#and also gives him a lil nod when they’re done
silanb · 25 days
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I am still on my Ducklings that Drown bullshit Oop @thegrimreaperisanerd
I just know this bitch has chronic pain after that crash even years later. And in Martinaise? Where it’s freezing? Forget about it, he’s miserable.
Current hc is that silly little hip tilt when he’s still is the only comfortable way for him to stand and their idle animation stretch does wonders for this poor man’s spine.
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celtic-crossbow · 3 months
But Put Together, the Cracks We’ll Close In
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early Alexandria
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; mentions of past child abuse; mentions of suggested abortion; blood and injury
Summary: Fresh into Alexandria, Daryl meets his match in a two year little girl and slowly loses his heart to her mother. You.
A/N: Based on the request/headcanon from @louifaith Just a couple of things. The child is described as in hair and eye color. Nothing is mentioned of reader so these traits could come from her father. There is also the mention of an “Eskimo kiss.” I grew up using that term but I’m not sure if it is offensive or PC nowadays. please feel free to send me a message if I need to change it. It is not my intention to be offensive to anyone! Also, sorry if anyone likes Spencer. He's always my go to asshole.
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Daryl felt the opossum sway in his grip, looking down with a scowl firmly plastered at the bright eyes returning his gaze, brimming with curiosity. She was a toddler, maybe two years old? Christ, someone had a toddler in this mess. “Dinner.” He grunted, pulling the dead animal out of her reach. He found out quickly that the curious little creature would not be deterred so easily. Standing on her tip-toes, she made a grab for the marsupial. “Knock it off.” He huffed and took a step back, bumping into Carol.
“Daryl, she’s a child. Don’t be such a grump.”
“Ain’t you got a mama—family to get back to?” He snapped, ignoring his best friend. The little girl’s eyes brightened.
“Mama! Mama!” She clapped. Daryl rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm.
“Yeah, go get ‘er.” There was an intense sigh of relief when the little human went running (waddling?) out of sight. “They got kids here.” 
“Yes, Daryl. That’s what that was.” Carol nudged him playfully. “The people seem to think they’re safe here. It gives me the creeps.” He nodded but didn’t comment. “They obviously don’t know what’s going on out there, not like we do. I think we need to be cautious here. Find a way to fit in but keep our guard up, you know?”
Daryl snorted. “Yeah, good luck with that. Ain’t got no intention of tryin’ to fit in with these folks. Livin’ in a fuckin’ fairytale here. Ain’t gonna last.”
“You’re such a ray of sunshine.” Sasha clapped him on the shoulder as she passed, earning yet another grunt. 
“Mama, here!”
Oh dear god, no. “S’back.” The hunter stated flatly.
“Oh, and she brought a friend.” Sure enough, the little girl was dragging you along, tugging incessantly at your hand as if the child had found the world’s most priceless treasure. “You did tell her to ‘go get her.’”
“Nadia, slow down!”
And slow down, she did. Right in front of a scowl-wearing redneck with a bleeding opossum in his grasp.
“Mama, dinner! Dorl dinner.”
Dorl?!? Daryl looked helplessly over to where Carl was carrying Judith, the little light of his life. Would this be what she was like as she grew up? She already knew him, loved him despite how broken and hopeless he was. She would laugh at him if he was ranting about something and hold out those chubby little hands and he was done for, whatever had irritated him was forgotten.
But this child? This wasn’t his lil’ asskicker. 
Daryl liked kids but he liked them from a distance. He had no business being around them, save for Carl and Judith. I wish I could have known Sophia. He wouldn’t bother getting to know anyone in this place. It’d burn like every other home they had anyway. 
“Dorl, huh?” You smiled.
“Daryl.” He replied flatly, his lip curling.
“I’m Y/N. I assume Aaron found your group?” 
He didn’t answer, too occupied with trying to continuously move away from the small child clumsily reaching for his knife sheath. “Stop that.” He barked, expecting the kid to balk. She did quite the opposite and wrapped her tiny arms around his leg, just below his knee. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? Shake her off? Of course not. She might get hurt. While he really didn’t want to be touched, he couldn’t help but feel like it was somehow his job to make sure this kid wasn’t hurt. “Can ya—would ya—?” Shoulders slumped, he didn’t even gesture. You know what he was asking.
Chuckling, you reached down and gently pried the little girl loose. “Nadia, you’re supposed to ask before hugs, remember?”
“Hug Dorl.” The dark-headed child pouted.
That was his cue to step away, as quickly as possible, without running. He absolutely did not run. 
When you looked up, he was already gone, lost in the middle of his group as they headed in to surrender weapons and be interviewed by Deanna.
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Daryl sat on the now red-stained porch, prepping his kill for cooking later. Carol had scolded him and made him promise to use the backyard going forward, but he doubted they would be there long enough for him to need the area. It was just the way the world was. Nice places like this could never last.
“Dorl dinner!” 
Jesus take the wheel. “Ya need a bell.” He grunted, looking around for you. “An’ apparently a leash.” Maybe if he ignored her, she would go find you. But what if she wandered off alone and somehow made it out of the gates? Shit. “Sit down, gremlin.”
She giggled and patted her chunky hands against her chest. “Nada.”
Daryl stopped moving and stared for a moment. Wasn’t that Spanish? Maybe? Wait. You had called her Nadia. Maybe that’s what she was trying to say. “Nadia?” Blue eyes squinted in wait.
Nadia bounced and nodded and then pointed at him. “Dorl! Dorl, Nada!”
He released his knife and leaned his elbow against his knee, the heel of his hand pressing into his forehead. “Dare-ul.” He tried.
“Oh, for fucksake.” The archer gave up, picking up his knife and continuing with his task. Nadia didn’t even seem to notice what he was doing but leaned in closely with the most serious look he’d ever seen. He needed to lean back once she made it much too far into his personal space.
“Fucksy.” She said, maintaining eye contact as if she were challenging him. 
“No! Don’t say that. Can’t be teachin’ ya sh—stuff like that!” He panicked, opossum forgotten. Daryl threw back his head with a groan. “Can’tcha please just go to your mama?”
Nadia’s little face lit up and off she went with a chorus of mama mama mama. Watching her go, Daryl wondered where the little one’s father was, but soon banished the thought. It was none of his business. What was his business was to make sure the annoying curtain-climber made it home safely. Abandoning his dinner—no time to cover it if he was going to catch up—he walked briskly until he caught sight of her. Little legs can fuckin’ move. We’re fucked when Jude learns to walk. 
He stayed close, but far back enough to not catch her attention. She seemed to know exactly where she was going. Rounding the curb to the end of the street, he caught sight of the small house. Quaint compared to the other homes. The front door was open but he dared not go closer. Boots firmly planted on the sidewalk, he observed the struggle of a tiny human tackling front porch steps. Nadia was determined though. Had he chosen to help, he was certain she would give him that serious look again and yell at him in baby-speak.
“Nadia Avery, how do you keep getting out the door!” 
Maybe cause you leave it open? He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. 
Regardless, there you were, swooping down to gather the bundle into your arms with a couple of sobs and more than a few sniffles. “Baby, you have to stop doing that! You scare mommy.” Nadia was nuzzling your jaw but then suddenly pointed right at him. 
“Dorl got Nada.”
When your eyes found his own, Daryl froze. His arms were out to his sides, his eyes wide. He looked nothing short of a deer caught in the sights of his crossbow when it realized it’s about to be shot. “I—uh, kid found me.” Forcing himself to relax a fraction, he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Didn’t want ‘er wand’rin’ ‘round by herself.” 
Your face softened into a grateful smile. “Thank you for making sure she got home.” He nodded curtly and you turned away, only to turn back in the same motion. “Would you like to come inside? I have some stew that I’m heating. Plenty for the three of us.”
A part of him that he didn’t know existed wanted to immediately accept the offer but the part of him that had kept him alive this long spoke louder. “Nah, got my own dinner I need to take care’a. Thanks, though.”
You nodded, the smile never faltering. “Think of it as a standing invitation. Nadia seems to like you. She’s a good judge of character.”
He snorted. “Alright.”
“Goodnight, Daryl.”
“Night.” He took two steps.
“Nigh’ nigh’, Dorl!” 
He heard the sound of a kiss being blown his way, but didn’t turn around. Maybe if he ignored her, she’d go away.
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It had been three days since he had last seen you or Nadia. He found that it unsettled him but not enough to go looking. Aaron had gifted him a work area and parts to build himself a bike. It was the best thing anyone could have offered him at that point. He felt like he still wasn’t fitting in, and while that was the idea at first, now it just felt…lonely. 
Carol was always gone when he got up and not home yet when we retired to bed. Rick and Michonne couldn’t stay out of the bedroom for more than five minutes unless something ‘coppy’ needed to be handled. Carl was always outside with Jude in the nice weather. 
Daryl was alone. Though he usually preferred it that way, he couldn’t seem to shake the negativity it seemed to bring to the surface. 
Spending time around something familiar from the old world came to be a comfort. When the posh little community with its “good morning” while walking the dog and laughter over coffee at the gazebo became too much for Daryl, he disappeared into Aaron’s garage. Aaron and his husband seemed okay in the archer’s book. They never once stared at him like he was going to rob them blind or beat them to a pulp. They showed him kindness even if his only attempts at conversation consisted of nods and grunts. 
“You going to this party tonight?” Aaron asked from the doorway the led into the house from the garage. 
“Nah.” Daryl picked up a wrench and continued his work, not giving the question a proper thought. 
“You really should make an effort to get to know more people here.” 
“They don’t like me. Shouldn’t, really.” The archer shrugged. 
“They just don’t know you. Maybe you should give them a chance.” Aaron kept his persuasion in the doorway. He had gifted Daryl that space and was unwilling to step into it without an invitation he was unlikely to receive without asking. 
“Better they don’t know me.”
There was a sigh that made Daryl curl his lip. “Just think about it, okay?” The shuffle of feet and the door opening signaled the other man’s exit. 
Why should Daryl go? He had little interest in fitting in, even when his own group was making such an effort. Carol and Rick were wary and had whatever it was they had but Carol would tell him if she felt it necessary. Daryl was just plain wary, utterly uninterested. Most of them would likely be dead soon and he didn’t need anyone else to mourn. 
So why he found himself showered and in a fresh set of clothing that was his own form of presentable was absolutely beyond him. It had nothing to do with the fact that on his walk home, he thought maybe you’d be at the party. Nope, nothing like that. 
He had made it at least to the yard outside, watching the festivities through the window. Everyone he knew seemed so at ease in there. Dressed up, laughing and drinking. Mingling like they belonged there. He didn’t belong there. 
“Nah.” He said softly before turning away. He was passing by Aaron’s house when a call of his name from that familiar voice had him stopping with a sigh. “Yeah?”
“You went. Good for you. Did you have a good time?” Aaron asked from the porch. Daryl shrugged. The man’s eyes narrowed and suddenly the archer was nervous, feeling judged. “You didn’t go in, did you?”
Daryl shook his head. “Just ain’t my thing.”
“Hey, you tried.”
“Why didn’t you go?” That wasn’t supposed to sound so accusatory but Daryl was tired and had simply had his fill of the day and that place. 
“Eric’s ankle is still giving him trouble. We just thought it best to skip out on this one.”
This one? Christ. That insinuated there would be more. With an inward groan, he answered outwardly with a grunt. 
“We’ve got dinner ready. More than can feed us. Can we tempt you?” The offer was sincere and Daryl was hungry, but his battery was running on fumes. He glanced toward his own home and then back at Aaron. “Eric makes a mean spaghetti, man. Come on, you’re already out.”
Daryl sighed. “Fine.” He was grateful for the invitation, he just sucked at showing it, as with almost every other emotion. Aaron held open the door and with a nod, the archer entered, still ill at ease being inside someone else’s home when his own still felt less than comfortable. 
Before he could prepare himself, Nadia was latching onto his lower legs. Arms out awkwardly, he glared at Aaron. “Didn’t say she was here.”
The man just shrugged a shoulder. “Didn’t say she wasn’t either.”
“Hi, Daryl!” You came around the corner from the dining room, no doubt to gather your spawn but he couldn’t seem to form a thought around the smile you were giving him. 
“Mama! Dorl!”
“I can see that, baby. You think you can let go so that he can walk?” Nadia shook her head with a vicious pout. 
“Dorl up?”
“What?” He looked down at the toddler and back up at you, silently hoping you’d act as translator for the little gremlin. 
“She wants you to pick her up. You don’t—”
For reasons unbeknownst to even him, he bent down and placed his hands beneath Nadia’s arms, lifting her onto his hip. It felt no different than holding Judith. Nadia was heavier of course. 
“Dorl!” Chubby arms wrapped around his neck, her little cheek rubbing against his stubbled one. “Tickle.” She giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world and repeated the action. 
You were still smiling but much more softly. “She really likes you.” Daryl grunted. “You don’t say much, do you?”
“Ain’t gotta lot to say.” He shrugged the shoulder Nadia’s chin was resting on, sending her into another fit of giggles. She pulled back suddenly, very in his space and then pressed her face against his cheek. He flinched but otherwise didn’t move. There was the smallest flutter that tickled his skin before she reared back again, smiling proudly. “What—”
“Butterfly kisses.” You informed, arms crossed but your smile hidden behind your hand. 
“What the fu—heck’s that?” 
“Oh come on, you never gave your mom butterfly kisses?” You chuckled. 
Daryl felt nauseous at the mention of his mother. The only thing he’d shared with her were bruises and a few after-beating hugs. But you didn’t know him. He took the anger and locked it down, but it must have spilled into his expression. 
“I’m sorry.” Your smile was gone, but to his surprise (and relief), there was no pity in your eyes. Only understanding. Still, it wasn’t a subject he cared to let linger. 
He turned his attention to the child, who had developed a sudden interest in the hair over his ears. “Ya ever gave a Eskimo kiss?” He almost laughed out loud when Nadia’s eyes flew wide with wonder. She didn’t confirm or deny but the fact that she hadn’t moved was answer enough. “S’simple.” Daryl brought a hand up to the back of her head and gently urged her forward, rubbing the tip of his nose over hers. “There. Eskimo kiss.”
She kept those wide eyes as her little mouth began to spread open into one of the biggest smiles he’d ever seen on a kid, granted he hadn’t spent much time around any. 
“Again!” She squealed, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him forward. He expected to have a bloody nose from the force with which she came at him, but her movements became deliberate and gentle, as if getting it right was the most important thing in the world. 
Nadia was incredibly pleased with herself, her little hands patting against Daryl’s chest before she wiggled out her request for freedom and sprinted toward the dining room with this newfound information to share with Eric and Aaron. 
“Careful.” You said, though there was no hint of anything unkind in your tone. When he looked away from the other room, he found your expression to be one he couldn’t seem to identify. It was soft yet guarded. He didn’t move away when you reached a single hand out to adjust his vest. “You’re smiling.” And you walked away, leaving him there to realize that he was indeed wearing a small, lopsided grin. 
He shook it off with a groan, absolutely regretting his decision to come in for dinner. 
“Dorl!” Came the loud shout from the table. “Dorl, sketti!”
This was not going to end well. 
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It had been two weeks since the spaghetti dinner, which in fact had ended rather pleasantly. Aside from your giggles when he realized he was eating his meal with the same gusto and manners as the toddler next to him, Aaron had offered him a job that let him go outside the walls. He’d accepted almost immediately. 
Little Nadia had been determined to take him home with them, so he walked you there with her tiny hand in his. Halfway, she had begun to tire and fuss, instinct had kicked in and he scooped her up in the same manner he would Judith. The child was asleep on his shoulder almost instantly. 
He had zero intention of entering your home and was thankful the kid was out cold so that she couldn’t initiate the suggestion. He had passed her off to you and started to leave. 
“Daryl.” You had called quietly. He still wasn’t sure why he had turned back to you so quickly. “That invitation is still open.” You smiled, he grunted. “Thanks for being so sweet with her. Goodnight.”
There had been a heavy feeling in his chest but he had nodded. “G’night.”
Now, you and little Nadia were almost a constant presence when he wasn’t beyond the wall. A presence that he found no longer really irritated him. 
He would sit on the porch with the kid, working on his crossbow while Nadia colored or played with toys. He had to find her some of her own to have there because it seemed she and Judith were at odds about Daryl’s attention. He had made the mistake of lifting lil’ asskicker out of her playpen while Nadia was on his heels and the latter had begun to wail. 
He had quickly passed Jude off to an equally concerned Michonne and scooped up the kid. “S’wrong? Hey.” Little arms wrapped around his neck and, though he didn’t see the angry pout directed at the other baby, Michonne did. He turned at her chuckle, eyes wide and confused. 
Before she could explain, those little arms squeezed harder. “My Dorl.”
From that moment on, he saved time with Judith for emergencies (there were none) and for after Nadia had gone home with you. 
“Don’t touch that, Dia.” Daryl huffed, catching her little hand reaching for the knife he had on the porch table. He had spent the morning skinning a few squirrels for Carol to use in a stew but was at that point, working on the tension on his bow. 
And babysitting. 
You had some inventory to do at the infirmary with Pete. The doctor gave him bad vibes so when you had asked, he’d accepted all too quickly. Even offered to tag along and keep an eye on the kid there. In the end, after you had politely declined, he had reasoned that you were a grown woman and could handle yourself. 
“Babysitting, again, hmm?” 
Daryl glanced up from his crossbow toward Carol on the top step, Nadia already beaming up at her from the hug around her waist. It lasted all of three seconds before the kid was back to her toys beside Daryl’s boot. 
“Mhm.” Was the only answer he offered, one that was mimicked from the little person below him. He didn’t smile but Carol didn’t miss the way his eyes left the weapon to regard Nadia for a moment before returning to the task.
“Where’s Y/N?” She asked, plopping down onto the other chair. She grabbed a toy that had rolled away and handed it back to the child.
“Some inventory shit at the infirmary.” Daryl shrugged, rotating the bow to check his work. Carol made a noise that gave him pause, one he didn’t like. “What?”
“No one’s at the infirmary. I was just there for Mr. Henderson’s blood pressure medication.” 
He could feel his heartrate picking up, a sense of foreboding so strong that he could barely think straight. “Pete weren’t there?”
Carol shook her head. “No one.” She sat up straight when Daryl stood, sheathing his knife and placing his crossbow on the railing. “Daryl?”
“Dia, I’m gonna be right back. You’re gonna stay with Carol for a few minutes. Tell me the rules.” 
Nadia’s wide eyes narrowed into seriousness. “No bow. No move. Be good. No shit.” It took her a moment to babble through the small list but Daryl ruffled her hair with the smallest of half smiles.
“No shit, Daryl?”
He was already stepping off the porch. “Her mama hears ‘er sayin’ that an’ m’a dead man.”
Carol laughed and shook her head, turning her attention to the little human that was already working up to a cry as Daryl walked out of sight. “Do you like cookies, Nadia?”
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He checked the infirmary first. He didn’t doubt Carol, but maybe she had missed a room or something. It was, as Carol had said, empty. “Fuck.” The next most logical place would be your home. He ran the entire way. He’d feel like an absolute fool if you were fine, but he’d cross that bridge later. The door was open, he could see that from the moment he rounded the curb. You had a habit of doing that and he hated it, but who was he to tell you what to do?
“Y/N?” He took your steps two at a time and stopped on the threshold. “Y/N? Are ya here?” No answer. He felt like shit the moment his boot touched the floor inside. He’d never taken you up on an invitation for the dinner you continuously offered him, much less any offer to simply come inside. Now here he was tearing room to room, in your safe space. There were covered pots on the stove and the oven was on, but where were you? “Y/N!” He placed a booted foot on the bottom stair before your voice stunned him frozen.
He nearly collapsed in relief.
“What’s wrong? Where’s Nadia? Daryl?”
“She’s fine. She’s with Carol.” He rasped, sheathing his knife when he saw you staring at it. Your hair was wet, your clothes damp. You must have been in the shower. “M’sorry. Carol said ya weren’t at the—just got worried. M’sorry.” His eyes had lowered to the stairs below you but then your bare feet were padding down them to stop directly in front of him. “I’ll, uh—lemme go get ‘er.” He had barely moved before your hand was on his shoulder. To his shock, he didn’t flinch; didn’t even have the urge.
“Are you okay?” You asked, ducking your head to seek out his gaze. He continued to expertly dodge.
“M’fine. Just—I’ll go get Dia.” He stepped away and out of the loose grip you had on him, immediately missing the warmth of your hand. What the hell was wrong with him?
“I was making us dinner.” The words rushed out of you, like you were trying to get them out before he could leave. Daryl looked over his shoulder from the doorway, an eyebrow arched. “Us. Me, Nadia, and—well, you.”
“Me? Why?” He hadn’t meant to sound so unkind, ungrateful, but that was just who he was down deep, wasn’t it? Still, you seemed unbothered, your nervousness born of something else entirely.
“Because Nadia likes you. I like you. We’d like to spend time with you that doesn’t involve me asking for favors or the entire community leering and making assumptions.”
He still hadn’t fully turned, but narrowed his eyes. “Think they ain’t gonna make assumptions when ya have me in your house?”
“Fair point.” You nodded, chuckling. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what they think but I worry that you do.” Head tilted, Daryl turned but remained in the doorway. “You seem so private, quiet. I don’t want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Your bottom lip disappeared between your teeth for a moment. “So, will you come? Please?”
As much as he tried, he couldn’t sense a single ounce of dishonesty or ill intent in you. It was certainly there, wasn’t it? No one outside of the group that had grown to like him over months of death and sorrow wanted anything to do with him. So, why you? Why Nadia? “Alright, I’ll go get ‘er an’ be back.” He turned and took a step before you called out again.
“Don’t worry about changing or anything. Just bring you, okay?”
He nodded around the very foreign flutter in his chest, clearing his throat and leaving the house before he could overthink things right there in front of you. He’d be able to do that in abundance on the way to grab the kid. 
To say he was confused was the largest of understatements. You were a beautiful woman. Where was Nadia’s father? In that world, the absence usually meant he was either dead or had willingly left, which he couldn’t fathom either. Was the kid the reason all the single men weren’t knocking down your door? That couldn’t be it. Nadia was amazing, all bright smiles and such an innocence that was refreshing in a world as dark it was. 
Even if you did have suitors, why were you taking the time to get to know him? He was damn sure nothing special and had nothing to offer you. Daryl growled at himself. He was jumping the gun. You hadn’t expressed any real interest in him. You wanted to have dinner. Aaron and Eric had him over for dinner all the time. It was what friends did. He was your friend after all. He had to be for you to trust him with Nadia. He snorted. Maybe that was all the brat’s doing and you were just along for the ride. 
His shoulders were slumped, feet dragging by the time he made it back to his house, already opening his arms in expectation of the bundle of Nadia that would be leaping into them any moment. “Dorl!” 
“She was about to strap on your crossbow and come find you herself.” Carol teased from the doorway. 
“I was barely gone twenty minutes, kid.” He nodded to Carol and turned back to take Nadia home. “Your mama’s at home makin’ something for supper. Ya hungry?”
“Mmmmhmmmm!” Little legs were swinging while bright eyes watched the street in front of them, her arms loosely around his neck, trusting him to not let her fall. And he would never. Daryl craned his head to look at her, all dark hair and big blue eyes. She could pass as his own kid to anyone who didn’t know better. 
Whoa. That train of that was roughly derailed. 
Easily done when the top of her head leaned against his temple and she began to hum some tune he didn’t know. It calmed his anxiety enough to not eat him from the inside out before he made it back to your house. Nadia was wiggling to be lowered before he could even get her to the steps. Much to her annoyance (if her little growl and pout were anything to go by), he didn’t place her on her feet until they were on the porch.
The door was still open and, man, he really wanted you to stop doing that.
“Mama!” Nadia squealed, running right into your arms.
“Hi, baby! Did you have fun with Daryl today?” You hefted her onto your hip, your face turned toward hers even though your smile was aimed at the archer.
“We always have fun.” He was close enough to ruffle the kid’s hair without invading your space.
“No shit!” Nadia proclaimed with her arms in the air. You were smiling but your eyebrows shot up toward your hairline. Daryl cleared his throat.
“M’a tell Carol to watch ‘er mouth.”
“Carol. Right.” You chuckled. You started to reach for his arm but must have thought better of it and motioned toward the dining room instead. He found he was disappointed. “Go ahead and sit down wherever. There’s some wine and water already there.”
Daryl liked wine. He’d partake when at Aaron and Eric’s for dinner but here? He wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. The table could seat six but there were three places set, the middle chair holding a booster seat. He didn’t sit, wouldn’t until you did. Instead he noticed how close the glasses of wine were sitting to Nadia’s place and took the liberty of moving each of them to the other side. Not that the kid would bother them but it just felt—right?
“Alright, kiddo. You get to eat first.” You weren’t carrying Nadia anymore but she was right behind you, looking up at the bowl of pasta like a pup that was about to get its kibble. Daryl was already lifting the kid into her seat when you turned from placing the bowl on the table. “Thank you.” You did touch his arm then. “Go ahead and sit. I’ll be right back.”
Nadia had apparently chosen his spot for him, patting the back of the chair to her left. Chewing on the side of his thumb, he glanced toward the kitchen. Wasn’t he supposed to pull your chair out for you or something? Aaron had. 
“No, no, Dorl.” Nadia pulled at his elbow, earning a halfhearted scowl before he realized she was trying to get him to stop the anxious habit.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, not sure why he was apologizing when she just went back to dancing and eating once he had dropped his hand. He watched her for a moment, just being a kid, innocent and oblivious to the dangers and heartache that lay in wait just outside of Alexandria’s protective walls. She and you—just two more people for him to mourn in the end. What was he doing there? He had no business being in your lives. If he didn’t lose the two of you, then you would lose him. It was inevitable. It was fate. It was the way the world worked now, tirelessly snuffing out any semblance of light that could give someone like him hope.
And goddamnit, he’d be devastated. He adored your kid and though he couldn’t quite decipher what it was that he felt for you, he knew that if anything happened to you, he’d shatter. 
“What?” He snapped out of reflex, not fully out of his head before he had realized you were speaking. You flinched, the pasta in the two bowls you were holding bounced but didn’t spill. “M’sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. Are you okay?” The bowls were placed on the table and a basket of fresh bread that he hadn’t noticed you had already brought out. How long had he been standing there?
“Yeah, uh—yeah, m’fine.” He shifted his weight from foot to foot, suddenly feeling very trapped in the small room. It wasn’t really that small, was it? “M’just—” He didn’t finish before he all but ran to the door, closing it behind him like he really wished you would start doing. He had a cigarette lit within seconds, trembling fingers bringing it to his lips for a long drag. 
Pale light from inside cascaded around him as the door opened. You didn’t move any closer, obviously staying near Nadia while the little girl ate. “You okay?”
“Mhm.” Lie. 
“Come back inside?” You requested after glancing toward Nadia, finding her eating her pasta elegantly with her fingers. Daryl said nothing, wasn’t even sure he could, but he flicked his cigarette toward the sidewalk and stood, walking past you with but a beat of hesitance. 
Despite Nadia’s excitement at his return, he remained quiet, but offered the kid a ghost of a smile when she offered a bite of her own food. Disgruntled at his refusal, she wore her own version of a scowl and continued to eat. You had taken your seat, giving the bread basket a tiny shove toward the archer.
“Thanks.” He mumbled. He wasn’t sure how to act around you anymore. Staring at his food, he questioned whether the way he usually ate might disgust you. It was never something he actively thought about. He grew up in a home where he snatched what he could get and ate it quickly before someone could take it or reprimand him for it. It was nearly the same now that the world had ended. Thankful for any scrap of food, but quick to make sure it was gone before someone came ready to fight for it.
“If you think any louder, I might be able to hear it.” 
Daryl glanced up, unable to meet your eyes. You were swirling the wine around in the glass with your gaze settled on him. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s just dinner, Daryl.” 
With a barely there nod, he picked up his fork and began to eat, slowly and carefully, not noticing the way you watched him with a quizzical expression.
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Nadia was having a hard time keeping her head up by the time dinner was finished, her little eyes closing before snapping open with a jerk of her head. 
“Time for bed.” You announced, attempting to wipe her face around languid movements of annoyance. “Come on, baby.” Lifting her from the chair, you tilted your head when she leaned her upper body back toward Daryl, reaching out with lazy, grabby hands.
“Dorl night night.”
Halfway out of his seat, he froze. “Think ya should, uh—your mama should handle this’un, Dia.” She didn’t seem to have it in her to argue, flopping onto your shoulder. You managed to hold up a finger, asking him to wait while you put Nadia to bed. He did, but busied himself gathering the dishes, taking them to the sink, and rinsing them out as Carol had trained him to do. “Wow, my very own human dishwasher. Can I keep you?”
Daryl felt the heat rise in his face, traveling down to his chest and up to the tips of his ears. “Stop.” God, you were just as bad as Carol.
Oh, boy. Your tone had gone from playful to serious in two seconds flat. His stomach was in knots but he dared not turn around and rinsed the same bowl at least three times. “Hmm?”
“I’d like to see, uh—I’d like it if you'd come around more often. Tonight was—it was nice.”
And there it was. The one thing that had caused him so much inner turmoil now confirmed. You were interested and, for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why. When he finally managed to get his tongue to work, the words that spilled out were nothing like the ones running through his head and he regretted them immediately. “Where’s Dia’s daddy?” Christ, Dixon. “M’sorry.” He tried to backpedal, finally turning toward you and leaning back against the sink with a white-knuckled grip against the edge of the countertop. “Ain’t my business.”
“Gone. I don’t really give a fuck where.” You shrugged, so nonchalantly that he had to look at you. “He didn’t want her. Nearly got himself killed finding pills for me to take. I refused, he left. But I have her and I hope he’s a walker.” Your gaze was fond but serious, and he found not a single trace of annoyance or anger. “She’s never really liked men. Even Aaron and Eric had to coax her inside for dinner with a stale candybar.” You laughed at the memory, and Daryl realized he could listen to that sound for the rest of his life. “But then you. She wasn’t afraid, not for a single second.”
“It was the ‘possum.” He shrugged, shyly ducking his head for only a moment but looking back up through his fringe when you laughed again.
“Okay, we can go with that.” You lifted yourself up onto the island, kicking your legs, reminding him of Nadia. “Doesn’t really explain why she stuck to you like glue every moment since then, though. Dorl this and Dorl that. I’m not complaining. You’re good for her.” Daryl scoffed, ducking his head once more. “You are, Daryl. And I think she might be good for you too.”
“She’s a kid. Don’t know no better.” He shrugged, the urge to run becoming more and more prevalent. He didn’t belong there. It wasn’t his family. Nadia wasn’t his kid and you weren’t his. God, he wished you were.
You hummed, holding back something. “I had fun tonight, but when you come back, don't worry so much about what I think, okay?” The way he tried to eat more slowly?
“Yeah, okay. Was nice. Thanks, uh—thanks for havin’ me.” The archer made the choice to pass you and head for the door. Your bare feet hit the floor just behind him. “I’ll see ya ‘round. Lemme know if ya need someone to watch Dia.” Why the hell did he offer that?
“I will. Thank you.” The smile you gave him was almost sad. Maybe disappointed? “Goodnight, Daryl.”
“Yeah. Night.” He crossed the threshold but turned back, keeping his head low. “Keep your door shut.” There was no time for you to answer before he was jogging down your steps, barely slowing his stride all the way home. All the lights were off when he arrived and he couldn’t be more grateful to slip in and down to his room to berate himself properly until he was finally able to fall asleep.
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Logically, he should have avoided you since that night, but Daryl never claimed to be the brightest crayon in the box. He absolutely did not look for reasons to go to your house, satisfied to find the door closed each and every time. If he saw you carrying something, he’d jog over to take it from you, no matter how big or small. He responded by meeting Nadia in the middle each time she called for him, even if he was covered in dark blood and brain matter.
“Dorl smell ick.” She would say.
He was down bad and though he would deny it until his last breath with the age old line of we’re just friends, Carol was smarter than that.
“Daryl, you and I are friends. You’re sweet on that girl and you can fight me if you try to claim any different.” She stirred at the brownie batter, intermittently swatting away his hand when he tried to sneak a taste. “You should just tell her how you feel.”
“Stop actin’ like ya know ev’rythin’.” He snapped with no real heat.
“Okay, fine. I know nothing.” She stated coolly, spreading the mixture into a baking pan. “Except that Spencer has been spending an awful lot of time around her and Nadia.”
Well, that had his attention. “What? When?” He hopped off the countertop and was quickly standing just beside Carol, moving accordingly so that she could continue her baking.
“Usually when you’re out. I think you intimidate him.”
“Damn well better intimidate him.”
“Why? You’re ‘just friends,’ remember?” Daryl curled his lip at her air quotes, turning on a heel to head toward the door. 
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He hadn’t been focused, lingering on what Carol had told him that morning. Worrying that Spencer was putting the moves on you that very moment he wasn’t there to do anything about it. What if he’d missed his chance? He growled, trying to take more of his own weight off of Aaron but his leg burned and ached.
“Ain’t that bad.” He tried to brush it off, but it was, in fact, that bad. He hadn’t seen the damn trap, the walker backing him right onto it. He was lucky the dead bastard didn’t take a chunk of him when he went down, but Aaron was quick. Had Daryl been alone, he’d likely be snarling and growling on the ground with his calf still locked within that metal.
“Keep telling yourself that and maybe your stubbornness will keep you on your feet until we can make it back.” The other man huffed. “First Eric, now you. I swear, I’m cursed.” Daryl groaned but couldn’t disagree. 
Christ. The archer’s head was fucked. He couldn’t focus with images of you running rampant at the forefront of his mind. The way you would smile when you saw him; how you’d laugh when he’d huff at Dia for calling him Dorl; you’d have him for dinner a few times a week and it was less and less awkward.
He was so fucked.
“Open the gate!” Aaron called urgently. Daryl hadn’t even been paying attention but maybe zoning out was what brought him that far with such an injury. The toe of his boot was dragging, his leg both numb and throbbing in a way he couldn’t seem to understand was even possible. Sasha was yelling, but he couldn’t understand what she was saying. He was too busy trying to look over his shoulder at the steady crimson trail that followed them. Would walkers follow it right to the gates? “Jesus, okay. I’m going to get help to carry you to the infirmary.”
“Fuck Pete. Gimme Y/N or just take me home.” Daryl slurred, his head falling back against the metal just inside the gates. He was fading, tired and smothered by a dark cloud that was creeping into the edges of his vision and mind. He knew he wouldn’t die from this, but damn, did it still suck.
“Dorl! Mama, Dorl boo-boo!”
Tiny, warm hands were on his face. He was cold, didn’t even realize it. Big blue eyes were hovering right in front of his face, a little mouth between chubby cheeks speaking with an urgency that made him want to scoop her up and soothe the worry. “Dia.” He breathed, his mind finally catching up, though he wasn’t sure for how long.
“Nada kiss boo-boo.”
Daryl chuckled breathlessly but pulled the little girl against his chest. “Nah, baby girl, don’t kiss that boo-boo. S’gross.” Big crocodile tears were forming and falling, and his heart ached. His little girl was never supposed to cry, never supposed to even be sad. “M’okay. Your mama’s gonna make it all better, you’ll see.”
“Mama, Dorl got big boo-boo.”
“I see that, baby. Can you move so mommy can take a look?” You were there, your voice a balm to the pain that was slowly fading. 
“She’s alright.” Daryl shifted Nadia to his side, letting her hold on with her head on his filthy chest. You’d have to give her a bath later and somehow, he had the energy to feel bad about that.
“Jesus, Daryl, what did you do?” You were cutting the lower part of his pant leg, right there on the street, but he didn’t have it in him to see who might be watching. He muttered bear trap but didn’t really recall it being his voice. Was it even him?
The child holding to him made a noise when the wound was revealed, jagged punctures that still steadily bled and she shouldn’t be seeing that. Why wasn’t someone taking her away? “Ssh. S’okay, Dia. Just look at me—can ya hum that song ya always do when we take ya home?” A tiny sniffle but then a little tune in his ear.
“What happened? He okay?” Rick.
“Daryl!” Ah, Carol. Good.
“Hey, take her, would ya? Don’t need to be here.” He was gentle if not weak when he tried to hand off Nadia, kissing one of her little hands when he finally peeled them away from his neck. “M’a be okay, Dia.” She cried. Even as Carol promised her cookies and brownies, she cried and his heart ached more than his leg. He barely caught the word disinfect before the hellfire in his leg struck him like a hammer to the head and he knew no more.
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“S’not that big’a deal. I can take care’a myself at home.” Daryl grimaced and watched you moving things around in your living room. You disappeared and returned several moments later with pillows and blankets. 
“I know you can, but I also know you’re stubborn as a mule and you’ll try to go out of those gates behind Aaron within a day.” He barely opened his mouth before you held up an authoritative finger. “Don’t lie to me, Daryl Dixon. And don’t pretend I don’t know at least a little by now.”
Before he could process her voice, the archer had a lapful of toddler. It was hazy but he could remember how he felt at the gate, the protective instinct, the absolute knowledge that Nadia was his no matter how untrue it was. He couldn’t seem to shake it.
“Hey, Dia.”
“Be careful of his boo-boo, sweetie.” You admonished in the most gentle tone while propping Daryl’s leg up on a pillow. “He’s going to stay with us for a few days so I can keep an eye on him.”
“Why?” Came the innocent reply. 
“Because Daryl is naughty and doesn’t like to listen when he’s told he can’t do something. Like you with Miss Carol’s cookies.” 
Nadia gasped dramatically and turned those big blues to Daryl. “Dorl takes cookies.”
Glancing at you, expression bland, he nodded. “Yeah, I take the cookies.”
“So he has to stay right here on this couch unless mommy is helping him, okay? Can you be my junior nurse and make sure he stays put?”
“That ain’t fair.” Daryl objected with an indignant pout. 
“Why? Because you know it’ll work?” 
Daryl grunted and crossed his arms. He was in for a long few days. 
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A week later, the stitches were out but there was residual swelling that was hindering healing. Nothing to worry about, you had told him. 
“Why ain’t Ken wearin’ no clothes?” Daryl was concerned to be ‘playing Barbies’ when Barbie wore a bathing suit and Ken was naked as the day he was—assembled? So far he’d been able to avoid dialogue and just bounce the doll around with facial expressions that kept the toddler occupied. “Seems a lil’ fucked up.”
“You try finding doll clothes nowadays.” There was laughter in your voice and tenderness in your touch while you cleaned the wound and changed the dressings. Only a couple more days of that. 
“Maybe I will.” The archer mused, standing the doll on top of Nadia’s head, keeping it there with his finger on the top. Her little arms could only reach the legs, facing reddening and scrunching with giggles. 
“Time to pick up your toys. Daryl needs to rest and you, missy, need to get to bed.” 
“Don’t sass your mama.” Daryl dropped the doll in favor of patting the kid on the head. “G’on now.” The archer dropped an arm outward, fully expecting the hug that was incoming. “Night, kid.”
“Nigh’ night’, dada.”
It was at that moment Daryl Dixon completely forgot how to breathe. His eyes were already on yours before the kid decided to drop that bomb and skip away to brush her teeth like she hadn’t just turned his world upside down. 
“M’sorry. M’so sorry. I don’t—she didn’t—”
“I’m just—” you interrupted, backing toward the doorway, “I need to put her to bed.” You stumbled out of the room as if he were chasing you. 
He wasn’t sure he could move if he tried. His heart was in his nose, his stomach in his ass, and his lungs were plaited around his spine. Why would the kid call him dada? It made no sense. A couple of months wasn’t long enough for anything like that. Right? Fuck, he needed to talk to Carol. His brain was malfunctioning. He couldn’t process this. 
Throwing off the blankets, Daryl sat up, levering to his feet. He still had a limp but it was easier now. Shuffling to the exit, he stopped, staring at the handle of the closed door. You’d been doing that now, hadn’t you? He said something once and you had listened. 
“So you’re just gonna run away after that, is that it?”
The archer spun so fast that he lost his balance, righting himself with a hand on the wall. “It ain’t—I was—just needed to talk to Carol.” He admitted. His shirt was damp and he was certain he would vomit. 
“She didn’t mean anything by it, Daryl. I’ll talk to her.” You were wringing your hands, your chin wobbling. 
Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. He had the sudden desire to hug you but didn’t dare move. Aside from casual touches, bumping shoulders in jest, and of course the occasional wound treatment, the two of you had never physically interacted. Not that he hadn’t thought about it. Wow, had he thought about it. “I know she didn’t mean nothin’.” Ouch. Somehow that revelation was worse. 
“She loves you, Daryl. I’ll talk to her, I promise. Please don’t walk out on her. On—on me.”
He likely looked like an idiot hobbling half the distance to where you stood. “Ain’t goin’ nowhere.” When you nodded and dropped your head, he dared another unsteady step. “M’a stay as long as ya want me here. You an’ Dia.” With one hand, he touched your shoulder and left the decision up to you. You needed no further prompting to step into his arms. For a moment, nothing else mattered. But then you were stepping back.  
“Okay.” You nodded, turning your head to wipe away a tear you thought he didn’t already notice. “I like having you here.” He returned the nod silently. 
Nothing else was said. Daryl went back to the couch, you went to get ready for bed. The night went on with both you and Daryl feeling more alone than ever. 
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“She really called you dada?” Carol asked in an excited whisper, the wide grin on her face in direct contrast to Daryl’s frown. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“No!” He shot back immediately, looking over his shoulder at the little girl playing on the living room floor. They had somehow even managed to get her to sit next to Judith’s playpen, so long as Daryl didn’t touch Lil’ Asskicker, peace remained. “I mean, yeah. Fuck, I dunno what I mean, Carol.”
“Daryl.” The seriousness in her tone brought his gaze to hers, flinching when he found her leaning on her elbows much closer than she had been just a moment ago. “I’m gonna ask you a question and I want you to answer me honestly.”
“Ain’t never lied to ya.”
“Okay.” Her eyes, just as blue as his own, narrowed. “Do you love that little girl?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” It was true. It was so different from how he loved Judith but yet completely the same. He would give anything for her to have been his, to have been there while you carried her. He wanted to spit on the man that tried to force you to end it. He couldn’t imagine a world without you and little Nadia anymore. It was as if the two of you were the missing pieces that could give him a chance to be whole. 
“And Y/N?”
“Do you love Y/N?” Carol leaned back a little, her gaze no less intense. 
“S’a lil’ more—I, uh—”
“I said STOP!” 
Daryl was on his feet instantly at the sound of your voice, running outside. His limp was less profound and didn’t hinder him from descending the steps to see you across the street with your arm in Spencer’s grasp. You were likely on your way to collect Nadia.
“Come on, Y/N. You’re beautiful, and I’ve seen the way you look at me.” Spencer pulled you toward him. 
“You’re delusional!” 
“Stop being such a prude. You’ve got a kid. You think you got any other options out there?”
“Yeah! She does!” Daryl’s fist had already connected before the other man had even realized he was approaching. The archer stepped in front of you and stayed there, coiled to attack but holding steady until he was given a reason. 
“You?” Spencer spat, literally, a glob of blood and saliva landing next to Daryl’s boot. “The dirty redneck everyone’s afraid of? That’s laughable.”
Daryl started to move until he felt the smallest tug on his jeans. Nadia was looking up at him, equal parts curious and afraid.
“Dada mad?”
Your arms encircled his stomach with whispers of he’s not worth it repeated over his shoulder. “Get the fuck outta here an’ don’t come near my girls again.” The archer waited, arching a brow when Spencer hesitated. 
“You heard him.” Rick stepped up to Daryl’s left, Michonne and Carol on this right. “Best be going now.” Spitting again, the man curled his lip and scrambled to his feet, stomping off toward his mother’s home. “Well, that’s gonna be a problem.”
“I’ll go talk to Deanna.” Maggie offered, nodding at Rick but stopping to squeeze Daryl’s arm on her way by. What the fuck? Had everyone noticed?
“We should make ourselves scarce.” Michonne suggested with a knowing grin. 
Once they were all out of sight, Daryl deflated, one hand falling to the top of Nadia’s head. “Ain’t angry, Dia.” She sniffled and seemed to only hug his leg tighter. When it was clear he couldn’t turn with the added weight to his injured leg, you stepped around in front of him.
“Your girls?” You asked, expression so terrifyingly unreadable. 
“I just—he needed to leave an’ I didn’t want him to think he could come back ‘round.” His bottom lip was instantly being gnawed between his teeth. “Needed to make sure ya were okay.”
“So, we’re not your girls?” There was definitely disappointment there. You were wringing your hands again before reaching toward Nadia.
“I mean, if ya—yeah.” Daryl swallowed hard. “Yeah, you’re my girls. Have been for a while. M’just a idiot an’ I was—I’m scared. Don’t wanna be like my old man.”
You hummed, stepping into him to brush back the fringe across his eyes. “You haven’t told me anything about your parents, but I’m willing to listen. I wanna know everything about you.”
“Me too—’bout you, I mean. ‘Bout Dia.” He was reaching for your face, leaning in just as you did. His lips barely brushed yours before there came another tug at his jeans again. 
“Home, dada.”
You laughed while Daryl just looked stricken and confused. “You heard her, Daryl. Let’s go home and figure this out.” 
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One Year Later 
“Daddy! Lookit picture!!” 
Daryl looked up from the mess of rabbits he was skinning on the porch, blowing upward to move some of the hair from his eyes. The almost four year old was sprinting down the street from the Grimes’ house, a piece of paper waving in her grip above her head. He waved to Michonne who had been watching Nadia make it back safely. “Whatcha got there, Dia?” She was grinning from ear to ear when she presented it to him, holding it out in front of her because ew no when he reached for it with bloody fingers.
There were three stick figures. One was obviously him if the crazy hair and scribbled attempt at a crossbow were anything to go by. A small figure was at his side, dark hair and a big smile: Nadia. And then there was you. Daryl snorted. You were a stick figure with a circle drawn around the middle. 
“Your mama’s gonna ‘preciate that, kid.”
“Appreciate what?” You stepped out with two glasses of water, placing them on the table and resting your hand on your swollen belly. Nadia proudly displayed the drawing and received a big smile and mhm, so pretty from you while Daryl snickered into his shoulder. “Go put it on the fridge, baby, and wash your hands. Supper’s nearly ready.”
“Okay, mama!” And off she went in a blur.
“Not funny, Dixon.” You dug your bare toes into his lower back until he yelped.
“S’a little funny.” He wiped his knife across his jeans.
“About as funny as you cleaning these rabbits on my front porch.” He ducked his head sheepishly when he turned to watch you lower into your chair. 
“I’ll clean it up, Sunshine. Don’t get all uppity ‘bout it.” Rising from his perch, he gathered the meat onto a parchment you had given him and wrapped it, leaving the bones and fur to handle later. “Dia! C’mere!” Moving at inhuman speed, she was looking up at him from the doorway the next second. Daryl jerked his chin toward a bag on the table beside his water glass. “Broughtcha somethin’ back.”
You leaned forward with curiosity and watched your daughter pull out the contents of the bag, barely catching a glimpse of the different colors before Nadia hugged Daryl’s leg and disappeared back inside with squeals of delight echoing in her wake.
“What did you bring her?”
Daryl smirked. “Told ya I’d find clothes for them dolls.”
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feyhunter78 · 4 months
Hi!! I’ve been thinking about that one scene in 10 Things I Hate About You, when Patrick walks Kat to the swings when she’s drunk and he says “Leave it to you to use big words when you're shitfaced.” Except! Kat is Nerd Miguel who somehow ended up drunk at some frat party or something, and Patrick is reader who has to deal with his antics. I imagine him spewing random scientific words/facts that reader tries her best to understand. All while she’s just trying to sober him up a bit. This lil scenario has been running through my head, and who best to share with than you!
(The chokehold you’re Miguel, specifically nerd Miguel, has on me is insane! It’s a great distraction while at work! <3)
I love that scene so much!!!! I made this a bit different, but I think I still hit the mark for ya anon <3 (Also this is a normal house party bc guys that are not in a frat are not allowed to attend frat events just like with sororities!)
House Parties
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Art cred: Treelover_5
Nerd!Miguel masterlist
You weave through Brett’s parents’ guest house on the edge of town, downing your drink as you search for Miguel. It was really nice of Brett to invite you and Miguel to his pre-winter break bash. You know Miguel doesn’t party much, and Brett has been trying to encourage him to come out of his shell, so this was the perfect opportunity.
The sound of chanting draws your attention, and you see Miguel surrounded by a few other friends of Brett’s. Brett seems to be explaining something to him, car keys in hand. You drove here, so you know the keys aren’t Miguel’s, which makes you feel a bit better.
“Chug, chug, chug.” They chant, and you watch as Brett and Miguel simultaneously shotgun their beers, the foam dripping down Miguel’s tan skin.
Smash. You think instantly, your brain supplying you with images of what Miguel might look like as he comes up from between your legs, his lips, and chin slick with your arousal.
Then Miguel throws the beer down and throws his arms up victoriously.
Brett finishes, then throws his beer down as well and hooks an arm around Miguel’s neck, bringing him down to his level. “My boy Miguel has done it again! Absolute beast of a man!”
The other guys cheer, and you see Miguel smile shyly.
He’s been gaining in popularity, not that he really cares, nor do you, but it makes you happy that he’s made some new friends. Even if those friends challenge him to shotgun races.
Miguel spots you before you can even breach the circle and latches onto you. “Y/N, I won, did you see?”
Brett gives you a look that means dude should probably get some air, and you nod in response.
“Yeah I did, hey Miguel, you wanna step outside with me?”
“Yes, always.” He says instantly, his lips far too close to your neck for you to feel normal about.
You guide him through the crowd and out the door, his arm slung over your shoulders. He’s so heavy, all those stupid hot muscles making him dead weight as he mumbles to himself incoherently.
“What was that sweet boy?” You ask, when you hear something that sounds like your name.
“Did you know that the hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is so strong it can dissolve metal? Thin metal, mind you, but still, metal.” Miguel says, his cheeks red, his glasses perched precariously on the edge of his nose, and a goofy smile on his face.
“Wow, that’s crazy.” You say, struggling under the weight of him as you try to lug him over to a nearby porch swing, the neatly trimmed grass around you littered with solo cups and soaked with various spilled drinks.
“And beer—beer is twice as fizzy as champagne. I know this for a fact, I had four or so beers? They taste bad, did you know that?”
“Yeah, house parties usually have pretty cheap beer.” You laugh, swaying a little when Miguel leans on you.
“And cheetahs, super inbred, ten thousand years ago, taboos were broken, and now they’re all…ya know, the way they are.” He continues on, letting out a surprise oof, when you slide him onto the white porch swing, the weathered green cushions not doing much to break his fall.
“Very cool, so now can you tell me what the hell you were drinking in the twenty minutes I left you alone? Besides beer? Because Miguel, you are so fucked up.” You ask, sitting next to him, your legs tucked beside you as you turn to face him, an affectionate smile on your face.
He drags a hand down his face, and his glasses fall into his lap. He pouts at them, a small aw leaving his lips.
You pick them up and hand them back to him, and he clumsily puts them back on.
“Brett suggested we do shots before the races, he passed his midterm, we were celebrating with him.”
Fucking Brett. You loved the guy, he was nice, nonthreatening, watched out for you when you were in the Sig Epp house, but he also was a menace, who wanted everyone to be as drunk as he was.
“Miguel, you’re a big guy, but you don’t have Brett’s tolerance.” You pat his chest consolingly.
Miguel looks at you, eyes a little hazy, his shirt unbuttoned far more than it normally would be, his hair ruffled. “I’m tougher than I look.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” He leans his head back against the swing, staring up at the stars. “You know a cloud can weigh around a million pounds?”
“I did not know that.” You respond, trying to see if you can check his pupils without him noticing.
He notices and rolls his head to face you. “Everyone blames women when they don’t have sons, but it’s actually male genes that decide it.”
“I did know that one, actually.” You say, as you run your hands through his hair, pushing it out of his face.
He smiles, and you swear it’s brighter than any star in the sky. “You’re so smart, y/n.”
You’re taken aback for a second, heat rushing to your cheeks. “Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.”
“So smart and so, so pretty. I know I said it’s on me, but will you give me a girl y/n? I want a daughter with you, my brains, your everything else, she’d be unstoppable.” He says, his words slurring together. Then he falls forward with a yelp, hands, and elbows hitting the dirt.
You sit frozen in shock, staring down at Miguel, before you snap out of it and scramble to help him. “Shit, Miguel, are you okay?”
He holds up his right hand, it’s bleeding. “Just put some sugar on it, it’ll heal faster.”
“Full of fun facts, aren’t you?” It’s another trip back inside to find a sink and a band-aid, his words still bouncing around in your head.
I want a daughter with you.
Fuck, he’s going to kill you one day, and you’ll let him.
Not me doing a little callback to what Miguel thinks at the end of his encounter with drunk y/n hehe
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer, @denzmallows
229 notes · View notes
umeoniii · 1 year
daddy’s bestfriend, kenny
!: corruption kink, age gap, reader is 18+ obvi, innocent virgin reader, reader calls kenny “uncle” they aren’t related it’s just what she calls him, fem reader, guided masturbation, size kink,
{\❀_/} ( • • ) />♡<\
you sat on the couch of your parents spacious living room, skipping through the channels of the tv trying to occupy yourself until your parents left for their anniversary vacation.
they were leaving you at home for 3 days to your own discretion. you were happy to be alone for the few days, you could use your mothers makeup and look through her clothes all you wanted to now.
your mother walked into the living room putting on her earrings. you already knew she was going to try and set a bunch of rules.
“y/n honey, while we’re gone make sure to watch the house. also if you decide to invite over friends text me, and also make sure to feed princess, if we run out of food make sure to get ‘kitty’s delight’ not the cheap kind…” you drowned out your mothers voice, blabbing on about the same things.
“y/n! are you listening to me?” she says snapping you out of your trance.
you nodded your head watching your father come down the stairs in his suit.
you stood up and walked your parents to the door and kissed them goodbye. you walked back over to the couch plopping back down. before your father walked all the way out the door he turned around and walked back towards you, who was yet again skipping through channels.
“also honey, you remember my good friend kenny? the one who used to watch you alot when you were younger?”
your ears pricked up as soon as the name rolled off his tongue.
“yeah, why do you ask?”
“well he might come over to make sure you stay in check. so keep an eye out okay angel?”
you gave your father a long stare before opening your mouth, “im old enough to watch the house, i dont need a babysitter.” you whined standing in front of your dad.
“i don’t care honey, i’d feel safer if there were an older adult in the house with you.” he walked back to you giving you a kiss on the cheek.
you watched as he walked back to door standing with your mother, who blew you a kiss before closing the door. you stood at the window watching as their taxi drove them off.
turning back to the living room you turned off the living room tv and went into the kitchen getting yourself a snack. a piece of the strawberry cake from their anniversary gift.
after you finished your last bite you remembered, uncle kenny’s coming over!
you ran up the stairs, quickly going to your room taking out cuter lounging clothes. your bathroom was your next destination hopping into the shower washing yourself with the strawberry cream body wash you got from the mall the other day.
you wasted no time to shave your entire body and to wash and do you hair as well. you hopped out drying your body off, and greasing up.
you dried and combed through your hair fixing it into a ponytail with a ribbon. after you were done modding your appearance you ran back into your bed laying down. you checked the time on your phone. damn, it took me 3 hours to do all of that? n’ he’s still not here…
you looked over to your nightstand drawer and opened it taking out your diary as well as your pen.
you wrote, “today my parents left me home alone! they acted like i couldn’t watch the house, im in college im pretty sure i can… they’re gonna be gone for a few days, 3 at most. and guess who’s gonna come over? guess! kenny is! my, i’m lowkey nervous but im happy because i haven’t seen him in a lil while.”
it was honestly odd what you had for your father’s friend. you’ve always had a little crush on him. you found many of his attributes attractive. you liked how he towered over you, how he was always very nice to you and overprotective of you. you felt icky at times with the way he made you feel, but you couldn’t help yourself.
while thinking you heard a knock at your door.
it must be kenny! you got off your bed and peered through the blinds seeing kenny’s black truck. you ran down the steps quickly and stopped at the front door. you looked through the peephole seeing kenny’s tall form standing with a bag in his hands.
you opened the door swiftly to be greeted with a large smile on his face. you jumped and gave him a big hug, his large arm wrapped around your hips.
“hey kiddo” he said
“hi kenny” you backed up from the hug, motioning him to come inside. the two of you walked in standing in the living room.
“you’ve gotten older since last time i seen ya’” he said, you noticed how his eyes drifted to your breasts before he quickly looked back at your eyes.
“it hasn’t been that long.” you scoffed, “ what’s in the bag?” you inquired following him to the couch.
“nothin’ my stuff, also i gotcha something.” you watched him pull out a stuffed puppy out of a separate box he was carrying. it was pink with a white bow tied on it. you smiled with bright, wide eyes.
“i knew you liked this kind of cutesy stuff so i got it for you at the store.” you opened it, staring in awe at the white puppy plush that sat before you.
“what did you do with the last one i got for you?” he asked.
“oh, the bunny? well it sits on my bed!” you told him thinking about how you cuddle with it at night as if it were your uncle.
“that’s great, so where am i gonna sleep at?” he asked yawning.
“the room next to mine, you want me to show it to you?” you asked sweetly.
he gave you a nod. you walked up the stairs with kenny behind you. you walked down the long hallway past your parents room and yours and right to the guest room.
“here it is.” it was a nice cream colored room. it had a queen sized bed and a tv.
“you can use my bathroom kenny if you need it m’kay? my parents hate even when i use their bathroom.” you gave him a soft smile as he took off his boots. you walked out leaving him alone.
you walked back to your bedroom putting the dog plushie on your bed. you layed down on your back getting your phone and putting in your headphones listening to your music.
you sat on your bed lying down until you felt a light tap on your thigh. you sat up quickly turning to kenny. you saw his mouth moving not hearing a word leaving his lips. you took off your headphones to hear him clearly.
“i said im about to take a shower y/n, help me out will ya?”
you both walked inside of your bathroom. you showed him where everything was and how to work the shower. he took in the scenery of your restroom.
“damn even the soaps shaped like a lil animal.” he chuckled inspecting the soap, while you lit up your candle.
he pulled out his razor and you walked out sitting back onto your bed.
you pulled back out your diary writing more of the day’s events and also writing some reminders. a few minutes later you heard the door creak from the bathroom as kenny stepped out.
beard shaved off clean, towel wrapped around his waist, and dripping wet. you looked at his hair sticking to his body and you couldn’t help but look down at his happy trail that wrapped around his navel and went down. you looked at him lips parted before you turned around, the heat of your body almost making you sweat.
“sorry i left my clothes in the room, forgot to bring them with me to the bathroom” he chuckled, you watched as he walked out going to his room.
kenny left the clothes on purpose, so he can see your little flustered face as he stood half naked in front of you. he wanted to see just how long it would take to make you break.
he dried off in his room and put his clothes on. he stayed in his room letting the tv entertain him occasionally checking in on you until you came in asking him if he was hungry. you eyed the tight black shirt he wore, outlining his muscles and biceps. as well as the pajama pants he wore.
“hell yeah i am.”
“well i’ll be in the kitchen, i’ll make us something good to eat.” you smiled walking off.
when kenny heard you walk down the stairs he creeped into your room slowly.
he loved how you liked cutesy things, everything in your room was a pastel color or pink. you had cute trinkets and posters all over your room. he looked through your drawers looking at your lacy panties and bras.
what’d he do to see you in only them.
he turned around towards your bed catching a glimpse of the pink journal with stickers laying on your ditsy rose comforter.
he sat himself on the bed softly looking at the cover of the book y/n’s diary DONT read further.
he chuckled to himself before reading forward.
he wanted to know more about you and how your life has been since he last saw you. he hasn’t talked to you consistently in about a year and he didn’t wanna nag you by asking, so he took matters into his own hands.
and boy was he was surprised at the contents of the book. it started off normal about things you did in your day, what you ate, what you wore simple things. sometimes his name would be mentioned. and the things said with his name were always about your feelings twoards him or how you thought about him a lot. one struck his eye though.
“last night i had a dream about my uncle kenny, a very weird dream. i don’t even wanna write about it because it was so dirty and yucky. usually these kind of things come with your subconscious, i mean yeah i like kenny a little more than i should. but i don’t think i like him in the way shown in my dream, that’s weird and nasty. and i’m not like that, i’ve known him for so long, he’s like my uncle. i think i’ll just try to forget about it and get ready to go to work…”
you had a crush on your uncle kenny. and surprisingly he liked you a lot too, he thought you were always such a cutie. when he saw you on your 18th birthday something in him changed.
he knew your father would murder him mercilessly if he knew how he felt about you, but he couldn’t contain himself. kenny closed your diary and layed it back on the bed the way it was originally.
“kenny dinners ready!” you called out to him
he walked down the stairs to the scent of tomato soup and grilled cheese.
“smells good, y/n” he looked at you sitting down at the island
“really? i tried something different and quicker today”
“looks good as well.” he said nearly drooling over his plate. kenny ripped a piece of his sandwich and tossed it to the persian long haired cat meowing on the ground. the two of you ate quietly sometimes making eye contact with a soft smile.
“hey does your parents have a liquor cabinet or somethin’ ?”
you nodded, walking over to the cabinet standing on your tippy toes trying to reach it. kenny came up behind you with one of his hands on your hip the other reaching for your dad’s rum.
you felt a tingling sensation with his hand touching you so intimately like that. he went to another cabinet grabbing two glasses, the both of you taking your seats on the soft cushions.
“y/n you’re old enough to drink ain’tcha? have some.” kenny saud slyly pouring some into a glass for you
“well no kenny, i don’t really like it…” you said hesitantly
“c’mon it ain’t bad, i’ll help you out if you need it.” he smiled at you
you nodded sipping at the liquor and you hated it. you swallowed it only because kenny was watching you, but the burning sensation in your throat almost caused you to purge right on the table. he saw you were struggling and got you a bottle of water.
“here, i ain’t like it my first time either.” he chuckled rubbing your back as you downed the water.
a little while later you and kenny were finished, and you and him went up to your rooms separately. you sat in your bed and put your journal back into your bedside drawer.
you layed in your bed thinking about how flustered your uncle made you that day. the way you felt when he walked in front of you basically fully exposed and the way his big hand laid on your hip.
you got the weird sensation again, you tried to squeeze your legs shut in attempts to make the feeling go away. you turned off your lamp and drifted to sleep next to the barrage of plushies on your side.
you woke up later on to a suddenly heavier feeling in your bed, turning to your side you saw kenny asleep right next to you. you gasped audibly, slapping his arm trying to get his attention. he woke up giving you a confused look before realizing what he had did wrong.
“what are you doing?” you whisper screamed
“im sorry honey your bed looked more comfortable.” he said, you noticed his shirt was off which made the heat grow even rapidly.
he looked at you, a smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth.
“ya‘ know, i know yer’ lil secret” he whispered into your ear.
you looked at him genuinely confused, “what secret?” you grabbed the lighter next to your bed, lighting up your candle.
“don’t play dumb with me doll. the little book that was lying on your bed, i read it.” he said sitting up
you thought deeply into it before you felt your heart drop.
oh my god, kenny read my diary. you tried your hardest to keep your composure, but it was clear that you were shocked and scared.
“don’t worry honey, i ain’t angry or anything. tell me, what was your dream about?” he asked looking into your eyes
“i um, it was about…” you cupped you hands around his ear, “we kissed” you paused abruptly, “ an- and we had… sex but before things really got started i woke up.” you whispered shamefully into his ear.
he looked at you, your heart almost pounding out of your chest.
he picked up on how nervous you were feeling , “you okay?” he asked you, sultry voice making your hairs stand up.
“yeah well, it makes me feel… icky.”
“icky? how?”
“first of all it’s weird because you’re like my uncle, kenny. and second i get this weird tingly feeling sometimes.”
he pulled you closer to him, to where you were almost on his lap, he snaked his arm around your waist and layed his hand on your thigh. “what tingly feeling?” he hummed in your ear.
you hesitated embarrassed to tell him how it felt.
“c’mon tell me sweetie, i wanna help you try n’ get rid of it.”
you grabbed his hand and drifted it to your clothed heat.
“oh, so your cunnie’s what’s achy hm?”
he pressed his finger onto your panties making you gasp. he rubbed it slowly causing you to writhe under him.
“you a virgin y/n?” he said still rubbing your clit through your panties.
you nodded vigorously grinding onto his finger.
“good girl, i don’t want you being with any of those nasty little boys, okay?”
you nodded.
“have you ever touched yourself down here before?” he said nibbling at your ear lobe.
“n-no sir” you stuttered
he removed his hand feeling how damp your panties got.
“m’ gonna teach ya a little something okay?”
he grabbed your hand and trailed it to your panties. he took his hands and ripped your panties, the cold air on your exposed pussy made you tremble.
“kenny i really liked those.” you muttered softly
he held your hand with his and showed you how to touch yourself.
“whenever you get to thinkin bout me just get your fingers and rub em’ on that little bump right there you see?” he slid you all the way onto his lap. the hairs on his chest rubbed against your back. he layed his head in the crook of your neck taking in the scent of strawberry pound cake perfume.
you layed your fingers on your clit rubbing it slowly while he helped you move your hand.
“just like that.” he groaned into your ear.
you felt the tingly feeling become more disperse throughout your body. you moaned softly rubbing your clit. you felt how hard kenny was while sitting on his lap.
kenny moved your hand from your cunt, replacing it with own fingers. he sped up the pace making you squirm more, your thighs closing.
you felt the tingly feeling build up but then it suddenly vanished as your orgasm crashed over your body.
“mm kenny” you whined, your thighs squeezing his hand as you wiggled uncontrollably in his lap.
he kissed your neck as you breathed in and out. he then picked you up and layed you back onto your bed barely giving you time to recover. he spread your legs before pulling down his pants.
a look of dread and confusion took over your face as you looked at his cock. it was long and curved over his tummy. his head was swolllen and leaky. you closed your legs and shook your head.
“what’s wrong pretty? it ain’t gonna hurt, promise.” he said kissing your cheek and prying your legs back open.
he spit onto his fingers and rubbed it onto your vulva before lining his head to your hole.
“im gonna stuff ya like a fuckin’ apple pie.”
he pushed himself into you, softly groaning while doing so. you watched waiting for him to be all the way in. he pushed the last of himself in quickly, causing you to let out a yelp.
he was balls deep inside of you, your legs on his shoulders. he slowly thrusted himself in you. you whined softly to yourself. it was more painful than you imagined, he was so big compared to your virgin body. you felt yourself stretching out after every thrust.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, your headboard squeaking from all the movement.
“how would yer’ daddy feel? if he knew how dirty you were getting for me?”
“upset” you hiccuped, his skin slapping against yours.
“damn right he’d be, so you can’t tell him about this. that his best friend is fucking the hell out of his daughter.” he said rubbing your cheek
you felt guilty, but at the same time you couldn’t help it, you wanted more.
“kenny it feels so good, c-can you go a little faster.” you said shakily
he sped up causing tears of pleasure to run down your hot cheeks. you felt the way his tip rubbed against the ridges inside of you, it made you feel an emotion you’ve like none you’ve ever experienced.
“fuck, you’re so tight honey, im trying so hard not to cum.” he held you closer to his chest biting the tender skin of your neck. you yelped from the sudden feeling of his teeth in your neck, but weirdly enough you liked it.
you liked the full feeling he gave you, the pang of pain you felt when his cock expanded your virgin cunt, you loved it. he slid his hands up your gown groping and squeezing your chest, you wrapped your legs around his waist holding on to him as tight as possible.
“you don’t know how many times i’ve imagined this day. how many times i’ve came into my hand thinkin’ about you.” he grunted, his body slamming against yours.
you started to feel a pleasurable sensation, like something intense was building up inside of you “k-kenny” you sputtered, voiced shaky from all the movement. he looked at you still thrusting, “i feel it again, the weird feeling.” you whined clawing at his back. he didn’t answer your inquiry and instead sped up.
you felt the feeling build up even more as the ribbon in your tummy snapped. you moaned loudly tensing your body and cumming all over your uncle kenny. you gasped for air while kenny continued to thrust into you, his pace getting sloppy.
he pulled out before grabbing your cheeks and forcing your mouth open.
“stick out your tongue like you’re licking a popsicle alright?” he said jerking himself over you.
you obliged.
a few pumps later his semen spewed from his swollen, dark red tip. white covered your tongue as you kept it hanging out of your mouth.
“swallow it like the good girl you are.” he said, his big hand resting on top of your head.
you swallowed the thick, salty liquid with a slightly embarrassed grin.
kenny grabbed you by your cheeks indulging in a deep kiss groping your body more.
little did you know he was planning to repeat this again tomorrow.
a/n: only few ppl on this app will understand how bad i need kenny ψ(`∇´)ψ
a/n2: i hate to be the bearer of bad news for the south park fans, but this is abt kenny ackerman from aot Σ('◉⌓◉’)
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lightlycareless · 3 months
Could you please spare some child au or high school au hc? Please I’m so hungry 😔 /hj
Hello dear anon!!
Well, I've decided to write a lil thing for the child au :> It's the au that I have most neglected, mainly because I don't get any inspiration for it 😭 (idk, just... nothing comes to me, you know?)
BUT I did manage to get this, mainly from my experiences... or maybe that was just me. Either way, I remember taking pictures of just about anything and posting them to my myspace (OOOF) soooo........ enjoy :>
warnings: none, fluff. plus a little something I wanted to explore at the end.
Happy reading!
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“—A camera!” Naoya grins as he proudly shows off his newest acquisition, a gift from one of his grandparents; the latest digital model found in the market!
And perhaps something the adults might’ve wanted to wait a bit longer before getting, or at least put up some resistance against Naoya’s never-ending fits when it comes to impressing you…
“What do you think? Nice, right?”
You stare at it for a few seconds, before giving him a big, bright grin and a nod.
Naoya’s heart flutters—his purpose accomplished.
“I knew you’d be able to recognize excele—exclen—excellency!” he boasts, whether he knew the meaning of that word meant or not, is a mystery for both.
“What are you going to do with it?” you curiously ask. You’ve never had a camera, even though you’ve long expressed your interest for it, (your parents were a bit more… sensible when it came to spoiling you.) Nonetheless, what Naoya’s got was also yours, much to their chagrin.
“Take pictures, of course!”
“But of what?” you pout, frowning.
There’s actually so many things he wishes to do with his new camera, things that he’s partially done already, from taking pictures of the new figures he’s got from his favorite anime to the drawings he’s been slowly working on to impress you…
However, he had a reputation to maintain, and such, he gives you the response he thinks will make him look the coolest, straight from Naoaki’s —his oldest brother— book.
“I don’t know, just, whatever I guess.” He shrugs, copying every mannerism, down to the tone, to impress you.
But to you, he only appeared absent-minded, as if he was foolishly failing to realize the great opportunities having a camera presented!
And thankfully, you’d come to his aid. Unknowingly creating a win-win situation for the two.
“Oh, I know! We can take pictures of us doing cool poses!” you grin. “Like the ones in my brother’s posters!! Or that anime you were watching the other day!!”
“That girl group?” Naoya twists his lips, not very… fond of your idea at first, until the frown on your face rectifies his response. “I mean—If that’s what you want…”
Of course, what he said wasn’t what he felt, for the moment you grabbed his hand with your soft one, tightly holding onto him as you led him towards your room, he was nothing but willing to do what you desired.
He’d silently observe you take out a few of the magazines you managed to sneak out of your brother’s room (Ren’s very aware of it, he just lets you keep them, happy to share his enjoyment for the Spice Girls.) and get ideas of what poses to replicate—down to the smallest details.
Naoya’s commitment had some limits, though.
“I don’t know if I want to do that one…” Naoya murmurs, slightly embarrassed, fearing what he’ll look like before you if he accepts…
“Why not? I even got the clothes!” you encouraged. Kind of. They’re your best attempt at something like that. It’s the thought that counts, though.
But in the end, you let Naoya not take part in the activity, solely because he got an even better job to do—that is, being your own personal photographer.
A camera is something that you’ve always been allured to, especially the instant ones where you can get the picture immediately after, so to hear that your best friend is getting one, and that he’s more than happy to share this adventure with you, is like a dream come true!
So, the two begin to take all kinds of pictures, with just about any pose you could think of, and landscapes to choose from; getting more and more ideas the longer this photoshoot went on.
Eventually, Naoya would also feel comfortable enough to take pictures with you; although truth to be told, he was hoping to get one either way, realizing that by doing this… he’ll have a piece of you to take come.
The thought of keeping your adorableness through pictures is enough to fill his heart with this growing sentiment he has yet to discover as love—or perhaps completely understand, achieving so until much older…
When he isn’t fretting about your increasingly worrisome choices, that is.
“Take a picture when I’m jumping down the edge!!” you’d say. “I’m going to do this cool pose like in Naruto, so be ready!!”
“Y/N, wait!” He cries, camera unprepared, while fearing for your wellbeing. “What if you get hurt?!”
“I’m a ninja! I can’t get hurt!”
The number of scares you’d put him through that day are ones that he’ll never forget, the mere thought of them enough to send shivers through his spine…
But even then, he didn’t complain much. Because he was nothing but happy see you smile and laugh, proof that his decision was the right one, yet again, just to show how well he’s gone to know you—already planning what to get when you eventually grow tired of the camera…
If he doesn’t destroy it first when his brothers eventually discover his embarrassing photos.
“Naoya, come here please!” You’d call from another room, a request that was immediately granted just a few seconds after when he crosses through the doors.
“What is it, my love?” Naoya asks, throughout the years, his determination to please you has never dwindled.
“Look what I found!”
“Oh, its—”
The same camera he got all those years ago, the first one he’s got. A relic of his childhood, in other words.
“The camera, that one! Remember?” you say. Rummaging through the moving boxes has been quite nostalgic as of lately, but you never expected to see something so… ancient, no offense meant. “Wow, can’t believe it’s here…”
“Me neither…” Naoya says, somewhat… nervous.
“Think it still has pictures from back then?”
Naoya immediately turns red.
“No!” he shrieks, making you raise an eyebrow. Did you forget, perhaps? “I mean—It’s old, who knows if the battery or memory are any good.”
“Let’s find out then!” you grin, quickly standing up to look for a compatible charger.
Naoya tries to stop you, kind of; he doesn’t really put that much of a fight whenever he sees you this enthusiastic, although he wishes he could’ve for once, considering how anxious he felt for the impending moment the camera turned on and revealed all those embarrassing pictures he innocently took back then.
To when you giggle graces his ears, amused by his antics…
But when the camera beeps on, he’s received with… well, nothing. Just silence as you diligently flick through the photos, each one received by your intense gaze that makes him wonder if perhaps the camera didn’t work anymore…
Until noticing the fluster in your cheeks, then did Naoya dare to ask what’s wrong.
“Y/N, is… everything ok?”
“Naoya… did you really… keep all these pictures?” you ask, slowly turning around to see him, revealing your burning face.
“I… did.” He silently admits, unsure where this is going, but convinced it wasn’t good. “I… well, you liked them, so I thought I’d keep them, in case you wanted to see them again, of course. I didn’t know you wanted me to… delete them.”
It’s funny to see that even when married, Naoya is just as anxious when it comes to openly expressing his feelings—he’s gotten better at it, of course, the two were now living in the same house together, hoping for a baby…
But maybe it’s the inner child in him, the one that never got to express his feelings back then, didn’t know how. Even though he wanted so, so much.
Which is coincidentally, the same reason that made your breath hitch to your throat, heart skipping a beat when realizing that Naoya, all this time, has…
“—You’ve always cared for me, haven’t you?”
Naoya blinks, caught off guard by the direction this conversation was heading; but even then, he nods, admitting what you confessed.
You knew that already; you wouldn’t have married him if that wasn’t the case.
It’s just that… to be reminded that Naoya always had your wellbeing in mind, probably since the moment he met you… melted your heart.
Truly, you had found your soulmate.
“Enough to even… take these silly pictures of me!” You add, it’s your turn to be embarrassed by all the goofy pictures you made him take; you knew you were nothing but a child back then, actions like these more than expected, but now that you were an adult… you can’t help but wince, covering your cheeks with your hands as you continue to fret. “Oh my god, Naoya—how did you even put up with me back then??! Seriously, look at this one!! It’s all coming to me now—I think I got hurt, didn’t I? Or at least that’s how it felt…”
“I guess I just liked you too much.” He says, a smile on his face.
“I guess you did.” You giggle. “Guess you must’ve had it real bad if you were willing to make silly faces with me! Though you looked far cuter than me, but then again, you were always good-looking.”
“What are you on, love? I don’t think either of us looked good.” he snickers, leaning down and looking at the camera. “Definitely not you on that photo.”
“Hey!” you gasp. “No need to go that low!”
“Or what?” he smirks. “Gonna make me take more pictures of you?”
You gasp. “I’ll take this as blackmail, then!” and then, you stand up, sprinting past the door and away from him, hoping to get a copy of these pictures onto the computer and let your evil scheming commence.
“Huh?! No you’re not!” Naoya says, running right behind you, eventually catching up to you and taking the camera away from your hands.
But you meant no harm, of course, not when the presence of them filled the two with nostalgia, fondly looking back to the moment the two were nothing but kids, yet, unknowingly fated to be with one another.
It’s always meant to be that way; to be happy together, whether in the past, the present, or the future.
One the two have yet to create, now as a family.
Which neither could wait for it to happen.
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Naoya and YN growing to be together is the ultimate endgame. I will not discuss otherwise :) also, Naoya might be holding onto those pictures in hopes of showing them off to their future daughter, just to get back at her (Naomi is not thrilled, at all. It's probably the first time she thinks of her parents as weird)
Oh, I hope you enjoyed this little thing 🥺❤️ thank you so much for sending in this ask, the child au is 😭 the fluff I need amongst these times of angst haha.
Anyways, I will try my best to write the Naoya b-day one shot :> In between requests and updates.... you know... eheh.
Thank you so much for your patience, take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
Hii!! It’s like 3am and my mind is running wild lmao. Could you write bill with a gn!reader who’s the fifth member of the band and they’re all at an interview when the interviewer points out the hickey on bills neck and bill fumbled over his words since he doesn’t know how to say something without outing him and reader since they’ve been secretly hooking up.
Also, sorry for all of the male and gender neutral reader requests but most stuff is all Afab or fem reader and I don’t really have the writing skills to write my own fics.
(Love the work, keep it up💕)
aww thank you!! its okay 😩 i love writing for gn or male readers like @jkloserdazai and @tokio-motel
Little hickey
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pairing: bill x male/ gn reader
tags/ warnings: internalized homophobia, reader having a hickey, embarrassment, reader crying, comfort throughout, bill and reader being scared of being outed
a/n: this hit a lil close to home, love whoever the fuck you want, it shouldn't matter
Your POV:
I gently scratched my fingernail against the hickey on my neck, the one Bill had given me last night. It was still there, a faint reminder of the passionate make-out session we'd shared in the back of his tour bus. I glanced over at Bill, sitting across from me at the interview table. He was nervously fidgeting with a pen, his long fingers twisting and turning the plastic casing. He didn't seem to notice the interviewer's gaze lingering on the mark on his neck, but I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.
We'd been doing these interviews all day, promoting our new album, and so far, everything had been going smoothly. Until now. I didn't know how to explain the hickey without outing us both, but I couldn't let Bill take the fall for something he'd done to me. The interviewer cleared his throat, and I knew I had to say something.
"Oh, that?" I tried to laugh it off. "Yeah, I mean, we were just hanging out last night, you know, having a little pre-tour party, and things just got a little out of hand." My heart raced as I said it, hoping that my words would sound natural and not too forced. Bill shot me a grateful smile from across the table, but the interviewer's expression didn't change.
"So, you're saying you two are close?" he pressed, still not letting it go. I could feel the heat creeping up my neck and into my cheeks. Bill shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly not knowing how to respond without giving us away. "As in, romantically close?" The interviewer's eyebrow raised, and I could feel my stomach knot up.
I glanced at Bill, trying to gauge his reaction, but he was looking at the floor, his lips pressed together in a tight line. I couldn't let him take the fall for this. I had to say something. "Well, you know how it is in a band," I began, trying to play it off as if we were just close friends who happened to have a little fun sometimes. "We've been through so much together, we're like family. Sometimes the lines can get blurred."
Bill nodded in agreement, finally meeting the interviewer's gaze. "Yeah, that's true," he said, his voice steady. "We're just really close, you know? It's not like we're… I mean, we're not…" He trailed off, and I could tell he was struggling to keep up the charade.
I reached across the table and squeezed his hand, silently urging him to keep going. "It's just how we are," I chimed in, trying to sound confident even though my heart was racing. "We've been through so much together, and we trust each other completely. It's not a big deal."
The interviewer leaned back in his chair, considering our responses. He didn't say anything for a moment, and the silence in the room was deafening. Finally, he nodded slowly, as if he'd come to some sort of decision. "Alright," he said, "let's move on to another topic."
The relief was palpable as he shifted the focus of the interview. Bill and I exchanged grateful glances across the table, our hands still clasped tightly together beneath the table. We both knew that we'd managed to get through that part unscathed, but I couldn't help but feel a weight settle heavily in my chest.
As the rest of the interview progressed, we answered questions about the new album, our upcoming tour, and our favorite memories from the past decade together. There were a few more tense moments where Bill and I had to subtly reassure each other with squeezes of the hand or discreet glances, but for the most part, we made it through unharmed.
Once the interview was over, we thanked the interviewer and made our way backstage. The moment we were alone, Bill pulled me into a hug, his lips finding my ear. "I don't know how you did that," he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought I was going to have to come clean about everything."
I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. "I couldn't let you do that," I murmured, nuzzling my face into his neck. "We're in this together, remember? Always." He nodded against my hair, his chest heaving as he tried to steady his breath.
We stood there for a long moment, just holding each other, before finally pulling away. "Come on," I said with a small smile, "let's get out of here and celebrate. We made it through that okay." Bill nodded, his expression still a little somber, but he followed me as I led the way out of the room.
As we made our way through the backstage maze, I couldn't help but wonder how many more times we'd have to endure moments like that. It was only a matter of time before someone else would catch on to the truth. But for now, we could enjoy this brief respite from the scrutiny of the world.
Bill was quiet for the rest of the evening, his mind no doubt still reeling from the interview. I knew how much pressure he was under, being the lead singer and all. He had to be strong for the rest of the band, but sometimes I wished he could just be honest with himself about how he really felt.
As we made our way back to our separate rooms, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in my chest. Even though we had managed to survive another crisis, I knew that this wasn't a life that either of us truly wanted. The constant lies, the secrets, the fake smiles… it was all starting to weigh on us.
I paused outside Bill's door, my hand hovering over the knob. I wanted nothing more than to slip inside and crawl into bed with him, to wrap my arms around him and promise that everything would be okay. But I knew that wasn't the answer. Not tonight.
Instead, I took a deep breath and continued down the hall to my own room. As I undressed in the dim light, I could feel the weight of the day pressing down on my shoulders. I climbed into bed, drawing the covers up to my chin, and closed my eyes.
Tears began to well up in my eyes as I thought about our situation, about how much we'd been through together and how much more we still had to endure. I couldn't help but wonder if things would ever get better for us, if we'd ever be able to find some sort of happiness.
The sound of footsteps approaching my room snapped me back to reality. In a panic, I wiped my eyes dry and composed myself as best I could. It was only a matter of time before someone came to check on me. I didn't want them to see me like this.
The door swung open, revealing Bill in his pajamas, his hair disheveled and his eyes red-rimmed. "Are you okay?" he whispered, his voice thick with concern. I forced a smile, even though it hurt to do so. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just exhausted"
He didn't seem convinced, but he didn't push further. Instead, he climbed onto the bed beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders in a gentle embrace. It was a familiar gesture, one that always made me feel safe and protected. "If you ever need to talk, you know you can," he said softly.
I nodded against his chest, the warmth of his body seeping into mine. "I know," I whispered, the words catching in my throat. "I just wish things could be different."
Bill squeezed me a little tighter, his breath hot against my hair. "Me too," he murmured. "Me too." We lay there in silence for a while, the weight of our secret pressing down on us like a physical presence. Despite everything, I found comfort in the simple closeness of his touch.
Eventually, I mustered up the strength to speak. "I'm sorry if I made things harder for you today," I said, my voice barely audible. "I never want you to feel like you have to protect me."
Bill turned his head so he could look at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and frustration. "I don't," he said firmly. "I'm always going to look out for you, no matter what. But I wish we didn't have to go through this alone."
His words were like a balm to my aching heart. "Me too," I whispered, pressing my cheek against his chest. "Me too." As the silence stretched out between us, I found myself hoping against hope that somehow, some way, things would get better. That one day we wouldn't have to hide anymore. That we could finally be honest with each other and with the world.
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I did things just a bit different in order to keep the flow in my brain going, but hopefully you like it still!
God damn this took forever-
❣️It should be noted I write Scarab with a nonhuman dick❣️
❣️reader is also vaguely mentioned to have a decent sized chest at one point, but it can also be interpreted that you’re just wearing a tight fitting top❣️
❣️Scarab demands to “properly” court reader when they’re done as a stipulation❣️
❣️reader gets a lil mean but is generally a soft dom and she’s only mean because Scarab gets a bit bratty❣️
Being a friend of Fiona’s, of course you were concerned when she and Cake went missing, only to return a few days later after you, Gary, and Marshall Lee had scoured the city looking for her, raving about how your universe was bound to turn magical any second and how you all lived in some dude named Simons head.
….did her overalls just talk?????
After Fiona and Cake try explaining things more thoroughly to you three to clear up confusion, (it didn’t help much), they had both run off to try and find a portal, leaving you, Gary, and Marshall to talk amongst yourselves.
….at least you would have, had it not been for the commotion emanating from where they had run off too.
Arriving at the scene, you just barely managed to catch the oversized, red, alien looking bug that had been launched at you through the air by a poorly aimed kick from Cake.
Immediately, the creature began to try and bite you, struggling in your grasp to break free with its large yellow eyes unfocused and wild.
looking it over curiously, you noticed the large crystal that had embedded itself in the creatures exoskeleton. It looked painful, to say the least.
Gently cooing at it, you cradled the agitated bug to your chest.
“Poor thing, no wonder you’re so worked up! That must be so uncomfortable…”
Something about you speaking to it caused the creature to calm down slightly, staring up at you and blinking owlishly as it began to focus on your face, stilling enough for you to pry the crystal from its back.
“There you go, that’s it… good beetle…”
You could have sworn you saw a red coloration coat just under its eyes at your soothing praise, a small purr rumbling from it and causing small vibrations to shake its body.
After tossing the crystal to Fiona, you wrapped both arms around your new “companion” and hummed thoughtfully, taking note that it was still staring up at your face.
“You know, you’re quite cute when you’re not so fussy.”
more dark red spread across its cheeks to the point you knew you weren’t imagining anything, now avoiding your gaze by closing its eyes.
Gently stroking its abdomen seemed to make the purring increase, and it almost seemed like the creature was unaware of its actions, feeling the spikes on its joints dig themselves into your clothes so that you couldn’t pry it off.
“Ah, that thing seems quite attached to you, (y/n)…”
*gasp* “(y/n), quick, put him down! That’s Scarab and he’s dangerous! Give him to cake to contain him for now!”
”Scarab, huh?”
At you saying his name, the mini Scarab nodded and pressed his face against you.
“Are you sure he’s dangerous, Fiona? Look at how cute he’s being!”
“ugh, fffiiinnnneeee…”
When you try to gently pull the mini Scarab off of you, it starts to squirm to try to keep its sharp appendages stuck to your clothes.
seeing as though you weren’t going to give up trying to get him off of you, Scarab licked your neck to catch you off guard and quickly crawled under your shirt to rest against your chest when your grip loosened in shock.
looking down at the yellow eyes that slowly closed as he rested against your chest, you sighed.
“Dude, there’s not enough room for you in there. Every time I take a breath, the combination of you and my boobs makes me worry my top will break.”
When you tried to reach for him to take him out from your shirt, the mini Scarab glared at you so fiercely you gave up.
“okay, okay, fine- you can stay there, but my friends are going to take you sooner or later.”
All that comment got in response was a low purr and the closing of eyes as you rewrapped your arms around him.
After making your way back to Fiona’s apartment once the other Scarabs had been rounded up, you tried to carefully remove the sleeping Scarab from your being, only for it to awake and start babbling indecipherable things as it clung to you tighter.
“Uh, guys? A little help here?”
Despite all the efforts of your friends, Scarab held onto you stubbornly, sharp cries of “No!” emanating from his mouth.
“Fiona, are you sure he’s dangerous? All he seems to be doing is clinging to (y/n)…”
“Marshall, he literally tried to kill me and Cake! But…. Maybe it would be a good idea for her to keep holding him. We’d be able to better prevent him from fully forming that way.”
At Fiona’s words, Scarab looked up at you and let out another purr, nuzzling into your hands.
“For a cosmic god auditor, you sure are a clingy little thing…”
Glaring up at you before hiding his face in your chest, Scarab felt you walk around the room and release one of your arms from around him to open Fiona’s fridge.
Taking out a pumpkin bar, you took a few bites before noticing Scarabs gaze fixated on your lips. Not saying anything, you broke a piece of the bar off and placed it in his mouth, watching as he gave a purr and mindlessly began chewing, still hyper focused on your mouth.
Back and forth you two went, you carefully feeding Scarab while he stared at your face with such intensity that you almost wondered if he was even aware he was eating.
By the time you two had finished eating, you just barely registered the deafening silence that had taken over the room. Strange, considering the other mini Scarabs had never shut up about calling your friends “abominations” and other various insults.
turning, you saw that all the other scarabs were also staring at you, seemingly in a trance.
when your gaze would land on any of them, they would whimper pathetically and try to paw out of their enclosures, the ones in glass jars only being stopped by your friends firmly gripping the containers.
unlike with LSP, they weren’t doing this to manipulate you into freeing them. They had seen how gentle you were with their other counterpart, and they wanted that softness all to themselves.
“Well, they all seem to like (y/n)…”
You were startled out of your thoughts when you felt something wet and slimy moving over the expanse of your neck before something started sucking on your skin, like a muscular straw.
Looking down, became shocked and appalled to see that scarab was seemingly using his tongue to suck small marks onto your skin, essentially non traditionally formed hickeys.
“Hey! Stop, you’re going to leave a mark!”
Once again, the red bugs only response was another low purr and an increased fervor for marking your skin.
With a sigh, you simple rolled your eyes and walked back over to your friends with an annoyed look on your face.
“Kiss each oth-”
“Stop that train of thought right there.”
Eventually you all made your way outside, the mini scarab still held tightly in your arms, before a loud explosion turned all of your attentions to Fiona’s apartment complex, now with a gaping hole in the side.
Smoke poured from the side of the once pristine complex, a much larger version of the mini Scarab in your arms standing in the ruins with its eyes scanning the surrounding areas before locking on you. Before any of you had the chance to react, the large creature leapt down to the ground and skittered over, barreling into you and knocking you to the ground. It’s large eyes gazed at you and the smile on its face revealed several razor sharp teeth before it shoved its head beneath your shirt to merge with its other mini counterpart, a white glow overtaking its body before the fully formed Scarab appeared and pulled his head from your shirt to glare at your friends.
“Oh, Crud.” “Oh no, he’s hot-”
All you could do was stare up at him in fear as Scarab suddenly turned his gaze down to you, still half laying on top of you as the eyes of his mask narrowed. Everyone held there breath for a few seconds before Scarab murmured in a quiet voice;
“Not you… stay out of this.”
Before anyone could react, Scarab snatched you up and skittered to the top of the now ruined apartment, wrapping you up tightly before going to fight your friends and destroy the universe as you tried to escape your bonds.
You weren’t sure how long had passed, but through tons of spite fueled cursing and you wriggling around, you had eventually managed to escape the apartment and track down Scarab, creeping up to him as he blasted another building out of existence. Thinking quick, you jumped on his back, doing your best to wrangle the crystal out of his hands.
“Wha- you! What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Stopping you from destroying my world! Seriously, what’s your deal?!”
Through some squirming and manhandling on both of your parts, you manage to get Scarab on his back as you keep him pinned by straddling his waist. You’re certain he could throw you off if he truly wanted to, and yet he doesn’t.
“Now you listen here. This is my world, my entire existence! And you think it’s alright for you to come here and start destroying everything I love? You think it’s okay to just tie me up and let me sit by as you decimate the lives of millions of people? Well it’s not.”
You jab a finger into where his tie lays, paying no mind to the way Scarab trembles and shudders beneath you. You assume it’s from rage or shock at the audacity you had of standing up to a god auditor. After a few seconds, he looks away, unable to meet your gaze. You’re about to make a retort, something along the lines of “What? Can’t even look at me now?” When you feel something slick prodding at your underwear beneath your skirt.
Looking down at where your hips trapped his and moving back slightly, you saw that a slit had opened up in Scarabs suit, and a thick pink muscle was slowly coming out, twitching and oozing a white liquid. As if that was not strange enough, the thing began to move on its own and almost tie itself up in a knot, like it was its own sentient being. You look up at Scarab in shock, your lips slightly agape as surprise coats your expression. He still wouldn’t look at you, a thick blush coating his cheeks.
“Scarab, are you…?”
“…yes… don’t look at me.”
“I would’ve expected you to deny it, honestly.”
“It would be pointless, seeing as it’s so obvious. Besides… it would be improper to lie a young woman. Stop staring.”
It was incredible, seeing the behemoth of a being reduced to nothing but flushed cheeks and shy whimpers beneath you. You don’t even think he realized it, but he had moved his hands to your hips and was nervously rubbing circles into your sides, marveling at the feeling of how squishy and soft you were against his exoskeleton. As you sat there, partly out of shock and embarrassment and also partly to figure out what your next steps should be, you could feel small movements coming from Scarabs hips. Looking down, you could see that the movements were aborted thrusts and that his dick was now flushed a painful looking shade of red, with what you assumed to be precum leaking rapidly from the tip and pooling on his tummy. An idea started forming in your head.
“You know…”
Your hands began to languidly explore the expanse of Scarabs exoskeleton, feeling him shudder and bite back a whimper low in his throat.
“I would be willing to help you out with this, if you follow my requests.”
You watched as his eye sockets narrowed, obviously not wanting to comply, but also very desperate and needing you.
“What… what are your requests?”
“One, you have to let me see you. That means no hiding behind your faceplates. Two, you have to buy my world some time, at least give my friends a chance to try and save ourselves. Do we have a deal?”
Scarabs disbelief was tangible, the shock that you struck such a hard bargain shaking him to his core.
“Buy your world time? You can’t just-!”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
It was silent for a few seconds and you feared he may reject your offer and go back to destroying your world, weird tentacle boner and all. Luckily your fears were washed away as his faceplates slid back, allowing you to see the flustered yellow eyes staring up at you.
“I accept your terms. But I have a request of my own to make. When we are done, you must agree to let me court you properly.”
“Do you really want to dance that dance?”
“I do. Even when this world is destroyed, you must agree to come with me and let me be your partner.”
“What a gentleman. I also accept those terms, but my world will not be destroyed. We’ll find a way.”
“We shall see.”
With that, you moved yourself to rest against Scarabs dick, grinding against the appendage and feeling the inhuman ridges bump against your clit through your underwear. Not having expected the pleasurable contact, Scarab startled and gave a little whine, bucking his hips without meaning to as his eyes became half-lidded. You couldn’t help but give him a little smirk.
“Sensitive, huh? Tell me, have you ever had anyone touch you before?”
The look Scarab gave you was a mix of a glare and a plea, and from that alone you could take a gander and be certain in yourself you knew the answer. Shaking his head no, Scarab wrapped his arms around you, wanting you close. He could feel your slickness through your underwear, mixing with his own steady stream of precum.
“Aww, how cute~”
At his begging, you could feel the heat in your lower belly start to pool, urging you to just go ahead and fuck him already. He hadn’t even truly felt your pussy and he was already a moaning, keening mess beneath your hips. Leaning down, you began to suck and kiss along his neck, paying no mind to the strange texture.
“Mm, ah! Please, I-I wanna be inside!”
“Shhh, it’s okay… I’ll put you in. If it ever gets to be too much, just tell me to stop, okay?”
Giving you an eager nod, Scarabs eyes were practically rolling in his sockets as his dick gave an eager twitch. As soon as you had lifted your hips even slightly, it was squirming beneath your underwear and into your pussy, stretching you out on the thick appendage as you let out a satisfied hiss from between your teeth. Scarab on the other hand couldn’t help the high pitched moan that escaped from his vocal chords, sounding more like a desperate cry than anything else. Letting out a breathless giggle, you check in on Scarab, trying to focus through the feeling of his cock wriggling inside of you.
“How do you feel, Scara?”
All you could hear on his end were breathless moans, grappling with the feeling of you surrounding him as he struggled to form coherent thoughts.
“Feeling a little overwhelmed?”
"Maybe… but… it feels so good… I can't even explain it… I'm-I'm-hngh…”
The only thing on his mind is how good you feel and he just wants you to keep going, how he wants you to use him like a toy and let him fill you to the brim with his cum. Taking the hint, you began to roll your hips in a steady motion as you lazily played with your clit, a smug grin on your lips.
“Good boy, Scarab~ Taking everything so well and making me feel so good~”
“D-Don’t-haah-! Don’t patronize me… mmm-!”
“Please, you love it. Wanna know how I know?~ It’s because your dick writhes every time I even remotely praise you.”
Now that pulled a keen from his throat, despite him looking like he would rather swallow glass than admit it. Feeling the pleasure start to pool in your tummy, you decide to really start toying with him.
“Look at you, needing a human like me to tell you what a good boy you are in order to get off~ How does it feel to rely on an “abomination” for the praise you oh so desperately need, Scara?~”
“I-I don’t-mmm! I don’t need your praise! Aah!”
“Really? Then what if I told you that you weren’t being good? What if I told you how pathetic you were and that you were nothing more to me than a quick fuck to save my world?”
Those comments were enough to bring tears to Scarabs eyes, and he barely managed to speak through the cacophony of his own sniffles and moans.
“N-no, don’t like that-!”
“That’s what I thought. So just accept that you’re my good boy and I’ll praise you as much as you want, ‘kay, good boy?”
Nodding his head, Scarab began to frantically buck his hips as he felt the coil in his lower stomach begin to tighten rapidly from you calling him a good boy.
“You’re all mine, lovely~ Taking everything so perfect~”
Scarab looks at you and now he seems to be getting a bit emotional again. You are saying such good things to him and it makes him feel so incredibly good and special.
"I'm proud to be yours… I'm-I'm lucky. And… and it feels so good to… to hear you praise me!”
Smirking, you throw your head back as you let out a small moan, him finally giving in and admitting defeat made this all so much sweeter than you could have ever imagined as you continued the rapid pace of your hips, a ring of creamy white coating the base of Scarab’s dick from the inhuman amount of precum he was leaking combined with your slick.
“mmm~ Gonna cum for me, lovey? Gonna fill me up like the good boy you are?~”
That seemed to do it, a wanton cry erupting from the depths of Scarab’s being as he came with an almost frightening amount of force, filling up every bit of space your pussy could possibly have and dripping out of you to collect in the space between your bodies. Tensing your thighs and leaning down, you bit harshly into the dip between his neck and shoulder, feeling your own high crash over you and waves of bliss rocked your body and you thoroughly milked Scarab’s cock.
With a shuddering sigh, you slowly lifted yourself off of Scarab’s hips, slipping him out of you with a wet squelch and moving your underwear back into place as you settled beside him.
“You alright? You seem a little out of it…”
“I… I am fine, I simply need a minute.”
Thinking for a second, you looked down at him and cupped his face from where he lay panting, gently brushing his skin with your fingers.
“If you can get us into one of the empty buildings, we can take a bath and get cleaned up. I imagine you don’t want to go around attempting to destroy my world covered in cum.”
Your words pulled just a hint of a smile to his mouth, yellow eyes peering up at you like you were the most perfect thing in existence. You couldn’t help but think to yourself that you were absolutely going to fuck him more often if this is what he was like post-orgasm.
“You… you’re going to clean me up? Really?”
“Of course! What kind of partner would I be otherwise?”
a/n: Howdy, my loves! I realize this took a long time to get out, and I apologize for the radio silence, but I hope this is satisfactory for my fellow Fiona and Cake fans!
Drink water and take care of yourselves or I’m going to be under your bed tonight :)
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
“Coach Ted, how do you feel about group cohesion and dance breaks?”
thinking about random moments shared in the jamie tartt x psych major!reader fic i have in my head... just cute shit tbh
okay so the reader has been with the Richmond club for a solid few months, she’s a familiar face and friendly to the team but not super close with everybody, minus Colin and surprisingly,,, Jamie hehe
the team seems to be having a serious tie-streak going on, and they’re all kinda bummed by it
Ted’s obviously still Ted, unwavering winners mindset that basically means ‘do your best, give yourself a pat, shake it off, and repeat’ - with the addition of a smile ofc!
the reader has been doing readings for her org psych class and knows that raising group morale is necessary but also so so hard.
sometimes motivational speeches just don’t cut it yknow?? sometimes you gotta think outside of the box to fix the vibes and spread positivity
so there she is, standing in the coach’s office with a bluetooth speaker in her hand, nervously waiting for it to be her turn to speak
“Coach Ted,” she calls him in a manner that’s playful but still professional - he’s insisted on just Ted in the past and she’s complied but for serious conversations, she enjoys leading with a ‘subtle sense of professionalism’
“Coach Ted, how do you feel about group cohesion and dance breaks?” she asks, fiddling with the speaker in her hand
“Well darlin, I love a good flash mob. Gosh, those folks must keep in touch, right?” He directs his eyes to Beard, who peaks over his book and replies affirmingly, “a bond has been formed,” causing both you and Ted to smile
“Well, less flash mob but more like... a bi-weekly dance break?” she continues as Ted’s eyes land on her again. “I know the boys are bummed with the tie-streak and I was reading in my org psych textbook about the importance of autonomy in decorating our workspaces, and how group morale helps cohesion which’ll lead to better attitudes and hopefully better performance - not that our performance has been poor, it’s been great, I’m proud of the boys really! But, it sucks to see them bummed out...So maybe a twice-a-week-song-dance-break will lift spirits??” 
she’s rambling. she’s nervous!! it’s a good idea tbh but still, sharing means being vulnerable and the potential of getting rejected
Ted politely waits for her to finish, nodding along and then grins, “sounds wonderful darlin! Hey, maybe you can get the boys to give some song suggestions to help with the whole autonomy thing you mentioned.” 
she’s happy !! grinning as she steps out to the locker room, dragging out the whiteboard from the corner and scribbling in a lil corner of it
Jamie’s eyes follow her silently. truth be told, they followed her when she entered and disappeared into the coach’s office. but he smiles a lil seeing her grin at herself
when she’s done with the whiteboard, she calls for attention and lets the boys know to write down their suggestions, and she’ll choose two songs for the week randomly!! she emphasizes nervously that it should help according to her textbooks and Jamie is silently nodding, eyes drifting to her hands as she fiddles with the whiteboard marker
Dani is the first to speak, “pardon me, can it be Spanish songs too?” and she smiles really big, “anything you like!!” 
Isaac adds, “yea bruv, I fuck wit Bad Bunny” and there’s a wave of approving noises from the rest
SO, the plan has been implemented, and it’s frickin working!!! 
the boys always look forward to whose song is chosen - lots of rap, some taylor swift, Work Hard Play Hard makes them go nuts, some musical songs from Colin but it’s okay cause the lads are hyped over Hamilton 
Ted gets into it!! dancing!! Dani and Jan Maas share an imaginary mic!! it’s great, but Jamie’s favourite part is seeing her join them in the locker rooms for every dance break grooving to the music
one day SHE chooses the song... “Keep Your Head Up” by Andy Grammer cause the team seemed extra tired and bummed
everyone’s like ??? who chose this?? she’s like ‘me. I did.’
she’s trying to break the tension, so she takes her imaginary mic and goes to Ted, then Colin, then Sam, and soon everyone’s into it - just happily singing and dancing
she somehow ends up next to Jamie, shoulders bumping. she’s swaying as she faces him, playfully mouthing the lyrics to him as he smiles with a slight blush (not that she notices cause she’s blushing too)
they’re both dancing close to each other, and she lightly pokes his chin when the song goes, “you gotta keep your head up”, reaching up to pull down his headband at, “and you can let your hair down,” grinning at him when he’s like ‘hey!! :o... >:)’
the song ends, and they’re still laughing at each other, holding hands...a bit longer than they should tbh hehehe. Jamie loves her energy and kindness, it matches his goofiness and makes him wanna be a better person
but anyways!!! they pull away, hoping no one notices.. some do but don’t say anything
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bubuslutty · 11 months
part 8: carpool karaoke
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Pairing: platonic moon boys x fem!reader
word count: 897
Tags: reader is referred to darling because i said so (and steven calls her darling cuz he’s a lil british dude innit), some fluff with our boy Jake!!
Warnings: none
Summary: darling stays late to the library and texts jake to come n pick her up
a/n: Nu Nu & You Wish by Flyana Boss
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Me: jake
Me: are you done with work?
Jake: yeah why?
Me: are you home?
Jake: not yet
Me: can you pick me up pls?
Jake: where are you?
Me: library
Jake: I’ll be there in 15
Darling waits for Jake in front of the library building, hood pulled over her head and trying to act like a roadman so she won’t get harassed or killed by some stranger in the middle of the night.
When Jake pulls up in his black taxi, she sighs in relief, bag slung over her shoulder and opens the passenger door, getting in and chucking her bag into the back seats.
“How was work?” She asked, turning her head to look at the man, a dark shadow cast over his eyes due to his hat, his gloved fingers resting on the wheel.
“Good, how was studying?” He asked.
“Torture, can I play some music?” 
“Sure. Are you hungry?” Jake asked and she paused for a second, “A bit yeah, do you want to go somewhere specific?”
Jake ends up driving them to his favourite Kebab place while Darling sings along to the music playing through the car’s speakers. And Jake bobs his head along the beat, tapping his fingers against the wheel when they’re at a red light while Darling sings her heart out to the cuntiest and girliest song ever, and this time it’s songs from a duo called Flyana Boss.
She even goes as far as to make a whole seated choreography in his passenger seat while he glances at her once in a while, secretly amused. She sure has a lot of energy when she has very visible dark circles and droopy tired eyes, maybe it’s human zoomies or some shit, whatever it is, it gives Jake some entertainment in his otherwise empty cab.
Jake also ends up victim to listening to whatever new music she’s listening to at the moment, gracing his ears with new noises and melodies every other week when he has to drive her somewhere. And sometimes, he adds some of her played songs to his own Spotify playlist, without telling her of course, because that’ll make her ego big for no reason and annoy him.
And when they do get kebabs, they sit at a two-person table, facing each other while eating. And Darling is rambling and babbling about random things, she does that sometimes, if she gets enough tired, she somehow becomes delusional and starts talking with no filter.
Jake doesn’t mind the chatting, he’s just happy to be eating something before passing out in bed to rest. But hanging out with their neighbour is also nice. It was nice to have to listen to another voice other than Khonshu’s or the screams of death and pain in dark hallways.
Jake doesn’t tell her about his job, she knows he’s a cab driver as cover, but has never asked anything about what he actually does. And she’s no dummy, she knows he serves Khonshu’s justice with his fists and a gun strapped up to him at all times.
To put it shortly, he’s quite a grey character while she’s violently colourful.
“Yep, that’s what I’m talking about, yummy in my tummy-” Darling talks to herself and nods while devouring her kebab and shoving chips down her throat.
“Thanks for paying, by the way.” She thanks him without looking up.
“Don’t worry about it, anything for my favourite clown.” Jake teases, taking off his hat and running his hand through his slicked-back hair, white crisp button-up stretching over his broad shoulders, muscled back and biceps.
“Hey!” Darling glares at him and he laughs, “You’re a clown. You sometimes dress like one, and you procrastinate revising for tests and then when they approach, you have a panic attack and Steven has to hold your hand while you revise.” 
“Don’t make fun of me, I’m trying!” Darling whines, taking a swing from her Fanta.
“I know,” Jake says, and that’s one of the closest things he can get to as a compliment.
“I’m done, let’s go.” Darling eventually says, slapping her hands on her thighs like a 40-year-old dad and starts cleaning up the table while Jake helps and wears his jacket and hat.
“Cheers, bossman! Good night!” Darling says loudly, giving the man behind the counter a thumbs up and walking out of the door as Jake gives the man a polite nod.
Jake unlocks the cab and goes around to his door, and when he notices her still standing there, he frowns, “What are you doing?”
“Look,” She points at the sky, behind him, and he turns around, “The moon looks beautiful tonight.” 
Jake looks up at the sky, free of any clouds and sees the bright moon shining in the middle of the sky, in all of its beautiful glory, “Hm, it’s nice.”
“Jake, whatever you’ve done tonight, you did a good thing. So thank you.” Darling says, voice low, almost a whisper.
Jake doesn’t say anything and keeps staring at the moon, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He shivers and turns to look at her, “Get in, Steven has class tomorrow and so do you.” 
“Fine, mum.” Darling groans dramatically and gets in the car, buckling herself in.
“Can I play some mu-”
“Hell nah.”
“Why not? I thought you liked my music?”
“You’ve had your turn, now it’s mine.”
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Tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @bobastayhigh @weblesstherains @h-leigh @unspokenmoon @ahookedheroespureheart @thursdaywritings @gebstargeb 
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warnersister · 2 months
Chapter 2 - Damned if you do; Damned if you don't
The Highwayman Series | Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
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“How much for Lightning?” Bob asked after a while. “Make me an offer.”
The man got some coins out his sack  “he’ll take Falcon” Jake said and Bob raised his brows “but she said-“ “we got plenty of good’uns back in California. He just needs to get ya there. Not back” Jake says. Bob nods “I’ll take Falcon” you hum “you sure? Wouldn’t want to get given orders by someone like him.” “someone like me?” Jake asked as he stepped forward and you nodded, also taking a step so your chests were nearly touching. You crossed your arms over your chest “someone like you.” Jake was about to speak when Bob interrupted “this enough?” he held out a few coins and you counted them and nodded “plenty. I'll go get ‘im ready for ya.” You say, taking a step back to go collect the horse, making a pack full of hay and feed to get him across Western America, bringing the horse over to the group of men and stroking his dark mane twice “he’ll do you fine” he nods “many thanks, ma’am” and you exchange the money for his reigns.
Jake eyed you “you’re gonna catch heat stroke with no hat” “I can take care of myself” you say, although squinting at the intensity of the summer sun. jake takes his stetson off his head and places it on yours and coyote raises his brows “you know the hat rule, honey?” he asked and you never look away from Jake “don’t mean nothing if you’ve already done it.” You say. “get out of here, the lot of ya. Before my daddy see’s y’all and hangs ya.” You say before pointing at Bob. “Take good care of my horse” you say and he nods “give ‘im a nice burial when he’s had enough, want you to dig him a grave and let him in gently.” You instruct and he nods “sure thing, darlin” you look at the group once more. “go.” “cant we stay for the night? It’s getting dark.” Rooster asks and you scowl at him. “I told you to get. Now get” and you point West as a way to go, the two stangers thank you and Bradley does the same “good to see you, hon” he says and you smile a small smile. “I like the mustache, Brad.” But jake lingers. “beat it hangman” you say, turning to heard back into the stables to which he follows you. “baby I-“ “no, don’t baby me.” You sniff and he notices you wiping away tears. “I told you to beat it, so go” you say “five years, Jake” you say angrily, “get out of Miramar and don’t let me see ya again” you say, pushing him far enough away to slam the door and forcing him back out onto the street. He shakes his head and joins the others.
He held back further down the road, let the other three ride out in front to be left alone with his thoughts. “wha’ happened?” coyote asked rooster who hummed. “He fell in love and her daddy drew him away, hated the idea of his lil girl hangin’ around wi’ some highwayman – he looked at her like she hung the stars,” rooster looks up at the constellations; the other two remain silent. “then five years ago, her dad cornered him in the saloon, said if he didn’t leave his daughter alone he’d hang him and make her watch. Hell he was willing to be hung if it meant he got some more time with her” he looks back at the other two “but god he wouldn’t let her watch” he sniffed “so he left. I went with him. God damn nearly drank ‘imself to death.” He shook his head “never came back?” bob asked “never, look at ‘im. He cant handle it.” They all looked to the man a couple tens of metres behind who had his head hung low. Why couldn’t he have her?
“Hey kid” you look up and dust off your skirt “hey uncle pete” he smiles at you “you missing a mare?” you shake your head “nuh uh, falcon got sold to some travellers an hour or two ago, paid good money for ‘im too” you tell him, and he raises his brows “travellers?” you hum “travellers” he smirks “well ice thought he saw a gang of highwaymen” he says and you shrug “might’ve been, but they wanted a horse and they paid for a horse so in my eyes they’re customers” you say. “you know Beau wont be happy if Jake’s back in town, sweetheart” he says quieter and your eyes well again. “yeah well, its fine. I told him to beat it. Maybe he wont come back for another five years, maybe he wont come back at all” you reply and turn away. “Just left you his hat to remember him by, huh?” You feel two arms wrap around you in a tight hurt and you turn to sob into his shoulder. “I loved him pete” you say with a gasp and he nods “I know honey, I know you love him still. You’d probably have a few young’uns by now if it wasn’t for your dad” Pete says “he left me Pete, and my dads all alone without me, im all he’s got” you say with a huff. “and when your dads gone?” he asks and you shake your head “don’t say that” pete shrugs “it’s the truth baby” he says, stroking the back of your head “how about you come for dinner with me ‘nd Penny?” he suggests and you nod into his neck.
Back on the road the boys had settled in for the night around fifty miles from Miramar, bellies full and all but one’s hats over their eyes. “Y’got balls, kid” a voice announces and they all jump, hands shooting for their pistols but jake and Bradley relax when they see who it is “lower ‘em, boys” and the other two hesitantly replace their guns into their holsters. “Maverick” Rooster nods “y’know ive had ‘er cryin’ into my shoulder all evenin’?” Jake inhales sharply. He couldn’t speak for the lump in his throat. “Hell you had balls coming to Miramar to get a damned horse while Cyclone’s still in charge. But boy you must be brave to walk up to her goddamn ranch.” He continued “now you were told that if anyone ever saw your ass in these parts you’d be hung and she’d watch” Jake looked up at him. “what? Y’here to take me back so he can finish the job, maverick?” Jake scoffed, expression saddened and almost weak. Coyote and Bob had never seen him like that; so defeated – so glum. “Cyclone’s dying.” And silence ensued. “Coughin’ up blood and got his single, unwed daughter carin’ for him” “she’s a good girl” Jake replied, taking another sip of the whiskey he’d been carelessly nursing in his flask since they'd sat. “she is and she’s hurtin’. Her daddy’s the only thing she’s got” Maverick replied. “and I don’t know what im gonna do with her when he goes because I haven’t seen her in five years. You left and seem’d to take ‘er with ya”
“if you come back to Miramar, her daddy’s gonna hang ya like he promised” jake swallowed “if you don’t then im gonna kill ya myself.” Jake raised his brows. “c’mon back, y’all can stay with me for the night”  Maverick says as he turns his horse around “she don’t wanna see me, Mav” jake replied “bullshit. Damn girls in love with ya, what kind of godfather am I if I let her get that way again? I'll be damned if I let you break her twice. C’mon, the lot of ya.” He instructed, and began trotting back down the trail on old Tomcat, god knows how the old horse was still moving Bob silently got onto his horse and eyed the rest of them “y’coming?”
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
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purplefangirl42 · 1 year
Hello ! 👋🏻☺️
I just LOVE your writing, so here I am, with a request... If you have the time 🤗
Could you write a fluffy one-shot with pregnant!Lil x Older Silco if you're confortable with the subject ?
If not , maybe a hurt/comfort one shot where Lil x Older Silco are wondering what they life will be like when the nation of Zaun will be independant ?
Big smooches to you 😘
First of all, thank you very much for reading what I write and supporting me! I means the world to me! 💜
I went with the second option, I hope it's along the lines of what you were looking for! Thank you for sending in a request!
Tags: Mourning/Remembrance, Slight Hurt/Comfort, Good Dad Silco (at least he's trying)
Trying to read a list while also trying to not fall from the chair she was standing on was a great challenge. Adding in the presence of Jinx below her did not help the situation. Lil grabbed the shelf in front of her to stabilize herself when she nearly toppled from the chair in response to the girl’s sudden appearance.
“Jinx!” she scolded. “Don’t sneak up on someone when they’re doing something that could be dangerous!”
Jinx’s eyes widened and she backed out of the way for Lil to climb down, an apology on her lips.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Jinx said. “I wanted to ask you something.”
Once her feet had returned to solid ground, Lil turned to Jinx and gently ruffled her hair.
“No harm done,” she said. “What’s up?”
The young girl looked down at her feet and picked at the nail on her thumb, avoiding Lil’s gaze. The change in demeanor pained Lil as she observed the girl. She always seemed to withdraw when she was asking for something, as if she was afraid she would get anger in response. While there had been progress in the past few months, it had been slow. Despite Li’s efforts alongside Silco’s first attempts at parenting, there was damage to Jinx’s confidence that couldn’t be undone quickly.
“Jinx, is something wrong?” Lil asked, bending down to get on her level.
Jinx bit her lip and continued to look away from her. She pointed to the calendar beside the clock that hung on the wall. Lil followed her finger and noticed the date, realizing the significance of the upcoming weekend.
“It’s almost time,” Jinx said softly. “Are we going to go?”
Lil sighed and rubbed her hand through her hair. She hadn’t being paying attention to the passing days and hadn’t realized how close it was. With everything else going on, it had almost slipped past without notice.
“Do you want to go?” she asked. “I will take you if you do. If Silco says it’s okay.”
Jinx hesitated for a few seconds before giving her a small nod. Lil took one of the girl’s hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“Okay. I’ll talk to Silco about it and we’ll go from there.”
“I want to come!” Jinx shouted, turning and running up the stairs towards his office.
A few minutes later Lil stood outside Silco’s office, her hand lifted to knock. Before she had the chance to, Jinx pushed past her and entered the room without any introduction. Shrugging, Lil followed her in. 
“Jinx, what have I told you about knocking before you come in?” Silco said as the young girl scampered over to his desk. “I may be in the middle of something.”
For the second time that day, Jinx withdrew inside herself. Her already small form shrunk as she stopped in her approach to his desk. Lil saw a look of regret flash across Silco’s face when he noticed her reaction. 
“Jinx? Is something the matter?”
Lil came up behind Jinx and placed her hand against her back, gently pressing between her shoulder blades to urge her forward. 
“It’s okay, you aren’t actually in trouble,” she said softly before looking up to speak to Silco. “Jinx has a request and I thought it would be best to run it past you before answering.”
Silco leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together in front of him. He waited patiently for Jinx to speak, giving her his full attention.
“I wanna go to the memorial,” Jinx muttered, her gaze once again on her shoes. “It’s almost the day.”
Silco looked at Lil for clarification, seemingly confused about what Jinx was talking about. 
“The anniversary of the bridge massacre,” she said. “Every year, we would go to the memorial to pay our respects.”
“Adele and Matthias,” Silco said knowingly. 
Jinx nodded, glancing up at him.
“Lil said she would take me if you said it was okay.”
Lil moved her hand from Jinx’s back to place it on top of her head. She looked at Silco to gauge his reaction to the girl’s request, hoping he would give permission. He stood from his chair and walked around to the front of the desk, coming to a stop in front of Jinx. Lil felt the head beneath her hand move as the girl lifted her chin to look at him.
“Why don’t we all go together?” he asked. “Pay our respects to those that fought for our freedom.”
Jinx disappeared from under Lil’s hand as she surged forward to wrap her arms around Silco’s midsection. Lil gave Silco a small smile of gratitude, thankful that he had agreed to let her go. With everything changing in her life, it was good to keep one thing consistent.
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Lil followed along behind Silco and Jinx as they made their way to the memorial. As this had been a tradition Jinx had previously shared with Vander, it seemed fitting that she share it with her new father figure. In years past, Lil had always held back, not wanted to intrude on the family privacy of the tradition. At the same time, she wanted to pay her respects to her friends, so she would tag along at a distance.
“Lil, hurry up!”
Lil looked up at the sound of Jinx’s voice calling to her and saw the pair waiting ahead. Silco was looking back at her with a slightly puzzled look. Jinx held out her free hand, as the other one was clutching Silco’s. Lil quickened her pace and took the offered hand. 
Jinx held on tightly as she pulled the two adults along to her desired destination. Lil felt a tightening in her chest at the thought of Jinx wanting her to be included in this important event. She had initially tried to get out of it after Silco had agreed to go, claiming that he should be the one to take Jinx, but the girl had insisted on her presence.
When they finally reached the bridge, Jinx released their hands and walked up to the pillar on her own. She reached out to touch the photos that had been placed there, her fingers gently resting on her mother’s face. Silco and Lil stood a short distance behind her, giving her a moment alone.
“Thank you for doing this,” Lil said softly so Jinx wouldn’t hear. “It means a lot to her.”
“Of course. Whatever I can do to help her, I will do it willingly.”
Lil gave him a small smile, which he returned. Despite her doubts, Silco had been doing a decent job with Jinx so far. He was far from perfect and was still very new at learning how to deal with Jinx’s issues, let alone interacting with a child in general, but he was trying. 
“Does she remember them?” he asked after a few moments. “I would think she was quite young when they died.”
“She was. But we…” Lil started before stopping suddenly, not wanting to say anything where Jinx could hear and become upset.
Silco gestured a short distance away from the pillar where they could talk privately. Lil glanced back to Jinx and was surprised to find her sitting on the ground in front of the memorial. She was talking to the pictures of her parents, telling them about what had happened in her life. Lil had never seen her do that before. She seemed to be fine alone for a short period of time, so Lil followed Silco’s direction to lean against the guard rail. When she joined him, Silco stood silently for a few moments before speaking.
“You made sure she knew about them. You and Vander.”
It wasn’t a question, merely a statement of what she figured he had guessed on his own.
“And Violet. She didn’t want them to forget their parents. They died fighting for a better life for the two of them. She liked to focus on their revolutionary spirit. I don’t think Vander appreciated that focus, but he let it be on this day.”
Silco nodded and turned his head to focus on the memorial. 
“So many lives lost in the name of freedom and he just gave up to run away with his tail between his legs.”
Lil winced at the bitter tone in Silco’s voice. While she had mourned the end of the fight for freedom, she had agreed with Vander’s choice to end the fight, even encouraged it. Sharing that with Silco didn’t seem like the best idea, however. 
“He almost gave his life to continue that fight,” she said, disbelief in herself at defending Vander, but trying to reassure Silco that the fight hadn’t ended easily. “But the girls needed him. Mylo and Claggor needed him.”
“More than Zaun?” Silco asked.
Silco turned back to look at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“Zaun is nothing without the next generation to live in it,” she said. “If the fighting had continued, Piltover would have crushed what was left of us into the dirt. Even in his submission to Topside, he saved what was left of us. We are able to rise again. Able to work towards that future you envision.”
“What future do you believe I see for us?”
Lil gestured in Jinx’s direction before pointing at the memorial behind her.
“No more things like this. Children keeping their parents. Zaunites living together as families and prospering in a place that isn’t under the control of people that would crush us. That’s what you always told me the goal was for the Children of Zaun.”
Silco hummed and turned away from her again, his gaze returning to Jinx.
“I suppose that’s the underlying purpose, but there is much more to it than that. Political freedom, trade, the ability to improve our lives. Those things must be achieved as well.”
“Is that what you intend to do? Improve our lives?” Lil asked.
“In any way that I can.”
Lil had been harboring many doubts about Silco’s intentions when he had taken Vander’s place as the unofficial leader of the Undercity, but he truly sounded like he meant to accomplish his goals. She could see a little bit of the Silco she had known before seeping through, the passionate revolutionary peeking past the businessman. 
“I hope you succeed. I have faith that you will do what you need to.”
Lil pushed off the wall and started walking in Jinx’s direction, looking over her shoulder back at Silco.
“We’re all relying on you, Silco. Jinx is relying on you.”
“What about you?”
Lil gave him a small smile in response.
“I’ve always been in your corner, so I suppose that’s where I’ll stay for now.”
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Thinking a lot about enemies! to best friends! to lovers! with Terushima rn. Just imagine, you’ve known him since you were in elementary school (you were rivals then and it was always over who was king of the playground). When you both graduated and got into college you meet each other again and despite the fact that the rivalry you once had with him is still there it’s now turned a lot more playful and you’re slowly starting realize how much the years of volleyball has done for him. Also how he’s not actually that bad of a guy and maybe you could give him a chance at friendship because let’s face it, he’s probably much more popular with the women (and others heh) now that he’s in college and to imagine being anything more with him stings a little bit because you know he probably doesn’t want anything more that just a fun night. (Turns out you’re wrong and he’s been pining after you since middle school) -pip anon I ALWAYS MAKE MY REQUESTS SO FUCKING LONG IM SO SORRY EMS. Pls accept a smooch from me because I feel bad. (also, If I find out you’re overworking yourself doing requests I am going to come and kick your ass)
Babes. Bae. Go with me here. Because you’re sO RIGHT-
There’s Terushima, on the lil playground, stealing your cookies and chasing you with boogers to make you back down because he’s the man of this playground mate, and he does NOT like you comin’ around to take that title, despite the fact that you do, relentlessly.
The amount of times you’ve gotten sent to detention or the principals office for being so malicious to each other, it’s carried all through your school years together, even up to the years where you don’t even have playgrounds anymore, but you both are still so desperate for that grip of power and despise the other person for daring to try and take it from you.
But then he just… stops. It’s a slow change, sure, but surely, the stupid brunette you chased with bugs on the playground turns into a hotheaded blonde, with his nose upturned as he flirts with anyone who would let him, his tongue piercing flittering through the tangle of words. He starts playing volleyball and hanging out with the jocks, he’s seen constantly in their group, and then when Kazuma starts coming around, you finally stop trying to get his attention because so many other people have it.
He doesn’t have time for you anymore.
Raspberries blown at each other turn into subtle nods until they’re barely even that. Getting paired up in class means one person does the entire project, so there’s no awkward positions. Graduation is… normal. It’s bittersweet, and you want to extend your thoughts to the Yuuji you’d once known, but you dont get the chance because he’s off with volleyball friends.
And thus ends the tale.
…until your college roommate starts drowning on, and on, and fucking on about this guy they’re seeing, head over heels obsessed with his dick, his presence, how fun he is, and finally you’re like “oh my god, shut up.”
Then, they smirk, “he’s got a cute friiiieeend,” they sing, and you roll your eyes. And it takes them a minute to beg, but you finally agree to meet Mr Perfect and his cute friiiieeend.
So, imagine your absolute shock when, in the flesh, stands the one and only Terushima Yuuji, next to the guy your roommate had recently been enamored with, his jaw slacked to match yours, his piercing glimmering slightly.
And he looks… good. He looks so good, dear god he looks so good, why the fuck must he look so good, and you find yourself trying to look anywhere but up at him for fear of even more awkward interactions or staring. He’s bulkier now than he’s ever been, his hair longer and floppier than back then, but he’s still the Yuuji you’ve known forever- so why does seeing him look so good make you so uncomfortable?
It only brings you comfort to know that he, too, is trying so hard not to stare at you, but otherwise, it’s like someone died and you’re trying hard not to talk about them.
“You’ve..” he suddenly says, offering you one of his rare, more shy smile. “How… how have you been?”
“Good,” you admit, shrugging while your roommate and his friend go off. Then, you smirk happily at him, “better now that I don’t have to deal with your ass hogging the sandbox.”
“Oh har-har,” he shorts, nudging you with his elbow. “That sandbox was my territory and you know it.”
And from there it’s just… it’s so nice. He tells you about what drove him into volleyball, how he learned to be humbled by people he cared most about- not by those who shoved him off the top of the monkey bars- and how he’s doing great. He’s got his golden eyes fixated on you and you alone, and it makes it incredibly hard to tell him of your own successes under such a gaze.
He listens to you like you speak law, eyes only a little lidded and smile only a little more dopey than normal, they glaze over your frame possessively and it makes your chest brush in heat.
“Hey it’s a little stuffy in here,” he says as the music starts to get louder, after talking for god knows how long. More people have come, but you’ve been far too focused on him to even notice. “Do you wanna like… walk to the convenient store with me?”
And of course you nod. Why would you not? He’s nice enough, you’re both adults, you know that you can hang out without too much of a second thought- really you’re the only one who’s thinking anything of it, you assume- so, with your judgement laid out on the floor and a sure-fire plan to go to the convenience store in effect, you let him take you to the drug store, and sure, you let him pay for your snacks, and when he suggests you two walk around for a bit more before getting back to socializing at the party, you let him.
And it’s the worst mistake you’ve made since agreeing to meet your roommates’ hookup’s wingwan.
It’s wet, it’s stopped raining hours ago, and it smells warm and sweet, and your shoes squeak against the pavement while you both walk beside each other. You nudge him softly with your shoulder, and he snorts and does it back, and it’s like the same playfulness you had from childhood is back in the best way possible.
“I’m going to do something dumb,” he says suddenly, biting his lip in a dramatic, flirty way, and you chuckle and pop another corn chip in your mouth.
“Most things you do are,” you hum nonchalantly, swallowing the chip and grinning up at him.
His eyes glaze up and down your frame in mock-offense before quickly catching your waist around his arm, and planting a kiss to your lips, and the arm holding your snack slacks and you drop the entire bag.
And the kiss is just… magnificent. It’s marvelous, it’s everything you wish it could’ve been and even more. It’s juvenile and silly, but it melts your heart like chocolate and it feels like all will be fine.
Too fine.
Far too fine.
When you two part, your hand comes up to cover your mouth in shock, and eagerly, he leans forwards to swallow your gasps in a kiss once more, assuming your surprise was also laced with approval, but this time you, duck away with tears glimmering in your eyes.
You don’t want to kiss him.
You never wanted to kiss him before.
And now, after years of being distant, he suddenly wants to make a move?
No wonder he’s been so sweet.
He wants something physical.
You refuse to give him that.
He ruined everything you’ve ever wanted from him, with just one kiss.
He didn’t want you like you’d always dreamed of being wanted.
You feel gross, and you stare up at him in betrayal, confusion dancing in his golden pools.
“I… I’m sorry Yuuji,” you whimper, hand still not moving from its cover of your lips. “I… I-I can’t give you what you want from me.”
With that, you drop the bag from the drugstore and leave hastily, leaving him watching without absolute sadness in his aching gaze. He drops his own bag onto the wet pavement, and he wipes his nose in an attempt to ward off the tears that start to brew in his golden eyes, merely watching you walk away.
You’re such an idiot. He can’t stand how dumb you are, from back then, to now.
Because all Yuuji’s ever wanted from you, from the first day you shoved him off the top of that damned slide, was a chance.
And he couldn’t even convince you to give him that.
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captainnameless · 1 year
In your universe, did lil land ever make an appearance while karting with Carlos? Their karting videos is so wholesome, I can only imagine how patient he is with Lando
Carlos is so patient with that little firecracker, so well matched on reading Lando’s energy and giving him exactly what he needs, wether it be a gentle distraction, a firmer approach or just a hug. i think the only instance he messes up is with that post (Brazil was it?) where he just snaps and Lando’s face just falls 😭, which reminds me of 👻, bb where are you, are you well? are you thriving? i miss u.
also i’ve just rewatched that entire karting video bc of this ask and word vomitted this
Lando loves karting and he loves Carlos, so combining the two just means a serotonin overload which can be a bit overwhelming at times and cause him to slip a little.
It’s not like either of them mind, Carlos starts to notice when Lando is practically bouncing out of his suit, feet anything but still and his speaking is so sped up he keeps stumbling over his words. They’re standing close enough for Carlos to be able to gently and unnoticed get a hold of the younger, press a grounding thumb into Lando’s wrist. It works, ish, Lando leans into him and grins at Carlos, smile all squished from where the helmet is tight around his cheeks.
The adrenaline rush is even worse when he actually wins the race, barely landing the move on Carlos in the final corner and sticking with it across the finish line, a few tenths ahead of the Spaniard.
The bouncing is more prominent know, very visible from where Carlos is sat behind Lando waiting to park the karts back where they belong, he can see Lando growing restless and is out of the kart before he really knows it, crouching down next to the younger. He has to suppress the coo that wants to leave him when he meets the twinkly eyes, scrunched up from how big his smile is.
“I beat you.”
Carlos matches his smile. “Hmm, cabrón. You did.”
Lando sticks his tongue out. “I was the fastest. Super fast. I went around you like-.” He doesn’t finish his sentence while his arms make big movements, mimicking his pass. “Like that!”
Carlos chuckles. “I know, I saw you do it.”
“I won.” Lando reiterates. “I was quicker than you.”
Carlos nods, again. “You were.”
- -
He lets Lando take in the victory, watches him announce it to the entire track and anyone who’ll listen. Enjoys watching the genuine smile on Lando’s face, he’ll wait.
When Lando’s done Carlos knows because of the way soft fingers curl around his sleeve, tugging at it to try and get him to stop his conversation. He’s able to cut it short before the younger starts whining and as his conversation partner leaves he’s met with a soft but familiar
Yeah. He’d been expecting that.
He can’t help the quick look around before his eyes settle back on Lando. “Hmm?”
“Wanna go.”
The adrenaline must’ve worn off as Lando’s eyes already seem half closed, messed up curls that have fallen into his face contributing to the he needs a nap-look.
“You tired, cariño?”
“No.” Is Lando’s immediate answer, and Carlos should’ve expected that really. But Lando’s body betrays him with a yawn and Carlos has to bite back the smirk at the frown that appears.
Carlos drives back to the hotel one-handed, the other one resting in Lando’s lap while the younger plays with his fingers, mostly to keep the boy from sticking his thumb in his mouth. The windows on the rental aren’t tinted and it’s not a risk they’re necessarily willing to take.
Back in their room he tricks Lando into his lap by turning on a movie but the sound is barely on and he’s squeezed the boy into his chest, gently running his thumb across Lando’s nose and watching his eyes flutter close. There’s some sort of gurgled protest that’s cut short by another yawn before Lando’s body just kinda gives in, melts into the hold and rests.
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cheemken · 11 months
Do the other champion know that Cynthia is sharing a body with Satan himself? Or is that just a lil secret she has?
Also Iris and Hau have me laughing when I think about them in the villain champion AU. Cause like they’re evil, but they’re also teenagers. Like Iris will wake up, get ready for the day, kill someone shitting on Hau’s name, and then go play some video games with her friends when she’s done champion stuff. These two will strike fear into people one minute then go fuck around with friends the next
One last question, how would the champions be exposed for what they’re doing? Or is it already known and people just stay out of their way
Ohh,, ghm yknow I do wanna say that only Diantha knows abt Cynthia sharing a body w Giratina, mainly bc I do have this concept that the first champion meeting Cyn attended w Gira, Giratina sensed Yveltal w Diantha, and he's all "there's something about that human... Something familiar..."
"what do you mean?"
"Yveltal. That traitor."
And just jcmxnd ough yknow Dia and Cynthia by themselves at one of the summits maybe, the meeting just ended and hey maybe Gira, as Cynthia, asked for Diantha to stay a bit so they can talk, and ofc he's trying to sound like Cynthia, acting like he's also curious about the myths of Kalos, about the legendary Pokémon there
And imagine Diantha just giving him this smile, stands up from her seat and slowly approaches them, and Gira somewhat felt this icy cold fear when she came closer, pinning them to the wall, a hand on their neck, right at their pulse, "oh, darling," she softly says, hands on their cheek, thumb slowly guiding its way to their left eye, tracing over the scars, "do you honestly think you can fool me?" And she brushed away the hair hiding the left eye, revealing Giratina's eye, black vein like lines coming from the eye, "and do you honestly think you scare me?"
Gira growls at her, black tendrils emerging from their back, "you're merely human. I can kill you right now."
"so are you," she pressed on to the socket, her grip tight around their neck, and Gira can feel the pain, "so incredibly human. So incredibly fragile." She smiled at him, her eyes glowing bright, glowing like Yveltal's, "Cynthia won't let you do a thing, right, my darling?"
And while Gira's grip on Diantha's tightened, the tendrils began to disappear. Diantha nodded and leaned in, her grip loosened on their neck, "very good, Cynthia. You trained him well." And she finally lets go, giving one last look at them before she leaves, "oh, and Yveltal said it's nice seeing you again. He hopes there are no hard feelings, as he did what he had to do. Wouldn't you do the same?"
Cynthia and Giratina are left all alone, Cynthia's asking him a million fucking questions, and Giratina's there, wondering if Yveltal truly became powerful enough to have influenced that human, or perhaps there really was smth abt Diantha that just seemed... Powerful. Needless to say, Giratina insisted that she and Cynthia becomes close, if Diantha was that powerful to go up against a god, the God of the Distortion World no less, even without any Pokémon with her, then she'll be a valuable asset
And pfft yo fr tho the kids are vibing in the villain au hahaha like they legitimately killed a few people maybe Hau was still processing that bit, but Iris has a body count now man like fbdnn it's up there w Lance's body count it's insane, but then yknow she's like what, freshly 20 and her lil bro is just 15, ofc she's gonna be a bad influence in an actual sibling way too. Like they'd try to disobey Diantha and sleep till twelve just to play their games, and it's nice yknow bc even tho w all the shit going one, somehow they still found ways to be mundane w each other. The champions are all fucked up fr, but hey least they're fucked as a family—
Yknow w that tho since Cynthia is their enabler, imagine if these two also know about Gira and Cyn sharing a body. Imagine them at the rooftop of one of the leagues tho, trying to pull a prank from above, then shit happened and Iris and Hau are falling, and in her panic Cynthia used Gira's tendrils to catch them, pulling back up to the roof w her. Imagine Iris just "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"
"please don't tell the others but Giratina is kinda sharing my body so I kinda also have his powers too—"
"that's so cool!"
"...would I get powers too if I fuse with Kyurem—"
Ur honour they may be fucked up in the head but they still share one braincell and not even Gira is using it, he became an enabler too
Anyways w the last one,, I,, wanna say it's only Leon that was known, bc ofc he became somewhat of a tyrant in Galar, the same w Lance, how people know he actually has no trouble in downright killing someone who gets in his way, but the other champions?? I don't think they'd be exposed or anything bc they know how to hide things rather well, especially Diantha, and especially since she taught Iris and Hau how to mask their intentions. And like, yknow maybe the people of Galar and Kanto/Johto did call out for the other champions to try and help their own champions bc they're kinda terrified of them, and I want the others to be so reassuring to the people of Galar and Kanto/Johto that they will help Leon and Lance, that nothing bad will happen to them or to anyone, but really they just told Lance and Leon to be more discreet
And ofc, it worked, the people believed those lies, the people believed those fake smiles that Lance and Leon would give, and god the champions thought the people were so naive and pathetic, believing anything the most powerful trainers would tell them. But hey, guess that made things easier for em :)
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touyaspeach · 2 years
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Submissive Sukuna x afab! Reader
A/N ; I haven't written in a long time, and after talking to Blue I realize I was putting too much pressure on myself to give you guys these really long plot-heavy fics, when in reality... I think most of you are here for the porn. Which is great because it's easier for me. Less pressure! So, I whipped this lil bad boy up in about an hour and ... turns out I still got it!
Words ; 2.6k Warnings ; dominant reader, afab reader, submissive sukuna, teasing (m), dirty talk (m), oral (f), p in v unprotected sex Thanks ; @a-shy-blueberry for not only brainstorming with me, beta-reading, and sprinting with me, but also just... helping me get out of my funk!! You're a peach!
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He is the King of Curses, the most powerful curse to have ever existed. He’s killed more people than he can count, done so many atrocious and outrageous things. So how did he end up on his knees, with a collar around his throat like a fucking dog, all but begging for you?
You and your pretty, dripping pussy that he can smell from here. And, fuck, you smell downright delectable. He needs to taste you, needs to shove his tongue as deep into your empty hole as he can and make you scream for him. But that’s not the game you’re playing, and he doesn’t know why the fuck he’s even playing along.
You’re sitting on his throne, legs spread, completely naked, and he’s obsessed with how good you look like this. Your body is so soft, so plush and round and he needs to squeeze it. Needs to take you between his hands and squish, pull, knead, and kiss. Needs to put all of his mouths to good use on your skin, sucking and licking and -
Sukuna is drawn from his thoughts when you lean forward, running your fingers through his hair as if he really were nothing but a pet to you. Don’t you know how easily he could break out of these binds? This pathetic little chain is nothing to him, you are nothing to him. He could break you even easier, he’s sure of it. But his curiosity is at maximum and his interest has been piqued, and so he plays your game for now.
Your tits press together when you lean forward, they’re soft and plush, he needs to feel them, so he reaches out with one large, clawed hand. You smack it away before he even makes contact and he growls. “The fuck? What the fuck is your problem? The hell is this? I’m done with it!” he takes the chain in both hands and is about to snap it, when he feels your hand trail down his cheek, down to his jaw. His eyes flutter with the tenderness in which you touch him, and his shoulders slacken.
When your thumb traces along his lips he inhales sharply, eyes flicking up to yours.There’s so much uncertainty in his eyes. He wants to break free and make you submit but… but the affection you give him is so free, so willing. He’s not asking for it, he’s not taking it from you, it’s being given to him. And that’s not something he’s used to. His throat bobs when he swallows, and you part his lips gently with your thumb before gently pushing it past his teeth to press down on his tongue. You’ve grabbed his jaw, and it would be so easy to just bite down with his sharp teeth and snap your thumb right off, releasing your hold.
But he doesn’t. He watches, listens, waits. “You can behave better than that, can’t you? Didn’t you want to be good for me?” you purr, and he growls deep in his throat in return. Yes. Yes he does so badly but he also needs to touch you.
You’re unlike any human he’s ever met before. You’re so small, so filled out in all the right ways, and he’s been attracted to you since he met you. But he’d never expected this, not ever. Not in all of his lives had he ever submitted to anything, or anyone, but now he’s here on his knees. His cock is so hard between them, too, that he thinks he might burst just from watching the way you move, from feeling your featherlight touches on his skin. He nods, tries to swallow the saliva gathering in his mouth around your finger, but fails as a few dribbles fall down his chin. He rakes his eyes over you again, and his cock throbs. He needs you, god don’t you see? He needs you so fucking bad, so why won’t you just… give him something? Anything?
You remove your hand from his face, and he thinks finally something will happen when you reach down between you and run your index up the length of his cock. He shivers - finally. He really was leaking a lot, dribbles of pre-cum slowly trickling down his length to fall between his thighs. It’s this absurd amount of slick that you collect on your finger, and then you’re pulling away again and he whines.
The Sukuna whines because you stole his pre right off of his cock and he can’t do anything to stop you. He can’t do anything but watch as you slide back into his throne, put your feet up on either side of the massive seat, and spread your legs wide for him to see. He groans at the sight of you.
Your clit engorged and needy, your cunt ready and waiting, needing - begging - to be stuffed. He licks his lips. He could make you scream, he could have you writhing on just his tongue and you’d be the one begging him. But he watches, despite himself, as you spread his pre all over your folds, all along your dripping pussy and push two fingers inside.
You moan so softly, so sweetly and he jolts from the sound. His palms now planted on the floor, he’s fighting a losing battle within himself. He needs to touch you, fuck! He needs it! But… he needs to be good for you, he needs to earn those sweet touches and tender kisses. Don’t you understand how hard this is for him? Don’t you understand how unfair it is to use him like this, and not even let him touch you?
Your face twists in pleasure as you drag your fingertips along that delicious spot at your core, and Sukuna thinks he sees divinity in the way your cheeks flush, in the way you coo out his name like honey. His chest swells, an emotion he hasn’t felt in too long. He’s made his way to the edge of the throne now, his hands are gripping the seat between your legs, so close.
His eyes are trained on your cunt, now, watching your fingers draw out more of your slick before pressing back into your depths. He wishes they were his fingers. No, he wishes they were his tongue.
“You wanna taste?” you say, breathless.
“More than anything.”
“Beg for it, if you want it so bad.”
He licks his lips, considers for a moment. He’s never begged for anything in his fucking life, is he really about to beg for some pussy?
“Please,” he breathes, and suddenly he’s being pulled, yanked towards your wet cunt by that damned chain. He readies himself, opens his mouth to receive you, except he’s stopped just as suddenly and nearly chokes. You’d reversed your pull, stopping him just centimeters from your pussy so that he can feel the heat from your sex but can’t actually touch you. He sticks his tongue out, desperate, and tries to stretch it as far as he can.
It’s not enough, and he groans.
“Please, what?”
Sukuna is almost fed up with this game, he’s frustrated and he’s harder than he’s ever been and he just wants to make you come apart on his fucking tongue, so why does he need to beg for it?
“Please, let me slide my long, warm tongue up your cunt and, please let me make you feel good.” His tone is sarcastic, but there’s enough desperation behind it to allow him. You slacken the line, and he dives right in without missing a beat.
The noises he makes are downright feral as he licks and laps, suckles and slurps up your pussy. His tongue is just as long and warm as he’d promised, and so practiced that he’s already making your toes curl. He licks up from your hole, collecting the mix of your slick and his pre and spreading it further up your folds to your clit. He latches on there for a moment, suckling and flicking his tongue over the swollen bud before moving down again to press his tongue as deep into you as he can.
Tasting your depths makes him groan, he’s grinding his hips into nothing, the very tip of his cock barely brushing against the throne. He slides one hand up your thigh, intent on fingering you, but you smack it away.
Sukuna glares up at you, eyes catlike and intense. “You’re not allowed to use anything but your mouth to make me cum, you got that? Be good. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
And then, as if you know just what makes him tick, you’ve got both of your hands in his hair and are petting him so gently that he can’t help but follow your orders. He will, oh he will, he promises silently. Just you wait.
He adjusts slightly, changing his angle and suddenly it’s like you’re seeing stars. He really does know what he’s doing as he flicks his tongue over your clit a few times before suckling again. A method he repeats as he spells his own name on your sensitive bud until you fall apart.
And oh, how your orgasm washes over you. It’s pure bliss, the hardest you’ve ever cum. It starts in your belly and spreads all the way to your fingertips, and Sukuna moans so prettily when he feels you cum on his tongue.
It was worth it, he decides then. Playing this game with you has been worth it because you are such a sight as you writhe and twitch beneath his touch. You hadn’t noticed that he pushed your thighs apart even more, one hand one each as his fingers dug and kneaded into the soft skin there.
He brings you down, works you through it, and for a moment he’d forgotten all about the hard-on that is raging between his knees. After a moment he finally pulls back, looking up at you with such a complicated expression. He’s still fighting it, still fighting himself.
“Please,” he breathes softly, “Please it hurts… I need…”
“Hmm?” you say lazily, sliding forward once more so that you can lean down and plant a sweet, gentle kiss on his lips. You swipe your tongue out, tasting yourself and licking into his mouth. He moans into you, melting at your affection.
“Please,” he breathes heavily, “It hurts, please let me fuck you.”
“Hmm… try again,” you say, standing. You pull him up by the chain, push him back into the throne with a hand on his chest. Sukuna looks up at you with wide, surprised eyes. He has no idea what’s going on.
“I don’t-”
“You want to fuck me? Or do you want to be fucked by me? Only one of those things is going to happen, handsome.”
“I…” he swallows again, gripping the armrests so hard his knuckles go white. “I want you to fuck me… please.”
His tone is stiff, but his cock betrays him as it twitches and throbs hard at the thought of such a thing. Sukuna isn’t someone who gets fucked. Sukuna is the one fucking, always. He takes what he wants, always.
He isn’t… given things.
But then you’re straddling his lap, and he can feel the wet heat of your cunt just above his aching cockhead and his mind goes completely blank. It’s all he can do to not grab onto your hips and slam you down and fuck you like he wants. Fuck you, like he needs.
Finally he feels your pussy on him, feels your slick dripping down his shaft, and he groans low in his chest. It reverberates through both of you as you brace yourself on his shoulders and guide yourself to sink down. Slowly, oh god it’s so slow. Why are you so slow? He needs to be buried, he needs it more than he’s ever needed anything in his existence.
And you’re tight. That’s probably the most agonizing thing. You’re squeezing him so well, squeezing every inch of him as you take him bit by bit. He thinks he might burst just from this. It takes all of his self control, between not taking you the way he wants, and not cumming immediately. He’s so built up, it hurts, it feels amazing, he hates it, he loves it.
You lean forward, kissing his jaw up to his ear, where you whisper, “Be a good boy, and move for me, yeah? It’s easier for you and I still want you to make me feel good. You better not cum until after I do, though.”
He shivers. His flesh pebbles beneath your touch and your words, the prospect of finally getting to do something instead of just accepting what you give him. He’s under no illusions though, he knows that you’re in control here. He knows that if he does anything wrong, does anything without permission, you’ll punish him. Make him wait.
He can’t wait.
He plants his feet solidly, grips onto your hips, and pulls you off of him. He’s so strong, he really could break you, but he doesn’t. Instead he plunges you back down onto his cock as he cants his hips upwards. His head drags along your sweet spot, rubs against your walls as he fucks you. Fucks you on him. Whatever, it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that he’s finally got his cock buried inside of you and you’re moaning so fucking pretty for him.
The only thing that matters is making you cum. He reaches up with one hand to pinch and tweak at a nipple, making you throw your head back as you’re bounced on his dick. He loves this the most. Loves to see you in ecstasy because of him. For once in all of his lives he doesn’t care so much about his own pleasure, he just wants to see you fall apart again, knowing that it was him doing it to you.
The way your tits bounce, the way your belly jiggles, everything about you moves with the impact and Sukuna is mesmerized. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful in all the ways he isn’t.
Where he is hard muscle, callous, crude, evil; you are the opposite. Soft, sweet, good, and he’d rather take on every sorcerer in the world than go against your word.
If you asked him to jump he would ask how high, and he’s finally accepted that as he bullies his thick, fat cock up against your cervix. As he thumbs circles into your clit and suckles on one of your nipples. Every drag of him through your walls brings you closer, closer, until you’re crying out for him.
Watching you cum on his tongue is nothing like watching you cum on his dick. Feeling the way you pulse and twitch all the way to your core around him. He’s barely held out, he can’t take it anymore, and on the tail-end of your orgasm he cums. He cums so much, pumps you so full that it squelches out of you and pours down to the throne between you. He moans, too, rests his head against your chest as he rocks his hips slowly bringing you both down. His arms wrap around your back to hold you close, to keep you there.
He can’t let you go. He can’t think about you being anywhere else, because he might go insane. He needs you. More than just sexually. He needs you to be here, with him. Always.
The kiss you give him makes butterflies swim in his belly, it’s slow and full of love and he doesn’t understand. Why? Why would you kiss him so wonderfully, show him so much that he’s never had? He can’t wrap his head around it.
And then you kiss him again, and again. And your tongue is so small, and so sweet and fuck if he’s not getting hard again.
“Come on, big boy. You can go again, can’t you?”
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rubeebeeb · 2 years
Y’all really liked those headcanons so here’s a part 2:
Jay really misses his white hair from Prime Empire. He’s considered bleaching and toning it to white, but he knows with his actual skin tone and not the funky blue skin he had it probably wouldn’t look too great.
Jay never wants kids. He would rather die than have to raise a teenager. Plus raising a teenager would mean having to share a game console, so hard pass.
He plays League.
Paints his nails but it’s always chipped because he bites his nails as a nervous habit. Go-to color is probably his signature blue with a yellow accent nail.
When he needs to stay up really late to work on something, he’ll give himself little shocks if he starts nodding off.
Mismatched socks, all the time. Sometimes it’s on purpose, sometimes it’s not. Even if he manages to put on two socks of the same color it turns out they’re different brands.
Has never been properly hydrated a day in his life, drinks more soda and energy drinks than water.
Screams at autocorrect when it corrects his keyboard smash.
Controversial, I know everyone’s big on hairless twink Jay, but I imagine him with just a lil bit of hair on his chin. Idk, sue me.
Kai has multiple ear piercings. In fact, I think all of the ninja have at least one ear piercing, save for Zane, but Zane can just wear like magnetic earrings or something if he ever wants them, which he probably doesn’t. But yeah idk, Jay and Cole just have them pierced once, Kai probably has at LEAST doubles and his cartilage done.
Kai is absolutely the type to wear fishnets under ripped jeans. Idk about yall but I can picture it so clearly, probably bc in part one I called him a whore.
Kai cuts his own hair. It looks good the way he styles it, but never take him into a professional salon because they will have some words for the way he cuts it.
Kai almost never sleeps with a blanket. Being the master of fire, his body temperature is high enough that he’s usually good to go without one. It’s not like he’s uncomfortable with one, since he can also stay pretty comfortable even in temperatures others would find too hot, but he’s also just That Guy who sleeps with way too out in the open with nothing on top of him.
An absolute wimp when he gets sick. He acts like he recovers like a monster, but even the smallest case of a cold takes him out. Jay is the same, they just lay in bed whining for like a week straight. FSM forbid they’re ever sick at the same time.
Cole actually DOES take getting sick like a champ, this man is unstoppable. Unless it’s a stomach bug.
Cole doodles on everything. Look at any piece of paper Cole has touched, or even a napkin, actually, ESPECIALLY a napkin, and you’ll find a doodle on it.
Has a nickname for EVERYONE, and he’ll probably use it more often than their actual name, to the point that he’ll almost introduce someone as their nickname at a big important event but catch himself last minute.
He’ll complain that those cheap little snack cupcakes or anything that’s Hostess or Little Debbie or something are a mockery to real cake, but then if you try to take them away he’ll get mad.
Zane is so deeply terrified of the Mechanic that the rest of the ninja make sure to put extra effort into catching him specifically so that Zane can have some peace of mind.
Zane really likes making ice cubes in fun shapes for people’s drinks, like simplified snowflake shapes and stars and such. He can do this himself with his powers and it’s kind of like a cool party trick, but he usually just buys those kinds of shaped ice cube trays to put in the freezer.
He’s got dimples. I know he’s made of metal, I don’t care.
Zane wears khakis. Frequently. They’re like his go-to. But like, the nice clean slim cut kind. Still khakis though.
When it comes to the ninja doing something fun out in the snow, Zane might use his powers occasionally to win a snowball fight or two, but while he could snap his fingers and make a perfect snowman almost instantly, he prefers to do that kind of stuff slowly and by hand the way everyone else does. It’s no fun if it’s easy and instant, unless it’s a competition, then it’s very fun.
Going off the Jay spellcheck one, I seriously doubt Zane EVER makes spelling errors while typing, but I bet if he does, he says thank you to the autocorrect.
Even outside of being Samurai X, Nya’s always thought mechs were just the coolest thing. Like try to watch anything with mechs in it with her and she’ll just be analyzing all the different parts of the mechs. Luckily, Pixal shares her level of interest in them, so they talk about cool mech designs often.
Anyone ever seen H2O? The mermaid show? Yknow that thing they would do where they would use their powers to make the water float out of the glass in little bubbles and then they would just like, eat the bubbles instead of drinking it normally? Yeah Nya does that.
The first out of anyone to rage-quit for anything. Everyone always talks about who swears and how much, you wanna know who does it the most and the loudest? Her.
Pixal rarely, like almost never plays video games. In fact she only plays if enough of the ninja ask her to join for a round. However, when she DOES play, she absolutely dominates.
Pixal gossips behind the ninjas’ backs with Master Wu. Nothing harmful though, of course.
(This is basically a short story I’m sorry). Lloyd has stolen either Kai or Nya’s eyeliner on multiple occasions to try it on secretly in the bathroom late at night to live out his edgy childhood dreams. The thing is everyone knows. Sometimes, if all the ninja are running errands together, and Kai and/or Nya is picking up makeup, they’ll tell them that a certain brand would look really good on them to see if they want to buy it. He usually says no because they’re too embarrassed though. A shame, because they actually do pull it off very well.
They’re on Deviantart, 100%. They’re literally the green ninja and the grandchild of god but they’re still out here making self-inserts.
They were the shortest prior to s8 because they were still growing. After s8, he ended up still pretty short, but at least taller than Jay. Jay will always call them “traitor” for this.
Bonus: Harumi
That face paint doesn’t wash off.
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