#alpha newt scamander
lilietherly · 6 months
[Fanfic! Newcob]
Omega Jacob Kowalski/Alfa Newt Scamander.
Relación establecida.
Insinuaciones sexuales.
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Ok, lo siento, puede que esto sea más sexi de lo que pude haber dicho en la primera parte, sin embargo, no acepto quejas (?). Sigue sin ser una narrativa explícita como tanto me gusta, pero sí que es muy, MUY sugerente 😅. Lo siento, apenas y tengo autocontrol.
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Agitado y sin aliento, Jacob regresó al nido, aceptando ser cubierto por un abrazo nervioso y ávidos labios que nada tardaron en pasearse por su cuello y hombros. La necesidad salvaje de Newt, creciendo a grandes pasos, se mezclaba y se agitaba contra su pecho, atravesándole las costillas y bailando en su corazón; rodeando su cuerpo a través de todos sus sentidos, confundiéndolo maravillosamente. No quiso ni le hizo falta saber de dónde provenía cada detalle, reconocer que todo ese ímpetu, esa hambre y ansiedad se dirigían por entero a él, le bastaba.
Sin embargo, así como disfrutaba de las atenciones y no dudaría en entregarse con el mismo brío, la misión de Jacob iba en sentido contrario. Permitió que Newt le devorara el cuello y, poco antes de tocar esa lasciva lengua su pezón izquierdo, lo atrajo de regreso a su boca; utilizando una fuerza que a punto estuvo de flaquear. Se recordó, del modo en que su Alfa se encargaba de enviarle la batalla interna contra la cual perdía segundo a segundo, Jacob debía luchar y ganar contra el deseo suyo y de su Alfa. Él no estaba, aún, dentro de esa suerte de celo que le permitía aceptar y acoplarse a lo que Newt gruñía por entregarle, él aún resistiría.
Esperaba, lo suficiente.
Se negaba a cometer los errores pasados, donde, al no haber compartido ninguno de sus celos con un Alfa y carente de la sabiduría que le sirviera en algún nimio detalle, el Omega simplemente se entregaba, pensando inocentemente que, por no ver a su esposo entrando a cabalidad en aquel estado salvaje del que tanto escuchó; ya sea porque su Alfa tuviera apenas algunas similitudes con los demás o que pudiera él controlarse mejor, Newt no sería en realidad tan feroz o brutal. Se equivocó, claro, y una vez reconoció la verdad y se adaptó a lo que se convertía su esposo durante el celo, si creyó por un fugaz momento que el sexo anterior sirviera para tranquilizar la energía sexual de su Alfa, Newt lo corrigió cada instante. No importaba que tan pronto se unieran, de cualquier modo, su Alfa cubriría cierta cantidad de encuentros.
Y esta vez, Jacob se esforzaría para soportarlo, iba a hacerlo bien. No se cansaría de más solo porque rendirse a su Alfa se volvía increíblemente satisfactorio, porque él lo recompensara al ceder o lo doblegara a un castigo inmisericorde que en el futuro gobernaría sus sueños. No, esta vez, como ambos lo acordaron, lo harían como debía hacerse. Jacob se resistiría, sería un buen Omega y, para el final de los ocho días del celo de su Alfa, con suerte, quedaría embarazado.
—Dulce, dulce Omega… —le gruñó Newt al oído, erizándole la ya sensible piel.
Jugó con las manos de Newt para mantenerlas por arriba de la línea de sus caderas y lo instó a no entretenerse sobre su pecho. Tampoco permitió a esa hermosa boca plantarse demasiado en la suya, ni a esa lengua, ligeramente rasposa, lamer en exceso el punto sensible de las glándulas de olor en la base de su cuello. Jacob temblaba por tan ligeros toques, recordar lo que obtendría en su cénit, no ayudó en absoluto a su objetivo.
No creyó que hiciera falta alguna distracción, mas al oír un vaso estrellarse en la cocina, una parte del Omega lo agradeció. Habiendo salido tan rápido luego de guardar el último platillo, no todo se quedaría en orden. Newt ayudó con su magia a lavar casi todos los utensilios, al verse imposibilitado una vez su lado Alfa comenzara a dominarlo, y no estando Jacob en mejores condiciones, se limitó el Omega a colocar sus herramientas en los lugares con mayor estabilidad. Ahora, no existía manera en que ese irresponsable método careciera de fallas. Imaginarse, por otro lado, que Newt hallaría en su mente un razonamiento así de complejo, sería en exceso inocente de su parte.
—¿Newt? —Jacob reaccionó muy tarde.
Soltando un gruñido que le erizó la piel en el peor de los sentidos, el Alfa se levantó de un salto y con esa rapidez salió del nido y de la habitación. Durante un efímero instante, algo en lo profundo de Jacob paralizó sus miembros, imprimió terror en su mente y lo obligó a quedarse en su lugar, asegurándole que la amenaza sería reprimida por su Alfa y que el se mantendría a salvo si guardaba silencio y confiaba en la fuerza de su protector. Jacob tuvo que pellizcarse el muslo para despertar, recordándose que solo se trataba de un vaso y que, naturalmente, ninguno de ellos estaba en peligro.
Lo que hubiera tardado en reaccionar, bastó para que, al llegar a su esposo, lo encontrara olisqueando el aire alrededor de la mesa; Jacob perdería a Newt de un segundo a otro, lo supo al verlo, y su Alfa quedaría al mando y él no permitiría que lo encontrara fuera del nido, menos aún creyendo que alguien intentaba invadirlos o, peor todavía, arrebatarle a su Omega. Resuelto, Jacob inhaló despacio y, con la voz más suave que halló, dijo:
—Es solo un vaso, mi amor. —Newt se giró abruptamente hacia él, provocándole un saltito de miedo, que apaciguó con una exhalación—. Llévame arriba, ¿sí?
—Revisaré las puertas y ventanas, no deberías estar aquí, vuelve al nido —dijo el Alfa, como si no hubiera escuchado la petición de Jacob. Y no lo hizo, él lo sabía, pero carecía del tiempo para enfadarse.
—No —exclamó Jacob, usando su mejor imitación de un Omega caprichoso—. Me quedaré aquí, frente al peligro, a menos que seas tú quien me lleve. —Sonriendo para sus adentros, tuvo que felicitarse por su buen trabajo, y enseguida, por los positivos resultados que obtuvo al instante.
Newt exhaló un resoplido a través de su nariz, le frunció el ceño y caminó hacia él, mostrándole sus colmillos ligeramente crecidos; tan amenazante que, si no fuera por la absoluta convicción de Jacob acerca no correr ninguna clase de peligro, habría vuelto a retroceder. Así, tan frustrado como desnudo, el Alfa lo tomó de la muñeca y comenzó a arrastrarlo escaleras arriba. Jacob sonrió a la espalda de Newt, enviándole desvergonzado la petulancia que lo invadía con su victoria.
—Voy a seguirte si no te quedas —impuso Jacob, conservando su tono.
Newt cerró la puerta detrás de ellos, mas antes de que el Omega se declarase el ganador invicto, su Alfa lo acorraló contra la pared, bruscamente le separó las piernas y, sin dilación, hundió sus cortos colmillos en su marca de unión. Jacob gimió, una erección se le formó en un instante, un hilo de saliva se coló de entre su boca abierta y no hubo segundo en que, siendo mordido por su Alfa, sus piernas no dejaran de temblarle. La lengua de Newt recogía los delicados hilos de sangre y sus labios creaban succión, si ello no bastó para menguar la voluntad de Jacob, las delicadas púas en la lengua que enseguida le lamieron la sensible zona, lo consiguió.
Los últimos gramos de su voluntad y las manos del Alfa apenas detuvieron su caída, luego de que él lo liberara, incontables minutos después, la mente de Jacob, a kilómetros de distancia, sacó a relucir sus instintos Omega. El aroma de Jacob estalló por toda la habitación, espesando el aire con la esencia de un Omega listo para ser fecundado. Y si bien ese no consistía en la forma en que Jacob mantendría en la habitación a su Alfa, de igual modo funcionó. Reaccionando a su perfume, Newt lo llevó amorosamente dentro del nido.
Jacob, adormilado por la mordida y la suavidad del trato de su Alfa, permaneció obediente a sus instrucciones, permitiéndole al fin desnudarlo. Las prendas, que parecían ofender a Newt, volaron lejos del nido conforme él las arrancaba. Sin nada que lo cubriera, un estallido en los ojos de su Alfa cobró vida. Pasión, devoción, ternura, amor, pero sobre todo, una lujuria desmedida que amenazaba, de nuevo, alejar cada pensamiento coherente vertiendo en su cuerpo cantidades insanas de erótico placer. Jacob suspiró, observando a Newt abriéndose paso entre sus piernas, sin tocarlo y acorralándolo con una mano a los lados de su cabeza. Su figura alta y esbelta, las resaltadas pecas en su rostro teñido de rosas y anhelo, la respiración agitada, los colmillos que sobresalían por entre sus labios; le hicieron imaginar al Omega los hermosos cachorros que tendrían.
—¿Quieres jugar un poco, Alfa? —preguntó, levantando las manos y acariciándole las mejillas, Newt se acunó contra él voluntariamente. A Jacob le dolió el corazón.
Su Alfa, habiendo llegado al punto de ser incapaz de hablarle, asintió, lamiéndose la comisura de la boca. Jacob le sonrió, reconociendo que aún faltaba un poco, acaso un cuarto de hora, para que su Alfa tocara la cima. Él tenía entonces diez minutos, dentro de los cuales, debía instar a su Alfa protector a recostarse junto a él, a que sus manos —ahora acariciándole los costados— no lo detuvieran y que lo dejara salir por la puerta, sin hacerle creer que estaba realmente escapando, que no existía ningún peligro y que, de hecho, acababa de aceptar jugar con él.
El Jacob de un par de años atrás, previo a descubrir la casi nula conexión de Newt con su lado Alfa, habría temido nuevamente hacer algo, incluso como un juego, remotamente parecido a separarse de él, ya sea en este o un estado menos avanzado de su celo. Ahora, pese a que los lazos se establecían y Newt —casi— no luchaba en contra de su propia naturaleza, el juego aún podría tornarse peligroso de no seguir las estrictas reglas. Reglas que el propio Jacob había establecido.
—Mío, mi Alfa —susurró Jacob, provocando una media sonrisa en su esposo.
Ningún esfuerzo invirtió para que lo besara. Cuidadosamente, Jacob envolvió los brazos alrededor del cuello de su Alfa, atrayéndolo a su vez con las piernas, que rodearon las delgadas caderas. La erección cálida, dura y llorosa de Newt lo hizo temblar, añorando lo que era suyo. De inmediato quiso alejar ese pensamiento, más perteneciente a su lado Omega que a su yo en general, sin embargo, suyo de igual forma. Ladeo el rostro al separarse para tomar un respiro, guiando la atención de su Alfa hacia su cuello. En tanto, dirigió el cuerpo de Newt hacia a su costado, ofreciéndole ninguna oportunidad de negarse a seguirlo al mover ligeramente sus caderas.
Su Alfa gruñía contra su cuello, advirtiéndole a través del lazo de unión, el punto sin retorno que sobrepasaría de confiarse en demasía y no apartarse a tiempo. Jacob aceptó la amenaza, desde luego, y a pesar de ello todavía consideró oportuno sentarse a horcajadas sobre el regazo de su esposo. Sigue la rutina, sigue la rutina, continuó repitiéndose, sosteniendo en lo alto el objetivo principal de la semana; y si Newt todavía guardaba el mínimo control para no tomarse en su propia mano y profanar el canal ya en exceso preparado de su Omega, entonces, Jacob aún no iba a rendirse. Incluso si realmente lo quería.
Separándose lentamente del beso lascivo, Jacob levantó su muñeca izquierda para ofrecerla a su Alfa. Newt la tomó sin dudarlo, aunque cuidadoso, giró el brazo del Omega para colocar ante su rostro la piel sensible de la cara interna, donde sepultó su nariz e inhaló hasta llenarse los pulmones con nada más que la esencia de Jacob. Su lengua cubierta de pequeñas púas lo lamió, bañando con saliva la carne que protegía su glándula de olor. Jacob, sensible, bailó sus caderas sobre la dureza de su Alfa al tiempo en que él lo lamía y lo marcaba y advertía a cualquiera que se acercara, a quién Jacob pertenecía.
El Omega, cuya resistencia ya estaba terriblemente dañada, repitió el ofrecimiento a la lengua incauta de Newt en la glándula de su muñeca derecha, y después, a las dos ubicadas en la base de su cuello, justo sobre las clavículas. El simple contacto de esa lengua áspera extrajo de su boca el nombre de su Alfa, dicho en tono lascivo, el cual no causó otra cosa que un gruñido impúdico de su Alfa. Fue al sentir los colmillos de Newt susurrándole la piel deseosa, que Jacob, pellizcándose el muslo, se forzó a retroceder. Detuvo también sus caderas, así como el aroma de sus esencias combinadas que su olfato recogía con grandes bocanadas y las manos de Newt que se posaron en su cintura e iniciaron el camino hacia sus nalgas.
Agradeciendo a la suerte que le acompañaba y la voluntad que, sinceramente, no creyó tener, el Omega atrajo las palmas de su Alfa hacia su pecho, enviando una petición que fue atendida enérgicamente. Cerrando los ojos, concentrándose en no caer como lo pretendía desde un inicio, tomó la espesa rigidez de su Alfa, oyéndolo gemir se levantó, continuó acariciándolo y siendo acariciado. Negándose a mirarlo, se abrió con su diestra y acercó la ancha cabeza a su entrada goteante.
—¡Oh, Newt! —gimió Jacob, sin poder bloquear todos sus gemidos.
Lo advirtió enseguida, la diferencia entre el propio calor de su lubricante y el ardoroso líquido transparente de su Alfa. La punta firme y su abertura continuaron besándose indiscriminadamente durante un tortuoso siglo antes de que Jacob, en trance, redujera poco a poco el ligero vaivén.
—Alfa, Alfa… ¿Puedes sentirme? Estoy tan listo para ti —murmuró Jacob, su voz rasposa y aguda. El deseo que continuó negándose acumulaba lágrimas detrás de sus párpados. No quería hablar, necesitaba actuar, sin embargo, aún no—. Quédate quieto y sé un buen Alfa por mí. —Aunque no fue una petición, su esposo asintió un par de veces, sonriendo tontamente y mostrando sus colmillos.
Jacob, que no resistiría otro gesto de su Alfa, se levantó y corrió a la puerta sin darle oportunidad a Newt para que entendiera lo que sucedía. Newt apenas se sentaba cuando Jacob abría la puerta, y sin molestarse en tomar su camisa en el suelo o su bata colgando en el perchero junto a él, se marchó. Oyendo atentamente, caminó despacio a las escaleras, cerca del final del pasillo, donde esperó a que su esposo lo mirara.
Nunca podría señalar a su juego previo como un juego de caza, Jacob no se escondería para que su Alfa rastreara su aroma hasta encontrarlo, tampoco dejaría rastros falsos o siquiera iba a fingir que corrió lejos de la casa. De hecho, Jacob permanecería siempre a la vista de Newt y nunca se alejaría de su nido más allá de los muros de su hogar. Lecciones bien aprendidas luego de que su esposo hiciera estallar con su magia todo lo que hubo a su paso cuando descubrió que su Omega no estaba a la vista. Ni entonces ni ahora Jacob temió por su seguridad, no obstante, si bien podían permitirse una vida holgada, Jacob no planeaba reemplazar los objetos o muros que Newt arruinara solo por no tenerlo a la vista en momentos tan intensos como los que acontecían.
Así, una vez los preciosos y agudos orbes de Newt observaron su intención de bajar las escaleras, Jacob hizo precisamente eso. Sus pasos, cuidadosos y apresurados, se sincronizaron a los de su Alfa, buscando conservar la distancia para que Newt lo persiguiera y que, sin alcanzarlo, aún lo tuviera en la mira. Sabía el Omega que no era un juego regular, no obstante, sonrió cuando su Alfa intentó aumentar la velocidad justo cuando Jacob bajó el último peldaño. Apresurado, el Omega observó con travesura a su esposo al dirigirse al pequeño comedor. Oyó a su Alfa gruñir los segundos que lo perdió de vista antes de seguirlo.
Esperándolo detrás de la mesa para seis comensales, Jacob lo saludó, inclinándose sobre la silla, al principio, rodeado de cierto aire juguetón, después, se detuvo al advertir un cambio en su Alfa. Su cuerpo reaccionó primero, todo instinto, voluntad y lujuria ronroneando para que su Alfa lo tomara; enseguida, pese a ya no ser relevante, su mente halló las respuestas. La bestia dentro de Newt había sido liberada. Las feromonas espesas del depredador anunciaban a Jacob el camino sin retorno, la pérdida absoluta del control y el hambre demencial que buscaría ser saciada devorando a su Omega delicioso.
Con el tiempo límite superado, nada quedaba por hacer. Jacob miró a su Alfa rodeando la mesa, imitándolo, él siguió su camino y salió fácilmente de la habitación. Fingiéndose indeciso de cuál dirección tomar, caminó meditabundo hacia la sala en donde, al recibir el gruñido de su Alfa, cayó de manera desafortunada en el sofá. Newt, a quien no le interesaba el sinsentido de la actuación, aprovechó para acorralarlo.
Newt terminó el juego mordiéndolo.
Jacob se hundió en la tela suave y el veloz abrazo de su Alfa, feliz de perder.
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Con esta historia, termino de publicar lo que he escrito del Omegacember. Por favor, cariño, envíame todo tu amor para que pueda terminar el reto antes del próximo año 😭... Yo estaré dándolo todo para lograrlo 🥲 Muchas gracias por leer. Recuerda que nada de esto ha sido editado de ninguna forma (aunque creo que eso es bastante obvio jejee). Ojalá esta cosa te haya gustado y que puedas esperarme pacientemente a la continuación. ¡Te amo! 🥹❤️❤️❤️
7 notes · View notes
Newt/Percival fic - Chapter 1
Newt grew up in the country. Whilst his older brother, Theseus, dreamed of fighting dark wizards in the big city, Newt found himself content amongst the wild things surrounding his family cottage.
When he was first shipped off to Hogwarts he couldn’t help but yearn for home. It was difficult making friends, loud personalities and boisterous teens only encouraged him to hide in the forbidden forest. The word ‘forbidden’ didn’t hold much weight with him, for the creatures he found within were too fascinating and rarely dangerous. He only excelled in class where he could apply the teaching to the beasts he spent his spare time with.
He did make one friend though: Leta. She was kind and patient, but forceful. He didn’t have much choice when it came to her friendship. She would sit with him in the dining hall, find him curled up with a book in the library, drag him along to classes he didn’t much care for, and sometimes outright follow him into the woods. She tried to understand him, even if she didn’t always succeed, and Newt found he made good company for the overly chatty girl. It wasn’t hard being friends with Leta. Sometimes he wondered that she may have struggled to make friends in the beginning as well, and found an amenable companion in him. He wasn't going to complain, either way.
As the years went on, and a definable passion emerged, Newt started paying a bit more attention to school. He scoured every book for information about his creatures - encyclopedias, potion recipes, spells, anything that gave him the ability to help those in need and understand them better. He barraged his professors with questions, many of which didn’t take too kindly to his apparent inability to stay on topic. He became quite skilled with his wand, charms and defensive magic coming naturally to him; it wasn’t anybody else’s business if he happened to use his teachings on a few occasions to protect the creatures under his care. He never aimed to hurt, only disarm, but an unconscious adversary was certainly a less threatening one.
Leta stuck with him over the years, and as Theseus matured he started paying more attention to his younger brother too. They listened patiently to his long, mostly one-sided, discussions of magical creatures, although their eyes did tend to glaze over at some point. Newt didn’t mind, he knew he was doing good work. Meaningful work.
Things became more…strained when Newt presented as an omega.
Nobody was surprised. He was soft for a male, despite growing to be quite lanky. He had always been gentle and nurturing too if his creatures were anything to go by. He was protective of those he loved, and the space he considered home. His mother was an omega, and when home he would spend any time away from his creatures with her, finding joy in mimicking the way of a housewife and mother. When he presented she was so proud, all the more encouraging of him being home, cooking, cleaning, and running the farmstead they had. His father, distant as he had always been with his youngest son, patted him on the head and assured him they would find him a good match.
His brother, however, took it upon himself to become a knight in shining armour. At home, Newt was mostly let be, for Theseus knew he was safe within the wards of their land. At school, however, Theseus barely left his side. He escorted Newt from his dormitory to the banquet hall to class and back to his dormitory. Newt struggled to slip away into the comfort of the forest except for in the middle of the night when Theseus was assuredly asleep. Despite being a prefect and captain of the quidditch team, Theseus always found a way to keep an eye on him.
‘It’s not that I don’t trust you, Newt. It’s the others I don’t trust. I know what it’s like to be a young alpha, all those hormones running rampant. I’m only protecting you from unwanted attention.’ Theseus reminded him, with a purposeful scowl at a nearby alpha who was simply walking past.
The only other person he trusted Newt’s safety with was Leta, who had early on presented as a Beta, continuing through puberty without too much pheromone-related hassle. She respected Theseus, although was the first to admit that he was overbearing. There were plenty of alphas and omegas at Hogwarts, with all the necessary support systems in place.
Newt only went to one of the classes they held specifically for omegas. A single hour of discussion about their role in society, their destiny to be mated, and their place at home left Newt feeling suffocated. He could withstand such teachings from his mother, who only did so out of love, but the propaganda feel of those classes didn’t sit well with him at all. As far as he was concerned, there was no reason he couldn’t travel the world and conduct his research.
He reminded everyone as much as possible about his plans. Leta was fully supportive of the idea, however, was under the impression that he would find a mate first ‘just to be safe’. Theseus would huff and scowl at every mention, determined that Newt would spend the rest of his days in the safety of his home, untouched. His parents didn’t understand, eventually growing frustrated with his determination.
‘That’s just not the way of the world for people like you, Newton’ his father would insist.
His mother would just play with his curls, her eyes downturned, ‘You’ll change your mind eventually, sweetheart’
It seemed his only true ally was Professor Dumbledore, who entertained his every dream and helped him learn as much as possible, even going as far as to find him unpublished research to work from. Theseus wasn’t a fan of the company Newt kept with his professor, Albus being an older, unmated Alpha, but he couldn’t well start a fight with a respected mentor. Albus was Theseus’ way into the Ministry, after all, the promise of an internship awaiting his graduation from Hogwarts. So Theseus would just huff and tell Newt not to do anything untoward.
Albus was a perfect gentleman, always giving Newt space and never saying a word out of place. It seemed he always had time for Newt, even when he was busy with teaching or ministry business. Newt was ever grateful for being treated, not as an omega, but as a person.
On his sixteenth birthday in the summer following his OWL exams, Newt was disturbed from his perch in the oak tree outside his family’s cottage by Theseus calling for him. He had been sitting very still, waiting for the resident Bowtruckle to make an appearance - gaining the trust of the small creature was a slow process, and required many an offering of woodlice it seemed, but Newt was patient.
‘Will you come down from there, please? You’re going to get hurt,’ Theseus stood just below him, arms crossed.
‘I know how to climb a tree, Thee,’ Newt slipped from his branch and landed softly on the grass, moving on before Theseus could start checking him for invisible injuries.
Inside, the kettle was whistling and the smell of fresh bread hung in the air. Newt’s mother came bustling over, pulling him into a soft hug, ‘Happy birthday, pumpkin.’ With a kiss on each cheek and a wave of her hand, the kettle poured them all a cup of tea. They settled at the dining table, Newt cradling the tea in his trembling hands and trying very hard to ignore the twist of nerves in his gut. He knew what was coming, he just remained hopeful it wouldn’t happen.
His mother pushed a present wrapped neatly in brown paper towards him. With a quiet ‘thank you’ he put down his tea and peeled open the package. Inside he found a book, practically a tome for how thick it was, titled The Way of the Omega: a guide for the newly-mated. Newt didn’t know how to react. His mother smiled gently, encouraging, Theseus was frowning as usual, and his father looked less stern than usual. They all waited for him to say something. Instead, he leafed through the book, finding chapters full of recipes and spells for the modern home keeper, an explanation of Omegan biology, and tips for navigating a mated relationship. Looking up at his mother, he tried to smile, ‘Thank you,’ He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. He was going to fight this, but he has long since learned that arguing about it got him nowhere.
‘We’ve found a good match for you,’ his father announced, ‘He will be coming to visit tomorrow, just as an introduction-’
‘What if I don’t like him?’ Newt jumped in.
‘Then you don’t have to marry him. You don’t have to marry anybody,’ Theseus pressed.
His father sighed, ‘Then we will find you somebody else. There are plenty of eligible Alphas out there and I have a few in mind if this one doesn’t work out. There’s no rush,’
Newt knew that was a lie. They would have him mated as soon as possible, cooped up in a house far away, bound only for raising children and baking pies. Newt loved his mother and could see she was happy, but he didn’t want to live like her. There was too much world to see before he decided to settle.
The Alpha in question, it turned out, was actually quite handsome. He was tall with grey eyes, blonde hair, and a charming grin. He greeted Newt with a small bow, giving Newt respectable space, and introduced himself as Jeremiah Garnet, an associate of Newt’s father at the Wizarding Wireless Network.
‘So, Newton-’
‘Call me Newt, please,’
‘Of course, Newt, ’ Jeremiah grinned again, ‘How have you been getting on at our beloved Hogwarts?’
Newt swallowed, sat across from Jeremiah and felt almost like he was being interviewed. Why did he want to know about Hogwarts? ‘It’s, um, good. I guess,’
‘You have a favourite subject?’
Newt glanced at his father, who was supposedly chaperoning this visit as was required for unmated Omagas, ‘Care of Magical Creatures,’
‘Ah, the nurturing sort then!’ Jeremiah gave him a none-too-subtle wink, ‘How’s your Herbology? Always good to know what to grow at home,’
‘It’s fine. I’m mostly interested in medicinal plants,’
Jeremiah nodded slowly, ‘I saw a dragon at Hogwarts once, you know,'
Newt caught his father rolling his eyes but didn’t say anything. Jeremiah continued, prattling on about his various encounters with dangerous and fearsome dragons. Newt tried to listen but just ended up upset about how Jeremiah seemed to be under the impression that dragons were mindless monsters and not an incredibly intelligent species that were better off being left alone.
Newt barely said a word for the next thirty minutes, humming in agreement every now and then, and trying not to wince at the inappropriate frequency of winking as Jeremiah continued about his colourful career reporting around the world. Newt was quite sure most of these stories were embellishments but the alpha was attempting to appear impressive.
‘How about we write to one another, then?’ he eventually asked.
Newt smiled, ‘Sure,’
‘Excellent! Well, your father has my address,’ He stood up, straightening his clothes, and held out a hand. Newt thought he meant to shake it, so reached out, only to find Jeremiah’s dry lips pressed to the back of his hand, ‘It was a pleasure to meet you, Newt. I hope to hear from you soon,’ His father escorted their guest out of the cottage, and with that Newt was left alone.  
As he washed his hands with more vigour than necessary, he watched his father and Jeremiah chat for a few minutes outside, feeling like there was a stone sitting in his stomach. How could he spend the rest of his life with a man like that? Have his children? Greet him every day when he comes home with more frivolous stories about his apparently exciting career? No. Newt wouldn’t settle for such a life - not for anybody.
His father returned a few minutes later and leant against the doorframe, ‘So?’
‘So?!’ Newt was perplexed, ‘You want me to be mated to him? Father, please,’
‘He’s a good man, Newton. Sure, he may be a little overzealous at times, but he is respectable, wealthy, and would provide you with a good life,’
Newt felt his eyes prick and panicked at the possibility of crying in front of his father, ‘I don’t want to be mated yet. Certainly n-not to him,’ he sniffed, ‘I don’t care if he’s a "good match",’
‘You don’t have a choice, Newton. This is your life. You can’t change your biology,’ his father paced, ‘If you don’t like him, then you will send him thanks for his time and we will move on to another candidate,’
Newt dashed from the room without another word, making it halfway to the back of the garden before the tears fell. Climbing up the old oak tree, he settled somewhere near the top, cradled between the trunk and a branch. There, he cried until he couldn’t anymore; until his throat was tight and his eyes sore. He didn’t resent his body for its nature, there was no changing what he was. He did, however, resent the society around him, for calling this unwanted mating “fate”. Despair tightened his chest - would he ever find a way to live the life he wanted? Exhausted, he fell asleep to the rustle of leaves.
At some point when the moon was high he gently came to, finding a Bowtruckle curled up on his chest, snoring softly.
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 5.3 K Warnings: PG-13 kisses Prompt: You venture to a reading club, entering a part of Hogwarts you had not yet been into, and meeting new and exciting people. A covert trip to the library, on a quest for a werewolf book, leads to an unexpected encounter. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. A/N: Sprinkling in a bit of spice, hope you enjoy <3
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Chapter 15: No One Like You
The week went by a lot faster than you expected it to, Remus, just like the last time, had gotten a lot better by dinner, Madame Pomfrey told him he could go once he took a painkiller potion, and gave you some anti-headache drops. You both thanked her and walked together towards the Great Hall. You were in awe of how fast he healed, really, just the thought of how bad he had been in the morning, and how much better he was now, was outstanding, and it made you wonder what other benefits his condition brought along, even if it was clearly a nuisance for him. 
Later on the week you’d gone to the book club Nina had invited you to, you wondered if she had also guessed Remus’s condition by reading the book she’d lend you, even if she hadn’t spent so much time with Remus; and to be honest, one of the reason you realised was because you were made pretty aware of the moon phases by your classes and professor on the past few months, you had gotten that silver ring as a gift, and you spend a great deal of time with the boys, down to the point that you easily noticed when they were all acting weird. All of them things Nina had not been a witness to, at least not up close like you had, but she had been around a lot longer than you, you really had no way to tell, unless you straight up asked, and that was obviously not happening.
“So… did you like it?” She asked you with a bright smile when she spotted you outside of the Ravenclaw common room. 
You nodded “It was really nice, helped me learn a lot too.” 
She frowned “Learn a lot… about werewolves you mean?” 
You nodded “I hadn’t studied them before,” you added later “I mean I know it’s not all accurate…” I certainly hope some of those Alpha and knotting things aren’t accurate, you thought “but it got me investigating more about them, it’s pretty interesting.” 
Nina nodded “It is, right?” She told you with a smile “I was taking an extra class on magical creatures and they’re all super interesting. They say Newt Scamander may come give a talk at some point next year, it would be absolutely brilliant!” 
“Yeah, totally!” You agreed she guided you inside her common room, and you marvelled at the ceiling. You remembered Remus had told you about it, how it was enchanted to look like the sky above instead of a  normal roof. It was definitely prettier than what you and Rem had created together, but you rather liked the Gryffindor one best.
Nina smiled when she saw you, “beautiful, right? I’m sure you would’ve fitted in perfectly in Ravenclaw.” 
You smiled at her “I’m not sure I’m as studious as most of you,” you told her with a smile “Just the other day I skipped some classes because I had a headache.” 
“Yeah, but you still have incredible grades,” she told you, matter of factly “Everyone thinks we’re nerds that study all the time,” she whispered, leaning in closer to you “but just because we’re reading it doesn’t mean we’re studying,” she smiled mischievously “as you saw with the book.”  
“Yeah, those spicy scenes were certainly something…” you replied. 
Nina guided you towards a small little gathering in front of the fire, it was different to the Gryffindor one, it somehow looked a lot more regal and elegant, reminded you of Professor Nightshade, and then made you wonder how the Hufflepuff common room would look, perhaps Alex could sneak you in one day, after all, he was the head boy. 
“Hey everyone, this is (Y/N),” She said as she pointed at you, you waved awkwardly. 
“Not that she needs much of an introduction,” a boy said, standing up and offering his hand for a shake, you took it with a smile “Neil Perry, it’s nice to meet the new Gryffindor legend.” You laughed, Neil had a very dashing smile, he almost reminded you of Prongs, he was just as bright “That’s Alice,” he said pointing to a girl with silver hair. 
“We share a class, don’t we?” You asked with a smile, she nodded, and the two of you shook hands. 
“That over there is Nox,” he said pointing at a boy with Slytherin robes. 
You both shook hands as well, “Nice to meet you,” he said “This is Comet, by the way” he said, pointing at a girl who was sitting right next to him. 
 “I’m really sorry about the Slytherins that have been picking on you,” she told you with a smile “We’re not all entitled pricks.”  
“Some of us are even nice,” Nox added.
“I don’t hold grudges against houses,” you told them with a smile “I kind of skipped the whole indoctrination moment by getting here so late,” you joked, and it cracked a chorus of laughs from the entire circle. 
Comet extended her hand for you to shake, “I already like you,” the girl said with a grin, which you returned with a wink, you already liked her as well. 
“I’m Jennifer, everyone calls me Jane,” a girl with curly black hair and freckles said as she extended her hands, you shook it. 
“She picked the book,” You heard another girl say from behind, she was wearing Ravenclaw robes too “I’m Clara,” she told you with a smile. You’d seen her around Nina often. 
“Marina,” said another girl with a wave, she was wearing a Hufflepuff beanie. 
“I believe that’s all of us?” Neil said with a smile. 
Then another boy barged into the room, he had light brown hair and looked a little distressed for being late, “I’m sorry, got caught up on the stairs when coming from the library,” he said.  Neil smiled fondly when he saw the boy “That’s Todd,” he told you, “he doesn’t talk much, but he enjoys listening to us a lot.”
You also smiled at the boy “Nice to meet you,” you said looking at him “I’m (Y/N)!” 
He looked at you puzzled “Same (Y/N) Nina won’t shut up about?” He asked, still fondling with the amount of things was carrying in his arms.  
You raised your eyebrow, smiling at the same time “All good things, I hope.” You said as you shook his hand, and helped him hold some of the books he was carrying. 
Todd nodded “It’s like she completely forgot about her old Gryffindor crush and replaced him with you.” 
“Will you shut it, Todd?” Nina said, with a tight smile on her face.
He just shrugged and took a seat next to Neil. Nina looked a little debased, so you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t think too much about it,” you told her with a smile, you could feel her ease under your hand “Where should we sit?”
“Come here!” Jane said as she slid to the side of the rug where she was so you could both fit in as part of the circle. Once you did, she took out the book and levitated it towards the centre of the circle, letting it float in between you all. “All right, session starts now.” 
“Favourite parts?” Asked Clara. 
“The chase scene at the end,” Said Neil “No offence Jane, but the book was a bit slow.” 
“Excessive with the descriptions of abs,” added Nox.
“Nah, I rather enjoyed those,” countered the first boy. 
You raised your eyebrows at that but nodded in agreement. 
“I like the way they depicted the werewolf.” Said Nina, who was next to you. 
“Yeah, especially on the sexy scenes,” added Comet with a cheeky smile. Alice hit her on the arm playfully “What? It’s true!” She retorted. 
“I don’t know about the knotting though,” you added in. 
Nox cringed from the other side “Please don’t remind me of that,” he said “I’ve been trying to erase those lines from my mind.” 
“I found it rather interesting,” said Jane “That’s why I chose the book.” 
“But it’s not like that in real life, is it?” You asked, trying to sound playful. 
“Well I’ve never done it with a werewolf, but I highly doubt it,” Responded Comet casually. 
“It’s not,” Todd said, everyone stared at him, and he turned red “I looked it up on a BOOK! Merlin guys!” that got a chorus of laughter from everyone. 
The reading circle continued on, with its playful banter, jokes and a rather in-depth discussion of the relationship mechanics within the story. You actually had lots of fun, Nina was right, just because they had their head buried in a book, it didn’t mean they were nerds. Even if some people would see you from afar, talking about a book so gleefully and entertainedly, that they would consider you as such. Once the reunion was over, they decided on the next book that would be reviewed, Nox picked a wizarding world book titled “Point of Know Return” and he promised it would be delightful, with Pirates, mermaids and fairies and underwater cities deep in the pacific. He also promised there would be no knotting. 
As the night started to fall, you realised the stars on the Ravenclaw ceiling became a lot brighter, you wondered if there was a  spell that you could implement to make the same thing happen to the one you’d created in the Gryffindor common room. “All right guys,” said Jane, “I think we should all head to bed, especially our guests from other houses since you don’t want to leave after curfew.” 
Everyone nodded and started to stand, as you grabbed the book they’d borrowed, you remembered “Hey Guys! Sunday’s the Halloween Party at Gryffindor, you should all come! Costumes are obligatory tho…” 
“You’re inviting us? To a party?” Nox asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” 
“We aren’t exactly the type of people that get invitations to parties often,” added Todd.
“Speak for yourselves,” added Neil “I’m down!” He smiled, yeah, he definitely reminds you of Prongs “I’m sure I can conjure something to dress up as before Sunday.” 
“I’m coming too!” Said Jane with a smile. 
“If she’s going I’ll be there,” Clara said as she gave you a thumbs up.
“Yeah, I’m definitely coming,” smiled Comet. “Minho will be there, won’t he?” You nodded in response. “Good, I’ll tag along with him.” 
“I’d be lovely to see you all there!” You assured, and waved at them as you walked towards the door, Nina walked close behind you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked you with a smile. 
You nodded “Yeah!” You responded excitedly “It was excellent! I’m pretty sure Remus and Lily would also love to join in, have you asked them?” 
She seemed surprised but shook her head “They uh… they’re not like you. Remus is always very polite, but too closed off and Lily is always busy.” 
“I think you should ask Remus,” you told her “I could ask him for you if you wanted,” you offered, but she shook her head again. 
“I’d rather it was just a you and me thing,” she said shyly. 
You raised an eyebrow at her statement but shrugged “Just us then,” you said, placing your arm over her shoulder, Nina tensed up with the unexpected contact and then relaxed back again, once she remembered it was you. 
“I really like hanging out with you,” she said, almost in a whisper. You reassured her by rubbing the side of her arm with your hand, Sirius’ touchiness was rubbing off on you.
“I like hanging out with you too, luv.” You smiled “You’re coming to the Halloween Party, yeah?” 
She shook her head “I’ve got a thing that day,” She told you. 
“A thing? What kind of thing?” 
“A date,” she mustered. 
You stopped the two of you dead in your tracks “Shut up! With who? I thought you liked Remus. Wait… Is it Remus? He didn’t tell me a thing, I’ll punch him!” 
“It’s not Remus.” She said and then frowned “How did you know I liked Remus?” 
You arched an eyebrow “You should be more surprised no one else knew, I figured it out on the first day of study group.” 
She laughed, “Well, I was pretty hung up on him then, that’s not a lie. But…” she cleared her throat “Someone else came around, made me realise Remus wasn’t really my type.” 
“What?!” You narrowed your eyes at her, “Come on, tell me who!” 
She shook her head, a diverted smile playing on her lips “No-uh.” 
“Awww… Nina!” You complained. She just shrugged in response.
“You figured out who the first one was by yourself, figure it out a second time,” she replied. You smiled and shook your head at her response. 
“Fine them, what prize do I get if I get it right?” 
You raised your eyebrows at her, “Not a Ravenclaw, remember?” 
“Fine then, a kiss.” You gave her a look. “What? You wouldn’t kiss a girl?” 
You laughed “I would, I have. Kissed Evans a couple of weeks ago actually.” You explained “But… I’m kind of dating Sirius now.” 
She frowned as if the news were a shock to her “Sirius Black? You’re dating him?” You nodded “And is he aware you are dating?” 
You opened your mouth, drawing a bit of air in before speaking “Well… uhm– he seemed pretty aware last time I checked.” 
“What I mean is…” she started, shaking her head as if she wasn’t sure which words to use “Does he know you are exclusive?” 
“I’m sorry?!” 
“Sirius has a bit of a reputation…” 
Finally, you understood what Nina was going on about and you smiled at her softly, she was worried about you, so sweet. “He knows,” you reassured her “We uhm-“ you cleared your throat “We’ve got a bit of history.” 
“And what about Remus?” She asked then, curiosity getting the best of her. 
“What about him?” 
“I thought you’d end up dating him.” 
Now you frowned “Remus? Why would I–“ 
“-you always seemed to be really close to him, from the day you arrived, really.” 
“I…” you started, but you weren’t exactly sure what to respond. Remus really was great, very different to Sirius, but he had his own charm to him, and he was just as beautiful as your boyfriend, just a different kind of beauty. The more you thought about it, Nina wasn’t wrong, if you weren’t so enamoured by Sirius, you might have fallen for Remus instead. 
“Nevermind,” she said as she discovered you weren’t saying anything, “Want me to walk you back to your dorm?” 
You smiled “That’s so gentleman-y of you Nina,” you told her with a smile “But I’m gonna stop by the library on the way, it’s better for you to stay here, or you might be returning after curfew.” 
“The library?” She asked, puzzled “What for?” 
“I’ve been looking for a book,” you told her with a smile “for a little investigation I want to do on Magical Creatures.” Nina nodded, and pulled you into a hug before the two separated, she stayed in her common room as you walked towards the library. 
When you arrived, the doors were closed and you carefully sneaked inside, not wanting to disturb anybody. You were pretty sure no-one had spotted you, cause even when it was past curfew, and you were still roaming the halls of the library quietly, attempting to find a book, you realized no-one had asked you to leave, the librarian seemed to have left too. 
“You’ll have trouble for sneaking about at this time,” you heard a portrait say disdainfully. 
“I’m not sneaking about,” you responded “It’s not my fault no one was looking when I entered.” The portrait raised an eyebrow at you, as if he thought what you were saying was bull. You stared at the old wizard for a second, narrowing your eyes and turned your back on him, still trying to find the book. As you scanned through the old bookshelves, you finally spotted a book that could be useful, “Dark creatures and the things that make them tick'' you were just about to grab it, when you heard a very low whisper from a couple of bookshelves behind. 
“Merde…fuck-fuck.” You recognized that voice. You would recognize it anywhere. It’s Sirius. 
You looked around, trying to find him, but no matter where you looked, there seemed to be no-one there. Since you had to move further into the library, to try to spot the boy, you decided to put a disillusionment charm on yourself, so you could walk more freely, and perhaps sneak up on him. 
You walked through the lines of shelfs, quietly so you didn’t make much noise, but no matter how hard you looked, Sirius was nowhere to be found. Just when you started to think you had imagined it, and started walking back to get the Dark Creature’s book you’d found, you heard the creaking of a door. You turned around and saw how the door of the restricted section was being opened, by itself. 
Finally it downed you, James’ invisibility cloak, Sirius must have it, you thought before walking up behind him. Or, at least behind where you assumed he was. Eventually you saw his wand come out of the cloak, along with his delicate but strong looking hand. You smiled, almost wanting to applaud yourself for recognizing your boyfriend with a simple “merde.” 
You sneaked up on him, sharply placing your hands over his shoulders, He turned sharply, the cloak falling on the floor before he pushed you against one of the bookshelves. He narrowed his eyes, and then he drew in a breath “Mon Coeur?” he asked, visibly confused. Truth be told, he had smelled you earlier, but he assumed it was just that your scent had stuck to his own clothes from when you were sitting together in the common room earlier that day. 
Finally you vanished the disillusionment charm and smiled “Surprise,” you whispered, he still had you pinned against the wall, hand bunching up your uniform threateningly, you bit your lip “I had no idea you liked it rough, Puppy,” you joked, a playful smile on your lips, as you eyed the way he was holding you. 
“Shit, sorry.” He whispered, finally letting you uniform free, you quickly straightened it, and then turned your head back to him, “What are you doing here?” he asked. 
“Came to find a book after the reading club with Nina.” 
Then you heard noise  and he quickly picked the cloak up, placing it over the two of you as he drew you a bit closer to him. “Shh, it’s Peeves!” He whispered, he probably didn’t need the two of you to stand so close together, nor did he need to place his hand over your mouth, since the two knew you were sneaking about, but he was certainly enjoying it.
And you were enjoying yourself too, especially when you slipped your tongue out of your mouth and licked the hand that was covering it. He made a disgusted expression when you did, pulling back and cleaning it off on his pants as he stared at you in disbelief. “What the hell?” He mouthed, the shadow of a diverted smile playing on his lips. 
You shrugged, with a smile placed on your own, you found his reaction really amusing. You then looked to the side, the sound was further away, far enough for you to whisper “What are you doing here?” 
“Looking for a book,” he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, thumb brushing on your neck as he pushed your forwards lightly, motioning you to move. 
“And here I assumed you’d come for a barbecue.” 
He rolled his eyes as he chuckled “It’s for a prank, the one for the Slytherins that we talked about the other day, remember?” 
“And you got commissioned to pick the book by the boys?” 
“I was meant to come with Remus, he was feeling off, and I told them I’d come alone. I wasn’t really eager to spend a long time snuggled up against Wormy under the cloak.” 
“But you were eager to snuggle up against Remus, I see,” you teased. He chuckled again. 
He used his free hand to pull his wand out and illuminate the titles of the books as he read through them, he now stood a lot closer to you, his chest basically pressed against your back, you could feel it going up and down as he breathed. Somehow it felt different to when you sat on his lap, almost more intimate. Maybe it was the rush of sneaking about together, or maybe you were just being silly, “What are we looking for?” You asked him, turning your head to see him better, reflecting on how lucky you were a boy like that was your boyfriend. His stunning grey eyes, framed by his dark eyelashes, were scanning the bookshelves as he did. 
“It’s a book called The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments.” He told you as he continued scanning the shelves. You nodded and did the same. But then in-between some books, further down on the shelves, you found a small tome about werewolves. You had to take it. But you obviously couldn’t do it while Sirius was still there, or at least not while he was paying attention. 
You had to think of something, a distraction, but one that wouldn’t get the two of you caught. And then you remembered Sirius was a boy, and there was one thing that could easily distract any boy “Hey Puppy…” He hummed in response, his face awfully close to yours, his long hair brushing against your cheeks “You haven’t cashed out on those kisses that I owe you.” 
He frowned, giving you a look before turning back to the bookshelves “You’ve been too busy, haven’t you?” he responded, “with the whole trying to finish the book before the session and then the session today, on like our only bit of free time of the week” 
You arched an eyebrow at that “You jealous?”, you teased.
“Well, you should spare some more time for your boyfriend.” 
“How about I spare it now?” You said, finally turning to face him. 
“Right now!?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you, confusion evident in his face, we’re in the restricted section of the library!, he thought. 
“Of course, if you don’t want to…” you said, with feign innocence and a little shrug of your shoulders. You were tempting him, and Sirius wasn’t one to resist temptation, let alone if it came from you. So he placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you towards him. You gently let your backpack fall on the floor. 
“C'est une idée terrible,” he said as he finally closed the gap between the two of you. 
“When have we ever been known for doing the most prudent thing?” you responded in between a kiss. And it was true, when you and Sirius were together it seemed like you threw caution to the wind, responsibilities be damned, fun? Pleasure? They always seemed to come first.
 Sirius now had both of his hands on your face, expertly leading the kiss, as you pulled your wand from your pocket and started using it to levitate the werewolf book towards your bag. You felt terrible as you did, distracting Sirius with a kiss to take a book from the shelves without him noticing, even if it was harmless, made you feel dirty, and not in a good way. Sirius trusted you, and here you were, hiding your knowledge from him, even if it was because you feared you’d lose a friend over it. 
When the book was safely inside the bag, you decided you’d make it up to him, and placed both hands around his neck, drawing him just a little closer to you and focusing absolutely all of your attention into the kiss. And that had you almost completely forget about the werewolf book in your bag. Sirius was kissing you hungrily, thirstily, like you were water and he’d been in the desert for days.
 You weren’t too far behind either, his lips might have been the most incredible thing to ever be created. So incredible you almost wanted to bite them. And you didn’t hold back from that either, you gently bit his lower lip as the two of you separated slightly, panting for air. 
“Did you just?” He whispered, but you ignored it, and went to place soft, wet kisses over his sharp jawline before using one of your hands to pull his hair out of the way and trail kisses all the way to his neck. 
Sirius Black smelled incredible, of pine trees, musk and a tinge of leather, probably from the leather jacket he often wore, he smelled like an adventure, and you couldn’t help to be hauled by it. Sirius had lowered his hands over to your hips, and held you close as you kissed his neck, eventually you found a particularly sweet spot, and kissed away, stopping to smile as he stifled a moan. 
“Shhh…” you whispered as you continued kissing the spot. Eventually his hand found his way to your waist, tucking your shirt out of your uniform skirt before placing his hand in the warmth of your back, his cold rings causing a shiver to rush down your spine. But his touch, oh, his touch made  your skin feel like you were on fire. You placed your hands over his hair and pulled him back a little, bringing his lips back to yours. Both you and Sirius had kissed plenty since you started dating, but never like this, in fact you were certain he’d never reached for your skin the way he had today, but it felt good, and you didn’t want him to stop.  
Eventually he stopped the kiss, letting his forehead rest on yours, his hand still in the small of your back “We should stop,” he said, panting. 
“…don’t want to,” you answered, a little bratty in the way you’d said it. 
“Don’t make it harder for me Starshine,” he groaned, as he softly bumped his forehead on yours. 
You reached for a quick kiss on his lips “‘m not…” you replied, and kissed him again, now in the corner of his lip “I just–“ you kissed his cheek now “don’t want to stop kissing my beautiful boyfriend.” 
“…merde…” he said, it was taking him all the restraint in the world to stop himself from pinning you against the bookshelves again, this time with your legs around him instead, but with you being so willing, it was harder, so much harder. 
You looked at him expectantly “je m’en fous,” He whispered, and dragged the two of you onto a nearby table, easily hauling you to sit on it, you helped accommodate the invisibility cloak around the two of you, managing to set it around the table by the time he was kissing you again. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt like this before, especially when he reached his hand higher and unclasped your bra. He broke off the kiss to look at you, to make sure you were ok with it, you only brought him back to the kiss in response. 
You moved yourself to reach him better, his left hand already in your abdomen, dangerously close to your breast, when, all of the sudden a vase, that was at the end of the table, tumbled and fell to the ground, making a very loud noise in the otherwise quiet library. You broke off the kiss, pulling apart just a little and staring at each other, both alert of what may happen, over his shoulder, you managed to see a shadow, it was peeves in the distance. 
“Shit, we’ll get caught.” You whispered, turning back to look at him. 
He looked at you impassively, as if he was itching to tell you the “I told you so”. You deserved it, but he very well knew it had also been his fault. He seemed to be thinking about the possible escape plans now, but he hadn’t found the book he was looking for by the time you started snogging. 
“The book,” you whispered. 
“You find it, I’ll distract Peeves.” 
“What? No way! You’ll get caught.” 
“Aw… put a little faith in me, will you?” He told you with a smile, “Find the book, I’ll see you just outside the library.” 
You weren’t entirely convinced by his plan, but nodded, turning around to look for the book, while he got out of the cloak and used the same disillusionment charm you had used earlier. You took a deep breath, still trying to gain back composure from the kiss, and moved towards the bookshelves, scanning through the names of the tomes, trying to find The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments. After looking through three shelves, you finally found the book, and right next to it, there was one called, The Refined Art of Mild Hexes: A Sophisticated Spellbook, so you grabbed it as well, since it looked like it could be useful. 
You scurried all the way to your backpack, which was still laying on the floor from earlier, and threw both books inside of it. Once the backpack was securely hanged over your shoulder, you scurried outside of the restricted section. 
You were already close to the door when you spotted Sirius, hiding behind a huge shelf, he was almost imperceptible, but close behind him was Peeves. Sirius didn’t see him, since he wasn’t looking towards him, but you could. 
So even if Sirius had told you he’d deal with it by himself, you weren’t about to let him get caught, you had to improvise. You kneeled behind another bookshelf, cloak still covering your frame, and pulled out a piece of parchment, scribbled a small dialogue on it, and charmed it. You used your wand to levitate it to the other side of the library and then, you popped the seal. Now there were whispers coming from the other side of the library, Peeves smiled wickedly as he heard, and started flying towards them. 
You ran towards Sirius, and covered him with the cloak quickly, he was a little startled at first, but then smiled. “That was you?” You nodded “Brilliant! It’s like you’re made for this.” He told you, and it was no lie, he was genuinely impressed with your cleverness, one more reason to the pile of why he was so smitten by you.
“Thanks,” you said, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. You looked to the side so he wouldn’t notice, he’d probably tease you mercilessly about it if he had. After a couple of seconds you took his hand in yours and did a small head gesture to indicate him it was time to move, Peeves was far away enough that you could sneak out of the library unnoticed. 
A couple of minutes later, you were out of the library and speeding through the halls under the cloak.  Sirius was the one leading the way now, he took sharp turns, taking you through stairs, doors, halls and even small passageways. He clearly knew the way by memory, and it made you wonder how many times he had sneaked about the castle like this, how many he’d do it with you from now on. 
Another sharp turn, and he pulled you into a broom’s closet. Letting the door shut quietly behind you. “What is it? Did you hear someone?” You whispered in his ear. He almost felt guilty from the shiver that your innocent whisper had sent down his spine. 
He shook his head and raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk “You said something about… wanting to continue kissing your beautiful boyfriend, didn’t you?” You looked at him with amusement, your eyes shining at his words. “Turns out he also wants to continue kissing his beautiful girlfriend…” 
You were about to ask “here?”, but then again, why would a broom closet be any less proper than the restricted section of the library. You bit your lip and let him close the gap between the two. The common room would have to wait. 
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Disclaimer: This story WILL NOT include knotting; I also do not mean to poke fun at anyone who reads / writes it either, this was just meant for comedic purposes, and I firmly believe you can read and enjoy whatever type of smut you like. Now if you don’t know what knotting is… google it if you’re brave? But trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart. 
Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader (hi lovelies, this chapter came out on Wednesday, but for some reason the tags weren’t working, I was told by dear Lily, so sorry for the inconvenience, hope you guys enjoy <;3)
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A/N: Is it me or is it geting hot in here? Next week we have the Q&A, you can send in your questions now for the long post, or save some for asks later that day, (The halloween special is coming and boy, is it going to be fun! One of my fav chapters tbh, also a tad angsty, but you'll see...) Ly, Lilly xx
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Newt Scamander with a drunk reader who's flirting with him by just throwing random (magical or not) animal facts and staring at him lovingly like
"did you know scientists gave found the whole Alpha alphabet and numbers on butterflies wings?"
"Oh yeah? That's a quite fascinating fact, my love" (he's thinking about cataloguing the reader's behavior as a mating ritual at thus point)
Newt's face is red with embarrassment. He smiles at this state of the reader. In fact, she thinks these compliments of him are sweet. With the reader, there is a high probability that at these moments he will confess his hidden feelings for her. If they are in a relationship, he is brave to tell her about his love. These moments most likely end with Newtin putting the reader's bed into bed and wishing him good night.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Hidden Alpha
Summary: Newt/Reader; a/b/o dynamics, Newt is an Alpha but prefers to keep it hidden
Some part of you isn’t surprised; it made sense the more you thought about it. Newt Scamander was an Alpha; it’s how he was able to keep so many different creatures in order under the same small area; they were his pack and he was their Alpha. It was why, despite how meek most people described him as they always seemed to respect him a little too much for him to be written off as the Beta that was marked on the forms he presented. Queenie had told Tina that they were forged; you knew before either of them had said anything as you’d help him get them.
You hadn’t told him why you knew the forger; you figured he assumed it was something to do with you having trips back and forth overseas and smuggling a few creatures of your own. You don’t argue with him. You don’t notice the way he keeps you closer to him than the others, despite only having been traveling with him for months; it feels like you’ve known each other for years. While you weren’t close at Hogwarts, you blamed it on your shyness and the fact you were both hufflepuffs.
You’re late for the tea he invited you to; he’d wanted you to meet his friends visiting from America and you’d been more than excited to go; of course Theseus decided to come with you; insisting his brother would be fine with it. When you show up to the place Tina and Queenie are staying in; trailing behind sputtering apologies about being late; Queenie grins at you and Newt’s hand nudges you in the door as he glares at Theseus. You catch when Tina goes to shake your hand; and Theseus moves out of the way; his hands brushing on your back; Newt steps backward and Queenie’s eyes light up as she smiles. When you go to shake her hand she pulls you into a hug winking and you catch Newt’s arms wrapping around himself.
“Didn’t you have something to show him?” Theseus reminds you and you grin almost running into Newt when you pull your case up.
“You got a case like mine?” He grins and you nod.
“Yes but that’s not what I wanted to show you; well I should tell you first.” You nod sitting back down at the table hiding your burning face at the fact you almost crashed into him.
“So I was cutting through the back alley’s to try to find, well it doesn’t matter why.” You cut yourself off avoiding talking about the forger and the suppresant potions you buy from him; instead chewing your lip as if to remember something.
“Either way this caught my eye.” You gesture to the shimmering bangle that’s woven with gold and silver.
“And just as I was about to get it Victor rushes in; grabs it from my hand and then I have to chase him over three more streets until he gives it back!” You grin and Queenie laughs. Newt looks suddenly very upset.
“Victor?” Theseus questions and you nod.
“Yes; here.” You unlatch your case and pull the half asleep niffler out.
“He’s blind; but can still sense shiny things!” You hold Victor out and he yawns before his paws twist to try to grab the bracelet.
“Oh wow.” Newt breathes looking far less upset.
“You know what that means right?” You bounce slightly unable to wait as you answer your own question.
“Nifflers don’t just use sight to find items! They probably use smell or some sort of  specialized sensors!” You grin and Newt beams back. You pat Victor on the head and Newt offers his hands out Victor snaps and hisses slightly.
“Oh; Victor don’t be mean.” You scold softly and Victor curls onto your lap.
“He must not be comfortable with your smell; he doesn’t like anyone besides me; if it helps.” You add as Newt deflates slightly.
“Oh! Hold on; sorry; may I?” You offer your hand out to Newt and he nods reaching forward. You try your best to block out the thoughts of what you’re about to do; and you quickly brush the scent gland on your wrist over Newts arm, nudging Victor who moves forward letting Newt’s hand now brush his fur. Newt grins and you smile back letting him pet Victor who still sits on your lap. You try your best to fight off a yawn but fail Tina offering you a bed to stay the night.
“It’ll just be in there with Newt; if that’s alright.” She smiles and you nod. Whenever you’d traveled with him you’d both always made sure to have beds as far away as possible; to avoid any awkwardness. You find it ironic that staying with his friends is when you’re forced to sleep next to each other. You try your best to figure out why you’re so tired; you hadn’t been out or up late; there was no reason for you to feel so exhausted beyond your heat; but you knew that wouldn’t be happening due to the suppression potion you’d taken earlier. You try your best not to squirm too much when you start to feel hot; you close your eyes for a moment and before you know it Queenie is muttering to Tina who’s awkwardly trying to convince Newt to stay in his case.
“It’s okay Tina; I can just go back to the hotel; it’s no problem if Theseus walks with me anyways; no one’s going to bother and Alpha and Omega walking to a hotel.” You know what’s happening; you’ve caught on that the suppression potion was a fake; probably nothing more that flavoured water or a pep-up potion.
“Y/N; it’s fine stay here. We can talk to Newt when he comes back up.”
“Back up?”
“He bolted down there right after Tina said you were an Omega; seems like he had no idea.” Queenie smiles and you eye the case as it opens once more.
“Y/N can stay in my case. I charmed it so you won’t be able to get out until your heat fades. It’s safer. Besides all the creatures like you; you’ll be safe, they won’t let anyone hurt you.” You nod stumbling down the stairs to grin at the creatures.
“Hey guys; I’m sorry I’m not Newt I’ll start feeding you in a sec.”
“They’ve already been fed Y/N!”
“They deserve treats!” You shout back and Newt bites his lip to stop from smiling.
“You went down there cause it's far away from me; so I couldn’t read your mind.” Queenie grins and him and Newt sighs.
“You could just tell her.” Theseus comments and Newt turns to him.
“I’m amazed she hasn’t noticed your jealousy yet; you almost shoved me out the door when I walked in.” He grins and Newt glares shrugging.
“Do you remember when I met her? You had to physically step away because you wanted to; well Merlin knows what you wanted to do, but I was a problem in that equation.” Newt glares and keeps his eyes down.
“I just wanted you to step back.” He mutters and Theseus grins.
“You didn’t want me near her, why?” Newt doesn’t say anything turning away.
“It’s odd; you wanting an omega. Especially one like that.” Theseus says it to goad Newt. He’s about to respond when you climb halfway out of the suitcase.
“Newt; I thought you might want your coat.” You offer it out and he nods in thanks. Theseus tries his best to not grin in triumph. Newt blinks for a moment swallowing before Queenie grins.
“Newt just tell her how you feel honey. It’ll make everything easier.”
“I don’t need to- bugger.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I left my wand down there.”
“You can get it when she’s sleeping; or Queenie can grab it.” Tina assures and Newt nods, folding his jacket over the chair.
-It’s almost midnight; you feed the creatures a few extra treats, ignoring the scolding you’re probably going to get from Newt when he returns and curl into the makeshift bed he uses when he stays down in the case. You try your best not to make any noise when you can hear footsteps; curling further into his scent from the bed and trying to ignore how your heat makes every part of you ache.
“Y/N?” Newt’s voice is softer than you’ve heard and you don’t respond.
“There it is.” You hear him mumble as he no doubt picks his wand up from the workbench.
“Hey Dougal; where’s Y/N? She doing okay? Are you guys taking care of her?” You can hear him talking to the other creatures.
“Where’s the Niffler; he didn’t.” Newt doesn’t finish instead turning and walking over to the bed where you know the niffler has settled next to your stomach.
“How beautiful.” He sighs and you shift in the bed pretending to be asleep. You can feel his hand hovering over your face and his fingers run through your hair before he pulls away.
“You guys keep her safe okay?” He repeats sighing sadly as he moves; you make sure he’s almost up the stairs before you pretend to wake whining. You can hear him stop moving and suck in a breath.
“Newt.” You can hear Theseus’ voice and Newt sighs once more.
“You know you wouldn’t forgive yourself.” Theseus repeats and you furrow your brow trying to keep quiet as you follow Newt on the stairs; holding the drowsy niffler to your chest protectively.
“Newt?” you question and he trips slightly on the stairs running back up and slamming the case closed. You blink up at the doorway in the darkness.
“Oh, I guess he doesn’t want me then.” You try your best not to sniffle to the niffler who then scrambles away as you place him on the bed. The niffler returns offering you a shimmering ring. You thank him pulling the ring towards you before offering it back out. The niffler squeaks and you put the ring on; it makes a pleased sound and settles next to you as you return to the bed; ignoring the embarrassment as you press your face into Newt’s scent and all but roll around in it.
You wake up to Queenie laughing and you're about to let her know you’re awake but she retreats to the stairs.
“NEWT!” She hisses up and you can hear his footsteps before his voice fills your ears.
“What’s wrong did something happen? Did one of the- Queenie; if you don’t tell me what happened…” he trails off and you can hear him suppress a laugh.
“Well at least the niffler likes her.” He sighs and you can feel his fingers softly touching you; moving something off of your arm You open your eyes and shift slightly; his hand going from close to your neck to lower almost at your chest.
“Sorry.” He jumps back moving towards the stairs and Queenie tries her best to stop staring as Newt runs up them.
“Y/N. it appears the niffler has taken a shine to you; literally.” She grins pulling off a few spare trinkets that the niffler had covered you with.
“Was that Newt?” You ask and Queenie nods.
“He doesn’t hate you sweetheart; he’s just never been around an omega during heat. He wants to help but he doesn’t know how.”
“Oh.” Is all you say but Queenie gives you a look and then sighs.
“We’re all going out in an hour; there’s a meeting at the MCUSA and Theseus managed to convince Newt to leave the case here; considering you’re in it; you’re welcome to stretch your legs once we leave; or at least make yourself a cup of tea or lunch in a proper kitchen.” She nods and you thank her, turning your attention to where the pile of jewels and shimmering objects rests.
“Okay; now then little niffler; these are yours. You can take them back.” You offer a necklace out and the niffler grips it in his hands turning it over and placing it in his pouch.
“You know what I love about Omega’s the most?” Newt cringes at the Alpha who’s been droning on and on.
“What?” Queenie rolls her eyes and Newt  tries his best to ignore the answer from the alpha.
“They’re just so helpless when they’re in heat; you can do anything to ‘em and they’ll thank you. You should try it next time you find one; I’m sure you meet dozens on your travels.” He grins and Newt sighs turning back to walk over to Theseus.
“Why am I here.”
“Because we can’t trust you with your case.” Theseus deadpans and sighs making his way over to Tina who’s talking to Queenie. Newt watches them for another moment before deciding to head back to the apartment.
He’s apparated back into the bedroom, surprised to see the case’s lid is still shut. He makes his way into the kitchen for a cup of tea; staring at the scene before him.
“Pickett sweetheart, no.” You sigh plucking the bowtruckle from where he tries to plait your hair.
“It’s going to get knots in it. Can I just make my tea in peace; I swear I’ll give you a full half of a biscuit; I won’t tell Newt anything.” Pickett squeaks back and you pout.
“Okay that’s not fair; me being in love with him and you getting half a biscuit are not the same thing at all! Either way I’ve kept that well enough; Queenie is the only person who knows; and she won’t say anything because she knows that Newt doesn’t like being outed as an Alpha.” You sigh confused when you hear a thump in the bedroom.
“Oh, I hope Dougal didn’t get out.”
“Dougal! Please don’t be- Oh. Hey Newt.” You cough awkwardly and Newt grins from where he’s sitting on the bed. He looks slightly flushed and you wonder how fast he apparated back to the house.
“Sorry.” He looks down at the ground and you shake your head.
“I was just making tea; I’ll go back down now, I just fed everyone.”
“Is Pickett with you?”
“Yes, he’s trying to plait my hair; he’s mostly just tying it in loops. Is everyone else back?”
“No, just me.”
“Were you worried about your creatures in the case?”
“Yes; I was worried about everyone; plus the conversation was getting hard to listen to.”
“Were they insulting everyone?” You frown, gesturing to the case while Pickett is peaking out from your shoulder.
“Mostly you. Well all Omega’s but it bothered me.” He wrinkles his nose and you shrug.
“It’s okay Newt; I’m sure I’ve heard worse anyways. I should get back in the case; just in case anyone comes in.” You grin a little and nod opening the case but hesitating.
“Pickett misses you.” You hold Pickett out who climbs over to Newt’s hand and up his shoulder.
“Y/N. Are you wearing my shirt?” His voice is the same as the ones he uses for his creatures.
“Yes.” You can hear the way his breath hitches as you retreat back to the case trying to avoid thinking about how flushed his face was and how pleased he looked.
“Newt are you back here?” Theseus’ voice floats down the stairs after you and you can hear Newt cough awkwardly.
“Yes the conversation was boring.”
“Where’s Y/N.”
“In the case; Pickett decided to keep me company for now.” You don’t hear Theseus’ response but you can hear Queenie and Tina entering and then Queenie’s movements towards the case.
“Y/N. Are you okay?”
 “Yes?” You peer from just under the case’s lid and she sighs.
“Please stop. The last thing I want is to hear whatever his thoughts are about that.” She shakes her head and turns back to Newt relieved that the only main thought in his head seems to be a repeat of the word mine.
You don’t ask where everyone is; you’d left your wand upstairs when you’d made tea and while you don’t need it, the security it provides is nice. You know the rest of the day will end up with you being unable to do much more than whine and fail to ignore the heat coursing through your own body. You stagger up cringing at how dizzy you are; you wonder how long it’s been since you’ve had an actual heat and you can’t remember with how everything is spinning. You stumble again crashing against the workbench and hiss curling into a ball debating if it’s even worth going back to the bed or if you can just sleep here.
“Y/N?” You lift your head when you can hear Queenie calling on the stairs.
“I’m okay.” You mumble before you can see her shoes.
“You fell; and you’re saying you’re okay?”
“I tripped over the feed bucket. That’s all.” You assure and she smirks.
“So if I call Newt down here?”
“I fell over the feed bucket.” You repeat and she nods.
“Why were you getting out of bed, I was about to bring you some breakfast.”
“I forgot my wand upstairs yesterday when I went to get tea.”
“Newt. Can you get y/n’s wand from the table.”
“Here.” Newts halfway down the stairs when Queenie’s nose wrinkles and you watch as newt sets the wand on the bench.
“No it’s fine she fell over the feed bucket.” You grin at him a little and he offers a hand out, pulling you up and hovering his other hand around your waist.
You try your best not to think about him; about how his hands felt around yours. You try your best to block out how easily he pulled you up; how relieved he had looked when you were okay.You try your best to push all these thoughts out of your head but you just curl closer to the coat he’d left on his bed trying your best to keep your hands from wandering lower; you chastise yourself by reminding yourself he’s upstairs and you’re in his bed; that he’ll smell you on everything but that just makes you ache for that moment. You bit your lip and try to stop from whining but you fail; it’s only half a whine, a squeak really but it rouses Pickett who had been put on babysitting duty and you try to assure him you’re okay but he scrambles up the steps. You’re not sure who you’d rather him get but you wait until you hear footsteps.
“Pickett.” You hiss slightly when he climbs on you. You roll from where you’d been facing the wall buried in Newts coat to come face to face with Newt himself. You don’t breathe just watching Newt. His eyes look almost black and you’re not sure why he’s being so still.
“You okay?” Newt asks and you shake your head; his hand brushing your hair nervously.
“Can I help?” You just nod reaching forward to press your nose into his neck. You don’t care how desperate you sound when you scent him; or how the rest of your body seems to coil around him as he leans over you.
“Y/N; I don’t know if you really want this love; I can’t-“ He starts but you whine and run your tongue over his neck. You can hear his breath hitch and you’re expecting to be pushed back on the bed but instead you feel yourself being pulled closer.
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andaniellight · 2 years
Fanfic Reader ask game:
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
🍭 Favorite fic trope?
🥣 Least favorite fic trope?
🪠 Weirdest fic you ever read? :D
AAAA!!! :D :D :D <3 <3
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
[Sounds of rustling and things cluttering]
Let me list them first because they're various fandoms, all of them are in my AO3 bookmark (some are stored as an open tab on my phone still to this day!):
underneath the braided sky by gwalchca
This one is 킹덤 | Kingdom (TV 2019) fanfiction! One shot light read. Hit the emotional aspect way harder than I expected. I remember staying up late til 4 in the morning because I kept re-reading the thing.
I'm clean out of air in my lungs by StrikerEureka
Buzzfeed Unsolved slash! I read this around... 2 - 3 years ago? Back when I was obsessed with Demon Shane so bad. It's really well-written, and by well-written I mean it successfully inspired and motivated me to write a fic for different fandom. THE SPOOK GOT ME GOOD! I still remember the thrill tbh.
It has continuation, and here's the link to the entire series called Precious Metal!
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by prosodiical
I think this fic got me obsessed with 5+1 Thing kind of fics without me realizing at first? It's Newt Scamander/Original Percival Graves slash fic. It's really sweet and funny, never failed to bring a stupid grin to my face whenever I randomly think about it tbh.
Basic Instincts by manic_intent
OKAY, tbh I'm very picky with ABO tropes, but this one has Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics tag, and I thought. Heh, why not?
Turned out, it's really good. And really hot as well wtf. Lives inside my head rent free. I also read a couple of other fics written by the same author because the author is just. SO SKILLFUL.
All of NanaGo (呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen) fics written by AO3 user Newlight tbh
The entire list of Moon Knight System fics that I made the other day (here)
This list of my favorite Frank Castle/Matt Murdock fics (including the ones on the reply!)
That's all for now I guess.... sorry for listing so many 😂😂😂
🍭 Favorite fic trope?
🥣 Least favorite fic trope?
Already answered here! :D
Alright, maybe this one isn't exactly "the least favorite", but I get disinterested so quickly with fast-paced romance. Yes, even for my own favorite pairings tbh.... things have to be BUILT. SLOWLY. FIRST.
🪠 Weirdest fic you ever read?
Oh God. I wanted so bad to get rid of this out of my goddamn mind, but, like, last year someone talked about a slash fic between Gojo Satoru and A TOILET.
I need to get brainwashed after remembering it again.
(Qs from this Fanfic Reader Ask Game!)
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ao3feed-scorbus · 20 days
The Twins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JL2V781 by Splashstorm Scorpius and Albus are born to Harry Potter and his humanoid cat mate, Draco Potter. They grow up together in a sex-adverse society where humanoid cats are second-class citizens, but after Draco saved the world from Tom Riddle, humanoid cats have begun to be seen in a better light. Not giving birth though. Certainly not giving birth. All babies must be lab-born. It is the law. Harry and Draco must hide their naturally-born sons from the Ministry, so Scorpius and Albus are enrolled in the Academy of Mystical Creatures, a school of magic with various other magical creatures just like them. The twins have always been close. But as they mature, their closeness becomes alarming... Words: 22897, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Kitten Heat Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, F/M Characters: Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Rose Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour, Bane (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Yann Fredericks, Delphini Riddle, Original Centaur Character(s), Original Merperson Character(s), Albus Dumbledore, Neville Longbottom, Rubeus Hagrid, Nymphadora Tonks, Newt Scamander, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Teddy Lupin, Magorian (Harry Potter), Firenze (Harry Potter), Hugo Weasley Relationships: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley, albus severus potter/gabrielle delacour, Bane/Original Female Character, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood/Rolf Scamander, gabrielle delacour/original male character Additional Tags: Catboys & Catgirls, Twincest, catboy albus severus potter, catboy scorpius malfoy, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Futuristic, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Magical Creatures, hogwarts but for magical creatures, Mutual Pining, Forbidden Love, Soul Bond, Interspecies Relationship(s), POV Alternating, Dubious Consent read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55039531
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ao3feed-grammander · 10 months
Rule of Three
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gAwO5Ns
by AJFormerlyPhoenix
Newt is a rare nonconventional beta, and Grindelwald has plans for him. Faking his execution, Grindelwald holds Newt captive alongside the real Percival Graves, who can do nothing but watch the horrors inflicted on Newt. Meanwhile, Tina, Queenie, Jacob and Theseus are frantic to find Newt before it’s too late.
Even once the horror is over, will any of them ever be the same again?
Words: 2924, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: Multi
Characters: Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Original Percival Graves, Gellert Grindelwald, Theseus Scamander
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein/Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein/Original Percival Graves, Tina Goldstein/Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein & Newt Scamander, Original Percival Graves & Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein & Original Percival Graves, Newt Scamander & Theseus Scamander
Additional Tags: Violent Sex, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Kidnapping, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gAwO5Ns
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Un nouveau monde
Un nouveau monde https://ift.tt/eRsoNFh by Anaellaa Anastasia Potter et sais amis remonte le temps pour sauvé la magie. Et détruire Albus Dumbledore.   Tom Riddle sera de la même année que les maraudeurs. Words: 759, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Teen Wolf (TV), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Harry Potter, Credence Barebone, Original Percival Graves, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley, Gideon Prewett (Harry Potter), Fabian Prewett, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, Orion Black, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s) Relationships: Credence Barebone/Harry Potter, Original Percival Graves/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley/Other(s), George Weasley/Other(s) Additional Tags: Goblins, Vampires, Fae Harry Potter, Elf Harry Potter, Female Harry Potter, Alpha/Omega, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Wizarding World Bashing (Harry Potter), Time Travel, Good Tom Riddle, Evil Albus Dumbledore, BAMF Harry Potter, BAMF Fred Weasley, BAMF George Weasley, BAMF Hermione Granger, BAMF Draco Malfoy, BAMF Credence Barebone, BAMF Newt Scamander, BAMF Luna Lovegood, BAMF Neville Longbottom, Good Severus Snape, Good Fenrir Greyback, Good Peter Hale, Blood Magic, Magic via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/a7BHQAt May 16, 2023 at 01:31AM
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silverynight · 3 years
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Alphas like to look stronger than their omegas; Tina says not all alphas are like that and she considers the thing ridiculous.
Her words have always made Newt feel hopeful, because as a tall omega, he's been told he has little chances of getting an alpha's attention.
However, there are days that he doesn't want anything to do with alphas, but sometimes, even when he's surrounded by his creatures, he feels the need to be with someone.
Taller alphas have tried to approach him, but Newt has quickly realized that they just want him to be at their side at all times and would never let him travel around the world.
The day he decides to give up and never think about being with an alpha again he's back in New York. It's been two years since his last visit and since the Director of Magical Security is back, Tina decides to introduce the two of them.
Percival Graves happens to be an alpha and a very attractive one (Newt manages to get a glimpse of him before shyly looking away) but the omega has chosen not to think about mating anymore.
"I'm Newt Scamander, I..." He blushes as soon as he feels a kiss on his knuckles, even Tina looks like she's in shock.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Newt. I'm Percival," the alpha grins, still holding his hand. His nostrils flare and Newt knows the alpha likes his scent.
Feeling a little bit overwhelmed, Newt takes a step back.
"Is someone courting you, Newt?"
Tina chokes behind them, but Percival seems to have forgotten about her because he doesn't look away from the omega in front of him.
"No... I-I..."
"Great, because I want to court you, if you want that of course," Percival looks hopeful, but also a little bit nervous.
It's too fast, but at the same time courtship means they'll get to know each other better and if they realize they don't like one another that much they can always put an end to it.
"Yes," he says, surprising himself.
"Then I'll take you out to dinner tonight," Percival smiles, taking Newt's hand again and kissing it.
Part of Newt expects Graves to get tired of him quickly (even though Queenie has told him the alpha is head over heels for him already) but it doesn't happen, not even after he meets Newt's creatures and realizes that part of Newt's job is to travel around the world.
He also doesn't seem to care about the fact that Newt is taller than him; he often takes Newt's hand while they're in MACUSA with a proud smile on his face like he's showing everyone else Newt's his.
But the omega can't help himself and he mentions the height difference one day. Graves's eyebrows quirk up in confusion and surprise at first. Then, after pulling Newt into a hug and leaning his head down a bit he says:
"Actually, I like to be able to do this whenever I want," he nuzzles Newt's neck, making him shiver, before pressing kind lips against his skin.
Finally, Newt chuckles and gets even closer to his alpha, realizing that it feels so right to be in his arms.
Like they belong together.
"What if we skip the last part of the courtship and we get married already?"
Theseus is not going to like it, but Newt nods anyway with happy tears in his eyes.
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willofhounds · 4 years
Bound to you ch3
Theseus's POV
Pain coursed through his body as he helped Percival walk. Months had passed since they were captured by the enemy. It was only by sheer luck that they had escaped.
An attack had destroyed part of the wall holding them. While the Germans were fighting the allies Theseus and Percival escaped. Both men had been severely injured by their captors.
Theseus's right leg was broken in two places. They had splinted his leg once they were far enough away. Three fingers on his right hand were broken. As well as two on his left.
For his part, Percival had a broken arm and five broken ribs. Splinting his arm wasnt possible given the situation they were in. So they used part of Theseus's shirt to make a sling. It wasn't much but it held as they trekked their way home.
To make matters worse all the bones in Percival's left hand were shattered.
Before the war, they were simply aurors who worked in allied countries. After working together for so long they had become almost as close as brothers. The capture and subsequent escape only solidified the bond.
In their condition, if someone caught up to them before they reached an allied camp they were done for. Neither could hold much less use their wands.
It was simply a miracle that they were even walking. Magic helped as much as it could but even that had its limits. Theseus knew if they didnt reach a camp soon they would die. Plain and simple their stamina was used up. Lack of food and water was taking its toll. Still, they continued to push on.
Suddenly Percival stumbled his leg hitting Theseus's bad leg causing it to give out. Both men tumbled painfully onto the hard wet ground. Percival landed on top of Theseus knocking the wind from his lungs.
For a moment they both just laid there. Theseus wouldn't be able to get up without help. The wind had been knocked out of Percival's lungs.
Exhaustion was taking its toll. He didnt know if they would be able to get up again. They had barely been able to keep moving as it was.
A crack of a twig drew their attention to the right of them. Theseus tried to move Percival but his strength was fading fast now that they had stopped moving.
A man in a black uniform with dog tags hanging off his neck. A sidearm that Theseus wasnt familiar with was in his hands. Neither side had uniforms like that.
The man blinked in surprise before asking, "Qui êtes vous? À quelle équipe appartenez-vous?"
Theseus said breathlessly as he recognized the language, "I don't speak French. We were captured three months ago by the Germans."
The man inquired in heavily accented English, "Who are you? What squad do you belong to?"
Percival grunted, "I am Percival Graves. This is Theseus Scammander."
Eyes widened with surprise as the man seemed to recognize the names. The man ordered, "Follow me. I'll take you both back to Century Team 7's camp. From there Alpha will decide what to do."
The man roughly pulled them both to their feet. Theseus had to bite his lip to keep from crying out. He wasnt sure if this man was an ally or not.
The man sighed before he said, "You're Newt Scamander's brother correct? The boy that tamed dragons?"
His surprise must have shown on his face. For he laughed as he supported Theseus helping the redhead stand, "I was apart of the squad. Before your brother came along we could barely contain the dragons. We lost five men within a week before he came."
Theseus questioned frantically, "Newt is he okay?! Is he here?"
The man looked away. There was a look of guilt in the man's green-grey eyes. Did something happen to his brother?
He answered softly making it difficult for Theseus to understand due to his accent, "Our dragons were killed months ago. When it happened Newt lost his mind. He attacked the ministry officials. He was stopped by a man named David Abbott. Like myself, he was given a choice to join a new group. Medusa was created to be for those with no one left in the world."
Theseus froze. There had been rumors of an elite group before they had been captured. They were killers without consciousness.
The thought of his baby brother joining them tore ar his very soul. He croaked, "Why did he join them? Why not just leave the war?"
"You. He was told you were dead when he joined."
Conklin's POV
Standing over a map of the battlefield he searched for the 12th squad. Century Team 12 had only been out in the field for five months. In that time they had earned a ruthless reputation.
Every mission they went on they completed without fail. The body count always in the dozens. Shots through the head or heart.
Currently, they were on their way back from a mission. They should return to their camp anytime now.
When Abbott had given him Scamander to train he thought the boy was hopeless. There was no way that the kind-hearted fool could lead a group of killers. For a time it seemed like he was right. The boy was skilled with his magic but he didn't have the bloodthirstiness that made Medusa.
Then he had gone off with Abbott for the day. When he came back there was a darkness in the green eyes. Slowly but surely green had turned to grey as all eyes did when they became killers. The light that once shone in them gone out. So that only darkness remained in their hearts and minds.
Alex's head shot up when the door to the room was thrown open. Grey eyes of Century Team 7's Beta met his. He was out of breath and looked as if he had run from the southern camps to the main encampment.
The man said once he got his breath back, "Sir! Echo of Century Team 7 has brought back two men. An American and a British man. One is Theseus Apollo Scamander, brother to Century Team 12's Delta. The other is auror from MACUSA Percival Graves."
Alex stood straighter when he realized the implications. Newt Scamander had joined Medusa in order to seek revenge for his brother. With his brother being alive that meant they might lose their best fighter.
Alex was ashamed to admit that he had underestimated Delta and not just with training. Too many's minds were broken when they killed for the first time. At first, he had thought Delta would break as well.
That night Delta sat by the fire staring into it after his first mission. Green grey eyes never left the flickering fire. Not even to acknowledge the man who stood watching him.
There wasn't fear in his eyes. Just silent acknowledgment of what he had done. Alex didnt say a word to the younger man. All he did was watch until the man silently got up.
Alex sighed, "Bring him here. And find me Delta of Century Team 12 immediately."
This wasn't going to end well for him or Abbott. Scamander's had fierce tempers like fire. If they were to survive it they would have to tell him exactly what happened. Then hope that Delta returned in time to save them.
A/N translations.
1. Who are you? What squad do you belong to?
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lilietherly · 6 months
[Fanfic! Newcob]
Omega Jacob Kowalski/Alfa Newt Scamander.
Rule 63. AU!Fem. Femslash.
Lindo y tierno, pero con resultados sexuales.
Los resultados sexuales ocurren luego de la narración.
Inspirado en fanart.
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¡Y ese fanart es este! Que no pudo haber sido dibujado por nadie más que por mi amada y siempre dulce @drunkenelevator 🥰, a quien yo espero no le moleste mi atrevimiento de escribirle una historia a su arte uwu, ¡pero juro que no lo pude evitar! Así como tampoco pude evitar que esta historia fuera ridícula y asquerosamente dulce. Estaba pasando por un mal momento y NECESITABA con mucha urgencia algo todo bonito-todo lindo, y así nació esta cosa; que es, además, el día 23 del reto Omegacember. No sé si seguir enfatizando en que esto es realmente cursi, porque no puedo hablar lo suficiente de eso jajaa, entonces, solo te desearé suerte, cariño, si decides leerlo uwu
* * *
Artemis salió de la tienda sin arrepentimientos luego de lo sucedido. Su buena señora, que seguramente la esperaba en casa con una comida caliente y una hermosa sonrisa en sus labios perfectos, nunca dio una señal que alentara la reciente acción de Artemis. Cierto es que, tal vez, le pedía hacer lo contrario.
A sabiendas, Artemis no se detuvo, permitió que el anhelo y su imaginación enamorada tomaran las riendas. Entró en esa tienda lujosa, hizo alarde de su apellido y, manejándose como las buenas Alfas solían hacer, sin dedicarle una mirada extra al hombre que le preguntó si debía esperar a su Omega, fue directo al hermoso vestido que se exhibía detrás de las cortinas espesas. Ella entregó los galeones, tomó la caja y salió de la tienda conservando los altivos gestos de quienes por mero deporte gastan su tiempo oliendo flatulencias.
Su rostro cambió unas calles después, conforme las dudas hacia su estado mental iban en acenso. No por completo arrepentida, —en realidad no se arrepentía en absoluto—, las dudas eran dirigidas a la reacción de su querida Omega. Mucho le había costado a Artemis el que le permitiera mantener las luces medio encendidas cada vez que hacían el amor, lo que ahora llevaba en esa ostentosa caja exigiría de la amada esposa un salto de fe muy lejos de sus límites.
Paciente como lo sería nunca con nadie más, Artemis jamás haría nada para evocar sentimientos negativos a su venerada mujer, no obstante, la simple idea de verla usando la prenda que resguardaba la caja, casi hizo desmayar a la Alfa. Jackie Scamander, de soltera Kowalski, a pesar de Artemis y el amor descarado que nunca tuvo la intención de esconder una vez resultó demasiado obvio, guardaba complejos irracionales, cuya fuerza, presencia temprana y escasa voluntad para luchar contra ellos una vez perdió a su familia, la volvieron susceptible, desconfiada, no merecedora.
Siendo en realidad preciosa, dulce y valiente; Artemis mucho tardó en comprender los motivos por la que su adorable Omega pretendía ocultarse bajo ropas indignas de su hermosura o porqué se removía incómoda entre los amorosos abrazos de Artemis. Jackie, sin saber explicarlo, y Artemis sin tener la menor idea, llevó antes a que la ignorante Alfa buscara prendas y otros obsequios para adornar, como lo merecía, de pies a cabeza a la hermosa diosa que aceptó su marca de unión. Apunto del llanto, la diosa le preguntó cuál era el objetivo de su burla.
Artemis lo entendió entonces, y desde entonces, dio inicio la cruzada de la Alfa para colocar en las alturas esa cabeza de suaves risos castaños, justo en el lugar a donde pertenecía. Hacía tan solo un año de eso, recordarlo disminuía de las peores formas la fuerza en la decisión de su última compra. La imagen de la forma en que se podría ver su Omega, no obstante, aún retenía cualquier señal de arrepentimiento.
La Alfa tenía un plan, por supuesto.
Difícilmente la Omega aceptaría su obsequio si llegara a entregárselo directamente, Artemis lo sabía. Evitándolo y habiendo aprendido de los errores, previo a la inevitable compra, hizo un par de adquisiciones extra y luego una reservación para el día siguiente en el restaurante favorito de su buena señora. Lugar en donde servían exquisitos postres y que carecía de la tendencia a darle los peores lugares a Omegas Sangre Impura, siempre que sus Alfas pagaran adecuadamente o tuvieran tras sus nombres el apellido correcto, detalle que Artemis seguiría feliz de ocultarle a Jackie.
Dicho el anuncio sobre el lugar de la cena de mañana, y tras el incansable trabajo de Artemis para convencer a su Omega de que bajo ninguna circunstancia la haría repetir un vestido en cada visita, dejaría a la linda esposa sin opciones. Ella lo comprendería de inmediato, reconocería que su Alfa ya guardaba en algún lugar un nuevo vestido, la besaría y, con suerte, harían el amor antes de revelar el contenido de la caja. Los nervios provocarían que Artemis le entregara primero los complementos que, esperaba, reforzaran el ánimo de su Omega, suavizando el impacto del protagonista y dándole mayores oportunidades de un visto bueno.
Suspirando, Artemis se detuvo en un callejón, mirando hacia los lados procuró que nadie la observara y, caminando al fondo, abrió la maleta marrón, con un suave movimiento de la varita guardó en él la caja, justo a un lado de las otras. Se acomodó los cortos risos, se alisó el abrigo azul y tomó un respiro profundo, con todos los pensamientos positivos en la mente, se Apareció justo frente a la puerta de su piso.
No abría la puerta y ya los encantadores aromas de la comida y su amada esposa colmaron sus sentidos, erizándole la piel. Pequeños tacones, que resonaban paseándose en la cocina, la recibieron nada más entrar; se detuvieron al escuchar la cerradura y poco tardaron en caminar hacia ella. La señora Scamander recibió a su Alfa con una sonrisa de delicados labios rojos. Artemis se abrazó a su cintura, inclinándose a su altura la besó tiernamente, aunque sin el cuidado necesario para no mancharse con el labial.
—Lamento haber tardado tanto, bonita, los clabberts sí estaban en época de apareamiento y capturarlos fue doblemente complicado —se excusó al ver a la Omega usando su bata por encima de los hombros, lo que hacía de extrañar el aroma de su Alfa si llegaban a separarse un lapso mayor a lo planeado.
—Esta bien, cariño, lo supuse después de que lo mencionaste —dijo Jackie, sosteniendo la mano de su Alfa y llevándola a la cocina—. Casi nunca te equivocas con los cálculos de las épocas reproductivas, así que comencé con la cena un poco más tarde.
Artemis la siguió tras colocar en su lugar la maleta, les dio suficiente comida a los recién llegados, así que los dejaría descansar esa noche, pues si se mostrara de nuevo ante ellos, luego del estrés de la captura, provocaría reacciones que mucho le costaría tranquilizar. De camino a su propia cena, Artemis se maravilló con el vestido midi de Jackie al haberse deshecho de la bata. Los sueltos pliegues, que si bien lograban esconder las generosas nalgas de su señora y a su vez casi el total de sus piernas hasta los tobillos, aún podía apreciar debidamente el vaivén de sus caderas, lo perfeto que andaba en sus tacones y, arriba, el cómo la tela suave arropaba esa cintura. Inevitablemente le provocó un suspiro.
Sin poder resistirlo, Artemis se abrazó a su Omega, lo que dificultó el avance de las dos a la cocina. Jackie sonrió cantarina, acariciándole la nuca al sentir la punta de una ávida nariz olisqueándole el cuello. Artemis repartió pequeños besos en cada centímetro de piel descubierta por el amplio escote, maravillándose a su vez de la vista en el interior que le entregaba su favorable altura.
—Te extrañé.
—¿Demasiado público? —preguntó Jackie con sabiduría.
—Demasiado ruidosos también, y todos tenían un consejo experto sobre lo que debía hacerse con los clabberts.
—Ya veo, ¿debería quitarme los zapatos? —Artemis aumentó la fuerza de su abrazo.
—No, eres adorable en ellos, además, hacen un sonido reconfortante.
Ellas tenían un comedor, por supuesto, aun así, siendo únicamente dos, solían comer siempre en la mesita de la cocina, en donde al ser uno de los lugares predilectos de la Omega, su aroma resaltaba incluso en su ausencia. Ocupando su respectiva silla, Artemis se preguntó cuánta influencia tuvo el estresante día en su decisión de comprar aquella prenda para su esposa, lo que regresaba una parte de las dudas. Es decir, pese a que el vestido llamó su atención desde un par de semanas atrás, consideró que resultaba en exceso atrevido para el nivel en que su diosa era consciente de su divinidad. Quizá, si bien no se arrepintiera de la osadía, aún nada la disculparía por tomar esa decisión impulsada por el estrés.
La comida y la charla afable, espléndida como siempre, llenó el estómago y el corazón de Artemis, colmando los pensamientos inquietos de paz; de nuevo agradecía en silencio la oportunidad de compartir un momento tranquilo con su Omega. Al terminar, usó un hechizo simple para lavar los utensilios y platos sucios.
—¿Vamos al sofá? —Jackie le sonrió, asintiendo al reconocer la petición indirecta para abrazarse y hablar un poco más.
La ayudó a descalzarse los zapatitos y a que el vestido no se arruinara al acostarla contra el respaldo del sofá, donde fue tras ella al deshacerse de sus zapatos y calcetas. La acorraló con su cuerpo y el brazo derecho alrededor de su cintura, ofreció el brazo izquierdo como almohada y acercó su rostro para besarla lenta y tiernamente. La hermosa Omega suspiró, correspondiendo, sintiéndose segura en el apretado abrazo de su Alfa; que como cada noche le recordaba el lugar a donde pertenecía, que la cuidaría y besaría y que cumpliría sin dudar su responsabilidad para con su Omega.
—Hay algo que no me has dicho —aseguró Jackie, leyendo una travesura en los ojos de su Alfa.
—Es… Yo… Creí que… —tartamudeó Artemis, evitando la mirada inteligente de su esposa. Ella la besó un par de veces, apaciguando su nerviosismo de la manera más efectiva—. Lo adivinaste en cuanto llegué, ¿verdad? —Su Omega le sonrió tímidamente, aceptando la acusación.
—Lo siento, quería esperar hasta que estuviéramos en la cama. —Artemis frunció los labios, suspirando derrotada.
—Esta bien, dulce, es mejor hacerlo ahora. Pensé en invitarte a cenar, como celebración por una captura sin víctimas. Mañana, en… —no completó la frase a propósito, dedicándole a su Omega los gestos suficientes para que ella lo adivinara, y naturalmente, su preciosa esposa lo comprendió al instante, agitándose alegremente entre sus brazos.
—¡Claro que sí, amor! —Jackie hizo llover una ráfaga de pequeños besos en el rostro de su esposa, deteniéndose no mucho después, su rostro cambiando a un gesto de duda—. Oh, pero no tengo nada que… —Nuevamente, Artemis respondió sin decir nada, obteniendo el mismo resultado de ojitos brillantes y una sonrisa que podría detenerle el corazón—. Tú… Alfa maravillosa…
Los besos se renovaron con especial ternura y agradecimiento. Jackie le acariciaba las mejillas, los hombros y la espalda, suspirando y susurrando su nombre como si Artemis fuera digna de sus mimos o de siquiera encontrarse bajo la atención de sus ojos enamorados. Una vez los exquisitos labios de su esposa lograron hincharse y casi todo su color rojo terciopelo se debía a las atenciones recibidas, Artemis le preguntó:
—¿Quieres verlo? —Jackie asintió, riendo.
—¿Qué clase de pregunta es esa, cariño?
Con piernas temblorosas, Artemis bajó del sofá y caminó hacia la maleta, conforme se alejaba de su esposa las dudas regresaban. Extrajo los obsequios cuidadosamente, colocando la caja principal en la base de la pila, así, aún si se trataba de lo que llamaba toda la atención, la buena señora Scamander examinaría primero las demás. Inhaló cuanto pudo y regresó a la sala, casi conteniendo la respiración, gritos internos advirtiéndole que su Omega leería de inmediato si algo iba mal a menos que controlara su rostro y el probable aroma a estrés que comenzaría a dispersar. Al final, ya que su esposa no lo mencionó, supuso que lo había conseguido.
—¿Bebé, por qué hay tantas cajas? —Le cuestionó la Omega, sin fingir que la cantidad de obsequios no le agradaba.
—Puede que me haya emocionado un poco... —Tras una amorosa mirada de reproche, Jackie esperó impacientemente a que las cajas fueran instaladas en la mesita para café—. Aunque no es mi culpa en absoluto, solo pensé en ti y..., cuando me di cuenta, ya estaba hecho. —Eso último le ganó un beso y una dulce promesa contenida dentro del abanico de espesas pestañas.
Sentándose a su lado, Artemis le entregó a su esposa la primera caja, antes de ceder a sus impulsos. Pequeño y rectangular, de color dorado, no precisaba de un pensamiento complejo para saber lo que contenía, ello no redujo la sorpresa en el adorable rostro de Jackie. El collar, de apariencia simple, fue acariciado de manera reverente. La Omega sostuvo la banda recubierta de oro que abrazaba en el centro una brillante piedra roja como el fuego. No era un collar creado para ensalzar la marca de unión, sin embargo, desde que lo vio, Artemis supo que nadie sino a su Omega sería capaz de lucirlo.
—A-Artemis, esto es…
—Hermoso, como tú, y serás feliz de usarlo mañana —completó Artemis, acariciando la cintura y la cadera de Jackie. Ella, sonrojada, devolvió el collar a su caja, asintiendo sin decir palabra.
Los siguientes obsequios, para fortuna de Artemis, tuvieron reacciones similares. Lo que advertía a su vez el positivo avance en la confianza de su esposa y la aceptación del innegable lugar que merecía como la Omega y la esposa de Artemis Scamander. No es que importara, al fin y al cabo, si decidía no vestir con la ropa lujosa que la Alfa adquiría para ella, siempre que la hermosa mujer fuera consciente de su belleza, cualquier prenda con la que deseara cubrir su cuerpo sensual, Artemis estaría feliz de complacerla hasta el final de sus días.
En tanto alguna decisión ocurriera, la señora esposa continuaría, como ahora, abriendo pequeñas cajas de pendientes, brazaletes y anillos; o cajas medianas, con medias de ceda, atrevidas bragas y sostenes, zapatos, guantes y sombreros. Cada pieza seleccionada para hacer resaltar lo que resguardaba el último obsequio.  Llegado el momento, pese a que el rostro de Artemis ya había sido limpiado cuidadosamente por el sedoso pañuelo de Jackie luego de cubrirlo con marcas de besos, tal parecía, las muestras de afecto apenas resultaron suficientes para ayudarle a controlar cualquier señal de estrés que pudiera reflejarse en su aroma, su rostro o en el lazo que unía su alma a la de su esposa.
La caja grande, admirada por ojitos de dulce chocolate derretido, hizo latir el corazón de Artemis, dándole la fuerza necesaria para no arrepentirse. Lentamente, esas manos que nunca se cansaría de adorar, retiraron la pesada tapa. Artemis tragó con fuerza ante el inusitado silencio que ahogó la habitación. Intentó leer alguna emoción que la alcanzara a través del aroma o el lazo de unión, y al igual que mirar el dulce rostro o el movimiento de su cuerpo: nada obtuvo. Cierta sensación desagradable comenzó a nacer en el fondo de su cráneo al verla levantarse, despacio y sin apartar su atención del vestido.
Vestido rojo como sangre fresca, de seda tersa y falda que permitiría un arrastre distinguido, de tirantes y pronunciado escote, que fue sostenido por las cuidadosas manos de Jackie. Paralizada en su lugar, Artemis comenzó un silencioso golpecito de su pulgar contra el asiento vacío a su lado, sin notarlo, mordió su labio y agitó un pie. Pronto, el corazón se le saldría por la garganta.
—Yo…yo. Oh, Artemis.
—Puedo devolverlo, si lo odias, no tienes que… —Silenció al instante lo que pretendía ser una disculpa, advirtiendo cómo sus primeras palabras hicieron que la Omega abrazara su vestido. Ella, sonrojada y estudiando la repentinamente interesante alfombra, tardó un largo minuto en hablar.
—Me encanta, cariño, es hermoso, y no quiero que te lo lleves, pero… —Artemis supo enseguida lo que debía hacer. Siempre que a su esposa le gustara, tenía las herramientas para detener los malos pensamientos y que lo aceptara al cien por ciento. Una de ellas serviría muy bien para la ocasión.
Renovado su ánimo por su buena compra, Artemis atrajo a su hermosa Omega abrazándose a sus amplias caderas. Le dejó en el estómago un tierno beso y, restregando ahí su mejilla, miró hacía arriba con los ojos más grandes y brillantes que una Alfa podía lograr. La respuesta, casi inmediata, resonó en la habitación en la forma de una risa maravillosa y cálida. El feliz aroma de espeso caramelo se expandió como una nube, aturdiendo los sentidos Alfa de Artemis, que reaccionó a lo feliz que hacía a su Omega, cumpliendo su papel de Alfa; se esforzó en mantener los gestos y no devorarla como lo merecía.
—Esos ojos de cachorro deberían ser ilegales —susurró Jackie antes de sellar sus labios contra los de su Alfa. Artemis, una clara ganadora en todos los sentidos habidos y por haber, no pudo contenerlo otro segundo, dirigió el beso a una dirección que su linda esposa comprendió y que no dudó en aumentar.
—Pruébatelo —gruñó Artemis, ahora de pie, masajeando la espalda de Jackie, obligándose a no ir hacia abajo—. Por favor, Omega, pruébatelo… —Jackie, que no estaba mejor, deteniendo todo intento de guiar sus manos a esa zona que declaraba con firmeza cuánto la deseaba, negó la orden de su Alfa.
—Así es como has arruinado la mitad de mis vestidos… —Artemis comenzó a lamer la piel de su cuello—… ¡Mmh! No…, no te dejaré hacerlo… No con este… Oh, Alfa…
Aquellas últimas palabras suspiradas derrumbaron el poco autocontrol de Artemis.
El vestido salió ileso…
Al menos esa noche.
* * *
Amor, sabes que soy una puerca, una puerca romántica, pero una puerca al fin y al cabo, por lo que no pude y nunca podría haber evitado darle a esta pequeña historia un final ligeramente sexi 😏... Además, ese smut con una Alfa femenina esta cada día más cercano y, creo, debo tener más experiencia escribiendo Alfas femeninas antes de lanzarme a una tentación como esa 🥴 Entonces, por mucho que me haya costado, terminé aquí esta historia y solo dejaré lo que sucede luego a tu imaginación 🌈 Me voy, gracias por leer, ¡te amo muchooooo! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Newt Scamander was in sent to a reorientation centre following his expulsion from Hogwarts, viewed as an unstable and improper omega. By the time Theseus managed to gain custody, Newt was broken and terrified. Theseus cared for him as best as he could, and years later Newt still has the occassional nightmare but has handled the trauma well enough - until the events of New York.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator chose not to use archive warnings
Words: 49 380
Chapters: 26/26
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A/B/O Gramander Fics
Person (literally anyone): looks at something in Newt’s general vicinity
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ladyoftheshrimp · 5 years
How about some good old-fashioned Gramandercest? With a bit of collaring? Maybe A/B/O? *nudgenudge* *winkwink* (No, I have no shame left in my body, sue me.)
Were you even born with any shame? XD Here’s your 500 words!
Under a cut for naughty-ish content.
Celebrating 500 followers by writing 500 word.
Tradition dictated that an Alpha could have a harem of Omegas to provide them with a brood. Usually, people settled in pairs but rich or pure-blood Alphas were known to have more than one Omega. The orthodox ones even used collars to declare their claim publicly.
Newt looked over Theseus and Percival as they knelt by his feet, naked and their heads bowed. They were perfect in their submission. Two of the finest Alphas in societies across the ocean from each other and both at his feet, clamouring for his attention like needy Omegas. It was almost enough to push Newt into an early heat.
He might even let it happen, but first, he had something much more important to do. With light steps, he left them, trusting both to keep their eyes on the ground and wait patiently for his return. It wasn’t like he was going far or for a long time. The two boxes he returned with felt heavier than their weight should have allowed.
“My two, beautiful Alphas,” he purred and set the boxes on the bed.
The first one opened and he pulled a thick, brown, leather collar from it. The buckle was brushed brass and the tag on it glinted in the low light.
“Theseus, my brother, my protector. You’re mine,” he whispered as he pulled the buckle snug around his throat.
His fingers caressed where leather met skin as he stepped away to open the other box. It was almost identical to the collar Theseus had, but instead of brown, it was black leather with silver buckles.
“Percival, my lover, my protector. You are mine.”
He watched the shuddering breaths the two drew in, tipped their heads up with a finger under their chins. Their eyes were glazed with lust but neither dared break their position until Newt permitted it. All in all, Newt found it a tantalising place to be.
Languidly, he crawled onto the bed and began to undress. He watched from under his lashes and fringe how the two Alpha’s chests heaved with each item he dropped to the floor and grinned as their eyes were glued to his hand which trailed down his chest.
Once naked, he lounged lewdly, moaned as his fingers came away from his hole, already coated in slick. Who knew that having power over two Alphas was enough to bring his heat on early. They were claimed as his, and now his body demanded that they claim him in turn.
He turned his head to the side and regarded the two of them with hooded eyes.
“If you want it, come and get it.”
The two Alphas launched as one and Newt had never been happier.
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mischiefs-hawk · 5 years
Dunno how long this will stay here or be unflagged or whatever. Enjoy some Grindelnewt ABO mpreg smut ? 
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