#also if anyone knows a good streaming site that i can upload the episodes to without running into copyright issues let me know! <3
eagles-translated · 10 months
Hi! Dailymotion removed season 1 :(
Oh no! I've been gone for a while and it looks like my whole Dailymotion channel has been removed too.
I haven't had the time to check up on the other mirrors in the episodes masterpost, but I still have all the subtitled episodes on my hard drive so hopefully I'll be able to upload them somewhere else soon.
Thank you for notifying me! In the meantime you can find the unsubtitled episodes here and watch them with my English transcripts! 🙌
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hi! So I have a rambling explanation that’s going to lead into a genuine question about making a website somewhat like a03 or finding alternatives to a site I will mention (it’s not a03 don’t worry)
I am a non/disney editor, crossover artist, amv maker and deep faker and any other term for “make videos of characters in canon or au type scenarios to music”. I’m also a fanficcer. And I remember when being wary of Anne Rice and Archie Comics and DC was a thing. A teacher, to cover his ass for an assignment of mine, taught me how to write an apology letter to a company on the offhand my hand written basically Batman fanfiction, made it’s way online or was heard about. I was in the tail end right before A03 but I am extremely grateful that the site exists. Okay. So now I need to talk about the Owl House. In season three episode special one, Luz Noceda makes an amv coming out to her mom.
Editor friends in a private discord were both happy and worried. Luz is one of us….but also Disney knows about us, to some level. Nothings happened I’ve just been stewing and I’m just worried something might hit the fan for the community given many of us use Disney media (hard not to when 80% of things put out is by them) So I’m asking how one would make a platform like A03 but for video media. Or if there’s things you know like that. YouTube is getting more and more difficult for anyone nowadays too.
Again, nothings really happened yet, I just can’t get it out of my head
Video is worlds harder than text, but you know that.
There are a couple of approaches here: First, more is more. The more sites you have your stuff on, the smaller the chance that Disney can nuke all of them. Second, if you're not just using youtube and getting good at playing the algorithm, you need some way for people to find you or to keep track of all your alternate hosting.
Vidders of the oldschool sort have taken to using AO3. It doesn't have native hosting, of course, but it provides a stable URL and useful fandom-based tagging without algorithm bullshit. It's also a decent way to get vids out there if you only have download links and no streaming (though, of course, that means fewer views). You can embed a bunch of different copies of the same thing in the same work.
I don't know of a ton of fannish attempts at video hosting that are open to everyone. The only person I can think of who's heavily working on that is the guy behind Vidders.net who has a few different projects going.
For other hosting options, I'd see what AO3 currently has whitelisted for embedding. Two obvious ones are Critical Commons and Archive.org.
Broadly, yes, fanvids and AMVs have been subject to even more disastrous mass deletions than fanfic has, and far fewer of them have been saved by other fans because video files are huge.
Oldschool AMVs in the strict sense (i.e. Japanese anime and not Disney) are catalogued and sometimes hosted on animemusicvideos.org. Oldschool Media Fandom has some vidding archivists, and really old stuff was released on tape and then disc, and people still have their copies of those. But online-only fannish video stuff from the 00s and 10s has massive gaps in the historical record already.
Disney is quiescent now, but they haven't always been, and neither have other rights holders. Worse, a bunch of hosts vidders liked just up and deleted their entire sites, wiping out eras of videos and commentary.
Your stuff is in less danger than it would have been 10 years ago, as far as anyone can tell, but video is always in massive danger of disappearing.
If you actually succeed at video!AO3, more power to you! I'm just skeptical that you'll be up to the technical and financial challenge if you don't already know more than you currently do, you know?
Hosting video has, among other problems, the issue that people trading actual abuse materials will upload their videos to your service. Hosts often play whackamole with illegal and traumatizing content. I've known people whose jobs exposed them to this shit, and they were... not okay.
I guess you could make things slightly easier on yourself if you restricted video to cartoons only, but then you'd have the same issues amvs.org does where people who start as one kind of editor start working with other footage and keep trying to upload the wrong thing.
It's often not really viable to host unless you make everyone pay and/or you're authorizing a few dozen accounts of people you've vetted, not running a service just anyone can sign up for. Hosting a hundred videos for friends that you have reviewed and know to be fanvids/amvs is a lot easier than hosting enough stuff that you can't personally review it all.
If you or anyone else is interested in trying to start a site, I'd go check out the various writings by Denise (who runs Dreamwidth). She has some twitter threads and posts on enforcement and running a platform. I remember she talked about the tech people use to detect CSAM from known law enforcement databases.
I don't want to be a downer here, but there are serious legal implications to being the actual host as opposed to just running a discord or something on someone else's platform and reporting some fucker if they try to post illegal shit.
If I were you, I'd get my buddies together, embed all our works on AO3, and then maybe make a collection or tagging standards so we could find each other's stuff.
For hosting, I'd add the Internet Archive, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. to Youtube and do a periodic audit of AO3 works to make sure links were still working.
AO3 already has a lot of tags that have been made filterable, like Fanvids, AMV, Video Format: Streaming, etc.
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alinelovelace · 11 months
Gif tutorial by Alinelovelace
Alright, I'll be doing 3 things here today:
1.) Sharing the programs and websites I use
2.) Showing y'all a tutorial on how I make my gifs (this is my first tutorial, so if anything doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to message me, send me an ask, or comment on this post!!!!!)
3.) Sharing some resources by insanely talented gif makers (because I learned how to make gifs by following tutorials)
It's probably important(?) to mention that I use a Windows laptop
A.) Programs and websites:
ezgif: to make my gifs and do light editing
You can make gifs with video clips or screen caps. I'm not advanced enough to use screen caps, though they're supposed to make gorgeous gifs. I use ezgif to make the actual gif and edit the timing (which I end up having to tweak on Photoshop but...)
I also like ezgif because no watermarks!! I will do anything in my power to get rid of watermarks from websites and editing programs because they bother the hell out of me!
Photoshop: for the rest of my editing
This is where I recolor and add text.
A great alternative to Photoshop is Photopea, which I've used before I "obtained" Photoshop. It's FREE and online, so you don't have to download anything! I highly recommend it if you really want to get into gif coloring !!!!
Currently, I get my videos from torrents (bc I have a wide selection for my family to watch on our tv). But I used to use the Xbox game bar on Windows to record the clips I wanted on online streaming sites (unfortunately there's not a whole lot up and running anymore), then cropped and cut them. If anyone's interested in that, I could probably post a separate tutorial for that another time :)
There's also screen cap websites out there and YouTube. And probably dozens of other ways to get videos that I don't know about!
Video cutter
If you use full length episode videos and don't know how to crop them on your laptop (like me)
B.) Tutorial:
I'll be remaking the first gifset I ever made since I've learned A LOT since then! It should be pretty simple since there's only one set of subtitles.
Another time, I could do an edit tutorial like my That 70s Show ones. It's just taking the same concepts as this tutorial though, and playing around with colors, fonts, and font placement.
1.) Find your video/screen caps:
Since I no longer have the video from my first gifset, I just googled "Mulder throwing pencils season 10" on YouTube. After finding the video, I copied the link and pasted it into a YouTube to MP4 site ((this site has never given me popups or tried to get me to download something that isn't my video file)).
2.) If your downloaded video clip is short enough, you can just stick it into ezgif. If not, you may have to cut it using a website or a computer program.
Ezgif.com -> video to gif -> browse -> select your file -> upload video
3.) After clicking upload video, you should find yourself on this page:
Tumblr media
If you need to do any kind of video editing (cropping, rotating, resizing, etc) this is the place to do it! This is also where you make your gifs.
For the first gif, I don't need to change the start time, since I'm starting at the beginning of the video. 0 seconds is fine. But for the stop time, I'm going to play the video, pause where I want my first gif to end, then press "use current position" by end time.
I don't usually touch the settings for size, FPS, or method. If the gif doesn't have a lot of movement, I check "optimize for static background"
Then press convert to gif.
Here's the product I got. Since it's such a short clip, it moves a little fast for me.
Tumblr media
I'm going to click "speed" which is below the gif. You're brought to this page:
Tumblr media
This is completely up to you for speed, but I find that between 60% and 85% end up looking good. If you don't like it, just change the number in the box and press "change speed". I ended up with mine at 65% of current speed.
Tumblr media
A little better, right? The gifs that turn out best are 3 seconds to 10 seconds in my experience. This one is 1.5 seconds, so it's a little fast.
After that, rinse and repeat for every gif you need to make.
4.) Editing time! This is for Photoshop (if you use Photopea, I very much recommend this tutorial. It's very well explained!)
Go ahead and open all of your gifs once Photoshop is booted up. Then click window -> timeline
Tumblr media
Now you have a handy dandy little timeline on the bottom.
The first thing you're going to do click play and decide whether or not your gifs are running at the speed you want. If yes, move on to next step.
If not: click on the three lines -> select all frames -> little drop down arrow. You should have a variety of times available to choose. Usually, I click other, then put somewhere between 0.04 and 0.08 seconds. Click play again. If you don't like it, try this step again.
Tumblr media
If you need to crop your gif, three lines -> select all frames. Press "c" on your keyboard and crop accordingly.
4a.) Color editing
This is where things get complicated. Just remember coloring is subjective and everyone does it differently. This is just an intro to the different tools most gif makers use to alter color.
You don't have to use all of these! I definitely pick and choose depending on how I want the coloring to look. When I'm making a gif set, my coloring isn't as adventurous as when I'm making an edit. It doesn't feel worth it to give away my settings for this gifset since it changes depending on the coloring and lighting of the scene.
All of these tools can be found under "create new filter adjustment layer"
• Brightness/Contrast
This one is the easiest in my opinion. It's pretty straightforward. The more you drag brightness the right, the brighter your gif gets. The more you drag contrast to the right, the higher the contrast is.
Tumblr media
• Curves
This adjusts lighting with color values. It's another tool that's hard to explain. I just drag the little circles on the chart until it looks good
Tumblr media
• Color Balance
Like every other setting, exactly what you do with this tool is up to you. Color Balance adjusts the overall tint of your gif. I recommend editing highlights, shadows, and midtones for the best results.
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• Channel mixer
This one is one of the most complicated tools when making gifs in my opinion. It's best for getting rid of weird colored tints (think the blue coloring in Twilight). I'll just link a tutorial here for it. I don't make enough gifs to know how to explain it.
Tumblr media
• Selective color
Hands down my favorite tool, though not only specifically for gif making. This tool allows you to select a color (reds, yellows, greens, cyans, blues, magentas, whites, neutrals, blacks) and edit each color group. For example: my skin in photos usually has a weird red tint. I can edit the reds in my photo using this tool to make it look less abrasive.
You just play around with the different colors and bars for each color until each color group looks good. I recommend hitting the highest value to see how the color changes/what parts of the gif are affected by the change.
In the instance below, I wanted to see how magenta affected the blue colors, so I dragged magenta to 100. Now, knowing what kind of color changes magenta will make to blue, I can adjust accordingly.
Tumblr media
Messing around with the each color put me here:
Tumblr media
• Vibrance
Another pretty self explanatory tool! Vibrance and saturation bars make the gif colors more colored and vibrant.
Tumblr media
• Applying the filters to all frames
Shift click to select all the filters, and drag them above all the layers. They should now be applied to all the frames.
If not, select all frames with the three lines menu drop down like before -> click the little eye to turn off visibility, then click it again to turn it back on. You should be able to see everything now.
In order to carry the same colors from gif to gif, I take pictures of each setting and edit each filter adjustment layer accordingly. I side by side compare and make adjustments if the coloring doesn't match quite right. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but I'm not experienced enough yet.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
4b.) Subtitles
This part isn't too bad. For subtitle text, I use Calibri. Myriad pro bold italic and Arial are also really good options though!
• Text
Go to the sidebar and select text. Drag yourself out a box approximately where you want your subtitles. Type whatever you want. If you don't like where it is, click the move tool and drag it wherever you'd like.
Here are my text settings:
Tumblr media
• Blending options
Right click your text layer and select "blending options" at the top. I edit stroke, which adds an outline. I also edit drop shadow, just because it adds a little depth to the text
Tumblr media Tumblr media
• Applying to all frames
Drag the text layer to the top, just like you did with the adjustment filter layers when coloring. The same troubleshooting applies.
5.) Exporting
I know there's other ways to do this, but this is the way that makes the most sense to me.
Select all frames on the timeline -> file -> export -> save for web (legacy) -> save
With everything together, you go from:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I had the subtitles in two parts because my first one had the subtitle in two parts (consistency).
Happy giffing!~~
C.) Resources:
This is a collection of resources both for Photopea and Photoshop
Photopea Resources:
Photopea giffing tutorial by @heroeddiemunson
Photopea gif coloring tutorial by @heroeddiemunson
Photopea removing yellow tint tutorial by @lacebird
Photopea gif making tutorial by @aragarna
Photopea gif making tutorial by @ashleyolsen
Photopea changing background color of gifs by @benoitblanc
Photoshop tutorials:
Giffing tutorial by @dqmeron
Subtitle tutorial by @itsphotoshop
Blurring gif backgrounds by @clubgif
Inverted colored text tutorial by @spaceslayer
Gradient text tutorial by @tawaifeddiediaz
Gif coloring tutorial by @logangarfield
Color consistency tutorial by @clubgif
Channel mixer tutorial by @zoyanazyalensky
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superlinguo · 4 years
Practical advice if you want to start a podcast
I wrote a post for the RED team at La Trobe with some general advice for podcasting, but I’ve found there are some recurring questions that I get about setting up a podcast. This post is here to answer those questions.
If you’re not interested in starting a podcast, but want to listen to more linguistics podcasts, I’ve got a list for you!
I last updated this post in June 2021 - if you find this post a few years after this you might want to search for some more up to date specs. I’ll continue to update this from time to time as new questions (or answers) come up.
Picture your audience
Before you make any decisions about your show, know who it is for. Your topic might be incredibly niche and have an audience in the hundreds, which is very different to a potentially larger but less engaged audience. See the classic blog post from Kevin Kelly on the power of 1000 true fans. Knowing your potential audience, where they hang out online, and how they’re likely to support you, will help your decision making. I have a self-guided slide set for refining your project before you start working on it. It’s also ok to know who you don’t want as your audience, and make choices that don’t actively include them. Do this early and clearly so people aren’t disappointed. For example, having a show with clearly noted explicit language selects away from young kids and their parents.
The length and format of your show are a product of your aims
I personally like shows in the 25-35 minute range. But, having said that, I love Shortwave, which regularly clocks in at 10 minutes, and I’m disappointed when an episode of You’re Wrong About is less than an hour.
Know your audience and the level of depth you want to explore a topic in. The frequency of episodes and the amount of time you have to prepare and edit will also affect how long episode end up. Record a few episodes first and share them with people you trust will give you good feedback.
The best interviews are conversations
Good interviews are just conversations that are intentionally lopsided, and good interviewers make the conversation feel like it’s not lopsided. Do your homework, write out some questions, and then take a step back and actually listen to the person you’re interviewing.
Anyone who has done even a few interviews has already faced most of the questions you first think of. There are some fixes for this: push through your initial brainstorming, think about the specific angles on their topic that are most relevant to your audience and (again) listen to what the person is telling you. Like many podcasting skills, good interviewing takes practice, and you can practice by staying curious about humans you interact with in any area of your life, not just your podcast guests.
Use the best mics you can, but don’t over-invest
You don’t have go and buy the fanciest tech. If you have access to a studio, great! If you don’t, then decide what your budget is. When we started Lingthusiasm, Gretchen recorded into her phone, because we were running the show on no budget and had no idea if we’d stick it out more than 6 months. When we started making money we got Gretchen a Zoom H4n to match mine. It’s still not the fanciest, but it’s rugged and adequate, especially if you make sure you’re in a closet with some blankets. Do I regret the earlier episodes of Lingthusiasm don’t sound amazing? Not as much as I would have regretted investing hundreds of dollars in a podcast that had 4 episodes.
Edit your show
Even a light edit will make the show easier for your audience to listen to, and show respect for the people you interview. I know people believe there’s an aesthetic of authenticity that comes with not editing, but all podcasting is a performance. Editing is a politeness to your audience.
Editing means a very wide range of things. You can do full production editing, including the addition of music, multiple different voice-overs and voices reading parts (e.g. getting someone else to read author quotes to bring them to life) and additional sound effects. Or you might just edit out the start and end of the recording, and any false starts and errors throughout the show. A lot of the pauses and fillers we use in conversation are designed for an audience who is in on the conversation and can reply, and can feel like they’re holding up a conversation when you’re a passive listener like a podcast audience. Many of the best conversational podcasts are given an edit to make them easier on the ears.
I use audacity to edit
Audacity is free to use. It takes a little longer to learn than something like GarageBand, but once you know how to use it, you’ll be much faster at editing. I appreciate that it has stayed pretty much the same since I started using it almost 15 years ago.
Get your levels right
Once you’ve edited your show, making sure there aren’t too many loud laughs, or your two hosts aren’t unbalanced in loudness. You’ll also need to make sure your podcast isn’t too loud or soft compared to others in people’s list. You need to regularise it. A lot of podcasts regularise to -16 LUFS. A few other numbers bounce around (-14, -18), but this is what we use and no one complains.  Audacity can’t do it. You can process a certain number of hours of audio for free each month using the web-based Auphonic. It’s great. 
There’s lots of great free music to use
You want to look for music that has a license that’s free to use. Even if you don’t plan to make money from your podcast, make sure the license includes commercial use so you don’t limit your future options. SoundCloud and YouTube have lots of options, as does Kevin MacLeod - who has created royalty-free music in a massive range of genres. 
Web hosting is different to getting your show on iTunes
We use SoundCloud to upload and share our audio. It’s fine. I have no complaints. Once you’ve uploaded a few hours of audio you’ll have to pay annually for a pro account. Anchor seems to be a good new competitor, it’s free - I assume they make money off people choosing to run ads on their podcasts. You then generate an RSS feed, which is the thing that points all the podcast players to the place you’ve uploaded your recording. You’ll then have to add your show to major podcast platforms (Apple Podcast, Google Podcast), smaller ones will pick it up from there.
It takes a few days for your show to get picked up on all the podfeeders
Launching a podcast is a bit of a mess - it will go live on your hosting site but then you’ll have to set yourself up with iTunes, Google Podcast etc. and that can take a few days to update and populate. The sites that are popular, and the process of linking into those spaces, changes often enough that you should just google advice when you’re ready to launch, and give yourself a few days. This is part of why some podcasts launch a short ‘episode 0′ or a trailer, it gets the show set up.
Transcripts should be one of the first things you fund
Not every podcast has the time or funds to make transcripts. I do think they’re important though; for people who can’t or don’t want to listen, for discoverability and for your own record when you can’t remember when you talked about a specific story. If you have any time or money and want to be taken seriously at all, this should be one of your earliest priorities. This is even more true for educational podcasts, where a transcript ensures all students can appreciate the content of your show.
You don’t neeeeed a website, but it’s handy
You can run a show using a hosting platform and some social media. Having a website does allow you to add more information about the show and yourself. The Lingthusiasm page has grown over the years as the show has; we made a page for our liveshow events, we provide a list of episodes by topic, information about our Discord community, and our marvelous wall of supporters. The website was much more minimal when we started, but compared to just having a SoundCloud it gave the show room to grow.
You probably want socials, but be selective
You need to make your podcast discoverable by people who are likely to be your audience. Social media is one way to do this, but it’s better to be actually engaging on fewer social platforms than overextend yourself. Focus on platforms that are the intersection of where your possible fans are likely to be and where you enjoy being.
Funding a podcast takes time, and takes work
There are three main revenue streams for podcasts: advertising, crowdfunding and merch. A fourth option is institutional support (through your university or business), but then you’re beholden to the funder. Whichever revenue options work for you, think about them and plan towards them early. Part of that is making sure your podcast gets in as many ears as possible. Most successful podcasts spend as much, if not more, time on marketing, audience engagement and business planning as they do podcasting (it’s just not very glamorous to admit that!).
Choose whether each episode can stand alone
Some podcasts build a narrative over multiple episodes. Others allow listeners to jump in at any point and listen in any order. Whatever you choose, make this clear to your audience. This choice is going to influence a range of choices around what information to include in the opening and closing, how topical to make the show, and how you promote your podcast. 
Seasons are a great structure to keep a podcast manageable
Regardless of whether your show runs in a sequence, planning a season with a fixed number of episodes allows you to take some time off, to maybe change some things that weren’t working, or to step away from the project with a podcast that hasn’t been left hanging.
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sailorchiron · 3 years
Hey y’all.  I’m not dead.  I had a long period of time with shit internet while Cox was putting in new cable in my apartment complex, then I had a problem with my computer telling me my hard drive was full and I couldn’t load tumblr, then I fixed both of those things but I had to move again, LIFE HAS BEEN SHIT, and I haven’t been on tumblr.
Important: I have NOT stopped working on Fade Into You.  We’re almost to the end, but but writing has taken a serious backburner to the other shit in my life lately.  I think I’m getting back to a point where I’ll have the time, energy, and attention span to keep going.  I also have the beginnings of two more fics for the Holiday ‘Verse if anyone on here is following that.  
Also important: Can anyone point me to a site where I can get alerts to queer media BEFORE it happens?  I’ve just found a show from my Pinterest feed and discovered it’s from 2016 and no streaming service has it.  I found a site where it’s obviously filmed on a phone from a TV screen, then it’s uploaded flipped so it’s not caught.  I JUST WANT GAY STUFF.  Anyone know where I can find Eyewitness?  
Less important but still important:  I’m hoping to make a career change (more like an adjustment).  I’m trying to organize myself to be on the way within the next 2 years.  Writing and art and stuff might be sporadic during all this, like, I’ve moved 6 times since I started Fade Into You and I’m starting job number 6 since I started it.  I’m determined to finish it before the next upheaval in my life, but since I tend to have to move every year because rent goes up too much to afford, those upheavals my spring up unexpectedly.
Probably not important: My mental health has been TRASH and I didn’t realize just how unhappy I was every single day until my knew psychiatrist put me on another antidepressant and I suddenly didn’t dread getting up in the morning.  But I’m doing better, so hopefully that will equate to more writing and more fandom in general.  
I’m not caught up on Roswell yet because I’ve been too anxious about job stuff to really enjoy a story, and I love Roswell and want to like it damn it.  I’m also kind of obsessed with Eyewitness and have been watching it.  I’m not good at binging right now, I’m too anxious and distracted, so I can only handle one episode of anything new per day.  Unless it’s mindless reality TV or informative murder porn.  I haven’t been on Instagram in weeks so I have no idea what’s going on over there.  
I missed you guys, and your endless creativity, snark, and support.
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skamesptranslations · 4 years
1. just caught up on a ton of social media posts, including all the ones from last night. a handful (specifically from the mallorca instagram) haven’t been posted just because I need to double check my translations with víctor, and he’s fast asleep right now lol. he’ll be up shortly though, and he will post them. there’s also a handful of social posts from mid-December I’ve yet to post, and most of you likely don’t care at this point, but i’d still like to for archival reasons, so those will come your way in a bit.
2. we’ve decided to stop tagging all skames variants except for “skam españa” so algorithmically we can use our tags more effectively (because tumblr only tracks like the first 5 tags 🙄). so if you want to track a tag for our updates, “skam españa” is the tag to track, and also the tag searching on our blog will now work much better.
3. for the videos - i know I am very behind. first two clips have been posted by me, and the transcripts for clip 6 and 7 are coming shortly. i solely do the tech for our enterprise, and the pure setup of this operation has taken a lot of effort. plus, my 6+ year old computer was not cooperating at all today when i was trying to export the subbed clips, so i’m going to try again tomorrow. i will have every clip, and hopefully the full episode (with viri’s clips!), uploaded by midnight CST Sunday, or SO HELP ME GOD!!! i will drag steve jobs up from the grave to fix my computer if i have to!! 😡
4. on a lighter (yet relevant) note, an important question for you all - does anyone know how to download videos from the Movistar+ site? i have an account contributor Julia kindly gave me the password to, and i can stream the videos just fine. but even after diving into the code to get the m3u8 link, as well as trying to rewrite some of the page’s html, it still won’t budge. it seems to be very encoded. i’m good with computers and pirating, and i’ve never encountered a website i couldn’t crack, but the Movistar+ one is surprisingly tricky. i guess i can just screen record for Viri’s clips, but those are always lower quality than a pure download, so it disappoints me a bit. if anyone has any insight on how to get HD Movistar+ videos, let me know!
that’s all of the crazed ramblings from me for now. time to sleep for a few hours, then get up and work some more! though this is a lot of effort, it’s effort i don’t mind putting in because i love this show, and i love y’all and my fellow translators so much. goodnight, and hope they don’t drop 5 clips tomorrow again!
~ Sarah 🌈
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
our songs interview — 1&2
summary: the question & answers — mentions of the cast members. (i’m sorry minjung is just minjung with her answers, but what do you expect when she doesn’t get along with 2/4 remaining cast members). warnings: none wc: 1k +
part 1
Do you know any of the competitors personally? If so, how do you feel they’ve done as a contestant on the show?
“of course i know the competitors, my own group member is the star of the cast.” it begins, false smiles and all as the cant in her chin and a quirk of a smile eludes to the beginning of false disguises on display. “suji unnie’s done amazing, don’t you think? coming top four all while balancing a solo comeback, so many promotions all while doing this song. it’s amazing how one body is able to handle that. not to mention fuse also has our schedules — she’s super human to me.” her eyes widen, she continues on. “i know taeyong sunbaenim too from working with him — and seeing how he’s managed to get better from health issues to work with me on the last episode, continue on with his great comeback and produce some of the greatest tracks on this show — i think that’s just something worth respecting as well.” it feels a bit like rambling, but it’s common knowledge that drawls of words become cut out, spliced together and whether she’ll be pinned as the villain or a hero becomes at the hands of producers. “i also know joohwan sunbaenim, and seeing as how he’s in origin, one of the biggest groups that’s paving the way for all of us here, all while managing the show? he’s a superstar. i think the full cast is just filled with superstars that shine so bright that it’s starting to hurt my eyes from squinting at the blinding nature of their radiance.”
From the songs uploaded onto streaming sites (both duets and solos), which one fits your personal taste the best? Why?
“easy — i like unity’s jaewon’s song, jasmine.” the question asks, and it takes a split second. a complete instantaneous response that slips her lips as the smile becomes unwavering, nearly eerie. “the song makes you feel something jittery inside the pit of your stomach like an ominous feeling of something? it’s rare a song can pull that out, set you still. give you the moodiness while serving something alluring — he’s talented, and he’s the superstar of this round. “as for the duet — i’d like to handpick the goldstar superstars. our company does a good job picking out idols, right?” there’s a half-hearted laugh, but she knows it’s one glazed for the audience to pick up as undying loyalty to the company she’s bound to. “the song is trendy, artistic vision — out of this world amazing. but what do you expect when it’s joohwan sunbaenim of origin and our supergirl unnie suji? it just made my heart stop.”
From the music videos for the solo songs, which one did you like the best? Why?
“i really like joohwan sunbaenim’s song — it reminds me of the jonas brothers. the old school car and leather jackets, and city lines. it’s 정신없어, but in a very composed juxtaposition that highlights the chorus and falls of the song. i think it works best with the song written, and the production value of the song seems well directed leaving for an overall cohesiveness of the music video. artistic direction and joohwan sunbaenim takes the cake. it’s no wonder he seems to always be busy working and releasing newer and more challenging concepts each time.”
What do you think is important to show in a final performance, whether it be in a concert, at a festival, or on a competition show?
“i think artistry is important — something that sets you apart from one-dimensionality. it’s easy to flow freely, slide into the confines of something just because it’s all you’ve known, or all you’ve practiced.” she pauses, eyes flitted up towards the lens. there’s a sheen in her eyes that gives leeway to mischief and a smirk that screams you don’t know what i’m thinking. “i think showing you’re not a robot or someone that finds thrill in stagnant brightness is important — showing facets of something different and not being another mary sue in a sea of blandness.”
Do you have any words of advice for performing a stage with high stakes?
“don’t think, relax. have fun — you already shine so bright you blind everyone, so what’s the point of worrying about other stars at that point?”
part 2
After seeing the live performances, if you could vote, which duet would you vote for and which solo song would you vote for? Why?
“the duet i’d vote for is joohwan sunbaenim’s and suji unnie’s. is it bad to say that i love my gold star family?” pure lies, sheer lies. and she’s brazen when her lips don’t falter from a smile, but merely widen at the statement. “i think the song is trendy, and catchy. two faces of gold star put together in a song, a rarity that anyone would ever get to see especially with how respected each one is in their own genres — this clash. isn’t this what all the fans in the world are waiting to see? and that’s why i would vote for that duo.” it’s easy. always has been since 2014 to pretend like there’s an emphasis on feeling in anything she speaks. but she plagues the public as a fool that sees her in a lack of transparency. “as for solos? i’d pick unity’s jaewon. jasmine is a niche rare sound people rarely explore, and it feels like a breath of fresh air to see someone explore something unexplored. like he’s climbing mount everest before everyone knew it was the biggest mountain climb — do you understand what i’m saying?” minjung laughs, takes a deep breath. a palm to mask her mouth. “it’s new, and i like the song the best. is there a reason more than that one?”
If any of the competitors were to write a song for you or your group, who would you choose? Why?
“taeyong sunbaenim. we’ve worked together on the last song, and he’s proven time and time again how much he’s crafted his work into an art instead of being one that follows the obstructions of what sells. a real creative genius as everyone knows. whatever he produces or decides to create comes with a full vision of creativity as he has so many years under his belt and a list of successful songs under his name. i’m sure even despite pressure he’s able to create something of quality.”
Would you ever want to compete in a competition show? If so, what kind?
″for now, i just want to think about today. i don’t think i could compete with the superstars for i’m a dull star in the sky. i haven’t found my sheen or my mark, and i can only hope to one day buff myself to blind. for now, i’m happy sitting still dulled and muted — the stars are out to shine for a reason, you know.” 
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[FINISHED] Maximilian - Das Spiel von Macht und Liebe (The Game of Power and Love) with English Subtitles
Maximilian - Das Spiel von Macht und Liebe (The Game of Power and Love) | With English subtitles
Episode 01: https://openload.co/f/29j8DLuPRMs/Maximilian-Episode1.mp4 Episode 02: https://openload.co/f/r89SpqFp67Q/Maximilian-Episode2.mp4 Episode 03: https://openload.co/f/ijT-CnCAlH0/Maximilian-Episode3.mp4
Also available on WLEXT: https://wlext.net/series/maximilian-das-spiel-von-macht-und-liebe
After the death of Mary of Burgundy’s father, she is the only heir to rule Burgundy. But as she is backed into a corner by her enemies, she must find a powerful husband and supporter. At the same time Maximilian of Austria clashes with his father, the Holy Roman Emperor. The young Maximilian is a fighter and out to make his own fortune.
Maximilian - Das Spiel von Macht und Liebe is a three part mini-series co-produced by the Austrian ORF and the German ZDF. Starz bought the rights to air it in the US in 2018 but has not done so so far.
There is apparently an official translation by amazon and itunes but I cannot comment on the quality of it. I noticed that just because a big streaming service offers them they are not always good (looking at you Netflix with Magnificent Century Season 1). I also do not know in which countries the series is even available. Someone else has also uploaded subtitles to opensubtitles. I also cannot comment on how well they are made. If you are impatient and need to know how the story continues immediately it might be an alternative, but you will need to provide your own footage of the series as far as I’m aware. I checked them and those are not English subtitles but German ones. While not helpful for most for you, they are for me whenever I get stuck not understanding what someone is saying and checking whether I heard something right or wrong. So thanks to @sabrinabirds for telling me about the site and by this indirectly contributing to an even better quality translation :) @everythingieverloved just told me that Starz will air the series this month and has already put it up onto their website. So if you are from the US and/or have (somehow) access to their service you can also watch the series there. I also cannot comment on their subtitles but if anyone knows how well made their are, please let me know. For the rest of you, who unfortunately are not from the US, have no access to starz, amazon or itunes and don’t speak German, do not panic! I will continue my translation (and annotations) for you.
You might like the series if you are interested in young, strong female rulers in their own right that have to defend their throne. The series also heavily features Margaret of York with whom fans of The White Princess should be familiar with. Maximilian is set before and a little time during The White Princess’ events. You might also want to watch the series if you liked Kerstin Gier’s Ruby Red Trilogy and its movie adaptation because Gideon de Villes and Maximilian of Austria are both played by German actor Jannis Niewöhner.
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cecillewhite · 5 years
Podcast 26: How to Extend Learning Content Availability – With Troy Gorostiza
To learn more about this podcast series or to see the full collection of episodes visit The Talented Learning Show main page.
Online learning has evolved so much over the years – it’s always eye-opening to talk with someone whose career has spanned all those phases. That’s exactly why I enjoyed comparing notes with today’s guest, Troy Gorostiza, President & CEO of Knowledge Stream and Co-Founder of Course Container.
Troy is a “triple threat” learning innovator with deep expertise as a content development practitioner, solutions consultant and technology vendor.
And today’s interview is especially interesting because we discuss a common issue that inspired Troy’s most recent venture – the need to improve learning content availability.
Organizational boundaries are rapidly expanding to include customers, partners, contractors and other external constituents. These broader business ecosystems bring opportunities to extend online training programs.
Until recently, several significant content availability obstacles limited the reach of online training providers.
New tools are emerging that promise to overcome key content availability issues without requiring organizations to replace existing learning systems.
Before we dive into what you’re doing with remote learning content tools, could you talk a bit about your background?
Sure. I’ve worked with training content and delivery systems since 1998. Initially, I focused on content development. But over time, I became involved with more complex projects for companies in a variety of industries.
As requirements for these solutions grew more sophisticated and clients increasingly served outward-facing audiences, I started specializing in how to make training available across extended enterprise environments. And I’ve remained focused on that space since 2001.
So you would describe yourself as a learning technologist?
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Although my degree is in instructional systems design, I’ve operated more like a learning architect. But I like to say I’m a puzzle maker. I help clients define their vision, then I help them put the right puzzle pieces together. Simple, isn’t it?
Right! Well, you’re definitely in the right place if you want to talk about extended enterprise learning, because that’s our world here at Talented Learning.
But as you know, organizations in the extended enterprise learning space face huge content availability challenges.
That’s true.
Organizations may want to buy your content but they may not want to send their learners to your LMS for access to that content. They may have their own LMS. Or they may buy content from 20 sources. Sending learners to a different vendor LMS for each course makes no sense!
You’ve hit the nail on the head, John. These issues are increasingly common. That’s why online learning providers need to make content available to users outside of their existing ecosystem.
In today’s economy, businesses must depend on partners, resellers, contractors and other external constituents to create value. And with that comes the need to build partner programs. Those programs can create new revenue streams by offering training that leverages your existing content assets.
At the end of the day, making your learning content more widely available is important because it builds brand recognition and strengthens strategic relationships. So this kind of extended enterprise content solution is a hybrid. It’s a training solution. It’s a learning solution. And it’s a marketing solution.
Right. So what do you do when an organization wants your content, but for whatever reason doesn’t want to send learners to your LMS?
The market definitely wants content to be more portable. Most organizations now have access to a learning platform of some sort, or they’re moving to a central system-of-record. Business and HR leaders want to offer their learners a simple, streamlined training experience. And they want a single, turnkey environment for administration and reporting. These goals are now technically achievable.
But for extended enterprise content providers, these advances pose a significant threat. Customers are no longer willing to go to their site and log-in to their system to consume content. That’s why providers are looking for an easy way to repackage and deliver their content, so it can exist outside of their system. They really just need a new marketing, sales and delivery channel that opens content to a broader audience.
Are we there yet?
Well, there are three primary concerns:
Who controls usage data? As a training provider, you don’t want to hand over your content to someone else. When you pass a content packet over the fence, you may lose access to reporting data. So how do you track training completions? This can have a direct impact on your financial performance, especially if you have a revenue sharing or cost-per-course agreement with content customers.
How do you update content? When you offer training to external audiences – whether it’s free or you’re charging for access – the most up-to-date version of your content must be available at all times to all learners, wherever they choose to consume it. An automated process can handle versions and updates much more efficiently and effectively than a manual approach.
What about security? These days, for obvious reasons, digital content must be secure. Also, training increasingly relies on high-fidelity video for things like animations and virtual reality. As you open up video-based content for access across your extended enterprise, you need to be sure this content will play well in any customer system.
So if you have an LMS, why can’t you just share a course-specific URL? Seems like external learners could just just point to that URL and launch your content. That’s how the web works…
I agree. I wish it was as easy as putting in a URL and everything would work correctly. That’s what happens today in WordPress and Drupal and commercial content management systems. You embed a video link and the video works just fine.
But we really need to track specific data for training and business purposes. And that involves SCORM.
Right. So, where does SCORM fit in?
As we all know, SCORM has been around for quite a long time as a data standard. But SCORM doesn’t make it easy to deal with cross-domain issues.
So let’s say your content is located in your LMS on one server. Access to that content is a problem for people using a different LMS on another server. That’s one of the main reasons why you can’t just point to a course-specific URL.
Plus there may be problems with legacy web browsers. Today, people mostly rely on Chrome, Safari and Firefox. But someone may be using an older version of Internet Explorer. What then? A standard is a standard, and for content to work, a learning management system must communicate with a piece of content in a very specific way.
Makes sense.
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Here’s an example. Let’s say you offer an “LMS Consulting 101” course that exists in your LMS at TalentedLearning.com. The SCORM standard won’t let your customers view the 101 course just by pointing to that content on your server.
Instead, that piece of training must be authored in a way that allows what we call the manifest of the index files of that course package to be loaded into your customer’s LMS, so their learners can pull up the content remotely, from another server.
In our world, we call this the relay or dispatch package. And as a content provider, you can do this today with industry tools and good SCORM programmers.
However, this only solves one of the three challenges I mentioned earlier. It only makes it possible for content to play in another LMS. It doesn’t address updates, reporting or licensing. And if you want to make training content highly available in a remote content world, you need to address all these key issues.
Interesting. So you could give a customer a SCORM package to put in their LMS. That SCORM package doesn’t contain any content, but it would point back to your LMS course?
And then you would have to manage updates, reporting and licensing on a course-by-course and update-by-update basis?
How about xAPI? That’s supposed to track anything from anywhere. Is that a solution for remote access to training content?
That’s a good question. There are three key training content standards:
SCORM – which represents 90% of today’s learning content
AICC – which many legacy content providers use for cross-system content sharing
xAPI – which focuses on extracting data from content with statements that can be sent to a system.
Although xAPI is highly secure, additional tools (learning record stores) are required for communication between systems in the network. So that approach isn’t easy or scalable if you want to offer content broadly to any number of external organizations that use many different types of systems.
Wow. That doesn’t sound easy.
No. From this perspective, xAPI actually is more complicated than SCORM for making remote content available.
So you’re simplifying all of this with Course Container?
Yes. We launched Course Container in 2018 as a solution to the various content sharing problems we’ve discussed.
It’s a secure, central platform that makes it easy for anyone to deploy, version and license online content, regardless of their learning platform. And it’s designed for the individual content creator, as well as for organizations with thousands of pieces of content. But the concept is the same for all.
Think of it as a utility that works side-by-side with existing systems. It’s a niche solution. We don’t want to try to do everything.
Cool. So how does Course Container work?
You upload one or more pieces of content into a SaaS or white-label branded solution. Next, you create a deployment. This is when you specify licensing parameters. For example:
How many users should have access to this content? (1? 100? 1000?)
How many times can those users launch this content? (1x? 10x? 100x?)
What is the timeframe for content availability? (Say you want 10 users to be able to launch the content up to 100 times by the end of the year.)
You can set-up any or all of these parameters at this level. This is also where you specify reporting access. For example, you may give access to Company A, B and C or to none of them.
Then you upload the content into the system – either through the front-end user interface or through the back-end via a secure FTP protocol we developed for large organizations with thousands of pieces of content.
At the end of the day, the deployment is created. A small relay/dispatch package is sent to each customer, and they upload the package into their learning system.
To illustrate, let’s go back to your 101 course. You upload it into Course Container. Then you create a deployment and you pass that to 100 different customers, each with their own LMS with its own thousands of users.
With just one piece of content going to all these different locations, you’re able to track usage of that content across the entire ecosystem – who’s launching it, when they launch it and which domain they use to launch it. In other words, you get all the standard SCORM data you need to run your business.
Wow – neat. So, what if I have 100,000 pieces of content? Do each of these 100 customers have to upload a package to their LMS 100,000 times? Or does it depend on their LMS?…
LMS Selection Step-by-Step
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With hundreds of learning systems available today, finding the right LMS for your unique extended enterprise needs can be tricky. But with so much at stake for, it’s worth the extra effort.
What exactly should you do to choose the best solution?
Walk step-by-step through a real-world example with John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning. You’ll learn:
How to develop a relevant business case and success metrics
Methods for researching and defining use cases and requirements
When to issue an RFP (or not)
Tips for creating a viable LMS shortlist
How to make the most of vendor demos and proof-of-concept projects
  Need Proven LMS Selection Guidance?
Looking for a learning platform that truly fits your organization’s needs?  We’re here to help!  Submit the form below to schedule a free preliminary consultation at your convenience.
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The post Podcast 26: How to Extend Learning Content Availability – With Troy Gorostiza appeared first on Talented Learning.
Podcast 26: How to Extend Learning Content Availability – With Troy Gorostiza original post at Talented Learning
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entrepreneursbloguk · 5 years
New Post has been published on Entrepreneurs Blog
New Post has been published on https://www.entrepreneursblog.co.uk/blog/5-passive-income-ideas-that-you-can-action-now/
5 Passive Income Ideas That You Can Action Now.
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Are you fed up of spending every waking hour working hard each day to make other people rich? Working 9-5, living pay slip to pay slip and never having enough money to actually save or have enough time to spend on the things you actually enjoy doing.
Well, the answer to this problem is passive income. You have a finite time to live on this planet, and the majority of that time is traded for a little bit of money. Wealthy people know this and change the equation and spend their time building their revenue streams to give them a passive income.
So to help you understand what things can help build a passive income revenue stream, and build one yourself, we have put together a list of 5 ways to earn a passive income.
Every idea on this list can be actioned and completed within a month or two and can earn passive income for years to come. So start now by spending some of your valuable time (when you’re not using it to make someone else richer) on one or more of these ideas and completely change your life for the better.
Idea 1: Write an ebook
Ebooks might not seem as profitable as other online revenue streams, but in my experience, they can be a great product to source a longterm passive income. An ebook can be something that you can put together within a month which could generate a passive income for years to come.
The reasons I love ebooks are;
They are relatively quick to put together and there is no real ongoing work once it has been completed (depending on your topic that is). You may need to update them from time to time, but generally speaking, it should look after its self.
Ebooks can earn you a passive income for years! Other streams of passive income sources can die out really quickly if you don’t keep them up to date. In my experience, an ebook that is based on an evergreen topic will keep generating an income for years.
You don’t have to be an amazing writer or even an expert to generate an income from an ebook. Many people will not write one as they are too scared, as they believe they don’t know enough about the topic and they think that they are not very good at writing. You just need to be brave, pick a topic that you know something about, and have an interest in and start. Write what you know about the topic and if you’re not already an expert then don’t pretend to be.
You can write your ebook from the perspective of a beginner, which might actually help your audience relate to you.
So how do you get started?
The best thing to do is just start. Think of a topic that you’re passionate in, and set up your Word Doc. Most eBooks are 50,000 words, but if you can write about 30,000 words then you’ll probably be fine. Once you’re done get a friend to proofread it, this will help fix typos or grammar issues.
Once you’re happy with your ebook, the next step is to get it published. smashwords.com is a great site that can help you with this. You can upload your Word document and they will convert it into the correct file type ready for distribution. They are able to get your ebook onto major distribution channels, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all other major e-book sites.
If you have a website, Youtube channel or social media following then you can use these to market your ebook as well.
It’s best to keep plugin your ebook to your market audience to increase the numbers seeing your published ebook.
Time to earn: 1 month Potential earning longevity: 10 years Earning potential for 30 days work: £100 – £1000 per month, but this depends on how you market it. Ongoing work: Almost none (depending on your choice of topic).
Idea 2: Build a passive income website
Here is the basic idea of building a passive income website. Take the same type of content that you would create an ebook and put it on your own website. If you target the right keywords (SEO) then with about 30 posts you can get enough traffic to earn a good income.
There are 3 ways you can earn income from your posts;
Affiliate products – you link to products that other people are selling (on Amazon or various other sites) and you earn a commission for every sale.
Advertising – Once you start to get some traffic, you can place ads from premium ad networks (like Google Adsense).
Information products – You can take some of your content and organise it into a premium content package. It can be in the format of a written guide, audio guide, or video course. You can then start selling this on your own site to those who want the premium content.
One key thing to building a passive income website is to make sure that you’re consistent. The biggest mistake that most people make is that they quit too soon. They write 30 + articles that don’t generate any money for 3 months they then give up and delete the site. Remember it is quite normal for a site to take 3-6months for its content to start bringing in any substantial amount of traffic.
It can be really easy to be overwhelmed when building a website from scratch, there is really a lot to think about, and a lot of things that need to be right on your site for it to get traction. If you’re not technically minded or don’t have the time to put together your site, then you can purchase a ready-made site with all of the technical bits and pieces in place. Click here for more info
Time to earn: 3-6 months Potential earning longevity: 2 to 15 years depending on the topic Earning potential for 30 days work: £500 to £5,000 per month Ongoing work required: Monthly updates, tweaks too content and weekly to fortnightly content writing.
Idea 3: Start a YouTube channel
Youtube is a huge opportunity for anyone looking to earn a passive income. Youtube can work just like a website. You pick a topic you can share information about and then start recording videos. The best way to do this is to keep them simple to start with, you can use your phone and YouTube video editor to give your self a starting point.
Once your channel starts to get views, you can start making money with ads. But that not even the best part. You can also recommend affiliate products and even sell your own information products from your channel.
The best way to start would be to spend a month making 30 or so videos. Upload them to your YouTube channel and schedule them to post once a week for 30 weeks. If it starts to pick up and you get positive view count and subscribers then you can decide to make more videos to keep promoting your affiliate products and your own products.
Time to earn: 5 -10 months Potential earning longevity: 1 to 5 years Earning potential for 30 days of work: £500 per month Ongoing work required: Adding more video content on a regular basis will dramatically grow your earnings.
Idea 4: Record a podcast
A podcast works in a similar way to a Youtube channel, it’s just through a different medium. You will need to record your podcast a bit like a TV show by adding seasons. Spend the next month recording 30 episodes on any topic that you’re interested in and schedule them to go out one a week. Podcasts work best if they are informative and entertaining. Think about how it is going to be listened to, most people will be listening to your podcast whilst driving or at the gym, don’t give them too much to do whilst they are listening.
Time to earn: 1 month Potential earning longevity: less than 2 years Earning potential for 30 days of work: £50 to £500 Ongoing working required: Just like a Youtube channel, the more content you create on a regular basis, the more your earnings will grow.
Idea 5: Start investing
Investing is the most important source of passive income over the course of your life. If you’re not putting money aside into some kind of investment then you’re missing out on more money.
The difference in how much wealth you can accumulate if you start investing is astounding. Every wealthy person on the planet understands how to make their money work for them and not the other way round.
There are a few ways that you can get started with investing. You can invest in commodities such as gold & silver, stocks or buying assets, like buy-to-let housing, that generate cash flow. Set aside a little bit of money every month, and build up a bit of a surplus. The idea is to create a bit of a buffer with money that you can afford to lose if everything goes south in your investment portfolio. You can decide where to put this money but the idea is to convert it into an asset that generates more money. Make your money work for you rather than you working for money.
If you don’t know anything about investing I would suggest that you spend some time learning as much as you can about it. A great place to start would be Rich dad poor dad, Robert Kiyosaki does a very good job in explaining how investing works in a simple way and will give you a solid base to start from.
Time to earn: immediately Potential earning longevity: Forever Earning potential for 30 days of work: infinite Ongoing work required: check in occasionally, learn as you grow, invest more.
All of the above ideas are a great way to start building your finances so that you can begin to have a bit more freedom within your life. Although each of the ideas will take a bit of work, to begin with, once the foundations have been built it they will pretty much look after themselves. The biggest hurdle to all of this is getting started. So free up some of your valuable time, and put it to good use, something that you will benefit from in the long term.
0 notes
atopfourthwall · 7 years
State of the Wall: 6-2-17
You know the drill! A bunch of stuff coming up, some questions for you guys, and a few general announcements!
Schedule of Upcoming Episodes 6/5 – Babylon 5 #1 6/12 – The Star Wars #5 6/19 – PATREON: All-New Ghost Rider, volume 2 6/26 – Miller Time: Robocop vs. the Terminator #2 7/3 – Superman vs. the Terminator #2 7/10 – Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: News By Computer Foils Kidnappers 7/17 – Ultimate Power #4 7/24 – PATREON: Delicious in Dungeon, vol. 1 7/31 – Batman: Odyssey #1
As always, the schedule is subject to change for any reason I see fit, particularly if it is not funny, though the Patreon-sponsored episodes are a pretty safe bet (although Delicious in Dungeon may only be a chapter or two depending on length).
Storyline 90% of the remainder of the storyline is written, it just comes down to filming it. I’m trying my damndest to get this all together and barring real-life emergencies or unavailability of actors, I should be able to start pumping out more storyline stuff over the next several episodes, hopefully concluding ASAP. There are about 10-11 more storyline segments if I counted correctly (some of which will be both beginning and end of episodes) and getting them done is my highest priority aside from just making videos.
Player Changeover Progress As you may have noticed, there are currently A LOT of videos still down. The problem is really just that I have to collect the embed codes for those videos… and there are over 1,000. The good news is that most everything has youtube links, so there IS still a place to view them. The first 300 or so Atop the Fourth Wall episodes have been updated and while progress is slow, it IS happening. However, there’s a new snag there.
I replaced the History of Power Rangers embeds… and they are now not viewable. About twenty of the videos have been taken down from Vid.me by DMCA takedown notices. These are a real thing and different from a youtube copyright strike. The good news is that, from all accounts, Vid.me is MUCH better about talking to content producers about resolving these things, so I will work on getting them back… but I promise nothing – they may be unwilling to restore the videos that were taken down and frankly I’m not exactly enthusiastic about utilizing MULTIPLE video hosts on the site JUST to accommodate History of Power Rangers… and any other platform that hosts them may just have the same issue. I haven’t had a chance to try contacting them yet – just been too busy with other projects, mainly finishing the DVD and Event Comics Month, but I will be doing so and I’ll try to update you all when new information becomes available.
I might need to simply go with the youtube versions for the videos simply because the old videos don’t hold up to scrutiny for players. I’d LIKE to keep the old versions up for posterity’s sake, but the simple fact is that if they’re just going to keep getting taken down off of other platforms, there’s no point it continuing to try to save them, especially when the youtube versions have (for the most part) worked fine.
Longbox of the Damned I regret to announce that there will be no Midsummer’s Nightmare this year for Longbox of the Damned. I considered all my options, but simply put the kind of work I WANT to do with it would occupy a great deal of my time and distract me from getting other work completed, most especially the storyline. October will indeed still have regular Longbox videos, but this year we have to cancel the additional summer theme ones. My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to it – I hope to be in a better place to do it again next year. I’m also planning on having another bumper contest for this year’s Longboxes, so feel free to start thinking up ideas for that early!
History of Power Rangers It’s probably going to be a while before I get to the In Space youtube videos, mostly because of other the other projects. And of course you won’t be seeing a Ninja Steel video until that’s all done and released on video. That being said, Dino Charge’s views are… pretty low right now, which I ascribe to the fact that it, much like the Samurai and Megaforce videos, are Unlisted on youtube. A lot of my audience has shifted to mostly youtube-based stuff and because the videos are unlisted, they don’t get viewed as often.
I’m going to ask for you guys’ opinions here. The reason they’re unlisted is because I want stuff to be released in order, just as much to avoid people constantly asking “why is THIS being released and not In Space/whatever other season is next?!” However, as I continue to build more of an audience and get more revenue, there is something to be said about just having the videos out there anyway. So here’s the question: should I just make them all public anyway, even though we’ve still got a dozen series to be revamped for youtube?
Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron The next Pokémon Omicron stream will be Monday, July 17th at 7 PM Central time! We’re nearing the end and while the sessions will probably start consisting more of grinding than anything else, we might have something special in store for when we get to the Elite 4 – which I’m considering the end of the Let’s Play simply because of how long it’s gone on. I’ll try to get back to work releasing more episodes ASAP, since I’ve certainly got plenty of footage now to work with.
DVD Volume 3 Released! In case you somehow missed the announcement, Atop the Fourth Wall vol. 3: Character Reboot is now available for sale! As a reminder, volumes 1 and 2 have now gone down in price!
You can buy the DVDs via credit card HERE!
You can buy the DVDs via Paypal HERE!
Release Date/Time Change? So Event Comics Month finally concluded… aaaand the videos were late. All but Secret Wars came out late… but only just, because Secret Wars finished up a minute before 10 AM Central time on Monday, which has been the official release time for new episodes for the last several years. To be perfectly honest, I’ve been slipping when it comes to getting stuff finished ahead of time. I don’t know if I’m being lazier, if it’s a matter of taking on too many projects and thus continually rushing to finish stuff later, or simply that Atop the Fourth Wall ITSELF is growing larger and larger, with more and more episodes getting longer and thus TAKING longer to finish.
While of course I know my fans are very patient with me in releasing episodes, I take great pride in getting episodes out on time and I want to see that happen again. As such, I’d like to open the floor to the possibility of changing the release day and time. Why would this affect thing? Well, sometimes stuff in my personal life is what prevents me from getting stuff out on time – I have to go somewhere, meet with people, etc. And the fact is that a lot of the time this happens on the weekend, when that’s also supposed to be crunch time trying to get the video done with. As such, shifting the release date to later in the week might help. On that same note, changing the time of release. Originally, the videos were released at 4 PM on Mondays. That changed a short time later because ThatGuyWithTheGlasses needed their videos scheduled by 10 AM to be up that day on their site. That’s still the case, but I could simply have it released there the next day instead of on the same day it’s uploaded.
The original logic of Monday at 4 PM was that Monday was the most stressful time of the week, since it’s the beginning of the work/school week, so releasing something around the time people generally got home from those made sense to give something to people to de-stress with. Do you guys prefer things the way they are, with occasionally lapsing release times, or would you prefer another day of the week and time for videos to be released?
Conventions Sadly, Wausaubicon has been cancelled, so I will not be making an appearance there.
Anime Midwest – I’ll of course be at Anime Midwest again at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, Illinois on July 7-9!
Conbravo – I will of course be attending ConBravo again in Hamilton, Ontario on July 28-30! Doug Walker will also be there and a slew of other people!
Geek.Kon – I’ll be going to Geek.Kon in Madison, Wisconsin for the first time on August 25-27! Other guests include Brad Swaile, Jeff Nimoy, and Robert Axelrod!
That’s it for this time! Tell me what you think of all this in the comments and I hope you enjoy the next two months!
38 notes · View notes
It was the morning I was going to get the bow. Made from the wood from the Tha'syl forest, it would be the first bow I would use in my whole life that wasn’t a hand-me-down. The entire previous night, the song of the Cleric had been ringing in my ears. I went to sleep humming it, and I woke up humming it. I’d heard it only once before, when we made camp, on our quest to retrieve the goblet of the elven queen. And yet, it had remained lodged in my head like a fly in a spider’s web. I’d devoured it, and now it was a part of me: every note, every sound, every plucked string of the harp, every beat of the drum.
“I don’t really know if I’m ready for this,” I said, kneeling before my mentor, the old elf Dorannir. He conferred the bow to me, and I didn’t really have much choice in accepting it.
“You’ll never be ready for it if you keep wondering,” he said, “I spent a good deal on having this made, just for you. You deserve it, more than anyone else I know.”
“Even more than Tele'zica?” I asked. The very name made his face drop, and I fell sorry for bringing her up. “You know I would rather not have to think of her,” he said. I nodded and apologised. I felt the bow in my hands. I drew the string and fired at a blob of goo jumping around near the trees. It died instantly. Satisfied, I retrieved the arrow, and also some of the gold the blob had left behind.
I had an MP3 of the song. Yeah, that was a different era—YouTube was too unknown, and you didn’t have Spotify or Pandora to stream songs from. Back then, you searched high and low on the Internet for songs. And this song, from the MMO? Oh, it was rare. I found it on a file sharing tracker: a private one. It was like my little treasure. I played it over and over again. That probably explains my obsession with it.
Dorannir had been moved by the song too. Or well, that’s what I called him most of the time, but his screen name was Sugi49. The 49 stood for the year the People’s Republic of China was founded. He’d admitted that he’d had questionable taste in screen names as a kid. Any way, he had some video editing program, and he was working on a video for the song. It would have lyrics, and graphics and even animations and stuff. I think you kids call it ‘lyrics video’ nowadays.
“I know what you’re wishing,” I said to him over MSN Messenger, “You wish Tele'zica was here to hear the song.”
“Yeah,” he replied. He sent a nudge, which shook the entire chat window around. He knew I hated that.
I knew the full lyrics to the song by now, and I’d sung it a few times. Sugi49 wanted to hear me sing it, but my voice was too terrible for that.
I played the recording back. My microphone was terrible, and it picked up a lot of noise. All in all, it sounded like my voice was coming out of a shoddy radio. With a beating heart, I searched online for a host to upload it on (again, you have to remember that this was a time before Google Drive, Vocaroo, Dropbox and all these fancy services). I didn’t find one, so I told Sugi49 that I’m going to send it over MSN Messenger. And I did. And on my speed, it was going to take four hours to send one audio file. I sighed.
“It’s not really very good, and the microphone is bad too, so like, don’t judge it too much, okay?” I said.
Sugi49 lol’d. “I just hope neither of us have a disconnect. Then we’ll have start the transfer all over again,” he said. Ugh, I thought—disconnects are the worst.
I spent the next hour reading the MMO’s official forums. It was our own little community. A little hidey-hole from the rest of the world. I say this in retrospect, of course. Back then, it was just there—just so obvious, that I never even questioned it being there for me. I wouldn’t have used the term ‘escapist fantasy’ then because it just sounds so patronising. Like I’m a fucking child who needs escapist play to feel good about myself.
And then, on another lazy refresh, I saw the thread. It was Dorannir’s thread about the lyric video he’d made. “What the fuck?” I said to him over messenger, “You didn’t show me first?”
“Surprise!” he replied.
The video had been uploaded to this new video uploading site that was starting to pick up popularity. It was like Photobucket for videos, you could say. They called it… YouTube.
I started playing the video, and it took ages to buffer. I decided to leave it on buffer and left the computer. I helped mum cook, and she was glad about that, for once. I was glad I could make mum happy. Even though she’s a bitch most of the time.
When I returned, I hit play on the video. The video wasn’t really special, you have to understand. It was actually quite bad in comparison to what gets made today. But Sugi49 had poured his everything into it. It was full of effects. There were images from the game: wallpapers from the official site, key art, concept art, loading screens, even a screenshot or two. Sugi49 had used almost every transition and every effect available in his program. There was that old-timey-movie effect, there was the black-and-white, there was the shredder transition.
The song was ethereal, and Sugi49 had used imagery from outside the game, too. Clouds, forlorn-looking elven girls, full moons shining over the sea. There was an album cover, too. The band was Nightwish. He loved them, but I only got into metal much later.
And of course the video stopped buffering midway through. So much for waiting an hour for it to load.
Sugi49’s video blew up on the forum. No one had really made a lyrics video for this specific song from this specific MMO before, so it proved to be really popular, and a lot of players with internet connections far better than mine praised him for his effort and how cool the video was and asked him if he was going to make more.
He didn’t talk to me much that day. Of course he didn’t. He was too busy talking to people on the forum and answering private messages. He didn’t even show up in the game. I tried playing a bit myself, using my new bow, but I couldn’t bring myself to hum the song anymore. I didn’t even like being a Cleric class and using the bow. I wanted to punch the Cleric ‘Sister’ who sings the song in the game. It’s a stupid song.
I asked Sugi49 on Messenger if he listened to my recording. He said my connection dropped during the transfer and it was interrupted. I started the transfer again. Meanwhile, an anime episode I had on download finally completed downloading, so I hit play. As a side, I feel like the long downloads from back then really meant something. When you’ve had to spend days for an episode, weeks for a series, a month or two for a game, you start to treat them as something special. It’s almost like spending money on entertainment, except not.
I left a comment in the forum. “Nice video, Dorannir,” it said. Nice and simple. He never thanked me for it. Fine, I thought. I’ll just listen to J-Pop and anime themes. Fucking Sailor Moon cared more for me than Sugi49.
I didn’t really know what came over me to hate Sugi49’s popularity. It was like he’d been torn away from me. He’d become famous and now he probably didn’t care about little ol’ me. It was so stupid, but I couldn’t shake it off. Mum asked if I’ll help her cook. I told her I’m not feeling up to it. She said something passive aggressive. I sniped back. We argued. Also, fuck Sugi49.
In the evening, I asked him if he’d listened to my recording. He said he hadn’t. Then he checked, to make sure. Nope, the file download had stalled at 42% for some reason, and it wasn’t moving beyond that. We waited half an hour to be sure, and then cancelled the transfer. “This is never going to work,” I typed, and deleted a sad face emoticon before sending the message.
“Prolly not,” he said.
“Enjoying your new-found popularity?” I asked.
“Yeah sure, why not,” he replied.
“Well, there are people who don’t enjoy popularity, you know. Or like, there’s impostor syndrome, if you’ve heard of that,” I said.
“Ugh, so many PMs,” he said, “I give up answering all of them. Brb, gonna get some lunch.”
I played the recording of my voice again. And again. My own ugly voice singing to myself. I wanted to get on a boat, ride out into the middle of the ocean, and drown the damn recording. I’d let it sink to the bottom of the ocean floor only after I was sure it was dead. Unfortunately, digital data cannot be drowned.
That, and I’m scared shitless of open bodies of water.
Call it prophecy, call it a vision from the future, call it what you will. I realised how little all of this matters. I won't be playing this game forever. It's not even particularly huge, so it's almost likely going to be shut down at some point. Will Sugi49 and I still be friends then? Will the forums continue? Probably not the latter—those will be shut down with the game. The roleplays, the fanfiction, the discussion threads and polls, all gone. All the comments praising Dorannir and his mighty lyrics video would disappear into the aether of the internet, only to be resurrected in some Internet Archive page—if anyone cares to look.
It made me sad.
I messaged Sugi49. "Sorry," I said. "What for?" he said almost immediately. "I don't know, just sorry, I guess," I said. He sensed that I was having a pretty profound time right now, so he chose to accept the apology.
"Can you upload that audio to YouTube?" he asked me. He helped me put the audio into a video container with a basic title screen and a graphic of the game. It was kinda cool. I set it for upload, and sighed, almost certain that my connection was going to drop, or the upload was going to stall, or someone was going to bomb my house, or I was going to die in a flood, or something.
I went around looking at some fanart. and that's when I got a message from an excited Sugi49. "You won't believe what just happened," he said. I disagreed, but never mind. "Tele'zica just messaged me. She said the video is great. She's alive! I don't believe this," he said.
The irony is that he definitely didn't believe this, but I did. I mean, why the hell would I care enough to not believe it.
"What did she say?" I offered some interest.
"Nothing, just 'great video'," he said, but soon after added, "She's asking me how I am and stuff now. She's really back."
"Good for you," I typed, and deleted it without sending.The upload was working, so I just stared at the progress bar for a while. It moved really, really slow.
Somewhere in the game, in a forest where monsters once roamed, I sat down next to the campfire. "It's nice to be alone," I typed in the local chat. There was nobody around. Just me, and the chat box. There will be a time when even I won't be here. And the chat box won't be here. We'll only remember it by screenshots—old photographs proving that it once existed, and that it displayed people's messages.
Everything passes? The bow I have, that Dorannir spent so much gold on. The graphics and sounds here. All gone, but still tormenting me in my memories.
So what happened then? No, my YouTube video upload failed. And then at one point, my computer broke and I had to get the hard drive formatted, so I lost both the audio of me singing and the video I'd made out of it. Sugi49 and I stopped talking daily, then weekly, then monthly, and now we barely say hi.
Nearly a decade later, his lyrics video is still up on YouTube, although the comments have stopped trickling in. I can always revisit that—until YouTube is gone too, I guess.
This post was delayed due to technical issues.
Today’s throwback story is about a really tall tower.
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reviewandbonuss · 5 years
Skilexa Review : Bonus
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Amazon Alexa is the #1 opportunity today to get easy traffic and leads. Why? Amazon Alexa and "Flash Briefing Skills" is the biggest and best opportunity to get new traffic and leads for online marketers today. That sounds like a pretty big claim, but that’s exactly what #1 content marketer Gary Vaynerchuk recently said himself.
Did you know that using something called "Alexa Flash Briefing Skills", or short audio snippets/reports Alexa users can receive each day on their Alexa device, local and online businesses can tap into millions of Alexa listeners right now? Flash Briefings are daily updates Alexa users receive each day from their Alexa device by saying “Alexa, what’s the news?” or “Alexa, play my Flash Briefings.”
These can provide educational content from a particular brand they’re subscribed to as well as inform them about special sales, deal, products, and more. The world is moving toward “voice-first” content consumption and Alexa is the lead dog changing the way how the world gets and consumes content.
  So What Is Skilexa?
Skilexa is groundbreaking cloud app that helps anyone quickly and easily create Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings to drive traffic and sales on autopilot. You can break free from selling saturated ‘me-too’ marketing services and offer local and online businesses something fresh to bring in leads that works like gangbusters.
It also includes the Commercial Rights so that you can provide this new kind of service to clients, especial those who are local business owners.
Skilexa is totally fresh new but tried-and-tested by its renowned creators, including a team of skilled and experienced coders. If you find difficult to approach your audience, Skilexa might be your good choice right now.
Profiting from Skilexa Works in 4 Steps
Contact : Decide on a niche for yourself. Or let your client know they can get their business onto Amazon to reach new customers and keep their current ones up-to-date with promotions and news. Alexa marketing works for any business including “brick and mortar” businesses, blogs, eCom shops, Podcasters, and more.
Create : Begin uploading content to Skilexa to make into a Flash Briefing to send to Amazon. These can short, helpful tips in the form of text paragraphs, audio snippets, videos, and more. 
The best part is, you don’t need to create the content from scratch. Curate text or audio from previous blog posts, podcasts, and more using built-in content creation tools inside the app.
Schedule : Schedule briefings to send 30 days in the future so your Alexa channel users always have a fresh stream of daily content. After you’ve uploaded your content, hit “Send” and Skilexa will send your Flash Briefings right to Amazon with no complicated coding required for new listeners to find.
Profit : Sit back and relax as thousands of new leads start joining your list and buying your product Charge a monthly fee to keep your client’s Alexa channel updated each week with fresh briefings.
Skilexa Video Review
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Skilexa - Features
Create Alexa Flash Briefings in Just a Few Clicks : Create text-based, audio, or video Alexa Flash Briefings with just a few clicks and schedule them to your Amazon Alexa for customers to find and engage with.
Create Alexa Podcast Briefings in Minutes : You can also connect an RSS feed of your podcast to syndicate your podcast episodes straight to your Alexa channel in just minutes to reach a whole new audience with no extra work needed.
Schedule Briefings in the Future to Send to Amazon : Batch and schedule your briefings 30 days in advance with Skilexa. This will save tons of time from having to log in every day if you want to put out daily flash briefings. Schedule an entire month's worth of Alexa content in just minutes now.
Built-in Audio Recorder : Record your flash briefing right there inside Skilexa saving hours importing the file. Knock out entire months worth in a few minutes, then sit back and relax as new leads come to your site all month from Alexa.
Amazon S3 Resource : Library Import any audio or video files you want to use as a Flash Briefing from any of your buckets inside Amazon S3 with the Skilexa’s Amazon S3 Resource Library.
Skilexa Content Generator : Pull content from your blog to Skilexa to use as a text briefing from right inside the app saving hours.
Skilexa - OTOs
OTO #1 : Skilexa Platinum : With this upgraded edition of Skilexa, customers will be able to create more campaigns and more briefings. It includes the ability to schedule 100 days in advance (instead of only 30 days).
It also includes advanced text-to-speech feature to convert your written text into spoken audio for Flash Briefings, DFY drag/drop landing page templates to capture Flash Briefing listeners, and even more.
OTO #2 : Skilexa Agency : With the Agency version, customers can add clients with their own login and allow them to create the briefings FOR them. They can charge any amount they like for access.
This allows them now to manage multiple Amazon developer channels if the client wishes to have full control of their flash briefings and Alexa channel.
OTO #3 : Skilexa Whitelabel Version 50, 100 Accounts : In a rare opportunity, you can resell Skilexa 1.0 services with agency accounts with their own logo and domain. This allows them to start their own profitable, fully-branded software business. They get full updates and bug fixes including access to use our support.
OTO #4 : PlayPix Special Offer : You get access to the popular PlayPix software to create marketing videos alongside their Alexa services at a heavily discounted price. This drag-n-drop video creator lets anyone create studio-quality videos in minutes with brand-new technology and no learning curve needed.
Skilexa Review - Bonuses
Because I loved this app and think this is the biggest opportunity this year you’ll get tons of high-value bonuses including : 
Bonus #1 : Amazon Alexa Tricks and Easter Eggs w/ Agency Rights : Show your Skilexa clients you’re an Amazon Alexa expert w/ this collection of cool tricks and tactics you can do to your Alexa device.
Bonus #2 : Reseller Rights to Responsive Video Gallery App : The ultimate gallery plugin that supports audio, video, images, posts, instagram and mixed gallery. Build beautiful video portfolios showcasing for clients w/ this.
Bonus #3 : Commercial Rights to Video Hub PRO : A whole new level of our flagship video monetization technology that allows you to…Instantly Create UNLIMITED & 10X MORE Profitable Video Campaigns. Generate 500% MORE.
Bonus #4 : Commercial Rights to LeadMonsterSuite : Get access to Lead Monster, Heat Monster and Authority Monster in one. Create popups, convert custom designs into lead capturing machines and increase conversions by sharing content.
Bonus #5 : Agency Rights to Local Facebook Reviewer : Help your clients get & display their local Facebook reviews form clients! Includes 10 reviews templates, 10 pages design, different displays, & more.
Bonus #6 : Fastest Google Cache with Agency Rights : Google page speed is crucial to rank & get traffic, & now you can make your Wp pages lightning fast w/ this ultimate Google cache plugin.
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If you have any information about create by Multiplyzer that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your Multiplyzer Review below.
How to Get Your Skilexa Bonus?
If you want to be SURE that we get credited for your purchase, so that you can be SURE to get your Skilexa Bonus, then I suggest you empty your browser cache (Click Here To Learn How), close all your web browser windows, then click on the link above! Then make the purchase!
I’ve arranged with the Skilexa team to make all these bonuses available to you in the members area. After making your purchase, the bonuses will be instantly available inside it. It is that simple! Just be doubly sure that you purchase through my recommendation link to qualify for this bonus bundle.
The next blog post was initially seen on Skilexa Review : Bonus
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
0 notes
theonyxpath · 4 years
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate art by Yihyoung Li
Hello, everyone! This is Dixie doing the Monday Meeting notes this week, so expect 89% fewer puns. We had a pretty short meeting this week, and focused mainly on what we and our freelancers are doing during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. As far as our day jobs go here at Onyx Path, it’s business as usual since we work from home, but we know that’s not the case for everyone. We have freelancers who work in healthcare, some who are immunocompromised or otherwise susceptible, and then others who have to take care of older family members or small children as cancellations continue.
In addition to anyone directly impacted by the outbreak, there’s also the spate of conventions being cancelled, and many people have had to postpone/cancel trips and events. this is very much still a developing situation, and we encourage our freelancers and fans to take measures to keep themselves safe and healthy. While some people may think, “Oh, this will mean everyone can get a lot of their freelance work done while they’re self-isolating!” that’s not always going to be the case (childcare, housemates all being home, etc.) but we’re working with our freelancers as best we can.
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate art by Gunship Revolution
The Onyx Pathcast hosts in particular would like to apologize if anyone thought we were making light of the COVID-19 outbreak in last week’s episode. I assure you, everyone here is taking it seriously.
That said, self-isolation can be difficult if you’re used to being around people, including gathering for tabletop games, so our friends at Astral Virtual TableTop are giving everyone their paid features for free during this time! There’s a post about it here: https://ift.tt/2TTFS5O, but your account should already have the features unlocked.
That’s all well and good, you might say, but I don’t have any new games to try out! Well, we’ve got you covered on that front, too. Today, you can pick up V20 Dark Ages for free at DriveThruRPG, and we’re putting up a new free corebook every day this week. They’re only up for one day each folks, so make sure you grab the ones you want!
You can get V20 Dark ages here today: https://ift.tt/2QjDtiw
Tuesday we’ll be offering the Werewolf 20 core here: https://ift.tt/38RNqdL
Wednesday is Mage 20: https://ift.tt/2IU0dBE
Thursday is Changeling 20: https://ift.tt/3b2fJr8
And we’re wrapping up the week by descending into the Underworld with Wraith 20: https://ift.tt/2vwtfEA
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate art by Gong Studios
In other news, the Legendlore Kickstarter is ongoing, and we’re close to halfway funded! I, personally, am a big fan of the setting. As Ian A. A. Watson put it on Twitter:
Do you like El-Hazard, Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, Wizard of Oz, Chronicles of Narnia, Neverending Story, Magic Kingdom of Landover, Apprentice Adept, Castle Perilous, or the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon?
If so, this book is for you. Check it out and read manuscript updates here: https://ift.tt/2x03Pzp
Another cool thing you can do while you’re home is to attend Gehenna Gaming‘s VirtualHorror Con April 4-6. From the website:
VirtualHorror Con is a two-day virtual horror tabletop RPG convention that can be experienced on any screen no matter where you are. Many of your favorite events and conventions have been canceled, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the convention experience. This event will give fans and players the opportunity to connect with the game developers, artists, and publishers they love. No lines. Safe social distancing. Horror-themed actual play streams, live panels, and digital tabletop RPG one-shot sessions running the whole time!
All ticket and raffle sales will go to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization to support the development of vaccines, tests, and treatments for the coronavirus pandemic.”
For more information, check out https://ift.tt/2TTwcbC
There isn’t much else that came out of our meeting, as people are just buckling down to get some work done and continue monitoring the situation. We’re still working on the Dragon-Blooded surprise and will have that out to backers as soon as we can! So stay safe, wash your hands, and as always…
Many Worlds, One Path!
As noted above, Legendlore is in its first week of Kickstarter! Please go check it out; it’s a truly awesome book, compatible with the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game!
Onyx Path Media!
This week, we’re talking Scarred Lands with Travis Legge!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Despite everything in the world right now, or maybe because of it, we’ve got a massive number of shows for you on Twitch this week. Please tune in for an enjoyable distraction! We’re going to have three games of V5, as well as Chronicles of Darkness, Pugmire, Hunter: The Vigil, Changeling: The Lost, Mage: The Awakening, Scarred Lands, and a Dark Eras Werewolf: The Forsaken chronicle! 
This week sees the finale of Blood City as well as the finale of Uptown Shadows. I would like to give major recognition to both streams for their fantastic work in bringing our games out to the audience. Thank you! You can subscribe to our channel over on twitch.tv/theonyxpath to catch up with any episodes you missed! (Another great idea for social distancing!)
Come take a look at our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/theonyxpath, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more, including:
Scion: Behind the Screen: https://youtu.be/v9Wo38rl5-Y
Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion: https://youtu.be/hxSbemynBLs
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Last Faerie Tale: https://youtu.be/gKAm-zGxTW4
Even more Scion: Behind the Screen: https://youtu.be/QDSIS_ClFbE
Pugmire: Paws & Claws: https://youtu.be/Ddm-cl48OR0
And even more Changeling: The Lost: https://youtu.be/dqM0ZdeS88s
Do subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online!
The Story Told RPG Podcast reaches the penultimate episode of their excellent Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition chronicle right here: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/the-78-laments-episode-4-passenger
And if you missed it, here’s The Story Told’s review of Trinity Continuum: Aeon http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/episode-40-trinity-continuum-on-overview
Red Moon Roleplaying’s V5 Cults of the Blood Gods “The Family” chronicle continues on their YouTube channel, Spotify, their website redmoonroleplaying.com and everywhere else good podcasts might be found! https://youtu.be/PDPZyy-ZHNw
More new Occultists Anonymous for all you Mage: The Awakening fans out there:
Episode 88: Arms and Armor – Wyrd has a terrible premonition about the strike on the vampire Prince. The cabal helps ready Songbird when she is called to action by the Adamantine Arrow.  https://youtu.be/WPHjGDGwRmQ
Episode 89: Tactical Yeet – Songbird enters the vampire Prince’s haven with a small team of Adamantine Arrows while the rest of the cabal scrys on the proceedings. Things don’t go according to plan, in several ways.https://youtu.be/r5zuU4UglYs
Please check these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games! We’d love to feature you!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
Update: the devs are working on the updates for the roller in both Android and iOS; here is the rundown from them:
1) Redo the UI for system for Android. It will look the same as the current design. My goal is to have something ready by Saturday to send out to the Facebook users, asking them if this fixes the issues. This will be a beta type thing. This will break several of the fancy dice.
2) If the above worked out and the android users give all the clear, we’ll redo the graphics system to fix the fancy dice that got broken. We’ll do another Android beta through Facebook. This might take up to two weeks, as my schedule allows.
3) If everything worked well, we’ll release to Android for real at that point.
4) Port all of the existing stuff to iOS and release on that.
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost Second Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And now Scion Origin and Scion Hero and Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This week, Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition will be available on Studio2, IPR, and DriveThruRPG! Yay!
Though it’s subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, here’s our current list of upcoming conventions:
UKGames Expo: https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/
GenCon: https://www.gencon.com/
Tabletop Scotland: https://tabletopscotland.co.uk/
Gamehole Con: https://www.gameholecon.com/
PAX Unplugged: https://unplugged.paxsite.com/
And now, the new project status updates!
(We know why you’re here.
Development Status from Eddy Webb! (Projects in bold have changed status since last week.):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep.)
Scarred Lands – RUST (working title)
TC Aeon – Under Alien Suns
TC Aeon – Mission Statements
TC Aberrant – Novas Worldwide
Exalted 3rd – Adversaries of the Righteous
Exalted – Exalted: Essence Edition
Deviant the Renegades – The Clades Companion
Deviant the Renegades – The Devoted Companion
Scion – Saints and Monsters
Mage: The Ascension – Rich Bastard’s Guide to Magick
Scion – Wild Hunt
Exalted 3rd – Dragon-Blooded Novella 2 (Roy)
TC Adventure – Adventure!
Exalted 3rd – Hundred Devils Night Parade
Mummy: The Curse – The Book of Lasting Death
Chronicles of Darkness – Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters
TC Aberrant – N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment
Second Draft
Exalted 3rd – Exigents
Exalted 3rd – Crucible of Legends
Exalted – Many-Faced Strangers (Lunars Companion)
Changeling: The Lost – Kith and Kin
They Came From – They Came from Beyond the Grave!
Trinity Continuum – Assassins
Exalted 3rd – Heirs to the Shogunate
TC Aberrant – Aberrant Reference Screen
Exalted 3rd – Across the Eight Directions
Chronicles of Darkness – The Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks
Mage the Ascension – Victorian Mage
Manuscript Approval
Scion – Scion: Dragon
Scion – Masks of the Mythos
Scion – Scion: Demigod
Post-Approval Development
Scion: Origin and Hero LARP
Geist the Sin-Eaters: One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart
Legendlore – Legendlore  
Realms of Pugmire – Pirates of Pugmire additional adventure
TC Aeon – Terra Firma
Exalted – Lunars Novella (Rosenberg)
Realms of Pugmire – Buried Bones: Creating in the Realms of Pugmire  
They Came From – Tales of Aquatic Terror
Mummy: The Curse – Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition  
Scion – Titanomachy
Chronicles of Darkness – Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle  
Chronicles of Darkness – Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart
TC Aberrant – Aberrant Jumpstart
Trinity Continuum – Jumpstart
Post-Editing Development
Hunter: The Vigil – Hunter: The Vigil 2e
World of Darkness – Ghost Hunters
Deviant: The Renegades – Deviant: The Renegades
TCfBtS! – Monsters of the Deep
They Came From Beneath the Sea! (TCfBtS!)
Art Direction from Mike Chaney!
In Art Direction
Scion Titanomachy
Tales of Aquatic Terror 
TC Aeon Terra Firma – Contracted
V5 Let the Streets Run Red
Cavaliers of Mars: City of the Towered Tombs
WoD Ghost Hunters – Getting KS artwork going
Pugmire Adventure 
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Mummy 2 – ADing that out post Aberrant AD
Legendlore – Kickstarter in progress
Technocracy Reloaded (KS)
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Contracting
In Layout
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad
TCFBTS Screen and Booklet
Contagion Chronicle
Vigil Watch 
Scion Companion – Artwork in progress.
Trinity Aeon Jumpstart 
Pirates of Pugmire 
TCFBTS Heroic Land Dwellers – Inputting proofing comments
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
At Press
Ex 3 The Silence of Our Ancestors (Huggins Novella)
TC Distant Worlds
Scion Mythical Denizens
Night Horrors : Nameless and Accursed – Errata gathering
Dark Eras 2 – Errata with Aileen
VtR Spilled Blood – Josh wrapping up inputting changes and tweaking layout to account for any shift in the text
Geist 2e – Out this week
Dystopia Rising: Evolution
DR:E Screen & Booklet
DR:E Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
Geist 2e Screen
Memento Mori
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Indexing
Chicago Folios – Awaiting PoD proof
Geist 2e Anthology – Errata gathering
C:tL 2e Oak, Ash, & Thorn – Errata gathering
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Yesterday was the Ides of March and tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day! Please celebrate either one responsibly and while practicing safe social distancing. Also, today is my stepmom’s birthday! I don’t usually get to do shout-outs on the blog, but since I’ve taken over today I’m indulging myself. Happy Birthday, Laura! Hope you and dad are having a blast (still while practicing safe social distancing).
3 notes · View notes
daynamartinez22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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