#also I do just be projecting my chronic issues into this man dw about it
silanb · 25 days
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I am still on my Ducklings that Drown bullshit Oop @thegrimreaperisanerd
I just know this bitch has chronic pain after that crash even years later. And in Martinaise? Where it’s freezing? Forget about it, he’s miserable.
Current hc is that silly little hip tilt when he’s still is the only comfortable way for him to stand and their idle animation stretch does wonders for this poor man’s spine.
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azantiss · 5 months
Intro! in more depth
hello! i finally actually got tumblr wow. no more just lurking on the web version and getting screenshots from friends :)
my main focuses for this blog will probably be: (1) music, (2) ace/aro spectrum self-discovery stuff, (3) general stuff about psychology, (4) personal art projects. i also tend to ramble about random things i discover about being a person so if that shows up here don't be surprised. not sure if people usually make different blogs for these things but we'll see i guess.
my life: i am a university student! i'm a cognitive science major with psychology and neuroscience concentration and a gender studies minor. almost done with my bachelors yippee! i also have a radio show where i'm a DJ and get to propaganda the masses (/lh) yay. probably implied there but i am over 18 (i am 20). i also reside in the US. i am also queer. i use they/them pronouns and identify somewhere within the non-binary umbrella. probably agender. i am also currently unpacking my sexuality but i believe i am pretty strongly on the aromantic spectrum. i have been finding myself identifying more as just ambivalent to like everything gender/sexuality of late. i am a floating orb in space time idk man. most of why i made this account is to find more aromantic education resources.
i am also autistic and adhd, along with some crock pot of other stuff like anxiety depression ocd cptsd, and potentially bpd (also unpacking that one) and probably other things i am not remembering. insomnia if that counts i have incredibly chronic insomnia. some day maybe i will share my sleep charts where we see my average sleep hours are like 3 per night it's a nice chart.
i'm a leftist- or something around that area, terms can vary. if you are in any way a bigot, go away. this is not a place for homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, zionism, ableism, victim-blaming, sexism, or any other kind of discrimination etc. i strive to be aware of everything that i say but if there's ever any issues i am unaware of or could improve upon speaking about, feel free to educate me if you'd like!
i use tone indicators! will try to remember to put them in as much as i can if something needs it.
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i do a project called 'an album a day' and i'm hoping to share that for 2024!! if you have any super awesome albums to share, send them to me any time! above is a picture of last year's album a day! I will tag those posts with #azantisalbumaday2024
some current music hyperfixations: the narcissist cookbook, careful gaze, bloodywood, fast animals and slow kids, set to stun, bring me the horizon, fall out boy, muse, the amazing devil, nothing but thieves, autoheart, vienna teng, art sorority, jean dawson, my chemcial romance, you me at six, and like a million other artists for whom i don't know enough of their discography to list them here.
the main genres i listen to are metalcore, rock adjacent anything, metal, idk how to describe genres. i really love most music but rock adjacent is my main one. i love music very much i am incredibly autistic about it.
if you use it, feel free to follow me on last fm here!!
hobbies/other interests: trying to get hobbies that aren't being a student, playing piano, zines/lyric videos (working on these), zentangles!!, dogs, trying to be politically aware, applying to jobs i guess, general crafting things, hanging out with my friends whom i love dearly, board games, listening to music (but you probably got that already), psychology, autism (i am autistic dw), the sims, minecraft, OH i forgot spreadsheets i LOVEEEE spreadsheets. also will occasionally go on rants about books or movies, most currently, whiplash and bojack horseman but im sensing a hunger games fixation reemerging.
i am trying to get back into reading. planning on reading some webtoons and the new hunger games book soon so maybe we'll see stuff about that too.
my hot takes: radiohead is good, wet socks aren't that bad if you have ventilation (crocs for example), and days should have 26.5 hours.
feel free to ask me questions or lmk if there's other things i should add to this post. idk how to use tumblr
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