#also have to go get more baggies so I can actually bag up the last four!
likeawildthing · 9 months
Took my proper adhd dose for the first time since surgery six weeks ago and made seven different fall soups today, whoops
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borzoilover69 · 3 months
I have a headcanon on how these guys style themselves postgame and you WILL hear me out.
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Kanaya, Roxy, and Jade are self explanatory. They know how they want to present themselves. They know how to go forward with that. They’ve got colour combos and layering and fashion choices suited to their particular style IN THE BAG. Loud, prominent, they know whats up.
Jake, Calliope, and Jane get nudged into giving a fuck about fashion by anyone named above, or rather their own desire to dress up…Jake moreso because as a celebrity he gives too much of a fuck about his image to be anything less. Callie of course is affectionate enough with jade and roxy that they teach her how to style and i think she would like lolita and more daintier feminine stuff than roxy, but she does tend to sometimes switch over to suits. Jane is pure butch energy she dresses like a guy but as a girl with fashion sense. Like strict lesbian style. I dont know how else to fucking put it she would dress like how a butch lesbian would.
Jane and Jake stylewise would be similiar to some retro callback summer movie where everyones on a roadtrip in a yellow van or something except jake is more prone to extravagancy because he gives more of a fuck. Also one of them is wearing dresses and its NOT Jane.
Dirk and Rose.. fashion disasters. Dirk doesnt know fashion weight for a while and tries too hard id even suspect that he would try and mimic daves fashion style for a while until john or someone else blatantly calls him out in an offhand comment and jake and the rest of his friends start getting on his fucking case about being so bland with his fashion takes (all primaries, little to no patterns, basic, no layering.) that he caves and starts taking it like a personal challenge to style well.
At some point he has a revelation and realises he can get piercings and starts leaning into that and punk / gothish fashion. Black with complimentary colours recommended by friends.
Rose is sort of a fashion trainwreck like for all of kanayas nudging she doesnt really give a fuck and kanaya starts dictating her outfits and then of course she also gets the "someone makes an offhand comment that makes them mald really hard about it and go into a snooty onesided competition to prove they GET IT actually and that you were TOTALLY wrong about them not GETTING IT." Its the only way Dirk and Rose start caring.
Terezi and John get nudged around by their respective compadres about fashion sense and style, but they generally dont give a damn and have their own thing going for them. Theyve got their own vibe and style that feels well on them and especially terezi wise i think she would lean into the fashion disaster for fun. As long as the colours taste well together, who gives a damn about layering etc etc. throw in some crocs with a suit. An oversized shirt with a tapered skirt. Who cares. John is more tried and true but he styles out ENOUGH so he doesnt end up in the last (deorgatory) category.
Dave and Karkat are the real stubborn contendors of the friendgroup fashionwise. Baggy on baggy outfitwear. WILL get on your case if you point out had it not been for their respective colour choices they basically dress the exact same. Same mix of cargo pants, sweatpants, tracksuit pants, hoodies, and tshirts to keep them going for the lifetime. There js nothing else. Whats layering. Accessories? Well except for a watch hard pass. Patterned clothing? No way. Basic colours ONLY. Maybe Dave would dig long shorts ive always seen him as a longshorts kind of guy but its never anything noteworthy. Type of guys to choose what theyre wearing with their eyes closed thats how basic their closet is.
Anyways thats my style and fashion thoughts. Let me know what you think. Discuss and all that. Also tag yourself on which one youre closest to stylewise. Im jake. Obviously.
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tmntfixationxreader · 4 months
"I just read your Donnie fic and I am in LOVE with the way you write. Sometimes I feel like fics don't really show the emotions of the turtles beyond being shy around reader and I appreciate fluff where the characters actually interact and have a meaningful moment without it having to be sexual. So let me just say your writing feeds my soul. I love it.
That being said can I request a Raph x fem reader crack oneshot?
Reader was a friend of April and April decided that it would be good to introduce the turtles and reader. Little did she know that reader had a thing for big buff dudes, to the point that she goes from generally outgoing to extremely shy within seconds. So when she meets Raph she gets quiet, avoids eye contact, and fidgets frequently. Raph calks it up first time nervousness because he knows that he can be a bit intimidating. Reader eventually starts hanging around the turtles more often and gets closer with Donnie, Leo, and Mikey but is still shy around Raph and it ends up hurting his feelings. He feels like he's too scary and starts avoiding reader. Obviously this is the opposite of what the reader wanted, especially after getting to know him a little bit better and liking him even more.
Bonus points if the reader is taller than most her peers and a bit stronger to so she is often viewed as not feminine. So in order to seem more feminine she wears baggy clothing and curls in on herself to feel small. Happy ending please🙇‍♀️
Sorry if this is too long or too specific 😫 I just really like the way you write and I feel like I can trust you with an idea that is so dear to my heart!!!
Make sure to rest and drink some water.❤️"
♡All requests are anonymous, so here is the copy and pasted ask♡
Thank you so so much for the kind words!! I really appreciate and it fuels me to keep writing <3 Also, I did drink some water.
Here is your request! I hope It is how you wanted it :)
♡You don't scare me♡Raph x Fem!Reader♡
~When you get nervous around Raph, he’s worried you are scared of him~
Word count: 3,237 (longest one-shot so far)
Warnings: Fluff, Fem reader, strong/tall reader, reader attracted to strong guys, squishmallows.
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When Apri skipped up to you, bag over her shoulder with more than a few pencils falling out the back end, you knew immediately she had planned something. 
She was panting, and smiled excitedly at you. “Y/n! Guess what?”
You smile at her, stopping and helping her pick up the pencils that had just fallen out. “What?”
“So you know those friends I told you about?? The ones that don’t go to school here?” She said, grabbing the pencils with you and shoving them messily back into her bag.
“Yeah! That's the brothers right?” You say, standing back upright after you had collected the last of the pencils.
You were easily a head taller than April, had broader shoulders, and had some pretty good muscles on you. From April being small and lesser on the muscle scale, and you being tall and muscular, the comparison made many people do a double take. It just heightened the differences you two had. You two didn’t care though, you liked yourselves just as you two were. And if there were days when you would doubt it, then April was always, always here to prove just how great you were. Just like you were always there for her.
She nodded excitedly. “Yes! Mikey, Leo, Donnie-”
“And Raph,” You finished, grinning, and April nodded happily. “You talk about them a lot.”
She laughed, and you two began walking. “Yeah, I guess I do… Anyways, I had a chat with them and they invited me to bring you to their- er- house!”
Your face lit up with excitement. April had talked about these guys for years. It was about time your finally meet them
“Heck yeah! When can we go?” You ask, putting one hand into your baggy hoodie pocket. You always wore baggy clothes. 
April smiled, pushing her red glasses back up into place on her nose. “After school! If you're not busy.”
You shook your head. “Nope! I’m not busy, I would love to meet them.”
April grinned. “Perfect! I’ll let ‘em know, and we can go after school!”
April found you immediately after school, which wasn’t hard. You two usually walked home together on most days anyways.
What you weren’t expecting was how far away their house was.
It seemed like you two were just walking until the crowd of kids faded away, which turned out to be the idea.
When April turned and went into an alleyway, you got really confused.
“An… Alley?” You said, raising an eyebrow and following her anyways. You trusted April, and knew she wasn’t going to lead you anywhere dangerous. 
April nodded her head side to side. “Well… Yes.. I mean, they aren’t living in the alley…”
She walked over to the sewer gate and lifted the lid. You stared at the sewer entrance.
You raised an eyebrow, and put a hand on your hip.“Ok, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
You trusted April. She had been your best friend for a long time. You two had done a lot of crazy things when you were little; from pulling amazing parkour stunts on the couches to playing Floor is Lava. You two did it all. Now that you two were older, you had broadened the area of things you two could do; the mall, movies, drawing,  unfortunately homework, and you still were the all-time champion of floor is lava.
Even after everything, how April managed to convince you to go into the sewers, you still didn’t know.
That didn’t matter now, you were walking in a sewer tunnel next to April, narrowly dodging some unmentionable things you avoided looking at.
But in all honesty, it wasn’t that bad. It was at first, but the further and closer you got the cleaner it was. Soon the smell went away entirely, and the tunnel was empty and clean. The smell was so gone, that you actually started smelling… Pizza?
The sheer thought of smelling pizza in a sewer tunnel attempted to trigger your gag reflex.
“April… is that pizza?” You ask, feeling nauseated and looking at her like this whole thing was crazy. You were open minded, but this was getting crazy.
April smiled and nodded. “Heh, yeah, the boys like pizza… Mikey is probably cooking some.”
“Ok… So how close… are… we?”  You trail off as you turn a corner, seeing an entrance to what you could only assume was the brothers house. It looked really nice on the inside, from what you could see. Pizza boxes, skate ramps- like the whole place was a skate park on the inside. And that was only what you could see.
April stepped inside. 
"She’s here!” She called into the layer.
“Ok!” A light-toned male voice called back. “Tell us when you're ready!”
April turned back to face you.
You glanced around to see the lack of brothers. “Are… They hiding?”
April nodded nervously. “There’s a couple of things I need to explain first…”
You raised an eyebrow and fidgeted with your hoodie drawstrings. It wasn’t out of nervousness, you were excited.
“Ok… What is it?” You ask. 
April nodded her head side to side. “So… Before you meet them, you need an open mind.”
“April, you know me. I am a very open minded person- as long as they aren't walking crocodiles living in the sewers I'm fine.”
April blinked. “How does a turtle sound?”
You raised both eyebrows. “I like turtles… But what does that have to do with them?”
April smiled slightly. “Mikey, why don’t you come on out!” 
You got slightly excited; you had heard so much about the brothers already, and knew that Mikey was the artistic younger brother.
Mikey slowly side-stepped out from around the corner, a large smile on his face. 
He was… Green? With an orange mask and a… Turtle shell??
Your jaw dropped and you blinked. You were frozen like that for a while. 
Mikey turned kind of shy, giving a small wave.
You waved back, and finally took a breath. “M… Mikey?”
His face lit up into a smile. “Yep! I’m Mikey!!”
You smile a little. “Wow! You're a… Turtle!!”
Mikey smiled back. “Yep! A mutant turtle teenager!”
You smiled back happily, taking a step towards him, and walking around him. You were a head taller than he was. You looked down at his shell, his green skin, and the yellow spots on his shoulders.
“Wow!” You exclaimed, looking back at April, who smiled. “Wait- are your brothers turtles too??”
Mikey nodded. “Yep! Would you like to meet them?”
You nodded, smiling, eyes wide with shock and excitement.
“Leo! Donnie! Come on out!” Mikey called. 
A turtle in a blue mask came out around the corner. The first thing you noticed was that he was a different color green, and he had red crescents around his eyes. He was as tall as you were, close enough that you could probably only tell who was taller by standing side by side.
He waved his hand.
“What’s up Y/n! I’m Leon!” He said in his show-offey-tone. 
You waved back. “Hi Leon!” You said happily.
A turtle in purple came out next. You noticed he had a head wrap instead of a bandana, and he had a pair of goggles mounted on his head. His shell looked different too, like it was metal. And you more than quickly realize it was.
“My name is Donnie, Donatello, and to my loving brother here, Donald,” He said with a sarcastic monotone voice.
You smile, watching Leo lean an arm on Donnie’s shoulder. You give Donnie a wave too.
“Wait, isn’t there one more brother?... Raph right?” You ask the brothers. 
Mikey nods. “Yes in deedy! But there is something you should know first… Raph is a little… Bigger than the rest of us. He wanted me to tell you that first before you met him.”
You shrug. “I am bigger than most people my age, too.”
Mikey smiles. “He may look big and scary, but he really is the sweetest guy…”
You smile and nod, looking around the corner to where the other brothers came out from. 
“Raph? You can come out,” You say.
Then, a turtle who was two heads taller than Leo, and at least twice his size, came out around the corner. He was strong, his arms and legs loaded with muscle, and he had spikes protruding from the top and back of his plastron and back of his shell. 
One small tooth poked out from the right side of his mouth, and he smiled nervously when he spoke, clearly shy.
“Hi… I’m Raph...”
You smiled, and gave him a nervous wave. For someone who was generally outgoing, you suddenly became very shy. You didn’t know exactly why.
Raph smiled, and looked towards Mikey with a smile. For him, it was just a win that you didn’t run away.
“H-hi Raph… I’m Y/n,” You say, smiling up at him but, then looking away back at the other brothers as you felt it growing harder and harder to keep eye contact.
Raph beamed, and nodded happily. “Nice to meet you!”
The brothers and April smiled.
The pizza timer dingged, and everyone looked towards the doorway to the kitchen. 
“Time to eat! Y/n, how do you feel about pizza?” Mikey asked, rocking on his heels excitedly.
You grinned at him. “I love pizza!”
It had been about a month since then, and you and April would hang out with the turtles everyday after school.
You and the turtles had gotten closer, you would play games with Leo and Donnie, and make art with Mikey. You really wanted to train or hang out with Raph, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Something about him was just so… You didn’t want to explain it. But whatever it was, it was making you nervous. You would fidget, avoid eye contact with him, and get much, much quieter. You just couldn’t get yourself to stop being so shy around him, even though you really wanted to hang out with him. 
April and the other brothers didn’t seem to notice, and if Raph noticed. He had avoided you multiple times before. He knew he was big, scary and intimidating, and he thought you just hadn’t gotten used to him yet.
“Hey guys! How about we play a board game?” Mikey called out to the others from where he was playing his video game with you. You had gotten pretty good at that fighting game, and Mikey was getting a little playfully worried that you would beat him soon. That was his high score on the line after all.
You grinned. “Perfect!”
“That sounds great!” April said excitedly, then got up from her spot next to Leo. The two of them had been watching a cartoon on his phone. “I’ll go get one!”
Raph came excitedly into the room, ushering Donnie in as well. Donnie didn’t seem all that pleased about the idea, but perhaps that was just the aloof-bad-boy persona he was trying to perfect.
Everyone gathered around the table, standing over it as April brought in the game, she had chosen Sorry.
You were bubbling with excitement as everyone gathered around… Until Raph took his spot across from you, smiling that adorable smile that had been playing on loop in your head for the past few weeks.
Your heart (for reasons you didn’t want to sort out-) started to flutter again. You took a firm hold of your hoodie drawstrings, seeming to shrink a little. Your smile was still genuine, but it seemed lesser, like you were suddenly self conscious and shy.
The others didn’t notice as they were setting up the game, but Raph did. He always did. He always noticed that you got nervous around him. He really did think you were just shy around him at first, but you had known him for weeks and you still were like this… 
Raph’s smile seemed to fade a little too. 
Just as they were handing him his game token, he put his hands up and took a step backwards. 
“Sorry guys, Raph just forgot that he was supposed to help Dad clean up the living room…” Raph said, speaking in the third person again. Normally you thought that it was adorable when he did that, but something about the way that he was speaking seemed off.
Mikey raised an eyebrow. “You can do it after, I’m sure Dad wouldn't mind if-”
“No, no, Mikey, I told him I would… You guys go ahead and play. Raph’ll catch up with you later…” He said, and walked off towards the living room where his dad was always watching his commercials.
The brothers exchanged glances, and April got up to go after him, when you stopped her. 
“I’ll go get him. You guys go ahead and start, Raph and I will join in the next round,” You say, and follow where Raph had left.
Raph wasn’t in Splinter's room.
You checked the dojo, and the skate ramp before finally finding him in his room.
You heard moving from within his room, but his curtain was pulled covering the door so you didn’t let yourself in. Instead you knocked on the doorframe.
“R-Raph? Are you coming?” You asked.
“Uh- Y/n… Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute…” Raph said. You stood quietly for a moment.
“Can I come in?” You asked.
“Yeah… Sure,” He said. 
You stepped through the curtain into his room. He was sitting on his bed, the mattress bowing beneath his weight. 
His room was nice, a few posters, some weapons hung up, and a few scratches on the walls from his spikes. It was pretty clean, surprisingly.
The one defining feature was the squishmallow on his bed, each neatly in place. That made you smile. 
He watched you expressionless for a moment.
You watched him. 
“Can I sit down…?” You asked quietly. He nodded.
You sat down next to him. It was weird being smaller than someone, you were normally much taller than the rest of your peers, so sitting next to someone so much bigger than you was almost a relief. You more than often hunched over to make yourself feel smaller, but next to Raph you felt like you didn’t have to do that. It makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Raph watched you for a moment. “Why did you come to get me?”
You shrug, playing with your hoodie drawstrings again. “The others got worried when you left, so I volunteered to come and get you.”
Raph nods a little. “But… Why?”
You shrug again, seeming nervous. “I wanted you to come and play.”
Raph looked slightly surprised, shifting so he was facing you. “But… You don’t like Raph. I make you scared… Why would you want me there?”
You look extremely confused. “What? Scared? You don’t make me scared, Raph.”
Raph shook his head, his voice quiet. “But I do… I'm big… I’m scary… I make you scared..”
You looked at him like he was crazy. “What? Why would I be scared of you! You're one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met!”
He blushes a little at the compliment. “But… You're always fidgeting when you're around me… You get quiet. You don’t like hanging out with Raph.”
You shake your head, reaching up and putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“I love to hang out with you, Raph… Actually it’s been making me a little disappointed that you keep avoiding me.”
Raph nodded. “Sorry… Raph just thought you would like it better if I stayed away…” His eyes dropped down to the mattress.
You shook your head. “Raph, why would you think that? You don’t make me scared, or intimidated at all…” 
“Y/n, I’m a giant mutant snapping turtle. You do get nervous around me. You don’t have to be sorry for that, I get it,” He said, attempting to give you a fake smile, but you saw right through it.
“Raph… I do get nervous around you, but it’s not because I think you're scary. Promise… But I get where you're coming from… Actually, you're a lot like me. I’m so much bigger than everyone else my age, and I'm not trying to brag, but I'm pretty strong in comparison to them, too. I’ve had a lot of people avoid me before.”
Raph looks at you, waiting for you to continue. When you don’t, he speaks.
“So… If you're not scared… Then why are you so nervous?” He asks. You put your hands in your lap and fidget a little again.
“W-well… See… I…” You stutter.
Raph looks confused. 
You sigh, taking a deep breath.
“Well, I… I kind of have a thing for big strong guys…” You mutter.
Raph blinks, and blushes without his expression changing. 
His eyes widened. “Oh- so you're not scared of me- you… you just have a thing for big strong guys?”
You nod a little, feeling your own cheeks burn.
Raph’s eyes widen even more. “Wait- I’m a big strong guy!”
You chuckle, and nod. 
His jaw drops momentarily and he blushes. “Ohhhh- so you think i’m-” He puts a finger to his chest and waits for you to speak.
You nod again. “Y-yeah…”
His face lights up into a bright smile. “S-so you think I’m… Attractive?”
“Yeah… Very…” You say, feeling your cheeks burn. You are smiling a little, but taking out all of your nerves on your hoodie drawstrings.
Raph grins and he blushes. “So you're not scared of me?”
You shake your head, smiling.
Raph nods, grinning. He blushes a little more. “Y/n… Can I tell you something?”
You nod, still blushing. “Of course…”
“Well… I kind of have a thing for strong girls…” He smiled, face as red as his mask.
You blush, looking down at the mattress with a grin.
“So… You…” You say and wait for him to answer.
He nods. “You probably don’t realize it… But you're really cute, Y/n…” He blushes a lot.
You smile, blushing and feeling awkward. “T-Thanks…”
You two sit in the silence for a moment.
“So… You probably think that someone as big and strong as I am is weird for collecting squishmallows then…” Raph said, feeling slightly embarrassed.
You immediately shake your head. “Nope! I’ve got a few at home too.”
Raph’s eyes lit up. “Really! What ones? What are their names?”
You grin. “I’ve got Abby the octopus, Caddie the cat, and Darex the dinosaur!”
Raph grinned. “Cool! I have quite a few… I can show you if you want!”
You nod excitedly, and Raph shifted so he could show you his collection better…
For the next half hour, you and Raph talk about both of your squishmallows, and the conversation slowly shifts from your favorite tv shows, to your favorite foods, and your favorite music.
You and Raph learned a lot more about each other, and you two grew much, much closer.
Eventually April comes up to say the second round is starting, and you two play the game with the others. 
And this time, when Raph stands across the counter from you and smiles that adorable smile of his, you smile back. 
And if you get nervous, he knows it’s not about his appearance or that you think he’s scary… 
…It’s because you like him…
…And he might just like you back…
Hope you like it! Thank you very much for the request! <3
This one ended up being longer, my brain took the story and ran with it lol
I am currently working on 4 other requests, and I will write them in the order I received them :)
Master post
Bye bye Butterflies!!
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mangoisms · 9 months
circle k (back to you)
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summary: in which you're just the graveyard shift employee at circle k bombarded by vigilantes.
━ chapter eight: where did i go wrong? | read chapter seven
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 3.7k
━ warnings: canon typical violence, blood, etc
━ masterlist
━ a/n: sorry for disappearing! essentially, i started grad school and it is So Much Work. but if you'd like some unnecessary rambles on tim and wally's relationship here and in light of their og meeting in robin (1993), you can also find my thoughts on that here <3
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 The next day, you don’t hear much from Steph. 
She does text you a few times, mostly reassurances and that she’s working to pull something together. You don’t quite understand but she was so convincing the day before, you let it go. 
You mostly spend the day—after sleeping in—learning your new phone, excited at having something new and so high-tech to play with. Flash texts you several times during the day. Blurry selfies and equally blurry pictures of Keystone and Central. Even a couple of the New York skyline, as he informs you he decided to drop in and visit a few friends. 
You can’t send him much. The clouds that hang in the sky, waiting to pour down on unsuspecting Gothamites at a moment’s notice. The feral cat that hangs out in the alley by your apartments, who you get close enough to to catch mid-hiss. The person on the subway carrying what you suspect to be a possum in their bag but Flash insists is actually an opossum. Whatever the difference is. 
There is a difference!
idk sounds made up
You’re from the city. Of course you think that.
ok WOW
you’re blaming my dead parents for where they settled????
You go into work in relatively high spirits, considering everything. 
Black Bat stops by for some gummy worms and a can of Red Bull and you tease her a bit for it.
“Signal’s influence?”
“Better than coffee.”
“Fair enough.”
Red hasn’t been by, you think, watching her go. Not yesterday and not today, though it’s early. He usually stops by nearly every night, if not for a couple minutes. But nothing specifically decrees that he comes by… You’re just used to it, you suppose, and last night’s absence was noticeable.
There’s still time, though. Maybe you’ll see him later tonight. 
Overhead, the AC turns on. They fixed it, along with that electrical issue Red Robin caused last week. It works a little too well, though. These last few days have had you uncomfortably cold, so today, you come armed with a hoodie—Tim’s hoodie, the only piece of clothing you’ve ever managed to steal from him. A bit baggy on him and even more so on you, it’s a pleasant shade of azure blue. One of your more precious possessions since it’s, like you said, the only thing you really have from him. Also a bit of an indulgence right now but… you’re past the point of caring. 
Maritza pops by a little while later, waving at you. 
“Hey, Mari. Here for a Slurpee?”
“That, and I was wondering if you guys have any pain cream… Abuela’s back is hurting her and we ran out yesterday,” she says, lips pursed, glancing at the aisles. 
“Pain cream,” you repeat thoughtfully, stepping around the counter. “We should. Let’s see.”
She follows you to one of the center aisles.
“How’s summer break been so far?” you ask, running your eyes over displays of toothpaste, disposable toothbrushes, and other basic items. 
“Boring,” she sighs. “It’s too hot to do anything.”
You chuckle, tucking your hands in the pocket of Tim’s hoodie; your fingers are cold. They always seem to be. “Books are excellent ways to preoccupy the time.”
“Think I’ve read every book at the library,” she grumbles, which probably isn’t that much of an exaggeration. Gotham’s public library system is drastically lacking; it was only in May did Wayne Enterprises announce that they were investing more money into it. By now, they probably haven’t reached the library here in the Upper West Side. 
“You should check out GU’s then. Kids get free library cards and our selection is fairly expansive. I’m sure you could get away with checking out some things for your abuela, too. At least until they fix everything in the one here.”
“Huh. Maybe.” She moves ahead of you, scanning the rest of the aisle. “Oh, hey, you guys do have some.”
She reaches for a box. 
The door opens. You turn. 
The wink of the kitchen knife is the first thing you see, then the trembling hand, and then the owner to whom it belongs, too. A scrawny man wearing a grey hoodie, the same hood pulled over his head. 
It’s not great at hiding his face, you think dimly, every muscle inside you locking into place. Mari freezes behind you, breath audibly catching in a gasp as he turns the knife sharply on you.
For a second, the three of you just look at each other. 
You break the silence first. 
“All the money is in the register. Take it.”
A lengthy pause, one that amplifies the dread petrifying your insides. Your new phone, with Flash’s contact info, sits in the pocket of your hoodie, weighing it down; your fingers are laced together, cold, hovering right above it and you recall the rundown you’d been given by Flash last night, the… other not-quite-normal aspects of your new phone. 
“Okay, so, on top of the League encryption stuff, there is something else.”
“Are you tracking me?”
“Not… exactly.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“Your location is logged with the League,” he admits. “But it’s secure. You’re registered with me, so only I can look at it. My wife’s phone is like yours. Her information is there, too. A lot of us do it with our families. Not just to keep sensitive information secure, but there’s… a risk that comes with being with us.”
You frown at him. “Does she know?”
He looks horrified. “Of course she does. I don’t go around just tracking her without her knowledge. That’s weird. And messed up. I don’t even actively do it. Not unless she’s been kidnapped or she wants me to. That’s what I’m trying to say. Your location is being tracked but I’m not peeking in on it. No one is, unless a need comes up. An emergency kind of need. And that brings me to my next thing.”
He pauses, looking at you, calculating, but you just nod for him to continue. 
“You have my number,” he says. “So, you can call me. For emergencies or if you just want to talk about your day. But in the case that you can’t call me, if you’re in some kind of danger…” He plucks the phone out of your grasp, turning it over in his hands, pointing to the power button on the side. “Press this three times and it’ll send an SOS signal to me, along with your location. I’ll come. Okay?”
“Are you… sure?”
He seems affronted. “I don’t just do this for anyone. I thought you’d have seen that by now. You’re…” he stops, frowning deeply. “You mean a lot to me, kid. If I can save you, if I have the opportunity to keep you safe, I’ll take it. I wouldn’t ever ask you to leave Gotham because it’s your home and I know the Bats hang around but… this just makes me feel better. You have a direct line to me. Use it.”
“Batman probably won’t like that.”
“Batman can suck it,” he says petulantly. “Especially after what he did to you last week. I take care of my own. No matter where they are. Got it?”
You got it. 
The thought still astounds you even now, that Flash cares that much about you and how ironic it is that you don’t even know who he is under the cowl but maybe you don’t need to. This is still him, isn’t it?
And you would heed his words. Of course you would. You have no interest in dying. You have no hangups about being saved. Flash didn’t think you incompetent, it was just a precaution, a necessity for living in the world you do.
That is true now more than ever.
Especially with how aware you are of Mari behind you, too. 
“Take your hands outta your pockets,” he says.
Your pulse pounds in your ears.
“Just take the money, man.”
You have to be careful but quick. If you could just unlace your fingers and reach for your phone…
Of course, you have no idea how quickly the signal will reach Flash or how fast he’ll even be able to get here…
You guess you’ll just have to trust him. Trust him and his capabilities.
A step forward. A bead of sweat rolls down your back. You can hear Mari behind you, her breath quick and uneven. You’re most worried about her, to be honest. If you go down, what’s going to happen to her? You dread to think about it.
“Take your hands out of your fuckin’ pocket,” he hisses; despite the severity of his voice, his hand is trembling. You don’t get why he won’t just grab the money and go. 
He must think you can call the police or something but even then, it’s not as if the GCPD are reliable. As if they can do anything. 
As for you, there is nothing else you can do. You need to call him. 
“Mari, run!” 
Your hand grapples for your phone at the same time. 
You hear the snick of sneakers on the tiled floors, your fingers slip over the sides of the new case currently hugging your phone, and he surges forward and then—
Just a mere spark, one that jolts you as you realize what happened. It’s small at first, then bigger, then massive, a forest fire eating you alive from the inside out, burning white-hot. 
You can’t do anything. 
You stare at the man in front of you, closer now, close enough to dig his knife right into the soft flesh of your belly. His eyes are wide, too. Like he can’t believe he just did that. Neither can you.
But the worst of it comes when he pulls the knife out. 
The sound that escapes you is foreign to your ears. Your knees give out. One hand presses to the source of your pain, the other lands hard on the tiled floor; your wrist smarts, your arm trembling as you hold yourself up. 
You’re barely aware of anything other than the pain. Throbbing heat, warmth rapidly spreading through the front of your shirt and hoodie. Your vision blurs, from tears and from the pain, your heart pounds so hard, you feel it in your teeth, hear it in your ears above the rush of your blood. 
You manage a glance behind you, relieved to see Mari is gone and hopefully back in the safety of the apartment building next door. Ahead of you, the man is scrambling to get the cash register open, cursing like a sailor and eventually yanking it off the counter and smashing it on the ground, ducking out of your view.
God, you need to call Flash. Not 911, they won’t get here in time, no way, you need him. Before the man decides to cut his losses and kill you. You hope he’ll just take the money and run, but you’ve seen his face, surely he knows that puts him in that much more danger of being arrested—
The door opens. You hear your name from a familiar voice and then someone steps into view. 
Tim’s eyes are wide as he looks at you, horrified, but behind him, your attacker shoots up from the ground and you choke out a warning, an urging to run, to get out of here, you don’t know what you’d do if anything happened to him, no, no, you can’t lose him like that. 
He whips around just as the man swings himself over the counter, letting out something of a war cry, cash held in one hand and the knife in the other. It gleams red under the light. He lunges.
But his fatal injury does not happen. Instead, you watch him duck out of the way, moving faster, more gracefully than you’ve ever seen, like he’s done this before and the man doesn’t expect it, stumbling with his own momentum. Not stopping, either, Tim grabs the man’s wrist, heaving him over his shoulder until he slams into the ground hard. It’s brutal. It’s violent. It’s nothing you’ve ever seen from Tim, your Tim who… who hates needles and always bemoans going to get the yearly flu shot with you and Steph, your Tim who can get impatient, snippy, but not violent. 
You don’t understand. With the haze of pain, that fact feels oddly upsetting. 
The door opens again. He whips around, geared up for another fight, but it’s just Spoiler, it’s—
Golden hair, familiar blue eyes. A face you know by heart. Even with the bottom of her face hidden. 
They’re both at your side in an instant. In good timing, too, because your arm gives out but before you can crash to the ground, Tim catches you, turning you over in his arms and gently laying you back onto the tile.
“You’re okay,” he says quickly, eyes scanning you frantically. “You’re okay.”
All the movement tugs at your belly, flames flaring for a brief moment, making you dizzy with pain, choking out your voice, leaving you to blink the tears out of your eyes and look up at your friends.
You don’t like the look on their faces. Horrified. Full of dread. It hurts you. 
“Fuck,” Stephanie Brown, also known as Spoiler, says, digging through pouches in her utility belt. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Oracle, where is the nearest hospital?”
“I know where it is,” Tim says, snapping into action, his hands reaching for the hoodie. “Off Murphy Ave.”
He tears through the front part of your hoodie—his hoodie—like it’s nothing. Both their faces drop as they see your shirt underneath it but you’re more focused on the first part of what just happened. 
“Did you—have to tear it?” you whine. “This is the only hoodie I have from you…”
“You can have all of my hoodies,” he promises, reaching for the hem of your shirt. 
Another ripping sound. 
Steph reaches underneath you. “Didn’t go through.”
Tim nods. “The sooner we get her to the hospital, the better. I don’t like how much blood she’s losing.”
“I can hear you, you know,” you mutter, more petulant than you want but considering you are bleeding from a stab wound, you think you get to be. 
They both let out strained chuckles. Tim reaches for one of the pouches of Steph’s belt. You wonder how he knows which one to open. You wonder a lot of things. Where he learned to kick ass. Whether he has always known Steph is Spoiler. How he is so calm right now. It tickles at you, like you have all the pieces to the puzzle but the full picture still isn’t coming out. 
And oh, yeah, the burning throb of the stab wound is really sapping your concentration, too. Cold creeps in at the edges, your fingers feeling icy as you clench them. You shiver violently, though it hurts to move like that. 
“You’re gonna be fine,” Steph says soothingly, squeezing your hand. “We just really need to get you to a hospital to guarantee that.”
“You should—fuck!” The gauze Tim presses to the wound sends shockwaves of pain through you. Black spots appearing in your vision, breath squeezing in your throat.
He says your name loudly. “Breathe.”
“Fuck you,” you wheeze out, trying and failing to curl away from the pressure he is currently applying to your wound. “That—hurts—”
“I know,” he says, pained. “But I have to. We have to. I’m sorry.”
“He’s right,” Steph says, brushing some of your hair away from your face. “Come on, talk to me. Ignore what he’s doing. What were you going to say before?”
“My phone,” you mumble, shivering. “Flash gave it to me. S-Said if I press the power button three times, it sends a distress signal to him.”
“That’s kind of him,” Tim mutters, sounding, dare you say it, jealous, which, in your haze of pain, just pisses you off. 
“You absolute asshole, you don’t get to—”
“Stop it!” Steph snaps, lunging for your phone. “Tim, focus on saving her life and not on being an ass right now, okay? I’m calling him. We need that kind of speed. She’s losing too much blood and the hospital is too far.”
He sobers significantly. A bloodied hand reaches for yours. You’re only aware of it because you see it, the sight of his pale skin covered in your blood, his fingers wrapping around yours. He squeezes.
“Can you feel that?”
“K-Kind of.”
“Do it, Spoiler.”
“I’m doing it, Timothy.”
She is. She holds your phone in gloved hands, pressing the button three times, then scoots away from your head, lifting your feet over her lap. 
Tim continues his work, the pressure he continues to apply to the wound making your head spin. Exhaustion creeps in at the edges, making your eyelids drag with each blink. 
No, no, falling asleep is bad. You’ve seen enough movies and TV shows of injured characters to know that. You have to stay awake. 
Steph watches you, concerned. “How long—”
She doesn’t get to finish her sentence as a sharp gust of wind hits all of you. It knocks things off the shelves and then, all of you are blinking up at the Flash, blue lightning fading away.
He breathes your name and in the next blink, he’s next to you, on his knees. 
“Hey, Flash,” you croak. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he says softly, a gloved hand resting tenderly on your forehead. He looks at Tim and Steph. “Hospital?”
Tim cuts Steph off, staring hard at Flash. “She’ll most likely need a blood transfusion. Her blood type is AB positive—”
“And she’s allergic to penicillin,” Steph tacks on quickly. 
“Got it.” He sweeps you into his arms and you whimper at the movement. “And the hospital?”
“Intersection of Murphy Avenue and Elliot Circle,” Steph tells him.
“Be careful,” Tim stresses. 
Flash gives him a frosty look. “I got it. You’ve done enough.”
Stop fighting, you want to say, but Flash is delightfully warm and you’re so tired. If you rest your eyes for just a little bit, that’s fine, right? 
A sharp tug in your belly, gravity pulling on you, and darkness falls over you like a blanket. You surrender without fight.
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Voices puncture the veil of darkness. Soft murmurs, soothing tones. 
“She’ll be okay, Red,” a woman murmurs. “You got her here on time.”
“I know, Lin,” someone else says and wait, you know that voice. It’s Flash. He sounds so… harrowed. “But I just… I don’t know.”
“You know what the doctors said. The danger is gone. And with you here… maybe…” she trails off, tone implying something you aren’t privy to.
A deep breath. “Do you think so? I could’ve, earlier, but I didn’t know if it would hurt her and I didn’t want to take the chance…”
“Well… I think you’re a big softy and she means a lot more to you than you ever realized. So… maybe.”
“Maybe,” he echoes back and you want to know, want to ask what exactly it is he and this mystery woman are talking about but you slip back under again.
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The next time you resurface, it’s to cutting words and a tension so thick, you feel it, too, even with all your senses muddled, knee-deep in a haze.
“I don’t mind her,” Flash says coldly. “But you, too?”
“She’s my friend. I have a right to see her, too,” someone else says—Tim, you realize. It’s Tim, his tone cutting, temper on the rise. 
“The way you’ve treated her these past two months doesn’t say much about friendship to me.”
“I was going to tell her—”
“Oh, you were going to tell her? Only after you finally fucked it all up being caught hanging out with your friends when you explicitly said you were too busy to hang out with her? Yeah, that’s real great.”
“You haven’t told her,” Tim points out petulantly. 
“Really mature,” Flash scoffs. “I have a good reason to keep it from her. What’s yours? It’s not like you were deprived of her attention. You’re friends. Why the hell would you favor Red Robin over Tim Drake?”
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand—”
“No, I bet you don’t, because it’s easier to excuse yourself that way, isn’t it?” he seethes. “You’re just like him, you know. Just like him.”
You don’t know who they’re talking about. Or maybe you do and it’s just not coming to you. But the comparison isn’t a kind one. The way Tim snaps back in the next second affirms that. 
“She wasn’t talking to me! I was—worried!”
“So, you should’ve talked to her! Instead of going behind her back and befriending her as Red Robin! What the hell did you achieve by doing that?”
“We were going to tell her, too, you know,” the woman from before says, her tone disapproving. “Very soon, in fact. But his situation is different from yours and you know that.”
Silence stretches on.
“Well, I still want to see her,” Tim says quietly, the fight leaving his voice.
“How—” Steph. Her voice cuts out, thick in a way that is unfamiliar to you. She clears her throat. “How is she?”
“Stable,” the mystery woman informs her. 
“Why hasn’t she woken up?” Tim asks. You can just hear the frown in his voice and the vision of him forms easily in your mind, that familiar wrinkle between his brows, pretty pink lips pursed. 
“Anesthesia still needs to wear off,” the woman says. “She’ll wake up soon.”
“But until then,” Flash cuts in, tone still severe. “Feel free to make yourself scarce. Stephanie can hang around. But you? No way in hell.”
“You think she wants that?” Tim shoots back, anger returning. “You don’t know anything. You have no idea. You’re assuming—”
“Yeah, I am. She’s not awake. She can’t tell us. Until then, I—we—can make those decisions.”
“Oh, that’s great. I’m sure she’ll love that—”
“I know what you’re thinking and we’re doing this with good intentions. You can’t say the same, can you?”
That doesn’t help. Fans the flames, if anything, as they keep arguing. 
Ugh. You don’t want to hear this. 
Like mercy, you slip under again. 
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294 notes · View notes
nohoney · 3 months
thinking abt being out at a bar or party and texting us!touya that someone is hitting on you and he pulls up 😵‍💫
omg omgヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
warnings: drug use (cocaine), reader is slightly drunk, rough sex that’s a little dubcon, lil bit of choking, kinda exhibitionism
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It’s loud inside the bathroom with so many girls crowding and waiting in line to use the next available stall. There’s three tasks at hand you need to do while you occupy a stall; pee first, do a bump of coke, and text Touya.
A third of those tasks are completed, flushing the toilet and pulling your panties back up before smoothing your little dress back in its place. Hand sanitizer is spritzed onto your hands but you know it’s not a substitute for actually washing up. You just need your hands to be as clean as they can be as you unzip the little pocket inside your purse for the little baggy. You dig your keys out as well, using the tip of Touya’s house key to dip into the bag. For just a second, you hesitate over the amount you’ve pulled up from the bag.
There’s already plenty in your system that you’ve been taking over the last few hours.
Maybe that’s too much…
You lean down anyway and inhale the bump quickly into your nostril, repeating the process on the other side.
There’s only one last thing to do.
“You done in there?! I heard you flush!” the person on the other side bangs on the stall door.
“Gimme a minute! I’m changing a tampon!” you yell back even though it’s a lie. It’s not like they’d be able to hear you actually pull one out to verify; it’s way too loud. You do intend to be quick though as you pull out your phone to quickly text Touya.
Aw fuck, your hands are a little sweaty. Maybe you are little bit more anxious than you had led yourself to believe.
[23:07] pls come get me, i dont feel like being here anymore
You shove your phone into your purse and undo the latch for the stall. You step out and two girls step in together, slamming the door shut. Either they both really need to pee or they’re also sniffing a little something together in there. It doesn’t quite matter anymore since you had your turn.
Only cold water dispenses from the faucet as you lather soap into your hands. Glancing up at the mirror, you peek up at your reflection and sigh quietly when you see the pupils of your eyes slightly bigger than they’re supposed to be. It doesn’t look discreet as you inspect your own nose and make sure that there’s no evidence of what you just sniffed. The bathrooms seems to get louder as more girls enter but thankfully your business is done and you make your exit.
You manage to find your friends in the same spot, thankful that you don’t have to go searching all around for them. Touching the shoulder of one of them, you manage to get their attention but you lean in close to tell them that you’re gonna be leaving. “You leaving? You’re sure? When?”
Pulling your phone out of your purse, Touya had already texted back that he’d be in the area in about fifteen minutes. You wish it would be sooner but it’s not a terribly long time to wait. It is a long enough time for you to be convinced to have two more shots—for the road, you know?
You blink a few times, alcohol resting in your stomach and warming your bloodstream and needing to take an audible breath before you speak, “‘Kay, I’m leaving now. He’ll be here in like… soon.” you’re disorganized as you speak, aware that you didn’t say a proper sentence, “You have fun, okay?”
One friend is willing to part to walk you out to the lot. Your arms are looped together with them and it feels like a whole different world as you step out of the loud bar into the quiet parking lot. “You can go back inside, it’ll only be a minute until he comes.”
It’s a small back and forth, but your friend bids you goodbye to walk back into the bar after you promise that you’ll text them when you’re back home. Really you just wanted the space to dig and do another bump of coke on your own and didn’t feel like offering to share.
“Mm… good.” you mutter to yourself as you carefully zip up the small baggy and shove everything back into your purse.
“Yeah, it’s good? You feel any better?”
You jump as you look behind you to see a single guy having approached you. Admittedly, he’s quite cute and he’s dressed stylishly but you keep a guard up around him. You make some noncommittal noise and nod your head, crossing your arms over your chest and dig the heel of your shoe into the gravel.
The guy circled around and makes you wary, sitting on the hood of a car and making himself comfortable. You can’t help but make a face, thinking it’s obnoxious of him to sit on someone’s car as if he owns it. He seems to read your mind, fishing out keys from his pocket and pressed the button from his keys. The car briefly lights up and clicks audibly.
“It’s a little cold out here to wait for an Uber. You wanna get in? I can turn on the heater.”
No, of course not.
For some reason you have a hard time finding your voice, only making a disagreeing hum and shaking your head. Your arms cross a little tighter over your chest and you take a small step back.
“No? I’m being a gentleman, I swear. I think it’s kinda fucked that your friend left you out here to go back inside. But then again, if they hadn’t left you then I wouldn’t have been able to come up to you.”
You only sent them away so that you could have some privacy to snort some coke. Now you wish you hadn’t done that, or maybe you wish that you hadn’t been convinced to have those two exiting shots before leaving the bar so that you would be more aware.
“You look like you could use a little more of your stuff. Tell you what, I’ll do one with you. Facilitate a little connection, yeah?”
Is that why that guy is here? Just to bum a line off of you?
“The prettiest girls I know always have the best coke.”
You jump in your spot, looking left and right quickly before turning around to see Touya walking briskly in your direction. Relief has you relaxing your body as he walks forward to you, although his expression also tells you that he’s kind of pissed. “I thought you were waiting at the front, I was holding up traffic looking for you at the entrance.”
“Sorry, sorry…” you finally manage to speak and face towards him, “I just didn’t want to be with all those people anymore.”
Touya glances up to the guy sitting on his car, making a face at him. He’s already bristling over the presence of another man nearby you. “And you are?”
“Just keeping her company, that’s all.”
“Well your company isn’t needed anymore, fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at your boyfriend for speaking rudely, but there is a part of you that’s relieved that Touya is sending them off with no kindness either. All you want is to curl up now under a blanket and just wait for sleep to come to you.
“Sure, no problem. Good to see that my friend is gonna get home safe.” The guy stands up on his feet, sure to lock his car first before walking off. The asshole has the nerve to wink at you as he walks away. And of course Touya noticed because the way he grips his hand around your arm is none too nice.
When the two of you are sure that he’s gone, Touya drags you off in the direction of where he had parked. You trip over your feet twice but manage to keep up with him, more than relieved when you see his car and actually managing to pick up your feet to get to the passenger seat.
“Backseat, now.”
Your eyes widen a little as you glance up at him but nod your head. You bend down a little and pull the lever to push the passenger seat forward, giving you ample room to climb into the backseat. Managing to shut the car door, you sit back against the cushion as Touya enters from his side of the car but startled with how much force he used to shut his door.
Touya joins you in the back seat, grabbing your hips and dragging you to lay horizontally on the backseat cushions. It’s a little bothersome to be handled so roughly, especially since you’re still drunk and your head is swimming a little from the motions. The moan you let out isn’t one of pleasure, your hands coming up to press your palms against your forehead to try to soothe you. But Touya’s hand goes under your dress, his fingers roughly tugging your panties down and grunting over how your legs just fall limp instead of keeping them open.
“I’m trying to take these off,” Touya growls before reaching to cup your jaw along his hand, “fucking help me over here.”
“Can’t it wait until we get home?” You whine but you know that there isn’t really a choice in the matter here. Your eye lids droop down, your eyes feeling tired and wanting to just shut even though your brain isn’t ready for rest any time soon. So you gather what little energy you have, your hands helping in bunching up the skirt of your dress and pull it up.
Touya slides your panties off and shoves your purse to the floor of the car, the contents rattling inside and the baggy sliding out. Just from seeing it alone, you’re perked up and you point to it. “Do one with me.”
“Fuck, yeah hand it to me.”
Managing to grab the bag off the floor, you’re careful to open it and hold it out to Touya as you sit up. “Got your key? ‘M too lazy to grab mine out of my bag.”
He lifts his shirt and grabs the pocketknife that’s clipped inside his pocket. Wordlessly he flicks the blade out and dips the tip of it into the baggy. You honestly hate it when he just whips out the knife without telling you first, it scares you every single time. There’s no complaint from you as he offers the first bump by holding out the knife towards you before doing himself. The knife is put away but he dips the tip of his finger along the inside of the bag.
He rubs the pad of his thumb along your lip slowly, intimately. The little exhale that leaves his chest has you sitting up a little straighter. When your tongue peaks out a little to lick at his finger, the bitterness of the coke also has you sighing. It’s not pleasant, but the numbing is a welcome sensation on your lips.
His hand grasps at your neck and his fingers pressing into the sides. “I don’t like seeing you around other guys, you fucking know that.”
“Careful,” you gasp out, “the bag.”
It’s still held in your hands but Touya just tosses it back to where your purse lays. You hope that it was closed properly and that none of it spilled onto the car floor.
“Something happen between you two? Hm? Being all buddy while you were out?”
You manage to shake your head with what little movement you could manage, cocaine once again flooding your bloodstream and awakening you. Your eyes are a touch wider and your heart races a little faster, you bite your bottom lip and savor the numbness from the coke your boyfriend had rubbed into your plush lips.
Touya hand slides to the back of your neck, his fingers massaging for just a few seconds before grabbing a handful of hair and pulling your head back. You gasp out in surprise, your eyes fluttering when he leans in bites at your neck hard. It doesn’t sting in a good way but you know it’s because he’s mad over how he found you. He’s insanely jealous and only tolerates one other man to be near you.
He lays you back down onto the cushions of the backseat, this time using the grip has on the back of your head to turn you to kiss him. The air between you two is getting warm and if things progress further, it’ll fog up the car. You pant anxiously, slightly frightened for people to pass by or worse— a cop.
There’s no care from the other party, not from Touya as he suffocates you in a kiss and desperately tries to undo his belt and zipper with one hand. Your own hands slide up along his back and you try to comfortably widen your legs as much as you can in the small space. It’s a little awkward but the need for one another right now trumps the choice of just waiting until you get back home.
“Fucking spit, spit onto my hand.”
It’s not exactly elegant the way he cups his palm just underneath your lips, and it’s certainly not sexy the way you spit and some of it slicks against your chin. It’s a frantic and needy moment that needs to be dealt with on the spot. He tells you to spit again, needs just a bit more to smear on his cock so that he doesn’t hurt you too bad. Your tongue lolls out and licks off your bottom lip of the spit that didn’t quite catch onto his palm.
You can still taste the coke on your bottom lip.
The head of his cock bumps against your cunt, slightly slick but not quite as wet as the two of you would like. It has to do for now, and you grit your teeth a little as Touya pushes the tip in. It stings but it’s nothing that you haven’t done before. Before Keigo, he’d hissed over how tight you always were when he’d first get in and then fuck you open. After Keigo, he’s gotten a little spoiled by not having to do as much work anymore because he enjoyed sliding in you after your other boyfriend had already made you slick and ready for him.
The small little hiss you let out is gone after a few seconds, your eyes rolling back a little as your legs are pushed to your chest. Your cunt is fluttering around him, the delicate skin stretched to allow him inside and you’re choking out his name.
“T-Touya, Touya!” You’re whimpering for him, your eyes briefly glancing to the window above you and seeing the moisture trapped inside the car. It’s going to reek of sex in his car.
“Oh fuck, you’re turned on huh? Your little cunt squeezed around me.” Touya laughs a little and tries to adjust himself, hating the small space of his car but just needing to make it work. He had to make do because he needs you now.
He fucks quick, the jingling of his belt moving along with his momentum. The air is warm and starts to feel sticky, your sounds are stifled and he’s gritting his teeth as he tries to fuck fast and be out of the area. Between breathless moans, he hears you bed, “Choke me, choke me please!”
Touya can’t fuck you properly, not like this in this annoyingly small space, but he just needs this quick fuck to help him feel better. He needs to hear your struggling gasps as he chokes you, a little rough as a small punishment for not waiting at the front of the bar with other people. He needs you to cum first so that he can fill you up.
Your mind buzzes, completely awake now not just from the drugs but from desperate and frantic fucking you’re being given. A small part of your mind thinks is the coke bag spilled or not, wondering if you could ask Touya to smear more of it along your inner lip this time. You want to be high on three things; the coke, the fucking, and from Touya.
You’ll have to settle for two at the moment, which is also fine with you.
“Your cock…” you brokenly whisper, grasping at his hand and slightly tugging it off, “your cock Touya, love your cock!”
He laughs a little and flashes you a lovesick smile. A drop of sweat drips along his brow, sliding along his skin to his cheek. It’s disgustingly sweaty and hot inside the car, but now the two of you are so intoxicated from one another that it’s not a bother anymore. Who cares, who cares!
“I know you fucking do, cockslut.” Touya chuckles, “Always fucking drooling to get dick inside of you. Bet ya when we’re done here, you’ll be bouncing on Keigo as soon as we’re home!”
The thought of Keigo pressing your head to the mattress while he fucks you from behind has you giggling, exhilarated at the thought of your other boyfriend also shaming you for being so hungry to get fucked all the time. It makes you cum on the cock that’s fucking you but you’re not exhausted from your own orgasm. You’re eagerly nodding your head and reach your hand forward to grab at Touya’s shirt and pull him towards you. It’s damp with sweat which would normally disgust you, but you hardly notice as you beg, “Fuck me, fuck me! Want you to cum in me and then watch Kei fuck me afterwards!”
Touya fucks franticly now, sloppy and urgent now that he’s excited at what’s waiting at home for him.
“Fill me, fill me with your cum please!”
How could he deny his sweet princess?
Without a warning, he slaps your cheek and chokes you to reach that finish line. His muscles are straining and his neck is uncomfortable being conscious to not get too rowdy so that he doesn’t bump his head along the car’s ceiling. The tensions snaps in him, cum flooding into your pussy and he notices that he’s shaking a little.
Yeah… that was a good fuck.
The two of you lazily kiss in the backseat for a little to calm each other down, but it’s getting late and Keigo is expecting them at home soon. No doubt he’s probably texted where you’re at.
You’re sitting in the passenger seat and shifting a little as cum leaks into your panties. It’s not pleasant but you don’t want to mess up the car seat. It’s a relief to have the windows rolled down, airing out the car that reeked of sex not too long ago. Touya navigates his way through the parking lot to find the exit but stops in front of the car of that guy who seemed to want to bum coke off of you.
“Touya?” you call to him when he exits the car and approaches the side of it. He briefly surveys the lot and deems it clear, flicking out the knife again but this time using the knife to slash the tire of the vehicle.
“Touya! What the fuck?!”
He slashes open two tires before getting back into the car and driving off.
“Was that really necessary? What if that guy finds out that it was you? There could be cameras to identify you!”
Touya waves his hand dismissively at you before setting his hand on your knee. “If I thought that there’s anyway I could be caught, I wouldn’t have fucked you in that lot and fucked that asshole’s tires up. He can suspect it’s me all he wants but it’s not like he’ll be able to find me so easily.”
“And what if he does? What if he presses charges?”
It’s another one of those times when he looks at you and you just shut up. He’s clearly gotten away scot free before and you don’t know how, but he decides how he wants to handle it and it’s not your business.
“There she is! Did you have fun, baby bird?” Keigo greets you immediately when you walk through the door. His embrace has you relaxing, his hand petting your back and also dropping a kiss has you smiling. “You guys fucked, huh? And you forgot to pick up takeout for me.”
“Ah shit,” Touya tuts as he drops his wallet onto the kitchen countertop and hangs his keys on the wall hooks, “fucking forgot. I’ll make it up to you after she gets cleaned up.”
Keigo playfully smacks your ass and starts to push you towards the bathroom, “You better. We’ll be taking a bath while you make my food.”
“But… but I thought…” you pout over at Touya, “I wanna… y’know.”
“She wants me to watch while you fuck her.”
He says it so easily and even though it’s a regular occurrence between the three of you, you squeal his name in embarrassment. But he promises you that he’ll be there shortly, turning away to rest his hand along his hard on and hiding the giddy smile on his face.
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Baggy Uniform (Vil)
Inspired by this
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NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
— ( ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ)
"I'd love to, really I would," the Ramshackle Housewarden answers dryly, and Vil holds back a scoff. "But I have no money for that and this is good enough"
"Doesn't Headmaster Crowley pay for your expenses?"
"He made me live in an abandoned mansion, what do you think? Last time I took some money for food, he used that to blackmail me into doing his work. I stopped asking him long ago. Sadly, I just happen to have no magic, so the job options aren't as well paying, and I do have to also feed a cat monster and fix Ramshackle before it collapses on my head. So no, I don't have money for a good uniform. Can I help you with something else, Housewarden Schoenheit?"
Vil blinks twice, actually surprised at the rant. (Y/N) clearly needed to get all that out, and while cold, her words held to bite. In fact, she sounds just tired. Looking her over once again, Vil can see it more clearly: the disheveled hair, the pimples threatening to appear due to lack of care, the dark bags under her eyes, the hunch of her shoulders, the chipped nails... Her baggy uniform is the last of her worries when she's spending her free time laying down on a random staircase looking like an alcoholic going through withdrawal.
"... Get up, I'm not leaving you like this."
"Why do you care?"
Why does he care? It's not like Vil is a particularly altruistic person. Sure, he tries to be gracious, in his own way, most of the time, but otherwise he mostly keeps to himself until something bothers him. Does she bother him? Yes. But no. It's complicated.
Vil hates that he loves looking at her. She is bothersome because he can't stop thinking about her. She is bothersome because Vil feels the urge to go out of his way to be bothered by her.
"I'm not allowing the only girl in this school to be mistreated like that. We're going to get you a spa day, then some fitting clothes. Once that's done, we'll do something about the Headmaster."
"Pass. Pepel—that's Epel, by the way—warned me about you, and I'm really not feeling like being scrutinized today. Thanks, though"
"I'm– I will not– Seven, you're so bothersome. Do you know why?"
"Because I'm ugly?"
"Because you look like crap, and I still think you're breathtaking, and I hate it."
He watches as his words work their magic, her eyes widening to the size of saucers, her mouth falling open. She looks like a potato carved into a messy raccoon, and she's still gorgeous and Vil hates it, so much so that he wants to kiss her. So he keeps on talking.
"You look like a potato that has been out in the sun for three summer days, and I still want to kiss you. You walk like a raccoon goblin, and I still want to hug you. You act like a fifty years old alcoholic smoker, and I think it's so charming. And I hate it, I hate it all. If you allow me to be terribly cliche, I hate that I love you so much."
Tears rush so her pretty pretty eyes, and she tries to hide, but he catches her wrists before she can. The blush on her cheeks is absolutely captivating, and he wants to bite them like he'd bite a ripe apple.
"And I hate even more to see you be mistreated and go through so much misfortune. So, please, come with me. Allow me to help you bloom—no, to help your appearance reflect the beauty you already are inside."
"... Rook is going to love this whole scene," she grumbles, but allows Vil to pull her up, resting her forehead on his chest once they're both face to face. "Fine, pamper me, Your Beautifulness"
"This is not pampering, it's basic decency"
"Then basic decency me, Your Beautifulness~"
Seven, why her out of all the potatoes? He loves this girl so much.
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skiniibuniii · 8 months
ed holiday survival guide
what to bring:
all of this should fit, with extra space, in a large purse. a backpack also works if you need more space.
3 cans of diet soda, 2 of your usual and 1 special one you dont normally buy. if youre sleeping over, take 3-4 of your usual. save the special one for dinner to help you avoid eating.
2 bottles of your favorite water, 3 if youre sleeping over.
of course, a low cal snack like a granola bar in case you feel like youre going to faint. you dont wanna pass out in front of all those people and family members you barely know! bring 2-3 if youre sleeping over or get faint easily.
a few cans of of your favorite energy drink, however many you need to seem alive and well. im taking 4. if you dont like energy drinks, you better hope they have a Keurig or you can get to a starbucks.
napkins or paper towels and a plastic bag. if you can get away with having your purse at the table, line a pocket with a plastic bag. then use your napkin to dispose of your unwanted food into the bag. this can also work with a hoodie pocket, but its riskier. at the end of the dinner, zip up the bag and now it wont get you all gross while you wait for a chance to throw it away.
obvy your phone to sneak under the table and post updates on tumblr.
dont bring any money or cards, unless you need your ID or to buy starbucks or something. in that case, bring only your ID and the exact amount you need for your starbucks.
dont purge. theyll probably hear you. just avoid eating, and if you really need to, have a metab day beforehand so you do not eat/binge. you dont know what kind of calories are in all that food
choose the lowest cal option available, obvy. your best bet is salad or plain vegetables. if those arent an option, go for turkey, as long as it isnt sitting in a pool of liquid. if that isnt an option, just eat cranberry sauce. fr.
make sure you get a tiny portion of whatever youre eating. like, the total food on your plate should be no bigger than the size of your fist, just in case your lose control and start actually eating. you dont want to ask for more! ew.
make sure you do the classic of chewing constantly. take tiny bites and just do not stop chewing.
popping in a secret piece of gum can help with the last tip a lot esp if its mint. cuz then the food will taste weird if you do decide to eat.
unless its something like salad or cranberry sauce from a can, account for at least 2tbsp of butter when youre calculating your cals.
if you cant estimate the calories in a way you find satisfying, ask for the recipe. calculate the calories, and if you had guessed under initially, make sure you add that same amount of cals to everything else you have to calculate. its probably the sneaky butter messing you up anyway.
best outfit: shirt that shows off your body, an oversized hoodie, and slightly baggy pants. do not wear the hoodie at all till just before dinnertime, then put it on to cover up any bloating. that or just wear it the whole time and do not take it off at all.
wear tall shoes! i am very lucky to have platform boots, and i will be wearing them. they'll make you taller, obvy, so even if youre a bigger ana (like me), youll look lankier and more "proportional"
act like youre wiping your mouth, but really youre doin chew and spit into a napkin, ofc! BUT carbs begin digestion in your mouth, meaning you will consume calories if you chew and spit carbs. AVOID ALL CARBS!!
will update if i think of more tips <3
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draftsandrecs · 9 months
It's a bad idea, right?
Chapter 1: Soap and Suds
Pairing: Best-friends dad!Dark!Ari Levinson x College!Reader
Summary: Reader settles in at the lake house. And Ari is a panty stealer.
Word Count: 2,170
Warnings: 18+ (of course), age gap, non con voyeurism, masturbation, mention of dollplay and rape, eventual smut
Authors Note: I know it's been almost a month since I've updated. I apologize. I should be on schedule soon. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and series. Thank you to everyone who is reading!
The lake house reminds you of an Airbnb rather than a cozy quaint type that you’re used to. The house has a wrap around porch on both levels with multiple places to eat, tan, or relax. Tall and large windows create an open space complimenting the view. The two-story property sits on a few acres of land with beautiful trees surrounding it. Of course, a lake accompanies the house not too far from its front steps. Surprisingly the water isn’t as murky and green as you thought it would be. Instead, it’s clearer than most lakes and you can actually see what you’re stepping in.
Your bag hangs on your shoulder as you and Mia walk towards the house. You remind yourself to thank her with dinner or something for making this trip happen. You can’t remember the last time you gave yourself a break. Summers meant either working for any extra money or becoming a homebody until school started again.
“I told my dad to get us some mixers and wine so we wouldn’t have to go out much. I also gave him a list of food and snacks we like. But knowing him, he probably just grabbed whatever he thought we would like without looking at the list,” Mia looks at you as she rolls her eyes playfully. You tell her that you don’t care what’s in the kitchen as long as you have drinks on standby.
As you walk into the house with her, you’re greeted by her dad, Ari. You’ve always thought he was a handsome man, but it’s never been anything more than a passing thought. But now that you’re seeing him again, you begin to feel heat forming. Not just from your cheeks either. While you’ve had a few boyfriends and hook ups, Ari makes you feel different. His aura exudes a certain energy. You couldn’t figure out if was just because he’s an older man or if it was just his presence that made it seem that way. He seemed more rugged now but considering his past divorce and older age, it would make sense. His age and maturity, let alone experience, makes you wonder what it would be like with him.
“I’m glad that you guys made it safe. I know it’s a little out of the way,” said Ari said pulling you out of your thoughts. He was dressed in a casual manner, a grey cotton shirt paired with jeans.
“It was no problem, we made here in one piece, didn’t we Mi?” You look at Mia, both smiling at the small remark.
He gave you a small nod in appreciation as Mia spoke up.
“Yeah, it was okay. Though I wish you would’ve told me the driveway up here was hell. I was afraid of how steep it was.” You and Mia laugh at her comment. It was true though; the driveway is sort of steep since it sits on a hill. You had to remind her multiple times that her car wasn’t going to roll backwards as long as she kept driving forward.
Ari flashed a small smile replying, “I didn’t think to mention it, I apologize for that.” His eyes scanned over your figure. You felt somewhat out of place now that you’re in his presence with no bra. You’re sure that he could see the outline of your breasts even through the baggy t shirt. Depending on if he looked straight at your chest he might could even see your nipples.
And he could. Right as you walked through the door, he was able to see your breasts. It didn’t help that the house was cold and not too long into welcoming that your nipples became hard. Just like how his dick was about to be if he didn’t leave the conversation soon.
“Why don’t you show her to the guest room yeah? Take her to the one closest to my room, the ventilation system isn’t running properly in the other one, don’t know when I can get around to fixing it just yet.”  Ari’s comment made your heartbeat faster. Maybe you’d get a chance to play out your fantasy if you played your cards right. After all, no ones every turned you down before why would he be any different?
While it may seem like a coincidence or an innocent mishap that your rooms are beside one another, it was entirely fabricated for Ari’s plan. He patted himself on the back for the quick lie. There was no messed up air conditioning system. He just wanted to be closer to you so he could indulge on his desires and perversions without getting caught. The second he saw you he knew he had to have you. The kind innocent freshman now turned woman was creating a hunger inside him. He was already creating a mental list of things he was going to do to you. But for now, he would wait, even if it meant he had to endure an aching cock.
Mia shows you around the place, getting you used to the area. The first floor that you’re on is the main floor. Two bedrooms are closer to the kitchen while on the other side of the house, the other two bedrooms are adjacent to a large porch area. The second floor is used for a studio. It’s just a bedroom, bathroom, and washer and dryer. Mia mentions that Ari is planning to renovate it soon. Maybe into a work shop or something.
You and Mia arrive at the guest room after the tour is over. The bedroom is cozy with a dresser, large bed, nightstand, and of course an attached bathroom. You make a note that you’re glad to have brought your laptop since there was no tv in the bedroom.
“I hope you don’t mind being close to my dad. I didn’t know the air conditioner stopped working but I can sleep in the guest room, and you can take my room” Mia says happily.
“No, it’s all fine, I don’t mind anyway. I kind of look forward to being near a porch. You know me being a night owl, I will probably find myself out there more than in the actual bedroom.” You shoot her offer down as you put your bag onto the bed to unpack.
“Great then! I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll do the same. Let me know when you’re done so we can do something together then.” Says Mia as she happily walks out of the room.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you unzip your bag. You rummage through the duffel as you take out your laptop first. You place it on the nightstand to move it out of the way. You’re glad you brought the laptop even if it is a vacation. While you may not be on it a lot, considering there is not tv in the bedroom, it’ll do just fine when you need it.
 You gather your pajamas, toiletries, and hair products and sprawl them out on the bed. As you take your swimsuits out you thank yourself for picking out cute ones instead of just throwing your old ones in. You also thank yourself for the cute panties and (limited) bras you brought. You weren’t a huge bra wearer in the first place, especially in the summer, but a cute matching set never hurt anyone. Especially if it meant Ari could take if off you.
Throwing the pieces and other clothes in a drawer you move everything else to other compartments or in the bathroom. You debate if you should take a shower considering it is nighttime now and the drive made you feel tired. Maybe a shower will give you the energy you need.
Turning the faucet on and letting it run, you take off your clothes throwing them by your bag as a reminder to keep a dirty pile separate from clean clothes. You find a towel and hang it nearby as you get in with your body wash and other products in hand.
Ari was nearby. He kept his door open to make sure he knew when you came and went. He saw Mia go down for a nap not too long ago. Car drives always made her sleepy. This would give him time to check on you. But of course, nothing is ever an innocent gesture when it comes to Ari.
As if luck was on his side, he heard the shower begin to run. He waited a few minutes before he crept into your room. He looked around the area, analyzing the things you set up or put on the furniture. It wasn’t too long before his eyes landed on a pile of luck. More specifically your panties. Ari made sure to keep an ear out for you as he picked up the panties. Without hesitation he pressed the panties to his face. Breathing in your smell and a hint of laundry detergent you used made him harder than he already was. He began to rub himself from the outside of his jeans, imagining how pretty your pussy must look. Feel. Taste.
He found himself right outside the bathroom. Due to the layout, the shower was in the middle of the bathroom with the shower head facing away from the door. But even with the door cracked anyone could see in.  To Ari’s advantage it gave him a great view of your backside. The water cascaded down your shoulders and back creating soapy suds. It made him wonder how soft your ass would feel against his hardness. Combined with your wetness, the friction would make it easy to stick himself between your ass. Hands gripping your hips, back arching into him, his cock rubbing over both holes until it just slips in. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed relief.
Ari began to unbutton his jeans. He didn’t waste time before he placed a hand into his underwear and tug at his hard cock. Precum had already stained his underwear and now made it easy to act as lube and pump himself. He started with slow strokes but with tight squeezes trying to replicate as close as possible what you might feel like. His breathing became a little harder as he watched you turn around and give him a full view of your body. Your breasts had a glistening look to them from the water that made him want to suck and pull at them as he pounded into you. Your nipples were just asking for attention that he would take care of when the time is right, he thought to himself.
He wrapped your panties around his cock continuing to pump into his hand. The feeling of your wetness was slick on his upper shaft and tip. Along with the soft material it began to drive him over the edge. He watched as your hands made their way down to your pussy. While he knew you were just washing yourself, he wanted to see you touch yourself. How you would play with your wet cunt, how many fingers you used. If you rubbed your little swollen clit or if you ignored the aching bud. With how wet your panties were already; he couldn’t imagine how wet you’d feel. How easy it would be to slip inside you. He was sure that your walls would grip him so perfectly unlike anyone before.
His strokes became more erratic as his thoughts became more perverse. You bent over to grab a product and your ass was in perfect line that he could see both holes. Your cunt looked inviting and just begging to be fucked. He wanted to stretch you out until you couldn’t take him anymore. He knew just from his size that he was bigger than most, but he’d make sure that you take all of him. He knew you could even if he had to force it to make it happen. He wouldn’t care if you wanted, needed him to stop. He wouldn’t anyways, not once he got a feel of you. Your pleads would fall on deaf ears. It would encourage him if anything. You would be his doll. His perfect doll that he would make a mold into being nothing more than his devoted cock slut. Your whimpers and moans would be hymns to him. Your body would be something he worshipped. You would be his to wreck beyond means.
That’s all he needed to cum. His semen painted the inside of the panties while some fell onto the floor. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cum so hard or fast. Without even catching his breath he rubbed the remaining cum into the floor, a small smile form as he imagined your bare feet walking over the sticky mess.
He was already in his room when he heard the shower turn off. He placed the panties in a random drawer as a trophy and for future use. He was just getting started.
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luimagines · 2 years
I also request Fairy Reader that uses magic to have a full human form being sweet on the boys bc they deserve all the cuddles and fresh baked bread-
Oh that's cute! I'll see what I can come up with. <3
Content under the cut!
You didn’t think it would have gone this far. At first you just wanted to do something nice for this group of warry travelers.
They had all looked so young and tired and downtrodden.
You didn’t intent to stay in form longer than you had. You had just wanted to help.
One of them saw right through your spell and pulled you aside to see if you had needed any assistance. You had to tell your brother that it was quite the opposite. He seems a bit skeptical of your intentions but there was little you could do to persuade him, and little he could do to change your mind.
And now, as you finds yourself squished between the one called Wolfie, the one called Wind and the one called Sky, you think it’s about time someone saved you and woke them all up.
The one they call the Old Man passes by and you reach your hand out to him. “Help me.” You whisper, still not wanting to wake them up. “They’re squishing me!”
He smiles somewhat, laughing with his eyes and bends down to meet your level. “How unfortunate. Well we can’t have that, can we?”
He takes your hand and gently moves Wolfie off of your legs as he pulls you up. Together you keep Wind from falling over and place him next to Sky.
You dust yourself off, fixing your skirt and top. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He pats your head. “It’s only fair.”
You hum and dash over to the small pouch you’ve begun to bring with you. “I know I said wasn’t going to stick around for so long this time-”
“And yet they trapped you into a cuddle pile.” The one called Legend snorts. He reeks of magic- more so than Wolfie but it’s more stifling. It’s all sterilized magic. As nice as he is, it hurts your nose.
You smile tensely. “The little one wanted a story. It wasn’t my intention.”
You take out the loaf of bread you had baked that morning and hand it to The Old Man. “Here. This is for you.”
You’re quick to duck back into your bag and take out the little baggy of dried fruits with peeled and deshelled nuts. ”And this is for you as well. I’m sorry I couldn’t bring as much last time.”
These trips are actually quite the pain in the wing, you wince. But you don’t say that thought out loud.
He takes them gracious and bows his head toward you. There’s another knowing look to his eye. “We accept these provisions once more. I’ll do my best to make sure everyone gets a share.”
You nod back and put your pouch over your shoulder. “Alright then. This is all I can do for now. A thousand pardons for my intrusion.”
“Aww... You’re leaving us, already?” The one called Warrior teases. “But you just got here. Stay a while. Take a load off. Who’s ever denied good company?”
You blush a bit. “Flatterer... I already said my stay has to be short. I’ve already stayed longer than intended.”
“Ignore him.” The one called Four laughs under his breath. “We know that. Take care of yourself, ok? We’ll see you soon?”
You nod. Another one that you think might be onto you is the Smith. So between your brother, The Old Man and Four, you think you’ll have to sparse your visits somewhat. Even if every part of you tells you to help them where ever you can.
You take a few steps toward the tree line before the one called Wild taps your shoulder. He holds out a small package that smells divine. “Here. For helping us as much as you do.”
Your heart begins to beat a little faster as you take it, gently putting it in your pouch. You nod and smile- ignoring the way your eyes get a bit watery. With a little bow, you send the tiniest of magic his way, before making your way back into the forest.
You keep walking until you’re sure the trees cover your form from their ever perceptive eyes. You shift back.
You shrink and move up simultaneously. The pouch on your bag begins to gain weight exponentially even if it’s technically lighter than before.
“Wait!” Your brother calls out. He’s in your face before you know it and helps with the pouch. “Ok, I got you. Let’s get you to the fountain to rest.”
“That’s not my fountain though-”
“But it’ll help with the weight.” He cuts you off. “You might tear your wing otherwise.”
You can’t argue with that, even if you try. “....It’s a small sacrifice.”
“Don’t talk like that.” He scolds. “If your wings tears we’ll never be able to see you again. There’s no coming back from that.”
You whine and let him do as he pleases. You get back to the closest fountain. The mother here welcomes you both graciously.
Your brother- your only brother- bids your farewell and kisses you forehead in payment for your troubles. It’s refreshing. You feel energized.
Time to collect more food for your next visit. You’ll see if you can bring more. But first- you’re going to eat what Wild gave you. And you don’t plan on sharing.
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tote-bag-study · 2 years
how to romanticize college and other helpful tips
hey guys!!! 
this is actually an assignment for my social media class i am taking this summer, but i thought it would be a good idea to share how to romanticize college and some other college tips to go with it. 
first...dorm room ideas
i recomend making a shared pinterest board between you and your roomates (if you chose to live with others) before you guys start buying your room decor. 
you need to start the romanticization of your college experience before you even sit down in a classroom and start taking notes. make your dorm room a space you enjoy. so decorate it exactly how you want to and make the space your own. don’t be afraid to have your interests as a part of your room decor. your part of the room is a reflection of you. 
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here’s some inspo for you guys
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i really like this one lowkey
now for fashion
if you haven’t found your personal style yet (me my freshman year of college) or you have a pretty set sense of style already, you need to be aware of what the weather is like where you are going to school. i go to school in northern indiana and had to learn (as a socal girlie) that sometimes you have to give up being fashionable when it comes to crazy weather conditions like extreme heat or snow (in my case). even when you have to sacrifice for the weather you should always try to look your best in your own style while still being comfortable in your own skin. i know the sweatpants are calling your name bestie....they do that to me too....of course they are amazing to wear to stay comfy, however, they shouldn’t be an all the time thing when it comes to outfits. 
when you look your best you’ll feel your best and when you feel your best you’ll do your best. save the comfy clothes for long nights studying in the library. i’ll link some pictures to give you guys some ideas
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i really like the earth tones and levi’s rn
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also crop tops and baggy jeans are really cute
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i have way more outfit ideas on my pinterest board that goes with this post
now onto school bags!!!!
this last school year i had a tendency of carrying both a backpack and a tote bag. i would keep essentials like my wallet, keys, water bottle, the book i was reading at the time, and my makeup bag in my tote bag and leave all my school stuff in my backpack. for this coming school year i found something super awesome it’s the green wellness tote by typo. this thing is GIANT and can carry everything i would carry in both my tote bag and backpack while still keeping everything organized. it has huge front pockets and a removable pouch on the inside of the bag so i can hold everything. 
i mean EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! 
i’ll drop the link in the link section of this post. 
but you can’t forget to personalize your bag. i use pins, pocket bac holders from bath and body works, and keychains to personalize my bag and put my own unique twist. trust me when i say having hand sanitizer on hand is extremely important so make sure you’re carrying yours at all times. i personally like the bath and body works hand sanitizers and the pocket bac holders for them are super cute. they actually just put their fall and halloween stuff out and i’m a fiend for that kind of stuff. 
now for some study tips
first things first you are going to college to get your degree so studying is important!! i feel like the best way to study is to make it fun for yourself. have your study spot, have a couple good playlists, noise canceling headphones, a study timer app, and get to it. i’ve found for me using apps like notion (you get the unlimited version of notion free if you use a school email) to take quick notes in class and then physically writing them out and make them as aesthetically pleasing as possible. writing pretty notes makes you want to look at them more and actually study from them. 
a study timer is extremely important!!! especially if you keep a study planner/journal like i do. it spaces out your study time and holds you responsible for your studying. i use the pomodoro method and am an active user of the forest app. if you guys want to be friends on forest i’ll put my friend code in the link section of this post. it’s honestly such a helpful tool for holding yourself accountable. if you don’t want to purchase an app there are a ton of free versions of the app out there that work just as well as forest. 
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wellness tote: https://cottonon.com/US/wellness-tote-bag/1684455-04.html?dwvar_1684455-04_color=1684455-04&cgid=tote-bags&originalPid=1684455-04#start=4&sz=60
pinterest for this post: https://www.pinterest.com/rossejamss/get-into-it-yuh-college-edition/
study playlist 1: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/35MCxZePcfFVSBzlvDRynv?si=01af4965047344a4
study playlist 2: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3vCbBiJYlVROLcrbLypgUZ?si=2dd3ac8e5e2f463f
study playlist 3: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0T2AhgtKGHzyZ3qjTWdSBg?si=260eefe677b9498e
forest friend code: 6H4PQVYSG
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
hello! the summer prompt list looks so fun <3 what about pool floats and lemonade.. maybe someone's been coaxed to lounge by the pool... IN the pool.. an unheard of idea. and with a (plastic) cup of lemonade too.. how risky!
26. Pool  + 19. Lemonade
from the summer prompts meme here
it's still sad and vaguely cold here but i am fantasizing about not being sad and cold, so i'm sending the boys to somewhere random and warm and doing some summer fills i didn't get around to last year!
When Newt makes his way into his and Hermann’s shared hotel room, he's disappointed—but, tragically, not surprised, like, at all—to find Hermann shrouded in darkness and hunched over his laptop, tapping away wildly into what looks like his PPDC email. Shades and blackout curtains drawn in front of the two big windows, all lights but some tiny desk lamp switched off, Hermann himself bundled up in a sweater and his thick wool slacks like it's not ninety-fucking-degrees outside, all that shit. He's got the air conditioning blasting at least, but it's still enough to make Newt (flourishing happily in a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top) wince. He sighs instead of greeting Hermann. "Dude," he says. "This is really pathetic."
He flips the overhead light on, half expecting Hermann to turn away and hiss at him like a vampire or something. No hissing, but he does scowl at Newt in a way that's probably even scarier. And also kind of funnier. For all of Hermann's posturing and stuffiness, sometimes he really does just look like a mean, puffed-up cat. "Go away," Hermann says.
"Nah," Newt says.
He tosses a brown paper shopping bag on Hermann's bed.
"It's a bathing suit," he says, before Hermann can poke his way inside. It's a hideous bathing suit, actually, but Newt was limited to the options the gift shop in the lobby offered, so it was either something floral and speedo-adjacent that Hermann wouldn't be caught dead in, or standard(/boring), baggy blue trunks with the hotel logo stamped across the left leg. He's actually kind of regretting not going for the floral ones, if not just to see if he could somehow coax Hermann into them. Hermann's skin above the small pale sliver just exposed by his pants hemline remains a tantalizing mystery to Newt. "I had to kind of guess the size, but I think it should fit okay."
"Bathing suit?" Hermann echoes suspiciously.
"It's nice out," Newt says. "There's a pool, you need a break, so we're going swimming." Newt spotted the pool the second their taxi dropped them off and has been fantasizing about it ever since. It's what got him through every minute of the week-long conference, every bitchy look Hermann tossed his way, every dumb question posed to him in the Q&A sessions. Compensation. Vengeance. They have twenty-four hours of downtime before they have to pack things back up and head back to the Shatterdome (which does technically have a pool, but it's indoors, rarely cleaned, and technically off-limits for anyone who's not a ranger, unless you're like Newt, who sneaks in to go swimming anyway), and Newt's going to enjoy himself.
Hermann pulls the blue trunks out of the bag, examines them skeptically, and drops them to the floor with more disgust than strictly necessary. He uses the end of his cane to push them even further away. Newt bends down with an eyeroll. “Don’t be a dick, man, those cost like, fifty bucks.” Official hotel merch or whatever. Okay, they actually cost closer to thirty-five, but Newt wants to make Hermann feel as guilty as possible. He picks up the trunks and kindly returns them to his ungrateful lab partner. “Look,” he says, “either you hang out with me outside for like, an hour, tops, and I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night, or I’m hanging out with you in here. It’s my room too, bro. Roomies.”
He's thinking movie night, pizza, chatting loudly with (at?) Hermann until he can get the guy to snap and probably attempt to smother Newt with a pillow. There’s a visible flash of dread behind Hermann’s eyes: it satisfies something deep within Newt’s soul. “You’re a despicable waste of space,” Hermann spits, but he slams his laptop shut, and angrily rips the bedspread off from around his body. The cuffs of his baggy wool slacks are rolled around his ankles and Newt catches a glimpse of sock garters. “Fine, you bastard. I’ll go for a swim with you if it makes you happy, and buys me a moment of peace tonight. You’re like—you’re like a bloody toddler sometimes, you know. You’re like—”
“Cool!” Newt says. Hermann gapes at him in wordless fury. “I’ll meet you in the hallway in ten.”
Hermann fidgets and tugs uncomfortably at the waistband of his little swim shorts the whole ride down in the elevator, and, lingering by the poolside, he does the drawstring back up twice while Newt kindly blows up a small, inflatable lounge chair he also bought for him at the gift shop for way too much money Hermann looks wrong like this somehow: out of his element of hunching over computer screens and breathing in chalk dust, swim trunks paired bizarrely with his little brown Oxfords (the only shoes he brought with them), glasses on a chain still bouncing against his chest. The pool is deserted except for them—their own private swim club. Probably because people are understandably kind of wary of bodies of water these days, even ones chlorinated and decently far from the Pacific. “It’s too hot,” Hermann gripes. He shields his eyes with his hand as he glares up at the sun. He smells almost nauseatingly like sunblock. He’s missing a sunhat, Newt thinks. One of those big, dumb, wide-brimmed ones that a movie starlet would wear in 1940-whatever. Or cat-eye sunglasses. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”
“You were ruining your posture in there,” Newt says. He hoists the lounge chair over his head easily and tosses it into the pool, where it hits the surface of the water with a satisfying splat. Hermann wrinkles his nose as no more than two droplets of water have the audacity to land on one of his skinny, hairless calves. Newt pats the lounge chair. “In twenty years, you’ll be like, 'man, I’m so glad my best friend in the whole world Newt was there to rescue me from a life of slouching and back pain, I should send him a gift basket.'”
“‘What was the name of that annoying fellow who used to make my every waking moment miserable?’” Hermann says. “‘I’m so thankful that I haven’t seen him in twenty years and will never have to, ever, again.’”
“Get in the pool, you drama queen,” Newt says.
Hermann delicately undoes each button of his crisp white button-down with one hand, and slips it from his shoulders one arm at a time. It’s strangely mesmerizing and even more strangely alluring, like Newt’s in the front row of the world’s stuffiest strip club, though Hermann is still wearing a loose undershirt beneath it. His arms are pasty and tinted a ghostly white with more sunblock. He has nice shoulders, unfortunately. “If you wouldn’t mind,” he says, easing himself out of his shoes, and hands both his shirt and cane to Newt as Newt offers him an arm.
He doesn’t look any less uncomfortable on the floatie once Newt helps him down onto it. More uncomfortable, in fact: one leg straight out in front, the other crooked half-under the water at a weird angle, slouching in worse on himself than he had been in bed as the floatie bobs and drifts with the rippling surface of the water. He squints up at the sun, scowling, and then squints over at Newt, still scowling. His knuckles are clenched tightly around the edges of the float’s pink vinyl. “I feel so relaxed,” he says, bitchily.
“I’m getting you a drink,” Newt says. “Stay right there.”
The small outdoor bar is thankfully open and manned despite the lack of poolgoers other than Newt and Hermann. Newt gets an overpriced cocktail with several skewers of pineapple in it for himself, and a modest spiked lemonade for Hermann, which he makes sure to stick the largest bendy straw he can find in the hopes of making Hermann scoff and roll his eyes. Hermann is still swaying awkwardly on his little pink throne when Newt finally kicks off his sandals and clothing and (flinching very slightly at the sudden chill on his skin) wades in to join him. Hermann greets him with an expression of mild horror. “What on Earth is that?” he says.
“It’s some sort of piña colada, dude, I don’t know,” Newt says. "It's good though."
“Not that,” Hermann says. He looks down pointedly at Newt’s waist. “Where did you find that thing? It’s absolutely hideous.”
Newt couldn’t get the floral speedo-thing for Hermann, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t absolutely get it for himself, even if it maybe, like, fits very badly, and he’ll probably toss it out the second they get back to the Shatterdome. He loves it. He loves it even more now that he knows Hermann hates it, and models it for him happily. “I think it’s funny,” he says, and hands over the lemonade. (Hermann's eyes widen in momentary mild scandal at the prospect of drinking in a public pool—the bar is there for a reason, man!—and then takes it anyway.) “Here, seriously, drink this, relax. We’re not on the clock. You can like, not be miserable for once. Isn’t it nice to not be miserable?”
Hermann looks kinda miserable.
“When’s the last time you went swimming?” Newt tries again.
“In the summer of my twelfth birthday,” Hermann says, solemnly. “We went on holiday to the coast. That was before—” He gestures at his left hip, where his undershirt has bunched up and his trunks have ridden down just enough for Newt to catch a glimpse of puckered scar tissue. “—so I was actually a decently strong swimmer then.”
“See? That sounds—”
“But I nearly drowned, of course, when my brother pushed me off some rocks,” Hermann continues. “He’d meant it as a prank; I suspect he didn’t realize how strong the current was, or how deep the spot beneath the rocks was. It was a bit frightening, really. My sister had to go in after me. We never went on holiday again.”
“Oh,” Newt says. “Okay.”
Hermann gives him a weird, half-smile. “I’m kidding.”
“Oh,” Newt says again, not entirely sure which part Hermann’s kidding about, and whether or not he should laugh. He gives an equally weird chuckle and takes a long sip of his drink to avoid thinking of something else to say as Hermann does the same with his own. Newt’s adjusted enough to the water temperature that it actually feels good now, especially with the hot sun beating down on them overhead. He shuts his eyes and curls his knees up until he’s no longer touching the bottom of the pool, letting his body go loose, relaxed. He feels Hermann reach out and snatch a skewer of fruit from his glass.
“Yours looks much better than mine,” Hermann says through a mouthful of pineapple. “Let’s swap.”
“Bathing suits?” Newt says.
He cracks an eye open enough to watch Hermann make a face at him, but he passes over his fruity drink anyway, accepting the spiked lemonade in its place. Hermann sticks his straw in Newt’s drink and drains it quickly. Between that and Newt’s extremely thoughtful(/expensive) trip to the gift shop for them both, he kind of feels like Hermann’s getting more out of this little adventure than him. Whatever, though, it’s fun seeing Hermann shed some layers. Of the metaphorical emotional sense. It’s fun seeing him shed some physical layers too, but those are strictly unprofessional thoughts for Newt to be entertaining about his stuffy co-worker. He’ll say this though—it’s great finding out Hermann’s limbs exist beyond the constraints of sweatervests and oversized pants. It's even better finding out he's kind of hot, in a bony, gangly sort of way.
Hermann polishes off the remaining few pieces of pineapple and sets the empty glass on the edge of the pool. He grazes one hand across the surface of the water, dipping his arm in up to the elbow, and smiles lazily at Newt. Newt feels a little funny, a little too warm—like maybe his few sips of booze have gone to his head already or he’s been out in the sun too long. Then Hermann flicks water at his face. “Dick,” Newt says, but he grins as (Hermann giving a half-hearted grunt of protest) he uses a dry part of Hermann’s undershirt to wipe off his glasses.
“I could go for another drink,” Hermann says. “If you wouldn't mind, that is, Newton."
"Ugh, fine."
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underscore-jude · 2 years
Carlos Rodriguez, costumes, and body image
This last episode set me off on an investigation into Carlos’ costumes and general demeanor this season, namely the 3 shirts bit and his entire exchange with Miss Jenn about his costume. I think if they’re not setting up Carlos to have a body image arc in this season, it’s gonna be a major player next season, cause if this is just a one off thing they’re mentioning once or twice and never expanding upon (namely: getting Carlos help), I will never forgive Tim. So, let's take a look about all of the things the narrative might have been telling us about Carlos' relationship with his body this season.
also yes, i'm probably reading into this way more than was intended. leave me be
first: his outfit in 3x01.
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disregarding his body language, which is also all sorts of concerning (hugging his bag close to his chest could be related to this but it's probably also just being generally uncomfortable in a new place esp with the fact that Crash just send shards of glass flying in his direction seconds before), it's interesting that he decided to wear a jacket and long pants on the first day of summer camp. Like, it's late June-early July, and he's the only character that's wearing an outfit like this.
and as for the rest of the season? while everyone else is wearing a variety of summer clothes, he is consistently in baggy/large shirts and long pants, even to sing "Fabulous" at the pool. His color war outfit in 3x06 is the first time we even see him wearing shorts all summer.
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moving on, this sequence in the What Time Is It/Start The Party mashup:
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where he films the others dancing but never gets in front of the camera himself. Yes, Carlos is the social media guy, but even in Something In The Air he was able to get on camera and sing. We know he has stage fright and is more comfortable behind the camera, and this is just another example of that in addition to being a fun little "yeah carlos is the SM guy haha" moment.
then, there's the matter of the cast list debacle.
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from the looks of it, Carlos only really scratches out his own name, and we don't get to see what he changes it to. but given his reaction and everything else later on down the line, chances are he changed his role to Kristoff or Hans.
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Most of the other boys on this show are conventionally attractive, physically fit dudes, namely EJ, Ricky, and Seb, who also happen to be some of Carlos' best friends and his boyfriend. Add Jet in the mix, who got cast as Hans, which is kind of the perfect role for Carlos, and you can see why he might be thinking there's something else that made Val want to cast him as Olaf instead- this is now the second semester in a row that he's been sidelined in favor of one of the other boys for a human male lead, lest we forget that he's one of the three guys who sang for Gaston at BATB auditions, along with Ricky and EJ. I don't care that it was probably for the bit, he auditioned for Gaston and it's canon.
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so then we actually see him in the Olaf costume for the first time. and he looks...
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...less than pleased. to be fair, this is when he's doing his part as the instigator and knows full well he's going to start causing a ruckus, so I'm less inclined to actually believe this is totally telling about how he feels about the costume in general, but there's gotta be some truth behind it- if i were forced to wear a costume that looked like that and be described as having "a big round belly and a big bouncy butt" i wouldn't be happy either. like, they could've just gotten the man a puppet, but they didn't and there might be a reason!!
and then we come to 3x06, where they actually start making it look like this was intentional.
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Carlos is not Ricky or EJ, who'd probably be fine being shirtless on camera. Meanwhile, Carlos can't even be shirtless in front of his bunkmates, and is for some reason wearing THREE shirts to bed, again, in the middle of the summer.
then, he makes this comment to Miss Jenn:
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and when she asks if he wants her to get him a quick change booth, he replies:
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and when Miss Jenn says someday he'll learn to love his own body, this is his immediate reaction:
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He seems to be realizing this for the first time. Like it's not just normal for him to think this way about how he looks. Carlos grew up in the dance world. Look at guys who are principals at the world's biggest ballet companies and it's obvious what's expected of a male dancer, and Carlos probably knows that.
So now I wanted to look into some of the stuff from other seasons, and all I gotta say is: TW for disordered eating from this point forward.
My first instinct was to go back to the Thanksgiving episode where Carlos says this:
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"My family usually has three protein courses and is asleep by six." which is...concerning, to say the least.
I was curious if any other comments like this are made, and I learned a few things I really didn't want to! for example:
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in 2x02, while all the kids are scattered eating lunch, Carlos is very clearly set up at a table with Gina, Ricky, and Big Red eating school lunches, and two sack lunches that Ashlyn and Seb are eating out of. I painstakingly counted all of the bag lunches and school trays compared to the students, and Carlos straight up doesn't have any food in this scene. And looking into everything else, I have to wonder if it was intentional on the prop people's part.
I looked at a few other scenes to see if this was a trend, for example in 2x01 he makes himself a plate of food at the NYE party and then it completely disappears, but tbh I think that's more a continuity error than anything else XD
So, all this to say: while I don't think this was something they've been intentional in the first two seasons, it's clear in s3 that they were intending to do something with Carlos that never really came to fruition vis-a-vis body dysmorphia and the like. Unless they give us something really big in the last two episodes, I'll be really disappointed if they don't go anywhere with this, cause now that they've explicitly stated that Carlos is having some sort of issue in 3x06, I expect them to take that seriously and not just drop it as Tim is so keen to do. They don't have to magically resolve all of Carlos' body issues before the end of the season, but at least don't have it fade away into nonexistence so that we can have some other bullshit be his issue in s4.
Do with this information what you will. I just went down a rabbit hole today, and if you read all of this, uhhhh. thanks i guess? go watch crazy ex girlfriend?
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natureplay · 10 months
୨୧Chapter II • Cappuccino
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Word count: 1.7k
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Talking over the phone, Leon suggested meeting at a cafe he really likes and gave you directions for it. He said their coffee is really good and that he goes there whenever he can. You wonder what he does for a living if he has such little free time.
The whole morning you were agitated. You actually got done unpacking most boxes and putting everything away. You didn’t know why you were so nervous, probably because you were still hungover. But as the time for your meeting with Leon approached, your nerves began to settle into a jittery excitement.
At 12:43 PM, you arrived at the cafe and found a table near the window. You know you arrived too early, but you’d rather be early than late.
You thought to bring a book along with you so you have something to do while you waited; it gives you something to do while waiting. Taking out Pride and Prejudice from your bag, you settle back into your seat and begin to read. You had read the novel several times before but it never failed to captivate you.
You checked the phone and saw that it was already 1:07. Leon was supposed to be here by now. You looked out the window and tried to calm your nerves, but the longer you waited, the more anxious you became.
Crazy scenarios formed in your head. What if this was just an elaborate plan by him and his friend to steal your phone? But why would they do that? What if they’re in a mob that steals people’s phones? If so, how did you become their target?
Leon didn’t look like the type to be part of a mob. But it’s always the ones you least expect.
In the morning, you woke up way too early for a Saturday. You’re making yourself pancakes, Leon’s phone close by. You’re ready for it to ring at any moment. After last night, you decided to wait for him to call first.
You get ready to flip the last pancake when the phone starts ringing. You panic a bit and scramble to answer the phone. You’re feeling a little excited and eager, a little tense.
“Yes? Hello?” you say anxiously
“Hi,” Leon says, his voice also sounding unsure.
“Hey” You lean against one of the kitchen counters
He clears his throat, “I was thinking, maybe we could meet up today and switch back our phones?”
You pause for a moment, feeling a rush of excitement. “Sure, that sounds good. Do you have a place in mind?”
“Yeah, there's a café I really like. Their coffee is amazing, and I go there whenever I can. Would you be okay with meeting there?”
You smile to yourself, thinking that Leon seems like a bit of a coffee snob. “Yeah, that sounds great. Can you give me the location?”
“Yes, sure.” He gives you directions to the café, carefully articulating each point for you to take into account. He gives you multiple points of reference that can help you arrive at the exact location.
“How about we meet there at 1 PM? Are you free then?” Leon suggests, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Sounds good to me. See you then,” you say, feeling your heart flutter with anticipation.
Hanging up the phone, you notice the caller ID is Clarie Redfield.
You suddenly catch a whiff of smoke. You look over to the stove and notice the smoke coming out of the pan.
“Shit,” you say, and rush to take out the burned pancake.
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Eight minutes later and there is still no sign of Leon. You finish reading two more pages when the bell of the cafe door rings. You look over to see who it is that entered. The ash-blond Leon. He’s wearing a black shirt over which is a brown jacket, and a pair of baggy jeans.
He looks around the cafe and finally spots you.
“Hey,” he says and sits down in front of you “Sorry for being late”
“It’s fine, I just got here,”
Leon takes off his jacket and sets it on the chair. He notices the book sitting between your hands and then looks back at your face.
“I was actually thinking of starting to read that book but I never got around to doing it,” he says with a smile.
You set the book down and glance at the phone on the table. You grab it and hand it to Leon.
Leon looks at it, confused for a second, then he realizes. He takes his phone from your grasp.
He searches his pockets and pulls out your phone and hands it to you.
“Here you go.”
You silently thank him and flip it open and put in your pin. It works. Not wanting this shenanigan to happen again, you put your phone in your purse.
You were a bit curious about what he thought about this whole situation. The ridiculous factor is like that of the dramas you enjoy from time to time.
“Do you have anything planned for today?” Leon asks
“Nothing in particular. I do need to buy a fridge; the one that I have now is kind of old and not cooling properly. And maybe buy some decorations” you ramble.
Leon leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, his muscles involuntarily flexing. You can’t help but glance. This man is ripped. You quickly look back at his face, “What about you?”
Leon takes a few moments before responding, mulling over what he wanted to do with his day. "I guess I was thinking that I'd like to just spend the day in. You know, catch up on some sleep"
You nod in understanding.
Leon looks at the menu and then back at you. "Do you want to get coffee?" he asks.
You nod, "Sure, that sounds good."
“What do you want to drink?”
You think for a while. Looking at the menu you see a variety of drinks. You don’t know which one to choose.
“What do you recommend?” you ask Leon “You’re the expert here out of the two of us”
Leon smiles and goes to the counter to order both of your coffees. He remains there, waiting for them to be made. You wonder what kind of coffee he ordered you.
The cafe's ambience is comfortable, and you enjoy the peace and quiet. You savour the moment, feeling happy that you finally got your phone back—and that you met someone interesting.
Leon returns holding two coffees. He sets one in front of you. You thank him.
“What did you get?”
You look down at the drink. You look at the cute design of a heart made out of milk. He got you a latte, maybe.
“A cappuccino; Both of them”
“How much did it cost?”
Leon looks taken aback by your question. Did he think you would let him pay for your drink?
“It’s okay, really,” he says.
You shake your head and grab your purse, “You don’t have to pay for my drink,”
You look in your wallet and grab a $5 bill and slide it in front of Leon. He looks at it like it’s a foreign object. He looks at you, then at the bill. Then back at you; then back at the bill and picks it up from the table.
You take a sip of the coffee; a smile forms on your features. The sweet aroma of the milk mixes perfectly with the acrid taste of coffee creating a smooth and creamy texture.
Perhaps you could make a friend out of this whole situation.
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yesireadbooks · 10 months
The Imposter Within
So, this is smth I wrote for a site about Imposter Syndrome, I just thought of sharing a part of it with y'all..
It is a beautiful day today; the sun is out, and there is a soft breeze and clear skies. And when everyone looks out the window in the morning to get warm inspiration for the day, Liam draws the blinds, knowing he will disappoint at least one person today. Just like every other day.
"Perfect, another day for me to ruin," he says with a sigh.
And sure enough, he dreads going to school—not for the same reasons as an average 18-year-old, of course, but again, he’d rather stay home than be the disappointment of the century. But he thought the same yesterday and probably will tomorrow.
On his way to leave home, Jacob, his stepfather, grunts in greeting. “Your mother called last night. You can’t even stay up a bit late, can you?” This was the usual way Jacob greeted Liam every day. “You also got a letter.”
The air felt humid and heavy to Liam. “Hmm, thanks; I’ll look at it,” he said while grabbing the letter and shoving it in his bag. He doesn’t notice the Oxford logo in the corner. Then he left with a nod.
Usually, I would describe him as having ‘unruly hair’ or say that ‘his shirt fits well but it’s a bit baggy on the sides’. Not that they aren’t true, but his moods define how much I care. It’s a Tuesday morning, very unremarkable, and Liam hates mornings (almost as much as he hates himself), so I don’t care much. He is 5’ 11" tall, a bit athletically built, with brown hair, white skin, and brown eyes.
On the way to school, Liam keeps his hands in his pocket and his head down, as if his shirt reads, D-I-S-A-P-O-I-N-T-M-E-N-T. However, for the record, this is not the case. In the outside world, he is the person everyone wants to be: Smart, outgoing, educated, experienced, and the list goes on. He has predicted A Level grades of A*A*A*A* and already could (although he doesn’t) boast scholarship offers from Ox-bridge as well as Harvard and Paris Sciences et Lettres Universities. But still, he sees himself through a clouded view.
"Could I actually survive A Levels? What if I fail? What if the universities retract the offers? They must have made a mistake. Surely, there are better people fit for those universities."
He speaks three languages: English, French, and Irish, and is fluent in BSL too. He is recognised as an aspiring biochemist after the research paper he co-authored on alternative sources of SSRIs (a type of antidepressant) in natural food sources. In a nutshell, he is all you could ask for (speaking of which, these days he is writing a novel called ‘All You Could Ask For’ too). Well, apparently not for him, and certainly not for his stepfather.
"Is the novel a good idea? Would people like it? What if they hate it? Jacob didn’t like it. I should add more narration and dialogue, and then Jacob will like it. Yes, then people will like it." Jacob will never like it.
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ariesbilly · 9 months
💞A different type of rec list ask game, to rep your own fics and other authors you enjoy.💞 Spell out your user name with fic recs. If the letter correlates to one of your fics you rec it (no duplicates use a different fic for repeat letters.) If you get to a letter you don’t have a fic title for you rec one you‘ve liked from someone else. 💖Send this to someone who might need a little love on their own fics or just like spreading the love.💖
ooo this is fun!
A - all the best djs are saving their slowest songs for last (fred/fp RIVERDALE):
Fred had always figured he’d chaperone his son’s senior prom. It’s just what he did. Went to every dance, every field trip, every PTA meeting… He was involved. It’s just… He also kind of assumed his wife would be there with him. Even after the divorce he still figured they’d go as friends. Never in a million years did he think he’d be dating his ex… whatever they were in high school.
R - riches & wonders (billy/steve STRANGER THINGS by @oepheliawrites):
Steve's teetering on the edge of something, all alone. His eyes meet Billy’s. They’re teetering on the edge of something, together. (or a handful of the bricks that build steve and billy a home.)
I - it's not your fault, so please stop your crying now (fred/fp/gladys RIVERDALE):
FP's going through a hard time. Gladys and Fred help him feel better.
E - everybody's gonna need somebody (billy & heather STRANGER THINGS):
Ginger Boy looks up, taking notice of Billy for the first time. Has the decency to actually look a little guilty. Won’t even look directly at him. The same cannot be said for Heather, who is just standing in place all wide-eyed and, not innocent, but definitely unbothered. “What?” “I told you to stop cockblocking me!”
S - show me your teeth (robin/heather STRANGER THINGS):
Robin’s not ashamed to admit she starts crying. She’s too young to die. She had high hopes for her future. Now she’s gonna die in fucking Hawkins fucking Indiana. She wanted to die somewhere more glamorous. Like New York. Or Paris. Hopefully reincarnation is real. Everything else seems to be. But as she closes her eyes, ready to accept her fate, a girlish giggle erupts in her ear, a familiar voice laughing “Gotcha!” as she’s let go of, and the previous pressure at her back goes, too.
B - blood on his skin, dripping with sin (fred/fp RIVERDALE):
He’s too focused on searching for a threat that he becomes oblivious to the kitchen lock being picked, the doorknob slowly twisting open behind him. “I don’t see anybody,” Fred says into the phone, squinting his eyes at the window as if that’ll help. “Maybe I should just go outside?” There’s footsteps slowly approaching, deliberate in their movements to remain silent. The other end of the phone has gone silent. Fred hasn’t gotten a response, maybe FP hadn’t heard him. “F? You there?” He pulls the phone away from his ear to check the connection. They’re still on a call. “FP, can you hear me?”
I - it's a feeling that you cannot miss (and it burns a hole through everyone that feels it) (mary & fp RIVERDALE):
FP stops when the mystery object in the jacket is revealed: a ziplock baggie of what is most definitely enough weed to last a week. “Ho-ly shit,” FP says, eyes lighting up and a grin breaking out on his face as he holds the bag up between himself and Mary. “Oh, there is no way,” Mary laughs, a little disbelieving, as she checks for herself that what she’s looking at is real. FP opens up the bag, takes a whiff. It’s not as strong as it could be - it’s definitely been sitting in here for a while - but it’ll do. It’ll definitely fucking do. “Thanks for looking out for us, Freddie."
L - love is like a heat wave (fred/fp RIVERDALE by @fredheads):
Summer of 1991 Riverdale's hit by a massive heat wave. Fred and FP find ways to pass the time.
L - leave you when the summer comes along (fred/fp RIVERDALE by @nadjaofstatenisland):
FP leaves for the army, in three parts.
Y - your shadow weighs a ton (billy/steve STRANGER THINGS):
There’s a very good chance Billy will not be staying here tonight. Can’t imagine whatever rich bitch heiress that owns this house is gonna want some lowlife kid like him marking up her pristine marble or whatever the fuck she’s got going on in there. Tom seems like a nice enough guy, he guesses, will probably put up a little bit of a fight to keep Billy around, but. Billy’s not getting his hopes up. Maybe he can at least get a nice hotel stay out of this little trip. As he walks down to the end of the driveway he pats his jacket pockets, thankfully finding his pack of smokes and lighter. He hadn’t thought to check when he got it back, but now that he’s itching for a smoke he was worried they might’ve been taken at the jail. He pulls a cigarette out, resting it between his teeth as he sparks up. Inhales. “Who are you?” A voice startles him. Billy looks up, catching sight of the prettiest goddamn thing he’s ever seen standing at the end of the driveway next door.
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villain-in-love · 10 months
So... Zero and Fashion
(I mean, I already did a similar compilation for my Black Butler s/i, so why not continue the series?)
Her main outfit is already known, so I'm going to talk about everything else:
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She wore something similar to this robe dress while she was living in women’s Nanba. By the time she ended up in men’s Nanba, she was already barefoot and the dress was ripped shorter to be somewhere around her knees. Most likely she took off the shoes and tore apart the dress for the sake of convenience during her last break out attempt.
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This is what her sportswear would most likely look like. Since she often spends time at building 5, she would need one. It’s baggy and loose, and so it's very convenient, though she would have worn shorts if it wasn’t for her guards insisting on full-length pants. No shoes because she prefers to feel where she steps or what she kicks.
Being in prison doesn't allow for much variety in outfits, so what I'm going to do is to skip several years and jump right into the future where Zero is free (illegally) and is working for Mashiro as a part of Team Elf:
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Examples of her casual manner of dress when she's alone by herself, working, or hanging out with co-workers. She doesn’t like wearing too much cloth (she prefers to feel the space around her freely), but she also takes interest in fashion which is reflected in her choice of outfits. The clothing she chooses must be easy to move in, anything restricting won’t do because it will be torn apart and ruined, which is a waste of money and/or efforts. The coat from the second example most likely will be taken off when full-on fighting is required, but usually it doesn't take Zero more than one strike to deal immobilizing damage to someone, so…
Most of the time she wears coats and jackets to store items in them, which is much more convenient that wearing a bag. She strongly opposes clothes not having proper pockets.
I would say that Zero wears clothes just to avoid being arrested for public indecency otherwise. She is physically incapable of experiencing the feeling of shame or embarrassment, so she can pull off any kind of eccentric or revealing outfits.
And I mean this type eccentric:
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Which is pretty much her style, actually, but maybe not this exact outfit. Mostly because a skirt like this would definitely be tight and inflexible, which is an immediate no.
Surprisingly, Zero has a strong sense of aesthetic. She's fond of high fashion shows that she watches whenever she happens to get access to a TV, and takes inspiration from looks on the runway. Because theft is a thing that comes easily to someone with her abilities, she managed to get her hands on couture pieces on numerous occasion. (Those high-end designers would have cried bloody tears if they saw how their couture pieces looked like after Zero spending a few days running through forests and climbing trees in them)
Her clothing style is more alternative, maybe something goth influenced by high fashion, techwear and street fashion would describe it. She prefers a monochrome palette and is not particularly fond of bright or soft colours (partly because blood and dirt are much more visible on them). She has no clear preference between feminine or masculine styles and just wears whatever looks good on her.
Finding outfit references for her is actually really tricky because it’s hard to find outfits in her style without them being heavily sexualized.
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That's what she would most likely wear when she goes to mingle with regular people, probably meeting with friends. Including when she goes to bother visit Liang.
The second one looks suitable for a “date” in the city. And not on the rooftops like usually, but in the centre of city itself, where all the life is in full swing.
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That’s how she will usually roam around her friends’ houses and the natural landscape around it, if there’s any. Though I doubt that she would wear a bra under the shirt. Not that she ever wears actual bras.
If she has to dress in formal clothing to look “presentable” she will just wear a suit without a shirt:
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She might throw in some jewellery to make the look aesthetically complete. This is probably the only times when she will wear jewellery that is not just a simple ear piercing. She’ll most likely still wear soft shoes with flat outsoles.
As a bonus, her most recognisable, "signature" look when she was younger was a particularly peculiar combination of a short (usually red) slip-on dress, big leather jacket, and gladiator sandals:
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Which earned her more than a few weird looks when she wore it in the middle of November, completely unconcerned by weather. But not enough to actually put her presumable humanity under suspicion, because sometimes russian fashionistas do dress in similar fashion even when it's too cold, and they are (surprisingly) humans.
But it's a great look for catching prey in a bar or a night club. Not that she particularly likes those types of places, but they are very convenient and are full of naïve boys who certainly don't expect becoming a dinner for a monster they themselves foolishly let into their house.
Going back in time even further, for the first two years of her life, before she went out of the forest and into the city, Zero wore traditional Slavic clothing:
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Those clothes were given to her by her Grandma, and they are at the very least a couple of centuries old. Those are pretty simple long shirts that can be worn as dresses, which are perfect for Zero. I don't think she would want to wear a proper skirt or a sarafan on top of it... They look really good covered in blood, but Grandma insisted on Zero washing them, at the very least so she won't scare her next human targets too early.
I knew from the start that I wanted her to have an unnatural eye color, and what better spells "danger" than red. I also thought that pure black eyes could be a great idea to make her look slightly uncanny, but I ended up just making them very dark. You have to get closer to see red pigment, along with vertically slit pupils. I think it's because this color is associated with blood and flesh that I ended up making her red-eyed.
Well, the moment they go fully black then yes, you're fucked.
Thinking how red is the most prominent color in traditional Slavic clothes, which was what she wore at home since her early days, and how it is her favourite color (not counting black), and it probably reminds her of food and violence – two things that make her genuinely excited...
By the way, about Zero's main outfit: her orange jumpsuit is meant to have a lot of belts and straps attached to it, invoking a straitjacket imagery. Also her bralette top has lace on it (because it is literally a copy of the top that I own).
I think that when Zero's shapeshifting abilities develop enough for her to transform freely from her human form to her true form, she will start looking for clothes that are easier to take off quickly. Because she becomes at least two times bigger in her true form, I highly doubt that her clothes will survive the transformation.
After escaping prison she could either keep her tattoos with numbers or simply flay that part of the skin from herself. I can't decide yet. Not that those tattoos are particularly visible or that she really cares.
Zero is supposed to be very pretty in her human form for the sake of making the hunt much easier (people are much more likely to let a pretty girl get close to them, compared to a huge abomination of melded dead flesh). Though she’s more of a "natural" beauty and might not fit perfectly into current beauty trends. It can become uncanny when you notice how she has completely clear skin, not a trace of any marks whatsoever, and her face is perfectly symmetrical.
Her hair reaches past her waist and could have been very silky and shiny if she actually took care of it. Instead it’s usually dirty and messy, trimmed awkwardly, and she barely knows how to make any hairstyles besides ponytail. She took better care of it outside of prison – that is, she brushed it and washed it when it got too dirty. But because she doesn’t hunt in prison, she stopped giving a fuck. I think she will also cut her hair just a bit shorter in the future, so it would be around shoulder blade length.
Also she has a decent amount of body hair that she never shaves.
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