones I probably won't write:
Decepticons meeting up with Autobots at the border after defeating the Quintessons (too vague).
AU fix-it in which Starscream gets better (I just don't know his character enough).
The ones I said I wouldn't write but did in a way or another:
I've read a fic headcanoning Soundwave as a cityspeaker too, which I find interesting but don't think I'll write about it <- Hand Over The Relationship Offish Decepticon! (chapter 5 especially)
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melodicaria · 6 months
Transformers: Goosebumps | Dark Autobots Snippet
So my silly bitch ass was thinking about dark Autobots. Not quite Shattered Glass, but similar, but like they're as evil as I want them to be! Here's just a snippet that I pumped out in a few minutes, not finalized or edited, but I had finished watching this Netflix movie, 'Leave the World Behind' and it just sparked me with an idea on how to start this. I jotted this idea down a while ago and just never got back to it- until now. Could you tell I had listened to Goosebumps by Travis Scott!? :p
Title: Goosebumps Summary: As Sam watches aliens descend upon their planet, he realizes with horror that they're not as peaceful and freedom loving as they claim to be.
It's the cellphones that go first. Sam's not too disturbed, after all, he still has his computer.
But soon that goes too.
12 plane crashes. One day.
There are thousands of people dead. Their corpses littered the pavement. Three said flights landed in a major city, hitting five buildings, with a blast radius double their length.
Every once in a while there's an odd ringing. Worldwide.
Nationwide blackouts.
The crops stop growing.
The water is drying up faster than they can calculate.
Metal sprouts from the ground, sharp jagged edges in a brilliant silver impaling people at random.
It's no longer safe to go outside.
People start getting sick, some are dying within days, others are cured from their disease.
Situations are too dire to upkeep most public spaces. School is canceled, prisons are full of riots, people storm their capitals and raise hell until their questions are answered.
And the government is silent.
The kings and queens are silent.
Because they too, haven't the faintest idea of what will happen next- what has happened.
Sam as an inkling.
The world is ending.
And then…
Metal beasts descend from the sky. Cybertronians, they call themselves.
The Universe is under attack and Earth holds the one object to save it.
But of course, humanity figures it's not a good idea to give it to them.
If only they had known.
The steel giants show no mercy, especially after one of their own is injured in a scuffle.
Hell is unleashed in a torrent of waves. Fire. Water. Ice. Wind. Bullets.
Sam thinks it's funny that now everyone on Earth decides to band together to a united front. He's picked up and torn from his family to protect the very thing the aliens are here for. He doesn't quite understand why they just don't give them the damned thing.
But he guards it like his life is on the line. Because it is.
Bombs are strapped to their bodies, in case they get any lucky ideas.
But he gets good at his job. His parents are held at gunpoint, along with another dozen or so, and a cap will be put in their skull if they don't comply.
So Sam has no other choice but to be good at his job. His fuck up, fucks them up.
Maybe, he gets too good at his job. He sees too much. He watches people bargain using other people as currency. He stays guarding the AllSpark at all hours. The only exception being getting sleep and eating.
He contacts his parents once a month. He has no clue where Miles is, and sometimes it gets so much to the point where he can barely remember his name. His parents name.
He gets bored. The others don't speak to him so…
He speaks to the AllSpark.
In an interesting turn of events, it speaks back, in a way.
The giant metal cube will shift whenever he's near, panels and plates clicking and elevating, swirling in a flurry of energy around his body. For a long time in a while, he laughs, and enjoys the time he spends here.
And for all of the horrible things that the world is faced with, for all of humanity's struggles and strife, for the brink of destruction they are forced on, the very object that started it all is the one thing that brings him hope.
He hopes the war ends soon.
But the insanity is only beginning.
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skylarmoon71 · 11 months
Bumblebee (Transformers) Chapter 4
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Whenever they got news to join in the hanger closer to the city it was never good. This base wasn’t like the one they used to target international threats. Since Bee and the others were situated here, it was decided that they build a place of operation closer. Not just for the protection of Sam, but humanity in general. Because the decepticons would never stop hunting for him to get revenge on how Megatron had fallen.
“We’re all here.”
Bumblebee opened the car door and Sam walked out.
Lennox and Epps stood at Optimus’s side as they all waited to be briefed.
“We’ve picked up some activity from in town. It was just a glimmer before. Every time we tried to track it the signal would disappear, but it’s been getting stronger. We’re worried that it might be the decepticons planning another attack.” Lennox explained.
“We cannot be reckless, we must not let the decepticons initiate another attack.” Optimus advised.
They were all ready to fight. The hanger was opened, and they began to strap up. What stopped them cold was the light that ignited in the sky from their view. All of their heads turned.
Ironhide spoke in disbelief.
“It’s a cybertronian beacon.” Optimus appeared to be just as shocked as the rest of the autobots present.
“A beacon for what?” Sam asked.
Lennox was already powering up the laptop. He made a few clicks on his computer and when he pulled up the location he cursed.
“Damn it! It’s in the center of town. John Sammy’s Junkyard.”
Bumblebee felt himself take a step back. Recognition also flashes across Sam’s face.
“(Y/N)..” They both sad in disbelief.
“We have to go…we need to go now!!” Sam yelled.
No one really sat around waiting for an explanation. They were jumping in and pulling out of the hanger in record time.
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allspark and matrix concept stuff
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ao3wasntenough · 11 months
One light
Higher than the sun
Invisible to some
Until it's time
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Dwelling on why Sam and the allspark work well together, I think they established a kinship in they were shaped by greater beings and ment to do something grand, but in reality Sam did what was needed and was left behind and the allspark faced becoming obsolete once hope for cybertron was lost. And was just an overpowered weapon passed along.
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What is friendship if not a guy finding out he’s not special and a semi sentient cube realising its grand purpose is gone
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pharmaforpresident · 4 days
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My oc Allspark in my humanized merformers au. The storyline will mostly follow Allspark and the DJD (designs to follow) :)
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superspunkus · 2 months
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sketch of a moment in cybertron's ancient history in my tf braincont
the quintessons discover the allspark
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thicctails · 3 months
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I believe that you believe that you're an angel
Nowhere to rise, everywhere to fall
I believe that you believe that there's a heaven
Where you belong, where you belong
(It's not what if, but it's when)
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